A good tip to get your story featured


Zulie from Medium zulie@medium.com

Tue, Jul 16, 8:31 PM
to me

Plus Medium stats, Medium myths, and how to make clickable images.

Writer Newsletter
Hello writers, 各位作家,大家好!

Want to get your writing featured in
The Medium Newsletter, on any of our lists, or in the Staff Picks? You already know that the first step is to write a great story, but here’s a lesser-known tip: Make sure your story has one absolutely banging line or paragraph that sums up the thesis of your story when combined with your title.
想让您的作品出现在 The Medium Newsletter、我们的任何列表或 Staff Pick 中吗?您已经知道第一步是写一个精彩的故事,但这里有一个鲜为人知的提示:确保您的故事有一个绝对震撼的台词或段落,当您与标题相结合时,可以总结您故事的主题。

There are two reasons for this. First, a logistical one. When Medium staff members feature a story, we love to include a quote from the piece itself for context. No matter how fascinating the story is, if we can’t find a good quote to pull out that helps readers understand what the story is about and why they should read the full article, it makes it harder to include.
这有两个原因。首先是后勤问题。当 Medium 员工报道一个故事时,我们喜欢引用文章本身的一段话作为背景。无论故事多么引人入胜,如果我们找不到一个好的引文来帮助读者理解这个故事是关于什么的以及为什么他们应该阅读整篇文章,那么它就会更难收录。

That goes not just for Medium staff sharing your piece, but also any readers who might want to share your piece on social media or with friends and family! (I like how newsletter writer Ryan Broderick
puts it: “My social strategy for Garbage Day is what I call 'the one good paragraph'. I try and get something punchy and retweetable condensed into a single paragraph somewhere in the newsletter so that I can screenshot it and share it on Twitter.”)
这不仅适用于分享您的作品的 Medium 员工,也适用于任何可能想在社交媒体上或与朋友和家人分享您的作品的读者!(我喜欢时事通讯作者 Ryan Broderick 所说的:“我对垃圾日的社交策略是我所说的'一个好段落'。我尝试将一些有力且可转发的内容浓缩成时事通讯中某个地方的单个段落,这样我就可以将其截取并在 Twitter 上分享。

Second, it’s a great writing practice. The process of writing can get convoluted. By thinking intentionally about a quotable line or paragraph, you can give yourself an opportunity to clearly explain what you want readers to take away from your story.

Here are some fantastic examples:
“The key question to answer is how do you make sure your questions get answered? How do you engage the lower intent cohorts who don’t want to speak to you, or fill out long forms? Enter: one-question surveys.”
“Maybe I’ll completely lose my sight or maybe I’ll hold on to a sliver of it forever. Either way, I will use every microscopic bit of it, and if it must go, it will have to go kicking and screaming, knowing it was used to its maximum capacity.”
“The main takeaway from this experience is that generative AI text-to-music engines are not there yet. Once you start drilling down into the song construction, you immediately begin to unearth the incoherencies in the songs."
“这次经历的主要收获是,生成式 AI 文本转音乐引擎还没有出现。一旦你开始深入研究歌曲的结构,你就会立即开始挖掘歌曲中的不连贯之处。
I hope you enjoyed that amuse-bouche! Here’s the menu for the rest of this newsletter:
  • Medium Day! Links to register as an attendee and apply as a speaker
  • Medium stats 中等统计数据
  • Using data to clear up two common Medium myths
    使用数据来澄清两个常见的 Medium 误区
  • How to make an image clickable in your Medium draft
    如何在 Medium 草稿中使图像可点击
Let’s get started. 让我们开始吧。

P.S. I wanted to acknowledge and apologize for the payment delay for the June Partner Program earnings. We typically send payments by the 8th of the month, sometimes even earlier. This last month we ran into an issue that delayed payments until the 10th. Thank you for your patience in bearing with us!
P.S. 我想承认并道歉 6 月合作伙伴计划收益的付款延迟。我们通常在每月 8 日之前付款,有时甚至更早。上个月,我们遇到了一个问题,将付款推迟到 10 日。感谢您耐心等待我们!

