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Spinning principle

Editors-in-Chief: Wang Jiankun, Li Fengyan, Zhang Shujie

Executive summary

This book is a ministerial and commission-level planning textbook for general higher education in the 13th Five-Year Plan, and is one of the first-class disciplines of textile science and engineering and the first-class professional construction textbooks for textile engineering undergraduates.

This book highly condenses the basic principles and common knowledge of different fiber spinning, summarizes and sorts out the knowledge points from the two dimensions of the spinning process theory system and students' learning cognition, and strives to be accurate, objective and concise. The book consists of nine chapters, including introduction, raw material selection, opening, carding, combing, drafting, twisting, winding, new yarn formation, etc., systematically explaining the basic principles of the whole process of staple fiber spinning and processing, and timely integrating the latest applications and research results in new spinning technology, new technology, new equipment and other aspects. At the same time, the book also sets up forward-looking discussion topics in some chapters, in order to lead readers to think about the development trend of modern spinning technology and the social responsibility of environmental protection and ecological spinning and processing.

This book is a textbook for textile engineering in higher textile colleges, and can also be used as a reference for textile engineering technicians and scientific researchers.

前 言

The textbook "Principles of Spinning" is compiled to meet the training requirements of higher textile education with a solid foundation and wide caliber and the latest development of the textile industry, and is a special textbook for the core course of textile engineering undergraduate major, "Principles of Spinning".

The book is divided into nine chapters, the first chapter is an introduction, which outlines the basic principles of spinning, the main systems and the use and classification of yarns, so that readers have a preliminary understanding of the theoretical system, technological process and yarn of the spinning process; Chapters 2 and 8 respectively expound the basic concepts and principles of raw material selection, opening, carding, combing, drafting, twisting and winding in spinning and processing, as well as their application in the yarn forming process. Through a high degree of condensation and in-depth analysis of the basic principles of spinning different fibers such as cotton, wool, silk, and linen in different spinning systems, readers can master the common knowledge of spinning. At the same time, through the analysis of its specific application in the yarn forming process, the readers can master the characteristic knowledge of different spinning systems, and realize the combination of theory and practice, which is conducive to the readers to better understand and master the basic principles and application laws of spinning processing. Chapter 9 focuses on the principles and practical applications of new structure ring spinning and new spinning, which can enable readers to further grasp the development and innovation of spinning process theory and technology.

The division of labor for the compilation of this book is as follows: Chapter 1, Wang Jiankun, Tianjin Polytechnic University; Chapter 2, Hu Yanli and Li Fengyan, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Liu Yueling, School of Textile Arts, Taiyuan University of Technology; Chapter 3, Peng Haokai and Zhang Shujie, Tianjin Polytechnic University; Chapter 4, Zhang Meiling, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Cao Jipeng, Eastern Liaoning University; Chapter 5, Li Cuiyu and Li Fengyan, Tianjin Polytechnic University; Chapter 6, Wang Jiankun and Li Xinrong, Tianjin Polytechnic University; Chapter 7, Li Fengyan, Tianjin Polytechnic University; Chapter 8, Hu Yanli, Li Fengyan, Wang Jiankun, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Zhao Bo, Zhongyuan Institute of Technology; Chapter 9, Zhang Shujie, Tianjin Polytechnic University.

The whole book was drafted by Wang Jiankun, Li Fengyan, and Zhang Shujie, and reviewed and approved by Wang Jiankun.

In addition, in the process of compiling this book, doctoral students Fu Lisong, Jiang Xiaodong and Guo Jing from the School of Textile Science and Engineering and School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation of Tianjin Polytechnic University, and Liu Lidong and Sang Caixia, master's students, have done a lot of work in drawing and retouching.

Limited to the level of editors, it is inevitable that there will be shortcomings and errors in the book, and readers are invited to criticize and correct any inappropriateness.

编 者

June 2020


Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Section 1 Fundamentals of Spinning 1

First, the main role of spinning 1

Second, spinning auxiliary role 3

Section 2 Spinning Process System 4

1. Cotton spinning system 4

2. Wool spinning system 6

3. Silk spinning system 8

Fourth, hemp spinning system 10

Section 3 Classification and Use of Yarn 11

1. Classification according to the composition of fiber raw materials 11

2. Classification according to the thickness of the yarn 11

3. Classification according to spinning system 12

IV. Classification by use 12

V. Other classification methods 12

Chapter 2 Raw material selection 14

Section I Overview 14

1. Fiber raw materials and their process properties 14

Second, the purpose and principle of raw material selection 15

3. Options in the spinning system 16

Section 2 Natural Fiber Selection 16

1. Cotton fiber optional 16

Second, the wool fiber optional 22

3. Other natural fibers are optional 28

Section 3 Chemical staple fiber selection 32

1. Selection of fiber varieties 32

2. Determination of blending ratio 32

3. Fiber properties are optional 35

Section 4 Selection of reused raw materials 36

1. Sources of reused raw materials 36

2. Reuse of raw materials 38

3. Reuse raw materials 40


Section I Overview 44

I. Purpose and requirements of opening 44

2. Opening effect in spinning system 45

Section 2 Fundamentals of Opening 46

I. Tear and open 46

Second, the blow to open 48

4. Factors influencing the opening effect 55

5. Evaluation of opening effect 60

Section 3 Removal of impurities in the process of opening 61

1. Chemical impurity removal 61

2. Physical impurities removal 66

3. Evaluation of impurity removal effect 83

Section 4 Mixing in the Opening Process 84

1. Purpose and requirements of raw material mixing 84

Second, the index calculation of the mixture 85

III. Mixing Methods 88

IV. Evaluation of the Mixing Effect 94

Chapter 4 Carding 98

Section I Overview 98

I. Purpose and requirements of carding 98

2. Carding in the spinning system 99

Section 2 Card clothing for carding 100

1. Metal card clothing 100

2. Elastic card clothing 103

3. Comparison of metal card clothing and elastic card clothing 104

Fourth, the basic requirements of the spinning process for card clothing 105

Section 3 Basic Principles of Carding 105

1. Force and movement of fibers in the carding process 105

2. The principle of action of the two needles on the fiber 109

3. Analysis of the work of the action zone 112

Section 4 Loading and distribution of needle fiber layer 123

1. Significance and types of needle surface load 123

2. The process and function of needle surface load formation 123

3. Distribution coefficient 128

Section 5 Other Main Roles in the Carding Process 129

I. Uniform action 129

II. Mixing Effect 130

III. Impurity removal 133

Chapter 5 Combing 139

Section I Overview 139

I. Purpose and requirements of combing 139

2. Combing in the spinning system 140

Section 2 Combing Preparation 142

1. Purpose and requirements of combing preparation 142

II. Preparation Methods 143

3. Supporting process after combing 144

Section 3 Combing process and motion coordination 144

1. The process of combing 144

Second, the working cycle of combing and the movement of coordination 147

Section 4 Basic Principles of Combing 152

I. Basic Concepts 152

II. Analysis of the effect of feeding 155

3. Analysis of the carding effect 164

IV. Analysis of separation and bonding 171

Section 5 Timing and positioning of the combing process 177

1. Clamp plate movement timing 177

Second, Xilin positioning 178

3. Top comb positioning 179

Fourth, the separation of the roller rotation timing 180


Section I Overview 182

I. Purpose and requirements of drafting 182

2. Conditions for the realization of roller drafting 183

4. Drafting in spinning systems 186

Section 2 Fundamentals of Drafting 186

1. Friction boundary 186

2. Classification and quantity distribution of fibers in the drafting area 189

3. Force analysis of planktonic fibers in the drafting zone 191

4. Distribution of fiber movement and variable speed points in the drafting area 197

Section 3 Additional Friction Boundaries and Their Applications 203

1. Ideal friction boundary distribution and additional friction boundary 203

2. Additional friction boundary device and its requirements 205

3. Additional friction boundary device and its application in drafting process 205

Section 4 Parallel Straightening of Fibers During Drafting 215

1. Fiber morphology and straightening coefficient in whiskers 215

2. Basic conditions for fiber straightening during drafting 216

3. Drafting multiples and the straightening effect of hook fibers 218

Section 5 Uneven and Homogeneous Sliver 223

1. Uneven classification of yarn strips 223

2. Analysis of uneven yarn sliver 224

3. Homogeneous mixing effect of merging 226

4. Self-leveling 231

Chapter VII Twisting 242

Section I Overview 242

1. Purpose and requirements of twisting 242

2. Twisting in the spinning system 243

Section 2 The Basic Process of Twisting 243

1. Formation of twist and twist angle 243

2. Twist and twist direction 244

3. Transfer, twisting and blocking twisting 245

Section 3 Basic Principles of Twisting 247

I. The Essence of Twisting 247

Second, the real twist plus twist 248

3. False twist and twist 251

Section 4 Measurement of the degree of twisting 254

1. Single yarn 254

Second, the strand 257

Section 5 Application of twisting in yarn forming process 258

1. Application in roving forming 258

2. Application in spinning forming 265

3. Application in strand processing 274


Section I Overview 286

1. Purpose and requirements of winding 286

2. Winding in the spinning system 287

Section 2 Fundamentals of Winding 287

I. Basic Types of Winding 287

2. Winding equation 288

3. Winding tension 289

Section 3 Application of winding in yarn forming process 291

1. Fiber coil winding 291

Second, the coil strip winding 293

3. Roving winding 298

Fourth, spinning winding 306

5. Package yarn winding 312

Section 4 Tension and Breakage in the Winding Process 318

1. Roving winding tension and breakage 318

2. Spinning winding tension and broken end 321

Chapter 9 New Yarn 335

Section 1 Overview 335

I. Limitations of Traditional Yarn Forming Methods 335

2. Classification of new yarn forming methods 341

Section 2 Ring spindles are concentrated into yarn 342

1. The purpose of the ring spindle agglomeration into yarn 342

2. The principle of ring spindle agglomeration into yarn 342

3. Characteristics of agglomeration spinning yarn (compact spinning yarn) 348

Fourth, the way and application of ring spindle agglomeration into yarn 348

Section 3 Ring spindle composite yarn 353

First, the purpose of the ring spindle composite into yarn 353

2. The principle of ring spindle composite yarn 353

3. Characteristics of composite yarns 357

Fourth, the way and application of ring spindle composite yarn 358

Section 4 Free End Yarn 367

1. The purpose of free end yarn 367

Second, the basic principle of free end yarn 367

3. Characteristics of free-end yarn 369

Fourth, the application of free end yarn 370

Section 5 Non-free end yarn 385

1. The purpose of non-free end yarn 385

2. Basic principles of non-free end yarn formation 386

3. Characteristics of non-free end yarn 387

Fourth, the application of non-free end yarn 388

Ref. 407


Chapter 1 Introduction

What you need to know in this chapter:

1. The basic principle of spinning.

2. Various spinning process systems.

3. Classification and use of yarn.

Section 1 Basic Principles of Spinning

Yarn is a collection of fibers according to certain requirements, and spinning is an engineering technology gradually formed in long-term practice in order to achieve this requirement, with strong applicability and practicality. Fiber raw materials come from a wide range of sources, variety, and performance, and the performance of most fibers will be affected by environmental conditions such as ambient temperature and humidity. Therefore, in addition to the traditional mechanical, airflow and chemical methods used in modern spinning engineering, new processes and technologies such as optical, electrical, magnetic and biological technologies are constantly applied to meet the increasing and higher requirements of subsequent processing, practical application and natural environment for yarn and its production process.

Most of the state of fiber raw materials before spinning has the characteristics of large quantity, close connection between fibers, messy arrangement, containing impurities, etc., spinning is essentially the transformation of the fiber in this state into a process of longitudinal order arrangement according to certain requirements, mutual cohesion and hugging of yarn, to go through the preliminary processing of raw materials, selection, opening, impurities, mixing, carding, combing, drafting, evening, twisting, winding and other links. The principle of spinning is to study the basic laws of the changing structure, morphology and composition of the internal and external aspects of the fiber aggregate in these functions, which is mainly reflected in the fiber kinematics and dynamics.

First, the main role of spinning

In order to transform a large number of tightly tangled, disorderly arranged and impurity-containing fiber raw materials into yarns that meet the requirements, it is necessary to first completely remove the original local horizontal connection of the fiber, which is called "loosening", and then firmly establish the longitudinal connection of the end to the end, this process is called "collection". The loosening process of fiber processing from block to single fiber cannot be completed at one time, but must be completed gradually through opening, carding and drafting, so as not to damage the fiber and crush impurities; In the same way, the fibers are arranged in a chaotic order from a messy to a longitudinal sequence and the thickness meets the requirements is not completed at one time, but can only be completed after carding, drafting and twisting.

Loosening and collection are mainly completed gradually through opening, carding, drafting and twisting, opening is the preliminary of loosening, carding is the continuation of loosening, and drafting is the complete completion of loosening; At the same time, carding is the preliminary of the set, drafting is the continuation of the set, and twisting is the final realization of the set. Figure 1-1 shows the relationship between the two parties.

Figure 1-1 The main role of spinning and related relationships

(1) Opening effect

In this process, the contact force between fibers and impurities is correspondingly weakened, so that the impurities contained in the fibers can be removed, and the opening and impurities are carried out at the same time, and the opening is the premise of removing impurities. Breaking the interconnection between fibers is mainly done by tearing, blowing, splitting and other opening modes of action, and there are multiple processes in the spinning process of equipment configuration opening parts, so that the opening and impurities removal are gradually realized. In addition, the preliminary processing of fiber raw materials is also to open and remove impurities, such as ginning is to separate cotton fibers from cottonseeds by pulling to remove cottonseeds, and wool oil, sweat and weeds should be removed by chemical actions such as washing and carbonization. The opening process can also realize the mixing of raw materials, also known as bulk fiber mixing, which is one of the main mixing methods in spinning engineering. It can be seen that opening, impurities removal and mixing are often carried out at the same time, opening is the means, and impurities removal and mixing are the goals.

(2) Carding role

Carding is a modern loosening technology, through the carding machine parts covered with dense steel needles or sawtooth to repeatedly comb the fiber, basically remove the transverse connection between each fiber, so that small pieces, small bundles of fibers into a single fiber state, on this basis, further remove the fine impurities mixed between the fibers, and realize the fine mixing between the fibers, combing and perfecting the loosening, so that the removal and mixing effect is more sufficient. After carding, the fibers are output in a net-like manner, and the fibers can be arranged in a longitudinal order to form slender strips by bunching or cutting the net, so as to achieve a preliminary collection, but most of the internal fibers are buckling and hook-shaped, and the fibers still have a certain transverse connection due to mutual hooking.

(3) Drafting

Drafting is the processing process of elongating and stretching the strip after carding, obtaining the required fineness, its essence is that the fiber produces a variable speed in drafting, when the fast fiber is forcibly drawn out of the slow fiber bundle one by one, the friction between the fibers makes the buckling of the fiber gradually straightened, and the hook is gradually eliminated, which will be possible to completely remove the residual horizontal connection between the fibers, and lay the foundation for the firm establishment of a regular end-to-end cohesion relationship. Thus, drafting is both the completion of the release and the further refinement of the set. However, drafting will bring unevenness of yarn, in addition to the reasonable configuration of drafting devices and process parameters to control the generation of uneven drafting, but also use the homogenization effect to reduce unevenness.

(4) Twisting

Twisting is the process of twisting the drawn fiber strip (whisker) around its own axis, so that the fiber parallel to the axial direction of the whisker is spiral, so as to generate radial pressure to fix the longitudinal connection between the fibers. Due to the drafting, the whiskers are getting thinner and thinner, the number of fibers in the cross-section is getting less and less, and the fibers are more parallel and straight, but the axial connection is getting weaker and weaker, which is easy to cause the accidental elongation of the whiskers, and even the broken end cannot be yarn. Therefore, it must be fixed by twisting to achieve the final set. After twisting, it is called yarn, and its performance has changed, with a certain strength, elasticity, wear resistance, feel, luster, etc., which meets certain use requirements. In addition, depending on the application requirements, two or more single yarn strands can be twisted into strands. Different twisting methods will also affect the structure and properties of the finished yarn.

Second, the auxiliary role of spinning

Opening, carding, drafting and twisting are the main lines of spinning, which play a decisive role in whether the yarn can be formed. In addition, spinning also includes many links or functions that do not have a decisive impact on whether or not it can be spun into yarn, including:

Optional can stabilize production and product quality, rational use of raw materials;

Impurity removal, mixing, and homogenization are often carried out at the same time as the main functions of opening, carding, and drafting, which can make the yarn cleaner and more uniform;

Combing can remove unsatisfactory short fibers and fine impurities, and meet the needs of special fine, high requirements or special purpose yarns;

Winding connects the front and rear processes with each other, which is an indispensable link in the spinning process under the current technical conditions. Including the winding of fiber rolls, fiber strips, rovings, spinning yarns, package yarns, etc.

Spinning is a complex process, in order to better understand the theoretical system and basic principles of spinning, the above functions can be divided into the main line, secondary line and insertion line, if you want to spin a good quality yarn, all of them are indispensable.

(1) Main line: opening, combing, stretching and twisting, which determines the possibility of yarn.

(2) Auxiliary line: including selection, impurity, mixing, combing, and leveling, which cooperates with the main line to determine the quality of the yarn and the smoothness of processing.

(3) Insertion line: It consists of winding between every two adjacent intermittent processes.

Section 2 Spinning Process System

Textile products for different purposes require different types of yarns and their quality standards. Fiber raw materials come from a wide range of sources, with large differences in performance, requiring different spinning methods and processing techniques. In the production practice, different cotton spinning, wool spinning, hemp spinning, silk spinning and chemical fiber spinning and other special processes and corresponding spinning systems have been formed, and there are different technological processes such as general combing (carding), combing, semi-combing and blending, waste spinning in the same spinning system, the specific equipment used and its permutations and combinations are quite different, but the basic principle of spinning is the same, and its main role is to open, card, draft, twist throughout each spinning process system.

Choosing the right spinning process system is related to the spinnability and utilization of the fibers, as well as the quality and production costs of the yarn. The source and type of fiber raw materials is one of the important bases for choosing a spinning process system. At the same time, according to the physical properties of the fiber and the yarn formation requirements, different spinning process systems will be selected for the same type of fiber.

1. Cotton spinning system

The raw materials used in the production of cotton spinning are cotton fiber and cotton-type chemical fiber, and its products include pure cotton yarn, purified chemical fiber yarn and various blended yarns. In the cotton spinning system, according to the quality of raw materials and yarn quality requirements, it is divided into carding system, combing system and waste spinning system.

(1) Carded cotton spinning system

The carding system is the most widely used in cotton spinning, and is used to process fiber lengths and linear densities between 16-40 mm and 1.3-1.7 dtex. It is generally used to spin coarse and medium special yarns for weaving ordinary fabrics. The process flow, main function, semi-finished products and finished product names are shown in Figure 1-2.

Figure 1-2 Flow of carded cotton spinning system

The cleaning part of the cotton spinning system has two configurations: cleaning and carding or opening and carding, and the cleaning and carding are combined to realize the process combination and the technology is advanced. The following are all represented by the comb coupling.

(2) Combed cotton spinning system

The combing system is used to spin high-grade cotton yarn, special yarn or cotton and chemical fiber blended yarn. Because of its poor length uniformity and more impurities, cotton fiber blending with chemical fiber needs to be added to the combing preparation and combing process before combing and before combing, the purpose is to remove the short fiber and fine impurities below a certain length, further straighten and parallel fiber, and make the yarn structure more uniform and smooth. Figure 1-3 shows the process flow, main functions and names of semi-finished products and finished products of the combing system.

Figure 1-3 The process of combed cotton spinning system

(3) Waste spinning system

In spinning production, some scraps are constantly produced, such as broken seeds, carded cotton and chopping flowers, roving heads and silk returns. In order to make full use of raw materials and reduce costs, a waste spinning system can be used to process low-cost coarse cotton yarn, as shown in Figure 1-4.

Figure 1-4 The process of the waste spinning system

(4) Chemical fiber and cotton blending system

When polyester (or other chemical fibers) and cotton are blended, due to the different properties and impurities of polyester and cotton fibers, they cannot be mixed and processed in the carding process. The process flow of carding and worsted spinning is shown in Figure 1-5.

Figure 1-5 The process of chemical fiber and cotton blending system

The process of the cotton spinning system after the spinning system varies depending on the purpose of the product. For example, strands need meridian tubes, yarn merging, twisting and other processes; Yarn sales need to be processed such as meridian tubes, yarn shaking, and bales.

New yarn forming methods such as rotor spinning, air-jet vortex spinning, and friction spinning are generally spun directly into fine yarn with cotton slivers, which can save the roving process.

2. Wool spinning system

The wool spinning system is the whole production process of pure wool yarn, purified fiber yarn and various blended yarns spun on wool spinning equipment using wool fiber and wool chemical fiber as raw materials. In the wool spinning system, according to the different product requirements and processing technology, it is mainly divided into two spinning systems: carded wool spinning and worsted wool spinning. Among them, because the fluff raw material contains a large number of impurities, it must go through preliminary processing such as sorting, wool washing (opening, washing, drying), carbonization, etc. The hair that has undergone preliminary processing is called washed wool (carbonized net hair).

(1) Carded wool spinning system

The process and main functions of the carded wool spinning system are shown in Figure 1-6.

Figure 1-6 The process of carding and spinning system

Among them, the main difference between the woolen carding machine and the cotton carding machine is that it is equipped with a strip machine, which divides the wool net output by the carding machine into dozens of very narrow mesh belts, and then kneades them into strips to form roving. Because the drafting is only carried out on the spinning frame, the straightness and uniformity of the fibers in the yarn are poor, but it is conducive to the shrinkage of the product.

The carded wool spinning system is suitable for spinning coarse yarns with high thread density, mainly for weaving woollen wool, blankets and industrial fabrics as well as woollen knitted fabrics. The carded wool spinning system has good adaptability to raw materials, and can be used to develop woolen products with a variety of fibers such as wool, cashmere, camel hair, yak hair, rabbit hair, chemical fiber and recycled wool, so that fibers with different thread densities and lengths can be used reasonably. Woollen wool fabric has the characteristics of good pile shrinkage, plump feel, good elasticity and strong warmth.

(2) Combed wool spinning system

The worsted wool spinning process system has many processes and long processes, which can be divided into two parts: strip making and spinning, and the whole process of the spinning system is shown in Figure 1-7.

Figure 1-7 The whole process of the worsted wool spinning system

The production of the strip making part is also called topless manufacturing, and a separate factory can be set up, and its product, combed tops, can be sold as a commodity. Figure 1-8 shows the manufacturing process of wool tops.

Figure 1-8 Strip making process of combed wool spinning system

Some worsted woolen mills do not have a strip-making process, using commodity combed wool tops as raw materials, the production process includes pre-spinning and post-spinning, most factories also have strip dyeing and re-combing processes for tops dyeing and re-combing, re-combing refers to the second combing after the tops are dyed, and the process of re-combing is similar to that of strip-making. Figure 1-9 shows the flow of the combed wool spinning system without the re-combing process:

Figure 1-9 Combed wool spinning process without strip making

In addition, there is a semi-worsted spinning process system between combing and carding, which differs from the combing system in that it does not use a combing machine. The yarn produced is fluffier and softer than combed yarn, smoother and uniform than carded yarn, and the product style is between worsted and woollen yarn.

Velvet production generally uses a combed wool spinning system. Carpets and blankets generally use carded wool spinning systems. Yarns for knitting of special animal fibers are also mostly produced by carded wool spinning systems. The production of yarn for high-count fleece knitting and weaving in a combed wool spinning system or a cotton-wool spinning system through equipment modification and process adjustment can greatly increase the added value of the product.

3. Silk spinning system

The silk spinning process system includes the silk spinning system and the silk spinning system. The former has a small spinning density and is used to weave thin high-grade silk silk; The latter spinning yarn is dense, loose and fluffy, and has a unique style.

(1) Silk spinning system

1. Refining engineering

The silk processed from the cocoon and waste silk that cannot be reeled is used for weaving silk. Because the cocoon and waste silk contain a large number of impurities such as sericin, grease and wax, it is necessary to remove the grease and most of the sericin on the silk fiber through the refining process, so that the fiber is white and shows an inherent luster, and it is easy to loosen and open during spinning and processing. Refining is also known as the preliminary processing of silk, and the raw materials after refining are called fine cotton.

2. Cotton making project

The process flow of the cotton making project is shown in Figure 1-10. The task is to properly mix, carefully open and repeatedly comb the fine and dry cotton, remove impurities, cotton particles and short fibers, and make fine cotton with good fiber straightening parallelism, good separation and a certain length. The cotton making process of silk spinning is similar to the topless manufacturing of combed wool spinning systems.

Because the silk fiber is very long, it is necessary to use cotton cutting to cut the silk fiber into a certain length for the subsequent process of carding and drafting; The short fibers and impurities and defects are then eliminated by a circular combing or combing process.

Figure 1-10 Cotton making process

3. Silk spinning system

Figure 1-11 shows the spinning process of silk yarn after combing cotton, which is composed of drawing drawing engineering (including cotton distribution, two extensions, and three drawing frames (stripping)), roving engineering (including twisting and roving), spinning engineering, and post-processing processes such as twisting and finishing.

Figure 1-11 The process of the spinning system

(2) Silk spinning system

Silk spinning is the use of the cotton in the cotton making project in the final comb machine as raw materials, cotton spinning carding system, rotor spinning system or carded wool spinning system. The silk is particularly numerous, soft to the touch, and the surface has hairy and cotton knots, and its fabric is called cotton silk. Figure 1-12 shows the process flow of silk spinning.

Figure 1-12 Silk spinning process

Fourth, hemp spinning system

There are three spinning systems for hemp spinning: ramie, jute and flax.

(1) Ramie spinning system

Generally, the combed wool or silk spinning system is borrowed, and only partial improvements are made on the equipment. Raw hemp must first be pretreated and processed into fine and dried hemp. The spinning process is shown in Figure 1-13. Short ramie and flax can generally be processed in the cotton spinning system.

Figure 1-13 Ramie spinning system process

(2) Linen spinning system

The raw material of flax spinning is when it is beaten into hemp, and it is processed by the flax long linen spinning system, and the spinning process is shown in Figure 1-14, wherein the roving of long linen spinning yarn is processed after scouring. The falling hemp and back hemp of long hemp spinning enter the short hemp spinning system, and the process flow is shown in Figure 1-15.

Figure 1-14 The process of flax long linen spinning system

Figure 1-15 Flow of flax and staple linen spinning system

(3) Jute spinning system

The process flow of jute spinning is: raw materials→ raw materials preparation→ carding→ drawing → spinning

To sum up, the processing equipment of different spinning systems is different, but all spinning processes need to be processed by opening, impurities, mixing, carding, drafting, and twisting equipment.

Section 3 Classification and use of yarn

In general, yarn is used as a semi-finished product, mainly for weaving, including weaving (weaving), knitting, weaving, as well as sewing, embroidery, rope making, etc., and the yarn must meet the requirements of these downstream users for continued processing and final product application.

According to different divisions, yarns can be divided into many kinds.

1. Classification according to the composition of fiber raw materials

According to the fiber raw materials that make up the yarn, the yarn can be divided into pure spun yarn and blended yarn. Pure spinning yarn is a yarn spun from a kind of fiber, such as cotton yarn, wool yarn, hemp yarn and silk spinning yarn, polyester yarn, etc., cotton yarn is the largest type of pure spun yarn; Blended yarn is a yarn spun from two or more fibers, such as polyester and cotton blended yarn called polyester-cotton yarn, wool and viscose blended yarn, etc. Blended yarn fabrics can highlight the advantages of various fibers, and promote the strengths and avoid the weaknesses. Polyester-cotton blended yarn and its polyester-cotton blended fabric are the largest type of blended products.

2. Classification according to the thickness of the yarn

According to the thickness of the yarn, the yarn can be divided into coarse special yarn, medium special yarn, fine special yarn and extra fine special yarn. Taking cotton yarn as an example, coarse yarn refers to yarn of 32 and above, or 18 inch and below in the imperial system. This type of yarn is suitable for thick fabrics such as tweed, coarse plain cloth, etc. Medium yarn refers to 21~32 special, or 19~28 inch yarn in the imperial system. This type of yarn is suitable for medium-thick fabrics, such as medium plain cloth, gabardine, khaki, etc. Fine yarn refers to 11~20 special, or inch 29~54 inch yarn. This type of yarn is suitable for thin fabrics such as muslin, poplin, etc. Extra-fine yarn refers to yarn of 10 or less, or 60 and above in the British system, which is suitable for high-end fine fabrics, such as high-count shirts, worsted close-fitting wool sweaters, etc. The fineness unit of wool yarn is used to use the metric count, and the specific numerical range of coarse, medium and fine yarns is different from that of cotton yarn.

3. Classification according to spinning system

According to the spinning system, it can be divided into worsted yarn, woolen yarn, waste spinning yarn, etc. Worsted yarn, also known as combed yarn, refers to the yarn spun through the combing process. The fibers in the yarn have high parallel straightness, uniform dryness, smooth and clean, and are generally fine or extra-fine special yarns. Combed yarn is mainly used for high-grade fabrics, such as fine spinning, gabardine, tweed, woolen sweaters, etc. Woolen yarn, also known as carded wool yarn or carded cotton yarn, is a yarn spun by a woolen spinning system or a carded spinning system. In woolen yarn, there is more content of short fibers, poor parallel straightness of fibers, loose structure, more hairiness, and poor quality. It is used for general fabrics, such as woolen woolen fabrics, cotton fabrics above medium and special levels, etc. Waste spinning refers to yarn spun from textile scraps (waste cotton) or low-grade raw materials. The yarn is of poor quality, soft, uneven drying, contains a lot of impurities, and has poor color, and is generally only used to weave low-grade products such as cotton blankets, thick flannel cloth and packaging cloth.

Fourth, according to the use of classification

Yarn can be divided into woven yarn, knitting yarn and other yarns according to its use. Woven yarn refers to the yarn used to process woven fabrics or woven fabrics, which are divided into warp yarn and weft yarn. Warp yarn is used as a longitudinal yarn of fabric, which has the characteristics of large twist, high strength and good wear resistance; The weft yarn is used as a transverse yarn of the fabric, which has the characteristics of less twist, lower strength, but softer. Knitting yarn is the yarn used in knitted fabrics, with high yarn quality requirements, small twist and moderate strength. Other yarns include sewing threads, embroidery threads, braided threads, miscellaneous threads, industrial threads, ropes, cables, cables, etc. Depending on the application, the requirements for these yarns are different, and the spinning process is also different.

5. Other classification methods

According to the dyeing, finishing and post-processing technology of yarn, it can be divided into white yarn, bleached yarn, dyed yarn, singeing yarn, mercerized yarn, etc.; According to the spinning method, it can be divided into ring yarn, agglomeration yarn, composite yarn, rotor yarn, air-jet yarn, air-jet vortex yarn, vortex yarn, self-twisting yarn, etc.; According to the morphological structure of yarn, it can be divided into short fiber yarn, including single yarn, strand, rope and cable; filament yarn, including monofilament, multifilament, twisted yarn, textured yarn, etc.; Special yarns, including core-spun yarns, fancy yarns, bulky yarns, network yarns, etc.

Topic 1: Smart Spinning

Food for Thought:

1. What are the main functions of spinning? How?

2. What are the auxiliary functions of spinning? How?

3. How is the spinning system classified?

4. The process flow, main function and the name of semi-finished products and finished products of cotton spinning carding and combing system?

5. The process flow, main function and name of semi-finished products and finished products of wool spinning carding and combing system?

6. What are the classifications and uses of yarn?


Chapter 2 Raw material selection

What you need to know in this chapter:

1. Characteristics of fiber raw materials for spinning and their main process properties.

2. The purpose and principle of raw material selection.

3. Selection of natural fibers. Focus on mastering the selection method of cotton fiber, combed and carded wool fiber selection method.

4. The selection of chemical staple fiber varieties, the determination of blending ratio and the selection of fiber properties.

5. Selection of reused raw materials. Understand the source and treatment method of reused raw materials; Focus on mastering the selection of cotton spinning and wool spinning reuse raw materials.


Fiber raw materials and their process properties

With the development of science and technology, on the basis of the original commonly used textile fibers, differentiated fibers, functional fibers, and high-performance fibers are more and more widely used in spinning production and product development; Today, when natural resources are protected, biomass fibers developed using biological technologies and waste fibers recovered by various treatment methods are bound to become important fiber raw materials for textile processing in the future. The emergence of these fiber materials has changed the raw material structure of traditional textile processing, the technical content of many textile fiber products has been greatly increased, the added value of textile products has been improved, and the application field of textile products has been further expanded, which has undoubtedly greatly promoted the development and progress of the textile industry.

For the spinning process, the variety of fibers that can be processed is also increasing, with different process properties. Table 2-1 shows the main process properties of commonly used fibers. In addition, the impurities and origin of the fiber are also the main process properties that affect the spinning process and the quality of its products.

Table 2-1 Main process properties of several commonly used fibers


Length (mm)

Linear density (dtex)

Length at break(km)

Elongation at break (%)

Initial modulus (N/tex)

Breaking Strength (cN/tex)




Moisture regain rate (%)

Logarithm of mass specific resistance at 65% relative humidity (Ωg/cm²)































15.0 (heterogeneous) 16.0 (homogeneous)






























43 (Wet)

54 (dry)





























1-2 times higher than cotton fibers






















Cupra fibers




















Second, the purpose and principle of raw material selection

(1) The purpose of raw material selection

In the process of spinning and processing, the cost of fiber raw materials accounts for 65%~80% of the total cost of yarn, and raw materials need to be selected before being put into production. By combining fiber raw materials of different varieties, grades, properties and prices according to a certain proportion, the following purposes can be achieved:

1. Maintain the relative stability of product quality and production

Different fiber varieties have different properties. For natural fibers, there are differences in length, fineness and grade of the same fiber from different origins and different growth cycles. If the raw materials used in production and processing remain single in terms of variety, source and other aspects, due to their limited quantity, the production time can be short, which will inevitably lead to frequent replacement of raw materials, which is easy to cause fluctuations in the production process and product quality. Therefore, through the combination of a variety of raw materials, the comprehensive properties of the mixture can be kept stable, so as to maintain the relative stability of product quality and production process.

2. Rational use of raw materials

Depending on the purpose of the finished yarn, the requirements for its quality and characteristics are also different; Different spinning processes have different requirements for the performance of raw materials; On the premise of ensuring the quality of finished yarn, the cost of raw materials should be reduced. Therefore, through the selection of fiber raw materials, the raw materials can be used rationally and the production cost can be reduced.

3. Increase the variety of colors

In addition to the commonly used fibers such as cotton, wool, silk, linen and polyester, nylon, acrylic, etc., new biomass fibers such as soybean protein, bamboo, and Tencel, as well as functional fibers that are water-soluble, electrically conductive, radiation-proof, and ultraviolet-resistant, have been used in spinning production. At the same time, some high-performance fibers such as aramid, polyphenylene sulfide and polyimide have gradually entered the spinning field, and high-performance staple fiber yarns have been developed. Therefore, through the reasonable selection of different textile fibers and the use of their different properties, yarns with different characteristics can be developed, and the variety of designs and colors can be increased to meet the various needs of wearing, decorative and industrial yarns.

(2) The principle of raw material selection

1. Raw materials are selected according to the product use

Textile products have a wide range of applications, and their requirements for yarn properties are different, so the requirements for the selection of yarn raw materials are also different. In general, fine special yarn, combed yarn, single yarn, yarn for high-density fabrics, yarn for knitting, etc., have higher quality requirements for raw materials; Coarse special yarn, carded yarn, stranded yarn, printing and dyeing grey cloth yarn, sub-brand yarn, etc., have low quality requirements for raw materials; Yarns for special purposes should be made from raw materials according to different uses and the characteristics required by the product. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the end use of the product and the different needs of users for the selection of raw materials.

2. Raw materials are selected according to process requirements

The spinnability of each raw material is different, and the spinning process suitable for spinning is different for the length and fineness of the fiber raw material; For a specific spinning process, under normal circumstances, the fiber length, linear density, impurity and other properties of each component in the mixture should not be too different from each other, so as not to cause processing difficulties and affect product quality and productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to select raw materials according to the requirements of the spinning process.

3. Options in the spinning system

All kinds of fiber raw materials that have been processed need to be selected and then entered into the various spinning systems. For pure spinning yarn or blended yarn with similar fiber properties and processing technology, the raw materials are mainly mixed in the form of bulk fibers, and their selection is generally located before the opening and processing of each spinning system, such as: the selection of cotton spinning system is carried out before the opening and cleaning process, and the selection of wool spinning system is completed before adding wool oil. For blended yarns with different processing properties, the various fiber raw materials are mostly mixed in the form of fiber slivers, and their selection takes place before the drawing process or the carding process.

Natural fibre options

1. Cotton fiber selection

Textile mills generally do not spin cotton fiber raw materials with a single mark, but use several with each other, which is called cotton blending. Due to the different varieties, origins, growth conditions, and initial processing techniques of cotton fiber raw materials, the length, linear density, maturity, impurities, moisture, and strength of the fibers are also quite different. The yarn quality and spinning process of cotton fiber are very closely related to the above factors. Therefore, the reasonable selection of cotton fiber raw materials and the use of a variety of marks are a very important work for the production of textile mills. There are two methods of cotton fiber selection, namely traditional cotton matching (classification and queuing method) and modern cotton matching (computer cotton matching method).

(1) Traditional cotton blending methods

The traditional cotton blending method, also known as the classification and queuing method, is generally used by the cotton blending engineer to select the appropriate raw materials from several raw materials for a certain yarn variety and determine the mixing ratio. This is a wide-ranging, large-scale work that relies on a wealth of practical experience.

1. Classification

According to the nature of raw materials and the different requirements of various yarns, the raw cotton suitable for the production of a certain product or a certain special number and purpose of yarn is selected and divided into a category, which can be divided into several categories. Generally speaking, in the same type of raw cotton, the grade difference of the fiber should be within 2~3 grades, the length difference should be within 2~4mm, and the linear density difference should be within 800 cm.

2. Queue up

On the basis of classification, the raw cotton in a certain cotton blending category is lined up according to the region, performance, length, linear density and strength and other indicators to facilitate batch use. After a certain batch number is used up, the raw cotton that is successively replaced (batched) in the same team should not have a significant impact on the performance of mixed raw materials. Generally speaking, in the same team of raw cotton, the grade difference of the fiber should be 1~2 grades, the length difference should be less than 2mm, and the linear density difference should be within 500~800 cm; Before and after receiving batches, the grade difference between the blended cotton is controlled within 1 grade, the length difference is less than 2mm, and the linear density difference is within 500 cm.

What to consider when sorting queues

The first thing to pay attention to when matching cotton is: (1) Highlight the main body. A few batches with similar properties are the main body, generally accounting for about 70%, but it should be noted that there should be no double peaks, but the allowable length is mainly in certain batches, and the linear density is mainly in other batches; (2) The number of teams is appropriate. If the total amount of cotton is large or the amount of raw cotton in each batch is small, the number of teams is more; The difference in the nature of raw cotton is small, and the number of teams can be less. Generally, 5~6 teams are better, and if the number of teams is small, the mixing percentage of each team is large, and the maximum should not exceed 25%; (3) Cross-offset. When receiving batches, the number of batches received on the same day should not exceed 2 batches, and the mixing percentage should not exceed 25%.

Table 2-2 lists the general control range of the main performance differences of raw cotton during batch acceptance.

Table 2-2 Control range of differences in raw cotton properties

Scope of control

Differences in properties between blended cotton marks

The properties of the raw cotton are different

Average differences in the properties of blended cotton


Same or similar

Regional Changes<25%

Knitting yarn< 15%

Variety (grade)




Length (mm)




Miscellaneous (%)




Linear density [DTEX (male)]




Length at break(km)




Note: The average property index of blended cotton can be calculated according to the weighted average of the property index of each raw cotton in the blend and the percentage of mixed weight.

In addition, in the process of traditional cotton blending, the following factors need to be considered:

(1) to the cotton trend

For raw cotton with little stock and few sources, especially those with outstanding characteristics, it should be used less to ensure the sustainable supply of raw materials; Although there is a large stock, the raw cotton with difficult sources should also be used less; Although the stock is small, but the source is abundant, it can be appropriately used more.

(2) Balance of yarn quality indicators

There is often an imbalance in the quality indicators of yarn, such as some indicators are good and others are not good, or multiple indicators are good and a certain index is particularly poor, so corresponding adjustments should be made when cotton is matched.

(3) Climate change

Climate change has a great impact on the spinning process and yarn quality, such as high temperature and high humidity in summer, the fiber is easy to entangle rollers, rubber rollers and card clothing during processing, the number of broken ends increases, and the appearance defects of the yarn also increase.

(2) Modern cotton blending method

Modern cotton matching method, also known as computer cotton matching, uses artificial intelligence methods to simulate the whole process of cotton matching, through the analysis of raw material performance and yarn quality prediction, scientific selection of raw materials, can overcome the drawbacks such as large calculation workload and experience errors that vary from person to person, and realize the scientific management of cotton matching process.

1. The method of computer cotton matching system

At present, the theories and methods of natural fiber computer cotton matching system mainly include linear programming method, neural network method and genetic algorithm.

Linear programming

The basic theory of linear programming is fuzzy discriminant plus linear programming. Firstly, the fuzzy mathematical comprehensive evaluation technology was applied to select the raw material varieties, that is, the cotton distribution marks were determined by fuzzy calculation. Then, through linear regression analysis, a linear model of the relationship between raw material performance and yarn quality was dynamically established. Finally, the optimization algorithm was used to optimize the mixing ratio of the selected marks. The theory of this method is rigorous, and the cotton matching scheme can be optimized, but the premise of the implementation of this method is that the specific data of the performance index of the single mark and the quality of the yarn must be obtained (often obtained through the trial spinning of the single mark), so the method has a very large dependence on the test data, and at the same time, the dependence of fuzzy discrimination on the expert is very large, and the optimized ratio usually does not meet the requirements of the whole package of ingredients.

Neural network technology

A neural network consists of many nodes, each of which is a function that uses the weighted sum of the values of neighboring nodes that are input to the node. For spinning ingredients, a neural network system can be designed due to the variety of raw materials available, as shown in Figure 2-1. When it was first used, the scheme output by the neural network system was compared with the batching scheme designed by textile experts, and the neural network system was trained, and finally the optimal design of intelligent raw material indicators for spinning ingredients was realized. It is important to note that the learning and training of a neural network system may take a long time, and the results obtained are generally local best values.

Figure 2-1 Neural network of cotton matching

Genetic algorithms

Genetic algorithm is a new optimal spatial search method, which is different from neural networks, which continuously generates new offspring through mating between initial populations, and then generates new populations from newly generated offspring through survival of the fittest. And so on, and so on, and new populations continue to evolve until the desired evolutionary goal is reached. Therefore, the results of the optimization by gene algorithm are generally the global optimal or better, and the global optimal (better) scheme of the ingredients formed is generally not the only one, giving the decision-maker greater freedom.

2. Mathematical model of computer cotton matching system

In order to optimize the cotton blending project, an economic mathematical model should be established, for example, the objective function Z(X) of the total cost of the components of various mixed raw materials is:

k m

Z (X) = Σ Σ SiXij ( 2-1 )

i=1 j=1

where: S — the cost of component i in the mixed raw material; X ij —J is a component of the mixed composition of i in the cotton mixture.

The purpose of cotton blending is to minimize the objective function, but the following constraints must also be met:

(1) The relative breaking strength of the spinning yarn spun from the J cotton composition shall not be lower than the relative breaking strength of the spinning yarn specified in the national standard, and the constraints are:

Σ(RijRjXijαi≥0 ( 2-2 )

where: R ij — the relative breaking strength of the j mixed components in the cotton mixture i spun into a spinning yarn (cN/tex) according to the formula of A.H. Soloviev;

Rj—the relative breaking strength of spinning yarn specified in the national standard (cN/tex);

α-i component spinning yarn production rate quota (%).

(2) The constraints of the average fiber characteristics of mixed raw materials are as follows:


ΣZiXijZj ( 2-3 )


where: the parameters of the fiber characteristics of the Z-i mixed component;

The allowable average value of a certain characteristic parameter of the fiber in the composition of Z-j cotton.

(3) The constraints of inventory quantity are as follows:


ΣBjXij≤0.01Aiαi ( 2-4 )


Where: B—the spinning planning task (t) produced by the cotton component of j;

Ai — the stock (t) of the mixed components in the warehouse at the beginning of the calculation.

(4) The constraints of the mixed components of I in the J cotton blend composition are:

0.01αijXij≤0.01bij ( 2-5 )

Where: α ij and b ij set the percentage range for the i mixed component in the j compound.

By using the computer to solve the above equations, you can get a reasonable combination of the mixed components of raw cotton, that is, the best selection.

3. The functional module of the computer cotton distribution system

The computer cotton matching system mainly includes three modules, namely raw cotton inventory management, automatic cotton distribution and yarn quality analysis. Among them, the theory and technology of automatic batching are the most complex. At present, with the diversification of spinning raw materials and yarn varieties, the computer batching system not only adapts to the automatic selection of natural fibers, but also can automatically select colored fibers and simulate the color yarn effect after the selection of colored fibers; With the rapid development of information technology, automatic batching has developed from single-objective optimization and selection to multi-objective optimization and selection.

Each subsystem of computer cotton distribution is provided with a plurality of specific functional modules, and each functional module can not only repeat its own operation independently, but also can return to the main control module to request the command to perform a new operation. Figure 2-2 is a block diagram of the computerized cotton distribution management system.

Figure 2-2 Block diagram of the computerized cotton distribution management system

(1) Raw cotton inventory management subsystem: The main function of this system is to do a good job in the account management of raw cotton inventory, provide data and basis for cotton distribution, and is the basis of computer cotton distribution. Its specific functions include raw cotton warehousing, raw cotton warehousing, inventory inquiry, account modification, and settlement at the end of the month.

(2) Yarn quality analysis subsystem: The main function of this system is to establish a dynamic mathematical model to provide data for analyzing the influence of mixed cotton performance and process parameters on yarn quality, as well as predicting yarn quality. It is a key link in computer cotton matching, and its specific functions include data input, establishment of dynamic mathematical models, query and modification, printing and tabulation, and providing analysis data for production for production reference.

(3) Automatic cotton matching subsystem: the main function of this system is to select the best replacement cotton batch, determine the appropriate composition percentage, and complete the cotton matching schedule according to the basic requirements of cotton matching work such as ensuring quality, stable production and reducing costs.

In actual production, computer cotton matching has been integrated into the ERP management system of the enterprise.

(3) Examples of cotton matching

Table 2-3 shows the composition and classification queuing table of cotton when spinning JC9.7tex and JC11.6tex yarns in a factory. The raw materials are divided into 8 teams, and the table lists the cotton batch, the percentage of cotton consumption and the fiber performance index after batching of the variety on different days.

Table 2-3 JC9.7tex/JC11.6tex classification and batching table of a factory





The main physical indicators of cotton fiber

Batching Mixing Ratio (%)

Technical grade

Technical Length(mm)

Impurities (%)

Breaking Strength (cN/tex)

Macronaire value

Upper length (mm)

Velter (%)







































































Awati (Skin)




































































































































































The weighted average value of each physical index after receiving the batch

Batch time

March 11th












March 17th












March 24th












March 28th












April 12th












Second, the wool fiber is optional

Wool products have certain requirements for their strength, elasticity, wear resistance, style and performance, which are not only related to the characteristics of fiber raw materials, but also have a close relationship with the processing technology, therefore, the selection of raw materials must also be combined with the processing technology system.

(1) Selection of combed woolen raw materials

According to the characteristics of combed wool textiles, the requirements for combed wool yarn are: yarn count height, generally 45 s ~ 52 s , up to 100 s ; The fibers are arranged in parallel and straight, the surface of the yarn is smooth and clean, the uniformity of the strip is good, and the twist of the yarn is high. Therefore, the combed wool yarn also has high requirements for the quality of raw materials, mainly because the fiber should be fine, the fineness dispersion coefficient should be small, the length of the fiber should be long, and the length dispersion coefficient should be small. However, due to the different origins, varieties and properties of wool, in order to meet the quality requirements of combed wool tops and combed wool yarns, the method of wool matching is often used in production to reasonably match and use raw materials, so as to achieve the purpose of learning from each other's strengths, expanding batches, reducing costs and stabilizing product quality. The experience of wool production practice in China proves that when combed wool textiles use national wool raw materials, they adopt a planned collocation (i.e., wool distribution) according to region, quality, variety and use, which is extremely important to improve the quality of worsted products.

In the combed wool spinning system, there are two ways to select raw materials, namely comb strip with wool (loose wool selection) and mixed strip with wool (wool top selection).

1. Comb strips with hair

Comb strip with wool, also known as loose wool selection, that is, several different fiber raw materials are appropriately matched to ensure the quality of the finished wool top, and to keep the quality of the same batch of wool tops stable, to meet the requirements of improving the quality of combed wool yarn. In the design of comb wool matching, one or two batches of raw materials with similar quality should be selected as the main hair, and then other raw materials that can make up, improve and improve the mixed quality should be selected as the wool matching, which is called the main body hair matching method. The selection of the main body hair is generally based on length and linear density.

(1) Based on linear density

The linear density of the main body wool and the mating wool is determined according to the requirements of the wool strip standard, and the amount of use should be considered. When the linear density of the main body hair is thicker than the standard hair, the mating hair should be finer; On the contrary, the mating hair should be coarse. In general, the difference in average linear density between the main hair and the mating hair should not exceed 2 μm. The average linear density of the mixed wool should be about 0.5 μm thinner than the standard average linear density of the finished wool tops, so as to prevent the average linear density of the fibers in the finished wool tops from becoming thicker due to the elimination of combed wool during processing.

(2) Based on length

Generally, a kind of hair with a short hair bush length is selected as the main hair, and the main hair component accounts for more than 70% of the total hair composition. A portion of the longer length of the wool is added to improve the average length, reduce the content of short fibers, and reduce the dispersion coefficient of the length. Fine-branched wool with a hair bush length of more than 95 mm and wool that is too short should not be used as the main hair. The difference in the length of the hair bush between the main body hair and the mating hair is generally not more than 20mm. The total amount of mating wool should not exceed 30%. If the difference in the average length of the hair bush is less than 10mm, it can be divided into the main hair and the mating hair.

2. Mixed strips with wool

Mixed strips with wool are also known as wool strip selection. As the name suggests, the fiber semi-products used in this kind of wool matching are wool tops, that is, the wool tops of different colors and different properties are evenly mixed to meet the requirements of increasing the variety of colors and ensuring product quality. When mixing pure wool tops, the linear density index of the fiber is mainly considered. Because a certain number of fibers should be maintained in the yarn cross-section. When the density of the yarn is the same, the finer the fiber, the more the number of fibers in the yarn cross-section, and the higher the yarn strength. When the number of fibers in the yarn section is constant, the finer the fiber, the finer the yarn can be spun. Under normal circumstances, if there are more than 40 fibers in the cross-section of worsted pure wool yarn, the spinning process can be carried out smoothly. The line density of raw materials is generally selected according to this principle. Table 2-4 shows the relationship between the quality of the top and the actual spinning density of the yarn.

Table 2-4 Relationship between the quality of wool tops and the yarn spun density

The quality of the tops is counted/counted






Average fiber diameter/μm






Actual Yarn Density/

TEX (Public)











If the fiber length is long, the length dispersion coefficient is small, the short hair rate is low, the linear density dispersion coefficient is also small, and the strength and holding force are good, the average number of fibers in the yarn section can be reduced to no less than 35.

The length of the fiber is closely related to the strength of the yarn and the dryness. The average length of the fiber is long, and the yarn strength is high; There is a large difference in length, and the yarn strip is poorly dry. Generally, the average length is required to be more than 70mm. If several batches of wool tops with different average lengths are selected, the difference in the length of each batch shall not exceed 10mm, so that the uneven drying rate of the finished yarn will not be too large.

(2) Selection of raw materials for carded wool spinning

There are many varieties of carded wool fabrics, a wide range of uses, small batches of products, a wide range of fiber raw materials, and large performance differences. Therefore, it is particularly important for the raw materials to match each other, learn from each other's strengths, and mix them thoroughly. However, this also makes the selection of raw materials more complex than other products, and it is necessary to understand the characteristics of carded wool spinning raw materials, according to the different requirements of the product, style characteristics, production costs and different processing technologies.

1. Fiber raw materials for carded wool spinning

The carded wool spinning process is short, the number of spinned wool yarns is low, the spinning yarn draft is small, and the adaptability to raw materials is high, so most of the fibers can be processed on the carded wool spinning process. As far as wool is concerned, there are improved wool, outer wool, soil seed wool, combed short wool, lower foot hair and regenerated wool; In addition to wool fibers, other animal fibers such as cashmere, mohair, camel hair, rabbit hair, viscose, nylon, polyester, acrylic fiber, and hemp and cotton fibers can be used as woolen raw materials for blending with wool fibers. It not only expands the raw material resources of wool spinning processing and reduces the cost of products, but also through blending, it can also use the more uniform physical properties of other fibers to make up for the lack of some physical and mechanical properties of wool fibers, improve the process conditions and product quality, improve the spinning performance of the mixture, and enhance the fastness of the fabric.

2. Selection of fiber raw materials for carded wool spinning

(1) Selection is made according to the characteristics of the fiber raw material

(1) Blending of different varieties of wool

Regardless of improved wool and soil wool, the properties of wool in different regions and varieties are very different. When designing fabrics and selecting raw materials, fibers with similar linear density should be selected as much as possible. In addition to the linear density, factors such as the origin, length, strength, feel, elasticity, shrinkage performance, luster, and impurities should also be considered. If it is a high-count, thin, light-fleece, non-drawn fabric, it is necessary to choose a mixture of fibers with uniform thread density and slightly longer length.

(2) Blended with chemical fibers

When selecting chemical fibers and wool for blending, the selection of chemical fiber parameters and the mixing ratio have a great relationship with product quality and processing technology, and the length, linear density and mixing ratio of chemical fibers need to be considered when selecting.

The length uniformity of chemical fiber is good, and the proper selection can improve the uniformity of fiber length distribution in the mixture, which is conducive to improving the drafting conditions and improving the quality of spinning. In the production, with the different length of the blended wool, the length of the chemical fiber also has different specifications, when blended with fine wool, the length of the chemical fiber can be 55~65mm; When blended with semi-coarse wool, the length of chemical fiber should be 60~70mm.

The linear density of chemical fibers is uniform, while the linear density of wool fibers is more discrete, and the discrete degree of fiber linear density in the mixture can be reduced after mixing, which is higher than that of wool alone. Spinning performance is closely related to fiber thread density, the finer the fiber, the higher the number of spinning threads. In order to improve the number of spinning counts of the mixture, chemical fibers thinner than wool are often used, but the difference should not be too large, otherwise the uniformity of the fiber thread density in the mixture will be reduced, which will affect the uniformity of the strip drying. In addition, the chemical fiber is too fine, and the carded steel wire card clothing cannot be combed, and the hair particles increase. Therefore, the selection should be based on two factors. Generally, the thread density of chemical fibers blended with fine wool is 2.25~3.6dtex, and the density of chemical fibers blended with semi-coarse wool is 3.6~5.4dtex.

Chemical fibers can improve some physical and mechanical properties of blended yarn in blending, but also reduce some properties, such as pile shrinkage, softness, appearance, etc. Therefore, when choosing the blending ratio, in addition to considering the product use and cost, the style and feel of the fabric should also be considered. Generally, when spinning heavy shrinkage fabrics, the proportion of chemical fiber should be smaller; When used for light-fleece fabrics, the proportion of chemical fibers is larger. Production practice has proved that the amount of chemical fiber mixture is less than 30%, and the fabric can still maintain the wool feeling.

(3) Blended with other animal fibers

Woolen products are often mixed with certain rabbit hair, cashmere, camel hair, yak hair and other special animal fibers to produce high-end products.

For example, rabbit/wool products. Rabbit fur is characterized by softness, good luster, well-developed aerated pith layer, light fibers, good warmth, and its thermal performance is much better than that of sheep wool. However, there is no curl (rabbit fluff has a shallow wavy curl), and the pidulla layer is well developed, so the holding force is very poor. If the mixing ratio is too large, it is more difficult to spin. The breaking strength of single fibers of rabbit hair is much lower than that of wool, and the large mixing ratio will reduce the strength of the yarn. Usually rabbit hair is mixed with 40%~50%, which can make the product show the characteristics of softness, good luster and beauty.

Another example is the cashmere coat. Cashmere has bright luster, good linear density, and the average diameter of fluff is 14.5~16.5μm, with irregular curls. The villi fibers are made up of a layer of scales and a cortical layer, and there is no pith of the hair, so it is soft to the touch. Generally, cashmere can be mixed with 50%~60% or lower in the mixture.

(4) Blended with natural cellulose fibers

The use of cotton fibers in blends can increase the strength of yarn and fabric, but will reduce the pile shrinkage and elongation of the fabric, which used to be only slightly incorporated into some products such as flannel, and has been rarely used in recent years. Mixing part of the hemp fiber into the mixture can increase the strength of the product, but the elongation, down shrinkage, hand feel, and elasticity will be reduced, so it should be controlled within 30% when used.

(2) Select raw materials according to the style characteristics and quality requirements of the fabric

For different types, different uses and different styles of fabrics, there are different requirements for the composition of the mixture.

In fine woolen fabrics, such as melton, made of fine wool, heavy shrinkage, non-brushing, tight texture fabric, the surface is full, fine and smooth, not exposed, the body bones are tight and firm, elastic, wear-resistant, and pilling-resistant. Therefore, the raw materials used in pure wool melton should be 64 s or more than 80% s of the quality of the wool is close to 64, and the proportion of combed short wool is less than 20%; More than 50% s of the raw materials used in blended melton s are 64 or the number of quality is close to 64, less than 20% is combed short wool, and 30% is chemical fiber. Navy, generally made of fine wool, after shrinking or shrinking the fleece lightly drawn plain fabric, the surface is required to be plump and flat, basically not exposed, feel very solid and elastic, pilling resistance. The raw materials used in pure wool navy tweed should be 60 s wool or 70% ~ 90% of the first ~ second grade wool, 10% ~ 30% of the combed short wool, and the raw materials of blended navy tweed should be 60 s wool or more than 40% of the first ~ second grade wool, less than 30% of the combed short wool, and 30% of the chemical fiber.

In the coarse woolen fabric, such as uniforms, it is a plain fabric that is lightly brushed after being shrunk or shrunk by coarser raw materials, which requires a smooth surface, an inconspicuous exposed bottom, a solid feel, and pilling. Therefore, the raw materials used in pure wool uniforms are 3~4 grade wool accounting for 70%~85%, and combed short hair 15%~30%; The raw materials used in blended uniforms are 3~4 grade wool and combed short wool, accounting for 70% and chemical fiber 30%. Volkswagen is a fleece fabric made of fine combed short wool and recycled wool blend, which requires a fine and smooth surface, basically no bottom, a tight texture, and pilling resistance. Therefore, 40%~60% of pure wool is used for pure wool and above hair, and 40~60% is used for combed short hair and lower foot hair; Blended Volkswagen is less than 30% of the second-grade wool, more than 35% of the combed short hair, more than 35% of the lower foot hair, and more than 35% of the chemical fiber.

In the heavy pile fabrics, such as the wool coat, the fabric that has been shrunk and brushed, has a rich texture and good warmth, and requires the suede to be dense and neat, well shaped, fat, and soft and not loose. Therefore, the raw materials used in pure wool hair coats are more than 80% of the wool above grade 4 (the length is required to be long, and there is a good luster, usually mixed with some mohair), and the combed short hair is less than 20%. The blended wool coat is made of more than 50% of the fourth-grade wool, less than 20% of the combed short wool, and 30% of the chemical fiber.

Water pattern jacquard blanket, rich texture, water ripple on the surface, good luster heavy lifting fabric. When selecting raw materials, longer fibers should be used as the main raw materials (the average length is more than 65mm), accounting for 80%, and the fiber should be glossy.

For non-shrinking or light-shrinking non-brushing products, raw materials with uniform fineness, good hand feel and medium to long length should be selected.

(3) Raw materials are selected according to the requirements of yarn use

Due to the different requirements for the strength of the warp and weft yarns during weaving, there are different requirements for the mixing composition of the warp and weft yarns. The breaking length of the warp raw material should be higher than that of the weft raw material. Generally, the warp yarn is made of fibers with greater strength and longer length to ensure that the warp yarn has sufficient strength; Some shorter fibers can be used for weft yarns, such as some combed short hairs, to improve the feel of the fabric and increase the downage. For weft, also pay attention to the fiber luster.

(4) Select raw materials according to the requirements of processing technology

When selecting raw materials, it is necessary to take into account whether the processing process can be guaranteed to run smoothly. If the number of spinning yarns is high, the linear density of the selected raw materials should be fine, the dispersion coefficient of linear density should be small, and the proportion of long hair should be larger, otherwise it will increase the spinning breakage. If the spinning yarn count is low, the raw materials used can be poorer, the short hair content can be larger, and some regenerated wool can be mixed. If there is more scraps and recycled wool in the mixture, a certain amount of viscose fiber can be incorporated to improve the average linear density of the mixture, increase the strength and reduce the breakage. The length and linear density of various fibers that make up the mixed raw materials should not be too different, otherwise it will increase the difficulty of processing.

(5) Select raw materials according to the color requirements of the product

As far as the color of wool fabrics is concerned, there are plain fabrics and floral fabrics; As far as fabric dyeing is concerned, there are two types of dyeing, horse dyeing and loose hair dyeing. The so-called plain fabrics (i.e., single colors) are mostly horse dyed, and the pattern fabrics are mostly scattered dyed. In recent years, according to the different properties of different fibers to different dyes, different fibers are used to form textures during weaving, and the colors are obtained after dyeing.

Color mixing refers to the fiber part or all of the mixture is dyed, generally including more than two colors, called color spinning, in the textile industry, color spinning accounts for about 15%. Wool yarns and fabrics made from colour blends do not need to be dyed. This method is also suitable for cotton spinning production.

When configuring the color mixture according to the color of the finished product, the following points must be noted:

(1) The raw materials that are tangled into blocks shall not be added to the color mixture, because it is not easy to mix with other fibers evenly;

(2) The color to be displayed on the fabric should be dyed on the wool with bright color, and its length should be shorter and the fineness should be coarse;

(3) In order to ensure uniform distribution in the mixture, the colored components should be pre-combed once on the carding machine;

(4) Due to the relationship between the amount of hair falling of the carding machine, it is necessary to do a small amount of hair matching, test combing, and verify the color to meet the requirements of the finished product;

(5) In the dyeing and finishing process, because the washing, shrinking, carbonization and other processes need to be reacted by chemical agents such as soap, alkali and acid, which will cause color changes, and must be considered in the design of the mixture.

(6) Raw materials are selected according to the cost of fiber raw materials

The raw material cost of wool textiles usually accounts for more than 75% of the total cost, and the composition of mixed raw materials has a great relationship with the cost of wool textiles, so it should be considered when selecting raw materials. On the premise of ensuring product quality, try to select lower-grade raw materials and weave higher-grade products with lower-grade raw materials.

3. Other natural fibers are optional

(1) Hemp fiber selection

The selection of hemp fiber raw materials is mainly based on the linear density, strength, degumming and defects of single fibers or process fibers.

1. Optional flax fiber

The selection of flax fibers basically adopts the classification and queuing method. Flax fibers include beaten hemp (long and short fibers) and carded hemp (long and short fibers). Classification is to stack the beaten hemp and carded hemp according to the origin, hemp number and color. The queuing is basically similar to the queuing in the cotton fiber option. The selection of flax fiber is divided into long hemp spinning with hemp and short hemp spinning with hemp.

(1) Long hemp spinning with hemp

(1) The range of difference control between the components in the hemp preparation scheme is: the difference in splitting degree (linear density) is not greater than 100dtex (100 metric branches); The difference in strength is not more than 58.8N (6kgf), the difference in length is not more than 100mm, and the difference in deflection is not more than 10mm.

(2) The difference between the combination scheme and the replacement scheme adopted in the queue is as follows: the difference in splitting degree is not more than 200 dtex (50 metric branches), the strength difference is not more than 9.8N (1kgf), the length difference is not more than 50mm, and the deflection difference is not more than 5mm.

(3) Wet-spun long hemp yarn should be equipped with fibers with high splitting degree, that is, fibers less than 20 dtex (more than 500 metric counts). Dry-spun long linen yarns can be made with fibers with a fineness greater than 20 dtex.

(4) The precautions for long hemp with hemp are as follows:

a. The splitting degree of carding into hemp should be about 2.5 tex (400 metric branches);

b. The content of hemp shavings should not be too much when wet spinning;

c. The correlation between the strength and splitting degree of carded flax fiber is: the strength of fiber 9.8N (1kgf) is equivalent to 33.3 tex (30 male branches) splitting degree, which can be adjusted with reference to this index when mixing hemp;

d. The deflection of the fiber is 1mm, and the strength is 0.98N (0.1kgf);

e. When the length of the hemp bundle is different, it is necessary to match the hemp on the drawing frame separately after the stripping machine is formed.

(2) Short hemp spinning with hemp

(1) The range of difference control between the components in the hemp blending scheme is that the difference in splitting degree is not more than 10tex (100 metric branches), the difference in strength is not more than 49N (5kgf), the difference in length is not more than 40mm, and the difference in deflection is not more than 10mm.

(2) The difference between the hemp matching scheme and the replacement scheme used in the short hemp queuing is that the difference in splitting degree is not more than 20 tex (50 metric branches), the strength difference is not more than 0.49N (0.5kgf), the length difference is not more than 20mm, and the deflection difference is not more than 5mm.

(3) The precautions for short hemp with hemp are as follows:

a. Coarse linen or impermeable linen from the flax raw material factory, the wet spinning process can spin low-count yarn;

b. The correlation between the strength and splitting degree of carded staple hemp fiber is: the strength of fiber 9.8N (1kgf) is equivalent to 40 tex (25 cm) splitting degree, which can be adjusted with reference to this index when mixing hemp;

c. The content of staple fibers below 50 mm should be strictly controlled;

d. Wet-spun staple linen yarn should consider hemp particles (hemp knots) index, while dry-spun staple linen yarn can not be considered.

In short, the selection of flax fiber is based on the special number of carded hemp, and the fiber length is considered. The fine yarn should be combed into a fiber with high hemp splitting, fine linear density, long length, less impurities and high strength. Combed yarn should be made of hemp fiber with good length uniformity and less short fiber content. The linen yarn used for pickling cloth of primary color should be spun with fiber with the same color to avoid defects such as fancy spots in the product.

2. Optional ramie fiber

Peeling off the cortex, including hemp and bast, from ramie stems is called peeling. Peeling off the hemp skin is called scraping. The bast obtained after peeling and scraping is called raw hemp after drying, that is, ramie textile raw materials. The quality of raw hemp from different origins, varieties, grades and harvest seasons varies greatly, even in different parts of the roots, middle and tips of the same plant. Therefore, it is necessary to scientifically manage raw hemp and use it rationally to meet the needs of different products. Raw hemp selection is the most important part of raw hemp management, which is of great significance for stabilizing production and reducing costs.

Raw materials are selected according to the density of fiber threads

When selecting, the linear density of the fiber is first considered, combined with its length. Because the thread density is fine, the fiber with long length can be spun into fine special yarn to produce light and thin high-grade fabrics; Medium-density fibers are used for mid-range fabrics; Coarse fibers are commonly used in industrial yarns and heavy fabrics.

In general, the fine yarn is below 20tex (more than 50 nm), the fiber density is less than 5.56 dtex (more than 1800 nm), the medium yarn is more than 21.7tex (less than 46 nm), and the fiber density is 6.25 dtex ~7.14 dtex (1400 Nm ~1600 nm); The coarse yarn is above 62.5tex (below 16Nm), and the fiber density is 7.14 dtex ~10.00 dtex (1000 Nm ~1400Nm) of raw hemp.

While considering the density of the fiber thread, it is also necessary to consider whether the spun yarn is used for clothing or non-clothing; whether it is used for pure spinning, blending or interweaving; Warp or weft and so on. The linear density, strength and other performance differences of each batch of raw hemp used should be minimized.

(2) Raw materials are selected according to the processing technology

The selection of ramie is directly related to the processing technology. If the wool spinning process is adopted, all kinds of fine and dried hemp are opened separately into rolls, and the hemp cake is mixed in proportion when fed on the carding machine. If the silk spinning process is adopted, all kinds of fine and dry hemp are sorted separately and mixed in proportion on the extension machine. The replacement of mixed ingredients should be carried out in a single way, and the proportion of replacement should not be too large, and the quality of the replacement hemp should be as close as possible.

(2) Silk cotton fiber selection

The selection of silk spun wool is commonly known as blending, and the selection of spun wool is usually carried out in two stages. The first stage is the selection of fine cotton, and the second stage is the selection of fine cotton.

1. Dry cotton is optional

All kinds of silk spinning raw materials are refined and degummed to make fine cotton. According to the source of raw materials, the nature and the quality requirements of the spun silk, several kinds of fine cotton (including cocoon clothes) are mixed into mixed cotton in a certain proportion for the use of fine cotton. The number of types of mixed foam mainly depends on the size of the factory, the variety of products, the supply of raw materials and the cotton making process.

Factory size

The large-scale factory that adopts the circular carding cotton making process has many machines and a large amount of raw materials, and can produce a variety of silk at the same time. Therefore, there are more types of hybrid foams. There are fewer small factories.

Carding process

When the circular carding process is adopted, the comb fold and fiber length of the high-grade and high-grade raw materials are quite different, and according to the characteristics of the raw materials, there are more varieties of mixed cotton. Under normal circumstances, the lean cotton of large factories is mixed into 3~4 kinds of mixed cotton, and small factories are mixed into two kinds. When the combed cotton process is used, there is no significant difference in the carding and fiber length of the high-grade and low-grade raw materials, so regardless of the size of the factory, only two kinds of mixed cotton are usually formulated.

Cotton matching method

In order to control the quantity, adapt to the characteristics of the intermittent work of the cotton opener and better mixing, most of the lean cotton adopts the small amount of cotton blending method. According to the requirements of the number of cotton matching processes, the various components of the fine cotton are weighed respectively, and the mixed cotton is prepared into a part, each part is a blended cotton ball, and the raw materials of mulberry silkworm silk spinning weigh 400~500g per ball, and are processed separately with a cotton machine. According to the advantages and disadvantages of the raw materials used, the blended cotton balls are divided into special grade, grade A, grade B, grade C and grade D. The premium ball is mainly composed of long vomit; Both the C and D balls are made from a combination of low-grade raw materials.

The raw materials of silkworm silk spinning are relatively simple, and the production of silk is less, so most of the mixed cotton is mixed into two. The weight of the blended cotton balls can also be slightly heavier.

2. Cotton is optional

The fine cotton is combed by 2~3 round combs and then made into fine cotton. The quality of these fine cotton varies greatly, not only in length, uniformity, linter rate, etc., but also in color, cotton particles, fiber strength and other aspects. Therefore, in order to stabilize the quality of silk and reduce quality fluctuations, it is necessary to select fine cotton.

At present, the method of fine cotton selection is still based on experience, preliminarily determining the composition of cotton, through trial spinning, and then adjusting the composition of cotton according to the quality of the test spinning product until the specified quality indicators are reached. In the selection of fine cotton, the average length of the fiber, the length uniformity and the short fiber rate and other factors are mainly considered, and the mixed cotton of fine special silk is mainly Grade A ball No. I fine cotton, and some No. II fine cotton can be appropriately mixed according to the quality requirements of the silk; The mixed cotton of medium and special silk is mainly No. 2. fine cotton of Ball A or No. 1 fine cotton of B ball, and a small amount of fine cotton can be mixed into Ball A No. 1 as appropriate; Coarse special silk can be used in low fine cotton.

Section 3 Selection of chemical staple fibers

Chemical staple fiber is a large category of spinning raw materials, which can be pure spinning, blended with various natural fibers, and blended with different chemical staple fibers. Its purpose is to give full play to the excellent characteristics of various fibers, learn from each other's strengths, meet the requirements of different uses of products, increase the variety of colors, expand the source of raw materials and reduce costs. The selection of chemical staple fibers includes the selection of fiber varieties, the determination of blending ratio and the selection of fiber properties.

First, the selection of fiber varieties

The selection of chemical fiber varieties plays a decisive role in blended products, therefore, different varieties should be selected according to the different uses, quality requirements and processing performance of chemical fibers. There are many varieties of chemical fibers, but the most widely used in spinning are polyester, viscose, acrylic, nylon and other staple fibers.

(1) Select fibers according to the use of the product

Different products have different uses and require different fabric styles and wearing properties. For example, the yarn used for knitted underwear is required to be soft, evenly dry, and hygroscopic, so it is advisable to choose viscose fiber, vinylon or acrylic fiber blended with cotton; The materials used for sports and leisure outerwear are required to be strong and wear-resistant, soft and shaped, and polyester, nylon, spandex and cotton blends are mostly used; Woolen woolen wool requires a rich and fine surface and a soft feel, and can be blended with viscose, acrylic and wool.

(2) Select fibers according to product performance requirements

Due to the different use environment and conditions, the product has different requirements for one or several properties, and the selection of appropriate fibers can play a role in improving and reinforcing. For example, due to the high price of wool products, people often want to improve the wool spinning performance and fabric wear resistance, and can use more than two chemical fibers and wool blends to complement each other's strengths and reduce costs; In order to improve the wrinkle resistance and elasticity of hemp fabrics, polyester and hemp blends or polyester, strong fibers (high-strength viscose) and hemp blends can be used; Cupra fiber pure spinning or blended with wool and synthetic fibers, its fabric style is similar to silk, very drape, and has excellent wearing performance, suitable for knitting and woven underwear, shirts, windbreakers, coats, etc. In addition, through the selection of differentiated fibers, special properties can also be obtained, such as the selection of cationic polyester and wool fiber blending, can be dyed at room temperature and pressure, the product has different hemp ash dyeing effect, but also reduce the cost of fabric.

Second, the determination of the blending ratio

(1) Determine the blending ratio according to the product use and quality requirements

There are a number of factors to consider in determining the blending ratio, mainly the product use and quality requirements. For example, the materials used in the outerwear are required to be crisp, wear-resistant, shape-keeping, iron-free, anti-pilling, etc. The materials used in underwear are required to be hygroscopic, breathable, soft, and clean. In addition, it is necessary to consider the post-processing conditions such as processing, dyeing and finishing, and the cost of raw materials.

With the increase of the proportion of polyester fiber, the strength, wear resistance, crispness, shape retention, and iron-free properties of products containing polyester fiber have improved, but at the same time, their moisture absorption, air permeability, stain resistance, dyeing, and pilling resistance have become poor, and the difficulty of spinning has also increased. When polyester and cotton fiber are blended, the proportion is mostly 65% polyester and 35% cotton, and the comprehensive performance of the fabric is the best; When it contains more than 80% polyester, the air permeability of the fabric is significantly worse, and the spinning performance is also poor; When it contains 40%~50% polyester, it has better moisture absorption and air permeability, but the iron-free property is significantly worse than that of 65% polyester, which is suitable for underwear; When it contains 35% polyester, it is easy to dye and fleece, which is suitable for making fleece fabrics; When the polyester content is less than 20%, the properties of polyester cannot be revealed. When polyester is blended with wool, it can significantly improve wrinkle recovery, abrasion resistance and shrinkage. Polyester and linen blends, if the proportion of polyester is too high, the moisture absorption and comfort performance of the same blended fabric will deteriorate.

In the blended products of viscose fiber and other fibers, the proportion of viscose fiber is generally about 30%. At this time, the wool/viscose fabric still has a hairy feel; When the viscose fiber is 50%, the hair shape becomes worse; When it contains 70% viscose, it shows the style of viscose products, and the wrinkle resistance is very poor, and it is easy to form a bag. The use of viscose fibers in polyester can improve the moisture absorption and wearing comfort of the fabric, ease the porulation of the fabric, and reduce pilling and static electricity.

Acrylic and other fibers are blended, which can give full play to the fluffy and soft, warm and brightly dyed characteristics of acrylic, and the mixing ratio is generally 30%~50%. With the increase of the mixing ratio, the abrasion resistance and wrinkle recovery of the fabric become poorer.

When nylon is blended with other fibers, although the mixing ratio is small, it can also significantly improve the strength and abrasion resistance of the fabric. Cotton/nylon, viscose/brocade blended with 15%~30% brocade is appropriate, if the content exceeds 50%, pilling and static electricity will be aggravated. Wool/brocade blending is better with 7% ~ 10% brocade, when the brocade is more than 20%, the tensile performance of the fabric becomes poor, easy to pill and not resistant to ironing.

When vinylon is blended with other fibers, cotton/dimension and viscose/dimension are better to contain 50% of vinylon, if there is too much vinylon, the fabric will be stiff and the spinning performance will be poor.

Spandex is blended with cotton, wool, polyester and other fibers, the fabric is silky and more elastic and elastic recovery properties, the fabric has good extensibility, and it is more comfortable to wear. However, the proportion of spandex is generally very small, less than 10%, and the proportion of most products is about 5%, but the fabric has about 15% of the comfort and elasticity. At the same time, in woolen products, 5% spandex and wool blended products can be marked with pure wool to reduce the cost of raw materials.

(2) The effect of blending ratio on yarn performance

The strength of blended yarn depends not only on the strength of each component fiber, but also on the difference in the elongation at break of each component fiber. Fibers with different elongations at break are blended with each other, and when stretched by external force, the fibers of each component of the blended yarn produce elongation at the same time, but the stress inside the fibers is different. First, the fiber with a large initial amount is subjected to stress, and when it continues to stretch until the elongation exceeds the elongation at break of the fiber with lower elongation, the fiber breaks first. In this case, the load is all borne by the fibers with a large elongation that are not broken. Soon, the fibers break. The different temporalities of fiber fracture of each component make the strength of the blended yarn usually much lower than the weighted average of the strength of the pure spinning yarn of each component. Therefore, the blending ratio has an impact on the strength and elongation at break of the blended yarn.

When the same blending composition and blending ratio are different, there is the lowest strength point of blended yarn at a certain blending ratio, and the blending ratio at this time is called "critical blending ratio", and its value should be determined by actual experiments. For example, when polyester and cotton are blended, when the polyester content is less than 50%, the strength of the blended yarn decreases with the increase of polyester content; When the polyester content is higher than about 50%, the properties of the two fibers are different, but the strength of the blended yarn increases with the increase of polyester content. When the polyester content is about 50%, the strength of the blended yarn is at the lowest value, as shown in Figure 2-3. Curve 1 is 14.5 tex polyester/cotton yarn (high-strength and low-stretch polyester), and curve 2 is 14.5 tex polyester/cotton yarn (ordinary polyester). However, with the improvement of people's living standards, more attention is paid to the style and comfort of products, and no longer the pursuit of wear-resistant and durable products, as well as the improvement of processing technology, the blending ratio of polyester/cotton products on the market is about 50:50.

Figure 2-3 Relationship between polyester/cotton blend ratio and strength of blended yarn

From the perspective of improving the strength of blended yarn, the selection of the strength and elongation of the fibers of each blended component should be as close as possible. When using high-strength and low-elongation polyester and cotton blending, because the strength and initial amount of polyester are higher than cotton, the utilization rate of fiber strength can be improved, and the yarn strength is high, which can improve the spinning and weaving production efficiency; When ordinary polyester and cotton blends are selected, the strength and abrasion resistance of the fabric can be improved because the elongation at break and the breaking work of polyester are larger than those of cotton, but the utilization rate of fiber strength is reduced, and the yarn strength is also reduced. At present, it is mostly blended with medium-strength medium-stretch polyester and cotton. If polyester is blended with wool, low-strength and high-elongation should be used to make its strength and elongation close to that of wool.

3. Fiber properties are selected

After the variety and blending ratio of chemical staple fiber are determined, the performance of the product cannot be completely determined, because the various properties of the blended fiber, such as the difference in length, linear density and other indicators will directly affect the performance of the blended yarn product.

(1) Selection of the length of chemical staple fibers

The length of chemical staple fiber is divided into different specifications such as cotton type, medium length type and wool type. The length of cotton-type chemical fiber is 32 mm, 35 mm, 38 mm and 42 mm, which is close to cotton fiber but slightly longer, and can be processed on cotton spinning equipment; The length of medium-length chemical fibers is 51 mm, 65 mm and 76 mm, etc., and is usually processed on cotton-type medium-length equipment or carded wool spinning equipment; The lengths of wool chemical fibers are 76 mm, 89 mm, 102 mm and 114 mm, etc., and are generally processed on wool worsted equipment.

The length of the fiber also affects its distribution in the yarn cross-section. Usually longer fibers are easy to concentrate in the core of the yarn, so the chemical fiber blend that is longer than the natural fiber is selected, and most of the natural fibers in the yarn will be in the outer layer, so that the appearance of the yarn is closer to the natural fiber.

(2) Selection of linear density of chemical staple fibers

The linear density of cotton-type chemical fiber is 1.1~1.7 dtex, which is close to that of cotton fiber. The linear density of medium-length wool-like chemical fibers is 2.2~3.3dtex; The linear density of wool chemical fiber is 3.3~13dtex. Both medium-length and wool-type chemical fibers are slightly thinner than those blended with them. The finer the fiber, the more fiber roots in the cross-section of the same special yarn, the higher the fiber strength utilization rate, and the more uniform the yarn sliver, but the fiber is too fine and easy to produce granulation. Fine, well-fastened fibers tend to form small particles (pilling) on the surface of the fabric.

It is generally believed that when the linear density and length of chemical staple fibers conform to the following equation, the spinnability and yarn formation of chemical fibers are better:

L=230 H ( 2-6 )

Where: L — fiber length (mm);

H — Fiber linear density (tex).

(3) Thermal shrinkage

Thermal shrinkage includes dry heat shrinkage and shrinkage in boiling water. If the heat shrinkage of chemical fibers varies greatly from batch to batch and the mixing is uneven, wrinkles and uneven defects will be formed on the cloth surface due to different degrees of shrinkage when the product is subjected to heat treatment during the dyeing and finishing process. Therefore, it is required that the thermal shrinkage of each batch of chemical fibers should be small, and the difference between batches should be small. However, in wool spinning, the difference between wool, rabbit hair, viscose and acrylic heat shrinkage performance is used to spin fluffy, plump and elastic acrylic bulking yarn.

(4) Dyeability of chemical fibers

Due to the instability of polymerization components or spinning processes in the production of chemical fibers of the same name, the fiber properties will be different, among which the dyeing performance is particularly sensitive. Therefore, when batching, it should be noted that different grades of the same chemical fiber cannot be arbitrarily increased or decreased in mixed proportions, or substituted for each other, otherwise it is easy to cause color difference.

(5) Selection of other properties of chemical fibers

Many chemical fibers have both conductive, flame retardant, antibacterial and other properties, and when blended with cotton, wool and other fibers, different blending ratios can be used to obtain the performance indicators required by the product, which are used in special environments such as work clothes, combat clothing and protective materials. In short, there are many varieties and different properties of chemical fibers, and products with different styles and functions can be obtained by making full use of the special properties of fibers. For example, Tencel G100 has fibrillation characteristics, through primary fibrillation, enzymatic treatment and secondary fibrillation, it can produce peach skin velvet style products, while Tencel A100 has no fibrillation characteristics, and can produce a smooth and smooth fabric with a neat surface after enzymatic treatment.

Section 4 Selection of reused raw materials

With the continuous development of China's economy and the shortage of natural resources, the industry has paid more and more attention to the research of fiber raw material reuse technology. Making full use of these spinnable recycled fibers in the spinning process can reduce production costs on the one hand, reduce carbon emissions on the other, protect the environment, and build a sustainable circular society.

Recycled raw materials can be widely used in various industries such as furniture decoration, clothing, home textiles, toys and automotive industry. For example, recycled cotton fibers are blended with other fibers to make denim with a coarse yarn count. Recycled fibers that cannot be spun with short lengths can be used as raw materials for industrial nonwovens, such as thermal insulation of automobiles and sofa cushions. Recycled fibers can also be used as the skeleton material of composite materials after treatment.

First, the source of reused raw materials

(1) Spinning and processing

In various spinning systems, when the fiber raw material is processed in different processes, reusable fibers such as impurities, backfills, filaments and scraps containing fibers will be produced.

1. Backflowers

It refers to the semi-finished products in the process of broken ends and joints in each process before yarn formation, as well as the semi-finished products that do not meet the specifications or are taken out by the test, including broken cotton rolls, broken cotton slivers, broken cotton nets, roving heads, leather roller flowers, and various untwisted waste wool fibers generated in the wool spinning process. Table 2-5 lists the sources of backflower in the cotton spinning process.

Table 2-5 Sources and characteristics of cotton spun backflowers

The name of the backflower


Effective fiber

Defective impurities





Cotton rolls, cotton rolls, bad cotton rolls, light and heavy rolls

Splice slivers, bad cotton nets, bad slivers

Splice roving, bad roving

Roller roller flower, broken head to suck cotton

Mixed with raw cotton

Mixed with raw cotton

Close to mixed cotton

Close to mixed cotton

Slight impurities

A small number of defects

A small number of defects

A small number of defects

It can be seen that these backflower fibers have undergone the preliminary spinning process, and the overall performance is good, as long as they are classified and simply opened, they can be reused.

2. Miscellaneous categories

It refers to the impurities containing fiber removed in the process of spinning and processing, including chopping flowers, Xilindorf needle flowers, combed cotton drops, broken seeds under the cotton cleaning machine and good quality foot flowers in the process of cotton spinning, as well as combed short hair, sweeping hair, needle hair, car belly hair and various fallen hairs in the wool spinning process. Table 2-6 lists the sources of miscellaneous reused raw materials (including reused cotton and feet) in the cotton spinning process.

Table 2-6 Sources and characteristics of cotton spinning and reused cotton and feet



Effective fiber

Defective impurities





Combed lint

All kinds of thugs dust sticks are miscellaneous

Peel off the cover flowers

Cotton peeled off when Chillingdorf was copying a needle

Staple fibres that are excluded after combing and carding








Trace defects








After the seed is broken, it is miscellaneous

Velvets excluded from the dust cage

Under the thorn roller, a small number of Sillingdorf falls miscellaneous

Velvet is piled up on the velvet

Flying flowers and landing flowers

Fewer joints and bad yarn







Impurities are dominant

Lots of dust


Slightly more dust

Slightly more dust

A small number of defects

As can be seen from Table 2-6, these impurity fibers contain impurities, some of the fibers are damaged in terms of processing properties such as strength and elasticity, and some fibers are too short in length, and their overall properties are worse than those of backflower fibers, and they must be treated before they can be used as reused raw materials in the spinning process.

3. Filaments

It refers to the fiber waste generated in the yarn forming and post-processing process, including the scattered fibers generated by splices, spindles, winding, bunging and strands, as well as knitting yarn back.

These fibers have a certain twist and are generally non-spinnable raw materials, but after treatment, most of them can be used for woollen processing.

(2) Garment processing

In the garment processing process, such as washing, boiling, steaming, cutting, etc. in the woolen garment processing process, various leftovers will be produced, which need to go through a series of complex processing processes to obtain clean monofilamentous raw materials, which can be used as recycled fibers in the spinning process.

(3) Waste textiles

Waste textiles mainly come from consumption, such as waste clothing and home textiles that are eliminated after the completion of the service life cycle. China produces nearly 35 million tons of waste textiles every year, but only 5% of them have been recycled, and the rest are landfilled or incinerated as waste, which not only causes a waste of resources, but also due to the poor degradability of most of the fibers in waste textiles, which can remain on the surface for thousands of years without decaying, which greatly increases the environmental burden. Therefore, the recycling and reuse of waste textiles is in line with the important strategy of national circular economy development, and is also related to the sustainable development of China's textile industry.

2. Reuse raw material treatment

At present, in addition to some recycled fiber raw materials can be used directly, most of the reused raw materials need to undergo special treatment before they can be used as processing raw materials for various purposes. Common treatment methods include mechanical, chemical, physical, energy, etc. However, at present, the reused raw materials that can be used for spinning processing are mainly treated by mechanical and chemical methods.

(1) Mechanical law

Mechanical recycling is to directly process the unseparated textile waste into recycled fibers and spin them into yarn after opening to remove impurities and staple fibers, and weave usable textile products. As shown in Figure 2-4, the general process of mechanical processing of textile raw material reuse.

Figure 2-4 Mechanical processing of textile raw material reuse process

1. Cotton spinning and reuse raw material treatment

Generally, cotton spinning mills that mainly produce pure cotton and blended yarn are equipped with waste cotton workshops, which are usually equipped with machinery such as seed breaker (commonly known as Vero machine), vertical cotton opener, leather roller flower machine, fiber impurity separator, roving head machine, etc.

Considering the improvement of the treatment effect and the cleanliness of the workshop environment, some of the equipment with higher efficiency of opening and removing impurities used in the opening and cleaning process is also used in the waste cotton treatment system, such as axial flow cotton opener, three-thorn roller cotton cleaning machine, etc., and the process is generally: cotton grabber → metal impurity removal→ axial flow cotton opener or three-thorn roller cotton cleaner→ waste cotton processing unit → baler, in which the waste cotton machine processing unit is composed of four parts: cotton condenser, upper cotton storage box, beater impurity remover and fiber impurity separator. It has the advantages of high impurity removal efficiency, less land occupation, good sealing, good production environment and less energy consumption.

2. Wool spinning and reuse raw material treatment

The main source of wool spinning reused raw materials is various leftovers produced in the process of garment processing, which are processed by mechanical tearing by wet and dry methods.

The wet process is suitable for woolen fabrics and fabrics with a compact structure, so that the fabric is torn in a state of impregnation in cold water, which can reduce fiber damage, and the process route is: raw material → pretreatment→ wet tearing→ dehydration→ drying.

The dry process is suitable for loose structural fabrics such as wool and chemical fiber, and its process route is: raw material → pretreatment → dry tearing.

The process equipment of the dry process is relatively simple, while the wet process requires sufficient water source (because the fabric relies on the flow of water source), the equipment is larger, and it should be equipped with dehydration, drying and other equipment, generally according to different types of raw materials, respectively, the processing procedures are as follows.

(1) Clothing pieces include new films, old woolen pieces, knife edges, blank heads, etc., and the processing procedures are: pretreatment→ mixing and refueling→ opening machine→ returning wire machine→ carding machine (applicable when the yarn ribs are more after springing back the silk).

(2) Silk return includes worsted yarn return and knitting yarn return, etc., and its processing procedures are: classification→ shearing wet →→ mixing and stuffing→ returning silk machine→ carding machine (applicable when the yarn rib is more after springing back silk); Sorting→ cutting→ soaking in water→ crushing→ dehydration→ drying.

(2) Chemical method

The chemical method is the use of chemical reagents to treat reusable textiles, that is, the degradation or depolymerization of polymer materials into small molecules, intermediates or reaction monomers, and then repolymerization into polymers.

There are two ways to recycle waste polymer materials such as polyester: one is to use melting or dissolving methods to recycle these polymer materials and directly use them for other purposes; The second is to further crack the recycled polymer materials into polymer monomers, repolymerize and respin them into fibers. For example, about 30% of polyester staple fiber in the United States is now produced from recycled raw materials. The price of recycled polyester fiber is low, only 60% ~ 70% of the price of conventional polyester fiber, with a wide range of uses, quality indicators close to or up to the standard of conventional polyester fiber, and is in short supply in the textile and chemical fiber market.

The lower corners of wool spinning with more weeds, such as combed wool, can be carbonized to remove weeds and then reused, and wool carbonization is also a chemical method. The process is as follows: classification→ dust removal→ (hair washing) → (carbonization).

3. Selection of reused raw materials

At present, the reused fiber raw materials are mainly reused in cotton spinning and carded wool spinning systems. Therefore, the selection of reused raw materials is mainly based on cotton spinning and wool spinning reused raw materials.

(1) Raw materials for cotton spinning

Cotton spinning back flower fiber is long, less impurities, almost no twist, the quality is close to the mixed raw materials, except for the roving head and roller flowers, can be directly mixed with mixed raw materials after tearing. In production, factories often still reuse this branch for raw material blending. Cotton spinning and reuse must be used after packaging, generally in proportion to the cotton pile of the cotton grabber, the height should be close to other cotton bales, placed in the center position, in order to avoid uneven cotton mixing, the amount of mixing should generally not exceed 5%.

The cotton spinning combing rate is about 20%, and the effective fiber in the combed cotton accounts for about 80%, which is also directly reused, but when reused, it is generally used in the medium and coarse yarn above 18.4tex, and the mixing amount does not exceed 20%, otherwise the surface of the fabric is easy to pill, such as mixing 5~20% in the coarse special yarn, and 1%~5% in the medium special yarn.

In the process of cotton spinning, the clear flower drop rate is about 3%, and the carding cotton drop rate is 6%~7%. These reused cotton can be spun with less fiber, short fiber, containing more small impurities, and is often mixed in yarn or sub-brand yarn with higher thread density after different mechanical treatments; The chopping flower of the carding machine is generally used in low-quality products such as nonwovens, carpets and socks produced by rotor spinning; Because of its neat fiber and low twist, the roving head and the leather roller flower have less fiber damage after the roving head machine and the leather roller flower machine are opened, and the length uniformity is maintained well. In addition, there are such as oil flowers, silk and other feet, dust, defects, fiber content is very small, after mechanical treatment is not available, directly sold.

(2) Wool spinning reused raw materials

In the wool spinning reuse raw materials, the length of the short fibers dropped by combing processing is generally less than 30mm, and this part of the fiber can be reused in the cotton spinning system. In addition, most of the other fibers are mainly used in woolen processing. In order to reduce costs and improve the production rate, without affecting the quality of the product, we should try to use this batch of reply slips, drop off hair, etc. The use of recycled wool should be appropriate, and attention should be paid to its impurities, color, pure spinning or blending. Table 2-7 lists the quality requirements for wool spinning reused raw materials.

Table 2-7 Quality requirements for reused woolen raw materials


The name of the ingredient



Length (mm)

Loose rate (%)

Tendon ratio (%)

Wool (only)


Worsted national wool back silk













Imported new films













New domestic films













New chemical fiber tablets













Worsted double-ply yarn return













Worsted single yarn back













Knife edge of the garment













Straight stripes of clothing













Worsted knitted velvet yarn back













Worsted knitted fleece sheet knife edge













Worsted knitted velvet with straight strips













Woolen knitted velvet yarn back













Woollen knitted fleece sheet knife edge












Worsted double-ply yarn return













Worsted single strand filament













Worsted tight double-strand yarn return

Woollen woollen spinning











Worsted blended double-strand yarn return













Worsted blended single strand yarn return













Worsted tightly twisted double-strand yarn return













Worsted outer wool yarn return













The wool returned in the process of wool spinning, due to the lack of twist, as long as it is classified and simply torn and opened, can be reused in carded wool spinning, and the amount of reuse varies according to the style characteristics and quality requirements of the fabric.

Combed short wool and wool contain a large amount of available fibers, which are reused in carded wool spinning products after mechanical treatment, and are used to produce woolen heavy fabrics, and the mixed raw materials can account for more than 30% in some carded wool products.

The fiber length of the clothing piece and the silk return is short after mechanical treatment (generally the length is 10~20mm), and it is also used in carded wool products, but most of the wool yarn produced is used to produce socks, blankets and other products, or used as flocculent materials after combing, such as making wool warm quilts.

(3) Raw materials for hemp spinning

The length uniformity of ramie fine dry hemp and flax beaten hemp is poor, and a lot of flax will inevitably be produced in the process of carding and processing, and it is particularly important to classify these flax according to the length for reuse.

Ramie fine dry hemp after combing carding, the short fiber separated from the long fiber is combed flax, ramie combed hemp fiber length is less than 45mm, so it is generally used in the cotton spinning system for reuse, can also be spun in the ramie spinning system for lower quality requirements and fineness coarse (lower count) ramie yarn. In the process of carding flax, the staple fibers combed by the carding machine, as well as the coarse linen (one coarse and two coarse) obtained during the initial processing of flax raw materials, are re-separated from flax staple fibers for short hemp spinning system, accounting for about 55%~65% of flax yarn. The combing flax produced by the comber machine generally has no use value and is no longer reused for spinning.

(4) Raw materials for silk spinning

In the process of spun silk processing, whether the circular carding cotton process or the combed cotton making process is adopted, a considerable amount of foot cotton will be produced. The average length of these fallen cotton fibers is short (about 25-45mm), the uniformity is poor, the linear density is small, and there are many cotton particles and debris impurities, especially the combed cotton loss. However, as far as its fibers are concerned, they still have the excellent characteristics of natural silk, and in actual production, these feet are fully reused in the silk spinning system to expand the variety of silk fiber products. The number of silk spinning is generally 33tex (less than 30 cm), and the tussah silk is above 5tex (less than 20 tex), made into woven fabrics or knitted fabrics, and the cotton silk woven into a single yarn generally feels soft and plump, and the fabric has a rough style, which is suitable for clothing, decorative fabrics, etc., but there are obvious grains on the surface.

Topic 2: Reuse of spinning raw materials and environmental protection

Food for Thought:

1. What is the purpose of fiber raw material selection? What is the principle of mating?

2. What is the Sorting and Queuing Method? What is the computerized cotton blending method?

3. What is comb strip and mixed strip hair?

4. What are the basis for the selection of carded wool fiber raw materials?

5. What is the effect of the mixing ratio of chemical staple fibers on the performance of blended yarns?

6. What are the sources of reused fiber raw materials? Briefly describe the mechanical processing equipment and treatment process of recycled fiber raw materials used in cotton spinning and wool spinning.

7. How to select raw materials for cotton spinning and wool spinning reuse fiber?


Chapter 3 Opening

What you need to know in this chapter:

The purpose and requirements of opening

The principle of tearing, blowing, and splitting the opening effect, the factors affecting the opening effect, and the evaluation of the opening effect.

The principle of chemical and physical impurity removal and the evaluation of impurity removal effect.

Calculation of the index of the mixture, mixing method, evaluation of the mixing effect.

Section 1 Overview

Most of the raw materials used for spinning are transported into the factory in the form of compacted bales, and the fibers are large and bundled, and they are entangled with each other and arranged in disorder, and contain various impurities and defects (chemical fiber raw materials contain a small amount of hard wire, parallel wire, ultra-long fiber and other defects). Therefore, in order to spin smoothly and obtain high-quality yarn, the first task is to open the raw material and remove various impurities and defects, while achieving the initial mixing of the raw material.

First, the purpose and requirements of opening

(1) The purpose of opening

1. Preliminary loosening of raw materials. The tightly packed fiber raw materials are preliminarily loosened, so that the fibers in the raw materials that are large and large bundles are transformed into small pieces and small bundles, and the weight per unit volume is reduced, so as to create conditions for the carding process to further loosen the fiber raw materials into single fibers.

2. Remove large and small impurities in fiber raw materials. The opening exposes the impurities (large impurities) that are large in size, heavy in weight and weak in adhesion with fibers in the raw materials, which is conducive to their removal, and some small impurities will also be removed with the drop of a small amount of fibers, which improves the spinnability and product quality of the subsequent process.

3. Preliminary blending of different fiber raw materials. The better the opening, the smaller the fiber bundle and the higher the degree of mixing, the more uniform and the higher the quality of the semi-finished product in terms of composition, proportion, structure, etc.

(2) Requirements for opening

1. The opening effect should be appropriate. If it is too violent, it is easy to damage the fibers or break the impurities; If it is too gentle, the effect of opening and removing impurities is not good. The requirements for opening are not only to fully open, but also to reduce damage to fibers and broken impurities. Therefore, in the process of opening, the process principle of "slow down first, then drama, gradual opening, less injury and less breaking" should be followed. In the specific implementation, it is advisable to adopt the order of free opening first, and then holding and opening.

