Jessie Lee Elementary 杰西·李小学
September 2024 2024 年 9 月
Principal's Message 校长致辞
Dear Parents, Students, and Families of Jessie Lee Elementary,
亲爱的 Jessie Lee 小学的家长、学生和家庭,
Welcome back to another year at Jessie Lee! The past week has been filled with opportunities to catch up with friends and classmates, make new friends, and share summer memories. Our staff have enjoyed reconnecting with students and welcoming students and families new to the Jessie Lee community. We are looking forward to a wonderful 2024/25 year together! We would like to welcome the following new staff this year:
欢迎回到 Jessie Lee 的又一年!过去的一周充满了与朋友和同学聚会、结交新朋友、分享夏日回忆的机会。我们的工作人员很高兴与学生重新建立联系,并欢迎新加入 Jessie Lee 社区的学生和家庭。我们期待共同度过美好的 2024/25 年!今年我们欢迎以下新员工:
Ms. Arora: Inclusive Education Support Worker
Mr. Baljak: Counsellor 先生。巴尔贾克:参赞
Ms. Gordon: (Job share with Ms. Taggar in LST)
Gordon 女士:(与 LST 的 Taggar 女士共享工作)
Ms. Charanjeet Grewal: Welcome back! (Grade 6/7)
Charanjeet Grewal 女士:欢迎回来! (6/7年级)
Ms. Hilts: Welcome back! (Kindergarten)
希尔茨女士:欢迎回来! (幼儿园)
Ms. Jouhal (Job share with Ms. Hilts in Kindergarten)
Ms. Kaur: Welcome back! (Grade 4/5)
考尔女士:欢迎回来! (4/5年级)
Miss Ling: Grade 5/6 凌老师:5/6年级
Ms. Okut: Grade 2 多发性硬化症。奥库特:2级
Ms. Parhar: Grade 2/3 Parhar女士:2/3年级
Mr. Parhar: Grade 2/3 Parhar先生:2/3年级
Ms. Peacock: Kindergarten/Grade One
Ms. Sahota: (Job share with Ms. Griffin in Grade 2/3)
Students found out their new teacher on Monday! We are excited for the year ahead!
Warm Regards, 温暖的问候,
Ms. M. Helland and Ms. K. Beauregard
M. Helland 女士和 K. Beauregard 女士
Principals, Jessie Lee Elementary
Several of our students have severe allergic reactions to peanuts, nuts, and their by-products. Please do not send any foods containing peanuts, nuts, and their by-products. Other ways you can help: remind your children to wash their hands carefully after eating. Remind children not to share snacks and please do not use these products in any classroom treats you may send in over the year. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we aim to make our school a safe environment for all students.
*Please inform the school office immediately if your child has a severe life- threatening allergy*
Student Absences
If your child will be away please ensure that you are emailing jessielee@surreyschools.ca to inform us. You can also leave a message at 604.531.8833 - Option 1. You can email or call at any time of the day or night. Every child needs to be accounted for and this saves our staff a lot of time in follow up phone calls.
如果您的孩子要离开,请确保您发送电子邮件至jessielee@surreyschools.ca通知我们。您还可以拨打604.531.8833留言 - 选项 1。您可以在白天或晚上的任何时间发送电子邮件或致电。每个孩子都需要得到照顾,这为我们的员工节省了大量的后续电话时间。
Each month, Family Smart offers "In the Know" virtual events. All of the information to register can be found by clicking on the links below. These events are free to attend. These events are offered multiple times a month, so you can choose the best date and time that works for you. If a time doesn't work for you, feel free to still register, as registrants are emailed a copy of the video and resource sheet after the events. Please continue to read below for upcoming events.
