这是用户在 2024-5-31 10:52 为 https://app.immersivetranslate.com/word/ 保存的双语快照页面,由 沉浸式翻译 提供双语支持。了解如何保存?




第一卷第 3 节



Table of Contents

1. 定义和解释 2

1.1 Definitions 2
1.1 定义2

1.2 Interpretation 4
1.2 解释4

1.3 Entire Contract 5
1.3 整个合同 5

2.0 工作范围 6

2.1 Appointment and Scope 6
2.1 任命和范围 6

2.2 Date for Commencement 6
2.2 开始日期 6

2.3 Date for Completion 6
2.3 完成日期 6

2.4 Key Dates 6
2.4 关键日期 6

2.5 Contract Period 6
2.5 合同期6

2A 雇主指示、雇主代表和雇主指示


2A.1 Instructions of the Employer 6
2A.1 雇主的指示 6

2A.2 The Employer’s Representative (ER) and The Employer’s Representative Assistant
2A.2 雇主代表(ER)和雇主代表助理

(ERA) 7

2A.3 Access for the Employer to the Works 7
2A.3 雇主进入工厂的权限 7

3. 公交车承包商人员 8

3.1 Provision of Personnel 8
3.1 人员配备 8

3.2 Bus Contractor’s Representative 8
3.2 公交车承包商代表 8

4. 合同金额10的充足性

4A。证书和付款 10

4A.1 Interim Payment Application Procedures 10
4A.1 临时付款申请程序 10

4A.2 Interim Payment Certificate 11
4A.2 中期付款证明 11

4A.3 Invoice 11
4A.3 发票 11

4A.4 Correction of Certificates 11
4A.4 证书更正 11

4A.5 SST Compliance 12
4A.5 销售及服务税合规性 12

4A.6 Final Account and Final Certificate 12
4A.6 决算和最终证书 12

4A.7 Release of Retention Money 13
4A.7 保留金的释放 13

4A.8 The Employer Rights of Deduction, Withholding and Set-Off 13
4A.8 雇主扣除、预扣和抵销的权利 13

4A.9 Currency of Payment 14
4A.9 支付货币 14

5. 雇主的义务 14

5.1 Authorised Representative 14
5.1 授权代表 14

5.2 Employer’s Assistance 14
5.2 雇主的协助 14

6. 公交车承包商的义务 14

6.1 Standard of Care and Skill 14
6.1 护理和技能标准 14

6.2 Compliance with Employer’s Procedures 15
6.2 遵守雇主程序 15

6.3 Meeting 15
6.3 会议15

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6.4 Records and Information 15
6.4 记录和信息 15

6.5 Shipping and use of Multimodal Transport Operators (MTO) 16
6.5 多式联运运营商 (MTO) 的运输和使用 16

6.6 Import Permits and Payment of Taxes and Duties 16
6.6 进口许可证和缴纳税款和关税 16

6.7 Safety and Security 17
6.7 安全和安保 17

6.8 Risk and Property 17
6.8 风险和财产 17

6.9 Technical Publications 17
6.9 技术出版物 17

6.10 Project Quality Plan 17
6.10 项目质量计划 17

6.11 Non-Compliance 18
6.11 不合规 18

6A。初始提交要求 18

7. 培训 19

8. 检查、测试和调试 19

9. 交付、最终检验和验收 19

10. 普遍保修 21

11. 性能安全 21

11.1 Performance Bond 21
11.1 履约保证书 21

11.2 Right to Terminate 22
11.2 终止权 22

12. 确定的损害赔偿 (LAD) 22

12.1 LAD for Delay in Completion of Works 22
12.1 工程延迟竣工的 LAD 22

12.3 LAD for Bus Disruption during Warranty Period 23
12.3 保修期内总线故障的LAD 23

13. 保修期 23

13A.1 Joint Inspection 24
13A.1 联合检查24

13A.2 Certificate of Performance 24
13A.2 性能证书 24

13A.3 Certificate of Final Performance 25
13A.3 最终表现证书25

14.0 备件供应保证 25

15.0 变体 .25


16.0 公交车承包商的陈述和保证 29

17.0 延长时间 30

18.0 赔偿和责任 31

18.1 Indemnity against Infringement by the Bus Contractor 31
18.1 针对巴士承包商的侵权行为的赔偿 31

18.2 Liability Upon Termination 31
18.2 终止时的责任 31

18.3 Notification 31
18.3 通知31

18.4 Proceedings 31
18.4 会议记录 31

18.5 Constitution of the Bus Contractor 32
18.5 公交车承包商的章程 32

18.6 Provision of Parent Company Guarantee 32
18.6 提供母公司担保 32

19.0 保密性 32

19.1 Confidential Information 32
19.1 机密信息 32

19.2 Undertaking 33
19.2 承诺 33

20.0 雇主的保险(CEAR 和 WC)33

Table of Content Page 2 of 5
目录 第 2 页(共 5 页)

20.1 Compliance with Policy Conditions 34
20.1 遵守政策条件 34

20A。乘坐巴士承包商 34

20A.1 The Bus Contractor’s Insurances 34
20A.1 公交车承包商的保险 34

20A.2 Other Insurances 34
20A.2 其他保险 34

20A.3 The Bus Contractor to Provide Evidence That Insurances Effected 35
20A.3 公交车承包商提供保险生效的证据 35

20A.4 Adequacy of Insurances 35
20A.4 保险的充分性 35

20A.5 Remedy on Failure to Insure 35
20A.5 未能投保的补救措施 35

20A.6 Compliance with Insurance Obligations 35
20A.6 遵守保险义务 35

20B。工人赔偿立法 35

20B.1 Registration 35
20B.1 注册 35

20B.2 Contribution 35
20B.2 贡献 35

20B.3 Default in Compliance 36
20B.3 不遵守规定 36

20B.4 Indemnification by Bus Contractor 36
20B.4 公交车承包商的赔偿 36

21. 不可抗力 36

21.1 Events 36
21.1 事件 36

21.2 Notification of Force Majeure 37
21.2 不可抗力通知 37

21.3 Termination by Force Majeure 37
21.3 因不可抗力而终止 37

21.4 Consequences of Termination Due to Event of Force Majeure 37
21.4 因不可抗力事件而终止的后果 37

21.5 Delay 37
21.5 延迟 37

21.6 Restoration 37
21.6 恢复 37

21.7 Insurance to Cover the Occurrence of Force Majeure 37
21.7 承保不可抗力发生的保险 37

21.8 Obligations Not Affected 38
21.8 不受影响的义务 38

22.0 争议解决 38

23. 违约和终止 41

23.1 Default by Bus Contractor 41
23.1 公交车承包商违约 41

23.2 Not Used 43
23.2 未使用 43

23.3 Termination on Corruption, Unlawful or Illegal Activities 43
23.3 终止腐败、非法或非法活动 43

23.4 为方便而终止 43

23.5 出于国家利益而终止 44

23.5A 合同无过错确定 44

23.5A.1 合同确定后的付款 44

23.5A.2 全部最终结算 44

23.5A.3 承包商的义务 44

23A。砂拉越土著参与 44

24.1 Not Used 45
24.1 未使用 45

24.2 Costs and Stamp Duty 45
24.2 成本和印花税 45

24.3 Waiver 45
24.3 豁免 45

24.4 Applicable Law 45
24.4 适用法律 45

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目录 第 3 页(共 5 页)

24.5 Severability 45
24.5 可分割性 45

24.6 Compliance With Law 45
24.6 遵守法律 45

24.7 Notices 46
24.7 通知 46

24.8 Time is of the Essence 46
24.8 时间至关重要 46

24.9 Relationship of the Parties 46
24.9 双方关系 46

24.10 Continuing Obligations 46
24.10 持续义务 46

24.11 Not Used 46
24.11 未使用 46

24.12 Further Assurances 46
24.12 进一步保证 46

24.13 Right to Set-Off 46
24.13 抵销权 46

24.14 Provision of Documents 47
24.14 提供文件 47

24.15 Successors Bound 47
24.15 后继者的束缚 47

24.16 Modification 47
24.16 修改47

24.17 Remedies not Exclusive 47
24.17 补救措施并非排他性 47

25.0 NOT USED 47
25.0 未使用 47

26.0 选项表 47

27.0 供应并安装车载总线集成系统 (BIS) 设备

其他 48

28.0 州政府无限期暂停和/或终止的权利

无限期 49

29.0 转让和更替 49

30.0 劳工和劳资关系 49

31.0 禁止广告 50

32.0 遵守程序 50

33.0 幸存权利 50

34.0 项目风险管理 50

35.0 TAXATION 50
35.0 税收 50

36.0 临时金额 50

36.1 “临时金额”的定义 50

36.2 临时款项的使用 50

36.3 临时合同金额的调整 51

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目录 第 4 页(共 5 页)


Appendix 1

- Particulars to the Conditions of Contract (COC)
- 合同条件 (COC) 详情

Appendix 2

- Indicative Timeline For Hydrogen Fuel Cell Feeder Bus (H2B)
- 氢燃料电池支线巴士(H2B)指示性时间表

Appendix 2A

- Key Dates And Delivery Schedule
- 关键日期和交货时间表

Appendix 3

- Form of Performance Bond
- 履约保证金形式

Appendix 4

- Form of Parent Company Guarantee
- 母公司担保表格

Appendix 5

- Details of Insurance
- 保险详情

Appendix 6

- List of Multimodal Transport Operators (MTO)
- 多式联运运营商(MTO)名单

Appendix 7

- Dispute Adjudication Agreement
- 争议裁决协议

Appendix 8

- Integrity Pact
- 诚信契约

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目录 第 5 页(共 5 页)


合同号。: … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ..

THIS CONTRACT is made on day of 20… ..
本合同于 20 日签订......


(1) SARAWAK METRO SDN. BHD. (Company No.: 201801007738 (1269752-D)) whose principal place of business is at 16-01A, LEVEL 16,ARIVA GATEWAY KUCHING, NO. 9,JALAN BUKIT MATA KUCHING, 93100 KUCHING, SARAWAK (hereinafter referred to as the Employer”) which expression shall include its permitted assigns, successors-in-title and duly appointed representatives
(1) 砂拉越地铁有限公司BHD。 (公司编号:201801007738(1269752-D))其主要营业地点位于 16-01A, LEVEL 16,ARIVA GATEWAY KUCHING, NO. 9,JALAN BUKIT MATA KUCHING, 93100 KUCHING, SARAWAK(以下简称“雇主”),该表述应包括其允许的受让人、所有权继承人和正式指定的代表


(2) (Company No...................................) a
(2) (公司编号......................................) a

company incorporated under the laws of Malaysia and having its registered place of business at

.. (hereinafter

referred to as the Bus Contractor”) which expression shall include its permitted assigns, successors-in-title and duly appointed representatives.

The Employer and the Bus Contractorshall individually be referred as the “ Party” and collectively referred to as the “Parties”.


(A) The Employer a company wholly owned by the Project Developer has been appointed to
(A) 雇主(项目开发商全资拥有的公司)已被指定

implement the Project;

(B) The Employer issued its requirements through Tender No. SMSB/KUTS/TNDR/L0/CONT/2024/0044 dated 29 May 2024 in respect of “Design, Engineering, Procurement, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing & Commissioning And Handover Of Completely Built Up (CBU) Fifty-Five (55) Units Of Single Deck Hydrogen Fuel Cell Feeder Buses (H2B) For The Development Of The Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) Project(“the Works”).
(B) 雇主通过 2024 年 5 月 29 日的 SMSB/KUTS/TNDR/L0/CONT/2024/0044 号招标发布了有关“设计、工程、采购、制造、供应、交付、安装、测试和调试”的要求并移交已完工 (CBU) 的五十五 (55) 辆单层氢燃料电池支线巴士 (H2B),用于古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS) 项目的开发”(“工程”)。

(C) The Bus Contractor submitted its proposal dated [...] in response to such requirements and the Bus Contractor represents that it possesses the required professional organisation, knowledge, expertise, skills, experience and availability of suitably qualified, skilled and competent personnel to carryout the Works and perform the Works in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract.
(C) 巴士承包商根据此类要求提交了日期为 [...] 的提案,并且巴士承包商表示其拥有所需的专业组织、知识、专业知识、技能、经验和适当合格、熟练和称职的人员根据本合同的条款和条件开展工程并实施工程。

(D) Relying upon the Bus Contractor’s Proposal and representations and in furtherance to the Letter of Acceptance dated [...], the Employer had agreed to appoint the Bus Contractor to provide the Works and the Bus Contractor had agreed to accept the appointment based on terms and conditions of this Contract.
(D) 根据巴士承包商的建议和陈述,并根据日期为 [...] 的接受函,雇主同意指定巴士承包商提供工程,并且巴士承包商同意接受该指定根据本合同的条款和条件。

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S3 |合同条件 - COC 第 1 页,共 51 页


1. 定义和解释

1.1 Definitions
1.1 定义

The Parties agree that unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions used in this Contract shall have the following meanings:

“Accepted Contract Sum”

means the sum accepted in the Letter of Acceptance for the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of any defects.


means the completed pages entitled Appendix which are appended to the Conditions of Contract (COC) and forming part of the Contract Documents.
指附加到合同条件 (COC) 并构成合同文件一部分的标题为附录的完整页面。

“Bus Disruption”

means any Operational Buses not functional due to warranty defects, endemic problems or other reasons attributable to the Bus Contractor exceeding five percent (5%) of the total Operational Buses for each day during the Warranty Period.
指由于保修缺陷、地方性问题或其他可归咎于客车承包商的原因而无法正常运行的任何运营客车,其数量超过保修期内每天运营客车总数的百分之五 (5%)。


means fifty-five (55) units of buses that are to be designed, manufactured, supplied, delivered as completely built-up (CBU), tested, commissioned and warranted by the Bus Contractor in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract and ‘Bus’ shall be construed accordingly.
指由客车承包商根据本合同的条款和条件设计、制造、供应、交付、测试、调试和保修的五十五 (55) 辆客车,“客车”应解释为因此。


Bus Integrated System

“BIS Contractor”

Means the named party in the Articles of Agreement and the legal successors in title to such person, but not (except with the prior written consent of the Employer) any assignee of such person.

