Cybercrime in Burkina: “The BCLCC registers nearly 3,000 complaints annually”, Aimé Guisrima Ouédraogo, Communication department
布基纳法索的网络犯罪:“BCLCC 每年登记近 3,000 起投诉”,Aimé Guisrima Ouédraogo,通讯部

Aimé Guisrima Ouédraogo of the BCLCC: “To fight against the phenomenon, internet users must be careful on digital platforms”.
BCLCC 的 Aimé Guisrima Ouédraogo:“为了对抗这种现象,互联网用户必须在数字平台上保持谨慎”。

In Burkina, cybercrime is growing more and more. Many citizens are victims of cyber offenders who use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for unhealthy purposes...
在布基纳法索,网络犯罪日益猖獗。许多公民是网络罪犯的受害者,他们利用信息和通信技术 (ICT) 进行不健康的目的......

On Monday June 24, 2024, Sidwaya spoke with Aimé Guisrima Ouédraogo, from the Brigade's communications department central office for the fight against cybercrime (BCLCC), on the phenomenon.
2024 年 6 月 24 日星期一,Sidwaya 与该旅打击网络犯罪通信部中央办公室 (BCLCC) 的 Aimé Guisrima Ouédraogo 就这一现象进行了交谈。

(S): Tell us about the Central Cybercrime Brigade (BCLCC)?
(S):请介绍一下中央网络犯罪大队 (BCLCC)?

AGO: The Central Cybercrime Brigade (BCLCC) was created on February 14, 2020 following several It is with regard to the recognition of IT offenses and those facilitated by Information Technologies and communication (ICT) that the Burkinabè State deemed it appropriate to create our institution whose flagship mission is to fight against all acts of cybercriminals in Burkina, namely all offenses linked to IT and those facilitated by ICT.
AGO:中央网络犯罪大队 (BCLCC) 于 2020 年 2 月 14 日成立,此前布基纳法索州认为成立我们的机构是为了承认 IT 犯罪以及信息技术和通信 (ICT) 所促成的犯罪其主要使命是打击布基纳法索的所有网络犯罪行为,即所有与信息技术相关的犯罪行为以及信息通信技术助长的犯罪行为。

Our brigade is organized around three major divisions. The first is the investigations division which is responsible for carrying out investigations, searching for the perpetrators of the offenses, arresting them, hearing them and bringing them before the courts so that the perpetrators answer for their actions. The second is a digital forensic and technology monitoring laboratory which is the technical arm of the BCLCC whose mission is to extract all content in mobile phones and laptops to support the first division in investigations.
我们的旅由三个主要师组成。第一个是调查部门,负责开展调查、寻找犯罪者、逮捕他们、听审并将他们送上法庭,以便犯罪者对其行为负责。第二个是数字取证和技术监控实验室,是 BCLCC 的技术部门,其任务是提取手机和笔记本电脑中的所有内容,以支持第一部门的调查。

The third is the division of communication statistics and police collaboration. Its mission is to communicate on computer offenses and those facilitated by ICT and to establish statistics linked to acts of cybercrime in Burkina. This is to inform the authorities so that if there are situations, measures are taken to counter certain attacks or certain manifestations of cybercrime. The brigade employs a mixed staff made up of gendarmes and police officers.

S: What are your areas of expertise?

AGO: As far as our area of ​​expertise is concerned, the BCLCC investigates purely cyber offenses and those facilitated by ICT.
AGO:就我们的专业领域而言,BCLCC 调查纯粹的网络犯罪以及由 ICT 促成的犯罪。

S: What are the legislative tests that govern the activities of the BCLCC?
S:管理 BCLCC 活动的立法测试是什么?

AGO: The BCLCC was created by decree. We also have the Penal Code which governs all offenses. We also have a national strategy to combat cybercrime which is being developed which will be accompanied by an action plan over a period which will even take into account the question of drying up the sources of terrorism.
前:BCLCC 是根据法令创建的。我们还有管辖所有犯罪行为的《刑法》。我们还有一项正在制定的打击网络犯罪的国家战略,该战略将附有一项一段时期的行动计划,其中甚至将考虑到消除恐怖主义根源的问题。

S: Are there no conflicts of jurisdiction between the Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (CIL) and you?

AGO: No. There are no conflicts of interest between CIL and BCLCC. I said earlier that the Brigade's primary area is the fight against acts of cybercriminals in Burkina, on the other hand when you take the CIL, it is an institution which is responsible for the protection of personal data. While our structure does prevention and repression. We do prevention in the sense of raising awareness and training users in the use of ICT. On the other hand, the CIL is in the protection of personal data. It can also take so-called administrative sanctions when personal data is disclosed in breach of the law.
AGO:没有。CIL 和 BCLCC 之间不存在利益冲突。我之前说过,该旅的主要职责是打击布基纳法索的网络犯罪行为,而CIL则是一个负责保护个人数据的机构。而我们的结构则负责预防和镇压。我们进行预防是为了提高人们的意识并培训用户使用信息通信技术。另一方面,CIL则是在保护个人数据。当违反法律披露个人数据时,还可以采取所谓的行政制裁。

S: Who can grab you?

