彼得·安德鲁·耶尔德姆 (PETER ANDREW YELDHAM) 的宣誓书 2024 年 12 月 18 日
Court 法院
Supreme Court of New South Wales 新南威尔士州最高法院
Division 划分
Equity 公平
List 列表
Commercial 商业
Registry 注册表
Sydney 悉尼
Case number 案例编号
Plaintiff 原告
Jing Zhang 张静
Defendant 被告
Wenying Zhu 朱文英
Court Supreme Court of New South Wales
Division Equity
List Commercial
Registry Sydney
Case number 2024/00237506
Plaintiff Jing Zhang
Defendant Wenying Zhu
| :--- | :--- |
| Court | Supreme Court of New South Wales |
| Division | Equity |
| List | Commercial |
| Registry | Sydney |
| Case number | 2024/00237506 |
| Plaintiff | Jing Zhang |
| Defendant | Wenying Zhu |
This is the exhibit marked “PAY-1” referred to in the affidavit of Peter Andrew Yeldham affirmed before me on 18 December 2024. 这是 2024 年 12 月 18 日在我面前确认的彼得·安德鲁·耶尔德姆 (Peter Andrew Yeldham) 宣誓书中提到的标有“PAY-1”的证物。
Signature of witness 见证人签名
Name of witness 证人姓名
Address of witness 证人地址
Peter Sohn Dougherty 彼得·索恩·多尔蒂
Level 61 Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney NSW 2000 Level 61 Governor Phillip Tower, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Capacity of witness 证人能力
Solicitor 律师
Yimeng Tao 陶一孟
Has satisfied the requirements to be awarded the credential of 已满足获得以下证书的要求
Certified Translator
Chinese into English 认证翻译
This credential is valid from 16 May 2021 此证书自 2021 年 5 月 16 日起生效
and will expire on 17 February 2025 将于 2025 年 2 月 17 日到期
Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官
三 X C . L ^ W 三 X C .L ^ W
23 July 2024 23 七月 2024
Mr Peter Yeldham Peter Yeldham 先生King & Wood Mallesons
Level 61, Governor Phillip Tower 菲利普总督大厦 61 层
1 Farrer Place 花拉广场 1 号
Sydney NSW 2000 悉尼 新南威尔士州 2000
By Email:peter.yeldham@au.kwm.com
Cc: zhi.li@au.kwm.com 由 Email:peter.yeldham@au.kwm.com
Dear Sir, 尊敬的先生:
Re: In the Supreme Court of NSW Proceedings Jing Zhang v Wenying Zhu (2024/237506) (the “Proceedings”) 回复:在新南威尔士州最高法院的诉讼程序中 Jing Zhang v Wenying Zhu (2024/237506) (“诉讼”)
We refer to the above matter. We act for the Defendant, Mr Wenying Zhu, in these Proceedings. 我们参考上述问题。我们在这些诉讼中代表被告 Wenying Zhu 先生。
We confirm receipt of the sealed copy of the Summons in the Proceedings and the Commercial List Statement on 15 July 2024. 我们确认于 2024 年 7 月 15 日收到诉讼传票和商业清单声明的盖章副本。
Request for Further and Better Particulars 要求提供更多及更详尽的资料
Pursuant to rule 15.1 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 2005 (NSW) and Practice Note SC Eq 3 ( PNEq\mathbf{P N} \mathbf{E q} 3), the Statement must give particulars as is necessary to enable our client to understand the basis upon your client is making its claims against our client. 根据 2005 年统一民事诉讼规则 (NSW) 第 15.1 条和实务说明 SC Eq 3 ( PNEq\mathbf{P N} \mathbf{E q} 3),该声明必须提供必要的详细信息,使我们的客户能够理解您的客户对我们的客户提出索赔的依据。
In order to narrow the issues and to enable our client to understand the case which it is required to meet, we are instructed to make the following request for better and further particulars. 为了缩小问题范围并使我们的客户能够了解需要满足的案件,我们被指示提出以下请求,以获得更好和更深入的细节。
For your reference, the term ‘Usual Particulars’ has the following meaning in respect of the request set out in this letter: 为方便阁下参考,「通常事项」一词就本函件所载的要求而言,其涵义如下:
a. A request for the “Usual Particulars” of any allegations means the basis upon which the allegation is made and the explanation sought in respect of the allegation. 一个。要求提供任何指控的“通常详情”是指提出指控的依据以及就指控寻求的解释。
b. A request for the “Usual Particulars” of a contract, agreement, arrangement, understanding, intention, transaction, communication, statement, representation, knowledge or thing is a request for the following further and better particulars of it: b.要求提供合同、协议、安排、谅解、意向、交易、通讯、声明、陈述、知识或事物的「通常详情」,即表示要求提供以下进一步和更好的详情:
I. Is it alleged to have been: I. 是否被指控:
a. express; a. 快递;
b. implied; or b. 暗示;或
c. partly express and partly implied? c. 部分明示,部分暗示?
II. If it was express or partly express, then to the extent that it was express, is it alleged to have been: II. 如果它是明示的或部分明示的,那么在它是明示的范围内,它是否被指称是:
a. Oral; 一个。口头的;
b. In writing; or b.以书面形式;或
c. Partly oral and partly in writing? c. 部分口头,部分书面?
III. If it is alleged to have been in writing, or partly in writing, then please identify the alleged writing and provide a copy of it to us. III. 如果据称是书面形式或部分书面形式,请指明所指称的文字,并向我们提供一份副本。
IV. If it is alleged to have been oral, or partly oral, then to the extent that it was oral (the oral part), please specify: IV. 如果被指称是口头的,或部分是口头的,那么在口头的范围内(口头部分),请说明:
a. On what date is the oral part alleged to have been made; 一个。据称口头部分是在什么日期完成的;
b. At what place is the oral part alleged to have been made; b.据称在什么地方制作了口头部分;
c. By whom on behalf of each party was the oral part made; c. 由谁代表每一方进行口头部分;
d. In the presence of whom was the oral part made; and d. 在谁面前制作了口述部分;和
e. The precise terms of the oral part. e.口述部分的确切术语。
V. If it is alleged to have been implied, or partly implied, then to what extent that it was implied (the implied part), please specify: V. 如果据称是默示的或部分默示的,那么它是在多大程度上被暗示的(默示部分),请具体说明:
a. On what date is the implied part alleged to have been made; 一个。隐含部分被指称是在什么日期制作的;
b. At what place is the implied part alleged to have been made; b.据称隐含部分是在什么地方制造的;
c. By whom on behalf of each party was the implied part made; c. 默示部分由谁代表每一方订立;
d. In the presence of whom was the implied part made; d. 在谁在场的情况下制作了默示的部分;
e. What conduct is alleged to constitute or give rise to the implied part; e.什么行为被指称构成或导致隐含部分;
f. Any other facts and matters on which the plaintiff relies to establish that it was implied; and f.原告人所依据的任何其他事实及事项,以证明其为隐含之物;和
g. The precise terms of the implied part. g.隐含部分的确切条款。
We make the request for further and better particulars as follows. 我们要求提供更多和更好的详细信息,如下所示。
Subparagraph 13(c) 第 13(c) 项
Please provide usual particulars of the allegation set out in this subparagraph. 请提供本小段所载指控的一般详情。
Paragraph 14 第 14 段
Please provide a copy of the following documents referred to therein: 请提供其中提及的以下文件的副本:
a. Loan Agreement dated 9 September 2015; a. 2015 年 9 月 9 日的贷款协议;
b. Loan Agreement dated 30 October 2015; b. 2015 年 10 月 30 日的贷款协议;
c. Loan Agreement dated 17 November 2015; and c. 2015 年 11 月 17 日的贷款协议;和
d. Loan Agreement dated 20 November 2015. d. 2015 年 11 月 20 日的贷款协议。
Paragraph 16 第 16 段
Please provide usual particulars of the allegation that the Defendant was ‘affiliated’ with the Borrower. 请提供被告人与借款人有“联系”的指控的一般详情。
Paragraph 17 第 17 段
Please provide a copy of the following documents referred to therein: 请提供其中提及的以下文件的副本:
a. Enterprise Guarantee dated 9 September 2015; a. 2015 年 9 月 9 日的企业担保;
b. Personal Guarantee dated 9 September 2015; b. 2015 年 9 月 9 日的个人担保;
c. Guarantor Undertaking dated 9 September 2015; c. 2015 年 9 月 9 日的担保人承诺书;
d. Enterprise Guarantee dated 30 October 2015; d. 2015 年 10 月 30 日的企业担保;
e. Personal Guarantee dated 30 October 2015; e. 2015 年 10 月 30 日的个人担保;
f. Guarantor Undertaking dated 30 October 2015; f. 2015 年 10 月 30 日的担保人承诺书;
g. Enterprise Guarantee dated 17 November 2015; g. 2015 年 11 月 17 日的企业担保;
h. Personal Guarantee dated 17 November 2015; h. 2015 年 11 月 17 日的个人担保;
i. Guarantor Undertaking dated 17 November 2015; i. 2015 年 11 月 17 日的担保人承诺书;
j. Enterprise Guarantee dated 20 November 2015; j. 2015 年 11 月 20 日的企业担保;
k. Personal Guarantee dated 20 November 2015; and k. 2015 年 11 月 20 日的个人担保;和
Please provide a copy of the following documents referred to therein: 请提供其中提及的以下文件的副本:
a. Transcript of proceedings before the Lanshan Court for the trial held on 12 June 2017; and 一个。2017 年 6 月 12 日在兰山法院进行的审判程序誊本;和
b. Transcript of court mediation held on 22 June 2017. b.2017 年 6 月 22 日进行的法庭调解誊本。
Paragraph 22 第 22 段
Please provide usual particulars of the ‘trial’ held and presided by the Lanshan Court on 12 June 2017 as referred to in subparagraph a.; and 请提供 2017 年 6 月 12 日由兰山法院举行和主持的“审判”的一般详情,如第 a 节所述;和
Please provide usual particulars of the ‘court mediation procedure’, held and presided by the Lanshan Court on 22 June 2017, as referred to in subparagraph b. 请提供 2017 年 6 月 22 日由兰山法院举行和主持的“法院调解程序”的一般详情,如 b 项所述。
Paragraphs 23 第 23 段
Please provide usual particulars of the allegation that the Defendant was represented by a ‘legal counsel’ in the proceeding before the Lanshan Court; 请提供被告人在兰山法院的诉讼中由“法律顾问”代表的指控的一般详情;
Please provide usual particulars of the allegation that Defendant’s ‘legal representative’ appeared on her behalf at the ‘trial’ held on 12 June 2017; 请提供被告人的“法律代表”代表她出席 2017 年 6 月 12 日举行的“审判”的指控的通常详情;
Please provide usual particulars of the allegation that Defendant’s ‘legal representative’ appeared on her behalf at the ‘court mediation procedure’; 请提供被告的“法定代表”代表她出席“法院调解程序”的指控的通常详情;
Please provide usual particulars of the ‘defence on the merits’ of the proceeding as referred to in subparagraph a.; and 请提供 a. 项所述的诉讼程序的“案情辩护”的通常详情;和
Please provide usual particulars of the ‘mediation’ as referred to in subparagraph b. 请提供 b 项所指的“调解”的通常详情。
Paragraphs 24 第 24 段