“Certificate of Acceptance”

means the certificate issued by the Employer pursuant to Clause 9.
指雇主根据第 9 条签发的证明。

“Certificate of Extension of Time”

means the certificate issued by the Employer pursuant to Clause 17.
指雇主根据第 17 条签发的证明。

“Certificate of Final

means the certificate issued by the Employer pursuant to Clause 9A;
指雇主根据第 9A 条签发的证书;


“Certificate of Final

means the certificate issued by the Employer pursuant to Clause



“Certificate of Performance”

means the certificate issued by the Employer pursuant to Clause 13A.
指雇主根据第 13A 条签发的证书。

“Conditions of Contract”

means this document described as “Conditions of Contract” or “COC” forming part of the Contract Documents.

“Consumable Spare Parts”

means parts other than Critical Spare Parts and parts that subject to wear and tear which require periodic and corrective maintenance.


means this Contract for the provision of the Works together with its appendices any variations, modifications and amendments hereof.

“Contract Documents”

means the various documents identified in Clause 3A.2(a)
指第 3A.2(a) 条中规定的各种文件

“Contract Sum”

means the sum of Ringgit Malaysia [...] being the sum payable by the Employer to the Bus Contractor for the Works to be performed under this Contract, details of which are set out in the Schedule of
指马来西亚林吉特 [...] 的金额,即雇主就根据本合同进行的工程应付给巴士承包商的金额,其详情载于附表

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S3 |合同条件 - COC 第 2 页(共 51 页)


“Bus Contractor’s Premises”

means the Site and/or Location(s) and/or Place(s) where the manufacturing/ fabrication/ assembly/ installation/ testing and commissioning etc. in regard to the performance of the Contract are being carried out by the Bus Contractor or any other place approved by the Employer (if applicable).

“Bus Contractor Proposal”

means proposal submitted by the Bus Contractor pursuant to the Tender Document.

“Bus Contractor’s Representative”

means a person appointed by the Bus Contractor who is qualified and competent, fully experienced to carry out the execution of the Works and to fulfil the Bus Contractor’s obligations under the Contract.

“Critical Spare Parts”

means the major components that would cause disruption to the operation of the Buses and require long lead time and delivery.

“Date for Commencement”

means the date for commencement as stated in Appendix 1.
指附录 1 中规定的开始日期。

“Date for Completion”

means the date for completion of the works as stated in Appendix 1 (as may be extended under Clause 17).
指附录 1 中规定的工程竣工日期(可根据第 17 条延长)。


means Sarawak Metro Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 201801007738 (1269752-D), a company wholly owned by the Project Developer which has been appointed to implement the Project (the Project Implementor) and includes its authorized representatives.
指 Sarawak Metro SdnBhd(公司编号 201801007738 (1269752-D)),是一家由被指定实施该项目的项目开发商(项目实施者)全资拥有的公司,并包括其授权代表。

“Employer’s Representative (ER)”

has the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 2A.2.
具有第 2A.2 条中赋予它的含义。


Representative Assistant (ERA)”

has the meaning ascribed to it in Clause 2A.2.
具有第 2A.2 条中赋予它的含义。

“Employer’s Site”

means the identified location and/or place for the delivery of the Buses

“Endemic Warranty Period”

means the period from the date of delivery of the first bus until one

(1) year after the end of Warranty Period
(1) 保修期结束后一年

“Inspection, Testing and Commissioning”

means inspection, testing and commissioning procedure pursuant the Specification and Clause 8 herein.
指根据规范和本文第 8 条进行的检查、测试和调试程序。

“Intellectual Property Rights”

means patents, registered designs, trademarks and service marks (whether registered or not), copyright design rights, and all similar proprietary rights subsisting in any part of the world.

“Letter of Acceptance”

means the Letter of Acceptance for the Works dated [...] together with all its Attachments issued by Employer to the Bus Contractor which was accepted by the Bus Contractor on [...]
指由雇主向客车承包商签发的日期为 [...] 的工程验收函及其所有附件,并由客车承包商于 [...]

“Notice of Rejection”

has the meaning prescribed to in Clause 8.
具有第 8 条规定的含义。

“Operational Buses”

means the Buses duly issued with Certificate of Acceptance.


refers to the Bus Contractor and Employer collectively.


refers to the Bus Contractor or Employer individually, as the context dictates.

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S3 |合同条件 - COC 第 3 页,共 51 页

“Performance Securities”

means the securities deposited by the Bus Contractor to guarantee its performance in the form of performance bond(s) and retention sum as prescribed in Clause 11
指巴士承包商以第 11 条规定的履约保证金和保留金的形式存入的用于保证其履约的证券


means the Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) Project.

“Project Developer”

means SEDC or SARAWAK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION or otherwise known as PERBADANAN PEMBANGUNAN EKONOMI SARAWAK, a statutory body established under the Perbadanan Pembangunan Ekonomi Sarawak (Sarawak Economic Development Corporation) Ordinance (Cap.35) and having its principal office at Menara SEDC, No. 2, The Isthmus, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak, which includes its authorised representatives.
指 SEDC 或砂拉越经济发展公司,或称为 PERBADAAN PEMBANGUNAN EKONOMI SARAWAK,是根据 Perbadanan Pembangunan Ekonomi Sarawak(砂拉越经济发展公司)条例(第 35 章)成立的法定机构,其主要办事处位于 Menara SEDCNo2, The Isthmus93050 Kuching ,砂拉越,其中包括其授权代表。

“Project Quality Plan”

means the quality control and assurance plan by the Bus Contractor as required by Employer in the Specification and to be agreed upon between Employer and the Bus Contractor.

“Scope of Works”

means all the works necessary for the implementation and completion of the Design, Engineering, Procurement, Manufacture, Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing & Commissioning And Handover Of Completely Built-Up Fifty- Five (55) Units Of Single Deck Hydrogen Fuel Cell Feeder Buses (H2B) For The Development Of The Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) Projectpursuant to The Specification;
指实施和完成“完全建成的五十五 (55) 辆单层氢燃料电池支线巴士的设计、工程、采购、制造、供应、交付、安装、测试和调试以及移交”所需的所有工作(H2B)根据规范发展古晋城市交通系统(KUTS)项目”;

“The Specification”

refers to Section 22 in Volume IV of the Tender Document.


means a change in the scope of Works which makes necessary the alteration or modification of the design, quality or quantity of the Works.

“Variation Order”

means a written notification issued by Employer to the Bus Contractor with details of the Variations and its effects.

“Warranty Claim

means the form to be issued by the Employer pursuant to Clause 13.
指雇主根据第 13 条签发的表格。

Notification Form”

“Warranty Period”

means the period commencing from the date of delivery of the first bus and shall extend for a duration of twenty-four (24) months following the delivery of the last bus.
指从第一辆巴士交付之日起的期限,并应延续到最后一辆巴士交付后二十四 (24) 个月。


means manufacturing/ fabrication/ assembly/ installation/ testing and commissioning etc. at Site or at any other place(s)/ location(s) as necessary in regard to the performance of the Contract.

1.2 Interpretation
1.2 解释

(a) The Recitals and Appendix hereto or any other documents therein referred to shall be taken, read and construed as an essential, binding and integral part of this Contract.
(a) 本协议的说明和附录或其中提及的任何其他文件应被视为、阅读和解释为本合同的基本、有约束力和不可分割的部分。

(b) Reference to Recitals, Clauses and Appendix are to be construed as references to Recitals, Clauses and Appendix of this Contract, unless otherwise provided herein.
(b) 除非本文另有规定,否则对说明、条款和附录的引用应解释为对本合同的说明、条款和附录的引用。

(c) All references to provisions of statutes include such provisions as amended, modified or
(c) 所有提及法规条款的内容均包括经修订、修改或修改的条款


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(d) The words law and lawsmean any present or future law and any constitution, decree
(d) “法律”和“法律”一词是指任何现行或未来的法律以及任何宪法法令

judgment, legislation, order, ordinance, statute, treaty, directive, by-law, rule or regulation in compliance with or in accordance with the general practice of persons to whom such rule or regulation is addressed and as amended from time to time.

(e) Words importing the singular number shall include the plural number and vice versa.
(e) 表示单数的词语应包括复数,反之亦然。

(f) The headings and sub-headings to the Clauses of this Contract are for convenience of
(f) 本合同条款的标题和副标题是为了方便阅读

reference only and shall not affect the interpretation and construction thereof.

(g) Where any word or expression is defined in this Contract, the definition shall extend to all
(g) 如果本合同中定义了任何词语或表达方式,则该定义应延伸至所有

grammatical variations and cognate expressions of the word or expression so defined.

(h) For the purpose of calculating any period of time stipulated herein, or when an act is required to be done within a specified period after or from a specified date, the period is inclusive of and time begins to run from the date so specified.
(h) 为了计算本文规定的任何期限,或者当需要在指定日期之后或自指定日期起的指定期限内完成某项行为时,该期限包括在内,并且时间从如此指定的日期开始计算。

(i) Wherever there shall appear any reference to a time within which an act should be done or Contract reached or consent given, such reference shall be deemed to be read as including the expression “or any other period agreed in writing between the Parties from time to time”
(i) 无论何时出现任何提及应采取行动或达成合同或给予同意的时间,此类提及应被视为包括“或双方自时不时”

(j) Any technical term not specifically defined in this Contract shall be construed in accordance with the general practice of such relevant profession in Malaysia.
(j) 本合同中未明确定义的任何技术术语应根据马来西亚相关专业的一般惯例进行解释。

(k) Any reference to “working day” is a reference to a day other than Sunday and any other day which is declared by Employer as a public holiday or as a non-working day for employees of Employer and any reference to a “day”, “week”, “month” or “year” is a reference to that day, week, month or year in accordance with the Gregorian calendar.
(k) 任何提及的“工作日”是指除周日和雇主宣布为公共假日或雇主雇员的非工作日之外的任何一天,以及任何提及“工作日”的提及”、“周”、“月”或“年”是指根据公历的那一天、一周、一月或一年。

(l) Any reference to “normal working hours” in relation to a Party shall mean the hours between 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. from Mondays to Fridays
(l) 凡涉及一方的“正常工作时间”均指上午 8 点至下午 5 点之间的时间。周一至周五

(m) Any reference toapprovalorconsentshall mean approval or consent in writing
(m) 任何提及“批准”或“同意”均指书面批准或同意

1.3 Entire Contract
1.3 整个合同

(a) The Contract Documents contain the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to the Works, as at the date this Contract is signed.
(a) 合同文件包含截至本合同签署之日双方对工程的全部谅解。

(b) For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Letter of Acceptance and the Essential
(b) 为避免疑义,录取通知书的规定和基本内容

Documentation defined therein forman important and essential part of the Contract Documents and are by reference deemed incorporated into and shall form a part of this Contract.

(c) The Letter of Acceptance shall continue to be binding and enforceable by and against the Parties, to the extent it is consistent with this Contract.
(c) 在与本合同一致的范围内,中标书应继续对双方具有约束力和可执行性。

(d) This Contract is further and supplemental to the Letter of Acceptance and shall be read and construed in tandem with the Letter of Acceptance.
(d) 本合同是中标书的进一步补充,应与中标书一起阅读和解释。

(e) The Appendix form and are to be read and construed as an integral part of the Contract. If or where there is a conflict as to the provisions of the Contract with the Appendix, then the term contained in the Appendix shall prevail over the general terms of the Contract to the extent specifically expressed therein only but in the event of an ambiguity (or lacuna) in the Appendix,
(e) 附录应作为合同的组成部分来阅读和解释。如果或在合同条款与附录存在冲突的情况下,则附录中包含的条款应优先于合同的一般条款,仅在其中明确表达的范围内,但如果出现含糊不清的情况(或附录中的空白),

then the terms of the Contract shall apply to construe the meaning of a term thereunder. (f) The contra proferentem rules shall not apply to the interpretation of this Contract.
则应适用合同条款来解释合同中术语的含义。 (f) 反对协议规则不适用于本合同的解释。

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2.0 工作范围

2.1 Appointment and Scope
2.1 任命和范围

Employer hereby appoints the Bus Contractor and the Bus Contractor accepts the appointment on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, it being agreed and accepted that the Bus Contractor shall be solely responsible for carrying out the Works as described in the Specification.

