這是用戶在 2025-1-2 18:48 為 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/02317f3a-8c96-4f80-bcb5-cfb370c14f92 保存的雙語快照頁面,由 沉浸式翻譯 提供雙語支持。了解如何保存?

  1. 圖5a顯示了國家的位置 X X XX 以及非洲一些近年來出現糧食短缺問題的國家。數位 5 b 5 b 5b5 b 顯示國家的一些訊息 X X XX 2020年。 X X X\mathbf{X}
     二月   三月   四月   可能      七月   八月   九月   十月   十一月   十二月

溫度 ( C C ^(@)C{ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C}
25.2 27.9 31.2 33.2 32.7 30.3 27.7 26.3 27.1 29.0 28.4 25.8
  降雨量(毫米) 0 0 1 9 25 49 117 182 94 26 0 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Temperature ( ^(@)C ) 25.2 27.9 31.2 33.2 32.7 30.3 27.7 26.3 27.1 29.0 28.4 25.8 Rainfall (mm) 0 0 1 9 25 49 117 182 94 26 0 0| | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | Temperature ( ${ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ ) | 25.2 | 27.9 | 31.2 | 33.2 | 32.7 | 30.3 | 27.7 | 26.3 | 27.1 | 29.0 | 28.4 | 25.8 | | Rainfall (mm) | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | 25 | 49 | 117 | 182 | 94 | 26 | 0 | 0 |


國家 X X X\mathbf{X} (世界)
Country X (World)| Country $\mathbf{X}$ | | :---: | | (World) |
  人口 20900000
( 0.9 ) ( 0.9 ) (0.9)(0.9)
2.8 (0.9)| 2.8 | | :---: | | $(0.9)$ |
( 87 ) ( 87 ) (87)(87)
39 (87)| 39 | | :---: | | $(87)$ |
( 10900 ) ( 10900 ) (10900)(10900)
860 (10900)| 860 | | :---: | | $(10900)$ |

Socio-economic conditions "Country X (World)" Population 20900000 Population growth (%) "2.8 (0.9)" Literacy rate (%) "39 (87)" GDP per capita (USD) "860 (10900)" Economy based on arable and pastoral farming (%) 80| Socio-economic conditions | Country $\mathbf{X}$ <br> (World) | | :--- | :---: | | Population | 20900000 | | Population growth (%) | 2.8 <br> $(0.9)$ | | Literacy rate (%) | 39 <br> $(87)$ | | GDP per capita (USD) | 860 <br> $(10900)$ | | Economy based on arable and pastoral farming (%) | 80 |

提供的一次性措施 世界糧食計劃署 致X國人民
One-off measures provided by the World Food Programme to the people in country X| One-off measures provided by | | :--- | | the World Food Programme | | to the people in country X |

X 國農民最近採用的一項種植農作物的措施
  - 糧食援助
  - 財政援助   石線

"One-off measures provided by the World Food Programme to the people in country X" A recent measure used by farmers in country X for growing crops - food aid - financial assistance Stone line Building of stone line to reduce| One-off measures provided by <br> the World Food Programme <br> to the people in country X | A recent measure used by farmers in country X for growing crops | | | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | - food aid | | | | | - financial assistance | | Stone line | | | | | | Building of stone line to reduce |

(a) 參見圖 5a。描述非洲面臨高風險和中風險糧食短缺問題的國家的分佈模式。

(b) 參見圖 5b。參考

(i) 氣候條件,以及

(ii) 社會經濟條件,


解決該國的糧食短缺問題 X X X\mathbf{X}

© 參見圖 5c。解釋世界糧食計畫署提供的措施如何影響國家的糧食供應 X X X\mathbf{X}


(d) 耕地和畜牧業是該國的兩大農業活動 X X XX



3. 圖3a顯示了1950年代以前中國國有鋼鐵生產中心X的相關資訊。表3b顯示了鋼鐵生產中心X在1980年代採取的一些措施。表3c顯示了鋼鐵生產中心X在2010年代採取的一些措施。

  中心 X :

- quad\quad 工廠現代化改造耗資約34億元人民幣

- quad\quad 擴大附近鐵礦的生產,成本約為
1980s Measures adopted to solve some prevailing problems of the iron and steel production centre X : - quad modernising plants with the cost of approximately 3.4 billion RMB - quad expanding the production of iron ore mines nearby with the cost of approximately 1.5 billion RMB| 1980s | | :--- | | Measures adopted to solve some prevailing problems of the iron and steel production | | centre X : | | - $\quad$ modernising plants with the cost of approximately 3.4 billion RMB | | - $\quad$ expanding the production of iron ore mines nearby with the cost of approximately | | 1.5 billion RMB |