Please provide usual particulars of the allegation that the Defendant was a resident within the Lanshan District of Linyi City at all material times during the debt claim proceeding. 请提供被告人在债务申索程序期间所有关键时间均是临沂市兰山区居民的指控的一般详情。
Paragraph 28 第 28 段
Please provide usual particulars of the allegation that the Judgment was made with ‘consent’ of the parties, including the Defendant; and 请提供指控的通常详情,即判决是在各方(包括被告)的“同意”下做出的;和
Please provide a copy of the following documents referred to therein: 请提供其中提及的以下文件的副本:
a. Ruling for Enforcement (2018) Lu 1302 Zhi No. 6333 dated 8 November 2018 一个。2018 年 11 月 8 日释 1302 知第 6333 号裁定
Paragraph 31 第 31 段
22. Please provide a copy of the following documents referred to therein: 22. 请提供其中提及的以下文件的副本:
a. Application for enforcement dated 30 October 2017; and 一个。2017 年 10 月 30 日的执行申请;和
b. Enforcement case filing registration form dated 30 October 2017. b.2017 年 10 月 30 日的执行案件提交登记表。
Paragraph 32 第 32 段
23. Please provide usual particulars of the allegation that legal representative referred to therein is the legal representative for the Defendant; and 23. 请提供指控的通常详情,即其中提及的法律代表是被告的法律代表;和
24. Please provide a copy of the following documents referred to therein: 24. 请提供其中提及的以下文件的副本:
a. Service Receipt signed by Cuncai Sun dated 15 November 2017. a. 由 Cuncai Sun 于 2017 年 11 月 15 日签署的服务收据。
Paragraph 33 第 33 段
Please provide a copy of the following documents referred to therein: 请提供其中提及的以下文件的副本:
a. Ruling for Enforcement (2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No. 5605 and (2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No. 5533 dated 11 December 2017. 一个。2017 年 12 月 11 日释 (2017) 鲁 1302 知 5605 号和(2017) 鲁 1302 知 5533 号裁定。
Paragraph 36 第 36 段
Please provide a copy of the following documents referred to therein: 请提供其中提及的以下文件的副本:
a. Article 561 of the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China; 一个。《中华人民共和国民法典》第 561 条;
b. Article 253 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China; b.《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第 253 条;
c. Notice of Assistance in Enforcement (2018) Lu 1302 Zhi No. 6333 dated 8 November 2018; c. 2018 年 11 月 8 日的协助执行通知 (2018) 鲁 1302 志第 6333 号;
d. Explanation of the Calculation of the Enforcement Payments issued by the People’s Court of Luozhuang District Linyi City dated 22 April 2024 d. 临沂市罗庄区人民法院于 2024 年 4 月 22 日发布的《执行费计算说明》
Paragraph 37 第 37 段
Please provide a copy of the following documents referred to therein: 请提供其中提及的以下文件的副本:
a. Ruling for Enforcement (2020) Lin Zhi Zhi Zi No. 20 dated 22 June 2020. 一个。2020 年 6 月 22 日林之志字第 20 号执行裁定。
Please provide a response to the above request within 7 days of this letter. We propose that upon receipt of a fulsome response to the above request, that our client be given 21 days to file and serve a List Response. 请在收到此信函后 7 天内回复上述请求。我们建议在收到对上述请求的充分回复后,我们的客户有 21 天的时间提交和送达列表回复。
Asset position of our client 我们客户的资产头寸
We refer to the second page of your letter dated 1 July 2024. 我们参考您 2024 年 7 月 1 日信函的第二页。
We understand that you seek clarification with respect to our client’s assent position in Australia. 我们理解您寻求澄清我们客户在澳大利亚的同意立场。
We consider such enquiry to be wholly premature in circumstances where your client is yet to obtain an order from the Court allowing the registration of the alleged foreign judgment. 我们认为,如果您的客户尚未从法院获得允许登记所称外国判决的命令,则此类调查完全为时过早。
We are nonetheless instructed to indicate the following: 尽管如此,我们仍被指示表明以下内容:
a. The property situated at Unit 13//2813 / 28 Cadell Street, Toowong QLD 4066 (Title Reference 50167512) is not recognised by our client; 一个。位于 Unit 13//2813 / 28 Cadell Street, Toowong QLD 4066 (Title Reference 50167512) 的房产未被我们的客户认可;
b. Our client owns 100%100 \% shares of Can & Huanxiao Pty Ltd ACN 663767 324, and the value of the shares is $100\$ 100; to the best of our client’s knowledge, this company does not have any business or assets; b.我们的客户拥有 100%100 \% Can & Huanxiao Pty Ltd ACN 663767 324的股份,股份的价值是 $100\$ 100 ;据我们客户所知,这家公司没有任何业务或资产;
c. Our client owns 50% shares of Hua Yuan Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 616662 992, and the value of the shares is $50\$ 50; to the best of our client’s knowledge, this company does not have any business or assets; c. 我们的客户拥有 华 Yuan Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 616662 992 50% 的股份,股份价值为 $50\$ 50 ;据我们客户所知,这家公司没有任何业务或资产;
d. Our client owns 100% shares of Davin Investment Pty Ltd ACN 622949 446, and the value of the shares is $100\$ 100; this company owns Wurruk Property and the business “The Wurruk Motel” operating at 46-54 Wurruk Way, Wurruk VIC 3850 (Title Reference 8385/856; 9514/081; 9623/763) (Wurruk Property); d. 我们的客户拥有 Davin Investment Pty Ltd ACN 622949 446 的 100% 股份,股份价值为 $100\$ 100 ;该公司拥有 Wurruk Property 和位于 46-54 Wurruk Way, Wurruk VIC 3850 的“The Wurruk Motel”企业(产权参考 8385/856;9514/081;9623/763)(Wurruk Property);
e. The Wurruk Property is held by Davin Investment Pty Ltd ACN 622949 446; e.Wurruk 项目区由 Davin Investment Pty Ltd ACN 622949 446 持有;
f. Our client denies that she is the proprietor of the 10 Daphne Street, Canterbury VIC 3162 (Title Reference 7053/428); and f.我们的客户否认她是 10 Daphne Street, Canterbury VIC 3162(标题参考 7053/428)的所有者;和
g. To the best of our client’s knowledge, our client does not hold any interest in any other assets in Australia. g.据我们客户所知,我们的客户在澳大利亚的任何其他资产中不持有任何权益。
Transfer to the Supreme Court of Victoria 移交维多利亚州最高法院
We give you advance notice that our client is in the process of considering an application before this Court to have the matter transferred to the Supreme Court of Victoria. 我们提前通知您,我们的客户正在考虑向本法院申请,要求将此事移交给维多利亚州最高法院。
In this regard, and as you are very well aware, our client resides in the State of Victoria with her two daughters, and is involved in the day-to-day operation of the Wurruk Motel. 在这方面,正如您非常清楚的那样,我们的客户和她的两个女儿居住在维多利亚州,并参与了 Wurruk 汽车旅馆的日常运营。
So that we can seek instructions, please provide relevant reasons as to why it is (or would be) suggested that this Court is considered more appropriate forum than the Supreme Court of Victoria. 以便我们寻求指示,请提供相关理由,说明为什么(或将会)建议本法院被认为比维多利亚州最高法院更合适。
Absent any good reasons contrariwise, we consider that the Court ought to transfer the proceedings as currently contemplated. 在没有任何充分理由的情况下,我们认为法院应该按照目前的设想转移法律程序。
For this purpose, we require you to clarify your choice of forum on or before close of business on 24 July 2024. 为此,我们要求您在 2024 年 7 月 24 日下班时或之前澄清您选择的论坛。
Asset Position of your client 您客户的资产位置
For the purpose of any potential security for costs application, we are instructed to request your client to inform us in writing of all your client’s assets in Australia, giving: 为了申请任何潜在的讼费担保,我们被指示要求您的客户以书面形式通知我们您客户在澳大利亚的所有资产,并提供:
a. their value; a. 它们的价值;
b. location; and b. 位置;和
c. details (including any mortgages or other encumbrances to which they are subject) and the extent of your interest in the assets. c. 详细信息(包括它们所受的任何抵押或其他产权负担)以及您在资产中的权益范围。
Please provide a response to the above request within 7 days of this letter. 请在收到此信函后 7 天内回复上述请求。
Proposed consent orders for the coming direction 针对即将到来的指示的建议同意令
To save both parties costs and time, we seek any proposed Short Minutes of Order for the directions listed on 26 June 2024. 为了节省双方的成本和时间,我们寻求任何拟议的 2024 年 6 月 26 日列出的指示的简短命令。
In accordance with paragraph 60 of the PN Eq 3, we are in the process of urgently seeking instructions regarding our client’s position with respect to any potential mediation. We will provide an update as soon as we obtain those instructions. 根据 PN Eq 3 的第 60 段,我们正在紧急寻求有关客户对任何潜在调解的立场的指示。一旦获得这些说明,我们将立即提供更新。
We look forward to receiving your response(s). 我们期待收到您的回复。
Please contact the writer if you have any enquiries in relation to this letter. 如果您对这封信有任何疑问,请联系作者。
Yours sincerely, 此致
James Cho 曹建明
Managing Partner 管理合伙人
Aaron Xia 夏斌
Associate 副
TO Mr James Cho | Managing Partner 致 James Cho 先生 |管理合伙人
Suite 2, Level 16, 88 Philip Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Suite 2, Level 16, 88 Philip Street, 悉尼 NSW 2000
BY EMAIL 通过电子邮件
james.cho@exc.law; james.cho@exc.法律;
CC tina.guo@exc.law; jun.chen@exc.law; CC tina.guo@exc.law;jun.chen@exc.法律;
diane.zhang@exc.law; aaron.xia@exc.law diane.zhang@exc.法律;aaron.xia@exc.law
12 AUGUST 2024 12 八月 2024
Dear Colleagues 尊敬的同事们
Re: In the Supreme Court of New South Wales Proceedings Jing Zhang v Wenying Zhu (2024/00237506) (the "Proceedings") 回复:在新南威尔士州最高法院的诉讼程序中,Jing Zhang v Wenying Zhu (2024/00237506)(“诉讼”)
We refer to your letter dated 23 July 2024 (Your Letter). 我们参考您于 2024 年 7 月 23 日的信(您的信)。
The Breadth of the Request for Further and Better Particulars 要求提供更多和更好详情的广度
The Plaintiff’s Commercial List Statement filed on 27 June 2024 (the “Commercial List Statement”) sets out adequate particulars for the Defendant to identify the case to which she needs to respond. Nevertheless, the Plaintiff provides a response to Your Letter in the terms below. 原告人于 2024 年 6 月 27 日提交的商业名单声明(「商业名单声明」)载有足够详情,供被告人确定其需要回应的案件。尽管如此,原告人仍按以下条款对贵方的信件作出回应。
