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The Death

Q1:Use the expression of the eyes to change the title of the theme.


1).The weather is very cold, marriage broings misfortune to woman and she learned her lover was dead.

2). Implying that Aunt Julia thought she living for nothing, and the died.

3). The age of the two aunts replaced a fading generation in Berlin. Where all ideas are eventually replaced by advanced ones.

Q3:The outside wall was cold, and whether we fated to the cycle and class conditions of Berlin at that time the code window indicates that the bourgeois it's still confused about the future development of society. The flag of ST has neither the courage nor the bourgeois has neither the courage nor the desire to enter the political fray.
Q3:外墙冰冷,我们是否命中注定要适应当时柏林的周期和阶级状况,代码窗口表明资产阶级对社会未来的发展仍然感到困惑。 ST的旗帜没有勇气,资产阶级也没有勇气和意愿参与政治斗争。

Q4:Gabriel's imaginary sexual contact is physical contact, and he always thinks of physical contact with his wife in his mind. Gretta's imaginary sexual contact is a spiritual contact, and she misses the previous first love that died for her.The lively queues in the house and the icy snow outside the house form a contrast between the cold and warmth.At the end of the article it is written that snow covers all places.

Q5:According to the context of the writing, many Irish emigrated to places like Dublin to free themselves from the social inequalities of their homeland. And the author's novel, "The Dead", shows the Irish middle class life in Dublin at the end of the 19th century. It happens that the author is also an immigrant. It is because of the author's experience that the description of characters in the novel will be so vivid and vivid. Among them, The author borrows "The time had come for him to set out on his journey westward." This kind of ending is left blank, arouses reverie. Of course, "Gaelic: the ture roots of the Irelan, the sturdy peasantly, the life force of Michael Furey. The ture roots of the irelan, the sturdy peasantly, the life force of Michael Furey. But the author wants to highlight the depth of the language history level of the article, that is, the social background of the writing. The author also wants to express his awareness of the "death" of people in that society.

Q6:"The Death" feature novels are all about "cold relationships." Among them, "Snow is falling all over Ireland"." Snow "is cold, symbolizing the apathetic society of Ireland, the rigid and dying spiritual world. The snow in the struggle of life and all signs of recovery covered up, the bitter cold winter described by the dripping. So, the snow represent death. It was "All Ireland covered by the spirit of the death" and the people of Ireland suffered physical and mental damage.

For examples:

1.The conversation between Aunt Kate and Aunt Julia about goloshes. Aunt Kate made a mockery of Aunt Julia for not knowing about goloshes, which made Aunt Julia unhappy. And they're sisters!A little ridiculous family!This set of dialogues shows the apathy of interpersonal relationships.(58页,右边倒数四,五段)

2.Gabriel wrote a speech, but he thought it was too esoteric. And he thought the examples should be well known. If he writes examples that don't make sense to the audience, he will make others think he is showing off his education. It was a simple speech, but it needed to be changed carefully because of a sneer. To maintain the appearance of friendship and face.(57页,右边正数第五行“He would……education”)。

I like to see it lap the Mile


Advocate: support the technological progress of America, the farther development of the industrial revolution and the America as a scientific and technological power. Appreciate the seriousness and progressive spirit of the industrial revolution.

Antagonist: The bourgeois problem created by the Industrial Revolution, and the enviromental pollution.


Using the “taste”(gustatory imagery )文章中lap,lick……“sight”(visual imagery)文章中supercilious peer…… “sound”(auditory imagery)文章中horrid,hooting,stanza……

Convey meaning:The poem is set against the backdrop of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution heralded the optimism of the American youth spirit. But it also suggests that the industrial revolution will have an impact.




3.personification(拟人)文章中supercilious peer,crawl(匍匐前进)……

In another country

Q1. In another country, all the images of death in the opening paragraph are on the outside - autumn, cold, dark. The snow, wind, and corpses hanging outside the store were "stiff, heavy, and empty.". In this article, there is no focus on the scene outside the window, only the scene of the street at the beginning.

