这是用户在 2025-1-20 23:39 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/pdf-pro/3c772a1e-a8ab-4219-a856-11beea8a5b4f 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?
we see certain forms of creative endeavor(i) qquad\qquad as a result of uncontrolled copying,we might decide to(ii) qquad\qquad intellectual property law.Conversely,if unprotected creative work(iii) qquad\qquad in the absence of legal rules against copying,we would do well to know how such flourishing is sustained.
我们认为某些形式的创造性努力(i) qquad\qquad 由于无节制的抄袭,我们可能会决定(ii)制定知识产权法。 qquad\qquad 知识产权法。 相反,如果创意作品不受保护(iii) qquad\qquad 在没有禁止复制的法律规则的情况下,我们最好知道这种繁荣是如何维持的。
A.languishing  A. D.jettison  D. G.declines in originality
B.proliferating  B.增殖 E.extend  E.扩展 H.manages to thrive  H.设法茁壮成长
C.diversifying  C.多样化 F.relax  F.放松 I.openly invites imitation
A.languishing D.jettison G.declines in originality B.proliferating E.extend H.manages to thrive C.diversifying F.relax I.openly invites imitation| A.languishing | D.jettison | G.declines in originality | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.proliferating | E.extend | H.manages to thrive | | C.diversifying | F.relax | I.openly invites imitation |
4.Though it may seem as if more than a century of qquad\qquad has made the electrical grid an all- encompassing web connecting the whole of the continent,many vast and beautiful areas remain without power.
4.尽管一个多世纪以来, qquad\qquad 电网似乎已成为连接整个大陆的一张无所不包的网,但许多广袤而美丽的地区仍然没有电力供应。

A.refinement  A.
B.expansion  B.扩展
C.ubiquity  C.独特性
D.augmentation  D.
E.omnipresence  E.
F.isolation  F.隔离
5.Much of the literature of railroad seeks someone to qquad\qquad and it is thus replete with encomiums on entrepreneurs and managers.
5.许多铁路文献都在寻找 qquad\qquad ,因此充满了对企业家和管理者的赞美。

A.indict  A.
B.rehabilitate  B.康复
C.exalt  C.
D.valorize  D.
E.emulate  E.
F.excoriate  F.
6.Not only was this writer content to leave the reading public in the dark,she seems to have the role of trickster,seeding her works with apparent clues that led nowhere.
6.这位作家不仅满足于让读者蒙在鼓里,她似乎还扮演了 "捣蛋鬼 "的角色,在她的作品中布满了明显的线索,但却不知所云。

A.rejected  A.拒绝
B.disdained  B.
C.relished  C.
D.participated in  D.参加了
E.delighted in  E.
F.developed  F.
7.The major qquad\qquad of much popular history is that it betrays no interest in making intellectual contributions to our understanding of an issue.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
7.许多通俗历史的主要 qquad\qquad 是它对我们理解一个问题的知识贡献没有兴趣。

A.characteristic  A.
B.shortcoming  B.
C.dilemma  C.
D.quandary  D.
E.ploy  E.
F.fault  F.故障

test 10 section 2 (easy)
测试 10 第 2 节(容易)

1.The students' qquad\qquad natures were in sharp contrast to the imperturbable dispositions of their teacher.
1.学生们的 qquad\qquad 天性与老师的从容不迫形成了鲜明的对比。

A.volatile  A.
B.duplicitous  B.
C.apathetic  C.
D.cunning  D.狡猾
E.blithe  E.
2.Despite the neighborhood's lingering reputation for qquad\qquad ,it has in fact become increasingly varied in its architecture and demographics.
2.尽管该社区一直以" qquad\qquad "而闻名,但事实上,它的建筑和人口结构已变得越来越多样化。

A.boisterousness  A.
B.unpretentiousness  B.朴实无华
C.idiosyncrasy  C.
D.accessibility  D.无障碍
E.homogeneity  同质性
3.It would be imprecise to characterize her scholarship as(i) qquad\qquad :though her etymological discussion is necessarily esoteric,there is nothing(ii) qquad\qquad about the conclusions she derives from it.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
3.把她的学术研究称为(i)是不准确的。 qquad\qquad :虽然她对词源学的讨论必然是深奥的,但她从"...... "得出的结论并没有什么(ii)。 qquad\qquad :虽然她对词源的讨论必然是深奥的,但她从词源中得出的结论并没有什么(ii)。
A.derivative  A. D.obscure  D.
B.arcane  B.甘蔗 E.controversial  E.有争议
C.careless  C.粗心大意 F.innovative  F.创新
A.derivative D.obscure B.arcane E.controversial C.careless F.innovative| A.derivative | D.obscure | | :--- | :--- | | B.arcane | E.controversial | | C.careless | F.innovative |
4.Common sense tells me some people are more(i) qquad\qquad than others.The claim that these differences are(ii) qquad\qquad ,or that deep down,everybody acts only to further their own interests,
4.常识告诉我,有些人比其他人更(i)。 qquad\qquad 比其他人多。 qquad\qquad ,或者说,在内心深处,每个人的行为都只是为了促进自己的利益。

(iii) our everyday observations and deep-seated human practices of moral evaluation.
A.altruistic  A. D.growing  D. G.mimics  G.
B.adaptable  B.适应性强 E.illusory  E. H.explains  H.
C.disciplined  C. F.relevant  F.相关 I.contradicts  I.
A.altruistic D.growing G.mimics B.adaptable E.illusory H.explains C.disciplined F.relevant I.contradicts| A.altruistic | D.growing | G.mimics | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.adaptable | E.illusory | H.explains | | C.disciplined | F.relevant | I.contradicts |
5.After rising continuously over the summer,commodity prices fell,leaving analyst wondering whether the downward trend is a turning point or merely a qquad\qquad before demand picks up in the winter months.
5.在夏季持续上涨之后,商品价格出现下跌,让分析师怀疑下跌趋势是一个转折点,还是仅仅是冬季需求回升之前的 qquad\qquad

A.spike  A.
B.upsurge  B.
C.harbinger  C.
D.portent  D.
E.lull  E.
F.respite  F.
6.Doris Kearns Goodwin's elegant,incisive study of Lincoln qquad\qquad those whose knowledge of Lincoln is an amalgam of high school history and popular mythology as well as those who are experts.
6.多丽丝-卡恩斯-古德温(Doris Kearns Goodwin)对林肯的研究优雅而精辟。

A.gratify  A.
B.entice  B.
C.inspire  C.
D.confuse  D.
E.perplex  E.
7.Explorers could not build each other's knowledge if they could not trust records of previous explorers;thus exploration depended on the qquad\qquad of those who had gone before.
7.如果探险者不能相信前人的记录,他们就无法相互积累知识;因此,探险依赖于前人的 qquad\qquad

A.collegiality  A.
B.endurance  B.耐力
C.exactitude  C.精确性
D.meticulousness  D.美观
E.eminence  E.
F.tenacity  F.韧性

test 11 section 1 (medium)
测试 11 第 1 节(中)

1.That Seiberg and Witten lack celebrity can be explained by the qquad\qquad nature of their pursuit: the mathematical exploration of four-dimensional space.

A.pedestrian  行人
B.esoteric  B.
C.compelling  C.
D.global  D.全球
E.univocal  E.不确定
2.While acknowledging behaviors the Prime Minster took in order to remain in office were (i) qquad\qquad ,some politicians nevertheless believed this small amount of(ii) qquad\qquad was justified to keep reforming government in office.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
2.虽然承认首相为保住职位而采取的行为是( )。 qquad\qquad 尽管如此,一些政治家还是认为这种少量的(ii)是合理的。 qquad\qquad 在办公室里继续改革政府是合理的。

A.unethical  A.不道德
D.skullduggery  D.
B.impractical  B.不切实际
E.indolence  E.
C.quixotic  C.
F.incivility  F.不文明行为
3.China's rapidly growing population is the main threat facing large carnivores in the People's Republic.Increasingly,policies aimed at limiting population growth have been(i) qquad\qquad ; nevertheless,the country's vast size and the isolation of many of its regions mean that human populations in areas where large carnivores still occur(ii) qquad\qquad .This human pressure has
3.中国快速增长的人口是中国大型食肉动物面临的主要威胁。 qquad\qquad 尽管如此,中国幅员辽阔,许多地区与世隔绝,这意味着在大型食肉动物仍然出没的地区,人类的数量仍在增加(ii)。 qquad\qquad .人类的这种压力导致了食肉动物的灭绝。

