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MGT 1104 – XDU-VT

Summer 2024
2024 年夏季

Due Date: Week 5 – Week of June 10
截止日期:第 5 周 – 6 月 10 日当周

Group Project Assignment

Work in your assigned group to research a specific company and prepare a 12-minute PowerPoint (~20-25 slides) presentation including the below topics:
在您指定的小组中研究特定公司并准备 12 分钟的 PowerPoint(~20-25 张幻灯片)演示文稿,包括以下主题:

Provide a brief background and history of the company you selected for analysis.

Provide an overview of the business and the business model of the company (how do they create value for their shareholders?).

Provide the mission, vision and values statement for the company.

Provide an overview of the industry that the company is part of. What are the key trends in the industry currently? What is driving growth in the industry? What are the key recent events in this industry?

Provide an overview of the key competitors of the company. Who are they? How do they compare to your company in terms of revenue, assets, and income, as well as market capitalization?

Provide a PESTEL model for the company selected. Have at least 3 different key points for each area – Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Environmental and Legal.
为所选公司提供PESTEL模型。每个领域至少有 3 个不同的关键点——政治、经济、社会文化、环境和法律。

Provide a SWOT Analysis of the company.
提供公司的 SWOT 分析。

Review the company’s website for an ethic’s policy. Review and provide an overview.

Provide the markets, domestic or global, where the company’s products can be found (e.g., a map of the regions and products). Have they accomplished this through Global entry growth (Chapter 5)?

Has the company had any recent (last 10-15 years) mergers and acquisitions? If so, provide an overview of them. If not, then who could the company acquire or could merge with?
公司最近(过去 10-15 年)是否有任何合并和收购?如果是这样,请提供它们的概述。如果没有,那么公司可以收购或与谁合并?