In The Death, describes snow falling outside the house, falling everywhere and in corners. In the article focuses on the snowy scene, which snows throughout Ireland, snowflakes gently fall through the universe, as if they ended, on all the living and dead. Unlike in another country , there are many depictions of situations.

Q2. The author's attitude towards the three soldiers is described as having their own intentions before they became soldiers, and they did not have to go after being wounded in war, and the author's attitude towards them was avoidance.The author's attitude towards the major is sick in "I said, feeling sick for him"(P98), and the author regrets him.The wording of the author's attitude towards war is always in "In the fall the war was always there"(P95), and the author complains about the war.
Q2。作者对这三名军人的态度被描述为在当兵之前就有自己的意图,在战争中受伤后也不必走,作者对他们的态度是回避。作者对少校的态度是病态的。 “我说,为他感到恶心”(P98),作者为他感到遗憾。作者对战争态度的措辞总是在“秋天,战争总是在那里”(P95),作者抱怨战争。


Q1:Mainly to show women's authority.The connection between this movement and women is that, in order for women to be free, they must get rid of the existing social culture and ideology, and they must make themselves free people through active choice and continuous action.

Q2:They are described in terms such as "fearless girl", "calm and confident like a veteran", "resolute and imperious", "they are afraid of no one, but everyone is afraid of them" and so on.Their "sailor's intrepid spirit" is in stark contrast to a group of "weak legs", "weak sick" young men. The image of the girls created by Lawrence is no longer the image of the traditional women who are weak and domesticated, but a new image of awakening.Since the novel takes place in the period 1914-1918, most of the normal males have gone off to the front lines, leaving behind mostly female and dysfunctional males. Therefore, in order to maintain the normal functioning of the society, many women began to leave the family and take the place of men in social work. Therefore, women can get rid of the traditional life of women staying at home to take care of the family, and have the opportunity to step into the society and take a place in the society.
Q2:他们被形容为“无所畏惧的女孩”、“像退伍军人一样冷静自信”、“坚决而专横”、“他们谁都不怕,但所有人都害怕他们”等等。他们的“水手的无畏精神”与一群“腿软”“弱病”的年轻人形成了鲜明的对比。 劳伦斯笔下的少女形象不再是传统的柔弱、被驯化的女性形象,而是一种新的觉醒形象。小说以1914-1918年为背景,大多数正常的男性已经消失。到前线,留下的大多是女性和功能失调的男性。 因此,为了维持社会的正常运转,很多女性开始离开家庭,代替男性从事社会工作。 因此,女性可以摆脱女性在家照顾家庭的传统生活,有机会步入社会,在社会上占有一席之地。

Q3:Thomas is an irresponsible man and a womanizer.In Lawrence's eyes John Thomas stood in stark contrast to other weak men suffering from injuries, and John Thomas was the only one who dared to pursue Anne so he described him as heroic.He is not a real hero, because he is not devoted to love.

Q4:Because Anne is beautiful, smart, fierce, and live in the moment and enjoy themselves, breaking the image of women in traditional times. So John Thomas liked Anne better.
Q4:因为安妮美丽、聪明、凶猛,而且活在当下、享受自己,打破了传统时代女性的形象。 所以约翰·托马斯更喜欢安妮。

Q5:I think what Annie meant was to form a group of girls who had also been abandoned by John Thomas, and to get back at him. At the same time, the abandoned girls hope to humiliate John Thomas and get back the dignity they lost from him, so that they can feel cathartic. So that they can return to nature, so that human society should be restored to the original order, to avoid the occurrence of modern social tragedy.
Q5:我认为安妮的意思是组建一群同样被约翰·托马斯抛弃的女孩,并报复他。 与此同时,被遗弃的女孩们希望能够羞辱约翰·托马斯,从他那里夺回她们失去的尊严,这样她们就能得到宣泄。 让他们回归自然,让人类社会恢复原来的秩序,避免现代社会悲剧的发生。

Q6:I think the thing that was broken in Anne was her chastity and dignity, because the complex mixture of the desire for love and the pain of being cheated is often the hardest blow to a person who looks strong, especially if she tries to pretend to be strong and confident like Anne.

