昨晚,我把刚上线的 gpt search 功能设置为 chrome的默认搜索引擎。用了 “ChatGPT Search”5 分钟之后,作为 Google 20年死忠用户的我,觉得 Google Search 快完蛋了。
Last night, I set the newly launched gpt search feature as the default search engine in Chrome. After using "ChatGPT Search" for 5 minutes, as a loyal Google user for 20 years, I felt that Google Search is about to be doomed.
我是那种每天可能使用 google 接近 100 次,使用了 20 年的人。但是,GPT Search 有一个本质的区别/优势:
I am the kind of person who might use Google nearly 100 times a day and have been using it for 20 years. However, GPT Search has a fundamental difference/advantage:
It has the ability to actively process information, comprehensively handle multiple pieces of information to provide a "ready-made" answer, while also offering original webpage links for you to verify and "personally" enjoy the reading experience.
我分享几个典型案例,你具体感受下搜索效果: I will share a few typical cases for you to specifically feel the search effect:
Test searching for people, immediately get an overall introduction, synthesized from information from 6 websites, and also provide the original web pages for you to read personally.
测试中文、生活化搜索主题。 Test Chinese, lifestyle search topics.
测试时效性信息:快速获取新闻。 Test timeliness information: quickly obtain news.
Hacker news 作为全球独一无二的 BBS论坛,他们的社区规则也是独一无二的,非常有学习思考价值。用 gpt search 不但能精准抵达这些信息,而且经过了加工处理,而且可以追问、对话。
Hacker News, as a unique BBS forum globally, has community rules that are also unique and very valuable for learning and thinking. Using GPT search not only allows precise access to this information but also processes it, and you can further inquire and have conversations.
Gpt search的底层调用了 bing 搜索,所以也支持 site:
这样的站内搜索命令。你可以针对特定网站精准搜索特定关键词,然后让 gpt 综合分析。
The underlying call of Gpt search uses Bing search, so it also supports commands like site:
for site-specific search. You can accurately search for specific keywords on a particular website and then let GPT perform a comprehensive analysis.
As shown above, add GPT search as a search engine and set it as the default.
其中,gpt 搜索的 query url 是: https://chatgpt.com/?hints=search&q=%s[1]。你复制填写即可。
The query URL for GPT search is: https://chatgpt.com/?hints=search&q=%s[1]. You can copy and fill it in.
下面,分享一下我对gpt search的几点思考。
Below, I will share some of my thoughts on gpt search.
3个月前,OpenAI开始内测SearchGPT,正式网址是https://chatgpt.com/search[2]。但是,现在的 gpt search(我对目前功能的称呼)和SearchGPT(官方对未来搜索的正式命名)是一回事吗?
3 months ago, OpenAI started beta testing SearchGPT, and the official website is https://chatgpt.com/search[2]. However, is the current gpt search (what I call the current functionality) the same as SearchGPT (the official future name for search)?
这是当时官方的新闻稿:SearchGPT is a prototype of new AI search features | OpenAI[3]。从效果上看,二者本质是一样的,但是 SearchGPT 正式公布后,完成度会更高,搜索体验只会更好。
This was the official press release at the time: SearchGPT is a prototype of new AI search features | OpenAI[3]. In terms of effectiveness, they are essentially the same, but once SearchGPT is officially released, it will be more complete, and the search experience will only get better.
实质上,本文说的 gpt search 只是 ChatGPT 最近 UI 更新的一部分。下图是最近几天刚更新的UI,一句话总结:从 chatbox 到 searchbox。
Essentially, the gpt search mentioned in this article is just part of the recent UI update of ChatGPT. The image below shows the UI update from the past few days, summarized in one sentence: from chatbox to searchbox.
在 searchbox 中输入/
,即可唤出3 个命令:picture
, search
Enter /
in the search box to bring up 3 commands: picture
, search
, and reason
chatgpt.com 增加了search
命令,在此基础上,我们才能手动设置为 chrome 默认搜索引擎。
chatgpt.com has added the search
command, which allows us to manually set it as the default search engine in Chrome.
注意:在 chrome 地址栏搜索时,默认只用 got-4o mini,但是,在chatgpt 主页使用搜索框则可以调用 gpt-4o 引擎。
Note: When searching in the Chrome address bar, only got-4o mini is used by default, but using the search box on the chatgpt homepage can invoke the gpt-4o engine.
Someone once said, "The trend of the world is vast and mighty; those who follow it will prosper, while those who resist it will perish." So, in the matter of humans acquiring information, what is the true "trend"?
传统的 search engine,没有主动信息加工处理、推理加成的搜索引擎,已经死了。
Traditional search engines, without proactive information processing and reasoning enhancements, are already dead.
但是,“it's not the end, but it's the beginning of the end”。不是说传统的 google 搜索已经死了,死透了,而是说它们已经开始死亡,慢慢死亡。
However, "it's not the end, but it's the beginning of the end." It's not that traditional Google searchis already dead, completely dead, but rather that they havestarted dying, slowly dying.
跟海明威说的一样,事物有两种死亡的方式:先是慢慢死亡,然后突然死亡。传统的 google 搜索,正在“慢慢死亡”。
As Hemingway said, there are two ways things die: first, theydie slowly, and then theydie suddenly. Traditional Google search is "dying slowly."
在 ChatGPT 驱动的 AGI 世界潮流之下,正在慢慢死亡的还有应试教培和教育内卷。在教育内卷的恶果突然跳出来的时候,多年战术勤奋战略懒惰的鸡娃父母们,不能说言之不预。
Under the trend of the AGI world driven by ChatGPT, exam-oriented training and educational involution are also slowly dying. When the adverse effects of educational involution suddenly emerge, the parents who have been tactically diligent but strategically lazy for years cannot say they weren't warned.
https://chatgpt.com/?hints=search&q=%s: https://chatgpt.com/?hints=search&q=%s
[2]https://chatgpt.com/search: https://chatgpt.com/search
[3]SearchGPT is a prototype of new AI search features | OpenAI: https://openai.com/index/searchgpt-prototype/
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