2.2 Date for Commencement
2.2 开始日期

The Bus Contractor shall commence the Works by the date as stated in Appendix 1 (“Date for Commencement”).
客车承包商应在附录 1 中规定的日期(“开工日期”)之前开始工程。

2.3 Date for Completion
2.3 竣工日期

The Bus Contractor shall complete the Works by the date as stated in Appendix 1 (“Date for Completion”).
客车承包商应在附录 1 中规定的日期(“完成日期”)之前完成工程。

The Works shall only be deemed completed on the date of the Certificate of Final Performance duly issued by the Employer

2.4 Key Dates
2.4 关键日期

(a) As time is of the essence the Operational Buses shall be completed and delivered in accordance with the Key Dates stated in the Specification or such extended time as may be allowed under Clause 17 failing which, Clause 12 shall apply
(a) 由于时间至关重要,运营巴士应按照规范中规定的关键日期或第 17 条允许的延长时间完成和交付,否则,第 12 条应适用

(b) If the Bus Contractor considers that such works is sufficiently complete in the manner as provided in the Specifications to meet the Key Dates, the Bus Contractorshall notify the Employer in writing to that effect
(b) 如果客车承包商认为此类工程已按照规范中规定的方式充分完成,可满足关键日期的要求,则客车承包商应就此以书面形式通知雇主

2.5 Contract Period
2.5 合同期限

(a) The Contract shall come into effect from the date of the LOA issued and the Bus Contractor’s
(a) 合同自 LOA 签发之日起以及客车承包商的订单生效之日起生效。

obligations in respect to the Execution of the Works does not end upon period for completion of the Works but shall continue until the issuance of the Certificate of Final Performance, as applicable.

(b) For the avoidance of doubt, notwithstanding Clause 2.5(a), the Contractshall continue to bind the Bus Contractor until the discharge of all its obligations under the Contract.
(b) 为避免疑义,尽管有第 2.5(a) 条的规定,合同应继续对客车承包商具有约束力,直至其履行合同项下的所有义务。

2A 雇主指示、雇主代表和雇主指示


2A.1 Instructions of the Employer
2A.1 雇主的指示

(a) The Employer shall have the authority and may instruct the Bus Contractor with respect to any and all matters under the Contract including the Execution of the Works. The Bus Contractorshall comply with these instructions from the Employer and the Bus Contractor agrees that it shall deal with the Employer on all and any matters under the Contract.
(a) 雇主应有权并可就合同项下的任何及所有事项(包括工程的实施)向客车承包商发出指示。客车承包商应遵守雇主的这些指示,并且客车承包商同意其应与雇主就合同项下的所有事项进行处理。

(b) All communications and matters by the Bus Contractor pertaining to the Execution of the Works and as arising from the Contract shall be made through, by or with the Employer and/or the ER and/or the ERA
(b) 客车承包商与工程实施相关以及由合同引起的所有沟通和事宜均应通过、由雇主和/或 ER 和/或 ERA 进行,或与雇主和/或 ER 和/或 ERA 进行

(c) If within fourteen (14) days (except in matters requiring immediate compliance) upon receipt of a notice from the Employer requiring compliance with an instruction the Bus Contractor does not comply therewith, then the Employer may employ and pay other persons to execute any work or services which may be necessary to give effect to such instruction, including using the most
(c) 如果在收到雇主要求遵守指示的通知后十四 (14) 天内(要求立即遵守的事项除外),而巴士承包商不遵守该指示,则雇主可以雇用并支付费用其他人员来执行实施此类指示可能需要的任何工作或服务,包括使用最

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expeditious means available. All resulting costs incurred by the Employer in connection with such employment shall be recoverable by the Employer in accordance with Clause 4A.8.
可用快捷手段。雇主因此类雇佣而产生的所有费用应由雇主根据第 4A.8 条予以补偿。

(d) In the event of a material breach of any safety or health obligation by the Bus Contractor, a stop work order may be issued by the Employer, the Employers Representative, the Employer’s Representative’s Assistant and/or the relevant safety and health authorities. The Bus Contractor shall comply with such instruction and shall not resume such Work without the prior approval of the Employer. The Bus Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment or extension of time arising from fulfilling its obligations under this Clause. Notwithstanding the above in the event the Employer is subject to any claim or fine arising from breach of safety and health obligation by the Bus Contractor issued from the safety and health authorities under the relevant laws and regulations (including any amendments thereof), Clause 18.1 shall apply be recoverable in accordance with Clause 4A.8.
(d) 如果巴士承包商严重违反任何安全或健康义务,雇主、雇主代表、雇主代表助理和/或相关安全和健康当局可能会发出停止工作令。客车承包商应遵守此类指示,未经雇主事先批准不得恢复此类工作。客车承包商无权因履行本条规定的义务而获得任何额外付款或延长时间。尽管有上述规定,如果雇主因客车承包商违反安全和健康当局根据相关法律和法规(包括其任何修订)规定的安全和健康义务而受到任何索赔或罚款,则第 18.1 条应根据第 4A.8 条适用可恢复。

2A.2 The Employer’s Representative (ER) and The Employer’s Representative Assistant (ERA)
2A.2 雇主代表(ER)和雇主代表助理(ERA)

(a) The Employer hereby appoints the Employers Representative (ER), who is authorised to exercise any of the Employer’s functions, discretions, powers or rights under the Contract such that all references to the Employer include a reference to the ER, save and except that the ER shall have no authority to relieve the Bus Contractor of any of its obligations under the Contract. The Employer may revoke the appointment of the ER by notice in writing to the Bus Contractor.
(a) 雇主特此任命雇主代表 (ER),该代表被授权行使合同项下雇主的任何职能、自由裁量权、权力或权利,以便所有提及雇主的内容均包括提及 ER,但以下情况除外: ER 无权解除公交车承包商在合同项下的任何义务 雇主可以通过向公交车承包商发出书面通知来撤销对 ER 的任命。

(b) In turn the ER may from time to time assign duties and delegate authority to the Employer’s Representative Assistant (ERA) by notice in writing to the Bus Contractor and may likewise revoke such assignment or delegation.
(b) ER 可以不时通过向公交车承包商发出书面通知的方式向雇主代表助理 (ERA) 分配职责和授权,并且同样可以撤销此类分配或授权。

(c) The ERA shall only be authorised to exercise such duties and authority to the extent defined by the assignment or delegation.
(c) ERA 仅被授权在指派或授权所规定的范围内行使此类职责和权力。

(d) Any document, information or communication from the Bus Contractor to the Employer (including the ER and any ERA) must be in writing.
(d) 公交车承包商向雇主(包括 ER 和任何 ERA)发出的任何文件、信息或通信必须采用书面形式。

(e) Where there is a change of the ER, the authority of the previous ER, shall be deemed revoked upon notice in writing to the Bus Contractor of the change of the new ER.
(e) 如果 ER 发生变更,则在向公交车承包商书面通知新 ER 的变更后,之前的 ER 的权限应被视为撤销。

(f) No act or omission by the Employer, the ER or the ERA in the performance of any of their duties or the exercise of any of their powers under the Contract shall in anyway operate as a waiver nor to relieve the Bus Contractor of any of its duties, responsibilities, obligations or liabilities under the Contract.
(f) 雇主、ER 或 ERA 在履行合同项下的任何职责或行使其任何权力时的任何作为或不作为均不得视为弃权或解除巴士承包商的任何其在合同项下的职责、责任、义务或责任。

(g) The Bus Contractor understands and agrees that no acts or omission or failure by the Employer, the ER or the ERA to approve or disapprove any materials or workmanship shall prejudice the right of the Employer, the ER or the ERA to approve or disapprove such materials or workmanship or to give instructions for the rectification thereof, nor shall it constitute a waiver or relieve the Bus Contractor of any of its duties, responsibilities, obligations or liabilities under the Contract.
(g) 客车承包商理解并同意,雇主、ER 或 ERA 批准或不批准任何材料或工艺的任何行为或不作为或未能批准或不批准任何材料或工艺均不得损害雇主、ER 或 ERA 批准或不批准的权利此类材料或工艺或发出纠正指示,也不构成放弃或免除客车承包商在合同项下的任何职责、责任、义务或责任。

(h) The Bus Contractor shall not be entitled to claim for extension of time or any costs or expenses whatsoever arising from compliance with the provisions of Clause 2A.2(g).
(h) 客车承包商无权要求延长时间或因遵守第 2A.2(g) 条的规定而产生的任何成本或开支。

2A.3 Access for the Employer to the Works
2A.3 雇主进入工厂的权限

(a) The Employer and any person authorized by it shall at all reasonable times have access to the Site, the Works and to the workshops, factories or other places of the Bus Contractor where work is being prepared for the Contract.
(a) 雇主及其授权的任何人应在所有合理时间内进入现场、工程以及客车承包商的车间、工厂或其他正在为合同准备工作的场所。

(b) Where work is being prepared in workshops, factories or other places of a Sub-Bus Contractor, vendors and/or Supplier, the Bus Contractor shall, include a term in the sub-contract or supply contract, so far as possible to secure a similar right of access to those workshops, factories or places for the Employer and any person authorized by it and shall do all things reasonably necessary to make such right effective.
(b) 如果工作是在子客车承包商、销售商和/或供应商的车间、工厂或其他场所进行准备工作,则客车承包商应在分包合同或供应合同中包含一项条款,尽可能确保雇主及其授权的任何人享有类似的进入这些车间、工厂或场所的权利,并应采取一切合理必要的措施以使该权利有效。

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(c) The Employer and any person authorized by it shall during production and manufacture (at the Site and elsewhere), be entitled to examine, inspect, measure and test the Plant, Materials and workmanship and check the progress of manufacture of Plant and production and manufacture of Materials.
(c) 雇主及其授权的任何人应在生产和制造期间(在现场和其他地方)有权检查、检查、测量和测试设备、材料和工艺,并检查设备和生产的制造进度和材料的制造。

(d) The Bus Contractor shall give the Employer and any person authorized by it, full opportunity to carry out these activities mentioned in Clause 2A.3(c) including providing access, facilities, permission and safety equipment at the Bus Contractor’s own cost and expense. No such activity shall relieve the Bus Contractor from any of its duties, responsibilities, obligations or liabilities under the Contract.
(d) 客车承包商应给予雇主和任何经其授权的人充分的机会来开展第 2A.3(c) 条中提到的这些活动,包括由客车承包商自费提供通道、设施许可和安全设备。任何此类活动均不得免除公交车承包商在合同项下的任何职责、责任、义务或责任。

3. 公交车承包商人员

3.1 Provision of Personnel
3.1 人员配备

(a) The personnel to be employed by the Bus Contractor in or about the Execution of the Works shall be properly qualified, skilled, diligent, professional, competent and experienced having regard to the nature and extent of the Works, and possess required approvals, passes, permits and documentation for entry, residence and work in Malaysia and/or Sarawak in accordance with the Statutory Requirements.
(a) 公共汽车承包商在工程实施中或与工程实施相关的人员应具备适当的资格、技能、勤勉、专业、有能力和经验,并考虑到工程的性质和范围,并拥有所需的批准、通行证和根据法定要求在马来西亚和/或砂拉越入境、居住和工作的文件。

(b) Within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the LOA, the Bus Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Employer the Staff Organization Plan. The Staff Organization Plan shall identify the Bus Contractor’s supervisors for all operations to be worked. The Bus Contractor shall provide supervision of Sub-Bus Contractors, Vendors and Suppliers and not rely on the Sub-Bus Contractors’ own foremen for the management and coordination of the Works. Any revisions to the Staff Organization Plan shall be submitted to the Employer for its prior approval.
(b) 自 LOA 之日起二十一 (21) 天内,巴士承包商应提交员工组织计划以供雇主批准。员工组织计划应确定公交车承包商负责所有作业的主管。总线承包商应对子总线承包商、供应商和供应商进行监督,而不是依赖子总线承包商自己的工头来管理和协调工程。对员工组织计划的任何修改均应提交雇主事先批准。

3.2 Bus Contractors Representative
3.2 公交车承包商代表

(a) The Bus Contractorshall, sofaras it is able to do so, inform the Employer at the time of submission of the Staff Organization Plan of the names of the individuals who will respectively fill the positions described in the Staff Organization Plan and provide details of their respective qualifications and work experience. The Bus Contractorshall thereafter supply the Employer with similar details upon each further or other appointment being made, and clearly identify the responsible supervisor for all new operations or sections of the Work in advance of the start of the Work. Each supervisor shall have a named deputy to act on its behalf if the supervisor is not available for any reason.
(a) 客车承包商如有能力,应在提交员工组织计划时告知雇主将分别担任员工组织计划中所述职位的人员姓名,并提供以下详细信息:他们各自的资格和工作经验。此后,公交车承包商应在每次进一步任命或其他任命时向雇主提供类似的详细信息,并在工程开始前明确确定所有新作业或工程部分的负责主管。如果主管因任何原因无法出席,每位主管应指定一名代表代表其行事。