Q7:Beginning:The story takes place in a sterile industrial countryside in central England during the First World War, where all able-bodied people set off for the trenches, leaving only the maim and infirm men at home, so the women here have the right to be conductors and take on the jobs and privileges of departing soldiers.

Progress:Anne, who has a boyfriend who still flirts with John Thomas, alludes to the train as a deck, and to go ashore means to get off. The Sailor spent a long time on the shore. This attitude to sex breaks with the traditional female attitude to sex.
进展:安妮有一个仍然与约翰·托马斯调情的男朋友,她将火车视为甲板,而上岸意味着下车。 水手在岸上待了很长时间。 这种对性的态度打破了传统女性对性的态度。

Climax:In the waiting room where girls use their tenderness and charm to cover up their revenge plans, John Thomas is inundated with attacks from angry jilted girls who try to end his light-hearted ways by forcing him to choose a girl.

Denouement:The conflict was resolved when John Thomas snatched victory from defeat when he chose Anne. The battle between the sexes ended with the man winning. The girls, especially Anne, are forced to recognize the limits of their rights. The only reason for failure is that they did not become a real man.
结局:约翰·托马斯选择了安妮,从失败中夺取了胜利,冲突得到了解决。 两性之间的战斗以男性获胜而告终。 女孩们,尤其是安妮,被迫认识到她们权利的局限性。 失败的唯一原因是他们没有成为一个真正的男人。

The Egg

Q1:The son is a narrator. he characterizes himself as being a gloomy man inclined to see the darker side of life. He blames this on his childhood days spent on the chicken
Q1:儿子是叙述者。 他将自己描述为一个阴郁的人,倾向于看到生活的阴暗面。 他将此归咎于他在鸡身上度过的童年时光

farm instead of having experienced the happiest days of life.

The father was a farmhand.He is cheerful up to the age of 35.By 45,he is bald-head, fat and has become silent and discouraged.He wants success. He wants to entertain people. He He tries ,but failure overtakes him.He remains shut in his enclosed world and inability to succeed.
父亲是一名农场工人,35岁之前他都很开朗。45岁的时候,他秃头、肥胖,变得沉默寡言、灰心丧气。他想要成功。 他想娱乐人们。 他尝试过,但失败了。他仍然被关在自己封闭的世界里,无法成功。

The mother is school teacher.She convinces her husband to give up being a farmhand, and encourages him to do some business. For herself she doesn' t desire anything, but for the son and the father she is very ambitious. At the end ,she softens a little.
母亲是学校老师。她说服丈夫放弃当农民,并鼓励他做点生意。 对于她自己来说,她什么都不想要,但是对于儿子和父亲,她却非常有野心。 最后,她软化了一点。

Q2:The main conflict is external, between the father and the egg, or between the father and the social environment. With the development of industrialization, people began to believe that a better life could be achieved through unremitting efforts. The father and mother decided that they would do ambitious things for their children to be successful in the future. They would no longer be farmers. My father started a chicken farm, but it didn't work out. So the family moved to a small town a few miles away and opened a restaurant instead, which didn't work out either. The failure of his father to fight against the social environment represents the unpursuit of the American dream, suggesting that people can't get the imagined life until the society is truly industrialized.
Q2:主要的冲突是外部的,父亲和鸡蛋之间,或者父亲和社会环境之间。 随着工业化的发展,人们开始相信,通过不懈的努力可以实现美好的生活。 父亲和母亲决定,他们要为孩子们​​的未来取得成功而做一些雄心勃勃的事情。 他们将不再是农民。 我父亲开了一家养鸡场,但没有成功。 于是,一家人搬到了几英里外的一个小镇,并开了一家餐馆,但也没有成功。 他父亲未能与社会环境作斗争,代表了对美国梦的不追求,表明在社会真正工业化之前,人们无法获得想象中的生活。