2. The removal of impurities should be based on the characteristics of impurities and the difficulty of elimination. The impurities that are heavier and larger and easy to break and adhere weakly to the fiber should be eliminated as soon as possible to avoid increasing cotton dropping and damaging the fiber.

3. While fully opening and removing impurities from the fiber raw materials, the fibers of different characteristics (pure spinning), types (blended) and even colors (color spinning) are preliminarily blended.

The opening effect is the means of fiber release, and the release of fiber is the prerequisite for removing impurities and mixing, along with the opening of raw materials, constantly removing impurities and realizing the mixing of fiber raw materials.

Second, the opening effect in the spinning system

According to the difference in the type and nature of the fiber, the steps, processes and equipment of the opening effect are different in different spinning systems, and the main processes include the initial processing of raw materials, the opening of cotton, the wool, the opening of hemp, the opening of cotton, etc., as well as the feeding part of carding.

(1) Cotton spinning system

The opening effect of raw materials in cotton spinning is mainly completed in the processes of ginning, opening and carding. The seed cotton passes through the leather roller cotton ginner or the sawtooth cotton gin, and the cottonseed and the fiber are separated from each other through the action of the leather roller and the blade, or the sawtooth, and the obtained fibers are called the leather roller cotton and the sawtooth cotton respectively, and then packed for storage and transportation; The cotton bales are grabbed by the cotton grabbing machinery and opened into small pieces at the same time, and then through the cotton blending machinery based on the mixing effect and the cotton opening and cleaning machinery based on the opening effect, the cotton bag is further loosened, and the cotton block is gradually reduced to a small cotton bundle; The feeding part of the carding machine uses the barbed roller serration to divide the cotton bundle in the holding state, and the fiber is initially reached a single state. In the process of opening, it is accompanied by the removal and mixing of impurities, and most of the impurities and linters, and the defects are removed.

(2) Wool spinning system

There are many impurities in the plush fibers, although the plush after picking up is torn by hand, the connection between the fibers is weakened, and some impurities are picked up, but the fibers are still relatively tight, and there are a large number of impurities. In order to ensure the smooth progress of hair washing, the hair block should be opened by the hair opening machinery before hair washing, and the impurities such as sand and manure should be removed to the greatest extent to reduce the burden of hair washing. Before the fluff fiber after preliminary processing (washing) enters the carding machine, it is first necessary to add an appropriate amount of additives (and crude oil) to improve the surface properties of the raw wool after washing and drying, so that the spinning can be smooth. At this time, in order to mix the crude oil and the raw wool evenly, it is necessary to go through 1~3 times of opening and mixing with the wool machinery, so that the wool block can be further opened, and the large wool block will be changed into a smaller wool block or hair bundle, and the mixing will be more uniform. In the same way, the fibers can be further loosened by serrations in the feeding part of the carding machine.

(3) Hemp spinning system

The fine and dry hemp fibers obtained by degumming ramie are too long, the length unevenness is large, the fibers are compacted, and after being stored and stored by soft hemp, wet oiling, stacking, although the moisture regain rate of fine and dry hemp is increased, the softness is increased, but it is still not suitable for spinning requirements. Following the principle of gradual opening, it is first necessary to preliminarily open the fine and dry hemp, so that the excessively long fibers are torn off to a suitable fiber length, and a certain amount of hemp strips are made and rolled into hemp rolls to meet the feeding requirements of the carding machine. The flax filaments used in the flax spinning mill are the degummed hemp and are carded before carding. The purpose of the primary carding is to comb out the long and neat carded hemp and the short and disordered carded short hemp (machine short hemp) from the beaten hemp of humidification and oil, health preservation and bunching; The beaten hemp will be further split into finer process fibers to remove some impurities such as hemp chips and hemp skin; Thus improving the fiber state and structure of flax.

(4) Silk spinning system

The opening effect of the spinning system is mainly completed in the refining and opening process. Refining is mainly to remove sericin, oil and other impurities contained in the raw materials of silk spinning to make clean and loose lean cotton. The opening of the cotton is to use the sawtooth of the cotton machine to open the various fine cotton that is composed of the blending ball by the cotton, so that the large piece of fine cotton becomes a small bundle, and the fiber has a certain parallel straightness, remove some impurities in the fine cotton, mix the various fine cotton in the blending ball, and finally make a certain specification, uniform thickness of the open cotton.

Section 2 Basic Principles of Opening

The opening effect is to use the moving parts with angle nails, serrations, blades or comb needles on the surface to tear, hit, and divide the fiber block, and break the large fiber block into small fiber bundles.

According to the different ways of feeding the fiber raw materials to the opening parts, the opening can be divided into two forms: free opening and holding opening, and free opening is the role of the raw materials in a free state to accept the opening parts; Holding opening is the opening effect of the opening machine when the raw material is held by the feeding machine (usually a pair of feeding rollers or a combination of feeding rollers and feeding plates) to the feeding machine. According to the different modes of mechanical action, it can be divided into three types of opening: tearing, blowing, and splitting.

Tear and open

Tearing and loosening includes the tearing action of one moving corner nail or two opposing moving corner nail parts on the raw material, and the prerequisite for pulling loose is that the corner nail has the ability to grasp the fiber.

(1) The loosening effect of a corner nail on the raw material

When the corner nail on the corner nail curtain of the automatic cotton blender or the automatic wool feeder pierces into the pile of raw materials input by the horizontal curtain, the connection force between the raw material blocks and the fibers is destroyed, and with the movement of the corner nail curtain, it is torn into smaller blocks or bundles, and the force of the corner nail is shown in Figure 3-1. In the figure, P is the vertical pressure of the raw material on the surface of the corner nail, which is parallel to the plane of the nail. A is the resistance of the raw material to the corner nail when the corner nail curtain moves upward, which is parallel to the plane of the nail planting; T is the horizontal thrust of the diagonal nail curtain of the raw material conveyed by the horizontal curtain, which is perpendicular to the planting nail plane.

Figure 3-1 Loosening of a corner nail

Let the resultant force of the three forces be W , which can be decomposed into the component force along the direction of the corner nail working face S and the component force of the vertical corner nail working face N . Wherein, the component force S points to the nail, which is called the grasping force, N and the friction action of the component force and the angle nail and the fiber block forms the grasping resistance. If the angle between the working surface of the corner nail and the plane of the nail is called, it is also called the working angle of the angle nail.



N=Psinα+Asinα-Tcosα (3-1)

From equation (3-1), it can be seen that when decreasing, the grasping force S increases and N decreases, which is conducive to the penetration of angle nails.

(2) The loosening effect of two corner nails on the fiber block

The opening effect between the corner nail curtain and the cotton (wool) roller of the automatic cotton blending machine or automatic wool feeding machine is the tearing effect of two opposing moving corner nails on the fiber block. As shown in Figure 3-2, when the cotton block grabbed by the corner nail curtain of the cotton blender moves forward and encounters the uniform cotton roller, when the thickness of the cotton block is greater than the distance between the uniform cotton roller and the corner nail curtain, the corner nail of the uniform cotton roller grabs the cotton block, and two corner nails that move relative to each other tear the cotton block, and the cotton block is divided into two parts, one part is taken away by the corner nail curtain, and the other part is thrown back to the cotton box by the uniform cotton roller by centrifugal force, and the opening of this cotton block belongs to pulling loose. In Figure 3-2, points A and B represent the application points of the cotton roller and the corner nail curtain on the cotton block, respectively.

Figure 3-2 Loosening of two corner nails

In the process of pulling loosening, the tearing force on the cotton block is F . Due to the small distance between the corner nail curtain and the uniform cotton roller, the F direction of the force can be approximately considered to be the direction of movement along the corner nail curtain. F Break down the force into a component S force (gripping force) in the direction of the corner nail and a component N force (positive pressure) in the direction of the vertical corner nail by the magnitude of:



Where: —the angle between the corner nail and the horizontal curtain, that is, the working angle of the corner nail; S — the component of the cotton block that sinks into the root of the corner nail; N – the positive pressure generated by the cotton block pressing against the corner nails; P – frictional resistance N caused by , which prevents the cotton block from moving towards the root of the corner nail, the value of which is:


Where: —the coefficient of friction between the cotton block and the corner nail. For the corner peg to have the ability to grip, it is necessary to make S > P , ie


Therefore cotα>μ (3-2)

It can be seen from equation (3-2) that in order to strengthen the grasping effect of the corner nail on the cotton block, the α angle should be reduced, but the α angle is too small, and the cotton block is embedded in the corner nail too deep, and then the fiber is affected to be separated from the corner nail curtain. Due to the difference in fiber length and state, the difficulty of grasping the corner nail curtain is different, therefore, the α angle of the corner nail is different in different spinning systems. In cotton spinning, the fiber is shorter, not easy to be grabbed by corner nails, and the α general angle is 3050. In wool spinning, due to the long fiber and more curl, it is easy to be grabbed by angle nails, and the α general angle is 4560.

Second, crack down on opening

Blow opening is a high-speed rotating percussion mechanism (also known as a beater) equipped with blades, fins, corner nails or needle teeth to strike at raw materials, destroy the connection between fibers and between fibers and impurities, and achieve the purpose of loosening fiber blocks and removing impurities.

(1) Free loosening

The process of loosening the fiber block by the blow of the high-speed striking mechanism in the free state is called free loosening. The basic principle of free loosening is that the fiber block is driven by the negative pressure of the air flow in the striking area (beater room), but because the movement speed of the striking mechanism is much greater than the speed of the fiber block, the free blow effect is generated, causing oscillation, so that the fiber block is loosened.

Figure 3-3 shows the fiber block when it is subjected to a free blow. The fiber block is composed of two parts of fiber blocks with the mass m 1 and m 2 that are interconnected with each other, and the center of mass is at points A and B respectively. If there is a striking force P at point A, its direction is along the tangent direction of the thug's trajectory. The force P is decomposed into P 1 and P 2 , and the direction of P 1 is along the direction of the line between A and B, and under the action of P 1 force, the fiber block of mass m 1 is torn instantaneously, and the fiber block is torn apart. If the connection between the fiber block m 1 and m 2 is small, the fiber block is opened into two parts. If there is a large enough connection force between the fiber block m 1 and m 2 to tear apart, the fiber block either moves in the direction of the beater's velocity or rotates around point B under the action of P 2 force to avoid the action of the beater, thus reducing the fiber damage. Due to the mild opening action in the free state, the degree of fiber damage and impurity fragmentation is small, so it is suitable for the initial stage of opening.

Figure 3-3 Force analysis of fiber block during free blow

The axial flow rollers of the cotton spinning axial flow opener, the multiple rollers of the multi-roller cotton opener, and the cylinder of the wool spinning three cylinder opener all belong to the free-style blow opening.

(2) Loosen the grip

The blade beater with high-speed rotation strikes the feeding raw material that is being held, so that the raw material gets impulse and is opened, which is called gripping loosening. The basic principle of the grip strike effect is that one end of the raw material is controlled, and the inertia that can rotate freely cannot be obtained when it is hit, and the blow can only be borne and not avoided, so the blow is strong, but the blade cannot penetrate the raw material, and its opening effect is not detailed enough.

Figure 3-4 shows the opening of the blow between the cotton roller and the beater's blade on the cotton spinning machine. The cotton layer is slowly fed to the cotton roller, and the high-speed rotating thug strikes the exposed cotton layer at the jaws, and the striking force P is in the tangential direction of the thug's movement trajectory. The cotton layer is struck by the thug, so that the exposed fibrous whisker bushes gain striking strength and are loosened into smaller fiber bundles, and some of the finer impurities are separated. Strike strength is usually measured by the punch impulse and number of blows indicators.

Figure 3-4 Analysis of the striking force of a fighter in the gripping state

1. Strike impulse

The strike impulse represents the product of the striking force and the time of the strike. In order to break the connection between the fibers, it is necessary to have a large striking impulse. Let the striking impulse acting on any small section of feeding whisker bush Ji as


Then the striking impulse J on the entire feeding whisker bush is equal to the sum of the impulses acting on all the parts of the whisker above:

J=Ji=Pit=(Pi)t=Pt (3-3)

where: P — striking force on the entire bush;

Pi – striking force on a small section of whisker bushes;

t — Strike time.

From equation (3-3), it can be seen that J with P the increase of the striking force, the striking force will increase, and the opening effect will be strengthened, but the fibers are easily damaged and the impurities are easy to break. Therefore, according to the position and form of the beater, the opening strength should be appropriately configured.

2. Number of blows

The number of blows refers to the number of blows to the blade on the fiber per unit weight fed. If the number of blows is large, the opening effect is good, and the calculation formula is:

S=K×nvn×W (3-4)

Where: S — number of blows, times/g;

K — the number of blades of the beater;

n — thug speed, r/min;

vn – the length of the fiber layer fed per minute, cm/min;

W – Feed the fiber layer per centimeter weight, g/cm.

As can be seen from Eq. (3-4), the number of blows is directly proportional to the speed of the beater and the number of blades, and inversely proportional to the weight of the fiber layer per minute. The light dosage and short length of each feed will result in a small fiber bundle that will be torn off, which is good for opening, but the yield will be reduced.

The wing beater of the cotton spinning machine and the porcupine beater of the porcupine opener belong to the grip type blow opening effect.

3. Divide and open

Segmentation and opening is to penetrate the fiber layer by serrations or comb needles to divide the fibers, so that the fiber bundles can be opened more finely. Usually the serration or comb needle is pierced in the state of the fiber layer being held and divided, so it is a grip opening. It is used in the feeding part of silk spun openers, wool and linen roller carding machines and cotton cover carding machines. Segmentation parts are often made with a thug or roller covered with metal serrations or implanted with a comb needle.

(1) Segmentation and opening process

As shown in Figure 3-5(a), the silk cotton is fed in the grip of the cotton feeding thorn roller and the cotton holding knife on the cotton opener, and the cotton is split and opened by the cotton cylinder; Figure 3-5(b) shows that on the carding machine (carding machine), the wool (hemp) fiber layer is fed in the holding state of a pair of rollers, and is divided and opened by the thorn roller or the hair (hemp) roller and the breast cylinder; Figure 3-5(c) shows that on the carding machine, the cotton layer is fed in the position of the cotton roller and the cotton feeding board, and the barbed roller is split and opened.

Figure 3-5 Segmentation and opening process

Take the cotton opener as an example to illustrate the process of segmentation and opening, see Figure 3-5(a). The cotton layer is fed in the state of feeding the cotton thorn roller and the cotton holding knife, and the fiber bundle (block) fed into the cotton layer is grabbed by the comb needle of the cotton cylinder for tearing, and the cotton layer is opened. In the process of opening, when the grasping force P of the comb of Ruokai cotton cylinder for the fiber bundle (block) 2 is less than the control force 1 P of the feeding mechanism on the fiber bundle (block), and both are less than the strength of the fiber bundle, the exposed end of the fiber is affected by the comb needle of the sponge cylinder, so that the large fiber bundle is decomposed into smaller fiber bundles. When the forces P 2 and P 1 are greater than the strength of the fiber bundle, the fiber bundle is torn off, and part of it is taken away by the open cotton cylinder, leaving part to continue to be affected by the effect of the open cotton cylinder. When the gripping force and fiber bundle strength of Kaimian cylinder are greater than the control force, the fiber bundle is withdrawn from the feeding mechanism and transferred to Kaimian cylinder.

(2) Analysis of the opening effect of segmentation

1. The segmentation effect of the sawtooth

(1) The condition under which the serrations penetrate the fiber layer

Whether the serration can penetrate the fiber layer smoothly is the primary condition to determine the segmentation effect. Figure 3-6 shows the force applied to the serration of the barbed roller when it penetrates the fiber layer. When the sawtooth penetrates into the fiber layer, the fiber layer has a tangential reaction force along the circumference of the sawtooth to the sawtooth, P which can be decomposed into the component N perpendicular to the sawtooth working face and the component parallel to the sawtooth working face Q . The component Q force has a tendency to make the fiber advance along the sawtooth working towards the pinroot, and when the fiber moves along the sawtooth working surface, the component force N will produce frictional resistance that prevents the fiber from moving T . If Q≥T so, the fibers move along the working surface of the serration towards the tooth root, and the serration can penetrate the fiber layer and tear.

T=μN Because



where: μ —coefficient of friction between the serration and the fiber;

β – the angle of the sawtooth working face;

α —sawtooth working angle, α+β=90° .

In order for the serration teeth to smoothly penetrate the fiber layer for tearing, it must be satisfied QT . Therefore:




Then β≥∅ (3-5)

where: — the angle of friction between the serration and the fiber.

It can be seen that reducing the working angle α (i.e., β enlargement) is beneficial to the sawtooth penetrating into the fiber layer for opening, but α too small, it is not conducive to the sawtooth impurity removal and fiber transfer, and it is easy to cause backflower (i.e., the fiber returns to the feeding place with the rotation of the barbed roller). α When choosing the working angle, it is necessary to consider the sawtooth segmentation effect and ensure that there is no backflowering. Therefore, the working angle of spinning chemical fiber α is larger than that of spinning cotton, so as to facilitate the transfer of fiber and reduce backflowering.

Figure 3-6 The force applied to the serration when it penetrates the fiber layer

(2) Analysis of the condition of the serrated holding fiber

The sawtooth not only divides the fiber layer, but also requires the sawtooth to be able to carry the fiber forward to avoid breaking away from the sawtooth and becoming a drop of fiber. For the serration to carry the fiber forward, the serration must have the conditions to hold the fiber.

Figure 3-7 shows the force analysis of the fiber bundle held by the serrated teeth.

Figure 3-7 The force of the serrated holding fiber

In the figure: F – centrifugal force, along the radius of the barbed roller;

R – air resistance, perpendicular to the direction of the barbed roller;

N – the reaction force of the sawtooth generated by force R on the fiber, the direction is perpendicular to the sawtooth working face;

T – Frictional force, the frictional resistance in the direction of motion when the fiber is thrown, the maximum value of which is μN .

From the equilibrium equation, it can be seen that:



The conditions under which the serrations can hold the fiber bundle are:

Rsinβ+T≥Fcosβ (3-6)

T=μN N Substituting and substituting (3-6) yields:


Because: μ=tan

Then: tan(β+∅)≥FR

β≥arctanFR-∅ (3-7)

Eq. (3-7) is the condition for the serrated fiber.

Therefore, α≤90°-arctanFR-∅ when the sawtooth works at the working angle, it is beneficial for the sawtooth to hold the fiber.

The opening effect of the stabbing roller part of the roller card and the cover card is a typical sawtooth splitting opening.

2. The segmentation effect of the comb needle

The conditions for the comb needle to penetrate the fiber layer should also meet the β≥φ, because the upper part of the comb needle is conical, and it is easier to penetrate the fiber layer than the serration. Figure 3-8 shows the segmentation after the comb needle is inserted into the fiber layer. Let the center distance of the two adjacent comb needles be , h0 and the side distance of the adjacent two comb needles is h . After the comb needle penetrates the fiber layer, the fiber is extruded, and the relative compression deformation is h0-hh0 , and the extrusion force of the fiber is , R and the greater the compression deformation, R the greater the extrusion force. Due to the existence of extrusion force, the friction between the comb needle and the fiber is increased, resulting in a splitting tearing force on the fiber layer S , which can be expressed by the following formula:

S=μ×R+C (3-8)

Where: μ — coefficient of friction between the comb needle and the fiber;

R – the extrusive force to which the fibers are subjected;

C —The additional resistance caused by fiber disturbance in the fiber layer, the magnitude of which is related to the structure of the fiber layer.

Figure 3-8 Comb needle splitting the fiber layer

When S greater than the connection force between fibers in the fiber layer, the smaller fiber block is torn out from the fiber layer and is decomposed and opened, when S less than the connection force between fibers, the comb needle can also produce segmentation to the fiber that contacts with it, the connection force between the transverse fibers of the fiber layer is destroyed, and the fiber block is also loosened.

The opener in the spinning system is a typical comb needle splitting and opening.

Fourth, the factors affecting the opening effect

There are many factors that affect the opening effect, among which the main factors are: feeding device, the form of the opening machine, the speed of the opening machine, the separation between the working parts, and the configuration of the angle nails, blades, comb needles, serrations, etc. of the opening parts.

(1) Feeding device

The purpose of the feeding device is to effectively hold the fibers with minimal damage to the fibers and to create conditions for grip splitting. The gripping effect of the feeding device on the fiber layer directly affects the opening quality of the opening parts. The basic requirements for the feeding device are firm grip, uniform horizontal grip, and appropriate grip force. The structure of the feeding device and the pressurization of the feeding roller have a great influence on the grip of the fiber layer.

1. The structure of the feeding device

The structure of the feeding device varies depending on the type of card.

The roller card mainly processes long fibers, and the feeding device should not only have a good holding ability, but also some of the longer fibers can slip smoothly to reduce damage as much as possible, for example, the feeding device of the wool roller card is a pair of gripping rollers (Figure 3-5(b)).

The feeding device of the cover card is a cotton roller and a cotton feeding plate (Figure 3-5(c)). The cotton layer is fed under the common grip of the cotton roller and the cotton board, and is divided by the thorn roller, which requires the grip of the cotton layer to be gradually strengthened, and at the last grip point B (i.e., the tip of the nose of the cotton board) to reach the strongest grip, so the arc AB between the cotton board and the cotton roller should form a gap that gradually decreases, which is determined by their mutual position relationship, and the diameter of the arc (to O the center of the circle ∅72 ) of the cotton board is greater than that of the cotton roller (to O' is the diameter ( ∅70 ), as shown in Figure 3-9.

Figure 3-9: The interval between the cotton roller and the arc of the cotton board

The cotton feeding board can be below or above the cotton roller, and the relative change of the position of the cotton feeding board and the cotton roller forms a different feeding method, as shown in (a) and (b) in Figure 3-10. Feeding the cotton in the forward direction can make the fiber whisker bush more smoothly withdrawn from the gripping jaws formed by the cotton roller and the cotton feeding board, thereby reducing fiber damage; Reverse feeding of cotton, the cotton layer must go through a large bend before the barbed roller can be pierced and divided, which is not conducive to the gentle opening of the fiber.

Figure 3-10: Different feeding methods

2. Feed rollers for pressurization

The gripping force of the feeding device on the fiber layer is achieved by pressurization, and the feeding roller pressure should be appropriate. Too small to achieve the effect of holding fibers; If it is too large, it is easy to cause deflection of the feeding roller, that is, the middle depression, resulting in the poor grip of the roller on the middle fiber layer; Too large or too small will make the opening poor, and the whole piece or bundle of fibers will be extracted by the sawtooth, resulting in an increase in the amount of fiber falling from the rear belly.

The size of the pressure should be considered according to the amount of feeding, structure, fiber type, roller form, etc. For example, when processing cotton fibers, when the feeding fiber layer is thick, the friction coefficient between the fiber and the feeding device is small, and the pressurization amount should be increased. When processing chemical fibers, due to the long length of the fibers, good uniformity, and the large friction coefficient between the fibers, the friction between the fibers and the sawtooth is large when the sawtooth is divided, and when the pressure is insufficient, the whole bundle of fibers will be extracted by the sawtooth, so the pressure when processing the chemical fiber is larger.

(2) The form of opening parts

The shape of the opening machine parts is mostly a cylindrical drum, and its surface is embedded with different forms of angle nails, blades, comb needles, serrations, etc., in addition, on the porcupine opener and the cotton clearing roll machine of cotton spinning, porcupine beater and three-wing comprehensive beater are used respectively, but they are no longer used in the cleaning and carding process.

Figure 3-11 shows the action surface of some of the striking parts.

Figure 3-11 The form of the opening mechanism

Different forms of percussion parts have different types and effects on fiber blocks (layers). The serrated teeth and comb needles can be pierced into the inside of the fiber layer, and the opening can be achieved through segmentation and carding, and the loosening effect is delicate and soft, but the striking force is insufficient; Angle nails and blades can exert greater impact and tear on the fiber block (layer), the effect is more violent, and the ability to open and remove impurities is strong, but the damage to the fiber is great. The form of the opening machine is generally determined according to the nature of the processed raw materials, the degree of compactness, the impurities and the position of the opening machine in the opening process.

Cotton spinning production generally follows the principle of loosening first and then beating, more loose and less beating, loosening alternately, and falling early and breaking less. At the beginning, the cotton box machinery with a slower opening effect is used, such as the cotton blending machine, the cotton block is loosened and mixed with the corner nail curtain and the corner nail roller, and with the deepening of the processing, the angle nail roller with less planting nail density, such as the axial flow cotton opener, the cotton block is reduced and the larger impurities are removed by using the opening effect in the free state, and then with the gradual reduction of the cotton block, the cotton block is further opened by relying on the sawtooth or comb needle roller in the holding state, and with the help of the effect of the dust grid, the smaller impurities are removed.

For the opening of raw wool in wool production, 2~3 corner nail drum dehairing machines are generally used, and then washing and drying are carried out. The opening and mixing of the washed wool is carried out on the wool machine, which uses a cylinder planted with dense nails and a work roller to further open and mix the washed wool. In addition, a multi-drum trapezoidal opener can also be used to open and mix. There are many corner nails used in the opening machine parts of the fiber in wool spinning.

In linen and silk spinning, it is mostly opened with a comb roller, which is covered with card clothing or needle boards. According to the characteristics of most of the fibers in the hemp and silk raw materials are gathered into bundles, blocks, and the fiber bundles are not completely parallel and straight, the fiber bundles are divided and carded with a comb needle roller, and the opening effect is gentle and delicate, which can reduce the damage of the fibers. The density of the comb needle gradually increases as the opening progresses to enhance the degree of opening.

(3) The speed of opening the parts

With the increase of the speed of the opening machine, the number of opening actions (tearing, blowing, splitting) per unit length of the fed raw materials will increase, and the opening force will also increase accordingly, so the opening effect will be enhanced, and the impurity removal effect will also be strengthened. However, fibers are susceptible to damage, and impurities can also be broken. Therefore, when the fiber block is large and the opening resistance is large, the speed of the opening machine should not be too high. With the gradual opening of raw materials, the opening resistance is gradually reduced, and the speed of the opening machine can be increased accordingly, so that the raw materials can be opened more carefully and finer impurities are removed.

If the speed of the barbed roller of the carding equipment affects the average number of teeth of each fiber affected by the barbed roller, the average number of teeth of each fiber affected by the barbed roller is called the barbed roller segmentation, which is represented by C. The C value can be obtained by comparing the number of teeth of the barbed roller with the number of fibers fed at the same time.

C=n×Z×L×NtVg×1000 (3-9)

Where: n — Rotation speed of the barbed roller (r/min);

Z – the total number of teeth on the surface of the barbed roller;

L – average fiber length (m);

W - Fiber roll quantification (g/m);

Vg — speed for cotton roller (m/min);

Nt – Feed the fiber with average linear density (tex).

It can be seen from equation (3-9) that when increasing the output of carding machine, in order to maintain a certain C value, the speed of the barbed roller should be appropriately increased. In addition to the segmentation effect, the speed of the barbed roller is also related to the removal of impurities, the degree of fiber damage and the transfer of fiber to the cylinder. Therefore, according to the performance of the processed fiber, the speed of the barbed roller should be reasonably selected, on the high-performance carding machine, the speed of the barbed roller is generally 800~2000r/min when spinning cotton, and when spinning synthetic fiber, the speed of the barbed roller is generally about 600r/min.

(4) The separation between working parts

The separation between the working parts is reduced, and the opening effect is enhanced. The smaller the distance between the feeding roller and the corner nail roller or beater, the stronger the effect of the angle nail and the beater to penetrate deep into the fiber layer, so the stronger the opening effect, but it is easy to damage the fiber. Therefore, when the fiber layer is thick, the fibers are tight and the fibers are long, the distance between the feeding roller and the opening machine should not be too small. And with the gradual loosening and fluffing of the fiber block, the separation between the opening machine and the dust rod should be gradually increased from the inlet to the outlet to adapt to the gradual loosening of the fiber block and the gradual increase of volume.

(5) The configuration of angle nails, comb needles, blades, serrations, etc. of the opening parts

The planting method of angle nails, comb needles, blades, sawtooth and so on also has an impact on the opening, and the reasonable planting method should be able to ensure that the feeding fiber layer is evenly opened in the width direction, and the angle nails, comb needles, blades, serrations, etc. should be evenly distributed on the surface of the drum. There are usually several types of planting methods, such as plain arrangement, twill arrangement, and satin arrangement, as shown in Figure 3-12. When the plain weave is arranged, the corner nails are evenly distributed on the surface of the drum, which is conducive to opening; When the diagonal pattern is arranged, the distribution of the corner nails is not uniform enough, and the angle nail arrangement is spiral-shaped, which is easy to produce axial airflow, resulting in the transverse flow of the fed fiber. The satin pattern is more evenly arranged and is usually used for comb needle beaters. The effect of needle planting density on opening is also significant, and the density increases and the opening effect is strengthened. The density of the planting needle should be selected according to the principle of gradual opening, when the fiber block is large, the density of the planting column should be small, with the opening of the progress, the density gradually increases, but the density is too large, easy to damage the fiber.

Figure 3-12 Corner nail planting method

Fifth, the opening effect evaluation

The essence of opening is to reduce the weight of the unit volume of the fiber raw material and loosen the large fiber block into smaller fiber blocks or fiber bundles. In order to identify the effect of opening, the following methods are generally used.

(1) Gravimetric method

The fiber block is selected from the opening raw material, weighed, the average weight of the fiber block is calculated, the proportion of the maximum and minimum fiber block to the weight is calculated, and the comparison is carried out.

(2) Ratio method

Put a certain height of open raw materials into a container of a certain volume, add a pressure plate of a certain weight, measure its compression height after a certain time of compression, measure the weight of the sample, and calculate the volume per unit weight (cm 3 /g), that is, the specific volume. The degree of opening is defined as the specific volume multiplied by the specific gravity of the specimen fibers. The greater the opening, the better the fiber opening.

(3) Speed method

The terminal velocity of the free descent of the fiber block in still air is determined. The initial velocity of the fiber block in the still air is zero, and then it falls vertically, the fiber block gradually accelerates, and after a period of time or a certain distance, the velocity does not increase, and decreases at a constant velocity, this speed is called the terminal velocity, which is determined by factors such as the weight, shape and opening degree of the fiber block.

(4) Airflow method

Put a certain weight of opening raw materials in the air flow, and observe its pressure under the same air flow, the pressure value is high, and the opening degree is good; Or observe the air permeability under the same air pressure, the air permeability is small, the opening degree is good, and the raw material with good opening degree has great resistance to the air flow.

Section 3 Impurity removal in the process of opening

The impurity removal is to use the differences in composition, bulk density, size, mass, optical properties, electrical properties and other properties of fibers and impurities to separate fibers and impurities, which is carried out on the basis of opening effect. With the continuous loosening of raw materials, the impurities originally wrapped in fiber blocks and fiber bundles are gradually exposed, and with the continuation of the loosening effect, the connection force between fibers and impurities is also continuously reduced, which provides the necessary conditions for the removal of impurities. Therefore, the impurity removal is accompanied by the release effect. The impurity removal methods of spinning raw materials mainly include chemical impurity removal and physical impurity removal. Chemical impurity removal is mainly in the initial processing stage of raw materials, using the chemical composition of fibers and impurities is different, and the method of chemical additives is used to remove impurities in raw materials; Physical impurity removal mainly uses the difference in volume density, mass, size, optical properties, electrical properties of fibers and impurities, etc., and relies on mechanical parts, air flow, mechanical + air flow, electromagnetic induction and other actions to remove impurities in raw materials.

The purpose of impurity removal is to remove impurities, defects and part of the linters in the raw materials, so that the raw materials become cleaner and improve the spinnability and product quality. In the process of impurity removal, we should also pay attention to the loss of spinnable fibers, that is, in the process of eliminating impurities, reduce the loss of spinnable fibers as much as possible, which needs to be achieved through the reasonable configuration of the impurity removal process of each machine.

1. Chemical impurity removal

(1) Desugaring of cotton fibers

Insect secretions attached to cotton and nutrients that some fibers are not completely converted into cellulose during the ripening process are present in the form of sugars to form sugary cotton. Sugary cotton is viscous, and it is easy to produce rubber rollers, rollers and other phenomena in the spinning process, which seriously affects the normal progress of spinning production, so the sugar must be removed before spinning. The determination method of sugar-containing cotton is shown in Table 3-1. Production practice has proved that when the sugar content is less than 0.3%, spinning production can be carried out normally.

Table 3-1 Determination method of sugary cotton

Assay method

Sugar cotton-free

Less sugary cotton

Sugary cotton

721 Spectrophotometer (%)




Sodium citrate colorimetric method (grade)




At present, the most widely used pretreatment method for sugar-containing cotton is the anti-sticking additive method, which is also called anti-sticking agent, oil agent, etc. The mechanism of action is to generate a very thin separator film on the surface of the fiber, and continuously form a thin oil film on the spinning channel with the fiber as the carrier, which plays the role of isolation, smoothing, reducing friction and improving spinnability, and will not cause damage to the intrinsic quality of the fiber. The dosage of anti-sticking additives depends on the sugar content of raw cotton, generally 0.5%~2% of raw cotton. When using, for low-sugar cotton, the additive can be sprayed on the surface of the loose cotton bag (or layered); For high sugar cotton, additives can be sprayed at the same time during the raw cotton grabbing and opening process. The raw cotton treated with additives needs to be placed for 24 hours before use. The price of anti-sticking additives is moderate, the use method is simple, and the effect of eliminating the stickiness of sugary cotton is obvious.

Other desugaring methods include water spray wet method, steam steaming method, water washing method, enzymatic method, etc., which have a great impact on fiber properties and high cost, and the application range is limited to a certain extent.

(2) Wool washing and charring

1. Hair washing

(1) The purpose and method of hair washing

In the process of sheep growth, due to the secretions produced by their own metabolism and the sand and plant impurities mixed with long-term wild life, coupled with the imprints made to distinguish the sheep and the drugs used for medical treatment, etc., the raw wool contains a variety of impurities, which must be washed in order to obtain the washed wool that meets the quality requirements.

The main methods of hair washing are emulsification method and solvent method, the latter equipment and processing cost are expensive, and they are basically not used in production now. According to the difference in the performance of raw materials, different treatment processes need to be used in the emulsification washing method, but the washing principle and equipment are basically the same.

(2) The principle of emulsification and wool washing

The properties of the wool adhering to the lipid sweat and soil impurities are different, and the removal of these substances must be done by using a series of chemical methods and mechanical action according to the properties of the fat sweat and soil impurities.

In order to remove fat, sweat and dirt from the wool, it is necessary to destroy the binding force between the dirt and the wool, and reduce or weaken the gravitational force between them. Therefore, the first stage of the decontamination process is to wet the wool, so that the lotion penetrates into the areas where the dirt is weakly connected to the wool, reducing the binding force between them, and this stage is called the gravitational loosening stage. In the second stage, the dirt is separated from the wool surface and transferred to the wash. This is mainly due to the presence of lotions, as well as as the result of mechanical action. The third stage is to transfer the grease and soil miscellaneous in the washing solution to be stably suspended in the washing solution and no longer return to the wool to prevent the wool from staining again. This requires that the detergent solution used must have good emulsification, dispersion, solubilization, etc. Finally, it is rinsed with water to obtain a washed hair. The dynamic process of wool decontamination is shown in Figure 3-13.

Figure 3-13 Dynamic process of wool decontamination

In short, washing is a complex chemical, physical and mechanical process, which is the comprehensive result of a series of effects such as wetting, penetration, emulsification and dispersion produced by the detergent after reducing the surface tension and interfacial tension of the lotion, and the mechanical action is an indispensable means for the final separation of lipid impurities and wool.

(3) Emulsification and washing process

The emulsification and washing process includes opening, impurity removal, washing, drying, etc. Washing can be divided into impregnation, washing, rinsing, rolling and other processing procedures. Emulsifying and washing is generally carried out on the washing-drying machine, which is mainly composed of three parts: hair opening, hair washing and hair drying, and is connected by an automatic hair feeding machine in the middle. The wool is continuously carried out from feeding to output, in which there are several washing tanks in the wool washing part, and the temperature of the washing liquid, the type and quantity of additives added in each washing tank are different to adapt to different process requirements.

2. Carbonization

(1) The purpose and method of carbonization

Sheep often adhere to various grass seeds, grass leaves and other plant impurities in grassland grazing, some of them are easy to remove during processing, and some are tightly entangled with wool, which is not easy to remove, which will increase the difficulty of subsequent processing. Therefore, weeds must be removed during the initial processing of the wool.

There are two ways to remove grass, mechanical and chemical. Due to the incomplete weeding, the mechanical weeding method has a large loss of fiber length and low yield, so this method is rarely used in the initial processing. The chemical method of weeding, i.e., charring, is usually used. In carded wool spinning, wool containing a lot of grass is often treated with sulfuric acid and additives.

(2) Carbonization principle

Although acid also has a destructive effect on wool fibers, wool fibers are more acid-resistant than weeds, and this property is used to treat wool fibers containing weeds with acids, so as to achieve the purpose of removing weeds.

Vegetable impurities are, by their very nature, cellulose substances with the molecular formula (C 6 H 10 O 5 ). n In the carbonization process, dilute sulfuric acid is applied, but after high-temperature baking, the acid becomes thickened, and vegetable impurities can be dehydrated into charcoal:

(C6H10O5)n n 6C

In fact, not all of the charred weeds become charcoal. However, grass weeds that are not completely charred will turn into brittle substances after roasting, and they are easy to remove under mechanical action.

(3) Loose hair carbonization process

This process is often used for carded wool spinning, using a loose wool carbonization machine, mainly in the following stages:

(1) Acid maceration and acid rolling: make the weed absorb enough sulfuric acid solution to facilitate carbonization, but minimize the acid absorption of wool and roll off the excess acid.

(2) Drying and baking: remove moisture and brittle weeds.

(3) Charcoal rolling and charcoaling: Crush the carbonized weeds and remove them from the wool with machinery and wind.

(4) Neutralization: Cleaning and neutralizing the sulfuric acid on the wool.

(5) Drying: Drying away excess moisture to make the fiber reach the required moisture regain.

(3) Degumming of hemp

The process of extracting hemp stems from hemp and obtaining textile fibers from the bast of the stems after pulling hemp plants in the field is called the preliminary processing of hemp. The purpose of the preliminary processing is to degum the bast to remove the gum and other impurities contained in the original hemp to make a soft and loose fine dry hemp. Therefore, the primary processing of hemp fiber is mainly degumming.

At present, there are two main methods of hemp degumming: chemical degumming and microbial degumming.

1. Chemical degumming

Chemical degumming is a degumming method that removes gum by chemical treatment according to the difference in the chemical properties of cellulose and colloidal components in raw hemp. Since the stability of cellulose and gum to caustic soda is the most different, chemical degumming is carried out mainly by lye scouring. The treatment of other chemicals, such as oxidants and mechanophysical methods, can be used as an adjunct to aid in degumming. Chemical degumming can remove most of the gum in raw hemp quickly and stably to meet the requirements of degumming. Therefore, at present, the method of chemical degumming is basically used in the ramie industry at home and abroad.

2. Microbial degumming

Microbial degumming is the use of microorganisms to decompose colloid, there are two main ways: one is to add some degumming bacteria or fungi to the raw hemp, they use the gum in hemp as a nutrient source to multiply, and secrete an enzyme to decompose colloidal during the reproduction process; The other is to directly use enzymes for degumming, that is, dilute the enzyme agent in water and then soak the hemp in it for degumming. Due to the lack of thoroughness, rapidity and stability of microbial degumming, microbial degumming is generally combined with chemical post-treatment for degumming.

Recently, modern physical technologies such as steam blasting technology and ultrasonic technology have attracted people's attention to the degumming of hemp fibers, and these new degumming methods are simple and fast, no chemical pollution, and have little damage to the fibers, but they are still in the experimental exploration stage.

(4) Refining of silk

Silk spinning is the process of spinning the scraps (cocoons and waste silk) from sericulture, silk making and silk weaving into silk yarn. Silk spinning raw materials generally contain sericin, grease, dust and other impurities, and the raw materials must be refined before carding and spinning. The purpose of refining is to remove most of the impurities on the raw materials of silk spinning, and make a relatively clean, fluffy, and elastic lean cotton.

At present, there are two main methods of refining silk spinning raw materials: chemical refining and biological enzyme refining.

1. Chemical refining

Chemical refining is the use of chemical agents to promote the degumming and degreasing of silk spinning raw materials.

(1) Basic principles of chemical refining

Sericin is easily soluble in water and has a weak resistance to chemical agents. In the aqueous solution, the hydrophilic groups in the sericin hydrate with the water molecules, and a part of the hydrogen bonds in the sericin are broken under the action of the water molecules, so that the sericin undergoes limited expansion. As the temperature rises, the kinetic energy of the thermal movement of water molecules increases, and a large number of water molecules enter the sericin layer of the cocoon, and continue to break the hydrogen bonds between the sericin until they are all destroyed, and the sericin dissolves in water to form a uniform sericin solution.

Pupal oil is a mixture of higher fatty acid glycerides. Sodium carbonate has a certain saponifying effect on oils and fats, but it is mainly removed by the emulsification of surfactants. The basic principle of washing is the same as the principle of action of washing hair. The factors affecting the quality of chemical scouring are: temperature, liquor ratio, concentration, pH value, refining time, and sericin concentration in the refining liquid.

(2) Chemical refining methods

According to the chemical agents added during scouring, it can be divided into sapon-alkali refining and acid scouring.

Saponin scouring: Alkaline salts such as sodium carbonate or sodium silicate and surfactants are added to the refining solution to remove sericin grease. When the temperature of the liquid is 60~70 °C, it is called low-temperature training, and when it is 90~98 °C, it is called high-temperature training. According to the number of exercises, it can be divided into one practice and two exercises.

Acid scouring: Sulfuric acid is added to the refining liquid during refining to remove sericin. Because the isoelectric point of sericin is acidic, that is, the pH value is small and conducive to degumming, but too small affects the strength of the fiber, so the degumming effect of acid refining is poor.

2. Biological enzyme scoring

(1) The principle of biological enzyme scoring

Sericin lipids are hydrolyzed by enzymes to remove them, i.e., sericin or lipids + enzymes → intermediate complexes → peptides, amino acids or fatty acids, glycerol + enzymes. Factors that affect the quality of biochemical polishing are temperature, pH, enzyme concentration values, activators, or inhibitors.

(2) Biological enzyme refining method

According to the source of biological enzymes, it can be divided into corruption and enzyme preparations. Corruption is a commonly used method with a better degreasing effect, which uses the enzymes secreted by the metabolism of microorganisms to hydrolyze sericin and oil. Enzyme preparation is to make preparations from enzymes in living organisms, which directly act on raw materials to hydrolyze sericin and oil.

2. Physical impurities

(1) Mechanical impurity removal

1. Mechanical impurity removal process

Mechanical impurity removal is carried out at the same time as the opening effect of the beater machinery. Impurities are generally adhered to or wrapped in fibers, and the opening of fiber blocks weakens the connection between fibers and impurities. Under the action of the beater's striking force, if the impurity gains more impulse than the fiber, the impurity will be separated from the fiber and gradually separated, and fall through the impurity discharge channel around the beater (such as the gap between the dust rods, the mesh that leaks the bottom, etc.). The surrounding of the thug is equipped with a dust grid composed of dust rods arranged at intervals, and its main functions are threefold: one is to support the fiber, so that it moves forward with the rotation of the thug and the attraction of the air flow in front of the machine; The second is to form an impurity discharge channel between the dust rods to eliminate impurities and some short fibers whose dimensions are smaller than the gap between the dust rods; The third is to form a certain resistance to the forward movement of the fiber, and assist the beater to open the fiber. The fiber block that is loosened is thrown to the dust rod by the action of centrifugal inertia force in the process of carrying by the beater, so as to obtain further release and impurity removal, therefore, the beater and the dust rod are the main parts of the beater's mechanical opening and impurity removal. Impurities are removed from the dust rod to the band and there are three different situations.

(1) Crack down on impurities

Figure 3-14(a) shows the removal of impurities. In the beater's room, the raw material is struck by the beater and opened, so that the fiber block is separated from the impurities. Due to the small volume and high density of impurities, it is easy to overcome the air resistance in the beater room under the action of large hitting force, throw it to the working surface of the dust rod, and discharge it under its reflection.

(2) Impact discharge

Figure 3-14(b) shows the impact impurities. If the raw material is opened by the blow of the beater, the impurities and the fiber are not separated, then they are thrown to the dust rod along the tangential direction of the beater at the speed V, let M 1 be the mass of the fiber block, M 2 is the mass of the impurities, when the fiber block hits the dust rod, the impact of the dust stick makes the fiber block stationary, and the impurities break through the loose fiber block under the action of a larger impact force and are discharged from between the dust sticks.

(3) Tearing, separation, and impurity

Figure 3-14(c) shows tearing, separation, and impurity. When one end of the fiber block is hit by the beater blade, and the other end is in contact with the dust rod and is resisted, it is torn by the two and is opened, so that the impurities are separated from the fiber, and the separated impurities fall from the dust rod by their own gravity.

Figure 3-14 The impurity removal effect of the thug and the dust stick

2. Factors influencing mechanical impurity removal

(1) The choice of the form of dust sticks

The shape and configuration of the dust wand have a significant impact on the impurity removal effect. There are two types of cross-sectional shapes of dust rods: triangular and circular, the former is mostly used for cotton spinning, and the latter is mostly used for wool spinning. In the processing of long fibers, it is generally not advisable to use triangular dust rods but round dust rods, which mainly cause hooking, tumbling and damage to long fibers.

(2) Triangular dust rod and its configuration

Figure 3-15 shows the triangular dust rod and its installation angle. In Figure 3-15(a), the flat ABEF is the top surface of the dust rod to support the fibers and prevent the raw materials from falling. The planar ACDF is the working surface of the dust rod, and when the impurities hit it, it is discharged by reflection; The plane BCDE is the bottom surface of the dust rod, and the adjacent dust rod working surface forms a dust rod separation to form a channel for impurity discharge, so as to facilitate the discharge of impurities. The α angle in Figure 3-15(b) is the removal angle of the dust rod, which is generally 40°~50°, and its size is related to the opening and impurity removal. α The angle is small, the effect of the thug and the dust rod is strong, and the effect of opening and removing impurities is good, but the supporting effect of the dust rod on the opening fiber is weakened.

Set the angle between the extension line of the line connecting the vertex of the dust stick working surface and the center line of the beater and θ the dust stick working surface as the dust stick installation angle. The vertical distance between the intersection line of the top surface and the bottom surface of the dust rod and the working surface of the adjacent dust rod is called the dust bar spacing. Change the size of the θ corner, and the spacing between the dust sticks will change. The θ change of the installation angle has an effect on the cotton dropping, impurity removal and opening effect, that is, in a certain range, increase, θ the dust rod spacing decreases, the top surface has a good supporting effect on the cotton block, and the resistance of the dust rod to the cotton block is small, then the opening effect is poor and the impurities are reduced; On the contrary, when it decreases θ , the spacing of the dust rod increases, the supporting effect of the top surface is weakened, and it is easy to fall impurities and falling cotton, but the resistance of the dust rod to the cotton block increases, and the opening effect is strengthened. In order to take into account the effects of these two aspects, the installation of the dust rod should be so that the top surface of the dust rod and the impact projection ray of the beater on the cotton block are close to coincide, and the DE line in Figure 3-15(b) is the projection ray of the beater's strike, β which is the angle between the projection ray and the center of the beater and the vertex of the dust stick, that is, the requirement θ=β-α . R is the radius of the beater, is the r average distance between the beater and the dust stick, then:

β=sin-1RR+r (3-10)

Figure 3-15 Triangular dust sticks and their configurations

The separation between the dust rods is generally changed from the entrance to the outlet of the raw materials from large to small, this is because the cotton block at the entrance of the raw materials is larger, when the beater begins to strike the raw materials, the impact speed of the raw materials to the dust rods is larger, the opening effect is obvious, and the impurities are excluded more, and the impurities of the dust rods at the input port of the raw materials should be fully exerted. With the gradual opening of raw materials, the large cotton blocks are gradually loosened into small cotton blocks (bundles), the amount of impurities is gradually reduced, the impurities are gradually reduced, and the separation between the dust sticks is gradually reduced to prevent the long fibers from falling out.

(2) Airflow impurities

1. The impurity removal effect of the dust cage

In the cotton cleaning machine, the dehairing machine and the wool machine, the single machines can be connected to each other by using the coalescer and the pipeline to form a continuous processing system. As shown in Figure 3-16, the dust cage is made of perforated steel plates or wires woven into mesh panels and rolled into cylinders, the two ends of the cylinder are open and communicate with the rack wall panels, and the rack wall panels on both sides form a channel and are connected to the lower fan. There is a certain form of partition around the inner surface of the dust cage, so that only a part of the surface can adsorb fibers, and a baffle is installed on the frame to adjust the size of the air absorption. When the fan rotates, the air is exhausted to the dust chamber, forming a certain negative pressure on the surface of the dust cage, attracting the air flow in the beater room to the dust cage. The fibers are adsorbed on the surface of the dust cage to form a fiber layer, while sand, fine impurities and linters enter the dust cage through the small holes or meshes with the air flow, and are discharged into the dust tunnel through the fan. When the fibers are agglomerated on the filter screen, a filter layer with a smaller pore size is formed, and only dust and linter with a diameter or size smaller than the pores of the fiber layer can be separated from the spinnable fibers through the pores. The speed of the dust cage has an impact on the removal of dust impurities, if the speed is increased, the fiber layer condensed on the surface of the dust cage is thin, which is beneficial to the removal of dust impurities, but the speed is too high, the air flow is rapid, and the fibers are easy to form block accumulation, which causes traffic jams in serious cases. If the speed of the dust cage is too low, the fiber layer condensed on the surface of the dust cage is thick, which is not conducive to the absorption of fine impurities.

Figure 3-16 Structure of the dust cage and fan

2. Impurity removal effect of the airflow nozzle

Airflow nozzle impurity removal is mainly used in cotton spinning, and its principle is shown in Figure 3-17. After the cotton block is opened and removed by the beater, a section of air flow nozzle pipe is arranged in the carding pipe that it is transported outward, and its cross-section gradually decreases, so that the fiber flow is gradually accelerated, in order to increase the cotton flow velocity, the pressurized fan 1 can be used to make up the air, when the flow velocity reaches a certain value, the pipeline suddenly turns 60 °, makes the air flow make a sharp turn, and the pipeline has a spout at the turning place. Because the impurities are small in size, high in density and large in inertia compared with fibers, they are not easy to change direction and escape from the nozzle in the high-speed air flow; The fiber is large in volume, small in density, and small in inertia, and with the continuous forward transportation of high-speed airflow, the impurity removal effect of the airflow nozzle is completed. The processing characteristics of the airflow impurity remover are that there is less fiber loss and can remove larger impurities, such as cottonseed, seed cotton, etc. In addition, the use of this method to remove impurities requires that the raw materials should have a certain degree of opening, so that the fibers and impurities can be separated from each other due to the different centrifugal inertia forces, and give full play to the impurity removal effect of the nozzle.

Figure 3-17 Removal of impurities at the airflow nozzle

3. Mesh panel (dust remover) to remove impurities

The dust collector combines the principles of dust cage impurity removal and airflow nozzle impurity removal, and uses airflow adsorption and airflow commutation to remove impurities, as shown in Figure 3-18. The route of movement of the fibers and airflow within the machine is shown by the arrows. The fan 1 sucks the fiber output of the rear machine into the machine and conveys it upwards along the pipeline, the fiber obtains the pressurization of the fan, and after the reversal, under the effect of two swing doors 2, the impact is dispersed to the mesh plate 3, and at this moment, part of the dust-containing air is discharged through the hole of the mesh plate (transported to the dust filter unit for treatment through the pipeline), and part of the impurities and linters can be discharged. The fibers that are blocked on the surface of the mesh board are output along the output pipe under the action of the air flow formed by the fan 4.

Figure 3-18 Dust remover

(3) Combination of mechanical and airflow to remove impurities

1. Removal of impurities in the thug's room

The flow of air in the beater's room is caused by a combination of the fan of the front condenser and the high-speed rotation of the beater. The flow state and velocity of the airflow directly affect the impurity removal effect of the batter machinery. Due to the different resistance of the air flow to the fiber block and impurities, the fiber block and impurities are separated. The relative density of impurities is large and small, and the airflow resistance is small, and it is easy to fall out from the dust sticks, while the fiber blocks are large in volume and small in density, and are easy to fall out by the blocking of dust rods and the support of airflow. It is often desirable to create such an ideal airflow state that allows the impurities to fall sufficiently without the spinnable fibers falling out. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the basic law of air flow and control it in order to give full play to the efficiency of machinery, so as to further improve the effect of opening and removing impurities, reduce the loss of spinnable fibers, and achieve the purpose of saving materials and improving product quality.

(1) The airflow law of the thug's room

Taking the porcupine opener as an example, according to the test, the longitudinal airflow pressure distribution law of all dust rod areas in the beater room is shown in Figure 3-19. At the 2~3 dust sticks near the cotton roller, the air flow is driven by the rotation of the beater, but because the cotton layer is fed, it forms a closed state, so it is a negative pressure area. If a rear air inlet is set up here, the airflow will be added from the outward beater room. At the dead box (closed state, no air flow exchange with the outside world), due to the high-speed rotation of the thug to drive the air flow, the air pressure gradually increases, and reaches the maximum value, so that the air pressure in the area is positive, the air flow is mainly along the working surface of the dust rod outward, and a small amount of air flow is added along the bottom surface of the dust rod.

In the vicinity of the trapbox, due to the influence of the condenser fan in front, the pressure gradually decreases, and there will be negative pressure in some places, especially at the junction of the dead and live boxes, the airflow pressure is very unstable. In the trapbox area, due to the effect of the condenser fan, the closer to the outlet, the greater the negative pressure, if the air outlet is opened in the area, the airflow will continue to be replenished. According to the laws of fluid mechanics, when the air flow is in the pipe, the flow rate in each section should be equal. Therefore, for the beater machine, the suction volume of the fan should be equal to the exhaust air volume of the beater room. Let the air volume formed by the rotation of the thug be , and there is a part of the air flow out between the dust sticks, and the outflow is Q1" , then Q1 the value of the remaining air volume of the thug is:


Usually in order to make the raw material evenly transported forward at the outlet of the beater room, the suction air volume of the fan is Q2 required to be slightly greater than the remaining air volume of the beater Q1 , and the air supply should be carried out between the dust rods of the beater room at this time, and the air supply volume is set to Q3 , then the following balance formula can be obtained:


i.e. Q2=-Q1"+Q3 (3-11)

In equation (3-11), the make-up air volume Q3 is generally composed of three parts, one part is made up from the gap of the dust rod, one part is made up axially on both sides of the hand shaft, and some is made up by the make-up air doors in different positions, which can be adjusted and controlled.

From Eq. (3-11) and combined with the airflow distribution law of the beater chamber, it can be seen that the increase will increase the negative pressure value near the entrance of the beater chamber, and cause the positive pressure value of the dead box to increase and expand forward, thereby causing the change of other air flow, which Q1" will increase significantly, and the increase Q2 will increase the negative pressure value near the outlet of the beater chamber and expand backward, and will also cause the change of other air flow, which Q3 will increase significantly.

Figure 3-19 Longitudinal airflow pressure distribution in the beater chamber of porcupine opener

(2) Falling object control

In the process of opening the raw materials by the beating machinery, there is both air flow and air flow inflow between the dust rods, but the outflow and inflow can be adjusted in different parts, the outflow air flow helps to remove impurities, and the inflow air flow has a supporting effect on the fiber. The use of airflow to control falling objects should be considered from the following aspects.

(1) Reasonably configure the fan speed of the thug and the condenser (or fan).

Because the speed of the beater and the fan directly affects the longitudinal airflow distribution of the beater's room, the suction air volume of the fan is required to be greater than the remaining airflow of the beater. The fan speed is increased, the suction volume is large, the recovery area of the beater room is lengthened, the air supply volume between the dust sticks is increased, the recovery effect is strengthened, the falling objects are reduced, and the impurity removal effect is weakened, especially the elimination of small impurities is weakened. As the speed of the thug increases, the air flow generated by the thug and the air flow between the dust sticks increase, and the falling objects increase. When the fiber block is dense and contains a lot of impurities, the speed of the beater can be appropriately increased. If the speed of the beater remains unchanged, under the condition of normal transportation of raw materials, the fan speed is appropriately reduced, the impurity area will be lengthened, the time for the fiber to stay in the beater room will be prolonged, and the opening and impurity removal effect will also be strengthened.

(2) Reasonably adjust the spacing of dust rods

The spacing of the dust rods not only affects the holding effect of the raw materials and the removal of falling objects, but also changes the flow resistance of the air flow between the dust rods. According to the principle of impurity removal, the spacing of dust rods from the inlet to the outlet should be from large to small. At the inlet, due to the strong air recovery effect and the need for rapid impurity removal, the separation can be adjusted according to the size of impurities. Because the fiber block here is large and there is air flow recovery, the partition amplification is conducive to the elimination of large impurities, and the air flow is easy to be added, so that the amount of air flow between the dust rods is reduced and the impurities are increased. Below the import recycling area is the main miscellaneous area. In this area, because the air flow between the dust rods is rapid, most of the impurities that can fall out of this area fall out. Later, the impurities that fall are less and smaller, and the fiber blocks have gradually opened and become smaller in this area. Therefore, the spacing of the dust rods should be small to reduce the loss of fibers. In the outlet recovery area, the fiber blocks are smaller and the impurities that fall are smaller, so the dust rod spacing can be smaller. However, the method of increasing the spacing here can also be used to increase the inflow airflow, so as to weaken the airflow of the main impurity area and give full play to the impurity removal effect of the main impurity removal area. If the dust rod at the outlet is reversed, the supporting effect of the dust rod on the fiber will be strengthened, the air flow will be increased, and the fiber recovery effect will also be enhanced.

(3) Reasonable control of air intake methods and routes everywhere

According to the principle of fluid continuity, when the total amount of air flow remains unchanged, changing the proportion of upper and lower air inlet volume or the position of the air supply outlet will change the longitudinal airflow distribution, thereby affecting the cotton drop. To control the air supply volume in each area of the dust rod, in principle, it should be less in the miscellaneous area and more in the recovery area. Therefore, in the production, the belly is divided into two miscellaneous areas with a partition, and the entrance near the raw material is the main miscellaneous area, which is closed around it, and there is little air flow inflow, making a "dead box", in which most of the air flow flows out from the beater room, so that more impurities are discharged. The outlet part near the raw material is equipped with a make-up air outlet on the side to make a "live box", in which a strong air flow flows in from between the dust rods, which can make the part of the fiber and fine impurities that fall out return to the beater room and become the main recovery area. Increasing the front and rear air intake or reducing the side air intake will expand the belly impurity area, increase the air flow discharged from the dust rods, increase the cotton dropping, and enhance the impurity removal effect, but the fiber drop will also increase; Otherwise, it has the opposite effect.

2. Barbed roller impurities

The removal of impurities by spur roller is mainly carried out by using the physical properties of fibers and impurities and their different forces on and around the high-speed rotating serration. The fibers and impurities on the serrations are subject to air resistance and centrifugal force when the barbed roller rotates at high speeds. The impurities in it are easy to fall out of the serration due to the large centrifugal force and low air resistance, while the long and light fibers are the opposite and are not easy to fall. When passing through the dust removal knife, the tail of the fiber that exposes the serration is supported by the knife, and the impurities are blocked by the knife and fall. After entering the carding plate, due to the carding configuration of the carding plate and the needle surface of the barbed roller, the carding of the fiber is strengthened (making up for the insufficient carding of the inner layer of the cotton layer by the barbed roller), so that the fine impurities and linters can be better discharged. Due to the good carding effect of the barbed roller part, the fibers and impurities are fully separated, which creates extremely favorable conditions for the removal of impurities by the barbed roller.

The movement of single fibers or small cotton bundles after separation is also susceptible to air currents. If the control is not improper, there will be white flowers, less impurities, small leakage bottom plug mesh and other undesirable situations, so it is necessary to grasp the airflow law of the stabbing roller part, and control it to make it conducive to impurities removal and saving cotton.

(1) The performance of the airflow of the surface layer of the barbed roller

When the barbed roller rotates at high speed, the sawtooth will drive the surrounding air flow, due to the friction and viscosity between the air molecules, the inner layer of air drives the outer layer of air, and the layers are driven, forming an airflow layer around the barbed roller, which is called the surface layer of the barbed roller.

The thickness of the surface layer attached to the barbed roller

Within a certain range, the thickness of the surface layer δ is related to the distance from the formation point A of the surface layer, as shown in Figure 3-20. The farther away from the formation point A, the thicker the thickness of the attached surface layer. During the formation of the surface layer, its thickness change can be expressed as:

δ=Cxm (3-12)

where: C — a constant depending on the specific conditions;

m – an index related to the nature of the surface layer (turbulent or laminar);

x – distance from the point where the surface layer is formed.

When a certain value x is reached, the thickness of the surface layer also reaches normal, and the thickness is a constant.

Figure 3-20 Changes in the thickness of the surface layer attached to the barbed roller

The radial pressure change in the surface layer of the barbed roller

In the process of rotating the air flow together with the barbed roller, the gas in the surface layer is subjected to the action of centrifugal force, and there is a radial pressure difference between the layers in the surface layer, the pressure of the outer layer is greater than the pressure of the inner layer, the pressure value of the outermost layer is approximately equal to the atmospheric pressure, and the pressure of the inner surface layer of the surface layer is negative. According to the experimental data, the speed of the barbed roller increases, the radial pressure difference increases, and the thickness of the attached surface layer also increases.

Velocity distribution in the surface layer of the barbed roller

The airflow velocity at each point in the surface layer varies with the distance from the surface of the barbed roller, and the airflow velocity is close to the surface velocity of the barbed roller, and the farther away from the surface of the barbed roller, the smaller the airflow velocity. Figure 3-21 shows the distribution of airflow velocity in the surface layer of the barbed roller. The airflow velocity at any point in the attached surface layer Vy in the diagram can be expressed as follows:

Vy=VT[1-(δyδ)In] (3-13)

Where: VT —surface velocity of the barbed roller (m/s)

δy – Distance between any point in the surface layer and the surface of the barbed roller (m)

n — an index related to the properties of the surface layer.

Figure 3-21: Velocity distribution of the surface layer of the barbed roller

(2) The movement characteristics of fibers or impurities in the surface layer of the barbed roller

Figure 3-22 shows the stress on the fibers or impurities that are separated from the barbed roller and present in the surface layer. Wherein, F e is the centrifugal force, which throws the fiber or impurities out of the attached surface layer along the normal direction of the barbed roller; F d is the air flow force, which rotates along the direction of the air flow of the attached surface layer, so that the fibers or impurities rotate together with the attached surface layer; P f为 is the radial pressure difference in the surface layer, and F c is the air resistance of the fiber when it moves outward. F c , P and F are opposite to each e other, which can prevent fibers or impurities from separating from the attached surface layer; M g is the weight of the fiber or impurity. After being subjected to the above force, the movement of fibers or impurities in the attached surface layer changes, some leave the attached surface layer and become impurities (falling cotton), and some move together with the attached surface layer.

Figure 3-22: Stress on fibers or impurities in the surface layer

Due to the velocity distribution in the surface layer, the fibers suspended in the surface layer always tend to be streamlined. Figure 3-23 shows the motion of a fiber AB in the attached surface layer, and its movement speed is , take Vf the fiber micro-segment dl , and the airflow velocity at this place is Vy , then the airflow force on the section in the x-direction Fdx should be:


=12C0·ρ·(Vy-Vf)2·df·dl·sinθ (3-14)

where: ρ — air density;

C 0 — air resistance coefficient;

df — fiber diameter;

θ – Angle between the fiber and the streamline.

Figure 3-23 Fibers flowing in the surface layer

Because the velocity distribution of the attached surface layer is gradually decreasing from the inside to the outside, the different points of the fiber AB can be Fdx made, so that the air flow velocity Vy on a certain section of the fiber is equal to Vf the fiber velocity, that is, the section Fdx is zero, then the direction of the force Fdx of the upper and lower parts of the section is different, so that the fiber acts on the rotating moment until the fiber turns to the streamline direction, This results in a strengthened radial differential pressure P to which the fibers are subjected. Because the fiber mass is small, the centrifugal force F e is small, and the gravity m g is also small, so it is not easy to break away from the attached surface layer, and it is easy to move together with the air flow of the attached surface layer and is mostly distributed in the inner layer of the attached surface layer. The mass of impurities is larger than that of the fiber, the projection area is small, and the air flow force F d and radial pressure difference P are small in the attached surface layer, and the centrifugal force F e is larger, and the gravity m g is larger If it is also large, the impurities are easy to break through the airflow of the attached surface layer and fall. The size and shape of the impurities are different, and the effect of the action in the attached surface layer is not the same, and the larger and heavier impurities are weakly affected by the attached surface layer and will directly rush through the attached surface layer and fall. The smaller and lighter impurities are not easy to rush through the attached surface layer, and they are suspended in the attached surface layer, but most of them are distributed in the outer layer of the attached surface layer. Therefore, the fibers and impurities suspended in the attached surface layer will cause delamination after being affected by the attached surface layer, and most of the fibers are distributed in the inner layer, and the impurities are mostly distributed in the outer layer. This delamination phenomenon is caused by the suspension time (suspension length) in the surface layer, in addition to the force in the surface layer. The longer the suspension time, the clearer the delamination between the fibers and impurities, and the greater the chance of impurities falling.

In the surface layer, the movement of fibers and impurities also affects each other. Some fibers are tightly adhered to larger impurities and will fall with impurities, some fibers will also be directly washed down by large impurities to become cotton dropping, and some small impurities have strong adhesion to fibers and continue to advance in the attached surface layer with fibers. Therefore, it is necessary to make full use of the characteristics of the surface layer of the barbed roller on fibers and impurities, and reasonably control the cotton drop of the barbed roller.

(3) The flow law of the air flow around the barbed roller

As shown in Figure 3-24, the separation between the barbed roller and the cotton feeding board is very small, and there are fiber whisker clusters, so the spacing point can be regarded as the starting point for the barbed roller to drive the attached surface layer. In the first area of impurities between the cotton board and the dust removal knife, the airflow driven by the barbed roller gradually increases, and the thickness of the attached surface layer also increases. The formation and thickening of the surface layer requires a directional air flow from under the feeding board, which has a supporting effect on the fibers on the barbed roller. The thickened surface layer to the dust removal knife has a small gap between the knife and the barbed roller, and most of the air flow is blocked by the back of the knife, forming an air flow down the knife. Part of the airflow enters the first carding plate, after flowing out along the cotton guide plate, the attached surface layer begins to thicken gradually, to the second carding plate (the second miscellaneous area) during which the airflow situation is similar to the situation of the first miscellaneous area, the cotton guide plate at the beginning of the attached surface layer has air flow to make up, at the dust removal knife at the inlet of the second carding plate, part of the airflow goes down along the knife, and a small part of the airflow enters the second carding plate. Because the length of the third impurity zone between the second carding plate and the triangular small leakage bottom is very short, and the thickness of the attached surface layer is very small, the amount of fine impurities and short linter falling here is less than that of the second impurity zone.

Figure 3-24 The flow pattern of the air flow around the barbed roller

(4) Analysis of impurity removal effect of barbed roller

The impurity removal of the barbed roller part mainly occurs in the first impurity area between the cotton feeding board and the dust removal knife and the second impurity area between the first carding plate and the second carding plate, in addition, some short lints and dust chips are discharged into the rear belly from the dust grid and the mesh of the small leakage. When the barbed roller rotates at high speed, the heavier impurities have a large centrifugal inertia force, while the air resistance is small, and it is easy to fall out of the sawtooth. The long and light fibers have less centrifugal inertia and greater air resistance, and when passing through the dust removal knife, the exposed serration fibers are supported by the dust removal knife, and the impurities are blocked by the dust removal knife and fall away from the bay roller. The small leakage bottom is to use the air pressure in the leakage bottom to remove some small dust impurities by the dust rod and mesh, and the longer fibers will rarely become cotton dropping. Among the three impurity removal zones in the thorn roller part, the first impurity removal zone mainly eliminated large and heavy impurities, and the cotton drop rate was the highest. The second impurity removal zone mainly excludes small impurities with light weight and fluffy fibers on the surface, and the cotton drop rate is less than that of the first impurity removal zone. The small leakage bottom impurity removal area is mainly to eliminate short linter and fine impurities, and the cotton drop rate is the least. Due to the good carding effect of the barbed roller part, the fibers and impurities are fully separated, which creates favorable conditions for the impurity removal of the barbed roller. Under normal circumstances, the barbed roller part can remove 50% ~ 60% of the impurities in the cotton roll, and the impurity content of the cotton drop is about 40%, but the movement of the separated single fiber or small cotton bundle is also easily affected by the air flow. If the airflow is not properly controlled, the cotton will be abnormal, such as white flowers, cotton or too little impurities in the rear belly, dust removal knife, small leakage bottom inlet to gather fibers or even hanging flowers, small leak bottom plug mesh, etc.

(5) Factors affecting the removal of impurities by the spur roller

The factors affecting the cotton drop rate and impurity removal effect can be summarized into two categories: one is the influence of the thorn roller segmentation effect on impurity removal, the thorn roller has a good separation effect, the fiber and impurity separation degree is good, and the impurity removal effect will also be significant; The other type is to reasonably use mechanical means to control part of the air flow of the barbed roller to achieve the purpose of impurity removal.

(1) The speed of the thorn roller is increased to increase the speed of the thorn roller, which is conducive to the decomposition of cotton bundles and the exposure of impurities, so the impurities are increased and the impurities are strengthened, but the speed of the thorn roller is limited by the division of the thorn roller, and it cannot be too fast, otherwise the fiber will be damaged more, and it will be easy to produce white flowers after the belly of the car due to the strengthening of the throwing effect.

(2) The length of the dust removal knife process and the miscellaneous area The dust removal knife process includes the height of the dust removal knife, the installation angle and the distance between it and the barbed roller. When the low knife, large angle and appropriate interval are used, it is conducive to the impurity removal effect of the first impurity removal area. However, after the high and low position of the dust collector is changed, the length of the first and second impurity removal zones will change at the same time, which will affect the cotton drop of the two impurity removal zones. When the position of the dust removal knife is lowered, the cotton drop in the first impurity removal area increases, and the second impurity removal area decreases. However, the increase of cotton drop in the first impurity removal area is more than that in the second cotton removal area, so that the cotton drop rate of the rear belly still increases. Raising the dust collector position is the opposite of the above.

The dust removal knife process should be reasonably adjusted according to the type and impurity rate of the feeding raw materials. If the cotton roll contains a lot of miscellaneous and high impurity content, the low knife process should be used.

(3) The separation between the small leakage bottom and the barbed roller The separation between the small leakage bottom and the barbed roller is gradually reduced from the inlet to the outlet, the airflow is smooth, the air pressure change is relatively stable, and the airflow is evenly and moderately removed from the dust rod and the mesh, which is conducive to the elimination of shortlins and fine impurities. The size of the static pressure in the small leakage bottom affects the amount of cotton falling in the impurity area of the bottom of the leakage, the pressure is high, and the amount of cotton falling increases, but the pressure is too large, and it is easy to produce mesh blockage. The size of the inlet and outlet spacing of the small leak affects the air flow into the small leak and the air flow out of the leak bottom, so it also affects the cotton drop rate and the impurity content of the cotton drop.

(4) The length of the small leakage arc The length of the small leakage arc directly affects the length of the third impurity removal zone. When the length of the small leakage bottom arc is short, the length of the third impurity removal zone increases, and when the separation conditions are the same, the thickness of the cutting surface layer is thickened, and the impurity removal effect is strengthened.

(5) Structural improvement As shown in Figure 3-25, by increasing the number of barbed rollers to improve the opening and impurity removal effect of the barbed rollers, and at the same time reducing the fiber damage, the density and angle of the card clothing of the multi-spinning roller are related to each other during the fiber transfer process, and the linear velocity in the direction of the fiber flow is required to gradually increase, 600 r/min (the first barbed roller) through 1200 r/min and the second barbed roller) to 1800 r/min (the third barbed roll). At the same time, the bottom leakage under the barbed rollers is eliminated, and all the barbed rollers are sealed in a cover, because these covers are equipped with carding plates and dust removal knives, so they have the effect of opening and removing impurities, and the impurities and short lints removed by the dust removal knife are absorbed into the waste collector by the suction pipe.

Figure 3-25 Three-thorn roller carding machine

(4) Induction and impurity

With the development of sensing technology, the difference between fiber and impurity properties can be used to detect and remove impurities by using capacitive, electromagnetic, photoelectric and other sensors.

1. Metal impurity removal device

As shown in Figure 3-26, the metal impurity removal device is equipped with an electronic detection device in a section of the cotton pipe, when the metal is detected to contain metal impurities in the cotton flow, because the metal interferes with the magnetic field, a signal is sent out and the valve 1 specially arranged for the cotton pipe is temporarily opened through the amplification system (the dotted line position in the figure), the cotton block with the entrained metal passes through the branch pipe 2 and falls into the collection box 3, and then the valve is immediately reset to restore the normal cotton conveyance of the horizontal pipeline. The cotton flow is interrupted only for 2~3 seconds, and the air flow through the collection box passes through the screen 4, enters another pipe 2, and joins the main cotton flow.

Figure 3-26 Metal impurity removal device

In addition, there is a bridge-type iron removal device that is directly installed on the pipeline, as shown in Figure 3-27. Equipped with a permanent magnet, the cotton pipeline is in an inverted V-shape, and the cotton flow moves from right to left, and when there is iron miscellaneous in the cotton flow, the permanent magnet can attract it. Iron miscellaneous that is adsorbed by the magnet can be removed regularly.

Figure 3-27 Bridge iron suction device

2. Mars Exploration Device

Sparks in fiber raw materials (generally generated by collisions between parts or between parts and metal impurities) are a serious hidden danger that causes fires in the workshop. The Mars detection device is used to detect and eliminate the possible presence of Mars in the fiber raw materials transported in the pipeline. The shape of the device is shown in Figure 3-28, and is composed of a Mars exploration control box 1, a metal detection device 2 and a demiscellaneous actuator 3, the Mars exploration device adopts an infrared detection sensor to detect the possible presence of Mars in the fast-moving cotton flow, and if the presence of Mars is found in the cotton flow, the bypass flap of the actuator is opened, the cotton flow with Mars is excluded, and then the bypass flap is closed and production continues.

Figure 3-28 Mars exploration device

3. Heterosexual fiber detection device

Heterosexual fibers refer to fibers with different properties and types from the fibers being processed, and these fibers will eventually form cloth surface defects after dyeing the fabric due to the different dyeing properties of the fibers processed, which will affect the appearance quality of the fabric and must be removed during the spinning process. Figure 3-29 shows the heterosexual fiber detection device. The cotton flow enters by inlet 1 and outputs by outlet 5. Photoelectric sensor array 2 identifies heterosexual fibers and heterogeneous impurities in real time, and after discovering anisosexual fibers or heterogeneous impurities, the airflow of the airflow sprayed by high-speed airflow nozzle blows down the cotton containing heterosexual fibers or heterogeneous impurities into the cotton collection box 4 through the discharge channel 3. The device can exclude foreign bodies or fibers with different optical properties from the fibers being processed, including hair, paper, polypropylene yarns, feathers, leaf chips, dyed fibers, etc.

Figure 3-29 Shaped fiber detection device

4. Heavy miscellaneous separation device

The heavy impurity separation device uses the difference between the properties of fiber and dense heavy impurities to eliminate heavy impurities, and the principle is similar to the above-mentioned air flow impurities. Figure 3-30 shows the working principle of the heavy impurity separator. When the high-speed fiber flows into the U-shaped bend, it hits the bottom dust grid under the action of centrifugal force, and the heavy miscellaneous feces fall into the collection box from the gap between the dust rods, which is generally combined with the bridge iron suction to remove metal debris.

Figure 3-30 Heavy impurity separator

3. Evaluation of impurity removal effect

After the raw materials have been opened and impurities removed mechanical treatment, in order to compare the effect of impurity removal, falling objects test and analysis should be carried out regularly. There are several indicators that indicate the effect of impurity removal:

(1) Falling object rate

It reflects the amount of falling objects in the detaching machine. The number of falling objects is weighed by the test and calculated as follows:


(2) The impurity content of fallen objects

It reflects the quality of the falling object. The impurities in the falling matter are separated by a fiber impurity analyzer and weighed, which is calculated as follows:


(3) Miscellaneous rate

It reflects the amount of impurities removed from the fed raw material, also known as the absolute impurity removal rate, and is calculated as follows:


(4) Removal efficiency

It reflects the efficiency of removing impurities, which is related to the impurity content of raw materials and can be calculated as follows:


(5) Fiber content of falling matter

In order to analyze the amount of good fiber in the fall, sometimes it is necessary to calculate the fiber content of the fall, which can be calculated as follows:


Section 4 Mixing in the opening process

First, the purpose and requirements of raw material mixing

As described in Chapter 2, the raw materials used in the spinning mill are selected blends. The main purpose of raw material blending is to give the desired properties to the final product, such as the blending of chemical fibers with natural fibers can make the product have easy-care properties; Stable product quality, the same origin of raw cotton, its performance is also different, so it must be mixed; Control the cost of raw materials, such as the use of raw materials with similar prices and performance; It has a favorable effect on the processing performance of raw materials, such as by blending with fibers with good spinnability, which can improve the processing properties of staple fiber raw materials; Increase the variety of product colors, such as through the change of fiber color, performance, etc., so that the product can obtain the color effect.

Uniform mixing includes satisfying the two requirements of "correct content" and "uniform distribution", that is, the content of various blended raw materials on any section of the yarn should be consistent with the designed ratio, and the distribution of all mixed raw materials on any section of the yarn is uniform. The premise of uniform mixing is that the mixed raw materials are scientifically packed and carefully loosened. The better the loosening and the smaller the fiber block, the more complete the mixing. In the initial stage of blending, the raw material blending is carried out between fiber blocks of different sizes, so the blending is not sufficient. It is only when the fiber masses are further loosened to the state of single fibers that sufficient mixing between the single fibers is possible. Therefore, in the process of fiber blocks being loosened into fiber bundles, and fiber bundles are loosened into single fibers, the mixing of raw materials is gradually perfected.

Second, the index calculation of the mixture

(1) Weight ratio and root number ratio

When the fibers of several components are used to form a blended raw material, the mixing ratio of one of the components can be expressed as a ratio of weight or root.

1. Weight ratio:

gi=wii=1mwi (3-15)

where, gi —the weight ratio of component i;

wi — the weight of the ith component;

m — Number of ingredients.

2. Root Number Ratio:

fi=nii=1mni (3-16)

where, fi — the ratio of the root number of the ith component;

ni — the number of roots of the ith component.

The relationship between the weight ratio and the root number ratio can be derived from the following analysis:

Let the average length of component ith fiber be , and the average weight per unit length of a single fiber is w0 , then:


If the weight per unit length of each component fiber is similar, then:

gi=niw0i=1mniw0=nii=1mni (3-17)

That is, when the linear density of each component fiber is very close, the weight ratio of a component is equal to the proportion of the total length of the component fiber in the total length of the whole blend fiber. If this batch of mixtures is made into slivers (ignoring the production rate for the time being), the L length of the slivers can be obtained, then in the cross-section of this sliver, the number of fiber roots of the component i is:


Therefore, the ratio of the number of roots of each component fiber in the cross-section of the strip f is:

=ni'i=1mni'=nii=1mni=gi (3-18)

It can be concluded that the ratio of the number of roots in the sliver section is basically the same as the weight ratio of the loose fibers in the mixture under the condition that the fiber line density is basically the same.

(2) Application of the mixing ratio index

If you want to calculate the average length of the fibers in the mixture, you can take a range of fibers in the mixture and group them in steps, so that the amount of each group can be either the number of roots or the weight. Group I has root number ratios as well as weight ratios. The length weighted by the root ratio is called the arithmetic mean length, which is denoted by ; The length weighted by weight ratio is called the weighted average length and is denoted by . In general, the weighted average length of the same batch is larger than the arithmetic average length, and the greater the discrete fiber length, the greater the difference between the two.

=(1+C2) (3-19)

where C is the dispersion coefficient when the fiber length is calculated by the number of roots.

If you know the above two length values of the fiber, you can estimate its length dispersion.

(3) Calculation of technical indicators of mixture

The technical indicators such as fiber length, fineness, and moisture regain of the mixture can be calculated by the weighted average of the weight percentage of the corresponding indexes of the fibers of each component. For example, the weight ratio (blending ratio) of each component is ki ( i=1 ...... m ), the average value of a certain index of each component fiber is xi , then the average value of this index of blended raw materials is X :

X=i=1mkixi (3-20)

If the dispersion coefficient of the i xi index of the component is Ci , the discrete coefficient of the index of the blended fiber is C :

C2=i=1mki[(CixiX)2+(xiX-1)2] (3-21)

(4) Calculation of feeding ratio

Since the production rate of each component varies in the production of blended yarn, the blending ratio at the time of feeding often changes to the time of yarn completion. For example, for the production of 45% and 55% polyester wool-polyester blended yarns, because the wool is easy to fall in production, the wool should be slightly higher than 45% (such as 47%) and the polyester should be slightly less than 55% (such as 53%).

Let the yarn blending ratio of A and B components be K 1 AND K 2 , and the feeding ratio of A and B components is K 1 and K 2 accordingly, then:

K1'+K2'=1, K1+K2=1

Let the yields of A and B be Q 1 and Q respectively 2 , then the blending ratio of A component is:


From this, it can be solved:


The difference between the feeding ratio and the yarn blending ratio is the adjustment amount of the feeding blending ratio:

K=K1-K1'=11+Q1Q2(1K1'-1)-K1'=1-K1'1+1(Q2Q1-1)K1' (3-22)

As can be seen from Eq. (3-22), the amount of feed ratio adjustment is related to the following two factors:

1. The ratio of the two component production rate Q1Q2 : The adjustment amount is only related to the ratio of the production rate, and has nothing to do with the absolute value of the production rate of each component. If Q 1 = Q 2 , then ΔK=0, that is, if the production rate of the two components is the same, there is no need to adjust the feeding ratio. When the difference between the two components is larger, the greater the adjustment of the feeding ratio.

2. Yarn blending ratio: For the two components determined, when the blending ratio in the yarn is nearly equal, the adjustment of the feeding ratio reaches the maximum value. If you want to increase the blending ratio of the components with smaller content, the adjustment of the feeding ratio should be increased accordingly; However, if you want to increase the blending ratio of ingredients with large content, the adjustment amount of the feeding ratio should be reduced accordingly.

For Eq. (3-22), take a differentiation and let


2 When Q 1 ≠ Q, it can be solved

K1'=1Q2Q1+1 (3-23)

When the K1' value is in accordance with equation (3-23), the amount of feeding ratio adjustment is maximum.

The blending ratio of blended yarn refers to the dry weight percentage of each fiber component in the yarn, but the moisture regain rate of each component may be different, so the wet weight percentage of each component in the raw material should be calculated according to the dry mixing ratio and moisture regain rate in production, so as to determine the weight of the raw materials of various components laid in the cotton grabber during production, so the wet weight feeding ratio should be calculated as follows:

K1'​'K2'​'=K1K2×1+W11+W2 (3-24)

where: the measured moisture regain rate of W 1 —A component fiber;

Measured moisture regain of W-B 2 component fibers.

3. Mixing methods

In the spinning process, after the selection of raw materials, various components should be mixed according to the ratio of selection to make the product meet the required indicators, this planned, regular, mandatory mixing according to the design ratio is called "forced mixing"; In the process of spinning and processing, the mixing formed by the irregular movement of fiber blocks, fiber bundles and single fibers affected by the parts or air flow in the machinery is called "random mixing", and random mixing is a necessary supplement to improve the mixing effect. According to the form of the fiber at the time of mixing, it is divided into bulk fiber blending (raw material mixing) and fiber strip mixing, and this chapter mainly introduces the raw material mixing.

(1) Mixing by the method of vertical and horizontal extraction

The raw materials are placed side by side, then removed from the top to the bottom layer and mixed, this method is the straight and horizontal method. The mixing ratio of the raw materials taken out each time should be consistent with the designed proportion. This method is used on the cotton spinning automatic grabber, as shown in Figure 3-31. According to the type of cotton grabber, the cotton bales of each component are calculated according to the proportion of cotton matching, and arranged on the cotton bales according to certain rules, and the cotton grabbing beater of the cotton grabbing machine grabs the top layer of each cotton bag in turn, and the cotton grabbing beater completes a stroke or runs for 1 week (depending on the type of cotton grabber), then grabs the raw cotton according to the weight percentage of each component, and conveys it to the condenser connected with the machine by air flow while grabbing, so as to achieve further mixing. This blending method is generally used when the properties of the blended fibers are similar. Such as pure cotton spinning, purified fiber spinning, etc.

Figure 3-31 Automatic cotton grabber

The advantages of the direct transverse method are that the method is simple, the management is convenient, and the efficiency is high. The disadvantage is that the composition of cotton blending is limited by the number of bales and the weight of bales, and the amount of cotton is affected by the density of bales, which is difficult to ensure the accuracy of the mixing ratio. In addition, the packing also needs to be manual, and the packing work is also more troublesome, and the labor intensity is larger. In order to achieve the purpose of uniform mixing, the following points should be noted:

Bale arrangement: The principle when formulating the bale arrangement diagram is to avoid repeated grabbing of the same ingredient, so it is necessary to arrange the bale arrangement according to the type of cotton grabber. When arranging bales on the straight cotton grabber, the cotton bales of the same composition should be horizontally forked and longitudinally dispersed, so as to keep the quality of the horizontal parallel cotton bales relatively uniform. When arranging bales on the circular cotton grabber, the cotton bales of the same composition should be "axially forked and circumferentially dispersed" in the beater, as shown in Figure 3-32 (1~8 in the figure represents the raw cotton from different teams). At the same time, it is necessary to minimize the average grade difference of each component in different positions in the axial direction of the beater, so that the average grade of raw cotton grabbed by the cotton grabbing trolley at each position is close. When the cotton bale is uneven, it should be cut high and caulked, and the low bag should be loose and high, so that the height is consistent.

Process configuration: the running speed of the trolley, the distance of the beater stretching out the ribs, and the lifting stroke of the cotton trolley or cotton bale table should be reasonably selected. On the premise of satisfying the output, appropriately increase the running speed of the cotton grabber trolley, reduce the amount of cotton grabbed by the beater at each turn, so that the grabbed cotton block is small and uniform, so as to "grasp diligently and grasp less". And the operation efficiency of the cotton grabber should be improved as much as possible. The operating efficiency of the cotton grabber is generally required to reach more than 80%.

Figure 3-32 Packing diagram of the circular cotton grabber

(2) Mixing of horizontal paving and direct fetching

First, the weight of each raw material is determined according to the mixing ratio, and then the number of layers is determined according to the area of raw material laying, the thickness of each layer, etc. When laying, each component should be staggered, the thickness of each layer should be uniform, and then all the raw materials of each layer should be grabbed from the vertical direction of the layer at the same time, and the raw materials taken off each time should be in line with the ratio of raw materials of each component, and then the raw materials taken down should be opened and mixed. When the properties of raw materials are very different, they should be repeatedly crossed and directly taken. When using the transverse direct fetch method of mixing, the more layers and the better the uniformity of each layer, the better the mixing effect.

The principle of action of the large bin mixer used in wool spinning is to take it horizontally and directly. There are two kinds of square and round in the big warehouse, Figure 3-33 is a square large warehouse mixer, the upper part of the large warehouse 1 has a conical cylindrical layup device 2, the raw material transported by the air flow enters along the tangential direction of the laying device 2, rotates and falls, and utilizes the reciprocating movement of the retractable conveying pipe 3 to make the raw material paved layer by layer. After the end of laying, start the vertical angle nail curtain 4 at one end of the big warehouse, grab the raw material vertically and move slowly to the other end of the big warehouse, peel off the raw material on the corner nail curtain by the stripping roller 5, output by the air flow through the pipeline. The machine has two large warehouses working at the same time, that is, one is in the layup, and the other is in the clearance (output of raw materials), so that continuous mixing can be achieved.

Figure 3-33 Horizontal paving and direct padding of a large bin mixer

The automatic cotton blending machine used for cotton spinning also adopts the horizontal straight taking method for mixing, as shown in Figure 3-34. The raw material is conveyed with the air flow and condensed on the cotton condenser 1, the cotton layer is swung left and right by the swing bucket 2, and is laid on the cotton curtain 3 to form a multi-layer cotton blending pile, the cotton curtain 4 and the cotton curtain are jointly clamped and sent to the corner nail curtain 5, and the corner nail curtain grabs the cotton pile in the vertical direction, that is, the so-called "horizontal paving and direct taking", so as to realize the full mixing of different raw materials.

Figure 3-34 Horizontal paving and direct plying

Figure 3-35 shows the laying of the cotton layer, in which the X-axis is the laying direction of the cotton layer, the Y-axis is the running direction of the horizontal curtain, and the Z-axis is the grabbing direction of the corner nail curtain. If the circumference of the dust cage of the condensator is divided into 8 equal parts, and the dust cage is turned to the raw cotton and laid in 4 layers, then 1, 4, 5, 8 overlap together, and 2, 3, 6, 7 overlap together. If the corner nail curtain is fed in the Y axis direction, the corner nail curtain can be made to grab all kinds of raw cotton components within a week of the dust cage at any time, and the cotton can be blended evenly. The number of layers laid in the pile m can be calculated as follows:

m=2nlv (3-25)

Where: n —swing bucket swing speed (times/min), set swing 1 time to shop two layers;

l —the length of the ply in the direction of the length of the cotton curtain (m);

v —is the speed of the cotton curtain (m/min).

From equation (3-25), it can be seen that the number of laying layers can be increased by appropriately speeding up the swing speed of the pendulum bucket or slowing down the speed of the horizontal cotton conveying curtain.

Figure 3-35 Laying of cotton layers

(3) Mixing of multi-warehouse paving

The multi-bin paving method is mainly divided into two types: one is the raw materials that are fed into each bin at different times, and the time difference is formed by the output at the same time to achieve mixing, that is, "time difference mixing"; The other is that each bin is fed with raw materials at the same time, because the length of the distance passed in the machine is different (distance difference), so it is not output at the same time to achieve mixing, that is, "distance difference mixing". In general, the greater the time difference (or distance difference) formed, the better the mixing effect.

1. "Jet lag mixing" multi-bin cotton blender

According to the needs, the "time difference blending" multi-bin blender has three forms: 6 bins, 8 bins or 10 bins (Figure 3-36 shows 6 bins). The fiber raw material enters the machine through the cotton pipeline 1, and the raw material is fed from the right (the first bin) to the left (the sixth bin) one by one. Except for the first warehouse, the upper part of each warehouse is provided with a valve 3, which can be closed or opened. When the bin door is opened, the silo is fed with cotton, and when the bin door is closed, the next bin flap is opened and the cotton is fed. The upper part of the spacer plate of each cotton bin is a mesh plate, and the air flow in the cotton-gas mixture body that enters the cotton bin can enter the cotton blending channel at the lower part of each bin through the mesh plate of each bin from the exhaust channel between the sixth bin and the machine cover, so as to realize the separation of cotton and gas. The gradual increase of the amount of cotton in the cotton silo will block the mesh on the partition of part of the silo and cause the air pressure in the silo to increase, when the original cotton in the cotton silo reaches the predetermined capacity (the pressure in the silo increases to the set value), the pneumatic mechanism is controlled by the micro pressure differential switch to close the valve, and the flap of the next silo is automatically opened at the same time, and it begins to feed into the next silo. The bottom of each bin is equipped with a pair of cotton roller 4 and a beater 5, and the fiber is continuously output by the roller, and falls into the cotton blending channel after being opened by the beater to mix, and is output through the output pipeline 7 with the air flow. The machine is equipped with photocell 6 on the second bin position, when the sixth bin is fed to reach the set bin pressure, if the amount of cotton in the second bin has dropped to below the photocell because of continuous output, then carry out the next round of cotton feeding, that is, start feeding cotton from the first bin again one by one, otherwise the rear feeding machine will be controlled to suspend feeding, so as to prevent traffic jam. Before starting production, the "time difference mixing" multi-bin cotton blender should first be loaded from the first to the sixth bin in a stepped shape to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

The mixing feature of the machine is to use the time difference to mix, that is, through the means of bino-by-bin feeding, stepped cotton storage, synchronous output and other means, the raw materials fed at different times in the cotton blending channel are mixed. The main factors affecting the mixing effect include the storage capacity of raw materials in the warehouse, the number of warehouses, and the installation location of the photocell.

Figure 3-36 "Jet Lag Blending" multi-bin blender

2. "Difference blending" multi-bin cotton blender

As shown in Figure 3-37, the raw materials that have been preliminarily opened and mixed are transported by air flow through the cotton pipe 1 of the machine and evenly distributed to each cotton bin 2 (6 in total). The partition of each bin is gradually shortened along the direction of raw material flow, and the lower part is arc-shaped, the raw material of each bin is turned 90 °, the cotton layer is fed into the corner nail curtain 5 in the horizontal direction by the cotton curtain 3 and the cotton guide roller 4 to grab and convey forward, the uniform cotton roller 7 brings out the larger cotton block and the thicker cotton layer brought out by the corner nail curtain are knocked down into the cotton blending room, so as to ensure that the cotton layer of the corner nail curtain output is uniform, the fiber layer carried by the corner nail curtain is peeled off by the stripping cotton roller 8 and falls into the cotton storage box 9, and the bottom of the cotton storage box 9 is equipped with a dust grid, The impurities and linters in the raw material can fall into the waste cotton box 10 by the dust rod, and under the attraction of the front fan, the fiber in the cotton storage box is output by the cotton outlet 11 and is conveyed to the next machine. The airflow in the cotton box is discharged by the exhaust port 12.

It can be seen that the length of the distance traveled by the raw materials of each silo to the corner nail curtain is different, the cotton silo near the entrance of the cotton pipe is short, and the cotton silo away from the entrance of the cotton pipe is long. Therefore, the cotton layers of each cotton silo are misaligned with each other, forming a distance difference (in fact, it is also due to the time difference between the raw materials fed into each silo at the same time and the output at the same time), so that the raw materials of different components are fully mixed.

Figure 3-37 "Differential Blending" multi-bin cotton blender

The total time between the first and the latest raw materials to the grabbing line to be fed at the same time T is:

T=h(n-1)×γ×FG (3-26)

Where: h — the distance difference between the warehouses (m);

n — the number of positions;

γ —Density of raw materials in the warehouse (kg/m 3 );

F — cross-sectional area of cotton silo (m 2 );

G – Output speed of raw materials (kg/min).

It can be seen that the larger the distance difference, the more bins and the greater the fiber density, the greater the time difference and the better the mixing effect.

Fourth, the evaluation of the mixing effect

The homogeneity of the mixture can be assessed in two directions: longitudinal and transverse. Where there is a longitudinal unevenness, the individual components of the raw material have different proportional distributions in different parts of the yarn, as shown in Figure 3-38, which will produce radial stripe defects on the fabric. Where there is transverse unevenness, the fibers will be unevenly distributed in the yarn cross-section, as shown in Figure 3-39. Uneven mixing can lead to an uneven appearance of the final product.

Figure 3-38 Longitudinal mixing is uneven

Figure 3-39 Transverse mixing is uneven

(1) Assessment indicators

1. Mixing degree The mixing of raw materials with multiple components, whether the mixing ratio is correct or not can be measured by "mixing degree". "Mixing" means that the actual mix ratio reaches the degree of the design mix, and when the mix is 100%, it means that the actual mix is equal to the design mix.

For example W1 W2 , the actual content of each component is , , ......, ; Wk The design contents are P1 respectively P2 、......、 Pk ; The percentage deviation of the content of each component was 1 2 、......、 k .


Then, the degree of mixture S can be expressed as:

S=100%-1ki=1kk (3-27)

2. Mixing unevenness The degree of mixing of each raw material can be expressed by the mixing unevenness, mainly including mean square deviation coefficient C%, average difference coefficient U%, and range coefficient.

(2) Test methods

The following methods can be used to test the mixing effect:

1. Mixing colored fiber method Mix a certain amount of colored fiber into the blended raw material, sample after mixing mechanical treatment, pick out the colored fiber by hand and weigh it. The percentage of colored fibers was obtained, and the mean, mean square deviation and coefficient of variation of the percentage of colored fibers were calculated for analysis and comparison. This method is often used in the evaluation of the mixing effect after carding, and can be used to compare the mixing effect of different carding machines.

2. Slicing method The made slivers or spinning yarns are sliced, and the fiber distribution is observed under the microscope to analyze the mixing effect.

3. Chemical analysis method uses chemical reagents to dissolve a certain component in the mixed raw materials, dry and weigh the remaining components, and then calculate the content of each component and the average value of the content, mean square deviation and coefficient of variation and other indicators.

4. Dyeing method Dyeing the yarn or fabric, and the mixing effect is analyzed and compared by the dyeing results, which is mostly used for chemical fiber blending.

Food for Thought:

What is the purpose and requirements of Kaisang?

According to the different ways of feeding fiber raw materials to the opening machine, what are the two forms of opening? According to the different modes of mechanical action, what are the three forms of opening?

Analyze the mechanism of tearing and loosening.

Analyze the mechanism of action of the blow opening.

The mechanism of segmentation and opening was analyzed.

What are the factors that affect the opening effect?

What are the methods for evaluating the opening effect?

What are the methods of chemical and physical impurity removal?

What are the types of messes between thugs and dust sticks?

How does the working angle and installation angle of the triangular dust rod affect the impurity removal effect?

Illustrate and illustrate the mechanism of airflow nozzle impurities.

What are the methods for evaluating the effect of impurity removal?

Analyze the calculation process of the technical indicators of the mixture.

Analyze the calculation process of the mixture feed ratio.

The mixing mechanism of the straight pave and transverse method was analyzed.

The mixing mechanism of the transverse direct method was analyzed.

The mixing mechanism of multi-bin laying method was analyzed.

What are the evaluation indicators and detection methods of mixing effect?


Chapter 4 Combing

What you need to know in this chapter:

1. The purpose and requirements of carding.

2. The force on the needle surface of the carding machine and the movement of the fiber on the needle teeth.

3. The principle, analysis and influencing factors of the two adjacent needle surfaces.

4. The basic requirements, main parameters, characteristics and nomenclature of metal card clothing and elastic card clothing.

5. The type, function and distribution of the load of the cylinder on the carding machine, and the distribution and significance of the load of the fiber layer.

6. Homogenization, mixing and impurity removal in the carding process.

Section 1 Overview

First, the purpose and requirements of carding

(1) The purpose of combing

1. Grooming

Carding is an important and indispensable process in spinning production. After the opening action, the transverse between the fibers is loosened to a certain extent, but the fiber aggregate is still small pieces and small bundles, and the raw materials need to be separated into single fibers through dense steel needles or serrations coated on the carding machine.

2. Remove impurities

When the fibers are combed into a single state, the smaller impurities that are interspersed between the fibers or adhered to the fibers are fully exposed or separated from the fibers, so these small impurities can be removed as much as possible through the carding action. Carding provides conditions for the removal of impurities between the single fibers.

3. Mix and combine

In the same way, while combing the fibers into a single state, the mixing between the single fibers can be realized, and a uniform fiber network is made by relying on the absorption and discharging effect of the needle surface.

