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All POPs listed in the Stockholm Convention

The chemicals targeted by the Stockholm Convention are listed in the annexes of the convention text:

Annex A (Elimination) 附件 A(消除)

Parties must take measures to eliminate the production and use of the chemicals listed under Annex A. Specific exemptions are available in Annex A and apply only to Parties that have registered for them.
各締約方必須採取措施消除附件 A 所列化學品的生產和使用。特定豁免載於附件 A,僅適用於已登記的締約方。

Aldrin  Chlordane 
Decabromodiphenyl ether (commercial mixture, c-decaBDE)

Dechlorane Plus
Dieldrin  Endrin  Heptachlor 
Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) 
六溴環十二烷 (HBCDD)
Hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether 
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 
六氯苯 (HCB)

Alpha hexachlorocyclohexane 
Beta hexachlorocyclohexane 

Pentachlorophenol and its salts and esters

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) 
多氯聯苯 (PCB)

Polychlorinated naphthalenes 

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds
全氟辛酸 (PFOA)、其鹽類及 PFOA 相關化合物

Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), its salts and PFHxS-related compounds
全氟己烷磺酸 (PFHxS)、其鹽類和 PFHxS 相關化合物

Short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs)
短鏈氯化石蜡 (SCCPs)

Technical endosulfan and its related isomers 

Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether 


Annex B (Restriction) 附件 B(限制)

Parties must take measures to restrict the production and use of the chemicals listed under Annex B in light of any applicable acceptable purposes and/or specific exemptions listed in the Annex.


Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOSF) 
全氟辛烷磺酸 (PFOS)、其鹽類和全氟辛基磺酰氟 (PFOSF) 

Annex C (Unintentional production)
附件 C(非故意生產)

Parties must take measures to reduce the unintentional releases of chemicals listed under Annex C with the goal of continuing minimization and, where feasible, ultimate elimination.
各締約方必須採取措施,減少附件 C 所列化學品的 意外排放,目標是持續減少,並在可行的情況下最終消除。

Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 
六氯苯 (HCB)

Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD)
六氯丁二烯 (HCBD)
Pentachlorobenzene  Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) 
多氯聯苯 (PCB)
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD)  Polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) 
多氯二苯并呋喃 (PCDF)
Polychlorinated naphthalenes

Pesticide 農藥
Industrial chemical 工業化學
Unintentional Production 非刻意生產


Listed under Annex A

A pesticide applied to soils to kill termites, grasshoppers, corn rootworm, and other insect pests, aldrin can also kill birds, fish, and humans. In one incident, aldrin-treated rice is believed to have killed hundreds of shorebirds, waterfowl, and passerines along the Texas Gulf Coast when these birds either ate animals that had eaten the rice or ate the rice themselves. In humans, the fatal dose for an adult male is estimated to be about five grams. Humans are mostly exposed to aldrin through dairy products and animal meats. Studies in India indicate that the average daily intake of aldrin and its byproduct dieldrin is about 19 micrograms per person. 


Listed under Annex A

Used extensively to control termites and as a broad-spectrum insecticide on a range of agricultural crops, chlordane remains in the soil for a long time and has a reported half-life of one year. The lethal effects of chlordane on fish and birds vary according to the species, but tests have shown that it can kill mallard ducks, bobwhite quail, and pink shrimp. Chlordane may affect the human immune system and is classified as a possible human carcinogen. It is believed that human exposure occurs mainly through the air, and chlordane has been detected in the indoor air of residences in the US and Japan.


Listed under Annex B with acceptable purpose for disease vector control

DDT was widely used during World War II to protect soldiers and civilians from malaria, typhus, and other diseases spread by insects. After the war, DDT continued to be used to control disease, and it was sprayed on a variety of agricultural crops, especially cotton. DDT continues to be applied against mosquitoes in several countries to control malaria. Its stability, its persistence (as much as 50% can remain in the soil 10-15 years after application), and its widespread use have meant that DDT residues can be found everywhere; residual DDT has even been detected in the Arctic.

Perhaps the best known toxic effect of DDT is egg-shell thinning among birds, especially birds of prey. Its impact on bird populations led to bans in many countries during the 1970s. Although its use had been banned in many countries, it has been detected in food from all over the world. Although residues in domestic animals have declined steadily over the last two decades, food-borne DDT remains the greatest source of exposure for the general population. The short-term acute effects of DDT on humans are limited, but long-term exposures have been associated with chronic health effects. DDT has been detected in breast milk, raising serious concerns about infant health.


Listed under Annex A

Used principally to control termites and textile pests, dieldrin has also been used to control insect-borne diseases and insects living in agricultural soils. Its half-life in soil is approximately five years. The pesticide aldrin rapidly converts to dieldrin, so concentrations of dieldrin in the environment are higher than dieldrin use alone would indicate. Dieldrin is highly toxic to fish and other aquatic animals, particularly frogs, whose embryos can develop spinal deformities after exposure to low levels. Dieldrin residues have been found in air, water, soil, fish, birds, and mammals, including humans. Food represents the primary source of exposure to the general population. For example, dieldrin was the second most common pesticide detected in a US survey of pasteurized milk.