Q3:The narrator believes that the birth of a chicken is the beginning of hope, growth is the extension of hope, and the death of a chicken is the beginning of a nightmare. It's a vicious cycle. These scenes occupy the narrator's entire childhood, so much so that in the end he becomes a gloomy figure.
Q3:叙述者认为鸡的诞生是希望的开始,成长是希望的延伸,鸡的死亡是噩梦的开始。 这是一个恶性循环。 这些场景占据了叙述者的整个童年,以至于最终他变成了一个阴郁的人物。

Q4:First of all, these misshapen chickens

represent the father's hard work and sweat.

Secondly, they are more the treasure of the

father than the poison that leads the father to deformity. It is father's refusal to give up on these deformed chickens that lead to his final mental disorder and the collapse of his dream.
父亲,而不是导致父亲畸形的毒药。 正是父亲不肯放弃这些畸形鸡,导致了他最终的精神失常和梦想的破灭。

In short, the father's collection and exhibition

of deformed chickens symbolizes the American dream that he does not want to give up.

Q5:The father uses eggs to entertain his guests. It is very contrary to his nature. The wrong point of his decision is that the deformed chickens are not entertainment but disgusting to the guests,and the father's performance give the impression of anormal behavior. It can be described as “mildly insane”.
Q5:父亲用鸡蛋来招待客人。 这与他的本性非常相反。 他的决定的错误之处在于,畸形鸡对客人来说不是娱乐而是恶心,而父亲的表现则给人一种行为异常的印象。 可以用“轻度疯狂”来形容。

Q6:From an apparent point of view, the egg represents culinary thing. But look at it on a deeper level, for the father, farmer and restauranter, the egg symbolizes the concrete manifestation of his personal
Q6:从表面上看,鸡蛋代表着烹饪之物。 但从更深层次来看,对于父亲、农民和餐馆老板来说,鸡蛋象征着他个人的具体表现

failures. For the narrator, the son of the father, the egg symbolizes the futility of life itself. For the mother. "the egg is any hope or
失败。 对于叙述者,父亲的儿子来说,鸡蛋象征着生命本身的徒劳。 为了母亲。 “鸡蛋是任何希望或

dream loaded on first his father, then the boy

himself. For the nation, the egg stands for American Dream.
他自己。 对于这个国家来说,鸡蛋代表着美国梦。

Q7:Firstly, the social environment is the radical cause of the family's failure. The Industrial Revolution led to economic progress at that time, but there were still big differences between town and country, upper class and lower class. Ordinary people, represented by the father, naturally could not cross the class gap and realize their dreams.
Q7:首先,社会环境是家庭失败的根本原因。 工业革命带来了当时的经济进步,但城镇与乡村、上层阶级与下层阶级之间仍然存在很大差异。 以父亲为代表的普通人,自然无法跨越阶级鸿沟,实现自己的梦想。

Secondly, their blind pursuit of the American

dream is the direct cause of their failure. They simply become ambitious and enthusiastic. Copying Columbus's "strategy" and assuming that their efforts would be rewarded. But their Vision of the American dream is deformed and over-eager.
梦想是他们失败的直接原因。 他们只是变得雄心勃勃、充满热情。 复制哥伦布的“策略”并假设他们的努力会得到回报。 但他们的美国梦愿景是畸形的并且过于渴望。


Q1.The mistress's eyes dim, her cheeks and lips are pale, her hair is like blackwires and the breasts of her are dun. She do not have a pleasing sound and pleasant odor.