(b) The Employer may notify the Bus Contractor, at anytime, that individuals filling positions described in the Staff Organization Plan are Key Personnel which includes the personnel/position as described in the Specification. The Bus Contractor shall procure (so far as within its power) that Key Personnel shall be employed on a full-time basis, with full authority.
(b) 雇主可以随时通知公交车承包商,填补《员工组织计划》中所述职位的个人为关键人员,其中包括规范中所述的人员/职位。客车承包商应(在其权力范围内)促使关键人员受全权全职雇用。

(c) The Bus Contractorshall at all times retain at the Site competent, efficient, suitably qualified, and experienced Key Personnel who must be of good character and capable of receiving instructions and communicating in English. Any instruction given to such Key Personnel shall be deemed to have been given to the Bus Contractor.
(c) 客车承包商应始终在现场保留有能力、高效、具备适当资格且经验丰富的关键人员,这些人员必须品行良好,能够接受指令并用英语进行交流。向此类关键人员发出的任何指示均应被视为已向公交车承包商发出。

(d) The Bus Contractor shall be responsible to obtain a valid working permit for Key Personnel and other personnel employed by the Bus Contractor for this Contract pursuant to the statutory requirements, laws, by laws, rules and regulations issued by the relevant authorities in Malaysia and/or Sarawak (“Working Permit”). All relevant costs for purpose of securing and maintaining the said Working Permit shall be borne by the Bus Contractor. Copies of the Working Permit shall be extended Employer and/or Employer’s Representative for record purpose.
(d) 巴士承包商应负责根据马来西亚有关当局颁布的法定要求、法律、法律、规则和条例,为巴士承包商为本合同雇用的关键人员和其他人员获得有效的工作许可证和/或砂拉越(“工作许可证”)。获得和维持上述工作许可证的所有相关费用应由巴士承包商承担。工作许可证副本应由雇主和/或雇主代表延期以供记录。

(e) For avoidance of doubt, failure by the Bus Contractor to obtain valid Working Permit(s) for its Key Personnel(s) and/or personnel involved with the Works, shall be recorded as slow progress and the Bus Contractor is not allowed to use the said inability to procure as ground for application for extension of time.
(e) 为避免疑义,巴士承包商未能为其关键人员和/或参与工程的人员获得有效工作许可证,应被记录为进展缓慢,并且巴士承包商不得以上述无法采购为由申请延长期限。

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3.3 Removal of The Bus Contractors Representative/Employees By The Employer
3.3 雇主解雇公交车承包商代表/雇员

The Employershall beat liberty to object to and require the Bus Contractor to remove immediately from the Site, or from any activity connected with the Execution of the Works:

(i) any person employed by the Bus Contractor in or about the Execution of the Works who in the opinion of the Employer misconducts himself or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of his duties;
(i) 巴士承包商在工程实施中或与工程实施有关的任何人员,雇主认为其行为不当、无能力或疏忽正确履行其职责;

(ii) any person employed by the Bus Contractor (and those of its sub-Bus Contractors, vendors, suppliers and consultants) who is acting or has acted in a manner which may result or has resulted in a safety or health or environmental violation.
(ii) 巴士承包商(及其子巴士承包商、销售商、供应商和顾问)雇用的任何人员,其行为或曾经的行为可能导致或已经导致安全、健康或环境违规。

Such person shall not again be employed upon the Works without the prior written permission of the Employer. Any person so removed from the Works shall be replaced without delay by a substitute approved by the Employer PROVIDED THAT the Bus Contractorshall not be entitled to any claim for any expense whatsoever incurred by it in respect of any direction given by the Employer under this Clause nor any claim for extension of time arising from this Clause.

3.4 The Bus Contractors Failure To Comply
3.4 公交车承包商不遵守规定

In the event that the Bus Contractor fails to comply with the requirements of this Clause 3.0, without prejudice to any rights or remedies which may be available to it under the Contract, the Employer may, until the Bus Contractor has remedied such non-compliance:
如果客车承包商未能遵守本第 3.0 条的要求,在不影响合同规定的任何权利或补救措施的情况下,雇主可以在客车承包商纠正此类违规行为之前:

(a) withhold any Interim Payment Certificates; and/or
(a) 扣留任何中期付款证书;和/或

(b) withhold any payments due or becoming due to the Bus Contractor under any Interim Payment Certificate, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which may be available to the Employer under the Contract.
(b) 扣留任何临时付款证书项下应付给巴士承包商的任何到期或即将到期的付款,且不影响雇主根据合同可享有的任何其他权利或补救措施。

3.5 No Extension Of Time
3.5 不得延长时间

The Bus Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim for any extension of time or payment whatsoever incurred by the Bus Contractor in respect of any direction given by the Employer under this Clause 3.0.
巴士承包商无权就雇主根据本第 3.0 条发出的任何指示而导致的任何延期或付款提出索赔。


3A.1 Custody of the Contract Documents
3A.1 合同文件的保管

(a) The Bus Contractorshall provide without charge to the Employer (unless the Employershall have previously so provided) nine (9) copies of the signed and stamped Contract, with the original copy is for the Employer and the duplicate copy is for the Bus Contractor and the balance seven (7) certified true copies for the relevant stakeholders.
(a) 巴士承包商应免费向雇主提供九 (9) 份已签名并盖章的合同副本(除非雇主之前已提供),其中正本供雇主使用,副本供巴士承包商使用其余七 (7) 份经过认证的真实副本,供相关利益相关者使用。

3A.2 Priority of Contract and Discrepancies
3A.2 合同的优先权和差异

(a) Several documents forming the Contract (hereinafter referred to as the Contract Documents”), including the addenda to the Tender Documents (if applicable), are to be taken as mutually explanatory of one another. For the purposes of interpretation in the event of any conflict, ambiguity and discrepancies amongst the documents, the priority of the Contract Documents in
(a) 构成合同的若干文件(以下简称“合同文件”),包括招标文件的附录(如适用),应被视为相互具有解释性。如果文件之间存在任何冲突、歧义和差异,为了解释的目的,合同文件的优先权

descending order shall be as follows: (i) the Articles of Agreement
降序如下: (i) 协议条款

(ii) the Letter of Acceptance (LOA);
(ii) 录取通知书(LOA);

(iii) the Conditions of Contract (COC) incorporating all addendum, if any (including the
(iii) 包含所有附录(如有)的合同条件 (COC)

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(iv) the Specifications
(四) 规格

(v) the Schedule of Prices
(v) 价格表

(vi) the Instructions to Tenderer (ITT) (including the Attachments);
(vi) 投标人须知(ITT)(包括附件);

(vii) the Bus Contractors Proposal as accepted by the Employer
(vii) 雇主接受的巴士承包商建议书

(viii) such other letters or documents forming part of the Tender which the Employer has required
(viii) 雇主要求的构成投标一部分的其他信件或文件

in the LOA to form part of the Contract and initialled by the Bus Contractor.
在 LOA 中作为合同的一部分并由巴士承包商签署。

(b) If at anytime an ambiguity or discrepancy is found in the Contract Documents, the Bus Contractor shall give to the Employer a written notice specifying the ambiguity or discrepancy and the Employer shall issue the necessary clarification or instruction. Such instruction shall be final and binding on the Bus Contractor. Provided always that such ambiguity or discrepancy shall not vitiate
(b) 如果在任何时候发现合同文件中存在歧义或差异,客车承包商应向雇主发出书面通知,说明歧义或差异,雇主应发出必要的澄清或指示。该指示为最终指示,对客车承包商具有约束力。但前提是此类含糊或差异不得损害

the Contract. Any explanation, adjustment or instruction, given under this Clause3A.2(b), shall not amount to a variation and the Bus Contractorshall not be entitled to any extension of time or costs in respect thereof.
合同。根据本第 3A.2(b) 条给出的任何解释、调整或指示均不构成变更,并且客车承包商无权要求延长与此相关的时间或费用。

(c) For the avoidance of doubt, any work or requirement set out in any one of the Contract Document shall be deemed included as part of the Works notwithstanding that such work or requirement is not shown or referred to, or is additional to the work specified, in the other Contract Document of higher priority, and shall not constitute a Variation.
(c) 为避免疑义,任何一份合同文件中规定的任何工作或要求均应被视为包含在工程中,即使此类工作或要求未显示或提及,或者是对工作的补充在其他更高优先级的合同文件中指定,并且不构成变更。

3A.3 Sufficiency of Information
3A.3 信息的充分性

The Bus Contractor shall be deemed to have scrutinized, inspected and reviewed all information and documents provided by the Employer prior to the Contract and to have been satisfied as to all relevant matters contained therein for the purposes of Executing the Works. The Employer gives no warranty in any manner whatsoever for any information or document provided by the Employer, including any representation, opinion or comment, as to their accuracy or sufficiency or as to how the same shall be interpreted and the Employershall not be liable if such information is inaccurate or insufficient. The Bus Contractorshall not be relieved from its obligations to ensure that such information or document is accurate and sufficient for the purposes of the Contract. The Bus Contractor warrants that it has obtained its own information in this regard, and has satisfied itself as to the risk, contingencies and other circumstances affecting the Execution of the Works and that it has made adequate allowance for such matters in the Contract Sum.

4. 合同金额的充足性

The Bus Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied itself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the Contract Sum and of the rates and prices stated in the Summary of Price and the Schedule of Price as contained in the Commercial Proposal, all of which rates and prices shall, except where otherwise provided in the Contract, cover all its obligations under the Contract and all matters and things necessary for the Execution of the Works whether the same is expressly provided for in the Contract or is to be reasonably inferred therefrom.


4A.1 Interim Payment Application Procedures
4A.1 临时付款申请程序

(a) The following procedureshall be first complied with by the Bus Contractor for all applications to the Employer for interim payment:
(a) 巴士承包商向雇主提出临时付款申请时,应首先遵守以下程序:

(i) As the Works progress, the Bus Contractor shall submit written notice to the Employer of the date the Bus Contractor considers each Milestone to have been reached or achieved.
(i) 随着工程的进展,客车承包商应向雇主提交书面通知,说明客车承包商认为已达到或实现每个里程碑的日期。

(ii) The Bus Contractor shall be entitled to include in an application for interim payment the sum
(ii) 巴士承包商有权在临时付款申请中包含以下金额:

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due in respect of any Milestone that has been certified by the Employer as having been achieved in respect of Works. The Bus Contractor shall assist the Employer in the assessment of the achievement of any Milestone and of any application for interim payment and shall provide all necessary equipment and personnel to facilitate and assist in such assessment.

(iii) All written applications to the Employer for interim payment shall be accompanied by amount(s) claimed to be payable according to the Schedule of Payment and the cumulative amount to be certified to date (accompanied by all necessary supporting documentation, quotations, invoices, vouchers, accounts, receipts and such other contemporary records in support of the amount applied for payment or as the Employer may deem necessary).
(iii) 所有向雇主提出的临时付款书面申请均应附有根据付款表声称应支付的金额以及迄今为止需证明的累计金额(附有所有必要的证明文件、报价单、发票) 、凭证、账户、收据和其他支持申请付款金额的同期记录或雇主可能认为必要的记录)。

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When the Bus Contractor considers that it has achieved the relevant Milestone(s), it may apply to the Employer for interim payment by the 7th of each calendar Month, in one (1) consolidated application, for all Milestone(s) achieved for the preceding Month until the last day of the calendar Month, by serving notice in writing requesting the Employer to issue an Interim Payment Certificate PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the Milestone(s) was certified by the Employer in accordance with Clause 4A.1(a).
当公交车承包商认为其已实现相关里程碑时,可在每个日历月的 7 日之前向雇主申请临时付款,针对上个月实现的所有里程碑进行一 (1) 次合并申请直到该日历月的最后一天,通过发出书面通知,要求雇主签发临时付款证书,前提是该里程碑已由雇主根据第 4A.1(a) 条进行认证。

Interim Payment Certificate

Within twenty-eight (28) days after receipt of the Bus Contractor’s complete payment application
收到巴士承包商完整的付款申请后二十八 (28) 天内

mentioned in Clause 4A.1(b), the Employer shall ascertain the basis of the Bus Contractor’s entitlement, the amount which, in the opinion of the Employer, the Bus Contractor is entitled to be paid, LESS
第 4A.1(b) 条中提到的,雇主应确定巴士承包商的权利依据,即雇主认为巴士承包商有权支付的金额

(i) a retention of the amount in Appendix 1 of the interim payment applied for until the amount retained shall reach the limit of retention money named in Appendix 1 (the Retention Money”);
(i) 保留所申请的临时付款的附录1中的金额,直至保留的金额达到附录1中指定的保留金(“保留金”)的限额;

(ii) the amount certifies as due in the previous Interim Payment Certificate before deducting the Retention Money;
(ii) 扣除保留金之前,先前的中期付款证明中证明到期的金额;

and issue an “Interim Payment Certificate


Within sixty (60) days from the date of issuance of an Interim Payment Certificate, PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the invoice for that Interim Payment Certificate was issued in accordance with
自签发临时付款证书之日起六十 (60) 天内,前提是该临时付款证书的发票始终按照