Neither the UCPR Rules nor the PN Eq 3 requires the particulars to be more than enabling the Defendant to identify the Plaintiff’s case she needs to respond. Any request for further particulars beyond the scope as outlined in these rules would be intruding to the scope of evidence. As Macfarlan JA commented at paragraph [15] of Fregnan v Stanizo [2016] NSWCA 264, UCPR 规则和 PN Eq 3 均未要求细节超过使被告能够确定她需要回应的原告案。任何超出本规则概述的范围的进一步细节请求都将侵入证据范围。正如 Macfarlan JA 在 Fregnan v Stanizo [2016] NSWCA 264 的第 [15] 段中所评论的那样,
“The ‘just, quick and cheap resolution of the real issues in the proceedings’ is not advanced by permitting defendants to seek unnecessarily detailed particulars.” “'公正、迅速和廉价地解决诉讼中的实际问题',并不是通过允许被告寻求不必要的细节来推进的。”
Response to the Defendant's Requests 回应被告的要求
Annexure 1 to this letter sets out a list of documents of which copies were requested by the Defendant in your letter. All documents listed in Annexure 1 were identified as Particulars in the Commercial List Statement. We also enclose to this letter the copies of all documents listed in Annexure 1. 本信函附件 1 列出了被告人在您的信中要求提供副本的文件清单。附件 1 中列出的所有文件均在商业清单声明中被确定为详情。我们还将附件 1 中列出的所有文件的副本附在本信中。
In respect of the request of Usual Particulars in relation to paragraph [16] of the Commercial List Statement (and referred to at paragraph [9] of Your Letter), the Defendant is listed as a guarantor in the Personal Guarantee Agreements (document 6, 9, 12 and 15 in Annexure 1) and Guarantor Undertakings (document 7, 10, 13 and 16 in Annexure 1), and has signed those Personal Guarantee Agreements and Guarantor Undertakings in that capacity. In addition: 关于商业清单声明第 [16] 段(并在您的信函第 [9] 段中提及)的通常详情请求,被告在个人担保协议(附件 1 第 6、9、12 和 15 号文件)和担保人承诺(附件 1 第 7、10、13 和 16 号文件)中被列为担保人, 并已以该身份签署了这些个人担保协议和担保人承诺。另外:
a. Mr Guide CHEN was the Legal Representative of the Borrower (Shandong Chen Shi Zhi Ye Limited Company) at the time the Loan Agreements, Personal Guarantee Agreements and Guarantor Undertakings were entered into; ^(1){ }^{1} a. 陈导先生在签订贷款协议、个人担保协议和担保承诺时是借款人(山东陈世智业有限公司)的法定代表人; ^(1){ }^{1}
b. Mr Guide CHEN was previously married to the Defendant, Wenying ZHU, at the time the Loan Agreements, Personal Guarantee Agreements and Guarantor Undertakings were entered into. b. 陈导先生在签订贷款协议、个人担保协议和担保承诺时,曾与被告人朱文英结婚。
the time and amount of the loans pleaded were conceded; 认出所申请的贷款的时间和金额;
the Borrower had repaid some principal and interest of the loans; 借款人已偿还部分贷款本金及利息;
no objections to the pleaded joint and several liability in the joint defendants there, including the Defendant in the present case; 对共同被告(包括本案中的被告)的连带责任没有异议;
interest should be calculated as 2%2 \% per month; 利息应按 2%2 \% 月计算;
c. paragraphs [22], [23] and [28] of the Commercial List Statement (and referred to at paragraphs [13], [16], [18] and [20] of Your Letter) - please see the transcript of court mediation held on 22 June 2017 (document 18 in Annexure 1), which indicates that: c. 商业清单声明的第 [22]、[23] 和 [28] 段(以及您的信函的第 [13]、[16]、[18] 和 [20] 段)- 请参阅 2017 年 6 月 22 日进行的法院调解记录(附件 1 第 18 号文件),其中表明:
i. a court mediation procedure was held and presided by the Lanshan Court on 22 June 2017; i. 兰山法院于 2017 年 6 月 22 日举行并主持了法院调解程序;
ii. Cuncai SUN appeared on behalf of your client (and other joint defendants) at that court mediation procedure; ii. Cuncai SUN 代表您的客户(和其他共同被告)出席该法院调解程序;
iii. Cuncai SUN provided consent to mediation on behalf of your client (and other joint defendants); iii. 孙存才代表您的客户(和其他共同被告)同意进行调解;
iv. Cuncai SUN presented the agreed terms of mediation to the Lanshan Court, to which the Plaintiff in that case consented; iv. 孙存才向兰山法院提交了约定的调解条款,该案的原告同意了;
v. Lanshan Court recorded the terms presented by Cuncai SUN as the agreement reached by all parties at the court mediation procedure, to which all parties provided consent during the mediation; v. 兰山法院将孙存才提出的条款记录为各方当事人在法院调解程序中达成的协议,各方当事人在调解过程中均表示同意;
The terms recorded by the Lanshan Court are identical to the orders in the Civil Mediation Judgment (2017) Lu 1302 Min Chu No. 5272 dated 22 June 2017 (a copy of which was served on the Defendant with the originating process). 兰山法院记录的条款与 2017 年 6 月 22 日民事调解判决书 (2017) 鲁 1302 民初第 5272 号中的命令相同(该判决的副本已随原诉程序送达被告)。
3. In respect of the request of Usual Particulars in relation to paragraph [32] of the Commercial List Statement (and referred to at paragraph [23] of Your Letter), the legal representative recorded in the Service Receipt is Cuncai SUN, who is listed as the legal representative for the Defendant in the following documents: 3. 就商业清单声明第 [32] 段(及函件第 [23] 段所述)的通常事项要求,服务收据上记录的法律代表是孙存才,孙存才在以下文件中被列为被告的法律代表:
a. the transcript of proceedings before the Lanshan Court for the trial held on 12 June 2017 (document 17 in Annexure 1); a. 2017 年 6 月 12 日在兰山法院进行的审判程序的誊本(附件 1 第 17 号文件);
b. the transcript of court mediation held on 22 June 2017 (document 18 in Annexure 1); and b. 2017 年 6 月 22 日进行的法庭调解誊本(附件 1 第 18 号文件);和
c. the Civil Mediation Judgment (2017) Lu 1302 Min Chu No. 5272 dated 22 June 2017. c. 2017 年 6 月 22 日民事调解判决书 (2017) Lu 1302 民初第 5272 号。
Transfer of Proceedings 诉讼程序的移交
Your letter formulates the position incorrectly. The onus is on the Defendant to establish that it appears to the Supreme Court of New South Wales that it is “in the interests of justice” to have these Proceedings be determined by the Supreme Court of Victoria, under section 5(2)(b)(iii) of the Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Act 1987 (NSW). In light of established authority, including BHP Billiton Ltd v Schultz (2004) 221 CLR 400, please identify with precision why your client contends that the requirements of the section are met. 你的信把立场表述得不正确。被告有责任证明,新南威尔士州最高法院认为,根据《1987年法院管辖权(交叉归属)法》(新南威尔士州)第5(2)(b)(iii)条,由维多利亚州最高法院裁决这些程序是“符合司法公正的利益”的。根据既定案例,包括 BHP Billiton Ltd v Schultz (2004) 221 CLR 400,请准确说明为什么您的客户认为符合该条的要求。
The Plaintiff's Assets in Australia 原告在澳大利亚的资产
The Plaintiff has nil assets in Australia. 原告在澳大利亚的资产为零。
Our client’s rights remain fully reserved. 我们保留客户的权利。
Yours faithfully 此致
[Signed] King & Wood Mallesons [签名]King & Wood Mallesons
Ruling for Enforcement (2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No.5605 and
(2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No.5533 dated 11 December 2017
Ruling for Enforcement (2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No.5605 and
(2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No.5533 dated 11 December 2017| Ruling for Enforcement (2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No.5605 and |
| :--- |
| (2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No.5533 dated 11 December 2017 |
Paragraph [25] 段落 [25]
Paragraph 33 第 33 段
《中华人民共和国民法典》第 561 条
Article 561 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of
Article 561 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of
China| Article 561 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of |
| :--- |
| China |
Paragraph [26] 段落 [26]
Paragraph 36 第 36 段
Article 253 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's
Republic of China
Article 253 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's
Republic of China| Article 253 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's |
| :--- |
| Republic of China |
Paragraph [26] 段落 [26]
Paragraph 36 第 36 段
〔2018〕 陆 1302 志
2018 年 11 月 8 日第 6333 号
Notice of Assistance in Enforcement (2018) Lu 1302 Zhi
No.6333 dated 8 November 2018
Notice of Assistance in Enforcement (2018) Lu 1302 Zhi
No.6333 dated 8 November 2018| Notice of Assistance in Enforcement (2018) Lu 1302 Zhi |
| :--- |
| No.6333 dated 8 November 2018 |
Paragraph [26] 段落 [26]
Paragraph 36 第 36 段
Notarised copy of the Explanation of the Calculation of
the Enforcement Payments issued by the People's
Notarised copy of the Explanation of the Calculation of
the Enforcement Payments issued by the People's| Notarised copy of the Explanation of the Calculation of |
| :--- |
| the Enforcement Payments issued by the People's |
Paragraph [26] 段落 [26]
Paragraph 36 第 36 段
临沂市罗庄区法院 4 月 22 日
2024 年
Court of Luozhuang District Linyi City dated 22 April
Court of Luozhuang District Linyi City dated 22 April
2024| Court of Luozhuang District Linyi City dated 22 April |
| :--- |
| 2024 |
执行裁定 (2020) 林之治字第20号
日期为 2020 年 6 月 22 日
Ruling for Enforcement (2020) Lin Zhi Zhi Zi No.20
dated 22 June 2020
Ruling for Enforcement (2020) Lin Zhi Zhi Zi No.20
dated 22 June 2020| Ruling for Enforcement (2020) Lin Zhi Zhi Zi No.20 |
| :--- |
| dated 22 June 2020 |
Paragraph [27] 段落 [27]
Paragraph 37 第 37 段
21 "Enforcement case filing registration form dated 30
October 2017" Paragraph [22] Paragraph 31
22 "Service Receipt signed by Cuncai Sun dated 15
November 2017" Paragraph [24] Paragraph 32
23 "Ruling for Enforcement (2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No.5605 and
