JJ20 FINAL LAP 啟程站 - 新加坡,在2024年的末端予以了團隊和自己一個極具挑戰性的「期末考」。2025年首波VLOG — FINAL LAP VLOG 第一集 — 與大家分享這賽道起跑點的幕後秘辛,以及我們如何克服重重困難將兩場演出完善。即便過程艱辛,首站落幕的時刻依然是充滿了歡喜和感動,因為有你們的熱情,就值得了一切的努力!終局落幕之前,期待與大家再共創屬於 FINAL LAP 最獨特美好的回憶!Our First VLOG of 2025 – FINAL LAP VLOG #1 in Singapore!We’re taking you behind the scenes to share everything you didn’t get to see—the challenges, the setbacks, and the effort it took to bring the very first FINAL LAP show to life.It wasn’t easy, but seeing my vision come alive on stage made every moment worth it. Thank you for being part of this journey—excited to have you with us as we keep moving forward!#JJLinFinalLap #JJ20WorldTour#林俊傑FinalLap #林俊傑JJ20世界巡迴演唱會FB🔗https://www.facebook.com/JJLin/videos/IG🔗https://www.instagram.com/微博🔗http://t.cn/A6uT8fwO
Tom Sachs
A turn of a page, may our quiet sorrows be greeted with laughter,Transforming shadows into dawn’s gentle light.A turn of a page, may our tears turn to sweet,Each drop a testament to resilience and newfound joy.A turn of a page, frowns will smile against the hopeful light of the new year,Embracing the promise of beginnings yet to unfold.A turn of a page, may our hearts find peace in the symphony of change,Harmonizing past melodies with future aspirations.A turn of a page, let love’s enduring flame guide our way,Illuminating paths of compassion and understanding.A turn of a page, as we write our stories anew,May each chapter be filled with grace, courage, and dreams come true.Happy New Year, onward 2025!翻頁之後,願化悲為喜讓溫暖曙光為陰影照明翻頁之後,願破涕為笑讓淚水鑒證堅毅與歡喜翻頁之後,帶著微笑與希望化解憂愁敞開胸懷迎接新開端的未知翻頁之後,願變遷為內心帶來平靜讓過去與未來和諧交織翻頁之後,讓愛的火焰指引方向點醒惻隱之心翻頁之後,故事延續願每一個篇章都帶著恩典、充滿勇氣願夢想成真願新年,快樂!Happy 2025!林俊傑 JJ Lin “Turn Of A Page”詞 Lyrics:JJ 林俊傑 JJ Lin曲 Composer:JJ 林俊傑 JJ Lin🔗 數位收聽🎧https://jfj.lnk.to/TurnOfAPage🎬|www.youtube.com/jjlin #goodbye2024hello2025 #TurnOfAPageFB🔗https://www.facebook.com/JJLin/videos/IG🔗https://www.instagram.com/微博🔗http://t.cn/A6uiMnkF
FINAL LAP首演的週末,一切都在歸零重啟的狀態下完成了!這次演唱會,從視覺到聽覺上的全新編排和設計,以及無間斷的能量都釋放在這巨大的舞台上。歌單選曲上,對自己而言確實很高壓,而我也傾出了全力完成了。一切,只為來到現場支持我的每一位觀眾朋友們!這次嶄新的首站首演,是所有工種團隊是卯足了勁在兩個月內在前所未有的高壓密集籌備中誕生的。希望沒有讓你們失望,也跟我們一樣感到難忘!FINAL LAP接下來要到北美跟大家見面了,我繼續!Our first FINAL LAP weekend in Singapore felt like day one all over again—new choreography, reworked setlist, and nonstop energy on this extended stage.I chose some of the most intense songs, ran my heart out, and sang with everything I had, all for you.I hope this brand-new show lived up to your expectations because we’ve poured two months of passion into making it unforgettable.Next stop: North America in February. Let’s keep this journey going!#JJLinFinalLap #JJ20WorldTour#林俊傑FinalLap #林俊傑JJ20世界巡迴演唱會
JJ20 FINAL LAP 世界巡迴演唱會新加坡站Day 2馬上要開始了喔!We on 🔥!The second JJ20 FINAL LAP concert runs tonight in Singapore!#JJLinFinalLap #JJ20WorldTour#林俊傑FinalLap #林俊傑JJ20世界巡迴演唱會#JJ20FinalLapxNBHD #NEIGHBORHOOD #NBHDFB🔗https://www.facebook.com/JJLin/videos/IG🔗https://www.instagram.com/
有夢想,就要努力實踐。昨晚的 JJ20 FINAL LAP 首場,鑒證了這句話的意義。這兩個月來瘋狂的準備工作進度把整個團隊的緊繃狀態拉到了頂點,全新的演出舞台和節目從紙上作業搬上了新加坡首場的巨大舞台。由衷感謝台前幕後的所有人員,不分晝夜、盡心盡力地為此次演出付出的努力與貢獻。這一切都是為了予以在場的每一位你們而誠意呈獻,謝謝你們的出席,是你們,完整了我的夢想!昨晚我們也隆重歡迎了 JFJ Productions的新成員 Jasmine Sokko!這位來自新加坡的創作歌手,深具才華與舞台魅力,希望透過FINAL LAP的舞台讓大家能夠感受到她的音樂張力。今晚Day 2的 FINAL LAP是今年的最後一場演出了,期待新加坡的朋友們一起再創奇蹟!全力以赴!Dreams don’t work unless you do—and last night proved it.It’s been a whirlwind of a journey pulling together a brand-new show in such a short time, but seeing my dream come alive at the Final Lap’s debut last night made every moment worth it.A massive thank-you to my incredible team for their dedication and hard work in bringing this vision to life, and to everyone who showed up—you’re the reason we do this. I hope you loved what you saw, because it’s all for you!Last night, we also welcomed a new member to the JFJ Productions family: the talented Singaporean artiste Jasmine Sokko, who graced the Final Lap stage with her brilliant performance!Now, we’re all set and fired up for Round 2 tonight—our final concert of the year. Let’s end it on a high, Singapore! Let’s make it legendary.#JJLinFinalLap #JJ20WorldTour#林俊傑FinalLap #林俊傑JJ20世界巡迴演唱會#JJ20FinalLapxNBHD #NEIGHBORHOOD #NBHD