AGO: Any Burkinabè citizen can contact us. We are linked to a central management which is under the supervision of the Ministry of Security. Any person who is infringed on their rights in relation to ICT can contact us.
AGO:任何布基纳法索公民都可以联系我们。我们与受安全部监督的中央管理部门有联系。任何在 ICT 方面的权利受到侵犯的人都可以联系我们。

S: Do you ever take up a file yourself?

AGO: Yes. There are offenses for which the BCLCC can seize itself. We have had to deal with cases where the brigade has taken matters into its own hands by arresting for questioning and referring the author of the offense in question.
阿古:是的。对于某些违法行为,BCLCC 可以自行处理。我们不得不处理该大队自行处理案件,逮捕讯问并移交有关犯罪行为人的案件。

S: Generally, what are the different reasons for which citizens appeal to you?

AGO: The types of complaints we register are ICT scams, harassment or even cyber harassment, breach of trust, fraudulent approval. There are also attempted fraud, threats via ICT, webcam blackmail, illegal access to accounts in the identity situation, attacks on honor, on the consideration of people and on life deprived of authorities. Finally, we have what is called cash theft.
AGO:我们登记的投诉​​类型包括 ICT 诈骗、骚扰甚至网络骚扰、违反信任、欺诈性批准。还有企图欺诈、通过信息通信技术进行威胁、网络摄像头勒索、在身份情况下非法访问帐户、攻击荣誉、攻击人民以及剥夺权威的生活。最后,我们还有所谓的现金盗窃。

S: These days, fake news is flooding the web. What are you doing to deal with it?

AGO: It is important that we define what fake news is. It should be noted that within the meaning of the law, fake news refers to any inaccurate or misleading allegation or imputation of a fact. Quite simply to better understand the meaning, it is important that we divide them into three categories. The first category is what we call disinformation. It is information created deliberately to harm a person, group, organization or country. The second category is when information is false and the person spreading the information believes it to be true.

And, the third category is what we call misinformation. When information is basically true, but taken for example out of context, simply distorted, amplified in such a way as to support a statement with the aim of harming a person, a group, an organization or a country. But, it should be noted that in Burkina, unfortunately, the three categories are registered in the country of Men of Integrity. They are very dangerous.

Therefore, the BCLCC works to combat the dissemination of false information on social networks through awareness campaigns and communications on traditional media such as radio and television. We raise awareness among populations so that they check the information before disseminating it. Because it is very important to carefully check the information before disseminating it. Today we are really working to fight effectively against the proliferation of false news in Burkina, more precisely in a context of security crisis.

S: In your opinion, why is cyber delinquency growing in Burkina?

AGO: Regarding cyber delinquency, we must remember that it is completely normal. In the years 2005-2008 not everyone had access to smartphones. Today everyone has a smartphone. We take internet packages, we browse as we want. So, alongside all this, cyber delinquency has developed, which is perhaps delinquency that takes place in the digital space, on the web.

People use what we call social engineering, that is to say, they try to cross-reference information about you taking into account your habits, your preferences, your tastes to really bait you. Afterwards, it is completely normal that this has grown in scale also with regard to the use of technology, information and communication. This is why the BCLCC also works to fight against cyber delinquency.

S: Do you encounter cases of pseudo-cybercriminals in your investigations?

AGO: Yes. In our investigations, we sometimes come across cases of pseudo-cybercriminals. In the case of our investigations, cases related to these aspects arise.

S: How widespread is the phenomenon?

AGO: Cybercrime has taken on very worrying proportions in Burkina. When we refer to the number of complaints, we register practically 2,000
AGO:网络犯罪在布基纳法索的规模非常令人担忧。当我们提到投诉数量时,我们登记了近 2,000 起

to 3,000 complaints per year. As for the damage each year, we have practically 1 billion 400 million CFA francs without forgetting the other security services which also receive complaints related to the issue of cybercrime.
每年 3,000 起投诉。至于每年造成的损失,我们几乎有 10 亿 4 亿非洲法郎,不要忘记其他安全部门也收到与网络犯罪问题有关的投诉。

S: How to combat the phenomenon?

AGO: To combat the phenomenon, internet users must be careful on digital platforms. They must also massively report acts of cybercrime. This is how we will be able to effectively fight cybercrime. Citizens must also report cases of cybercrime so that we can successfully take this into account. In addition, it is together that we will be able to fight against the issue of cybercrime.

S: What are the criminal sanctions provided for perpetrators of crimes on the internet in Burkina?

AGO: Concerning the sanctions incurred, it depends from one offense to another. If I take the question of disinformation as an example, article 312-13 of the Penal Code stipulates that "is punishable by a prison sentence of 1 to 5 years and a fine of 1 million to 10 million F CFA, any person who intentionally communicated, published, popularized by means of a means of communication whatever the medium, false information likely to make people believe in destruction, damage, deterioration of property or harm to persons which has been committed or which is going to be committed”.

S: Your appeal to the population?

AGO: To combat the phenomenon, we call on Internet users to be very vigilant when they are on digital platforms because not everything is true on digital platforms. You really have to have discernment. It is necessary to verify the information before disseminating it. We ask Internet users to always refer to official communication channels.

Evariste YODA

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