(iii) qquad\qquad the South China tiger.
qquad\qquad 华南虎.
A. modified  A. D.could start to decline
G.celebrated  G.庆祝
B.deemphasized  B.强调 E.can grow unchecked  E.可以肆意生长 H.doomed  命中注定
C.implemented  C.已执行 F.have stabilized  F.已经稳定 I.bypassed  I.
A. modified D.could start to decline G.celebrated B.deemphasized E.can grow unchecked H.doomed C.implemented F.have stabilized I.bypassed| A. modified | D.could start to decline | G.celebrated | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.deemphasized | E.can grow unchecked | H.doomed | | C.implemented | F.have stabilized | I.bypassed |
4.Well organized and researched and including all significant discoveries and medical scientists, this history of Western medicine has justly been called qquad\qquad
4.这本《西方医学史》条理清晰、研究透彻,收录了所有重大发现和医学家的研究成果,被誉为 qquad\qquad
B.long-winded  B.罗嗦
C.exhaustive  C.详尽无遗
D.rambling  D.
E.overbearing  E.超重轴承
F.undiscriminating  F.一视同仁
5.Science is arguably a very high-minded pursuit,but that is not to say that all of its practitioners are qquad\qquad ,as numerous articles alleging overly generous pharmaceutical industry payments to medical researchers have tried to show.
5.科学可以说是一种非常高尚的追求,但这并不是说所有的科学从业者都是 qquad\qquad ,正如许多指控制药业向医学研究人员支付过多酬金的文章所试图表明的那样。

A.conventional  A.常规
B.clever  B.聪明
C.unimpeachable  C.不可弹劾
D.ingenious  D.
E.blameless  E.
F.predictable  F.
6.In a field of egotists,Bloomfield is qquad\qquad ,often praising her competitors and punctuating her correspondence with self-deprecating remarks.

A.unassuming  A.
B.complimentary  B.
C.acerbic  C.
D.ingenuous  D.
E.cutting  E. 切割
F.modest  F.
7.Because its previously qquad\qquad beliefs had become core tenets of mainstream politics,the activist group disbanded;with no more skeptics to persuade,its purpose had evaporated.
7.由于其先前的 qquad\qquad 信念已成为主流政治的核心信条,活动团体解散了;没有更多的怀疑论者可以说服,其目的也消失了。

A.arcane  A.
B.seditious  B.
C.quixotic  C.
D.idealistic  D.理想主义
E.popular  E.
F.conventional  F.常规

test 11 section 2 (easy)
测试 11 第 2 节(容易)

1.Paintings created in India during the Mughal dynasty were qquad\qquad in ambition but ornamental in presentation:in one direction they have a affinity with newspaper photographs,while in the other they have the intricacy of jewels.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
1.莫卧儿王朝时期印度的绘画作品 qquad\qquad 雄心勃勃,但在表现形式上却极具装饰性:一方面,它们与报纸上的照片有相似之处,另一方面,它们又具有绘画作品的复杂性。

A.metaphorical  A.比喻
B.documentary  B.纪录片
C.aesthetic  C.审美
D.sectarian  D.
E.baroque  E.
2.Attending with equal(i) qquad\qquad to any question that presents itself,the sociologist's work has strengths and weaknesses that flow from this energetically(ii) qquad\qquad approach.
2.以平等(i)的态度对待任何问题。 qquad\qquad 对任何提出的问题,社会学家的工作都有其长处和短处,这些长处和短处都来自这种精力充沛(ii)的方法。 qquad\qquad 方法.
A.skepticism  A.怀疑论 D.hybrid  D.混合
B.lethargy  B.嗜睡 E.indiscriminate  E.一视同仁
C.fervor  C. F.conciliatory  F.
A.skepticism D.hybrid B.lethargy E.indiscriminate C.fervor F.conciliatory| A.skepticism | D.hybrid | | :--- | :--- | | B.lethargy | E.indiscriminate | | C.fervor | F.conciliatory |
3.The national bank has been uncommonly powerful in comparison to its counterparts in other nations.It retains this potency partly because its control of the nation's banking system is(i) governmental interference,and thus its actions remain largely(ii) qquad\qquad
3.与其他国家的同类银行相比,国家银行一直拥有非同寻常的权力。 它之所以能保持这种权力,部分原因是它对国家银行系统的控制不受(i)政府干预,因此它的行动在很大程度上(ii)仍由政府控制。政府干预,因此它的行动在很大程度上仍然是(ii)政府干预。 qquad\qquad

A.unencumbered by  A. 不受
D.compulsory  D.强制性
B.replete with  B.
E.discretionary  E.自由裁量权
C.hindered by  C.
F.bureaucratic  F.
4.The usual(i) qquad\qquad spending public monies on scientific projects is that such projects have the potential to make our lives healthier,safer,and more productive.However,the fact that science- even"pure"science-can strengthen democracy and promote public participation in the political process is hardly ever(ii) qquad\qquad It should be Scientific literacy(iii) qquad\qquad democracy,and this is an important ancillary benefit of the promotion of science.
4.通常(i) qquad\qquad 将公款用于科学项目,是因为这些项目有可能使我们的生活更健康、更安全、更有生产力。 然而,科学--甚至是 "纯粹 "的科学--能够加强民主和促进公众参与政治进程这一事实几乎从未被提及(ii)。 qquad\qquad 应该是科学素养(iii) qquad\qquad 民主,这是促进科学发展的重要附带利益。

A.argument against  反对的理由
D.denied  D.
G.stifles  G.
B.rationale for  B. E.mentioned  E. H.energizes  H.
C.precedent for  C. F.gainsaid  F. I.disregards  我无视
B.rationale for E.mentioned H.energizes C.precedent for F.gainsaid I.disregards| B.rationale for | E.mentioned | H.energizes | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | C.precedent for | F.gainsaid | I.disregards |
5.Although scientific progress leads to constant revision of ideas,one observation that has remained qquad\qquad over the years is that there are a lot of insects in the world:some 950,000 species have been identified.
5.尽管科学进步会不断修正观点,但多年来,人们仍然发现,世界上的昆虫种类繁多:目前已发现约 950 000 种。

A.robust  A.
B.significant  B.重要
C.strong  C.
D.perplexing  D.令人费解
E.confounding  E.创建
F.obscure  F.
6.Anne Carson's book Nox is,very deliberately, qquad\qquad literary object-the opposite of an e-reader, which is designed to vanish in your palm as you read on a train.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
6.Anne Carson的《Nox》一书是一本非常刻意的文学作品--它与电子阅读器截然相反,电子阅读器的设计目的是让你在火车上阅读时,手掌中的书本消失不见。

A.an evanescent  A.
B.a cumbersome  B.繁琐
C.an immutable  C. 不可改变
D.an unwieldy  D.
E.an ephemeral  E.
F.a flexible  F.a 灵活
7.One of the peculiarities of humans is that we irrationally gravitate to the predictable and avoid risk,whatever the reasons for this qquad\qquad ,it is hardly a sound basis for dealing with complex,long- term problems.
7.人类的一个特点是,我们非理性地倾向于可预测的事物,而回避风险,不管这是出于什么原因 qquad\qquad ,这都很难成为处理复杂、长期问题的坚实基础。

A.eccentricity  A. 偏心
B.predilection  B.
C.vacillation  C.
D.proclivity  D.
E.wavering  E.摇摆不定
F.cowardice  F.

test 12 section 1 (medium)
测试 12 第 1 节(中)

1.Blake's reputation for weakness is qquad\qquad :almost all who have worked with him say he is a disciplined,intellectually formidable,and very tough politician.
1.布莱克以软弱著称 qquad\qquad :几乎所有与他共事过的人都说他是一位严于律己、智力超群、非常强硬的政治家。

A.specious  A.
B.pervasive  B.无处不在
C.irreversible  C.
D.trivial  D.
E.ambivalent  E.
2.Mr.Billington,at times,can be a(i) qquad\qquad .For instance,he deplores the Royal Shakespeare Company's eight-and-a-half hour version of Nicholas Nickelby,which many found(ii) qquad\qquad
2.比林顿先生,有时,可能是一个(i)。<例如,他对皇家莎士比亚剧团长达八个半小时的《尼古拉斯-尼克尔比》版本表示遗憾,许多人认为(ii)。 qquad\qquad