• her eyes are nothing like the sun(visual)

coral is far more red than her lips' red (visual)
• 珊瑚比她嘴唇的红色更红(视觉)

snow is white/breasts are dun (visual)
• 雪是白色的/乳房是暗褐色的(视觉)

hairs=wires/black wires grow out of her head (visual)
• 头发=电线/黑色电线从她的头上长出来(视觉)

roses mingling red and white/no roses in her cheeks (visual)
• 红白混合的玫瑰/她的脸颊上没有玫瑰(视觉)

delightful perfumes/her breath reeks(olfactory)

her speaking/music more pleasing(auditory)
• 她的说话/音乐更令人愉悦(听觉)

goddess walking/she treads on the ground(auditory)
• 女神行走/她踩在地上(听觉)

these imageries that the speaker mentioned are all beautiful female's features.

Q3.Because the speaker thinks that his mistress has tunusual qualities which are more vital and precious than any other usual beautiful things of women's exterior. From another point of view, the speaker tells people that the appearance is not that important, we should realize the precious qualities of human beings and admire them.

Q4.The speaker uses imagery to bring love poetry back to reality, so to speak. A lover doesn't have to be like the sun and coral and snow and roses, etc., to be loved. By showing what his lover is not with imagery, but also stating that he loves her as any poet has ever loved, the speaker brings realism to love poetry.


Q1. The word " every" appears 7 times," cry " appears 3 times as well as"mark and its plural forms appears 3 times. Their significance is emphasizing the gloomy,
Q1. “every”一词出现了7次,“cry”出现了3次,“mark”及其复数形式出现了3次。它们的意义是强调阴郁、

despairing London, which is considered as hell.

Q2. It suggests exclusion, cheating, and oppression. The word manacles is the same as charted".

Q3. At that time, the main fuel of industrious Britain is coal. Although mostof emission was emitted by the chimney, the church is inevitably surrounded byblack dust. The -ing form of black suggests the church's expanding commerce as wellas its brutal exploitation of child-labor.

Q4. Yes. First and foremost, God, like a gardener, creates everything in theBible.

Furthermore, blasts and blights share the same initial letter B" with the rhyme of alliterative sounds.
此外,blasts 和 blights 具有相同的首字母 B" 和头韵音韵。

Q5. (1) Because sexually transmitted diseases blind newborns, prostitutes passed on their pain to their children. She also passed the pox to her husband, who then brought it back to his wife and tortured the Marriage hearse.
Q5. (1)由于性病使新生儿失明,妓女将她们的痛苦传给了孩子。她还将痘传染给了她的丈夫,然后她的丈夫把病毒带回给了他的妻子,并折磨了婚姻灵车。

(2) Harlot is young girl with a good appearance and young life. This is the representative of all beauty. They are suffering from a miserable life. Therefore,they are forced by necessity to become harlot.
(2) 妓女是一位年轻的女孩,外表美丽,生命年轻。这是一切美的代表。他们过着悲惨的生活。因此,她们被迫成为妓女。

(3) In the eyes of Blake in London, marriage and birth, the symbols used to be regard as revival and vitality, but now forebode death. The appalling scene combines with devastating horror and fear criticizing the social condition in London. It also fillets bourgeois marriage in all its hypocrisy, the husband routinely unfaithful to his wife, and suggests the sterile wedded state, which contemporary feminist Mary Wolstencraft has called legalized prostitution. Bystriking at the family, the poem attacks the reproductive system of society itself.

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Q1. (1) Oberon and Puck represent the dream world. (2) These four lovers represent the real world. (3) Yes, Shakespeare has created a balance between these oppositionalworlds.
Q1. (1)奥布朗和帕克代表梦境世界。 (2) 这四位恋人代表了现实世界。 (3) 是的,莎士比亚在这些对立的世界之间创造了平衡。

Q2. In this drama, the main story is told between two pairs of lovers,Hemiya is the heroine who dares to love and dare to hate, she isaffectionate and single- minded, in order to fight for marital autonomy, shedares to rebel against authority. And Helena is also a female figure whodares to challenge traditional ideas and bravely pursue love, all of whichhint at the courage and strength of men. Instead, the four men in lovetreat love differently. Both Lassander and Demetrius changed the fidelityof love. On the other hand, Tetania's friendship with the faithful ismisunderstood by O'Brien, SO she plays tricks on her and takes revenge onher; Hippolyte became the subject of love because of the power ofTheseus.