4. Strips

The output fiber network is made into a uniform strip of a certain linear density through the bundle, because the fibers are mostly hooked, and the transverse hook is hooked with each other, and the straightening parallelism is still very poor, which is called a green strip. In the carded wool spinning system, the fiber web is prepared into roving by cutting the net and twisting.

(2) Requirements for carding

1. Monofibrosis

Whenever possible, small pieces and bundles are separated into individual fibers. The more thoroughly the individual fibers are separated, the more fully the impurities are removed and mixed. The separation degree of single fiber is directly related to the normal movement of the fiber during the drafting process, the strength of the yarn and the dryness. At the same time, the fibers should also be protected from damage as much as possible, so as not to cause an increase in the number of short fibers in the green sliver, which will affect the smooth progress of the subsequent process and the quality of the yarn.

2. Avoid impurities from breaking

While removing as much residual impurities as possible, it is important to avoid impurities breaking. Once the impurities are broken, it will be more difficult to remove them in the subsequent process. And with the exception of the combing system, there is very little impurity removal after carding. Therefore, the impurity removal effect of the carding machine largely determines the impurities and strips of the yarn.

3. Control uniformity and dropping

Control the uniformity of the green strip or roving well, and lay the foundation for the uniformity of the yarn in the future. There are many falling objects in carding and processing, and it contains a certain amount of spinnable fibers. Reasonable control of the amount of falling fiber and the quality of falling material is very important, which is related to the cost of raw materials and the yield rate, so it is necessary to seek a balance between the control of falling fiber and the quality of slivers to strive for greater economic benefits.

4. Reduces the production of fibrous knots

Fiber knots are small fiber tangles produced during the carding process, and the presence of a large number of fiber knots not only reduces the quality of the yarn and fabric, but also worsens the drafting conditions of the sliver, causing difficulties in spinning.

Second, carding in the spinning system

In various spinning systems, due to the large variety of fibers, different properties, different processing processes and developed products, different requirements for carding, mixing and impurity removal, so the carding machine has great differences in the composition of the mechanism. However, there are mainly two types of cover carding machines suitable for processing cotton and cotton-type chemical fibers and roller carding machines for processing wool, linen, silk and wool-type chemical fibers, that is, the carding machine in the cotton spinning system is the cover carding machine, and the carding machine, carding machine and carding machine in the wool, linen and silk spinning system mainly use roller carding machine.

The carding (opening) function of the carding machine mainly occurs in three parts: feeding, pre-carding and main carding. The feeding part is mainly divided and opened by using the serrated teeth or combs embedded on the drum to divide and open the fiber aggregate in the holding state; The pre-carding and main carding parts are repeatedly combed by two needles to the fiber aggregate in a free state, which is also called free carding. This chapter mainly discusses the free carding effect of the two needles on the fibers, i.e., the pre-carding and the main carding part.

The pre-carding part of the cover carding machine is composed of 1~3 barbed rollers and carding plates to achieve gradual loosening of fibers, and each barbed roller and cylinder are peeled and transferred. The main comb part is composed of the carding area of the rear fixed cover plate, the carding area of the movable cover plate of the cylinder and the carding area of the front fixed cover plate, which plays the role of carding and removing impurities. There are two kinds of rotation directions of the movable cover: one is that the moving direction of the working cover is the same as the steering of the cylinder, which is called the forward cover; The other is that the working cover moves in the opposite direction to the cylinder turn, which is called the reverse cover. While ensuring the carding effect, the high-yield carding machine has taken a series of measures to increase carding in order to adapt to high yield. For example, the use of multi-spinning rollers (double-pierced rollers, three-piercing rollers), the installation of carding plates under the barbed rollers, and the use of reverse cover plates, fixed cover plates and other measures. The fibers are repeatedly and carefully combed and mixed by the two needle surfaces such as the barbed roller, carding plate, cylinder, movable cover plate, and fixed cover plate, and then pass through the cylinder carding area with the cylinder, and a part of the fibers on the cylinder is returned, and the other part is transferred to the cylinder for output and then stripped into bundles. In addition, in order to improve the ability to eliminate impurities in the carding area and improve the degree of environmental cleanliness, the carding machine also generally adopts the supporting system of dust removal and impurity absorption device.

The pre-carding and main combing parts of the roller card are composed of cylinders, work rollers and stripping rollers. Each cylinder will be equipped with different logarithmic working rollers and stripping rollers, which are fully carded and mixed, so that small pieces and small bundles basically become single fibers. There are transport rollers to transfer the fibers between the various cylinders. Finally, the doffer strips some of the fibers from the big cylinder and outputs them. The roller carding machine of the worsted wool spinning system is equipped with a threshing roller to remove weeds. The carding system roller card is also equipped with a wind wheel on the big cylinder, which can lift the single fiber from the deeper part of the large cylinder gap to facilitate the clarity of the needle teeth and the transfer of fiber to the doffer.

Section 2 Card clothing for carding

Carding is the heart of the spinning process, and card clothing is at the heart of carding. Card clothing is divided into two categories: elastic card clothing and rigid card clothing. The elastic card clothing is made of a backing cloth and a number of comb needles implanted on it. Rigid card clothing consists of a needle board in which a steel needle is planted in a wooden board and a metal card clothing that resembles a saw strip. The various types of card clothing are coated on the surface of the machine to form a flat and sharp needle surface, and the small area between the two needle surfaces becomes the area of action on the fiber. The needle board is mainly used in jute and flax carding machines, and is not mainly introduced in this chapter. Metal card clothing is widely used in carding parts such as barbed rollers, cylinders, and doffers of various carding machines, while elastic card clothing is mainly used on the cover plates of woollen carding machines, openers, circular carding machines, and carding machines.

1. Metal card clothing

Metal card clothing, also known as metal saw blade, is the use of advanced high-frequency annealing technology and advanced punching, quenching, coiling production line products, its teeth and the base is one, simple structure, good wear resistance, soft base, smooth winding, suitable for spinning high, medium and low count yarn and chemical fiber, is with high-yield, high-speed carding machine ideal carding elements. According to the form of the tooth tip, it is divided into two types: serrated tooth and comb needle, the large tooth tip is like a zigzag, and the small one is like a fine needle. The density is higher than that of elastic card clothing, but the tooth depth is shallow, the spinning performance is strong, and the application range is wide.

(1) Main parameters

Figure 4-1 shows the shape and main geometric parameters of the card clothing. α represents the angle of the tooth surface, which is the angle between the front and bottom surface of the tooth, also known as the working angle. β is the dorsal angle of the tooth, which is the angle between the back of the tooth and the bottom surface. γ is the cusp angle, which is the angle between the front of the tooth and the back of the tooth. H is the total height, which is the height of the bottom surface and the top surface of the tooth. h is the depth of the tooth, which is the height of the top surface of the tooth and the bottom surface of the tooth. W is the base width, which is the width from side to side of the base. D is the base height, the base height measured from the bottom surface. a is the width of the tooth, the maximum width from the side to the bevel of the tooth. d is the width of the tooth top, which is the transverse width of the tooth top surface. c is the length of the tooth top, which is the longitudinal length of the tooth top surface. P is the tooth pitch, which is the distance between the corresponding points of two adjacent teeth.

Figure 4-1 Tooth shape and main geometric parameters of metal card clothing

The geometrical parameters of the card clothing have an important influence on the performance of carding, transfer, etc. For example, the working angle, tooth height, tooth tip angle and density are mainly determined by the raw material performance, drum performance, drum speed, spinned yarn density and output and other factors.

1. Work corner

The size of the working angle α determines the inclination of the teeth, which directly affects the force and movement of the fibers during the carding process. The working angle is small, the comb needle has a strong ability to hold fibers, and the carding is strong, but if it is too small, the fibers are easy to sink into the tooth gap, and it is difficult to sort and transfer. The working angle is large, the grip is poor, the fiber is easy to fall off, and the carding effect is weak. If the cylinder speed is large and the centrifugal force is large, the working angle should be reduced to improve the carding and holding capacity of the card clothing to the fibers in order to effectively hold the fibers, so as to improve the yarn quality. That is, the working angle of the cylinder wire becomes smaller as the cylinder speed increases. For example, the speed of cylinder is 175~200 r/min, and the working angle of the needle tooth is 80 o ; When the speed of the cylinder is 400 r/min, the working angle of the needle tooth is 65 o ~ 62 o ; When the cylinder speed is 550 r/min, the working angle of the needle tooth is mostly o between 50 o ~ 55.

For example, in order to improve the ability of the work roller and doffer to hold the fibers and improve the carding efficiency, the working angle should be smaller than that of the cylinder wire. For example o , the working angle of the cylinder card clothing of the worsted carding machine is generally 75 o ~ 86, the working angle of the metal card clothing of the work roller is o about 65, and the working angle of the doffer is o between 50 o ~ 55. For carding equipment, the fiber raw material from back to front, with the gradual opening effect, the separation degree of the fiber is getting better and better, in order to enhance the grip of the serration, the working angle should be small. In the woollen carding machine, due to the short length of the fiber raw material and the poor uniformity, the working angle of cylinder card clothing is generally 65 o ~ 69, o the working angle of the metal card clothing of the work roller is 60 o ~ 65 o , and the doffer angle is smaller. If the chemical fiber is processed, the fiber friction coefficient is large, and a large working angle can be configured. If processing medium and long fibers, because the fibers have more contact opportunities with the needle teeth, the friction is larger, and a larger working angle can be used.

2. The tip angle γ and the dorsal angle of the tooth β

The tip angle affects puncture ability, wear resistance, and finish. The tip angle is small, the puncture is strong, and the combing is good, but the tip is fragile and easy to break. β=α - γ, when the α is constant, the γ is small, the dorsal angle of the tooth is large, so that the tooth height becomes higher or thinner, and the fiber is easy to sink into the gap between the needles. This increases the backlash capacity, but shortens the life of the card clothing and reduces the ability to transfer fibers. Generally, cotton spinning and chemical fiber spinning require a smaller tooth tip angle, and wool and hemp spinning can be appropriately increased with its use in order to prevent needle tooth damage.

3. Tip density

The tip density affects the ability of the card clothing to grip, card, transfer and remove impurities. It is expressed in terms of the number of cusps or numbers in a square inch (2.54 cm × 2.54 cm). If it is determined by the number, it means that there are 5 teeth in one square inch as the number 1. If there are 500 teeth, it is 100 number. Currently, card clothing density is mainly expressed in terms of the number of teeth per square inch on the market. The tip density is related to the transverse and longitudinal density of the card clothing. transverse tooth density, determined by W; The longitudinal tooth density is determined by the tooth pitch P. Within a certain range, the tooth density increases, which can improve the ability to hold and sort the fiber, improve the carding degree, and increase the number of teeth for each fiber. However, it is necessary to keep a certain gap between the needle teeth, because the needle teeth are too dense and it is not easy to grasp the fiber, and it is easy to embed impurities, so the density cannot be increased indefinitely, but should be appropriately configured.

The friction coefficient of chemical fiber is large, easy to wind, and the tooth density should be small, or shallow teeth are used; Compared with medium-sized yarn, fine yarn has a high grade of fiber raw materials, high requirements for yarn quality, and a high degree of requirements for carding, so the teeth are dense. The density of metal card clothing for cotton spinning is higher than that of wool spinning and linen spinning. On the multi-carding machine, the card clothing is configured in such a way that the carding is progressively strengthened and the fibers are prevented.

4. Tooth depth and overall height

The total height H of the card clothing is determined by the tooth depth h and the root height D. The small tooth depth can reduce the fiber plugging and facilitate the release of the fiber, but too small will reduce the fiber storage in the tooth gap, which is not conducive to homogeneous mixing. The tooth depth of the doffer and worker clothing should be larger than that of the cylinder, so that more fibers can be grabbed and thus the carding efficiency can be improved. However, when h is too deep, the rolling resistance of the needle teeth is poor, which is not conducive to prolonging the service life of the card clothing. The tooth root D of the card clothing affects the wrapping quality of the card clothing. Tooth depth is related to tooth density, and teeth with higher density are shallower. When used for cotton spinning, the needle teeth are shallow to prevent the embedding of broken seeds and linters.

Generally, cotton spinning has a higher density than wool spinning, hemp spinning and other cylinder card clothing, the working angle is smaller, and the tooth depth is shallow. The working angle of the doffer is smaller than that of Xilin, the density is thinner, and the teeth are deeper, which is conducive to the transfer action.

(2) Naming methods and examples

The nomenclature of the card clothing consists of the type code of the fiber suitable for spinning, the code of the part to be wrapped, the overall height, the working angle and coarse angle, the tooth pitch, and the width of the base. For example, the carding machine cylinder card clothing is marked AC3215×01370. A indicates that the type of fiber suitable for spinning is cotton. B means combed wool, N means carded wool, Z means ramie, K means cotton spinning (silk spinning), Q means rotor spinning. C means that the part to be rolled is cylinder, and similarly, D means doffer, T means barbed roll, W means work roll, S means stripping roll, R means transfer roll, and M means weeding roll. When H ≥ 10.0 mm, 32 represents the total height H, that is, the total height is 32 mm; When the total height H < 10.0, 32 is a 10 multiple of H, which means that the overall height is 3.2 mm. 15 is the co-angle of the working angle, which means that the working angle is 75 degrees. 013 is a 10 multiple of the pitch P, which means that the pitch is 1.3 mm. When the base width W < 1.00 mm, 70 is a 100 multiple of the base width, and the base width is 0.70 mm. Or when the base width W> 1.00 mm, 70 is a 10 multiple of the base width, and the base width is 7 mm.

2. Elastic card clothing

The elastic card clothing consists of a steel needle and a base cloth, which is made by cutting and bending the steel wire into a U-shape through the base cloth. The backing needs to be firm, elastic, hold the needle strongly, and not arch after the needle is planted. The base cloth is generally made of 3~9 layers of fabric glued, and the fabrics are mainly cotton, wool and linen. It is used for cotton spinning and is covered with a layer of vulcanized rubber, and when used for wool spinning, a layer of thick felt or oil-resistant synthetic rubber is added to the surface. The cross-section of the steel needle is round, triangular, oval and flat, and is made of medium and high carbon steel wire, and the surface is galvanized or tin plated to prevent rust. The tip of the needle needs to be quenched to make it wear-resistant, and the surface of the steel needle must be smooth. In order to make the needle surface smooth and sharp after the card clothing is wrapped, it is necessary to grind it flat and side. The needle planting is required to be neatly arranged, and the longitudinal, horizontal and oblique lines are clear.

(1) Main parameters

The shape of the elastic card clothing is shown in Figure 4-2. h1 is the total height of the elastic card clothing, which is the distance from the tip of the comb needle planted on the backing fabric to the plane of the root. The angle δ is the angle between the contour line of the needle body and the plane of the base cloth. The needle width B3 is the center distance between the two tips of the comb needle. α is the working angle of the elastic card clothing, which is the angle between the front contour of the needle tip and the flat line of the base fabric. H2 is the height of the upper knee, which is the vertical distance from the tip of the comb needle planted on the base cloth to the knee of the needle. H3 is the height of the lower knee, which is the distance from the knee of the comb needle planted on the base cloth to the plane of the root of the needle.

Figure 4-2 Outline diagram of elastic card clothing

Because the elastic card clothing is easy to deform under the action of carding force, the inclination angle of the cylinder comb needle is generally 65 o ~ 69 o . The main function of work rollers, doffers and stripping rollers is to require a large holding capacity for fibers, so their inclination angle is smaller than that of Xilin, and 60 o ~ 65 is generally used o . The wind wheel steel needle works on the back of the needle, which requires it to be able to lift the fiber from the cylinder gap to the needle surface without taking away the fiber. Due to the elasticity of the card clothing, the working angle is 70 o . The elastic card clothing is used on roller carding machines with high requirements for homogeneous mixing, and the height of the comb needle is higher than the tooth height of the metal card clothing. In short, when configuring card clothing and determining the working angle, it is necessary to consider and select appropriately according to the characteristics of the processed fibers, the output of the card, the speed, etc.

(2) Naming methods and examples

The nomenclature of elastic card clothing consists of the product name, the standard number, the function code, the covering part code, the needle body code and the wire gauge number. For example, elastic card clothing is named FZ/T××××---QRT-28/32. The right-angle fluffing card clothing indicates the product name with the code R, the cylinder card clothing with the code A, the doffer card clothing with the code B, the working card clothing with the code G, the stripping card clothing with the code H, the right angle roller card clothing with the code L, and the right angle roller card clothing with the code M. FZ/T ×××× indicates the standard number. Q indicates the use of function code, which indicates elastic card clothing for raising hair. The code for carding is W. R indicates the code of the cladding part. T stands for needle body designation. The circle is codenamed R, the triangle is codenamed T, and the diamond is coded D. 28/32 indicates the gauge number of the comb thread.

3. Comparison of metal card clothing and elastic card clothing

(1) Deformation

Metallic card clothing can be adapted to the requirements of high speed and high output. Due to the short and hard serrations of the metal card clothing, the tooth backlash is small at the top and large at the bottom, and it is basically not deformed under the action of carding force, especially the stability of the interval can be maintained, which provides conditions for tight spacer and strong carding, while the elastic card clothing is easy to deform.

(2) Fiber movement

The structure of metal card clothing is small at the top and large at the bottom, and the fiber sinking resistance is large, and it is easy to float on the needle surface, which can effectively prevent fiber congestion and improve carding efficiency. On the other hand, the elastic card clothing is the same at the top and bottom, and the fibers are easily inserted into the gap between the needles.

(3) Wind wheels

Carding machines with metal card clothing can be used without a wind wheel, simplifying the machine structure and reducing machine vibrations. The elastic card clothing must be made with a wind wheel to remove the staple fiber impurities embedded in the cylinder card clothing in a timely manner.

(4) Needle reading cycle

For residual or stuffed fibers on card clothing, continuous or periodic needle reading can be used. If regular needle reading is adopted, due to the small amount of residual fiber in the tooth gap of the metal card clothing, the needle reading cycle is long, which saves manpower and material resources and raw materials. The elastic card clothing is easy to stuff the fibers between the needles, which reduces the carding efficiency and shortens the needle reading cycle.

(5) Return load

The metal card clothing has a short tooth shape, a small needle surface load, and poor mixing. Staple fibers are easy to fly, affecting the workshop environment. The elastic card clothing has a good grip and storage effect, can moderate the fluctuation of weight and quality, does not change suddenly, has a cushioning effect on the uneven drying of the machine strip, and is conducive to uniform mixing.

(6) Repairability

Metallic card clothing has strong spinnability, but it also has disadvantages. If the needle surface is not smooth enough, the needle teeth are easy to be crushed by hard objects such as impurities and fiber blocks, and it is not easy to repair, resulting in more flying flowers. The elastic card clothing has a large elastic tooth and is generally easy to repair when it is bruised.

Fourth, the basic requirements of the spinning process for card clothing

In order to achieve the task of carding, the spinning process requires the card clothing to have a good puncture force and a certain holding ability to the fiber, when the two needle surfaces act on the fiber, it must have a certain holding ability in order to effectively puncture or carding; Design appropriate parameters to make the card clothing have the ability to hold and absorb the fibers in order to improve the carding efficiency and homogeneous mixing of the fibers; The fibers need to be transferred from the needle face of one drum to the needle face of the other; The steel needle or needle teeth should be sharp, smooth, wear-resistant, and smooth, which is conducive to correct the separation distance, improve the efficiency of carding and transfer, and adapt to the requirements of high speed and high yield.

Section 3: Sort out the basic principles of the role

1. The force and movement of fibers in the carding process

(1) The force of the fiber in the carding process

In order to analyze the movement of fibers on the needle teeth, the main forces of the fiber aggregates during the carding process are first studied, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 Stress on fibers during carding

1. Carding force R

A bundle of fibers (or a piece of mixture) is affected by the needle teeth on two process parts at the same time in the action area, due to the difference in their speed, the tooth tips of the two needle surfaces in contact with the same fiber aggregate are separated from each other, and the fiber must be subjected to a certain tension to make the fiber aggregate tension and elongation, and this force is called carding force R in the process. The fibers also act on the teeth with the same amount of resistance R. Carding force is the force along the axial direction of the fiber, and its magnitude is related to the structure of the needle teeth, the relative speed of the working parts, and the force of the fibers to connect with each other.

2. Centrifugal force C

Most of the process parts on the carding machine do rotary motion, and when the machine parts do high-speed rotation, the fibers grabbed by the needle teeth are subjected to centrifugal force C. Its value can be expressed by Eq. (4-1):

C=mv2r (4-1

where: v---- surface velocity of the carding machine;

m---- fiber quality;

r---- the radius of rotation of the working machine.

Centrifugal force has a tendency to separate the fibers on the teeth and the impurities between them from the process part. In production, it is hoped that good fibers will not be separated from the process parts to prevent the fibers from detaching and becoming falling fibers, but it is hoped that as many impurities as possible (such as sand, grass clippings and coarse miscellaneous fibers, etc.) can be separated from the action of the needle teeth under the action of centrifugal force.

The centrifugal force contributes to the displacement of the fibers from the root of the comb to the tip of the comb or from one needle to another in the teeth.

3. The extrusion force S and the elastic reaction force Q of the working layer

When the thicker fiber layer enters between the two needle surfaces with a small spacing, the extrusion force S is generated between the fibers, and the extrusion force forces the fiber into the needle gap, which is conducive to increasing the gripping force of the needle tooth to the fiber, and the direction of the extrusion force is directed to the needle root, and the fiber in the needle gap will produce an elastic reaction force Q to the upper fiber, and the elastic reaction force prevents the fiber from penetrating into the tooth gap, and the direction is directed to the needle tip. The centrifugal inertia force, the extrusion force of the working layer and the elastic reaction force are all in the normal direction of the rotary machine.

4. Air resistance

When the working part rotates, the fiber will be resisted by the air, and its direction is in the opposite direction of the moving part. Due to the fact that the air resistance is of the order of magnitude small, it is usually negligible.

5. Friction F

When the fiber is affected by the above forces between the two rotating needle surfaces with a small spacing, there is a tendency to move, and the fiber will be affected by the frictional force F that hinders its movement by the needle teeth, and the direction of the friction force is parallel to the needle surface. The magnitude of the maximum static friction directly affects the relative motion of the fibers to the teeth.

(2) The movement of fibers in the carding process

1. Exercise conditions

In order to facilitate discussion, let the resultant force of centrifugal force, extrusion force of working layer and elastic reaction force be U, that is, U=C+Q-S, the direction and magnitude of the resultant force depend on the relationship between C, Q and S. The resultant force of you and R is set to T, as shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4 The relationship between forces when moving along the needle

Let the angle between T and the comb needle β be the carding angle, and the T force can be decomposed into the component T y parallel to the direction of the needle tooth working face and the component T x perpendicular to the direction of the needle tooth working face. The T-force y has a tendency to move the fiber along the tooth towards the tip, however, to achieve this movement, the maximum static friction F between the fiber and the tooth must be overcome Τy>F , i.e. The equivalent friction coefficient between the fiber and the needle tooth is expressed in μ (because the friction surface between the fiber and the needle tooth is not flat, the friction coefficient is not equal to the plane friction coefficient between the needle tooth material and the fiber).

Τysin(β-900), Τxcos(β-900)


For the fibers to move along the teeth, the friction F between the fibers and the teeth must be overcome, i.e



β>900 (4-2)

Where: φ---- friction angle

As can be seen from Eq. 4-2, the fibers will move along the teeth to the tip only 900 when the carding angle is greater than .

o If the carding angle is less than 90, see Figure 4-5. In the same way, the following results are:


Namely: tan(900-β)>tanφ

β<900 (4-3)

Figure 4-5 Analysis of the force when the carding angle is less than 90°

As indicated by Eq. 4-3, 900 when the carding angle is less than , the fibers will move along the tooth working direction to the tooth root.

Based on the above analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:

(1) β<900 At that time, the fiber moves along the needle tooth working direction to the needle root;

(2) β>900 When, the fiber moves along the needle tooth to the needle tip;

(3) At (900-φ)<β<(900+φ) that time, the fibers are trapped on the comb needle, which is the so-called "self-made phenomenon".

2. Effect analysis

Through the analysis of the above force, it can be seen that when the fiber is subjected to the T force in the two needle surfaces, if the two needle surfaces β are less than 900 , the fibers will move along the two needles in the direction of the tooth root, so that both needle surfaces have the ability to hold the fibers, so the affected fiber bundle has a tendency to be divided into two parts. When the force of a certain needle surface is not only greater than the holding force of the fiber bundle, but also greater than the force of another needle facing the fiber, the fiber will be held by the needle surface, and its tail end will be moved along the comb needle along the other needle surface to obtain the carding of the other needle surface. When the holding force of the fiber bundle is less than the holding force of the needle surface, the fiber bundle is decomposed into two parts, and the tail end of the decomposed fiber is respectively combed by the corresponding needle surface comb. 900 When the two needle surfaces β are greater than , the fiber bundle will move along the two needle directions in the direction of the tooth tip, and the two needle surfaces will have the condition of losing fibers, then the effect will occur. β>900 When one needle surface β<900 , another needle surface, the fiber bundle moves along the needle direction along the needle surface with a small β angle, has the condition of holding the fiber, moves along the needle surface with a large β angle along the needle direction of the needle tip, has the condition of losing the fiber, thereby realizing the peeling effect.

Whether the fiber moves along the needle or around the needle, it is indispensable in the carding process. The movement along the needle is the basis for stripping and lifting, and the movement around the needle is the basis for carding. Without movement along the needle, the fibers cannot sink into the root of the needle or lift to the needle surface, and cannot be separated from one needle surface and transferred to another. The needle winding motion breaks down the bundle of fibers into small bundles until they break down into a single fiber. During the carding process, the movement of the fibers along the needle and around the needle often occurs at the same time.

Second, the principle of action of the two needles on the fiber

There are many needle surfaces wrapped with comb needles or serrations that are close to each other on the carding machine, and each of the two adjacent needle surfaces constitutes a zone of action on the fiber, which mainly has three functions: carding, stripping and playing. The carding function is that both parts move the fiber bundle from the tip of the needle to the root, and each takes away a part of the fiber. Stripping is the transfer of fibers from one component to another. The function is to make the fiber raw material of another part move from the root of the needle to the tip of the needle through one component. The basic conditions that determine these three roles are the relationship between needle, steering and velocity. In the previous stage, the carding, stripping and expulsion of the fiber were analyzed by analyzing the carding force, centrifugal force, extrusion force and elastic reaction force of the working layer on the fiber aggregate. Since the fiber bundle is flexible, the movement is random, and the stability is poor, therefore, in order to facilitate the analysis, it is converted into a force analysis of the rigid, motion-stable needle teeth.

(1) Carding function

A and B needle surfaces are two needle surfaces that are close enough together, and the tilt direction of the needle teeth is parallel. Let the fiber bundle AB be a whole, consisting of two parts, fiber bundle A and fiber bundle B. When the two needle surfaces in contact with the fiber bundle AB are separated from each other, the fiber bundle AB is tensioned, and the fiber bundle A produces a force on the fiber bundle B, and the fiber bundle B produces a reaction force on the fiber bundle A, and the force of the fiber bundle A on the needle tooth A and the force of the fiber bundle B on the needle tooth B are generated. This force is called the carding force of the fiber against the serration or comb needle R . It should be noted that only when the fiber bundle is tensioned can it be judged that the fiber bundle is exerting force on the needle teeth R . If the fiber bundle does not have a tensioning effect, the fiber bundle does not exert force on the teeth R . The tension of the fiber bundle depends on the relationship between the steering and the velocity of the teeth.

Since the two needle faces are close enough together, the R direction of the force is approximately parallel to the underside of the teeth. R Decompose the force into forces parallel to the direction of the teeth P and forces perpendicular to the direction of the teeth Q . P The force parallel to the direction of the needle tooth If pointed in the direction of the needle root, it will cause the fiber to move along the working direction of the needle tooth in the direction of the needle root, giving the needle tooth the ability to grasp the fiber. If the force P is directed along the tooth face in the direction of the tip, the fibers will move along the tooth face in the direction of the tip of the needle, giving the teeth the ability to release the fibers. The force component Q is perpendicular to the tooth face, so that the fiber has pressure on the tooth face, preventing the fiber from moving along the direction of the tooth face.

The configuration of the needle teeth to produce a carding action is shown in Figure 4-6(a). The velocity of needle surface A is V1 , the velocity of needle surface B is V2 , let α , is the β working angle of needle surface A and needle surface B, V1>V2 so the fiber bundle ab has a tensioning effect, and the two needle teeth are R affected by the carding force. Decompose the carding force R along the needle surface A into P1 and , Q1 and along the needle surface B into P2 and Q2 .





P1 P2 Since both and are pointing in the direction of the root of the needle, both needle surface A and needle surface B have the ability to grasp fibers, so the tensioned fiber bundle ab is held by both needle surfaces A and B. When the carding force is greater than the strength of the fiber bundle, the fiber bundle is divided into two, and the two needle surfaces of A and B each get a part of the fiber bundle, which is the carding effect. This carding effect will occur randomly for the fiber bundle between the two needle surfaces A and B, and the A needle surface will grab the fiber bundle and be combed by the B needle surface. The B-needle surface will also pick up the same or different fiber bundles and be combed by the A-needle surface. The grasping and carding actions are repeated and alternated, and the carding effect of the fibers is realized.

(a ) ( b) (c)

Figure 4-6 Carding between two needle surfaces

For Figures 4-6(b) and (c), the same analysis method is used, and the combing effect also occurs. Therefore, the condition that the carding effect is produced is that the two needle surfaces are arranged in parallel, have a sufficiently small spacing, and the two needle surfaces have relative velocity, R and the angle between the carding force and the two needle surfaces is an acute angle.

(2) Playing a role

The configuration of the needle tooth generation is shown in Figure 4-7. A and B needle surfaces are two needle surfaces that are close enough to each other, and the inclination direction of the needle teeth is parallel to each other. V2>V1 The fiber bundle AB is tensioned, and the carding force is R broken down into force P and force Q . It can be seen that and P1 P2 both point in the direction of the needle tip, and both needle surface A and needle surface B have the ability to release fibers. This action causes the fibers to move from the root to the tip and are on the tip.

Figure 4-7 The function between the two needle planes

Therefore, the conditions for the effect to occur are that the two needle faces are arranged in parallel, with a sufficiently small space, and the two needle faces have relative velocity. The angle between the carding force R and the two needle surfaces is obtuse.

(3) Stripping

The configuration of the needle teeth to produce a peeling effect is shown in Figure 4-8. A and B needle faces are two needle faces close enough together, and the tilt direction of the needle teeth is crossed. The same two needle surfaces will tension the same fiber bundle in contact, creating a tension acting on the needle teeth R . The force R is basically parallel to the underside of the teeth. The carding force R is split into forces parallel to the direction of the teeth P and forces perpendicular to the direction of the teeth Q .

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4-8 Peeling action between two needle planes

See Figure 4-8(a), V1>V2 where the fiber bundle AB is tensioned. The force is decomposed R along the needle surface A and the needle surface B, P1 which is directed in the direction of the needle root, and is directed in the direction of the needle tip, P2 and the needle surface A has the ability to grasp the fiber, and the needle surface B has the ability to release the fiber. Therefore, needle surface A will strip the fibers of needle surface B, and the fibers of needle surface B will be transferred to needle surface A. For (b) and (c) in Figure 4-8, the analysis method is the same, and Figure 4-8 (b) is also a needle A peeling needle B. In Figure 4-8(c), V2>V1 needle B strips the fibers of needle face A.

Therefore, the condition for the peeling action to occur is that the two needle faces are crossed, with a sufficiently small space, and the two needle faces have relative velocity. The needle surface with R an acute angle to the carding force will peel off the needle surface with an obtuse angle to the carding force R .

3. Analysis of the work of the action area

(1) Analysis of the work of the carding action area

The carding action zone refers to the space where the carding action occurs on the fibers. On the cover carding machine, it mainly takes place between the cylinder and the cover plate, between the cylinder and the doffer, and between the barbed roller and the carding plate. On roller carding machines, it mainly takes place between cylinders and work rolls, cylinders and doffers.

1. Characteristics of the carding action area

(1) Cylinder and cover. Carding occurs between the cylinder and the movable cover plate and the fixed cover plate, and the area where the fiber is continuously carded is long, which is also called the large carding area.

First, the comb area composed of cylinder and movable cover plate is discussed, as shown in Figure 4-9. The working cover moves in the same direction as the cylinder steering, and it has the following characteristics.

Figure 4-9 The carding area composed of the cylinder and the cover plate

(1) The fibers are repeatedly alternately transferred between the two needle surfaces. Due to the small spacing between cylinder needle A and cover needle B, the teeth are parallel and V A >> V B when the steering is the same (V A and V B when the cover is reversed). reversed), so that the fibers are combed between needle A and needle B. Under the action of carding force, part of the fibers on needle surface A can be quickly transferred to needle surface B, and as a result, the fibers grabbed by needle surface B are combed by the comb needle on needle surface A. The fibers carried by needle surface A are combed by the comb needle on needle surface B. During the continuous carding process of the cylinder and the cover, the carding force on the fibers also changes, so that the fibers are repeatedly transferred between the two needle surfaces, and the head is turned alternately many times.

(2) Some fibers can be carded in the carding area again. After the fiber layer on needle surface A exits the cover carding zone, it enters the action area composed of cylinder and doffer. The card clothing of needle surface A and needle surface C are arranged in parallel, V A >> V C , and the carding effect of the two occurs. As a result, a portion of the fibres are assigned to the doffer and the other part remains on the large cylinder needle face, returns with needle face A, merges with the fed new fibers, and enters the cover carding area again for carding. The action between Xilin and Doffer not only makes the carding more sufficient, but also accompanies a certain homogeneous mixing effect.

(3) The two needle surfaces have different fiber layer structures. The fiber layer structure can be divided into two parts, one part is the inner layer of fibers that are stuffed inside the needle teeth and do not participate in carding and transfer, which is called the residual layer; The other part is the outer layer of fibers involved in carding and transfer, called the working layer. Needle surface B is made of elastic card clothing. The speed of needle surface A is fast, the centrifugal force is large, and the impurities on needle surface A are easy to be thrown to needle surface B. Since needle surface B is made of elastic card clothing, the speed is slow, and these impurities are not easy to return to needle surface A, so the thickness of the residual layer on needle surface B gradually increases from the back area to the front area, and the fiber of the working layer gradually decreases. When the cover plate is reversed, the thickness of the residual layer from the front zone to the rear zone gradually increases, and the fibers of the working layer gradually decrease. Needle surface A is made of metal card clothing, and most of the fibers are working layer fibers, with only a few impurities stuffed inside the teeth. With the increase of carding time, due to the extrusion force, it is also necessary to copy the needle to remove impurities on needle surface A to ensure the carding effect.

Secondly, today's high-yield carding machines mostly use reverse covers, and increase the front and rear fixed covers to increase the carding area. For example, the rear fixed cover plate pre-carding the fibers and fiber bundles fed into the cylinder needle surface to reduce the carding load of the cylinder cover. The front fixed cover plate increases the carding, improves the degree of fiber monologization, appropriately reduces the fiber transfer rate on the doffer, and is conducive to reducing the number of fibers in the cotton net that are only carded once. The front and rear fixed cover plates need to have the ability to comb the fibers and be able to sort the fibers; At the same time, it has the ability of self-cleaning, that is, after the serration of the fixed cover plate combs the fiber, part of the fiber is held on the needle teeth of the fixed cover plate, and then it is continuously taken away by the cylinder to keep the fixed cover plate not filled with fibers. This is related to the tooth specifications of the fixed cover, such as the working angle, tooth depth, tooth shape and tooth density, etc., and the working angle of the serration teeth of the fixed cover plate can be between 90°~85°. The function characteristics of the barbed roller and the carding plate are similar to those of the cylinder and the fixed cover plate, but the carding area is short, which plays the role of pre-carding.

(2) Cylinder with work roller or doffer. The carding characteristics of the two are similar, and the carding area is smaller than that of the cylinder and the cover plate, which is also called the small carding area.

(1) Carding range. The carding machine has multiple work rollers to achieve the carding effect of the raw materials. The carding area between cylinder A and work roll or doffer B is shown in Figure 4-10. The transverse length is equal to the width of the hair, and the longitudinal length is the interval abcd of the composition. When the cylinder carries the fiber layer close to the work roll, the fiber layer first contacts with point A on the needle surface of the work roller, and the other end of these fibers is point B on the cylinder, and the ab line is the starting boundary of the carding action area. cd is the final boundary of the combing area. When the fibers are out cd of position, one part of the fibers continues to move forward with the cylinder, and the other part of the fibers rotates with the work roller.

Figure 4-10 Carding area of cylinder and worker roll or doffer

(2) Carding process. It is roughly divided into two stages: the first is the tearing stage, when the fibers carried by the cylinder enter the action zone, one part of the fibers hangs on the work roller or doffer, and the other part remains on the cylinder. This allows the fiber bundle to be split into smaller fiber bundles, smaller fiber bundles or individual fiber bundles. The second stage is the splitting stage, that is, the fibers hanging on the doffer or work roller are combed by the cylinder steel needle in the time from A to C, which is conducive to dividing the fiber bundle into single fibers and making them as parallel and straight as possible. The fibres hanging from the cylinder are also carded by the doffer or worker roller needles.

(3) Carding arc length and other characteristics. The arc length of the combing fiber on the needle surface of the work roller or doffer and cylinder is called the carding arc length, and the carding arc length of the work roller or doffer is the maximum , and the carding arc length of the large cylinder can be calculated. Let the speed of the work roll be , VB the speed of the large cylinder is , VA the carding time in a carding area is t, and the carding arc length of the large cylinder is L, then:


Due to VA VB >>, the speed of the cylinder is much greater than the speed of the work roller or doffer, generally 20~40 times, and the carding arc length of the cylinder is dozens of times longer than that of the work roll or doffer. Therefore, the carding role of the work roller and the doffer is limited, and the main function is to hold the fibers. A large amount of carding is done by the cylinder carding the fibres held by the doffer or work roller.

In addition, due to the fast speed of the cylinder, the raw materials will have a coaghesive effect on the surface of the doffer and the work roll. Because the fibers of the slow work roll or doffer on a unit area are transferred from many unit areas of the fast cylinder, the coagulation effect will occur on the slow work roll or doffer, and the work roll or doffer only condenses some of the fibers in the cylinder fiber layer, not all the fibers, which is also the essence of the carding effect between the two needle surfaces, which makes the cylinder and the work roll, and the cylinder and the doffer have a good uniform mixing effect.

Most of the fibers in the fiber web exported from the doffer are hook-shaped, and the latter hooks are the majority. The fibers held by the doffer are quickly carded, with one end of the cylinder carding being the front end and the end of the doffer being the rear end, so that when the doffer is output, the raw strip contains more back hook fibers.

2. Influencing factors of the carding action area

(1) Cylinder and cover. As far as the cover carding machine is concerned, the carding area between the cylinder and the cover plate is very important, and the influencing factors are as follows.

(1) Partition. The setting of the interval directly affects the strength of the fiber carding. "Tight spacing, strong carding" is the design principle between the cylinder and the cover plate, and it is also the process principle of carding. There are 3~8 separation points between the cylinder and the movable cover, and the 5-point separation is mostly adopted. The partition configuration is as follows:

Smooth separation process: the inlet interval is large, the middle transition from large to small is smooth or unchanged, and the outlet interval is slightly larger, such as the 5-point interval is 0.20, 0.18, 0.15, 0.15, 0.18 mm; The four-point interval was 0.23, 0.20, 0.20 and 0.23 mm, respectively.

Gradual spacing process: the inlet spacing is large, and the spacing of other points is gradually reduced or the middle becomes smaller until the outlet remains unchanged, such as the 3-point spacing is 0.28, 0.25, 0.23 mm; The 6-point interval is 0.30, 0.30, 0.28, 0.28, 0.25, 0.25 mm;

Constant separation process: The inlet-to-outlet separation remains the same, e.g. 0.18 mm for 5-point separation.

Wave spacing process: the inlet and outlet spacing is slightly larger, the middle point is large and sometimes small, in a wave state, such as 7 o'clock spacing is 1.00, 0.28, 0.25, 0.30, 0.25, 0.25, 0.69, mm, mainly used in the processing of soybean protein composite fiber and other raw materials, there are few such configurations.

The traditional carding machine mostly adopts the forward rotation of the movable cover, and there are many configurations of "smooth separation process". The reason for the analysis is that the outlet of the movable cover plate is relatively close to the transmission mechanism of the cover plate, and because the cover plate is easy to move up and down, a small outlet interval may be used, which may cause the phenomenon of pin-touching; It can also make the fiber on the needle surface of the cylinder float, which is conducive to the cohesion and transfer of the fiber between the cylinder and the doffer; The outlet spacing increases, and the attached surface layer near the upper mouth of the front upper cover plate is thickened, and more air flow overflows at the upper mouth of the front upper cover plate, so that the number of cover plate flowers increases, thereby facilitating the removal of impurities; At the outlet, the cover load is saturated, and the slightly larger outlet spacing has little effect on the carding quality.

The high-yield carding machine mostly adopts the reverse of the movable cover, and there are many configurations of "gradual separation process". The reason for the analysis is that there is no cover plate transmission mechanism in the outlet part, so there will be no pin contact problem; The outlet part of the cover plate is clean, so the size of the partition has no effect on the number of cover flowers, but the carding effect of the fiber is strengthened by the small space. The number of movable cover plates of the high-yield carding machine is reduced, which shortens the length of the carding area, so that the outlet interval is smaller, and the carding role can be fully exerted. The "constant spacing process" and the "wave spacing process" do not conform to the process principle of "tight spacing, strong carding" and are rarely used.

The overall spacing is small, the penetration fibers will be deep, the contact fibers will be more, and the carding effect is strong. The extrusion force between the two needle surfaces is large, and the fibers floating on the two needle surfaces are few, which is not easy to be knotted into fiber knots, but it is easy to cause fiber damage. According to the process principle of tight spacing, the gap between the cylinder and the cover plate of the high-yield card can be further reduced with the development of card clothing and other technologies.

(2) Xilin speed. Under the condition of a certain output, the cylinder has a large speed, large centrifugal force, strong impurity removal ability and strong carding effect. But once production is chosen, the speed of the cylinder rarely changes. If the output is increased, the cylinder speed will be increased to ensure the carding of the fibers, and the density of the card clothing should be considered in combination with the speed. If the fiber length is long and the strength is low, the cylinder speed should be reduced. Especially when processing color spinning yarns, the cylinder speed is usually lower due to the lower fiber strength.

(3) Cover speed and steering. Increasing the speed of the movable cover, the time of each cover in the action zone is shortened, and the load of each cover is reduced, which is conducive to carding. When the movable cover plate is rotated, the carding effect is mainly in the posterior area, and the anterior area is weak due to fiber plugging. When the movable cover is reversed, the carding effect is mainly in the middle anterior area.

(4) The carding arc length of the cover plate. In order to adapt to the high-yield carding machine, it is necessary to increase the carding arc length, especially the carding arc length in the carding area of the fixed cover plate, so that the number of fixed cover plates can be further increased, as shown in Figure 4-11. The increased arc length of the carding machine is mainly reflected in the carding area 1 of the rear fixed cover plate and the carding area 2 of the front fixed cover plate. If the movable cover carding area 3 is 1.2m, the rear fixed cover carding area 1 and the front fixed cover carding area 2 are increased from 0.4m or 0.5m to 0.8m. By increasing the number of front and rear fixed covers, the carding arc length is increased by 4, and the chance of fiber being carded is improved, and the carding quality of the high-yield carding machine can be guaranteed.

The carding effect between the barbed roller and the carding plate is similar to the carding between the cylinder and the fixed cover plate, which will be affected by the speed of the cylinder, the distance between the two, the carding arc length and other factors.

Figure 4-11 Carding area distribution of carding machine

(2) Cylinder with work roller or doffer

(1) Partition. The spacing is reduced, the two needle surfaces are deeply penetrated into the fiber, the gripping is strong, and the carding effect is good. However, if the interval is too small, the load on the work roll or doffer needle surface increases, increasing fiber damage. When the ability to hold the fibers is exceeded, the carding force decreases and the kneading fibers increase. If the yield increases, the interval should be appropriately enlarged. The spacing is related to the type and nature of the raw material, and the wool is fine and curly, and the spacing is small. Coarse wool with large spacing. The spacing is related to the degree of loosening of the raw material, from back to front, as the raw material is gradually combed, the small pieces become smaller, and finally break down into individual fibers. The state of the raw material in the carding area begins to change rapidly, and then the change gradually slows down. The change in the interval is also gradually smaller, starting to change large, and then changing smaller. The distance between the cylinder and the doffer is smaller than the distance between the last work roll and the cylinder, which is conducive to carding and transfer. When the raw materials are different, the higher the number of spinning yarns, the smaller the spacing. The spinning count is low, the raw material is poor, and the interval is enlarged.

(2) Work roll or doffer speed. The roller card is mainly completed by multiple sets of carding areas. On the same group of carding machines, the speed ratio of the work roller gradually increases from back to front to enhance the carding effect. The work roll speed ratio or doffer speed ratio is the ratio of the cylinder linear speed to the work roll linear speed or doffer linear speed. Therefore, in the multi-card card, the speed of the work rolls is gradually reduced from back to front.

(3) Other influencing factors

In addition to the spacer and speed, other factors can also affect the carding results. Such as the specification of the card clothing and the condition of the needle surface. Card clothing is the most important element to complete the carding work, and the working angle, tooth density, tooth height and other height in the card clothing specification all affect the carding efficiency. On the roller card, since the fine opening of the fiber blocks and fiber bundles is gradually realized, the number of card clothing is from low to high, the diameter of the steel needle is from coarse to fine, and the density of the needle tip is from small to large along the fiber inlet to the outlet. On the woollen carding machine using elastic card clothing, there are generally 2~4 large cylinders and the corresponding working needle surface, according to the state and performance of the raw materials that are often processed, the large cylinder card clothing should be selected first, and then the card clothing on other components should be reasonably matched. In addition, the condition of the needle surface, such as flatness and sharpness of the card clothing, is also an important factor in improving the puncture ability of the needle teeth, enhancing carding, and reducing hanging flowers and defects. Therefore, it is necessary to conscientiously do a good job in warranty and maintenance, and regularly copy and grind cars. On carding machines with elastic card clothing, some staple fibers and impurities sink into the needle root to form a needle-reading wool layer due to the extrusion force of each process component during the production process. Although it does not participate in carding, it affects the carding efficiency because it occupies the space between the needles. For example, the carding machine is equipped with a cover cleaning device to clean the cover flower, and a suction hood is equipped to remove staple fibers and impurities. In the process of operation, according to the method and effect of the carding equipment to remove impurities, continuous or regular copying can be taken.

Under the condition that the speed of the cylinder is constant, the amount of fiber fed per unit area of the cylinder is a sign of the productivity of the card. More fibers are fed per unit area, and the yield is large. However, feeding too much fiber increases the carding burden and reduces the carding effect of fiber.

(2) Analysis of the work of the action area

The exercision zone mainly occurs between the cylinder and the wind wheel. In the case of a woollen carding machine, elastic card clothing is wrapped on the large cylinder, so a wind wheel is usually installed between the last working roller and the doffer in the large cylinder.

1. Characteristics of the area of action

(1) The necessity of making a difference. The generation of ejection is mainly caused by elastic card clothing. The elastic card clothing is characterized by the fact that the fibers are easily stuffed in the teeth and are not easily transferred. This feature affects the carding effect and the ability of the teeth to hold the fibers. Since the teeth do not remain clear, the fibers are not easily transferred to the work roll or doffer. Therefore, the wind wheel is set up, and the fiber carried by the cylinder is moved from the needle root to the needle tip by using the role of the wind wheel steel needle. The clarity of the teeth is maintained, the carding efficiency is enhanced, and the fiber transfer is facilitated, so that the fibers on the cylinder can be transferred to the doffer and the work roll more easily and evenly.

However, the elastic card clothing is not easy to transfer fibers, which increases the amount of fiber returned to the large cylinder per unit time, which improves the mixing effect of the raw materials. Therefore, the work rollers of the woollen carding machine and the cylinder are wrapped with elastic card clothing. Mainly due to the short process of the carding and wool spinning system, the raw materials directly enter the spinning process through the wool machine and the woolen carding machine, without the merging and mixing effect of the needle carding machine. The roller card with elastic card clothing compensates for the lack of mixing in carded wool.

In addition, for example, the cover plate in the cover card card machine makes use of the elastic card clothing to easily fill the fibers in the needle teeth, which can remove fine impurities and linters. In view of the shortcomings that are not easy to transfer, a cover cleaning system is set up to remove impurities, and coordination is achieved.

(2) The scope of the area of action. The role of the cylinder and the wind wheel is shown in Figure 4-12. 1 is the cylinder, 2 is the wind wheel, the cylinder and the steel needle of the wind wheel are inserted into each other, and the two arc-shaped needle surfaces cross each other to form a "starting area", that is, it is composed of ACBDA. The cylinder and the wind wheel are arranged in parallel directions, and the linear velocity of the wind wheel is greater than the linear velocity of the cylinder.

Figure 4-12 Playing area

The arc length on the cylinder needle surface is called the contact arc length, point C is the intersection point of the center line of the cylinder and the wind wheel and the cylinder needle surface, and point D is the intersection point of the center line and the needle surface of the wind wheel, CD which is the intersection depth of the two needle surfaces of the cylinder and the wind wheel. The relationship between them can be calculated using the following formula:


Or with a simplified (4-4) calculation:

CD=AB24(1D+1d) (4-4

where: CD — Crossing Depth (mm)

D(R)— Large cylinder straight (half) diameter (mm)

d(r)— Straight (half) diameter of wind turbine (mm)

AB —Contact arc length corresponding to chord length (mm)

From the simplified equation (4-4), it can be seen that the insertion depth CD is approximately proportional to AB the square of the contact arc length. The contact arc length, also known as the sweeping arc length, is one of the important process parameters of the wind turbine.

2. Factors influencing the area of action

The wind wheel must function properly. Insufficient production can not achieve the expected purpose, but the effect is too strong, which will destroy the structure of the wool net and increase the flying hair. Not only can it not get a uniform wool mesh, but it will also reduce the production rate, increase the power consumption and wear of the machine. Therefore, it is necessary to have a good grasp of the process conditions of the wind wheel. The process conditions of the wind turbine include the speed ratio and the contact arc length.

(1) The speed ratio of the cylinder to the wind wheel. The speed ratio is the ratio of the linear velocity of the surface of the wind wheel to the linear velocity of the cylinder surface. Since the linear velocity of the surface of the wind wheel is greater than the surface velocity of the cylinder, the ratio is greater than 1. The larger the speed ratio, the greater the force of the wind wheel and cylinder steel against the fiber, and the more significant the role it plays. However, the speed ratio is too large, which means that the speed of the wind wheel is increased, and the impact force of the wind wheel steel on the cylinder is large, which has a destructive effect on the fiber layer, and there are many flying hairs, the machine vibration is large, and the deformation of the wind wheel steel needle is also large. In practical production, the speed ratio is generally between 1.2~1.4. For example, in the woollen carding machine, due to the different mixing states of the front, middle and rear vehicles, the loose state of the front car mixture is good, and the fibers are easy to sink into the tooth roots, so the speed ratio is appropriately larger.

(2) The length of the contact arc or insertion depth between the wind wheel and the large Xilin. If the insertion depth is too deep, it will destroy the wool mesh and damage the card clothing, and if the insertion is too shallow, the effect will be too weak. Therefore, it should be reasonably selected according to the type of raw materials and the state of raw materials. In actual production, the insertion depth is AB expressed by the contact chord length, which AB is generally between 20~40 mm. The pure hairs are inserted deep due to their uneven length. The length of the chemical fiber is neat, and the insertion can be shallower. For example, in the front, middle and rear cars of the woollen carding machine, the insertion depth of the rear car is shallow, and the insertion depth of the front car is deep.

(3) The combination of the speed ratio and the contact arc length. The contact arc length and the wind turbine speed ratio are interrelated. In the case of relatively large velocities, the contact arc length can be smaller. Conversely, when the contact arc length is larger, a smaller speed ratio can be selected. In production practice, these two process conditions should be determined after careful commissioning.

(3) Analysis of the stripping action area

On the cover carding machine, the stripping action takes place between 1~3 barbed rollers, barbed rollers and cylinders, and doffer and stripping rollers. On roller carders, this takes place between the work roller and the stripping roller, the stripping roller and the large cylinder, the transport roller and the large cylinder, and the doffer and the chopper. In addition to the transfer of fibers from one process part to another, the stripping action also allows the fiber layer to be gradually thinned, while straightening the fibers and removing dirt.

1. Characteristics of the peeling action zone

(1) Co-directional stripping and off-direction stripping. According to the direction of rotation of the two rotating parts in the action area, it can be divided into two types: co-direction stripping and counter-direction stripping. For example, between the stripping roller and the large cylinder, the chest cylinder and the transport roller, and between the transport roller and the large cylinder, the direction of movement is the same, and it is the same direction of peeling. The work roll is opposite to the direction of rotation of the stripping roller, the doffer and the stripping roller, leather ring and chopper, which is a different direction of peeling.

Figure 4-13 is a carding ring composed of cylinder 1, work roller 2 and stripping roller 3 of roller carding machine. Among them, the velocity relationship is V 1 > V 3 > V 2 , and the card clothing cross configuration in the 2~3 and 3~1 action areas is all stripping. However, in the action area of the stripping roller and cylinder, the movement direction of the 3~1 needle surface is the same, which is called co-direction peeling, and in the action area of the work roller and the stripping roller, the movement direction of the 2~3 needle surface is opposite, which is called anisotropic stripping.

Figure 4-13 Carding ring consisting of a work roll and a stripping roller

The essence of the stripping action is to make the process parts that originally carried the holding fibers lose their ability to hold. At the same time, during the peeling process, the fiber layer is decomposed and thinned, and under the action of centrifugal force, some impurities and staple fibers may be eliminated. Especially in the stripping roller, due to the small diameter and high speed of the stripping roller, the effect of centrifugal force is more obvious.

(2) Output stripping device. The fibers are combed by a carding machine and then coagulated by the doffer. The fiber layer carried by the doffer is extracted by the stripping device to complete the output task. The most common stripping devices are roller stripping, ring stripping and chopper stripping. Any kind of stripping device must meet the requirements of the fiber network output of the doffer can be continuously and stably output; The stripped fiber web should maintain its uniform structure; The mechanism is simple, easy to use and maintain. At present, roller stripping and leather ring stripping devices are basically used on the cover carding machine. Roller stripping is done by using a roller with a certain specification of serrations on the surface to do continuous circular motion, and there are three rollers and four roller stripping devices. The stripping of the leather ring is extracted by the friction of the rotating leather ring. On the roller card, the main use of the chopper stripping device.

2. Factors influencing the peeling action zone

(1) Speed ratio. The linear velocity ratio of cylinder and barbed roller directly affects the transfer effect of the fiber, and the requirement is that the fiber is smoothly transferred and does not return to flower. As shown in Figure 4-14, the transfer of fiber ab is carried out in the S region between the arc surface of the barbed roller A and the cylinder B. In the same amount of time, fiber ab is to be smoothly transferred from the barbed roller to cylinder B, and at the beginning of the transfer, the tip of fiber ab A is grabbed by cylinder B. At the end of the transfer, the tail end B of the fiber AB needs to be transferred before approaching the bottom edge of the rear bezel. Therefore, the length of the cylinder is at least S+L, and the length of the barbed roller is S. That is, when the barbed roller A passes through the transfer zone S, the length of cylinder B is one more fiber length L than that of the barbed roller.

Figure 4-14 Stripping area of cylinder and barbed roller

Therefore, the fiber is transferred from the barbed roller to the cylinder, and the minimum speed ratio can be calculated using equation (4-5).

VCVT=S+LS (4-5)

Where: VC —Cylinder surface velocity (mm/min)

VT —Piercing roller surface velocity (mm/min)

L —Fiber length (mm)

When the speed of the cylinder and the thorn roller is small, if the thorn roller has not formed a normal speed when driving or turning off the car, it is easy to form a return flower. If the barbed roller is at normal operating speed, relying on the centrifugal inertia force and airflow of the barbed roller, even if the speed is relatively small, it will not affect the fiber transfer. Therefore, in production, the speed ratio should be on the large side. Compared with cotton, chemical fiber has a long length and a larger friction coefficient with the serration of the barbed roller, which makes it difficult to transfer, so the speed ratio is larger than that of spinning cotton. With the increase of output, when spinning cotton by domestic cover carding machine, the speed ratio should be between 1.7~2.4, and the speed ratio should be above 2.0 when spinning chemical fiber. The speed ratio of cylinder and barbed roller of foreign cover carding machine is more than 2.0.

The speed ratio of cylinder barbed roller also has a great effect on the fiber knot and impurities in the green strip, and the use of a higher speed ratio of cylinder barbed roller is beneficial to reduce the content of fiber knot and impurities in the green strip. For the quality of the yarn, when the density of the spun yarn is low, it is advisable to use a larger cylinder thorn roller speed ratio, and when the yarn density is large, it is not the larger the speed ratio, the better. The speed ratio of cylinder barbed roller needs to be comprehensively considered with the speed of cylinder and barbed roller, first reasonable selection of cylinder and barbed roller speed, and then consider the suitability of the speed ratio.

(2) Separation. The interval is small, there are many fiber opportunities on the serration teeth of the cylinder gripping barbed roller, and the number of fibers in contact with the cylinder tip is large, which is conducive to fiber transfer. Under normal circumstances, it is mastered on the small side.

Section 4 Loading and distribution of needle fiber layer

1. The meaning and types of needle surface load

On the carding machine, except for the wind wheel and the chopper, all needle surfaces or needle teeth that act on the fibers are loaded with a fiber layer. The average weight of the fiber layer per unit area is called the needle load. The unit of needle surface load is generally expressed in grams per square meter, and the cover load of the cover card is expressed in grams per block. The size of the load reflects the thickness of the fiber layer, which affects the quality of carding. If the amount of fiber is fed is large, the needle surface load will be large. If the speed ratio of the work roll or doffer is large and the separation distance is small, the load of the work roll or doffer is large. Reasonable control of the load size is conducive to high yield, high quality, low consumption, and prolonging the life of card clothing. The load is too small, which is not conducive to uniform mixing; Excessive load, insufficient carding, damage to fibers and card clothing.

There are two types of workloads, one that participates in grooming, and is called workloads. The other is not involved in the carding effect, which is called needle loading. In the case of carding machines with elastic card clothing, both types of loads exist at the same time, while in carding machines using rack and pinion and metal card clothing, the needle reading load is not considered.

Second, the process and role of needle surface load formation

(1) Feeding load

Refers to the weight of the fibers fed into the carding machine on each square meter of area of each process component, as shown in equation (4-6).

K=QVB(1-y) (4-6)

where: K is the feeding load (g/m 2 ); Q is the feeding amount per unit time of the feeding mechanism (g/min); V is the speed of the process part (m/min); B is the width of the fiber layer on the process part (m); y is the loss of the mixture from the feeding mechanism to the carding machine (%). As can be seen from Eq. (4-6), the feeding load is directly proportional to the amount of feed per minute and inversely proportional to the speed of the process components. The size of the feeding load directly reflects the level of feeding amount or output. The feeding load is the most basic load on the card, and all other loads are derived from it.

(ii) The load of the cylinder on the roller card

1. Feed load on large cylinders

After start-up, the mixture is transferred to the large cylinder through the opening roller, the breast cylinder and the transport roller, and the weight of the mixture per square meter distributed on the large cylinder is α1 expressed as .

When the large cylinder carries the fiber to the carding action area formed with the work roller, the carried fiber is assigned to the work roller in turn, the fiber on the work roll is transferred to the stripping roller, and the fiber of the stripping roller is transferred to the large cylinder. A carding ring is formed between the large cylinder, the work roll and the stripping roller. When the large cylinder is transferred to the carding action zone with the doffer, part of the fiber on the large cylinder is allocated to the doffer, which is stripped and output by the stripping device. The fibers that have not been transferred by the doffer are returned with the large cylinder and mixed with the fibers fed from the transport rollers, where they continue to be carded and distributed. After driving for a period of time, the fiber load of cylinder and various parts tends to be stable, and basically no longer increases.

2. Deliver the load of the work roll and the load of stripping

Refers to the amount of fiber transferred to the work roller per square meter of the needle surface of the cylinder during normal operation, which is β expressed. The fibers on the work roll are transferred to the dehairing roller and then transferred back to the large cylinder, which is called the decapping load. The weight of this part of the fiber per square meter on the large cylinder is equal to the weight of the fiber per square meter handed over to the work roller by the large cylinder, which is β expressed by . They are the same in quantity and composition, but their state and position have changed, acting as a mixture of relays on the large tiffer.

3. Outgoing load

After the load is stabilized, the amount of fiber handed over to the doffer per square meter of the cylinder is called the outgoing load, which α2 is expressed as . In the case of roller carders, the number α1 of output loads α2 and feed loads is basically the same, but there is a big difference in composition. The feeding load is directly fed to the large cylinder by the feeding roller, through the opening roller, the chest cylinder and the transport roller, and the output load is distributed to the doffer after repeated combing and mixing of a variety of fiber loads.

4. Return the load

During the period of stable production, the amount of fiber per square meter left on the cylinder after the fiber layer on the cylinder is allocated to the doffer is the return load, which is α3 expressed as . It is determined by the carding characteristics of Cylinder and Doffer. The return load is combed and distributed many times, so the return load is composed of some of the fibers in the load fed many times. α2 The composition of the outgoing load is essentially α3 the same as that of the return load.

5. Needle load

In the roller card with the bridge crossing machine connected to the carding system in the carding system, the cylinder, the work roll and the stripping roller are elastic card clothing, which is easy for the fibers to penetrate deep due to the high needle height and the deep and large tooth gap. In particular, some staple fibers and impurities are not easy to expose the needle surface. After a long period of accumulation, the needle reading load is formed. The needle load on the large cylinder is α4 denoted by .

Because the needle fiber should occupy a certain needle gap, when the driving time is not long, it does not affect the gripping effect and carding effect of the steel for the fiber. However, when the needle reading load is considerable, it prevents the steel from holding and carding the fibers. As the start-up time increases, the needle reading load increases. At the beginning of the drive, the needle load increases rapidly, and then gradually slows down to reach saturation. The speed at which each carding machine parts form a needle-reading fiber layer is also different, and the rear car is generally faster than the front car. As long as the needle-reading fiber layer of one carding machine is overloaded, it will affect the carding efficiency of the whole machine. Therefore, the large cylinder of the woollen carding machine will be equipped with a wind wheel to remove the needle fiber layer in time, as well as to remove the residual layer regularly.

(3) Load distribution on roller carding machine

The roller card is divided into three areas, as shown in Figure 4-15. Zone I is between the doffer and the transport roller, and the cylinder load α4 consists of a return load α3 and a needle reading load.

Figure 4-15 The load of the roller card

Area II is a carding ring composed of stripping rollers, work rollers and cylinders, in which the function of the transport roller is the same as that of the stripping roller. In addition to the retained return load α3 and the needle reading load, there is also the feeding load α1 and the stripping load β . α4

Zone III is between the work roll and the next stripping roller, i.e. between the carding ring and the carding ring. Compared to Zone II, the only difference is that Zone III reduces β the load of the work roll, and there are α4 only three loads α1 : the feed load, the return load α3 and the needle reading load.

It can be seen that the load type and load amount of each part of the large Xilin are different. There are two types of loads at area I. There are four loads at Zone II and three loads at Zone III. Between the work roll and the large cylinder, except for the needle reading load, which is not involved in carding, the other three loads, such as the feeding load α1 , the work roll load β and the return load, α3 are all involved in carding. Between the doffer and the cylinder, except for the needle reading load, which is not involved in carding, the other two loads, such as the feeding load and the return load, are involved in carding.

(4) The load of the cylinder on the cover carding machine

1. Feed load on large cylinders

After start-up, the mixture is transferred to the cylinder by feeding rollers, feeding plates and barbed rollers, and the weight of the mixture per square meter distributed on the cylinder is α1 expressed as .

When the fibers carried by the large cylinder are transferred to the cover plate, the two carding effect occurs, and the fibers are repeatedly transferred and carded between the cylinder cover plates. Due to the elastic card clothing used for the cover, the large cylinder line is fast, and the short fibers and impurities are thrown against the card clothing and embedded in the gap between the card clothing. When the raw material exits the cover zone, the cutter removes the staple fibers and impurities embedded in the gap between the cover needles. When the Great Cylinder is transferred to the carding zone with the Dolph, a portion of the fibers on the Great Cylinder is assigned to the Dolph and the other part is returned with the Cylinder.

2. Cover load and cover flower

The fiber layer of the cover card clothing is shown in Figure 4-16.

Figure 4-16 Fiber layer of card clothing

The cover load G f is curve 1 in Figure 4-16. During normal operation, the total amount of fibers on the cover plate gradually increases and tends to be stable from back to front. The cover flower is curve 2 in Figure 4-16, that is, the amount of residual layer fiber G f1 , and the change trend is the same as that of curve 1. Between curves 1 and 2 indicates the amount of free fibers on each cover. It can be seen that the working layer of the cover plate gradually decreases from back to front, and when the cover plate is close to the front area, the fiber layer on the cover plate is basically a residual layer, and most of them are miscellaneous defects and short fibers. When the cover leaves the front area, it is cleaned by the cover cleaning system, which is called the cover flower. The amount of residual fiber is the amount of cover flowers output. When the cover plate is reversed, the working area cover plate is from the doffer to the barbed roller, from front to back, the amount of fiber on the cover plate and the amount of fiber of the residual layer gradually increase, and the working layer on the cover plate gradually decreases and tends to be stable. When the cover plate is out of the rear area, the amount of residual layer fiber is the output of the cover flower.

3. Outgoing load

After the load is stabilized, the amount of fiber per square meter given by the cylinder to the doffer is called the outgoing load, which α2 is expressed as . When the cylinder leaves the cover action zone, the fiber carried is α3 + α1 -G f1 , and after the doffer, the outgoing load assigned by the cylinder to the doffer is α1 -G f1 , so there is a difference α1 in the number between the outgoing load α1 -G f1 and the feeding load. The principle of quality is different from that of roller carders.

4. Return the load

During the period of stable production, the fiber layer on the cylinder is allocated to the amount of fiber per square meter left on the cylinder after the doffer, as α3 denoted by . The quality is the same as the load of the machine.

(5) Load distribution on the cover carding machine

The cover card is divided into four areas, as shown in Figure 4-17.

Figure 4-17 Load of the cover carding machine

It can be seen that the load of the cylinder needle surface of the cover carding machine is not the same in different positions. In the section I between the doffer and the barbed roller, the needle load is not taken into account, only the return load α3 . In the second part between the barbed roller and the cover plate, there are two types of loads, such as return load α3 and feed load α1 . In the third part of the cylinder cover section, there are three kinds of loads, such as return load α3 , feed load α1 and cover load G f . The IV part between the cover plate and the doffer has a load of α3 + α1 -G f1 .

3. Distribution coefficient

Partitioning is the phenomenon that the fibers are divided into two parts by the two interacting needle planes in the carding action area. There are two types of distribution coefficients, one is the work roll distribution coefficient and the other is the doffer distribution factor.

(1) Work roll distribution coefficient

On roller carders, the work roll distribution factor represents the ratio of the weight of the fibers handed to the work rollers per square meter of needle surface of the cylinder to the weight of the fiber per square meter of the cylinder. There are only two types of carding on the thoracic cylinder: the feeding load α1 and the stripping load (i.e., the load of the work roll) β. α3 There are three kinds of feeding load α1 , stripping load β and return load on large cylinders. The work roll distribution coefficients of the thoracic and large cylinders are Fp2 expressed as Fp1 and respectively, which can be calculated by equations (4-7) and equations (4-8).

Fp1=βα1 (4-7)

Fp2=βα1+β+α3 (4-8)

In practice, the return load α3 is much α1 larger than the feed load, but not many fibers are actually involved in carding. The main involvement in carding is the feeding load α1 . Therefore, the work roll distribution factor should be expressed in equation (4-7).

(2) Doffer distribution coefficient

The doffer partition coefficient, also known as doffer transfer rate, refers to the percentage of fibers transferred from the cylinder to doffer to the fibers involved in carding.

On roller carding machines, the fibers involved in the carding between the cylinder and the doffer have an outgoing load α2 and a return load α3 . In normal operation, the output load α2 of the roller card is equal to the feeding load α1 (excluding consumption), then its transfer rate or the distribution coefficient R of the ladle can be calculated using equation (4-9).

R=α1α2+α3 (4-9)

On the cover card, the doffer transfer rate is usually the percentage of the amount of fiber transferred from the cylinder to the doffer to the doffer in the total amount of fiber brought to the doffer in a week. The total amount of fiber brought to the doffer by the cylinder can be expressed by the amount of free fiber on the needle surface of the cylinder cover or the needle load before the cylinder leaves the cover and the doffer is converted into the fiber amount of the needle surface of the cylinder per week. Therefore, the doffer transfer rate can be expressed by equations (4-10) and equations (4-11).

R1=qQ0×100% (4-10)

R2=qQc×100% (4-11)

Where: q — the amount of fiber transferred to the daffle (g) after one rotation of the cylinder; Q0 —the amount of free fibers on the needle surface of the cylinder cover plate (g); Qc —The needle load before the cylinder out of the cover plate and out of the dolph is converted into the amount of fiber (g) of the needle surface of the cylinder in one week. where Q0 is the amount of free fiber, is the Qc needle surface load, and the difference between the two is that it Qc includes the needle reading load. When the card clothing is made of metallic card clothing, it is negligible. When elastic card clothing is used, the needle reading load must be taken into account. In practice, metal card clothing is often used.

Where, q can be calculated using Eq. (4-12), i.e

q=1000×pn×60 (4-12)

Where: p —Carding machine output, kg/(sets·h);

n—cylinder speed, r/min.

Q0 It can be actually measured, stop feeding the fiber, at the bell mouth of the output part, quickly make a color mark, collect all the combed fibers after the mark, remove a section of whiskers between the bell mouth and the Sillingdorf separation point, and the remaining fiber amount is Q0 . Due to the convenience of Q0 measurement, the cover carding machine of metal card clothing is usually calculated R1 by R1 about 6%~15%. At present, some measures to strengthen the transfer are adopted on the high-yield carding machine, such as the use of a new type of horizontal doffer card clothing to strengthen the transfer of fibers, and the transfer rate can be as high as 20%~30%.

(3) The relationship between the distribution coefficient and the carding efficiency

In general, an increase in the distribution factor means that the amount of fiber per unit area of the cylinder is handed over to the work roll or doffer increases, which is conducive to improving the quality of the fiber web. For example, the greater the amount of fiber carried by the work roller, the more opportunities the fibers will be carded. The doffer distribution coefficient is large, the amount of fiber transferred to the doffer increases, and the return load decreases. On the other hand, the number of fiber repetitions decreases, and the quality of carding also decreases. However, if the return load is too large, the cylinder needle surface will be unclear, which will affect the carding efficiency of the cover plate, work roller and doffer on the fiber. For example, the separation between the cylinder work rollers is small, which is conducive to grabbing fibers and distribution. The speed of the work roll or doffer is increased and the distribution coefficient is large. The type and size of the card clothing also affect the distribution factor, for example, with a small return load and thus improved carding efficiency. In worsted carding machines, carding machines and cover carding machines, metal card clothing is used to improve carding efficiency because drawing frames and needle carding machines can play a role in mixing evenly. For example, the working angle of the work roller is small, which is conducive to the distribution of fibers.

Section 5 Other main roles in the carding process

First, uniform action

(1) Uniformity

The uniformity of the carding machine is shown in Figure 4-18. The abscissa represents time, and the ordinate represents the weight per unit length. For example, if the normally functioning carding machine suddenly stops feeding, such as curve 1-2. It can be found that the output of the fiber web is not immediately interrupted, and the strips only gradually taper, as in curves 2-7, rather than curves 3-4. This shows that the carding machine has the ability to release fibers. When the raw material is fed at the position of curve 4, it is found that the slivers do not immediately reach the weight of normal production, but gradually thicken, as shown in curves 7-6 instead of curves 5-6. This shows that the carding machine has the ability to absorb fibers.

Figure 4-18 Suction and discharge fibers of the card

It can be seen that in the process of stopping feeding and resuming feeding, the sliver does not change according to the curve 1-2-3-4-5-6, but changes according to 1-2-7-6. This indicates that when feeding is stopped, the needle teeth release fibers in an amount of 2-3-4-7 shaded area; After resuming feeding, the needle tooth absorbs the fibers with an absorption of 5-7-6 shades of the area. This kind of suction and discharge fiber can alleviate the effect of fluctuation of feed volume on the uneven output, so the carding machine has a certain uniform effect.

(2) Uniform action analysis

By observing the homogeneous phenomenon, when the feeding amount increases, the fibers can be absorbed; When the amount of feed is reduced, the fibers can be released, especially the uniformity of the short fragments is better. When the uneven fragments of the fed fiber amount are longer, the weight of the sliver fluctuates. The action of this suction and discharge fiber is determined by the nature of the return load. The return load is large, and the uniform effect is good.

The carding machine can solve the forward direction, that is, the longitudinal unevenness, but it cannot solve the transverse unevenness of the carding machine. On the roller carding machine of the carding system, the bridge mechanism should be used to solve the transverse unevenness of the fiber web, and at the same time, the longitudinal unevenness should be improved. When processing products with mixed colors or blended with several fibers, the card has two or more bridge crossings, and the mixing effect is more perfect. In the wool combing system or cotton spinning system, the transverse unevenness of the fiber web is generally solved by a needle comb or draw frame.

Second, the mixing effect

(1) Mixed phenomena

The mixing phenomenon of the carding machine is shown in Figure 4-19. After the normal production of white cotton rolls, the red cotton rolls are neatly attached, and the output cotton net is observed, which does not immediately turn red. Instead, a red-and-white pale red cotton net appears first, then gradually deepens, and finally the red cotton net is exported. The mixing of red and white shows that the carding machine has the ability to mix fibers.

Figure 4-19 Mixing phenomenon of the carding machine

(2) Mixed effect analysis

1. The mixing effect of the cover carding machine

(1) The fibers are repeatedly combed and transferred between the cylinder and the cover plate, which promotes the continuous exchange of fibers on these parts, resulting in a delicate mixture between the fiber layers and even between single fibers.

(2) The cylinder is carded with the doffer, which produces a return load. It is superimposed with the feed load transferred by the barbed roller to the cylinder, and a mixing action occurs.

(3) The speed ratio between the cylinder and the doffer makes the fiber on the cylinder needle surface transfer to the doffer, and the fiber agglomeration occurs on the doffer. That is, the amount of fiber per unit area of the previous doffer is the amount of fiber per unit area of the cylinder, and the cohesion ratio is the speed ratio, which produces a mixing effect.

This shows that when the red cotton roll and the white cotton roll are fed into the carding machine, the red fiber stripped by the cylinder from the thorn roller meets the white fiber returned by the cylinder, and is transferred to the action area of the cylinder cover plate for carding, and the white fiber of the cover plate is transferred to the cylinder, and the red and white fibers are repeatedly transferred between the cylinder cover plates. After the initial mixing, it is further mixed and combed by the action of Xilingdorf.

2. The mixing effect of the roller card

(1) The stripping roller strips the fibers on the work roller and lays them with the fibers carried by the cylinder to mix.

(2) In order to enhance the carding capacity, on the roller carding machine, the speed ratio of the work roll gradually increases from back to front, and the speed of the work roll gradually decreases. The difference in the speed of the work rolls creates a mix, and the greater the ability of the work roll to grasp the fibers, the greater the gripping capacity, the better the mixing effect.

Figure 4-20 Distribution of fibers on work rolls

As shown in Figure 4-20, the diameter of each work roll is the same, and the diameter and speed of each stripping roll are the same, when the cylinder enters the action area of the work roll with fibers, a part of the fiber A on it is taken away by the work roll W 1 , and when the remaining fiber B passes through the work roll W 2 , there is a part of the fiber C by the work roll W 2 Take. If the speed of each work roll is the same, then when the fibers A and C return to the cylinder, they will coincide with the original and will not mix. In fact, the speed of each work roll is gradually reduced, so that fibers A and C cannot return to the cylinder at the same time, and the dislocation of the layer is realized, and the mixing action occurs. It can be seen that the speed ratio of the work roller is large, which is conducive to carding, and the fiber is misplaced and the mixing effect is good.

In addition, as with the cover card, the cohesion of the fibers between the cylinder and the work roll or doffer, and the stacking of the return load and the feed load all make the fibers mix well during the carding process.

In short, the mixing action makes the fibers fed at the same time distributed in the fiber web that is output at different times. However, the fibers fed at different times are condensed in the fiber web that is output at the same time, so that the fibers fed at different times are mixed.

The mixing effect of the carding machine is manifested in the fact that the composition and color of the output product are more uniform than that of the fed raw materials. In the same position, there are many types of loads, large mixing amounts, and good mixing. It is a nuanced blend, a blend between a single fiber and a single fiber. This mixing is carried out at the same time as the carding of the fibers, not the mixing that is set individually.

(3) Factors affecting the effect of uniform mixing

Homogeneity and mixing are two aspects of the same phenomenon, which is essentially formed by the load change on each drum, and its influencing factors are mainly as follows:

Work roll rotation factor

The rotation coefficient of the work roll refers to the number of revolutions of the cylinder when the fibers of the large cylinder are distributed to the work roller and then return to the surface of the large cylinder, which is expressed in M, which can be used to describe the mixing effect between the two needle surfaces, and is calculated as follows:

M=nc34(1nw+1nx) (4-13)

where: nc — cylinder speed (r/min);

nw — Work roll speed (r/min);

nx – Stripping roller speed (r/min);

3/4—the approximate ratio of the arc length of the fiber layer covering the work roll and the stripping roller to the circumference of the corresponding cylinder.

For roller carding machines, if the rotation coefficient M of the work roll is large, the fiber stays on the work roll and the stripping roll for a long time, which is conducive to uniform mixing; If the distribution coefficient of the work roll is large, the load of the work roll is large and the mixing is good.

2. The distance between the work roll or the doffer and the cylinder

The separation between the work roller and the cylinder is reduced, which improves the carding and transfer ability, and has a good mixing and uniform effect; The distance between Xilin and Doffer increases, which is not conducive to the transfer of Doffer, the return load is large, the output load is small, and the mixing is uniform.

3. Return to the load

The return load is large, and the mixing effect is good. However, it should be noted that the return load is large, which will affect the carding efficiency, so it should be taken into account in production. For the cover carding machine, the amount of free fibers between the cylinder and the cover plate is large, and the mixing is uniform and good; The spacing between the needle teeth is reduced, and the carding transfer is good and uniform.

, impurity removal

(1) The impurity removal effect of cylinder and cover plate

1. Removal of impurities between cylinder and movable cover

The removal of impurities between the cylinder and the cover plate belongs to the mechanical combination of airflow impurities, the centrifugal force generated by the high-speed cylinder is used to throw most of the impurities onto the cover plate, and then the elastic card clothing cover plate is used to accommodate impurities and short fibers, when each cover plate goes out of the work area, the fiber impurities that are filled on the cover plate are peeled off to obtain the cover plate flower, which is the drop rate of the cylinder and the movable cover plate.

According to the examination of the cover flowers, most of the impurities are fibrous seed chips, soft seed skins and stiff petals, as well as some fibrous knots. Staple fibers are not easy to be grabbed by cylinder needle teeth, but are more present in the cover flower, and the fiber shorter than 16 mm accounts for more than 40% of the cover flower. When the cover plate is rotated, see Figure 4-21 for the impurities of the cover plate in the work area. The impurity content and the number of impurities in the fiber layer on the cover plate increase with the extension of the working time of the cover plate in the working area, and the cover plate in the rear area increases rapidly, and reaches the saturation state when the cover plate walks out of the working area. This variation curve is similar to the curve of the cover load, which shows that the amount of impurities on the cover is closely related to the cover load. When the cover plate is reversed, the fiber layer on the cover plate is impurified, the front area of the cover plate increases rapidly, and the rear area gradually reaches the saturation state.

Figure 4-21 Detection of impurities in the cover of the workspace

The amount of cover flower is related to the quality of the impurity removal of the cover carding machine, and its influencing factors are mainly as follows:

(1) Cover speed. When the cover speed is fast, the cover plate stays in the working area for a short time, the needle surface load of each cover plate is slightly reduced, and the impurity content of the cover plate is also slightly reduced. However, the number of covers entering the work area per unit time increases, so the total cover flower and impurity removal efficiency increases. However, the increase in the amount of cover plate is not conducive to saving raw materials.

In actual production, the selection of cover speed should be comprehensively considered in combination with the impurities of raw materials, the thread density and quality requirements of the spun yarn, and the configuration of the cover card clothing. If the raw material has a high impurity content or high impurity removal requirements, the cover speed needs to be increased. Usually with the increase of the number of spinned yarns, the raw materials contain many impurities, so the speed of the cover plate should be increased. The chemical fiber contains less impurities, so the cover speed is low.

(2) Front upper cover. When cover plate C rotates forward, factors such as the distance between the upper mouth of front upper cover plate B and cylinder A and the height of the position of front upper cover plate B also affect the impurity removal of cover plate C. The distance between the upper mouth of the front upper cover plate B and Xilin A has a great influence on the cover plate flower, see Figure 4-22(a). When the spacing is reduced, the fiber is pressed down by the front upper cover plate, so that the contact number between the fiber and the cylinder needle tooth is more than that of the interval is larger, the holding force of the cylinder needle tooth to the fiber increases, and the fiber is easy to be grabbed by the cylinder needle tooth, so that the cover plate flower is reduced. On the contrary, as the spacing increases, the cover flowers will increase. The position of the front upper bezel B will also affect the removal of impurities, as shown in Figure 4-22(b). When the position of front upper cover plate B is higher, the cover plate flower is reduced; When the position of front upper cover plate B is low, the cover plate flower will increase, and the impurity removal effect will be enhanced, but it is not conducive to saving raw materials. When the cover plate is reversed, the distance between the upper mouth of the rear upper baffle plate and the cylinder and the height of the position of the rear upper baffle plate are analyzed with the front upper baffle.

a (b)

Figure 4-22 The position of the front upper bezel and the cover flower

2. Removal of impurities between cylinder and fixed cover

On the high-yield card, a cleaning system is used to remove impurities on the front and rear fixed covers, as shown in Figure 4-23. It is made up of a fixed cover plate 1, a dust removal knife 2, a suction hood 3, a control piece 4 and a guide plate piece 5. The cylinder forms a carding area with the fixed cover plate 1, destroys the contact force between impurities and fibers, and promotes the separation of impurities, linters and fibers under the action of high-speed centrifugal force, airflow attached surface layer and dust removal knife 2. By the negative pressure in the suction hood 3, impurities, linters, fine dust are sucked away together. There is a control element 4 in front of the dust removal knife 2, which can be adjusted according to the needs of the plug-in plate. Controlling the size of the opening can make the fiber better held by the cylinder needle teeth, and the tail end floats, and advances to the opening area before the dust collector 2, which is more conducive to the dust removal knife 2 to scrape off impurities and support the fiber. In addition, according to carding needs, the fixed cover plate is replaced by the guide plate piece 5, and the guide plate piece 5 has the high-precision aluminum shape, can provide a smoother surface, avoid generating air vortex and unnecessary fiber friction.

Figure 4-23 Fixed cover plate carding and impurity removal system

Generally, after the fiber passes through a carding area, a suction hood and a dust removal knife device will be set up to achieve the purpose of sucking out impurities, staple fibers and fine dust. The carding area of the fixed cover plate is modular, and according to different raw materials and spinning methods, the front and rear fixed cover carding and impurity removal systems can be freely configured.

In addition, on the cover carding machine, there is also a cylinder needle flower, which is copied from the cylinder card clothing. However, on the carding machine, the needle reading cycle is long, and the needle reading flower is very small, so the impurity removal effect is mainly achieved by controlling the cover flower.

(2) The impurity removal effect of the weeding roller and the weeding roller

1. Analysis of impurity removal

In the combed wool spinning system, the weeds contained in the wool fibers are mainly removed by the grass rollers, which are combined with mechanical and air flow. The weeding effect of the weeding roller is shown in Figure 4-24, the surface of the weeding roller 1 has many fins, and when the weeding roller rotates at high speed, the weeds that float on the surface of the drum 7 such as the opening roller, the weeding roller or the breast cylinder are struck out, thrown in the weeding groove 6, and then the weeds are scraped out of the machine by the scraper that moves back and forth.

1. Grass beating roller (flap) 2. Cover back end opening 3. Cover 4. Cover front end felt

5. Opening at the front end of the felt 6. Weeding groove (scraper for reciprocating movement) 7. Opening roller, weeding roller or chest cylinder

Figure 4-24 Weeding effect of the mowing roller

The weeding device of worsted carding machine is the most perfect, and it is generally equipped with 2~3 groups of weeding rollers and weeding rollers. The weeding roller is covered with a special metal card clothing, and in the process of gradual opening, the wool fiber is easy to be held by the tooth tip of the working machine, while the non-fibrous solid weeds are hard, heavy and large compared with the fiber hardness, weight and volume, and are easily exposed to the outer layer under the action of centrifugal force, and the weeds can be removed by the mechanical action of the weeding roller.

Influencing factors

The main factors affecting the weeding effect are the position of the cover of the weeding roller, the speed of the weeding roller and the distance between the weeding roller and the weeding roller (chest cylinder, dehairing roller).

(1) The position of the grass roller cover

The high-speed rotation of the threshing roller causes strong air currents. As shown in Figure 4-24, when the threshing roller rotates at high speed, the air flow enters the shell from two places and advances in the direction of the arrow. In addition to the 5 points to remove a part of the airflow, the other part of the airflow is discharged through the weeding tray with the wings to strike the weeds. At opening 2, the incoming and outgoing airflow creates turbulence that affects the fiber content within the weed. Therefore, the opening of the rear end of the cover should be of sufficient height, and the gap between the felt at the front end of the cover and the weeding roller 7 should not be too small, so as to facilitate the discharge of part of the airflow. Otherwise, improper adjustment will easily cause a large number of long fibers and weeds to be discharged at the same time.

(2) The speed of the grass roller

The speed of the weeding roller must be matched with the speed of the process components such as the weeding roller or the thyrocybin to ensure a good impurity removal effect. The weeds on the surface of the weeding rollers are struck out sequentially by means of the fins on the high-speed rotating weeding rollers. Each time the flap is struck, the weeding roller turns a certain arc length L. L is an important parameter, too large will cause the weeds on the surface of the weeding roller to miss. This is shown in Eq. (4-14).

L=VcND×H (4-14

Where: Vc — the surface velocity of the weeding roller (opening roller or chest cylinder) (m/min);

ND – threshing roller speed (r/min);

H – the number of blades of the grass roller

As can be seen from the above equation, L is proportional to the speed of the weeding roller, the opening roller or the thyrocyclin, etc., and the high speed of the weeding roller is not conducive to the removal of weeds. Increasing the speed of the weeding roller or increasing the number of wings of the weeding roller can reduce L, which is conducive to improving the efficiency of weeding and weeding. However, in order to improve the carding effect, the speed of the opening roller, breast cylinder and weeding roller will gradually increase from back to front. The speed of the grass roller should be determined according to the degree of loosening of the raw materials, the type and quantity of impurities, and the requirements for impurities.

(3) The spacing of the grass rollers

Under the condition that other conditions remain unchanged, the smaller the distance between the weeding roller and the opening roller, the breast cylinder and the weeding roller, the higher the efficiency of weeding. However, the size of the interval should be suitable for the opening state of the raw material and the load on the drum. As the opening of the raw material continues to increase and the load on the drum decreases, the spacing of the threshing rollers can be reduced accordingly, but too small will damage the fibers.

Topic 3:

1. On the basis of consulting the relevant literature, the main progress of the development of modern high-yield carding machine is discussed.

2. Combine what you have learned to explain the importance of carding in the spinning system.

Food for Thought:

1. Explain the movement of fibers along and around the needle.

2. What are the effects of two adjacent needles on the fibers in the card? Explained with a diagram.

3. What is the meaning of needle load? Illustrate the load distribution of cylinders on cover and roller carders.

4. Summarize the main features of metal and elastic card clothing and their applications.

5. Explain the mixing and homogenizing effect of the carding machine and its significance.

6. Explain the mechanism and main differences between the cylinder and the movable cover and the fixed cover plate of the cover carding machine.

7. How to improve the carding effect between the cylinder and the cover?


Chapter 5 Combing

What you need to know in this chapter:

1. The purpose and requirements of combing and the common classification of combing machines.

2. The purpose, requirements, process and characteristics of combing preparation.

3. The process, work cycle and movement coordination of cotton and wool combing machines.

4. The concept of feeding length, feeding method, feeding coefficient, separation spacing, falling fiber (cotton) spacing, carding interval, repeated carding times, and theoretical falling cotton rate.

5. Definition of separation fiber bundle length, joint length, separation draft value, effective output length and bonding ratio.

6. Clamp plate movement timing, cylinder carding positioning, top comb positioning and separation roller rotation timing.

Section 1 Overview

In the sliver processed by carding machine, the content of staple fiber is more, the number of impurities and defects is large, and the straightening parallelism and separation degree of fiber are not enough, which affects the spinning quality on the one hand, and is difficult to meet the spinning requirements of high-grade textiles, and on the other hand, increases the production difficulty of high-count yarn. Therefore, in order to process textiles and special yarns with high quality requirements, the carded strips need to be further processed in the combing process. In addition, combed yarns used in textiles with high quality requirements even require two combing processes.

1. The purpose and requirements of combing

(1) The purpose of combing

Combing is the abbreviation of combing process or process, which refers to the further fine carding carried out on the basis of the carding machine fully carding the fiber. The task of combing and the purpose to be achieved are:

1. Eliminate the staple fibers in the fiber strip that are not suitable for the requirements of combed processed products

The removal of staple fibers is the main purpose of the combing process. Fiber length is a relative concept. Depending on the nature of the raw material and the product processing system, the concept of staple fiber is different. For example, the fibers below 30mm in the worsted wool spinning strip are staple fibers; The cotton combed fiber is generally a fiber with a length of less than 16mm. The staple fibres that are removed are called combed staple fibres and can be used in spinning medium and coarse special yarns.

2. Further improve the straightening and parallelism of the fibers

By holding the carding effect, the fibers were further separated and their parallel straightness was improved, so that the straightening parallelism and separation degree of the fibers in the combed fiber strip were greatly improved.

Further removal of clutter

It is relatively perfect to remove the knots, particles and fine grass clippings, seed cuttings and other impurities formed by various tangled and twisted fibers in the fiber strips.

Mix well

Relying on the combination of feeding and output strips, the fibers of various mixtures are further mixed.

(2) Requirements for combing

Compared with the same number of yarns that have not been produced by the combing system, the quality indicators of the combed yarn processed by the combing system should be significantly improved. Combed yarn should have the characteristics of "high strength, less impurities, uniform dryness, and good luster". Therefore, the requirements for the combing process are as follows:

1. By excluding short fibers, improve the length uniformity and average length of fibers, improve the strip dryness, reduce the number of yarn hairiness, improve yarn strength, and reduce the coefficient of variation of yarn strength.

2. By removing impurities in the slivers, reduce the number of neps (wool, hemp or cotton) to improve the appearance quality of the yarn, reduce the number of defects, and reduce the breakage rate of the spinning yarn.

3. By improving the separation and straightening parallelism of the fibers in the sliver, the gloss of the yarn is improved, the unevenness of the strip is reduced, and the intrinsic quality of the yarn is improved.

4. Through the combination of feeding and output, the different slivers can be fully homogenized and mixed to ensure the overall improvement of yarn quality.

Second, the combing in the spinning system

(1) Combing in each spinning system

In each spinning system, the use of the combing process improves the quality defects of the slivers output by the carding machine and prepares them for the processing of textiles and special yarns with high quality requirements. In the cotton spinning system, when spinning high-count yarn, high-quality yarn, or special yarn such as extra-fine yarn, tire cord, etc., the combing process is required; In wool, linen and silk spinning systems, due to the long length of the processed fibers but the poor length uniformity, combing is generally used to remove the short fibers and reduce the uneven length. In some cases, a second comb or double combing is necessary to improve product quality.

(2) Types of combing machines

There are many types of combers used in spinning processes, but no matter what kind of comber they are, their work is characterized by the ability to sort out the ends of the fibers in order to classify the long and short fibers. At present, there are three main classifications:

According to the applicable raw materials

Cotton comber for processing cotton fibers, wool combing machines for processing wool (linen, silk) fibers, carding machines for processing flax fibers, and spun carding machines for processing silk fibers.

Divided by route

(1) Straight comber

Straight comber refers to a comber that runs in a straight line from the feeding of raw materials to the output of products. Straight comber, also known as flat comber, is currently the most widely used type of comber, suitable for processing all kinds of textile fibers with a length of 30~100mm. Its work is characterized by intermittent periodic carding effects; The effect of removing granulation impurities is good; The rate of combing is low.

In the straight comber, according to the different swing forms of feeding the pliers or pulling (separating) rollers, they can be divided into the following types: (1) front swing comber; (2) Rear swing comber; (3) Swing-forward comber.

The front swing comber is also known as the fixed clamp plate comber, which is characterized by the fixed feeding of the clamp plate, and the separation and extraction mechanism part is oscillated back and forth to complete the segmented carding of the fiber. The fiber is easy to flutter on this model, and the situation is more serious when processing chemical fiber at high speed, and the transmission mechanism is more complex, which is not suitable for high speed. Domestic B311, B311A, B311C and other types of combers belong to this type, which are widely used in the processing of wool, hemp, silk and chemical fibers. At present, the combing processing of wool spinning mainly uses the front swing comber.

The post-swing comber is also known as the swing pliers comber, which is characterized by the fact that the separation and extraction mechanism is partially fixed, and the feeding clamp plate mechanism swings back and forth to complete the segmented carding of the fiber. This model has a higher speed than the front swing type, but the vibration is larger. Domestic FA251, FA261, FA266 and other models of combing machines all belong to this type. At present, the combing processing of domestic cotton spinning mainly adopts the rear swing comber.

The front and rear swing comber is a relative swing for the two parts of separation and extraction, feeding and clamping plate, which is characterized by reasonable movement, short stroke, small vibration, and suitable for high speed. However, the mechanism is complex and not easy to maintain and repair. At present, PSD straight combers produced in Italy belong to this type.

(2) Round comber

Circular combing machine refers to a combing machine that runs in a circumferential shape from feeding raw materials to outputting products, often referred to as circular carding machine, which is suitable for processing long fiber raw materials above 75mm. It mainly includes the following: (1) continuous action. Its carding effect is continuous, and the output is higher than that of the straight comber, but the carding effect is poor, the fiber dropping rate is high, the manufacturing rate is low, and the labor intensity is larger. Circular combers used in wool spinning systems, mainly for coarse wool processing; (2) Segmented action. Its carding effect is carried out in two stages, and the carding effect is good, but the labor intensity is also larger. Domestic CZ161A, CZ162A, CZ163A and other models of combing machines (circular carding machines) belong to this type, mainly used for the processing of hemp and silk fiber; In addition, there are silk spinning carding machines and linen carding machines, which also belong to round combing machines.

According to the working status

(1) Continuous combing machine, generally round combing machine belongs to continuous combing machine.

(2) Batch comber, generally straight comber belongs to batch comber.

At present, due to the strong ability of the straight comber to remove staple fibers, the good effect of removing impurities, and the low fiber drop rate, although the mechanism is complex, the carding is intermittent, and the output is low, it is still the mainstream product.

Section 2 Combing Preparation

1. The purpose and requirements of combing preparation

(1) The purpose of combing preparation

The strips output by the carding machine, commonly known as the green strips, there are a large number of hooks in the fibers in the raw strips, the parallel straightness is not ideal, and the longitudinal arrangement is irregular, the strips in this state are directly fed into the combing machine, which will cause some long fibers to be combed down and become falling fibers (such as falling cotton or falling hair) due to non-straightening, and it is easy to cause damage to the fibers and produce fiber particles, and at the same time, the burden of the comber machine will be increased, the carding efficiency will be weakened, and the productivity will be reduced, and at the same time, the combing needle of the comber will be blocked or damaged, and the quality of the output product will be reduced, or due to overhaul and affect normal production. Therefore, the green strips are pre-treated before they are fed into the comber, a process called combing preparation. Its main objectives are:

Straighten the parallel fibers

Through the combing preparation process, the straightening and parallelism of the fibers in the green strips are improved, the fiber structure and state are improved, the damage to the fibers and comb needles is reduced by combing processing, the spinning fiber content in the combing is reduced, the raw materials are saved, and the costs are reduced.

Packaged in uniform and compliant rolls

The cotton spinning combing machine requires the cotton rolls (small rolls) to be fed, so the combing preparation process needs to make the green strips into cotton rolls that meet the quantitative and quality requirements and have a clear layer; Most of the combing machines used in wool, linen and silk spinning are fed with slivers, so the combing preparation process needs to be made into fiber strips that meet the requirements.

(2) Requirements for combing preparation

1. Improve the single fibrosis rate, separation, straightness and parallelism of the green strips, so as to improve the fine linter content, less loss of fiber, and more row of impurities; The quantification should be correct and stable, and the unevenness should be small; No yarn defects, no neps.

2. Small rolls or strips should be well formed. The edge of the small roll is flat, the end face is less rubbed, the level is clear, the transverse is uniform, there is no streak, and the unwinding is not sticky.

Second, the way to prepare

(1) Preparation method before cotton spinning combing

At present, there are three ways to prepare before cotton spinning combing, that is, from carding machine to combing machine:

Pre-drawn → strip coil, referred to as strip coil process.

The strip coil process machine occupies a small area and has a simple structure, which is easy to manage and maintain. However, due to the small drafting multiple, the fiber straightening in the small roll is not enough, and because the strip roll machine is made of cotton sliver and merging into a roll, the transverse uniformity of the small roll made is poor, there are serious streaks, and the combed cotton falls more, which has a greater impact on the quality of combing and saving cotton, so the small roll made should not be too heavy, and it is generally controlled below 50g/m. The number of mergers in this process is 120~160, and the total drafting factor is selected between 7.2~10.4 times.

Strip coil → merging, referred to as merging process.

Due to the use of cotton mesh merging, the small rolls made of the winding process are well formed, the layers are clear, the transverse uniformity is good, and the transverse streaks of the small rolls are completely eliminated. The good transverse uniformity is conducive to the pliers of the comber to hold the fiber layer evenly, so that the transverse load of the combed cylinder is uniform, which is conducive to the uniform carding of the combed cylinder, and can also reduce the fall of the spinning fiber. The total number of combined roots used in the winding process is 120~144, and the total drafting factor is between 7.2~10.8. The rolling process has good adaptability to spinning fine staple cotton and long staple cotton with a length of 29mm and above, less cotton dropping, good quality, and the quantitative amount of small rolls can also be appropriately weighted, which is conducive to improving the output of combing machines and is suitable for spinning extra-fine special yarns.

The combination of pre-drawn → strips and coils is referred to as the strip and coiling process.

The strip and coil process is a process method that adopts the process method of first strip and then net merging, the total drafting multiple is 18~24 times, and the total number of merging roots is 288~384. This process is characterized by a large number of combined roots and a large drafting multiple, which can greatly improve the parallel straightness of the fibers in the green strips, and the transverse uniformity of the small roll is better, and the weight unevenness is also small, which is conducive to improving the output of the combing machine and reducing the cotton dropping. However, this process machine occupies a large area, and when spinning long-staple cotton, it is easy to stick to the roll because the preparation process is too large, so the temperature and humidity requirements for the workshop are stricter.

