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Information for Authors 作者信息

Manuscript Preparation 稿件准备

To find information regarding our standard peer-review practices, please consult the Editorial Policies and Practices; otherwise, the following guidelines provide an overview of content, technical, and style requirements for preparing manuscripts for submission to the Physical Review journals. For comprehensive guidelines, please consult the Physical Review Style and Notation Guide, Frequently used Memos, and other indicated guidelines, as well as recent issues of the specific journals.

Article Types 制品类型

Physical Review A publishes Regular Articles, Letters, Perspectives, Comments, and Errata.
Physical Review A出版常规文章、信件、观点、评论和勘误表。

The scientific content of manuscripts submitted to all sections of the Journal is judged by the same criteria. The sections are distinguished by the different purposes for which the papers are intended. Each paper, except an Erratum, must have an abstract. The length limits for different article types are indicated in the following table. For information on how to estimate length, see the Length Guide. Although there is no limit to the length for a Regular Article/Research Article, the appropriate length for a paper depends on the information it contains.

Article Length Limits for PRA
Letter  4,500 words 4,500字
Comment/Reply 评论/回复 3,500 words 3,500字

Letters are meant for particularly important results that are accessible in a short format. Importance will be assessed based on current interest and significance of the advance to the field. Authors may follow a Letter with a more complete account as a Regular Article. Letters receive priority handling, so authors should justify the need for publication in this format in their submission letter.

Perspectives are forward-looking articles that address an emerging topic or subfield of interest to the journal. They should help scientists already active in the field to obtain a broader view of the subject, and provide those not yet active in the field with an overview of the state of the art as well as an outlook on avenues for progress. Perspectives are expected to contain a brief review section and a summary of current activity in the field, as well as a substantial part that elaborates on open challenges and future developments. We do not intend to consider white papers, opinion pieces, or articles exclusively focused on review of previous work

Perspectives are invited by the editors, but interested authors may send one page proposals and presubmission inquiries to pra@aps.org.

Comments criticize or correct papers by other authors that were previously published in Physical Review A. Each Comment should contain an abstract and should state clearly the paper to which it refers. To be considered for publication, a Comment must be written in a collegial tone (free from polemics) and must be pertinent and without errors. While Comments may criticize the work, they should not criticize the work’s authors. Comments should not reiterate previously published disagreements. A Reply to a Comment must also conform to these requirements. A Reply should not solely restate information in the original paper. A Comment and Reply are crosslinked on the website.
评论批评或纠正其他作者先前在Physical Review A上发表的论文。每份评论应包含摘要,并应明确说明所指的论文。要考虑发表,评论必须以合议的语气(没有争论)撰写,并且必须相关且没有错误。虽然评论可以批评作品,但不应该批评作品的作者。评论不应重申以前发表的分歧。对评论的回复也必须符合这些要求。回复不应仅仅重述原始论文中的信息。评论和回复在网站上交叉。

Errata notify readers about errors or omissions in previously published papers. See more details about Errata.

Joint Submissions 联合划界案

When submitting a Letter to PRL, authors may consider simultaneously submitting a longer version of the Letter to one of the topical Physical Review journals. That longer version should provide a substantially increased understanding of the subject; otherwise, the use of Supplemental Material may be better.

The submission of an expanded version of a PRL to a topical Physical Review journal is an established practice that provides readers with easier access to important additional information. If authors simultaneously submit a Letter to PRL and a regular paper to one of the Physical Review journals, the two manuscripts are then reviewed coherently, typically by the same referees. If both manuscripts receive favorable reviews, the journals aim to publish them at the same time, unless this leads to undue delay for one of the papers. We also ensure that the paper and the Letter cite each other.

When submitting manuscripts for consideration as joint publications, alert the editors by mentioning the companion manuscripts in the cover letter.

Content Guidelines 内容准则

Readability and Accessibility: Take special care to ensure that manuscripts are well organized, clearly written in scientific English, and written in a style consistent with that of the Physical Review journals. It is not possible for editors to undertake extensive corrections of manuscripts, due to time constraints and the risk that the authors’ meaning might be distorted. If your first language is not English, consider seeking help from a native English speaker when writing your manuscript.

Alternatively, you could use APS Author Services to make your manuscript publication ready.

Direct the manuscript text at a general readership, so as to make it understandable to a broad spectrum of researchers. Physical Review editors recommend avoiding jargon and the excessive use of acronyms, even for commonly used terms. If jargon and acronyms are necessary, please define them in the text. Also, avoid the introduction of new terminology except when needed to convey a unique or nuanced meaning.

To enhance readability, display all but the simplest equations, rather than including them as inline text. Format figures and tables such that their content and details are readable when they are sized for the journal page. The size of the smallest capital letters and numerals should be at least 2 mm.
为了增强可读性,除了最简单的公式之外,显示所有公式,而不是将它们作为内联文本包含在内。设置图表的格式,使其内容和详细信息在按期刊页面调整大小时可读。最小的大写字母和数字的大小应至少为2 mm。

Physical Review editors ask authors to proofread papers prior to submission, to eliminate grammatical errors, misspellings, and omission of symbols.

General Content: Clearly state the relation of the submitted manuscript to previously published work, including papers, meeting abstracts, and conference proceedings. (Preprints and internal laboratory reports are not considered publications.) If the results reported in the manuscript correct, supplement, or supersede previous results, state this advance. Distinguish your results from those previously obtained.