Q4. I don't think such release is escapist in the noncomic universe.Although the story in the play took place in ancient Greece, thecharacters' thoughts, feelings and moral standards were completelybased on the real life of Britain at that time.

Q5. The play tells a love story about a lover who gets married. lts theme isto resist feudal marriage, pursue free love, and realize universalharmony and happiness in the world.

Rape Fantasies

Q1 By contrast, Estella's rape fantasy is totally different from that of her colleagues. She doesn't obey the rape culture, and shows the weakest psychology of men by establishing a dialogue. Finally, women deal with dangerous situations by mechanism. However, Estella also said that real rape will bring a weapon, and it is difficult to change the situation by communication alone. Therefore, the rape fantasy aims to make everyone understand that the most important thing is not how the victim saves himself, but how to eliminate the rape culture and patriarchal rule from the social level.
Q1 相比之下,艾丝黛拉的强奸幻想与她的同事完全不同。她不服从强奸文化,通过建立对话来展现男人最脆弱的心理。最后,女性通过机制处理危险情况。不过,艾丝黛拉也表示,真正的强奸会带来武器,仅靠沟通很难改变现状。因此,强奸幻想旨在让大家明白,最重要的不是受害人如何自救,而是如何从社会层面消除强奸文化和父权统治。

Q2 The "rape fantasy" of the narrator's colleague is beautiful, with humorous and ironic tone. I think they really about rape. It reveals all kinds of problems faced by women in modern society and there are many stereotypes about women. The heroine, on the other hand, wants equal dialogue and communication between men and women.
Q2 叙述者同事的“强奸幻想”很美,语气幽默讽刺。我认为他们真的是在谈论强奸。它揭示了现代社会女性面临的种种问题以及对女性的诸多刻板印象。而女主角则希望男女之间能够平等对话、交流。

Q3 She is a humorous but thoughtful person. Because it could helped her frustrate the attempt to rape.
Q3 她是一个幽默但有思想的人。因为这可以帮助她挫败强奸企图。

Q5 I realize that this society still has a deep stereotype of women on the topic of rape, and even many women think so. By answering the question "Do women have rape fantasies?", the narrator skillfully reveals the hidden hegemony behind this seemingly prominent topic of women's liberation, denies the value of such questions, and humorously ridicules the proposition of "male root jealousy".
Q5 我意识到这个社会在强奸这个话题上对女性还是有很深的刻板印象,甚至很多女性也这么认为。叙述者通过回答“女性是否有强奸幻想?”这一问题,巧妙地揭示了女性解放这个看似突出的话题背后隐藏的霸权,否定了此类问题的价值,并幽默地调侃了“男根嫉妒”的命题。

Q6 The tone of the story is light and flippant.
Q6 故事的基调是轻松、轻率的。

Widowers' Houses

Q2: Because Sartorius is a rich man but lacks culture. Besides, he belongs to the middle class. He needs to connect marriage with nobility so as to improve his social status. His shelves are filled with smartly tooled books, using these books pretend to be upper class that is rich and knowledgable.

Q3: Cokane repeats taste and tact to show that he is a real gentleman. He often say there words when he feels someone's language or behavior is rude or tactless. Or use them to aviod some embarrassing situations which would make him feel ungentelmanly.
Q3:Cokane 重复品味和机智以表明他是一位真正的绅士。当他觉得某人的语言或行为粗鲁或不圆滑时,他经常会说这些话。或者用它们来避免一些尴尬的情况,让他觉得自己没有绅士风度。

Q4: Sartorius emphasises that he is a self made man, and he is not ashamed of what he have done. He says that those poor people can not live on proper dwelling because they don't know how, meanwhile, he says he had run out of his poverty to his tenants, and interests he paid to Trench.

Q5: When Trench knew his poverty was from Sartorius, his idealism world was broken. He gave in to the "glass house". He wanted to married Blanche and decided to share their fortune.