(2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No.5533 dated 11 December 2017" Paragraph [25] Paragraph 33
24 "Article 561 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of
China" Paragraph [26] Paragraph 36
25 "Article 253 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's
Republic of China" Paragraph [26] Paragraph 36
26 "Notice of Assistance in Enforcement (2018) Lu 1302 Zhi
No.6333 dated 8 November 2018" Paragraph [26] Paragraph 36
27 "Notarised copy of the Explanation of the Calculation of
the Enforcement Payments issued by the People's" Paragraph [26] Paragraph 36
"Court of Luozhuang District Linyi City dated 22 April
28 "Ruling for Enforcement (2020) Lin Zhi Zhi Zi No.20
dated 22 June 2020" Paragraph [27] Paragraph 37| TAB | DOCUMENT | DEFENDANT'S <br> REQUESTS IN <br> YOUR LETTER | REFERENCE TO <br> THE COMEMRCIAL <br> LIST STATEMENT |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| 21 | Enforcement case filing registration form dated 30 <br> October 2017 | Paragraph [22] | Paragraph 31 |
| 22 | Service Receipt signed by Cuncai Sun dated 15 <br> November 2017 | Paragraph [24] | Paragraph 32 |
| 23 | Ruling for Enforcement (2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No.5605 and <br> (2017) Lu 1302 Zhi No.5533 dated 11 December 2017 | Paragraph [25] | Paragraph 33 |
| 24 | Article 561 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of <br> China | Paragraph [26] | Paragraph 36 |
| 25 | Article 253 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's <br> Republic of China | Paragraph [26] | Paragraph 36 |
| 26 | Notice of Assistance in Enforcement (2018) Lu 1302 Zhi <br> No.6333 dated 8 November 2018 | Paragraph [26] | Paragraph 36 |
| 27 | Notarised copy of the Explanation of the Calculation of <br> the Enforcement Payments issued by the People's | Paragraph [26] | Paragraph 36 |
| | Court of Luozhuang District Linyi City dated 22 April <br> 2024 | | |
| 28 | Ruling for Enforcement (2020) Lin Zhi Zhi Zi No.20 <br> dated 22 June 2020 | Paragraph [27] | Paragraph 37 |
This is the end of the letter. Page 5 of 5 这是这封信的结尾。第 5 页 共 5 页
Enclosures: 28 documents as identified in the above list. 附件:上述列表中确定的 28 份文件。
Yimeng Notary Public Office, Linyi, Shandong 山东省临沂市沂市
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
Primary People's Court of Lanshan District, Linyi, Shandong Province 山东省临沂市岚山区初级人民法院
Civil Mediation Judgement 民事调解判决
(2017) Lu 1302 Min Chu No. 5272 (2017) 鲁 1302 民初 5272 号
Plaintiff: Zhang Jing, female, born on 2 Oct 1966, Han Chinese, residing in Room 702, Unit 1, Building 17, Jinmao Garden, Beicheng New District, Lanshan District, Linyi. 原告:张静,女,1966年10月2日出生,汉族,居住于临沂市兰山区北城新区金茂园17号楼1单元702室。
Authorized agent ad litem: Wang Shuping, lawyer of Shandong Xuefa Law Firm. 授权诉讼代理人:王淑平,山东学发律师事务所律师。
Defendant: Shandong Chenshi Real Estate Co., Ltd., domiciled at L16, Qixiang Building, No. 18 Jinyi Road, Lanshan District, Linyi. 被告:山东辰石房地产有限公司,住所位于临沂市兰山区锦逸路18号齐祥大厦L16。
Legal Representative: Chen Guide, General Manager. 法定代表人:陈导 总经理。
Authorized agent ad litem: Sun Cuncai, lawyer of Shandong Jiehu Law Firm. 授权诉讼代理人:孙存才,山东洁虎律师事务所律师。
Defendant: Shandong Zhisheng Tangquan Tourism Resort Co., Ltd., domiciled at Beiwaihuan Road, Jiehu Town, Yinan County. Linyi. 被告:山东智胜汤泉旅游度假区有限公司,户籍位于沂南县界湖镇北外环路。临沂.
Legal Representative: Chen Guide, General Manager. 法定代表人:陈导 总经理。
Authorized agent ad litem: Sun Cuncai, lawyer of Shandong Jiehu Law Firm. 授权诉讼代理人:孙存才,山东洁虎律师事务所律师。
Co-defendant: Chen Guide, male, born on 9 May 1965, Han Chinese, residing in No. 48 Furong Road, Yinan County, Linyi. 共同被告:陈导,男,1965 年 5 月 9 日出生,汉族,居住于临沂市沂南县芙蓉路 48 号。
Authorized agent ad litem: Sun Cuncai, lawyer of Shandong Jiehu Law Firm. 授权诉讼代理人:孙存才,山东洁虎律师事务所律师。
Defendant: Zhu Wenying, female, born on 30 Dec 1977, Han Chinese, residing in Room 407, Unit 1, Building 2, No. 34 Zhuqiu Road, Lanshan District, Linyi. 被告人:朱文英,女,1977年12月30日出生,汉族,居住于临沂市兰山区竹丘路34号2号楼1单元407室。
Authorized agent ad litem: Sun Cuncai, lawyer of Shandong Jiehu Law Firm. 授权诉讼代理人:孙存才,山东洁虎律师事务所律师。
The private lending dispute case between the Plaintiff Zhang Jing and the Defendants Shandong Chenshi Real Estate Co., Ltd. (“Chenshi”), Zhisheng Tangquan Tourism Resort Co., Ltd. (“ZTTR”), Chen Guide and Zhu Wenying was filed with the Court on 13 April 2017. The case was heard in public session, using the simplified procedure according to law. 原告张静与被告山东辰石置业有限公司(以下简称“辰石”)、志盛汤泉旅游度假区有限公司(以下简称“辰石”)、陈导游、朱文英之间的民间借贷纠纷案于2017年4月13日向法院立案。该案依法采用简易程序公开审理。
Zhang Jing’s claims include: 1. an order that the Defendant Chenshi repay the principal RMB11,200,000 Yuan and interest of borrowing to the Plaintiff; 2. an order that the Defendant Chenshi pay the legal fee of RMB350,000 Yuan incurred by the Plaintiff in relation to the case; 3. an order that the Defendants ZTTR, Chen Guide and Zhu Wenying bear joint and several liability for the above borrowing and legal fee; and 4. an order that the litigation costs to be borne by the Defendant. 张静的诉讼请求包括:1、责令被告陈石向原告偿还本金1120万元及借款利息;2. 责令被告陈石支付原告因本案而产生的 350,000 元的法律费用;3. 责令被告 ZTTR、陈导、朱文英对上述借款和律师费承担连带责任;和 4.要求诉讼费用由被告承担的命令。
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
Facts and grounds: 事实和理由:
The Defendant Chenshi borrowed RMB4,000,000 Yuan from the Plaintiff on 9 Sep 2015, RMB4,000,000 Yuan from the Plaintiff on 30 Oct 2015, RMB2,000,000 Yuan from the Plaintiff on 17 Nov 2015, and RMB4,400,000 Yuan from the Plaintiff on 20 Nov 2015 due to capital turnover needs. The parties agreed to repay the principal and interest on the above loans totalling RMB14,400,000 Yuan in a lump sum in full by 30 December 2016, with interest on the loans at 3 percent per month. The Defendants in this case and the Plaintiff signed the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Loan Contract, the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Loan Guarantee Contract, and the Personal Guarantee Contract. The Plaintiff remitted the above loans of RMB14,400,000 Yuan to the Defendant Chenshi’s accounts opened with the Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of China and Linshang Bank through its bank account 6223591000004403777 account opened with the banking department of Linshang Bank Xijiao sub-branch. The Defendant Chenshi issued acknowledgements of debt to the Plaintiff for each of the four borrowings and undertook to pay the principal and interest in one lump sum at the maturity of the loans and, in case of default, to bear voluntarily the liquidated damages, the fee for the realisation of the claim and legal fees for the case to be accepted by the court at the place where the creditor is located. The Defendants ZTTR, Chen Guide, Zhu Wenying signed the acknowledgements of debt, the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Loan Guarantee Contract, and the Personal Guarantee Contract as guarantors. Upon maturity of the borrowings, the Plaintiff repeatedly demanded repayment from the Defendant. However, the Defendant only repaid RMB3,200,000 Yuan to the Plaintiff and still owes the Plaintiff a loan of RMB11,200,000 Yuan. The other Defendants shirked their responsibility as guarantors and refused to fulfil their repayment obligations. In order to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests, the Plaintiff brought the case to the court and requested the court to uphold its claims in accordance with law. 被告陈石因资金周转需要,于2015年9月9日向原告借款4,000,000元,2015年10月30日向原告借款4,000,000元,2015年11月17日向原告借款2,000,000元。双方约定于2016年12月30日前全额偿还上述贷款的本息共计人民币14,400,000元,贷款利息为每月3%。本案被告与原告签订了《中小企业贷款合同》、《中小企业贷款担保合同》、《个人担保合同》。原告通过被告陈石在临商银行西郊支行银行部开立的银行账户,将上述贷款1440万元汇入被告陈石在中国农业银行、中国银行、临商银行开立的账户6223591000004403777。被告陈石就四笔借款分别向原告发出债务认收书,并承诺在贷款到期时一次性支付本金和利息,如遇违约,则自愿承担违约金、实现索赔费用和债权人所在地法院受理案件的法律费用。被告人ZTTR、陈导、朱文英作为担保人签订了《债务回执》、《中小企业贷款担保合同》、《个人担保合同》。在借款到期时,原告人多次要求被告人偿还。 然而,被告仅向原告偿还了人民币 3,200,000 元,并且仍欠原告人民币 11,200,000 元的贷款。其他被告人逃避其作为担保人的责任,拒绝履行其还款责任。为维护自身合法权益,原告向法院提起诉讼,请求法院依法支持其诉讼请求。
In the course of the trial, the parties voluntarily reached the following agreement through court-presided mediation: 在审讯过程中,双方当事人通过法院主持的调解自愿达成以下协议:
The Defendant Chenshi agrees to repay the Plaintiff Zhang Jing’s loan of RMB11,200,000 Yuan and interest (calculated at the rate of 2% per month for the period between 4 June 2016 and the date of full repayment), to be paid by 1 Sep 2017. The Plaintiff voluntarily waives any other litigation claims. 被告陈石同意在 2017 年 9 月 1 日之前偿还原告张静的贷款 11,200,000 元和利息(从 2016 年 6 月 4 日至全额还款之日,按每月 2% 的利率计算)。原告自愿放弃任何其他诉讼索赔。
Defendants ZTTR, Chen Guide and Zhu Wenying are jointly and severally liable for amount in paragraph 1 above, and shall be entitled to recover from the Defendant Chenshi after assuming responsibility for repayment. 被告 ZTTR、陈导、朱文英对前款规定的数额负有连带责任,在承担清偿责任后有权向被告陈石追偿。
On the date of entry into force of this mediation agreement, the Plaintiff shall apply to the court for the lifting of the property preservation measures against the Defendants. 在本调解协议生效之日,原告应向法院申请解除对被告的财产保全措施。