(2) Preparation method before wool combing

The process of combed wool spinning is longer, and the combing process is applied in the manufacturing process of wool tops and the process of strip dyeing and combing. In the strip making project, according to the performance of wool fiber is different, the combing preparation process is different, when the processing quality is good, the number of threads is high, due to the fineness of the wool, the curl is more, the length is shorter, more than three needle combs, namely: the first needle comb→ two needle combs→ three needle combs. When processing coarse wool and graded wool, two needle combs are used. That is, a three-pass comb with a head pass and a variable weight is used. The process flow in the strip dyeing and combing process is similar to that in the strip making process. However, different companies will be different in terms of specific equipment.

(3) Preparation methods for hemp spinning and silk spinning before combing

In the hemp spinning and silk spinning system, due to the good straightness and separation of the fiber, two needle combing machines are generally used in the preparation process before combing, among which, the first process sometimes uses a double leather ring drawing frame. For flax long fibers, in order to facilitate the combing of fibers, it is necessary to humidify, milk and maintain health before carding, so that the fibers have a certain strength, oiliness, striping and hygroscopicity, eliminate the internal stress of the fibers, and then beat the fibers into hemp after baling and health, and divide them into a certain amount of hemp bundles to meet the feeding requirements of the carding machine.

3. Supporting process after combing

The strips output by the combing machine are formed by the overlapping and overlapping of each whisker cluster, the fiber distribution in the strips is uneven, and the thickness of the strips also has periodic unevenness, which can not meet the needs of subsequent processing, so after the combing strips get off the machine, they also need to configure appropriate supporting processes, which generally need to go through 2~4 merging draftings to improve the uniformity of the strips of the combing strips.

Section 3 Combing process and motion coordination

First, the process of combing

(1) Cotton combing machine

The combing machine used in the domestic cotton spinning system is mainly the pendulum straight comber. Figure 5-1 shows the process of a cotton comber. The small roll 1 is placed on a pair of bearing rollers 2, and the cotton layer is withdrawn with the rotation of the bearing roller, and the cotton layer is fed into the gripping jaws that the cotton roller 4 and the arc-shaped cotton feeding plate 5 are fed through the guide roll plate 3. Periodic intermittent rotation of the cotton roller, each time a certain length of cotton layer (the length of the cotton layer is defined as the length of the cotton supply) is fed into the jaws of the upper and lower clamp plates 6 and 7. When the clamp plate is closed, the lips of the upper and lower clamp plates hold the cotton layer firmly. The pliers swing back and forth periodically, and in the middle of the back swing of the pliers, the jaws are closed, and the cotton layer is held vigorously, so that the outer cotton layer of the jaws is in a hanging state. At this time, the needle surface on the cylinder 8 is just turned below the jaws of the pliers, and the needle teeth gradually pierce into the whisker plexus, and the head end of the whisker plexus is combed, so that the fibers are straightened and parallel, and the part of the short colluters, impurities and defects that are not held by the pliers plate are eliminated. As the cylinder needle surface turns to the lower position, the short linter, impurities, defects and the like embedded in the needle teeth are brushed under the brush 23 of high-speed rotation, adsorbed on the surface of the dust cage 24 by the air bucket, and finally wound on the roll roller, which is regularly removed by artificiality, or sucked into the dust filter chamber by the air flow of the dust filter chamber fan through the cotton bucket or the flute pipe.

After the cylinder carding is finished, along with the forward swing of the pliers plate, the whisker plexus gradually approaches the jaws of separating roller 10 and separating rubber roller 11. At the same time, the upper clamp plate 6 is gradually raised, and the jaws are gradually opened, and the whisker bush that combed is combed is "raised up" forward and straightened forward because of its own elasticity, simultaneously, the separation roller is reversed, the cotton net that the previous cycle output is poured into the machine, and the whisker bush head end that is sent by the pliers plate is ready to lap. At the specified moment, the separation roller changes from inverted to positive. When the forward rotation accelerates to a certain extent, the head end of the whisker bush sent by the pliers plate just arrives at the separation jaw, and the tail of the previous cycle output cotton net laps together to form a continuous cotton net, at this moment, the top comb 9 also swings forward, and the height of the comb needle is reduced, and under the effect of tension drafting, the cotton layer is straight, and the top comb 9 is inserted into the whisker bush homeopathically. When the fiber held by the separating jaw is moving forward with the separating roller, the fiber tail drawn out by the separating jaw is dragged between the needles of the top comb piece, so that the tail of the fiber cluster is combed, and part of the short fibers, impurities and defects adhered to the fiber tail end are blocked behind the top comb needle and removed during the next cycle of cylinder carding. When the clamp plate reaches the front position, no new fibers enter the separation jaws, and the separation joint work is basically over. The clamp plate begins to recede, and the jaws gradually close, ready for the next cycle. The cotton net that is output by separating roller is gathered on the car surface, is gathered into a cotton strip by the aggregator 17, and the car surface pressure roller is compressed and then conveyed to the front car surface of the machine. The table noodles of each eye output are respectively turned 90 ° around the guide bar nail 14 and are combined. The sliver that is close to the four eyes of the locomotive is also compressed, guided by a pair of intermediate pressure rollers 15, and enters the three-down-five upper curve drafting device 16 forward at the same time with another group. After drafting, by the aggregator 17 gathered into a combing strip, the large pressure roller 18 is pressed into the ring strip aggregator 19, and then conveyed by the coil strip pressure roller 20, and is placed in the strip cylinder 22 by the inclined pipe gear 21 circles.

Figure 5-1 Process of cotton comber

(2) Hair combing machine

At present, the comber used in the worsted wool spinning system is mainly the front-swing straight comber with the roller as the oscillating mechanism. As shown in Figure 5-2, the wool strip in the wool strip drum is exported through the guide strip roller, passes through the holes of the guide strip plate 1 and 2 in order, and moves to the supporting strip 3. The wool strips are evenly arranged on the wool support board to form wool sheets, which are fed to the Maurola 4. Feed the mulla for intermittent rotation, so that the wool sheet advances periodically along the second supporting wool plate 5. When the wool piece enters the feed box 6, it is controlled by the multi-piece needle row on the feed and comb 7. When feeding, feed into the box and feed into the comb hold the wool piece, move a distance to the open upper and lower clamp plate 8, and the length of each feeding hair is 5.8~10cm. After the hair piece enters the jaw, the upper and lower clamp plates are closed, the hair piece whisker bush hanging on the circular comb 14 is firmly held, and the tip end of the whisker bush fiber is pressed into the needle gap of the circular comb by the small brush that is installed on the upper clamp plate, and the comb needle of the circular comb is combed, and the short fiber and impurities are separated. From the first row to the last row of the needle plate on the circular comb, the density and fineness of the needle gradually increase, and the rotation is not equal. In this way, the circular comb can have a good combing effect on the tip of the fibrous plexus fiber, and the fiber can be less damaged.

The fibrous fibers are straightened by a round comb. The staple fiber and impurities that are removed are brushed off from the circular comb needle board by the round bristle brush 15. The round bristle brush is mounted under the round comb, and its surface speed is faster than that of the round comb to ensure the effect of the brush. The short fibers that are brushed off are gathered by the doffer 16, stripped off by a chopper 17, and stored in the short-haired box 18, and weeds and the like are thrown into the dust miscellaneous boxes 20 and 21 through the dust channel 19.

When the cylinder combs the end of the whisker bush fiber, the pull-out cart swings in the direction of the clamp plate. At this time, pull the roller 13 to rotate in the opposite direction, and withdraw the tail end of the whisker bush that has been combed in the previous time to a certain length to be ready to lap with the fiber tip end of the newly carded. In order to prevent the fiber of withdrawal from being pulled away by the circular comb needle, the lower breaking knife 12 plays the role of blocking the beard bush.

When the round comb combs the head end of the whisker bush is completed, the upper and lower pliers plate is opened and lifted, and the pulling cart swings backward to the nearest place from the pliers plate, and the pulling roller is rotated forward at this moment, and the whisker bush head end of the shovel plate 9 supports the whisker bush is sent to the pull-out roller to pull, and is overlapped with the whisker bush that the pull-out roller withdraws. At this moment, the top comb 10 descends, and its comb needle is inserted into the whisker bush that is pulled out by the pulling roller, so that the tail end of the fiber whisker bush accepts the combing of the top comb. The pull-out roller swings away from the clamp plate with the pull-out cart while the pull-out bush is rotated forward to speed up the extraction of long fibers. At this moment, the upper breaking knife 11 descends, and the lower breaking knife 12 rises into a cross shape, crushes the whisker bush, and helps to further separate out the long fibers.

After the fiber whisker bush is pulled, it is laid on the pulling skin plate 22 in a net, and it is compacted by the pulling guide roller 23, and then after gathering into a wool top through the winding light roller 24, collecting wool bucket 25 and outgoing roller 26, it is sent into the wool top cylinder 27. Because the wool net swings back and forth with the pulling cart in each working cycle, the length of the pulling roller forward is greater than the length of the reverse exit, so the wool top can be periodically fed into the wool top tube.

Figure 5-2 Process of hair comber

Second, the working cycle of combing is coordinated with the movement

(1) Work cycle

The duty cycle refers to the time interval between the combing cylinders corresponding to the two combing movements of the intermittent combing cylinder. The correct fit of each moving part on the comber is indicated by a dial mounted on the comber, which is called the index indicator plate, which is divided into 40 equal parts along the circumference, and each equal part is 9 °, indicating one index. In a working cycle, the working parts of the comber complete a series of actions in the whole process of combing, that is, to complete a working cycle, a working cycle is also often called a clamp, and its size represents the development level of the comber. At present, with the improvement of the level of process technology, the speed of domestic combing machine can reach 350~400 clamps/min, and the speed of the latest E66/E76 comber of Swiss Rieter company can even reach 500 clamps/min.

The motion mechanism and working process of the combing machine are more complex, in order to facilitate understanding, a working cycle of combing is generally divided into four stages according to the process effect.

(2) The four stages of the work of the cotton comber

1. Cylinder carding stage As shown in Figure 5-3, the cylinder carding stage refers to the period when the first row of cylinder comb needles pierces the whisker plexus to the last row of comb needles cross the jaws and leave the whisker plexus. In this stage, the upper and lower clamps are closed, holding the beard plexus firmly. When the clamp plate moves backward to the last position, it moves forward. The fed whisker bush is fed with the head end sticking out downward under the action of the upper clamp plate. At this point, the first row of combed cylinder needles touches the bush and begins to comb the tip of the bush to remove linters and impurities. Give the cotton roller does not turn and stop giving the cotton; The detaching roller is in a largely stationary state; The top comb swings backward and then forward like the upper and lower clamps, but does not come into contact with the whisker plexus. Generally, the combing stage of the comber cylinder is about 10 indexes.

Figure 5-3 Cylinder carding stage

2. Preparation stage before separation As shown in Figure 5-4, the preparation stage before separation refers to the period from the end of combed cylinder carding to the beginning of separation of separation rollers. In this stage, the upper and lower pincers continue to swing forward, approaching the separation roller; The separating roller begins to invert and returns the tail end of the fibrous whisker bush that has been carded and exported in the previous working cycle to the work area to be overlapped with the head end of the fibrous whisker bush after this carding. Before the end of the inversion of the separating roller, the upper and lower jaw plate jaws are gradually opened, and the whisker plexus is raised so that the whisker plexus can be correctly fed to the separating jaws. If it is designed to be fed when the clamp plate is advancing, a feeding action is generated, and the top comb continues to swing forward, but the bush carding is not yet inserted.

Figure 5-4 Preparation before separation

3. Separation, Bonding, and Top Comb Carding Stages As shown in Figure 5-5, the separation, engagement, and top comb carding stages refer to the period from the beginning of separation to the end of separation. In this stage, the upper and lower clamps are swinged forward to the foremost end, so that the front end of the carded fibrous whisker bush is overlapped with the tail end of the combed whisker bush in the previous working cycle that has been returned to the work area to form a net. At this time, the separating roller rotates forward and outputs the lap fiber web. As the detaching roller holds the beard bush and begins to rotate forward, the top comb descends at the same time as it swings forward to the foremost end, inserting into the beard bush ready to separate. When the separating roller drives the whisker to output the strip forward, the tail end of the whisker plexus is vigorously combed by the top comb needle. The staple fibers that are not held by the separating rollers, weeds and neps mixed in the whisker bushes will be blocked behind the needle by the top comb needle, and will become the drop fiber by the combed cylinder in the next work cycle.

Figure 5-5 Separation, splicing, and top comb carding stages

4. The preparation stage before the cylinder carding As shown in Figure 5-6, the preparation stage before the cylinder carding refers to the period from the separation of the roller and the end of the joint to the beginning of the next cylinder carding. In this phase, the separation roller stops in a rotational manner; top comb back hem; The upper and lower jaw plates swing back and gradually close. When the upper clamp plate is closed downward, the whisker plexus and the short fibers, neps and impurities attached to it are separated from the top comb needle, and the top comb needle is clear and ready for the next carding. And the combed cylinder is up and running, ready for the next work cycle.

Figure 5-6 Preparation stage before carding

(3) The four stages of the work of the wool comber

1. Comb carding stage As shown in Figure 5-7, this stage starts from the first row of circular cardb steel needles piercing the whisker plexus and ends with the last row of steel needles crossing the lower clamp plate. The arc of the needle on the circular comb is turned from below the jaws, and the comb needle is inserted into the whisker plexus, the tip end of the whisker plexus fibers is combed, and the short fibers that are not clamped by the jaws are removed; The upper and lower clamps are closed, stationary, and firmly hold the fibrous whisker bushes; The feed box and feed comb are returned to the last position, in a stationary state, ready to be fed; The pulling cart swings in the direction of the jaws, and then is in a stationary state; The top comb is in the highest position and is at rest; The shovel plate is retracted to the last position and is at rest; Feed the Maurola in a stationary state; Pull the roller and turn it upside down, and pour in a certain length of combed wool net; Break the knife up and down to close, and then stand still.

At this stage, most of the mechanisms are in a stationary state, as shown in Figure 5-7, and the arrows in the figure indicate that the mechanisms are in motion, and those that are not represented by arrows are in a stationary state.

Figure 5-7 Comb carding stage

2. Preparation stage before extraction As shown in Figure 5-8, this stage starts from the completion of carding to the beginning of forward rotation of the extraction roller. The circular comb continues to rotate, and there is no carding effect; The upper and lower pliers are gradually opened, ready for extraction; The feeding box and feeding comb are still in the last position and are in a static state; The pull-out cart continues to swing in the direction of the jaws, ready to pull; The top comb moves from top to bottom, ready to be pulled; The shovel plate slowly extends in the direction of the jaws, ready to support the whisker bush at the jaws; Feed the Maurola in a stationary state; Pull the roller and stand still; The upper and lower interrupting knives are opened, ready to be pulled.

Figure 5-8 Preparation before extraction

3. Extraction, superimposition and top comb carding stage As shown in Figure 5-9, this stage starts from pulling the roller forward to ending with positive rotation. The circular comb continues to rotate, and there is no carding effect; The upper and lower clamp plates are opened to the maximum and then stationary; Feed the box, feed the comb forward, feed a certain length of wool again, and then rest; The pulling cart swings in the direction of the jaw, so that the pulling roller reaches the position of the pulling space, and begins to clamp the whisker bush outside the jaw, ready to pull; The top comb descends, pierces the whisker plexus and moves forward, and does a good job of combing the tail end of the whisker plexus fiber during the extraction process; The shovel board stretches out forward and upward, supporting and lapping the whisker bush; Feed the mulola with one tooth and feed a certain length of wool; Pull the roller forward and pull the fiber; The upper and lower interrupting knives are from opening and stationary to gradually closing.

Figure 5-9 Extraction, superimposition and top comb carding stages

Preparation stage before carding As shown in Figure 5-10, this stage starts from the end of extraction to the start of carding again. On the round comb, there is a needle curved surface directly below the steering pliers, ready to start the carding work again; The upper and lower pliers are gradually closed, and the whisker bush is held in preparation for combing; The feeding box and feeding comb are at the front and are in a stationary state; The pulling cart leaves the jaws and swings outward, and the pulling ends; The top comb rises; The shovel plate is retracted backwards; Feed the Maurola in a stationary state; The pull-out roller is first stationary, then begins to reverse; The upper and lower interrupt the knife and close to the rest.

Figure 5-10 Preparation before carding

(4) The movement of the comber machine

The mechanism of the comber is more complex and works periodically, so the movement of many parts is both interconnected and mutually restricted. That is, the periodic intermittent work of the comber is realized by the corresponding movement of each component. The movement of the main parts of the comber includes the continuous rotary movement of the combing cylinder, the brush, etc., the intermittent rotary movement of the parts such as the cotton roller, the separating roller and the separating rubber roller, and the forward and backward oscillation of the upper and lower clamp plates (or the separation roller part) and the top comb. Among them, separating rollers and separating rubber rollers not only have static and rotary movements, but also forward (or forward rotation) and reverse (or reverse) movements. There are also the opening and closing movements of the jaws of the pliers, and the forward and backward swing (lifting) movements of the top comb.

The complexity of the movement of the comber requires its mechanism to work in a coordinated and orderly manner, and the movement sequence between the main parts must be closely coordinated. This fit can be indicated by the index disk. The graduation dial divides the week into 40 divisions. In a working cycle, the movement of the main components at different moments (indexes) and the mating relationships can be seen from the mating diagram. The model and process conditions of the comber are different, and the movement coordination diagram is also different. As shown in Figure 5-11, the working cycle and movement coordination of the main parts of the HC 500 cotton combing machine are 34.3~3.7 indexes in the first stage, 3.7~18 indexes in the second stage, 18~24 indexes in the third stage, and 24~34.3 indexes in the fourth stage. The division of the indexing of each stage is changed according to the timing of different processes.

Figure 5-11 Motion coordination diagram of HC 500 cotton comber

Section 4 Basic Principles of Combing

Basic concepts

(1) Feeding length

The feeding length (generally referred to as the cotton length in cotton spinning) refers to the theoretical average length of the whisker bush that is fed into the work area each time. As shown in Figure 5-12, the feeding length A of each clamp of the comber can be calculated according to the number of ratchet teeth Z 2 and the diameter of the feeding roller (Equation 5-1).

A=1/Z2×π×D (5-1)

The feeding length is selected according to the quality requirements of the raw materials and products to be processed. It can be adjusted by changing the number of teeth of the change wheel. For example, the FA251A comber for cotton spinning has five feeding lengths of 7.14mm, 6.55mm, 6.04mm, 5.61mm and 5.24mm. The carding effect of the short length of cotton is strong, and the quality of combed cotton sliver is good, but the yield is low; The yield of the long length of cotton is higher, but the quality requirements for feeding fiber strips are higher, otherwise the carding load increases, the carding quality decreases, and the uniformity of the fiber web is affected. Generally, when processing fiber clusters with long fiber length, light quantification and good quality, the feeding length can be long, so as to maximize the output of the comber under the premise of ensuring the quality of the combing strip; If the quality of the combed product is high, the feed length should be reduced.

The feeding length of the wool comber varies depending on the raw material. Generally, the fine branch hairs are short and curly, and the feeding length is shorter; Coarse branched hairs and progressive hairs are fed at longer lengths. In addition, when the impurity content of the raw material is low, the feeding length is longer, while the feeding length of the raw material with higher impurity content should be reduced.

(2) Feeding methods

There are two feeding methods of the post-swing cotton comber: one is to feed the cotton roller into the fiber layer in the process of the front swing of the plier plate, which is called forward feeding; The other is to feed the cotton roller into the fiber layer during the retraction of the pliers, which is called backward feeding.

Take the feeding mechanism of the SXF1269A comber as an example. Adopt the forward cotton feeding mechanism, when the pliers plate advances, the upper pliers plate is gradually opened, and the pawl that drives the pawl 2 that is installed on the upper pliers plate pulls a tooth Z that is fixed at the shaft end of the cotton roller pulls through a tooth, so that the cotton roller turns a certain angle and produces the cotton-feeding action; When the cotton roller swings back with the pliers, the pawl slides over the ratchet wheel and does not produce a cotton feeding action, as shown in Figure 5-12(a). If the cotton is fed backwards, the retracting cotton feeding mechanism can be replaced, as shown in Figure 5-12(b), when the pliers plate is withdrawn, the upper pliers are gradually closed, and the pawl that is installed on the upper pliers plate is driven to be fixed at the cotton-feeding ratchet Z at the shaft end of the cotton-giving roller 2 to support a tooth, so that the cotton-feeding roller turns a certain angle and produces a cotton-feeding action; When the jaws are opened with the front swing of the pliers plate, the pawl slides over the ratchet wheel and does not produce a feeding action.

(a) Forward feeding (b) Backward feeding

Figure 5-12 Feeding method of cotton comber

Due to the different feeding methods of cotton rollers, the effects on the fiber drop rate and carding effect are also different. Generally, the quality of carding is better than that of forward feeding, but the drop is larger than that of forward feeding. Therefore, for some combed products with high quality requirements and spinning fine special yarns, backward feeding is generally used to ensure the quality of combing, but the output is low. Generally, the combing machine is equipped with two kinds of cotton feeding mechanisms, forward and backward cotton feeding, so as to adapt to the different quality requirements of the product and control the fiber falling rate.

There are two feeding methods for the front oscillating wool comber: one is to feed the full length when the top comb moves forward during the extraction (separation) process; Another way is to feed a portion of the length as the ejector comb moves forward during extraction (separation).

(3) Separation spacing

The separation interval generally refers to the minimum distance between the lead plate jaw line and the separation roller jaw line. For a cotton-type swing-back comber, the separation interval refers to the minimum distance between the front edge of the lower clamp lip and the rear separating roller jaw line when the clamp plate swings to the front position (as shown in Figure 5-13). In theoretical analysis, separation spacing is often used. In actual production, due to the difficulty of measuring the value of the separation spacing, the cotton dropping spacing is often used instead of the separation spacing. The cotton drop interval refers to the shortest distance between the front edge of the lower clamp lip and the surface of the posterior separating roller when the pliers swing to the front position (as shown in Figure 5-13). In the case of a wool front swing comber, this distance is the distance between the lead plate jaws and the pull-out roller oscillation (back swing).

Figure 5-13 Separation and drop spacing of cotton comber

(4) Sort out the spacing

The carding interval refers to the shortest distance from the lower edge of the upper clamp plate to the tip of the cylinder needle when the cylinder is carded. When combing the beard bush, if the carding interval is small and stable, the more uniform the carding, the better the carding effect. However, for the clamp plate swing comber, because the clamp plate moves back and forth during carding, the carding interval is changing, and the tightest point interval is generally 0.2~0.4mm. In the hair comber, the clamp plate is fixed, so the carding interval is also fixed, generally about 1mm.

As shown in Figure 5-14(a), during the carding of the cylinder, there is a section of the whisker plexus outside the jaw bite line that is not combed by the cylinder, which is called the carding dead zone, and its length is also called the dead gap length, which is related to the carding interval and the cylinder radius. Equation 5-2 can be obtained from Figure 5-14(b):


where: — carding the space;

— Cylinder radius.

It can be seen that the smaller the carding interval, the shorter the length of the carding dead zone.

(a) Cylinder carding of the extra-jaw fibrous whisker plexus (b) Carding interval and carding dead zone

Figure 5-14 Sorting of whisker bushes in Xilin

2. Analysis of feeding effect

The feeding part of the comber is mainly composed of feeding to the roller, including a single feeding roller mechanism and a double feeding roller mechanism, and the new comber adopts a single feeding roller mechanism, compared with the double feeding roller mechanism, the lifting of the whisker bush

The separation and bonding of the head and cotton net and the high speed of the comber are advantageous. The wool comber also includes a feeding device consisting of a feeding comb and a feeding box. Its main function is to feed a certain length of whisker bush at the time required by the process in a cycle.

Feeding factor

In order to reflect the relationship between the clamp plate closing time, the ejector comb insertion time and the feeding time during the feeding process, the concept of feeding coefficient was introduced. Different feeding methods and different types of combers have different feeding coefficients.

1. Feeding coefficient of cotton comber

(1) Forward feeding coefficient to cotton

In the process of advancing the cotton feeding, before the top comb is inserted into the fiber whisker bush, the cotton feeding has already begun; After the top comb is inserted into the fibrous whisker bush, the cotton roller is still feeding the cotton, and the cotton layer given at this time is hindered by the top comb, and the wrinkle will be wrinkled behind the top comb until the top comb leaves the whisker bush, and the wrinkled whisker bush is straightened again due to elasticity.

Since sooner or later the start of cotton feeding and the insertion of the top comb will affect the degree of wrinkling of the beard bush and the quality of carding of the whisker bush and the amount of cotton shedding, the degree of their influence can be expressed by the feeding coefficient.


Where: — the length of the cotton layer (mm) given to the cotton roller before the top comb is inserted into the fibrous whisker bush;

— Feed cotton length (mm).

It can be seen from equation (5-3) that the value reflects not only the early and late time of cotton feeding, but also the morning and evening of the top comb inserting into the whisker plexus. The earlier the top comb is inserted into the fibrous whisker bush or the later the cotton is given, the smaller the value and the smaller the value, indicating that there are more wrinkles. The range of variation is: , then 0≤≤1.

(2) Backward feeding coefficient to cotton

In the process of retreating the cotton feeding, the wrinkle of the whisker plexus is affected by the closure of the clamp plate, and the cotton layer given after the clamp plate is closed will be wrinkled behind the clamp lip, and its influence can be expressed by the feeding coefficient.


Where: — the length of the cotton layer (mm) given to the cotton roller before the jaws of the clamp plate are closed.

Reflecting the early and late time of cotton feeding and the time of jaw closure of the pliers, the range of variation of the sum values is:

The earlier the clamp plate is closed, the smaller and smaller it is, indicating that there are more wrinkles in the pliers, and the shorter the length of the whisker plexus combed by Xilin when the clamp plate retreats, the combing effect is poor, and the less cotton is discharged.

2. Feeding coefficient of the front oscillating wool comber


Where: — before the end of the extraction movement, the length (mm) of the ejector comb moving forward to feed;

– total feeding length (mm).

At that time, it was the distance that the top comb, the feed comb, and the feed box moved forward before the end of the extraction movement, or the length of the whisker bush that had been fed was equal to the length that should be fed in each cycle.

At that time, it means that before the end of the extraction movement, the distance of the top comb moving forward is less than the distance of the forward movement of the feed comb and the feed box, and after the end of the extraction, the whisker bush wrinkled behind the top comb is straightened and moved forward after the top comb is lifted.

As can be seen from the above, the formulas of the feeding coefficients of various types of combers are the same in form, but their meanings are not the same. This should be noted.

Feeding process

Forward type feeding cotton

In the process of advancing cotton feeding, the carding process and function of Xilin on the whisker bush are shown in Figure 5-15.

Figure 5-15 Proceeding to the cotton feeding process

The figure shows the situation where the cotton coefficient is given, that is, the top comb is fed before inserting into the whisker bush, and after the top comb is inserted into the whisker bush, the forward movement of the whisker bush is prevented, and the length of the wrinkle behind the top comb is.

In the figure (1) is that when the separation is over, the clamp plate reaches the front position, that is, the II-II line, and at this time, the vertical projection length of the fiber whisker plex outside the jaw line of the clamp plate is.

In the figure (2) is the process of the clamp plate retreating, the top comb exits the whisker plexus in the back pendulum, and the whisker plexus with the length of the wrinkle after the top comb is straightened, when the pliers are pendulum to the last position, that is, at the I-I line, before the cylinder carding, the length of the fiber whisker plexus outside the jaws of the pliers plate is that of (2) in the figure:


Set the jaw closed, when the cylinder is carded, all the fibers that are not held by the jaws will be carded off and enter the cotton. Therefore, the longest fiber length entering the cotton drop is.

Due to the existence of dead gap length, the fiber length that can actually be carded by the cylinder bush should be:


In the figure (3), after the cylinder is combed, the jaws of the clamp plate are gradually opened during the front swing process, ready to separate. When the front end of the whisker plexus reaches the separation roller jaw line III-III, the separation begins, and the top comb controls the fiber feed movement, and blocks the fibers, neps and impurities that do not reach the separation roller jaws at the fiber tip end, and plays a "filtering" role for impurities. At this time, the length of the whisker bush that has been fed to the cotton roller is, and the length of the whisker bush outside the jaws of the clamp plate is.

(4) in the figure is the shortest fiber length entering the cotton net at the end of separation, because the length of the separation roller jaw separated from the whisker bush each time is the feeding length:


In the process of separating and joining, the cotton roller continues to feed the cotton, and the length of the cotton is that this part of the cotton length is wrinkled behind it due to the obstruction of the top comb, that is, this state returns to the working state described in (1) above, and starts the next new cycle of feeding, carding, separating and splicing.

Backward type feeding cotton

Figure 5-16 shows the process of backward cotton feeding. The meaning of the symbols in the figure is the same as in Figure 5-15 of the advance to the cotton.

Figure 5-16 The process of retreating cotton feeding

In the figure (1) is the length of the outer whisker plexus of the clamp plate jaw at the end of separation.

In the figure, (2) is when the clamp plate is retreated, the cotton is started. When the clamp plate is retracted to the position before the clamp plate is closed, the feeding length of the fibrous whisker plexus is. At this point, the length of the whisker plexus outside the jaws is. When the cylinder is carded, the fibers that are not held by the clamps are combed away by the cylinder, and the longest fiber length into the cotton is as follows:


The carding length of the cylinder is: (5-10)

In the figure (3), in order to close the grip on the clamp plate, the beard bush continues to retreat to the last position, and the cotton roller is fed with cotton

The layer length is, and this length will wrinkle behind the jaws of the clamps.

In the figure (4) is the front swing of the clamp plate, and the jaws are gradually opened. The fibrous whisker tufts that wrinkle behind the jaws straighten due to elasticity. Therefore, the length of the whisker plexus outside the jaws of the pliers before the beginning of separation is.

In the figure (5) is the length of the whisker plexus after separation of the separation roller, therefore, the shortest fiber length entering the cotton net is:


When the separation process is over, it returns to the state described above (1) and starts a new work cycle.

Hair comber feeding

The feeding of the wool comber is the same as that of the cotton comber with forward feeding, but in order to avoid repetition, only the feeding process of the wool comber is briefly analyzed below.

When combing the cylinder, the length of the fibrous whisker bush outside the jaw line of the pliers plate is. Among them, the short fibers and impurities that are not held by the clamp plate will be combed out, and the longest length of the fibers that enter the shedding is, ie.

At the end of the carding, the clamp plate is opened, the extraction begins, the feeding mechanism is fed at the same time, and the fibrous whisker bush is moved forward by one feeding length. At this time, in the fiber whisker plexus, the fiber of length is not combed off because its tail end is held by the pliers when carding in the cylinder, but when the feeding mechanism feeds a feeding length, its head end enters the pulling jaw line and is pulled, becoming the shortest fiber in the output wool net.

After the extraction is completed, the length of the fibrous whisker plexus outside the jaws of the protruding pliers is to return to the state described when the combed cylinder is carded, and the next working cycle is prepared.

In the same way, the dividing length of the fibers entering the wool and entering the wool web is:


The theoretical shedding rate is:


The number of repetitions is:


Theoretical cotton drop rate

Forward feeding

From the above forward feeding analysis, it can be known that the shortest fiber length entering the cotton net is, which means that the length greater than should enter the cotton net; The longest fiber length entering the cotton drop is, which means that the fiber length less than the one should go into the cotton drop. The fibers that are bounded by and between may enter the cotton net with fibers larger than the length, or they may enter the cotton net with fibers smaller than the length. Therefore, the range of fiber lengths bounded between and is an indefinite length region. If the probability of the fiber entering the cotton net and entering the cotton drop in the indefinite length area is the same, that is, when both are 50%, the corresponding fiber length is called the demarcation length of the fiber. Let the dividing length of the fibers entering the cotton net and entering the falling cotton be as follows:


As a result, fibers larger than the length enter the output cotton net, and fibers smaller than the length enter the cotton drop. From equation (5-8), it can be seen that if the distribution function of the percentage of the length and weight of the small coil fiber is, then the comber advances the theoretical drop rate of cotton.


Backward feeding

In the same way as the forward feeding cotton, the fiber cut-off length of the backward feeding cotton can be given as:


Correspondingly, the theoretical drop rate of backward cotton is as follows:


Number of repetitions

Because the carding length of the outer whisker plexus of the jaw is greater than the length of each feeding of the cotton roller during the carding of the cylinder, the whisker bush outside the jaw is separated after many combing of the cylinder. The number of repeated carding refers to the number of times the fibrous bush fibers are carded by the cylinder from the time when the fed fibrous whisker bush is combed by the cylinder to the time when it is separated by the separating roller.

Forward feeding

From the analysis of the aforementioned cotton feeding process and according to the definition, it can be concluded that the number of repeated carding of the forward cotton feeding is:


Backward feeding

The number of times the back to the cotton is repeated and carded is:


Effect of feeding method on carding effect

The carding effect of the combing machine should comprehensively consider the fiber loss and carding quality. In order to facilitate the analysis of the influence of feeding mode on the carding effect, the above theoretical analysis conclusions and related formulas are collected in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1 Comparison formulas for different feeding methods

Compare items

Feeding method

Fiber demarcation length ()

Theoretical drop rate ()

Number of repetitions ()

Forward feeding

Backward feeding

As can be seen from Table 5-1, according to the theoretical analysis results, the carding effect of different feeding methods is related to the separation spacing, feeding coefficient and feeding length.

The effect of separation spacing

The separation interval value is large, the boundary length of the fibers entering the fiber web and falling fibers of the two feeding methods are increased, and the number of repeated carding is increased, so that the fiber drop rate is increased and the carding effect is enhanced.

In actual production, due to the difficulty of measuring the separation interval value, the cotton (or wool) separation distance is often used instead of the separation distance. This distance can be measured and adjusted by a special spacer, taking the SXF1269A comber as an example, the adjustment step of the cotton drop interval is divided into adjusting the minimum cotton drop interval and adjusting the cotton drop dial: (1) adjusting the minimum cotton drop space. As shown in Figure 5-17, remove the top comb, adjust the supporting foot to the last position, adjust the index plate to 24 indexing, unscrew all the screws 3 (not too loose), insert a 7mm spacer block between the separating roller 2 and the lower clamp plate 1, lightly tap the heavy hammer cover 4 with a plastic hammer to make the pliers plate swing forward, and finally tighten the screws. (2) Adjust the cotton drop dial. A cotton drop dial with a diameter of 132 mm is installed on the pendulum shaft of the plier plate of the SXF1269A comber, and the thickness of the cotton drop scale is 1 mm, as shown in Figure 5-18. The adjustment range of the cotton scale on the ruler 5 is 5~12, and the central angle between the adjacent two scales is 10. After the minimum value of adjusting the cotton drop interval is 7mm when the cotton drop scale is 5, after loosening the screw 1, adjusting the screws 2 and 3, the clamp plate swing shaft and the rear swing arm swing with it, so that the cotton drop spacing also changes accordingly. For every 1 increase in the cotton falling scale, the clamp plate swing shaft and the rear swing arm swing backward by 10, so that the cotton falling interval increases. The corresponding shedding interval values of the SXF1269A comber under different littering scales are shown in Table 5-2. Figure 4 is positioning piece. Under normal circumstances, the cotton drop interval increases or decreases by 1mm, and the combed cotton drop rate increases or decreases by about 2%~2.5%.

Figure 5-17 Adjustment of the minimum cotton drop interval Figure 5-18 Adjustment of the cotton drop dial

Table 5-2 Relationship between the cotton drop scale and the cotton drop spacing

Cotton drop scale









Cotton drop space/mm









2. Effect of feeding coefficient

In the forward cotton feeding mode, the feeding coefficient increased, so that the fiber demarcation length and cotton drop rate value decreased, and the amount of cotton drop decreased. At the same time, the value of the number of repeated carding also decreases, and the carding effect becomes worse. However, in the backward feeding method, the feeding coefficient increased, which increased the fiber demarcation length and cotton drop rate, and increased the amount of cotton drop. At the same time, the value of the number of repeated carding also increases, and the carding effect becomes better.

When the feeding coefficient is used, the fiber demarcation length of the two feeding methods is equal, that is, at this time, the effect of the two feeding methods on the whisker plexus is equal, and the size of the feeding length F has no effect on the cotton drop rate Y. When the feeding coefficient was used, the carding effect of forward feeding on whisker bushes was better than that of backward feeding, and the shedding rate of forward feeding increased, and the amount of shedding of backward feeding decreased. When the feeding coefficient is fed, the effect of the two feeding methods is exactly opposite to that of the feeding factor.

In practice, the feeding coefficient of both feeding methods is greater than 0.5. In the forward feeding of cotton, after the top comb is inserted, the wrinkled whisker bush still has the effect of force straightening in the separation, so the actual feeding coefficient of the forward cotton is close to 1. Comparing the sum of Eq. (5-15) and Eq. (5-17), as well as the sum of Eq. (5-19) and Eq. (5-20), it can be seen that compared with forward feeding, the backward feeding has a higher cotton drop rate and better carding effect, which is suitable for spinning high-quality combed yarn.

3. Feed the effect of length F

It can be seen from the formula of the number of repeated carding that no matter which feeding method, the feeding length is inversely proportional to the number of repeated carding, the feeding length decreases, the number of repeated carding increases, the carding effect is better, and the output cotton mesh quality is higher. In actual production, in order to improve the quality of combing strips, when the backward feeding side is used, short feeding is generally used.

4. Influence of other factors

The above formulas and analyses are idealized studies. It does not take into account other practical factors that affect carding efficiency, such as the parallel straightness of the fibers fed into the whisker plexus, and the slippage of the fibers at the jaw line due to the imperfect grip of the jaw bush and the separating roller jaws. These actual influencing factors may bias the calculated value of the formula. Therefore, in practice, the corresponding process parameters should be adjusted according to the test and inspection.

3. Analysis of the carding effect

(1) Carding methods

The carding function of the combing machine mainly refers to the gripping carding of the combing cylinder, that is, the fiber is in the forced holding state of the clamp jaws, so that the relative movement between the fiber and the comb needle is generated, and the fiber being held is combed straight by the needle teeth to remove the short lint, impurities and defects in the whisker bush. In the process of carding, combed cylinders are mainly combed at the head end of the whisker bush, which is very effective in eliminating the anterior hook of the fiber. The principle takes the clamp plate swing comber as an example, as shown in Figure 5-19, I.—I. is the jaw line of cylinder carding, II.—II is the jaw line at the front of the clamp plate, and III.—III. is the separation jaw line. In cylinder carding, the clamp jaws hold fibers in different states. If the actual length of each fiber is greater than the distance B between the II.-II. line and the III.-III. line, and the effective length is less than B, if each fiber is straightened after being carded by the cylinder, it can enter the fiber web and become a spinnable fiber. In the figure, (1) the tail end of the fiber fed by the front hook is held by the jaw, and the hook is straightened after being combed by the cylinder, so that the fiber can enter the fiber web; The effective length of the hook fiber held at the bending point is not changed after the cylinder is carded, and the fiber cannot reach the separation jaw line when separating, and will be combed off by the cylinder in the next cycle. Some of the fibers in the (2) and (3) states are combed off, and some are partially straightened, but they cannot reach the separation jaw line, and they will also be combed off by the cylinder in the next cycle to become falling fibers. From the above analysis, it is not difficult to see that the state of the fiber has a great influence on the drop rate and fiber damage, and the fiber fed into the comber should try to improve its parallel straightness, and the fiber is fed well with a forward hook.

Figure 5-19 Carding of fibers in different states

(2) The law of even numbers

The so-called even number rule refers to the fact that the number of channels in the combing preparation process in cotton spinning is even, generally 2, as mentioned above. Because, in the fiber strip output by the card, due to the limitation of the carding method between the cylinder and the doffer and the gripping effect of the needle teeth on the fiber, it is inevitable that there are a large number of hook fibers in the output whisker, that is, the fibers that are not straightened at both ends along their axial direction (or length direction) and are in a folded state. If the direction of fiber strip output is the front, the hook of the fiber can be divided into front hook, back hook and front and rear hook or double hook fiber. According to the analysis of the interaction between the carding machine cylinder and the doffer and the experimental results, it can be seen that more than 50% of the fibers in the cotton net output by the doffer are in the state of back hook. After each process, the direction of the fiber hook is changed once, as shown in Figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20 Relationship between the number of lanes and the direction of the fiber hook

Combined with the analysis of the carding situation of the cotton comber and the direction change of the fiber hook, in the processing process, when the number of combing preparation process lanes is an even configuration, the fiber with the majority of back hooks in the fiber strip output by the carding machine can be transformed into front hooks and fed into the comber machine. Therefore, in order to ensure that most of the fibers in the small rolls fed into the comber are forward-curved, the combing preparation process should conform to the even number rule.

(3) Mechanism of action

As shown in Figure 5-21(a), when the clamp plate is closed, the whisker plexus is pressed towards the cylinder by the upper clamp plate, and the upper needle teeth of the cylinder are inclined forward due to the small distance between the clamp plate and the cylinder, so that the cylinder needle teeth can smoothly penetrate the whisker plexus.

Figure 5-21(b) shows the force of the needle tooth penetrating the whisker plexus, which is the angle of needle planting. When carding, the first few rows of needle teeth make the whisker plexus tighten, so that the fiber is subjected to the action of the carding force along the fiber axis, and the carding force can be decomposed into the component force that is perpendicular to the needle surface and parallel to the needle surface, so that the fiber is pressed against the needle tooth, and the reaction force of the needle tooth to the fiber in the opposite direction is generated; The fibers slide inward to the needle, which is the gripping force. The angle is the carding angle. When the fibers move into the needle, the static friction between the fibers and the needle teeth must be overcome, i.e.,


Then: (5-21)

where: — coefficient of friction between the fiber and the needle teeth.

When formula (5-18) is satisfied, the fibers can slide smoothly into the teeth. The size of the carding angle is related to the angle of the needle and gradually decreases as the cylinder rotates, so that the design is conducive to the insertion of the comb needle into or deep into the fibrous whisker plexus. In order to make the whisker bush can go deep into the needle quickly, a smaller needle planting angle should be used, the needle planting angle of cotton, linen and silk combing machine is 50 ° ~ 60 °, and the needle planting angle of wool combing machine is only 37 ° ~ 39 °, so as to effectively make the cylinder comb needle penetrate the fiber whisker bush for fine carding.

(a) (b)

Figure 5-21 Stress on the head end of the cylin's carding bush and the fiber

(4) Factors influencing the carding effect

The carding effect of the cylinder is carried out under the condition of effective holding of the clamp plate, therefore, the effective holding time of the clamp plate must be greater than the carding time of the cylinder, and the start time and end time of the cylinder carding must be in the holding period of the clamp plate, otherwise, the cylinder hangs hair, and the long fiber enters the falling fiber, resulting in the reduction of the production rate. In the oscillating pliers, it is also necessary to consider the time when the cylinder needle passes through the cylinder and the tightest point of the separating roller, so as to avoid the comb needle grabbing the fibers poured into the separating roller into the machine. In short, the carding quality of the comber is related to the matching factors in the carding process. In addition to the matching factors, the main factors affecting the carding effect of Xilin are as follows.

Clamp plate grip and clamp lip construction

The process requires the lead plate to hold the fiber from firmly. The grip of the fiber layer at the jaws of the clamps is realized by the pressurization of the clamps and the lip structure of the upper and lower clamps. The jaw pressurization should be appropriate, too large is easy to cause the pressure spring to break and the clamp plate parts to be damaged, too small will lead to poor grip of the jaw, easy to produce the phenomenon of fiber being caught, resulting in an increase in the content of medium and long fibers in the cotton drop, an increase in the drop of fibers, and a hole in the fiber network. Generally, after the comber is high speed and high yield, the method of thickening the clamp plate and pressurizing the spring diameter is adopted to increase the prestress. At the same time, the structure of the upper and lower clamp lips will also affect the carding quality of the cylinder and the quantity of medium and long fibers of the cotton.

Figure 5-22 shows the lip structure of the cotton comber. In order to effectively hold the beard plexus, curved jaws should be formed at the anastomosis of the upper and lower clamp labies, so that the upper and lower clamp lips have concave and convex arcs. The new clamp lip structure changes the face grip when the original clamp plate is closed to a two-line grip, and the gripping force of the clamp plate is concentrated on the grip line, and the grip of the whisker plexus is firm. In addition, the depth of the upper clamp lip is reduced to 0.9mm, and the last grip point of the clamp lip is moved downward, and the length of the carding dead zone is significantly reduced.

Figure 5-22 Clamp lip structure of a comber

In addition, the structure of the upper and lower clamp plate and the clamp lip should meet the following requirements: (1) The structure of the clamp lip should meet the requirements of good grip on the fiber plexus. When carding in the cylinder, the upper and lower clamp lips of the clamp plate should hold the fiber layer firmly to prevent the long fibers from being grabbed by the cylinder. At present, there are two forms of grip on the cotton layer of the cotton comber plier lip, one is a one-point grip (or single-wire grip), such as the domestic A201 series comber. The other is two-point grip (or double-line grip), such as domestic SXF1269A-type comber. With a two-point grip, the grip of the lips on the cotton bush is more firm and reliable. For example, when the cotton roll is transversely uneven, when one grip point is not enough to hold, the other grip point can be fully functional. Therefore, a two-point grip is better than a one-point grip. (2) The geometry of the upper and lower clamp lips should meet the requirements of Xilin for full combing of the fiber plexus. In order to make the cylinder comb needle smoothly penetrate the fiber plexus carding, it is necessary to prevent the fiber plexus from upturning when starting carding, otherwise it will be difficult for the rear row of combing needles to play a carding role. Therefore, when the clamp plate is closed, the geometry of the upper and lower clamp lips should be such that the direction of the flexion of the fiber bundle is directly opposite the cylinder teeth. For example, the lower part of the lower pliers of the domestic SXF1269A cotton comber cuts off the isosceles triangle with a waist length of 1.5mm, as shown in Figure 5-22, when the pliers plate is closed, due to the downward pressure of the upper pliers plate, the bending direction of the cotton bush is facing the cylinder needle teeth, which can meet the requirements of the cylinder for the cotton bush to be fully carded. (3) The structure of the clamp lip should be as short as possible for the dead gap length of the clamp plate holding the cotton bush (that is, the length of the cotton bush between the jaws of the clamp plate and the cylinder needle teeth). The lip structure of the upper and lower clamp plates determines the dead gap length of the combed fiber plexus, which affects the carding length and carding effect of the cylinder needle teeth on the fiber plexus.

Comb the space

On the combing machine, the carding interval is small and the interval change is small, which can increase the length of the beard bush to be carded, which is conducive to improving the carding quality. On the premise of not damaging the carding element, the smaller the carding interval, the better the carding quality of the combed cylinder on the fiber, which can generally be controlled between 0.3~0.5mm. However, the carding interval of the clamp plate swing comber is affected by the clamp plate swing, and the carding interval is changed during the cylinder carding. The amount of variation depends mainly on the transmission mode (fulcrum form) of the clamp plate mechanism.

There are three support methods for the clamp plate assembly: one is the lower fulcrum type, such as the A201 series comber; the second is the middle fulcrum type, such as FA261, FA266, E7/5, E7/6, PX2, E62, E72 comber, etc.; The third is the upper fulcrum type, such as FA251 series comber and VC-300 comber. The lower fulcrum type means that the support point of the lower clamp plate is below the cylinder shaft. The lower clamp plate of the domestic A201 series comber adopts this support method, as shown in Figure 5-23. The lower clamp plate is fixed on the EO 3 , and the O 2 and CEO 3 form a four-link mechanism. When the connecting rod O 2 C swings with the pendulum axis of the plier plate, the lower plier plate is driven to swing back and forth with O 3 as the fulcrum. The upper clamp plate is mounted on the DE bar and can be rotated around point E. When the plier plate swings backward (counterclockwise), the connecting rod CE rotates clockwise around point E, and the rod DE and the upper plier plate also rotate counterclockwise with E as the fulcrum, so that the jaws of the plier plate are closed. As the pliers continue to swing back, the connecting rod 2 compresses the spring 4 through the adjusting nut 3, so that the jaws of the pliers plate have a gripping force; The grip force increases as the ∠CED increases, until the clamp plate swings to the last position. The interval at the beginning of the carding of the lower fulcrum clamp plate is very large, then it decreases sharply, and then it is slightly enlarged, and the carding load is mostly concentrated in the middle and rear needle rows of the cylinder, so that the carding effect is affected to a certain extent.

Figure 5-23 Lower fulcrum

1-cross sleeve 2-connecting rod 3-adjusting nut 4-compression spring

Figure 5-24 shows the swing mechanism of the middle fulcrum pliers. The lower clamp plate 3 is fixedly installed on the lower clamp plate seat 4, and the rear swing arm 5 of the clamp plate is fixedly mounted on the clamp plate swing shaft 6, and the front swing arm 2 of the clamp plate is with the cylinder shaft 1 as the fulcrum, and they form the four-link mechanism that the clamp plate swing shaft and the cylinder shaft are fixed fulcrums. When the swing plate swing shaft is in the opposite direction, the clamp plate swings back and forth through the swing arm and the lower clamp plate seat. The upper plier plate frame 7 is hinged on the lower plier plate seat 4, the upper plier plate 8 is fixedly housed on it, the tension shaft 12 is equipped with the eccentric wheel 11, the guide rod 10 is equipped with the plier plate jaw pressurized spring 9, the lower end of the guide rod is hinged with the upper plier plate frame 7, and the upper end is arranged on the axle sleeve on the eccentric wheel. When the clamp plate swing shaft 6 rotates counterclockwise, the clamp plate swings forward, and the tension shaft 12 that is driven by the clamp plate swing shaft also rotates counterclockwise direction simultaneously, and the traction of guide rod 10 is added, so that the upper clamp plate 8 gradually opens; And when the clamp plate swing shaft 6 rotates clockwise, the clamp plate retreats, and the tension shaft also rotates clockwise, and under the joint action of guide rod and lower clamp plate base, the upper clamp plate is gradually closed. At present, the lower clamp plate of the new comber adopts this support mode. The clamping mechanism is strategically placed in the center of the cylinder shaft, and its carding interval is only about 0.1mm from the beginning to the end, so the carding load is uniform and the carding effect is good. And because the displacement angle of the pendulum shaft is basically the same as the displacement angle of the middle fulcrum, the swing speed of the plier plate will not be affected when changing the cotton drop spacing.

Figure 5-24 Medium fulcrum

1-cylinder shaft 2-pliers plate front swing arm 3-lower clamp plate 4-lower clamp plate seat 5-clamp plate rear swing arm

6-clamp plate pendulum shaft 7-upper clamp plate holder 8-upper clamp plate 9-spring 10-guide rod

11-eccentric wheel 12-tension shaft

Figure 5-25 shows the upper fulcrum support method. O 2 is the clamp plate pendulum shaft, O 2 D is fixed on the clamp plate pendulum shaft O 2 , and the clamp plate pendulum shaft passes through O 2 DEO 3 The four-link linkage makes the lower clamp plate J, which is fixed on the rod DE, oscillate back and forth. KLG forms a quasi-rocker mechanism, when the jaw plate swings back (clockwise), the rod KL rotates counterclockwise around the point K, and the tension of the compression spring drives the guide rod upward, so that the jaws produce a gripping force. When the clamp plate pendulum shaft swings forward, the KL distance increases, the rod KL rotates clockwise around the point K, and the upper clamp plate opens. By adjusting the position of the nut on the guide rod, the gripping force of the plier plate can be adjusted; By adjusting the distance of the GL, the closing timing and the amount of opening of the clamp plate can be adjusted. For the upper fulcrum lead plate, the change of the carding interval of the cylinder is smaller than that of the lower fulcrum, and the distribution of the carding load is more uniform.

Figure 5-25 Upper fulcrum

I—upper pliers J—lower pliers N—pawls

Cylinder carding speed and carding time

The time of the cylinder carding fiber tip should be coordinated with the closing time of the jaw, the principle is that when the jaw is closed and lowered to the lowest position, the first row of needles of the cylinder should be directly below the clamp lip, too late or too early will affect the carding quality and the coordination of movement.

The cylinder carding speed of the cotton combing machine is the vector sum of the speed of the movement of the clamp plate and the velocity of the cylinder surface. The whole carding speed goes from slow to fast to slow, and the main carding section is gradually decreasing. Usually, its carding speed is about 1/10 of the carding speed of the barbed roller on the carding machine.

The pliers of the wool combing machine do not swing, and the cylinder is driven by the spindle through three eccentric gears, so that the instantaneous surface velocity of the cylinder changes. The carding speed of the cylinder is from slow to fast and then to slow, and the carding speed is near the maximum speed of the cylinder surface. This not only shortens the time of the carding stage and prolongs the time of the rest of the stage, but also increases the speed of the machine while maintaining the same extraction speed.

Cylinder specifications

(1) The structure of Xilin

At present, the structure of cylinders mostly adopts integral cylinders or prefabricated cylinders, and there are two types: comb needle type and sawtooth type. It is characterized by the replacement of a single comb needle plate or cylinder with a single comb needle instead of a single needle plate or cylinder. Although the conventional welded needle plate has the advantages of easy replacement and good carding effect, there are also shortcomings such as easy plugging of staple fiber in the needle gap, easy damage to the comb needle and frequent cleaning. The new monolithic cylinders include serrated monolithic cylinders and comb monolithic cylinders. Serrated monolithic cylinders are also available in bonded and flush types. Bonded monolithic cylinders are made by gluing several sets of saw blades to the needle plate seat with an adhesive. Its structure is simple, the needle tooth strength is high, and the service life is long, but the individual comb needle can only be replaced as a whole after the needle is damaged. The embedded monolithic cylinder is made by inserting the pinhead seat between the tooth and the spacer. It is easy to load and unload, and the structure and shape of the tooth and separator can be designed according to the requirements, and the adaptability is strong.

(2) The diameter of the cylinder

The diameter of the cylinder is also related to the size of the carding action. When the number of needle rows is constant, the diameter of the cylinder increases, and the carding speed of the cylinder can be increased under the condition that the cylinder speed remains the same, and the carding interval change will also be reduced, which is conducive to the carding quality of the cylinder. The diameter of the cylinder increases, and the arc length of the comb needle in the whole circumference of the cylinder decreases, thereby shortening the carding time, and relatively increasing the preparation and separation time of the whisker plexus separation and jointing, which is conducive to the separation and bonding of the whisker plexus, and is also conducive to improving the speed of the comber.

(3) Needle planting specifications and needle surface status

The carding effect of Xilin is related to the number of needles, density and height. Considering that when the fiber layer is combed, the fiber is not straightened enough, the arrangement is disordered, and the mutual holding force is large, so the needle planting adopts the process design principle of density from thin to dense, fineness from coarse to fine, and height from high to low from front to back. This prevents the fibers from being broken and the needle damaged, and allows the carding action to go deeper gradually. For example, the effective length of the first row of combs in a woollen comber is 7 mm, and the last row is only 4 mm. In particular, the gap between the last two rows of comb needles can reach 0.07mm~0.04 mm. There are two shapes of cylinder comb needles: round needles are used in the first few rows to reduce the carding force; Flat needles can be used in the last rows to improve the flexural strength of the comb needles and strengthen the carding.

The condition of the needle surface of the cylinder comb needle is also related to the carding effect. The burrs of the curved needle, the parallel needle, the broken needle and the comb needle, as well as the clarity of the tooth gap of the comb needle, will affect the carding effect of the cylinder and the quality of the output fiber web, so enough attention should also be paid to it.

Separation and bonding analysis

(1) The movement of the separation mechanism

Separation and joining (called extraction on wool combers) is one of the main functions of combers. At the beginning of each working cycle, the separating mechanism must first pour the tail end of the fiber net that pulls out the output separation jaw in the previous working cycle into the working area, and timely holds the head end of the whisker plexus that has just been combed by the cylinder sent by the pliers, and folds it on the tail end of the poured fiber net to realize the connection. Subsequently, because the forward output speed of the separating roller is faster than the feeding speed, the drafting separation of the whisker plexus is realized, so that the output product forms a continuous fiber web.

In order for the whisker plexus to be smoothly separated, the separation mechanism must be forward; In order for the whisker plexus to lap smoothly, the separation mechanism must also be reversed; In order for the whisker plexus to be smoothly combed, the separating mechanism must also be basically stationary or stopped. Therefore, the forward rotation time of the separating mechanism should be greater than the time of its reversal, otherwise there is no fiber web output. The start and working time of the forward rotation, reverse rotation and basic stationary of the separation mechanism must be coordinated with the start and working time of the carding and separation work, otherwise the carding and separation work cannot be carried out smoothly.

(2) Separate the roller motion curve

The separation roller motion curve is the basis for analyzing and calculating the performance of the separation joining process and its parameters. Figure 5-26 shows the motion curve of the separating roller of a cotton spinning comber. Among them, ab is the reversal time of the separation roller; b is the time when the separation roller starts to rotate; Point C is the time when the separation joint begins, that is, the time when the first fiber tip in the whisker plexus enters the separation jaw line; cd is the separation and bonding time; point d is the end time of separation joint, that is, the time when the last fiber in the whisker plexus enters the separation jaw line; The def continues forward and essentially stationary time for the separation rollers. As can be seen from the figure, the distance between the tip of the first and last fibers entering the separation jaw line represents the difference in displacement at the beginning and end of the separation movement curve of the separation roller. This displacement difference is called the separation working length K. Accordingly, the length L of the separated fiber bundle in one duty cycle can be calculated as follows:


where: — the average length of the fiber (mm);

– Difference in displacement of the separating roller at the beginning of the separation and at the end of the separation (mm).

It can be seen that the length of the separated fiber bundle is related to the start and end separation time, the fiber length and the morphology of the separation roller motion curve. The length of the separating fiber increases, and the amount of movement of the separating roller will inevitably increase, so that it is not conducive to the high speed of the machine, therefore, the length of the separating fiber cluster is appropriately reduced in order to improve the vehicle speed, so as to reduce the amount of movement of the separating roller, and the speed of the combing machine is increased.

Figure 5-26 Separation roller motion curve and separation fiber cluster length of cotton comber

(3) Morphology of the separation of fibrous clusters

Before the separation process begins, the separating roller pours the fiber clump separated from the previous working cycle into the machine and prepares it to join the newly separated fiber clump. The head end of the fiber bush after combing the cylinder is not in a straight line. When the clamp plate (or feeding mechanism) and the top comb gradually send the fiber cluster to the separating jaw, the fibers in front of the tip first reach the separating jaw and are held by the separating jaw, which advances rapidly at the speed of the separating roller. Subsequently, the tip end of each fiber reaches the separation jaw one after another, so that the front and rear fibers have a shift change, and the separation jaw gradually extracts part of the fiber from the fiber, forming a separation fiber cluster superimposed on the tail of the fiber network in the previous working cycle, so as to realize the separation and bonding. Figure 5-27 shows the joint morphology of the fiber cluster.

The periodic joining and separation of the comber will make the combing strip have a large unevenness. As can be seen from Figure 5-27, the following is the case.

or (5-23)

Where: —length of separated fiber plex (mm);

– the effective output length, that is, the difference between the amount of rotation and the amount of reversal of each separation roller (mm);

– Bonding length (mm).

From Eq. (5-23), it can be seen that the longer the length of the separation fiber bundle, the smaller the effective output length, and the longer the bonding length. With the increase of the joint length, the fiber web can obtain a larger joint force, so that the fiber network will not be accidentally elongated in the reciprocating drafting and jointing, and the joint quality and uniformity of the fiber network will be improved, and the speed of the vehicle can also be increased.

Figure 5-27 Joint morphology of separating fiber bundles

(4) Analysis of the separation and joining process

1. Analysis of the role of the top comb in the process of separation and bonding

(1) The function characteristics of the top comb

In the process of separation and bonding, the function of the top comb is mainly to control the fiber feed movement, so that the fiber can complete the separation and bonding, and the fiber must be combed from the tail end. In this process, when the head of the middle fiber reaches the jaws of the separating roller (pulling roller), it is held and pulled by the separating roller (pulling roller), and then it is transformed into a rapid movement of separating roller (pulling roller), at this time, the tail end of the fiber passes through the gap between the needles of the top comb, so that the tail end of the whisker plexus obtains the combing of the top comb. When the top comb combs the tail end of the whisker plexus, it not only has the effect of combing the fibers and "filtering" the impurities, but also can block the fibers that have not reached the jaws of the separating roller (pulling roller) at the tip of the fiber, and the friction between the blocked fibers and the fibers that are being separated also plays a role in combing. This retention of fibers and carding of separated fibers as well as the "filtration" effect are not available in cylinder carding.

(2) The mechanism of action of the top comb

After combing the head end of the whisker bush, the whisker bush is conveyed forward by the clamp plate and gradually reaches the separation jaw, as shown in Figure 5-28(a). When the fiber tip in the whisker plexus reaches the separation jaw and is held and output, the top comb that moves synchronously with the lead plate also swings forward and pierces the whisker plexus at the same time, so as to realize the control of the whisker movement and comb the tail end of the whisker plexus.

At the beginning of carding, the rapid penetration of the top comb into the whisker bush is a necessary condition for the realization of top comb carding. Figure 5-28(b) shows the force on the top comb when it is inserted into the fibrous whisker plexus. When the separation begins, when the top comb first touches the whisker plexus, the whisker plexus is in the polygonal state shown in the diagram, and at the same time, the whisker plexus is embedded upwards into the top comb due to the extraction of the separation jaws. Let the traction force when the separating jaw pull out the fiber is, and its direction is along the direction of the whisker plexus, (along the direction of the comb) and (perpendicular to the direction of the comb) are two components. In order for the comb needle to pierce the bush quickly, it should be ensured that:

i.e. (5-24)

Where: - the angle between the top comb needle and the vertical line;

– the angle between the traction force P and the horizontal line;

– the friction angle between the fiber and the top comb needle;

– The coefficient of friction between the fiber and the comb needle.

The higher the value, the easier it is to insert the top comb needle and the deeper the insertion depth. In general, the insertion depth should be 2~3 mm when the tip of the top comb needle pierces the fibrous whisker plexus and is exposed. The inclination angle of the top comb needle is designed to be 20°.

(a) b

Figure 5-28 The top comb combs the tail end of the whisker plexus and the fiber under stress

2. Separation drafting

At the beginning of the separation joint, the front end of the whisker plexus combed by the cylinder enters the rear separating jaw, and the jaw lips of the upper and lower clamp plates are open, and the fiber at the front end of the whisker plexus is held by the separating jaws to advance at the linear velocity of the separating roller surface (called fast fiber), and the tail end is controlled by the top comb comb needle inserted into the whisker, and advances at the speed of the top comb or pliers plate (called slow fiber) to form a separation draft.

In the separation process of combed fiber, the surface linear velocity of the separating roller and the feeding speed of the top comb (the speed of the top comb or the lead plate swinging forward) are changing, and the surface linear velocity of the separating roller is much greater than the feeding speed of the top comb, therefore, the separation draft value of the separation process also changes, which can be expressed by the following formula:


where: —instantaneous draft value during separation;

– instantaneous surface velocity of the separating roller;

– the instantaneous movement speed of the top comb;

– Instantaneous movement speed of the separating jaws (new combers for cotton spinning and wool combers).

Figure 5-29 shows the variation of the separation draft value of the A201D comber. The draft value is small at the beginning of the separation, gradually increases over time, and finally increases very quickly.

Figure 5-29 Variable draft value during separation

The variation of the detaching draft value is mainly determined by the movement of the detaching roller. Depending on the type of comber, the variation of the draft value is also different. For example, the draft value of the cotton spinning comber changes from small to large during the separation process, and the separation draft value increases greatly near the end of separation. The change of the drafting value in the process of extraction (separation) of the wool comber is just the opposite of that of the cotton comber, which is from large to small, and the change is drastic, and the change of the drawing (separation) value is not big at the end of the extraction (separation).

The size and variation of the variable draft value in the separation process are closely related to the morphology of the separated fiber plexus, the bonding state of the fiber web, and the uniformity of the comb strip. In the stage of separation and jointing, such as the forward swing speed of the clamp plate is fast, because the clamp plate and the top comb are driven by the same mechanism, the movement law of the two is consistent, therefore, that is, the forward speed of the top comb is fast, so that the separation process becomes small, the separation and joining time is short, and the whisker plexus cannot be drawn, thus affecting the joint quality of the comb strip.

3. Joint length

The joint length reflects the degree of bonding of the two separate fiber bundles at the front and rear. There are more than two overlapping parts of separating fiber clusters in the fiber web, which can increase the overlap degree of the fiber clusters in the fiber web, increase the thickness of the fiber web, reduce the shadow of the joint, and improve the joint quality.

The degree of overlap of the separating fiber plexes can be expressed in terms of the junction ratio, which is the ratio of the junction length to the effective output length, expressed as a percentage:


At present, the joint length and bonding rate of the new cotton spinning combing machine are larger, the general joint length is more than 56mm, and the bonding rate is more than 166%, although the speed of some machines is as high as 400 clamps/min or more, the joint situation of cotton mesh is still better, and the dry quality of the car surface is also better. Therefore, it is a trend of the new comber design to appropriately shorten the effective output length and improve the joint length and bonding rate.

In the case of a certain value of the separated fiber whisker plexus, the larger the joint length value, the smaller the effective output length, the heavier the single weight of the output fiber web, and the excessive single weight will increase the drafting burden of the combing machine, so it is necessary to strengthen the control of the fiber by the head drafting of the combing locomer.

For the cotton spinning comber, the effective output length is fixed after the mechanical design is optimized, and the process is not used for adjustment, and the process adjustment of separating the length of the fiber cluster and the length of the joint does not change much. And for wool combers it is different. The shape of the wool comber pulling (separating) the fiber cluster is thick and short at the head end, and the length is about the whole length of the extracted (separated) fiber cluster, but the weight accounts for about 60% of the weight of the entire extracted (separated) fiber cluster. The tail is thin and long, with a length of about the full length of the extracted (separated) fiber bundle, and the weight only accounts for about 40% of the weight of the entire extracted (separated) fiber bundle. In order to obtain a moderate overlapping length, the general empirical design is that the head end of the extraction (separation) fiber bundle in this cycle is overlapped and superimposed at the ~ point of the full length of the fiber bundle extracted in the previous cycle, that is, the joint length, and the effective output length. The joint length and effective output length of the wool comber give an empirical range value that can be adjusted according to the process requirements. By adjusting the amount of forward and reverse rotation of the roller extraction (separation), the effective output length and joint length can be changed.

Section 5 Timing and positioning of the combing process

1. Timing of clamp movement

(1) The front position of the pliers plate is timed

The timing of the front position of the clamp plate refers to the number of degrees indicated by the index dial pointer when the clamp plate moves to the front position. The timing of the front position of the clamp plate is the basis for the adjustment of the process parameters of the comber.

(2) The opening of the clamp plate is timed

The opening timing of the clamp plate refers to the number of degrees indicated by the index dial hand when the jaws of the clamp plate begin to open. The opening of the pliers plate is timed late, due to the downward pressure of the upper pliers and the lip, the whisker plexus that has been combed by the combed cylinder can not raise its head quickly, so that the whisker plexus can not reach the separation jaw normally, on the one hand, the whisker plexus can not be properly separated and engaged, and on the other hand, the top comb can not penetrate the whisker plexus normally, affecting the tail end of the top comb combing whisker plexus. This situation is concretely reflected in the actual production, which is first broken in the fiber web, and then gradually spreads and expands until there is no fiber output. Sometimes, even if there are no holes, it can affect the intrinsic quality of the web. Therefore, in the preparation stage of separation and jointing, it is necessary to pay attention to adjusting the opening amount of the clamp plate in the process, and the earlier the jaw opening of the clamp plate is purely from the perspective of being conducive to separation and combination, the better.

(3) The closing timing of the clamp plate

The closing timing of the clamp plate refers to the number of divisions indicated by the index dial pointer when the upper and lower clamp plates are closed. In general, the closing timing of the clamp plate should be earlier than or equal to the timing of the cylinder combing, otherwise the combed cylinder comb needle may have not been held by the clamps of the fiber that has not been held by the clamps, so that the spinning fiber in the combing drop rate increases. The timing of the start of cylinder carding is related to the positioning of the cylinder and the size of the cotton spacing.

To sum up, there are two main factors to consider in the timing adjustment of the opening and closing mouth of the clamp plate, first, according to the requirements of carding, when the cylinder begins to card, the jaws of the clamp plate should have enough grip on the fiber layer, that is, the jaws of the clamp plate should be closed and have a certain holding force before the combing cylinder begins to comb the whisker plexus, so as to prevent the fiber from being grabbed by the cylinder; Second, according to the requirements of separation and jointing, the clamp plate should be opened in time at the end of carding, and the jaws of the clamp plate should be guaranteed to have enough opening amount before separation and jointing, so as to make the fiber whisker bush raise its head smoothly and reach the separation jaw, and timely realize the connection with the tail end of the separation roller poured in, and successfully complete the separation and joining process.

When the jaws of the clamp plate are closed early, it is conducive to the grip of the fiber layer, but it will make the jaw open late, thereby affecting the head of the beard plexus, so the timing of adjusting the opening and closing of the pliers plate should be taken into account.

Second, the positioning of Xilin

Cylinder positioning, also known as bow plate positioning, its purpose is to determine the relative relationship between cylinder needle row, separation roller and clamp jaw, the essence is to determine the time when the cylinder last row comb needle passes through and separates the tightest point of roller. In order to meet the spinning requirements of different fiber lengths and different varieties.

As shown in Figure 5-30, the method of cylinder positioning is to first loosen the tightening screw of cylinder body, so that it can rotate relative to the cylinder shaft, then utilize one side of the cylinder special rule close to the roller surface, and the other side of the cylinder is connected with the first row of comb needles on the cylinder, and finally rotate the cylinder shaft, so that the index indicator plate is pointed at the set number of indexes.

Figure 5-30 Positioning of the cylinder

1-cylinder rule 2-separation roller 3-comb needle 4-cylinder axis 5-cylinder body

The positioning of the cylinder has a direct impact on the position of the starting comb of the cylinder, the positioning of the cylinder is early, the position of the cylinder will be moved forward at the beginning of the carding, the carding interval change is increased, the quality of the cylinder carding is poor, and because the clamp plate closing timing is determined according to the position of the cylinder comb, the cylinder is combed in advance, and the clamp plate closing timing is also correspondingly early, and the opening of the clamp plate will be delayed, thereby affecting the head of the bush. Therefore, from the point of view of carding and whisker bush raising, it is better to locate the cylinder later, especially for the comber with a large change in carding interval.

However, the positioning of the cylinder is late, so that the end of the needle through the tightest point of the separation roller is late, and the end of the needle is easy to comb the tail end of the fiber mesh poured into the separation roller to become a drop, which increases the amount of drop, and also affects the quality of the joint. Therefore, from the point of view of grabbing the long fibers, the positioning of Xilin is better earlier. This contradicts the requirements of carding on positioning, so when determining the positioning of Xilin, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of these two aspects. Generally, the processing fiber is long, and the end of the outer whisker plexus reaches the separation jaw early, so the separation roller is required to reverse early, and in order to prevent the end of the needle from combing the tail end of the fiber mesh into which the separation roller is poured, the clamp plate closure timing should also be early. On the contrary, the positioning of Xilin should be late.

3. Top comb positioning

The top comb is composed of the top comb foot, the comb needle plate and the comb needle. Different models have different top comb transmission methods, and the top comb structure is also different. It can be divided into the following two types:1. Clamp plate fixed top comb; 2. Separate transmission swing type top comb. The domestic A201 series and FA251A combers adopt a single transmission swing top comb, and the new domestic combers such as FA261, FA266, FA269, PX2, CJ40, etc. all use clamp fixed top combs. The positioning of the top comb includes the high and low separation of the top comb and the inlet and outlet spacing

(1) The high and low spacing of the top comb

The high and low spacing of the top comb refers to the vertical distance from the tip of the ejector comb to the upper surface of the separating roller when the top comb is in the front position, as shown in Figure 5-31(a), d is the high and low spacing of the top comb. The larger the high and low spacing, the deeper the top comb is inserted into the whisker plexus, and the higher the comb cotton shedding rate. When the high and low spacing is too large, it will affect the raising of the cotton bush at the beginning of the separation joint, and make the separation difficult, and it is also easy to cause fiber breakage damage and comb needle damage. Therefore, when adjusting the insertion depth of the top comb, it is necessary to grasp the insertion depth of the top comb.

(a) (b)

Figure 5-31 Top comb and adjustment of SXF1269A comber

In the case of a SXF1269A comber, the high and low position of the top comb is adjusted by an eccentric shaft. As shown in Figure 5-31(b), loosen the screw 3 in the figure, turn the eccentric knob 1 to the required value, and then tighten the screw 3. The high and low spacing of the top comb is divided into five grades, which are respectively represented by -1, -0.5, 0, +0.5 and +1, the larger the scalar value, the deeper the top comb is inserted into the cotton bush, and the size of the d value when different scalar values are shown in Table 5-3. The high and low spacing of the top comb is generally +0.5 gears, and the high and low spacing of the top comb increases by about 1% for each increase in the combing and cotton dropping.

Table 5-3 A-value with different scalar values













(2) The inlet and outlet spacing of the top comb

The in-out and out-of-top comb interval refers to the distance between the tip of the ejector comb and the surface of the separating roller when the ejector comb is in the front position. As shown in Figure 5-31(a), the minimum distance between the top comb and the surface of the rear separating roller is small, and the top comb sends the whisker plexus to the separation jaw, which is conducive to the separation and bonding of the whisker plexus, but care should be taken to prevent the tip of the ejector comb from touching the separating roller. The inlet and outlet spacing of the top comb of the SXF1269A comber is generally 1.5 mm.

The adjustment method of the inlet and exit spacing of the top comb is shown in Figure 5-31(a), the clamp plate is moved to the front position, the position of the top comb 3 is adjusted with the positioning tool 1 and the front separation roller 2, and the top comb and the positioning tool are close together to fix the top comb position, and the inlet and exit distance of the top comb is 1.5 mm at this moment.

Fourth, the separation of the roller rotation timing

Separating roller rotation timing is an important process parameter that needs to be adjusted in cotton combers. The timing of the separating roller refers to the index value indicated by the index dial hand when the separating roller begins to rotate. The separation and joining process of the comber is mainly to adjust the relative relationship between the cylinder needle row, the separation roller and the clamp jaw by changing the method of changing the timing of the separation roller, so as to meet the requirements of different length fibers and different spinning processes.

According to the requirements of the comber separation and bonding, the timing of the separating roller should be earlier than the timing of the separating roller splicing, otherwise the separation and joining work cannot be carried out. Therefore, the following requirements should be met when separating roller rotates: first, the determination of separating roller rotation timing should ensure that the rotation speed of separating roller is greater than the forward swing speed of the clamp plate when separating is started. Second, the determination of the timing of the separating roller should ensure that the cotton net poured into the machine by the separating roller is not caught by the cylinder end row comb needle.

The timing of separating rollers is determined according to factors such as the length of the spun fiber, the positioning of the cylinder, the length of the cotton feeding and the cotton feeding method. When using long-feeding cotton or processing long-staple cotton, the head end of the whisker bush reaches the separation jaw earlier, so that the separation roller has not yet rotated or the rotation speed is less than the feeding speed, then the fiber tip end will cause a hook at the separation jaw, so that the horizontal bar hook appears on the entire amplitude of the output cotton net; Or because when the separation begins, the rotation speed of the separating roller is slightly greater than the feeding speed, although it does not cause the horizontal bar to bend, but because the separation drafting value is too small, the head end of the new fiber cluster is not fully stretched, the fiber layer is thicker, and the tail end of the fiber cluster of the previous working cycle is thinner, and the thickness difference between the two parts of the fiber layer is too large, resulting in weak joint force when they are in each other, and under the action of cotton net tension, the front end of the new fiber cluster is easy to warp, and the "fish scale spot" state is presented on the cotton net. In summary, in order to eliminate the problem of horizontal strip hooks and "fish scale spots", the timing of separating rollers should be appropriately advanced. In addition, after the machine is at high speed, due to the increase of air resistance and the short time for the bush to raise the head after the opening of the clamp plate, hooks are also prone to appear in the cotton net, so the timing of separating the roller should also be appropriately advanced

If the separating roller rotates early, and the inversion is also early, the cylindrical end row comb needle is easy to grab the long fiber at the end of the cotton mesh when separating the tightest point of the roller. Therefore, it is necessary to advance the positioning of the cylinder carding accordingly, so that the last row of the cylinder comb needle can be separated from the roller by separating the tightest point earlier, and the cylinder comb needle is not easy to grab the tail fiber of the cotton net. However, the early positioning of the cylinder carding will affect the quality of the cylinder carding and the head of the bush, so the cotton net does not produce hooks and "fish scale spots" as the limit, and the timing of separating the roller should not be too early.

Food for Thought:

What are the tasks of the combing process?

What are the tasks and requirements for cotton spinning combing preparation?

What are the ways to prepare cotton combing for worsting? What are the characteristics of each?

What are the stages in a comber cycle? What are they? How do the movements of the main parts of the comber work together at each stage?

What is the feeding length, feeding method, feeding coefficient, carding spacing, separating spacing, falling fiber (cotton) spacing, and bonding ratio?

The carding characteristics and influencing factors of combed cylinder were briefly described.

Why should the number of passes in the preparation process before combing follow the even number rule?

The role of the top comb in the process of separation and joining is briefly described.

What is the essence of the positioning of the cotton comber cylinder? What are the consequences of positioning Xilin too early and too late? Why?

What can be the problem of separating the roller too early and too late? Why?


Chapter 6 Drafting

What you need to know in this chapter:

1. The essence of drafting, the conditions for realizing roller drafting and the basic concept of drafting;

2. The concept of friction boundary, the distribution of friction boundary and the factors affecting friction boundary;

3. Classification and quantity distribution of fibers in the drafting area;

4. The meaning of control, guidance and its effect on the movement of planktonic fibers. the concept and influencing factors of drafting force and gripping force;

5. The distribution of fiber speed change points is uneven with the whiskers;

6. Additional friction boundary device and its application in drafting process;

7. The condition of parallel straightening of the fiber and the straightening effect of the hook fiber during the drafting process;

8. Uneven classification of yarn sliver and its influencing factors;

9. Homogeneous mixing effect of merger;

10. The meaning, function, and basic principle of self-leveling, and the composition, classification and application of self-leveling device.

Section 1 Overview

1. The purpose and requirements of drafting

After combing, the fiber aggregate has been basically loosened into a single fiber state, but the linear density of the whisker has not yet reached the yarn formation requirements, the fiber in the whisker still has buckling hooks, and the transverse connection between the fibers has not been completely removed, so it is necessary to further straighten and reduce the linear density. In the spinning process, there are two ways to thin the sliver: one is the transverse division of the sliver or fiber layer; The other is the drafting of the whiskers. Segmentation is generally used in carded wool spinning and waste spinning, and drafting is used in all spinning systems, which is the main method of tapering and one of the main functions of spinning.

Drafting is the process of lengthening and stretching the whiskers, which is essentially the relative movement of the fibers in the whiskers along the length direction. At this time, it is necessary to apply an external force to the axial direction of the whisker to overcome the connection force existing between the fibers, that is, the holding force and friction force, so that the relative motion between the fibers can occur and be distributed on longer fragments. At the same time, under the action of friction and holding force, the fibers are also straightened and parallel. Therefore, the purpose of drafting is: (1) to reduce the number of fiber roots in the section of the whisker to make the whisker thinner; (2) Straighten the flexion and hook of the fibers in the whisker and arrange them parallel and straight.

The relative movement and displacement of each fiber along the whisker axial direction between the fibers are random, resulting in unevenness after drafting, and the drafting is closely related to the quality of the whisker, and the requirement for drafting is to reduce the unevenness as much as possible. Modern drafting devices are designed with this in mind, and in addition, unevenness caused by drafting can be compensated for by merging, self-leveling, etc. Drafting is the main role, and uniformity can improve the uniformity of the whiskers, which is an auxiliary role.

The external force that enables the fiber to move relative to each other can be mechanical force, electrostatic field and aerodynamic force, etc., and the drafting achieved with the help of air flow is usually called air drafting, and the drafting achieved by two pairs of rollers at different surface velocities and with a corresponding distance between the fiber length is called roller drafting. Roller drafting is widely used in various types of conventional spinning systems, while air drafting is used in non-conventional spinning systems.

This chapter mainly introduces the basic principles and application rules of roller drafting.

Second, the conditions for the realization of roller drafting

Figure 6-1 shows a simple drafting mechanism composed of two pairs of rollers. In the figure, B represents the clamping line of the rear roller jaw, and F represents the clamping line of the front roller jaw. Both the front and rear roller jaws need to be able to hold the sliver. The surface linear velocity of the front roller is greater than that of the rear roller. When the yarn sliver enters the back roller, the fibers in the yarn sliver advance at speed, and once the fibers are held by the front roller, they immediately move at speed. At this time, there is a relative movement and displacement between the fibers in the yarn, which makes the whiskers thinner.

Figure 6-1 Drafting devices for two pairs of rollers

The conditions for realizing roller drafting are: (1) there must be two points on the whisker that are actively held, and there must be a certain distance between the two holding points; (2) The two points actively held must have relative motion, and the linear velocity of the output end must be greater than the linear velocity of the feeding end; (3) There should be a certain grip on the grip point.

Therefore, the distance, speed ratio and pressure between the two adjacent rollers constitute the three elements to realize the roller drafting, and they are also the three basic parameters of the drafting process. Among them, there are three kinds of distance between adjacent two rollers: center distance, surface distance and grip distance. Center distance is the distance between the centers of two adjacent rollers; The roller surface distance is the minimum distance between two adjacent roller surfaces; Grip distance refers to the length of the whisker between two adjacent pairs of jaw lines. For straight drafting, the grip distance is equal to the center distance of the roller; For curve drafting, the roller grip distance is greater than the roller center distance.

3. Basic concept of drafting

(1) Tension drafting and displacement drafting

1. Tension drafting When the relative velocity of the two holding points on the whisker is very small, that is, the output speed of the whisker is slightly greater than the feeding speed, or the external force applied is not enough to overcome the friction and holding force between the fibers, the axial relative displacement between the fibers in the whisker can not occur, and the fibers in the whisker can only be straightened, and its essence belongs to the elastic deformation of the whisker. Once the external force is removed, it will be restored to its original state, this kind of drafting that does not cause the relative displacement between the fibers, called elastic drafting or tension drafting, this kind of drafting can not make the whisker elongated and thinned, but can make the whisker tight, prevent the whisker from loosening in the process of feeding, output and winding, and is also essential in the spinning process.

2. Displacement drafting If the conveying speed of the product is quite different from the feeding speed, and the external force applied is enough to overcome the friction and holding force between the fibers, the fibers in the whiskers can be relatively moved, and the whiskers are lengthened and stretched. At this time, the elongation of the whisker is essentially a permanent deformation, and when the external force is eliminated, it will remain in the state of being drafted, and this kind of drafting is called displacement drafting.

Tension drafting and displacement drafting are two completely different concepts that must be distinguished when studying drafting.

(2) Drafting multiple and drafting efficiency

1. Drafting multiplier The drafting factor is a value that indicates the size of the drafting action, which is also commonly known as the drafting value. The drafting factor is divided into mechanical drafting multiple and actual drafting multiple.

The mechanical drafting factor is the drafting magnitude calculated according to the mechanical transmission, which can also be called the theoretical drafting multiple:


Where: - mechanical drafting factor (theoretical drafting multiple);

– front roller surface linear velocity;

– Linear velocity of the rear roller surface.

The actual drafting factor is the ratio of the number of output yarn (whiskers) to the number of fed yarns (whiskers); The actual draft factor can also be expressed as the ratio of the feed line density of the sliver (whisker) to the output line density, such as the tex number or weight per unit length (quantitative):


where: — the actual drafting multiple;

– the number of output yarn slivers;

– the number of yarn threads fed;

– Output the weight of the yarn per unit length.

– feed the weight of the sliver per unit length;

– the number of output yarn slivers;

— Feed the special number of slivers.

2. Drafting efficiency In an ideal state, that is, there is no slippage between the jaws and the yarn, and there is no loss of fiber during the drafting process. But in fact, the reason is that the rotation of the upper roller (rubber roller) is generally driven by the friction of the lower roller, although the upper roller adds a certain pressure, but there is always a certain slipperyness. At the same time, in the drafting process, there will be some loss of fiber, among them, the staple fiber is very easy to fall off when drafting due to the poor holding force, coupled with the change of moisture regain rate and other factors, and there is always a certain difference, the ratio of the two is called the drafting efficiency:


Where: — Drafting efficiency

In the spinning process, the drafting efficiency is often less than 1, that is, the actual drafting is less than the mechanical drafting, which is caused by the slippage of the roller roller, but there are many influencing factors, and most of them are corrected by empirical values to control the weight of the spinning whisker to meet the process requirements. Cotton spinning production is used in the drafting ratio, it is equal to the reciprocal of drafting efficiency, need to be based on the long-term practice accumulation of similar machines, similar products, find out the law of change in drafting efficiency, consider the drafting ratio in advance in the process design, and calculate the mechanical drafting by the actual drafting multiple and drafting matching rate, that is, to be able to spin the whiskers that meet the requirements of the line density.

(3) Partial drafting and general drafting

Figure 6-2 Drafting mechanism composed of three pairs of rollers

A drafting device is usually composed of multiple pairs of rollers, as shown in Figure 6-2, which is a drafting mechanism composed of three pairs of rollers. Among them, a drafting area is formed between the adjacent two roller jaws, and there are two drafting areas. The roller speed should meet the >>. The drafting multiplier of each drafting area is expressed by the speed ratio between adjacent rollers, which is called partial drafting, and the drafting multiple between the last pair of rollers (feeding rollers) and the first pair of rollers (output rollers) is equal to the product of each part of the draft, which is called the total drafting. namely

× = (6-4)

In production, it is necessary to allocate the total drafting multiple to each part of the drafting according to the form and process requirements of the drafting device, which is called drafting distribution.

4. Drafting in the spinning system

Drafting is used in many processes and equipment of various spinning systems, and roller drafting is the main method.

In the cotton spinning system, there are special roller drafting mechanisms on the drawframes, roving frames and spinning frames used in the drawing, roving and spinning processes. Among them, the drafting factor of the spinning frame is the largest, which plays the main role of elongation and drawing; The drawing process is often multi-channel, in addition to drafting, it is more of a merging and mixing effect; In addition, there are special drafting mechanisms on the strip winding machine, the winding machine, the strip winding machine and the combing machine used in the combing preparation and combing process, and its main role is also to draft and merge and even.

In the wool spinning, hemp spinning, silk spinning system, many equipment are equipped with drafting mechanism, in addition to roving frame, spinning frame and cotton spinning similar to spinning, wool spinning needle carding machine, hemp spinning drawing frame, silk spinning extension machine and stretching machine, etc. have special drafting devices, in the elongation and thinning to reduce the density of the product line at the same time, the fiber in the whisker is parallel and straight, and finally spinning the yarn that meets the requirements.

Section 2 Basic Principles of Drafting Action

1. Friction boundary

In the drafting process, the roller or other parts in the drafting area control the fiber movement through the friction of the fibers and the friction between the fibers, so as to achieve the purpose and requirements of drafting.

(1) The formation of frictional boundaries

1. Friction boundary and formation

When the whisker enters the roller jaw, due to the compression of the upper and lower rollers, the friction between the fiber and the drafting part, between the fiber and the fiber, and because the whisker has a certain width, thickness and length in the drafting area, the friction generated by the jaw pressurization does not only act on the jaw line, but is distributed in the three-dimensional space of the whisker in the whole drafting area, forming a friction field. The space in which this friction acts is called the friction boundary, and its magnitude is usually expressed by the pressure on the fibrous whiskers in the drafting zone.

When there is a slippage or a sliding tendency between the fibers in contact with each other in the drafting zone, frictional resistance is generated, and the total resistance T 0 can be expressed by equation 6-5:

T0 = T + T1 T = μ·P (6-5)

where: T is the friction force between the fibers, which is mainly generated by the external pressure of the fibers, which can be expressed by multiplying the positive pressure P between the fibers by the friction coefficient between the fibers; T 1 is the holding force between the fibers, which is mainly affected by the surface properties of the fibers, the number of fibers in the whisker, the state (buckling hook) and the contact area between them, but its value is small. The total drag force T 0 is collectively referred to as the frictional force in drafting theory, and is sometimes referred to as the inter-fiber force.

Friction boundary distribution

Figure 6-3 Distribution curve of friction boundary under roller jaws

Generally, the friction boundary is divided into two plane distributions, the distribution along the length of the whisker is the longitudinal friction boundary distribution, and the transverse friction boundary distribution perpendicular to the whisker direction under the roller jaws. The friction boundary distribution curve can be obtained by test methods, one is a static measurement, i.e., when the machine is stopped, and the other is a dynamic measurement, that is, it is carried out during the movement of the fiber.

As shown in Figure 6-3(a), the pressure at the jaw O 1 O 2 is that the elastic surface of the upper roller (rubber roller) and the width of the whisker extend along the length of the whisker, but the strength decreases. When the whiskers are drafted, the relative sliding between the fibers is generated, and then the friction force is generated, and its magnitude is different in each part of the drafting area, forming a distribution, as shown in the curve m 1 : it is the largest at the jaw line O 1 O 2 , and gradually decreases to both sides along the axis of the whiskers. On the left or right side of the line, the frictional influence of the rubber roller on the whisker tends to be zero (T ≈ 0), but there is still a certain friction strength (T 1 ≠0) due to the holding force between the fibers.

As shown in Figure 6-3(b), the transverse friction boundary distribution is shown in Figure 6-3(b), because the surface of the upper roller is elastic, when the surface is deformed after compression, the fiber in the cross-section of the roller jaw is squeezed, resulting in a large pressure, and the friction is generated when the fiber slides relatively, but the distribution is relatively uniform.

(2) Factors affecting the distribution of friction boundaries

1. Roller pressurization The pressure of the fiber at the jaws increases, the peak value of the friction boundary increases, and the deformation of the upper roller (rubber roller) and the whisker itself also increases, so that the contact surface between the whisker and the upper and lower rollers moves outward, and the length of the friction boundary expands, as shown in the curve m 2 in Figure 6-3(a). If the pressure decreases, the opposite is true.

2. Roller diameter If the pressure does not change, when the diameter of the upper or lower roller increases, the same pressure will be distributed over a larger area, and the length of the friction boundary distribution will expand, but the peak value will decrease, as shown in the curve m 3 in Figure 6-3(a).

3. Whisker quantification When the whisker is quantitatively increased, the thickness and width of the whisker under the jaw are increased, and the length of the friction boundary expands at this time, but its peak value will decrease when the pressure on the unit area of the whisker decreases.

4. Surface hardness of the upper roller The surface hardness of the upper roller (rubber roller) mainly affects the control of the fibers (especially the edge fibers) at the jaws. As shown in Figure 6-4, the transverse friction boundaries of rollers on different surface hardnesses are distributed. Fig. 6-4(a) The hardness of the metal upper roller is used, the surface deformation is small when pressed, the pressure decreases rapidly from the center to both sides, and the edge fibers are not easy to be sufficiently controlled. Figure 6-4(b) uses an elastic rubber roller, which deforms its surface under pressure and coats the whiskers, so that the transverse friction is relatively uniform and the edge fibers are well controlled. In practical application, the upper roller basically uses elastic rubber rollers.

Figure 6-4 Distribution of lateral friction boundaries of roller whiskers with different hardnesses

The friction boundary formed by the two pairs of rollers that form a drafting area is coherent, and the friction boundary distribution of the drafting area is formed. The friction boundary at the roller jaws is generated by pressurization, and by setting up a special mechanism that rubs or extrudes the whisker in the drafting area, an additional friction boundary can be obtained, which is called an additional friction boundary, and the device is called an additional friction boundary device. Additional friction boundary devices are widely used in the drafting mechanism, and their forms mainly include "product" or inverted "product" zigzag rollers, pressure rods, needle plates, lightweight rollers, rubber rings, concentrators, etc. It is also possible to increase the friction boundary by changing the structure of the whiskers, such as applying a weak twist to the whiskers to increase the holding force between the fibers.

In production practice, the discussion of the distribution of friction boundary generally refers to the longitudinal distribution, and the horizontal distribution needs to be uniform. Because the distribution of the longitudinal friction boundary is reasonable, it will be directly related to the movement of the fibers in the drafting zone and the resulting unevenness.

2. Fiber classification and quantity distribution in the drafting area

(1) Fiber classification in the drafting area

The fibers in the drafting area can be divided into two categories: controlled fibers and floating fibers according to whether they are controlled by the drafting rollers. Any fiber that is controlled by a drafting roller and moves at the linear velocity of the roller's surface is called a controlled fiber. The fibers that are held by the jaws of the rear roller and move at the linear velocity of the surface of the rear roller are called the rear fibers; The fibers that are held by the front roller jaws and move at the linear velocity of the front roller surface are called front fibers, and both fibers are controlled fibers. The two ends of the fiber are neither controlled by the posterior nor the anterior roller at a certain moment, and are in a planktonic state, which is called planktonic fiber. The movement of planktonic fibers is extremely unstable, depending on the length of the fibers and the movement of the surrounding fibers that come into contact with it. Long fibers have more opportunities and time to be controlled, while shorter fibers have more opportunities and time to float.

The fibers in the drafting area can be divided into fast fibers and slow fibers according to the speed of movement. All fibers that move at linear velocity on the surface of the former roller, including the front fibers and the floating fibers that have become the velocity motion of the front roller, are called fast fibers; All fibers moving at the linear velocity of the surface of the rear roller, including the rear fibers and the floating fibers that do not change the speed, are called slow fibers.

In production, the size of the roller grip distance, which is one of the basic parameters of the drafting process, should be suitable for the length of the processed fiber and take into account the uniformity of the fiber. Generally, on the basis of the length of fiber quality, add a certain empirical value, such as cotton spinning, plus 3-5mm. As a result, most of the fibers are in a floating state before reaching the front jaw after the tail end is out of the rear roller control. As mentioned above, the motion state of planktonic fibers is extremely unstable and affected by many factors, so the drafting theory mainly discusses the motion law of planktonic fibers and their corresponding control methods.

(2) The quantity distribution of various types of fibers in the drafting area

The distribution of the number of fibers in the drafting area of the simple roller is shown in Figure 6-5. In the figure, FF' is the front jaw line, and BB' is the rear jaw line, which is the distance between the front and rear jaws.

The distribution curve in Figure 6-5(a) showing the number of fibers in each section of the whisker in the drafting zone, also known as the tapering curve. is the distribution curve of the number of fibers held by the front jaw, and is the fiber held by the rear jaws

Quantity distribution curves. The number of fibers on the rear jaw position line is equal to the average number of fibers in the feed whisker section, and the number of fibers on the front jaw position line is equal to the average number of fibers in the output whisker cross-section, drafting multiple.

Figure 6-5 Distribution of the number of fibers in the drafting area of a simple roller

In Fig. 6-5(b), the upper shade is the distribution of the number of fibres held at the front jaw, which is obtained from the bottom line in Fig. 6-5(a), and the lower shade is the distribution of the number of fibres held at the rear jaws. The blank part is the distribution of the number of planktonic fibers, and it can be seen that the number of planktonic fibers in the middle of the drafting area is the largest, which gradually decreases to both ends, and the jaw line is zero.

As shown in Figure 6-5(c), in order to facilitate the analysis of fiber motion in the drafting zone, the distribution of the above three fiber numbers can be summarized into fast fiber curves and slow fiber curves, and the total number of fibers is:

The intersection point of the fast and slow fiber curves in Figure 6-5(c) is M, where the number of the two types of fibers is equal, and the distance from the front jaw is R. R is related to the drafting factor, the larger the drafting factor, if N 2 is fixed and N 1 is smaller, i.e., the dotted line in the figure, the closer the intersection of the fast fiber curve and the slow fiber curve is to the front jaw (such as the M' point), the smaller R (is R').

3. Force analysis of planktonic fibers in the drafting area

(1) Guidance and control

The dynamic friction force acting on the floating fibers of the fast fibers of the roller velocity movement in the past is called the guiding force, and the static friction force of the slow fibers of the roller velocity movement acting on the floating fibers is called the control force, and the control force makes the floating fibers maintain slow motion, and the guiding force makes the floating fibers move forward rapidly. When the guiding force is greater than the control force, the floating fiber changes, so the movement of the floating fiber is mainly determined by the control force and the guiding force acting on the fiber.

Fig. 6-6 shows the force of the planktonic fiber in the drafting zone, and (a) represents the drafting zone composed of two pairs of rollers. (b) represents the distribution of friction boundaries in the drafting zone, and (c) represents the distribution of the number of fast and slow fibers in the drafting zone.

Figure 6-6 Force analysis of floating fibers in the drafting zone

If the friction boundary strength is set on the X-X cross-section, the friction force acting on the unit length of a certain floating fiber is the friction coefficient between the fibers. The contact probabilities of fast and slow fibers with planktonic fibers are /and/, respectively, and the guiding and controlling forces acting on the whole length of the planktonic fibers are as follows:


where: - dynamic friction coefficient when the relative velocity between fibers is V;

– coefficient of static friction when the relative velocity between fibers is zero;

— the length of the fiber;

– The distance between the rear end of the fiber and the jaws of the rear roller.

Obviously, the condition for the planktonic fiber to change from slow to fast is > ; At the same time, the planktonic fibers remain slow.

From Eq. (6-6), it can be seen that the main factors affecting the guiding force and the control force are: the number of fast and slow fibers in contact with the floating fibers, the strength distribution of the friction force boundary, the length of the floating fibers themselves, the friction properties and the position in the whiskers. The fluctuation of these factors should be minimized during the drafting process, so that the fiber movement remains stable and meets the requirements for drafting.

In addition, it is also known from Eq. (6-6) that at the M point, the number of fast fibers and slow fibers is equal, that is, the guiding force and the control force are equal, and at this time, the slow-moving planktonic fibers are most likely to start to become fast, so this point can also be called the theoretical speed change point of the planktonic fibers.

(2) Drafting force and grip force

1. The concept of drafting

In the drafting process, when all the fast fibers moving at the speed of the front roller are extracted from the slow fibers moving at the speed of the rear roller, the force used to overcome the sum of the frictional resistance is called the drafting force.

Drafting force is different from control force and guiding force, which refers to the force used by the whisker to overcome frictional resistance during the drafting process, while control force and guiding force are for a fiber. The stretch force is related to the number distribution of fast and slow fibers and the process parameters, and its expression can be obtained from the concept of control force:


where: — the longest fiber length.

It can be seen from equation (6-7) that the main factors affecting the drafting force are the number distribution of various types of fibers in the drafting area、、、 the distribution of friction boundaries, and the properties of fibers (,). The distribution of the number of various types of fibers mainly changed with the change of drafting factor and feeding quantification.

Factors influencing the drafting force

Drafting multiple

(1) When the density of the feeding whisker line is unchanged, the relationship between the drafting force and the drafting multiple is shown in Figure 6-7(a), and the variation law presents three regions with obvious differences.

(a) The density of the feed whisker remains unchanged (b) The output whisker density remains unchanged

Figure 6-7 Relationship between drafting force and drafting multiplier

Tension drafting zone: i.e., the area where the drafting factor is less than. At this time, the whisker mainly produces elastic elongation or fiber straightening under the action of tension, but with the increase of the drafting multiple, the drafting force increases rapidly. When the drafting factor is approaching, a small relative displacement occurs between the fast and slow fibers. At the point, the drafting force is maximum, and this drafting factor is called the critical drafting factor.