A.naysayer  A.
D.perplexing  D.令人费解
B.pushover  B.
E.unpredictable  E.不可预测
F.absorbing  F.
3.Early practitioners of the natural sciences developed methods to remove distortions caused by either the research environment or the researcher.Such methods,especially with respect to the researcher,were considered to(i) qquad\qquad those(ii) qquad\qquad subjectivity whose unbridled expression was thought to(iii) qquad\qquad research.
3.自然科学的早期实践者发展了一些方法来消除研究环境或研究者造成的扭曲。 qquad\qquad 那些(ii). qquad\qquad 主观性的肆意表达被认为(iii) qquad\qquad 研究.
A.restrain  A. D.incursions of  D. G.corrupt  G.腐败
B.reveal  B.揭示 E.restrictions on  E.限制 H.justify  H.
C.disguise  C.伪装 F.acknowledgements of  F. I.expedite  我.
A.restrain D.incursions of G.corrupt B.reveal E.restrictions on H.justify C.disguise F.acknowledgements of I.expedite| A.restrain | D.incursions of | G.corrupt | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.reveal | E.restrictions on | H.justify | | C.disguise | F.acknowledgements of | I.expedite |
4.Williamson had a fierce commitment to achieving an accord,spending enormous amount of time trying to forge a consensus out of an often qquad\qquad assembly.
4.威廉姆森坚定地致力于达成一项协议,他花费了大量的时间,试图在一个经常是 qquad\qquad 的大会上达成共识。

A.apathetic  A.
B.fractious  B.
C.restive  C.
D.cynical  D.
E.compliant  符合 E.
F.tractable  F.
5.One qquad\qquad is that so far,Web services have turned out to be much harder to deliver than their champions had hoped.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】

A.hope  A.希望
B.snag  B.
C.prospect  C.展望
D.hitch  D.
E.upshot  E.
F.reason  F.理由
6.Asserting a need to preserve the qquad\qquad that became the hallmark of her predecessor's tenure, the new director of federal monetary policy refused to subscribe to rigid or mechanistic rules in policy making.
6.新任联邦货币政策主任认为有必要保留前任货币政策主任任期内的 qquad\qquad 特点,拒绝在政策制定过程中采用僵化或机械的规则。

A.firmness  A.硬度
B.adaptability  B.适应性
C.unpredictability  C.不可预测性
D.autonomy  D.自主性
E.strictness  E.严格性
F.flexibility  F.灵活性
7.At first,most of the famous fairy tales seem so implausible and so irrelevant to contemporary life that their qquad\qquad is hard to understand.
7.起初,大多数著名的童话故事看起来都是那么难以置信,那么与当代生活毫不相干,以至于它们的 qquad\qquad 让人难以理解。

A.universality  A.大学
B.persistence  B.坚持
C.appeal  C.上诉
D.ephemerality  D.短暂性
E.survival  E.生存
F.transience  F.

test 12 section 2 (easy)
测试 12 第 2 节(易)

1.In protoscientific(for example,in ancient Greece),claims about the physical world were often accepted as true if they were reasonable;experimental verification,if thought necessary at all,was

A.utilitarian  A.
B.perfunctory  B.
C.egregious  C.
D.empirical  D.经验
E E EE .inductive   E E EE
2.At Cerro Portezuelo,the task of separating grinding tools from the larger collection of excavated stone objects was(i) qquad\qquad the ancient practice of recycling grinding tool fragments for building materials,hammer stones,and other purposes that(ii) qquad\qquad their original use.
2.在塞罗波特苏埃洛,将磨制工具从出土的大量石器中分离出来是一项任务(i)。 qquad\qquad 古代将磨制工具碎片用于建筑材料、锤石和其他用途的做法(二) qquad\qquad 其原始用途.

A.complicated by  A.
D.complemented  D.补充
B.important to  B.对
E.obscured  E.
C.independent from  C. 独立于
F.underscored  F.
3.Behavioral economists have come to believe that a(i) qquad\qquad of choices can be paralyzing as Schwartz pointed out in the recent book The Paradox of Choice.Studies of retirement plans show that the more investment choices a plan offers,the less likely people are to participate in it.It may follow,then,that a lack of flexibility in certain plans may actually be a(ii) qquad\qquad People reasonably (iii) qquad\qquad some advantages in exchange for peace of mind.
3.行为经济学家认为,选择会使人瘫痪,正如施瓦茨在最近出版的《选择的悖论》一书中指出的那样。 qquad\qquad 正如施瓦茨在最近出版的《选择的悖论》(The Paradox of Choice)一书中所指出的,对退休计划的研究表明,一个计划提供的投资选择越多,人们参与的可能性就越小。 qquad\qquad 人们合理地(iii). qquad\qquad 用一些好处来换取安心.
A.surfeit  A. D.virtue  D.美德 G.foresee  G.预见
B.reduction  B. E.conundrum  E.难题 H.forestall  H.
C.stabilization  C.稳定 F.revelation  F.启示 I.forgo  我放弃
A.surfeit D.virtue G.foresee B.reduction E.conundrum H.forestall C.stabilization F.revelation I.forgo| A.surfeit | D.virtue | G.foresee | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.reduction | E.conundrum | H.forestall | | C.stabilization | F.revelation | I.forgo |
4.The(i) qquad\qquad quality of much contemporary drawing may be attributable to the use of photography as a drawing shortcut.Photography(ii) qquad\qquad modern arts,but when it is used as a tracing tool in order to(iii) qquad\qquad the difficulties of achieving correct proportion,the resulting art often feels static and lifeless.
4.摄影(一) qquad\qquad 当代许多绘画的质量可能归因于使用摄影作为绘画的捷径。 qquad\qquad 现代艺术,但当它被用作描摹工具,以便(iii) qquad\qquad 由于难以达到正确的比例,所产生的艺术作品往往给人以静态和缺乏生气的感觉。
A.inert  A. D.frequently enervated  D.经常紧张 G.augment  G.
B.jubilant  B. E.wonderfully enriched  E.精彩纷呈 H.foreground  H.前景
C.sensuous  C. F.inevitably circumscribed
I.circumvent  I.
A.inert D.frequently enervated G.augment B.jubilant E.wonderfully enriched H.foreground C.sensuous F.inevitably circumscribed I.circumvent| A.inert | D.frequently enervated | G.augment | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.jubilant | E.wonderfully enriched | H.foreground | | C.sensuous | F.inevitably circumscribed | I.circumvent |
5.Far from qquad\qquad innovations,as the patent system was designed to do,the patenting of concepts such as gene sequences gives individuals and corporations a legal choke to hold over ideas that should be useful to all.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】

A.spurring  A.
B.recognizing  B.
C.codifying  C.
D.acknowledging  D.
E.fostering  E.
F.cataloging  F.
6.Advocates for workers'rights have adopted a new strategy,one that will require considerable ingenuity but that,if successful,could qquad\qquad a movement aimed at making labor rights an unassailable feature of American democracy.
6.工人权利的倡导者们采取了一项新策略,这项策略需要相当大的智慧,但如果成功,它将 qquad\qquad 成为一场旨在使劳工权利成为美国民主不可动摇的特征的运动。

A.frustrate  A.
B.galvanize  B.镀锌
C.presume  C.简历
D.affect  D.
E.animate  E.
F.thwart  F.
7.In Inuit culture,elaborate carving has often been used to enhance qquad\qquad object such as harpoon heads and other tools.

A.utilitarian  A.
B.functional  B.
C.domestic  C.国内
D.decorative  D.装饰性
E.manufactured  E.
F.ornamental  F.

test 13 section 1 (medium)
测试 13 第 1 节(中)

1.While early biographies of Florence Nightingale tended to be quite qquad\qquad Lytton Strachey's irreverent 1918 essay about her ushered in a new era,making it acceptable,even fashionable,to criticize her.
1.虽然早期关于南丁格尔的传记往往比较 qquad\qquad ,但莱顿-斯特拉奇(Lytton Strachey)在 1918 年发表的一篇关于南丁格尔的文章却开创了一个新时代,使批评南丁格尔成为一种可以接受,甚至是一种时尚。