Clause 4A.5(b), the Employer shall make payment to the Bus Contractor of the amount certified by the Employer less any sums which the Employer is entitled to or authorized to deduct, set-off or withhold therefrom under the Employer or otherwise, and any sums expressed to be due and payable by the Bus Contractor to satisfy any obligations or liabilities of the Bus Contractor to the Employer pursuant to any agreement relating to the Project to which the Employer and the Bus Contractor are parties other than the Contract.
第 4A.5(b) 条,雇主应向巴士承包商支付雇主证明的金额,减去雇主有权或授权根据雇主或其他方式从中扣除、抵消或预扣的任何金额,以及根据雇主和巴士承包商作为合同以外的当事方的与项目有关的任何协议,巴士承包商为履行巴士承包商对雇主的任何义务或责任而明示应付的任何款项。

Correction of Certificates

The Employer shall be entitled by any Interim Payment Certificates to make any correction or modification in any Interim Payment Certificate which has been previously issued by the Employer for any reasons which it may seem proper; and the Employershall have the authority, if any Works is not being carried out to the satisfaction of the Employer, to omit or reduce the value of such Works in any Interim Payment Certificate. If any such Works are omitted, the Employer shall be entitled to undertake such Works by itself or to award such Works to other third parties to carry out the Works and the Bus Contractorshall not be entitled to any claim for loss of profit, costs and damages for such part of the Works that have been omitted. Any instruction under this Clause 4A.4 shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which the Employer may have under the Contract or at law.
雇主有权根据任何临时付款证书,以任何看似适当的理由对雇主先前签发的任何临时付款证书进行任何更正或修改;如果任何工程的实施未能令雇主满意,雇主有权在任何临时付款证书中省略或减少此类工程的价值。如果遗漏了任何此类工程,雇主有权自行承担此类工程或将此类工程授予其他第三方来实施工程,并且公交车承包商无权就利润损失、成本和损害提出任何索赔对于已被省略的工程部分,本第 4A.4 条下的任何指示均不应损害雇主根据合同或法律可能拥有的任何其他权利或补救措施。

4A.5 SST Compliance
4A.5 销售及服务税合规性

(a) The Contract Sum payable by the Employer to the Bus Contractor is inclusive of SST and/or withholding tax and/or any other newly implemented taxes (if any) which may now be or hereafter be imposed by the Government of Malaysia and/or the State of Government of Sarawak (including any fines and penalties thereof) which may be levied or required to be withheld by the taxing authority and shall be liable for the sole account of the Bus Contractor.
(a) 雇主应付给巴士承包商的合同金额包括 SST 和/或预扣税和/或马来西亚政府现在或以后征收的任何其他新实施的税款(如果有)和/砂拉越州政府(包括任何罚款和罚金)可能由税务机关征收或要求扣缴,并应由巴士承包商单独承担责任。

(b) The Bus Contractorshall indemnify and keep the Employer indemnified against any liability, claim, suit, penalty, impost, loss, fee, cost (including cost on a solicitor and client basis) and expense whatsoever, so incurred and/or suffered by the Employer, as a result of non- compliance of the Sales and Services Tax Act 2018 (Act 807) (“SST Act”) and any amendments to it and/or any other Acts introduced and implemented by the Government of Malaysia and/or State Government of Sarawak.
(b) 巴士承包商应赔偿并使雇主免于遭受和/或遭受的任何责任、索赔、诉讼、罚款、征税、损失、费用、成本(包括律师和客户的费用)和开支。雇主因不遵守《2018 年销售和服务税法案》(第 807 号法案)(“SST 法案”)及其任何修正案和/或马来西亚政府引入和实施的任何其他法案和/或砂拉越州政府。

(c) The Bus Contractor shall issue and deliver to the Employer, an invoice as required by the Employer prior to the collection of payment from the Employer.
(c) 巴士承包商应在向雇主收取款项之前按照雇主的要求开具并向雇主交付发票。

4A.6 Final Account and Final Certificate
4A.6 决算和最终证书

(a) The Bus Contractor shall within two (2) month upon the issuance of Certificate of Final Performance, submit to Employer a statement of the final account and supporting documentation showing in detail the value in accordance with this Contract carried out together with all further sum which the Bus Contractor considers to be due to him after giving credit to Employer if any for all amounts previously paid by Employer and all sums to which Employer is entitled under the Contract up to the issuance of Certificate of Final Performance.
(a) 客车承包商应在签发最终履约证书后两 (2) 个月内,向雇主提交一份最终账目报表和证明文件,详细说明根据本合同执行的价值以及所有进一步的价值。巴士承包商在将雇主先前支付的所有金额贷记给雇主(如果有)后认为应由其支付的金额,以及雇主根据合同有权获得的直至签发最终履约证书的所有金额。

(b) The Final Accounts shall be accompanied by all documentation, quotations, invoices, vouchers accounts, receipts and such other contemporary records as the Employer may deem necessary to substantiate and verify the value as provided in the Final Accounts.
(b) 决算应附有所有文件、报价单、发票、凭证账户、收据和雇主认为必要的其他同期记录,以证实和核实决算中提供的价值。

(c) The Bus Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the Final Accounts are final, binding and exhaustive statement of its entitlement to any sums arising out of, or in connection with the Works and/or the Contract. The Bus Contractor hereby absolutely and unconditionally agrees to waive its right to any sums not mentioned in the Final Accounts and agrees not to bring any action or demand against the Employer for any claims, damages, expenses and/or losses which it may incur in connection with its omission of such sums from the Final Accounts.
(c) 客车承包商承认并同意,最终账目是其对因工程和/或合同产生的或与之相关的任何款项的权利的最终、具有约束力和详尽的声明。客车承包商特此绝对且无条件地同意放弃其对最终账目中未提及的任何款项的权利,并同意不就其可能产生的任何索赔、损害、费用和/或损失向雇主提起任何诉讼或要求决算中省略了这些金额。

(d) The Employer shall proceed to verify the Final Accounts within the same period of time specified in Clause4A.2 in respect of an Interim Payment Certificate, based on such documents submitted by the Bus Contractor. Upon verification of statement of final account issued pursuant to Clause 4A.6(a), the Employer shall issue a certificate for whole of the Works (the Final Certificate”) stating the final amount due based on its calculation and verification pursuant to the Contract derived either from Employer to the Bus Contractor or from the Bus Contractor to Employer, as the case may be after providing credit to Employer for all amounts previously paid by Employer and for all sums to which Employer is entitled under the Contract. The Final Certificate shall take into account of any outstanding permitted deductions not yet made by the Employer under the terms of the Contract whether by way of Liquidated and Ascertained Damages or otherwise.
(d) 雇主应根据公交车承包商提交的此类文件,在第 4A.2 条规定的临时付款证书规定的相同时间内核实最终账目。在核实根据第 4A.6(a) 条签发的最终账目报表后,雇主应签发一份整个工程的证书(“最终证书”),说明根据根据第 4A.6(a) 条计算和核实的最终应付金额。合同要么是由雇主向巴士承包商发出,要么是由巴士承包商向雇主发出,视具体情况而定,是在向雇主提供了雇主先前支付的所有款项以及雇主根据合同有权获得的所有款项之后的信用。最终证书应考虑雇主根据合同条款尚未通过违约金和已确定损害赔偿金或其他方式进行的任何未偿允许扣除。

(e) If for any reasons whatsoever the Bus Contractor fails or neglects to submit the Final Accounts within the times specified in Clause 4A.6(a) the Employer may prepare the Final Accounts based on the available documents submitted by the Bus Contractor and the Employer shall be entitled to issue a Final Certificate without further reference to the Bus Contractor. Thereafter, the Employer shall be discharged from all liabilities in connection with the preparation and verification of the Final Accounts.
(e) 如果出于任何原因,公交车承包商未能或忽略在第 4A.6(a) 条规定的时间内提交最终账目,雇主可以根据公交车承包商提交的可用文件和承包商准备最终账目。雇主有权颁发最终证书,而无需进一步咨询公交车承包商。此后,雇主应免除与编制和核实决算有关的所有责任。

(f) In the event of disputes existing between the Parties which is pending resolution under Clause 22.0, the Employer shall at its absolute discretion and without prejudice to its rights under Clause 4A.6(d) to make permitted deductions, pay the Bus Contractor for parts of the Final Accounts which are agreed and not in dispute in accordance with Clause 4A.3.
(f) 如果双方之间存在有待根据第 22.0 条解决的争议,雇主应自行决定并在不损害其根据第 4A.6(d) 条规定进行允许扣除的权利的情况下,向巴士承包商付款根据第 4A.3 条,决算中已达成一致且无争议的部分。

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(g) Any payments due under the Final Certificate shall be payable within the same period of time specified in Clause 4A.3 in respect of an Interim Payment Certificate, save and except that no payment due to the Bus Contractor under the Final Certificate shall be made unless and until the Bus Contractor shall have satisfied the Employer by means of a statutory declaration made by or on behalf of the Bus Contractor to the effect that the Final Certificate represents full and final settlement of all monies due to the Bus Contractor under or in connection with the Contract, and has complied with the provisions of Clause 4A.5 in respect of the amount stated to be due to the Bus Contractor in the Final Certificate. The Employer and the Bus Contractor acknowledge and agree that the figures stated in the Final Certificate and the final balance expressed as due from the Employer to the Bus Contractor, or viceversa, shall unless otherwise provided in the Contract be final, binding and conclusive as between them and, the Bus Contractor hereby absolutely and unconditionally agrees to waive its rights to any sums not mentioned in the Final Accounts and agrees not to bring any action or demand against any claims, damages, expenses and/or losses which it may incur in connection with its omission of such sums from the Final Accounts.
(g) 最终证书项下的任何应付款项均应在第 4A.3 条中关于临时付款证书规定的相同期限内支付,但最终证书项下应付给巴士承包商的任何款项除外。除非且直至巴士承包商通过由巴士承包商或其代表作出的法定声明使雇主满意,表明最终证书代表了根据或在并已遵守第 4A.5 条关于最终证书中应支付给巴士承包商的金额的规定。雇主和客车承包商承认并同意,最终证书中规定的数字以及雇主应向客车承包商支付的最终余额(反之亦然)应为最终的、具有约束力和决定性的,除非合同中另有规定。并且,客车承包商在此绝对无条件地同意放弃其对最终账目中未提及的任何款项的权利,并同意不对其可能产生的任何索赔、损害、费用和/或损失提出任何诉讼或要求决算中省略了这些金额。

4A.7 Release of Retention Money
4A.7 保留金的释放

(a) The release of the Retention Money shall be subject to the following
(a) 保留金的释放应符合以下条件

(i) After issuance of Certificate of Performance under Clause 13A, the Employer shall upon the written request by the Bus Contractor within twenty eight (28) days thereof issue an Interim Payment Certificate certifying the release of one half of the Retention Money and subject to Clause 4A.8, the Bus Contractorshall be entitled to payment within sixty (60) days therefrom in accordance with Clause 4A.3.
(i) 根据第 13A 条签发履约证书后,雇主应根据公交车承包商的书面请求,在二十八 (28) 天内签发临时付款证书,证明释放一半的保留金,并遵守根据第 4A.8 条,客车承包商有权根据第 4A.3 条在六十 (60) 天内收到付款。

(ii) Subject to Clause 4A.8, any remainder of the amounts then so retained shall be released to the Bus Contractor within sixty (60) days after the issuance of the Certificate of Final Performance pursuant to Clause 4A.6(d).
(ii) 根据第 4A.8 条的规定,如此保留的任何剩余金额应在根据第 4A.6(d) 条颁发最终性能证书后六十 (60) 天内发放给客车承包商。

(iii) Provided that if at the date specified in Clause4A.7(a)(ii)there shall remain to be carried out by the Bus Contractor any outstanding works, the Employer shall be entitled to withhold payment until the completion of such works of so much of the balance of Retention Money as shall, in the opinion of the Employer, represent the costs of the Works remaining to be Executed.
(iii) 如果在第 4A.7(a)(ii) 条规定的日期,巴士承包商仍有任何未完成的工程,则雇主有权扣留付款,直到该工程完成为止。雇主认为保留金余额中的金额应代表剩余待实施工程的费用。

4A.8 The Employer Rights of Deduction, Withholding and Set-Off
4A.8 雇主扣除、预扣和抵销的权利

(a) Without prejudice to its other rights and remedies (whether contractual, statutory, legal, equitable or otherwise), the Employer shall be entitled at any time, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary included in the Contract, to deduct, set-offor withhold from any monies due or becoming due to the Bus Contractor pursuant to any term of the Contract, or from the Performance Bond, or the Retention Money, or from any debt due to the Bus Contractor:
(a) 在不损害其其他权利和补救措施(无论是合同、法定、法律、衡平法或其他)的情况下,雇主有权随时扣除、抵销扣留根据合同任何条款应付或即将应付给巴士承包商的任何款项、履约保证金或保留金,或应付巴士承包商的任何债务:

(i) any sum which the Bus Contractor is or maybe liable to pay arising out of, or in connection with any term of the Contract (whether in relation to an indemnification, the allowance of Liquidated and Ascertained Damages, any act, omission, neglect, default or breach on the Bus Contractor’s part in the performance of its obligations under the Contract, or otherwise);
(i) 巴士承包商因合同任何条款而产生或可能有责任支付的任何款项(无论是与赔偿、违约金和确定损害赔偿金、任何作为、不作为、疏忽、违约有关)或巴士承包商违反履行合同规定的义务,或其他情况);

(ii) any sums due and payable, or which may be due and payable, by the Bus Contractor to satisfy any obligations or liabilities of the Bus Contractor pursuant to any agreement to which the Employer and the Bus Contractor are parties other than the Contract;
(ii) 巴士承包商根据雇主和巴士承包商作为合同之外的当事方的任何协议,为履行巴士承包商的任何义务或责任而到期应付的任何款项,或可能到期应付的款项;

(iii) any sum which the Employer is, or may be, liable to pay to any third party to satisfy any obligation or liability of the Bus Contractor arising out of, or in connection with the Contract;
(iii) 雇主有责任或可能有责任向任何第三方支付的任何款项,以履行公交车承包商因合同而产生的或与合同有关的任何义务或责任;

(iv) the value of any work done, or Materials or goods supplied, or services rendered with which the Employer may for the time being be dissatisfied or previously paid on-account, and for that purpose or for any other reason which to the Employer may seem proper to delete, corrector modify any sum previously certified by it; and/or
(iv) 雇主可能暂时不满意或先前支付的任何已完成工作、所提供的材料或货物、或所提供的服务的价值,以及为此目的或任何其他原因而向雇主支付的费用删除、更正或修改之前经其认证的任何金额似乎是适当的和/或

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(v) any deductibles payable by the Bus Contractor under insurance or amounts payable to third parties for settlement of any claims arising from or in relation to the Works.
(v) 巴士承包商根据保险应付的任何免赔额,或为解决因工程引起或与工程有关的任何索赔而应付给第三方的金额。

(b) Provided that if the liability and/or quantum of any sum for which the Bus Contractor is, or may be, liable to pay under the Contract has not been ascertained at the time when such sum is to be paid, then the Employer may deduct, set-off or withhold from any monies due or becoming due to the Bus Contractor pursuant to any term of the Contract, or performance from the Performance Bond, or the Retention Money, or from any debt due to the Bus Contractor, an amount sufficient in the Employer’s opinion to cover such liability and/or the quantum of any sum for which the Bus Contractor is, or may be, liable to pay.
(b) 如果在支付该金额时尚未确定公交车承包商根据合同应支付或可能需要支付的任何款项的责任和/或金额,则雇主可以扣除、设定- 根据合同的任何条款,或履约保证金或保留金的履行,或从应付巴士承包商的任何债务中,扣除或扣留足够的金额雇主对承担此类责任和/或公交车承包商有责任或可能有责任支付的任何金额的意见。

4A.9 Currency of Payment
4A.9 支付货币

(a) The Contract Sum and all payments to be made to the Bus Contractor in respect thereof shall be in Ringgit Malaysia (RM). All payments to the Bus Contractor shall be paid by the Employer to a current bank account opened by and maintained in the name of the Bus Contractor with a bank established in Malaysia.
(a) 合同金额以及向巴士承包商支付的所有款项均应以马来西亚林吉特 (RM) 为单位。雇主应将支付给巴士承包商的所有款项存入由巴士承包商在马来西亚设立的银行开立并维持的往来银行帐户。

5. 雇主的义务

5.1 Authorised Representative
5.1 授权代表

(a) Employer shall not permit any person other than an authorised representative of the Bus
(a) 雇主不得允许巴士授权代表以外的任何人

Contractor to be involved in the Works, except with the Bus Contractor’s written consent.

(b) ER and/or ERA shall liaise with the Bus Contractor on all aspects of the Works and any
(b) ER 和/或 ERA 应就工程的所有方面以及任何

instructions or approvals granted to the Bus Contractor by the ER and/or ERA shall be deemed an instruction or approval of Employer. The Bus Contractor shall adhere to and comply with all instructions from Employer’s Representative.
ER 和/或 ERA 向公交车承包商发出的指示或批准应被视为雇主的指示或批准。巴士承包商应遵守并遵守雇主代表的所有指示。

5.2 Employers Assistance
5.2 雇主援助

(a) Employer shall to the extent permitted by law upon the written request by the Bus Contractor,
(a) 雇主应在法律允许的范围内根据巴士承包商的书面请求,

supply to the Bus Contractor without any charge, all relevant data and information which is in the possession of Employer and which may be necessary for the Bus Contractor to perform the Works PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT any information supplied or provided by Employer pursuant to this Clause shall not relieve the Bus Contractor from any of its obligations under this Contract. Employer gives no warranty in any manner whatsoever for the information supplied thereof either as to the accuracy or sufficiency or as to how the same shall be interpreted and the Bus Contractor may make use and interpret the same entirely at its own risk. Any deficiency arising in or from reliance on such information or due to any non-accuracy or insufficiency of the information shall not discharge the Bus Contractor from any of its obligations under this Contract.

(b) Employer may, in the case of a request for any classified documents or information, impose such conditions as it deems fit upon the Bus Contractor.
(b) 如果要求提供任何机密文件或信息,雇主可以对客车承包商施加其认为合适的条件。

(c) Employer shall use its best endeavours to procure assistance of all relevant authorities or bodies for the Bus Contractor to obtain necessary approvals to facilitate the execution of the Works by the Bus Contractor PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the Bus Contractor shall have complied with all of its statutory or administrative obligations.
(c) 雇主应尽最大努力为客车承包商获得所有相关当局或机构的协助,以获得必要的批准,以促进客车承包商实施工程,但前提是客车承包商应始终遵守其所有规定。法定或行政义务。

6. 公交车承包商的义务

6.1 Standard of Care and Skill
6.1 护理和技能标准

(a) The Bus Contractor shall undertake and perform the Works:
(a) 客车承包商应承担并执行工程:

(i) with proper skill and in a workmanlike manner and the Bus Contractor shall employ highly qualified and experienced personnel;
(i) 具有适当的技能和熟练的态度,客车承包商应雇用高素质和经验丰富的人员;

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(ii) with due diligence and efficiency
(ii) 尽职调查和效率

(iii) in accordance with sound principles and practices in the industry;
(iii) 符合行业的合理原则和惯例;

(iv) in such manner as shall always safeguard and protect Employer’s interest and with all necessary and proper steps taken to prevent abuse or uneconomical use of facilities or resources made available to the Bus Contractor and in accordance with the provisions of this Contract;
(iv) 以始终维护和保护雇主利益的方式,并根据本合同的规定,采取一切必要和适当的措施,防止滥用或不经济地使用向巴士承包商提供的设施或资源;

(v) by providing at its own cost and expenses all equipment and materials necessary for the proper and effective performance of the Works;
(v) 自费提供适当和有效实施工程所需的所有设备和材料;

(vi) by engaging at its own cost and expense, Bus Contractors and/or consultants necessary for the due execution and performance of the Works and the Bus Contractor shall submit the particulars of the Bus Contractors and/or consultants at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the engagement of such Bus Contractors and/or consultants for Employer’s written approval;
(vi) 通过自费聘用适当执行和履行工程所需的巴士承包商和/或顾问,并且巴士承包商应提交至少十四 (14) 名巴士承包商和/或顾问的详细信息聘请此类巴士承包商和/或顾问之前的日历天,以获得雇主的书面批准;

(vii) by dealing with all inquiries, complaints, reports and correspondence relating to the Works;
(vii) 处理与工程有关的所有询问、投诉、报告和信件;

(viii) by informing Employer immediately of any major incident or breakdown of the Works
(viii) 立即通知雇主任何重大事件或工程故障

followed by full report of the incident in writing within three (3) working days;
随后在三 (3) 个工作日内以书面形式完整报告该事件;

(ix) by using its best efforts to solve any technical problems associated with the Works in an expeditious and economical manner; and
(ix) 尽最大努力以迅速、经济的方式解决与工程相关的任何技术问题;和

(x) by obtaining all necessary approvals from relevant authorities.
(x) 获得有关当局的所有必要批准。

(b) The Buses shall be new, genuine, original and unused and shall be of current production and shall be suitable for the intended use and purpose and shall attain the performance standard and capabilities stipulated in the Specification and shall be free from defects in material and/or workmanship under normal operational use and maintenance and be in compliance with all other provisions of this Contract.
(b) 公共汽车应是全新、正品、原装和未使用过的,且应是当前生产的,应适合预期用途和目的,并应达到规范中规定的性能标准和能力,并且不应有材料缺陷和/或在正常操作使用和维护下的工艺,并符合本合同的所有其他条款。

6.2 Compliance with Employers Procedures
6.2 遵守雇主程序

(a) The Bus Contractor warrants, covenant and undertake that it shall be fully responsible of it’s personnel’s, agents and/or representatives’ compliance with the security, health, safety and all other reasonable instructions and directions of Employer and/or its representative when performing its contractual obligations on Employer’s Site.
(a) 客车承包商保证、承诺并承担其人员、代理人和/或代表遵守雇主和/或其代表的保安、健康、安全和所有其他合理指示和指示的情况,其应承担全部责任在雇主网站上履行其合同义务。

6.3 Meeting
6.3 会议

(a) The Bus Contractor shall upon request by Employer, arrange and/or attend meeting(s) as the case may be during the course of this Contract including the Warranty Period and Endemic Warranty Period.
(a) 客车承包商应根据雇主的要求,在本合同期间(包括保修期和地方性保修期)安排和/或参加会议(视情况而定)。

6.4 Records and Information
6.4 记录和信息

(a) The Bus Contractor shall furnish to Employer such records and information relating to the Works, Bus Contractors financial standing, updates on changes to the Bus Contractors corporate structure or any other information relating to licences or certification from authorities relevant to the Works herein from time to time as reasonably requested.
(a) 客车承包商应向雇主提供与工程、客车承包商的财务状况、客车承包商公司结构变更的最新情况有关的记录和信息,或与工程相关当局颁发的许可证或证明有关的任何其他信息。根据合理要求不时进行。

(b) The Bus Contractor shall permit Employer from time to time to inspect its records and accounts as deemed necessary and to make copies thereof during the completion process of the Works and the tenure of this Contract.
(b) 客车承包商应允许雇主在工程完成过程和本合同有效期内视需要不时检查其记录和账目并复印其副本。

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6.5 Shipping and use of Multimodal Transport Operators (MTO)
6.5 多式联运运营商(MTO)的运输和使用

(a) The Bus Contractor shall be responsible for the delivery to the Site and proper storage of all Busses including all Plant, Equipment, Materials, Goods etc. as required for the purpose of the Contract and for making all arrangements in connection therewith for the reception thereof on the Site.
(a) 客车承包商应负责将所有客车交付现场并妥善存放,包括合同目的所需的所有厂房、设备、材料、货物等,并负责为在网站上接收。

(b) The Bus Contractor shall arrange for all transportation of Busses including all Plant, Equipment
(b) 巴士承包商应安排所有巴士运输,包括所有厂房、设备

Materials, Goods etc. from the country of origin to the delivery at Site through the MTO registered with MOF. The Bus Contractorshall allow for all costs and time required in complying with this requirement.
材料、货物等通过在 MOF 注册的 MTO 从原产国到现场交付。公交车承包商应考虑遵守此要求所需的所有成本和时间。

(c) The Bus Contractor allow for all costs of freight and transportation, all insurances including marine insurances, port handling charges etc. all complete without any additional cost to the Employer.
(c) 巴士承包商承担所有货运和运输费用、所有保险(包括海上保险、港口装卸费等),无需雇主承担任何额外费用。

6.6 Import Permits and Payment of Taxes and Duties
6.6 进口许可证和税费缴纳

(a) All duties, taxes and royalties etc., which are imposed by law (in country of origin and Malaysia)
(a) 法律规定的所有关税和特许权使用费等(原产国和马来西亚)

including import, customs or excise duties and Sales Tax (but in no way of limitation) for all Services, Labour, Materials, Goods, and Equipment for the Works or used directly in connection with the completion of the Works including maintenance shall be deemed to have been included in the Contract Sum

(b) The Employer shall have the right to deduct any applicable taxes including withholding tax as may be required by any applicable law or any authority, from any monies due or becoming due under the Contract. The Contractor hereby gives its irrevocable consent to such deductions and for the Employer to make payment of such deductions to the Relevant Authorities.
(b) 雇主有权从合同项下应付或即将到期的任何款项中扣除任何适用法律或任何当局可能要求的任何适用税款,包括预扣税。承包商特此不可撤销地同意此类扣除,并同意雇主向有关当局支付此类扣除。

(c) The Bus Contractor shall pay all port dues including (but not by way of limitation) wharfage dues, pilotage fees, anchorage, berthage and mooring fees, quarantine dues, loading porterage and overtime fees for clearing of all plant, machinery, equipment and/or vehicles from the port for use directly in connection with the Works, completion, inspection, testing and commissioning brought into and dispatched from Malaysian ports by the Contractor (or in its name by its agents).
(c) 巴士承包商应支付所有港口费,包括(但不限于)码头费、锚地费、停泊费和系泊费、检疫费、登船搬运费和清理所有厂房、机械、设备和/或设备的加班费。或由承包商(或其代理人以其名义)运入或从马来西亚港口运出的与工程、竣工、检查、测试和调试直接相关的车辆。

(d) The Bus Contractor is also responsible for the preparation of all import formalities in applying for and obtaining all necessary approvals, permits or licenses from the relevant authorities (where required) prior to the arrival of the goods/materials/plant and equipment etc. All taxes and duties payable by the Contractor in respect of the above shall be deemed to have been included in the Tender Sum.
(d) 巴士承包商还负责准备所有进口手续,以便在货物/材料/厂房和设备等抵达之前向相关当局申请并获得所有必要的批准、许可证或执照(如果需要)承包商就上述事项应付的所有税款和关税均应视为已包含在投标金额中。

The Employer may, without any obligation, may apply to the Ministry of Finance (MOF), Government of Malaysia for exemption of import duties and taxes for all or part of the goods/materials/plant and equipment etc. as stated above. In the event the Employer proceed to apply for the exemption and subsequently such application is approved, and exemption of duties and taxes is granted by the MOF, the duties, and taxes to be paid and/or duly paid (actual) , if any by the Contractor to the Royal Malaysian Customs Department shall be claimed by the Employer or adjusted in the Contract Sum and Interim Payment due or to be refunded to the Employer .as applicable.