Critical drafting area: The drafting process is more complex and fluctuates greater. Due to the change of the number of fast and slow fibers in this area, the floating fibers begin to move irregularly, and the fiber movement is in the transition process between sliding and non-sliding during the drafting process, so the drafting force of this part fluctuates greatly. In actual use, this area should be avoided as much as possible, so as not to affect the movement of planktonic fibers, and increase the unevenness of the whiskers. The size of the critical drafting factor is related to the type, length, fineness and state of the fiber in the whisker (parallel straightening), and is also affected by the special number of the whisker, the roller spacing and other factors.

Displacement Drafting Zone: This section is the main drafting area used. In this region, the relative displacement between fast and slow fibers occurs, and the ratio of the number of fast and slow fibers depends on the drafting factor, and the larger the drafting factor, the smaller the number of fast fibers and the smaller the drafting force.

(2) When the density of the output whiskers remains unchanged, the relationship between the drafting force and the drafting factor is shown in Figure 6-7(b). In this case, an increase in the drafting factor means that the line density of the whiskers is fed. Although there is no change in the number of fast fibers held by the front roller, the resistance to each fast fiber increases and the drafting force increases rapidly due to the increase in the number of slow fibers and the forward expansion of the friction boundary of the rear jaw.

In addition, when the drafting factor is constant, and the linear density or quantity of the whisker is increased, the drafting force also increases due to the increase in the number of slow fibers and the expansion of the friction boundary.

Friction boundary

The influencing factors of the distribution of friction boundaries on the drafting force in the drafting zone mainly include the roller spacing, the arrangement of the additional friction boundaries, and the linear density or quantification of the feeding whiskers.

Figure 6-8 Relationship between spacing and drafting force

When the roller spacing is changed within the range to ensure the realization of drafting, the variation law of the drafting force is shown in Figure 6-8. With the increase of roller spacing, the drafting force decreases rapidly, but then gradually decreases, because the rear end of the fast fiber is little affected by the friction boundary at large intervals. When the interval is reduced to a certain extent, the tail end of the fast fiber is affected by the friction boundary of the rear roller, and some long fibers may be controlled by the front and rear rollers at the same time, and the drafting force increases sharply, so that the fiber is broken or unable to be stretched and the "hard head" appears, thereby deteriorating the uniformity of the whisker, and even unable to drive in serious cases.

When the density or quantity of the whisker line is fed, the expansion of the friction boundary is affected. With the increase of the quantity of the whiskers, the width and thickness of the whiskers increased, resulting in the expansion of the length of the friction boundary and the increase of the drafting force.

When there is an additional friction boundary device in the drafting zone, the drafting force increases.

(3) Fiber properties

(1) If the length of the fiber is long, when the whisker is drafted, the fast fiber will be subjected to frictional resistance in a longer length, and the drafting force is large;

(2) If the fiber fineness is fine, the number of fiber roots in the section of the same special number of whiskers is large, the number of fibers in contact at the same time is large, the contact area is large, and the holding force between the fibers is generally larger, so the drafting force is large;

(3) Changes in the friction properties of the fiber surface, such as astringency on the surface of the dyed fiber, increase of the friction coefficient between fibers, and increase of the drafting force; The temperature and humidity of the external environment cause the fiber to become sticky, which increases the friction coefficient and the drafting force. If the parallel straightness of the fibers in the whiskers is poor, the fibers are cross-entangled with each other, and the friction is larger, and the drafting force is also larger.


(1) The concept of grip strength

In roller drafting, in order for the drafting to proceed smoothly, the roller jaws should have sufficient grip on the whiskers. The roller grip force refers to the friction force of the roller jaw on the whisker, and its magnitude depends on the pressure of the jaw on the whisker and the coefficient of friction between the roller and the whisker. If the roller grip is insufficient, the whisker will not be able to move correctly according to the surface velocity of the roller, and slip under the jaws, resulting in a decrease in drafting efficiency, uneven output of the whisker, and even the "hard head" phenomenon that cannot be drawn. Therefore, the grip of the roller jaws on the whisker must be sufficient, that is, the gripping force is greater than the drafting force is the prerequisite for normal drafting.

(2) Factors affecting grip strength

The factors affecting the gripping force, in addition to the pressure and stability of the roller, mainly include the hardness of the roller, the shape of the grooves on the surface of the roller and the number of grooves, and the wear of the rubber roller, the lack of oil in the core of the roller and the inflexible rotation, and the wear of the edges and corners of the roller groove will also affect the gripping force.

When the drafting force changes, the gripping force should be adjusted in time, and the gripping force of the jaws should generally be 2~3 times of the maximum drafting force. The size of the pressure applied to each pair of rollers of the drafting device is determined by actual tests, and the roller pressurization methods include hammer pressurization, liquid flow pressurization, spring pressurization, leaf spring pressurization and pneumatic pressurization.

(3) Force analysis of the whisker under the roller jaws

Figure 6-9 shows the force of the whisker in the drafting device. Because the feeding whisker is relatively thick, the upper and lower rollers generally can not be directly contacted, so the roller pressure all acts on the whiskers, the movement of the rubber roller is driven by the whiskers, the friction of the front and rear rubber rollers on the whiskers is opposite to the direction of movement of the whiskers, if the drafting force is greater than the tension of the whiskers, the whiskers have a tendency to slide backwards in the front jaws, so the direction of the friction force acting on the whiskers on the front rollers is forward, and the whiskers have a tendency to slide forward in the rear jaws, so the direction of the friction force acting on the whiskers is backward, Therefore, in normal drafting, the conditions for the roller jaws to hold the whisker are:

Front jaws: or

Rear jaws: or

It can be seen that when the tension of the whisker is small, in order to make the drafting can be carried out smoothly, the actual gripping force ( ) and () of the front and rear jaws must be adapted to the drafting force, and the rear jaws are easier to meet the conditions, and because the front roller rotation speed is high, it is easy to slip and run, and the pressure should be large, that is, the pressure on the front rubber roller should be greater than the pressure on the rear rubber roller. The reason why the whisker slips under the roller jaws is actually because the grip force is not compatible with the drafting force, or the grip force is too small, or the draft force is too large.

Figure 6-9 Force on the whisker under the jaw

Requirements for draft and grip force

The drafting force reflects the connection force between the fast and slow fibers in the drafting zone, which makes the slow fibers transform into fast fibers in tension and at the same time makes the fibers straighten and parallel during the drafting process. The size of the drafting force is appropriate and stable, which is a necessary condition to ensure the stable movement of the fiber in the drafting area and meet the drafting requirements.

The drafting force should not be too large, and its upper limit should not be close to or exceed the holding force of the normal pressurized roller, otherwise the yarn will slip at the jaws of the roller, resulting in uneven products; It should not be too small, and its lower limit should be able to maintain a certain tension of the fibers in the loosest part of the whisker in the drafting area. This tensioning makes the whisker fibers adhere to each other, forming a constraint on the whiskers, which can reduce the diffusion of the fibers during the drafting process on the one hand, and more importantly, enable the fast fibers to guide the fibers into the front roller jaws stably. In addition, the tension generated by the drafting force on the whisker should be reasonably distributed along the whisker and should not exceed the strength of the whisker, otherwise, the whisker will split partially or even completely.

The analysis of drafting force and holding force reveals the intrinsic relationship between the basic drafting process parameters such as drafting multiple, roller spacing, and roller pressurization. In production, it is necessary to combine the factors that affect the change of drafting force such as fiber properties, special or quantitative whiskers, and additional friction boundary devices, and reasonably adjust the process parameters to adapt to the holding force. For example, when processing chemical fibers, because of their long length, good length uniformity and large surface friction coefficient, they can appropriately reduce the feeding quantification, enlarge the spacing, increase the front roller pressure, etc., and reduce the drafting force and increase the holding force through light weighting, large spacing and heavy pressurization, so as to meet the drafting requirements. For example, in summer, when the high temperature and humidity are high and the whiskers are sticky, and the slippage under the roller jaws is more serious, it can be improved by appropriately enlarging the roller spacing or adding roller pressure. In addition, in the selection of raw materials, it is necessary to control the performance difference of the batch fiber, so that the production process and product quality are stable. There are many types of additional friction boundary devices in the drafting mechanism, which require specific process parameters.

In short, on the basis of theoretical analysis, it is also necessary to proceed from reality and grasp the influence of various relevant factors on the drafting force and holding force, so as to make effective adjustments.

Fourth, the fiber movement and speed point distribution in the drafting area

The movement of the fiber in the drafting area is from slow to fast, and each fiber has a position of changing speed, which is called the speed change point, at this time, the mutual displacement between the fast and slow fibers is generated, and the drafting effect is generated. From the above discussion, it can be seen that the conditions that determine the speed change of the fiber are the guiding force and the controlling force acting on the fiber, and there are many factors affecting these two forces, and there is a certain randomness, which makes the drafting process more complicated.

Therefore, it is necessary to make some assumptions and simplifications to reveal the basic laws of actual drafting through the discussion of ideal drafting.

Ideal drafting

The so-called ideal drafting has two assumptions: one is to feed the ideal state of the whisker, that is, the fibers in the whisker are parallel, straight, and of equal length; The second is that the fiber changes speed at the same position in the drafting zone, which can be the front jaw or a certain position in the drafting zone.

Figure 6-10 Tip shift of the fiber during ideal drafting

The two fibers located in the whisker strip in the drafting area are A and B respectively, as shown in Figure 6-10 for their arrangement position in the original whisker, if the tip distance between the two is, this distance is called the tip "shift" of these two fibers, when the tip end of fiber A reaches the front jaw, then A changes speed, that is, the former roller speed moves rapidly, and at this time the fiber B is still moving slowly at the rear roller speed, so the two fibers of A and B move relatively, and the shift distance begins to change. When fiber B reaches the front jaw after time, it also becomes fast, and there is no relative movement between the two fibers, and the distance between the tips of the two fibers A and B is. In time, the distance traveled by fiber A is and the distance traveled by fiber B is , which is:

After drafting, the tip distance of the two fibers A and B is as follows:


Where: —drafting multiple;

, —the distance of the fiber tip before and after drafting.

Eq. (6-8) shows that the distance between any two fibers in the whisker strip is also multiplied by the ideal drafting multiplier, that is, the relative displacement of the fibers along the axial direction of the whisker bar is doubled, so that the fibers are distributed over a longer length, but no additional unevenness is generated.

Actual drafting

In fact, the whiskers fed into the drafting zone are not ideal, but uneven, the weight per unit length varies over time, and the fiber lengths are not equal and are not perfectly parallel and straight. After the whisker in this state enters the drafting zone, the guiding force and control force of the fibers in the whisker will also fluctuate, which directly affects the movement and speed change of the floating fibers, resulting in the change of speed point.

Therefore, the assumption that the fibers are all changing at the front roller jaws (or on a section within the drafting area) during drafting is not true, as most of the fibers do not have the same speed point (cross-section). Figure 6-11 shows the actual drafting of the fiber tip when the speed is changed at different positions.

Figure 6-11 Drafting of fiber tip ends at different positions

In the figure: the distance between the heads of any two fibers A and B in the draft whisker before the speed change; X 1 -X 1 AND X 2 -X 2 (FRONT JAW LINE) ARE THE SHIFTING POSITIONS OF THE FIBERS, AND X IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE SHIFTING POINTS.

When the leading fibers change gears first. That is, A changes from the original slow to fast V at X 1 -X 1 , and B fiber becomes fast after reaching X 2 -X 2 after passing time, at this time, the distance between the tip end of fiber A and B is, that is, the distance (moving distance) of the head end after drafting, which can be calculated as 1 follows.

After A reaches the shift point, the time it takes for B to reach its shift point X 2 -X 2 is:

And in time, A moves forward again from the X-X 1 1 cross-section, then:

So the distance between A and B becomes:

When the lagging fibers change speed first. That is, B changes from slow to fast in the X-X 1 1 cross-section, and after A passes time, it also changes from slow to fast when it reaches the X-X 2 2 cross-section, and the head-end distance between the two can be calculated as follows:

After B reaches the shift point, the time it takes for A to reach its shift point X 2 -X 2 is:

And in time, B moves a distance forward from X 1 -X 1 , then:

Therefore, the distance between A and B becomes:

In the above two cases, the distance between any two initial tips is a fiber, and the new distance generated after drafting can be expressed by the following formula:


In the formula, it is the ideal shift distance when doubling the drafting, and the distance deviation caused by the fiber tip end when the speed is changed in different sections during the drafting process, which is the distance between the speed change points.

The above equation shows that the larger the drafting multiple, the greater the shift deviation, and the greater the distance between the variable speed points of the fiber in the drafting area, the greater the shift deviation. When the shift deviation is "positive", it means that the leading fiber changes speed first, and the head end of the fiber after drafting is larger than the ideal drafting, indicating that the whisker after drafting is thinner than the normal value; On the contrary, when the shift deviation is "negative", it means that the backward fiber changes speed first, and the tip distance of the fiber after drafting is smaller than that of the ideal drafting, indicating that the whisker after drafting is thicker than the normal value. The shift deviation reveals the cause of the unevenness of the whisker in the actual drafting process, and the unevenness caused by the drafting is called uneven drafting, which is an additional unevenness.

(3) Distribution of fiber variable speed points

Since the distance between the roller jaws is greater than the length of the fiber, there is always a floating process for each fiber. When the jaw begins to float after the tail end of any fiber leaves the posterior, the average probability of its contact with the slow fiber is always greater than the probability of contacting the fast fiber, and the control force is greater than the guiding force, that is, the >, so the slow motion is maintained in the middle and rear parts of the drafting zone (near the rear jaw); Then, as the fiber moves forward, the contact with the slow fibers decreases, and the fast fibers gradually increase, and at >, the fiber changes from slow to fast, and the closer the tip of the fiber is to the front jaw, the more likely this change is. The change of force and motion state of the fiber in the drafting zone makes the position of the head speed change in the drafting process different, and forms a distribution from the speed change point to the front jaw, that is, the speed change point distribution, as shown in Figure 6-12.

Figure 6-12 Distribution of variable speed points of fibers in the drafting area of simple rollers

Curve 1 in the figure shows that most of the fibers will be concentrated near the jaws, and the speed change point of some fibers is far away from the front jaws, that is, the speed change in advance, so that the value of this part of the fibers increases, the shift deviation increases, and the additional unevenness of the whisker after drafting increases. The shift points in curve 2 are more concentrated and close to the front jaws, and the distance between the fiber shift points is reduced, the shift deviation is reduced, and the uneven drafting is reduced. Curve 3 is the opposite. It can be seen that to reduce uneven drafting, it is necessary to concentrate the fiber shift points and be close to the front jaws.

(4) Factors influencing the distribution of fiber speed change points

The change of the friction boundary in the drafting zone is the main reason for the distribution of fiber speed change points, while the fiber length, roller spacing, drafting multiple, etc. affect the friction boundary and its distribution in the drafting zone, and then affect the distribution of fiber speed change points, which shows that the law of fiber speed change in the drafting zone is relatively complex.

In order to further explore the factors influencing the distribution of fiber variable speed points, experimental methods can be used, and the variable speed point experimental methods include tracer fiber (or tracer yarn) method and indirect measurement method. In the former, the drawing device is fed with a marked yarn or a yarn embedded with colored fibers, and finally the variable speed point distribution curve is measured and calculated on the output product. The latter adopts an analog drafting device, and measures (or determines) the fiber length, fineness, drafting multiple, spacing and the number of fiber roots in each relevant section of the drafting area, and then with the help of the fiber friction coefficient tester, the relevant formula is used to statistically calculate and obtain the distribution curve of variable speed point.

Figure 6-13 Distribution of fiber speed change points when the distance between the fiber length and the roller is different

1-Acrylic (76mm, 3.3dtex) 2-Acrylic (51mm, 2.2dtex) 3-Cotton (quality length 30mm, 1.4dtex)

Figure 6-13 shows the distribution of variable speed points obtained by the indirect measurement method. The results showed that the shorter the fiber length, the more dispersed the distribution of variable speed points, and the longer the fiber length, the more concentrated the distribution of variable speed points. At the same time, the interval used is small, and the transmission point of the fiber is close to the front jaw, and it is more concentrated; When the interval is large, the speed shift points are scattered.

Figure 6-14 shows the distribution of variable speed points when the drafting factor and roller spacing are different

1- Rear roller holds 600 fibers (6x draft) 2- Rear roller holds 800 fibers (8x draft)

3- Rear roller holds 1000 fibers (10x draft) 4- Rear roller holds 1200 fibers (12 draft)

5- Rear roller grips 1400 fibers (14 drafts)

Figure 6-14 shows the distribution of variable speed points when the drafting factor and roller spacing are different. The results show that when the number of fibers in the output whisker remains unchanged and only the drafting factor is changed, the larger the drafting multiple, the larger the number of feeding whiskers, the more dispersed the distribution of fiber speed change points, and the farther away the speed change points are from the front jaw. Similarly, when the interval increases, the distribution of fiber speed change points is scattered, but the effect of the drafting factor is not obvious at this time.

From the above experiments, it can be seen that:

As the fibers approach the front jaws, the number of fibers moving at the front roller velocity gradually increases, but the increase is slow at first, then changes to a sharp rise, and near the front jaws, the fibers almost all become fast.

The variable speed position of the fibers with the same length or good uniformity is not the same, but forms a distribution; Fibers with poor length uniformity (cotton fibers), in which the short fibers change earlier than the long fibers, and the shift position is farther away from the front jaws, while the long fibers change the speed position close to the front jaws; In the various cross-sections of the drafting zone, the frequency of short fibers in variable speed fibers is often higher than that of long fibers, so short fibers are the main object of control.

When the drafting factor is constant, the discreteness of the transmission point distribution increases with the increase of the drafting interval distance, and the transmission point is far away from the front jaw. With the same spacing, the dispersion of the shift point distribution is greater as the drafting factor increases, and the shift point is farther away from the front jaw.

In the experiment, it is also found that most of the fibers have been moving according to the front roller velocity after the transient change to the front roller velocity on a certain cross-section. However, a small number of fibers, mainly some short fibers, will change speed several times in the drafting zone after the transient speed change. There are also a very small number of fibers that have a longer acceleration process, during which intermediate velocities occur. Even some fibers with a very long length sometimes have negative velocity movement during acceleration, which is caused by the presence of hooks in the fibers in the whiskers.

In addition, when different forms of drafting devices were used in the experiment, the simple drafting device composed of two pairs of rollers had the most discrete distribution of fiber variable speed points, and the farthest from the front jaws, and the uniformity of the output whisker was the worst.

In summary, the variability of fiber motion states reflects the discrete distribution of variable speed points at the fiber tip. In order to minimize the unevenness caused by drafting, the movement of the fibers in the drafting zone should be controlled so that the distribution of the head speed change points is as concentrated as possible and stable to time. It can be seen from the shift deviation that with the increase of the drafting multiple, the shift deviation increases, and it should be reduced as much as possible to make it tend to zero, so that the shift deviation is reduced and the uneven drafting is reduced.

In practice, the movement and speed change of the fiber are controlled by reasonably arranging the distribution of the friction boundary in the drafting area, so that the distribution of the fiber speed change point meets the drafting requirements.

Section 3 Additional Friction Boundaries and Their Applications

1. Ideal friction boundary distribution and additional friction boundary

In order for the fiber shift points to be concentrated and close to the front jaws, the ideal friction boundary should have the following characteristics:

The friction boundary of the rear jaw is extended forward to appropriately strengthen the control force of the floating fiber in the middle and rear of the drafting zone, so that the slow fiber and the floating fiber are always controlled by the rear friction boundary before the speed change, so as to reduce the possibility of the floating fiber changing in advance.

In order for the fast fibers to be smoothly withdrawn from the slow fibers, the friction boundary strength should be appropriately weakened at a certain distance from the front jaws. However, since the vicinity of the front jaw is the main area of fiber shifting, the friction boundary should be stable and have the appropriate strength to prevent irregular movement of floating fibers;

The friction boundary of the front jaw should have high strength, and it is required to be stable, and the range of action is small, so that the transmission point is concentrated to the jaws as much as possible, and the value of the transmission range is reduced.

Figure 6-15 The distribution of friction boundary and ideal friction boundary in the draft zone of a simple roller

As shown in Figure 6-15, curve 1 shows the distribution of friction boundaries in the drawing region of a simple roller. Because the pressure of the roller jaw cannot be extended to the middle of the drafting area, the friction boundary completely depends on the structure and thickness of the yarn sliver itself, so that the strength of the middle and rear friction boundary is weak, and the fluctuation is also large, which makes the movement of the floating fiber unstable, expands the value of the variable speed range, and causes the deterioration of the yarn sliver dryness.

Curve 2 is based on curve 1, with an additional friction boundary, which strengthens the strength of the friction boundary in the middle and rear parts, so that the friction boundary distribution in the drafting area is close to the ideal state.

Curves 1 and 2 are superimposed to form an ideal friction bounding distribution. It can be seen that the ideal friction boundary distribution is achieved by the additional friction boundary.

Although, appropriate adjustment in the process parameters, such as the use of large-diameter rear rollers, small-diameter front rollers, increasing the pressure of the front rollers, reducing the roller spacing, etc., can make up for the shortcomings of the distribution of the friction boundary of simple rollers to a certain extent, but it is still very limited, especially when the drafting multiple increases, the fiber is easy to spread to both sides, and the control of the edge fiber is worse, so it is necessary to set an additional friction boundary between the two pairs of rollers, so that the fiber movement can be more effectively controlled.

2. Additional friction boundary device and its requirements

The additional friction boundary is essentially a slip control form, which not only allows the fast fiber to slip under the strength of the additional friction boundary, but also needs to carry out a more perfect control of the floating fiber, which is actually achieved by using a reasonable additional friction boundary device.

There are many types of fiber raw materials for spinning, and the properties of raw materials are quite different, and the additional friction boundary device has been widely used in cotton, wool, silk, linen, and chemical fiber spinning, and has various forms. Commonly used are rollers, pressure rods, lightweight rollers, needle plates, syringes, rubber rings, etc. Some are used alone, while others are used in combination. In the same spinning system, different processes and different equipment use different additional friction boundary devices due to different feeding whiskers and fiber types. The aim is to better control the fiber movement, prevent the spread of the whiskers, stabilize the fiber movement, and move the speed point closer to the forward jaws to obtain a yarn with uniform dryness.

Requirements for additional friction boundary devices:

1. The resulting additional friction boundary should be as theoretical as possible (both longitudinal and transverse);

2. The strength of the additional friction boundary should be appropriate and stable;

3. When the additional friction boundary device is an intermediate device for movement, its speed should be equal to or close to the surface velocity of the rear roller, so as to control the floating fiber, guide the floating fiber to move forward, and change the speed stably, so that the fiber speed change point distribution is close to the front jaw;

4. The strength distribution of the additional friction boundary should be able to be adjusted with the yarn structure, special number, raw material properties, drafting multiple, etc.

3. Additional friction boundary device and its application in drafting process

(1) Roller type

The distinctive feature of the roller type additional friction boundary device is that the number of upper and lower rollers is unequal, which can be the upper roller or the lower roller, forming the "product" or inverted "product" shape, changing the layout form and position of the roller jaws, so that the channel of the whisker in the drafting area changes from the straight line of the simple roller to the curve, also known as the curve drafting. As shown in Figure 6-16.

Figure 6-16 Arrangement of the jaws of the roller type with additional friction boundary

Three up and four down type

As shown in Figure 6-17(a) and (b), a larger rubber roller rides on the two lower rollers to form two independent drafting areas, which are double-zone drafting. For example, there is no drafting between the two jaws that the large rubber roller and 2, 3 rollers are formed, so that the whisker strip is close to the surface of the rubber roller, and the friction boundary of the rear part of the drafting area extends forward; At the same time, after the position of the second roller is appropriately raised, the whisker also forms an encirclement arc on the second roller. Through this arrangement, the friction boundary strength of the middle and rear parts of the drafting zone is greatly strengthened, the control of the fiber movement is improved, the advance speed change of the fiber is prevented, and the fiber speed change point is concentrated and close to the front jaw. In addition, because the drafting force of the fiber bundle between the 2 and 3 rollers is close to zero (no drafting), the large rubber roller can maintain stable operation by sufficient pressure, so that the slippage rate of the whisker at the two jaws of 2 and 3 is small. However, the small roller is easy to wind the fiber, which is not suitable for high speed and light weight, and the front rear area has an anti-enclosing arc, which is not conducive to the control of the fiber movement in the rear drafting area.

(a) Front-mounted (b) Rear-mounted

Figure 6-17 Three upper and four lower roller drafting

In the drafting distribution, the drafting ratio of the drafting zone (main drafting area) with additional friction boundary device should be followed, while the drafting multiple of the simple roller drafting area should be small.

For the front type, the smaller drafting factor of the rear area will not cause too much uneven drafting, but it can straighten the fiber, make the movement and speed change of the fiber stable, create conditions for the drafting of the front area, and make it possible to increase the drafting factor of the front area, so the rear area is called the pre-drafting area.

For the rear type, the main drafting area is the rear area, and the number of fed fibers is more than that of the front type, so the friction boundary of the rear part is stronger, which is beneficial to control the movement of floating fibers. The front area is used as the finishing area of the main drafting area after the drafting of the whiskers, at this time, the fiber has a rapid elastic deformation after the high power drafting of the main drafting area, under the action of a certain tension drafting in the finishing area, it can prevent and reduce the retraction of the fiber, which is conducive to the stability of the fiber straightness.

Generally, the drafting multiple of the pre-drafting area is larger than that of the finishing area, therefore, the drafting capacity of the front-loading type is larger than that of the post-loading type, and it is also widely used, and it can be used in each drawing frame of cotton spinning.

Five up and three down type

As shown in Figure 6-18, the five-up and three-down roller drafting, I. and II. rollers form the main drafting area, and by raising the II. roller and riding two rubber rollers on it, the friction boundary strength of the middle and rear parts of the main drafting area is strengthened, and the purpose of controlling the fiber movement is achieved. I. The rubber roller mainly plays a guiding role in the output of the whisker after drafting, so as to facilitate the connection. The drafting device has strong adaptability to the fiber length, and the suitable spinning length is 25~80mm, and the larger diameter rubber roller can be used when processing the longer fiber. At the same time, the number of rollers is small, the structure is simple, and it can adapt to the requirements of increasing the diameter of rollers after high speed. It is currently used in cotton spinning combers.

Figure 6-18 Five-up, three-down roller drafting

(2) Pressure rod type

Figure 6-19 Drafting of the pressure bar

As shown in Figure 6-19, the 1 hanging on the 2 rubber rollers in the figure is the pressure bar (shaded part), which is very similar to the inverted zigzag roller, and the friction of the middle and rear parts is strengthened by adding a pressure bar in the main drafting area. There are many forms of pressure bars, which are classified from the perspective of movement, with rotary and non-rotating; Classified from the installation position, there are push-down type and up-lift type. In order to avoid the tendency to lift up due to the tension of the whiskers, the downward pressure bar needs to add a spring sheet to limit its upward lifting, so as to constitute an instantaneous balance of force; Its cross-sectional shapes are circular, semicircular, subsemicircular, fan-shaped, etc. It can form a three-up, three-down or four-up-four-down pressure rod drafting device with rollers.

1. Friction boundary distribution of pressure rod type

The friction boundary distribution in the middle and rear of the main drafting zone is enhanced by the pressure bar, as shown in Figure 6-20. As can be seen from the figure, in addition to the pressure bar, the center of the rear rubber roller is tilted forward for a distance b, so that the whisker bar at the rear jaw is pressed on the surface of the rear roller, the rear friction boundary is increased, and the friction boundary of the drafting area forms five sections of L1 (A~A), L2 (A~B), L3 (B~C), L4 (C~S), L5 (S~F) with different strengths, and such a friction boundary distribution can well control the fiber movement, so that the gear change point is concentrated and close to the front jaw.

Figure 6-20 Distribution of friction boundary in the drafting zone of the pressure rod Figure 6-21 Force analysis of the surface whisker of the pressure bar

2. The self-adjusting effect of the pressure rod on the pressure of the whisker

The pressure bar has a self-adjusting effect on the normal pressure of the whisker, which changes with the change of the whisker draft. As shown in Figure 6-21, the force of the pressure bar on the bar includes the normal pressure and the frictional resistance to the bar, which should be balanced with the tension and constituent force acting at both ends of the bar to form a closed polygon of force. Because the vector sum of the forces acting on the surface whiskers of the pressure rod should be equal to zero, ie



Namely: (6-10)

According to the friction force formula and Euler's formula, there are:

So: (6-11)

Where: — the normal pressure of the pressure bar on the whisker;

– the tensile force of the bar;

– the enclosing angle of the whisker bar on the surface of the pressure bar;

– The coefficient of friction between the fiber and the pressure bar.

As can be seen from the above formula, it is proportional to the relationship. That is, when the feeding whisker is a coarse section, when the drafting force increases, the pressure rod is lifted, and the deformation of the spring plate increases, so that the pressure increases, and the strength of the rear friction boundary is strengthened, but it is too large, and it is easy to cause the draft to be unable to open and deteriorate the strip dry. The value varies with the change of the enclosing angle of the whisker on the pressure bar, and the increase is also the large. Changing the compression or cross-sectional shape of the pressure bar can change the enclosing angle between it and the whisker, and then change the strength of the friction boundary, which can be appropriately adjusted according to the characteristics of the whisker feeded.

The pressure rod drafting device has strong adaptability to the fiber length. As long as the relative position of the pressure rod and the front rubber roller is adjusted, the fiber bundle can directly enter the front jaw, which can basically avoid the reverse encirclement arc at the front jaw, which is the unique feature of the pressure bar drafting device. At present, it is widely used in cotton drawing frames.

(3) Double rubber ring type

The double rubber ring drafting device uses two rubber rings to control the movement of floating fibers. The upper and lower rubber ring working surfaces are in direct contact with the yarn strips, resulting in a strong additional friction boundary, which has a large control surface and a relatively uniform friction boundary, as shown in Figure 6-22. This friction boundary distribution is conducive to preventing the fiber from changing speed early, so that the fiber speed change point distribution is concentrated in the front jaw to meet the drafting requirements. The drafting device has a large additional friction boundary strength and a strong effect on fiber control, and is suitable for feeding whisker strip drafting with small quantity and large drafting multiple, and is widely used in the spinning drafting of various spinning systems and most roving drafting.

Figure 6-22 Drafting of double rubber rings

The key lies in the length of the floating zone, the pressure of the middle part of the rubber ring and the jaws of the rubber ring and its stability, so as to strengthen the control force and stabilize the control force.

1. Floating area length The floating area length refers to the distance between the rubber ring jaws and the front roller jaws. Shortening the length of the floating zone means that on the one hand, the number of uncontrolled staple fibers in the floating zone is reduced, and on the other hand, the friction boundary of the rubber ring jaw is extended forward accordingly, so that the friction boundary length of the fiber in the rubber ring part increases, so as to strengthen the control force of the floating fiber, and is conducive to the stability of the fiber speed change, so that the fiber speed change point distribution in the drafting area is close to the front jaw and concentrated. However, when the length of the floating zone is reduced, the drafting force increases accordingly, so the pressure on the front jaw must be increased to adapt the grip force of the roller jaws to it.

2. The friction boundary in the middle of the rubber ring The double rubber ring draft has a strong distribution of the middle friction boundary, but the upper and lower rubber rings are affected by the friction resistance of the rubber ring supporter (upper and lower pins) during operation, and its working edge is easy to relax, resulting in the concave phenomenon in operation, resulting in the weakening and instability of the middle friction boundary. At present, it is mainly solved by improving the form of the pin, and the upper pin can be pressed down or the lower pin can be used to support it, as shown in Figure 6-22, the curved lower pin can hold up the rubber ring in the middle to improve the concave phenomenon. However, the degree to which the pin is supported or pressed down should generally be lower than the friction boundary strength formed by the rubber ring jaw.

3. The friction boundary of the rubber ring jaw The friction boundary strength of the rubber ring jaw has a significant impact on the fiber movement, and the rubber ring jaw is composed of the upper and lower rubber rings and their corresponding upper and lower pins, which are divided into two types: fixed pins and spring pins. The jaws composed of the upper and lower fixing pins are called fixed jaws, and the upper pins are spring pins, which are called elastic jaws. The minimum distance between the upper and lower pins of the fixed jaws is called the jaw interval or the pin opening, because the pin opening is greater than the sum of the thickness of the upper and lower rubber rings, and the rubber ring has a certain elasticity, the rubber ring of the jaws is not close to the pin, when the yarn strip passing through is thicker or the rubber ring is thicker, the upper and lower rubber rings at the jaws are compressed and deformed; When the yarn is relatively thin or the rubber ring is relatively thin, the elasticity of the rubber ring still makes the yarn sliver under a certain pressure, so the friction boundary arrangement of the rubber ring jaw to the yarn is realized by the elastic pressure of the rubber ring, and the strength of the friction boundary is determined by the elasticity of the rubber ring and the size of the opening of the rubber ring pin.

The rubber ring jaws should be able to effectively control the floating fibers, and the front fibers should be able to pass smoothly. In order to make the fiber speed change point distribution in the drafting area close to the front roller jaw and keep the fiber speed change stable, in addition to appropriately reducing the length of the floating zone and strengthening the friction boundary in the middle of the rubber ring, it mainly depends on the strength and stability of the friction boundary of the rubber ring jaw.

Because the rubber ring jaws are close to the front roller jaws, it is the area where the relative motion of fast and slow fibers is most intense, so the influence of friction boundary strength and stability on fiber movement is particularly obvious. If the pin opening is too large, the pressure of the jaw part is too small, and the control effect on the fiber movement is lost, the connection force between the fibers in the yarn sliver at the jaw is small, and the tightness difference and uneven structure of the feeding sliver will make the control force or guiding force fluctuate greatly, resulting in the instability of the fiber speed change; If the pin opening is too small, the elasticity of the rubber ring of the jaw is poor, and the thickness of the rubber ring is uneven, when the uneven thickness of the whisker passes through the jaw of the rubber ring, it will cause the sharp fluctuation of jaw pressure and drafting force, affect the stable speed change of the fiber, and cause the dry difference of the fine yarn. Sometimes the rubber ring does not rotate effectively due to excessive resistance at the jaws, and there will be a stuttering phenomenon, resulting in slub yarn or a "hard head". Therefore, in order to have a certain pressure at the jaws and have small fluctuations, it is necessary to choose the appropriate pin jaws. When spinning yarns with different special numbers, the pin jaws should be different.

When the thickness of the rubber ring is uneven and the elasticity and bending stiffness of the upper and lower rubber rings are quite different, it is easy to increase the fluctuation of jaw pressure. Therefore, there is a need for continuous improvement of the quality of the rubber ring. If there is not only the elastic effect of the rubber ring, but also the elastic self-adjustment effect of the pin itself, it can adapt to the changes in the thickness of the feeding yarn and the thickness and elasticity of the rubber ring, so that the pressure fluctuation of the jaw is further reduced, which helps to control the movement of the fiber. As a result, the elastic jaws appeared, which were composed of a combination of a spring-swivelled upper pin and a fixed curved lower pin and a pair of long and short rubber rings. With the help of the spring effect, the upper pin can swing up and down within a certain range, so that the jaw pressure fluctuation is reduced, such as for some reason the jaw pressure increases sharply, and at this time, due to the upward swing of the upper pin, the pressure on the whisker is not as large as the fixed pin; If the jaw pressure decreases sharply, due to the hem of the upper pin, the pressure on the whisker is not as much as the fixed pin is reduced, so that the swing upper pin has the self-adjusting effect of elasticity on the jaw pressure. In the actual production, the main thing to grasp is the spring starting pressure and the original jaw spacing.

In order to improve the quality of the sliver, the double rubber ring drafting form has been continuously improved. For example, the four-roller double-short rubber ring drafting device adopted by the roving frame is also known as the D-type drafting device, which is based on the three-roller double-short rubber ring drafting device, and a row of rollers is added in front of the main drafting area to form a finishing area with a drafting multiple of only 1.05 times, and a concentrator is installed in the area, so as to realize the bunching of the main drafting area output whisker, so that the spinning roving surface is smooth and clean, which is conducive to reducing the hairiness of the spinning yarn. Another example, the spinning drafting device with good control effect includes Ena V-type drafting device in Germany, SKF drafting device, Xusen HP drafting device and R2P drafting device in Rieter, Switzerland.

(4) Pin plate type

For wool, linen, silk and other fibers, due to the long fiber length and large roller spacing, in order to control the movement of fibers in the drafting area, it is more necessary to reasonably arrange the friction boundary distribution in the drafting area. Generally, the drafting device of long fiber is composed of two pairs of rollers and an intermediate control mechanism (additional friction boundary device), and the intermediate control mechanism is composed of needle plate, leather plate, lightweight roller, inflatable roller combined with single rubber ring according to the different positions of fiber types and processing processes, etc., in various forms, and most of them are used in needle plate type. The needle plate drafting is divided into cross needle plate, open needle plate and rotary needle plate, among which the cross needle plate drafting is widely used.

As shown in Figure 6-23, the cross-type needle plate drafting device, in addition to the working stroke, the upper and lower needle plates also have the up and down movements of inserting and exiting fibers, as well as the return (idle) movement. In the working process, the comb needle of the upper and lower needle plate is inserted into the whisker, on the one hand, it produces friction with the fibers in contact, and on the other hand, it forms an extrusion on the fibers, which increases the friction between the fibers, thereby enhancing the friction boundary strength in the drafting area. In addition, the speed of the needle plate is basically the same as that of the rear roller, and the drafting effect mainly occurs between the needle plate of the front roller and the jaws of the front roller, so that the fiber speed change point is distributed in a concentrated manner and close to the front jaw.

Figure 6-23: Cross-type needle plate drafting

The cross-type needle plate drafting mechanism, the distance between the needle plates is small, the number of action needle plates is more, and the upper and lower layer needle plates have a certain inclination angle with the horizontal line at the entrance, so that the comb needle of the needle plate gradually penetrates into the whiskers, forms a more reasonable friction boundary distribution, can better control the fiber movement, and at the same time of drafting, makes the fiber parallel straightening. Because the upper and lower needle plates are cross-inserted into the whiskers, forming a frictional boundary deep into the whiskers, there will be no superneedle phenomenon of the comb needle floating on the surface of the whiskers, which is conducive to the control of fiber movement.

1. Formation of the friction boundary of needle plate drawing Figure 6-24 shows a schematic diagram of the internal and external friction boundary generated by the insertion of the comb needle.

Figure 6-24 Internal and external friction boundaries generated by comb needle insertion

As can be seen from the figure, the comb needle insertion makes the fibers in the whisker strip dense and compressed, on the one hand, the friction between the fibers is called internal friction, and on the other hand, the friction between the fibers and the comb needle is called external friction, they can all play the role of controlling the fibers, but the control effect is different. Internal friction occurs between fibers, and it controls other fibers by being controlled by the fibers and intermediate fibers by the fibers close to the boundary. Strengthening the internal friction can not only strengthen the connection between the rear fiber and the floating fiber, but also strengthen the connection between the front fiber and the floating fiber. In the drafting zone, because the number distribution of fibers is unstable, it has its disadvantages to rely on internal friction to control the movement of floating fibers. The external friction force is the force that the comb needle directly controls the fiber, so the control of the fiber is more reliable.

The amount of internal friction is related to the degree to which the whisker is compressed and the number of fibers passing through the needle. The degree of compression of the strip can be expressed in terms of and/or/, where is the center distance between two adjacent combs, the gap between the two needles, and the diameter of the comb. In the same cross-section, the compression of the fibers near the root of the comb needle is large, and the compression of the fibers away from the root of the comb needle is small, so the friction boundary distribution caused by the compression is also uneven. This unevenness can be reduced by using a flat needle.

In addition to the above factors, the magnitude of external friction is also related to the number of comb needles, the density of implanted needles, etc. The thicker and denser the needle, the greater the external friction.

2. Distribution of the friction boundary of needle plate drafting Figure 6-25 shows the distribution of the friction boundary of needle plate drafting.

Figure 6-25 Friction boundary distribution of needle plate drafting

It can be seen from the figure that the friction boundary gradually decreases from back to front in the needle plate area, because there is an inclined plane of about minus 20° in the rear area of the needle plate, when the steel needle is gradually inserted into the whisker and fully inserted, due to the large number of fibers in the whisker, the friction boundary strength formed is larger, and the number of fibers gradually decreases with the advance of the whisker, so the strength of the friction boundary is also gradually weakened; Between the front small roller and the first needle plate, due to the formation of the uncontrolled area of the fiber, the strength of the friction boundary here is weak, mainly formed by the holding force between the fibers, which is the dividing line of the front and rear friction boundary, and is also the main area of fiber transmission.

The friction boundary formed by the needle plate is not only in the longitudinal direction, but also in the transverse, which plays a good role in stabilizing the strength of the friction boundary and preventing the diffusion of edge fibers in the drafting zone.

The uncontrolled zone and its periodic changes Figure 6-26 shows the uncontrolled zone of needle plate drafting.

Figure 6-26 The uncontrolled area of the needle plate drafting mechanism

As can be seen from the figure, there is a section of no control area between the needle plate and the front jaw, and it is near the fiber speed change point, which has a greater impact on the fiber movement, and if it is not adjusted properly, it will cause uneven whiskers. In this region, the strength of the friction boundary is small, so the shorter fibers are not well controlled. In addition, the length of this non-control zone still changes periodically, when the needle plate moves forward to the frontmost position, the non-control area is, and then the needle plate is taken off from the whisker, and the non-control area suddenly becomes (), which is the screw pitch, and then gradually changes from (). When the needle plate is lowered, the uncontrolled area suddenly changes from small to large, so that the strength of the friction boundary in the area is weakened, and the friction boundary fluctuates periodically, which makes a part of the originally controlled fibers completely out of control, which also leads to the irregular movement of the floating fibers and the formation of periodic unevenness of the whiskers. Plate drafting can improve this defect.

In addition, the friction boundary distribution of the open needle plate drafting mechanism is similar to that of the cross type, but only one row of needle plates controls the movement of the fiber, and the motion control of the fiber is weaker than that of the cross type, and it is easy to appear that the fiber floats outside the needle tip of the overneedle phenomenon, so that the movement of part of the fiber is out of control, so as to produce irregular movement, and is mainly used in the drafting of the last few drawing frames, needle comb machines and roving frames with light quantitation and good parallel straightness of fibers.

(5) Leather plate type

In order to overcome the shortcomings of needle plate drafting, skin plate drafting is sometimes used in hair fiber drafting, as shown in Figure 6-27. It is also a kind of curvilinear drafting, in which the middle friction boundary is continuous, the drafting area is larger, and the friction boundary strength is stronger, compared with the needle plate drafting, due to the continuous rotation of the leather plate, the non-control area is basically eliminated, and the fiber movement and the fluctuation of the speed change point caused by the periodic change of the length, and is more suitable for high speed.

Figure 6-27 Drawing of leather plate and its friction boundary

Section 4 Parallel straightening of fibers during drafting

1. Fiber morphology and straightening coefficient in the whiskers

After the fibers are carded, the fibers in the whiskers still have hooks and buckling, and one of the purposes of drafting is to straighten them and arrange them in parallel and straight.

Figure 6-28 Morphology and straightening coefficient of fibers

The morphology of the fibers in the whiskers is shown in Figure 6-28(a), where 1 represents the hook fiber and 2 represents the buckling fiber. Generally, the whiskers output by the carding machine through the doffer are mostly hook fibers, and the straightening process of buckling fibers is relatively simple compared to hook fibers. Therefore, the straightening of the fibers during the drafting process was mainly analyzed by focusing on the hook fibers.

As shown in Figure 6-28(a), the straightening length of the hook fiber 1 is, that is, the projected length is smaller than the actual length due to bending or curling, then the degree of bending of the fiber can be expressed by the straightening coefficient as follows:

Large, indicating a high degree of straightening of the fibers, obviously,.

In general, the long part of the hook fiber is called the main body, the short part is called the hook, and the point where the hook is connected to the body is called the bend point. According to the direction of movement of the fiber, it is divided into posterior hook and anterior hook, as shown in Figure 6-28(b) and (c).

Second, the basic conditions for fiber straightening in the drafting process

(1) The basic conditions for fiber straightening

The straightening process of the fibers in the drafting zone is the process of relative motion between the parts of the fibers themselves. Whether the fiber can be straightened or not, three conditions must be met, namely: speed difference, continuation time and force.

The straightening process of buckling fiber is relatively simple, when its head end enters the speed change point, there is a relative motion or speed difference between the head end and other parts and begins to straighten, so that the curl of the fiber is straightened.

However, the straightening process of the hook fibers is more complex and depends on the forces on the "body" and "hook" parts and the resulting relative movements. For example, in order to straighten the front hook, the hook part is required to be faster than the main part, and the speed difference between the two is generated, and then the main body part should maintain a slow speed for a certain time, that is, the continuation time, so that the hook is straightened; Otherwise, if the body changes gears quickly or even at the same time as the hook part, the straightening effect is poor or not at all. In fact, due to the randomness of the fiber contact, the body and the hook are in some cases moving independently of each other, and each can change speed in any section of the drafting zone. Therefore, whether the velocity difference can be generated and has a certain duration depends fundamentally on the forces acting on the various parts of the fiber.

(2) Mechanical analysis of hook fiber straightening

According to the theory of variable velocity of floating fibers, the hook part of the hook fiber and the main body part are in relative motion, and the mechanical conditions for straightening the hook should include the following two points:

1. At the same instant, the guiding force and the control force acting on the hook part and the main body part should be able to meet the requirements of the constant speed of the hook part of the front hook fiber or the main part of the rear hook fiber and the constant speed of the main part of the front hook fiber or the hook part of the rear hook fiber;

2. The difference between the guiding force and the control force acting on the hook or body must be able to overcome the bending resistance at the bending point.

Figure 6-29 Mechanical conditions for straightening hook fibers

As shown in Figure 6-29, the guiding force and control force acting on the hook part (AB in the figure) for a certain moment are; The guiding force acting on the main body (CB in the figure) is, the control force is, and the bending resistance at the bending point is. The above refers to the friction force experienced by the hook fiber in the first section (the dotted line in the figure) after the hook part is divided into n segments, and the magnitude of the value is obviously related to the strength of the friction boundary and the number of fast fibers in contact and the contact area at that point, and refers to the frictional resistance of the hook fiber and the slow fiber in contact at the same position, and the friction force experienced by the contact with the fast fiber and the slow fiber in the i section after the main part is divided into n segments.

Then the conditions for the straightening of the anterior hook fiber are as follows:

Hook Shift: >

Since the value is negligible, the above equation is simplified to: >

Slow Body: >

Similarly, the conditions for the straightening of the posterior hook fibers are:

Main speed change: >

Hook Slow: >

The extensive use of additional friction boundary devices in the roller drafting zone strengthens the strength of the middle and rear friction boundaries, which is not only conducive to controlling the movement of the fibers, but also conducive to straightening the fibers. For example, for the back hook fiber, strengthening the friction boundary of the middle and rear parts can be increased, which is conducive to the slow speed of the hook part, thereby prolonging the continuation time of the straightening process and improving the straightening effect of the back hook. In the same way, for the front hook fiber, strengthening the friction boundary of the middle and rear parts can be increased, which is conducive to the main part to maintain a slow speed, thereby prolonging the continuation time of the straightening process and improving the straightening effect of the front hook.

The probability of the straightening action of the front and rear hooks can be expressed by the following formula:



If the interference of the jaw holding fiber on the fiber straightening effect is not considered, and the straightening effect of the front and rear hooks is basically the same from the above mechanical conditions.

3. The straightening effect of the drafting multiple and the hook fiber

(1) The influence of the drafting factor on the position of the speed change point

In addition to the random movement of the hook fiber in the drafting area, it is affected by the gripping effect of the roller jaw, and there is also a forced movement, and the forced action of the jaw will affect the continuation time of the straightening of the hook fiber, and then affect the straightening effect.

The size of the drafting factor affects the position of the fiber change point, and thus directly affects the interference effect of the front jaw on the straightening of the hook fiber. As shown in Figure 6-30, M is the intersection point of the number curve of fast fibers and slow fibers, and the number of fast and slow fibers is equal, that is, according to the formula of guiding force and control force, the guiding force acting on the floating fiber is equal to the control force, which is the position where the fiber is most likely to change speed, so M is called the theoretical speed change point; R is the distance between the M point and the front jaw. R is related to the drafting factor, if the fixed feeding quantification, the larger the drafting factor, the smaller the output quantification, as shown in the figure, when , correspondingly, M is closer to the front jaw, as shown in Figure 6-30(a).


Figure 6-30 Fiber speed change point positions with different drafting multiples

For the sake of discussion, make the following assumptions:

(1) The guiding force and control force of a fiber are proportional to the probability of contact with fast and slow fibers, the size of the contact probability is proportional to the number of fast and slow fibers in contact with the surroundings, and the number of fast and slow fibers in contact is proportional to the number of fast and slow fibers in its cross-section; (2) ignoring the unstable influence of the friction boundary; (3) Fast and slow fibers are distributed in a straight line. This is shown in Figure 6-30(b).

The fast fiber quantity distribution function is:

The distribution function of the number of slow fibers is:

where: is the separation between the front and rear jaws, respectively, the output quantification and the feeding quantification, at the M point there are:

where: is the distance between the theoretical gear point M and the front jaw, and because, therefore:


From Eq. (6-13), it can be seen that with the increase of the drafting multiple, the distance between the theoretical gear change point and the front jaw decreases.

(2) The straightening effect of hook fibers

The straightening effect can be expressed by the straightening coefficient of the fiber after drafting and before drafting, and when the drafting multiple is different, the straightening effect of the hook fiber is quite different due to the different position of the M point.

1. Back hook fiber

(a) Straightening process (b) Straightening effect

Figure 6-31 Effect of drafting factor on the straightening effect of the back hook fiber

The back hook fiber is easy to be straightened during the drafting process, and its straightening effect always improves with the increase of the drafting multiple. For the convenience of analysis, the midpoint of the main body and the midpoint of the hook reach the M position as the position of the respective speed change point.

As shown in (a) in Figure 6-31(a), when the drafting multiple is small, because the speed change point position M is far away from the front jaw, the value is larger, and the > is half of the length of the main body before straightening, indicating that when the midpoint of the main body reaches the M point, the fiber tip end has not yet entered the front jaw, and the main body part will not change speed in advance without the interference of the front jaw, and at the same time, there is a certain continuation time from the midpoint of the hook to reach the M point, and there is a straightening effect, which belongs to normal straightening.

As shown in (b) in Figure 6-31(a), when the drafting factor increases, the variable speed point position M becomes closer to the front jaw, and the value is smaller, indicating that when the midpoint of the main body has not yet reached the M point, the fiber tip has entered the front jaw, so that the main body part is changed in advance, the continuation time is prolonged, and the straightening effect is good.

As shown in (C) in Figure 6-31(a), when the drafting factor is further increased, the gear shift point position M is closer to the front jaw, and the value is smaller, which is half the length of the straightened front hook. If this happens when the hook length is large, because when the midpoint of the fiber body has not yet reached the M point, the fiber tip has entered the front jaw, so that the straightening process starts earlier; In addition, when the midpoint of the hook part has not yet reached the M point, the tail end of the fiber has entered the front jaw, and the straightening process ends in advance, and the straightening effect is not significant because the two factors cancel each other. The reason for this is mainly related to the straightening coefficient of the fiber before straightening, which is close to 0.5 at this time, that is, the fiber is almost folded in half.

Figure 6-31(b) shows the effect of the drafting factor and the straightening coefficient before drafting on the straightening effect of the back hook fiber. It can be seen from the figure that with the increase of the drafting multiple, the straightening effect of the posterior hook fiber increases, especially when the straightening coefficient of the pre-drafting fiber, under the given drafting multiple, the hook part can basically be straightened. However, when the straightening coefficient of the fiber before drafting is stretched, the straightening effect becomes worse, and in the figure, there is basically no straightening. However, the straightening coefficient of most fibers has been improved after drafting, and the hook can be eliminated after several drafting, so that the fibers are completely straightened. This is why the drafting mechanism is configured in the spinning system for multiple processes.

2. Front hook fibers

The front hook fiber is not easy to straighten during the drafting process, and the relationship with the drafting factor is complex. In the same way, the midpoint of the hook and the midpoint of the body reach the M position as the respective shift point positions.

(a) Straightening process (b) Straightening effect

Figure 6-32 Effect of drafting factor on the straightening effect of anterior hook fibers

As shown in (a) in Figure 6-32(a), when the drafting multiple is several hours, the variable speed point position M is far away from the front jaw, then the value is larger, indicating half of the main body after straightening, that is, before the end of the straightening process, the bending point has not yet entered the front jaw, and the straightening process is not interfered by the front jaw. It shows that when the drafting factor is small, the front hook fiber has a certain straightening effect, and the straightening effect increases with the increase of the drafting factor.

As shown in (b) in Figure 6-32(a), when the drafting multiple becomes larger, the variable speed point position M becomes closer to the front jaw, and the value becomes smaller, <, indicating that when the midpoint of the main part of the fiber has not yet reached M, the bending point has entered the front jaw, and the straightening process is interrupted by the interference of the front jaw, and the straightening is terminated early, and the straightening effect is poor.

As shown in (c) in Figure 6-32(a), when the drafting factor is further increased, the variable speed point position M is closer to the front jaw, and the value is smaller, indicating that when the midpoint of the fiber hook has not yet reached M, the bending point has entered the front jaw, and the whole fiber is changed together without straightening process.

Figure 6-32(b) shows the effect of the drafting factor and the straightening coefficient before drafting on the straightening effect of the anterior hook fiber. It can be seen from the figure that no matter what the straightening coefficient of the fiber before drafting, with the increase of the drafting factor, the anterior hook fiber has no straightening effect. It is only when the drafting factor is small (area (1) in the figure) that there is some straightening effect.

(3) The law of odd numbers

From the above discussion, it can be seen that roller drafting has a certain orientation for straightening hook fibers, which is beneficial to hook fibers after straightening, but unfavorable for hook fibers before straightening, especially with the increase of drafting multiples, this orientation is more significant. In addition, the greater the straightening coefficient before drafting, the better the straightening effect after drafting.

The odd law is the application of the above conclusions in the actual production, the so-called odd law refers to the best from the raw strip to the spinning yarn through the odd number of processes. Taking cotton spinning as an example, it means that between the carding machine and the spinning frame, it is best to process with odd numbers, such as cotton spinning carding system: carding head and two drawing roving spinning, which are 3 processes.

This is due to the fact that after the fiber is carded by the needle surface of the cylinder dorf, the hook fiber is mostly in the raw strip output by the dolph, and the hook is wound once in the whisker strip, when the unwinding is fed into the next process, the hook direction is reversed, that is, the backward hook fiber in the raw strip becomes the front hook when feeding the head line drawing, and so on, when feeding the spinning yarn, it is just the back hook, at this time the fiber is drawn by 3 rollers and the straightening coefficient is larger, and the drafting multiple of the spinning yarn is much larger than the roller draft of the first 3 channels, In this way, the remaining hook part is completely straightened during the spinning process, and the purpose of straightening the parallel fibers is finally achieved.

Section 5 Uneven and uniform yarn

Uneven yarn sliver is one of the important indicators to measure the quality of yarn sliver. Yarn uniformity includes uniform appearance thickness and internal structure, that is, fiber length, fineness, fiber shift, various fiber components, various color fibers, etc. are required to be evenly distributed in the length of the yarn. It is quite difficult, if not impossible, to fully meet these requirements.

Therefore, in order to produce uniform yarn, it is necessary to grasp the law of uneven yarn and control it with appropriate methods. In the actual production, in addition to continuously improving the design of the drafting mechanism and optimizing the process parameters, it is also necessary to adopt special methods to minimize the unevenness of the yarn, which is called uniformity.

Homogenization runs through the whole process of spinning, before carding it is manifested as mixing, after carding it is manifested as merging and self-leveling, the former is also called manual leveling, and also includes the matching strip and counterweight, and the latter is an online control method using modern sensing technology.

1. Uneven classification of yarn slivers

Uneven sliver can be classified from different angles.

(1) Classification according to the length of uneven yarn segments

According to the uneven length of the yarn strip, it can be divided into long fragment unevenness, also known as weight unevenness, as well as medium fragment unevenness and short fragment unevenness, also known as strip unevenness. Generally, the unevenness of the length of the × fiber of (1~10) is the unevenness of the short fragment, the unevenness of the length of the × fiber of (10~100) is the unevenness of the medium fragment, and the unevenness of the length of the × fiber and above is the unevenness of the long fragment.

The unevenness of short fragments in the first few processes can be transformed into medium or long uneven fragments after several processes of drafting.

(2) Classification according to the form of uneven appearance of yarn slivers

According to the form of uneven yarn, it can be divided into periodic unevenness and non-periodic unevenness.

1. Periodic unevenness Periodic unevenness refers to an unevenness that changes according to a certain law in the entire length of the product. It is caused by periodic machines (such as combers) or defects in some working parts (such as roller eccentricity), and its manifestations are periodic fluctuations, also known as mechanical waves, as shown in Figure 6-33.

2. Acyclical unevenness

Aperiodic unevenness refers to unevenness without a fixed period length, as shown in Figure 6-34. It is caused by the irregular movement of the fibers in the whisker during the drafting process, which is also known as the uneven drafting mentioned earlier, also known as the drafting wave.

Figure 6-33 Periodic unevenness of yarn sliver Figure 6-34 Non-periodic unevenness of yarn sliver

(3) Classification according to the causes of unevenness

According to the causes of uneven yarn, it can be divided into random unevenness caused by the randomness of fiber arrangement and additional unevenness caused by poor process.

2. Analysis of uneven yarn sliver

(1) Random unevenness of yarn

When the fibers that make up the sliver are completely randomly arranged in the sliver, the sliver is called a random sliver. If the total number of fibers that make up the yarn tends to infinity, that is, the number of fibers in the yarn section is limited, the length of the yarn is infinite, so the probability of a certain fiber appearing in a certain section tends to zero.

According to the principle of mathematical statistics, the unevenness C of the fiber quantity distribution on the cross-section of the yarn is:


The above equation is established under ideal drafting conditions, and it is assumed that the fibers are completely straightened and parallel, and the fiber fineness (including the fineness of the fibers themselves and the fineness of each fiber) is absolutely uniform, in this case, C represents the unevenness of the random yarn sliver, that is, the random unevenness of the yarn sliver. However, in fact, the fiber fineness is uneven, the fiber is not completely parallel and straight, and it is not an ideal draft, so the actual random unevenness of the yarn is greater than the above calculated value, which needs to be reasonably revised.

For wool fibers, the minimum random unevenness is:


For cotton fibers, the minimum random unevenness is:



1. As the yarn is gradually drawn and thinner during processing, the random unevenness gradually becomes larger.

2. The number of spinning threads is different, the number of fibers in the yarn section is also different, and the random unevenness is also different. When spinning coarse special yarns, the random unevenness is smaller; When spinning fine yarns, random unevenness increases.

3. When spinning yarn with the same number of fibers with a finer number of fibers, the number of fibers in the yarn sliver section increases, which can improve the uniformity and strength of the yarn.

4. Random unevenness has nothing to do with equipment and process factors.

Random unevenness can be used as a reference value to measure the unevenness of the yarn, and the random unevenness is also known as the theoretical unevenness, sometimes referred to as the limit or lower limit of the unevenness.

(2) The additional unevenness of the yarn

The actual unevenness of the yarn sliver is greater than the random unevenness or theoretical unevenness of the yarn sliver, which is caused by the additional unevenness of the processing process. There are many reasons for the uneven addition, mainly caused by poor mechanical condition and irregular movement of floating fibers during drafting.

1. Mechanical wave As mentioned above, mechanical wave is caused by the uneven yarn sliver caused by the periodic movement of the mechanical state is poor, and has significant regularity. The following mechanical conditions are the main causes of mechanical waves:

(1) Roller jaw movement: The position of roller jaws is unstable and easy to form uneven yarn, among which the unevenness caused by the front roller is the most serious. The main factors affecting the movement of the roller jaws are: eccentricity (or ellipse) of the roller or rubber roller, bending, the difference between the elasticity and hardness of the rubber roller wrapping material, and the poor fit between the rubber roller shell and its shaft core. All these will cause instantaneous changes in the grip distance of the roller, affect the stability of the fiber movement and speed change, and form an obvious cycle with the rotation of the roller, resulting in uneven yarn sliver.

The wavelength due to the eccentricity of the anterior roller is equal to the circumference of the anterior roller. The wavelength caused by the eccentricity of the middle roller is equal to the circumference of the middle roller multiplied by the multiple of the draft in front of the middle roller. Generally, the posterior draft is small, and the unevenness caused by the eccentricity of the posterior roller is often covered by the change of the drafting area and the uneven drafting, which is not as obvious as the uneven curve caused by the anterior roller.

(2) Unstable surface velocity of the lower roller: The surface velocity of the lower roller is unstable, which causes the draft multiple to fluctuate, resulting in the change of the thickness of the output yarn. The main reasons for the instability of the surface velocity of the lower roller are: bending or eccentricity of the lower roller, mechanical reasons such as eccentricity, wear, poor meshing of the transmission gear, and roller vibration, among which the influence of roller vibration is the most serious. The uneven yarn sliver formed due to the unstable surface velocity of the roller is also periodic, and its wavelength is related to the movement cycle of the abnormal mechanism.

(3) Other mechanical factors: the problems of some drafting mechanisms, such as inappropriate installation of needle plates and needle rings, and low precision, will also cause uneven periodic yarn slivers.

2. Drafting Wave As mentioned earlier, a drafting wave refers to a waveform caused by the irregular movement of planktonic fibers during drafting in an ideal mechanical state. The drawn whisker still has aperiodic coarse details, its waveform is not fixed, and its wavelength and amplitude are related to the drafting multiple, roller spacing, and the nature of the fiber itself. The main reason for this is the fluctuation of the guiding and controlling forces acting on the planktonic fibers in the drafting zone.

There are many factors that cause fluctuations in the guiding and controlling forces on the planktonic fibers, and the main factors are as follows:

(1) Roller spacing (grip distance): When the roller gripping distance is too large, the jaws control the fiber poorly, causing the fiber to fluctuate in the drafting area and movement, resulting in drafting waves; But when it is too small, the whisker slips at the jaws, and the "hard head" cannot be pulled out. The size of the grip distance should be determined according to the length and properties of the fiber, the size of the friction limit in the drafting area and the quantification of the whiskers. General front area: S = L P + (5-10) mm, rear area: S = L P + (10-14) mm. S is the actual distance between the two jaws through the strip. For cotton spinning S=L p +a, L p is the quality length, a is the empirical value, which is determined by the fiber uniformity, feeding quantification, and drafting multiple; E is large, the quantity is light, the fiber uniformity is good, and the value of a is small.

(2) The distribution of friction boundary is not ideal: if the non-control area is too long, the arrangement of the additional friction boundary is unreasonable, and the control force is insufficient, the fiber movement will be irregular.

(3) The uneven thickness of the fed yarn sliver: when the coarse section enters the rear roller, the rear friction boundary expands forward, which strengthens the control of the slow fiber, and the number of fast fibers extracted by the front roller is reduced, forming details; When this coarse node enters the anterior roller, it drives the planktonic fibers to change speed in advance, forming a larger coarse joint, which worsens the strip shaft.

(4) Uneven structure of fed yarn: poor structure such as fiber length and composition of fed yarn is a potential uneven factor. If the fiber length distribution is uneven in the feeding sliver, when most of the fibers entering the front roller are long fibers, it may drive other slow fibers to change speed in advance and form coarse joints, resulting in uneven yarn slivers. In addition, if the composition or color distribution of various fibers in the yarn sliver is uneven, the friction coefficient of the fiber surface is different, which causes the fluctuation of the control force and the guiding force, resulting in the change of the position of the fiber speed change point and the fluctuation of the drafting force, and the deterioration of the output yarn sliver.

3. Other additional unevenness is mainly related to some factors related to people, such as improper operation, etc.

3. Homogeneous mixing effect of merger

Consolidation is the most commonly used and easiest method of homogenization in spinning. Consolidation can evenly balance all the unevenness of the yarn, including uneven thickness and uneven structure, in which the uneven structure includes uneven proportion of fiber components, uneven color, etc., which is reflected in uniform mixing.

(1) Uniform effect of merger

The essence of merging is to continuously superimpose the cross-sections of each yarn strip along the length direction, and in this process, the uniformity of the yarn after merging is improved due to the random superposition between the gauze thickness segments.

The two strips of yarn are combined

The merging of two yarn strips is taken as an example to illustrate the uniform effect of the merging process. When two yarn strips are combined, each segment of each yarn strip has different thicknesses, and there may be three situations after merging:

(1) The coarse section and the thin section are combined, and the result can obtain a yarn strip of moderate thickness, which has an obvious uniform effect, which is the best situation in the merging.

(2) After the combination of coarse and coarse segments or fine and fine segments, the result is that the unevenness of thickness is neither improved nor worsened.

(3) The coarse or fine segment is combined with the moderately thick fragment, and the result is that the relative difference of unevenness after merging is reduced, and there is also a certain uniform effect.

In the actual merging process, all three of the above situations may occur, so the result of the merging of the two yarn slivers is to improve the uniformity of the product.

According to the theory of mathematical statistics, the effect of the merger can be written as the following expression:


Where: - the unevenness of the yarn after merging;

– unevenness of the yarn before merging;

- Correlation coefficient, which indicates the degree of correlation between the thickness of the two yarn strips when combined, and its value is between ±1.

When = + 1, it means that the coarse fragment of the two yarns is superimposed with the coarse fragment, and the fine fragment is superimposed with the fine fragment, at this time, it reflects that the unevenness of the yarn strips after merging has neither improved nor deteriorated, and it is said to be completely positively correlated.

When = - 1, it means that the coarse fragment of one strip of yarn is superimposed with the thin fragment of the other strip, at this point, in this case, a sufficiently homogeneous strip of yarn will be obtained, which is called a complete negative correlation.

When = 0, it means that the superposition between the two yarn strips is random, which is said to be uncorrelated.

In the actual production, the thickness distribution of each yarn strip is irregular, and the thickness of the yarn meets randomly when combined, that is, = 0, so Eq. (6-17) can be written as:


From Eq. (6-18) to ,,。

The yarn strips are combined

In the same way, when the yarn strips are combined, the above equation can become:


From Eq. (6-19), it can be seen that the unevenness of the yarn after the merger is the unevenness of the single yarn before the merger, and 2 is the minimum number of merging, so,.

However, since the unevenness of the combined yarn strips cannot be completely equal, and the superposition of the yarn thickness segments is not completely random, the actual correlation coefficient cannot be equal to zero, but between ±1, so the above equation is only an approximate calculation.

The above merging analysis can also be more intuitively represented in the form of an analytical graph, as shown in Figure 6-35 as the relationship between the number of merges and the merging effect.

Figure 6-35 The relationship between the number of merges and the merge effect

Figure 6-35 shows that the more the number of merging roots, the better the merging effect, but when the number of merging roots exceeds a certain number, the merging effect is not obvious. The greater the unevenness of a single yarn before merging, the better the merging effect; The smaller the unevenness of a single yarn before merging, the less significant the merging effect.

Practical application

When determining the number of merging roots in the actual production process, in addition to considering the merging effect, it is also necessary to consider the process, operation and economic rationality. For example:

In the combing preparation and combing process, the number of strip rolls is 18~22, the number of rolls is 3~6 rolls, and the combination of strips and rolls is 18~22 ×3 rolls;

The number of merging roots commonly used in ramie needle comb and drawing strip should be 8~10;

The number of merging roots used in wool blending and combing is mostly 20 or less, while the number of merging roots often used by needle combing machines is less than 10.

In addition, the unevenness of the whiskers on the machine in the previous processes is larger, and more merging roots can be used; On the machine of the latter processes, with the improvement of the uniformity of the sliver and the gradual thinning of the sliver, it is not appropriate to use too large the number of merged roots.

(2) The mixed effect of merger

Merging can not only make the thickness of the sliver uniform, but also make the various fiber components, structure and color in the sliver be mixed, and achieve the purpose of uniform mixing. For example, the combination of strip mixers, needle carding machines, and drawing frames has a uniform effect on the thickness of the yarn, as well as a homogeneous mixing effect on composition, structure and color.

Mixing in the drawing process, also known as fiber strip mixing (strip mixing), is a method in which two or more mixed components are made into slivers of a certain linear density, and then mixed by merging on a draw frame or needle comb machine. Strip blending and bulk fiber blending (raw material blending) together constitute the main mode of blending in the spinning process.

Strip mixing is mainly used in the mixing of fibers with large differences in performance, especially when the impurities of the fibers are different, in order to control the drop rate, it is necessary to make strips separately. For example, in cotton spinning systems, when cotton is blended with chemical fibers such as polyester and viscose, strip mixing is often carried out on a draw frame. In order to achieve uniform mixing and correct proportions between each component, it is necessary to use multiple merging (three-pass mixing), and calculate the corresponding feeding and output quantification according to the design blending ratio, the number of feeds, and the moisture regain rate.

The relationship between blending ratio, number of mixed roots, and dry weight of slivers can be calculated using the following formula:

If A and B slivers are used for blending, the dry weight blending ratio is:


where: , - blending ratio (dry weight ratio) of A and B slivers;

, —the number of mixed roots of A and B strips;

, —dry weight quantification of two kinds of mixed strips, A and B.

In the same way, when the raw materials are mixed with strips, the formula for calculating the blending ratio is:


Where: - the dry blending ratio of the first raw material, = 1, 2 ,...,;

—the number of roots of the first fiber, =1,2,...,;

- The dry quantity of the first raw material fiber fed into the slivers, = 1,2,...,。

According to the measured moisture regain, the wet weight of various slivers can be calculated, which is easy to grasp and use in production.

For example: spinning polyester/cotton blended yarn, the blending ratio is 65/35, and the strip is mixed on the drawing frame, if the drawing frame adopts 6 pieces of merging, the number of polyester/cotton slivers is 4/2, that is, 4 polyester slivers and 2 cotton slivers, and the dry weight ratio of the two fiber strips is found.

Solution: Known = 0.65, generational formula (6-20), get.

When using formula (6-20) or formula (6-21), the number of mixed strips and the quantity of stem of the strips can generally be reasonably determined according to experience or requirements.

(3) The relationship between merging and drafting

In the spinning process, merging and drafting are carried out at the same time, and merging can make up for the unevenness of the yarn sliver, but make the yarn sliver thicker, and increase the drafting burden of this process and the subsequent process; Drafting can make the yarn sliver thinner, but it will cause additional unevenness of the yarn, which in turn will increase with the increase of the drafting multiple. Therefore, for the uniformity of the yarn, increasing the number of merging roots is generally helpful for the uniformity of longer fragments. However, for short yarn segments, uniformity is not necessarily effective. Therefore, the influence of the drafting factor on the uniformity of the sliver must be considered at the same time as the merging. Proper use of the relationship between drafting and merging will help to achieve the best merging results.

In the spinning process, it can be that the yarn sliver is first combined into 1 coarse (thick) yarn sliver, and then drafted; It can also be a yarn strip that is drafted separately, and then the output strips are assembled into one yarn strip. The unevenness after merging is as follows:

Merge first and then draft:


Draw separately and then merge:


Where: —the unevenness of the output sliver;

– unevenness of feeding the yarn;

– additional unevenness due to drafting;

— the number of merged roots.

If it is close to the size, then: Therefore, it is better to take the draft separately first, and then assemble it into strips. For example, in spinning production, the drawing frame and the needle comb machine are fed in parallel with multiple yarn strips, which are drafted separately and then assembled into strips, which is conducive to improving the uniformity of the yarn after merging. However, this requires that the fineness of the combined yarn should be the same or close, because when the yarn with a large difference in fineness is fed at the same time, the roller jaws cannot hold the yarn with a large difference in thickness well at the same time.

(4) Counterweights and counterweights

Matching strip and counterweight is a commonly used manual leveling method in wool spinning production. According to the merging principle, the merging effect is most significant when r = - 1 is negatively correlated. In the wool spinning pre-spinning process, in the absence of a self-leveling device, in order to make the product more uniform, a manual method is commonly used to match the light and heavy of the fed wool tops.

The so-called counterweight is to feed the wool tops with different weights on the front spinning machine table. The specific method is to place the fed wool balls or hairballs according to different weights (such as heavy, standard, light). Then the heavy and light ones are divided into +1, +2, +3 and -1, -2, -3 different degrees according to the weight, and then the light and heavy ones are fed into the standard or close to the standard weight, so that the weight of the produced wool tops meets the requirements. In order to carry out counterweight, there must be a fixed-length device, that is, the length of the hair ball wound on a car must be consistent, otherwise the counterweight cannot be achieved. The counterweight can be performed once or twice. The counterweight must be converted into a standard weight to avoid differences caused by temperature and humidity.

It is not advisable to balance the dough around the two wool strips, because there can be uneven weight between the two wool strips. In this case, light and heavy cross-feeding can be used, and this feeding method is called stripping.

Above-mentioned merging and matching strip, counterweight have a certain leveling effect, but there are also some defects such as the limitation of the number of merging, so there are certain limitations to improve the uniformity of yarn sliver simply by increasing and cooperating, and the self-adjusting and leveling method of online control is of more positive significance.

Fourth, self-leveling

(1) The meaning and function of self-leveling

1. The meaning of self-leveling

In the general drafting mechanism, the parameters are all steady-state, which is not suitable for the fluctuation of the feeding sliver nature. If the parameters of the drafting mechanism (drafting multiple) are not steady-state, but fluctuating, and this fluctuation is correlated with the fluctuation of the index fed into the sliver, then the indicator of the output sliver may stabilize at a certain level.

Self-leveling is an online leveling control method that automatically adjusts the drafting multiple according to the difference in weight (or thickness) per unit length of the half-finished product that is fed or output, so that the weight (or thickness) of the output half-finished product per unit length is a stable constant.

2. Self-leveling effect

In the spinning process, there are various forms and various fragments of unevenness in the yarn sliver, and the self-leveling device can eliminate and adjust these unevenness within a certain range. Figure 6-36 shows the effect of self-leveling.

Figure 6-36 The role of self-leveling

As shown in Figure 6-36(a), assuming that an ideal yarn sliver passes through the ordinary drafting area, due to the imperfection of the fiber control of the drafting device, the output yarn sliver produces additional unevenness, or uneven drafting, which is manifested as a short fragment unevenness. This uneven nature is only for short fragments, and the uniformity of the output sliver in the graph represents the best that can be expected.

As shown in Figure 6-36(b), in fact, the normally fed yarn is inherently uneven, and the uneven fragment length varies. When the uneven yarn is fed into the ordinary drafting area, the wavelength of the uneven fragment will become longer with the drafting, and the short fragment unevenness is added after drafting, resulting in the long fragment unevenness and short fragment unevenness of the output yarn.

As shown in Figure 6-36(c), if the normal yarn with unevenness is fed into the self-leveling drafting zone, the self-leveling can basically eliminate the unevenness of medium and long fragments, but the additional uneven drafting is still produced after drafting, that is, there is still a short fragment unevenness. However, compared with Figure 6-36(a), the level of feeding the ideal yarn has been basically reached. Obviously, self-leveling has a very good leveling effect.

Comparatively, the merging effect is mainly to improve the random unevenness of the yarn sliver and the unevenness in the case of negative correlation (), but the effect on improving the unevenness or synchronous unevenness in the case of positive correlation () is poor. The unevenness of the merging is limited, and the unevenness that it can reduce is only the unevenness of the feeding sliver, and with the increase of the number of merging, the drafting multiple must be increased, and the uneven drafting is increased; At the same time, when the unevenness of the feeding sliver is small, the merging effect is poor, and the opposite effect may even occur when the number of passes is too large.

When the self-leveling device plays the correct role, as long as the unevenness of feeding the yarn sliver is within the uniformity range, in addition to the short fragment unevenness produced by drafting, all the unevenness including the positive correlation can be basically eliminated, and the self-leveling device can also carry out continuous and automatic correction and supervision online, so that the uniformity of the output yarn can meet the expected requirements.

(2) The basic principle of self-leveling

1. The basic equation of yarn sliver homogenization

In the roller drafting system, the weight of the fed semi-finished product per unit time is equal to the weight of the outgoing semi-finished product, and the drafting factor is equal to the ratio of the velocity of the front and rear rollers, or the ratio of the feeding and outputting quantities, without considering the slippage of the roller. namely


Where: - the linear speed of the rear roller and the quantitative (weight per unit length) of the fed semi-finished product;

– front roller line speed and output semi-finished product dosing (weight per unit length);

— Drafting multiple.

If there is a deviation in the dosage of the fed semi-finished product, in this case, it is the rated dosage of the fed semi-finished product.

From Eq. (6-24):


Multiply by each end of Eq. (6-25).


In Eq. (6-26), the output dosing and the rated feed quantification are assumed to be constants, while the increment and drafting multiples of the feed dosing are variables, which are a function of the sum.

In order for the output quantification to remain constant, the relationship between the sum of variables must meet the following equation,


where: — the rated drafting multiple, , is a constant.

Equation (6-27) is called the basic equation of homogenization, which represents the law of the change of the drafting factor with the quantitative change of the fed semi-finished product, that is, the drafting factor increases with the increase of the feeding quantitative deviation. It can be seen that the working principle of the self-leveling device is based on the quantitative deviation of the feeding sliver, and the quantitative amount of the output sliver is kept unchanged by adjusting the size of the drafting multiple.

The homogeneity equation ignores a variety of influencing factors in the drafting process, and its practicability will also be limited. Roller drafting is to change the density of the fiber tip by changing the relative displacement (shift) between the fiber tips to change the density of the yarn thread. In the self-leveling device currently in use, the detection method is not to detect the fiber tip density, but to detect the thickness (or thickness) as the basis. In a certain section of the yarn, the change of fiber tip density and the change of thickness have a certain functional relationship, in addition to the different amplitude, there is also a certain difference in phase. When the length of the uneven fragment is greater than or equal to five times of the fiber length, the amplitude is close and has a good leveling effect, while when the length of the uneven fragment is less than five times of the average length of the fiber, the leveling effect is limited.

It can be seen that the self-leveling device used at present has different leveling effect on the unevenness of different fragment lengths, and the leveling effect on the unevenness of long fragments is strong, and the leveling effect on the unevenness of short fragments is poor.

2. Adjustment of the drafting multiple

In the existing self-leveling device, there is one that adjusts the drafting by changing the speed of the front roller, and there is also one that adjusts the drafting by changing the speed of the rear roller.

Change the speed of the front roller

According to Eq. (6-24), we get:





where sum is constant.

From equations (6-28) and (6-29), it can be seen that the front roller speed is directly proportional to the amount (or thickness) of the fed sliver and the drafting multiple, which is a linear relationship.

(2) Change the roller speed

According to equation (6-24), it can be obtained:



where , is a constant.

It can be seen from equations (6-30) and (6-31) that the rear roller speed is inversely proportional to the quantity (or thickness) and drafting multiple of the fed yarn, which is not a linear relationship, but a hyperbolic relationship.

The above discussion determines the rules that should be followed when designing a self-leveling shifter. If the iron cannon speed changing mechanism is changed by shape, if the front roller is changed, the shape of the iron cannon is a straight line, that is, a straight line iron cannon is adopted; If the rear roller is changed, the shape of the iron cannon is hyperbola, that is, the hyperbolic iron cannon is used.

(3) Advantages and disadvantages of the two speed shifting modes

From the perspective of load, it is hoped that the power of the speed regulation part is as small as possible to reduce the energy consumption of the system. The change in the power required by the roller after adjustment is generally smaller than that of the roller before adjustment, and it is easier to meet the inertia requirements of the system.

From the perspective of improving the speed regulation accuracy, the front roller speed regulation is more advantageous than the rear roller speed regulation. Because the speed of the front roller is higher than that of the rear roller, the error rate of the speed can be reduced. In addition, the speed regulation part is generally used for high-speed operation, so that the reduction gear system can be minimized, thus reducing the error between the teeth.

When the front roller is used to change the speed, the drafting factor is linear with the weight change of the fed sliver, while when the rear roller is changed, it is a hyperbolic relationship, and the linear relationship is relatively easy to adjust.

The above comparative analysis is only relative, and a comprehensive analysis of the specific device is needed to make the right trade-offs. At present, the self-leveling device used to adopt the rear roller speed regulation more.

(3) The composition and classification of the self-leveling device

1. Composition of self-leveling device

The self-leveling device is mainly composed of the following three systems:

(1) Detection system The detection system is a sensor that continuously measures the change or unevenness of the weight or thickness of the feeding or output products during the production operation, and converts and transmits the measurement signal. The main forms of detection sensors are capacitive, photoelectric, electromagnetic induction, displacement sensing and pneumatic. The most widely used sensor in self-leveling devices today is the displacement sensor.

(2) Adjustment system The adjustment system is the control circuit of the leveling device, including two parts: comparison and amplification. The comparison part is to compare the signal that represents the change in the weight of the sliver obtained by detecting and converting it with the given standard value, and as long as the weight of the sliver does not meet the standard, the comparison part can send the measured deviation signal to the amplifier for amplification.

(3) Execution system The execution system is composed of a speed regulation system and a speed changing mechanism, and the speed regulating system generates the corresponding speed according to the signal sent by the amplifier, and then superimposes the speed with the roller speed that needs to be changed through the speed changing mechanism through the speed changing mechanism, so that the drafting multiple changes inversely proportional with the increase or decrease of the weight of the whisker, so as to achieve the purpose of uniformity. There are many types of variable speed actuation systems, such as mechanical, hydromechanical, electrical, and electromechanical. The self-leveling device of the drawing frame is widely used, including mechanical type and electrical type. The mechanical variable speed actuator generally adopts a differential gearbox transmission device, and a differential micro mechanism is used for speed superposition. The electric variable speed actuation system is generally a servo motor speed regulation.

In addition, the self-leveling device applied to the long fiber spinning equipment such as wool spinning, because there is a certain distance from the detection point to the uniformity point, and the yarn sliver speed is slow, so the signal obtained by the detection can not be transmitted back immediately, and the detection signal can only be output when the yarn sliver reaches the uniformity point from the detection point, and this function is completed by the memory delay mechanism. As shown in Figure 6-37, it is the composition of the self-leveling device of the wool spinning needle carding machine.

Figure 6-37: Composition of self-leveling device of needle comb

However, the cotton spinning equipment is generally fast, the spun fiber is short, and the distance from the detection point to the homogeneity point is short, and the memory delay mechanism is generally not used. In addition, a memory delay mechanism is not required for the self-leveling device that detects the output part.

2. Classification of self-leveling devices

At present, there are various control systems and structural forms of self-leveling devices, but their basic principles are the same. There can be different classifications according to specific institutions.

According to the control system, it can be divided into: open-loop system, closed-loop system, and mixed-loop system.

According to the adjustment mode of drafting, it can be divided into: rear roller variable speed mode, front roller variable speed mode.

According to the structural form, it can be divided into: pure mechanical type, pure electric type, and comprehensive type. The comprehensive type can be divided into mechanical and electrical combination, mechanism and hydraulic combination, isotope and electrical combination, mechanical and electrical combination and microcomputer combination, etc.

3. Homogeneity characteristics of different control systems

According to the control system, the self-leveling device can be divided into three systems: open-loop, closed-loop and mixed ring, and its leveling effect has its own characteristics.

(a) Open-loop system (b) Closed-loop system

(c) Mixing ring system

Figure 6-38 Self-leveling system

As shown in Figure 6-38(a), in an open-loop system, the detection point is close to the input end of the system, and the leveling (variable speed) point is close to the output end of the system, and the control loop of the whole system is non-closed. Its characteristic is that it is adjusted according to the change of feeding yarn sliver, so it can be leveled in a timely and targeted manner according to the fluctuation of feeding, but the length of the uniform fragment is shorter, and the uniformity of medium and short fragments can be improved, but the delay of the control system and the time of feeding the whisker strip from the detection point to the speed change point must be properly matched, otherwise, it will be ahead or lag in the speed change. Moreover, the open-loop type can only be adjusted according to the adjustment equation, and the actual adjustment result cannot be controlled, that is, the deviation and zero drift caused by the change of each link or component cannot be corrected, and the self-test ability is lacking.

As shown in Figure 6-38(b), in the closed-loop system, the detection point is close to the output end, and the uniform (variable speed) point is close to the feed end, that is, the control loop of the whole system is closed according to the output result. It is characterized by adjustment according to the output result, so it has the ability of self-check, can correct the deviation caused by the change of components in each link and external interference, and is more stable than the open loop; However, due to the existence of the lag time difference between the output result and the feeding situation, which affects the timeliness and pertinence of the homogenization, the homogenization of medium and short fragments cannot be carried out.

As shown in Figure 6-38(c), the hybrid ring system is a combination of open-loop and closed-loop systems, which has the advantages of both open-loop and closed-loop, which can not only have a homogenization effect on the unevenness of long, medium and short fragments, but also correct the deviation caused by fluctuations of various factors, and the adjustment performance is relatively perfect, but the system is complex and the cost is high.

In general, the self-leveling device for medium and long fragments uses a closed-loop system, while the self-leveling device for short fragments uses an open-loop system.

(4) Application of self-leveling device in spinning system

1. Self-leveling device on the carding machine

The self-leveling device of the above three control systems is applied in the carding machine, and there are short segments, medium fragments and long segments according to the length of the segments targeted by leveling.

(1) Short fragment self-leveling system The short fragment self-leveling system can be an open-loop or closed-loop control system, and the homogenization length of the product is 0.1~0.12m. As shown in Figure 6-39,

Figure 6-39(a) adjusts the speed of feeding the roller by detecting the weight of the fed cotton layer at the feeding roller; Figure 6-39(b) shows that on a new type of carding machine with a roller drafting device in front of the sliver, the thickness of the fed sliver can be detected at the detection horn above (or below) the sliver output drafting device, and the corresponding pulse signal is transmitted to the controller. The controller transmits the generated control signal to a leveling device located below the drafting device, or the drafting roller itself is a leveling device, in order to adjust the speed of the drafting roller to the thickness of the sliver.

Figure 6-39 Self-leveling system of short segments of the card

1-to cotton roller 2, 3-to cotton plate 4-shift sensor 5-controller 6-variable speed motor

The self-leveling system of the medium fragment has a homogenizing length of about 3m. Figure 6-40 shows a self-leveling system for medium fragments. A photoelectric detection device is installed on the cover plate of the cylinder, which is used to detect the thickness change of the cotton layer on the whole width of the cylinder. Through the comparison with the set value, the error signal is transmitted to the leveling mechanism, and the speed of the cotton roller is adjusted to ensure the thickness of the cotton layer on the Xilin as a constant.

Figure 6-40 Self-leveling system of segments in the carding machine 6-41 Self-leveling system of the length of the carding machine

(3) Long fragment self-leveling system: The uniform length of the product is more than 20m. As shown in Figure 6-41. It is by detecting the quality of the output sliver and then adjusting the feeding parameters in turn to ensure that the output is constant. As shown in Figure 6-42(a) and (b), usually at the conveying part of the green strip, the original large pressure roller is replaced by an air pressure detection horn or a pair of stepped pressure rollers (or concave and convex rollers) to detect the thickness of the cotton sliver, and the obtained electrical signal is sent to the electrical control loop (microcomputer) to change the speed of the cotton roller to adjust the amount of cotton feeding. The general action time is about 10s, and the sliver can obtain a uniform effect within 70~100m length.

Figure 6-42 Self-leveling detection device of carding machine

2. Self-leveling device on the drawing frame (needle comb) machine

One of the main functions of the cotton spinning and wool knitting and carding processes is to improve the uneven thickness of the slivers in the previous process by random merging. However, the homogenization effect is limited only by random merging. Therefore, in order to further improve the uniformity of the output strip and shorten the technological process, the advanced drawing frame (needle comb) machine at home and abroad is equipped with a self-leveling system to actively realize online detection and online control, and to control the uneven weight and weight deviation of cooked strips by combining merging and self-leveling.

Due to the high speed of the draw frame, such as the use of closed-loop self-leveling system, it is easy to produce a very long equalization dead zone, greatly reducing the leveling effect, therefore, the draw frame is generally used on the open-loop short fragment self-leveling system, in order to prevent the quantitative deviation of the strip caused by the parameter change or interference of each link, the general advanced system is installed after the front roller monitoring device, as shown in Figure 6-43FP horn head, when the quantitative deviation of the strip exceeds the standard or the CV value is too large, it will alarm or stop.

Figure 6-43 Self-leveling control of draw frame

1-convex roller 2-control monitoring panel 3-main controller 4-servo drive 5-servo motor

6-differential gearbox 7-weight sensor (feeding) 8-speed sensor (second roller)

9-speed sensor (first roller) 10-weight sensor (output)

The device is detected by the convex and concave roller that is far away from the feeding part of the rear roller, continuously measures the thickness of the feeding strip, and when the convex and concave roller produces displacement, it is converted into a current signal and fed back to the microcomputer through the displacement sensor, and the servo brushless DC motor is instructed to compare with the standard design value, and the front area drafting is adjusted in combination with the differential gear train device, and the rear area draft remains constant. At the same time, the output end of the draw frame is equipped with a detection horn head, which detects the homogenization effect online, and the information is fed back to the microcomputer, and the strip quality data is displayed in the form of numbers and charts on the display screen (but it does not have an adjustment effect). The in-line inspection horn can also continuously check the quantitative and actual unevenness of the strip. If the set alarm limit is exceeded, the draw frame stops automatically and the corresponding signal light gives an alarm signal.

Topic 4: Application of Drafting Classical Theory in Spinning Technology


1. What are the conditions for achieving roller drafting?

2. Explain the concepts: tension drafting, displacement drafting, drafting multiple, drafting efficiency, partial drafting multiplier and total drafting multiple.

3. What is the friction boundary and what are the factors that affect the friction boundary?

4. The concepts of control force, guiding force and how do they affect the movement of planktonic fibers in the drafting zone?

5. What are the concepts of draft and grip and their influencing factors? What are the requirements for draft and grip?

6. Please deduce the shift deviation in the actual drafting process, and analyze how the shift deviation affects the unevenness of the whiskers.

7. What are the factors that affect the distribution of fiber variable speed points?

8. What are the additional friction boundary devices? How is it used in the drafting process?

9. What are the conditions for the parallel straightening of the fibers during the drafting process?

10. How does roller drafting affect the straightening effect of the hook fibers?

11. What is the law of odd numbers?

12. Classify the unevenness of the yarn sliver and analyze the factors that affect the unevenness of the yarn sliver.

13. Please explain the homogeneous mixing effect of the merger.

14. The meaning of self-leveling and deriving the basic equation of leveling.

15. Compare and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of open-loop system, closed-loop system and mixed ring system for self-leveling.


Chapter 7 Twisting

What you need to know in this chapter:

1. The purpose and requirements of twisting.

2. The meaning of twist, twist angle, twist, twist coefficient and twist width.

3. Transfer, twisting and blocking twisting.

4. The essence of twisting, the formation process of true twist and the stable twist; The formation process of false twist and the effect of false twist.

5. The application of twisting principle in roving forming.

6. Application of twisting principle in ring spinning forming.

7. Twisting method and twisting process.

Section 1 Overview

First, the purpose and requirements of twisting

(1) The purpose of twisting

Twisting is the most important process in spinning engineering. By twisting, the following purposes can be achieved:

1. Aggregate the fiber aggregates into yarn

The object of twisting is the fiber aggregate, and there are many types, which can be loose fiber whiskers, single yarn or monofilament. By twisting: loose fiber whiskers are twisted into single yarn; Filament tows are twisted into twisted wires; Two or more single yarns or twisted yarns are twisted into strands.

2. Make the yarn obtain certain physical and mechanical properties

The physical and mechanical properties of yarn include yarn strength, elasticity and elongation. The twisting effect makes the fibers in various yarns gain friction along the length direction, thereby increasing the holding force between the fibers, so that the yarn strength increases and meets the required requirements. In addition, twisting will also make the feel of the yarn harder, the elasticity will decrease, and the shrinkage rate will increase.

3. Make the yarn present a different appearance structure

Different twisting methods have different arrangements of fibers in the yarn; Filaments or staple fibers are bundled on the main fibers or twisted with adhesives to form yarns with a special style; Twisting single yarns of different varieties, different colors or different feeding speeds can form fancy threads with special appearance; Textured yarns can be produced by entanglement or curling of filament bundles with different feeding speeds or curling their appearance. In short, twisting can make the yarn obtain a certain structural form, and even cause a significant difference in appearance.

4. Make the spinning process go smoothly

Twisting is sometimes also used in a certain time or a certain area in the processing process of the whiskers, so that the whiskers obtain temporary twist, which is conducive to the smooth progress of the process, such as the twisting of roving.

(2) Twisting requirements

The process requirements for twisting should fully consider three aspects: ensuring quality, increasing varieties and improving labor productivity.

1. The degree of twisting is moderate

Twisting is a necessary means for staple fibers to gather into yarn, and the yarn can obtain the necessary strength through twisting, which can meet the requirements of subsequent products. However, twisting has an impact on the physical and mechanical properties of the yarn and even the fabric. Therefore, under the premise of satisfying the yarn strength, the twisting degree should be moderate, so that the strength, elongation, elasticity, flexibility, luster and feel of the yarn are the best.

2. The twisting method is appropriate

With the continuous application of new twisting methods, the structure of yarn is more complex and the appearance form is more diverse. Therefore, the choice of twisting method should be appropriate, and factors such as the use of the final product, the type of spinning equipment, etc., should be fully considered.

3. Increased production efficiency

The production efficiency is related to the speed of the output line. The higher the output line speed per unit time, the higher the production efficiency. The high degree of twisting is required, which often results in a decrease in spinning speed. Therefore, under the premise of ensuring that the physical and mechanical properties and appearance structure of twisted products meet the requirements, the twisting degree of yarn strip products should be reasonably designed to improve the production efficiency as much as possible.

2. Twisting in the spinning system

Twisting is one of the main roles that are essential in the spinning process. Twisting is used in processes such as roving, spinning, and twisting in various spinning systems. Among them, the twisting of the spinning yarn should meet the requirements of the final yarn, the twisting of the roving is to make the spinning process smooth, and the twisting thread is to twist the yarn again. In addition, in the process of spinning and thread-making, special raw materials, special equipment or special processes are used to twist the fiber or yarn, and a kind of decorative yarn with special structure and appearance effect can also be obtained, that is, fancy yarn. It can be seen that the twisting effect can also be extended in specific spinning systems.

The basic process of twisting

First, the formation of twisting and twisting angle

Figure 7-1(a) shows the arrangement of the fibers in the yarn after twisting. In order to facilitate the analysis, assuming that the twisted yarn is approximately cylindrical, as shown in Figure 7-1(b), AB is the surface fiber that is basically parallel to the axis of the yarn before twisting, when the O end is held and the O end is rotated in the sagittal direction, the fiber AB forms a spiral line to the position of AB: ∠BOB is generated on the cross-section O, which is called angular displacement, which is expressed by θ; And the helix AB turns around the axis β of the yarn, which is called the twist angle. o When the angular displacement θ=360, the whisker rotates around its own axis, then the B end of the fiber returns to B", and the helix AB" constitutes a twist on the yarn, as shown in Figure 7-1(c).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7-1 Twisting and twisting angles

Second, the twist and twist direction

(1) Twist

The number of twists per unit length of yarn is called twist. As shown in Figure 7-2, the twist of the yarn in the AB segment is expressed in T, assuming that the twist of the AB segment is T and the length is L, then there is T = T/L.

Figure 7-2 Twist on the sliver

Assuming that the yarn sliver moves from point A to point B at speed V, and there is a twister at point B that rotates at speed n, the twist of the yarn sliver in section AB can also be expressed by equation (7-1).


When using the Tex system, the twist (T) indicates the number of twists per 10cm length of the yarn (twist backs/10cm); When the metric count system is used, the twist (T m ) indicates the number of twists per meter of yarn length (number of twists/m); When the imperial count system is used, the twist (T e ) indicates the number of twists per inch of length (twist returns/inch). China's cotton yarn adopts the Tex system, and the combed wool yarn and chemical fiber filament use the metric count system. The conversion relationship between them is: T e = 0.254T = 0.0254T m .

(2) Twisting

The inclination direction of the helix is called twist direction, which is determined by the direction of displacement of the rotation angle of the twisting point, and is divided into Z twist and S twist. As shown in Figure 7-3, the unit vector of twisting point rotation is represented by the right-hand rule according to the direction of rotation of the twister. The twist point vector direction points to the holding point, the twist direction is negative, called the S twist or left twist (Fig. 7-3a), and the spiral is inclined in the direction from the lower right corner to the upper left corner, and the tilt direction is the same as the middle of the letter S. The direction of the twist point vector leaves the grip point, and the twist direction is positive, called Z twist or right twist (Fig. 7-3b), and the tilt direction of the spiral line is tilted from the lower left corner to the upper right corner, when the tilt direction is the same as the middle of the letter Z. The twist direction of a single strand is represented by ZS or SZ, and the twist direction of the strands of a double strand is represented by ZZS or ZSZ or SZS, the first letter indicates the single yarn twist direction, the second letter indicates the twist direction of the initial twisted thread, and the third letter indicates the twisted direction of the double twisted thread. Generally, the single yarn adopts Z twist, and the strand adopts S twist. As far as single yarn is concerned, the twist direction has nothing to do with the mechanical properties of the finished yarn, but it has a great impact on the luster, texture and feel of the fabric.

Figure 7-3 Twist direction of yarn (Z direction reversed)

Third, the transfer, twisting and blocking of twisting

(1) Transmission of twisting

In actual production, it can be observed that when the yarn is twisted, the number of instantaneous twists close to the twisting point is more, and the number of instantaneous twists away from the twisting point is less. As shown in Figure 7-4, A is the feed point of the sliver, and the sliver moves from A to C at a velocity V, and C is the twisting point. When twisting, C rotates around the yarn at speed n, and because the yarn is a loose medium of non-members, the twisting torque of each section on the yarn AC decreases with the increase of the distance from the twisting point. Therefore, in the twisting process, the instantaneous twist back on the yarn is more close to C and less close to A, indicating that the twist is transmitted from C to A, and this phenomenon is called the transfer of twist. Experiments have shown that the transfer direction of twisting is always opposite to the direction of movement of the yarn, and it is always transmitted from the twisting point of the yarn to the feeding point of the yarn.

Figure 7-4 Instantaneous twist distribution of yarn strip twisting

(2) Twisting

If there is a mechanism B between the feeding point A and the twisting point C of the whisker strip in Figure 7-4 and the yarn strip contact, as shown in Figure 7-5, then in the process of twisting along the C point to point A, due to the frictional resistance of B to the yarn sliver, the normal transmission of the twist back from C to A is prevented to a certain extent, and as a result, T 1 < T 2 , the greater the resistance of B point, the less twisting back of the AB section, this phenomenon is called twisting, and B is the twisting point. Let the ε be the degree of twisting, and η be the transfer efficiency of twisting. ε=T2-T1T2,η=T1T2=1-ε The larger the ε, the more severe the transmission that prevents twisting, and the greater the η, the more favorable it is for the transmission of twisting.

Figure 7-5 Twisting phenomenon

Thus, the twist obtained by the AB segment is nη added by C, and the twist returned output is T 1 V, then nη = T 1 V, and we get:

T1=nVη (7-2

The twist obtained by the BC segment is the sum of n(1-η) added by C and T 1 V brought by the AB segment through B, and the twisted back output is T 2 V, then n(1-η)+T 1 V=T 2 V, and since T 1 V=nη, then:

T2nV 7-3)

Because η< 1, then comparing Eq. (7-2) and Eq. (7-3), we know that T 2 > T 1 , that is, the twist reduces the twist on a section of yarn before entering the twisting point; The twisting has no effect on the final twist of the output yarn.