The case filing fee of RMB91,100 Yuan, which is reduced by half to RMB45,550 Yuan, and the preservation fee of RMB5,000 Yuan, totalling RMB50,550 Yuan, shall be borne by the four Defendants. 立案费91100元,减半至45550元,保全费5000元,共计50550元,由四被告承担。
The above agreement, which is not contrary to the law, is confirmed by this court. 上述协议不违反法律,经本法院确认。
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
This mediation agreement shall have legal effect after it has been signed or sealed by the parties on the transcript and confirmed by the court. 本调解协议经当事人在笔录上签字或盖章,经法院确认后发生法律效力。
Judge: Chen Shixiang 评委:陈世祥
[Special stamp of Primary People’s Court of Lanshan District, Linyi for electronic file searches] [临沂市兰山区基层人民法院电子档案检索专用印章]
[This is a true copy of the original document] [这是原始文件的真实副本]
22 June 2017 22 六月 2017
[Stamp of the Primary People’s Court of Lanshan District, Linyi] [临沂市兰山区基层人民法院印章]
Clerk: Fang Lei 文员:方磊
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
Notarisation Certificate 公证证书
(2024) Lu Lin Yi Yi Meng Zheng Wai Zi No. 822 (2024) 鲁林一一孟郑外字第822号
The Applicant: Zhang Jing, female, born on 2 Oct 1966, ID No.: 372801196610021021. 申请人:张静,女,1966年10月2日出生,身份证号码:372801196610021021。
Matters to be notarised: photocopy being a true copy of the original documents It is hereby certified that the preceding photocopy is a true copy of the original Civil Mediation Judgement filed in the archives of the People’s Court of Lanshan District, Linyi. 公证事项: 复印件为原始文件的真实副本 特此证明,上述复印件为立于临沂市兰山区人民法院档案的民事调解裁判文书原件的真实副本。
Yimeng Notary Public Office, Linyi, Shandong Province, People’s Republic of China Notary: Li Yumeng [Stamp of Yimeng Notary Public Office, Linyi, Shandong Province] 中华人民共和国山东省临沂市沂市�
23 Apr 2024 23 4月 2024
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. ,法定代表人或授权代理人:芊库,卷德 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。,法定代表人或授权代理人:芊库,卷德 qquad\qquad -电话: 13793918999 开户银行及账号: qquad\qquad -电话: 13793918999 开户银行及账号:
In accordance with the relevant PRC laws and regulations, the parties have entered into this Contract by consensus. 根据中国相关法律法规,双方以协商一致的方式订立本合同。
Article 1 Loan 第 1 条 贷款
Amount of loan (RMB amount in words): four million Yuan. 2. Purpose of loan: capital turnover. 贷款金额(人民币金额:字):400万元。2. 贷款目的:资金周转。
Loan period: qquad\qquad , i.e., from 9 September 2015 to 30 December 2016. 借阅期限: qquad\qquad 即 2015 年 9 月 9 日至 2016 年 12 月 30 日。
In case of inconsistency between the amount of loan, date of release and date of maturity recorded in this Contract and those recorded in the loan certificate, the records in the loan certificate shall prevail. The loan certificate is an integral part of this Contract and has the same legal effect as this Contract. 本合同中记载的贷款金额、发放日期和到期日期与贷款凭证中记载的不一致的,以借款凭证中的记录为准。贷款凭证是本合同不可分割的组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。
4. Interest rate 4. 利率
(1) The monthly interest rate for the loan under this Contract shall be 30 _%^(1)\underline{30} \%{ }^{1}. (1) 本合同项下贷款的月利率为 30 _%^(1)\underline{30} \%{ }^{1} 。
(2) In the event of an increase in the benchmark loan interest rate of the People’s Bank of China during the term of the loan, the Lender shall determine the new interest rate of the loan based on the adjusted benchmark rate for loans with the same maturity and at the same level, and the above calculation method. Such new rate shall apply from the same numerical date in the month of the lending cycle following the adjustment without further notice to the Borrower. If the benchmark rate adjusting date falls on the loan release date or the same numerical date of the first month of the lending cycle, the new loan rate shall apply from the benchmark rate adjusting date. If there is no same numerical date in the month, the last day of the month shall be considered as the same numerical date. (2) 贷款期限内中国人民银行贷款基准利率上调的,贷款人应根据调整后的相同期限、同水平贷款基准利率和上述计算方法确定新的贷款利率。新利率应从调整后贷款周期月份的同一数字日期开始适用,恕不另行通知借款人。如果基准利率调整日为贷款发放日或贷款周期第一个月的同一数字日,则新的贷款利率应从基准利率调整日开始适用。如果该月没有相同的数字日期,则该月的最后一天应被视为相同的数字日期。
(3) In the event of a decrease in the benchmark lending rate of the People’s Bank of China during the term of the loan, the interest rate agreed in this Contract shall continue to be applied. (3) 贷款期限内中国人民银行基准贷款利率下调时,继续适用本合同约定的利率。
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
5. Settlement of interest 5. 利息结算
The loan under this Contract shall bear interest to be settled every (month/quarterly/all to paid together with the principal repayment). The Interest settlement date is the 20th of each month. The Borrower shall pay interest on each interest settlement date. If the last repayment date of the principal is not on the interest settlement date, the unpaid interest shall be paid together with the principal repayment (daily interest rate == monthly interest rate/30). 本合同项下的贷款应计息,每结清一次(每月/每季度/全部支付,连同本金清偿)。利息结算日期是每月的 20 日。借款人应于每个付息日支付利息。如果本金的最后还款日不是利息结算日,未付的利息应与本金还款(日利率 == 月利率/30)一并支付。
Article 2 The Lender shall have the right not to provide the loan hereunder if the following conditions are not met: 第二条 不具备下列条件的,贷款人有权不提供贷款:
The Borrower provides relevant documents and materials and completes relevant formalities as required by the Lender. 借款人按贷款人要求提供相关文件和材料并完成相关手续。
If the loan hereunder is secured by mortgage or pledge, the relevant legal formalities such as registration or insurance have been completed as required by the Lender and the security or insurance continues to be effective. If the loan hereunder is secured by guarantee, the guarantee contract has been signed and continues to be effective. 如果本协议项下的贷款以抵押或质押担保,则贷款人已按贷款人要求完成登记或保险等相关法律手续,且担保或保险继续有效。如果本协议项下的贷款以担保为担保,则担保合同已签订并继续有效。
There has been no material adverse change in the operating and financial conditions of the Borrower. 借款人的经营和财务状况没有发生重大不利变化。
The Borrower has not breached provisions of this Contract. 借款人没有违反本合同的规定。
Article 3 Rights and Obligations of the Lender 第 3 条 贷款人的权利和义务
The Lender has the right to know the production and operation, financial activities, inventory and use of loan of the Borrower, and to request financial statements and other documents, materials and information from the Borrower on a regular basis. 贷款人有权了解借款人的生产经营、财务活动、库存和贷款用途,并有权定期向借款人索取财务报表和其他文件、资料和信息。
If any adverse behaviours or circumstances occur in respect of the Borrower that are sufficient to affect the security of the loan, including but not limited to those listed in items 6, 7 and 9 of Article 4 hereunder, the Lender may stop the release of the loan or recover the principal and interest in advance. 如果借款人发生任何不利的行为或情况,足以影响贷款安全,包括但不限于本协议第四条第 6 项、第 7 项和第 9 项所列的行为或情况,贷款人可以停止发放贷款或提前收回本金和利息。
If the amount repaid by the Borrower is insufficient to settle the amount payable hereunder, the Lender may choose to use such amount for the repayment of principal, interest, penalty interest, compound interest or collection of debt. 如果借款人偿还的金额不足以清偿本协议项下的应付金额,贷款人可以选择将该金额用于偿还本金、利息、罚息、复利或追讨债务。
If the Borrower fails to fulfil the repayment obligation, the Lender may make public disclosure on the Borrower’s default through various media such as radio, television and newspaper. 如果借款人未能履行还款义务,贷款人可以通过广播、电视和报纸等各种媒体公开披露借款人的违约情况。
The Lender shall release the loan to the Borrower in accordance with this Contract. 贷款人应根据本合同向借款人发放贷款。
Article 4 Rights and Obligations of the Borrower 第 4 条 借款人的权利和义务
The Borrower has the right to obtain and use the loan in accordance with this Contract. 借款人有权根据本合同获得和使用贷款。
The Borrower shall return the principal and interest of the loan on time. In case of special circumstances and if the Borrower cannot make repayment on the maturity date and needs to 借款人应按时归还贷款本金和利息。如遇特殊情况,如借款人无法于到期日还款,且需要
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
extend the loan, the Borrower shall submit a written application for extension to the Lender 15 days before the expiry of the loan and sign a loan extension agreement with the Lender’s consent. 延长贷款期限,借款人应在贷款到期前 15 天向贷款人提交书面贷款延期申请,并在贷款人同意下签署贷款延期协议。
3. The Borrower shall use the loan according to the purpose agreed in this Contract and shall not use the loan for other purposes. 3. 借款人应按照本合同约定的用途使用贷款,不得将贷款用于其他用途。
4. The Borrower shall provide the Lender with true, complete and effective financial statements or other relevant materials and information on a monthly basis, and actively co-operate with the Lender in the inspection of the Borrower’s production and operation, financial activities and use of loan hereunder. 4. 借款人应每月向贷款人提供真实、完整、有效的财务报表或其他相关资料和资料,并积极配合贷款人检查借款人的生产经营、财务活动和贷款用途。