Material previously published in an abbreviated form—such as a Letter, a Rapid Communication (discontinued), or a conference proceeding—may provide a useful basis for a more detailed article in one of the Physical Review journals. Such an article should present considerably more information than contained in the abbreviated publication, and it should lead to a substantially improved understanding of the subject. Publication of ongoing work in a series of papers should be avoided in favor of a single comprehensive article.

Length 长度

Length limits vary among the Physical Review journals. Each journal’s length limits are indicated in the following table.

Article Length Limits 文章长度限制
PRL Letter 
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
3,750 words 3,750字
750 words 750字
PRX Comment/Reply 评论/回复 3,500 words 3,500字
PRX Energy PRX能源 Perspective 透视 3,000 words 三千字
Review article 评论文章
Tutorial 教程
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
7,000 words 七千字
No limit 没有限制
3,500 words 3,500字
PRX Life Perspective 透视 3,000 words 三千字
Review article 评论文章
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
7,000 words 七千字
3,500 words 3,500字
PRX Quantum Perspective 透视 7,500 words 7,500字
Tutorial 教程
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
37,500 words 三万七千五百字
3,500 words 3,500字
RMP Article 文章
Colloquium 座谈会
50,000 words 5万字
20,000 words 2万字
PRA Letter 
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
4,500 words 4,500字
3,500 words 3,500字
PRB Letter 
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
4,500 words 4,500字
3,500 words 3,500字
PRC Letter 
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
4,500 words 4,500字
1,500 words 一千五百字
PRD Letter 
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
4,500 words 4,500字
3,500 words 3,500字
PRE Letter 
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
4,500 words 4,500字
3,500 words 3,500字
PRResearch PR研究 Letter 
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
4,500 words 4,500字
3,500 words 3,500字
PRAB 普拉布 No limit 没有限制  
PRApplied 已申请 Review Article 评论文章
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
30,000 words 3万字
3,500 words 3,500字
3,500 words 3,500字
PRFluids PR流体 Letter 
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
4,500 words 4,500字
3,500 words 3,500字
PRMaterials PR材料 Review Article 评论文章
Research Update 研究更新
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
30,000 words 3万字
10,000 words 1万字
4,500 words 4,500字
3,500 words 3,500字
PRPER Review Article 评论文章
Comment/Reply 评论/回复
No limit 没有限制
3,500 words 3,500字

The Physical Review journals require authors to abide by the length guidelines. An automatic count of the length of each manuscript is made upon submission. If this count indicates that the manuscript’s length exceeds the journal’s limit, staff will more carefully calculate the length. Authors will be asked to shorten overlength manuscripts prior to review. The length restriction applies to all versions of a manuscript. Upon acceptance for publication, the length of a manuscript may be re-evaluated and cuts may be requested prior to production. More edits may be necessary when the article is composed into journal pages; this process may cause a delay in publication of the article.

For a more detailed explanation of length limits, please consult the journals’ Length Limit Guide.

Titles 标题

Titles should be concise and informative, clearly stating the main findings of the manuscript. Avoid using new terminology, hyperboles assessing the quality of the work (“precise,” “important,” or “accurate”), proper nouns and brand names (name of equipment, people, or places), and coined words. Titles of manuscripts submitted to the Comments section have the format ‘Comment on “Title of the original paper”.’ Please consult the Physical Review Style and Notation Guide for a comprehensive reference to style and format requirements for titles.

Abstracts 摘要

Abstracts should concisely summarize the subjects, conclusions, and results of the manuscript. In the abstracts of experimental papers, specify the quantities measured and objects studied and clearly describe the experimental conditions. Avoid coined words and unexplained acronyms. Abstracts should be self-contained and should not include footnotes or citations to references, as abstracts are reprinted in abstracting journals and databases where such information is not useful. Note that Comments and Replies submitted to PRL do not require abstracts.

Abstract Length Limits 摘要长度限制
PRL ≤ 600 characters ≤ 600个字符
PRX About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRX Energy PRX能源 About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRX Quantum About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
RMP < one paragraph <一段
PRA About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRB About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRC About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRD About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRE About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRResearch PR研究 About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRAB 普拉布 About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRApplied 已申请 About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRFluids PR流体 About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRMaterials PR材料 About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字
PRPER About 5% of article length & < 500 words
约5%的文章长度& < 500字

Supplemental Material 补充材料

Supplemental Material is information that is useful to a subset of readers but is not essential to comprehend the article’s main results. The Physical Review journals archive Supplemental Material, providing permanent access to the information. Supplemental Material includes, but is not limited to, multimedia files, tables of raw or analyzed data, parameters used in or produced by calculations, and computer codes. Information regarding how the research was conducted, such as details of sample preparation, and derivations of equations, can also be included in the Supplemental Material if this information is not crucial to a reader’s understanding of the associated paper. The paper must stand on its own; it must be understandable and convincing without the Supplemental Material. These file formats are acceptable for Supplemental Material.

Supplemental Material is subject to the same copyright agreement as the associated paper. Follow the guidelines in the copyright agreement for the published manuscript when replicating information included in the Supplemental Material.

Do not use Supplemental Material to avoid a length limit; often, a short paper accompanied by a lengthy supplement is not appropriate. Editors use their judgment to decide if a longer manuscript with all material integrated into the main text is required. The editors may seek guidance in this decision from the referees who review the manuscript and Supplemental Material. In a longer format manuscript, it may be best to present additional material as an appendix to the main article, rather than as Supplemental Material. In general, Supplemental Material should not accompany Comments, Replies, or Errata. List all references cited in the Supplemental Material in the main text.