(e) The Bus Contractor acknowledges that all import, customs or excise duties and Sales Tax in respect of the Contractor’s own imported Plant, Materials, Goods, and Equipment for execution of the Works shall be borne by the Bus Contractor.
(e) 巴士承包商承认,与承包商自己进口的用于实施工程的工厂、材料、货物和设备有关的所有进口税、关税或消费税和销售税均应由巴士承包商承担。

(f) The Bus Contractor shall prepare and make available to the Employer, but not be limited to, the
(f) 巴士承包商应准备并向雇主提供但不限于

following documents required for import customs formality in respect of the imported Plant, Materials, goods, and Equipment:

i. Original Ocean Bills of Lading; ii. Tax or commercial invoices;

iii. Packing lists

iv. Certificate of origin;

v. Inspection and test certificate;
v. 检验和试验证书;

vi. Lampiran C (Customs declaration details); vii. Approval Permit;
六. Lampiran C(海关申报详情);七.批准许可证;

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viii. Manufacturers Certification;

ix. Any other document necessary

(g) The ocean bills of lading and commercial invoices shall be consigned in the name(s) of the Project Developer and/or the Employer. The ocean bills of lading must be a full set of “clean on-board” bills of lading
(g) 海运提单和商业发票应以项目开发商和/或雇主的名义托运。海运提单必须是全套“清洁已装船”提单

(h) The Bus Contractor shall ensure that each consignment bears the Project Developers and/or the Employers name(s) as the consignee(s).
(h) 公交车承包商应确保每批货物均标有项目开发商和/或雇主名称作为收货人。

(i) The Bus Contractor hereby undertakes to comply with all statutory requirements and shall comply with all requests of the Employer for the purposes of securing the exemption of duties, if any.
(i) 客车承包商特此承诺遵守所有法定要求,并遵守雇主为确保免除关税(如有)而提出的所有要求。

(j) Upon completion of the Works, in the event there is any scrap, excess, leftover or wastages arising from Materials and/or Plant procured that is exempted from import duties (if any), the Contractorshall clear and/or re-export such scrap, excess or wastage PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT any resale or scrap value obtained from third parties shall be payable and belong to the Employer.
(j) 工程完成后,如果所采购的材料和/或设备产生任何废品、过剩、剩余或浪费,并且免除进口关税(如有),承包商应清除和/或再出口此类报废、超额或浪费,前提是从第三方获得的任何转售或报废价值均应支付并属于雇主。

6.6A Incentive/Subsidies And Approve Permit (AP)
6.6A 激励/补贴和批准许可证(AP)

(a) The Bus Contractor shall ensure that they obtain applicable incentives/subsidies by Government of Malaysia (if any) and the Approve Permit (AP) for importation of the Bus in connection with this project and the Bus Contractor acknowledges that they have taken consideration of these in Contract Sum.
(a) 巴士承包商应确保他们获得马来西亚政府的适用奖励/补贴(如有)以及与本项目相关的巴士进口批准许可证 (AP),并且巴士承包商承认他们已考虑其中合同金额。

6.7 Safety and Security
6.7 安全与保障

(a) The Bus Contractor shall ensure that its personnel, consultants and/or contractors and/or sub-
(a) 客车承包商应确保其人员、顾问和/或承包商和/或分包商

contractors shall comply with and shall take all necessary safety and security measures or precautions at all times in carrying out the Works, in compliance with the applicable rules and regulations issued by the governing authorities and/or Employer’s safety policies and requirements which the Employer shall provide to the Bus Contractor before the commencement of the Works. If the Bus Contractor fails to comply with the above rules and regulations, Employershall have the authority to prohibit the Works or to stop any Works.

(b) The Bus Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim for any expense whatsoever incurred by it in complying to this Clause nor any claim for extension of time arising from failure to comply
(b) 客车承包商无权就其因遵守本条款而产生的任何费用提出任何索赔,也无权就因未能遵守本条款而导致的时间延长提出任何索赔

6.8 Risk and Property
6.8 风险和财产

(a) The risk and property in the Works shall pass to Employer upon the issuance of the Certificate of Acceptance for the respective units of Buses in accordance with Clause 9(b) herein.
(a) 根据本条款第 9(b) 条,在为各公交车单元颁发验收证书后,工程中的风险和财产应转移给雇主。

(b) No person shall have lien on the property or interest in the Works which has vested in Employer and the Bus Contractorshall take such steps as are reasonably necessary to ensure that the title or interest of Employer and the exclusion of such lien on the property or interest are brought to the express notice of the persons dealing with the Works.
(b) 任何人不得留置已归属于雇主的工程财产或权益,客车承包商应采取合理必要的措施,以确保雇主的所有权或权益以及排除该财产的留置权或利益已提请处理工程的人员明确通知。

6.9 Technical Publications
6.9 技术出版物

(a) The Bus Contractor shall provide manuals and technical publications as specified in the Specification. All technical publications are to be in the English and all manuals shall be the original bound manuals produced by the original manufacturer as per the Specification.
(a) 客车承包商应提供规范中规定的手册和技术出版物。所有技术出版物均应为英文,所有手册均应为原制造商根据规范制作的原始装订手册。

6.10 Project Quality Plan
6.10 项目质量计划

(a) The Bus Contractor shall bear all responsibilities relating to the quality of the Buses and Works
(a) 公交车承包商应承担与公交车和工程质量有关的所有责任

performed under this Contract and shall ensure that all materials, workmanship and designs employed in the execution of the Works and its capability thereof shall be of the quality and standard specified in this Contract and so agreed upon by Employer and the Bus Contractor.

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(b) The Bus Contractorshall also ensure that in the event that any modification or variation carried out on the materials, the workmanship and design employed in such modification or variation shall be in accordance with the approved Project Quality Plan as required by Employer.
(b) 客车承包商还应确保,如果对材料进行任何修改或变更,则此类修改或变更中采用的工艺和设计应符合雇主要求的批准的项目质量计划。

(c) The Bus Contractor shall not substitute anything so describe under this Contract with regard to the standard and the quality of the Works unless such substitution shall be of equivalent or higher standards and quality acceptable to and mutually agreed by Employer in writing.
(c) 客车承包商不得替代本合同中描述的有关工程标准和质量的任何内容,除非此类替代具有雇主可接受并双方书面同意的同等或更高的标准和质量。

6.11 Non-Compliance
6.11 不合规

(a) Without prejudice to Employers rights under in this Contract, if in the opinion of the Employer the Bus Contractor fails to comply with the requirements pertaining to the safety, health and environment plan (including but not limited to the site sanitation plan) and/or Project Quality Plan and/or any other plans and documents relates to Quality, Works and Execution as specified within the Contract Documents, until and unless the Bus Contractor complies with such requirements at the satisfaction of the Employer, the Employer shall entitled to impose the following:
(a) 在不损害雇主在本合同项下的权利的情况下,如果雇主认为客车承包商未能遵守与安全、健康和环境计划(包括但不限于现场卫生计划)有关的要求和/或项目质量计划和/或与合同文件中规定的质量、工程和执行相关的任何其他计划和文件,除非公交车承包商遵守了雇主满意的此类要求,否则雇主有权实施以下规定: :

i) instruct the Bus Contractor to suspend the Works or any part of the Works; and/or
i) 指示客车承包商暂停工程或工程的任何部分;和/或

ii) withhold any Interim Payment Certificate(s); and/or
ii) 扣留任何中期付款证书;和/或

iii) withhold any payments due or becoming due to the Bus Contractor under any Interim Payment Certificate(s).
iii) 扣留根据任何临时付款证书应付给巴士承包商的任何到期或即将到期的付款。

Upon receipt of such instruction to suspend any part of the Works the Contractor shall properly protect and make safe the Works.

(b) The Bus Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment, reimbursement of any loss or expense, loss of profit whatsoever or to any extension of time in respect of the above.
(b) 公交车承包商无权获得任何额外付款、任何损失或费用的补偿、任何利润损失或与上述相关的任何时间延长。


(a) The Bus Contractor shall, within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the Letter of Acceptance, submit the following documents to the Employer for approval prior to the commencement of the Works:
(a) 客车承包商应在中标书之日起二十一 (21) 天内,在工程开始前向雇主提交以下文件以供批准:

(i) Performance Bond under Clause 11;
(i) 第 11 条规定的履约保证金;

(ii) the Bus Contractors insurance policies under Clause 20;
(ii) 第 20 条规定的巴士承包商保险单;

(iii) Bus Contractors company SST registration certificate as required under Clause 4A.5(b); (iv) Joint Venture (JV) Agreement (if applicable);
(iii) 巴士承包商公司 SST 注册证书(根据第 4A.5(b) 条的要求); (iv) 合资 (JV) 协议(如适用);

(v) Staff Organization Plan including its authorized representatives and Key Personnel as required under Clause 3. 1(b);
(v) 员工组织计划,包括第 3.1(b) 条要求的授权代表和关键人员;

(vi) Power of Attorney (if different from Tender Submission);
(vi) 授权书(如果与投标书不同);

(vii) the Parent Company Guarantee (if applicable)
(vii) 母公司担保(如适用)

(viii) Project Risk Management
(八) 项目风险管理

(ix) Any other documents as specified in the LOA
(ix) LOA 中指定的任何其他文件

(x) Others as necessary in relation to the Contract
(x) 与合同有关的其他必要内容

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7. 培训

(a) The Bus Contractor shall in accordance with the specific timelines provided in the Specification, submit to the Employer for its approval, the training plans as required under the Contract Documents stating in detail the comprehensive training to be provided to the personnel nominated by the Employer in accordance with the Specifications. The training plan shall describe in detail the methods and procedures to be employed by the Bus Contractor to ensure compliance with its obligations under the Contract including this Clause and shall include a proposal stating the numbers, experience and qualifications of personnel proposed by the Bus Contractor to be the trainer. The training plan however, should not assume any level of competency of the personnel to be trained and shall allow for comprehensive training of the Employer’s or Project Developer’s or the Operator’s organization for the safe and reliable operation of the Bus. Without limiting its obligations under the Contract, the Bus Contractor shall adhere to the principles and procedures contained in the approved training plan, and any approved amendments or supplements thereto. The costs and expenses of providing training shall be deemed to have been included in the Contract Sum.
(a) 客车承包商应按照规范规定的具体时限,向雇主提交合同文件要求的培训计划,并详细说明向雇主指定的人员提供的全面培训。雇主按照规范。培训计划应详细描述巴士承包商为确保遵守合同(包括本条款)规定的义务而采用的方法和程序,并应包括一份提案,说明巴士承包商提议的人员数量、经验和资格成为教练。然而,培训计划不应假设接受培训的人员具有任何能力水平,并应允许对雇主或项目开发商或运营商组织进行全面培训,以确保公交车的安全可靠运行。在不限制其在合同项下的义务的情况下,客车承包商应遵守批准的培训计划及其任何批准的修订或补充中包含的原则和程序。提供培训的费用和开支应视为已包含在合同金额中。

8. 检查、测试和调试

(a) The completely assembled Buses shall be inspected and tested in the presence of ER and/or E.R.A at the Bus Contractor’s Premises in accordance with the Bus Contractor’s normal inspection system to ensure that they fully conform to the Specification and that they attain the performance standard and capabilities therein.
(a) 完全组装好的公交车应在 ER 和/或 E.R.A 存在的情况下在公交车承包商的场所按照公交车承包商的正常检查系统进行检查和测试,以确保它们完全符合规范并达到性能其中的标准和能力。

(b) The inspection and testing to be carried out shall be in accordance with the Test Protocol A, Test Protocol B and Test Protocol C of the Specification.
(b) 进行的检查和测试应按照规范的测试方案 A、测试方案 B 和测试方案 C 进行。

(c) Upon successful completion of the above inspection and testing and pass the Puspakom Inspection (Pemeriksaan Awalan) and obtain the valid “Perakuan Pemeriksaan” Disc, a Certificate of Pre-Delivery Inspection shall be issued by the Employer.
(c) 在成功完成上述检查和测试并通过 Puspakom 检查(Pemeriksaan Awalan)并获得有效的“Perakuan Pemeriksaan”光盘后,雇主将颁发交付前检查证书。

(d) The Bus Contractor shall provide Employer with a complete report and a list of tests carried out on the completely assembled Buses and shall produce factory certified test data indicating successful completion of these tests. These reports, list of tests and certified test data shall be in English and shall be submitted to Employer not later than fourteen (14) days prior to the actual date of inspection.
(d) 客车承包商应向雇主提供完整的报告和在完全组装的客车上进行的测试清单,并应提供工厂认证的测试数据,表明这些测试已成功完成。这些报告、测试清单和认证测试数据应采用英文,并应在实际检查日期之前十四 (14) 天提交给雇主。

(e) During the course of such inspection, testing and commissioning by Employer under this Clause
(e) 在雇主根据本条进行此类检查、测试和调试的过程中

Employer and/or Employer’s representatives shall have the right to reject any material and/or workmanship found to be defective and not in conformity with the Specification, the rejected Buses shall be rectified and/or replaced within reasonable time by the Bus Contractor at the Bus Contractor’s own costs and expenses.