5. If the Borrower shall not carry out acts that are sufficient to cause changes in the credit and debt relationship under this Contract or affect the realisation of the Lender’s credits, including contracting, leasing, shareholding reform, association, merger, separation, joint venture (cooperation), establishment of subsidiaries, transfer of assets (leasing, lending, granting or transfer), application for suspension of business and rectification, application for dissolution, application for insolvency and other acts unless it notifies the Lender in writing 15 days in advance, obtains the consent of the Lender, and identifies responsibility for loan repayment or settles the debt in advance. 5. 如果借款人不进行足以导致本合同项下债权关系发生变化或影响贷方信用变现的行为,包括签订合同、租赁、股份制改革、联合、合并、分立、合资(合作)、设立子公司、转让资产(出租、出借、赠与或转让)、申请停业和整顿, 申请解除贷款、申请破产等行为,除非事先 15 日书面通知贷款人,获得贷款人同意,并确定偿还贷款的责任或提前清偿债务。
6. The Borrower shall immediately notify the Lender in writing of the occurrence of any other circumstances that will have a material adverse effect on the performance of its repayment obligations hereunder other than the acts mentioned in the preceding paragraph, such as the suspension of production, cessation of business, deregistration, cancellation of business licence, engagement in unlawful activities by the legal representative or the principal person-in-charge, involvement in major lawsuits or arbitration, serious difficulties in production and operation, and deterioration in financial condition, and shall implement measures approved by the Lender to preserve creditor’s rights. 6. 除前款所述行为外,借款人应立即书面通知贷款人,如停产、停业、注销登记、吊销营业执照、法定代表人或主要负责人从事违法活动等对履行其履行本规则项下的还款义务产生重大不利影响; 涉及重大诉讼、仲裁,生产经营困难严重,财务状况恶化的,应当执行贷款人批准的维护债权措施。
7. If the Borrower provides guarantee for the debts of others or mortgages or pledges its main property to a third party, which may affect its ability to repay the loan hereunder, it shall notify the Lender in writing 15 days in advance and obtain the Lender’s consent. 7. 借款人为他人债务提供担保或将其主要财产抵押或质押给第三方,可能影响其偿还本合同项下贷款能力的,应提前 15 日书面通知贷款人并征得贷款人同意。
8. The Borrower and its investors shall not withdrawal capital, transfer assets or assign shares without authorisation in order to evade debts to the Lender. 8. 借款人及其投资者不得未经授权提取资本、转让资产或转让股份,以逃避对贷款人的债务。
9. The Borrower shall promptly notify the Lender in writing of any change in its name, legal representative, premise or scope of business during the loan period. 9. 借款人在贷款期限内其名称、法定代表人、场所或业务范围发生任何变化,应立即以书面形式通知贷款人。
10. In the event that the guarantor of the loan hereunder ceases production or business, is deregistered, has its business licence revoked, applies for or is applied for bankruptcy or suffers operating losses, and therefore partly or entirely loses its ability to guarantee corresponding loan, or the value of the collaterals, pledges or rights of pledge used as a guarantee for the loan hereunder is impaired, the Borrower shall promptly notify the Lender in writing and provide such other guarantee measures as the Lender may approve. 10.本贷款保证人停产停业、注销登记、吊销营业执照、申请破产、申请破产或遭受经营亏损,导致部分或者全部丧失相应贷款的担保能力,或者作为贷款担保的担保物、质物或者质押权的价值发生减值; 借款人应及时以书面形式通知贷款人,并提供贷款人可能批准的其他担保措施。
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
11. The Borrower shall bear the costs of, but not limited to, legal services, insurance, transportation, assessment, auction, registration, safekeeping, appraisal, notarisation, litigation, etc., in connection with this Contract and the guarantee hereunder. 11. 借款人应承担与本合同和本协议项下保证有关的法律服务、保险、运输、评估、拍卖、登记、保管、鉴定、公证、诉讼等费用。
Article 5 Early Repayment 第 5 条 提前还款
The Borrower shall obtain the consent of the Lender for early repayment. If the Lender agrees to the Borrower’s early repayment, interest on the portion to be repaid early shall be charged at the time of repayment according to the actual period of use and the agreed interest rate. 借款人应获得贷款人对提前还款的同意。贷款人同意借款人提前还款的,提前还款部分的利息应在还款时根据实际使用期限和约定的利率收取。
Article 6 Liability for Breach 第 6 条 违约责任
If the Borrower violates any of the provisions of this Contract, the Lender shall have the right to take measures to stop the release of the loan, recover the principal and interest of the released loan in advance, or take other asset preservation measures. 借款人违反本合同任何约定的,放贷人有权采取措施停止发放贷款,提前收回发放贷款的本息,或采取其他资产保全措施。
If the Borrower fails to repay the principal within the period agreed in this Contract, the Lender shall, in addition to charging interest at the rate agreed in this Contract, charge a default penalty calculated at three times the interest rate hereunder for each day from the date of loan disbursement to the date of actual loan settlement. 如果借款人未能在本合同约定的期限内偿还本金,贷款人除应按本合同约定的利率收取利息外,还应从贷款发放之日起至实际贷款结清之日,每天收取按本协议利率三倍计算的违约罚金。
If the Borrower fails to use the loan for the purpose agreed in this Contract, the Lender shall, the Lender shall, in addition to charging interest at the rate agreed in this Contract, charge a default penalty calculated at three times the interest rate hereunder for each day from the date of loan disbursement to the date of actual loan settlement, and shall be entitled to recover the loan in advance. 如果借款人未能将贷款用于本合同约定的目的,贷款人除应按本合同约定的利率收取利息外,还应从贷款发放之日起至实际贷款结算之日,每天收取按本协议项下利率三倍计算的违约罚款, 并有权提前收回贷款。
For interest that the Borrower fails to pay on time during the loan period, compound interest will be charged at the interest rate under this Contract and based on the number of days overdue. A default penalty will also be charged at qquad\qquad times the interest rate hereunder on the unpaid interest. 对于借款人在贷款期内未能按时支付的利息,将按本合同规定的利率并根据逾期天数收取复利。对于未付的利息,还将按本协议规定的利率收取 qquad\qquad 违约金。
If the Borrower breaches its obligations under this Contract, the Lender shall have the right to require the Borrower to rectify the breach within a certain period of time, cease to release the loan, recover the released loan in advance, declare the loans under other loan contracts between the Borrower and the Lender immediately due, or take other asset preservation measures. 借款人违反本合同项下义务的,放出人有权要求借款人在一定期限内改正违约行为、停止发放贷款、提前收回已发放的贷款、宣布借款人与放出人之间的其他借款合同项下的借款立即到期,或采取其他资产保全措施。
If the Borrower or any guarantor violates any of the provisions of this Contract, the Lender shall have the right to take measures to stop the release of the loan, recover the principal and interest of the released loan in advance, or take other asset preservation measures. 如果借款人或任何担保人违反本合同的任何规定,贷款人有权采取措施停止发放贷款,提前收回发放贷款的本息,或采取其他资产保全措施。
7 If, during the term of the loan, there is a deterioration in the Borrower’s operation and financial condition, loss of business reputation, or litigation, seizure, mortgage or other matters resulting from external debts, leading to potential failure to fulfil the outstanding debts, the Borrower voluntarily agrees that the Lender may take any measures to stop the release of the loan, recover the principal and interest of the released loan in advance, or take other asset preservation measures. 7 如果在贷款期限内,借款人的运营和财务状况恶化,商业声誉受损,或因外债导致诉讼、扣押、抵押或其他事项,导致可能无法偿还未偿债务,借款人自愿同意贷款人可以采取任何措施停止发放贷款, 提前收回已发放贷款的本金和利息,或采取其他资产保全措施。
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
8. If the Lender has to resort to litigation to realise its claim due to the Borrower’s default, the Borrower shall bear the legal fee, travelling expenses and other costs incurred by the Lender in doing so. 8. 如果贷款人因借款人违约而不得不诉诸诉讼以实现其索赔,借款人应承担贷款人为此产生的法律费用、差旅费和其他费用。
Article 7 Guarantee 第 7 条 保证
The loan hereunder is secured by the voluntary pledge of a cheque issued by qquad\qquad with a cheque number qquad\qquad maturity date qquad\qquad and face value qquad\qquad . 本协议项下的贷款由自愿质押的支票担保,该支票签发的 qquad\qquad 支票编号为 qquad\qquad 到期日 qquad\qquad 和面值 qquad\qquad 。
Article 8 Dispute Resolution 第 8 条 争议解决
Disputes arising in the performance of this Contract shall be resolved through consultation between the two parties, and if consultation fails, the dispute may be brought to the People’s Court of the place where the creditor is located. During the proceeding, the non-disputed provisions of this Contract shall continue to be performed. 履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应由双方协商解决,协商不成的,可以向债权人所在地人民法院提起诉讼。在诉讼过程中,本合同的无争议条款应继续履行。
Article 9 Miscellaneous 第 9 条 其他
Failing to repay the loan within the agreed period and to reach an agreement with the Lender on the extension of the loan constitutes a default, and the Lender has the right to file the Borrower’s default information to the People’s Bank of China’s credit information system. 未在约定期限内偿还贷款并与贷款人就贷款展期达成协议的,构成违约,贷款人有权将借款人的违约信息报送至中国人民银行征信系统。
Article 10 Entry into Force 第十条 生效
This contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed and sealed by the Borrower and the Lender. 本合同自借款人和贷款人签署并盖章之日起生效。
Article 11 Copies 第十一条 副本
This Contract is executed in qquad\qquad copies, with the two parties and the guarantor each holding one copy and all having the same effect.
Article 12 Note
The Lender has drawn the attention of the Borrower to make a full and accurate understanding of the terms of this Contract as printed herein and has explained relevant terms at the request of the Borrower. The parties have agreed on the meaning of this Contract.
Borrower (signature/stamp): [stamp of Shandong
Chenshi Real Estate Co., Ltd.]