Cite the manuscript’s Supplemental Material in the reference list as follows:

See Supplemental Material at [URL will be inserted by publisher] for [give brief description of material].

All files related to a published paper are stored as a single deposit and assigned a Supplemental Material URL. This URL appears in the article’s reference list.

See Supplemental Material Instructions for more information.

Technical Format and Style Guidelines

References and footnotes

Combine references and footnotes to text material in a single list, and number the items consecutively in the order in which they are cited. Designate references and footnotes in the text with inline numerals in square brackets.

Physical Review A allows footnotes to appear separately from references. Footnotes are placed at the bottom of the page on which they are cited. They are designated with superscript numbers and numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Footnotes within tables should be designated with lower-case letter superscripts and given at the end of the table.
Physical Review A允许脚注与参考文献分开出现。脚注放在引用它们的页面的底部。它们用上标数字表示,并在整个文件中连续编号。表中的脚注应使用小写字母上标,并在表末注明。

The full author list of cited papers should be given in the references, except when the number exceeds 10 (for Physical Review Physics Education Research the limit is 3). When citations are made to internal reports, other items not available in the published literature, or unpublished work, it is the responsibility of the author to provide sufficient information to enable the reader to obtain a copy of the cited material. Citations to papers published in peer-reviewed journals are considered primary references. Citations to e-print archives should not be used in place of primary references. Citations to classified reports or other documents with restricted circulation should be avoided. All citations, including those cited in figure and table captions, should be listed in the reference section.

It is important to confirm the accuracy of the bibliographic information in the references. Links will be added to the cited document. If reference citations are incorrect or incomplete (e.g., missing author name, or an incorrect volume number or page), the associated links may fail.

Physical Review encourages authors to include titles for all references as an aid to the reader. If this format is used, it must be applied to all references. Please note that Physical Review X, PRX Energy, PRX Life, PRX Quantum, Physical Review Research, Physical Review Applied, and Physical Review Fluids require all references to include titles.
《物理评论》鼓励作者在所有参考文献中包括标题,以帮助读者。如果使用此格式,则必须将其应用于所有引用。请注意,Physical Review X、PRX Energy、PRX Life、PRX Quantum、Physical Review Research、Physical Review Applied和Physical Review Fluids要求所有引用都包含标题。

Byline and Affiliations 署名和附属机构

Bylines: The names of authors and their professional affiliations must be given in the byline at the beginning of a manuscript. If the number of authors exceeds 40, the authors will be listed in the Table of Contents as, e.g., A. Jones et al. The author who submits the manuscript is responsible for ensuring that all listed authors approve the inclusion of their names, and for checking that each name is written in the format normally used by that author.

Formatting Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Author Names: Authors with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean names can display their names in their own language alongside the English versions of their names (see Editorial: Which Wei Wang?). If this option is chosen, please include a note in the cover letter and check the appropriate box on the Submissions server when submitting or resubmitting the manuscript. Please check the PDF produced by the Submissions server to ensure the names appear correctly. Also, carefully check any production proofs you receive prior to the publication of your paper.

The following font styles are used by the Physical Review journals to typeset Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters: SongMT (Simplified Chinese); SungMT (Traditional Chinese); MS Mincho (Japanese); Batang (Korean). To add Chinese, Japanese, and Korean author names to Microsoft Word files, add the characters in parentheses after each author’s name. Please use standard Microsoft fonts for the characters. For manuscripts prepared using TeX, use REVTeX 4 and the CJK language package for LaTeX. The Physical Review journals support the following CJK package encodings: GB, Big5, GBK, and UTF 8 (Chinese); JIS, SJIS (Shift-JIS), and UTF8 (Japanese); KS and UTF8 (Korean). Note, if using UTF-8, the \CJKfamily macro may be needed when processing the file on a local machine. The macros are: \CJKfamily{gbsn} (Simplified Chinese); \CJKfamily{bsmi} (Traditional Chinese); \CJKfamily{min} (Japanese); \CJKfamily{mj} (Korean). If needed, it is possible to call \CJKfamily more than once, for example, to properly typeset both a Japanese and a Korean name. Before submitting the manuscript, comment out all \CJKfamily macro calls. The CJK markup is as follows:
《物理评论》期刊使用以下字体样式来键入中文、日文或韩文字符:SongMT(简体中文); SungMT(繁体中文); MS Mincho(日文);巴塘(韩文)。若要将中文、日文和韩文作者姓名添加到Microsoft Word文件中,请在每个作者姓名后添加括号中的字符。请使用标准Microsoft字体的字符。对于使用TeX编写的手稿,请使用REVTeX 4和用于LaTeX的CJK语言包。Physical Review期刊支持以下CJK包编码:GB、Big 5、GBK和UTF 8(中文); JIS、SJIS(Shift-JIS)和UTF 8(日文); KS和UTF 8(韩文)。注意,如果使用UTF-8,在本地计算机上处理文件时可能需要\CJK family宏。这些宏是:\CJK family {gbsn}(简体中文); \CJK family {bsmi}(繁体中文); \CJK family {min}(日语); \CJK family {mj}(韩语)。 如果需要,可以多次调用\CJK family,例如,正确键入日语和韩语名称。在提交手稿之前,注释掉所有\CJK系列宏调用。 CJK标记如下:

Put \usepackage{CJK} after the \documentclass line    
\begin{CJK*}{}{} after the \begin{document} line
\end{CJK*} after the \maketitle line.