A.unsympathetic  A.不近人情
B.sycophantic  B.
C.unsentimental  C.不感情用事
D.censorious  D.
E.pedantic  E.
2.Tagore had a sharply defined sense of the(i) qquad\qquad of scientific inquiry.The fact that science dealt in statistics and numbers,that its logic was probabilistic,meant that the domain of moral questions(ii)___it:moral questions,for Tagore,required certainties,not probabilities.
2.塔戈尔对科学探究的 "我 "有明确的定义。
A.irrationality  A.非理性 D.guarded over  D.
B.limits  B. E.lay outside  E.
C.futility  C. F.was subject to  F.
A.irrationality D.guarded over B.limits E.lay outside C.futility F.was subject to| A.irrationality | D.guarded over | | :--- | :--- | | B.limits | E.lay outside | | C.futility | F.was subject to |
3.Although political events in different countries were not(i) qquad\qquad in the nineteen century,their interrelationship was(ii) qquad\qquad compared with the present,when interdependence has become far greater:(iii) qquad\qquad has ceased to be an option.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
3.虽然十九世纪各国发生的政治事件并不是( )。 qquad\qquad 在十九世纪,它们之间的相互关系是( )的。 qquad\qquad 与现在相比,它们之间的相互依赖程度要高得多:(iii) qquad\qquad 不再是一种选择。
A.unconnected  A. D.conditional  D.有条件 G.isolationism  G.孤立主义
B.trivial  B. E.superficial  E.肤浅 H.resilience  H.复原力
C.simultaneous  C.同时 F.transparent  F.透明 I.idealism  I.理想主义
A.unconnected D.conditional G.isolationism B.trivial E.superficial H.resilience C.simultaneous F.transparent I.idealism| A.unconnected | D.conditional | G.isolationism | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.trivial | E.superficial | H.resilience | | C.simultaneous | F.transparent | I.idealism |
4.Benjamin Franklin's reputation is so much one of appearing scientific investigation with commonsense empiricism that it is somewhat startling to realize how qquad\qquad the great experiment's mentoring truly was.
4.本杰明-富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)以常识性的经验主义进行科学研究而闻名于世,因此,当我们意识到 qquad\qquad 这位伟大的实验指导者的真实面目时,不免有些愕然。

A.reasonable  A.合理
B.speculative  B.
C.pragmatic  C.务实
D.conjectural  D.猜想
E.careless  E.粗心大意
F.judicious  F.
5.Scientist reported last month on a sign of relative solar qquad\qquad ;the solar wind,a rush of charged particles continually spewed from the Sun at a million miles an hour,had diminished to its lowest level in 50 years.
5.科学家上个月报告了一个相对太阳 qquad\qquad 的迹象:太阳风,一种以每小时一百万英里的速度不断从太阳中喷出的带电粒子,已经减弱到了50年来的最低水平。

A.quiescence  A.
B.turbulence  B.扰动
C.isolation  C.隔离
D.calm  D.
E.remoteness  E.
F.instability  F.不稳定性
6.Publicity surrounding celebrities'donations to charity is often greeted with cynicism,but a study of celebrity donation shows that they do qquad\qquad other donations.
6.人们对名人的慈善捐款往往持冷嘲热讽的态度,但一项关于名人捐款的研究表明,他们确实进行了 qquad\qquad 其他捐款。

A.preclude  A.排除
B.elicit  B.
C.allow  C.允许
D.draw  D.
E.bar  E.
F.replace  F.
7.Aerial viewings of the gigantic stone horse attributed to the Native American Quechuan people fail to qquad\qquad the considerable artistry required to create the piece:the horse appears crudely constructed unless carefully examined from the ground.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
A.reveal  A.
B.justify  B.
C.manifest  C.
D.mitigate  D.
E.diminish  E.
F.undercut  F.

test 13 section 2 (easy)
测试 13 第 2 节(易)

1.The modest but functional new wing finally gives the museum the qquad\qquad to serve its visitors properly,including multiple entrances to eliminate the lines that used to snake around the building.
1. 新翼规模不大,但功能齐全,使博物馆终于有能力为参观者提供适当的服务,包括多个入口,消除了过去在大楼周围排成长龙的现象。

A.visibility  A.可见度
B.wherewithal  B.
C.reputation  C.声誉
D.solemnity  D.庄严
2.Apparently,advanced tortoises evolved multiple times:the high-domed shells and columnar, elephantine feet of current forms are specializations for terrestrial life that evolved qquad\qquad on each continent.
2.很明显,先进的陆龟经过了多次进化:现在陆龟的高顶龟壳和柱状、象足是陆地生活的特化,是在每个大陆上进化 qquad\qquad 而来的。

A.independently  A.独立
B.interchangeably  B.
C.paradoxically  C.
D.simultaneously  D.同时
E.symmetrically  E.
3.The author suggests that cinema archives should become more like museums,justifying their existence by selecting,grouping and commenting on important films.By thus(i) qquad\qquad films, archives would not only serve as repositories but would provide(ii) qquad\qquad as well.
3.作者建议,电影档案馆应该变得更像博物馆,通过对重要影片的选择、分组和评论来证明其存在的合理性。 qquad\qquad 电影,档案馆不仅可以作为资料库,而且还可以提供(ii)电影的信息。 qquad\qquad 以及.
A.improving  A.改进 D.conservation  D.保护
B.restoring  B.恢复 E.education  E.教育
C.interpreting  C. F.income  F.收入
A.improving D.conservation B.restoring E.education C.interpreting F.income| A.improving | D.conservation | | :--- | :--- | | B.restoring | E.education | | C.interpreting | F.income |
4.To read Joanna Scott is to admire the work of a(i) qquad\qquad From sentence to story,she narrates with great skill and(ii) qquad\qquad ,so that the reader soon relaxes in the assurance that a hint or a brushstroke delivered in chapter 1 will be(iii) qquad\qquad before the novel comes to an end.
4.读乔安娜-斯科特的作品,就是在欣赏一位作家的作品。 qquad\qquad 从句子到故事,她的叙述技巧娴熟,(ii)娓娓道来。 qquad\qquad 这样,读者很快就会放松下来,确信第一章中的一个提示或一个笔触会(iii) qquad\qquad 在小说结束之前。
A.proselytizer  A. D.deliberation  D.审议 G.given import  G. 给定进口
B.sage  B. E.enthusiasm  E.热情 H.largely forgotten  H.
C.master  C. F.flamboyance  F. I.overwhelmed with details
A.proselytizer D.deliberation G.given import B.sage E.enthusiasm H.largely forgotten C.master F.flamboyance I.overwhelmed with details| A.proselytizer | D.deliberation | G.given import | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.sage | E.enthusiasm | H.largely forgotten | | C.master | F.flamboyance | I.overwhelmed with details |
5.Culture,like speech,is primarily a human faculty,although both functions may exist in a more form in lesser primates.

A.indispensable  A.不可或缺
B.crucial  B.
C.primitive  C.原始
D.intelligible  D.
E.recognizable  E.
F.rudimentary  F.
6.Jackie Wullschlager's biography of Hans Christian Andersen qquad\qquad the insipid sweetness with which Andersen coated his life and reveals a vulnerable gingerbread man with a bitter almond where his heart should be.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
6.Jackie Wullschlager 的《安徒生传》 qquad\qquad 揭示了安徒生生活中平淡无奇的甜味,揭示了一个脆弱的姜饼人,他的心应该是苦杏仁的。

A.conjures up  A.
B.imagines  B.想象
C.strips away  C.
D.overlooks  D.
E.removes  E.
F.ignores  F.
7.While it is always clear that the author's message is heartfelt,it is mostly buried by shortcomings of style,organization,and production,although the book does become more qquad\qquad toward the end.
7.虽然作者的寓意始终是发自内心的,但由于文体、组织和制作方面的缺陷,这本书的大部分内容都被掩盖了,尽管在结尾处,这本书确实变得更加 qquad\qquad

A.sincere  A.真诚
B.intelligible  B.
C.orthodox  C.正统派
D.readable  D.
E.frank  E.
F.voluble  F.

test 14 section 1 (medium)
测试 14 第 1 节(中)

1.Politicians who invoke the founders of the United States in support of their views seem to imply that the founders consistently concurred in their own views when in reality they were a highly

qquad\qquad group of thinkers.
qquad\qquad 思想家群体.