(3) Twisting

In actual production, it can also be found that the twist on the sliver is retained when it is output with the sliver. As shown in Figure 7-6, there is part B between the twisting point C and the output point D, when the yarn sliver moves from C to D, the twisting back on the yarn strip is not completely output with the yarn through B, and is blocked by B to a certain extent and stays in the BC section, that is, T 1 > T 2 , the greater the resistance of the B point, the less the twisting back of the BD section, this phenomenon is called twist resistance, and B is the twisting stop point. Let λ be the twisting coefficient, then λ=T2T1,λ<1 . The larger the λ, the less the twist is retained, i.e. the more twist is carried out with the yarn strip at the twist blocking point.

Figure 7-6 Twisting resistance (A is changed to D, and n is close to the twister arrow)

Then there is: the twist of BC is n added by C, and the twist brought out by B is due to the influence of the resistance twist at B λT1V , then n= λT1V , get:

T1=n 7-4)

The twist of the BD segment is brought by the BC segment λT1V , and the twist of the output through D is T 2 V, then λT1V=T2V it gets:

T2=nV 7-5)

Since λ<1, then comparing Eq. (7-4) and Eq. (7-5), we know that T 1 > T 2 , that is, the twist stop increases the twist on a section of yarn before the output twist stop point; Twist blocking has no effect on the final twist of the output yarn.

Section 3 The basic principle of twisting

First, the essence of twisting

A small section of fiber in the yarn strip l was taken for analysis. As shown in Figure 7-7, set to the enclosing angle l of the yarn sliver, when the yarn is axially stretched, if the friction force generated by l the segment is not counted, then there is tension t at l both ends. Let q be the sum of the projections of the tension t at both ends in the direction of the central normal of the yarn, l i.e., q is the centripetal pressure of l the fiber on the yarn. When very small, then:

q=t 7-6)

Figure 7-7 Pressure decomposition of the outer fiber on the yarn core

It can be seen that when L has an encapsulation angle to the yarn, the fiber produces centripetal pressure, and the larger the enveloping angle, the greater the centripetal pressure. Due to the existence of centripetal pressure, the outer fiber is extruded to the inner layer, which increases the tightness of the fibers in the yarn sliver and improves the friction between the fibers in the yarn sliver, thereby changing the structural form and physical and mechanical properties of the yarn sliver, which is the essence of twisting.

The centripetal pressure q reflects the magnitude of the twisting degree, the enveloping angle increases, and the twisting degree increases. In Figure 7-7, r is the yarn strip radius, β is the twist angle, and ρ is the radius of curvature of the helix, then = l/ρ. Because ρ=r/sin 2 β and sinβ=rθ/l, there is =θsinβ. The relationship between the centripetal pressure and the twist angle obtained by substitution equation (7-6) is as follows:

q=tθsinβ (7-7)

where t and θ can be regarded as constants, and since 0<β<π/2, q is proportional to β. It can be seen that the size of the twist angle can represent the degree of twisting of the yarn, which plays an important role in the structural form and physical and mechanical properties of the yarn. Therefore, in the production process, the twisting analysis of the yarn sliver is generally not used to enclose the angle but to twist the angle.

Second, the real twist and twist

(1) The formation conditions of true twist

When one end of the whisker is held and the other end rotates around its own axis, the outer fiber of the whisker produces an inclined spiral twist, which is the basic condition for the formation of a true twist. The spiral inclination of the outer fibers remains consistent throughout the length of the sliver and throughout the twisting process, which is an essential feature of the presence of true twist on the sliver.

(2) The method of obtaining the true twist

There are generally three ways to obtain true twist on the yarn:

1. Non-free end twisting

(1) Intermittent real twisting into yarn. As shown in Figure 7-8(a), A is the whisker feeding point, B is the twisting point and rotates in the sagittal direction at the rotation speed n, then the AB section yarn will produce an inclined spiral twist, and the twist obtained by the AB section T=ntL , where L is the distance from the feeding point to the twisting point, and t is the twisting time. This method is mainly applied to hand-spinning and spindle spinning systems, no winding when twisting, no twisting during winding, belonging to the gap type of true twisting yarn method, low productivity.

(2) Continuous real twisting into yarn. As shown in Figure 7-8(b), A, B, and C are respectively the feeding point, twisting point, and winding point, and the yarn sliver moves from A to C at a velocity V, A and C are on the same axis, and B and C rotate in the same direction but at different speeds, and when B rotates around C in the sagittal direction at a speed n, an inclined spiral twist is produced on the AB section of the yarn, and the twist T 1 = nV obtained by the AB segment. Since B and C rotate in the same direction in the same plane, the speed difference only plays a winding role, and the yarn in the BC section only rotates around AC, not around its own axis, and does not obtain twist, so the yarn twist T 2 wound by point C is equal to the twist T 1 output by the AB section, that is, T 2 = T 1 = nV 。 In this twisting method, twisting and winding are carried out at the same time, continuous spinning can be carried out, and because the whisker strip from the feeding point A to the twisting point B is not broken, it belongs to the continuous non-free end true twisting method, with high productivity, and is mainly used in wing spindle spinning and ring spinning systems.

(b) (missing letter B)

Figure 7-8 Acquisition of non-free end true twist

2. Free end twisting

As shown in Figure 7-9, A, B, and C are respectively the feeding point, twisting point and winding point, the whiskers between point A and point B are disconnected, and the yarn tail on one side of the B end is in a free state, when B rotates in the sagittal direction at a speed n, the whiskers in a free state on one side of the B end also rotate with n in theory, without adding twisting, only an inclined spiral twist is produced on the yarn strip of the BC section, and the twist T = nV obtained by the BC segment , that is, the yarn twist. In this twisting method, there is no need to stop twisting when winding, as long as it is ensured that the whiskers or fiber flow in a free state are continuously fed on one side of B, it can be continuously spinned, which belongs to the continuous free-end true twisting method with higher productivity, and is mainly used in spinning systems such as rotor spinning, coreless friction spinning, vortex spinning and electrospinning. This section will be described in detail in Chapter 9.

Figure 7-9 Acquisition of free end true twist

(3) The formation of stable twist

Figure 7-10 Stable twist formation

As shown in Figure 7-10, A is the feeding point, the whisker moves from A to B at velocity V, B is the twisting point, and rotates in the sagittal direction at the rotation speed n, and the distance between A and B is L. Assuming that T represents the twist of the AB segment at any time t in the twisting process, and the twist increment after the time dt is dT, the twist back obtained by the AB segment in the t+dt time is (T+dT)L. Due to the rotation of B and the movement of the whisker, after dt, the twist preserved by AB is TL +ndt-(T+dT)Vdt, where the first term is the twisting back assuming time t, the second term is the twisting back added by B for the AB segment after the dt time, and the third term is the twisting brought out by B when the length of the output yarn sliver is Vdt at the same time. According to the principle of inextinguishable twisting, the twisting of the AB segment of the yarn sliver in t+dt time must be equal to the twisting of the AB segment of the yarn after dt, that is, (T+dT)L=TL+ndt-(T+dT)Vdt, simplify and omit the second-order trace to obtain:


After earning points, you will get:


Take the initial condition: t=0, T=0, then C=LVlnnL , substituting the above equation, gets:

T=nV(1-e-VtL) 7-8)

Eq. (7-7)8) is the expression of the twist at time t of the yarn during the twisting process, which is a function of the twisting time and the length of the twisting zone, which is called the instantaneous twist. When t→∞ , then Eq. (7-8) becomes:

T=n/V (7-9

Eq. (7-9) is the final twist of the yarn obtained in the steady state, which is independent of the twisting time and the length of the twisting zone, which is called the stable twist. According to Eq. (7-9), the stable twist can be defined as the number of twists added to a section of the yarn by the twister per unit time is equal to the number of twists brought out from the zone at the same time, which is usually called the stable twist theorem. According to this theorem, we can find the twist back in Figure 7-10 as TV, then n=TV, and get:

T=nV (7-10

The results of Eq. (7-9) and Eq. (7-10) are the same.

In actual production, the instantaneous twist time on the yarn is very short, and then the stable twist is reached, so the twist in the spinning process is calculated and analyzed as the stable twist.

3. False twist and twist

The formation process of static false twist

As shown in Figure 7-11, the two ends of the whisker are held and fixed by A and C respectively, and if an external force is applied at the middle B to make the whisker rotate around its axis at the speed n, the two sides of B will produce torques M 1 and M 2 of equal magnitude and opposite directions Once the external force is removed, under a certain tension, the twisting of both sides cancels each other, and the reverse twisting that temporarily exists on both sides of point B is called false twisting, and B is a false twister. It can be seen that the basic condition for the formation of false twist is that the yarn is held at both ends and twisted in the middle. The basic characteristic of false twisting is the presence of an equal number of twists on the yarn on both sides of the false twister, twisting in opposite directions.

Figure 7-11: Formation of static false twist

The formation process of dynamic false twist

As shown in Figure 7-12, the yarn moves at velocity V from left to right, AC and AD are twisting areas, there are 1~2 false twisters in the middle, and the false twisters rotate in the direction of rotation speed n and n.

(b) (delete ' on L3)

Figure 7-12 Formation of dynamic false twist

Let L 1 , L 2 , and L 3 represent the length of the AB, BC, and CD slivers, respectively, and T 1 , T, and 2 T 3 represent the twists of the AB, BC, and CD slivers, respectively, so that T 1 is positive, then:

1. There is a false twister in the twisting area (see Figure 7-12a)

Change of twist of AB segment: In unit time, the twist from B to AB is n, and at the same time, the twist brought out from AB through B is T 1 V. According to the stable twist theorem, then n=T 1 V, gets:

T1=nV (7-11

Change of twisting of BC segment: per unit time, the twist from B to BC is -n, and at the same time, the twist brought from AB to BC is T 1 V, and the twist brought out from BC through C is T 2 V. According to the stable twist theorem, then -n+T 1 V=T 2 V, gets:

T2=-nV+T1=-T1+T1=0 (7-12

According to equations (7-11) and (7-12), the twist of the BC segment is 0.

2. There are two false twisters in the twisting area (see Figure 7-12b)

Change of twist of AB segment: In unit time, the twist from B to AB is n, and at the same time, the twist brought out from AB through B is T 1 V. According to the stable twist theorem, then n=T 1 V, gets:

T1=nV (7-13

The twist of the BC segment changes: in the unit time, the twist from B to the BC segment is -n, at the same time, the twist brought from the AB segment to the BC segment is T 1 V, the twist from C to the BC segment is n, and the twist brought out from the BC segment through C is T 2 V. According to the stable twist theorem, then -n+T 1 V + n=T 2 V, we get:

T2=T1+ n'V-nV= n'V (7-14

CD twist change: per unit time, the twist from C to the CD segment is -n, and at the same time, the twist brought into the CD segment by the BC segment is T 2 V, and the twist brought out from the CD segment through D is T 3 V. According to the stable twist theorem, then - n+T 2 V=T 3 V, gets:

T3=T2VV-n'V=T2-T2=0 (7-15

Eq. (7-13), (7-14) and (7-15) are the stable twists of the AB section, BC section and CD section of the yarn sliver, respectively.

From the analysis of 1 and 2, it can be inferred that in the steady state, no matter how many false twisters there are in the middle, they only play the role of false twist, and the twist will not be obtained on the output yarn.

(3) False twist effect

As mentioned above, in the steady state, there is a stable twist at the feed end of the yarn sliver of the false twister, and its value is equal to the ratio of the number of twists added by the false twister to the yarn sliver movement speed per unit time, and this stable twist value is usually called the false twist effect of the false twister to the feed end of the yarn. It should be noted, however, that when deriving the stable twist, it is assumed that B is actively holding the sliver. When the false twister is actively holding the yarn, where n is equal to the speed of the false twister; When the false twister is in a passive grip on the yarn sliver, n in the formula only refers to the actual number of twists added by the false twister to the feed end of the yarn sliver. For example, the twisting disc of the rotor spinning machine and the edge of the top hole of the spindle wing of the roving frame have a negative grip on the false twisting of the yarn sliver. This is mostly the case in actual production.

Figure 7-13 False twist effect (T1 is missing)

In Figure 7-13, A is the whisker feeding point, B is the intermediate false twister that is in a negative grip on the yarn, C is the twister at the output end of the yarn sliver rotating at the speed n, B adds twisting back n (in the same direction as n) to the AB segment per unit time, and adding twisting back - n to the BC segment. Since B is a false twister, it can be regarded as a twisting point, preventing the twist generated at C from being transmitted to point A, then the twist of C to AB through B is nη, and the twist of BC is n(1-η). According to the stable twist theorem, the stable twist of each section of yarn can be obtained as follows.

AB段 + n'=T1V

T1=nη+n'V (7-16

Paragraph n(1-η)-n'+T1V=T2V BC

T2=nV (7-17

From Eq. (7-16), it is known that when the middle false twister is in a negative grip state on the yarn sliver, the stable twist on the yarn at the feed end of the false twister is equal to the ratio of the sum of the twist back added to the yarn sliver by the false twister per unit time and the twist back transmitted to the yarn through this false twister and the speed of the yarn movement. Wherein, nVη is applied by twister C, due to the influence of B's twisting, the twist loss is , nV(1-η) so that the AB section yarn forms a weak twist; n'V It is caused by the false twist effect of false twister B, which belongs to the additional twist, so that the strength of the feed end yarn increases. From Eq. (7-17), although the intermediate false twister in the twisting area plays both false twisting and twisting effect on the yarn sliver, it has no effect on the final twist of the output yarn sliver.

Section 4 Measurement of the degree of twisting

According to the analysis of the essence of yarn twisting, it can be seen that the twisting angle β can intuitively reflect the degree of twisting, but its actual measurement needs to use a microscope, which is inconvenient and time-consuming, and is generally applied in finding the relationship between geometric deformation and force. In production practice, macroscopic physical quantities are used to measure the twisting degree of yarn sliver, these physical quantities include twist, twist coefficient and twist width, wherein, twist degree and twist coefficient are used to measure the twisting degree of single yarn, and twist width is mainly used to measure the twisting degree of strands with a large cross-sectional area, and is often used when discussing the relationship between yarn twist and the physical and mechanical properties of strands.

1. Single yarn

(1) Yarn with the same thread density

As shown in Figure 7-14, cut off two yarn strips of the same length, A and B. For the convenience of analyzing the problem, the two yarn slivers A and B are overlapped together, and the line density of the two yarn slivers A and B is the same, that is, r A = r B . As can be seen from the figure, β AB , so the twisting degree of A yarn is larger than that of B yarn. It is also known from the figure that in the same length, A yarn has two twists, and B yarn has one twist, which also indicates that A yarn has a greater twisting degree than B yarn sliver. It can be seen that the twist degree can not only be used to measure the twisting degree of a single yarn, but also compare the twisting degree of a single yarn with the same thread density. Generally speaking, the more twists per unit length, the greater the twist, and the greater the twisting degree of the yarn.

Figure 7-14 Twisting of yarn slivers with the same linear density

(2) Yarns with different densities

As shown in Figure 7-15, cut off two sections of yarn of the same length, A and C, the linear density of the two is different, assuming r A >r C , it can be seen from the figure that the β AC , that is, the degree of twisting of the thick yarn is large, and the degree of twisting of the thin yarn is small. However, from the result of twisting, both sections of yarn A and C have two twists, that is, the twist is the same. It can be seen that two yarn strips with the same twist degree and different thicknesses have different twisting degrees, and the structure, physical and mechanical properties of the yarn are also different. Therefore, for single yarns with different thread densities, the twist degree of the yarn cannot be directly compared with the twist.

Figure 7-15 Twisting of yarn strips with different thread densities

From the point of view of the essence of twisting, the twist angle β can represent the degree of twisting of the yarn, so the further analysis of the twist angle is shown in Figure 7-16. Z is the axial position of the yarn, and θ is the displacement angle of the spiral expressed in radians on the Z section of the Z segment. Expand one of the twisted helix AB into △ABC, assuming that the twist of this section of yarn is T (twist/10cm) and the radius of the yarn is r, then:

tanβ=2πrh (7-18

where h is a pitch of the twisted helix, and because h=10 Tt , substituting Eq. (7-18), obtains:

Figure 7-16 Expansion of the cylindrical helix (the left image is missing in the final draft)

tanβ=2πrTt10 (7-19

Eq. (7-19) shows the relationship between the twist angle and the twist of the sliver and the diameter of the sliver. If the yarn density is the same, i.e., the radius r is unchanged, the twist angle changes with the change of twist; If the sliver twist is the same, the twist angle changes with the change of the sliver density. It can be seen that the twist angle can not only reflect the twisting degree of the same linear density yarn, but also reflect the twisting degree of different linear density. However, since the yarn sliver radius is not easy to measure, the radius is continuously converted to the line density according to the relationship between the yarn sliver density and the radius, as follows.

Thread density is defined as the mass of a 1000m long yarn, i.e. N = 1000 × 100 ×GL (g/cm). Since G= πr2 (g), where δ is the unit volume mass of the yarn (g/m 3 ), and subtract L, then r=Ntπδ×105 . By substituting this equation (7-19), we get:

Tt=tanβδ×1072π×1Nt (7-20

Because the calculation of the twist angle is more complicated, it makes the following be:


Since δ can be regarded as a constant, then from the above equation, it can be seen that the twist coefficient α only changes with the change of tanβ. Therefore, the use of α to measure the degree of twisting of the yarn strip and the β of the twisting angle are of equal significance, and the calculation is simple.

According to Eq. (7-20), then:

Tt=αtNt (7-21

Eq. (7-21) is called the twist formula. Linear density is also easy to measure directly. When using metric or imperial, the twist formula can also be derived as follows:

Tm=αmNm (7-22

Te=αeNe (7-23

where T m and T e denote the metric and imperial twists, respectively, α m and α e denote the corresponding twist coefficients, and N m and N e denote the corresponding linear densities, respectively. After the conversion of the quantity units, the relationship between α, α, m and α e is obtained as follows:

αt=3.14αm 7-24)

αm=30.25αe 7-25)

αt=95.07αe 7-26)

Second, the strands

Strands are threads made of two or more single yarns twisted together. The strands can also be combined and twisted in a certain way to obtain double-twisted strands, such as double-strands, three-strands and multi-strands, which are mainly used for sewing threads, braided threads or medium-thick strong fabrics.

The degree of twisting of the strands is usually indicated by the degree of transfer of the fibers on the cross-section of the yarn, and the specific characterization index is the twist width, which is defined as the arc length of the relative rotation of any point on the cross-section when the yarn is twisted per unit length. Let the fibers in the single yarn be parallel, as shown in Figure 7-17, the fiber AA is inclined to the AB position due to twisting, and the fiber AB and the yarn sliver axis form a twist back angle β, and a section of yarn with a length of h is intercepted, then A 1 B 1 is the relative displacement of the fiber A 1 point on the cross-section. If the cut yarn segment is a unit length, that is, h=1, then it is called the twist width of point A 1 on the cross-section, which is represented by P 0 . For the sake of calculation, such that = AB , then:


As mentioned earlier, the twist angle can indicate the degree of twisting, where P 0 = tanβ, so the twist width P 0 can also indicate the degree of twisting. In addition, the degree of twisting at any point in the yarn cross-section can be expressed in terms of twist width. Fiber AA in Figure 7-17 1 . The twist width after twisting is A(A 1 ')B 1 . Since A 1 B 1 < A 1 B 1 , it can be seen that in the same cross-section, when the distance between each point and the yarn center is different, the twist width is also different. Fig. 7-18 is a cross-section of the yarn to be intercepted, and the twist width P x at any point in the cross-section is:


Figure 7-17 Twist width (the dotted line in the lower half circle is deleted)

Figure 7-18 Twist width at any point (r 1 to r x , P 1 to P x and move to the corresponding line segment of r 1 )

Px=P0rxr0 (7-27

It can be seen that the twist width Px is proportional to the distance r from the center x of the yarn at this point.

Section 5 Application of twisting in yarn forming process

1. Application in roving forming

(1) Wing spindle spinning

1. Analysis of the twisting process of wing spindles

Wing spindle twisting is widely used in the roving process, which relies on the rotation of the spindle wing to twist the yarn sliver, and the twisting process is shown in Figure 7-19. One end of the whisker is held by the front roller jaws, the other end is threaded through the top hole of the spindle wing, and then led out through the side holes, and then wound around the pressure palm along the hollow arm of the spindle wing to the bobbin. In this way, when the spindle wing rotates once every time, the roving is driven by the spindle wing side hole to rotate around its own axis for one time, so that a twist is obtained on a section of yarn from the spindle wing side hole to the front roller jaw. The yarn below the side hole only rotates around the centerline of the spindle and does not rotate around its own axis, so it is not twisted. The final twist obtained by the roving is T= nV where n is the spindle rotation speed and V is the speed at which the front roller outputs the sliver.

Figure 7-19 Twisting process of roving spindle wings

2. Twist distribution in the twisting area of wing spindle roving

Studying the twist distribution in the twisting area is conducive to finding out the weak twisting area and its causes, and it is convenient to take necessary technical measures to improve production efficiency. Figure 7-19 is unfolded into Figure 7-20, the front roller jaw A is the feeding point of the yarn sliver, the yarn sliver moves from A to E at the speed V, the spindle wing side hole C is the twisting point, rotates at the speed n, the edge of the top hole B of the spindle wing is the twisting point, D is the turning point from the lower end of the hollow arm to the pressure palm, E is the winding buckle of the yarn strip on the pressure palm, F is the winding point of the bobbin winding, and C, D and E can be regarded as the twisting blocking point.

Figure 7-20 Schematic diagram of roving twisting process

According to the stable twist theorem and the concepts of twisting, hindering twist and false twist effects, the twist on each section of yarn in the figure can be obtained.

AB segment: the twist n added by C, due to the influence of twist B, in fact, the twist added by C to AB segment is nη, and the twist brought out by AB from point B is TAB V, then nη=TABV , get:

TAB=nVη (7-28

where: η is the twist transfer efficiency of the top hole.

BC segment: the twist n added by C, due to the influence of twist B and hindrance C, in fact, the twist added by C to the BC segment is n(1-η), the twist brought in by the AB segment is T AB V, and the twist brought out from C is λ 1 T BC V, according to the stable twist theorem, then n(1-η) +T AB V = λ 1 T BC V. Since T AB V=nη, then:

TBC=nVλ1 (7-29

where: λ 1 is the twisting coefficient of the side hole.

CD segment: The CD segment has no rotation and no twisting, due to the influence of C and D twisting, only the 1 twist brought in by the BC segment λ T BC V, and the twist brought out from D is λ 2 T CD V. According to the stable twist theorem, then λ 1 T BC V = λ 2 T CD V, we get:

TCD=nVλ2 (7-30

where λ 2 is the twisting coefficient at the turning point of the yarn strip at the lower end of the hollow arm.

DE section: DE section has no rotation and no twisting, due to the influence of D and E twisting, only the 2 twist brought in by the CD segment λ T CD V, and the twist brought out from E is λ 3 T DE V, then λ 2 T CD V = λ 3 T DE V, obtain:

TDE=nVλ3 (7-31

where: λ 3 is the twisting coefficient of the palm winding.

EF segment: the twist brought in by the DE segment is λ 3 T DE V, and the twist brought out from F is TV, then λ 3 T DE V = TV, and the result is:

T=nV (7-32)

Where: T is the twist of the EF section, that is, the twist of the yarn.

Equation (7-28)~Equation (7-32) is compared, and λ 1 2 >λ >λλ 3 , then T DE ˃T CD ˃T BC , the twist distribution of each segment is shown in Figure 7-21. Because of η<1, the twist of the AB segment is less than that of the other segments. This is because in the process of twisting the wing spindle roving, the top hole of the spindle wing is the twisting point, which hinders the upward transmission of the twist through the friction of the yarn sliver, so that the yarn in the area of the front roller jaw and the obstruction point obtains less twisting, the yarn body is loose, the connection between the fibers is weak, the yarn strength is low, and the elongation of the normal spinning roving is also larger, which affects the product quality. It can be seen that trying to increase the twist of the AB section is an important part of the technical measures.

Figure 7-21 Twist distribution in the twisting area of roving spindled spinning

3. Roving false twister

In order to reduce the adverse effects caused by twisting, the false twist effect is used on the roving frame, and the false twister is used to temporarily increase the twist of the spinning section and improve the strength of the spinning section. Then the edge B of the top hole of the spindle wing is both a twisting point and a false twisting point, and the false twisting is set back to n'. According to the false twist twisting principle, the twist of the CD, DE and EF segments is not affected. So:

AB segment: In addition to the twisting back added by C to AB segment is nη, the false twist of AB segment by B is n', and the twist brought out by AB segment from point B is T AB V, then nη + n' = T AB V, get:

TAB=nVη+n'V (7-33

where: η is the twist transfer efficiency of the top hole; n'—the top hole gives the false twist of the AB section of the yarn back.

BC segment: In addition to n(1-η) +T AB V, the false twist applied by B is -n', then there is: n(1-η)-n'+T AB V = λ 1 T BC V. According to Eq. (7-33)T AB V=nη+ n', there are:

TBC=nVλ1 (7-34

The twist distribution of each segment is shown in Figure 7-22 through the false twist effect. The increase in the twist of the spinning section AB is conducive to the smooth progress of the wing spindle spinning process.

Figure 7-22 Twist distribution in the twisting area caused by false twisting effect

Figure 7-23: Roving false twister

As shown in Figure 7-23, roving false twisters can be divided into two categories: spindle wing top hole groove and top hole cap, among which the materials used in the spindle cap are plastic, nylon, rubber, polyurethane, etc. Comprehensive analysis shows that the factors affecting the false twist effect of roving are:

(1) The diameter of the top hole of the spindle wing is large, the spindle wing rotates for one week, and the additional rotation of the yarn along the top hole increases, and the false twist effect is large.

(2) The friction force of the top hole edge on the yarn strip is large, such as the top hole edge groove or the installation of false twister, etc., the sliding of the yarn on the top hole edge is reduced, and the number of rolling revolutions increases.

(3) The type of false twister is different, and the friction force on the yarn is also different. Practice has proved that the friction factor of plastic false twister is small, not wear-resistant, short service life, and the false twisting effect is poor, which has been gradually eliminated; The twisting effect of nylon and rubber false twister is close, and the service life of nylon false twister is long, such as Qingze 660 roving frame equipped with nylon false twister for nearly 10 years, and the yarn tension is stable and no runout. The friction factor of the rubber false twister is large, the false twisting effect is good, and the roving elongation is also small, but the service life is short, generally 3~5 years.

4. Selection of roving twist coefficient

On the one hand, the twisting of roving makes it gain a certain strength, which is used to withstand the tension caused by winding in the process of roving forming to avoid accidental elongation; On the other hand, the friction between the fibers in roving can be increased, and an additional friction boundary is formed in the post-drafting area of spinning processing to control the movement of fibers. Therefore, the increase of roving twist coefficient can improve the strength of the product. However, when the twist coefficient is too large, the roving output is low, and the drafting force in the rear area of the spinning yarn is increased, and the rubber roller is easy to slip, and the hard end cannot be drawn out, thereby increasing the breakage and the unevenness of the product; If the twist coefficient is too small, it is easy to produce accidental drafting, which will also increase the breakage and uneven product. Therefore, in the roving process, the choice of twist factor is usually a process parameter that is as important as the draft factor, roller spacing and roller pressurization.

The selection of roving twist coefficient is mainly based on the fiber length and the number of roving specials, and at the same time, it is also necessary to refer to the temperature and humidity conditions, the variety of spinning, other properties of the fiber, the process of the spinning post-area and the breakage of the roving and other reasonable choices. When the fiber is long, the uniformity is good, and the fineness is fine, the twist coefficient should be small, and vice versa; When the number of roving is large and the fiber straightness is poor, the twist coefficient should be small, and vice versa; When combing strips are used, the uniformity of the fibers is better than that of coarse carding strips, and the twist coefficient of the former should be smaller than that of the latter; When spinning and knitting yarn, in order to avoid slender knots and reduce the shadow of the sweat, the twist coefficient should be larger, which can strengthen the friction boundary in the rear area of the spinning yarn and is conducive to the control of fiber movement.

The roving twist coefficient is very sensitive to the climate and season, and needs to be adjusted correctly according to the specific local conditions at that time. Generally speaking, in the wet season, the roving is astringent, and the twist coefficient should be small; In the dry season, the fiber is stiff, and the twist coefficient should be large. However, in some areas, in the yellow plum season, when the roving is rotten, the twist coefficient increases and the production is normal; In the cold season, when the fiber is stiff, the twist coefficient decreases and the production is normal.

In actual production, because it is more convenient to adjust the roving twist coefficient than to adjust the process in the post-spinning area, the adjustment of the process in the post-spinning area is often assisted by adjusting the roving twist coefficient. Under the condition that the drafting mechanism of the spinning frame is perfect and the pressure is good, the roving twist coefficient should be large to improve the spinning quality and reduce the breakage of roving. For the specific selection of roving twist coefficient, you can refer to the data in Table 7-1 when processing medium-length cotton fibers.

Table 7-1 Selection of cotton roving twist coefficient during carding and combing

Cotton roving tex (tex)















In the processing of chemical fiber blending, pure spinning and medium and long fibers, due to the long fiber length, fine fineness, good uniformity, large friction coefficient, the roving twist coefficient is lower than that of pure cotton yarn roving with the same count. For details, see Table 7-2.

Table 7-2 Selection of twist coefficient of chemical fiber blended, pure spinning and medium and long fiber roving

Fiber varieties




Polyester/cotton (65/35), viscose pure spinning




Polyester (low ratio)/cotton, viscose/cotton, nitrile/cotton




Medium-length chemical fiber




(2) Non-twisted roving

1. The process of non-twisting roving frame

On the roller carding machine for carding wool spinning, the untwisted roving frame for combed wool spinning, etc., the whisker strip output by the front roller is loose without twisting, and the semi-finished product is twisted by the twisting effect to increase the fiber holding force, so as to improve its breaking strength and reduce accidental drafting. The process of the untwisted roving frame is shown in Figure 7-24. The machine is composed of four parts: feeding, drafting, twisting and winding. The wool top is drawn out from the wool strip tube 1, enters the rear roller 5 through the yarn guide roller 2,3,4 and feeds the guide bar 13, passes through the yarn guide aggregator 14, the double leather ring 6, the aggregator 7, and after being drafted by the front roller 8, the whisker strip without twisting loose form is then rubbed into roving through the rolling plate 9. The roving is sent to the winding roller 11 by the oscillating yarn guide 10 with reciprocating motion, and is wound on the bobbin 12.

Figure 7-24 Process of untwisted roving frame

2. Twistless roving frame twisting process

The twisting process of untwisted roving is shown in Figure 7-25. Points A, B, and C in the figure correspond to the front roller 8, the washboard 9, and the winding bobbin 12 in Figure 7-24 respectively. The whisker bar is output from point A at speed V to reach the washboard, and the upper and lower washboards make a relative reciprocating motion on the one hand, and actively rotate at the speed n on the other hand. The whiskers leaving the washboard are continuously wound onto bobbin C. Let the twist of the AB sliver be T 1 and the twist of the BC sliver be T 2 , then there are:

AB section: The twist back added by B to AB segment per unit time is n, and the number of twists brought out by AB segment is T 1 V. According to the stable twist theorem, there are:


BC segment: The twist from B to BC is -n per unit time, and the twist output from AB is T 1 V. According to the stable twist theorem, there are:



From this, the twist of the BC segment is 0. It can be seen that the washboard is a false twist point in the process of twisting roving without twisting, and the yarn strip passing through the washboard has a false twist in relative length. The twisting strength can be adjusted by changing the number of reciprocating movements of the washboard.

Figure 7-25 Schematic diagram of the twisting process of untwisted roving

Second, the application in the spinning forming

(1) Ring spinning yarn

1. Ring spinning twisting process

Figure 7-26 Twisting process of ring spinning (point B is close to the yarn guide hook)

Ring twisting is carried out by the rotation of the traveler and is widely used in ring spinning machines for the production of single yarns, strands and composite yarns. As shown in Figure 7-26(a), the yarn sliver output from the front roller is wound to the bobbin tightly attached to the spindle through the guide yarn hook through the wire loop on the steel ring. When the spindle drives the bobbin to rotate, the wire ring is dragged along the steel ring by the yarn sliver tension, at this time, one end of the yarn sliver is held by the front roller, and the other end is driven by the wire ring to rotate around its own axis, and the steel travel loop rotates around a circle, so that the front roller jaws are connected to a section of the wire loop to obtain a twist. The spinning yarn below the wire ring only rotates around the center line of the spindle, not around its own axis, and is not twisted.

The twisting and winding of the ring spinning frame are carried out at the same time, as shown in Figure 7-26(b). In normal winding, if the length change caused by the twisting of the yarn strip is not counted, the actual output length of the front roller at the same time should be equal to the winding length on the spinning bobbin, i.e


or nt=ns-VπDX (7-35)

Where: V—front roller output speed (cm/min);

D X —— Winding diameter of bobbin (cm);

N s (n s )—spindle speed (r/min);

n—wire traveler speed (r/min).

Let the twist on the bobbin at a certain time be T, which is determined by the rotation speed of the traveler, then


Substituting Eq. (7-35) into the above equation yields:


Since the spinning tube is tapered winding, the twist of the wire loop to the yarn sliver varies with the winding diameter of the bobbin. More twist is added when winding a large diameter than when winding a small diameter. However, when the yarn is unwound axially (ring spinning winding processing), the twist is compensated for each unwinding 1πDX . Therefore, the final twist of the finished yarn is T=nsV-1πDX+1πDX , ie

T=nsV (7-36

Since the spindle speed and front roller speed do not change once set, the yarn twist is a constant fixed value.

2. Twist distribution and application in the twisting zone

Expand Figure 7-26 (a) into Figure 7-27, it is known that the front roller jaw A is the whisker feeding point, the yarn sliver moves from A to D at a speed V, the wire traveler C is the twisting point, and can be regarded as the twisting point, rotates at the speed n, the yarn guide hook B is the twisting point, and D is the winding point. According to the stable twist theorem and the concepts of twisting and twisting, the twist on each yarn strip can be obtained.

Figure 7-27 Schematic diagram of ring spinning yarn twisting

AB section: that is, the yarn segment from the front roller jaw to the guide hook, which is called the spinning section. The twist of the yarn segment by C is n, due to the influence of twist B, in fact, the twist added by C to the AB segment is nη, and the twist brought out from B is T AB V, then nη = T AB V, obtain:

TAB=ntVη 7-37)

Where: η—the twist transfer efficiency of the yarn guide hook.

BC section: that is, the yarn section from the guide hook to the wire traveler, which is called the air ring section. Due to the influence of twist B and stop twist C, the twist added by C to the BC segment is actually C, the twist brought in by the AB segment is, and the twist brought out from C is, then, gets:

TBC=nt (7-38

Where: λ - twisting coefficient of the traveler.

CD section: that is, the yarn segment from the wire traveler to the winding point. There is no rotation of the CD segment, no twisting, due to the influence of the hindrance twist of C, only the twisting brought in by the BC segment λTBCV , and the twisting brought out from D is TCDV , then λTBCV=TCDV , get:

TCD=ntV (7-39

Since λ > T CD >T AB , and the twist distribution of each segment is shown in Figure 7-28.

Figure 7-28 Twist distribution in the twisting zone of ring spinning

As can be seen from Figure 7-28, due to the twisting of the yarn guide hook and the twisting of the wire ring in the process of twisting back transfer, the twist degree of each section is unequal, the twisting resistance increases the twist of the air ring section, and the twisting reduces the twist of the spinning section. In fact, the twist of the spinning section is also distributed in a certain way, the twist near the jaws of the front roller is the smallest, which is called the weak twist zone, and the enclosing arc attached to the surface of the front roller is not twisted back, which is called the untwisted zone. Trying to increase the twist of the weak twist zone and the non-twist zone is an important part of the reasonable adjustment of the cross-sectional size design and process parameters of the spinning frame.

Figure 7-29 is the cross-sectional size of the spinning frame, the α is the inclination angle of the roller seat, the β is the yarn guide angle, the γ is the enclosing angle of the yarn strip to the front roller, R is the straight (half) diameter of the front roller, B is the vertical distance from the guide hook to the horizontal line of the center of the front roller, and A is the vertical distance from the center of the front roller to the center of the spindle. On this basis, special attention should be paid to the influence of process parameters (spinning section length, yarn guide angle, front roller enclosing arc, air ring height, etc.) on the twist of the spinning section.

(1) The length of the spinning section. As can be seen from Figure 7-29, the length of the spinning section Ls=(A-R)2+B2 , when A and R are constant, Ls changes with B. Because the B of spinning small yarn is larger than that of spinning large yarn, that is, L s is long, at this time, although the enclosing arc of the L s section to the guide hook is small, the weak twist stays for a long time in the L s section, which is easy to cause the upper part to break.

Figure 7-29 Cross-sectional dimensions of spinning frame (L3 is changed to Ls in the figure)

(2) Yarn guide angle. As can be seen from Figure 7-29, the yarn guide angle β=tan-1BA-R , that is, the β decreases with the decrease of B, so the twist of the yarn guide hook is serious when spinning large yarn, which affects the transmission efficiency of twist.

(3) Front roller encirclement arc. As can be seen from Figure 7-29, the front roller encloses the arc γ=β-α, when the α-timing, the γ increases with the increase of the β, so when spinning small yarns, the enveloping angle of the front roller to the yarn strip is large, that is, the length of the enclosing arc, the length of the untwisted zone in the twisting triangle increases, and the twist at the front jaw is less.

(4) Height of the air circle. As can be seen from Figure 7-29, the height of the air circle H=L+D+C when the yarn is small, where L is the height of the package, C is the distance from the top of the bobbin to the yarn guide hook, and D is the distance from the top surface of the yarn winding to the top of the bobbin when the yarn is full; The height of the air ring in the case of large yarn h=l+D+C, where, l (l) is the movement of the yarn guide hook from small yarn to full yarn. Because L> l, H>h, the height of the air ring when spinning small yarn is higher than that when spinning large yarn, at this time, the air ring is convex and convex, the twist is serious, and the twist of the spinning section is small.

3. The change in the twist of the gas ring section

The winding process of ring spinning yarn is detailed in Chapter 8. In the process of doffing and the lifting of the ring plate, including from small yarn to large yarn and from small diameter to large diameter, due to the change of winding diameter and air ring height, the enclosing arc and contact pressure of the yarn sliver on the steel wire loop and the yarn guide hook are different, so that the twist resistance coefficient and twist transmission efficiency change, so that the twist of the air ring section is also changing according to a certain law.

1. The twist change law of the air ring section during the doffing process is shown in Figure 7-30. When the winding diameter is the same, the height of the air ring decreases, the friction between the wire ring and the yarn increases, and the twisting effect of the steel traveler increases, resulting in the increase of the twist retained in the air ring section in the process of twisting back output, that is, the yarn sliver twist increases with the decrease of the air ring height, and the yarn sliver twist of the air ring section of the full yarn part is less than the yarn.

In the first stroke of the ring plate, as shown in Figure 7-30 and 7-31, when the ring plate is wound from the lower position (large diameter) to the upper position (small diameter), the twist of the yarn strip of the air ring section gradually increases, that is, the twist of the yarn strip when winding the large diameter is less than that when winding the small diameter, wherein, especially at the end of the tube bottom forming (the steel ring plate is in the forming part), the yarn sliver of the air ring section is the least; When winding from the top to the lower part, the twist of the air ring section yarn gradually decreases, that is, the twist of the air ring section yarn in the steel ring plate is periodically changed when the steel ring plate is lifted and lowered at one time, but when the steel ring plate rises or falls to the same height position, the twist of the air ring section yarn is not the same, and the twist of the yarn when the steel ring plate rises is slightly smaller than that when it falls.

Figure 7-30: Changes in the twist of the yarn in the air ring section during the doffing process

Figure 7-31: The twist of the yarn in the air ring section changes during the one-time lifting of the steel ring plate

(The abscissa in the figure is changed to steel)

4. Twisting structure of ring yarn

As shown in Figure 7-32(a), when twisting, the whisker at the front roller jaw rotates around its own axis, the width of the whisker gradually shrinks, and the two sides are folded and gradually rolled into the center of the yarn sliver to form a twisted △OAB. In a twisted triangle, the width and cross-section of the strip change, and the flat ribbon gradually forms an approximately cylindrical strip. Since each fiber is subjected to different tensions during twisting, the inner and outer layers are transferred. Let the number of fibers in the cross-section of the yarn strip be n, and the angle between each fiber and the output axial direction of the whisker strip is θi , under the action of spinning tension T s , each fiber is subjected to tension T, and its axial direction has i=1nTicosθi =T s according to the equilibrium condition, and its radial direction produces centripetal pressure Tisinθi . The greater the θ of the marginal fibers, Tisinθi the larger the size; Thus, from the analysis of the mechanical conditions arising from the geometric position of the fibers in the twisted triangle and the spinning tension, the edge fibers θi→0 Tisinθi→0 are squeezed towards the center, which in turn is squeezed towards the edges. When the marginal fibers are squeezed into the center, their centripetal pressure tends to zero, and they are squeezed out by other marginal fibers. A fiber is often transferred from the outside to the inside and then from the inside to the outside more than 20 times, so that the fiber in the yarn is a conical helix, and its geometry is shown in Figure 7-31(32)(b) and (c). Figure 7-32(b) shows the projection of a fiber at points every 0.2 mm section of the sliver, and Figure 7-32(c) shows the side projection of a fiber in the sliver. If the fiber tip is extruded, it will no longer move to the inside and remain on the surface of the yarn because there is no tension and centripetal pressure, becoming hairy. When the yarn sliver of this structure bears the tensile load, due to the tension of the fiber, the centripetal pressure is generated on the yarn sliver, which promotes the internal and external transfer of the fibers and holds each other, increases the sliding resistance between the fibers and the tightness of the sliver, and makes the sliver obtain higher strength. The sliver twisting structure on the wing spinning frame and the ring spinning frame belongs to this kind of structure, which is called the twisting structure.

(b) (c)

Figure 7-32 Structure of ring twisting

(2) Walking spindle spinning

Walking spinning is mainly used in wool spinning and spinning machines, which can be divided into two spinning methods: spindle and rack, the main difference is that the spinning frame is a spool frame to do reciprocating motion when working, and the spindle spinning frame is a spindle to do reciprocating motion when working. However, the twisting principle of the two is the same, and both are a non-free end true twist spinning method that uses spindles to continuously twist the yarn. Taking the twisting process of walking car (frame) spinning as an example, the process is shown in Figure 7-33. The spindle shaft is almost perpendicular to the roving plane, but slightly forward. During drafting and twisting, the yarn slips off the top of the spindle as the spindle rotates, adding twist to the roving instead of rolling the roving onto the bobbin. In the first stage of the work cycle, the surface drum transports the roving from the spool frame, the trolley moves back at the conveying speed, and at the same time, a small amount of twist is added by the spindle rotation. At the preset point where the car moves backward, the conveyor roller stops and the car continues to move back. In this way, the twisted roving begins to be drafted axially and twist continues to be added. At the end of the draft, the spindle speed is increased to the fastest, and the final twist is added. As the car returns to the starting point, the yarn is rolled onto the package. During the winding process, the tension bow and the winding bow bind the roving so that the rotation of the spindle can wind the twisted wool yarn onto the bobbin in a certain forming way.


1-rack 2-unwinding roller 3-wool reel 4-lower roller 5-upper roller

6-spindle 7-spindle pulley 8-spindle drive drum 9-spindle rope 10-yarn guide bow 11-tension bow 12-walking wheel 13-track

Figure 7-33 Schematic diagram of spindle twisting (9 is missing, and the circle below 8 is 9)

(3) The selection of spinning twist coefficient

1. The relationship between the spinning twist coefficient and the physical properties of the yarn

(1) Relationship with strength and elongation. The relationship between spinning twist and yarn strength and elongation at break is shown in Figure 7-34. It can be seen that in a certain range of twist, the yarn strength and elongation at break increase with the increase of twist, but when the twist increases to a certain value T K , the effective component of fiber strength in the axial direction of the yarn decreases, and the excessive twist increases the uneven distribution of fiber stress in the inner and outer layers of the yarn, which aggravates the different temporality of fiber breakage, and the breaking strength value and elongation at break begin to decrease after T K (T K ). T K (T K ) is called the critical twist, and the corresponding twist coefficient is called the critical twist factor.

Figure 7-34 Relationship between twist and yarn strength and elongation at break

(2) Relationship with elasticity. Under a certain tensile load, the spinning yarn is stretched and elongated, and its length is called total elongation. When the load is removed, the stretched yarn quickly retracts, but not to its original length, which is called elastic elongation. The elastic elongation C 0 of the spinning yarn can be obtained by the following formula.


where: ε 1 is elastic elongation; ε 0 is the total elongation.

In the case of a certain load and a small twist, with the increase of twist, the elastic elongation 1 ε increases, and the total elongation decreases, so the elasticity increases with the increase of twist. However, after the twist reaches a certain level, the elasticity decreases, and there is also a critical value. The elasticity of the spinning yarn increases, its ability to withstand repeated stretching increases, and the yarn is fatigue resistant.

(3) Relationship with luster and texture. When the twist is large, the twist angle β is also large, and the light is reflected to the side side, and the luster is poor, and on the contrary, the luster is good. When the twist is large, the pressure between the fibers is large, the tightness of the yarn increases, and the feel is harder, on the contrary, the feel is soft. However, if the twist is too small, the yarn is easy to hair, the feel is loose, and the luster is not necessarily good.

(4) Relationship with twisting. After the yarn is twisted, the fiber is inclined in a spiral line and the length of the yarn is shortened, which is called twisting, which is expressed by the twist shrinkage ratio K.


where: Lf —the theoretical length of the front roller output sliver; L 0 – the actual winding length on the bobbin.

The twist shrinkage of the spinning yarn increases with the increase of twist, and the increase of the twist shrinkage rate in turn affects the thread density and production efficiency of the spinning yarn, so the twist shrinkage factor must be considered in the spinning process design.

2. The basis for the selection of the spinning twist coefficient

From the above analysis, it can be seen that the spinning twist coefficient is mainly selected according to the use of the yarn and the requirements of the final product:

(1) Yarn for weaving. The warp yarn of the woven fabric, due to the many processes it has undergone, bears a large tension, requires high strength and good elasticity, so the twist coefficient should be larger; The weft yarn has less process and less tension, so in order to avoid weft shrinkage defects, its twist coefficient should be smaller. Under normal circumstances, the warp twist coefficient of the same number of tex yarns is about 10%~15% larger than that of weft yarns. For high-density poplin fabrics, because the warp yarn floats on the surface of the fabric, its twist coefficient should be appropriately smaller, and the weft twist coefficient should be appropriately larger, so as to increase the stiffness of the weft yarn, so that the warp yarn is easy to bulge and form granular, which is beneficial to improve the appearance style and feel of the fabric. For linen fabrics, the warp twist factor should be larger, which can give the fabric a smooth feel.

(2) Yarn for knitting. Knitted fabrics generally require high softness, so the twist coefficient of knitting yarn should be smaller than that of woven yarn, but it also varies depending on the variety. The twist coefficient of the yarn used in cotton sweaters should be smaller; The undershirt is required to have a cool feeling, and the twist coefficient should be larger. For fleece fabrics and twisted yarns, the twist coefficient should be smaller.

(3) Other influencing factors. The selection of the twist coefficient of the spinning yarn should also be considered with reference to the thread density of the yarn, the fiber raw materials used, the spinning system, the temperature and humidity and the mechanical state.

In the national yarn standard, the selection range of the twist coefficient of various different thicknesses of the spinning yarn is specified, and the production should be carried out on the premise of ensuring the quality of the yarn, and the smaller twist coefficient should be used as far as possible to improve the productivity of the spinning frame. Table 7-3 lists the range of twist coefficient selections for commonly used spinning yarn varieties.

Table 7-3 Twist coefficient of commonly used spinning yarn varieties

Cotton yarn varieties

Linear density (tex)



Yarn for carding and weaving










Yarn for combed weaving










Yarn for carding knitting and fleece


Not more than 330


No more than 310


No more than 310

Yarn for combed knitting and fleece


No more than 310

Polyester/cotton blended yarn

Yarn for single yarn fabrics


Yarn for strand fabrics


Yarn for knitted underwear


Yarn for warp knitting


(4) The choice of spinning twist direction

As mentioned earlier, in the case of single yarns, the twist direction is not related to the mechanical properties of the twisted yarn sliver, but different styles of fabrics can be obtained by the combination of spinning yarns with different twist directions. Figure 7-35 shows the reflection of the different twist directions of warp and weft yarns in the plain weave fabric. Figure 7-35(a) shows that the twist direction of the warp and weft yarns is the same, so the fiber inclination direction at the intersection of the warp and weft yarns is the same, and it is easy to coincide with each other and closely paste, so that the fabric has a tight appearance and touch, but the surface of the fabric is easy to cause the chaotic reflection of light and weaken the luster due to the opposite arrangement of the fibers of the warp and weft yarns, so the texture is not obvious. Figure 7-35(b) shows that the twist direction of the warp and weft yarns is different, so the fiber inclination direction on the surface of the fabric is the same, and the grain is clear, but the fiber inclination direction at the intersection of warp and weft yarns is opposite, and the warp and weft yarns are separated by different fiber tendencies and cannot be closely contacted, so the fabric is thick and soft. Warp and weft yarns with different twists are generally used more on twill fabrics to obtain clear lines and soft touches.


Figure 7-35: Reflection of the twist direction of the warp and weft yarns in a plain weave fabric

In addition, the different directions of reflection caused by different fiber tendencies make the surface of the fabric appear light and dark reflections, for example, when the Z twist and S twist are arranged at intervals in the warp, it is possible to weave a fabric with a hidden stripe flash effect.

3. Application in strand processing

In order to make the stress of each single yarn uniform when the strands are twisted, so as to form a strand with stable structure and high strength, the number of single yarns twisted at one time is generally less than 5, which is called the initial twisting thread; The initial twisting line can also be combined and twisted in a certain way to obtain a double twisting thread. Before twisting, it is generally necessary to prepare the meridian cylinder and the yarn combination. The twist direction of the strands can be reversed to that of the single yarn, which is called the reverse twisting of the strands; It can also be the same as a single yarn, which is called strand twisting in the same direction.

Strand twisting process

1. Ring spinning strands twisting

The twisting of the ring spinning strands is completed by the ring twisting machine, and two or more single yarns are twisted when the steel traveler is rotated, as shown in Figure 7-36, and the process is basically the same as that of the ring spinning machine. When the wire ring drives the yarn to rotate along the steel collar for a week, the yarn will obtain a twist, the twist of the strands on Tt=nsV-1πDX the bobbin, and the twist of the strands after winding T=nsV .

Figure 7-36 Twisting process of ring spinning strands

2. Double twisting and twisting

Double twisting spinning is achieved by the rotation of the yarn storage tray, and its processing object is generally two or more strands, without twisting single yarn. As shown in Figure 7-37, A is a yarn bundle sleeved on a stationary hollow tube, and the yarn is drawn from the top of the package through B into the radial hole E of the spindle tube C and the yarn storage tray D through B, and then leads to the output roller G through the yarn guide hook F, H is the unwinding point of the yarn merging, H and G can be regarded as gripping characteristics, and the center of F is aligned with the center line of the spindle tube. When the yarn storage tray rotates with the spindle in the sagittal direction, E drives the yarn to rotate around the spindle axis, so that the GE yarn segment rotates around its own axis and obtains an S twist, which is basically the same as the twisting of the ring spindle. At the same time, E also causes the DH yarn segment to rotate around its axis to obtain an S twist, which is the same as that of the GE yarn segment. The DE yarn segment rotates around the spindle axis without gaining twist, and D and E can be regarded as the actual twisting points of the DH and GE yarn segments, respectively.

Figure 7-37 Double-twisting and twisting process (D shifted upward)

In Figure 7-37, the twist of the DH segment added by E per unit time is n, and the twist of the output from D is T DH V in TDHV=n the same time.


At the same time, the twist added by E to the GE segment is n, the twist brought to GE by DH via D and E is T DH V, and the twist returned from G is T GH V, then TGHV=n+TDHV=2n , gets:

TGH=2nV (7-40

Eq. (7-40) is the last twist of the strand. It can be seen that when the yarn storage tray (twister) rotates for one turn, two twists can be added to the yarn GH, which is the formation principle of double twisting. During the twisting process, the yarn forms two air loops. The first air circle is formed from the unwinding point H of the parallel yarn package to the top B of the hollow tube, and the tension of this air circle is the unwinding tension, which changes with the change of the diameter of the winding package and changes with the up and down movement of the unwinding point H. The magnitude of the unwinding tension affects the quality of the strands. The stable unwinding tension is adjusted by a tension device (not shown in the figure) mounted at the top of the package or in the center of the package. When the yarn leaves the storage tray and is directed to the guide hook, a second air ring is formed, and the tension of this air ring is essentially stable.

3. One-way twisting of strands

Single-way twisting strands refers to the use of false twisting principle and its transformation means to twist two untwisted tows or two single yarns in the same direction of the same twist to directly become a double twisting line, which can save the two processes of initial twisting and paralleling.

Figure 7-38 One-way retwisting process (missing 4, see right figure)

As shown in Figure 7-38, the one-way retwisting process of the cord thread, 1 and 2 are two untwisted filament tow packages, after one bundle of filament is drawn out from L, enters the hollow shaft of the motor spindle through the lower tension device 3, and passes through the eyelet of the yarn guide 6 through the warp yarn storage tray 5 from the side hole 4 of the spindle, and this eyelet is aligned with the center line of the spindle. When the spindle rotates, tow 1 forms an atmospheric circle between 4 and 6, and this air circle is balanced by the frictional resistance given to the tow by the lower tension device and the yarn storage disc and overcomes the centrifugal force of the air circle and the winding tension of the yarn. According to the false twist principle, the tow obtains the twisting back in opposite directions and equal quantities respectively in the upper section of yarn and the lower section yarn of false twist point 4, and finally there is no twisting back on the yarn segment output from 6. However, because the package 2 is sleeved in the non-rotating part of the spindle, when the tow drawn out on it reaches the yarn guide eyelet 6 through the upper tension device 7, the tow that exits from 2 and the tow that exits from 1 converges at 8 places because of the balance of force, the tow that exits from 2 rotates with the tow that exits from 1 and forms a small air circle, and the tension of the small air circle is adjusted to be equal to the tension of the atmosphere by means of the upper tension device, then the two components of the large and small air circles form a resultant force consistent with the direction of the strands. In this case, the strands output by 6 are the double twist threads, which have the opposite twist direction and the true twist of the two single-ply yarn segments and the same twist back. That is to say, if the two single-ply yarn segments below 6 do not converge at 8, then only the single yarn of two false twists is obtained after passing 6, but due to the effect of the confluence point 8, the two single-ply yarn segments above 6 are twisted together to become strands. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that the original two false twisted single yarns have become double twisted threads with single yarn and strands that are true twists. The confluence point 8 is the key to transform the single-strand false twist into the real twist of the merger, and the confluence point 8 is also called the retwisting point of the merger. The formed double twisting line is wound into a double twisting package 11 by winding roller 10 by winding roller 9.

(2) The twist width of the strand twist

The various properties of the strands are largely determined by the interrelationship between the stress distribution and structure of the fibers in the strands. The twist amplitude indicates the degree of inclination of the fiber to the axis and can approximate the magnitude of the fiber deformation or stress. Therefore, the concept of twist amplitude is generally used to describe the changes in the stress distribution and structure of the fibers in the strands.

1. Double-strand reverse twisting

As shown in Figure 7-39, the single yarn of the strand is oval, and Figure 7-39 (a) represents the original twist width of the single yarn, the twist width P of the outer fiber 0 , and the twist width at any point where the distance from the center of the single yarn is r is P 0 '; Fig. 7-39(b) shows the twist width caused by the twisting of the strands, the twist width of the outer fiber is P 1 , and the twist width at any point at the distance from the center O 2 of the strand is P 1 '; Figure 7-39(c) shows the result of the combination of single yarn twist width and strand twist width: twist width P X . Let r 0 be the small radius of the ellipse, then:


=P0rr0 P'1=P1r0+r2r0 Because

PX=P0rr0-P1r0+r2r0 So

And because R=r+r0

So PX=R2r0(2P0-P1)-P0 (7-41)

2 The above equation is that when the coordinate origin is O, after the double strand is reversed, the result twist width P at any point on the O 2 B line X .

At point B, R=2r 0 , the comprehensive twist width P B = P 0 -P 1 , that is, after the double strand is twisted in the opposite direction, the twist width of the outer fiber is smaller than that of the single yarn twist, and the feel is not hard.

Figure 7-39 Twist amplitude change of double-strand reverse twisting (R in c is changed to R0)

At point O 2 , R=0, the combined twist width P 02(O 2 = -P 0 , that is, the twist width in the center of the strand is equal to the maximum twist width of the single yarn.

When the result is twisted PX=0 , i.e., P0=0 , gets:

R=2r0P02P0-P1=R0 7-42)

R0 The resulting twist width of the point is equal to zero, and this point is called the "twist", as shown in point O in Figure 7-39(c), where R 0 is the twist radius. It should be noted that the twist width calculated according to Eq. (7-41) is only the composite twist width P x for each point on the O 2 B line. The combined twist amplitude of each point on the other straight line through the center of the strand O 2 must be added by vectors. As shown in Figure 7-40, the comprehensive twist width of any point M (not O2B on the line) on the strand cross-section PX is the vector sum of the single yarn twist width and the strand twist width at that point.

From the cosine theorem:


PX2=2P0-P14r02(2P0r2-P1R2)+P0P12 So

In ΔOMO2 : OM2=OO22+R2-2ROO2cosδ (7-43)

ΔO1O2M cosδ=R2+r02-r22Rr0 In

and OO2=R0=2r0P02P0-P1, substitution (7-42), and multiply (2P0-P1)24r02 by each side to obtain:


After finishing, you get:


Thus PX=OM2P0-P12r0 (7-44)

OM is the distance from the twist O at any point within the strand cross-section. Eq. (7-44) shows that at any point on the strand cross-section, whether on the O2B line or not, the comprehensive twist width is proportional to the distance from the twist center, so that the twist O is the true center of the comprehensive twist width. If an infinite number of concentric circles are made with O as the center of the circle, then the twist width on the same circle should be equal. For the sake of ease of analysis, only the twist width distribution on the line is analyzed O2B .

Figure 7 - Twist width at any point in the 40 strands

If the twist width of the strand is equal to the twist width of the single yarn, that is P1=P0 , the outermost fiber of the strand is axially parallel to the strand, and the twist width is zero, and the surface of the strand can obtain the best luster, soft feel and good longitudinal wear resistance, as shown in Figure 7-41. At this time, the strand twist coefficient α 1 and the single yarn twist coefficient 0 α have the following relationship:

Because of the twist P=2πrT,r1=2r0, so, P1=2πr1α1Nt1,P0=2πr0α0Nt0 . P1=P0 When , then α1=22α0 .

If the twist width of the strand is greater than the twist width of the single yarn, that is, P>P 0 , the average twist width in the strand increases, and the fiber inclination increases, but the outer twist width is still small, as shown in Figure 7-42. At this time, the strength and elasticity of the strands are improved, and the luster and feel are also good.

If the twist and spoke of the strand is twice the twist width of a single yarn, that is P1=2P0 , the twist width of the inner and outer layers of the strand is the same, the stress distribution of the inner and outer layers is uniform, and the strength of the strand is the best, as shown in Figure 7-43. At this time, the α0 relationship between the strand twist coefficient α1 and the single yarn twist coefficient is α1=2α0 .

Figure 7-41 Axiality of fiber arrangement during reverse twisting of strands

Figure 7-42 at the average twist width

Figure 7-43 P1=2P0 Twist amplitude distribution

2. Twisting of both strands in the same direction

When the two strands are twisted in the same direction, the direction of the strand twisting is opposite to that of the reverse twisting, so the twist width P X can be obtained by changing the sign of P 1 in Eq. (7-41), as shown in Figure 7-44.


At point B, R=2 r0 , the combined twist width PB=P0+P1 .

At point O 2 , the combined twist width PO2=-P0 . The twist radius R o (R 0 ) is:

R0=2r0P02P0+P1 (7-45)

From Eq. (7-45) and Fig. 7-43 (44), we know that when R<R0 , the strand PX is negative and decreases with the increase of R. When R>R 0 , P X is positive and increases with the increase of R. The twist width at the point less than R 0 is smaller than the original twist width of the single yarn, and the twist width at the place greater than R 0 is larger than the original twist width of the single yarn. Therefore, when the double strands are twisted in the same direction, the twist amplitude of the inner and outer fibers is very different, and the difference between stress and deformation is also great. The increase in the twist width of the outer fiber indicates that the outer fiber is tighter, so the strand feels harder.

Figure 7-44: Twist width of a double-strand twisted in the same direction

(3) The selection of the twist coefficient of the strand

1. The influence of twist coefficient on the performance of strands

The nature of strands is more complex, which is related to the nature of single yarn (twist, strength, elongation, elasticity, etc.), the number of strands, twist direction, twisting method and twisting degree and other factors.

(1) Relationship with strong force. After twisting, the twist amplitude of the fiber and its stress and strain are changed, which largely determines the strength of the strand. Figure 7-45 shows the relationship between the strand twist coefficient and the strand strength. As can be seen from the figure, when the strands are twisted in the opposite direction, the strength of the strands increases with the increase of the twist coefficient at the beginning stage, and decreases with the increase of the twist coefficient after reaching the maximum. This is because the difference between the twist width of the inner and outer layers of the strand decreases at the beginning stage, and the stress and deformation are uniform, which is conducive to the increase of the strand strength, but after exceeding the maximum value, with the increase of the twist coefficient, the stress and deformation of the fiber increase, which is not conducive to the strength of the strand. When the single yarn twist coefficient is small, the strand twist coefficient corresponding to its highest strength is larger, and the maximum strength is also high. When P 1 = 2P 0 , i.e., α1=2α0 , the strand can obtain better strength. When the strands are twisted in the same direction, the strength increases with the increase of the twist coefficient due to the merger and the change of the strand structure, and the rate of strength increase is faster than that of reverse twisting, and the twist coefficient when reaching the maximum strength is lower than that when it is reversed. This is due to the fact that when twisting in the same direction, with the increase of twist coefficient, the difference between the twist amplitude of the inner and outer fibers increases rapidly, and the difference between stress and deformation increases, so the strength decreases rapidly with the increase of twist coefficient.

Figure 7-45 Relationship between strand twist coefficient and strength (abscissa twist coefficient twist coefficient)

(2) Relationship with elongation. Because the twisting of the strands increases the connection between the single yarn and the single yarn in the strands, and the inclination state and twist distribution of the fiber change, the yarn structure is improved, the elasticity of the strands is better, and the ability to bear repeated loads is also improved. Figure 7-46 shows the relationship between the twist coefficient and the elongation of the strands.

Figure 7-46 Relationship between strand twist coefficient and elongation (abscissa twist coefficient change coefficient)

As can be seen from the figure, when the strands are twisted in the opposite direction, the elongation decreases slightly due to the decrease of the twist amplitude of the outer fiber, and with the increase of the twist coefficient, and P1>P0 at that time, the twist amplitude of the outer fiber increases, and the elongation also increases. When twisting in the same direction, the average twist width of the fiber increases with the increase of the twist coefficient, so the elongation of the strands also increases, and the value is larger than that of reverse twisting.

(3) The relationship with luster, feel and wear resistance. The luster and feel of the strands depend on the inclination of the fibers on the surface of the strands, and the outer fibers are parallel to the axial direction, with a harmonious luster and a soft feel. Double-strand reverse twisting, when P1=P0 , instantly α1=22α0 , can get a better gloss and feel. Because the twist amplitude distribution and stress distribution of the strands are uniform when the twisting is reversed, when the fibers on the surface of the strands are worn, the internal fibers still maintain a certain connection, and the structure of the strands will not be destroyed immediately. If the twist coefficient of the strand and the twist coefficient of the single yarn are properly matched, the axiality of the fiber on the surface of the strand can be improved, and the wear resistance of the axial movement can be good.

(4) The relationship with twisting (twisting). When the average twist width of the fiber in the strand is greater than the average twist width of the fiber in the single yarn, twisting is generated. When the average twist width of the fibers in the strand is less than the average twist width of the fibers in the single yarn, twist stretch occurs. As shown in Figure 7-47, when the double strands are reversed, the average twist width of the strands begins to decrease, and the strands are elongated, and the α point is the point where the strands elongation reaches the maximum, and the average twist amplitude at this point is the minimum value α1=0.414α0 , that is. Continue to increase the strand twist coefficient, P1=P0 when, the average twist width of the strand is the same as that of a single yarn, and the twist of the strand is zero, such as the α t0 point, at this time, α1=0.707α0 after that, with the increase of the twist coefficient of the strand, the average twist amplitude increases, and the twist also increases. When twisting in the same direction, the average twist width of the strand increases with the increase of the twist coefficient of the strand, and its twist always increases.

Figure 7-47 Relationship between twist coefficient and twist contraction

2. The basis for the selection of the strand twist coefficient

The twist coefficient of the strand should be reasonably selected according to the use of the strand and the twist coefficient of the single yarn. The ratio of the twist coefficient of the strand to the twist coefficient of the single yarn ( α1α0 ) is called the twist ratio, the twist ratio of the strands of the strong twisted single yarn can be smaller, the twist ratio of the warp is in the range of 1.2~1.4, and the twist ratio of the weft is in the range of 1.0~1.2. If good luster, feel and wear resistance are required, the twist ratio can be 0.7~0.9. Table 7-4 shows the twist ratio of strands for different purposes.

Table 7-4 Twist ratios of strands for different purposes

Product Use:

Product Features:


Warp (thread) for weaving

Tight, less hairy, and more powerful


Weft yarn (thread) for weaving

Good shine and softness


Knitted cotton sweaters, socks with thread

Soft, smooth and few knots


Knitted undershirt with thread

Tight, smooth and smooth


Sewing threads

Tight, smooth, high strength, good roundness, twisting to SZ, few knots and yarn defects

Double strand 1.2~1.4

Three strands 1.5~1.7


Tight, elastic, high strength, twisted towards ZZS

The initial twist is 2.4~2.8

The retwist is about 0.85


Tight, smooth, stretched, strong twist


Nitrile/cotton blend

The single yarn is weakly twisted


Viscose pure spinning, viscose blending

Tight, smooth

1.3 or so


Good gloss, soft, small and few knots


Thread for Bali fabrics

Stiff, smooth, twisted in the same direction, heat-set


Topic 5: Summarize the application of twisting principle in the forming of various yarns

Food for Thought:

1. What is twist, twist factor, twist direction, twist angle and twist width?

2. Explain the transfer phenomenon, twisting phenomenon and twisting phenomenon of twisting, and analyze the influence of twisting and twisting resistance on the twist degree of each section of the twisting zone.

3. What is Stable Twist and False Twist Effect? The applications in yarn forming are listed separately.

4. What indicators can be used to measure the degree of twisting of the yarn? What is the scope of application?

5. Analyze the twisting process of roving for wing spindle spinning, and list the influencing factors that need to be considered when designing the roving twist factor.

6. Analyze the twisting process of ring spinning yarn and list the influencing factors that need to be considered when designing the twist coefficient of the spinning yarn.

7. Briefly analyze the twist changes of strands and the influence on yarn properties after co-twisting and reverse twisting.


Chapter 8 Winding

What you need to know in this chapter:

1. The purpose and requirements of winding.

2. The basic type and scope of winding, the basic equation of winding and the winding tension.

3. The winding process and types of fiber rolls and fiber strips.

4. Winding and forming of roving. Focus on mastering the winding equation of twisted roving and understand the winding forming mechanism of modern roving frames.

5. Winding and forming of ring spinning yarn. Focus on mastering the motion requirements of the program plate and the winding equation in the spinning winding process, and understand the electronic forming system of modern spinning frames.

6. The winding and forming process of the package yarn.

7. Forming and control of winding tension. Focus on grasping the tension distribution in the winding process of roving and spinning, the relationship between spinning tension and breakage and the control measures.

Section 1 Overview

First, the purpose and requirements of winding

(1) The purpose of winding

As far as the prior technology is concerned, spinning also needs to go through multiple machines and multiple processes to cooperate with each other to produce yarn products that meet the requirements. At present, except for the cotton spinning and carding process, which can directly transport the fiber flow of the cotton to the carding machine, most of the other processing processes or equipment still need semi-finished products with different characteristics as the connection and transition of production. This requires winding the semi-finished products output in each process and forming a package form that meets the requirements. Therefore, the main purposes of winding are:

1. Meet the production requirements of each machine

Each machine has different requirements for the characteristics of feeding semi-products, such as: cotton spinning combing machine requires fiber products to be fed in the form of cotton rolls; The package form of the product fed by the ring spinning frame is roving; Some of the new yarn forming machines can be fed directly in the form of fiber slivers. Therefore, a suitable semi-finished product package can be formed through winding between each machine and each process, so as to connect the production and processing of the whole spinning process in an orderly manner and ensure the continuity of the spinning process.

Meet the storage and transportation requirements of semi-finished products

The production cycle and process requirements of spinning semi-finished products are different, and the appropriate amount of semi-finished products should be stored, first of all, we should consider the output matching between processes and equipment to make the production stable; Secondly, storage can enable semi-finished products to eliminate static electricity, restore elasticity, stabilize twist, balance moisture regain, etc., and meet the process requirements. In addition, the size and weight of the semi-finished products should be easy to store and transport.

(2) Requirements for winding

According to the purpose of winding, there are the following requirements for the winding and forming of fiber products:

Appropriate winding tension

The right winding tension ensures a smooth winding process and good package forming. If the tension is too large, the fiber products are prone to accidental elongation and even breakage, which affects the quality and production efficiency of semi-finished products; If the tension is too small, the roll forming of fiber products is poor, and it is easy to collapse the shoulder and loosen the stack during storage and transportation, resulting in wear and tear caused by "blind pipes and blind shafts". At the same time, in order to adapt to high-speed production, it is necessary to ensure that the winding is well formed to prevent problems such as adhesion, relaxation, kinking or detachment in the winding process of this process and the unwinding process of the subsequent process.

Larger package capacity

Under the development trend of high speed and high yield, in order to reduce the number of doffing, tube or cylinder change, it is required that the increase in the capacity of the package should be comprehensively considered without affecting the operation of the car stopper, convenient transportation and storage, and appropriate winding density, so as to improve labor productivity and reduce production costs. At the same time, the larger package capacity is also conducive to improving product quality.

Maintain the physical and mechanical properties of fiber products

Different packages are used as transitional products in the production and processing process of each machine and each process, and the winding process should not affect the intrinsic quality, appearance, uniformity and other qualities of semi-finished products or finished products, so as to maintain the original physical and mechanical properties of fiber products as much as possible to ensure the pass rate of products.

2. Winding in the spinning system

At present, the winding and its packaging forms used in the spinning system mainly include fiber rolls, fiber strips, rovings, tube yarns and package yarns. Among them, the winding of the fiber coil is mainly applied in the cotton spinning system, the cotton cleaning and rolling machine in the cotton cleaning process, and the strip winding machine, the winding machine, and the strip winding combined machine in the combing preparation process. However, with the mature application of the cleaning and carding technology, the bulk fibers processed in the opening and cleaning process can be directly transported to the carding equipment through the pipeline airflow, so the roll form of fiber rolls is rare in the opening and cleaning process. The winding process in other forms of package mainly occurs in the processes of carding, drawing, carding, roving, spinning, winding and other processes in various spinning systems.

Fundamentals of winding

First, the basic type of winding

In the process of spinning, the structure and shape of semi-finished products are different, and the form of their package is also different, according to the form of semi-finished products, it can be divided into the following types.

(1) Fiber winding

Fiber winding refers to the winding of a two-dimensional or planar fiber layer with a certain width and thickness, which is similar to the Archimedean spiral, there is no traverse or lifting movement during winding, and the output fiber layer is directly wound on the roll for wide and thick products. The cotton rolls produced by the cotton spinning and cotton rolling machine, as well as the banquet cotton produced by the strip rolling machine, the winding machine and the strip winding combined machine, are all used in this form.

(2) Coiling

Loop winding is a cycloidal package form, generally with the movement trajectory of the cycloid circle in the strip, the strip can protect the structure of the fiber strip, avoid changes in the form of the package, used for coarse and its strength is less than the semi-finished products, in the spinning processing and forming more applications. The semi-finished products output by carding machines, needle combing machines, drawing frames and combing machines are all wound in loops to form suitable packages.

(3) Cylindrical winding

Cylindrical winding winds fiber products on cylindrical bobbins in the form of parallel spirals, and meets the forming requirements through the transverse movement of the yarn guide or the lifting of the bobbin during winding, and is used for winding semi-finished products with a certain strength and long winding stroke. However, this winding method has a slower speed and a small yarn winding pitch. Semi-finished products such as roving frames and yarn drawing machines are packaged in cylindrical rolls.

(4) Conical winding

Conical winding winds the yarn strip on the bobbin in the form of a cross helix, and the yarn strip makes a large speed traverse or lifting movement on the bobbin in the direction of the winding axis during winding, and the winding tension is larger, which is suitable for high-speed winding and unwinding, and is widely used in spinning frames, twisting machines and winders to meet the requirements of roll forming.

2. Winding equation

(1) Winding velocity equation

In the spinning production process, the accidental elongation of fiber products should be minimized, the breakage rate should be reduced, and the winding density of semi-finished products should be uniform. Therefore, theoretically, the winding length per unit time should be equal to the output length during machining.

Without reciprocating motion and without twisting, the winding length per unit time is:


where: V w is the winding line speed, that is, the winding length per unit time; d w is the winding diameter; n w is the winding speed.

At the same time, the output length per unit time is:


where V f is the linear velocity of the output roller, that is, the output length per unit time; d f is the diameter of the output roller; n f is the output roller speed.

Therefore, the following winding velocity equation can be obtained:


In general, the output length per unit time is constant, that is, the output speed n f is constant, and the diameter d of the output roller f will not change, but the winding diameter will increase with the increase of the package, so it can be seen from equation (8-3) that the winding speed will change with the change of the diameter of the package.

(2) Lifting/reciprocating velocity equation and winding pitch

In the existing various types of winding, except for the fiber coil and the coil winding form, which only considers the rotary motion, the winding motion of other semi-finished products and finished products has reciprocating motion, such as the lifting motion of roving and spinning and the transverse yarn guide movement of rotor spinning and winding. Therefore, during the winding process, it should be ensured that the lifting height/traversing length of the winding per unit time is equal to the axial winding height/winding length of the package.

Then there is the equation for the up/down and reciprocating velocities:


where: V h is the linear speed of the lifting mechanism/traversing device, that is, the lifting height/traversal length of the winding per unit time; h is the axial winding pitch of fiber products. Equation (8-4) shows that the lifting/reciprocating speed V h also varies with the winding diameter during the winding process.

From Eq. (8-4), the winding pitch can be derived:


When the lifting or yarn guide device does reciprocating motion, not only its speed is varied, but also the winding pitch can be adjusted.

3. Winding tension

In order to make the winding smooth and the package forming is good, it is necessary to maintain a certain degree of tension in the winding process of fiber products, which is also one of the basic requirements for winding forming.

(1) The formation of winding tension

Figure 8-1 is a schematic diagram of the winding tension of the fiber product during the winding and forming process. In the figure: point A is the output end of the fiber product. The BC segment and the de segment represent the friction enveloping arc that the fiber product may be subjected to from the output end to the winding point 1 , respectively, and the corresponding central angle is represented by θ and θ 2 respectively. Point f is the winding end. Represents the winding tension of the AB segment; Represents the winding tension of the CD section after overcoming the friction of the BC section; The winding tension of the EF section after overcoming the friction of the BC and DE sections. In twisted machines, such as roving and spinning, the tension of the AB segment is also called spinning tension.

Figure 8-1 Schematic diagram of the winding tension of fiber products (C in the figure is lowercase)

According to Euler's formula, we get:



Where: - the coefficient of friction of the machine to the fiber product.

It can be seen that when the fiber product is output from point A to point F, the tension of each section on the whole fiber product changes, and the winding tension is the largest in >>.

(2) The influence of winding tension on the yarn forming process

In the spinning process, when the strength of a section of the fiber product is less than the winding tension at the place, accidental elongation or breakage will occur, affecting the output, quality and consumption. Figure 8-2 shows the variation curves of winding tension and spinning strength. It can be seen from the figure that: (1) the average value of winding tension is much smaller than the average value of spinning strength, generally 1/3~1/4 of the average strength; (2) the winding tension and spinning strength are changed with time, and the change is random; (3) When the winding tension of a certain point of the yarn is greater than the spinning strength of that point, a broken end will occur. As shown in points A and B in the figure. It is not difficult to see that the broken end is essentially the intersection of the crest of the winding tension fluctuation and the trough of the yarn strong fluctuation. Therefore, the range of variation of winding tension should be properly controlled to take into account both forming and breaking. In the production process, the appropriate winding tension is generally adjusted by adjusting the winding mechanism to avoid undesirable phenomena such as accidental elongation, hairiness and breakage.

Figure 8-2 Variation curves of spinning tension and spinning strength

Application of winding in yarn forming process

Fiber coiling

In order to meet certain specifications and uniform requirements, the longitudinal and transverse uniformity of the fiber layer must be controlled, so the fiber layer should be compacted, the structure of the fiber roll should be clear and well-formed, and the surface fibers should not adhere to each other, so as not to affect the quality of semi-finished products or finished products in the subsequent process due to the destruction of the fiber roll structure. There are two types of common fiber coil winding: roller type and belt type.

Winding process

1. Roller winding

Roller winding is the most common because of its simple structure, such as traditional cotton opening and cleaning machine, strip winding machine, winding machine, strip winding machine, etc. Taking the strip reel as an example, as shown in Figure 8-3, the roller winding generally consists of a pair of rolled rollers (roll roller 1 and roll roller 2) and cotton roll rollers. In the process of rolling, the fiber layer is pressed by the pressing roller and conveyed to a pair of rolled rollers rotating in the same direction, under the passive transmission of the surface friction of the rolling roller, the cotton roll roller winds the fiber layer on the cotton roll skewer or bobbin, so as to make a fiber roll of a certain length or specification. After the full roll, the fiber roll is dropped by the unwinding mechanism, and the production continues after replacing it with an empty cotton roll roller.

Figure 8-3 Roller winding mechanism

The roller winding structure is simple, but there are two problems: one is that the force of the fiber roll in each direction is uneven in the process of rolling, and the longitudinal uniformity of the small roll is not easy to control; The second is that the fiber roll and the two roll rollers always maintain two contact points in the process of rolling, and the friction at the contact point makes the fiber produce static electricity, which is easy to cause the adhesion of the fiber roll and destroy its local structure, thereby affecting the quality of the fiber roll.

Belt winding

Belt winding is used in cotton spinning and winding machine and woollen carding machine, taking the strip winding machine as an example, as shown in Figure 8-4, the belt winding mechanism is generally composed of a special belt tensioning pressure mechanism and fiber winding roller. After the fiber layer is pressed by the pressing roller, it is conveyed to the winding belt and the fiber winding roller, and the fiber layer is wound on the bobbin along the belt movement. During the roll formation process, the winding belt always tightly surrounds the fiber roll in the form of "ʊ" and creates an inward pressure on the fiber roll. With the increase of the diameter of the fiber roll, the enclosing angle between the belt and the fiber roll changes, and the enclosing angle between the belt and the fiber roll is 180° when the roll is started, and 270° when the full roll is full.

Figure 8-4 Belt winding mechanism

Belt winding because from the beginning to the end of the roll, the belt always controls the winding movement of the fiber layer in a gentle way, and evenly distributes the pressure on the circumference of the fiber roll, which will not cause local damage to the small roll structure, and has the advantages of reducing the sticky roll of the fiber roll in the unwinding process.

(2) Winding equation

The winding of the fiber coil only does a rotary motion around the fiber roller under the action of the coiling mechanism, without a twister and a traversing device. Considering the requirements for the winding tension in the winding process, there should be a certain tension drafting, and according to the winding speed formula (8-3), the fiber winding speed can be obtained:


where: is the winding diameter; is the winding speed; is the diameter of the output roller; for the output roller speed; It is a tension draft, which can be equal to 1, slightly greater than 1 or slightly less than 1 (indicating a certain shrinkage).

Second, the coil is wound

(1) Circle process

As shown in Figure 8-5, the coiling process of a certain type of drawing frame, the cotton strip is tightly pressed by a pair of small pressure rollers 2 and then enters the inclined pipe 1 of the coil strip disc 4, and then outputs downward and is placed in the strip 5 according to a certain rule. The sliver rotates at constant velocity with the inclined pipe, and the strip tube is placed on the chassis 6 of the coil strip device, and the ring strip gear rotates in the same direction or in the opposite direction, because there is an eccentricity between the center of the ring strip disc and the center of the strip cylinder, the rotation speed of the strip cylinder is slower than the circle strip disc, so that the cotton strip is laid in the strip tube in an approximate cycloidal trajectory, and the cotton strip forms a cylindrical ring package with a hole in the center in the strip tube. The coiling forming of the sliver must be completed by the rotation of the ring bar device and the rotation of the chassis at the same time, which can not only increase the capacity of the strip tube, but also will not produce accidental elongation when leading out of the strip tube, and at the same time there is a spring and a tray built into the strip tube, and its function is to make the fiber strip always be at the top of the strip tube, which is convenient for winding and unwinding, and does not destroy the structure of the fiber strip.

Figure 8-5 Coiled disc and coil forming

Types and characteristics of rings

There are two types of rings: large and small. As shown in Figure 8-6, 2r is the diameter of the coil and D is the diameter of the strip. When the diameter of the coil bar 2r is greater than the radius of the strip (D/2), it is called a large coil; When the diameter of the coil bar 2r is less than the radius of the strip (D/2), it is called a small coil.

When the loops are large, the strips have pores (d 0 ) at the intersection of each other, and the trajectory radius of the loops is large, and the number of loops and the overlap density of each layer are smaller than those of the small loops. When the inclination angle of the two coil strip inclined tubes is the same, the height of the large coil strip disc is high. If the speed of the large and small rings is the same, the speed of the small rings is higher, the centrifugal force of the strips is larger, and it is possible to be thrown out of the strips. However, the structure size of the large ring bar is large, the slewing inertia is large, and the power consumption is large, which is not conducive to the braking and starting of the machine. Under the development trend of high-speed and large-volume packaging, the advantages of using large cylinders and small circles are more obvious.

(a) Large Circle Strip (b) Small Circle Strip

Figure 8-6 Types of rings (D and D 0 are reversed in a)

(3) The main parameters of coil bar forming

1. Eccentricity and circle radius

The distance e between the center of the coil disc and the center of the coil chassis is called the eccentricity, as shown in Figure 8-7. The size of the eccentricity is determined by the diameter of the strip D, the radius r of the loop and the size of the pores.



where: d is the width of the strip after compression (mm); c is the edge gap between the strip and the inner wall of the strip (mm); r is approximately equal to the radius of the trajectory of the loop (mm); r 0 is the radius from the center of the upper mouth to the inner edge of the lower mouth of the coil strip inclined tube.

Figure 8-7: Relationship between eccentricity and ring radius

2. The speed ratio of the coil disc and the coil chassis

The speed ratio of the coil disc and the coil chassis, referred to as the ring speed ratio, is reasonably selected, which can make the coil strip arrange tightly, the shape is neat, and the capacity of the strip tube is increased. For the coil to rotate once, the coil chassis turns the angle, and its size should be such that the arc length of the coil chassis on the circumference of the radius with eccentricity as the radius is exactly equal to the width d after the strip is flattened, as shown in Figure 8-8. Rule:


where: is the angular velocity of the chassis (rad/s); is the angular velocity of the rotation of the coil coil inclined pipe (rad/s),

Figure 8-8 lap ratio

From Eq. (8-11), it can be seen that the theoretical loop speed ratio is proportional to the eccentricity and inversely proportional to the width d of the strip after compression. When d is certain, it increases as it increases. In the actual production process, the speed ratio of the actual configuration of the large tube and the small circle is often less than the theoretical speed ratio, the purpose is mainly to make there is a gap between the adjacent strip rings, reduce the mutual adhesion of the fibers between the strips, and avoid the undesirable phenomena such as hair. But for the small tube and large circle or the large tube and small circle with a larger radius, because the overlap density of the yarn sliver coil is small, the weight of each circle of yarn is larger when unwinding, and the radius of curvature is larger, so it is relatively smooth when it is drawn out, so it is not easy to stick, in order to increase the capacity of the strip, the actual circle speed ratio of the small strip tube and the small circle of the large tube with a larger radius is greater than the theoretical value.

The length of the loop track

Because there is an eccentricity between the coil strip inclined pipe and the center of the strip tube, when the coil strip inclined tube makes a constant velocity rotary motion, the absolute trajectory of the cotton strip output by the inclined tube in space is perfectly circular, and when the strip barrel and strip chassis rotate at a slow speed at the same time, the relative trajectory of the strip in the strip barrel is cycloidal. Figure 8-9 shows the trajectory curve of the loop made according to the relative motion method.

The figure is the angular velocity of the coil disc and the angular velocity of the strip chassis, and r is the radius of the coil trajectory. The rotation of the coil disc and the coil strip chassis can be in the same direction, also can be in the opposite direction, and Figure (a) is the reverse direction rotation, and Figure (b) is the same direction rotation.


Figure 8-9 Lap trajectory analysis

The trajectory equations are shown in equations (8-12) and (8-13), respectively:

Co-directional rotation:


Reverse Rotation:



From Eq. (8-12), we get:

If the higher order of the third term is omitted, then:


For example, when the strip cylinder and the coil disc are reversed, the formula (8-13) obtains:

) (8-15)

Comparing Eq. (8-14) and Eq. (8-15), it can be seen that when the coil disc is reversed from the chassis, the length of each lap is slightly longer.

4. Ring drafting

The sliver is output from the small pressure roller to the ring and placed in the tube, because the sliver will produce a certain elastic deformation and elastic retraction force, therefore, the sliver must maintain a certain tension draft (winding tension) in the ring process, so as to ensure that the sliver is not congested and smoothly output, which is generally expressed by the ring drafting.

The ratio between the trajectory length of a circle of coils and the length of the sliver output by the small pressure roller when the coil strip inclined tube rotates is the coil drafting.

When the coil disc rotates once, the length of the whisker output by the small pressure roller is:


Where: d—diameter of small pressure roller; 

n—the number of revolutions of the small pressure roller when it rotates once in the coil reel.

The ring draft is:


If the value is too small, the inclined pipe is easy to be blocked;

When the value is too large, because the output length of the small pressure roller is less than the length of the loop track, the cotton sliver that has been coiled into the strip will be pulled by the inclined tube, and the cotton strip is easy to cause accidental drafting. Therefore, depending on the fiber characteristics, when spinning cotton

Control between 1.00~1.06; When spinning chemical fibers,

To be properly mastered, it is generally slightly less than 1.

3. Roving winding

In the traditional ring spinning process, roving is divided into twisted roving and untwisted roving, and its package is completed in the form of cylindrical winding. The twisted roving frame has a wide range of fiber adaptation, and the adaptability range to temperature, oil content, moisture regain rate is also larger, and the application is more common; Twistless roving frames have a narrow range of spinning fibers and are often used in some products of wool spinning systems.

Winding and forming process

1. There is twisted roving

Figure 8-10 shows the twisted roving package form, which is a cylindrical parallel spiral winding method, which belongs to long-stroke winding, which needs to be realized through the synthesis of the relative rotation and relative movement of the spindle wing and the bobbin.

Figure 8-10 Twisted roving rolls

(1) Relative rotational motion

The spindle wing and the bobbin make a relative rotary motion, and the speed difference between the two is used to guide the roving to be wound layer by layer along the radial direction of the bobbin from the inside to the outside, and the diameter of the bobbin gradually increases.

The bobbin and the spindle wing can rotate in the same direction or in the opposite direction, and the former is generally used. When the speed of the bobbin is greater than the speed of the spindle wing, it is called the pipe-guided type; On the contrary, it is called wing-guided. Tube-guided type is mostly used in spinning, which has the following advantages in production:

When the roving is broken, the yarn tail on the bobbin is close to the bobbin under the action of the rotary airflow, so as not to fly randomly;

As the winding diameter increases, so does the bobbin weight. The larger the diameter of the bobbin, the lower the speed, the more balanced the power consumption and the more stable the rotation.

The number of gears in the gear train transmitted to the spindle is small, and the spindle always rotates slightly first when starting, so that the yarn section between the pressure palm and the bobbin is relaxed, and the tension of the section increases at the moment of wing-guided driving, which is easy to cause elongation or breakage.

Regardless of whether the tube-guided type or the wing-guided type is used, the roving twist direction is constant, so its steering remains unchanged, but due to the different position of the pressure palm, the direction of the yarn winding is opposite, as shown in Figure 8-11.

(a) Tube guide (b) Wing guide

Figure 8-11 Pipe-guided and wing-guided winding methods

(2) Relative movement

By moving the bobbin and the spindle wings relative to each other, the roving is guided to line up and down the bobbin axial direction and turn by turn. In order to prevent the yarn from being damaged due to the disconnection of the two ends or the collapse of the two ends during the winding and transportation, the winding stroke should be shortened layer by layer to form a truncated conical package form at both ends, as shown in Figure 8-10.

2. Non-twisted roving

Figure 8-12(a) shows the untwisted roving in the form of a winding method in which the winding drum and bobbin reciprocate while rotating to roll the roving into a cylindrical package. The winding drum is mounted on a reciprocating traveling car, and the traveling car uses an elliptical gear and a crank slider mechanism to drive the reciprocating motion, as shown in Figure 8-12(b). The driving elliptical gear 1 drives another elliptical gear 2 that it meshes with it, so that the bevel gear 4 rotates together, and drives the crank shaft 6 to rotate, and the crank 7 that is installed at the upper end of the crank shaft 6 also rotates simultaneously. The slider 8 on the crank 7 is limited by the slot hole on the traveling car 9, and while reciprocating on the slot, the reciprocating motion of the traveling vehicle 9 is driven to reciprocate left and right, and the cross winding is realized. Figure 3 is the shaft, 5 is the bevel gear. The winding speed of the winding device is:


Where: is the roving winding speed (m/min); is the linear velocity of the surface of the winding roller (m/min); is the radius of rotation of the slider (m); is the speed of the crank shaft (r/min).

(a) Twistless roving winding (b) Schematic diagram of the reciprocating motion mechanism of the traveling car

Figure 8-12 Winding process and forming of untwisted roving

(2) Winding and forming equations

Because the roving spun by twisted roving machine is more commonly used, the twisted roving is taken as an example to introduce its winding and forming equation and mechanism.

1. Winding speed equation

In order to achieve normal winding, it is necessary to ensure that the actual length of the front roller output at any one time is equal to the winding length of the bobbin, i.e.:


Where: - roving tube winding diameter (mm);

– linear velocity of the front roller output (mm/min).

Eq. (8-19) expresses the relationship between the winding speed and the winding diameter, which is called the winding speed equation.

In the case of tube-guided winding, the difference between the speed of the bobbin and the speed of the spindle wing is called the winding speed, i.e.: (8-20)

Where: - winding speed (r/min);

– bobbin speed (r/min);

– spindle wing speed (r/min).

Substituting Eq. (8-19) into Eq. (8-20) gives the bobbin velocity equation:


In the process of doffing, the twist of the roving is unchanged, and the sum in equation (8-21) is unchanged, but in the doffing time, it changes from small to large layer by layer, so the speed of the bobbin will decrease layer by layer with the increase of the winding diameter of the roving yarn. It can be seen that the bobbin speed is determined by the spindle speed of constant speed and the winding speed of variable speed

The two parts of the speed are combined, and the result of the synthesis is still variable speed.

Figure 8-13 shows the relationship between , and the winding diameter. It can be seen that in the time of a doffing, the spindle speed remains unchanged, and the bobbin speed and winding speed decrease layer by layer with the increase of the winding diameter, and in the same layer of yarn, the bobbin speed and winding speed also remain unchanged, but the time required to wind a layer of yarn increases with the increase of the number of layers.

Figure 8-13 The relationship between and and in the process of doffing

2. Rise and fall velocity equations

The tight arrangement of the roving along the bobbin axial direction on the twisted roving frame is completed by the lifting movement of the dragon tendon. In order to achieve normal winding, it is necessary to ensure that the lifting height of the tendon is equal to the axial winding height of the bobbin at any time, that is:


Where: - lower dragon tendon (bobbin) lifting speed (mm/min);

– Axial winding lap distance of roving (mm).

Equation (8-22) represents the relationship between the lifting speed of the dragon tendon and the winding diameter, which is called the lifting speed equation of the roving frame. Figure 8-14 shows the relationship between the lifting speed of the dragon bar and the winding diameter. It can be seen from the figure that in a doffing time, the lifting speed of the dragon tendon decreases layer by layer with the increase of the winding diameter, but in the same yarn layer, the lifting speed of the dragon tendon remains unchanged. Practice shows that the time required for a single trip of dragon tendon lifting increases with the increase of the winding diameter layer by layer.

Figure 8-14 The relationship between the lifting speed V L and the winding diameter D x of the lower dragon bar

(3) Winding and forming mechanism

1. Traditional roving frame

The winding and forming of the traditional roving frame is completed by a motor and a differential device, a cone wheel (commonly known as an iron cannon) variable speed device, a forming device, a swing device, a reversing mechanism, and a tension fine-tuning mechanism. As shown in Figure 8-15, the main shaft of the FA401 roving frame is driven by an electric motor, which is transmitted to the spindle on the one hand, and to the upper bevel wheel and front roller through the twist change gear and twist stage change gear on the other hand. The upper and lower taper wheels are driven by small belts, and the lower bevel wheels are transmitted to the differential device and the lifting gear through the winding gear, the former is transmitted to the bobbin through the swing device, and the latter is driven by the reversing gear and the lifting shaft. The taper pulley belt is controlled by the forming device and moves axially along the taper pulley. Because the taper wheel is a cone, the diameter of each section is unequal, when the tapeper wheel belt is moved, the transmission ratio of the upper and lower taper wheel is changed, thereby changing the speed of the bobbin and the lifting speed of the lower tendon.

Figure 8-15 Winding transmission diagram of FA401 roving frame

The variable speed mechanism of the traditional roving frame includes a differential device and a variable speed device, etc., and its function is to control the variable speed movement of the bobbin and the lower tendon.

(1) Differential device

The differential device utilizes the same pair of taper wheels to complete the variable speed movement of the bobbin and the lower dragon bar at the same time, is located on the main shaft of the roving frame, is at the position between the cone wheel and the bobbin, and its structure is a rotating gear train, and the effect is to combine the constant speed of the main shaft and the variable speed of the taper wheel into a speed, and then drive the bobbin through the swing device to complete the winding effect. As shown in Figure 8-16, the differential device of FA401 roving frame is displayed.

Figure 8-16 Differential device of FA401 roving frame

The differential device is adopted, so that the spindle bears most of the load, and the taper pulley only bears the transmission of the variable speed part, which can greatly reduce the burden of the taper pulley and the slippery slip of the taper pulley belt; When changing the twist of roving in the process requires changing the twist teeth, the speed of the upper and lower cone wheels can be changed at the same time as the output speed of the front roller changes, so that the winding speed changes accordingly, and the normal winding of the roving can be maintained without other adjustments; In addition, when doffing the head, only need to lift the lower cone wheel to make the winding speed equal to zero, and the whisker output of the front roller can be used as a bobbin tube for the production of the head, without the need for another head growing mechanism.

(2) Transmission device

As shown in Figure 8-17, in the winding process of the traditional roving frame, the variable speed is realized by the shape curve of a pair of upper and lower taper wheels, and the principle is that the sum of the radii of the upper and lower taper pulleys is a constant at any belt transmission position. The transmission device consists of components such as a cone pulley, a belt, and a belt fork that drives the belt to move on the cone pulley. The driving pulley is driven by the main shaft, the speed is constant, and the passive pulley is driven by the belt, and the passive pulley is changed when the belt position is moved. When the empty tube is wound, the taper pulley belt is in the starting position, and at the big end of the active taper pulley, that is, the small end of the passive taper pulley, at this moment, the speed of the passive taper pulley is maximum; After each reel is wound with a layer of roving, the forming device controls the taper pulley belt to move a short distance to the small end of the driving taper pulley, the diameter of the active taper wheel decreases, the diameter of the passive taper wheel increases, and the speed slows down.

Figure 8-17: Variable speed device for upper and lower taper wheels of roving

2. New roving frame

With the development and application of computer, variable frequency motor and sensor technology, the winding and forming of new roving frames are also developing in the direction of modernization and intelligence. As shown in Figure 8-18, the modern new roving frame adopts the industrial control computer to control a plurality of frequency conversion motors to drive spindle wings, rollers, bobbins, dragon ribs and other mechanisms respectively, so as to realize the requirements of synchronous drafting and winding forming of the roving frame, simplify the transmission mechanism, improve the accuracy of control, and also provide a technical guarantee for the high-speed roving frame. Among them, the winding mechanism adopts electronic forming roving winding, which cancels the differential device, the cone wheel speed change device, the forming device, the swing device, the reversing mechanism, the tension fine-tuning mechanism and other mechanical devices in the traditional roving frame.

Figure 8-18 Schematic diagram of transmission control of multi-motor roving frame (changed to spindle; Is M3 a roller motor? )

The new roving frame is mainly composed of the following parts:

(1) Electronic forming control system

Taking the four-motor control system roving frame of a company as an example, as shown in Figure 8-19, the four motors are driven independently, in which the spindle wing motor of the winding part controls the rotation of the spindle wing, and the bobbin motor controls the rotation of the bobbin and the lifting of the dragon tendon. The speed converter installed on the motor is synchronously controlled by a microcomputer, and the computer can automatically change the winding speed according to the change in winding diameter by entering the basic conditions such as the average spindle wing rotation and roving weight.

Figure 8-19 Four-motor control system

1-spindle wing motor; 2-bobbin motor; 3-dragon tendon motor; 4-roller motor

(2) Electron forming winding equation

From the winding equation of roving, it can be seen that in a doffing, with the winding progress, the increase of the yarn layer leads to the gradual increase of the winding diameter of the bobbin, and the thickness of each layer of roving is basically no difference.

Where: - winding diameter (mm) when winding the nth layer of roving;

– empty bobbin diameter (mm);

n — the number of layers of roving winding;

– the initial winding thickness of roving (mm);

– the increase in the thickness of each layer of roving (mm).

From this, it can be obtained that the bobbin winding equation of the electroforming roving frame is:


The initial winding thickness of roving is mainly related to the quantification (thickness) of roving, which is determined by the following formula:


Where: - roving quantification (g/10m);

- roving density, different raw materials have different roving densities (g/cm 3 ).

The added value of each layer of roving is related to the structure of the spindle wing and the change of palm pressure in a doff, but the influence on the same model is the same. It mainly affects the bobbin speed when spinning medium yarn and large yarn, that is, it affects the winding tension of medium and large yarns, therefore, it is advisable to set or adjust the tension of roving accordingly after setting, generally 0.3% ~ 0.4%.

Spun winding

The winding of the spinning frame belongs to the conical winding, which is characterized by the continuous change of the winding radius in the reciprocating stroke of the winding, and it is reciprocating cross-winding. The forming of spinning bobbin yarn requires tight winding, clear layering, no entanglement, no uncoiling, and is conducive to high-speed (axial) unwinding in the subsequent process, as well as convenient handling and storage.