For example: 举例来说:

\begin{CJK*}{GB}{} % Use default fonts from CJK (see below)
\title{Title of Paper}
\author{Your Name (characters)}
\affiliation{Your affiliation}

Formatting A Collaboration Author List: Collaborations of 50 or more authors are encouraged to use the SPIRES Collaboration Author Lists XML Format to submit author names. Please provide the ‘authors.xml file’ when submitting the manuscript.

Collaborations may also use a TeX format for author names. In that case, use REVTeX 4 (or 4.2) for the text file, not Word or plain LaTeX, and name the files with a ‘.tex’ extension. To automatically link author names with affiliations, use the REVTeX 4 “superscriptaddress” document style as described in the REVTeX 4 sample template file. Please include the author list in the main text file of the submission (the one with the \begin{document} command). List each author on a different line and use the “\author” command. Only use standard LaTeX and REVTeX 4 commands in the author list. Completely remove collaboration members from the author list that are not to be listed as authors on the manuscript. The following example gives a portion of an acceptably coded TeX-format author list for a collaboration:
协作也可以使用TeX格式的作者姓名。在这种情况下,请使用REVTeX 4(或4.2)作为文本文件,而不是Word或纯LaTeX,并使用“.tex”扩展名命名文件。要自动将作者姓名与所属机构链接起来,请使用REVTeX 4“superscriptaddress”文档样式,如REVTeX 4示例模板文件中所述。请将作者列表包含在提交的主文本文件中(带有\开始{document}命令的文件)。在不同的行中列出每个作者,并使用“\author”命令。在作者列表中只使用标准的LaTeX和REVTeX 4命令。从作者列表中完全删除不作为稿件作者列出的协作成员。以下示例给出了协作的可接受编码的TEX格式作者列表的一部分:

\author{N.~Arnaud} \作者{N.~阿诺}
\author{J.~B'equilleux}  \作者{J.~贝奎勒
\author{A.~D’Orazio}  \作者{A.~多拉齐奥}
\affiliation{University of California at Irvine, Irvine, California 92697, USA}
\隶属关系{University of加州欧文分校,Irvine,加州92697,USA}

\author{M.~Davier}  \作者{M.~大卫}
\author{J.~Firmino da Costa}
\作者{J.~ Firmino da Costa}

\author{G.~Grosdidier}  \作者{G.~格罗斯迪迪埃}
\author{A.~H"ocker}  \作者{A.~霍克}
\affiliation{Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, United Kingdom}
\联系{Brunel University,乌克斯布里奇,Middlesex UB 8 3 PH,United Kingdom}

\collaboration{The Sample Collaboration}

\noaffiliation  无联系

Affiliations of authors should be given without abbreviation. (Use Massachusetts Institute of Technology, not MIT.) Give the city, state, and zip code for U.S. addresses; add the country for other addresses. Affiliations must be institutions, not conferences, collaborations, or temporary meeting places.

If the authors are at different institutions, author names may be grouped by institution with the name of the institution following each group. If the authors are not grouped by institution, the names of institutions may be presented in a single list following the list of authors. A variant form for listing institutions links each author to their institution(s) unambiguously via a superscript numeral: Each institution is given a number, and the relevant number is then placed after each author’s name. Group (collaboration) names can be listed in addition to author names. The group name goes in parentheses after the list of authors and before the list of institutions. Please choose the most concise presentation.

Footnotes to an author’s name or address facilitate locating or communicating with an author. In many cases, it is helpful to identify an author as “spokesperson” or “author to whom correspondence should be addressed.” Footnotes giving email addresses of one or more corresponding authors are encouraged. Along with email addresses, authors are also encouraged to add their preferred pronouns (he/him/his, she/her/hers and they/them/theirs). Include information concerning research support in the acknowledgments. Footnotes describing an author’s position or title are not acceptable.

Place information concerning author contributions, such as statements of equal contributions, in a paragraph after the Acknowledgment section. For example, “A.B. and C.D. contributed equally to this work.” or “A.Z. and B.Y. conceptualized the work; C.X. conducted the experiments.”
将有关作者贡献的信息,如平等贡献的声明,放在致谢部分之后的一段中。例如,“A.B.及C.D.为这项工作做出了同样的贡献。”或“A.Z.和B.Y.概念化的工作; C.X.进行实验”。

Acknowledgments 致谢

Acknowledgments are a simple statement of thanks that appears at the end of a manuscript. They can recognize named individuals who contributed scientifically to the research of the paper; cite the funding agencies that provided financial support for the work; and note the affiliation of institutions in the byline. Acknowledgments to people precede those of financial support.

Acknowledgments may not recognize those who helped in preparing the paper; editors who handled the peer review of the paper; those who contributed general encouragement (family, friends); or those who provided services that were not directly part of the research. Acknowledgements may not include a dedication or a memorial.

Acknowledge positions, titles, and awards only if they provided funding for the research and state the source of financial funding in such cases. Noting the date associated with an award is not appropriate.

Notations and Mathematical Material

Keep notation clear, compact, and consistent with standard usage.

Neatly format, punctuate, and align equations to bring out their structure. Number equations on the right. Punctuate mathematical expressions and displayed equations as part of the sentence. Use single-letter symbols for mathematical quantities in equations and expressions, with subscript or superscript indices or labels, if necessary. Replace a frequently repeated mathematical equation with a symbol. Use bracketing as necessary to ensure clarity. Note that the solidus (/) in fractions, for example 1/2a, means 1/(2a) and not (1/2)a. Do not use a center dot to indicate multiplication except for products of vectors, dyadics, and the like.