Listed under Annex A

This insecticide is sprayed on the leaves of crops such as cotton and grains. It is also used to control rodents such as mice and voles. Animals can metabolize endrin, so it does not accumulate in their fatty tissue to the extent that structurally similar chemicals do. It has a long half-life, however, persisting in the soil for up to 12 years. In addition, endrin is highly toxic to fish. When exposed to high levels of endrin in the water, sheepshead minnows hatched early and died by the ninth day of their exposure. The primary route of exposure for the general human population is through food, although current dietary intake estimates are below the limits deemed safe by world health authorities.


Listed under Annex A

Primarily used to kill soil insects and termites, heptachlor has also been used more widely to kill cotton insects, grasshoppers, other crop pests, and malaria-carrying mosquitoes. It is believed to be responsible for the decline of several wild bird populations, including Canadian Geese and American Kestrels in the Columbia River basin in the US. The geese died after eating seeds treated with levels of heptachlor lower than the usage levels recommended by the manufacturer, indicating that even responsible use of heptachlor may kill wildlife. Laboratory tests have also shown high doses of heptachlor to be fatal to mink, rats, and rabbits, with lower doses causing adverse behavioral changes and reduced reproductive success.

Heptachlor is classified as a possible human carcinogen. Food is the major source of exposure for humans, and residues have been detected in the blood of cattle from the US and from Australia.

 Hexachlorobenzene (HCB)

Listed under Annex A and Annex C

First introduced in 1945 to treat seeds, HCB kills fungi that affect food crops. It was widely used to control wheat bunt. It is also a byproduct of the manufacture of certain industrial chemicals and exists as an impurity in several pesticide formulations.

When people in eastern Turkey ate HCB-treated seed grain between 1954 and 1959, they developed a variety of symptoms, including photosensitive skin lesions, colic, and debilitation; several thousand developed a metabolic disorder called porphyria turcica, and 14% died. Mothers also passed HCB to their infants through the placenta and through breast milk. In high doses, HCB is lethal to some animals and, at lower levels, adversely affects their reproductive success. HCB has been found in food of all types. A study of Spanish meat found HCB present in all samples. In India, the estimated average daily intake of HCB is 0.13 micrograms per kilogram of body weight.



Listed under Annex A

This insecticide is used mainly to combat fire ants, and it has been used against other types of ants and termites. It has also been used as a fire retardant in plastics, rubber, and electrical goods.

Direct exposure to mirex does not appear to cause injury to humans, but studies on laboratory animals have caused it to be classified as a possible human carcinogen. In studies mirex proved toxic to several plant species and to fish and crustaceans. It is considered to be one of the most stable and persistent pesticides, with a half life of up to 10 years. The main route of human exposure to mirex is through food, particularly meat, fish, and wild game.


Listed under Annex A

This insecticide is used on cotton, cereal grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. It has also been used to control ticks and mites in livestock. Toxaphene was the most widely used pesticide in the US in 1975. Up to 50% of a toxaphene release can persist in the soil for up to 12 years.

For humans, the most likely source of toxaphene exposure is food. While the toxicity to humans of direct exposure is not high, toxaphene has been listed as a possible human carcinogen due to its effects on laboratory animals. It is highly toxic to fish; brook trout exposed to toxaphene for 90 days experienced a 46% reduction in weight and reduced egg viability, and long-term exposure to levels of 0.5 micrograms per liter of water reduced egg viability to zero.

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)

Listed under Annex A with specific exemptions and under Annex C

These group of chemicals possess properties including longevity, heat absorbance and form an oily liquid at room temperature that is useful for electrical utilities and in other industrial applications. Due to their physico-chemical properties, PCB were manufactured worldwide for use in a wide range of applications, most importantly as insulating were and heat exchange fluids in transformers and capacitors and other electric equipment, and in open applications such as additives in paint, carbonless copy paper, and plastics.

PCB are toxic and can cause serious health effects in humans and animals, including reproductive impairment and immune system dysfunctions. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified PCB as Group 1 “carcinogenic to humans”. Of the 209 different types of PCBs, 13 exhibit a dioxin-like toxicity. Their persistence in the environment corresponds to the degree of chlorination, and half-lives can vary from 10 days to one-and-a-half years.

Once in the environment, PCB enter the food chain. PCB have been detected in human milk and, in some cases, observed levels of PCB were found to be several orders of magnitude higher than the WHO safety level. Large numbers of people have been exposed to PCBs through food contamination. Consumption of PCB-contaminated rice oil in Japan in 1968 and in Taiwan in 1979 caused pigmentation of nails and mucous membranes and swelling of the eyelids, along with fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. Due to the persistence of PCBs in their mothers' bodies, children born up to seven years after the Taiwan incident showed developmental delays and behavioural problems. Similarly, children of mothers who ate large amounts of contaminated fish from Lake Michigan showed poorer short-term memory function. PCBs also suppress the human immune system and are listed as probable human carcinogens.