Legal representative or authorised agent
(signature/stamp): [signature of Chen Guide]
[Stamp of Chen Guide]
Date of signing: 9 Sep 2015
Creditor (signature/stamp): [signature of Zhang Jing]
Legal representative or authorised agent (signature/stamp):
Place of signing:
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. ,住所: qquad\qquad ,电话: 13793918999 开户银行及账号: qquad\qquad 法定代表人或负责人: qquad\qquad
住所: qquad\qquad ,电话: qquad\qquad 1335507)896
根据国家有关法律法规,双方当事人经汃商一致,订立本合同。第一条 借款
3,借款期限: qquad\qquad喠事伯万社正 ,2,借款用途:促至,国转
本合同记载的借款金额,发放日期,到期日期与借款任-30日至 2016年12月30日。凭证为本合同的组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。
In accordance with the relevant PRC laws and regulations, the parties have entered into this Contract by consensus. 根据中国相关法律法规,双方以协商一致的方式订立本合同。
Article 1 Loan 第 1 条 贷款
Amount of loan (RMB amount in words): four million Yuan. 2. Purpose of loan: capital turnover. 贷款金额(人民币金额:字):400万元。2. 贷款目的:资金周转。
Loan period: qquad\qquad i.e., from 30 October 2015 to 30 December 2016. 借阅期限: qquad\qquad 即 2015 年 10 月 30 日至 2016 年 12 月 30 日。
In case of inconsistency between the amount of loan, date of release and date of maturity recorded in this Contract and those recorded in the loan certificate, the records in the loan certificate shall prevail. The loan certificate is an integral part of this Contract and has the same legal effect as this Contract. 本合同中记载的贷款金额、发放日期和到期日期与贷款凭证中记载的不一致的,以借款凭证中的记录为准。贷款凭证是本合同不可分割的组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。
4. Interest rate 4. 利率
(1) The monthly interest rate for the loan under this Contract shall be 30 _%^(1)\underline{30} \%{ }^{1}. (1) 本合同项下贷款的月利率为 30 _%^(1)\underline{30} \%{ }^{1} 。
(2) In the event of an increase in the benchmark loan interest rate of the People’s Bank of China during the term of the loan, the Lender shall determine the new interest rate of the loan based on the adjusted benchmark rate for loans with the same maturity and at the same level, and the above calculation method. Such new rate shall apply from the same numerical date in the month of the lending cycle following the adjustment without further notice to the Borrower. If the benchmark rate adjusting date falls on the loan release date or the same numerical date of the first month of the lending cycle, the new loan rate shall apply from the benchmark rate adjusting date. If there is no same numerical date in the month, the last day of the month shall be considered as the same numerical date. (2) 贷款期限内中国人民银行贷款基准利率上调的,贷款人应根据调整后的相同期限、同水平贷款基准利率和上述计算方法确定新的贷款利率。新利率应从调整后贷款周期月份的同一数字日期开始适用,恕不另行通知借款人。如果基准利率调整日为贷款发放日或贷款周期第一个月的同一数字日,则新的贷款利率应从基准利率调整日开始适用。如果该月没有相同的数字日期,则该月的最后一天应被视为相同的数字日期。
(3) In the event of a decrease in the benchmark lending rate of the People’s Bank of China during the term of the loan, the interest rate agreed in this Contract shall continue to be applied. (3) 贷款期限内中国人民银行基准贷款利率下调时,继续适用本合同约定的利率。
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
5. Settlement of interest 5. 利息结算
The loan under this Contract shall bear interest to be settled every (month/quarterly/all to paid together with the principal repayment). The Interest settlement date is the 20th of each month. The Borrower shall pay interest on each interest settlement date. If the last repayment date of the principal is not on the interest settlement date, the unpaid interest shall be paid together with the principal repayment (daily interest rate == monthly interest rate/30). 本合同项下的贷款应计息,每结清一次(每月/每季度/全部支付,连同本金清偿)。利息结算日期是每月的 20 日。借款人应于每个付息日支付利息。如果本金的最后还款日不是利息结算日,未付的利息应与本金还款(日利率 == 月利率/30)一并支付。
Article 2 The Lender shall have the right not to provide the loan hereunder if the following conditions are not met: 第二条 不具备下列条件的,贷款人有权不提供贷款:
The Borrower provides relevant documents and materials and completes relevant formalities as required by the Lender. 借款人按贷款人要求提供相关文件和材料并完成相关手续。
If the loan hereunder is secured by mortgage or pledge, the relevant legal formalities such as registration or insurance have been completed as required by the Lender and the security or insurance continues to be effective. If the loan hereunder is secured by guarantee, the guarantee contract has been signed and continues to be effective. 如果本协议项下的贷款以抵押或质押担保,则贷款人已按贷款人要求完成登记或保险等相关法律手续,且担保或保险继续有效。如果本协议项下的贷款以担保为担保,则担保合同已签订并继续有效。
There has been no material adverse change in the operating and financial conditions of the Borrower. 借款人的经营和财务状况没有发生重大不利变化。
The Borrower has not breached provisions of this Contract. 借款人没有违反本合同的规定。
Article 3 Rights and Obligations of the Lender 第 3 条 贷款人的权利和义务
The Lender has the right to know the production and operation, financial activities, inventory and use of loan of the Borrower, and to request financial statements and other documents, materials and information from the Borrower on a regular basis. 贷款人有权了解借款人的生产经营、财务活动、库存和贷款用途,并有权定期向借款人索取财务报表和其他文件、资料和信息。
If any adverse behaviours or circumstances occur in respect of the Borrower that are sufficient to affect the security of the loan, including but not limited to those listed in items 6, 7 and 9 of Article 4 hereunder, the Lender may stop the release of the loan or recover the principal and interest in advance. 如果借款人发生任何不利的行为或情况,足以影响贷款安全,包括但不限于本协议第四条第 6 项、第 7 项和第 9 项所列的行为或情况,贷款人可以停止发放贷款或提前收回本金和利息。
If the amount repaid by the Borrower is insufficient to settle the amount payable hereunder, the Lender may choose to use such amount for the repayment of principal, interest, penalty interest, compound interest or collection of debt. 如果借款人偿还的金额不足以清偿本协议项下的应付金额,贷款人可以选择将该金额用于偿还本金、利息、罚息、复利或追讨债务。
If the Borrower fails to fulfil the repayment obligation, the Lender may make public disclosure on the Borrower’s default through various media such as radio, television and newspaper. 如果借款人未能履行还款义务,贷款人可以通过广播、电视和报纸等各种媒体公开披露借款人的违约情况。
The Lender shall release the loan to the Borrower in accordance with this Contract. 贷款人应根据本合同向借款人发放贷款。
Article 4 Rights and Obligations of the Borrower 第 4 条 借款人的权利和义务
The Borrower has the right to obtain and use the loan in accordance with this Contract. 借款人有权根据本合同获得和使用贷款。
The Borrower shall return the principal and interest of the loan on time. In case of special circumstances and if the Borrower cannot make repayment on the maturity date and needs to 借款人应按时归还贷款本金和利息。如遇特殊情况,如借款人无法于到期日还款,且需要
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
extend the loan, the Borrower shall submit a written application for extension to the Lender 15 days before the expiry of the loan and sign a loan extension agreement with the Lender’s consent. 延长贷款期限,借款人应在贷款到期前 15 天向贷款人提交书面贷款延期申请,并在贷款人同意下签署贷款延期协议。
3. The Borrower shall use the loan according to the purpose agreed in this Contract and shall not use the loan for other purposes. 3. 借款人应按照本合同约定的用途使用贷款,不得将贷款用于其他用途。
4. The Borrower shall provide the Lender with true, complete and effective financial statements or other relevant materials and information on a monthly basis, and actively co-operate with the Lender in the inspection of the Borrower’s production and operation, financial activities and use of loan hereunder. 4. 借款人应每月向贷款人提供真实、完整、有效的财务报表或其他相关资料和资料,并积极配合贷款人检查借款人的生产经营、财务活动和贷款用途。
5. If the Borrower shall not carry out acts that are sufficient to cause changes in the credit and debt relationship under this Contract or affect the realisation of the Lender’s credits, including contracting, leasing, shareholding reform, association, merger, separation, joint venture (cooperation), establishment of subsidiaries, transfer of assets (leasing, lending, granting or transfer), application for suspension of business and rectification, application for dissolution, application for insolvency and other acts unless it notifies the Lender in writing 15 days in advance, obtains the consent of the Lender, and identifies responsibility for loan repayment or settles the debt in advance. 5. 如果借款人不进行足以导致本合同项下债权关系发生变化或影响贷方信用变现的行为,包括签订合同、租赁、股份制改革、联合、合并、分立、合资(合作)、设立子公司、转让资产(出租、出借、赠与或转让)、申请停业和整顿, 申请解除贷款、申请破产等行为,除非事先 15 日书面通知贷款人,获得贷款人同意,并确定偿还贷款的责任或提前清偿债务。
6. The Borrower shall immediately notify the Lender in writing of the occurrence of any other circumstances that will have a material adverse effect on the performance of its repayment obligations hereunder other than the acts mentioned in the preceding paragraph, such as the suspension of production, cessation of business, deregistration, cancellation of business licence, engagement in unlawful activities by the legal representative or the principal person-in-charge, involvement in major lawsuits or arbitration, serious difficulties in production and operation, and deterioration in financial condition, and shall implement measures approved by the Lender to preserve creditor’s rights. 6. 除前款所述行为外,借款人应立即书面通知贷款人,如停产、停业、注销登记、吊销营业执照、法定代表人或主要负责人从事违法活动等对履行其履行本规则项下的还款义务产生重大不利影响; 涉及重大诉讼、仲裁,生产经营困难严重,财务状况恶化的,应当执行贷款人批准的维护债权措施。
7. If the Borrower provides guarantee for the debts of others or mortgages or pledges its main property to a third party, which may affect its ability to repay the loan hereunder, it shall notify the Lender in writing 15 days in advance and obtain the Lender’s consent. 7. 借款人为他人债务提供担保或将其主要财产抵押或质押给第三方,可能影响其偿还本合同项下贷款能力的,应提前 15 日书面通知贷款人并征得贷款人同意。
8. The Borrower and its investors shall not withdrawal capital, transfer assets or assign shares without authorisation in order to evade debts to the Lender. 8. 借款人及其投资者不得未经授权提取资本、转让资产或转让股份,以逃避对贷款人的债务。
9. The Borrower shall promptly notify the Lender in writing of any change in its name, legal representative, premise or scope of business during the loan period. 9. 借款人在贷款期限内其名称、法定代表人、场所或业务范围发生任何变化,应立即以书面形式通知贷款人。