In general, three-vectors are set in roman boldface. Four or more vectors are usually set in lightface italic, but boldface is acceptable. Ordinary type is preferable when using Greek letters. Typographically distinguish matrices, operators, and other general quantities only to avoid confusion; in such cases use boldface or a caret.

The Physical Review Style and Notation Guide includes further details on notations and mathematical expressions, along with exceptions to these conventions.

Symbols and Units 符号和单位

Physical Review style favors the use of metric SI units, as recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Some include:

Common Abbreviations and Misuses
Use Do Not Use 不要使用
µm µ
fm F (F is for farad)
g gm
A amp
K °K
sr Sr, ster, str 斯特海峡
u amu
cm3 cc
deg DEG, DEG., deg. 德格,德格,°的
keV KEV, KeV KeV,KeV
MeV/nucleon MEV/核子 MeV/u, MeV/amu, MeV/A  MeV/U,MeV/AMU,MeV/A,MeV/A
µN n.m. 新墨西哥州
c.m. (=center of mass)
arb. units 仲裁号单位 a.u. (for atomic units)
A.U. (for原子单位)

Physical Review follows the recommendations of the S.U.N. Commission of IUPAP on the symbols to be used for nuclides and their states.

Preferred Notations 首选符号 Notation Example 符号示例 Style Notes 样式注释
nucleon number (mass number)
14N 第0号 left superscript 左上标
state of ionization 电离态 Ca2+ 病例编号0# right superscript 右上标
excited state 激发态 110Agm, 14N*
110 Ag m14 N *
right superscript 右上标
number of atoms in a molecule
14N2 right subscript 右下标
bombarding particles 轰击颗粒 n, p, d, t, h, and 𝛼
𝜏 not acceptable 𝜏无法接受
other beam particles 其他束粒子 6Li, 12C, ...
6 李, 12 C,...
only the usual symbols
target nuclides 靶核素 1H, 2H, 3H, 3He, 4He ...
0#H,1#H,2#H,3#He,4#He ...
not D, T, …
differential cross section
σ(ϑ), σ(E,ϑ) σ(E),σ(E,E) i.e., angle or energy shown as argument
derivative 衍生物 d2σ/dΩ dE d2σ by itself or dσ/dΩdE not acceptable
d 2 σ本身或dσ/dΩdE不可接受
mathematical relationship
dM/dA, ds/dZ dM/dA,ds/dZ e.g., semiempirical mass formula; not acceptable for data characterization since A and Z are not continuous

Exceptions to these conventions and further details on Notations and Mathematical Equations are found in the Physical Review Style and Notation Guide.

Tables and Figures 表和图

Tables are numbered (with roman numerals) in the order in which they appear in text. Give each table a caption that explains the contents of the table and that includes definition of symbols. Keep column headings simple and include units in these headings. Very simple and brief tabular material may appear in the text without a number or caption.

Use a single horizontal rule to separate the column headings from the entries in the table. Use horizontal space within the body of the table to separate broad groups of entries. Extra vertical space may be used between columns. Avoid vertical rules in tables. Use lower-case roman letters for footnotes placed at the bottom of a table.

If space allows, long data tables can be included directly in the manuscript, rather than in the Supplemental Material. This decision is influenced by whether readers can accurately obtain the data from a figure and by how many readers are likely to use the numbers. If experimental results are likely to be used as reference values by other authors, publication of the numbers is desirable. Extensive datasets may be deposited as Supplemental Material. If additional numerical data are available, include a statement regarding the availability of the data at the end of the manuscript, before the Acknowledgments. The statement should cite a reference that provides the information needed to access the data (e.g., name of repository, doi, etc.). See the Physical Review Style and Notation Guide for complete information regarding the proper form for data citations.

Figures should have a width of a 8.6 cm or 3 3/8 in, the width of a single manuscript column. Use a width of 1.5 or 2 columns for more detailed figures. Authors are required to submit all figures electronically for production. Preferred formats are .ps, .eps, .pdf, .jpg, and .png; refer to the manuscript Submission Guidelines below for more details. Number figures in the order in which they are referred to in the text.
数字的宽度应为8.6厘米或3 3/8英寸,即一个手稿栏的宽度。使用1.5列或2列的宽度以获得更详细的数字。作者必须以电子方式提交所有数字以供制作。首选格式为.ps、.eps、.pdf、.jpg和.png;更多详细信息,请参阅下面的稿件提交指南。按文中提到的顺序给数字编号。

Give each figure a caption that clearly summarizes the contents of the figure. Define figure symbols and curves either in a legend in the figure itself or in the caption. Label subfigures (a), (b), etc., and include a description of each panel given in the caption. If possible, submit figures with multiple panels as one file.