Winding and forming process

1. Basic process

The spinning tube yarn is in the form of step-up conical cross-winding, also known as short-stroke lifting winding. The winding and twisting of the ring spinning frame are done at the same time. As shown in Figure 8-20(a), the yarn sliver output by the front roller passes through the guide yarn hook and passes through the wire loop on the steel ring and winds to the thin reel inserted on the spindle. When the spindle rotates, with the help of the pull of the yarn tension, the steel traveler rotates along the steel ring, due to friction resistance, etc., the rotation of the steel traveler always lags behind the speed of the spindle, and the speed difference between it and the spindle (that is, the winding speed of the spinning) makes the yarn sliver wound to the spinning tube. At the same time, with the lifting of the steel ring plate, the winding with certain forming requirements is completed, as shown in Figure 8-20(b). The large diameter of the truncated cone, that is, the maximum diameter of the tube body, is about 3mm smaller than the diameter of the steel ring, and the small diameter is the diameter of the bobbin, the winding height of each layer of yarn is, and the forming angle of the bobbin is.

(a) Winding process (b) Tube yarn package form

Figure 8-20 Spinning winding forming process and bobbin package form

2. Program board movement requirements

In order to process the spinning yarn into a package that meets the requirements, the movement of the ring plate should meet the following requirements:

(1) The steel ring plate is used for short-stroke lifting movement, and there should be a step up after each lifting, which is completed by the forming cam.

The reciprocating lifting motion of the steel ring plate relies on the cam acting on the rotor on the swing arm and makes the pulling chain on the swing arm pull the distribution shaft back and forth to rotate, and then the sprocket on the distribution shaft drives the steel ring plate lifting pull rod, so that the steel ring plate moves up and down along the lifting guide rod. The steel ring plate step lifting device is driven by the ratchet mechanism and the worm gear mechanism is completed. The steel ring plate drives the steel ring and the wire traveler to do a short stroke h lifting, and the steel ring plate is controlled by the step wheel and the screw mechanism to complete a small step (lifting distance) m after each lifting and winding a layer of yarn.

(2) The lifting movement of the gang (steel) collar plate generally rises slowly and descends quickly. )

The change in the lifting speed of the ring plate is controlled by the forming cam, as shown in Figure 8-21. In order to keep the adjacent yarn layers distinct, do not overlap and entangle, and prevent the unwinding from falling out of the circle when unwinding, the angle of the rising part of the cam is 270 °, and the angle of the descending part is 90 °, so that the speed of the steel ring plate is slow when winding upward, and the yarn ring is denser, which is called the winding layer; When winding downward, the speed is fast, and the yarn ring is thinner, which is called the binding layer, which plays the role of isolating and binding two layers of densely wound yarn.

Figure 8-21: Forming the cam

(3) In the forming stage of the bottom of the tube, the height and step of the winding yarn increase layer by layer.

In order to increase the capacity of the bobbin and prevent the yarn from falling out of the bobbin when the bottom of the tube is wound and formed, the winding height and step of each layer of yarn are smaller than those of the tube body part. Starting from the winding of the empty tube, the winding height and the step increase from small to layer, until the bottom of the tube is wound, it is converted to a constant sum, that is, when the bottom of the tube is winded, <<<...... <, <<<......, when the bottom of the tube is wound and formed, it is transformed into a constant sum.

Winding equations of motion

Winding speed equation

According to the parametric equation of the conic helix


where: , is the vertical coordinate axis of the bottom circle; is the height of the equal-pitched helix; r is the radius of the bottom circle; γ is a conical angle; h is the pitch; is the angular displacement.

The winding length of the conical helix can be derived:


where: angular displacement, then:

According to the winding requirements, the winding length per unit time should be equal to the output length, the spinning twist is large, considering the twist shrinkage rate of the yarn after twisting, the output length per unit time is:


Among them, so:

For the sake of simplification, order:


Eq. (8-27) is the winding velocity equation for conical winding. where: is the winding speed; is the winding radius; is the winding diameter; , output roller diameter and rotation speed, respectively; t is the winding time; e is the shrinkage rate. From Eq. (8-27), it can be seen that the law of the change of winding speed with the winding diameter is very complex, which is also the fundamental difference between conical winding and cylindrical winding.

The winding speed of the spinning yarn is equal to the difference between the spindle speed and the traveler speed, so the velocity equation for the traveler is:


where: — spindle velocity; – traveller speed.

In Eq. (8-28), the speed of the spindle is constant, so the speed of the wire traveler changes with the change of the winding diameter, and its change law is also very complex. But the mystery of ring spinning twisting and winding lies in the fact that when the winding section sliver drives the steel traveler to rotate on the ring, due to the change of winding tension, the friction between the surface of the ring and the ring and the attitude on the ring change, and then the speed of the ring is changed, so that the speed of the traveler has the characteristics of adaptive winding diameter and winding speed change, and there is no need to have a complex set of variable speed winding forming mechanism like the roving frame, but its adaptability range is limited. Winding diameters that are too large or too small or spinning speed can cause problems (breakage) due to incompatibility, which is also the main reason for the small package capacity and low spinning speed of ring spinning.

Figure 8-22 shows the variation of winding speed.

Figure 8-22 Variation of spinning winding speed (d 0 in the formula should be d B , w n and other symbols in the figure should also be changed.) )

2. Rise and fall speed equation

In the forming of spinning yarn with conical short-stroke cross-winding, the reciprocating lifting law should be able to meet the same layer of yarn winding pitch h (pitch) unchanged to ensure uniform winding density.

From the basic principle of winding, it can be seen that the lifting speed is:

Substituting Eq. (8-27) yields:


Figure 8-23 shows the variation of the lifting speed.

Figure 8-23 Variation of the lifting speed of conical winding

As can be seen from Figure 8-23, when winding a large diameter on a spinning tube, the lifting movement speed is slow; On the contrary, when winding a small diameter, the lifting movement speed should be fast, and the lifting movement speed and the winding diameter show an approximate inverse relationship, only in this way can the same layer of yarn ring pitch be equal.

In order to keep the winding density of the conical surface the same on the ring spinning machine, the speed at which the wire traveler rises and falls with the ring should meet the requirements of formula (8-29). In addition, according to the requirements of small motion reciprocating and bottom forming winding of spinning forming, the steel ring plate should not only meet the changes of rising and descending speed, but also meet the requirements of step lifting and tube bottom forming, and its motion law is shown in Figure 8-24.

Figure 8-24 Lifting trajectory of steel ring plate and yarn guide hook (Does the oblique line of this lifting trajectory have a special meaning?) For example, to represent the different rules of the ascending height? )

(3) Electronic forming system

After the spinning frame adopts the electronic forming system, the ratchet mechanism, cam mechanism, winding density conversion gear, etc. are canceled, so as to avoid the reversing impact caused by the action of the mechanical cam when passing through the peach tip, reduce mechanical wear and reduce power consumption; The traditional spinning forming process has been changed, and the parameters can be set through the man-machine interface according to the user's requirements for spinning varieties. The use of electronic cam improves the spinning forming curve and meets the requirements of high-speed falling (winding) without falling out of the loop.

1. Composition of electronic cam system

The electrical part is mainly composed of AC servo system, PLC programmable controller, switching power supply, touch screen and proximity switch, the output of the system is given to the host through the PLC output module, and all process parameters and jog operations are completed on the touch screen. The electronic cam simulates the movement of the mechanical cam to achieve the purpose of controlling the movement of the steel ring, collar plate, lifting mechanism, etc. Compared with the mechanical forming cam, the control accuracy is high, the operation is convenient, and the staff only need to change the input parameters to change the process at any time, which greatly reduces the labor intensity, improves the work efficiency, and also meets the requirements of high-speed winding.

2. The control principle of the electronic cam system

The electronic cam system uses a computer-controlled AC servo motor to drive the steel ring plate to be lifted. As shown in Figure 8-25, the PLC sends the received user input information to the servo driver in the form of pulse through calculation, and the servo driver drives the motor to rotate, and then after the reducer decelerates and increases the torque, the transmission direction is changed by the worm gear and worm, and the steel ring plate is driven to move through the chain. The encoder monitors the speed of the servo motor in real time and feeds back the signal to the servo drive, and the PLC makes further corrections according to the feedback information to form a closed-loop control loop and improve the accuracy of control.

Figure 8-25 Schematic diagram of the electronic cam system

1 - PLC; 2 - servo drive; 3 - servo motor; 4 - reducer; 5 - encoder;

6 - worm gear worm; 7 - Gang (steel) collar plate lifting mechanism

The definition of the input and output point of electronic cam control ring plate movement is as follows: I0.0 is the start switch, after pressing this switch, the steel ring plate immediately returns to the preset position that is, the spinning position; I0.1 is the stop halfway, and the steel ring plate stops moving immediately after the signal is turned on: I0.2 is the midway doffing full yarn signal, and this signal is turned on and the steel ring plate descends to the lowest position; I0.3 is the whole machine stops, and the steel ring plate returns to the lowest position after the signal is turned on; Q0.0 is the servo pulse signal; Q0.2 is the direction of the pulse signal output by PC.

Because the mechanical forming cam runs at an equal angular speed, and every time the cam rotates, it drives the steel ring plate to rise and fall for a short stroke. According to this characteristic, the mechanical cam motion was simulated by the method of "multi-segment pipeline generation envelope table" in PLC, and the electronic cam was designed. The rotation angle of the forming cam when the steel ring plate rises is divided into a section of pipeline according to a certain number of angles (there are up to 255 pipelines in the envelope table), according to the relationship between the rising displacement of the steel ring plate and time, the rising displacement of the steel ring plate in each section of the pipeline can be obtained, and then the number of pulses C sent by the PLC in the pipeline is obtained to the servo drive machine, and the servo motor is driven to rotate the corresponding angle, and the steel ring plate is driven to move a distance through the chain. When the burst output in the pipeline is completed, the ring plate completes a short upward stroke. The descending control principle is also the same as the rising, when the steel ring plate completes a rising and descending stroke, the above operations are cycled until the whole tube of spinning is wound.

Fifth, the package yarn winding

The package yarn is mainly the fiber product of the winding process and the yarn merging process, and the tube yarn of the spinning frame or twisting machine is rewound into a package of yarn with a large yarn capacity by using the groove drum or the guide hook of the rapid reciprocating yarn. With the continuous development of new spinning technology with high speed, short process and large package, the application of package yarn package in the formation of spinning yarn such as air flow spinning and rotor spinning is also increasing.

According to the shape of the winding package, the package is divided into cylindrical packages and conical packages. When the yarn is wound on the surface of the package with a spiral thread, the angle between the spiral wire and the cross-section of the package is called the winding angle, as shown in Figure 8-26. When < 10°

, the adjacent yarn loops of each layer are approximately parallel, which is called parallel winding; On the contrary, when
, the two adjacent layers of yarn circles cross each other significantly, which is called cross-winding. The package yarn winding is all cross-type spiral winding.

The angle formed by the two crossed yarn loops 2

This is called a cross angle.

The size of the cross angle is closely related to the winding density of the package and the tightness of the package, when the cross angle is large, the winding density decreases, but the fastness of the package increases. In terms of process, the intersection angle should be selected according to the thickness of the yarn, the needs of winding and forming, and the state of the mechanism. Generally, the yarn density is small, and the cross angle should be slightly larger.

Figure 8-26 Yarn forming in a package

(1) Cylindrical package yarn winding

1. Winding and forming process

Figure 8-27 shows the winding process of a cylindrical package yarn of a rapid reciprocating yarn winding machine. The yarn drawn from the bobbin or the bobbin 2 enters the small groove of the yarn guide porcelain tooth 8 after passing the yarn guide rod 3, the tension device 4, the broken end self-stopping device 5, the guide wheel 6, the traversing yarn guide rod 7. The traversing yarn guide rod is driven by the forming cam through the rotor and other parts to make a reciprocating motion, so that the yarn guide teeth installed on the yarn guide rod drive the yarn to reciprocate and complete the cross-winding forming. The bobbin 10 to be wound is pressed on the bakelite roller 9 surface of high-speed rotation, and the bobbin rotates by the effect of frictional force, and the yarn is cross-wound onto the bobbin 10.

Figure 8-27 Process flow chart of the rapid reciprocating yarn winding machine

Winding speed equation

Relying on the comprehensive effect of the rotary motion of the package itself and the reciprocating motion of the yarn along the axis of the package, the yarn is wound to the package regularly. The speed at which the yarn is cross-wound on a cylindrical package is guided by a reciprocating guide hook is:


(Item 2 in the formula is squared)

Where: V 0 — linear speed of the package (m/min);

V n — reciprocating speed of yarn guide (m/min);

D 1 — Drum diameter (mm);

n 1 — the number of revolutions per minute of the package;

e—slip coefficient (generally 0.94~0.96);

T—yarn guide stroke (mm);

n 2 — the number of reciprocating times per minute of the yarn guide.

The cross-wound cylindrical package has the same winding diameter when winding each layer of yarn, the package is driven by roller friction, and its circumferential speed is always the same, and the change of the yarn guide is periodic, and the speed difference is not large, so the winding tension and winding density are relatively uniform. However, when the next process needs to be unwinded, the yarn must be released from the side of the package, and the release speed remains the same, the speed of the package will increase with the decrease of the diameter of the package, which will cause a strong vibration of the package, which seriously affects the tension of the yarn. In addition, when starting to release the yarn, it is necessary to overcome the inertia of the package so that the tension of the yarn is great, and when stopping, the package will continue to rotate due to inertia, so that the yarn is loosened from the package. This disadvantage is even more pronounced when winding at high speeds.

(2) Conical package yarn winding

1. Winding and forming process

The common conical package is driven by the friction of the grooved drum, as shown in Figure 8-28, the groove 9 of the automatic winding machine is driven by an electric motor, and the package installed on the spindle grip arm is pressed on the grooved drum, and the rotary motion winding (winding) yarn is made around its own axis by the friction action of the grooved drum, and the groove on the surface of the grooved drum is used as a yarn guide to guide the yarn to do reciprocating yarn guide movement, so that the yarn is evenly wound to the surface of the package. The grooved drum plays a pivotal role in the winder, which on the one hand rubs the transmission package to rotate, and on the other hand, relies on the grooves on its surface to guide the yarn, so that the yarn is evenly and layer by layer wound onto the package.

Figure 8-28 Schematic diagram of the winding of the automatic winder

1-bobbin 2-air ring controller 3-residual yarn shear, 4-pre-yarn clearing device (4-) 5-tensioning device

6-Automatic splicing device 7-Electronic yarn clearer 8-Tension sensor 9-Waxing device 10-Slotted drum 11-Package

2. Winding and forming equations

When the conical package is cross-wound, the yarn is regularly wound on the surface of the package layer by layer to form a spiral shape, which is also the result of the synthesis of the rotary movement of the package and the movement of the guide groove of the grooved drum, both of which are completed by the grooved drum. The structure of the groove is shown in Figure 8-29.

(1) Transmission radius

As a friction roller, the groove drum drives the package to rotate by friction, and on the other hand, its groove drives the yarn to reciprocate. Due to the difference in the diameter of the large and small ends of the package, the speed of only one point on the package is equal to the surface speed of the transmission drum, and the speed of the rest of the points is different, so slippage occurs during the winding process. The point where the velocity of the surface of the package is the same as that of the surface of the groove is called the transmission point, which is represented by K, as shown in Figure 8-30. At this point, the radius of rotation of the package is called the transmission radius, which is denoted by R K . In the figure, R 1 and R 2 represent the radius of the small end and the large end of the package respectively, and the points that contact the package and the groove barrel cannot be pure rolling, and the left and right points of the transmission point have sliding, so friction occurs. The direction of friction on both sides of the transmission point is different. The frictional force F 1 acting on the small end of the groove barrel has a tendency to promote the acceleration of the rotation of the package, that is, the direction of the friction force F 1 is the same as the direction of rotation of the package, and the corresponding friction moment is M 1 . And the friction force F 2 acting on the big end of the groove cylinder has a tendency to slow down the cylinder and rotate, that is, the direction of the friction force F 2 is opposite to the direction of rotation of the cylinder, and the corresponding friction moment is M 2 .

Figure 8-29 Slotted drum Figure 8-30 The transmission radius of a conical package

If the rotation of the package on the groove is stable, that is, the package is evenly pressed on the groove, then the two moments should be balanced. namely

Take a micro-segment ds at the radius of the package R, and the frictional moment on it is:

Where: - the reaction force of the grooved drum on the unit length of the package;

– coefficient of friction between the package and the groove;

— the half-taper angle of the package.





The average radius of the package is:


Therefore, it is not difficult to prove that the transmission radius of the package is always greater than its average radius. It can be seen that the transmission of the package is biased towards the large end of the conical package. However, due to the increase of the same thickness of the package winding, the position of the transmission point K gradually moves to the direction of the small radius of the package during the winding process. i.e. R K gradually towards

Approach. Therefore, when the diameter of the package increases, the speed of the large end of the package gradually decreases, and the speed of the small end gradually increases, and they are gradually close to the winding speed.

(2) Winding speed equation

In the winding process, the bobbin is rotated by the friction of the grooved cylinder, so that the K point obtains a circumferential velocity V 1 ; At the same time, the yarn is guided by the groove of the groove to reciprocate, and the yarn guide speed V 2 is obtained, and the resultant speed of V 1 and V 2 is the winding speed V at the point, as shown in Figure 8-31.

Figure 8-31 Winding speed of the grooved drum

The winding speed V can be approximated using the following formula:

(parentheses removed)


Where: n c — groove drum speed;

D c — groove diameter;

- The average transverse stroke of each revolution of the groove is the average pitch;

—the slip coefficient between the package and the groove.


So: (8-33)

Where: — the rotational speed of the package;

– the radius of transmission of the package.

Section 4 Tension and Breakage in the Winding Process

1. Roving winding tension and breakage

In production, due to the different winding structure, the tension adjustment of the untwisted roving is relatively simple, as long as the winding speed is slightly greater than the speed of the strip, the tension adjustment of the twisted roving is more complicated, and the following focuses on the analysis of the tension and broken end of the twisted roving.

(1) The influence of roving tension

1. Formation of roving tension

Figure 8-32 Roving tension distribution

Figure 8-32 shows the winding tension distribution of each section of the roving from the front roller to the winding bobbin. It is the tension from the front roller to the top hole, also known as the spinning tension; In order to overcome the winding tension of the yarn section CD after the friction from the top hole to the side hole section of the spindle wing, this yarn strip is in the hollow arm of the spindle wing; In order to overcome the friction from the top hole of the spindle wing to the side hole section and from the outlet of the hollow arm of the spindle wing to the palm section, the winding tension of the yarn segment EF. Let θ 1 and θ denote the friction enveloping angles of the roving at the top of the spindle wing and the pressure palm 2 respectively, then according to Eq. (8-6) and (8-7),

The tension relationship on each section of yarn is as follows

。 In production, it is customary to put the tension on the AB section of yarn

It is called roving tension or spinning tension, and the tension is large when the AB segment is taut and small when it is relaxed.

2. The effect of roving tension on product quality

The size and uniformity of roving tension have a great influence on the dryness, uneven weight and breakage of roving and spinning. Excessive tension, unexpected draft increases, and dry roving slivers deteriorate; The tension is too small, the forming is loose, and it is difficult to handle, store and unwind. Excessive tension difference and uneven tension, such as the tension difference between large, medium and small yarns or between front and rear rows and between tables, will directly affect the weight difference of the long segment of roving, the uneven weight of the spinning yarn and its weight deviation. Therefore, in the quality control of roving, in addition to paying full attention to the influence of the drafting part on the product quality, special attention should also be paid to the influence of the tension of the winding part on the product quality, which is particularly important on the traditional roving frame. However, the new fully computerized roving frame has basically realized constant tension spinning, and no longer needs to be adjusted offline.

(2) Calculation and adjustment of roving tension

1. Calculation of roving tension

In production, roving elongation is generally used to indirectly reflect the roving tension. But roving tension and elongation are two completely different physical concepts and should not be confused. When the roving twist is constant, the elongation is large, and the roving tension is also large; The elongation is small, and the tension is also small. Therefore, the size of the roving elongation reflects the size of the roving tension.

Roving elongation is expressed as a percentage of the difference between the measured length wound on the bobbin and the calculated length of the front roller output to the calculated length of the front roller output at the same time, i.e.:


where: is the elongation of roving; L 1 is the measured length of the bobbin winding; L 2 is the calculated length of the output of the front roller at the same time. In the actual production, the roving tension is mainly controlled by controlling the size and difference of the elongation of the roving, which generally requires the elongation to be in the range of 1% ~ 2.5%, and the difference in elongation between the tables, the front and rear rows, and the size of the yarn should not be greater than 1.5%, and should be adjusted when the range is exceeded.

2. Adjustment of roving tension

The adjustment and design of roving tension is determined according to the influence of raw materials, thread count, twist, winding conditions, moisture regain, temperature and humidity of the spun roving. However, in actual production, the raw materials used, the special number of roving is different, the twist coefficient is different, the top of the spindle wing is wrapped around l/4 or 3/4 and the number of turns around the pressure palm is different, the ambient temperature and humidity are different, the moisture regain rate is different, etc., all affect the roving tension. Therefore, despite the many measures taken, such as adjusting the roving tension by adjusting the speed of the bevel (lifting gear), the winding diameter (empty bobbin diameter), the starting position of the bevel belt and the distance per movement (forming gear), etc., it is often difficult to adapt to the requirements of production. In this case, a method of adjusting and controlling the roving tension by means of a tension compensation device and a CCD tension adjustment device has gradually developed.

(1) Tension compensation device for traditional roving frame

The tension fine-tuning compensation device is generally installed in close proximity to the forming device or the taper pulley belt. According to the change law of the elongation of the doff, the movement of the taper pulley belt is slightly corrected, the winding speed of the bobbin is controlled, and the elongation of the roving is compensated by a certain positive or negative value, so that the difference of the elongation of the roving in the doffing remains stable.

The tension compensation device used in the roving frame has two categories: continuous adjustment and segmented adjustment according to the different adjustment duration. The continuous adjustment tension compensation device makes the cone pulley belt move continuously in the process of doffing, such as the eccentric gear tension fine-tuning device used in FL-16 and domestic A454 coarse second (yarn) machine. The segmented adjustment device is adjusted in sections in a doffing process, that is, a doffing is divided into a number of stages, and the cone wheel belt moves each time between the stages, but the distance is equal each time in the same stage, such as the disc type used in the FA401 roving frame, the FI/1A and the domestic A456E roving frame using the compensation rail type, and the differential plate type and other tension fine-tuning devices used on the Japanese Fenghe RMK-2 roving frame.

Using the tension compensation device, when the temperature and humidity of the workshop and other factors change, the spinning tension can be adjusted at any time, which has a positive effect on controlling and reducing the elongation of roving and reducing the quality of finished yarn.

(2) CCD tension adjustment

CCD refers to a charge-coupled device, which is a kind of detection element that indicates the signal size with the amount of charge and transmits the signal in a coupled way, which has a series of advantages such as self-scanning, wide range of sensing spectrum, small distortion, small size, light weight, low system noise, low power consumption, long life and high reliability, and can be made into a very high integration of components. The CCD image sensor is used to detect the tension of the roving spinning section online, and the detection accuracy can reach 0.1mm. Therefore, as long as the correct spinning tension is set, the tension fluctuation in the spinning can be well controlled, and the constant tension spinning can be realized, so as to improve the quality of the roving, so the modern new roving frame adopts this technology to adjust the tension.

Figure 8-33CCD roving tension testing device Figure 8-34 Schematic diagram of CCD tension test of roving frame

1. The force is too large (roving tensioning) 2 - the tension is appropriate 3 - the tension is too small (roving relaxation)

As shown in Figure 8-33 and Figure 8-34, the modern new roving frame is equipped with CCD tension sensors on the front and rear rows of roving between the front roller and the spindle wing, forming a CCD photoelectric panoramic camera system, which detects the yarn output of the front roller and automatically controls the tension. The CCD photoelectric panoramic camera system continuously ingests and calculates on the side of the roving channel, and judges the change of the distance between the position line (1, 2, 3) and the pre-proposed position line (reference line) when the roving strip passes to determine the tension state of the roving, and feeds back to the computer through A/D conversion, and outputs the adjustment result by the computer through amplification, comparison, etc., controls the inverter, and changes the speed of the bobbin and the lifting speed of the dragon tendon. In the whole spinning process, the roving tension is controlled in strict accordance with the mathematical model, the approximate constant tension winding control of the yarn is realized, and the elongation of the roving is accurately controlled, so that the quality of the roving is greatly improved.

When changing the variety, the optimal tension state can be automatically selected, so there is no need to manually set it again. However, in actual production, due to the small sample volume of CCD detection, it has certain limitations, so the basic spinning tension must be set correctly first, and then fine-tuned online by CCD.

The basic spinning tension of roving can be determined by experience or tension test, and then slightly adjusted and modified during actual driving; It is also possible to adjust the size of the roving twist to adapt to the spinning tension, but care should be taken not to affect the drafting and yarn quality of the subsequent spinning yarn due to the twist.

Second, the spinning winding tension and broken end

(1) Winding tension analysis

1. The formation of spinning winding tension

In the twisting and winding process of ring spinning, the yarn must be dragged to rotate by the traveler, and the friction between the traveler and the ring must be overcome, the friction force given to the yarn by the yarn guide hook and the traveler and the air resistance of the yarn when the yarn rotates in the air ring section, so the axial tension of the yarn is subjected to considerable tension. The winding tension of the spinning yarn can be divided into three sections, as shown in Figure 8-35: the winding tension of the yarn between the front roller jaws and the guide hook, also known as the spinning section tension; The winding tension of the yarn between the yarn guide hook and the steel wire loop is also known as the air ring tension, in which the top tension of the air ring at the yarn guide hook is the air circle tension at the wire ring and the air circle tension at the wire ring circle; The winding tension of the yarn between the traveller and the bobbin.

Figure 8-35 Analysis of winding tension of ring spinning yarn

(1) The tension at the top of the air ring at the yarn guide hook: the value can generally be measured by a dynamic strain gauge, and there is the following relationship between the tension at the top of the air ring:

where: is the coefficient of friction between the yarn and the yarn guide hook; is the enclosing angle of the yarn on the yarn guide hook.

(2) The tension of the air ring at the wire ring: The relationship between the ring and the air ring can be obtained by the mechanical analysis of the air ring.

The yarn between the guide hook and the wire loop rotates around the spindle shaft at high speed at the speed of the wire loop under the drag of the wire traveler, and the yarn sliver moves in a straight line. The force acting on this stretch of yarn has a centrifugal force that is perpendicular to the axis of rotation of the yarn. Under the action of centrifugal force, the yarn forms an outward convex curve, and at the same time, it is also subject to air resistance, and its direction is opposite to the direction of rotation of the yarn convex curve, so that the yarn forms a backward convex curve. In addition, there are also Goecholis forces, the gravitational force of the yarn itself, etc. Under the combined action of the above forces, the yarn forms a space-closed curve, which is called the air circle. For the sake of discussion and analysis, minor forces such as gravity, air resistance, and Goeolis force are generally omitted, and the air circle is regarded as a plane air circle. The plane air circle curve can be represented by the following formula:


where: is the radius of the ring (cm); is the height of the air ring (cm); is the radius of the air circle; is the height position of the air ring; is the centrifugal force coefficient.

where: is the rotation speed of the air circle; is the vertical component of the air tension (g); is the thread density of the yarn (g/cm).

According to the mechanical analysis on the gas ring, and through the mechanical equation of the air circle, it is obtained:


Finding the derivative of Eq. (8-35) yields:


(3) Winding tension: The relationship between the winding tension and the tension at the bottom of the gas ring is obtained by Euler's formula:


where: is the coefficient of friction between the yarn and the traveler; is the enclosing angle of the yarn to the traveler; is the coefficient, which is measured experimentally.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that the tension distribution law in the winding process is: >>>

2. Study the significance of the winding tension of the spinning yarn

Maintaining proper tension is a necessary condition for normal twisting and winding. When the tension is too large, it not only increases the power consumption, but also increases the broken end; If the tension is too small, the fiber can not be fully transferred inside and outside in the twisting triangle area, which will affect the yarn structure and strength, and will also reduce the winding density, affect the package capacity and forming structure, and will also touch the yarn separator due to the expansion of the air ring, so that the yarn strip hairiness increases, the luster becomes worse, and at the same time, the broken end is increased due to the unstable operation of the wire traveler.

The purpose of studying spinning tension is to study the influence of the structure of the guide hook and its mounting position on the tension by grasping its ratio to the dynamic strength. The purpose of studying the tension of the air ring T 0 and T R is to analyze the factors affecting the spinning tension by understanding the relationship between the shape of the air ring and the tension, and to grasp the change of tension by the intuitive shape of the air circle. The purpose of studying the winding tension T w is to understand the weight change of the traveler, the friction between the traveler and the ring (including the shape and speed of the traveler), and the effect of the winding ratio between the ring and the bobbin on the tension. Therefore, the purpose of studying the winding tension of spinning yarn is to keep the tension size suitable for the number of yarns and the strength of the yarn, so as to improve the winding quality and reduce the breakage rate of spinning yarn.

(2) Factors affecting the winding tension

1. The influence of the shape of the atmosphere

From Eq. (8-35), the gas sphere is a sinusoidal curve, and its amplitude A and wavelength are as follows:



At present, there are two methods to describe the shape of the air ring, the bottom angle of the air circle and the maximum radius of the air circle, which reflect the size of the air circle. Figure 8-35 shows the shape of the sphere, which can be seen with different values.

When the height of the air ring is >, that is, the height of the air ring is exceeded, the wave nodes of the air circle will appear, that is, there will be a multi-solar circle. If there is an air ring joint, it will cause the air circle to collapse and the yarn will not be able to spin normally. When, i.e., the embossing of the air ring is infinity (which does not occur under actual dampened spinning conditions), it cannot be spun normally. Therefore, when spinning in rings, it should be ensured that there is only a single air ring at this time. In a doff, the shape of the air ring changes with the change of air ring height and spinning tension. Here we focus on the influence of the height of the air ring on the shape of the air ring, as can be seen from Eq. (8-39) and Figure 8-36:

Figure 8-36 Shape of the air circle (abscissa: air circle radius/cm; Ordinate: apron height/cm; 1.5π with an extra comma)

does not appear, this situation mostly appears in the large yarn stage; while
occasionally, or

, by

Know, only

, before the maximum air circle appears, ie
The bigger it is, the more it is

According to the above analysis, it can be seen that in a drop yarn, from small yarn to large yarn, with the reduction of the height of the air ring, the convex shape of the air ring will gradually decrease, and the bottom angle of the air ring will gradually change from a negative angle to a positive angle.

According to the gas ring equation, when other conditions (such as) change the same, the greater the yarn tension, the smaller the air ring convexity, and the smaller the convex shape of the air circle. On the contrary, the convex shape of the air ring is larger. It can be seen that the yarn tension directly affects the shape of the air circle; The shape of the air ring during spinning also reflects the amount of tension. In production, the spinning tension is often adjusted by controlling the shape of the air ring.

2. Effect of travellers

The yarn tension is mainly derived from the friction generated by the high-speed rotation of the traveler on the ring, so the characteristic equation between the stress of the traveler and the movement of the traveler can be obtained by analyzing it. The force on the traveler is simplified to the spatial convergence force system through the center of gravity of the traveler, as shown in Figure 8-37.

Figure 8-37 Force on the traveler

The equilibrium equations for the three axes are listed:




Solve the equation to obtain:


where: is the dynamic friction coefficient between the traveler and the ring; It is the centrifugal force of the wire traveler; is the angle between the shaft and the shaft; It is the angle between the reaction force of the ring to the traveler and the shaft.


where: is the weight of the traveler (g); is the radius of rotation of the traveler, which is approximate to the radius of the ring (cm) and the rotation speed of the traveler (r/min); is the acceleration due to gravity (981 cm/s 2 ).

From equations (8-43) and (8-44), it can be seen that the movement of the wire traveler has a close relationship with the winding tension and the tension at the bottom of the air ring: the weight of the wire traveler is proportional to it, and in daily production, the yarn tension is adjusted by adjusting the weight of the wire traveler; The coefficient of friction between the ring and the traveler is proportional to the yarn tension, and when the weight of the traveler increases, this coefficient of friction also increases; The radius of the ring is proportional to the yarn tension, and the yarn tension will be increased when the package is increased or the diameter of the ring is increased.

3. Effect of winding diameter

The change in the winding diameter mainly affects the change in the winding angle. Figure 8-38 shows the relationship between the winding diameter and the yarn tension.


When the hollow tube is wound (i.e. with a small diameter), if the winding angle is, then:

where: is the diameter of the bobbin; is the winding diameter; is the diameter of the ring.

Eq. (8-45) shows that the change of winding diameter affects the change of winding angle, and also affects the change of winding tension. The relationship between the winding diameter and the yarn tension can be seen from Equation (8-41), Equation (8-42) and Equation (8-45). When the winding diameter is small, the winding angle is small, the value is small, and when the value is constant, it is the opposite when it is large, and when the winding diameter is large. If the winding angle is small, the yarn tension is large. In order to prevent the yarn tension from changing too much, the value should be reasonable, that is, the diameter of the through pipe should not be too small, that is, the winding angle should not be too small or too large. Too small, with both increases, easy to break heads; If it is too large, it will inevitably increase, resulting in too small and uneconomical yarn capacity.

Figure 8-38 Relationship between winding diameter and yarn tension (horizontal axis Y, Txy changed to Twy, P lowercase of P', the ordinate is Z; Need to verify if you want to change it? )

In each lifting stroke of the steel ring plate, the tension changes significantly. When the ring plate is wound in a large diameter, the yarn tension is small, and when the ring plate rises to the top and is wound in a small diameter, the yarn tension is large. It must be pointed out that in each lifting stroke of the ring plate, the reaction force of the ring on the traveler also changes, and the influence of its magnitude on the tension is the opposite. However, due to its small influence, the final measured tension change law is still the same as above.

4. Changes in spinning tension during doffing

In a doffing, after the spinning variety and line density are determined, the spindle speed, ring radius, traveler model, etc. are also determined, and the spinning tension will change with the change of the height of the air ring and the diameter of the winding.

Figure 8-39 shows the change law of tension during the doffing process when fixing the guide hook. As can be seen from the figure, the spinning tension is the largest when the yarn is small, and gradually decreases with the increase of the yarn, and when the yarn is large, there is a tendency to increase. The large spinning tension is due to the long air circle yarn section, large centrifugal force and large convex shape; The height of the air ring is moderate, the convex shape is normal, and the spinning tension is small; The tension increases slightly when the yarn is large.

Figure 8-39 Variation of tension during doffing (fixed yarn guide hook)

Especially in the process of forming the bottom of the tube, the tension is large due to the long air ring, the large air resistance of the air ring rotation, and the small winding diameter. After the bottom of the pipe is formed, the change of the winding diameter plays a leading role, so the tension changes greatly in each lifting stroke of the ring plate. Before the large yarn is full, the steel ring plate rises to the small diameter winding part, which is too straight due to the short air ring, and loses the elastic adjustment effect, resulting in a sharp increase in tension.

5. Effect of spindle speed

When the high speed increases, the speed of the wire ring increases, the centrifugal force generated by the rotation of the wire ring increases, and at the same time, the air resistance increases accordingly with the increase of the rotation speed of the air ring, causing the convex shape of the air ring to increase. However, when the spindle speed increases, the value remains unchanged because the tension increases with the proportion, so the shape of the air circle does not change after high speed, but the yarn tension changes significantly.

(3) Analysis of spinning yarn breakage

The spinning process is the key process of spinning quality and output, and the spinning yarn will increase the labor intensity of the stopper, resulting in the reduction of the stands, and the increase of the low cost of the product completion rate, and the broken end itself will also cause the decline and fluctuation of product quality. Therefore, how to detect and reduce breakage in time is an important task in the spinning process.

1. Classification of spinning yarn breaks

According to the different positions of the broken end, the spinning broken end can be divided into two categories: the broken end before yarn formation and the broken end after yarn formation.

Breakage before yarn formation refers to the breakage before the roving is spun out of the yarn by drawing in front of the spinning frame, which occurs in the feeding part and the drafting part, such as the breakage of the roving, the empty roving, the blockage of the aggregator, the accumulation of flowers in the leather ring, the winding roller, the winding roller, etc.;

Broken end after yarn formation refers to the broken end of the yarn strip in the process of twisting and winding from the front roller jaw of the spinning frame to the bobbin, also known as spinning breakage. The main reasons for the breakage after yarn formation include: abnormal twisting and winding components, such as spindle vibration, springball, wire ring wedge, thermal wear flying ring, etc., as well as abnormal air ring shape, poor operation, poor temperature and humidity control, large fluctuations in raw cotton, improper process design, poor structure of semi-finished products and many other reasons will cause spinning breakage.

The law of spinning yarn breakage

In general, the breakage before yarn formation is small, so the breakage after yarn formation is mainly analyzed here. In production practice, the general rules of broken heads are:

(1) The distribution of broken ends in a doffing yarn is the most broken end in small yarn, accounting for about 50%; The bottom yarn is the least broken, accounting for about 20%; The second largest yarn is broken, accounting for about 30%.

(2) The broken end after yarn is mostly in the spinning section, there are fewer broken ends between the steel ring and the bobbin, and the broken end of the air ring part is very few, when the steel ring and the steel ring ring are not properly matched, the steel ring beats, the yarn channel is too narrow, etc., the lower part of the air ring will be broken, the outline (steel) collar declines, the steel travel ring is light, and the convex shape of the air ring is too large, which hits the yarn separator plate and breaks the yarn sliver;

(3) With the increase of spindle speed or the increase of the package, the tension increases and the broken end increases.

(4) Due to mechanical reasons, a small number of spindles may have repeated breakage, and this part of the spindle is called abnormal spindles. According to statistics, 30%~35% of the broken ends of the spinning yarn are caused by 5% abnormal spindles.

In addition, when the weather changes, temperature and humidity fluctuations and changes in the composition of cotton blending, it will cause an increase in breakage.

Yarn breakage detection

How to find broken spindles or problematic abnormal spindles among tens of millions of spindles is crucial. The traditional method is to find the 5% problematic spindle position by the stopper tour, the mechanic overhaul and the tester sampling the 1,000 spindles of the machine, but there are various drawbacks such as large workload, easy leakage of spindles, and dependence on experience.

The development of online detection technology solves this problem well. The online detection system uses sensors, information and computer technology to timely and effectively monitor the movement of the wire ring or the fiber status of the spinning section, so as to find the fixed-point breakage of the spindle position of the machine, and can track the operation information of all spindle positions online, which has developed rapidly in recent years. Among them, the online detection system that detects the spinning yarn breakage by detecting the movement state of the traveler is more commonly used, and the detection head fixed on the outer side of the steel ring plate of each spindle position detects the flight of the traveler to judge whether the head is broken, and then the light is turned on, and the mechanical device installed in the rear roller stops feeding the roving at the same time, reducing the waste of raw materials. After detecting the breakage of the spinning frame, the online detection system of the single spindle of some spinning frames can display the breakage data in a timely and multi-state manner through transmission protocols such as Wifi and Zigbee, which is convenient for real-time grasp of information and adjustment.

(4) Control of spinning yarn breakage

According to the relationship between winding tension and strength mentioned above, the main reason for the breakage is that the instantaneous spinning tension is greater than the strength of a certain point of yarn during the spinning process. Therefore, the reduction of spinning breakage can be started from two aspects: the control of spinning tension and the improvement of yarn strength.

1. Stabilize spinning tension

The sudden change in tension is the direct cause of the formation of broken ends, which is mostly related to the poor condition of the machine and high-speed parts, and the improper selection of steel rings and travelers. Therefore, it is necessary to stabilize the spinning tension.

(1) Stabilize the shape of the air circle

According to the analysis of the shape of the air circle, it can be seen that the yarn tension is closely related to the shape of the air circle. When the convex shape of the air ring is too large (that is, too large), the maximum diameter of the air ring exceeds the spacing of the separator plate, causing the air ring to violently hit the separator plate, causing a violent change in the shape of the air ring, making the movement of the wire ring unstable, and it is easy to wedge and fly the ring and break the head. At the same time, when the top angle of the air ring is too large (see Figure 8-35), if there are large thick knots or knots on the yarn guide hook on the yarn on the yarn guide line, the top of the air ring will be abnormally convex, and the yarn will be easily entangled, resulting in the end of the air ring. The phenomenon of excessive convex shape of the air ring is more serious when the yarn is small. If the convex shape of the air ring is too small, it means that the spinning tension is too large, and the joint is heavy and difficult to operate. When the yarn is small, when the distance between the yarn guide hook and the bobbin is small, the top angle of the air ring is too small, which is easy to cause the top yarn section of the air ring to rub against the top of the bobbin and break the end. If there is a sudden tension at this time, it is easy to cause the yarn channel to cross the wear gap of the wire loop, resulting in the lower broken end, or the sudden tension is quickly transmitted to the weak twist area and causes the upper broken end.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that too large and too small convex shape of the air ring will cause broken ends. In order to reduce the breakage rate, it is often used to control the shape of the air ring to adjust the yarn tension to reduce the breakage of the spinning yarn, and the difference in the shape of the air ring during the doffing process should be minimized. Because the shape of the air circle is easy to be too large when the yarn is small, and the shape of the air circle is easy to be too small when the yarn is large, the air circle shape and top angle are moderate only when the yarn is medium, and the yarn tension is appropriate and stable. Therefore, in order to reduce the breakage of large and small yarns, we should give full play to the ability of the air ring shape to adjust the tension fluctuation, so that the yarn tension and air circle shape should be closer to the middle yarn as much as possible, that is, the position of the yarn guide hook should be depressed in the spinning small yarn stage, the maximum air circle height should be compressed as much as possible, the shortest air circle height should be increased in the large yarn stage, and the appropriate number of steel wire rings should be selected, so that the air ring will not hit the yarn separator plate when winding a large diameter at the bottom of the pipe bottom, and the yarn section at the top of the air ring of the tube yarn will not be in contact with the bobbin head. In order to reduce the breakage of small yarns more effectively, the spinning frames currently produced are all equipped with variable range yarn guide hook lifting devices.

The use of air ring rings also stabilizes the spinning tension and reduces breakage. However, the degree of friction between the diameter of the ring and the yarn is different, and the yarn friction is serious if the diameter is small, and the yarn has more hairiness. Generally, the selection of air ring should be larger under the condition of considering the spindle spacing.

(2) Reasonable selection of wire traveler

(1) The selection of the weight (number) of the wire traveler

In production, the spinning tension is generally adjusted by selecting the appropriate traveler weight. The main basis for selection is to maintain a normal gas ring shape and achieve a low breakage rate, focusing on the fact that the air ring should not be too large at the end of the tube bottom forming under the condition of winding large diameter and when the large yarn winding small diameter, the air ring should not be too small, so as to select the weight of the wire traveler. At the same time, according to the operation time of the ring, the number of wire travelers that are more suitable for the conditions at that time should be selected in time. With the increase of the use time of the ring or the decline of the ring, there will be an expansion of the air ring, the increase of spinning yarn hair and broken ends in the production, and the steel traveler should be aggravated.

(2) Master the service cycle of the wire traveler

In order to reduce the breakage and stabilize the production, in addition to the spinning fine special yarn due to the long service life of the steel traveler, the natural ring change (flying off one to change one), the general use of regular ring change (to a certain period of time all replacement). The run-in between the newly replaced wire traveler and the steel ring has a maturity period, during which the steel traveler is unstable and easy to cause breakage, so it is best to choose to change the ring during the middle yarn period to reduce the broken end when spinning the large yarn or the small yarn after doffing, especially the situation of the small yarn flying circle is greatly reduced.

(3) Improvement of the wedge resistance of the wire traveler

The center of gravity of the traveler can be lowered; Improve the contact position between the ring and the traveler to stabilize the movement of the traveler; Deepen the inner runway of the steel ring, reduce the thickness of the neck wall without affecting the stiffness and strength, and prevent the inner foot of the wire ring from touching the neck wall of the steel ring.

(3) Selection and repair of steel rings

(1) Use a small-diameter steel ring

With the development of collective doffing of spinning frames, automatic winders and fine winding technology, the use of small diameter steel rings has more and more technical and economic advantages. The diameter of the steel ring is small, the change of the winding diameter in the spinning process is small, and the average tension of the spinning and its change are small, which increases the difference between the spinning strength and the spinning tension, which is conducive to reducing the breakage.

(2) Repair of programmatic decay

After a certain period of operation, the steel ring will have a high-speed performance decline. The early or late occurrence of decline is closely related to the quenching quality, spindle speed, edge width of the ring, and the number of traveler numbers during ring treatment. Repair of decaying rings, previously treated with carbonitriding, currently using nickel, chrome and nickel composite coatings, and electroplating techniques. The results show that the latter has the characteristics of better anti-wear performance, stable and lower friction coefficient, stable and significantly reduced spinning tension, less hairiness of the yarn, short maturity period, low CV% value of the finished yarn sliver, strong air ring control ability, and moderate carrying head.

(4) Frequency conversion speed regulation of the spindle

The use of frequency conversion speed regulation of the spindle is a powerful measure to reduce the broken end and balance the distribution of the broken head of the doffing yarn. When the spindle is driven at a constant speed, the tension of the small yarn is large, the tension of the middle yarn is small and stable, and the tension of the large yarn increases. In the process of lifting the steel ring plate once, the tension is small when winding a large diameter, and the tension is large when it is a small diameter. The above-mentioned tension change law determines the distribution law of broken ends in small yarns, the least broken ends in medium yarns, and the increased broken ends in large yarns. There are many broken ends of small yarns, which limits the improvement of spindle speed, while there are few broken ends of medium yarns, and the potential of spindle speed cannot be exerted, which affects the improvement of machine productivity. Therefore, the principle of spindle speed adjustment is: the spindle speed is appropriately reduced when the tension is large, and the spindle speed is appropriately increased when the tension is small. There are two ways to adjust the spindle speed: one is to adjust the spindle speed according to the tension change and breakage distribution law of small, medium and large yarns, that is, the spindle speed of small yarn is lower, the spindle speed of medium yarn is higher, and the spindle speed of large yarn is reduced. This method of adjustment is called the basic method of accommodation. Another method is to adjust the speed according to the change of winding diameter and apron height on the basis of the basic adjustment speed, which is called the layer-by-layer adjustment method, as shown in Figure 8-40.

Using constant tension spinning technology, the frequency conversion control system is used to automatically adjust the spindle speed when the small, medium and large yarns (even in a lifting stroke of the steel ring plate) are used to ensure that the tension is as constant as possible in a doffing, so as to reduce the broken end or increase the output.

Figure 8-40 Variable spindle speed (T3 to T4)

2. Increased dynamic strength

In the process of twisting and winding ring ring spinning yarn, most of the broken ends occur on the yarn section from the guide yarn hook to the front roller, and the main reasons are: (1) the whisker strip output from the front jaw is attached to the surface of the lower roller due to the downward pressure of the upper roller (rubber roller), forming an enclosing arc on the lower roller, so that the twist can not be transmitted to the jaws, forming a weak twist area or a non-twist area; (2) In the process of twist transfer, the twist depression and the hysteresis of twist transfer caused by the frictional resistance of the yarn guide hook to the yarn make the twist of the spinning section gradually decrease, forming a weak twist section; (3) The change of twist in the doffing process, especially the average twist of the spinning section is the smallest when the small yarn is wound with a large diameter, which is about 22% less than the average twist of the tube yarn, resulting in a significant reduction in the spinning strength, which is also one of the reasons why there are more broken ends when the small bobbin bottom is wound with a large diameter in the completion stage. 1. The twist distribution of the spinning section during the doffing process is shown in Figure 8-41; (4) Insufficient grip of the roller causes the fiber to slip out of the yarn, etc.

According to the results of dynamic strength measurement, the dynamic strength is much lower than that of the bobbin, and when it encounters too large abrupt tension, it will produce a broken end. Therefore, it is of great significance to improve the dynamic strength to reduce the breakage rate.

(1) Reduce the length of the untwisted yarn section

As shown in Figure 8-42, the size of the roller enveloping angle affects the length of the untwisted yarn segment, that is, the number and length of the whisker fibers held by the roller jaws into the twisted yarn, which has a considerable impact on the dynamic strength of the spinning.

Figure 8-41 Distribution of twist in spinning section during doffing Figure 8-42 Roller enclosing arc during forward punching of rubber roller (0 or O in the figure?) The correct one is O)

The geometric relationship between the enclosing angle of the yarn strip on the roller and the yarn guide angle and the inclination angle of the roller seat is: From the above formula, it can be seen that in order to reduce, it is necessary to reduce the yarn guide angle, or increase the inclination angle of the roller seat, which has been determined in the design of the spinning frame. If it is too large, it will bring inconvenience to the joint operation, so under the conditions that have been set, the rubber roller is generally used to reduce the length of the enveloping arc in production, that is, from the reduction. However, the forward impulse of the rubber roller increases the length of the floating area, and the forward impulse of the rubber roller will affect the effectiveness of roller pressurization, thereby affecting the drafting effect, so the forward impulse of the rubber roller is only 2~3mm.

(2) Increase the dynamic twist of the spinning section

Chapter 7 analyzes the twisting process of the ring spinning frame, and obtains the process parameters that affect the twist of the spinning section, such as the length of the spinning section, the yarn guide angle, the front roller enclosing arc, the height of the air circle, etc., so by optimizing the cross-section design of the spinning frame, these parameters are optimal, so as to reduce the weak twisting and twisting caused by the enclosing arc and the guide hook, increase the dynamic twist of the spinning section, and thus improve the dynamic strength of the spinning section.

(3) Increase the grip of the front roller on the whiskers

According to the spinning section twist test of a doffing or winding size diameter, when the large yarn winds the small diameter, the twist of the spinning section is generally larger, and the dynamic strength at this time is also higher, and the upper broken end should be smaller, but in fact, the broken end of the large yarn is more than the middle yarn, the reason is that the tension fluctuates greatly, on the other hand, it is also due to the fact that the holding force of the roller at this time is much less than the tension on the yarn, and the actual measurement also shows this. Therefore, increasing the grip of the roller has a positive effect on reducing the breakage.

(4) New structure ring spinning technology

In recent years, in order to improve the quality and production efficiency of yarn, a lot of innovations and improvements have been made on the traditional ring spinning machine, and new structural ring spinning technologies such as agglomeration spinning (compact spinning), siro spinning, and Nutospinning have emerged, which have been successfully applied to actual production. Among them, the most representative ring spinning method effectively solves the problems of spinning breakage and yarn hairiness. The contents of this section are detailed in Chapter IX.

Food for Thought:

1. What are the basic types of winding? In which process of the spinning system are they used?

2. What are the types of rings? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

3. Analyze the winding and forming process of the twisted roving frame, and derive the winding speed equation and the lifting speed equation.

4. Analyze the winding and forming process of the ring spinning frame and list the movement requirements for the program plate.

5. Briefly analyze the winding and forming process of cylindrical and conical packages.

6. Analyze the causes of roving and spinning tension, and list measures to reduce spinning breakage from the perspective of stabilizing tension and improving dynamic strength.


Chapter 9 New Yarn

What you need to know in this chapter:

1. Limitations of traditional yarn forming methods.

2. Classification of new yarn forming methods.

3. The principle of ring spindle agglomeration into yarn and its yarn characteristics.

4. The agglomeration process and characteristics of various airflow aggregation spinning.

5. The principle of ring spindle composite yarn formation and its yarn characteristics.

6. The twisting process, yarn structure and performance characteristics of various ring spindles compounded into yarn.

7. The principle of free end yarn formation and its yarn characteristics.

8. Twisting process, yarn structure and performance characteristics of various free-end yarns.

9. The principle of non-free end yarn formation and its yarn characteristics.

10. Twisting process, yarn structure and performance characteristics of various non-free end yarns.

Section 1 Overview

1. Limitations of traditional yarn forming methods

Ring spinning has a history of nearly 200 years since its inception in 1828, so ring spinning is also known as the traditional yarn forming method. Since the ring spinning frame has been widely adopted, after continuous research and improvement, it has reached a fairly high level, and the current spindle speed has reached 15000~25000r/min, or even higher, and the raw material adaptability is strong, the density and variety of the spinning thread are wide, the yarn structure is compact, and the strength is high. Therefore, ring spinning still occupies a dominant position in the field of contemporary spinning, and is still the most important spinning method so far, but it still has certain limitations in terms of yarn quality and yarn principle.

(1) Limitations of yarn quality

Due to the presence of twisting triangle area in the process of twisting yarn, ring spinning yarn has more hairiness, and the cleanliness of the yarn surface is difficult to meet the weaving requirements of modern high-speed looms, and it is also difficult to meet the product requirements of high-count and high-density fabrics with clear appearance and texture. The twisting of ring spinning yarn makes the internal stress of the yarn large, the torque is unbalanced, and the softness is poor, resulting in the fabric texture is skewed and the feel is hard; Ring spinning has high requirements for the length and fineness of suitable fibers, and it is difficult to spin ultra-low linear density yarns. Therefore, in recent years, the innovation and transformation of traditional ring spinning technology is in the ascendant, and there are new structural spinning methods such as agglomeration spinning, siro spinning, cerofel spinning, solo spinning, embedded composite spinning, twist spinning, etc., these innovative technologies are based on ring spinning, through the feeding part, roller drafting part or twisting part and other additional roving or filament feeding device, fiber agglomeration device, false twisting device, etc., in order to reduce the hairiness of the yarn, eliminate the internal stress of the yarn, and improve the spinning performance.

1. Generation of hairiness in ring-spun yarns

In the process of ring spinning, the way for the yarn to obtain twist is that the yarn is wound in the bobbin and the wire loop rotates at the same time, and the yarn obtains a twist for each rotation of the wire traveler. In such a twisting method, the twisting back from bottom to top is passed through the guide hook by the wire loop, and finally transmitted to the front jaw, and at the front jaw, the whisker is flattened with a certain width after drafting, and the flat ribbon whisker is output from the front roller, and under the action of spinning tension, when it is close to the front roller surface, an arc (enclosing arc) is formed that surrounds the front roller surface. As shown in Figure 9-1(a), when the twist is transmitted to the front roller surface, due to the obstruction of the enclosing arc, the twist can only be transmitted to the end of the D point, but cannot be transmitted to the front roller jaw line EF, forming a triangle between the end point of twist transfer and the front roller jaw line. The area where the fibers are from untwisted to twisted into yarn is called the twisted triangle, also known as the untwisted or weakly twisted triangle. In the twisting triangle, due to the effect of spinning tension and twist back transfer, the whiskers with a certain width are gradually concentrated in the middle after being output from the front roller to become a cylindrical yarn with twisting. However, it is difficult for some fibers at the edge of the whiskers to be controlled and retracted, and some free tip fibers c are formed, as shown in Figure 9-1(b). The true width B of the output whisker is greater than the width b of the twisting triangle. These fibers with free tips or complete free fibers are either twisted to the surface of the yarn body to form hairiness or become flying flowers during the yarn forming process.

(a) Schematic diagram of the twisting triangle

(b) Physical map of the twisted triangle

Figure 9-1 Twisting triangle at the roller jaws before ring spinning

After the spinning process, the yarn also needs to go through winding, sizing, weaving and other processes to become a fabric, in these processes, the yarn will be subjected to repeated friction, resulting in a continuous increase in hairiness, especially in the winding process, the hairiness increases significantly. In the weaving process, the presence of yarn hairiness will lead to the increase of friction between the yarns during weaving, forming weaving defects, and in serious cases, leading to yarn breakage, affecting the efficiency of the loom. In addition, a large number of yarn hairiness will make the surface of the fabric pilling, the texture is not clear, and it will also affect the dyeing effect of the fabric. At present, the sizing process is generally used before weaving to reduce the impact of hairiness on weaving, but sizing will form secondary hairiness, which also has an adverse effect on the fabric. Therefore, yarn hairiness has become a yarn quality index that has received more and more attention after yarn strength and strip dryness, especially due to the unique twisting method of ring spinning, which leads to more yarn hairiness and more harmful hairiness greater than 3mm. Although the impact of hairiness can be reduced through measures such as singeing, sizing, and waxing in subsequent processing, these measures do not start from the twisting triangle where hairiness is generated, so they cannot fundamentally solve the problem of yarn hairiness, and will also increase costs. Therefore, the effective reduction of hairiness has become the main direction of technological innovation in ring spinning.

2. Generation of residual torque of ring spinning yarn

Twisting is an indispensable part of yarn production. An appropriate amount of twisting is applied to the fibrous whiskers of uniform thickness so that the fibers hug each other, and in this process, the fibers are bent and twisted to produce torque. During spinning and post-processing, part of the yarn torque is released, but some remains in the yarn body, forming the residual torque of the yarn. The residual torque of the yarn makes the yarn kink, and the two yarns can be clearly seen kink together when the yarn is folded in half, and when the yarn twist is very large, such as strong twist yarn, the single yarn will also kink directly. Due to the existence of residual torque of the yarn, the yarn will have a tendency to automatically untwist to release the residual torque, which will be more obvious on the surface of the knitted fabric, which will be more obvious as the skew of the loop, generally known as the weft skew, and the uneven surface of the woven fabric, which will inevitably affect the performance and structural stability of the fabric, and affect the appearance of the final product.

Due to the adverse effects of yarn residual torque on the subsequent process and the finished product, there is a lot of research aimed at reducing yarn residual torque. For thermoplastic fibers, heat treatment can be applied. The heat treatment of cotton/polyester blended yarns significantly reduces the yarn torque. However, for natural fiber yarns such as cotton and wool, the method of reducing residual torque is more complicated. At present, steaming, mercerizing, primary twisting ZS or SZ double-strand reverse twisting processes are commonly used in the industry to release residual torque and stabilize the yarn structure, so as to reduce the skew of the knitted fabric coil and increase the flatness of the surface of the woven fabric.

3. Spinning suitability of ring spinning

In the process of ring spinning, the spinning tension determines the yarn strength, and as long as the strength of any section of the spun yarn is lower than the spinning tension, it will lead to spinning breakage and affect the continuous spinning. Theoretically, the spinning and twisting triangle is the weakest link in the spinning process, and the spinning strength of the fiber whisker in this part directly affects the ring spinning breakage rate and the fiber spinning continuity, as long as the fiber strength in the cross-section of the whisker is not high enough, and the number of roots is not enough, the spinning break will occur, as shown in Figure 9-2. In order to make the fiber whisker strip on the ring spinning frame can be spinning normally and continuously, it is generally achieved through two ways: one is to reduce the spinning tension and improve the yarn twist by adjusting the spinning process; Second, through the reasonable selection of fibers, the fibers contained in the spinning process must have sufficient spinning quality, so as to improve the yarn strength in the spinning process. In the process of ring spinning, the spinning tension is the main factor that promotes the internal and external transfer of the fiber in the spinning triangle to achieve the purpose of yarn formation, which cannot be eliminated, and the ring spinning twisting and winding are carried out at the same time, and the spinning tension is eliminated, and the winding will not be completed. Although increasing the yarn twist can enhance the strength of the spinning whisker to a certain extent, the twist is too high and will bring many negative effects, such as reduced production efficiency, reduced yarn breaking strength, excessive torque, etc. Therefore, in order to ensure the continuous and stable production of ring spinning under the condition that other spinning conditions are optimal, it is necessary to require sufficient strength, number and length of fibers in the section of the spinning triangle, as well as appropriate fineness, modulus, curling and surface friction and other properties, so as to meet the strength of any part of the yarn sliver in the spinning process is higher than the spinning tension.

Taking the number of spun fibers as an example, the number of fibers in the yarn sliver section decreases, the spinning strength of the sliver decreases, and when the number of fibers in the sliver decreases to a certain value, the yarn strength will be too low to form a yarn, which is also the fundamental reason why it is difficult to develop ultra-high count yarn in traditional ring spinning. The sliver section contains enough fibers not only to meet the needs of continuous and stable spinning of the sliver, but also to ensure the quality of the finished yarn. First of all, in the process of whisker drafting, when the number of roots in the cross-section of the output sliver is low to a certain extent, the unevenness of the strip will deteriorate sharply. Secondly, the lower the number of fibers in the cross-section of the yarn, the lower the holding force between the fibers, and the fibers are not easy to be well twisted into the yarn body, so the finer the yarn, the more hairy the hairiness, and the worse the appearance of the yarn; Finally, the smaller the number of fibers in the yarn cross-section, the worse the yarn strength and abrasion resistance, which brings a burden to the subsequent processing of the yarn.

Figure 9-2 Broken end in the triangle of ring spinning and twisting

(2) Limitations of the yarn forming principle

The twisting principle of ring spinning belongs to the rotation and twisting of the winding end, and the twisting and winding are completed at the same time, that is, the bobbin is inserted on the spindle, and the spindle rotates at high speed, and a section of yarn between the bobbin and the guide hook drags the steel wire loop along the steel collar to rotate, and the steel wire ring adds one twist back to the yarn every turn, and the difference between the speed of the bobbin and the wire ring is the number of winding turns in the unit time of the bobbin. However, this twisting and winding method has the following problems:

1. It is difficult to greatly increase the output

From Chapter 7, Section 5, the relationship between the linear velocity and spindle velocity of the wire coil derived from the twisting process of the ring spinning yarn is analyzed:


Where: ― traveller speed;

―spindle speed;

―Front roller line speed;

―Winding diameter.

Let the twist of the yarn be, from the substitution formula (9-1) to finish:


Where: ―yarn twist.

From equation (9-2), it can be seen that when the twist is constant, the speed of the traveler is proportional to the linear speed of the front roller. Therefore, to improve the output of the ring spinning machine, that is, to increase the front roller line speed V, when the twist is constant, the speed of the wire traveler should be accelerated, and the steel traveler rubs and rotates on the steel lead runway, if the speed is too high, the friction between the steel ring and the steel traveler is violent, which will cause serious heating damage to the parts. As far as the current materials and processing and manufacturing technology are concerned, the linear speed of the wire traveler should not exceed 50m/s, otherwise, it is easy to produce flying rings and increase breakage, and it cannot be spun in serious cases.

2. Increasing the package capacity is limited

The size of the package capacity has a direct impact on the increase in productivity. If the package is large, the full pipe cycle is long, the downtime is short, the machine utilization rate is high, and the production efficiency is high. Therefore, it is necessary to package large packages after high speed. For ring spinning machines, to increase the package, it is necessary to increase the diameter of the ring or increase the length of the bobbin. However, increasing the diameter of the ring or increasing the length of the bobbin can cause problems such as:

First of all, because the twisting and winding of ring spinning are carried out at the same time, in the twisting process, the bobbin also rotates at high speed at the speed of the spindle, and the bobbin changes from the empty tube to the full yarn, and the load of the spindle changes from small to large. If the package is further increased, it is bound to increase the rotational load of the spindle. Therefore, the larger the package, the greater the load, the more unfavorable it is for the high speed of the spindle.

Secondly, it can be seen from equation (9-2) that if the diameter of the ring is increased, the speed of the traveler will be increased, the wear of the traveler will be accelerated, and the service life of the traveler will be shortened when the twist and the speed of the front roller line are unchanged.

Moreover, if the diameter of the ring is increased or the length of the bobbin is increased, in the process of doffing, when the large yarn, medium yarn and small yarn are winded, the shape of the air ring changes and the yarn tension fluctuates too much, resulting in a great increase in the breakage rate.

After a long and in-depth theoretical discussion, the key parts in ring spinning: ring, traveler and spindle must comply with the following two inherent laws when operating under normal conditions:


where: - height of the air ring;

– ring diameter;

, —a specific fixed constant.

From Eq. (9-3), it can be seen that the speed is restricted by the height of the air ring, that is, if the speed is increased, the height of the air ring should be shortened, that is, the height of the bobbin package should be shortened; The speed is also limited by the diameter of the ring, that is, if the speed is increased, the diameter of the ring should be appropriately reduced, that is, the diameter of the bobbin package should be reduced. It can be concluded that if the ring spinning speed is to be further improved, the size of the bobbin package must be reduced, so the yarn formation principle of ring spinning makes it contradict high speed and large package.

3. It is unreasonable for the bobbin to rotate at the same speed with the spindle

The task of the bobbin is mainly to wind the yarn. The winding speed of the bobbin of the ring spinning frame is the difference between the actual speed of the bobbin and the speed of the traveler, which is about 1%~3% of the rotation speed of the bobbin. Therefore, the bobbin rotates at high speed with the spindle, which not only increases the power consumption but also aggravates the vibration of the spindle, causing the instability of the air ring shape and increasing the wear of the twisting parts. Therefore, it is unreasonable for the bobbin to rotate at high speed with the spindle.

It can be seen from this that if you want to increase the package of ring spinning, you should reduce the spindle speed (the output will decrease), and if you want to increase the spindle speed, you should reduce the package (the capacity will be reduced), and you cannot have both. Therefore, the yarn formation principle of ring spinning twisting and winding at the same time makes it very difficult to greatly increase the spinning speed and increase the package capacity under the existing conditions.

2. Classification of new yarn forming methods

The new yarn formation methods mainly include new structure ring spinning and new spinning. In order to improve the quality of the yarn and increase the variety of yarn colors, only the feeding mechanism, drafting mechanism and spinning section of the traditional ring spinning machine have been innovated, which is a new development of traditional ring spinning. The new spinning no longer adopts the twisting and winding mechanism of the traditional ring spinning machine steel ring, traveler, spindle and bobbin, and separates the twisting and winding functions, and has the characteristics of high speed and high yield, large package and short process.

(1) New structure ring spinning

In order to improve the yarn quality of traditional ring spinning, the innovation and improvement based on traditional ring spinning technology was started at the beginning of this century, mainly including ring spinning agglomeration spinning and ring composite spinning.

Ring agglomeration spinning is based on the ring spinning frame through the method of agglomeration to effectively reduce the width of the twisting triangle, so that the yarn is more dense and smooth, and comprehensively improves the internal appearance quality of the spinning, which is a major innovation in ring spinning technology. According to the form of agglomeration, it can be divided into airflow agglomeration spinning, mechanical agglomeration spinning, and airflow + mechanical agglomeration spinning.

Ring spinning composite spinning is based on the ring spinning frame using various forms of composite spinning technology such as merging, twisting, and wrapping, so that the ring spinning yarn not only presents diversified raw materials and colors, but also diversified morphological structure, which further broadens the application field of ring spinning yarn. The development of new ring spinning yarns using composite spinning technology has become a bright spot in the progress of ring spinning technology. At present, there are mainly Sirospun, Sirofil, Solospun, embedded spinning, twist spinning, etc.

(2) New spinning

Since the twisting and winding of ring spinning are carried out at the same time, the efficiency and packaging are greatly improved and the packaging is restricted by factors such as the speed of the wire loop, the diameter of the steel ring, and the spinning tension. Therefore, in order to improve the spinning efficiency, from the 60s of the 20th century, a lot of new spinning yarns have gradually appeared, and the common feature of the new spinning yarn is to break through the twisting and winding mode of traditional ring spinning, and the twisting and winding are separated, and some have also achieved a big breakthrough in fiber drafting, cohesion, arrangement, etc., which also makes the new spinning yarn have the characteristics of high speed, large package and short spinning process. According to the principle of yarn formation, the new spinning can be divided into two categories: free end yarn and non-free end yarn.

The free end of the yarn is to make the continuous feeding whisker break in the spinning process, form the free end, and make the free end rotate together with the twister to achieve the purpose of making the yarn get a true twist. Free end spinning includes rotor spinning, coreless friction spinning, vortex spinning, electrostatic spinning, etc., among which rotor spinning is the most mature and widely used one.

The main difference between non-free end yarn formation and free end yarn formation is that in the spinning process, the whiskers are fed without breakage, and the two ends of the whiskers are held, and the fibers are held together with the help of wrapping, false twisting and other methods to make the yarn sliver gain strength. Non-free end yarn includes air-jet spinning, air-jet vortex spinning, core friction spinning, self-twisting spinning, parallel spinning, etc., among which air-jet vortex spinning is a new spinning method with the fastest spinning speed at present.

Section 2 Ring spindles are gathered into yarn

First, the purpose of the ring spindle agglomeration into yarn

In order for the yarn to achieve the required strength, a certain twist must be added to the conventional ring spinning to bind the fibers. The twisting of the yarn is generated by the rotation of the wire loop with the yarn on the steel ring, and according to the transmission law of the twisting, it will be transmitted upwards to the feeding point of the twisted yarn sliver, that is, the front roller jaw. However, due to the fact that the whisker strip has a certain width after drafting, and the output is affected by the friction of the roller and the downward pressure of the upper roller (rubber roller), the twisting can not completely enter the front jaw. Thus, at the front roller jaws, there is a triangular bundle of fibers with little or no twist, called a twisting triangle. The non-twisted or weakly twisted state of the yarn in the triangle increases the spinning breakage, resulting in the loss of part of the fiber, resulting in a large number of flying flowers.

The fiber in the twisting triangle area has centripetal pressure or radial pressure due to the spinning tension and twisting, and the law is that the fiber at the edge of the twisting triangle has the highest centripetal pressure, and the fiber in the center of the yarn shaft has the lowest centripetal pressure. Due to the different forces on the inner and outer fibers, the repeated transfer of fibers from the outside to the inside and then from the inside to the outside will occur in the twisting triangle, which will cause the fiber end to be exposed outside the main yarn core and form the problem of yarn hairiness. In addition, the transfer of fibers inside and outside the triangle makes most of the fibers in the ring yarn spiral, the degree of fiber parallel to the direction of the yarn axis is low, the strength of the whole yarn is much less than the sum of the strength of the single fiber, and the strength utilization coefficient of the fiber is low.

It can be seen that the existence of twisting triangle has a decisive impact on the spinning process and yarn quality, such as spinning breakage and yarn structure, strength and hairiness. The purpose of ring spindle agglomeration is to reduce or eliminate the twisting triangle by adding an agglomeration area, so as to achieve parallel and straight fibers and tight whiskers, so as to reduce yarn hairiness, improve yarn strength, and reduce flying and breakage.

Second, the principle of ring spindle agglomeration into yarn

(1) Agglomeration

As shown in Figure 9-3, due to the pressing effect of drafting and front roller, the output of the whiskers at the jaws is flat, and its width depends on the process parameters such as roving twist, drafting multiple, and the special number of spinned yarns. Due to the effect of spinning tension, the width of the whisker strip output by the traditional ring spinning from the front jaw, that is, the width of the twisting triangle area, is less than, and far greater than the diameter of the spun yarn, forming the twisting triangle area and the fiber at the edge of the whisker is in an expanded state, so that this part of the fiber can not be smoothly twisted into the main yarn core, causing many edge fibers in the whisker to fall off or messily attach to the twisted yarn body, forming flying flowers or hairiness.

Ring agglomeration is based on the drafting device of the traditional ring spinning machine, adding a fiber agglomeration area. The so-called agglomeration area is mainly through negative pressure air flow or mechanical external force, so that the whiskers output by the front jaws after drafting are concentrated, that is, the width of the flat ribbon whiskers is contracted, at this time, the width of the whiskers output from the output jaws is far less than, and about equal to the diameter of the spun yarn, that is, B2'≈. In addition, the external force of the agglomeration area can also make the fibers straighten and arrange closely with each other, which basically eliminates the twisting triangle and edge fibers.

Figure 9-4 is a comparison of the actual state of the strip in the twisting area of the traditional ring spindle yarn and the ring spindle agglomeration yarn. As can be seen from the figure, due to the increase in the agglomeration area, the fiber bundle is first gathered and then twisted, which basically eliminates the free fibers in the twisting triangle and the edge, and the result is an agglomeration spinning yarn with less hairiness, high strength and compact structure, and the workshop environment is also improved due to the greatly reduced flying flowers. In actual production, agglomeration spinning is also known as compact spinning, and its yarn is also known as compact spinning yarn.

Traditional ring spindle into yarn Ring spindles are gathered into yarn

Figure 9-3 Schematic diagram of the state of the traditional ring yarn and the ring spindle agglomeration yarn twisting area

Figure 9-4 The actual state of the twisting zone of traditional ring yarn and ring spindle agglomeration

(2) The agglomeration process of the agglomeration area

As shown in Figure 9-5, taking air flow accumulation as an example, a set of suction components is required, that is, after the whisker strip is output from the front roller, the fiber is supported and conveyed through a device with a mesh, the mesh device is built-in with a suction pipe with an inclined suction groove, the negative pressure airflow in the suction pipe makes the whisker stick close to the mesh device, and the width, length and inclination angle of the suction groove should be reasonably designed according to the agglomeration effect of the whisker in the agglomeration area, and at the same time, they affect the movement of the fiber on the mesh device. After the whisker is output from the front roller jaws, it is immediately captured by the suction air at the S 1 end of the inlet of the suction groove (hereinafter referred to as the chute), adsorbed on the surface of the mesh device, and moves forward with the mesh device. Due to the inclination of the chute to the output direction, the suction action also causes the whiskers to roll along the surface of the mesh device. Under the combined action of these two movements, the whiskers gather and move in the direction of the chute to the jaw line S 2 of the mesh device and the output roller. The whisker rolls along the surface of the mesh device to allow the fiber tip to be better rolled into the body of the whisker. For yarns with different raw materials and different thicknesses, suction pipes with different chute widths, lengths and inclination angles can be used to achieve the best movement conditions and agglomeration effect. The size of the mesh on the mesh device depends on the length and modulus of the spun fiber, if the length and modulus of the spun fiber are larger, in order to ensure better agglomeration, the mesh size needs to be increased, but the larger mesh can cause the fiber loss to increase, and the loss increases. Therefore, long fibers or fibers with a large modulus have higher requirements for suction components.

Figure 9-5 The agglomeration process of the whiskers in the agglomeration area

(3) Analysis of the movement of the whiskers in the agglomeration area

As shown in Figure 9-6, after the whisker is output from the front roller jaw, it is immediately captured by the suction of the chute in the mesh device, and then moves with the mesh device, which is the implication motion of the whisker in the agglomeration area; Because the movement direction of the chute and the mesh device has an inclination angle, under the action of suction suction, the whisker also rolls along the vertical and chute direction and closely follows the surface of the mesh device at the same time, which is the relative motion of the whisker. Under the combined action of implicated motion and relative motion, the whisker finally moves forward along the inclined direction of the chute, which is the absolute motion of the whisker. Therefore, the absolute motion velocity of the whiskers in the agglomeration area can be decomposed into the velocity of the whiskers involved with the mesh device and the relative motion velocity caused by the rolling of the whiskers on the mesh device. The direction is along the forward direction of the mesh device, and the direction is perpendicular to the direction of inclination of the chute, so that the direction is ultimately made to follow the direction of inclination of the chute.

Figure 9-6 Synthesis diagram of the velocity of the whisker movement in the agglomeration area

Under the condition of stable motion of the whiskers, the whiskers in the agglomeration area move forward, and at the same time, they also roll around their own axes due to the action of air absorption. In order to ensure that the fibers in the whiskers are straightened during the agglomeration process, it is necessary to make =, which is the linear speed of the front roller. The speed of the implicated movement is:


Obtained by=:


For the agglomeration draft ratio, then:


Substituting Eq. (9-5) into Eq. (9-6) yields:


(—the diameter of the output rubber roller of the mesh device, —the diameter of the front roller pressurized rubber roller), then:


According to the experience of agglomeration spinning, the range of agglomeration draft ratio is 1.01~1.03, so that the range of inclination angle of the built-in chute of the mesh device is 8.07°~13.86°. The test results show that at =1.017 and =10.5°, the spinning yarn is better than the traditional ring yarn in addition to the great improvement of hairiness and single yarn strength.

(4) The twisting process of the strip in the agglomeration area

Under the condition of stable movement, the whiskers of the agglomeration area are cylindrical. The tip of the fiber that comes out of the front roller jaw moves to the S end of the chute, where it is immediately captured by suction and quickly twisted into the body of the bar. Let the radius of the whisker in the agglomeration area be as the rolling speed of the whisker as and the additional twist generated by the rotation of the whisker around its own axis is, as shown in Figure 9-6, then:




According to the equation (9-9), (9-10) and (9-11), if the twist direction is Z twist, the additional twist can be obtained:


When the spun yarn is also Z twist, the spindle speed of the ring spinning frame is, and the twist added by the wire traveler is according to , and =, combined with formula (9-10), the twist added to the ring wire traveler can be obtained as:


The final twist of the agglomeration yarn should be the sum of the twist added to the ring ring and the additional twist of the agglomeration area, and from equations (9-12) and (9-13), the final twist of the agglomeration yarn with the twist direction of Z twist is:

=+ (9-14)

According to this analysis, the relationship between the final twist of the agglomeration yarn and the inclination direction of the chute of the suction duct is summarized:

(1) When the inclination direction of the chute is inclined according to the upper right corner, the direction of the additional twist of the whisker in the agglomeration area is Z twist.

When spinning Z twisted yarn, the final twist of the agglomeration yarn is =+;

When spinning S twisted yarn, the final twist of the agglomeration yarn is =-.

(2) When the inclination direction of the chute is inclined according to the upper left corner, the direction of the additional twist of the whisker in the agglomeration area is S twist.

When spinning S twisted yarn, the final twist of the aggregated yarn is =+;

When spinning Z-twisted yarn, the final twist of the agglomeration yarn is =-.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that in order to achieve the final twist of the agglomeration yarn = +, when spinning the Z twist agglomeration yarn, the tilt direction of the chute should be inclined according to the upper right corner; When spinning S-twist agglomeration yarn, the inclined direction of the chute should be inclined according to the upper left corner. Due to the existence of additional twist, the final twist of the agglomeration yarn is increased under the condition that other process conditions remain unchanged, thereby improving the strength of the agglomeration yarn; Under the condition of ensuring that the strength of the agglomeration yarn is the same as that of the traditional ring yarn, the twist corresponding to the traditional ring yarn in the agglomeration yarn can be reduced, which can increase the output of the spinning frame and increase the economic benefits.

3. Characteristics of agglomeration spinning yarn (compact spinning yarn).

(1) The appearance of the yarn is tight and smooth

Because the agglomeration spinning reduces or even eliminates the twisting triangle, the width of the whisker is close to the diameter of the spun yarn when the whisker is twisted, so the fibers are arranged in parallel in the whisker and are closely arranged with each other, and there are basically no edge fibers, the number of hairiness of the spun yarn is greatly reduced, and the appearance of the yarn is compact and smooth, as shown in Figure 9-7.

Figure 9-7 Changes in the appearance of agglomeration spinning yarns

(2) The fiber is mostly in the form of a cylindrical spiral in the yarn

Because the yarn has been gathered into an approximate cylindrical shape when the agglomeration spinning is twisted, the tension difference between the inner and outer fibers is very small, so the amplitude and frequency of the transfer of the inner and outer layers of the fiber are much smaller than those of the traditional ring spinning, and can be approximately regarded as the overall cylindrical spiral movement, so the fibers in the yarn are mainly cylindrical spirals, and the number of other forms of fibers is small.

(3) Improvement of yarn performance

Agglomeration spinning basically eliminates the twisting triangle area of traditional ring spinning, thus fundamentally eliminating the source of hairiness, so that the hairiness of tightly spun yarns, especially harmful hairiness (more than 3mm in length), is greatly reduced, which is about 80% less than that of traditional ring spinning; Because the structure and fiber distribution of the whiskers before twisting tend to be ideal, and the fibers that originally formed hairiness are twisted into the yarn body during twisting, the yarn strength can be increased by 5%~10%, the strength of the coefficient of variation is reduced, and the twist of the yarn can be reduced by about 20% under the same strength; The uniformity of strip drying has been improved by nearly 2%, and the impurities of nep have been reduced by 8%~10%; The friction and fatigue resistance of the yarn are improved.

Fourth, the way and application of ring spindle agglomeration into yarn

According to the different ways of fiber agglomeration, at present, domestic and foreign agglomeration spinning can be divided into three categories: one is airflow agglomeration, that is, the use of negative pressure airflow suction to make the fibers in the agglomeration area horizontally concentrate and contract, and agglomeration, mainly including suction drum + mesh roller agglomeration, special-shaped suction pipe + grid circle friction transmission agglomeration, special-shaped suction pipe + grid circle roller transmission agglomeration, suction nozzle + porous rubber ring agglomeration, etc., as well as full poly spinning, poly fiber spinning; The second is mechanical agglomeration, which uses the forced external force generated by mechanical means to make the fibers in the agglomeration area horizontally concentrate and agglomerate, such as concentrators, toothed rubber rollers, double-toothed rubber rings, etc.; The third is airflow + mechanical agglomeration, which uses the combination of negative pressure airflow suction and mechanical force to make fiber agglomeration, such as toothed airflow groove rubber roller agglomeration.

Among them, airflow agglomeration is widely used and the technology is mature. The following mainly introduces several mainstream application methods of airflow agglomeration.

(1) Suction drum + mesh roller agglomeration

1. Agglomeration process

As shown in Figure 9-8, the solid core front roller is changed to a tubular mesh roller 1, and its diameter is much larger than that of the original front roller. Two rubber rollers ride across the mesh roller, the first rubber roller is the newly added output rubber roller 2, and the mesh roller forms an output jaw, that is, the gripping jaw when twisting; The second rubber roller, that is, the original front upper rubber roller 3, forms the front jaw of the drafting area with the mesh roller. The mesh roller has a built-in suction drum with a suction groove, which gradually shrinks and has a certain inclination shape, which is close to the inner surface of the mesh roller. The inclined suction groove insert is connected to the negative pressure suction system. Between the two jaws is the accumulation area of the fibrous whiskers on the surface of the mesh roller above the inclined suction groove. The fibrous whiskers are output from the front jaws, that is, they are gradually contracted by the air flow of the inclined suction groove until the output jaws, and the whiskers are gathered into an approximate cylindrical shape by the flat ribbon contraction. At this moment, the cylindrical whisker strip output from the output roller has basically no triangle when it is twisted, in addition, the position of the output whisker is above the twist transmission area, the enclosing arc and the non-twist area on the mesh roller are reduced, and the twisting back can directly reach the output jaw, and the twisting triangle area is reduced and eliminated. Above the agglomeration area, an airflow guide cover is also added to ensure that the fiber bundles complete the agglomeration in a parallel state, which improves the agglomeration effect.

1-Mesh roller 2-Output rubber roller 3-Front upper roller 4- One pair of middle rollers 5-One pair of rear rollers 6-Whiskers

Figure 9-8 Suction drum + mesh roller agglomeration

2. Features

The agglomeration structure has changed the structural state of the original traditional drafting mechanism, and the processing accuracy requirements are high, the manufacturing difficulty is large, the cost is high, and it is difficult to modify on the old machine; Due to the use of large-diameter mesh rollers, the length of the floating fiber area in the main drafting area changes, which has a certain impact on the effective control of the floating fiber. The output rubber roller and the front rubber roller are driven by mesh roller friction at the same time, and between the two jaws is in the agglomeration area, and the whisker has no tension drafting in the agglomeration process; The shortest length of the spinnable fiber is limited by the perforation diameter of the mesh roller, and the single fiber must have an appropriate modulus to prevent the fiber from being sucked away by suction through the mesh during the agglomeration process; The agglomeration action reaches the output roller jaw line, and the twisting triangle can be reduced to a minimum.

(2) Special-shaped suction pipe + grid ring friction transmission agglomeration

1. Agglomeration process

The negative pressure suction pipe 1 that resembles a pear-shaped or banana-shaped cross-section is installed at the front roller 3 jaws of the drafting mechanism, as shown in Figure 9-9, a certain inclination angle shaped suction groove is opened on the special-shaped pipe, the notch is aligned with the whisker of output, the width of the notch is gradually reduced, and the suction groove from wide to narrow is formed, and the inclination angle of the suction groove makes the whisker produce tumbling while accumulating, and this twist-like movement promotes the agglomeration of fibers, and the twisting triangle area is better eliminated, and the concentrated shrinkage effect of the fiber whiskers is achieved. The mesh ring is made of chemical fiber filament fabric with certain specifications, similar to the filter structure, and the mesh density can be appropriately selected according to the spinned fiber and the number of yarn specials. The grid circle is driven by the output rubber roller 2 that rides across the special-shaped tube, and a bridge gear 7 is arranged between the output rubber roller and the rubber roller before the drafting mechanism, and the transmission is meshed with each other, and the diameter of the output rubber roller can be slightly larger than the rubber roller before the drafting mechanism, so that the whisker strip produces a certain tension draft in the agglomeration process.

1-Negative pressure special-shaped tube, 2-Output rubber roller, 3-A pair of front rollers, 4-A pair of middle rollers, 5-A pair of rear rollers, 6-Whiskers, 7-Bridge gears

Figure 9-9 Special-shaped suction pipe + grid ring friction transmission agglomeration

2. Features

On the ring spinning frame produced by multi-spindles, there are certain differences between spindles in the diameter of the rubber roller and the pressure of the roller, which will cause the movement speed of the grid circle of each spindle to be unstable and uneven; The material and manufacturing requirements of the mesh ring are high, and the friction performance of the surface and the inside and the outside should be able to meet the requirements of long-term operation, without deformation and stability; The inclined groove on the special-shaped tube can ensure that the whiskers in the agglomeration area rotate around its own axis, so that the fiber tip is completely embedded in the whiskers. The tensile drafting of the mustache strip in the aggregation area can improve the straightness of the fiber; Due to the small mesh on the mesh circle, the fibers are not easily carried away by suction and wind, so there is no restriction on the length, modulus, etc. of the fibers that can be processed; Since the agglomeration effect reaches the output roller jaw line, the twisting triangle can be reduced to a minimum.

(3) Special-shaped suction pipe + grid circle roller transmission agglomeration

1. Agglomeration process

As shown in Figure 9-10, its structural characteristics are that the special-shaped pipe 1 resembles an inverted triangle, and the top surface is provided with an inclined curve suction groove. The grid ring 2 is not only sleeved on the special-shaped suction pipe, but also on the newly added output roller, and is tensioned by a steel strut. The newly added output roller is driven by the front roller of the drafting mechanism through a cross-axle gear, which is an actively driven grid ring system. Its agglomeration process is the same as that of special-shaped suction pipe + grid ring friction transmission type.

1-Negative pressure special-shaped tube, 2-Grid ring, 3-Output rubber roller, 4-A pair of front rollers

5 - a pair of middle rollers 6 - a pair of rear rollers 7 - whiskers

Figure 9-10 Special-shaped suction pipe + grid circle roller transmission agglomeration

2. Features

The mesh ring rotates synchronously with the output roller and the output rubber roller under the clamping, and there is no relative slippage, so that the grid ring runs smoothly and conveys the fiber whiskers more stably; Due to the output roller transmission, there is a slight distance between the suction groove of the special-shaped tube and the output jaw, so that the air flow accumulation effect cannot be extended to the output jaw. Other characteristics are the same as those of special-shaped suction pipe + grid ring friction transmission agglomeration.

(4) Suction nozzle + porous rubber ring agglomeration

1. Agglomeration process

As shown in Figure 9-11, the porous rubber ring 1 is set on the output rubber roller 2, and the inner surface of the porous rubber ring is provided with a fixed suction nozzle, when the negative pressure suction system makes the suction nozzle produce negative pressure air flow through the porous rubber ring, the porous rubber ring will automatically form an inverted groove, and collect the whiskers output from the roller before drafting together with the negative pressure air flow. A triangular pallet pin is arranged at the lower part of the porous rubber ring, which supports the porous rubber ring and the fiber bundle, and clamps the fiber bundle together with the porous rubber ring, so as to gather the fibers more effectively under the action of guiding airflow. The porous rubber ring moves forward with the whisker and shrinks the fibers so that the whisker forms a tight structure and reaches the output jaw, where it is twisted.

1-Porous rubber ring 2-Output rubber roller 3-Output roller 4-Pair of front rollers 5-Pair of middle rollers 6-Pair of rear rollers 7-Whiskers

Figure 9-11 Accumulation of air suction nozzle + porous rubber ring

2. Features

The movement of the porous rubber ring is driven by the output roller, and there is a certain tension draft with the front roller; After the porous rubber ring outputs the fiber bundle, the automatic cleaning device cleans the porous rubber ring to make the hole not easy to block; Because the vent hole of the porous rubber ring is not continuous, there is a slight distance between the porous rubber ring and the output jaw, and the agglomeration effect has not completely continued to the output roller jaws, and the accumulated whiskers have produced a certain resilience diffusion, so that the basic hairiness of less than 2mm length that does not affect the basic properties of staple fiber yarn is retained; The length and modulus of the processed fibers are limited by the perforated diameter of the porous rubber ring.

Although the agglomeration mode and structure adopted by the above-mentioned various agglomeration spinning are different, they are all on the basis of the original traditional ring spinning, and an agglomeration area is added after drafting, and the twisting triangle area is reduced or eliminated by shrinking the whiskers, and this unique spinning mechanism makes the agglomeration spinning show certain advantages in yarn quality, post-processing, product style, economic benefits, etc. In addition, in addition to the suction drum + mesh roller agglomeration, other airflow aggregation methods are relatively easy to install and reduce on the traditional spinning frame.

Section 3 Ring spindles are compounded into yarn

First, the purpose of ring spindle composite yarn

The purpose of ring spinning composite yarn is to use various forms of composite spinning technology on the ring spinning frame to composite different types or different structures of fibers into a kind of yarn, combine the excellent properties of different fibers together, learn from each other's strengths, improve the quality of yarn, optimize the yarn structure, and expand the application range of yarn. As a kind of composite yarn, the history of blended yarn can be traced back to the 40s of the last century, when viscose fiber was only used as a substitute for cotton, and it was not for the purpose of improving the performance of the yarn. The blending or compounding of fibers with different properties to learn from each other's strengths began in the late 50s of the last century in cotton, wool and polyester blending, which concentrated the advantages of cotton, wool bulking, moisture absorption, warmth and polyester's high strength, wear resistance, crispness, and iron-free. At present, the purpose of ring composite spinning is more reflected in improving the quality of yarn, such as reducing yarn hairiness, improving yarn strength, enriching yarn structure and expanding the spinning performance of ring spinning. This chapter mainly introduces the methods and principles of other ring spindle composite yarn formation in addition to blending.

Ring spindle composite yarn mainly includes siro spinning, siro fil spinning, solo spinning, embedded spinning, twist spinning, etc., all of which use two or more components or structures to composite into a yarn process, but these methods have certain differences, mainly reflected in the composite mechanism, composite components, feeding methods, process parameters differences, etc., and they have different focuses on improving yarn quality, such as siro spinning and solo spinning to reduce yarn hairiness and improve yarn strength as the main purpose; The main purpose of Serofil spinning is to improve the style and function of the fabric; The main purpose of embedded spinning is to expand the application range of raw materials and reduce the density of yarn threads; The main purpose of twist spinning is to release the residual torque of the yarn and achieve the low twist and high strength of the yarn.

Second, the principle of ring spindle composite yarn

(1) Compound effect

Ring spinning composite yarn is made of two or more different components or structures of roving and roving, roving and filament, roving and staple fiber yarn and other output rollers before and after twisting and compounding together to form a composite yarn with novel structure and excellent performance through technological improvement and innovation on the ring spinning frame. Taking the whisker feeding of the two components as an example, as shown in Figure 9-12, the whiskers 1 and 2 are respectively, if the staple fiber whiskers are fed from the back roller, and the whiskers are drafted by the drafting device and output; In the case of filament or yarn, it is fed directly from the front roller, without a drafting device. Whisker strip 1 and 2 are output after being drafted by the front roller 3, form a triangle area, and converge to a point 4, after passing the broken end self-stopping device 5, the yarn is twisted by the rotation of spindle 6 and steel traveler 7, and the twist is transmitted from bottom to top until the front jaw holding place, so that there is twist on the single yarn on the upper side of the convergence point, and the twist direction is consistent with the composite yarn, because the two single yarns rotate in the same direction at the convergence point, the fiber end in the single yarn may be wound to another adjacent single yarn, and then enter the composite yarn, so that the composite yarn structure is compactThe surface fibers are arranged neatly, the appearance is smooth and clean, the surface hairiness is greatly reduced, and the strip is evenly dry. This is especially true for diffused fibers that are at the edge of the whiskers and have a long length. It can be seen that this method is unique in the elimination of hairiness.

1-Whisker 2-Whisker 3-Front roller 4-Convergence point 5-Broken self-stop device 6-Spike 7-Wire traveler

Figure 9-12 Ring spindles are compounded into yarn

(2) Twisting process

1. The twist of single yarn and composite yarn

Figure 9-13 Twisting process of composite spinning

Figure 9-13 shows the twisting process of the ring spindle composite yarn, A is the front jaw line, that is, the feeding point of the twisted section of the yarn, B 0 is the convergence point of the two single yarns, B is the twisting point (yarn guide hook), and C is the twisting point (wire traveler). The AB 0 sliver is a single yarn, and the B 0 D section is a composite yarn.

Taking two yarn strips as an example, when twisting, the twisting back is transmitted from the twisting point C to the feeding point A, and the yarn is twisted by the influence of friction resistance when passing through the guide hook, so that the twist of the BB 0 section of the yarn is less than that of the BC section of the yarn sliver; Then, the twisting back continues to pass to the feeding point, and the twisting is disposed of at the convergence point B 0 , that is, the direction of twisting back on a single yarn is the same as that of the composite yarn, but the quantity is less than that of the composite yarn, so the convergence point is also called the twisting point, and the twist distribution coefficient is introduced to describe the twisting phenomenon in the process of yarn sliver transfer, <1. Affected by the difference in the characteristics of a single yarn and the different spinning processes, the twist transmitted on each yarn is different, and the twist distribution coefficient of the two yarns is set and respectively. The process of calculating the twist is as follows:


Where: T 1 - yarn twist from the twisting point to the twisting point;

T 2 — twist from the twist point to the twisting point of the yarn;

- Twist transfer efficiency.

Therefore, the twist on the two single yarns is:


Where: T 0 ˊ — the twist of the first yarn;

– Twist distribution coefficient of the first sliver.



Where: T 0 — the twist of the second yarn;

– the twist distribution coefficient of the second sliver.

According to the stable twist theorem and the concepts of twisting and indentation and intrusion, the twist of each section from convergence point B 0 to winding point D can be obtained, and the analysis process is consistent with the analysis of the twisting process of ring spinning yarn in Chapter 7, Section 4, and the twist of the composite yarn wound to the bobbin tube can be obtained:

T=NtV (9-18)

Where: T - composite yarn twist;

N—wire ring speed;

V—yarn output speed.

Since, <1, <1, and Eq. (9-16), (9-17) and (9-18), we can see that T 0 " < T, and T 0

2. Factors influencing twist distribution

As can be seen from equations (9-16) and (9-17), the larger the twist distribution coefficient, the greater the twist on a single yarn sliver, and the size of the twist distribution coefficient depends on the following factors:

(1) Characteristics of a single yarn sliver The longer the fiber, the smaller the modulus, the smoother the surface, and the greater the twist distribution coefficient. The finer the single yarn strip, the greater the twist distribution coefficient; The greater the difference in the traits of the two yarn slivers, the greater the difference in the twist distribution coefficient of the two yarn slivers. For example, when a single yarn is roving and the other single yarn is filament, due to the great difference in the fineness, modulus and surface friction properties of the two single yarns, the twist of the two single yarns is quite different when twisting, and the wear resistance of the spun composite yarn is poor, and it is easy to "peel" the various friction effects in the subsequent processing.

(2) Feeding tension The greater the feeding tension, the greater the twist distribution coefficient; The greater the difference in the feeding tension between the two yarn strips, the greater the difference in the twist distribution coefficient. In some processes and product development, it is possible to adjust the tension of two fed yarns (or filaments) to produce core-spun, wavy, looped yarns, etc. with different structures.

(3) there is a certain spacing between the two whiskers, due to the twisting back transmission, there is a certain twist on each single yarn, with the increase of the whisker spacing, the resistance of twisting back in the transmission of twisting increases, which will reduce the twist distribution coefficient and reduce the twist on a single yarn.

(4) twisting triangle height when twisting, the twisting back obtained at the beginning is kept on the yarn, the twisting back can not be transmitted to a single yarn, with the twist degree on the composite yarn on the lower side of the convergence point gradually increases, the twisting triangle height decreases, when the twisting triangle height can no longer be reduced under the action of twisting torque, the convergence point can no longer rise, the twisting triangle moment reaches balance, the height of this twisting triangle is called the twisting limit height, the twist distribution coefficient of a single yarn strip is the largest at this time, and the twist of a single yarn strip also reaches the maximum value.

(5) Spinning tension The greater the spinning tension, the greater the twist distribution coefficient on a single yarn sliver, and the greater the twist transmitted on a single yarn sliver. The spinning tension is determined by the speed of the spindle, the shape of the air circle, etc., and the normal winding of the yarn must be ensured.

3. Twist the single yarn broken end in the triangle area

Composite yarn is two or more single yarns mixed and twisted into a composite yarn, therefore, spinning yarn with the same thread density, the thread density of each single yarn in the twisting triangle area of composite spinning is smaller than that of traditional ring spinning. From the analysis of the twisting process of composite yarn, it can be seen that the twist of the two single yarns is smaller than that of the composite yarn due to the influence of twisting and twisting. The result is that the density of the single yarn of composite spinning is low and the twist is small, which is inconsistent with the selection basis of the twist coefficient (twist) of the spinning yarn, resulting in breakage; In addition, when one of the single yarns is broken, and the other is not broken, it will produce the phenomenon of "running single yarn", if it cannot be found in time, it will make the output composite yarn produce long details, affecting the product quality. In view of the problem of single yarn breakage in the triangle area of composite spinning and twisting, special measures need to be taken on spinning equipment to avoid it, such as broken end interrupter, broken end automatic stop device, etc.

3. Characteristics of composite yarns

(1) Large radial twist

A very small amount of discolored fibers is placed in a single yarn strip to observe the arrangement and shape of the fibers. It can be seen that the twist direction on the single yarn is the same as that of the composite yarn. The twist width of the axial position of the traditional ring yarn is zero, and the twist width gradually increases along the radial direction from the inside to the outside, while the composite yarn is a plurality of yarn strips with twisting together, so that the axial position also has a twist width, and the twist width along the radial direction is higher than the twist width of the traditional ring yarn in the corresponding position, so the fibers are arranged tightly in the composite yarn, and the friction between the fibers is larger.

(2) The cross-sectional structure is diverse

Because two or more yarn strips are twisted together after being output from the front roller, a structure similar to strands or cables is formed, and different yarn structures can be achieved by controlling the feeding tension of a single yarn sliver, as shown in Figure 9-14, when the feeding tension of the two yarn strips is basically the same, a mixed twist structure is formed; When the spinning tension of one sliver is greater than the spinning tension of other slivers, a core-spun yarn structure is formed.

Figure 9-14 Cross-sectional structure of composite yarn

(3) Improvement of yarn performance

When a plurality of twisted whiskers are twisted together, the hairiness on a single yarn has the opportunity to be captured by the composite yarn when twisting, so that the hairiness of the yarn is greatly reduced, and the strength and wear resistance of the yarn are improved due to the tight arrangement of fibers in the composite yarn.

(4) The spacing of the strips affects the performance of the yarn

With the increase of the whisker spacing, the fiber end in the single yarn may be wound to another adjacent single yarn, and the hairiness of the yarn decreases, and when the whisker spacing increases to a certain extent, the fiber tip may be extracted from the yarn at the twisting point, so with the increase of the whisker spacing, the hairiness of the yarn decreases, and the hairiness reduction trend is no longer obvious after the whisker spacing reaches a certain value. The yarn strength, elongation and other properties increase first and then decrease with the increase of the whisker spacing, which is due to the fact that in addition to the non-twist triangle area similar to the roller jaws before the traditional ring spinning, the single yarn twist above the convergence point is smaller, which belongs to the weak twist area, because the dynamic strength of the weakly twisted yarn above the convergence point is relatively low, after the spacing of the whiskers increases, the single yarn is elongated, and the resistance of the twist back in the transmission of the twist increases, which will reduce the twist distribution coefficient and the twist on the single yarn sliver. The breaking strength and elongation at break of composite yarn are reduced. With the increase of the spacing between the slats, the longer the length of the weakly twisted yarn strip from the front jaw to the convergence point, the weaker the connection force between the fibers in a single yarn sliver, and the influence of spinning tension, when the yarn strip with less twist is elongated, the more easy it is to slip between the fibers, so the breakage rate and the incidence of uneven strip drying will increase. Therefore, there is an optimal value in theory, which can be determined in combination with the test data, generally, for wool yarn, the optimal spacing is 12~14mm, and for cotton yarn, the optimal spacing is about 8mm.