A.erudite  A.
B.innovative  B.创新
C.predictable  C.
D.contentious  D.
E.methodical  E.方法
2.Although Professor Pearson's colleagues often complained that he was(i) ,his friends were quick to defend him from this charge of(ii)
2.虽然皮尔逊教授的同事们经常抱怨他(i),但他的朋友们很快就为他辩解,说他是个 "不负责任的人"。他的朋友们很快就为他辩护,使他免受(ii)的指控。

A.importunate  A.
D.inconstancy  D.不恒定
B.garrulous  B.滔滔不绝
E.dishonest  E.不诚实
C.mercurial  C.
F.partiality  F.
3.The experimental theater company's members know that their performances(i) qquad\qquad an audience,that they were dense and unpredictable and not always easy to digest.But none of the techniques used would be(ii) qquad\qquad anyone with an interest in music or films.Indeed,they would seem strange only to people who expected to see traditionally crafted plays.The actors therefore felt that theater critics'derisive commentary showed only that the critics(iii) qquad\qquad the company's work.
3.实验剧团的成员知道,他们的表演(i)会引起观众的注意。<3.实验剧团的成员知道,他们的表演(一)会吸引观众,他们的表演密集而难以预测,而且并不总是那么容易消化。 qquad\qquad 任何对音乐或电影感兴趣的人都不会觉得奇怪。 事实上,只有那些希望看到传统戏剧的人才会觉得奇怪。 qquad\qquad 剧团的作品.
A.made demands on  A. 要求 D.contemplated by  D. G.lambasted  羊咩咩
B.had to command  B.不得不命令 E.alien to  E. H.exploited  H.
C.were sure to please
F.intuitive for  直观 I.misunderstood  我理解错了
A.made demands on D.contemplated by G.lambasted B.had to command E.alien to H.exploited C.were sure to please F.intuitive for I.misunderstood| A.made demands on | D.contemplated by | G.lambasted | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.had to command | E.alien to | H.exploited | | C.were sure to please | F.intuitive for | I.misunderstood |
4.A clever form of diplomacy involves subtly inducing the other party to propose your preference so that your qquad\qquad their requests appears as the granting of concession.
4.一种巧妙的外交手段是巧妙地诱使对方提出你的偏好,使你的 qquad\qquad 要求看起来是在让步。

A.accession to  加入
B.inattention to  B.不注意
C.subversion of  C.
D.abnegation of  D.
E.repudiation of  E.
F.acquiescence to  F.
5.Films that critics have slumbered through rarely generate industry excitement,even though the critics' qquad\qquad reception may be less the fault of the movie than of its unfortunate time slot near a fatiguing film festival's conclusion.
5.被影评人 "冷落 "的电影很少能在业内引起轰动,尽管影评人的 qquad\qquad 反应可能并不是电影的错,而是因为它的档期不巧,临近令人疲倦的电影节闭幕。

A.somnolent  A.
B.impartial  B.
C.lethargic  C.嗜睡
D.laconic  D.
E.befuddled  E.
F.evenhanded  F.
6.Even the cleverest use of time management techniques is powerless to qquad\qquad the sum of minutes in a person's life(over 52 million,optimistically assuming a life expectancy of 100 years ), so people squeeze as much as they could into each one of them.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
假设人的预期寿命为 100 岁),因此人们要尽可能多地挤出每一分钟.

A.justify  A.
B.quantify  B.量化
C.augment  C.
D.enrich  D.
E.measure  E.测量
F.extend  F.扩展
7.In the absence of a surface gradient,the new laws of refraction and reflection are qquad\qquad the conventional law,so they represent more of an extension than a complete revolution.
7.在没有表面梯度的情况下,新的折射定律和反射定律是 qquad\qquad 传统定律,因此它们更多地是一种延伸,而不是彻底的革命。

A.inferable from  A.
B.entailed by  B.
C.antithetical to  C.
D.coincident with  D.
E.antecedent to  E.
F.oppositional to  F.

test 14 section 2 (easy)
测试 14 第 2 节(容易)

1.What once seemed a quixotic vision-the"Subway to the Sea,"connecting Union Station in downtown Los Angeles to the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica-no longer seems quite so qquad\qquad
1."通往海洋的地铁 "将洛杉矶市中心的联合车站与圣莫尼卡的太平洋连接起来,这曾经似乎是一个奇思妙想,但现在看来已不再那么 qquad\qquad

A.impracticable  A.不切实际
B.prescient  B.
C.banal  巴纳尔
D.viable  D.
E.beneficial  E.
2.In a federally governed country,a regional government can function as a(i) qquad\qquad for the entire nation-a setting in which new ideas under consideration for national implementation are(ii) without having to involve the country as a whole.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
2.在联邦制国家中,地区政府可以充当全国政府的(i)。 qquad\qquad 整个国家--在这个环境中,考虑在全国范围内实施的新想法(ii).无需全国参与.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE
A.laboratory  实验室 D.dispersed  D.分散
B.catalyst  B.催化剂 E.undermined  E.
C.standard  C.标准 F.tried  F.
A.laboratory D.dispersed B.catalyst E.undermined C.standard F.tried| A.laboratory | D.dispersed | | :--- | :--- | | B.catalyst | E.undermined | | C.standard | F.tried |
3.Conventional deposits of oil and gas are actually the final resting place of far-traveled hydrocarbons that were(i) qquad\qquad deeper source beds of organic-rich rock.By contrast,shale gas (ii) qquad\qquad its birthplace,remaining in the source bed whose organic matter produced the gas.
3.常规石油和天然气矿床实际上是远距离旅行的碳氢化合物的最终安息地。<相比之下,页岩气(二) qquad\qquad 它的发源地,仍然是产生气体的有机质的源床.
A.trapped in  A. D.never leaves  D.从不离开
B.generated in  B. E.swiftly escapes from  E. 迅速逃离
C.bound for  C. F.rarely stays in  很少呆在家里
A.trapped in D.never leaves B.generated in E.swiftly escapes from C.bound for F.rarely stays in| A.trapped in | D.never leaves | | :--- | :--- | | B.generated in | E.swiftly escapes from | | C.bound for | F.rarely stays in |
4.Unlike most other serious journals,which drain money from their owners,the Review has long been(i) qquad\qquad .But the formula is not without its imperfections,which have grown more pronounced in recent years.The publication has always been erudite and(ii) qquad\qquad but not always lively and readable.(iii) qquad\qquad accompanied by a certain aversion to risk taking,has pervaded its pages for a long time.
4.与大多数其他严肃期刊一样,《评论》长期以来一直(i)榨取其所有者的金钱。 qquad\qquad 但这一公式并非没有缺陷,而且近年来缺陷越来越明显。 qquad\qquad 但并不总是生动和可读的。 qquad\qquad 长期以来,书页中充斥着对冒险的某种厌恶.
A.lucrative  A. D.authoritative  D.权威性 G.an originality  G.独创性
B.realistic  B.现实主义 E.animated  E. H.an impulsiveness  H.冲动
C.unesteemed  C. F.trendy  F. I.a staleness  I.
A.lucrative D.authoritative G.an originality B.realistic E.animated H.an impulsiveness C.unesteemed F.trendy I.a staleness| A.lucrative | D.authoritative | G.an originality | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.realistic | E.animated | H.an impulsiveness | | C.unesteemed | F.trendy | I.a staleness |
5.Flawed as it may be because it is conducted by subjective scientists,science itself has methods that help us qquad\qquad our biases and talk about objective reality with some validity.
5.由于是由主观的科学家进行的研究,科学本身可能存在缺陷,但科学本身有一些方法可以帮助我们 qquad\qquad 克服偏见,并在一定程度上有效地谈论客观现实。

A.bypass  A.旁路
B.reduce  B.
C.exacerbate  C.
D.magnify  D.放大
E.acknowledge  E.
F.circumvent  F.
6.In Japanese aesthetics,especially but not only in Noh,beauty contains the idea of qquad\qquad : beauty must have an air of evanescence,the intimation of its own demise.
6.在日本美学中,特别是但不仅限于能乐美学,美包含着 qquad\qquad 的思想:美必须有一种逝去的气息,暗示着自身的消亡。

A.transience  A.
B.symmetry  B.对称性
C.decay  C.
D.simplicity  D.简单性
E.balance  E.平衡
F.deterioration  F.
7.The uniquely human ability to rethink and revise our social arrangements is a weird blessing, allowing us to create systems that are as likely to qquad\qquad us as to liberate us.
7.人类重新思考和修改社会安排的独特能力是一种奇怪的祝福,它使我们能够创造出既能解放我们又能 qquad\qquad 我们的制度。

A.cheer  A.
B.shackle  B.
C.admonish  C.
D.educate  D.教育
E.stifle  E.
F.enliven  F.

test 15 section 1 (medium)
测试 15 第 1 节(中)

1.There is qquad\qquad in the director's most recent film that keeps the melodramatic possibilities latent in its script safely at bay.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
1.在导演的最新作品中, qquad\qquad 将剧本中潜藏的戏剧性可能性安全地保留在了海湾。