Format figures such that their content and details are readable when they are sized for the journal page. Make the height of the smallest capital letters and numerals at least 2 mm and make the diameter of each data point at least 1 mm. Make a curve’s linewidth at least 0.18 mm (0.5 point). Avoid small open symbols, shading, and cross-hatching in figures.
格式的数字,使其内容和细节是可读的,当他们的大小为杂志页。使最小的大写字母和数字的高度至少为2 mm,每个数据点的直径至少为1 mm。使曲线的线宽至少为0.18 mm(0.5点)。避免在图形中使用小的开放符号、阴影和交叉影线。

Label figure axes with the quantities plotted and place units in parentheses after the quantity. Keep the style of figures and text consistent. See the Physical Review Style and Notation Guide and Axis Labels and Scales on Graphs for more information on how to style figure axes.
用绘制的数量标记地物轴,并将单位放在数量后面的括号中。保持图形和文字的风格一致。有关如何设置图形轴样式的详细信息,请参见《Physical Review Style and Notation Guide》和《Axis Labels and Scales on Graphs》。

Submit photographic images (either grayscale or color) as high-resolution .jpg or .png files. Avoid submitting prescreened (scanned) images of photographic material as they may not have sufficient resolution. If scanned images have to be used, make scans with as high a resolution as possible (preferably 600 dpi or higher) and then scale the figure to its final size.
提交高分辨率的.jpg或.png文件的照片图像(灰度或彩色)。避免提交预先筛选(扫描)的摄影材料图像,因为它们可能没有足够的分辨率。如果必须使用扫描图像,请使用尽可能高的分辨率(最好是600 dpi或更高)进行扫描,然后将图形缩放到最终大小。

Figures should accurately present the scientific results. If adjustments to images, such as changing its brightness, are made, state the adjustment in the figure caption.

For color-online-only figures, a .ps or .eps file is required for production. Ensure color online figures are intelligible in grey scale. To achieve this goal, use colors that have clearly distinguished grey-scale values. To assist in differentiating colored curves, use different line styles (dashed, solid, etc.) and give a description of the lines in the caption. See Guide to Acceptable use of Color in Color Online Figures for more information.

If colored figures are desired in the print version of the journal, as in the online version, clearly indicate which figures are intended to be printed in color when the manuscript is submitted. Information about our pricing and payment policy for printed color figures is available via Color Figures in the Print Journal.

In order to reproduce previously published figures, tables, etc., authors must show that they have complied with the requirements of the publisher of that material. Authors can demonstrate they have permission to reproduce the material by sending a written agreement from the publisher and author of the originally published work. If the original journal is published by APS, only a written agreement from the original author is required.

The Physical Review Style and Notation Guide includes further details on formatting figures and tables.

Manuscript Submission and Resubmission

Submission 提交

Submit manuscripts via our Submissions server. The Submissions server is designed to enable fast and easy uploading of the manuscript and to enable entering of information required for the peer-review process. Receipt of a submission during business hours is acknowledged by email within one business day.

Specify the author to whom correspondence should be addressed, and give all available contact information for this individual (postal and email addresses, phone number). Specify the journal and section to which the paper is submitted, and select 2-4 PhySH (Physics Subject Headings) concepts if possible. More information about the PhySH physics classification scheme is available in PhySH Guidelines for Authors, and the full scheme is available at PhySH-Physics Subject Headings.

If an important subject of the manuscript is not classifiable by a PhySH concept, please give an appropriate keyword or phrase, and indicate approximately where in the scheme this topic would be best placed. Feedback on the PhySH scheme is welcomed.

Submissions formatted in REVTeX or MS WORD are preferred. Upload the main body of the manuscript (including figures, tables, captions, etc.) to the Submissions server as a single file. Also send a cover letter, auxiliary files and figures, and Supplemental Material via the Submissions server. Copies of the manuscript sent by regular mail are not processed.
最好提交REVTeX或MS WORD格式的文件。上传稿件主体(包括图、表、说明文字等)提交到提交服务器作为一个单一的文件。同时通过提交服务器发送一封求职信、辅助文件和数字以及补充材料。通过普通邮件发送的手稿副本不予处理。

Authors of accepted manuscripts will be directed, via email, to an online, interactive service to complete the needed “publication rights” agreement, such as the APS Transfer of Copyright agreement. Prompt completion of this process prevents unnecessary delays. Accepted manuscripts are not forwarded to the production group until the journal is in receipt of the agreement.

For further assistance with your manuscript, visit APS Author Services.

The Editorial Policies and Practices include further details on submission policies.

Resubmission 重新提交

When resubmitting a manuscript, please include a summary of changes made and a concise, point-by-point response to all recommendations and criticisms. The modified manuscript and figures can be uploaded using the interactive resubmission forms available on our Submissions server. These forms should also be used when a manuscript previously submitted to one Physical Review journal is transferred to another. Send the complete text file if there have been any changes.

For any resubmission, please state whether or not the figures have been modified, and supply new electronic figures if there have been changes. It is only necessary to resend figure files when the previous versions are no longer valid. Please update any other information (e.g., address and contact information) that has changed since the initial submission.

The Editorial Policies and Practices include further details on resubmission policies.

Author Inquiries 作者查询

Information regarding the status of a manuscript under consideration by the Physical Review journals is available on the following webpage. If clarification is needed, send an email message to the journal with the following subject line: Status, Manuscript ID, Corresponding Author Name.

For accepted papers, information about the production status is available via a similar service maintained by the production vendor. A link to this service is provided on the manuscript status page.

Review Process 审查进程

The following information provides details regarding the review process for manuscripts submitted to the Physical Review journals. For more information on our standard peer-review practices, please consult the Editorial Policies and Practices.

Peer Review: Peer review by independent, anonymous referees is one of the most important reasons for the existence of a scientific journal. Journal readers benefit since at least one independent expert has judged that the manuscript is new and interesting, that it contributes to the advancement of the field, and that it is without apparent flaws. Of course, it is impossible for either the journal or the referees to guarantee the correctness or the originality of the research. Authors benefit from peer review via feedback on the research and the style of presentation. Note that the review policies and procedures vary by journal.