每个月,Family Smart 都会举办“In the Know”虚拟活动。单击下面的链接可以找到所有注册信息。这些活动均可免费参加。这些活动每月举办多次,因此您可以选择最适合您的日期和时间。如果时间不适合您,请随时注册,因为注册者会在活动结束后通过电子邮件收到视频和资源表的副本。请继续阅读下文,了解即将举行的活动。
Virtual Event: Beyond Behaviours: When Is It More? What It Looks Like at Ages 4 - 8
虚拟活动:超越行为:什么时候更多? 4 - 8 岁时的样子
Description: Why can it feel so tricky to tell if our kids are on track, going through a phase, as opposed to struggling with something more, or beyond behaviours? Listen to a parent and counsellor talk about the developmental stages of 4 to 8 year old children.
描述:为什么判断我们的孩子是否走上正轨、正在经历一个阶段,而不是在与更多事情或行为之外的事情作斗争,会感觉如此棘手?聆听家长和辅导员谈论 4 至 8 岁儿童的发展阶段。
Registration: FamilySmart - Events
注册: FamilySmart - 活动
September 18th 12pm-1:30pm
9 月 18 日 12pm-1:30pm
September 24th 6:30pm-8pm
9月24日 6:30pm-8pm
Virtual Event: Connecting with Our Kids When Anxiety Leads to Social Isolation
Description: When kids spend a lot of time alone because of their anxiety, it can be frustrating and challenging for parents. In this video, a parent and counsellor talk about the hard stuff and some strategies that can help us connect with our kids when they are socially isolated.
Registration: FamilySmart - Events
注册: FamilySmart - 活动
September 19th 6:30pm-8pm
9月19日 6:30pm-8pm
September 25th 6:30pm-8pm
9月25日 6:30pm-8pm
Planners / Agendas 规划者/议程
If you child is in Grade 1-7, we hope he/she will purchase a school planner. We have personalized pages at the front of the planner. These pages include our School's Code of Conduct, Contact Information, the School Bell Schedule and this year's School Calendar. The beginning pages also include school district information. Planners can be purchased for $5.00 by logging onto your School Cash Online account. Planners will be handed out to students once payment has been made.
如果您的孩子就读 1-7 年级,我们希望他/她购买一个学校规划师。我们在计划表的前面有个性化页面。这些页面包括我们学校的行为准则、联系信息、校钟时间表和今年的学校日历。起始页还包括学区信息。登录您的School Cash Online帐户即可以 5.00 美元的价格购买规划师。付款后,计划表将分发给学生。
The partnership between parents and the school is a vital one, and we encourage you to take an active role in supporting your child’s learning. Please remember to check your child’s planner on a daily basis, as this is an important tool for communicating classroom learning and activities, as well as school-wide events. We also encourage you to check our website regularly. Finally, another way of getting involved in your child’s schooling is by reaching out to the PAC. Our Parent Advisory Council has openings in the executive for the coming year and is actively seeking parents interested in filling these roles. Feel free to reach out our PAC Facebook page to find out about PAC meetings or volunteering for hot lunch days and other PAC events.
家长和学校之间的合作至关重要,我们鼓励您在支持孩子的学习方面发挥积极作用。请记住每天检查您孩子的计划表,因为这是沟通课堂学习和活动以及全校活动的重要工具。我们还鼓励您定期查看我们的网站。最后,参与孩子学业的另一种方式是联系 PAC。我们的家长咨询委员会在来年有行政人员的空缺,并正在积极寻找有兴趣填补这些职位的家长。请随时访问我们的 PAC Facebook 页面,了解 PAC 会议或志愿参加热午餐日和其他 PAC 活动。
We are looking forward to our first PAC meeting on September 24th. Our PAC Meetings are during the school day and held on-site.
我们期待 9 月 24 日召开第一次 PAC 会议。我们的 PAC 会议在上课期间在现场举行。
September PAC Meeting & AGM
9 月 PAC 会议及年度股东大会
Tuesday, September 24th @ 10:30am
9 月 24 日星期二上午 10:30
Jessie Lee Elementary 杰西·李小学
We continue to be concerned about incidents of vandalism around our school (eg. broken windows, small fires, broken bottles, drug paraphernalia). When you see suspicious people hanging around the school after hours or on weekends, please call Surrey Police Non-Emergency at 604-599-0502 and tell them the location of the vandals. If you see a crime in progress, and it's an emergency, then please call 911.