A.a mawkishness  A.
B.a predictability  B.a 可预测性
C.an austerity  C.
D.an ostentatiousness  D.
E.an emotiveness  E.
2.Despite dispute between the sisters lasted all summer,Megan remained(i) qquad\qquad and Laruen was equally(ii) qquad\qquad -.
2.尽管姐妹俩的争执持续了整个夏天,梅根仍然(i)没有离开。 qquad\qquad 而拉鲁恩同样(ii). qquad\qquad -.
A.intransigent  A. D.indolent  D.
B.feckless  B. E.uncompromising  E.不妥协
C.munificent  C. F.taciturn  F.
A.intransigent D.indolent B.feckless E.uncompromising C.munificent F.taciturn| A.intransigent | D.indolent | | :--- | :--- | | B.feckless | E.uncompromising | | C.munificent | F.taciturn |
3.Cultures can shape attitudes and beliefs in ways that(i) qquad\qquad conscious awareness or control; in other words,cultural orientations may develop from processes that do not entail(ii) participation,and cultures may pervade subtle psychological dynamics in ways that individuals may not be able to(iii) qquad\qquad .Thus,theories and tools developed to study implicit cognition may increase our understanding of the complex interplay between culture and individuals.
3.文化可以(i)以有意识的意识或控制的方式塑造态度和信念;换句话说,文化取向可能是在不包含(ii)的过程中形成的。 qquad\qquad 有意识地意识到或控制;换句话说,文化取向可能是在不需要(ii)参与的过程中形成的。换句话说,文化取向可能是在不需要参与的过程中形成的(iii),文化可能会以个人无法感知的方式渗透到微妙的心理动态中(iii)。 qquad\qquad 因此,为研究内隐认知而开发的理论和工具可能会增加我们对文化与个人之间复杂的相互作用的理解。
A.operate outside of  A. D.active  D. G.report  G.报告
B.tend to facilitate  B. 倾向于促进 E.random  E.随机 H.maintain  H.维护
C.may not alter  C.不得改变 F.rote  F. I.condone  I.
A.operate outside of D.active G.report B.tend to facilitate E.random H.maintain C.may not alter F.rote I.condone| A.operate outside of | D.active | G.report | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.tend to facilitate | E.random | H.maintain | | C.may not alter | F.rote | I.condone |
4.The Chavez Pass archaeological site was initially interpreted as indicative of qquad\qquad society, since it was thought to have been at the center of a cluster of smaller,contemporary settlements that it presumably controlled.
4.查韦斯山口考古遗址最初被解释为 qquad\qquad 社会的标志,因为它被认为位于一个较小的当代定居点群的中心,据推测它控制着这些定居点。

A.an expansionist  A.扩张主义者
B.a hierarchical  B.分层
C.an urban  C.
D.a heterogeneous  D.
E.a diverse  E. a 多样化
F.a stratified  F.
5.Although the insistence on balancing spending against tax revenues has contributed to the economy's stagnation,unfortunately,the government does not seem likely to qquad\qquad this rigid policy.
5.尽管坚持平衡支出与税收已导致经济停滞,但遗憾的是,政府似乎不可能 qquad\qquad 这一僵化的政策。

A.initiate  A.启动
B.persist in  B.参与
C.publicize  C.宣传
D.repudiate  D.
E.continue  E.继续
F.recant  F.
6.Although its director qquad\qquad that the movie uses a documentary approach in portraying the famous sit-down strike,in practice its characters are heavily fictionalized and fall into familiar Hollywood types.
6.虽然导演 qquad\qquad 说这部电影以纪录片的手法描写了著名的静坐罢工事件,但实际上其中的人物都是虚构的,属于人们熟悉的好莱坞类型。

A.asserts  A.断言
B.concedes  B.让步
C.guarantees  C.保证
D.disputes  D.争议
E.grants  E.赠款
F.maintains  F.维护
7.For all the qquad\qquad the new CEO has received from the press recently,her staff have a decidedly less rosy view of her.

A.encomiums  A.
B.tributes  B.
C.evaluations  C.评估
D.critiques  D.
E.attention  E.注意力
F.publicity  F.宣传

test 15 section 2 (medium)
测试 15 第 2 节(中)

1.Unlike some mammals-cows and sheep,for instance-that are notably qquad\qquad lions have a wide range of facial expressions.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】

A.tractable  A.
B.impassive  B.被动
C.solitary  C.
D.social  D.社会
E.sluggish  E.
2.World demand for oil had been intensified,but it slackened because China's surge in oil consumption had(i) qquad\qquad Moreover,high oil price had themselves started to act as a short-term (ii) qquad\qquad the global economy,thus further dampening demand.
2.世界对石油的需求有所加强,但由于中国石油消费的激增而有所放缓(i)。 qquad\qquad 此外,高油价本身已开始成为短期(二)经济增长的 "助推器"。 qquad\qquad 全球经济,从而进一步抑制需求。
A.spread  A. D.spur to  D.
B.commenced  B.开始 E.drag on  E.
C.slowed  C. F.panacea for  蝣エ謇
A.spread D.spur to B.commenced E.drag on C.slowed F.panacea for| A.spread | D.spur to | | :--- | :--- | | B.commenced | E.drag on | | C.slowed | F.panacea for |
3.The slow pace of job creation was without precedent for the period of recovery from a recession, but the conditions that conspired to cause the recession were also(i) qquad\qquad The stock market declined sharply,and rampant business investment slumped.Then an ensuing spate of scandals
3.创造就业的速度之慢,在经济衰退后的复苏时期是没有先例的,但导致经济衰退的条件也是(i)。 qquad\qquad 股票市场大幅下跌,企业投资急剧下滑。

(ii) qquad\qquad public trust in the way companies were run.And yet,despite these powerful(iii) qquad\qquad to growth,the recession proved surprisingly mild.
qquad\qquad 公众对公司经营方式的信任。 然而,尽管这些因素对经济增长产生了巨大影响(iii),经济衰退却出人意料地温和。 qquad\qquad 增长,衰退却出奇地温和。
A.heartening  A. D.weakened  D.削弱 G.counterforces  G.反作用力
B.atypical  B. E.illuminated  E. H.stimulants  H.兴奋剂
C.ambiguous  C. F.consolidated  F.合并 I.concomitants  I.
A.heartening D.weakened G.counterforces B.atypical E.illuminated H.stimulants C.ambiguous F.consolidated I.concomitants| A.heartening | D.weakened | G.counterforces | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.atypical | E.illuminated | H.stimulants | | C.ambiguous | F.consolidated | I.concomitants |
4.Given children's active fantasy lives,one might think of truthfulness as(i) qquad\qquad virtue in young children,but it turns out that lying is the more(ii) qquad\qquad skill.A child who is going to lie must recognize the truth,intellectually conceive of an alternate reality,and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else.Therefore,lying(iii) qquad\qquad cognitive development and social skills in a way that honesty simply does not.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
4.由于儿童的幻想生活非常活跃,人们可能会认为诚实是幼儿的(i)美德。 qquad\qquad 幼儿的美德,但事实证明,说谎是(ii). qquad\qquad 技能。要说谎的孩子必须认识到真相,在智力上构想出另一种现实,并且能够令人信服地向别人推销这种新的现实。 qquad\qquad 认知发展和社会技能,而诚实是根本做不到的。
A.an instinctive  A.一种本能 D.advanced  D.高级 G.undermines  G.
B.an acquired  B. E.practical  E.实用 H.forgoes  H.放弃
C.a conscious  C. F.mundane  F. I.demands  我的要求
A.an instinctive D.advanced G.undermines B.an acquired E.practical H.forgoes C.a conscious F.mundane I.demands| A.an instinctive | D.advanced | G.undermines | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.an acquired | E.practical | H.forgoes | | C.a conscious | F.mundane | I.demands |
5.A cure for the common cold has been so elusive that it has become a modern symbol of qquad\qquad
5."普通感冒 "是一种难以治愈的疾病,它已成为现代 qquad\qquad 的象征。

A.danger  A.危险
B.futility  B.实用性
C.unease  C.
D.pointlessness  D.无懈可击
E.sloth  E.
F.apathy  F.
6.The dictator's gleaming military uniform and imperial paraphernalia sharply contrast with the fashion favored by most other contemporary political leaders.