PCBs are toxic to wildlife, including fish, killing them at higher doses and causing spawning failures at lower doses. Research also links PCB to reproductive failure and suppression of the immune system in various wild animals, such as seals and mink.

PCB web section covers an overview, decisions, guidance, meetings, technical assistance activities, reports and additional resources. Information of the work of the Small Intersessional Working Group on PCB and the PCB Elimination Network is also available.

 Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD)

Listed under Annex C

These chemicals are produced unintentionally due to incomplete combustion, as well during the manufacture of pesticides and other chlorinated substances. They are emitted mostly from the burning of hospital waste, municipal waste, and hazardous waste, and also from automobile emissions, peat, coal, and wood. There are 75 different dioxins, of which seven are considered to be of concern. One type of dioxin was found to be present in the soil 10 - 12 years after the first exposure.

Dioxins have been associated with a number of adverse effects in humans, including immune and enzyme disorders and chloracne, and they are classified as possible human carcinogens. Laboratory animals given dioxins suffered a variety of effects, including an increase in birth defects and stillbirths. Fish exposed to these substances died shortly after the exposure ended. Food (particularly from animals) is the major source of exposure for humans.

Polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF)

Listed under Annex C

These compounds are produced unintentionally from many of the same processes that produce dioxins, and also during the production of PCBs. They have been detected in emissions from waste incinerators and automobiles. Furans are structurally similar to dioxins and share many of their toxic effects. There are 135 different types, and their toxicity varies. Furans persist in the environment for long periods, and are classified as possible human carcinogens. Food, particularly animal products, is the major source of exposure for humans. Furans have also been detected in breast-fed infants.

Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), its salts and PFHxS-related compounds

Listed under Annex A without specific exemptions (decision SC-10/13)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Draft indicative list of substances covered by the listing of PFHxS, its salts and PFHxS-related compounds (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.15/INF/9)

Chemical identity and properties

“Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), its salts and PFHxS related compounds” means the following:

  1. Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (CAS No. 355-46-4, PFHxS), including branched isomers;
  2. Its salts;
  3. Any substance that contains the chemical moiety C6F13SO2- as one of its structural elements and that potentially degrades to PFHxS.

Use and production

PFHxS, its salts and PFHxS related compounds have been intentionally used at least in the following applications: (1) Aqueous Film-Forming Foams (AFFFs) for fire-fighting; (2) metal plating; (3) textiles, leather and upholstery; (4) polishing agents and cleaning/washing agents; (5) coatings, impregnation/proofing (for protection from damp, fungus etc.); and (6) within the manufacturing of electronics and semiconductors. In addition, other potential use categories may include pesticides, flame retardants, paper and packaging, in the oil industry, and hydraulic fluids. PFHxS, its salts and PFHxS related compounds have been used in certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) based consumer products. PFHxS is and has been unintentionally produced during the electrochemical fluorination (ECF) processes of some other PFSAs. In many applications, PFHxS has been used as a replacement for perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS).

POPs characteristics of PFHxS

PFHxS are very resistant to chemical, thermal and biological degradation due to their strong carbon-fluorine bonds and a resistance to degradation which makes it persistent in the environment. Numerous studies have reported elevated levels of PFHxS in soil, water and a variety of biota. Humans are exposed to PFHxS mainly through intake of food and drinking water but also through the indoor environment through dust or consumer products containing PFHxS or its precursors. Following PFOS and PFOA, PFHxS is the most frequently detected PFAS in blood-based samples from the general population worldwide. PFHxS is present in the umbilical cord blood and breast milk. Breast milk may be an important source of exposure for breast-fed infants since it is documented that PFHxS is excreted via lactation. Contamination of drinking water can result in highly increased PFHxS serum levels due to the long elimination-time in humans. Use of drinking water for food preparation can add to the background levels present in foods.

Replacement of PFHxS

The assessment of alternatives to PFOS under the Stockholm Convention has revealed that alternatives are available for all potential applications which could also be relevant for PFHxS, its salts and related compounds. Alternatives include both fluorinated and non-fluorinated substances as well as alternative (non-chemical) technical solutions. Information on availability, accessibility and price of alternatives, as well as information on regulatory measures and use in different countries, reveal that the socioeconomic costs of implementing a ban on the use of PFHxS are considered small and are outweighed by the benefits of an elimination/ regulation. High costs are estimated for remediation of contaminated sites, such as old and current fire-fighting foam training sites and airports, landfills for industrial waste, and hazardous waste, as well as for the removal of PFASs, including PFHxS, from drinking water and water sources affected by PFHxS (and other PFASs) contamination. Implementation of control measures for PFHxS, its salts and PFHxS related compounds would contribute to avoiding such future costs.


Listed under Annex A (decision SC-4/12)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

Chlordecone is chemically related to Mirex, a pesticide listed in Annex A of the Convention.