Review Timeline: The time from receipt to publication of a manuscript depends on many factors, including the article type (Letter or Regular Article, for example), the availability of referees, and the editor’s workload. The time authors take to respond to referee comments and revise the manuscript also plays a role in the review timeline.

Referee Selection: Editors choose one or more referees from a common database of thousands of potential referees. The editors base their referee choices on factors including the referee’s area of expertise and their availability (we try to avoid overburdening referees), the quality of the referee’s reports, and the referee’s typical response time.

Suggesting Referees: Authors are encouraged to suggest the names of potential referees. Referee suggestions can be added during the manuscript submission process on the Editorial Info page. Click on the “Add” button and enter the name, email, and affiliation for each suggested referee. The editors consider the suggestions, but the suggested referees are not necessarily chosen. Authors should avoid listing previous coauthors and collaborators.

Excluding Referees: Authors can request that certain referees are not contacted. The names of these referees can be added during the manuscript submission process on the Editorial Info page. In the text box, provide the names of a few specific people (not names of research groups, collaborations, or institutions) and include a brief explanation of why you are making the request. Although such requests are usually honored it is customary to give authors whose work is criticized in a manuscript an opportunity to respond to the criticism.

Number of Referees: The number of referees contacted to review a manuscript varies by journal. Typically, editors choose one or two referees to initially review a manuscript. In some cases, the editors may contact more than two referees, for example to gain input from referees with differing expertise or if there is uncertainty about the availability of a particular expert. If a referee is tardy, the editors may contact an additional referee, and if the tardy referee then responds, we may receive more anonymous reports than usual. If an impasse is reached between the authors and referees, the editors may consult another referee in an effort to close the review process.

Rejection without Review: Not all manuscripts are sent for review. Editors often reject manuscripts that they judge to be clearly unsuitable for the journal. However, no manuscript is accepted for publication without review by external referees.

Rounds of Review: Editors typically reach a final decision on whether to publish a manuscript after one or two rounds of review.

Responding to Referee Reports: Authors should read referee reports carefully and dispassionately and approach the reports with an open mind. What may at first seem like a devastating blow is perhaps a request for more information or for a more detailed explanation. At other times the referee may indeed have found a fatal flaw in the research or logic. Put yourself in the position of a reader, which is exactly the position of the referee. Is the manuscript well written? Is the presentation clear, unambiguous, and logical? Respond to all referee comments, suggestions, and criticisms. When writing your response, please formulate it in gender-neutral terms. If unavoidable, please use the singular “they/them/theirs” in place of gender-specific pronouns. Explain which changes have been made and state your position on points of disagreement.

Review Procedure for a Comment

Comments are generally processed according to the following procedure.

  1. The Comment is sent to the authors of the criticized work for their reaction. The authors of the object paper are not asked to review the Comment as anonymous referees. Rather, they are asked for a written opinion on the Comment that is suitable for transmission to the Comment’s authors. Authors of the object paper may recommend that the manuscript be accepted, be accepted after revision, or be rejected.
  2. After suitable exchanges between the involved parties, the Comment (and Reply, if any) and relevant correspondence are sent to at least one uninvolved expert for anonymous review. If the referee recommends acceptance, and the authors of the object paper have not already submitted a Reply, these authors are given the opportunity to submit a Reply to the Comment. The Reply will also be reviewed, usually by the same uninvolved expert, but is not guaranteed acceptance for publication. If the Comment meets our criteria, it will be published whether or not a Reply is published.
  3. When both the Comment and Reply are accepted for publication, the authors of the Comment are sent a copy of the Reply for their information, but they should not alter the Comment unless requested to do so by the editors. The Comment and Reply are usually published in the same issue of the journal, with the Reply immediately following the Comment. If there is undue delay in the preparation and review of the Reply, the Comment may be published before the Reply.”

Post Acceptance 验收后

Publicity 宣传

If your paper is accepted for publication in a Physical Review journal, please consider submitting a summary of the paper. The summary should include a newspaper-style headline and one paragraph explaining the main result of the paper and why it’s important. Write the summary so that it’s understandable by non-scientists. Send the plain text summary (no LaTeX or Word documents) to author-summaries@aps.org with the subject line “summary [accession code]”. When emailing the summary, consider sending one or a few low-resolution image files that illustrate the results. Preferred formats are jpeg/jpg, gif, and png. After a summary is submitted, an automatic email acknowledgment will be sent from author-summaries+noreply@aps.org.
如果你的论文被《物理评论》杂志接受发表,请考虑提交论文摘要。摘要应该包括一个报纸式的标题和一段解释论文的主要结果及其重要性的段落。写摘要,让非科学家也能理解。将纯文本摘要(无LaTeX或Word文档)发送到author-summaries@aps.org,主题行为“摘要[登录代码]"。当通过电子邮件发送摘要时,考虑发送一个或几个低分辨率的图像文件来说明结果。首选格式是jpeg/jpg、gif和png。提交摘要后,将从author-summaries+noreply@aps. org发送自动电子邮件确认。

The summaries are used by the following venues to inform decisions on what papers to cover:

  • Physics: Daily news stories and commentary about a selection of papers from the Physical Review journals.
  • Media Tip Sheet: Weekly email message distributed to journalists to promote press-worthy papers from the Physical Review journals. The tip sheet has led to news articles in publications including Science, Nature, and the New York Times.
  • Physics Buzz Blog: Blog covering a wide range of physics topics of interest to the general public.
    Physics Buzz Blog:一个博客,涵盖了公众感兴趣的广泛的物理话题。

In addition, the Physical Review editors occasionally consider summaries when making decisions on what papers to highlight as Editors’ Suggestions. These papers are judged to be particularly important, interesting, or well written, and are prominently displayed on the journal web pages.