A.unostentatious  A.
B.modest  B.
C.august  C.
D.majestic  D.
E.formal  E.形式
F.casual  F.
7.If giant X-ray flares churn circumstellar disks enough to keep newborn planets,such as Earth once was,from spiraling into their suns,it would be an ironic twist on our conception of X-ray flares as qquad\qquad
7.如果巨大的X射线耀斑足以搅动环状星盘,使新生的行星(如曾经的地球)不致螺旋式地坠入太阳,那将是对我们把X射线耀斑看作 qquad\qquad 的概念的一种讽刺。

A.dangerous  A.危险
B.predictable  B.不可预测
C.ancient  C.古代
D.ephemeral  D.昙花一现
E.perilous  E.
F.foreseeable  F.

test 16 section 1 (easy)
测试 16 第 1 节(容易)

1.Though humanitarian emergencies are frequent features of television news,such exposure seldom qquad\qquad the public,which rather seems resigned to a sense of impotency.
1.尽管人道主义紧急情况经常出现在电视新闻中,但这种曝光却很少 qquad\qquad 公众,公众似乎对这种无能为力的状况感到无奈。

A.paralyzes  A.分析
B.demoralizes  B.
C.assuages  C.别墅
D.galvanizes  D.镀锌
E.exasperates  E.
2.Despite the fact that the book promises a complete rethinking of the factors contributing to the conflict,the picture that the book paints is(i) qquad\qquad :in identifying cause,it is more orthodox than (ii)
2.尽管该书承诺对造成冲突的因素进行彻底的反思,但它所描绘的图景(i)比(ii)更正统。 qquad\qquad :在查明原因方面,它比(ii)更正统。
A.obscure  A. D.restrictive  D.
B.detailed  B.详细 E.revisionist  E.
C.familiar  C.熟悉 F.enigmatic  F.
A.obscure D.restrictive B.detailed E.revisionist C.familiar F.enigmatic| A.obscure | D.restrictive | | :--- | :--- | | B.detailed | E.revisionist | | C.familiar | F.enigmatic |
3.Traditional Vietnamese culture has long promoted the idea of gender equality.Founding myths (i) qquad\qquad the equal division of labor in child care for mothers and fathers.As is often the case, however,theoretical commitments are(ii) qquad\qquad actual processes.In reality,gender-based
3.长期以来,越南的传统文化一直提倡男女平等。 qquad\qquad 母亲和父亲在照顾孩子方面平等分工。 qquad\qquad 实际过程。

(iii) qquad\qquad persists.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
(三) qquad\qquad persists.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE
A.obscure  A. D.incommensurate with  D.不符合 G.parity  G.均等
B.celebrate  B.庆祝 E.surpassed by  E. H.inclusiveness  H.包容性
C.countermand  C. F.inspired by  灵感来自 I.stratification  I.
A.obscure D.incommensurate with G.parity B.celebrate E.surpassed by H.inclusiveness C.countermand F.inspired by I.stratification| A.obscure | D.incommensurate with | G.parity | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.celebrate | E.surpassed by | H.inclusiveness | | C.countermand | F.inspired by | I.stratification |
4.Not only was this writer content to leave the reading public in the dark,she seems to have the role of trickster,seeding her works with apparent clues that led nowhere.
4.这位作家不仅满足于让读者蒙在鼓里,她似乎还扮演了 "捣蛋鬼 "的角色,在她的作品中布满了明显的线索,但却不知所云。

A.rejected  A.拒绝
B.disdained  B.
C.relished  C.
D.participated in  D.参加了
E.delighted in  E.
F.developed  F.
5.Although the biography never explicitly assesses what role the dynamic between Mr.Merrill's parents might have played in the development of his personality,the author offers plenty of qquad\qquad
5.虽然这本传记从未明确评估过梅里尔先生父母之间的关系在他的人格发展过程中可能扮演了什么角色,但作者提供了大量的 qquad\qquad 信息。

A.mystification  A. 神秘化
B.elucidation  B.
C.speculation  C.猜测
D.reflection  D.
E.obfuscation  E.混淆
F.conjecture  F.
6.There are great qquad\qquad in countries'greenhouse gas emissions,especially in per capita terms: while the United States and China are similar in aggregate emissions,United States per capita emissions are a huge multiple of China's.

A.distortions  A.
B.disparities  B.差异
C.fluctuations  C.波动
D.advances  D.
E.variances  E.
F.vacillations  F.
7.There is frequently a protracted time interval between the introduction of an innovative musical composition and its public acceptance;the concert-going public often spurns the qquad\qquad in favor of the familiar for a prolonged period.
7.创新的音乐作品从问世到被公众接受之间往往有一段较长的时间间隔;听音乐会的公众往往在很长一段时间内不喜欢 qquad\qquad ,而喜欢熟悉的作品。
A.comprehensive  A.全面
B.intricate  B.
C.novel  C.小说
D.original  D.
E.intelligible  E.
F.complex  F.

test 16 section 2 (medium)
测试 16 第 2 节(中)

1.The theory that the 1908 Tunguska event was the explosion of a cosmic body in the sky over Siberia is qquad\qquad :no one has yet found fragments of the object or any impact craters in the affected region.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
1."1908年通古斯卡事件是一个宇宙天体在西伯利亚上空爆炸 "的说法是 qquad\qquad :目前还没有人在受影响地区发现该天体的碎片或任何撞击坑。

A.long-standing  A.
B.indisputable  B.无可争议
C.plausible  C.似是而非
D.uncontested  D.无争议
E.unproven  E.未经证实
2.Motivation is the hardest of all managerial tasks,and it is qquad\qquad to expect a single memo,no matter how well crafted,to have much effect on the staff's attitude.

A.ingenious  A.
B.reasonable  B.合理
C.fanciful  C.
D.scrupulous  D.肆无忌惮
E.radical  E.
3.Collecting such fragment of contemporary popular culture as postcards,newspaper clippings, and wallpaper patterns,Susan Hiller transforms these seemingly(i) qquad\qquad artifacts into objective
3.收集明信片、剪报、墙纸图案等当代流行文化的碎片,苏珊-希勒将这些看似(i)的艺术品转化为客观的艺术品。 qquad\qquad 人工制品变成客观的艺术品。

(ii) qquad\qquad by making them the centerpieces in her compositions.
qquad\qquad 她把它们作为作品的中心.

A.extravagant  A.奢侈
D.importance  D.重要性
B.trivial  B.
E.uniformity  E.均匀性
C.archaic  C.
F.banality  F.
4.In adolescence,(i) qquad\qquad interactions are crucial in forging a self-identity.To be sure,this process often plays out in(ii) qquad\qquad as a means of defining and shoring up the sense of self.Kids will seek out like-minded companions,and spurn others who seem different.But when kept within reasonable bounds,this in-group(iii) qquad\qquad generally evolves into a more mature friendship pattern.
4.在青少年时期,(i) qquad\qquad 在形成自我认同的过程中,人际交往是至关重要的。 qquad\qquad 作为一种界定和巩固自我意识的手段,孩子们会寻找志同道合的伙伴,而对那些看起来与他们不同的人则敬而远之。 qquad\qquad 一般会发展成一种更成熟的友谊模式.
A.adult  A.成人 D.cliquish social behavior
G.alienation  G.
B.wide-ranging  B.范围广泛 E.dramatic changes in personality
H.clustering  H.
C.peer  C. F.heightened sociability
I.competition  I.竞争
A.adult D.cliquish social behavior G.alienation B.wide-ranging E.dramatic changes in personality H.clustering C.peer F.heightened sociability I.competition| A.adult | D.cliquish social behavior | G.alienation | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.wide-ranging | E.dramatic changes in personality | H.clustering | | C.peer | F.heightened sociability | I.competition |
5.The concept of the Hellenistic period in ancient history has proved useful but also qquad\qquad ,with scholars disagreeing on the dates when the period began and ended.
5.古代史中的希腊化时期这一概念被证明是有用的,但也 qquad\qquad ,学者们对这一时期开始和结束的日期存在分歧。

A.slippery  A.
B.elusive  B.
C.fruitless  C.无果
D.deceptive  D.
E.futile  E.

F.compelling  F.