CAS No: 143-50-0
Trade name: Kepone® and GC-1189


Use and production

Chlordecone is a synthetic chlorinated organic compound, which was mainly used as an agricultural pesticide. It was first produced in 1951 and introduced commercially in 1958. Currently, no use or production of the chemical is reported.

POPs characteristics of chlordecone

Chlordecone is highly persistent in the environment, has a high potential for bioaccumulation and biomagnification and based on physico-chemical properties and modelling data, chlordecone can be transported for long distances. It is classified as a possible human carcinogen and is very toxic to aquatic organisms.

Replacement of chlordecone

Alternatives to chlordecone exist and can be implemented inexpensively. Many countries have already banned its sale and use. The main objective to phase out chlordecone would be to identify and manage obsolete stockpiles and wastes.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to chlordecone page.


Listed under Annex A (decision SC-4/13)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

Hexabromobiphenyl belongs to the group of polybrominated biphenyls, which are brominated hydrocarbons formed by substituting hydrogen with bromine in biphenyl.

CAS No: 36355-01-8
Trade name: FireMaster BP-6 and FireMaster FF-1


Use and production

Hexabromobiphenyl is an industrial chemical that has been used as a flame retardant, mainly in the 1970s. According to available information, hexabromobiphenyl is no longer produced or used in most countries.

POPs characteristics of hexabromobiphenyl

The chemical is highly persistent in the environment, highly bioaccumulative and has a strong possibility for long-range environmental transport. As hexabromobiphenyl is classified as a possible human carcinogen and has other chronic toxic effects, the Committee recommended its listing as a POP.

Replacement of hexabromobiphenyl

Alternatives are available for all uses of hexabromobiphenyl, so prohibiting its use and production is feasible and inexpensive. This chemical is already subject to several national and international regulations, restricting its use and production.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to Hexabromobiphenyl page.

Hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether<br/> (commercial octabromodiphenyl ether)

Listed under Annex A with a specific exemption for use as articles containing these chemicals for recycling in accordance with the provision in Part IV of Annex A (decision SC-4/14)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

Hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether are the main components of commercial octabromodiphenyl ether.

CAS No: 68631-49-2
CAS No: 207122-15-4
CAS No: 446255-22-7
CAS No: 207122-16-5


POPs characteristics of hexaBDE and heptaBDE

Commercial mixture of octaBDE is highly persistent, has a high potential for bioaccumulation and food-web biomagnification, as well as for long-range transport. The only degradation pathway is through debromination and producing other bromodiphenyl ethers.

Replacement of hexaBDE and heptaBDE

Alternatives generally exist and there is no information about any current production. However, it is reported that many articles in use still contain these chemicals.

Debromination and precursors

Polybromodiphenyl ethers can be subject to debromination, i.e. the replacement of bromine on the aromatic ring with hydrogen.

Higher bromodiphenyl ether congeners may be converted to lower, and possibly more toxic, congeners. The higher congeners might therefore be precursors to the tetraBDE, pentaBDE, hexaBDE, or heptaBDE.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) page.

Alpha hexachlorocyclohexane

Listed under Annex A (decision SC-4/10)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

alpha hexachlorocyclohexane
CAS No: 319-84-6


Use and production

Although the intentional use of alpha-HCH as an insecticide was phased out years ago, this chemical is still produced as unintentional by-product of lindane. For each ton of lindane produced, around 6-10 tons of the other isomers including alpha- and beta-HCH are created. Large stockpiles of alpha- and beta-HCH are therefore present in the environment.

POPs characteristics of alpha-HCH

Alpha-HCH is highly persistent in water in colder regions and may bioaccumulate and biomagnify in biota and arctic food webs. This chemical is subject to long-range transport, is classified as potentially carcinogenic to humans and adversely affects wildlife and human health in contaminated regions.

Replacement of alpha-HCH

Today, alpha-HCH is only produced unintentionally during the production of lindane. Releases also occur from stockpiles and contaminated sites.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to alpha-HCH page.

Beta hexachlorocyclohexane

Listed under Annex A (decision SC-4/11)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

beta hexachlorocyclohexane
CAS No: 319-85-7


Use and production

Although the intentional use of beta-HCH as an insecticide was phased out years ago, this chemical is still produced as unintentional by-product of lindane. For each ton of lindane produced, around 6-10 tons of the other isomers including alpha- and beta-HCH are created. Large stockpiles of alpha- and beta-HCH are therefore present in the environment.

POPs characteristics of beta-HCH

Beta-HCH is highly persistent in water in colder regions and may bioaccumulate and biomagnify in biota and arctic food webs. This chemical is subject to long-range transport, is classified as potentially carcinogenic to humans and adversely affects wildlife and human health in contaminated regions.

Replacement of beta-HCH

Today, beta-HCH is only produced unintentionally during the production of lindane. Releases also occur from stockpiles and contaminated sites.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to beta-HCH page.