Hints for Writing a Good Summary: Be brief. 200 words is usually enough. Shorter summaries are often better as they include fewer details that tend to distract from the main points. Try to get to the “bottom line” in the first sentence or two before stepping back to go over background information. Think of the way a newspaper article is written, with the most important points at the top. Aim the summary at non-scientists and not physicists. Using this style helps those reading the summary to visualize how the topic could be presented to a non-scientific audience. Avoid or define any jargon. State why the result is important in direct terms, even if it seems obvious. Clearly distinguish between what is new in the paper and what is merely background information.

For more assistance, visit APS Author Services.

Other Publicity: The journal editors encourage authors to notify their institution’s public information or press office if the paper is accepted. The press office may want to mention the paper in their own publications or may want to inform local media. The email addresses of institutional press offices are searchable at Newswise.

Publication Charges and Reprints

The Physical Review journals provide authors with an online, web-based interface, SciPris™ , to pay for various author charges, including applicable publication charges, charges for color figures, and reprints. Upon acceptance, authors will receive a unique link to the SciPris™ platform.

Color Figures Charges: Color illustrations in the print journal should be used only when there is a clear need. The additional costs for printing illustrations are borne in full by authors and their institutions. Authors are reminded that Color Figures Online Only is a service provided in Physical Review journals without charge to authors.
彩色插图收费:印刷期刊中的彩色插图只应在有明确需要时使用。印刷插图的额外费用全部由作者及其机构承担。请作者注意,Color Figures Online Only是Physical Review期刊提供的一项服务,不向作者收费。

Authors desiring color in print, who are willing and able to pay the associated charges, should indicate their request, preferably upon submission, and indicate which figures are intended for color in print. Full payment of the color charges is required before the article is sent to production. If payment is not received within 21 working days, the article is sent to production with the figures designated as color online only, provided those figures have been properly prepared as individual electronic files (color online only results in no charges to the author). If authors require more time to pay the charges, the article will be held until the anticipated payment date.

The charge is US $1060 for a single color figure in print and $575 for each additional color figure. Any questions or concerns regarding color in print may be directed to payments@aps.org.
印刷的单色数字收费1060美元,每增加一个彩色数字收费575美元。有关印刷品颜色的任何问题或疑虑,可直接发送至payments@aps. org。

Reprints: Authors can use SciPris™ to order reprints and obtain associated prices. For authors’ convenience and to minimize delay, the SciPris™ platform accepts payment by major credit card. For those who require invoices to make payment, the system offers this option as well. Please note that reprints are created and mailed after the journal issue has been printed.

Open Access Publishing Options

The Physical Review family offers some of the most-trusted, most-read, most-cited, and fastest-growing fully open access and hybrid journals in physics and related areas of research. Both fully open access journals and hybrid journals allow authors to publish their research immediately open access, usually upon payment of an article publication charge (APC).

In the fully gold open access journals – including Physical Review X, PRX Energy, PRX Life, PRX Quantum, PRResearch, and PRPER – all accepted articles are published open access under a CC-BY 4.0 International license, upon the payment of an APC.
在完全黄金开放获取期刊中-包括Physical Review X,PRX Energy,PRX Life,PRX Quantum,PRResearch和PRPER -所有接受的文章都是在CC-BY 4.0国际许可下发表的开放获取,并支付APC。

The hybrid journals – including PRL, PRA, PRB, PRC, PRD, PRE, PRApplied, PRFluids, and PRMaterials – allow authors to publish at no cost under the traditional subscription model, and also provide authors the option to publish an accepted article open access under a CC-BY 4.0 International license, upon the payment of an APC.
混合期刊-包括PRL,PRA,PRB,PRC,PRD,PRE,PRApplied,PRFluids和PRAmaterials-允许作者在传统订阅模式下免费发表,并为作者提供在CC-BY 4.0国际许可下发表接受的文章开放获取的选择,并支付APC。

CC-BY 4.0 International is one of the most permissive Creative Commons Attribution licenses available and permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt work with proper attribution. Authors retain copyright to their articles under this license. Authors seeking to publish articles under the Creative Commons Attribution license should select this option when they are asked to complete the appropriate Publication Rights documentation. Accepted licensed articles will not be published until any applicable APC is paid in full.
CC-BY 4.0 International是目前最宽松的知识共享署名许可协议之一,允许任何人复制、分发、传播和改编具有适当署名的作品。作者在本许可证下保留其文章的版权。寻求在知识共享署名许可下发表文章的作者应在被要求完成相应的出版权文档时选择此选项。接受许可的文章将不会发表,直到任何适用的APC全额支付。

APC pricing information for the current year, including promotional discounts, is listed here.

APCs waivers for open access publication are available for submitting authors from many lower and middle income countries. Further information is available on our support page.

Authors may also be eligible to publish open access free of charge if they are covered by one of these Institutional Open Access and Transformative agreements.

For information about complying with funders’ Open Access policies, see APS Supports Researchers in Complying with Their Funders’ Policies.

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