我们仍然关注学校周围的破坏行为(例如窗户破损、小火、瓶子破碎、吸毒用具)。当您在下班后或周末看到可疑人员在学校附近闲逛时,请致电萨里警察非紧急部门604-599-0502 ,并告诉他们破坏者的位置。如果您发现犯罪正在进行,并且情况紧急,请拨打 911。
Doing this will also show your children one of the three things that we honour and respect at Jessie Lee Elementary - "Taking Care of This Place".
这样做还将向您的孩子展示我们在 Jessie Lee Elementary 所尊敬和尊重的三件事之一 - “照顾这个地方”。
Please note that the parking lot at Jessie Lee Elementary is for staff and for pre-arranged guests. We expect that the bulk of our students walk to school as they live in-catchment at a distance that is relatively short and good for everyone's health to take that extra walk. It enables you to remind your children how you used to walk 5 miles to school, uphill both ways, in knee-high snow. It releases endorphins and combats physical and mental illness.
请注意,Jessie Lee 小学的停车场仅供工作人员和预先安排的客人使用。我们预计大部分学生会步行上学,因为他们住在学区内,步行距离相对较短,而且多步行对每个人的健康都有好处。它使您能够提醒您的孩子,您过去是如何在及膝的积雪中步行 5 英里去学校,双向上坡。它释放内啡肽并对抗身体和精神疾病。
Please do not pull your vehicle into the staff parking lot unless you are arriving for a scheduled meeting with a teacher or school administrator, or unless you have a handicap decal/card issued by your doctor, in which case we expect you to park in a designated handicap space, as they are reserved for this purpose. DO NOT park in lane ways. If you are not following these expectations, a staff member may speak with you to remind you of our school rules.
If you must drive your child to school, please make use of our Kiss and Drop Lane on the south side of the school near the school sign.
如果您必须开车送孩子去学校,请使用学校南侧靠近学校标志的 Kiss and Drop Lane。
So, once again, DO NOT pull your vehicle into our staff parking lot. Thank you.
Terry Fox Run
Our Terry Fox Run will take place on Friday September 20th @ 1pm.
我们的 Terry Fox Run 将于 9 月 20 日星期五下午 1 点举行。
A link will be provided closer to the date to make donations. Students can choose to bring a Toonie for Terry on the day of the event as well.
临近捐款日期时将提供链接。学生也可以选择在活动当天为 Terry 带来 Toonie。
To order, click the button below or go to the link: https://jessieleeorangeshirtday2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/
要订购,请单击下面的按钮或访问链接: https://jessieleeorangeshirtday2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Jessie Lee is observing Orange Shirt Day on Thursday, September 26th.
杰西·李 (Jessie Lee)将于 9 月 26 日星期四庆祝橙色衬衫日。
Sep 20 Terry Fox Run
9 月 20 日 特里·福克斯跑步
Sept 26 Orange Shirt Day
9 月 26 日橙色衬衫日
Sept 27 Non-Instructional Day (students do not attend)
9 月 27 日 非教学日(学生不参加)
Sept 30 National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (students to not attend)
9 月 30 日 全国真相与和解日(学生不得参加)
Oct 9 Early Dismissal @ 1:30pm for Parent/Teacher Conferences
10 月 9 日下午 1:30 提前放学参加家长/教师会议
Oct 14 Thanksgiving (students do not attend)
10 月 14 日感恩节(学生不参加)
Oct 17 Individual Student Photos
10 月 17 日学生个人照片
Oct 25 Non-Instructional Day (students do not attend)
10 月 25 日 非教学日(学生不参加)
Jessie Lee Elementary 杰西·李小学
2064 154 Street, Surrey, BC V4A 4S3
2064 154 街,萨里, BC V4A 4S3
Website: https://www.surreyschools.ca/jessie
网站: https://www.surreyschools.ca/jessie
email: jessielee@surreyschools.ca
电子邮件: jessielee@surreyschools.ca
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