Listed under Annex A with a specific exemption for use as a human health pharmaceutical for control of head lice and scabies as second line treatment (decision SC-4/15)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

Lindane is the common name for the gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH). Technical HCH is an isomeric mixture that contains mainly five forms, namely alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta- and epsilon-HCH.

Lindane (gamma-HCH)
CAS No: 58-89-9


Use and production

Lindane has been used as a broad-spectrum insecticide for seed and soil treatment, foliar applications, tree and wood treatment and against ectoparasites in both veterinary and human applications. The production of lindane has decreased rapidly in the last few years and only few countries are still known to produce lindane.

POPs characteristics of lindane

Lindane is persistent, bioaccumulates easily in the food chain and bioconcentrates rapidly. There is evidence for long-range transport and toxic effects (immunotoxic, reproductive and developmental effects) in laboratory animals and aquatic organisms.

Replacement of lindane

Alternatives for lindane are generally available, except for use as a human health pharmaceutical to control head lice and scabies. Regulations on the production, use and monitoring of lindane already exist in several countries.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to Lindane page.

Pentachlorobenzene (PeCB)

Listed under Annex A and under Annex C (decision SC-4/16)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF), addendum to the risk profile Ar, Cn, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

PeCB belongs to a group of chlorobenzenes that are characterized by a benzene ring in which the hydrogen atoms are substituted by one or more chlorines.

CAS No: 608-93-5


Use and production

PeCB was used in PCB products, in dyestuff carriers, as a fungicide, a flame retardant and as a chemical intermediate e.g. previously for the production of quintozene. PeCB might still be used as an intermediate. PeCB is also produced unintentionally during combustion, thermal and industrial processes. It also present as impurities in products such as solvents or pesticides.

POPs characteristics of of PeCB

PeCB is persistent in the environment, highly bioaccumulative and has a potential for long-range environmental transport. It is moderately toxic to humans and very toxic to aquatic organisms.

Replacement of of PeCB

The production of PeCB ceased some decades ago in the main producer countries as efficient and cost-effective alternatives are available. Applying Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practices would significantly reduce the unintentional production of PeCB.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to PeCB page.

Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether <br/>(commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether)

Listed under Annex A with a specific exemption for use as articles containing these chemicals for recycling in accordance with the provision in Part V of Annex A (decision SC-4/18)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether are the main components of commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether.

CAS No: 5436-43-1 
CAS No: 60348-60-9


POPs characteristics of tetraBDE and pentaBDE

Commercial mixture of pentaBDE is highly persistent in the environment, bioaccumulative and has a high potential for long-range environmental transport. These chemicals have been detected in humans in all regions. There is evidence of its potential for toxic effects in wildlife, including mammals.

Replacement of tetraBDE and pentaBDE

Alternatives are available and used to replace these substances in many countries, although they might also have adverse effects on human health and the environment. Alternatives might not be available for use in military airplanes. The identification and also handling of equipment and wastes containing brominated diphenyl ethers is considered a challenge.

Polybromodiphenyl ethers

Polybromodiphenyl ether congeners including tetraBDE, pentaBDE, hexaBDE, and heptaBDE inhibit or suppress combustion in organic materials and therefore are used as additive flame retardants.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to tetraBDE and pentaBDE page.

Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), its salts and<br/> perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOS-F)

Listed under Annex B with acceptable purposes and specific exemptions (decision SC-4/17)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation (RME) Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF), addendum to the RME Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

PFOS is a fully fluorinated anion, which is commonly used as a salt or incorporated into larger polymers. PFOS and its closely related compounds, which may contain PFOS impurities or substances that can result in PFOS, are members of the large family of perfluoroalkyl sulfonate substances.

perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (CAS No: 1763-23-1) and its salts
perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (CAS No: 307-35-7)


Use and production

PFOS is both intentionally produced and an unintended degradation product of related anthropogenic chemicals. The current intentional use of PFOS is widespread and includes: electric and electronic parts, fire fighting foam, photo imaging, hydraulic fluids and textiles. PFOS is still produced in several countries.

POPs characteristics of PFOS

PFOS is extremely persistent and has substantial bioaccumulating and biomagnifying properties, although it does not follow the classic pattern of other POPs by partitioning into fatty tissues but instead binds to proteins in the blood and the liver. It has a capacity to undergo long-range transport and also fulfills the toxicity criteria of the Stockholm Convention.

Replacement of PFOS

While alternatives to PFOS are available for some applications, this is not always the case in developing countries where existing alternatives may need to be phased in. For some applications like photo imaging, semi-conductor or aviation hydraulic fluids, technically feasible alternatives to PFOS are not available to date.

List of acceptable purposes and specific exemptions
for production and use of PFOS, its salts and PFOS-F

Acceptable purposes:

Insect baits with sulfluramid (CAS No. 4151-50-2) as an active ingredient for control of leaf-cutting ants from Atta spp. and Acromyrmex spp. for agricultural use only.

Specific exemptions:

Metal plating (hard-metal plating) only in closed-loop systems; fire-fighting foam for liquid fuel vapour suppression and liquid fuel fires (Class B fires) in installed systems, including both mobile and fixed systems.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to PFOS page.