Feedback, questions, and comments are very welcome! Reply to this email or reach me directly at zulie@medium.com.
非常欢迎反馈、问题和评论!请回复此电子邮件或直接通过 zulie@medium.com 与我联系
Medium Day is coming up! Mark your calendars for August 17th
中等这一天快到了!标记 8 月 17 日的日历
In case you missed it, we’re hosting Medium Day 2024! Here’s the post with all the details, including the link to register as an attendee (totally free!) and the link to apply to be a speaker (also totally free).
如果您错过了,我们将举办 2024 年 Medium Day! 这是包含所有详细信息的帖子,包括注册为与会者的链接(完全免费!)和申请成为演讲者的链接(也是完全免费的)。
Medium by the numbers: June 2024 edition
Medium 数据:2024 年 6 月版
Wondering what our stats page looks like? Here’s your monthly update. In June 2024…
想知道我们的统计页面是什么样的吗?这是您的每月更新。2024 年 6 月...
  • Medium writers earned more in June 2024 than in June 2023. That’s because we have more members, which means more money in the pot for us to pay our writers. Those members pay for Medium to read the stories you write—thank you!
    2024 年 6 月的 Medium 作家的收入高于 2023 年 6 月。那是因为我们有更多的会员,这意味着我们有更多的钱来支付我们的作家。这些会员为 Medium 付费阅读您撰写的故事 — 谢谢!
  • 2,756 stories were Boosted. 1,926 of those came from the publication editors in the Boost Nomination Program. That’s around 70%!
    2,756 篇报道被 Boosted。其中 1,926 篇来自 Boost Nomination Program 的出版物编辑。这大约是 70%!
  • Around 30% of total reads across Medium happened in publications
    Medium 上大约 30% 的总阅读量发生在出版物中
For extra stats, most-read stories, most-highlighted quotes, and more, check out our most recent It Happened on Medium post.
有关额外的统计数据、阅读量最大的故事、最突出的引述等,请查看我们最新的 It Happened on Medium 帖子。
Dispelling two (very common) Medium myths
消除两个(非常常见的)Medium 神话
Even before I worked at Medium, I used to get so frustrated at some of the myths I’d see perpetuated because they stopped great writers from succeeding on Medium. Now that I have a behind-the-scenes vantage point, I’m excited to share some myth-busting data with you.
甚至在我在 Medium 工作之前,我就曾经对一些我看到的神话感到非常沮丧,因为它们阻止了伟大的作家在 Medium 上取得成功。现在我有了幕后有利位置,我很高兴与您分享一些打破神话的数据。

I’ll get into: 我将介绍:
  1. What kinds of stories do and don’t make money on Medium
    哪些类型的故事在 Medium 上赚钱,不赚钱
  2. How frequently you should publish stories on Medium
    您应该多久在 Medium 上发布一次故事
Spoiler alert: there’s no one right answer!

the full story debunking these myths.
Did you know? How to make a clickable image
Want to make a clickable banner, button, or other image? It’s easy to do: just add your image, select it in your draft, and press Cmd + K on a Mac, or Ctrl + K on a PC. This will allow you to add a hyperlink to your image.
想要制作可点击的横幅、按钮或其他图像?这很容易做到:只需添加您的图像,在草稿中选择它,然后在 Mac 上按 Cmd + K,或在 PC 上按 Ctrl + K。这将允许您向图像添加超链接。

Here’s the help doc on it in case you get stuck.
A quick plug: if you want more Medium shortcuts, check out our recently revamped story about Medium tips and tricks for writers. If you spot any we missed, let me know!
快速插入:如果您想要更多 Medium 快捷方式,请查看我们最近修改的关于 Medium 作家提示和技巧的故事。如果您发现我们遗漏了任何内容,请告诉我!

Happy writing! 祝您写作愉快!
Zulie 祖利
Interested in earning money for your writing? Become a Medium member to join a community that values human storytelling and to earn in the Partner Program. Learn more about the Partner Program here, and follow The Medium Blog for more updates.
有兴趣通过写作赚钱吗? 成为 Medium 会员,加入重视人性故事的社区并在合作伙伴计划中赚取积分。在此处了解有关合作伙伴计划的更多信息并关注 The Medium 博客以获取更多更新。
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发送者Medium- 548 Market St, PMB 42061, San Francisco, CA 94104

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