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China Mulls Government Purchases of Unsold Homes to Ease Glut

  • Beijing is seeking feedback on preliminary proposal: people
  • Move comes as officials vow to address biggest drag on economy

China is considering a proposal to have local governments across the country buy millions of unsold homes, people familiar with the matter said, in what would be one of its most ambitious attempts yet to salvage the beleaguered property market.

The State Council is seeking feedback from several provinces and government entities on the preliminary plan, said the people, asking not to be identified discussing a private matter. While China has already experimented with several pilot programs to clear excess housing inventory with the help of state funding, the latest plan would be much larger in scale.

Local state-owned enterprises would be asked to help purchase unsold homes from distressed developers at steep discounts using loans provided by state banks, according to two of the people. Many of the properties would then be converted into affordable housing.

Officials are still debating details of the plan and its feasibility, the people said, adding that it could take months to be finalized if China’s leaders decide to go ahead. The housing ministry didn’t respond to a request for comment.

If authorities do proceed, it would mark a new phase in the government’s closely watched campaign to address the biggest drag on the world’s second-largest economy. China’s home sales plummeted about 47% in the first fourth months and unsold housing inventory is hovering at an eight-year high, exacerbating a meltdown that threatens to put about 5 million people at risk of unemployment or reduced incomes.
如果当局继续推进,这将标志着政府密切关注的解决世界第二大经济体最大拖累的新阶段。中国的房屋销售在头四个月下降了约 47%,未售房屋库存处于八年来的高位,加剧了一场威胁让约 500 万人面临失业或收入减少的崩溃。

Investors have been awaiting details of the government’s next moves after the ruling Communist Party on April 30 vowed to explore new approaches to ease the real estate crisis. The Politburo, composed of China’s 24 most-senior leaders, said the country was studying ways to “digest” the existing stockpile of homes.
投资者一直在等待政府下一步行动的细节,此前执政的共产党于 4 月 30 日承诺探索缓解房地产危机的新途径。中共中央政治局由中国 24 位最高领导人组成,表示该国正在研究“消化”现有的房屋库存的方法。

A gauge of Chinese property stocks has rallied about 14% since then.
中国房地产股指自那时起已上涨约 14%。

Read more on China property:
China Homebuyer Easing Gains Momentum as Big Cities Scrap Curbs
China Property Crisis Is Rippling Through Its Biggest Banks (3)
China Home Sales Keep Falling as Top Officials Pledge Support

While Beijing has experimented in the past with state buying of unsold apartments, most smaller-scale initiatives have met with little success.

In early 2023, the People’s Bank of China made 100 billion yuan ($13.8 billion) available to some financial institutions through a specialized lending facility. The money was meant to help eight cities on a trial basis buy unsold properties for use in local subsidized rental programs.
2023 年初,中国人民银行通过专门的贷款机制向一些金融机构提供了 1000 亿元人民币(138 亿美元)。这笔资金旨在帮助八个城市试点购买未售出的房产,用于当地的租房补贴计划。

The Economic Observer newspaper reported in January this year that cities including Qingdao and Fuzhou had started using those funds to buy apartments. Still, only 2 billion yuan was extended under the program as of March, the central bank’s latest quarterly data showed, implying caution among banks and local authorities.
《经济观察报》今年 1 月报道称,青岛和福州等城市已开始动用这些资金购买公寓。然而,根据央行最新季度数据显示,截至 3 月,该计划仅发放 20 亿元人民币,显示出银行和地方政府的谨慎态度。

Since the Politburo meeting last month, several major cities including Hangzhou, the homebase to Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., scrapped all their remaining curbs on residential purchases to lift transactions.

Meanwhile, more than 50 Chinese cities rolled out “trade-in” programs that offer residents incentives for selling their old homes and upgrading to new properties as part of efforts to boost housing demand. Among them 11 local government or city-backed entities are conducting trials of buying housing inventory, according to a note from Tianfeng Securities Co. this week.
与此同时,超过 50 个中国城市推出了“以旧换新”计划,为居民提供激励措施,鼓励他们出售旧房屋,升级到新房产,以促进住房需求。其中有 11 个地方政府或城市支持的实体正在试行购买住房存量,根据天风证券本周的一份报告。

Not Enough 不够

Even so, China’s property sector is unlikely to stabilize until the gap between housing supply and demand closes, according to Bloomberg Economics.

Unsold housing inventory climbed to 3.6 billion square feet last year, the highest since 2016, official data showed. It will cost at least 7 trillion yuan ($967 billion), or 78% of China’s budget deficit this year, for the government to absorb the inventory in 18 months, Tianfeng Securities estimated.
去年,未售出的住房库存攀升至 36 亿平方英尺,为 2016 年以来最高水平,官方数据显示。根据天风证券的估计,政府需要耗资至少 7 万亿元人民币(9670 亿美元),或者相当于中国今年 78%的预算赤字,来在 18 个月内吸收这些库存。

The new plan to enlist local governments to reduce housing glut could further exacerbate their debt level, which has soared to 56% of gross domestic product as of last year. Banks would also be under pressure as their balance sheets have already been eroded by rising bad loans and narrowing margins.
新计划旨在让地方政府帮助减少住房过剩问题,但可能进一步加剧它们的债务水平,该水平已在去年飙升至国内生产总值的 56%。银行也将面临压力,因为它们的资产负债表已经受到不良贷款增加和利润空间收窄的侵蚀。

    — With assistance from John Liu
    — 由刘约翰提供协助