Technical endosulfan and its related isomers

Listed under Annex A with specific exemptions (decision SC-5/3)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

Endosulfan occurs as two isomers: alpha- and beta-endosulfan. They are both biologically active. Technical endosulfan (CAS No: 115-29-7) is a mixture of the two isomers along with small amounts of impurities.



CAS No: 959-98-8


CAS No: 33213-65-9

Use and production

According to the risk management evaluation on endosulfan, adopted by the POPRC, endosulfan is an insecticide that has been used since the 1950s to control crop pests, tsetse flies and ectoparasites of cattle and as a wood preservative. As a broad-spectrum insecticide, endosulfan is currently used to control a wide range of pests on a variety of crops including coffee, cotton, rice, sorghum and soy.

A total of between 18,000 and 20,000 tons of endosulfan are produced annually in Brazil, China, India, Israel and South Korea. Colombia, the United States of America  and several countries in Europe that used to produce endosulfan have stopped its production.

The largest users of endosulfan (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Pakistan and the United States) use a total of about 15,000 tons of endosulfan annually. An additional 21 countries report using endosulfan. The use of endosulfan is banned or will be phased out in 60 countries that, together, account for 45 per cent of current global use. 

POPs characteristics of endosulfan

According to the risk profile on endosulfan, adopted by the POPRC, endosulfan is persistent in the atmosphere, sediments and water. Endosulfan bioaccumulates and has the potential for long-range transport. It has been detected in air, sediments, water and in living organisms in remote areas, such as the Arctic, that are distant from areas of intensive use.

Endosulfan is toxic to humans and has been shown to have adverse effects on a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Exposure to endosulfan has been linked to congenital physical disorders, mental retardations and deaths in farm workers and villagers in developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Endosulfan sulfate shows toxicity similar to that of endosulfan.

Replacement of endosulfan

Chemical and non-chemical alternatives to endosulfan are available in many geographical situations both in developed and developing countries. Some of these alternatives are being applied in countries where endosulfan has been banned or is being phased-out. However, in some countries, it may be difficult and/or costly to replace endosulfan for specific crop-pest complexes. Some countries also prefer to use endosulfan in pollinator management, insecticide resistance management, integrated pest management systems and because it is effective against a broad range of pests. Some countries want to continue to use endosulfan to allow time for the phase-in of alternatives.

For more information, please refer to the technical endosulfan page.

Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD)

Listed under Annex A (decision SC-6/13)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation (RME) Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF), addendum to the RME Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

Commercially available hexabromocyclododecane is a white solid substance. Its structural formula is a cyclic ring structure with Br-atoms attached.

hexabromocyclododecane (CAS number 25637-99-4) and
1,2,5,6,9,10-hexabromocyclododecane (CAS number 3194-55-6).

Use and production

HBCD  is used a flame retardant additive, providing fire protection during the service life of vehicles, buildings or articles, as well as protection while stored. The main uses of HBCD globally are in expanded and extruded polystyrene foam insulation while the use in textile applications and electric and electronic appliances is smaller. The production of hexabromocyclododecane is a batch-process. Elemental bromine is added to cyclododecatriene at 20 to 70°C in the presence of a solvent in a closed system.

POPs characteristics of HBCD

HBCD has a strong potential to bioaccumulate and biomagnify . It is persistent in the environment, and has a potential for long-range environmental transport. It is very toxic to aquatic organisms. Though information on the human toxicity of HBCD is to a great extent lacking, vulnerable groups could be at risk, particularly to the observed neuroendocrine and developmental toxicity of HBCD.

Replacement of HBCD

The production of HBCD has decreased in the last few years and there are already available on the market chemical alternatives to replace HBCD in high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) and textile back-coating. After any alternative becomes available in commercial quantities, it will take some time for the industry to seek qualification and re-certification of polystyrene bead and foam products for fire‑rating.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to HBCD page.

Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD)

Listed under Annex A without specific exemptions (decision SC-7/12) and under Annex C (decision SC-8/12)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

This chemical is a halogenated aliphatic compound, mainly created as a by-product in the manufacture of chlorinated aliphatic compounds.

CAS No: 87-68-3



Most commonly used as a solvent for other chlorine-containing compounds.


Hexachlorobutadiene occurs as a by-product during the chlorinolysis of butane derivatives in the production of both carbon tetrachloride and tetrachloroethene. These two commodities are manufactured on such a large scale, that enough HCBD can generally be obtained to meet the industrial demand.


Systemic toxicity following exposure via oral, inhalation, and dermal routes. Effects may include fatty liver degeneration, epithelial necrotizing nephritis, central nervous system depression and cyanosis. The USEPA has classified hexachlorobutadiene as a group C Possible Human Carcinogen.


It seems that HCBD is no longer intentionally produced and used in the UNECE region including in the US and Canada; specific information on current intentional production and use and for the past 30 years is lacking. This indicates that substitution has taken place and alternatives are available.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to HCBD page.

Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs)

Listed under Annex A and C with specific exemptions for use in the production of polyfluorinated naphthalenes, including octafluoronaphthalene (decision SC-7/14)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

Commercial PCNs are mixtures of up to 75 chlorinated naphthalene congeners plus byproducts and are often described by the total fraction of chlorine.

CAS No: 70776-03-3 (chlorinated naphthalenes)



PCNs make effective insulating coatings for electrical wires. Others have been used as wood preservatives, as rubber and plastic additives, for capacitor dielectrics and in lubricants.


Made by chemically reacting chlorine with naphthalene, a soft, pungent solid made from coal or petroleum and often used for mothproofing. PCNs started to be produced for high-volume uses around 1910 in both Europe and the United States. To date, intentional production of PCN is assumed to have ended. PCN are unintentionally generated during high-temperature industrial processes in the presence of chlorine.


After about twenty years of commercial production, health hazards began to be reported in workers exposed to PCNs: severe skin rashes and liver disease that led to deaths of workers. While some PCNs can be broken down by sunlight and, at slow rates, by certain microorganisms, many PCNs persist in the environment. Acute exposure causes chloracne. Chronic exposure increases risk of liver disease. Increased cancer risks have been suspected but so far not shown. Current concerns about PCNs include their release as byproducts of waste incineration.


Within the UNECE region, the information on substitution and alternatives is extremely limited, as PCN are not in use anymore. The only available information is that, since the production of PCN has stopped in the 1970s and 1980s, PCN have been substituted by other chemicals. These chemicals have not been identified and described (UNECE 2007).

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to PCN page.

Pentachlorophenol and its salts and esters (PCP)

Listed under Annex A with specific exemptions for use in utility poles and cross-arms (decision SC-7/13)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

PCP can be found in two forms: PCP itself or as the sodium salt of PCP, which dissolves easily in water.

No: 87-86-5 (Pentachlorophenol)
No: 131-52-2 (sodium pentachlorophenate)
No: 27735-64-4 (as monohydrate)
No: 3772-94-9 (pentachlorophenyl laurate)
No: 1825-21-4 (pentachloroanisole)



PCP has been used as herbicide, insecticide, fungicide, algaecide, disinfectant and as an ingredient in antifouling paint. Some applications were in agricultural seeds, leather, wood preservation, cooling tower water, rope and paper mill system. Its use has been significantly declined due to the high toxicity of PCP and its slow biodegradation.


First produced in the 1930s, it is marketed under many trade names. The main contaminants include other polychlorinated phenols, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, and polychlorinated dibenzo furans.


People may be exposed to PCP in occupational settings through the inhalation of contaminated workplace air and dermal contact or with wood products treated with PCP. Short-term exposure to large amounts of PCP can cause harmful effects on the liver, kidneys, blood, lungs, nervous system, immune system, and gastrointestinal tract. Elevated temperature, profuse sweating, uncoordinated movement, muscle twitching, and coma are additional side effects. Contact with PCP can irritate the skin, eyes, and mouth. Long-term exposure to low levels such as those that occur in the workplace can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, blood, and nervous system. Finally exposure to PCP is also associated with carcinogenic, renal, and neurological effects.


Both chemical and non-chemical alternatives exist for PCP within applications for utility poles and cross arms.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to PCP page.

Decabromodiphenyl ether (commercial mixture, c-decaBDE)

Listed under Annex A (decision SC-8/10)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

The commercial mixture consists primarily of the fully brominated decaBDE congener in a concentration range of 77.4-98 %, and smaller amounts of the congeners of nonaBDE (0.3-21.8 %) and octaBDE (0-0.04 %).

CAS No: 1163-19-5


Use and Production

DecaBDE is used as an additive flame retardant, and has a variety of applications including in plastics/polymers/composites, textiles, adhesives, sealants, coatings and inks. DecaBDE containing plastics are used in housings of computers and TVs, wires and cables, pipes and carpets. Commercially available decaBDE consumption peaked in the early 2000's, but c-decaBDE is still extensively used worldwide.

POPs characteristics of c-decaBDE

The decaBDE is highly persistent, has a high potential for bioaccumulation and food-web biomagnification, as well as for long-range transport. Adverse effects are reported for soil organisms, birds, fish, frog, rat, mice and humans.

Replacement of deca-BDE

A number of non-POP chemical alternatives are already on the market for the substitution of c-decaBDE in plastics and textiles. Furthermore, non-chemical alternatives and technical solutions such as non-flammable materials and physical barriers, respectively, are also available.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to DecaBDE page.

Short-chained chlorinated paraffins

Listed under Annex A (decision SC-8/11)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

Chlorinated paraffins (CPs) are complex mixtures of certain organic compounds containing chloride: polychlorinated n-alkanes. The chlorination degree of CPs can vary between 30 and 70 wt %.