6.Few ideas are more qquad\qquad than the notion that cultures evolve in Darwin fashion;many academics have begun writing about cultural evolution,but few treat the underlying Darwinian logic with the care it deserves.
6.几乎没有什么观点比 "文化是以达尔文的方式进化的 "这一观点更有说服力;许多学者都开始撰写关于文化进化的文章,但很少有人对其背后的达尔文逻辑给予应有的关注。

A.abused  A.
B.archaic  B.
C.misused  C.
D.outdated  D.
E.divisive  E.
F.derivative  F.
7.After many years of feeling qquad\qquad by his seniors managers,Clark was becoming hopeful of advancement.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
7.多年来,克拉克一直被他的前辈经理们感到 qquad\qquad ,他开始对前进充满希望。

A.vilified  A.
B.stymied  B.
C.hindered  C.
D.aggrieved  D.
E.circumvented  E.
F.overlooked  F.

test 17 section 1 (easy)
测试 17 第 1 节(容易)

1.Many readers today consider the moral sentiments expressed in the ancient writers'work to be quite vapid,and in the seventeenth century they were similarly regarded as qquad\qquad
1.今天,许多读者认为古代作家的作品所表达的道德情感非常空洞,而在十七世纪,这些作品也被认为是 qquad\qquad

A.jejune  A.
B.didactic  B.
C.dogmatic  C.
D.tendentious  D.自命不凡
E.arcane  E.甘蔗
2.Although movie critic Pauline Kael had a distaste for sycophancy,she also had a need for (i) qquad\qquad ;as a consequence of these competing feelings,she sent very(ii) qquad\qquad signals to friends and colleagues.
2.虽然影评人宝琳-凯尔厌恶谄媚,但她也需要(i)。 qquad\qquad ;由于这些相互竞争的感情,她发出了非常(ii)的信号。 qquad\qquad 给朋友和同事的信号。

A.solitude  A.
D.direct  D.
B.obeisance  B.
E.subtle  E.含蓄
C.clarity  C.
F.mixed  F.
3.One sometimes hears that Marco Polo introduced pasta to the Western world,having encountered it in China.This durable myth,which(i) qquad\qquad that nothing should have been known of pasta in Italy until 1295,when Marco Polo returned from the Far East,can easily be(ii) qquad\qquad by pointing out that there are Italian references to pasta that(iii) qquad\qquad
3.人们有时会听说,马可-波罗是在中国遇到意大利面后将其传入西方世界的。 qquad\qquad 1295年马可-波罗从远东归来之前,意大利人对意大利面一无所知。 qquad\qquad 通过指出意大利文中关于意大利面的记载(iii),可以很容易地得出结论。 qquad\qquad
A.requires  A.要求 D.augmented  D. G.praise its virtues  G.赞美它的美德
B.demonstrates  B. E.debunked  E. H.can be authenticated  H. 可以验证
C.symbolizes  C.象征着 F.traced  F. I.predate that event  我预测到了这一事件
A.requires D.augmented G.praise its virtues B.demonstrates E.debunked H.can be authenticated C.symbolizes F.traced I.predate that event| A.requires | D.augmented | G.praise its virtues | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.demonstrates | E.debunked | H.can be authenticated | | C.symbolizes | F.traced | I.predate that event |
4.Williamson had a fierce commitment to achieving an accord,spending enormous amount of time trying to forge a consensus out of an often qquad\qquad assembly.
4.威廉姆森坚定地致力于达成一项协议,他花费了大量的时间,试图在一个经常是 qquad\qquad 的大会上达成共识。

A.apathetic  A.
B.fractious  B.
C.restive  C.
D.cynical  D.
E.compliant  符合 E.
F.tractable  F.
5.Readers looking for another condemnation of private equity firms should look elsewhere,this book is not qquad\qquad such firms.
5.读者若想再一次谴责私募股权投资公司,那就另寻他处吧,本书并非 qquad\qquad 此类公司。

A.a rant against  A.
B.a diatribe on  B.
C.an exculpation  C.
D.a disquisition on  D.
E.a vindication of  E.
F.an argument about  F.
6.His premiership,seemingly cast-iron year ago,is now so vulnerable that even a good day at the office does no more than buy him a few weeks of qquad\qquad from rebels within his own party.
6.一年前,他的总理职位看似铁板一块,但现在却如此脆弱,即使在办公室里过上一天好日子,也不过是为他赢得几个星期的 qquad\qquad 党内叛乱分子的支持。

A.controversy  A.争议
B.reproach  B.
C.respite  C.
D.relief  D.救济
E.blame  E.
F.deference  F.
7.Even before she went to art school,Veronica found the standard design categories qquad\qquad :she didn't understand why designing buildings and designing tables should require different sensibilities.【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】
7.维罗妮卡在上艺术学校之前,就发现了标准的设计类别 qquad\qquad :她不明白为什么设计建筑物和设计桌子需要不同的感觉。

A.provocative  A.
B.limiting  B.限制
C.stimulating  C.
D.confusing  D.令人困惑
E.confining  E.
F.exhilarating  F.

test 17 section 2 (medium)
测试 17 第 2 节(中)

1.Though the volume of radioactive waste produced by nuclear power plants is qquad\qquad the problem of how to dispose of that waste is not:rather,it is of major importance.

A.unmanageable  A.无法管理
B.troubling  B.
C.significant  C.重要
D.small  D.小
E.deceptive  E.
2.Since fibromyalgia's symptoms can be(i) qquad\qquad and can(ii) qquad\qquad other disorder,and its diagnosis depends largely on patients'descriptions rather than blood tests or biopsies, fibromyalgia's cause and treatment have been the subject of much debate.
2.由于纤维肌痛的症状可能(i) qquad\qquad 和(ii).由于纤维肌痛的症状可以是(一) qquad\qquad ,也可以是(二) qquad\qquad 其他疾病,而且其诊断主要取决于患者的描述,而不是血液检查或活检,纤维肌痛的病因和治疗一直是争论的主题。
A.wide-ranging  范围广泛 D.mimic  D.模仿
B.distinctive  B. E.illuminate  E.
C.debilitating  C.削弱 F.preclude  F.排除
A.wide-ranging D.mimic B.distinctive E.illuminate C.debilitating F.preclude| A.wide-ranging | D.mimic | | :--- | :--- | | B.distinctive | E.illuminate | | C.debilitating | F.preclude |
3.Architecture scholar Sandy McCreery recently argued that traffic congestion,far from being a sign of urban(i) qquad\qquad ,is a mark of urban(ii) qquad\qquad ;congestion promotes contemplation of our surroundings and provides us with a shared experience,thereby fulfilling the essential task of the city.
3.建筑学者桑迪-麦克雷里(Sandy McCreery)最近指出,交通拥堵不仅不是城市(i)的标志,反而是城市(ii)的标志。 qquad\qquad ,而是城市(二)的标志。 qquad\qquad ;拥堵促进了我们对周围环境的思考,为我们提供了共同的体验,从而完成了城市的基本任务。

A.plentitude  A.
D.ambition  D.
B.decline  B.下降
E.privation  E.
C.excitement  C.兴奋
F.health  F.健康
4.For almost two centuries,the German island of Sylt has offered various therapies for every conceivable(i) qquad\qquad from broken bones to liver complaints.The local mud,saltwater,thermal pools,and spas have been deemed(ii) qquad\qquad by the German medical system,which(iii) qquad\qquad some of these treatments.Consequently,the treatments are widely used.
4.近两个世纪以来,德国的锡尔特岛为各种可以想象到的(i)疾病提供了各种疗法。 qquad\qquad 从骨折到肝脏不适,当地的泥浆、海水、热水池和温泉都被认为是(ii)。 qquad\qquad 德国医疗系统认为(三) qquad\qquad 其中一些治疗方法. 因此,这些治疗方法被广泛使用.
A.malady  A. D.healthful  D.有益健康 G.doubts  G.
B.indiscretion  B.不谨慎 E.suspect  E.怀疑 H.denies  拒绝
C.prognosis  C.预后 F.innocuous  F. I.funds  I.
A.malady D.healthful G.doubts B.indiscretion E.suspect H.denies C.prognosis F.innocuous I.funds| A.malady | D.healthful | G.doubts | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | B.indiscretion | E.suspect | H.denies | | C.prognosis | F.innocuous | I.funds |
5.The author engages this issue from diverse perspectives,supports his arguments with many examples,and manages to avoid antagonizing others in dealing with a very qquad\qquad subject.
5.作者从不同的角度探讨了这一问题,用许多事例来支持他的论点,并在处理一个非常 qquad\qquad 的主题时设法避免与他人对立。

A.contentious  A.
B.pedestrian  B.行人
C.controversial  C.有争议
D.perplexing  D.令人费解
E.mundane  E.
F.intriguing  F.
6.Space is often referred to as the final frontier,as the only realm of which humankind has still to gain substantial understanding,yet the ocean is also another vast area about which our knowledge is qquad\qquad .【微信公众号:张巍老师GRE】

A.erroneous  A.
B.confusing  B.令人困惑
C.frustrating  C.令人沮丧
D.rudimentary  D.
E.delusive  E.
F.sketchy  F.
7.Culture,like speech,is primarily a human faculty,although both functions may exist in a more form in lesser primates.

A.indispensable  A.不可或缺
B.crucial  B.
C.primitive  C.原始
D.intelligible  D.
E.recognizable  E.
F.rudimentary  F.

test 18 section 1 (medium)
测试 18 第 1 节(中)

1.For the urban researcher,the long lives of ancient cities can provide ample chronological data, making up for the paucity stemming from relative qquad\qquad of most present-day cities.
1.对于城市研究者来说,古代城市的悠久历史可以提供大量的年代学数据,弥补了当今大多数城市相对 qquad\qquad 的不足。

A.complexity  A.复杂性