Fourth, the way and application of ring spindle composite yarn

(1) Siro spinning

1. The twisting process of siro spinning

In the production of siro composite yarn on a ring spinning frame, as shown in Figure 9-15, two rovings of different or the same raw material are fed into the spinning drafting area in parallel, and there is a certain distance between the two rovings, and they are drafted in a parallel state, and two bundles of whiskers are output at the jaws of the front roller. In the process of twisting and twisting, through the convergence point, it is also the twisting point, so that the twist on the single yarn is smaller than the twist of the Siro composite yarn, and the twist direction is the same as that of the Siro composite yarn. From the front roller output of each yarn on any point will rotate and move forward along the sliver axis to the convergence point, the ends of many fibers are captured by adjacent yarns, and finally enter the siro composite yarn, so that the siro composite yarn has less hairiness, higher strength, and the combined twisting increases the merging effect and improves the yarn dryness.

In fact, the above process is similar to the process of combining the yarns and then twisting, and the composite yarn also has the style and advantages of the strands. Therefore, to some extent, siro spinning can be seen as a new technology for spinning strands directly on a spinning frame, which combines spinning, winding, bunging and twisting into one process, shortening the technological process.

Figure 9-15 Schematic diagram of the twisting process of siro spinning

2. The structure and performance of siro yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

Siro composite yarn is made of two low-twist whisker strips, and its structure is different from that of single yarn and strands. Siro composite yarn consists of two fiber bundles twisted together in a spiral shape, which is relatively distinct from each other and does not mix with each other. When the yarn is untwisted, and when the twist is about to be exhausted, it can be clearly seen that there are two undivided fiber bundles in the yarn body, which is different from both single yarn and strands.

The cross-section of the siro composite yarn is approximately circular, with an obvious external tight and loose structure, and the two single yarns are staggered and entangled into one, and a small amount of fiber is transferred in the composite yarn, and the twist direction of the single yarn and the composite yarn is the same, and the angle between the surface fiber and the axial direction of the yarn is the largest. The cross-section of the strand is oval, the structure of the composite yarn is tight, the interface of the two single yarns of the strand is distinct, there is no staggered wrapping phenomenon, can not be accommodated as a whole, basically no fiber transfer phenomenon occurs, and the twist direction of the single yarn and the strand is generally opposite.

(2) The performance of the yarn

Due to the unique yarn forming process and structural characteristics, compared with ring spinning yarns with the same composition, the same fiber raw materials and the same yarn density, Siro composite yarn has the characteristics of high yarn strength, good strip drying, elongation and less hairiness; Compared with ring-spun strands with the same composition, the same fiber raw material and the same yarn density, Siro composite yarn has the characteristics of elongation and less hairiness.

(1) High strength Because the siro composite yarn is a single yarn itself twisting and composite yarn twisting at the same time, the force is balanced when the fiber is transferred inside and outside, the fibers are in close contact with each other, and the core of the siro composite yarn also has a certain twist width, and when subjected to external force, the fiber strength utilization rate is large, so the strength of the siro composite yarn is higher.

(2) The merging effect of the strands when the strands are combined reduces the uneven thickness of the single yarn, so the strips are better dry. The siro composite yarn is the yarn produced under the same roller of the spinning frame, and the coarseness and details produced by its mechanical reasons occur in the same part of the two single yarn slivers, so the stem of the composite yarn is worse than the strands. With the help of the combination of two rovings, the uneven drying of the roving strips on the uneven drying of the Siro composite yarn is weakened, and the Siro composite yarn has a unique structure of internal looseness and external tightness, and the stress tends to be balanced, so the strip stem is better than that of the traditional ring yarn.

(3) Stretch Cello composite yarn has the structure of internal looseness and external tightness and is formed into a thread at one time on the spinning frame, which uses less processes such as merging and twisting than ordinary ring spinning strands, and reduces the mechanical effect on the fiber, so the elongation at break of the siro composite yarn is larger than that of the strands. However, because the spinning process of traditional ring spinning is different from that of siro spinning, there is no inner loose and outer tight structure of siro composite yarn, and its stress is in an unbalanced state, so the elongation at break is not as good as that of siro composite yarn.

(4) less hairiness The hairiness of the siro composite yarn is less than that of the strands and single yarn, because the single yarn strip in the siro spinning has a weak twist, so any point on each yarn will rotate and move forward along the yarn axis to the convergence point, and many fiber ends are captured by the adjacent yarn when the two single yarns are mixed, and finally enter the siro composite yarn, so the siro composite yarn has less hairiness.

(2) Serofel spinning

1. The twisting process of Serofil spinning

Cellofel spinning is developed from Cellofel spinning, which is to replace a roving of Cellopil with filament, and Cellofel can be spun through the modification of the traditional ring spinning machine, the usual practice is to install a filament feeding device on the traditional ring spinning frame, the filament is unwound from the filament package and led out through the tension disc, fed by the front roller and the rear side of the short fiber whisker, and the short fiber whisker is kept at a certain distance, and after the front jaw output, it converges in the twisting triangle area, and the single yarn and filament above the convergence point have a certain weak twist, The hairiness on the single yarn at the convergence point has the opportunity to be captured by the filament, which reduces the hairiness of the Serofel composite yarn, which makes the Serofel composite yarn strong and dry well due to the effect of the filament. As shown in Figure 9-16.

Figure 9-16 Schematic diagram of the spinning and twisting process of Serofel

2. Structure and properties of Serofel spinning yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

The single yarn and filament on the surface of the Serofil yarn are basically entangled in a spiral form around the axis in the form of strands, and both the single yarn and the filament surface are twisted in the same direction, which controls the different spinning tension ratios of the single yarn and the filament, and the geometric position and spiral trajectory of the filament in the composite yarn will be different, as shown in Figure 9-17. Therefore, it is possible to develop Serofel yarns with different structures by adjusting the spinning tension ratio of the single yarn and the filament. When the surface of the Serofel yarn is wrapped with filament, there are few hairy feathers and the surface is smooth, as shown in Figure 9-17(a); When the filament is fed in the middle of the single yarn whisker and the tension is large, the core spun yarn can be produced, as shown in Figure 9-17(c). From the cross-sectional slice of the yarn, its cross-section is approximately circular, and has an obvious tight structure on the outside and loose on the inside.

Figure 9-17 Structural characteristics of Serofel yarn

(2) The performance of the yarn

As a filament is coated with a filament over the staple fibres, the hairiness on the surface of the Serofel yarn is reduced. The strip dryness and yarn defects of the yarn are also significantly improved compared with the single yarn. In addition, due to the strengthening effect of filament, the strength and elongation of the yarn are greatly improved.

Increasing the filament tension and the spacing between the filament and roving is conducive to increasing the friction and holding force between the fibers and reducing the loose fibers, so that the yarn strength is improved and the elongation is increased, and at the same time, the transmission of twisting back is more uniform, which is conducive to reducing the uneven twisting and improving the wear resistance of the yarn.

This is because when the spacing between filament and roving is too large, the distance between the single yarn to the convergence point increases, so that the length of the weak twist section of the single yarn increases, the fiber loss at the jaws increases, and the single yarn is prone to accidental elongation, and the increase of filament tension also increases the chance of a part of the fiber being extruded out of the yarn body, which ultimately leads to the deterioration of the strip and the increase of thickness and details.

(3) Solo spinning

1. The twisting process of Solo spinning

Solospun is also known as cable spinning, as shown in Figure 9-18 (a), the key to Solospun spinning is to install a Solo roll in front of the front jaw of the traditional spinning frame, also known as the dividing roller, the Solo spun roller is installed on the drafting cradle of the ring spinning frame through the clamp, and forms a gripping jaw with the lower roller, there is a special groove surface on the Solo spinning roller, which can divide the whisker output of the jaw before the spinning frame, generally 3~5 strands, as shown in Figure 9-18 (b), The split fiber bundle enters the groove of the splitting roller under the action of spinning tension, and then under the action of spinning twisting, it can rotate around its own axis, forming a certain twist and forming a small twisting triangle. These fiber bundles with a certain twist are output downward with the yarn winding, and when the fiber bundles are separated from the splitting roller, they merge at the convergence point, because the fibers on a single whisker have the opportunity to be captured by other whiskers and twisted into the yarn body, so the hairiness of the yarn is reduced and the strength is increased. Because a plurality of twisted yarn strips are combined and then twisted to form composite yarn, similar to the structure of a cable, so Solo spinning is also called cable spinning.

Soro Spinning transforms the yarn structure with a simple add-on device mounted on the ring spinning frame, and the abrasion resistance of the yarn is comparable to that of the double strand, and the warp or weft yarn can be spun directly for weaving, reducing the processing cost, and is suitable for long fiber spinning such as wool spinning.

Figure 9-18 Schematic diagram of the spinning and twisting process of Solo

2. The structure and performance of Solo spinning yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

By untwisting and analyzing the twist distribution of traditional single yarn and Soro spun yarn spun under the same conditions, it can be found that the fiber distribution in the traditional ring spinning single yarn is relatively uniform, while there are several intertwined fiber bundles in the Solow spinning yarn, and there is a true twist on each fiber bundle, and the twist direction is the same as that of the yarn, so that the holding force and friction between the fibers in the single yarn are increased, and the structure is more compact.

(2) The performance of the yarn

After being divided, each strand of single yarn has a certain weak twist before convergence, and arrives at the convergence point at different angles and rates and is twisted together, the weak twist of the single yarn above the convergence point and the imbalance of the force make it easy to produce accidental drafting, resulting in more details, so that the uniformity of the strip stem of the Solo yarn is slightly inferior to the traditional spinning ring spindle yarn, but the coarse knots and wool grains (neps) are basically close.

Due to the tighter structure of Solo spinning yarn, the breaking strength and elongation of Solow spinning yarn are higher than those of traditional ring yarn. For yarns with the same thread density and the same twist coefficient, the wear resistance of Solo spinning yarn is significantly higher than that of traditional ring yarn.

Due to the compound effect in the spinning process, the number of hairiness of Solo spinning yarn is significantly less than that of traditional spinning ring spindle yarn, in which the reduction of long hairiness is larger, and the reduction of short hairiness is smaller.

(4) Embedded composite spinning

1. Twisting process of embedded composite spinning

In traditional ring spinning, it is difficult to form yarn when the fiber length is short and the number of cross-sectional fibers is too small due to the large spinning tension of the yarn sliver. Embedded composite spinning is the integration and innovation of siro spinning technology and siro filail spinning technology, adding two filaments that can withstand greater spinning tension to the two rovings, effectively enhancing the staple fiber sliver, reducing the spinning breakage and improving the adaptability. The significant reduction of the requirements for the length and number of fibers for spinning in embedded composite spinning provides a large space for reducing the cost of raw materials and developing ultra-low linear density yarns.

As shown in Figure 9-19, the twisting process of embedded composite spinning is schematic, along the direction of the front roller jaw line A 1 -A 2 of the ring spinning machine, two filaments F 1 and F 2 are symmetrically in the outermost part to form a strong triangular platform, and the two symmetrical staple fiber yarn slats S 1 and S 2 are fed from the inside of the large triangle, respectively with the filaments F 1 2 Converging at points C 1 and C 2 . In the process of spinning, the two filaments have a certain twist due to the transfer of twisting, and once the two short fiber yarn strips come into contact with the filament, there will be a twisting and twisting effect, and the contact part and the filament are twisted into one to form a strengthened yarn whisker C 1 -C, and the other side forms C 2 -C, C 1 -C and C 2 in the same way -C converges at the convergence point C and then twists and twists to form a composite yarn. It can be seen from this that the filament is first wrapped and strengthened with the staple fiber yarn, and then mixed and twisted with another wrapped and strengthened yarn sliver, so the staple fiber is effectively embedded in the yarn forming body during the yarn forming process. The filaments are distributed in the outermost part of the yarn, effectively cutting off the falling fibers produced by weakly twisting the loose staple fiber yarn strip closest to the front roller jaw, so that it can be re-twisted into the corresponding filament reinforced fiber yarn sliver; Even if the staple fibre sliver breaks, the externally reinforced filament with twist is positioned in front of the staple fibre movement and captures and re-attaches the sliver to continue spinning. Therefore, in the embedded composite spinning process, the minimum ultimate spinning strength of the composite yarn depends on the strength of the filament, and the general filament strength is much higher than the spinning tension, thus avoiding breakage.

In this spinning system, the peripheral filament provides a strong triangular platform in which the staple fiber sliver can be well embedded and efficiently spinned, so the technology is called the embedded composite spinning system, which optimizes and configures the position of the filament and staple fiber by using the positioning technology of the filament and staple fiber roving system, so as to achieve the effective embedding of the staple fiber and the capture of the filament to the staple fiber.

Figure 9-19 Schematic diagram of the twisting process of embedded composite spinning

2. Structure and performance of embedded composite spinning yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

The structure of the embedded composite yarn is generally similar to that of the cellophil yarn, but there are two or more components of filament and staple fiber in the cross-section of the composite yarn, which is similar to the composite structure of the cellofel yarn. Therefore, from a structural point of view, the embedded composite spinning yarn is actually a hybrid yarn of siro and sirophil spinning, which is also in line with the analysis of its twisting process.

(2) The performance of the yarn

In the process of embedded composite spinning, because one filament first wraps and strengthens the staple fiber yarn, and then wraps it with another wrapping and strengthened yarn, the staple fiber is effectively embedded in the yarn main body in the yarn forming process, so the tightly structured embedded composite spinning method effectively improves the strong elongation performance of the yarn. At the same time, filament and staple fiber can be effectively embedded in each other to form a stable and firm whole, effectively eliminating the accidental drawing of staple fiber yarn sliver, and forming yarn slivers to dry well. In the process of embedded composite spinning, the filament tightly wraps and traps the staple fiber, which reduces the uneven strength of the staple fiber and reduces the phenomenon of exposed the tip of the staple fiber, so that the surface of the yarn is smooth and clean, and the hairiness of the yarn is reduced.

While improving the quality of yarn, embedded composite spinning avoids the loss and loss caused by the loss and scattering of staple fibers, improves the utilization rate of staple fibers, and reduces the fiber length and number of fibers required for spinning due to the capture and winding effect of staple fibers in the yarn forming process. When the filament or staple fiber whisker is spun with water-soluble vinylon for companion spinning, it can spin ultra-high-count staple fiber yarn, and the fabric is ultra-light and thin after the dimensionality is removed.

(5) Twist the spinning

1. Twist the twisting process of spinning

The schematic diagram of the twisting and twisting process is shown in Figure 9-20, the technology adopts double roving feeding, and the front roller is also equipped with a splitting wheel similar to that of cable spinning, and the drawn fiber whiskers are divided and then converged, and a false twister (including the driving system) is installed between the convergence point and the yarn guide hook to form the whole twisting system. The mechanical false twisting device installed between the front roller and the guide hook of a conventional ring spinning machine changes the arrangement of the fibers in the yarn so that the residual torque of the yarn is significantly reduced by its internal equilibrium, resulting in a twisted yarn with low torque, less hairiness, higher strength and a soft feel at lower twists.

The whole process of twisting and spinning can be divided into two parts: before the false twister and after the false twister, and before the false twister, it can be simply divided into the cable spinning part and the siro spinning part. The spinning frame is fed with double roving yarns, and the two roving yarns are always kept at a certain distance in the drafting area and move parallel downwards. When the drawn bars are released from the front jaws, each bars are divided into more than 2 fiber bundles by the splitting wheel. The fiber bundle first rotates around its own rotation center and has a weak twist under the action of twisting and twisting, and then twists around the center of these fiber bundles after merging at node 1, and then twists around the center of these fiber bundles to form a cable-shaped spinning single yarn, and then two strands of cable-type spinning single yarn converge at node 2 and merge and twist into a right-twisted yarn. In this area, the twist of the yarn is much higher than that of normal yarn due to the action of the false twister, as shown in Figure 9-21(a). After the false twister, the yarn is twisted back with an equal amount of back, resulting in a significant reduction in the twist of the yarn, as shown in Figure 9-21(b), and a left-hand untwisting is generated, which causes the fibers to rearrange in this area, releasing residual torque and stress, and forming a twisted yarn.

Figure 9-20 Schematic diagram of twisting and twisting process

Figure 9-21 Yarn twist distribution during twisting and spinning

2. The structure and performance of twisted yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

Most of the fiber trajectories in twisted yarns are different from the approximate coaxial conical helix of traditional ring yarns, and their trajectories are roughly non-coaxial special-shaped spirals, and their axes and spiral radii are constantly changing spatially. In addition, many fiber fragments in twisted yarn have irregular local reversal, that is, the spatial orientation angle with the yarn axis is negative. At the same radial position of the fibers, the average angle of orientation of the fibers in the twisted yarn is often smaller than that of the fibers in the conventional ring yarn, which can effectively balance the yarn torque. In twisted yarns, most of the fibers tend to be distributed close to the core, and their radial position has a large transfer amplitude from the center of the yarn to the surface of the yarn, and changes frequently.

(2) The performance of the yarn

In the low-torque spinning system, the twist of the yarn strip before the false twister increases significantly, so that the tension of the fiber in the triangle area is significantly increased, which greatly enhances the transfer of the fiber in the triangle area, and the fiber distribution is concentrated. The distribution and arrangement of the fibers in the low-torque yarn makes it more compact and uniform both inside and out, while the arrangement and distribution of the traditional ring yarn is looser, so the low-torque yarn has less hairiness than the traditional ring yarn.

Section 4 Free end yarn

First, the purpose of free end yarn

According to the analysis in the first section of this chapter, the traditional ring spinning has the limitation of simultaneous twisting and winding in the spinning principle, which greatly increases the spinning speed and increases the package. The purpose of free-end yarn formation is to overcome the limitations of the traditional ring spinning principle, so that twisting and winding are separated, so as to achieve high-speed, large-package, short-process, high-efficiency and low-cost spinning.

Second, the basic principle of free end yarn

(1) The formation of the free end

The so-called free end means that the whisker between the feeding end and the twister is discontinuous or disconnected, i.e. there is a free end. Usually, the continuous fiber strips formed after carding and merging cannot meet the requirements, and it is necessary to set up a carding roller in front of the twister to re-comb and divide the gathered whiskers into a single fiber "fiber flow" in order to form a free end feeding.

(2) Conveying of fiber streams

As shown in Figure 9-22, the shape of the fiber conveyor is generally flared, that is, the inlet is large and the outlet is small. According to the principle of continuity in fluid mechanics, the flow rate into a section of the pipe per unit time is equal to the outflow rate, i.e.:


Wherein: the flow, area and velocity of the 、、—1-1 section;

Flow rate, area and flow velocity of 、、— 2-2 sections.

Then: i.e.:

Due to the >, the > is formed, and the speed of the air flow in the fiber delivery tube gradually increases from the inlet to the outlet, so that the fiber flow has a gradual drafting process in the fiber delivery pipe, which is the air flow drafting. For individual fibers, the fibers are straightened due to the high velocity at the tip and the low velocity at the tail end. In addition, the airflow drafting is not limited by the drafting multiple, so it can be fed directly into the fiber strip with high line density, thereby eliminating the roving process and shortening the processing process.

Figure 9-22 Fiber status in the fiber tube

(3) The basic principle of free end yarn twisting and winding

As shown in Figure 9-23, A, B, and C are respectively the feeding point, twisting point and winding point, the whiskers between point A and point B are disconnected, and the yarn tail on one side of the B end is in a free state, when B rotates at a speed n such as a sagittal direction, the whiskers that are in a free state on one side of the B end also rotate with n in theory, without adding twisting, only an inclined spiral twist is produced on the yarn strip of the BC section, and the twist obtained by the BC section is as follows:

T= (9-19)

Because the true twist is formed on the whisker between the twisting point and the winding point, and is directly wound into a package yarn under the guidance of the guide yarn roller, the twisting and winding are separated, and the winding process is omitted, and the large package and short process are realized. It can be seen from equation (9-19) that in the case of a certain twist of yarn, it is necessary to increase the output or increase the output speed, that is, to increase the speed of the twister, because it is not bound by winding, the speed of the free end spinning twister can be greatly increased, so that the speed of the output yarn sliver reaches about 10 times that of ring spinning, and high-speed spinning is realized.

Figure 9-23 Schematic diagram of free-end yarn twisting

3. Characteristics of free end yarn

(1) The straightness of the fiber in the yarn is small

Although the fiber can straighten part of the hook fiber by the acceleration of the air flow through the fiber pipe, this non-contact straightening effect is less than the forced effect of the roller drafting jaw, so it is not as large as the role of ring spinning using roller drafting to eliminate the hook. When the fiber flow is fed from the fiber conveyor to the twister, the speed and direction of the fiber flow change, resulting in the phenomenon of folding, bending, and looping of the fiber, which seriously affects the straightening state of the fiber in the yarn. Moreover, when the free end yarn fiber is twisted, because it is in the "free" state, there is no mechanical forcing effect, and the spinning tension is small, so that the outer fiber is not easy to transfer to the inner layer, and the inner fiber is not easy to be pressed to the outer layer, and the radial transfer degree is low, therefore, the fiber is conical or cylindrical spiral form less, as shown in Figure 9-24, the fiber is conical 1 or cylindrical spiral form 2 in the free end yarn, and most of them are similar to 3~15 fiber form, that is, folding, bending, Irregular fiber morphology such as ringing.

Figure 9-24 Fiber morphology in free-ended yarn

(2) The yarn has good wear resistance

Because the spinning tension of free-end spinning is small, the radial transfer degree is low, and the outer fiber is not easy to transfer to the inner layer, so when the yarn is rubbed, its surface fiber is damaged, and the impact on the inner fiber is less than that of the traditional ring yarn, so the wear resistance of the yarn is generally better than that of the traditional ring yarn.

(3) The yarn strength is low

Because most of the fibers in the free-end yarn are irregular, the straightening state is poor, and the radial transfer is small, so it directly affects the strength of the yarn.

Fourth, the application of free end yarn

(1) Rotor spinning

1. The process of rotor spinning

At present, there are two main technological processes of rotor spinning: opening and clearing cotton→ carding cotton→ head drawing→ two drawing → rotor spinning; Cleaning and carding → with self-leveling, single-pass drawing → rotor spinning.

Figure 9-25 shows a schematic diagram of the rotor spinning process, in which the yarn sliver is fed from the sliver through the bell mouth to the feeding plate and the feeding roller, and is held under its pressure, and then the yarn is carded into a single fiber state by a carding roller. The carding roller is equipped with a impurity removal device at the fiber conveyor channel, which excludes impurities and fine dust in the fiber flow under the action of centrifugal force. The fibers that are carded into a single fiber state rely on the centrifugal force of the carding roller and the negative pressure air flow suction in the rotor to completely leave the surface of the carding roller and enter the fiber conveying pipe. The tapered fiber pipe accelerates the movement of the fiber in the pipe with the flow of air, and the fiber straightness is improved by drafting, and the drafting factor in the fiber pipe can reach about 400 times. Through the outlet of the conveying pipe, the fibers are fed to the inclined surface of the inner wall of the spinning rotor. The rotor is composed of two hollow truncated cones, and the junction of the two cones is the largest diameter in the cup, forming a groove for condensing fibers, that is, "coagulation groove". Under the action of the centrifugal force of the high-speed rotation of the rotorary, the fiber slides from the inclined plane of the cup wall (called the slip surface) to the agglomeration groove at the maximum diameter of the inner wall, and is stacked here to form an annular condensation whisker, which is called "annular yarn tail". As the fibers circulate in their circumferential direction in the coalescing tank, a huge merging effect between the individual fibers is created.

When starting the head, the seed yarn (yarn introduction) is fed into the yarn introduction tube, and the air flow supplemented by the yarn introduction tube is sucked into the spinning cup, and the head end of the seed yarn is attached to the condensed whisker strip due to the centrifugal force generated by the high-speed rotation of the air flow in the spinning cup. One end of the seed yarn is held by the lead yarn roller, and the other end rotates with the spinning cup together with the condensed whiskers, so that the yarn gets twist, and the seed yarn and the cohesive whiskers are twisted together by twisting. At this time, the bobbin is lowered, and the yarn lead roller will hold the yarn to output continuously, and the condensed whisker will be stripped off by the yarn and twisted into yarn under the high-speed rotation of the spinning cup. After that, the fibers are constantly fed in and the yarns are constantly drawn out, forming a continuous spinning process. The drawn yarn is wound on the bobbin to form the package yarn directly. In the process of rotary twisting, the yarn sliver is subjected to the frictional resistance of the twisting plate, resulting in false twisting, which increases the twist of a section of yarn between the twisting disc and the peeling point, which can increase the connection between the rotary yarn and the condensed whisker to reduce the breakage.

Figure 9-25 Rotor spinning process

2. Twisting process of rotor spinning

(1) Twisting process

As shown in Figure 9-26(a), due to the negative pressure in the rotor, the fiber is sucked into the inner wall of the rotor through the fiber delivery tube with the air flow, and the fiber ring (annular yarn tail) is formed by centrifugal force by sliding along the slope of the cup wall to the maximum diameter of the rotor (agglomeration groove), and the rotor rotates to twist the yarn sliver.

When the rotor rotates at high speed, the fiber ring PQP is tightly attached to the agglomeration groove by centrifugal force, as shown in Figure 9-26(b), O is the center of the twisting disc and the bottom center of the yarn threading tube, P is the peeling point, and the OP yarn segment is called the yarn arm. In the case of forward stripping, the rotation speed of the yarn arm is greater than the rotation speed of the rotor, i.e., it is called advanced stripping. When the yarn arm OP rotates around the center of O, the torque torque generated on the yarn at O makes the yarn section OA rotate around its own axis, adds a true twist back to the OA section yarn, and transmits it from O to Q through P, PQ is called the twist transfer length, and O is the actual twisting point. The twist on the OP of the yarn arm is composed of the true twist from the O point and the false twist effect generated by the twist blocking disc, and when its value is large, the transfer length PQ is long, which is beneficial to normal spinning, but not conducive to the quality of yarn. The length of twist transfer is also related to the torsional torque formed by the cohesion groove on the yarn sliver, when the torsional torque is balanced with the true twist torque of the yarn sliver and the false twist torque of the twisting plate, the twist back is no longer transmitted. The torsional moment is generated by the friction between the fiber and the agglomerate groove in the peeling zone.

Now the rotation speed of the yarn arm is set up, and the yarn threading speed is V, then the twist of the rotor yarn is:


The yarn drawing speed V has the following relationship with the yarn arm speed:


Where: — the speed of the yarn arm

– the speed of the rotating cup;

D—diameter of the rotora;

V—threading speed;

η—Shrinkage rate.

Therefore: (9-22)

Substituting Eq. (9-22) into Eq. (9-20) yields:


Eq. (9-23) is a constant determined by the rotor diameter and the twist rate. Because its size is small compared to the twist value of various tenotic yarn slivers, this value is generally negligible.

The twist direction of rotor spinning is determined by the direction of rotation of the rotor. If the vector direction of the angular velocity of the rotor is towards the lead yarn roller, the S twist is obtained, and when the deviation from the lead yarn roller, the Z twist is obtained.

Figure 9-26 Schematic diagram of the twisting process of rotor spinning

(2) Twist distribution and its influencing factors in the twisting area

In the twisting process, the yarn arm is pressed on the surface of the twisting disc under a certain tension, and due to the rotation of the yarn arm, the twisting disc produces tangential friction resistance to the yarn sliver, so that the yarn strip rolls along the surface of the twisting disc and produces the rotation motion around its own axis, and as a result, the yarn strips on both sides of the twisting disc are added with an equal number of twists and twists in opposite directions. The twisting disc is equivalent to a false twister, and the grip points at both ends are peeling point P and yarn roller A. If the false twist direction on the yarn arm is the same as the true twist direction, the twist of the OP segment can be increased.

On rotor spinning machines, the twist stop disc is both a false twist point and a twist point, preventing the twist from being transmitted from O to P. Expanding Fig. 9-26(a) and (b) into Fig. 9-26(c), the twist on each section of yarn in the figure can be obtained according to the stable twist theorem and the concepts of false twist, twist and indentation twist.

PQ segment: the twist back added by O is, due to the influence of the twisting of the blocked twist disc and the peeling point, the twist back added by the actual O to the PQ segment is, the false twist added by the twisting disc is given, and the twist brought out from P is, then, get:


Where: — the speed of the yarn arm OP;

- the rotation speed of the yarn caused by the frictional resistance of the twisting disc to the yarn;

– the twist transfer efficiency of the peel point P;

– Twist transfer efficiency of the twist stopper.

OP section: the twist actually added by O is, the false twist actually added by the twisting disc is, the twist brought in by the PQ segment is, and the twist brought out from O is, then, because, then:


Where: λ — the twisting coefficient of the twisting disc.

AO section: the twist that is actually added by O is, the false twist that is added by the twisting disc is, the twist brought in by the OP segment through O is, and the twist that is output from A is, then, because, then:


Where: - yarn twist.

Compare Eq. (9-24) and Eq. (9-25), because , and both are less than 1, therefore, and T PQ increases with the increase of sum, that is, when the twist depression at the peeling point and the twisting disc is small or the false twisting effect of the twisting disc increases, the yarn tail twist in the transfer length increases. Compare Eq. (9-25) and Eq. (9-26), when or increase, then; On the contrary, when it is very small and time, the twist of the yarn arm is insufficient, which is easy to cause broken ends in the cup. Therefore, appropriately increasing the false twisting effect of the twisting disc or reducing the twisting effect of the twisting disc can increase the twist of the yarn arm segment, which is beneficial to reducing the broken end. Figure 9-27 shows the twist distribution on the whole rotor spinning sliver, with the solid line representing the twist distribution at the time of the larger yarn and the dotted line representing the twist distribution at the time of the smaller one.

Figure 9-27 Twist distribution in the twisting area of rotor spinning

Due to the false twisting effect of the twisting plate, there is more twist on the yarn sliver in the yarn arm section, and the twist can be transmitted to the agglomeration groove beyond the peeling point. The length of the twist transitioning from the peeling point to the untwisted strip, that is, the arc length of the twist on the fiber ring, is called the twist transfer length. The false twist effect and the increase of twist transfer length will increase the connection force between the yarn arm and the fiber ring, which is beneficial to reduce the broken end in the cup.

3. The structure and performance of rotor spinning yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

As shown in Figure 9-28, in the process of twisting the rotor, at the end of the fiber ring at the point G, a small amount of fiber rides on the rotating yarn sliver, and some fibers fed by the fiber conveyor tube ride directly on the rotary yarn sliver (H point) before reaching the agglomeration groove, forming the so-called bridge fiber, so that the appearance of the yarn forms a wrapped fiber. Therefore, the biggest feature of rotor yarn is that the surface of the yarn body has winding fibers (wrapping fibers) with different degrees of wrapping formed by bypass fibers, and the rotor yarn is composed of two parts: yarn core and outer (winding) fibers.

In the process of entering the agglomeration groove from the fiber conveyor pipe through the spinning cup slip wall, the speed of a single fiber is increasing in the tapering tube, entering the spinning cup at the maximum speed, and entering the agglomeration groove with a slip side downward, in this process, the direction and speed of the fiber have changed, resulting in the phenomenon of folding, bending, and looping of the fiber, which affects the straightening state of the fiber in the rotor spinning yarn. The tension on the rotating sliver inside the rotor is less, and at the peel point, the tension on the sliver is even less. Therefore, the centripetal extrusion force of the fibers in the whiskers at the peeling point is greatly reduced, and the density of the whiskers in the coagulation tank is larger, so that the outer fibers are not easy to transfer to the inner layer, and the inner fibers are not easy to be pressed to the outer layer. Therefore, there are fewer conical and cylindrical spiral fibers in rotor yarn than ring yarn, while there are more hooked, folded, bunched and wound fibers than ring yarn.

Figure 9-28 Formation of bypass fibers

(2) The performance of the yarn

Due to the disordered fiber morphology in the rotor yarn, the fiber straightness in the yarn is low, and there are many hook fibers. The fiber spinning tension in the yarn is low, the radial migration degree is small, the yarn tightness is small, and the carding roller causes some fiber breakage, etc., so that the rotor yarn strength is lower than that of ring yarn, about 80% ~ 90% of the ring yarn. The wrapping structure of rotor yarn makes the hairiness above 2~3mm less than that of ring yarn by more than 50%, but the discrete is larger. Rotor spinning does not use roller drafting, the yarn does not have mechanical waves and drafting waves generated by roller drafting, and rotor spinning has a uniform effect on merging in the process of fiber agglomeration, so the uniformity of rotor yarn is better than that of ring yarn.

Because the ring yarn fiber is a regular conical spiral, when rubbed repeatedly, the spiral fiber gradually becomes an axial fiber, and the whole yarn disintegrates and quickly wears off. The outer layer of the rotor yarn is wrapped with irregular winding fibers, so the rotor yarn is not easy to disintegrate, so the wear resistance is good, and the wear resistance of the rotor yarn is generally 10%~15% higher than that of the ring spindle yarn. The rotor yarn with the same linear density is about 10%~15% thicker than the ring yarn, which means that the rotor yarn is bulky, plump, thick, sizing rate and color absorption performance are better than that of ring yarn. Because the carding roller is equipped with a impurity removal device, and the fiber and impurities are separated in the rotor, the rotor yarn is relatively clean, the yarn defects are small and few, and the number of yarn defects of the rotor yarn is only 1/4~1/3 of the ring spindle yarn.

(2) Coreless friction spinning

1. The process of coreless friction spinning

Coreless friction spinning generally spins yarns with high linear density and ultra-high linear density. Taking spinning cotton-type high-density yarn as an example, the process flow is as follows: opening cotton → carding cotton → friction spinning; When the requirements for strip trunk are high, the process flow is as follows: open and clear cotton→ carding→ first drawing → two drawing → friction spinning; When spinning waste cotton, the process flow is: tearing loose→ opening the clear cotton→ carding the cotton→ friction spinning.

Taking the DREF2 friction spinning machine as an example, its technological process is shown in Figure 9-29(a), a group of slivers (up to 6) are fed into the bell mouth 1, and through the drafting device composed of three pairs of rollers 2, 3 and 4, the whiskers are fed into the carding area in a thin layer, and are opened and carded by the carding roller 5 to become a single fiber. The carding roller is covered with a cover 6, but there is a section of arc surface that is open at the fiber inlet and outlet respectively, so as to facilitate the discharge of impurities. The single fiber after carding is stripped from the carding roller under the combined action of its centrifugal force and the air flow from the blowing pipe 7. In the process of falling along the baffle plate 8, arrive at the wedge-shaped area of two dust cages with the negative pressure airflow of the dust cage inner tank. As shown in Figure 9-29(b), when two dust cages rotate in the same direction, one dust cage generates a downward friction force N 1 μ on the whiskers, and the other dust cage generates an upward friction N 2 on the whiskers μ, resulting in a rotational moment that causes the free end of the yarn tail to rotate and apply twist to the yarn. Because the yarn tail is rolled by the friction of the dust cage and twisted, the diameter of the dust cage is about 100 times the diameter of the yarn tail, if the slippage of the rolling is not counted, the dust cage rotates for a week and the theoretical twist back to the yarn tail is 100, and the twisting efficiency is 20%, then the dust cage can add 20 twists to the yarn sliver in one turn, so friction spinning belongs to the spinning method of low speed and high yield, and the size of the twisting efficiency depends on the suction force (i.e., normal pressure N) of the dust cage on the yarn sliver and the friction coefficient between the dust cage and the yarn sliver μ etc. After twisting, the yarn is directly wound into a package yarn after being exported.

Figure 9-29 Process of coreless friction spinning

2. Twisting process of coreless friction spinning

(1) Twisting process

As shown in Figure 9-30, the single fibers opened and conveyed by the carding roller fall into the wedge-shaped groove (AB area) between the two dust cages, and the fibers that fall first are driven by the friction on the surface of the dust cage to form a preliminary yarn body once they are condensed (the adsorption capacity of the fibers is generated by the negative pressure in the dust cage), and the fibers that fall later are coated and twisted into the yarn body that is being exported. The AB area is not only the condensation area, but also the "pre-twisting area", which makes the inner and outer layers of the yarn body obtain different twists, in fact, the yarn tail forms the basis of the radial twist distribution of the yarn body in the AB area, and it can also be said that the inner and outer layers of the yarn have obtained different "basic twists" in the AB area. The yarn body then passes through the BC zone (its length accounts for about 1/3 of the total length of the dust cage), along the axial direction of the dust cage, is held by the lead roller and sent to the winding mechanism to roll into a package yarn.

The BC zone is the reinforcement area of the twist, and the outer twist of the yarn is formed in this zone, that is, the outermost fiber is twisted into the yarn body from point B, and basically all of them are wrapped in the yarn body at point C. The inner fibers also gradually increase the twist.

The CD zone plays a role in finishing and homogenizing the twist of the inner and outer layers of the yarn, because in general, the twist obtained on the yarn along the length direction is uneven in the agglomeration zone until the output point C of the dust cage, and the uneven twist caused by the uneven feeding fiber can be improved through the CD zone.

Figure 9-30 Schematic diagram of coreless friction spinning and twisting process

(2) The distribution characteristics of the inner and outer layers of the yarn

While forming a layered structure, friction spinning yarn also leads to the difference in the twist of the inner and outer layers of the yarn, that is, the difference in the radial twist. The formation of this difference is complex and consists of two stages: the pre-twisting process of the yarn tail (free end) and the twisting process of the yarn body. According to the measurement, the twist of the core layer of the yarn is about 1.5~2.5 times of the twist of the surface layer, and if the average value is calculated, the twist of the core layer of the yarn is about 2 times of the twist of the surface layer. If the yarn sliver is round and its density is equal, the average twist of the yarn sliver can be approximated as the twist of the layer of fibers that divide the inner and outer layers with an equal number of fibers. Through calculation, it can be found that the average twist of the yarn is about 1.3 times of the outer twist, indicating that the twist of the outer yarn is only about 0.8 times of the average twist.

In the actual yarn forming process, twisting is carried out in the agglutination groove of semi-gripping and semi-free state, and the diameter of each section of the yarn tail, the torsional stiffness, the adsorption force of the dust cage on the yarn body, the friction coefficient between the fiber and the dust cage, the air resistance, and the implication effect of the added fiber when the yarn body rotates will make the yarn sliver slip to different degrees in the twisting process, thereby affecting the twisting efficiency. The change of temperature and humidity in the production environment will also cause the friction performance of the dust cage surface to change, which will also affect the twisting efficiency. In the case of a large slip rate, the twisting efficiency is generally between 10% ~ 20%. Therefore, when designing the twist of the outer layer of the yarn, the actual twist can be calculated using the following formula:


Where: T—actual twist;

D—diameter of friction roller (dust cage);

- friction roller (dust cage) speed;

– yarn diameter;

V—threading speed;

– Twisting efficiency.

3. Structure and performance of coreless friction spinning yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

(1) The arrangement of fibers in the yarn body

In the process of coreless friction spinning, the fibers enter the agglomeration zone in different forms, and the position and time of the fibers meeting the rotary yarn tail until they are completely twisted into the yarn tail are arbitrary. When the fibers enter the agglomeration zone, the fractional velocity along the direction of yarn output is many times higher than that of yarn output. Therefore, when the fiber is condensed to the yarn tail, the magnitude and direction of its movement speed must change, and it is necessary to decelerate suddenly and produce almost 90 o turns, so that the fiber is easily hooked, wrinkled and buckled, and the straightness of the fiber is thus destroyed.

The spinning speed of coreless friction spinning is 10~25 times that of ring spinning and 2.5 times that of rotor spinning, but the spinning tension is only 20% of that of ring spinning and 14% of rotor spinning, which leads to the difficulty of internal and external transfer of fibers in the spinning process, less fiber straightening, low yarn strength and more hairiness.

(2) The layered structure of the yarn

A component layering In the process of coreless friction spinning, the fibers are gradually added and twisted into the conical yarn tail perpendicular to the output direction of the yarn and along the wedge-shaped condensation zone of the dust cage, so that the friction yarn forms a layered structure from the yarn core to the outer layer layer by layer. Figure 9-31 shows that when six slivers are fed side by side, the finished yarn forms a layered structure in terms of components and components.

Figure 9-31 Formation of component stratification

The fibers in the sliver (1) fall at the starting point of the wedge-shaped condensation zone, that is, the top of the yarn tip, and become the innermost layer of the yarn, and the fibers of the sliver (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) are fed in turn, and the fibers in the sliver (6) are finally added to the yarn body to form the outermost layer. This layered structure of components from the inside to the outside provides a new way for the diversification of coreless friction spinning products and the rational use of raw material properties, which is difficult to achieve by other spinning methods.

b. Twist layering While forming component layering, coreless friction spinning also makes the twist in the yarn body have a distribution that decreases layer by layer from the inside to the outside along the radial direction, forming a twist layered structure that is tight inside the yarn and loose outside.

(2) The performance of the yarn

The yarn formation principle of coreless friction spinning causes the fibers to be arranged disorderly in the yarn, the parallel straightness is poor, the length utilization coefficient of the fiber is small, the fiber is cylindrical, the conical spiral is less, the fiber radial pressure is small, the friction holding force is small, etc., and the yarn is thick and fluffy, which makes its hairiness, strength and other yarn performance worse than that of traditional ring spinning and other new spinning. Due to the combination of fibers in the wedge-shaped area of the dust cage, the uneven dryness and strength of the fibers are slightly better than those of conventional ring spinning and other new spinning yarns.

From the equation (9-27), it can be seen that the twisting efficiency of coreless friction spinning is directly proportional to the linear density of the spun yarn, that is, the smaller the linear density, the lower the twisting efficiency, and the twisting efficiency of coreless friction spinning is relatively low, only 10%~20%. Therefore, in the actual production, coreless friction spinning is more suitable for spinning extra-coarse thread density yarn, generally above 100tex ( s below 5 s ~ 6), the grade of raw materials used in spinning is low, and the grade of finished yarn is not high. However, its low speed and high yield, wide range of suitable spinning fibers, and the yarn has a unique structure of component layering, internal tightness and external looseness, which is not possessed by other spinning methods.

(3) Vortex spinning

1. The process of vortex spinning

Vortex spinning is mainly based on processing chemical fibers, and its technological process is as follows: opening cotton → carding→ first drawing → two drawing → vortex spinning.

Figure 9-32 is a schematic diagram of the vortex spinning process, the yarn sliver is drawn out of the sliver, fed by the feeding roller and the feeding plate, opened by the carding roller, with the help of the centrifugal force of the carding roller and the action of air flow suction, enters the fiber conveying pipe, enters the vortex tube through the fiber conveying hole on the vortex pipe wall, and the fiber conveyor hole and the vortex pipe are arranged tangentially, so that the fiber enters the channel between the vortex pipe wall and the spinner's plug in the tangential direction, and slides down in spiral motion and enters the vortex field.

The other end of the vortex tube is connected to the extraction vacuum pump, which is used to evacuate the air pressure in the vortex tube to be lower than the atmospheric pressure. Air enters the vortex tube from the tangential air inlet hole, tangential fiber transfer hole and yarn lead hole. The air entering the vortex tube through the air inlet hole has part of the air flow spreading upward, and this air flow acts as a spinning effect, which is called the effective vortex. The other part of the air flow is sucked away by the pumping vacuum pump, which does not have the effect of spinning, and is called invalid air flow. The air flow incoming from the fiber transfer hole is a downward vortex, and the air flow entering through the yarn lead hole is another downward vortex that acts as a counterbalance. The above three vortices rotate in the same direction, and the three axial velocities reach equilibrium at a certain position below the spinner's plug, forming an approximately balanced vortex field, which is the spinning position. The fed single fibers are then coagulated in the vortex field and twisted to form a fiber ring. When the ungrown yarn is sucked into the vortex field from the yarn introduction hole, and under the action of centrifugal force, it is thrown to the pipe wall and overlapped with the fiber ring, and the yarn is drawn out, and it is directly wound into a package yarn through the yarn introduction roller.

Figure 9-32 Vortex spinning process

2. Twisting process of vortex spinning

(1) Twisting process

Vortex spinning is a free-end spinning, in which the transfer, agglomeration, twisting and yarn formation of the fibers are all completed by air flow. The spinning device of vortex spinning has a simple structure, eliminating the high-speed rotating mechanism, and using the high-speed rotating air flow to promote the yarn sliver to achieve twisting.

As shown in Figure 9-33, in the vortex tube, the single fibers carded by the carding roller are redistributed and coagulated in the vortex field to form a continuous fiber ring, and the seed yarn tail is sucked in from the yarn introduction hole and rotates with the vortex current, and overlaps with the fiber ring to form an annular yarn tail, and the yarn tail ring rotates at high speed with the vortex current, so as to twist the yarn sliver, and the twist on the yarn sliver is continuously transmitted to the end of the yarn tail. The continuously fed open fibres enter the vortex field at high speed, and when they meet the yarn tail, they are grabbed by the rotating yarn sliver and condensed onto the yarn sliver. The yarn sliver is continuously output, and the fibers are continuously condensed, so that the yarn tail forms a yarn strip that gradually becomes thinner from thick. The yarn sliver is twisted by the vortex current and rotates at high speed around the center of the vortex tube. Let the velocity of the vortex current be and the speed of the yarn sliver is, due to the influence of air resistance and the friction resistance of the pipe wall, >, the yarn twist T is:


Where: T—yarn twist;

– the speed of the yarn;

V—the speed of the yarn threading.

The twisting efficiency is:


Where: —twisting efficiency;

— the velocity of the vortex.

The twist of the yarn obtained from equations (9-28) and (9-29) is:


As shown in equation (9-30), the twist of vortex spinning is determined by the air rotation speed, yarn drawing speed and twisting efficiency, the size of the twist of vortex yarn is related to the air pressure and stability, and the twisting efficiency is related to the density of the spun yarn, the higher the yarn density, the greater the air resistance and pipe wall friction resistance, and the lower the twisting efficiency.

Figure 9-33 Schematic diagram of the twisting process of vortex spinning

(2) The effect of the position of the yarn sliver in the vortex tube on the twist

The yarn sliver rotates at high speed in the vortex tube, because the yarn tail is not held, the yarn tail may not be in contact with the pipe wall when it moves, or it may be in contact with the pipe wall, which mainly depends on the equilibrium position of the yarn after the yarn is stressed and the condition of the vortex field. Figure 9-34(a) shows that the yarn does not contact with the pipe wall. The velocity difference between the two sides of the yarn makes the yarn rotate in the same direction around its own axis in addition to rotating around the center of the vortex tube. The yarn is rotated and a twist is obtained. The rotation of the sliver has little effect on the twist value. Fig. 9-34(b) shows the contact between the yarn sliver and the pipe wall, due to the frictional resistance of the pipe wall to the sliver, the twist of the sliver will be reduced, but the distance R between the sliver and the center of the vortex tube is slightly larger than that when the sliver is not in contact with the pipe wall, which is beneficial to the growth rate of the sliver. Because the density of the yarn sliver is greater than the density of the air, the yarn sliver moves to the outside of the center of the vortex tube under the action of centrifugal force, and the distance R between the yarn sliver and the center of the vortex tube deviates from the speed of the yarn sliver as follows:


where: R—the distance between the yarn strip and the center of the vortex tube;

– the effective diameter of the sliver;


As shown in Eq. (9-31), with the increase of R, it also increases, and the twisting efficiency is high and the twisting degree is high. When R remains unchanged, the diameter of the yarn increases, that is, when the yarn is thick, it decreases, and the yarn is twisted less; The diameter of the yarn sliver decreases, that is, when the yarn is thin, it increases, and the yarn sliver is twisted more. This is in line with the law that high linear density yarn needs small twist, low linear density yarn needs more twist, when the range of spinning yarn density change is not large, there is no need to change the process conditions of vortex spinning, and the twist can be adjusted by itself, which is a major feature of vortex yarn.

Figure 9-34 Movement of the yarn sliver in the vortex tube

3. Structure and performance of vortex spinning yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

Because vortex spinning mainly relies on air flow to control the fibers, which is non-contact, and is not as reliable and powerful as the mechanical action, the parallel straightness of the fibers in the yarn sliver is poor, and most of them are hooked or buckled. In addition, the twist angle of the inner and outer fibers of the vortex yarn is inconsistent, and the structure is characterized by the core spun structure and the uneven dry dry of the short fragments, which is also caused by the fact that the fibers are completely transferred, coagulated and twisted by air flow in the vortex spinning.

(2) The performance of the yarn

The strength of vortex yarn is about 60%~90% of that of ring yarn, which is close to that of rotor yarn. However, there are not many weaving breaks in vortex yarn. Moreover, the strength of the strands is not lower than that of the same ring yarn. In addition, the strength of the vortex yarn fleecing fabric is close to the strength of the same special ring yarn fleecing fabric, and the fabric strength of the vortex yarn fabric is only reduced by about 5% after fleecing, while the strength of the ring yarn fabric is reduced by as much as 40% after fleecing. The reason is that there are many circular fibers in the vortex yarn, which is a closed-loop hairiness, and both ends of the fibers are wound on the yarn core, and after fleecing, the surface fibers are pulled off, which does not affect the yarn core that bears strength; After the ring yarn fabric is fluffed, the fibers in the yarn are broken, so that the strength of the yarn is greatly reduced. Therefore, vortex yarn is more suitable for fleece fabrics.

The unevenness of short fragments of vortex yarn is higher than that of rotor yarn, while the unevenness of Uster strip dryness is similar to that of rotor yarn and ring yarn, and the coarse details of vortex yarn are more than that of rotor yarn and ring yarn. The main reason is that in the process of conveying fibers, the straightness of the fibers is poor and the flow of the conveyed fibers is uneven.

(4) Electrospinning

1. The process of electrospinning

Electrostatic spinning is suitable for spinning natural fibers with high moisture regain, taking spinning pure cotton yarn as an example, the process flow is: opening clear cotton→ carding cotton→ first drawing → two drawing → electrostatic spinning.

As shown in Figure 9-35, the process of electrostatic spinning, the fed sliver is drawn out from the strip 1 and enters the spinning device 2, and the spinning device is composed of a carding roller 3, a high-voltage electrostatic field 4 and a twisting mechanism 5. The carding roller is opened into a single fiber, and some impurities are removed, and then the fibers are sucked away from the carding roller by the air flow and sent into a closed high-voltage electrostatic field. The electrostatic force generated in the high-voltage electric field can play the role of paralleling, straightening, condensing and transporting the fibers, and make the fibers move in the direction of the twister. When the seed yarn is sucked into the electrostatic field through the twister, the condensed fibers are added to the yarn tail. After the twister rotates at high speed, the twist is added. Finally, it is output by the lead roller and wound into a package.

Sliver 2 - Spinning 3 - Carding roller, fiber conveyor 4 - High voltage electrostatic field 5 - Twisting mechanism 6 - Pulling roller 7 - Slotted drum

8-package yarn 9-total suction pipe

Figure 9-35 Electrospinning process

2. Twisting process of electrospinning

Electrospinning also belongs to free-end yarn, as shown in Figure 9-36, it also uses carding rollers and fiber pipes to comb and convey fiber flow, and the fibers are condensed by electric field force, and then twisted into yarn by twisting device, and led by yarn roller and directly wound into package yarn. In a closed, high-voltage electrostatic field, the left end is a positively charged electrode and the right end is a negatively charged electrode. Because the fiber AB itself carries moisture, under the induction of the electrostatic field, the fiber is ionized or polarized, and the positive and negative ions in the fiber are dense to both ends of the fiber, with a negative charge at the left end and a positive charge at the right end, resulting in a charge opposite to the electrode. Thus the tip of one fiber repels the tip of the adjacent fiber and attracts the tail end of the adjacent fiber. This kind of force of repulsion and attraction of the same electricity, that is, the force F A and F B at the left and right ends of the fiber AB, makes the fiber oriental, straightened, arranged according to the field force line, and rotates at high speed with the twister, and is added to the twist. The amount of charge on a single fiber, determined by the strength of the electric field. Due to the high requirements of electrospinning on fiber moisture regain, the difficulty of spinning chemical fibers, the low twisting efficiency, and the large number of yarn defects, it is difficult to break through the electrospinning technology in the short term.

Figure 9-36 Electrostatic field fibers are stressed

3. Structure and performance of electrospun yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

Electrostatic yarn, like other free-end spinning, has poor fiber straightening and disordered arrangement. The middle part of the electrostatic yarn is the yarn core, the fiber is relatively straight, and the outer layer is wrapped fiber, which is similar to a conical or cylindrical spiral fiber.

(2) The performance of the yarn

The strength, elongation at break, and elasticity of electrostatic yarn are lower than those of ring yarn. The strength of a single yarn is about 20% lower than that of ring yarn, and the elongation at break is about 30% lower, which is mainly caused by the poor straightness of the fiber. However, electrostatic yarn also has some advantages similar to rotor yarn, mainly because the yarn has good wear resistance, less hairiness of the yarn, and bright dyeing.

Section 5 Non-free end yarn

First, the purpose of non-free end yarn

The formation of the free end in the free end yarn is mainly by the method of carding the carding roller and separating the fiber whiskers longitudinally, this method will damage the fiber, and the spinning tension of the free end fiber is low when twisting, and the fiber parallel straightness is poor in the yarn forming process, so that the effective length of the fiber in the yarn is reduced, and the yarn strength is low. Non-free end yarn refers to the continuous spinning method between the feed point and the twisting point, and the yarn can form a true twist or a false twist. The non-free end yarns that form the true twist, such as hand-spinning, walking spindle spinning, wing spindle spinning, and ring spinning, have been introduced in Chapter 7, Section 3, and will not be repeated here. This section mainly introduces the non-free end false twisting into yarn, that is, the yarn strip is continuous from the feeding point to the twisting point, and its two ends are respectively fed to the roller and the yarn roller to hold, and the twisting is in the middle to form a false twist, and the spun yarn is not a true twist structure, but in the twisting process, the false twist is converted into yarn through wrapping, self-twisting and other methods.

The purpose of non-free end yarn formation is not only to overcome the problem of low yarn strength of free end yarn, but also to break the limitations of the traditional ring spinning principle, and separate twisting and winding, so as to achieve high speed, large package, short process, high efficiency and low cost spinning. Its methods mainly include air-jet spinning, air-jet vortex spinning, core friction spinning, self-twisting spinning, parallel spinning, etc.

Second, the basic principle of non-free end yarn

(1) The drafting process of non-free end yarn

The continuous whiskers of the non-free end yarn are also drafted to meet the requirements of yarn formation before being fed into the twister. The drafting mechanism of the non-free end yarn is similar to that of the traditional ring spinning machine, and most of them are four rollers (there are also three rollers and five rollers) double short or long rubber ring drafting. When the non-free end is fed into the yarn, the whiskers are generally slivers or large quantitative roving, so the drafting mechanism is generally a super large drafting or large drafting mechanism, and the drafting factor can reach 50~300. In addition, because the twisting and winding of the non-free end yarn are carried out separately, the spinning speed is more than 10 times higher than that of traditional ring spinning, which requires the drafting mechanism to also adapt to the high speed. In view of the above two reasons, the drafting process of non-free end yarn formation has the characteristics of high-speed drafting and ultra-large drafting.

In order to meet the needs of high-speed drafting and super-large drafting, and to ensure that the yarn is evenly dry, the drafting process of "heavy pressurization, tight spacing, zero jaws, strong control, and dense closing" is adopted.

(2) The basic principle of non-free end yarn twisting and winding

The essential difference between non-free end spinning and free end spinning is that the fiber aggregate at the feed end is controlled and not free. As shown in Figure 9-37, the feed end is held by a pair of rollers, and the other end is wound around package C. If the two ends of A and C are not held together, when the twister B rotates axially around the yarn, both the AB section and the BC section are twisted back, and the number of twists is equal and the direction is opposite. When the A terminal is input and the C terminal is output (winding), the number of twists added by twister B to the AB segment per unit time is . At the same time, the number of twists output by the AB segment is, then =,. In unit time, the twist added by twister B to the BC segment is -, which is because the twisting direction is opposite to the AB segment, and the twisting of the AB segment input BC is; The twist output by BC at the same time is, then:


Figure 9-37 Schematic diagram of yarn twisting at the non-free end

It can be seen from Eq. (9-32) that the middle twister adds false twisting, that is, there is twisting back in the AB segment at the feeding end, but there is no twisting back in the BC segment at the output end. Non-free end yarn is transformed into yarn by wrapping, self-twisting and other methods, for example: air-jet spinning and air-jet vortex spinning are yarn in the form of short fiber wrapping with short fiber; Core friction spinning is in the form of short fibers wrapped with short fibers or filaments (yarn) into yarn; Self-twisting spinning is to twist two fiber strips with false twists into yarn; Parallel spinning is in the form of filament (yarn) wrapped with staple fibers to form yarn.

The non-free end yarn converts the false twist through wrapping or self-twisting, forming a strong yarn, which is directly wound into a package yarn, which is the same as the free end spinning, which realizes the separation of twisting and winding, and also has the characteristics of high speed, large package and short process.

3. Characteristics of non-free end yarns

(1) The straightness of the fiber in the yarn is better

Because most of the non-free end yarn is drafted by roller, and there is no sharp change in the speed and direction of the fiber in the yarn forming process, the fiber straightness is good, and the two ends of the yarn are subjected to mechanical holding force during twisting, so that the spinning tension is larger, the fiber in the yarn can be further straightened, and there is a certain transfer, and the proportion of fiber in the form of conical or cylindrical spiral after twisting is higher than that of the free end yarn.

(2) Diversification of yarn structure

If the non-self-ending yarn is converted into yarn by wrapping, then the spun yarn is a wrapping structure, the yarn core is a parallel fiber formed by false twisting and untwisting, and the outside of the yarn is a wrapping fiber, which can also form a variety of wrapping forms such as short bag length, long bag short, short bag short, etc. If the false twist is converted into yarn by self-twisting, the structure of the yarn is strands, and the twist degree and twist direction are periodically changed or uneven along the longitudinal direction of the yarn.

(3) The yarn strength is high

Since the fiber straightness in the yarn is higher than that in the yarn at the free end, the yarn strength of the yarn at the non-free end is higher than that at the free end. For the strength of the non-free end yarn with wrapping structure, according to its wrapping effect, such as the proportion of tightly wound fibers, its strength is close to or slightly lower than that of traditional ring yarn, but its wear resistance is higher than that of traditional ring yarn. For non-free end yarns formed by self-twisting, due to the uneven distribution of twist on the yarn sliver and the presence of no twist or weak twist zone, its strength and uneven strength are worse than that of traditional ring yarns.

Fourth, the application of non-free end yarn

(1) Air-jet spinning

1. The process of air-jet spinning

There are two feeding methods for air-jet spinning machines, namely roving feeding and sliver feeding, and its pre-spinning process is not much different from that of traditional ring spinning. Due to the limitation of the yarn formation principle, air-jet spinning is more suitable for polyester/cotton blended and chemical fiber pure spinning, taking spinning polyester/cotton blended combed yarn as an example, the process flow is as follows:


Cotton: Prepare → combing before combing → combing cotton →

Polyester: open clear cotton→ carded cotton→ pre-draw

If roving is fed, roving should be added to the previous process.

The air-jet spinning machine is mainly composed of four parts: feeding, drafting, false twist wrapping and winding. It uses compressed air to generate a spiral air flow in the nozzle to false-twist the drawn whiskers and wrap them into yarn.

The process flow of air-jet spinning is shown in Figure 9-38(a). After a single or two yarn strips 1 are drawn out of the strip tube, they enter the drafting part 2 for drafting. Because air-jet spinning is directly drawn into fine yarn by yarn slivers, and the thread density of the spun yarn is small, the drafting multiple is larger, generally 50~300 times. After feeding the yarn strip by drafting, the output fiber must rely on the negative pressure at the inlet of the nozzle box 3, is sucked into the twister of the nozzle 4, and is twisted under the action of tangential jet air flow in the nozzle. The twister is made up of a first nozzle and a second nozzle connected in series, and the jet air flow of the two nozzles rotates in opposite directions, and the air pressure of the second nozzle is greater than that of the first nozzle. Due to the untwisting effect of the reverse air flow of the primary nozzle, the fibers at the edge of the whiskers are separated from the whiskers to become the free fibers at the tip, and these fibers are tightly wrapped around the outer layer of the core fibers under the action of the rotating air flow in the nozzle to form a wrapped yarn. After yarn is formed, it is drawn out by the yarn lead roller 5, and after passing through the electronic yarn clearer 6, it is directly wound into a package yarn 7 by the winding roller 8.

If dyed yarn or dyed roving is fed at the drafting roller, the yarn can be easily produced. If two different staple fiber strips are fed into the back roller of the drafting device, as shown in Figure 9-38(b), a fully staple fiber double structure yarn can be produced, i.e., a core spun yarn or a double ply yarn.

(a) One yarn is fed (b) Two yarn slivers are fed

Figure 9-38 Process of air-jet spinning

2. The twisting process of air-jet spinning

(1) Nozzle structure and airflow rules

As shown in Figure 9-39(a), the nozzle is a key component of air-jet spinning, and the air flow in the nozzle must produce a spiral rotation in order to apply false twist to the main fiber, so it is required to go tangentially from the nozzle hole to the jet. The angle at which the nozzle eyelet is tilted to the nozzle axis is called the jet angle. As shown in Figure 9-39(b), the diameter and angle of the spray hole of the primary nozzle should be larger than that of the secondary nozzle, so that the air flow rotation energy in the secondary nozzle is greater than that of the primary nozzle, that is, the airflow velocity of the secondary nozzle is higher, and the airflow direction of the two nozzles must be opposite. As shown in Figure 9-39(c), the jet angle is α, and the airflow velocity at the outlet of the nozzle hole is V, V can be decomposed into V T and V S , V T = Vsinα, so that the yarn sliver rotates and produces false twist, V S = Vcosα, so that the suction port of the yarn threading hole generates negative pressure, which is conducive to the forward advancement of the rotating vortex field on the one hand, and convenient for yarn threading on the other hand.

(a) (b)


Figure 9-39 Nozzle structure and airflow rules

(2) The generation of free fibers at the tip

As shown in Figure 9-39(b), the flat ribbon-like whisker output by the front roller is twisted back by the action of the secondary nozzle with higher airflow speed, and when the twist is transmitted to the front roller jaw, because the whisker output by the front roller has a certain width (flat ribbon), the edge fibers on the left and right sides of the whisker are not controlled by the twist because the head end is affected by the friction of the roller and the rubber roller and the surrounding air flow, and is temporarily in a free state, which is called the head free fiber, and its tail end is controlled by the roller jaws. Because the jet air flow direction of the two nozzles is opposite and the air flow intensity (air pressure) of the second nozzle is greater than that of the first nozzle, the first nozzle can only make the yarn sliver produce a small air circle opposite to the direction of air flow rotation of the second nozzle, which weakens the twisting back from the first nozzle to the front roller yarn section, forms a weak twist area, and helps to form a free fiber at the tip end.

(3) Twisting process

The twisting process of air-jet spinning yarn is "false twisting→ untwisting →wrapping". As shown in Figure 9-40, since the airflow intensity (air pressure and rotation speed) of the second nozzle is much greater than that of the first nozzle, the twisting back of the whole section of yarn between the second nozzle and the front roller jaws is determined by the airflow direction of the second nozzle, and if the twisting back added by the second nozzle is in the S direction, then the twisting back added by the first nozzle is in the Z direction; In addition, because the main body length of the whisker fiber at the front roller jaw is much greater than the distance between the nozzle inlet and the jaw, the fiber is in the state of being held (the nozzle is in a non-active holding state), forming a non-free end false twist spinning yarn that is held at both ends of the front roller jaw and the lead yarn roller and twisted in the middle. Therefore, between the second nozzle and the front roller, the whole section of yarn is twisted in an "S", and after the second nozzle exits, the yarn should be gradually untwisted to no twist.

The first nozzle located between the second nozzle and the front roller, because the air flow intensity is weak and the nozzle twisting is in a non-active holding state, the twist back added by the second nozzle can be transmitted to the front roller jaws through the first nozzle. The first nozzle can only make the yarn sliver produce a small air circle opposite to the direction of air flow rotation of the second nozzle, weaken the twisting back from the first nozzle to the front roller yarn section, form a weak twist area, and facilitate the diffusion and separation of the outer edge fibers of the front roller jaws of the front whiskers, and form the free edge fibers at the head end. Under the action of air flow, a part of the tip free fiber is continuously twisted and output with the main yarn sliver, and its head end will be twisted by the surface of the main yarn sliver, but at this time, the main yarn between the front jaw and the first nozzle has obtained a certain number of S twists, and then with the continuous twisting and output of the main yarn, the twisted tip free fiber will also obtain S twist, and maintain a certain initial twist back difference with the yarn core; A part of the free fiber at the tip end, once sucked into the twister, is wound on the main yarn core according to the direction of the air flow "Z" twist in the direction of the first nozzle under the action of the rotating air flow of the first nozzle, and this initial wrapping direction is opposite to the direction of the yarn sliver false twist; A portion of the apical free fibers may also not be twisted back; It is also possible that some of the free fibers at the tip end leave the yarn body completely, leaving it completely free.

When the yarn strip passes through the second nozzle, the body S-twist begins to untwist in the opposite direction (Z). Under the strong untwisting action of the yarn sliver, the twist of the yarn core will be exhausted, and the S twist fiber, the initial winding Z twist fiber, the free fiber at the end of the untwisted head or the complete free fiber at the end of the yarn will be wrapped with the Z direction of the untwisting moment to form an air-jet wrapping yarn.

Figure 9-40 Schematic diagram of the twisting process of air-jet spinning

(4) Fiber wrapping process

Due to the action of air flow, the outer winding fiber of the yarn core is in four states: S twist fiber with twist difference with the yarn core, initial winding Z twist fiber, free fiber at the end of the untwisted head and complete free fiber, and their wrapping process is as follows:

(1) Wrap the S twist fiber with a twist difference with the yarn core

As shown in Figure 9-41, when the main yarn strip passes through the secondary nozzle, it gradually begins to untwist, and the free fiber at the head end is also untwisted at this time, and after the main yarn core is untwisted to a certain extent, due to a certain twisting difference between the two, the wrapped fiber will produce reverse wrapping, and with the continuous untwisting of the main yarn core, it will become tighter and tighter, until the false twist of the main yarn core is all withdrawn. If the twist of the S twist fiber with twist difference with the yarn core is T 1 , and the Z-twist of the yarn core untwisting is T 2 , then the Z-twist of the final wrapped fiber is T=T 2 -T 1 .

Figure 9-41 Wrapping of S twisted fiber with twist difference with yarn core

(2) Initial winding Z twist fiber wrapping

As shown in Figure 9-42, under the action of the first nozzle air flow rotation, the free fiber at the tip end forms an initial wrapping in the "Z" direction on the yarn core, and when the yarn strip crosses the second nozzle, the yarn core S twist direction begins to untwist in the reverse (Z direction), and when the yarn core is untwisted, the tip free fiber will also be untwisted and tightly wound on the main yarn core to form a tight wrap. If the initial winding Z-twist fiber twist is T 1 and the core untwisting Z-twist is T 2 , then the Z-twist of the final winding fiber is T=T 2 +T 1 .

Figure 9-42 Initial winding Z-twist fiber wrapping

(3) Free fiber wrapping at the end of the non-twisted tip

As shown in Figure 9-43, when the yarn core is untwisted in the Z direction, the free fiber at the end of the untwisted tip is wrapped around the yarn core in the direction of untwisting. Let the Z-twist of the core untwist be T 2 , then the Z-twist of the final wrapped fiber is T=T 2 .

Figure 9-43 Free fiber wrapping at the end of the untwisted tip

(4) Completely free fiber wrapping

As shown in Figure 9-44, the yarn core surface is attached with completely free fibers, and when the false twisted yarn core is untwisted in the Z direction, the completely free fibers are wrapped around the yarn core whiskers in the direction of untwisting. Let the Z-twist of the core untwist be T 2 , then the Z-twist of the final wrapped fiber is T=T 2 . The situation of wrapping is related to the nature of the fiber (length, modulus) and the contact status of the yarn core, especially when the spinning air ring rotates at high speed, the free fiber is short or the contact is poor, and it is difficult to form wrapping.

Figure 9-44 Completely free fiber wrapping

To sum up, the key to air-jet spinning yarn with double nozzle twister is: the front roller output whisker should have a certain width, and there should be a certain number of free edge fibers at the tip end that can be separated and diffused from the whiskers, which is the basis for forming the wrapped fiber; The airflow direction of the two nozzles should be opposite, and the rotational kinetic energy and velocity of the second-stage nozzle should be greater than that of the first-stage nozzle. The function of the first nozzle is to form a weak twist zone in the yarn segment outside the front jaw, so as to promote the good separation and diffusion of the edge fibers, so as to increase the number of free fibers at the tip end, so that more free fibers at the tip enter the yarn channel to form initial wrapping or increase the initial twist back difference, so that the reverse wrapping is more compact; The function of the second nozzle is to actively twist the yarn sliver, so that the whole section of the yarn is twisted in the same direction (false twist), and the yarn is tightly wrapped when the yarn is untwisted.

3. Structure and performance of air-jet spinning yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

Through the analysis of the principle of false twisting and wrapping into yarn of air-jet spinning, it can be concluded that the characteristics of the yarn structure are as follows: the main fibers of the yarn core are basically parallel, accounting for 80%~90% of the total number of fibers in the cross-section; The fibers in the outer layer of the yarn core are still core fibers instead of outer fibers, showing the same twisting direction as the airflow direction of the secondary nozzle, but accounting for a small proportion of the core yarn. The outermost is the wrapped fiber, which is in a variety of wrapping states, accounting for 10%~20% of the total number of fibers in the cross-section, and the form of the wrapping fiber can be divided into regular spiral wrapping, irregular spiral wrapping and irregular bundling and wrapping. When the yarn of this wrapping structure is stretched, the wrapping fiber is subjected to tension, which produces centripetal pressure on the core fiber, which increases the friction and holding force between the core fibers, and makes the air-jet yarn have a certain strength and other physical and mechanical properties.

(2) The performance of the yarn

Compared with air-jet yarn and ring yarn, the strength is low, the feel is coarse and hard, but the strip is good dry, the coarse details are less, the yarn defects and nep impurities are less, the abrasion resistance is good, and the dyeing performance is good; Although the strength of air-jet yarn is low, the unevenness of strength is lower than that of ring yarn; Because the surface fiber of the air-jet yarn is a wrapping structure, the hairiness of the yarn is less, and the hairiness above 3mm is 80%~90% less than that of the ring yarn, and its hairiness is directional, along the direction of the yarn, resulting in its friction performance is directional. Because the air-jet yarn is wrapped and bundled into yarn, the density is small, the structure is fluffy, and the diameter of the air-jet yarn with the same linear density is thicker, the diameter is 4%~5% thicker than the ring yarn, and the feel is rough.

(2) Air-jet vortex spinning

1. The process of air-jet vortex spinning

Air-jet vortex spinning is directly fed with slivers or roving, and the process flow of air-jet vortex spinning is basically the same as that of air-jet spinning.

Air-jet spinning pure cotton yarn, the yarn strength is only 50% ~ 60% of the corresponding ring yarn, the spinning break is high, the air-jet vortex spinning machine is developed on the basis of the air-jet spinning machine, the air-jet vortex spinning machine is the same as the air-jet spinning machine base cloth, but the nozzle structure has been improved, which solves the problem of spinning pure cotton yarn.

The process of air-jet vortex spinning is shown in Figure 9-45, one or two cotton slivers are also through high-speed super-large drafting, output from the front roller, and the whisker enters the nozzle for twisting, the structure of the nozzle is shown in Figure 9-46, the whisker is sucked into the fiber conveying channel 2 formed by the cone 1, the inlet of the fiber conveying channel is large, the outlet is small, the fiber is accelerated in the air flow conveying, one end of the fiber guide needle 3 is fixed in the center of the cone, and the other end is aligned with the top inlet of the hollow spindle 6, and the fiber rotates in the conveying pipeline, Wound around the guide needle, due to the friction and obstruction between the fiber and the needle rod, the twist cannot be transmitted to the forward roller jaw, and a partial free-end fiber 7 is formed at the needle rod. The nozzle hole 4 is tangentially arranged with the vortex chamber 5, so that the summoning air flow rotates in the vortex chamber, the top end of the hollow spindle 6 forms a cone, and the free end fiber 7 is lodging on the conical surface of the top of the hollow spindle, and under the action of high-speed rotating air flow, this part of the free end fiber is wrapped on another part of the non-free end fiber 8, enters the hollow spindle 6 together, and then is wound into a package yarn through the yarn clearer.

(a) One yarn is fed (b) Two yarn slivers are fed

Figure 9-45 The process of air-jet vortex spinning

1-Cone 2-Fiber Conveyor Channel 3-Introducer Needle 4-Nozzle 5-Vortex Chamber

6-hollow spindle 7-free end fiber 8-non-free end fiber

Figure 9-46 Structure of jet vortex spinning nozzle

2. The twisting process of air-jet vortex spinning

(1) Formation of "semi-free ends".

As shown in Figure 9-47, after the fiber tip leaves the front roller jaw, under the action of negative pressure at the nozzle inlet, it slides into the yarn tail core at the inlet of the hollow spindle under the guidance of the guide needle, and then when the fiber tail end is separated from the front roller jaw, the tail end free fiber is formed, and the jet air flow of the four injection holes is tangent to the conical inner wall (vortex chamber) to form a rotating air flow (vortex current), which rotates in the conical vortex chamber. The yarn sliver is rotated and twisted with the vortex, and when the twist is passed back to the forward roller jaw, the guide needle and the entrance of the spiral fiber channel hinder the twist back from continuing to pass upward, so as to ensure that the tail fiber can produce more free tail fibers under the action of high-speed rotating airflow, that is, the free end, but the yarn core part is still continuous, so the air-jet vortex spinning technology can be called "semi-free end" spinning technology. The more fibers at the free tail end, the better the wrapping of the yarn core, which is also the key to the significant increase in the strength of the air-jet vortex yarn compared with the air-jet yarn. The free fiber at the end of the fiber is lodging on the cone on the periphery of the inlet of the hollow spindle under the action of high-speed rotating air flow and rotates with it, which makes the tail hook of the fiber well eliminated.

For the whiskers in the jet vortex spinning nozzle, the fibers are transported in an orderly manner under the control and action of the front roller, yarn tail and high-speed rotating airflow, which is different from free-end spinning such as rotor spinning, which reduces the hook or discount phenomenon caused by the fiber's complete airflow transportation and agglomeration, thereby improving the strength utilization coefficient of the fiber in the yarn.

(2) Twisting process

Air-jet vortex spinning technology is a spinning method that uses high-speed rotating airflow to twist and wrap the core of the free tail fiber in the nozzle lodging at the inlet of the hollow spindle. As shown in Figure 9-47, the whisker strip output by the front roller is spirally rotated and fed from the fiber conveying channel, around the guide needle rod, and the fiber tip end is overlapped with the threading tail in the hollow core spindle under the guidance of the guide needle rod, and the other end of the fiber is blown away by the rotating air flow, and rotates and falls down along the air flow to form an umbrella-shaped state, rotates at the top of the hollow core spindle, and twists the whisker strip. The fibers are continuously fed into the front roller and added to the umbrella yarn tail, and are continuously twisted into yarn with the continuous blowing and rotation of the air flow.

Figure 9-47 Schematic diagram of the twisting process of air-jet vortex spinning

3. The structure and performance of air-jet vortex spinning yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

Air-jet vortex spinning is a semi-free-end spinning, and the structure and properties of the yarn are significantly different from air-jet spinning, but different from ring yarn. The core fibers of air-jet vortex yarn are basically parallel, accounting for about 40% of the total number of yarn cross-section fibers, which is related to the fact that some non-free end fibers in the guide needle rod guide the whisker to enter the inner hole of the hollow spindle first. The main body of the yarn is the outer fibers, which account for about 60%, which is similar to the ring yarn, and the spirals are arranged in the yarn body. It can be considered that the air-jet vortex yarn is composed of two parts: the core fiber is basically parallel without twist (accounting for 40%) and the main fiber of the yarn is twisted back in a spiral line, and the number of fibers wrapped on the surface of the air-jet vortex yarn is significantly higher than that of the air-jet yarn, so that the strength of the air-jet vortex yarn is higher than that of the air-jet yarn, therefore, the air-jet vortex spinning has changed the limitation that the air-jet spinning cannot spin pure cotton yarn.

(2) The performance of the yarn

Air-jet vortex yarn is comparable to ring yarn, with slightly worse strip stem and significantly less hairiness than ring yarn, sometimes by 95%. The appearance of the yarn is smooth and clean, the abrasion resistance is good, the yarn is fluffy, the fabric is made of good moisture absorption, washing and drying, and the fabric has good pilling resistance.

(3) Core friction spinning

1. The process of core friction spinning

The process flow of core-based friction spinning and coreless friction spinning is basically the same.

Taking the DREF3 friction spinning machine as an example, it is different from the DREF2 in terms of structure in that there are two sets of fiber feeding drafting mechanisms, which can process fancy yarn products such as core-spun yarn. As shown in Figure 9-48, the DREF3 friction spinning machine is composed of two sets of feeding drafting mechanisms (1 and 2) and a twisting mechanism for the dust cage 4. The first feeding drafting mechanism 1 is a set of four upper and four lower double rubber ring roller pulling drafting devices, in which a yarn strip is fed, and after being drafted by the drafting device, it is fed into the twisting area of the dust cage to form a core yarn; After the fiber fed by the second drafting device 2 is opened by the carding roller, it is wrapped on the core yarn as an outer fiber to form a core yarn, and the lead yarn roller is drawn out and wound into a package yarn.

Figure 9-48 The process of core friction spinning

1-1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2-2-2-Fiber flow 4-Dust cage 5-yarn

2. The twisting process of core friction spinning

(1) Twisting process

Compared with coreless friction spinning, although they are twisted by two dust cages, they are essentially different in the principle of yarn formation. Coreless friction spinning produces ordinary yarn, which is free end spinning, and the yarn is a true twist structure; The core friction spinning production of core spun yarn is non-free end spinning, and the finished yarn is a false twist wrapping structure.

As shown in Figure 9-48, if there is only a continuous fiber strip fed from the first drafting device in the core friction spinning, one end of the fiber strip is held by the front roller jaw, the other end is held by the lead yarn roller, and the middle is subjected to the friction twisting action of the twister dust cage. This twisting method belongs to false twisting, that is, the twisting back obtained on the fiber strip at the feeding end (between the front roller and the dust cage) is opposite to the twist back direction obtained on the fiber strip at the output end (between the dust cage and the lead yarn roller), and after leaving the lead yarn roller, the twist back in the forward and negative directions on the yarn strip will be completely canceled out in a certain time period due to the action of torque in the opposite direction, and the yarn strip finally does not have any twisting. When the single fiber falls on the core fiber strip, with the dust cage twisting the core fiber strip and the yarn roller pulling the core fiber strip along the axial direction, the covering fiber is wrapped in a spiral shape outside the yarn core to fix the twist in the core yarn. Therefore, the core yarn fiber bundle of the main part of the core friction spun yarn has a certain twist, and the outer fiber will also extrude the yarn core radially, which increases the friction and holding force between the fibers, and makes the yarn have strength. The formula for calculating the twist of the yarn strip is the same as (9-27).

(2) Factors affecting twist

(1) Negative pressure of the dust cage The greater the negative pressure of the dust cage, the greater the twist of the yarn, because the greater the negative pressure, the tighter the contact between the yarn and the dust cage, the greater the friction torque, and the higher the twisting efficiency of the yarn.

(2) Dust cage speed The speed of the dust cage is proportional to the twist, the higher the speed of the dust cage, the greater the twist of the yarn.

(3) The greater the spinning tension of the core yarn, the decrease of the twist, which leads to the decrease of the quality of the finished yarn, because the spinning tension of the core yarn is large, the tension of the core yarn is large, the stiffness increases, and the torsion distance increases, which reduces the twisting efficiency of the sliver and reduces the twist.

(4) Outer fiber cohesion part When the outer fiber is fed closer to the left end of the dust cage (core yarn entrance), the fiber is coagulated early, the more twisted it is, and the yarn quality is better.

3. Structure and performance of cored friction spinning yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

The yarn spun by core friction spinning is a core spun yarn structure, with filament or staple fiber yarn as the core yarn, and the vertically fed outer fiber is kneaded and twisted on the core yarn in layers, and the structure of the outer fiber is the same as that of the fiber structure in the coreless friction yarn, and there is also twist and component layering to form a characteristic core spun yarn, as shown in Figure 9-49.

1-filament or staple fiber as core yarn 2,3,4,5,6-outer coated fiber

Figure 9-49 Structure of corespun yarn for friction spinning

This kind of core spun yarn can improve the strength by using the material selection of the core yarn, and the outer layer of the fiber can be selected as natural, comfortable fiber or colored fiber, effectively utilizing the characteristics of various fibers.

Since the twisting process is twisting, the structure of the outer layer of the fiber and the core yarn is not firm, so the post-processing process should avoid repeated friction caused by the phenomenon of "peeling".

(2) The performance of the yarn

Because the core yarn can be a filament, its strength is mainly reflected in the strength of the core yarn, that is, the filament, and its spinning density is greatly reduced compared with that of the coreless friction spinning.

(4) Self-twisting spinning

1. The process of self-twisting spinning

Self-twisting spinning is suitable for medium and long chemical fibers, wool, linen, silk and other long fibers with a spinning length of more than 55mm, and its spinning process varies according to the variety of spun fibers and product requirements. For example, the process of spinning medium-length chemical fiber yarn is as follows: opening and clearing cotton→ carding cotton→ first drawing → two drawing → three drawing → self-twisting spinning; Spinning wool combed yarn, the process flow is as follows: combed top→ strip mixing machine→ first needle comb→ two needle combs→ three needle combs→ roving → self-twisting spinning.

As shown in Figure 9-50, the process of self-twisting spinning, two yarn strips output by the front roller, one end is held by the front roller, the other end is held by the converging guide hook, there is a pair of rolling rollers (equivalent to false twisters) that both reciprocate and rotate between the two gripping points, the whiskers are rubbed by the rolling rollers, and the whiskers on both sides of the rolling rollers obtain the single yarn strips of S twist and Z twist in opposite directions respectively. When two single yarns with alternating twisting directions leave the rolling roller and meet at the confluence guide hook, they twist each other into a strand due to the self-twisting effect of the respective untwisting moments of the two yarns, which are then wound into a package yarn.

Figure 9-50 The process of self-twisting spinning

2. The twisting process of self-twisting spinning

(1) Self-twisting

Because the twisting roller applies the same direction false twist on the two yarns at the same time, and the twist direction on the two yarns alternates between positive and negative, the untwisting moment generated by twisting will eventually tend to cancel each other out of the twist. If two yarns with the same twist direction are tightly combined before the untwisting moment is untwisted, because the interaction force on the contact surface of the two yarns is in opposite directions and equal in size, under the interaction of friction on the contact surface, the two yarns are held into strands with each other as the center of the contact surface, and the outer side of them rotates in the direction of the untwisting force couple, and the strands are twisted together by themselves, until the torsional torque of the combined strands is balanced with the reduced untwisting force distance, and this effect is called self-twisting.

(2) Twisting process

Self-twisting spinning is the use of self-twisting to make two single yarn strips twisted into a double-strand yarn, that is, self-twisting yarn. As shown in Figure 9-51(a), two parallel arranged whiskers, the two ends of which are held, and the middle is vigorously twisted in the same direction, and the false twist point is held, then the twist on both sides of the false twist point is twisted in opposite directions, with Z twist on the right side and S twist on the left. At this time, the untwisting moment in the same direction is available on both sides of the false twist point, but the untwist cannot be released because the false twist point is held constrained. Fig. 9-51(b) shows that the two twisted yarn strips are tightly attached along the full length, and when the hand is released, the restraint of the untwisting moment on the yarn strips on both sides of the false twist point disappears, and the two single yarn strips produce self-twisting action due to untwisting, and twist each other to form a double-ply yarn with S twist and Z twist alternate twisting direction and stable twist.

Figure 9-51 Schematic diagram of twisting process of self-twisting spinning

The power of the self-twisting effect is due to the untwisting moment of the two single yarn strips, and there is a tendency to rotate each single yarn strip around its own axis, as shown in Figure 9-51(c), but because the two single yarn strips are in close contact along the full length, the circumferential motion of the two yarn strips at the contact point is constrained, so they cannot be untwisted and rotated respectively around their own axis, and can only rotate around the contact place of the two yarn strips, that is, the common axis O, so as to twist each other, as shown in Figure 9-51(d). Since the direction of the untwisting moment is opposite to the twisting moment, the twisting direction of the double strand yarn used is also opposite to the twisting direction of the two single yarn slivers. When the untwisting moment of the remaining twist of the two single yarn strips is balanced with the untwisting moment of the self-twisting yarn, the self-twisting action stops by itself, and a stable structure of the self-twisting yarn is formed.

In the same way, two whiskers, one of which has a twist, and the other is not twisted, when such two whiskers are close to contact, the one with twist has a tendency to untwist, but is constrained by the circumferential movement of the two whiskers at the contact place, and can not rotate around its own axis, it is twisted together with another untwisted whisker, and self-twisting will also occur, but the twisting is looser.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that the self-twisting process is the process of transforming the false twist obtained by a single yarn into a double yarn true twist. The conditions for the transformation are that the two single yarn slivers must be arranged in parallel, with full contact and timely release of the constraints on the false twist point.

3. Structure and performance of self-twisted spinning yarn

(1) Types of self-twisted yarns

(1) ST (co-twisted yarn and phase contrast self-twisted yarn)

After twisting by the twisting roller, the single yarn strip obtained is the twist degree of alternating S twist and Z twist in cycle. In the middle of this alternation is the untwisted zone, where the fibers are perfectly parallel and are the weak links with very low strength. When two strands of twisted single yarn are converging, if the two twists are completely overlapping with each fragment with the same direction (i.e., S twist and S twist, Z twist and Z twist, untwisted area and untwisted area coincide), the self-twisted yarn composed in this way is called in-phase self-twisting yarn, and its structure is shown in Figure 9-52(a). The untwisted zone of the same phase self-twisting yarn happens to be the overlap of the untwisted zone of two single-ply yarns, which highlights the weakness of the self-twisting yarn and affects the strength and dryness of the yarn. Therefore, the breakage rate of in-phase self-twisted yarn is high, the quality is poor, and the non-twisting area produces streaks on the surface of the fabric, which is neither suitable for the normal production of self-twisting spinning machine, nor suitable for weaving.

(a) In-phase self-twisting yarn

(b) Phase-related self-twisting yarn

Figure 9-52 Self-twisted yarn in phase and self-twisted yarn in phase

In order to overcome the weakness of in-phase self-twisting yarn, when the two single yarn strips of self-twisting yarn converge, they can be twisted to the same fragment and the untwisted area can be staggered by a certain distance, and the length of this distance is called phase difference. As shown in Figure 9-52(b), in the phase contrast self-twisting yarn, two single yarn strips twist to the same fragment to self-twist, and a strong self-twisting degree is obtained. The untwisted zone of one single yarn strip and the twisted segment of another single yarn strip can also be self-twisted, resulting in a weaker self-twisting degree. When two single yarn strips twist to opposite segments, because the untwisting moments of the single yarn strips are opposite, they cannot rotate around the common axis, and the untwisted area of the self-twisting yarn is formed. In the non-twisting area of the difference self-twisting yarn, because the two single yarn strips are twisted, they have a certain strength, and the non-twisting area on the two single yarn strips is dispersed, and each of them is self-twisted with the twisted yarn, and also has a certain strength, thus eliminating the weak link of the self-twisting yarn. Therefore, the strength and abrasion resistance of the phase-related self-twisted yarn are significantly higher than those of the same-phase self-twisted yarn. Therefore, the self-twisted yarn spun in actual production is a difference self-twisted yarn.

The phase difference increases the strength of the self-twisted yarn, but the phase difference is not as large as possible, and the phase difference also has a critical value, and the strength of the self-twisted yarn is the largest at this time. When the phase difference exceeds this critical value, the strength of the self-twisting yarn decreases. The reason is that when the phase difference is larger, the length of the untwisted area of the ply is larger, and the range occupied by the adjacent weak twist section on both sides is larger, and the range occupied by the normal twisted section is smaller, which increases the distribution density of the weaker link and the weak link, and the strength of the self-twisting yarn decreases. In addition, because the difference self-twisting yarn replaces the normal twisted section of the same phase self-twisting yarn with a part of the weak twist segment, its half-cycle twist gradually decreases with the increase of phase difference, and the decrease of twist also has an adverse effect on the yarn strength.

In actual production, the method of realizing the phase difference is to change the confluence guide hook of two single yarn strips into two steel wire hooks that are staggered from each other, so that a single yarn strip is folded back to another yarn guide hook and meets with another single yarn strip after passing the guide yarn hook that is far away, so that the distance traveled by the two single yarn strips before confluence is not equal, which makes the original "same phase" relationship change to the "phase difference" relationship that two non-twist areas are staggered, and the staggered distance is equal to the size of the phase difference.

(2) STT (self-twisting strands)

Although the self-twisting yarn has high strength and wear resistance, it still retains the alternating nature of twist, and there is still a non-twist area on the stranded yarn. Therefore, there are still stripes or regular patterns on the appearance of the cloth, and it is not suitable for warp yarn in terms of strength. For this reason, it is necessary to use a twisting machine or a double twisting machine to treat a self-twisting yarn as a combination of two single yarns, and add twist to it to become a double-strand yarn with a single twist direction, which is called self-twisting strands or twisting self-twisting yarn. As long as the self-twisting and additional twisting control are appropriate, the stripe or pattern on the cloth can be improved by weaving the fabric with this self-twisting strand. Figure 9-53 shows the formation process of a self-twisting strand.

Figure 9-53 The formation process of self-twisting strands

Figure 9-53 in 1 shows the original state of the twisted yarn produced from the twisting spinning machine, with the middle part being the untwisted zone, and the twisting direction of the upper and lower parts is opposite (the upper part is the S twist, the lower part is the Z twist). 2 indicates the state when the twist is added, for example, after twisting in the direction of the S twist in the upper half, the S twist in the upper half increases and the Z twist in the lower half is offset and the twist is untwisted. This is because the self-twisting yarn itself is a balanced structure, so the S twist section and the Z twist section are affected by the additional twist at the same time, that is, when the Z twist section is untwisted, the S twist section also obtains twist. Continue to add twist until all Z twists are withdrawn, so that the two single yarn strips at the bottom half appear completely parallel and the combined twist is zero, as shown in position 3. This state is called "duality", and the additional twist required to achieve this stage is called "dual twist", and its size depends on the size of the original single yarn twist. Continue to add the result of twist, and the state of 4 in Figure 9-53. All the twists of the yarn become in one direction, but the twist is very unevenly distributed. The final result of the additional twist is shown in the state of 5 in Figure 9-53, the twist distribution is improved, but the twist is larger than the uneven twist of the twist of the ring spinning, which is the final product of self-twisting spinning self-twisting strand, which has the conditions for weaving.

(2) The structure of the yarn

Self-twisted yarn has different structural characteristics from ring yarn, first, self-twisted yarn has the twist distribution and structural periodicity that ring yarn does not have; Second, there are only two factors that affect the change of the twist of the ring strand, namely the single yarn twist and the strand twist, while the self-twisting strand is different, there are three change factors: single yarn twist, self-twisting yarn twist and self-twisting strand twist (additional twist).

(1) The twist of the yarn and its distribution

When the two whiskers are twisted through a pair of reciprocating and rotating twisting rollers, a twisted yarn segment with alternating intervals between positive and negative twists is obtained, that is, after a section of S twist, followed by a section of Z twist, there is a short section of untwisted area in the middle to form the twist distribution of a unit, and so on and so forth. Because the speed of the twisting roller is slow at both ends and fast in the middle during the reciprocating process, and is sinusoidal in nature, the twist of the single yarn strip is also roughly sinusoidally distributed, that is, the two ends are thin and the middle is dense. Since the self-twisting yarn is self-twisted into yarn by the action of the untwisting moment of the single yarn strip, the greater the untwisting moment of the single yarn sliver, the greater the reverse untwisting moment of the self-twisting yarn, so the twist distribution of the self-twisting yarn is consistent with the twist distribution of the single yarn strip. According to the actual experiment, the twist distribution curve of self-twisting yarn is not a sinusoidal curve, but close to a trapezoidal curve, which is the result of twist redistribution.

(2) The structure of self-twisting strands

Although STT yarn has only one twist in one direction, there are also strong twist, medium twist and weak twist sections. Due to the difference of twist in each section, the shape and size of the self-twisting yarn cross-section also change periodically: in the tight twisting and middle twisting sections, the cross-section is relatively round and tight; Weakly twisted sections, with a flattened and loose cross-section. For most sections, the self-twisted yarn is looser than the same ring yarn and has a larger cross-sectional diameter.

(3) The performance of the yarn

(1) ST yarn is a strand with obvious S twist direction and Z twist direction and alternate with no twist area. The yarn could not withstand the friction with the reed and the change in tension during the weaving opening, and could only be used for weft and knitting. The periodicity of the self-twisting yarn structure is easy to form a strip on the woven fabric, and it is easy to show a diamond-shaped pattern when used as a weft. If it is treated with special sizing, it will also randomly form a warp strip. Therefore, it is necessary to choose fabrics that can conceal stripes, such as yarn-dyed yarn-dyed, hidden stripes, jacquard fabrics, tweed fabrics, heterochromatic warp and weft interweaving, and fleece fabrics.

(2) The twist distribution of STT self-twisting strands also has a certain periodicity. If the twist of ST yarn is too much, the additional twist will inevitably increase, then the twist difference between the strong twist and the weak twist section of STT yarn increases, affecting the gloss and feel, such as the ST yarn twist is low, the twist is uneven and small, the STT yarn thus prepared can obtain a better fabric appearance and feel. This yarn can be used as woven yarn, but the uneven twist is larger than that of ring yarn, and the cost is lower than that of ring yarn.

(5) Parallel spinning

1. The process of parallel spinning

Parallel spinning generally spins fancy yarns, taking recycled raw materials to spin 200tex parallel yarn as an example, the process flow is: pulling loose→ carding → parallel spinning.

The parallel spinning process is shown in Figure 9-54, the parallel spinning adopts sliver (roving) 1 feeding, and the sliver (roving) enters the high-speed drafting system 2 that is vertically placed. The staple fiber whiskers that are drawn into parallel arrangement without twist enter the hollow core spindle 5, the hollow spindle produces rotation under the drive of the belt pulley 6, the filament package is sleeved on the hollow spindle and the hollow spindle rotates at the same speed, the filament package 4 of the hollow core spindle jacket is wound with the outer winding filament (yarn) 3, the staple fiber whisker and the wrapped filament (yarn) enter the hollow core spindle together, under the action of suction pipe 7, the staple fiber whisker and the wrapped filament (yarn) move downward, due to the rotation of the filament package, Each turn of filament (yarn) adds a twist to the staple fiber whisker to form a parallel yarn, which is wound to the package 9 through the lead yarn roller 8.

1-Sliver (roving) 2-Drafting system 3-Outer filament (yarn) 4-Filament package

5-hollow spindle, 6-belt pulley, 7-suction pipe, 8-lead yarn roller, 9-package

Figure 9-54 Parallel spinning process

2. Twisting process of parallel spinning

The staple fiber whiskers output from the drafting mechanism are held by the front roller and the lead yarn roller at both ends respectively, and the middle is twisted by a hollow spindle, which is held at both ends and twisted in the middle, so the short fiber whiskers output from the lead yarn roller are added with false twist. For the filament (yarn) on the outer filament package of the hollow spindle, it is only held at the output roller end, so the twist added by the hollow spindle is the true twist, and the twist size is the ratio of the rotation speed of the hollow spindle to the thread speed of the lead yarn roller. The filament (yarn) on the outer filament package of the hollow spindle is spirally wrapped around the parallel arrangement of staple fiber whiskers in the form of a true twist, and the filament (yarn) creates the necessary holding force between the single fibers to form a parallel yarn by applying radial pressure to the staple fibers, as shown in Figure 9-55.

1-Staple fiber whiskers 2-Filament (yarn) 3-Parallel yarn

Figure 9-55 Schematic diagram of the twisting process of parallel spinning

3. Structure and properties of parallel spinning yarn

(1) The structure of the yarn

Parallel yarn has an obvious double-layer structure, which is composed of two parts: outer fiber and core fiber, and the core fiber is arranged in parallel along the yarn axis, and a variety of natural fibers or chemical fiber staple fibers can be used. The outer fibers can be used in a variety of different specifications and properties of chemical fiber filament yarn or spun staple fiber yarn. The cross-section of the parallel yarn is circular, and when the yarn sliver does not bear tension, the axial direction of the yarn will show a slight undulation phenomenon, giving people a feeling of fullness, and the fabric of the parallel yarn has a wool-like feeling. The number of fibers in the parallel yarn section is small, the yarn body is fine and smooth, which can reduce the friction with the reed, needle eye, etc., and relatively speaking, there are fewer broken ends in the weaving process.

(2) The performance of the yarn

Because the filament is wrapped in a spiral shape around the outside of the short fiber whisker, when the yarn is stretched, the outer filament exerts radial pressure on the short fiber, increasing the friction between the fibers. At the same time, the yarn core staple fiber has good straightness, large contact area, uniform force, and high length utilization, so that the yarn strength is improved. Because the core fibers are parallel and untwisted, the filament wrapping staple fibers have no destructive effect on the uniformity of the whiskers, and the high drawing is conducive to the straightening and parallelism of the short fibers in the core yarn. Therefore, the strip dryness uniformity of parallel yarn is better than that of ring yarn. The parallel yarn has less hairiness, which is 1.5~3.5 times lower than that of ring yarn, so that the dust and flying flowers in the next process can be significantly reduced. Spinning with staple fibers of the same linear density, parallel yarns can spin finer yarns than ring yarns, because the core yarn of parallel yarn is untwisted and the outer filament is tighter. That is, when spinning yarn with the same thread density, coarser staple fibers can be used for parallel yarns, so that the spinning cost is reduced accordingly. The fluffiness of parallel yarn is better, and its diameter is about 10% larger than that of ring yarn with the same linear density. Good fluffiness makes the capillary effect of parallel yarn good and has good moisture absorption performance.

Topic 6: Limitations of traditional ring spinning and the development and application of new technologies

Food for Thought:

1. What are the limitations of the yarn quality and yarn formation principle of the traditional yarn forming method?

2. Analyze the yarn formation principle and yarn characteristics of ring spindle agglomeration spinning.

3. The agglomeration process and characteristics of various airflow aggregation spinning.

4. Analyze the yarn formation principle and yarn characteristics of ring spindle composite yarn.

5. Twisting process and yarn structure and performance characteristics of siro spinning, sirophil spinning, solo spinning, embedded spinning, twist spinning.

6. Analyze the yarn formation principle and yarn characteristics of free end yarn formation.

7. Twisting process and yarn structure and performance characteristics of rotor spinning, coreless friction spinning, vortex current spinning, and electrostatic spinning.

8. Analyze the yarn formation principle and yarn characteristics of non-free end yarn formation.

9. The twisting process and yarn structure and performance characteristics of air-jet spinning, air-jet vortex spinning, core friction spinning, self-twisting spinning, and parallel spinning.


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