10. In the event that the guarantor of the loan hereunder ceases production or business, is deregistered, has its business licence revoked, applies for or is applied for bankruptcy or suffers operating losses, and therefore partly or entirely loses its ability to guarantee corresponding loan, or the value of the collaterals, pledges or rights of pledge used as a guarantee for the loan hereunder is impaired, the Borrower shall promptly notify the Lender in writing and provide such other guarantee measures as the Lender may approve. 10.本贷款保证人停产停业、注销登记、吊销营业执照、申请破产、申请破产或遭受经营亏损,导致部分或者全部丧失相应贷款的担保能力,或者作为贷款担保的担保物、质物或者质押权的价值发生减值; 借款人应及时以书面形式通知贷款人,并提供贷款人可能批准的其他担保措施。
11. The Borrower shall bear the costs of, but not limited to, legal services, insurance, transportation, assessment, auction, registration, safekeeping, appraisal, notarisation, litigation, etc., in connection with this Contract and the guarantee hereunder. 11. 借款人应承担与本合同和本协议项下保证有关的法律服务、保险、运输、评估、拍卖、登记、保管、鉴定、公证、诉讼等费用。
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
Article 5 Early Repayment 第 5 条 提前还款
The Borrower shall obtain the consent of the Lender for early repayment. If the Lender agrees to the Borrower’s early repayment, interest on the portion to be repaid early shall be charged at the time of repayment according to the actual period of use and the agreed interest rate. 借款人应获得贷款人对提前还款的同意。贷款人同意借款人提前还款的,提前还款部分的利息应在还款时根据实际使用期限和约定的利率收取。
Article 6 Liability for Breach 第 6 条 违约责任
If the Borrower violates any of the provisions of this Contract, the Lender shall have the right to take measures to stop the release of the loan, recover the principal and interest of the released loan in advance, or take other asset preservation measures. 借款人违反本合同任何约定的,放贷人有权采取措施停止发放贷款,提前收回发放贷款的本息,或采取其他资产保全措施。
If the Borrower fails to repay the principal within the period agreed in this Contract, the Lender shall, in addition to charging interest at the rate agreed in this Contract, charge a default penalty calculated at three times the interest rate hereunder for each day from the date of loan disbursement to the date of actual loan settlement. 如果借款人未能在本合同约定的期限内偿还本金,贷款人除应按本合同约定的利率收取利息外,还应从贷款发放之日起至实际贷款结清之日,每天收取按本协议利率三倍计算的违约罚金。
If the Borrower fails to use the loan for the purpose agreed in this Contract, the Lender shall, the Lender shall, in addition to charging interest at the rate agreed in this Contract, charge a default penalty calculated at three times the interest rate hereunder for each day from the date of loan disbursement to the date of actual loan settlement, and shall be entitled to recover the loan in advance. 如果借款人未能将贷款用于本合同约定的目的,贷款人除应按本合同约定的利率收取利息外,还应从贷款发放之日起至实际贷款结算之日,每天收取按本协议项下利率三倍计算的违约罚款, 并有权提前收回贷款。
For interest that the Borrower fails to pay on time during the loan period, compound interest will be charged at the interest rate under this Contract and based on the number of days overdue. A default penalty will also be charged at qquad\qquad times the interest rate hereunder on the unpaid interest. 对于借款人在贷款期内未能按时支付的利息,将按本合同规定的利率并根据逾期天数收取复利。对于未付的利息,还将按本协议规定的利率收取 qquad\qquad 违约金。
If the Borrower breaches its obligations under this Contract, the Lender shall have the right to require the Borrower to rectify the breach within a certain period of time, cease to release the loan, recover the released loan in advance, declare the loans under other loan contracts between the Borrower and the Lender immediately due, or take other asset preservation measures. 借款人违反本合同项下义务的,放出人有权要求借款人在一定期限内改正违约行为、停止发放贷款、提前收回已发放的贷款、宣布借款人与放出人之间的其他借款合同项下的借款立即到期,或采取其他资产保全措施。
If the Borrower or any guarantor violates any of the provisions of this Contract, the Lender shall have the right to take measures to stop the release of the loan, recover the principal and interest of the released loan in advance, or take other asset preservation measures. 如果借款人或任何担保人违反本合同的任何规定,贷款人有权采取措施停止发放贷款,提前收回发放贷款的本息,或采取其他资产保全措施。
7 If, during the term of the loan, there is a deterioration in the Borrower’s operation and financial condition, loss of business reputation, or litigation, seizure, mortgage or other matters resulting from external debts, leading to potential failure to fulfil the outstanding debts, the Borrower voluntarily agrees that the Lender may take any measures to stop the release of the loan, recover the principal and interest of the released loan in advance, or take other asset preservation measures. 7 如果在贷款期限内,借款人的运营和财务状况恶化,商业声誉受损,或因外债导致诉讼、扣押、抵押或其他事项,导致可能无法偿还未偿债务,借款人自愿同意贷款人可以采取任何措施停止发放贷款, 提前收回已发放贷款的本金和利息,或采取其他资产保全措施。
8. If the Lender has to resort to litigation to realise its claim due to the Borrower’s default, the Borrower shall bear the legal fee, travelling expenses and other costs incurred by the Lender in doing so. 8. 如果贷款人因借款人违约而不得不诉诸诉讼以实现其索赔,借款人应承担贷款人为此产生的法律费用、差旅费和其他费用。
Article 7 Guarantee 第 7 条 保证
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。
The loan hereunder is secured by the voluntary pledge of a cheque issued by qquad\qquad with a cheque number qquad\qquad maturity date qquad\qquad and face value qquad\qquad . 本协议项下的贷款由自愿质押的支票担保,该支票签发的 qquad\qquad 支票编号为 qquad\qquad 到期日 qquad\qquad 和面值 qquad\qquad 。
Article 8 Dispute Resolution 第 8 条 争议解决
Disputes arising in the performance of this Contract shall be resolved through consultation between the two parties, and if consultation fails, the dispute may be brought to the People’s Court of the place where the creditor is located. During the proceeding, the non-disputed provisions of this Contract shall continue to be performed. 履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应由双方协商解决,协商不成的,可以向债权人所在地人民法院提起诉讼。在诉讼过程中,本合同的无争议条款应继续履行。
Article 9 Miscellaneous 第 9 条 其他
Failing to repay the loan within the agreed period and to reach an agreement with the Lender on the extension of the loan constitutes a default, and the Lender has the right to file the Borrower’s default information to the People’s Bank of China’s credit information system. 未在约定期限内偿还贷款并与贷款人就贷款展期达成协议的,构成违约,贷款人有权将借款人的违约信息报送至中国人民银行征信系统。
Article 10 Entry into Force 第十条 生效
This contract shall enter into force on the date on which it is signed and sealed by the Borrower and the Lender. 本合同自借款人和贷款人签署并盖章之日起生效。
Article 11 Copies 第十一条 副本
This Contract is executed in qquad\qquad copies, with the two parties and the guarantor each holding one copy and all having the same effect. 本合同以 qquad\qquad 副本形式签署,双方和担保人各持有一份,且均具有相同的效力。
Article 12 Note 第 12 条 注释
The Lender has drawn the attention of the Borrower to make a full and accurate understanding of the terms of this Contract as printed herein and has explained relevant terms at the request of the Borrower. The parties have agreed on the meaning of this Contract. 贷款人已提请借款人注意,以全面准确地理解此处印刷的本合同条款,并应借款人的要求解释相关条款。双方已就本合同的含义达成一致。
Chenshi Real Estate Co., Ltd.] (辰石房地产有限公司)
Borrower (signature/stamp): [stamp of Shandong
Chenshi Real Estate Co., Ltd.]
Borrower (signature/stamp): [stamp of Shandong
Chenshi Real Estate Co., Ltd.]| Borrower (signature/stamp): [stamp of Shandong |
| :--- |
| Chenshi Real Estate Co., Ltd.] |
Lender (signature/stamp): [signature of
Zhang Jing]
Lender (signature/stamp): [signature of
Zhang Jing]| Lender (signature/stamp): [signature of |
| :--- |
| Zhang Jing] |
Legal representative or authorised agent
(signature/stamp): [signature of Chen Guide]
[Stamp of Chen Guide]
Legal representative or authorised agent
(signature/stamp): [signature of Chen Guide]
[Stamp of Chen Guide]| Legal representative or authorised agent |
| :--- |
| (signature/stamp): [signature of Chen Guide] |
| [Stamp of Chen Guide] |
Legal representative or authorised agent
Legal representative or authorised agent
(signature/stamp):| Legal representative or authorised agent |
| :--- |
| (signature/stamp): |
Date of signing: 30 Oct 2015 签署日期:2015 年 10 月 30 日
Place of signing: 签约地点:
"Borrower (signature/stamp): [stamp of Shandong
Chenshi Real Estate Co., Ltd.]" "Lender (signature/stamp): [signature of
Zhang Jing]"
"Legal representative or authorised agent
(signature/stamp): [signature of Chen Guide]
[Stamp of Chen Guide]" "Legal representative or authorised agent
Date of signing: 30 Oct 2015 Place of signing:| Borrower (signature/stamp): [stamp of Shandong <br> Chenshi Real Estate Co., Ltd.] | Lender (signature/stamp): [signature of <br> Zhang Jing] |
| :--- | :--- |
| Legal representative or authorised agent <br> (signature/stamp): [signature of Chen Guide] <br> [Stamp of Chen Guide] | Legal representative or authorised agent <br> (signature/stamp): |
| Date of signing: 30 Oct 2015 | Place of signing: |
Translator Declaration 译者声明
I, Yimeng Tao, NAATI Certified Translator Chinese <-> English, Practitioner ID: CPN6XN33P, certify that this is a true and accurate translation, to the best of my knowledge, of the original document. 我,Yimeng Tao,NAATI 认证翻译中文 <-> 英语,从业者 ID:CPN6XN33P,证明据我所知,这是对原始文件的真实和准确的翻译。 法定代表人或授权代理人: qquad\qquad陵表㯖 ,住所: qquad\qquad ,电话: 13 ) 93 P1899 9 ,开户银行及帐亭: qquad\qquad 法定代表人或授权代理人: qquad\qquad 陵表㯖 ,住所: qquad\qquad ,电话: 13 ) 93 P1899 9 ,开户银行及帐亭: qquad\qquad
1 See, e.g., documents 1-4 in Annexure 1, and the Civil Mediation Judgment (2017) Lu 1302 Min Chu No. 5272 dated 22 June 2017 1 例如,参见附件 1 中的 1-4 文件,以及 2017 年 6 月 22 日的民事调解判决书 (2017) Lu 1302 Min Chu No. 5272
^(1){ }^{1} Please note that the original document used the thousandths sign. When converted to percentage, it should be 3%3 \%. ^(1){ }^{1} 请注意,原始文档使用了千分之一符号。当转换为 percentage 时,它应该是 3%3 \% 。