CAS No: 85535-84-8


Use and Production

SCCPs are sufficiently persistent in air for long range transport to occur and appear to be hydrolytically stable. Many SCCPs can accumulate in biota. It is concluded that SCCPs are likely, as a result of their long range environmental transport, to lead to significant adverse environmental and human health effects.

POPs characteristics of SCCPs

SCCPs can be used as a plasticizer in rubber, paints, adhesives, flame retardants for plastics as well as an extreme pressure lubricant in metal working fluids. Chlorinated paraffins are produced by chlorination of straight-chained paraffin fractions. The carbon chain length of commercial chlorinated paraffins is usually between 10 and 30 carbon atoms. Short-chained chlorinated paraffins is between C10 and C13. The production of SCCPs has decreased globally as jurisdictions have established control measures.

Replacement of SCCPs

Technically feasible alternatives are commercially available for all known uses of SCCPs.

For more information, please refer to the alternatives to SCCPs page.


Listed under Annex A (decision SC-9/11)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

Dicofol is an organochlorine pesticide comprising two isomers: p,p′-dicofol and o,p′-dicofol. The technical product (95% pure) is a brown viscous oil and is composed of 80-85% p,p′-dicofol and 15-20% o,p’-dicofol with up to 18 reported impurities.


CAS No: 115-32-2


CAS No: 10606-46-9


Dicofol is an organochlorine miticidal pesticide that has been used in agriculture to control mites on a variety of field crops, fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, cotton, tea. It was also used an acaricide for cotton, citrus and apple crops.

POPs characteristics of dicofol

Monitoring data have shown that dicofol is sufficiently persistent to be transported via riverine input to the open sea and to be detected in deep sediment layers dated back several decades. Dicofol has a high bioconcentration potential as demonstrated by experimental derived bioconcentration factor values in fish. Model results showed that dicofol and its metabolites can be transported to remote regions. Limited monitoring evidence of dicofol in environmental media from remote sources is available.

Similar to DDT, dicofol is a toxic concentrated formulation found in the environment and humans with a long persistent and bioaccumulatative property. Prolonged or repeated exposure to dicofol can cause skin irritation, hyperstimulation of nerve transmissions along nerve axons. Dicofol is highly toxic in fish, aquatic invertebrates, algae and in birds is tied to eggshell thinning and reduced fertility.

Replacement of dicofol

A range of chemical and non-chemical alternatives to dicofol are available and accessible in various geographical regions. The alternatives, considered as technically feasible, include over 25 chemical pesticides, biological controls (pathogens and predators), botanical preparations (plant extracts), and agroecological practices (such as are used in agroecology, organics and integrated pest management or IPM).

For more information, please refer to the Dicofol page.

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds

Listed under Annex A with specific exemptions (decision SC-9/12)

Risk profile Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)
Risk management evaluation Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF), addendum to the RME Ar, Ch, En, Fr, Ru, Sp (PDF)

Chemical identity and properties

Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related compounds means the following:
(i) Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA; CAS No. 335-67-1), including any of its branched isomers;
(ii) Its salts;
(iii) PFOA-related compounds which, for the purposes of the Convention, are any substances that degrade to PFOA, including any substances (including salts and polymers) having a linear or branched perfluoroheptyl group with the moiety (C7F15)C as one of the structural elements
PFOA, its salts and PFOA-related compounds fall within a family of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs).
CAS No. 335-67-1

Use and production

PFOA, its salts and PFOA-related compounds are used widely in the production of fluoroelastomers and fluoropolymers, for the production of non–stick kitchen ware, food processing equipment. PFOA-related compounds, including side-chain fluorinated polymers, are used as surfactants and surface treatment agents in textiles, paper and paints, firefighting foams. PFOA has been detected in industrial waste, stain resistant carpets, carpet cleaning liquids, house dust, microwave popcorn bags, water, food, and Teflon. Unintentional formation of PFOA is created from inadequate incineration of fluoropolymers from municipal solid waste incineration with inappropriate incineration or open burning facilities at moderate temperatures.

POPs characteristics of PFOA

PFOA is highly stable and persistent in the environment with the capacity to undergo long range transport. This is evidenced by monitoring data of PFOA in air, water, soil/sediment and biota in both local and remote locations like the Arctic. PFOA can bioaccumulate and biomagnify in air-breathing mammals and other terrestrial species including humans. PFOA exhibits adverse effects for both terrestrial and aquatic species.

PFOA is identified as a substance of very high concern with a persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic structure for the environment and living organisms. PFOA-related compounds are released into the air, water, soil and solid waste, and degrade to PFOA in the environment and in organisms. Major health issues such as kidney cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, pregnancy-induced hypertension, high cholesterol have been linked to PFOA.

Replacement of PFOA

Alternatives to all uses of PFOA in fire-fighting foams exist and include fluorine-free solutions as well as fluorosurfactants with C6-fluorotelomers. Fluorine-free foams are comparable to fluorine-based AFFFs and fire-fighting foams with PFOA in their performance and in meeting relevant certifications for almost all uses.

For more information, please refer to the PFOA page.


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