(f) In the event the Buses do not conform to the Specification and/or the requirements herein, the Bus Contractorshall remedy the situation to the satisfaction of Employer within the period of thirty (30) days or such other period as mutually agreed by both parties failing which Employer shall have further rights to terminate this Contract pursuant to Clause 23 herein
(f) 如果巴士不符合本规范和/或本协议的要求,巴士承包商应在三十 (30) 天内或双方同意的其他期限内采取补救措施,以使雇主满意。如果双方未能达成一致,雇主还有权利根据本合同第 23 条终止本合同

9. 交货最终检验和验收

(a) Upon successful testing and commissioning of the Buses pursuant to Clause 8 above, the Bus
(a) 根据上述第 8 条成功测试和调试公交车后,公交车

Contractor shall deliver the said Buses to Employer’s Site within the dates stipulated in the Appendix

1 of the Specification
1 规范

(b) Delivery of the Buses shall be complete to the satisfaction of the Employer with submission of
(b) 巴士的交付应按雇主的要求完成,并提交以下材料:

documentations and certifications of each completed Bus as per follows:-

(i) Completion of all Protocol A, Protocol B, Protocol C and Predelivery Inspection (PDI) Certificate for the relevant Buses;
(i) 完成相关巴士的所有协议 A、协议 B、协议 C 和交付前检验 (PDI) 证书;

(ii) Approved Permit (AP) from Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry (MITI) Malaysia;
(ii) 马来西亚投资、贸易及工业部 (MITI) 批准的许可证 (AP);

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(iii) Certificate of “Perakuan Pendaftaran Kenderaan” issued by the Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (‘JPJ’);
(iii) Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (‘JPJ’) 颁发的“Perakuan Pendaftaran Kenderaan”证书;

(iv) Certificate of “Perakuan Pemeriksaan Butir-Butir Kenderaan Yang Diperiksa” issued by Pusat Pemeriksaan Kenderaan Berkomputer (‘PUSPAKOM’);
(iv) 由 Pusat Perekmasian Kenderaan Berkomputer (‘PUSPAKOM’) 颁发的“Perakuan Perekmasian Butir-Butir Kenderaan Yang Diperiksa”证书;

(v) Permit from Lembaga Perlesenan Kenderaan Perdagangan (LPKP) Sarawak. The Bus Contractor is required to do the necessary application to obtain the aforestated permit;
(v) 砂拉越 Lembaga Perlesenan Kenderaan Perdagangan (LPKP) 的许可证。巴士承包商必须进行必要的申请才能获得上述许可证;

(vi) Valid Motor Vehicle Insurance coverage (comprehensive) from any licensed insurance company and/or licensed takaful operator Malaysia Motor Insurance Pool (MMIP);
(vi) 任何持牌保险公司和/或持牌回教保险运营商马来西亚汽车保险联盟(MMIP)提供的有效机动车辆保险(综合);

(vii) Valid Road Tax
(vii) 有效的道路税

(viii) Delivery Notes issued by the Bus Contractor; and
(viii) 巴士承包商发出的交货单;和

(ix) Any other documentation and/or certification that may be required/imposed by the Authorities and deemed necessary.
(ix) 当局可能要求/强加并认为必要的任何其他文件和/或证明。

Upon satisfactory delivery of the Buses supported by all of the above documentations and certifications, Employer shall issue a Certificate of Acceptance for each completed Bus. The Certificate of Acceptance will be dated the same day as the date of the respective Delivery Notes issued by the Bus Contractor for each Bus.

(c) In the event of any non-compliance with the requirements in any of the Buses discovered after issuance of Certificate of Acceptance , the Bus Contractor shall replace or make good the same at its own costs and/or expenses within a period of five (5) working days from the date of notification of such non- compliance or other period as agreed by Parties, or Employer reserves the right to replace/repair/make good such defective Buses and the cost shall be borne by the Bus Contractor.
(c) 如果在颁发验收证书后发现任何巴士不符合要求,巴士承包商应在五年内自费更换或修复该巴士。 (5) 自通知此类不合规情况之日起的工作日或双方同意的其他期限,或者雇主保留更换/修理/修复此类有缺陷的公交车的权利,费用应由公交车承包商承担。

(d) Employer shall allow the Bus Contractor or its duly authorised representative entry during normal working hours into Employer’s premises in which the Buses are held for the purpose of inspection and verification.
(d) 雇主应允许客车承包商或其正式授权代表在正常工作时间内进入停放客车的雇主场所进行检查和验证。


(a) When the Bus Contractor considers that the Works has been substantially completed in accordance with the Contract, the Bus Contractor may give notice of that to the Employer or the ER accompanied by an undertaking to complete any outstanding work during the Warranty Period and a list of all such work which in the opinion of the Bus Contractor is outstanding and which shall be prior approved by the Employer. Such notice, list and undertaking shall be in writing and in such form as the ER and/or ERA may prescribe and shall be deemed to be a request by the Bus Contractor for the ER to issue a Certificate of Final Acceptance in respect of the Works.
(a) 当客车承包商认为工程已按照合同基本完成时,客车承包商可向雇主或 ER 发出通知,并承诺在保修期内完成任何未完成的工作,并承诺巴士承包商认为尚未完成且应事先得到雇主批准的所有此类工作的清单。此类通知、清单和承诺应采用 ER 和/或 ERA 规定的书面形式,并应视为客车承包商要求 ER 颁发工程最终验收证书的请求。

(b) The Employer or the ER and/or ERA shall upon receipt of such notice either issue a Certificate of Final Acceptance stating the date on which in its opinion the Works were substantially completed in accordance with the Contract or provide instructions in writing to the Bus Contractor specifying all the work required to be done before the issuance of the Certificate of Final Acceptance.
(b) 雇主或 ER 和/或 ERA 在收到此类通知后,应签发最终验收证书,说明其认为工程已按照合同基本完成的日期,或向业主提供书面指示。巴士承包商详细说明在颁发最终验收证书之前需要完成的所有工作。

(c) The Bus Contractor shall be entitled to the Certificate of Final Acceptance for the whole Works when:
(c) 在下列情况下,客车承包商有权获得整个工程的最终验收证书:

i. The Certificate of Acceptances for each Buses has been issued; and

ii. All Works under the punch list items for each Buses have been successfully completed.

(d) Subject to the fulfilment of all of the conditions as stated herein above, the Bus Contractor may apply by the notice to the employer for the Certificate of Final Acceptance within fourteen (14) days after the successful completion of all of the said conditions.
(d) 在满足上述所有条件的前提下,巴士承包商可在成功完成所有上述条件后十四 (14) 天内通过向雇主发出通知申请最终验收证书。

(e) The Employer shall, within twenty-eight (28) days after receiving the Bus Contractors application: i. Issue the Certificate of Final Acceptance to the Bus Contractor.
(e) 雇主应在收到公交车承包商的申请后二十八 (28) 天内。向公交车承包商颁发最终验收证书。

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ii. Reject the application, giving reasons and specifying the work required to be done by the Bus Contractor to enable the Certificate of Final Acceptance to be issued. The Bus Contractor shall then complete such work and where applicable, issue a further notice to conduct a re-test and an application for the Certificate of Final Acceptance under this Clause.

10. 普遍保修

(a) Nothing in this Clause 10 shall in any way affect or limit the right of the Employer to claim damages arising from an Endemic Problem, latent and/or manufacturing defect under this Contract and/or under the general law. For the purposes of this Contract, an Endemic Problem shall be categorised as the cumulative failures or problems of any kind in the common and/or identical sub-assemblies, parts, equipment or components where such items are covered under the Warranty and such failures or problems occur during Endemic Warranty Period, which occurrence reaches a failure rate of thirty-five per centum (35%).
(a) 本第 10 条中的任何内容均不得以任何方式影响或限制雇主根据本合同和/或一般法要求因特有问题、潜在和/或制造缺陷而造成的损害索赔的权利。就本合同而言,特有问题应归类为通用和/或相同的子组件、零件、设备或组件中任何类型的累积故障或问题,其中此类物品在保修范围内,并且此类故障或问题在特有保修期内出现问题,故障率达到百分之三十五(35%)。

(b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Contract, if during Endemic Warranty Period, any sub- assembly, part, equipment or component of the Buses which suffers an Endemic Problem, the Bus Contractor shall then renew, repair, alter or replace (including design work as may be required) all identical sub-assembly, part, equipment or component to the extent that such sub-assembly, part, equipment or component form part of the same production lot and carry out any necessary ancillary work in accordance with this Contract so as to avoid subsequent recurrence of the Endemic Problem. The costs of such renewal, repair, alteration or replacement shall be borne by the Bus Contractor together with the cost of any work ancillary thereto. The Bus Contractor shall submit to Employer its proposal for such renewal, repair, alteration or replacement and obtain Employer’s written approval before commencing with the works.
(b) 尽管本合同有任何其他规定,如果在特有保修期内,客车的任何子组件、零件、设备或部件出现特有问题,客车承包商应更新、修理、改造或更换(包括可能需要的设计工作)所有相同的子组件、零件、设备或组件,只要此类子组件、零件、设备或组件构成同一生产批次的一部分,并根据本要求进行任何必要的辅助工作签订合同以避免随后再次出现地方性问题。此类更新、修理、改造或更换的费用以及任何辅助工程的费用应由客车承包商承担。客车承包商应向雇主提交有关更新、修理、改造或更换的建议,并在工程开始前获得雇主的书面批准。

(c) The Warranty Period of renewal, repair, alteration or replacement for the components under the endemic warranty shall continue so as to expire twelve (12) months after the date of such renewal, repair, alteration or replacement.
(c) 地方保修项下部件的更新、维修、变更或更换的保修期应持续至更新、维修、变更或更换之日后十二 (12) 个月到期。

(d) Nothing contained in this Clause 10 shall prejudice any other rights or remedies Employer may have under this Contract.
(d) 本第 10 条中的任何内容均不得损害雇主根据本合同可能拥有的任何其他权利或补救措施。

11. 性能安全

11.1 Performance Bond
11.1 履约保证金

(a) The Bus Contractorshall, within twenty one (21) days from the date of the Letter of Acceptance (LOA), provide to the Employer an on-demand, an unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bond from a First Tier Bank in Malaysia in the name of the Employer and in a sum equal to the amount specified in Appendix 1 and in the form appearing in Appendix 3, to secure the due performance of the Bus Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under the Contract (the Performance Bond”). The Bus Contractor shall be responsible to obtain and maintain the Performance Bond at its own cost and expense and shall be deemed to have included such costs and expenses in the Accepted Contract Sum. The Performance Bond shall be effective from the date of the LOA until the expiry of Endemic Warranty Period.
(a) 巴士承包商应在中标书 (LOA) 之日起二十一 (21) 天内,向雇主提供来自马来西亚一级银行的按需、无条件且不可撤销的履约保证金。雇主名称,金额等于附录 1 中规定的金额以及附录 3 中出现的形式,以确保客车承包商适当履行合同项下的义务和责任(“履约保证金”)。客车承包商应负责自费获取和维持履约保证金,并应被视为已将此类成本和费用包含在已接受的合同金额中。履约保证金自 LOA 之日起生效,直至地方性保修期届满为止。

(b) The Bus Contractor agrees that the Employer shall be free to make any demand on, or to apply the proceeds of any demand upon the Performance Bond in any way as the Employer may in its absolute discretion deem fit, without any interference by the Bus Contractor or any attempt by it to prevent, prohibit or restrict the making of any such demand or application, and accordingly the Bus Contractor undertakes not to interfere or to prevent, prohibit or restrict the making of any such demand, or to attempt to do so.
(b) 客车承包商同意,雇主可以按照其绝对酌情权认为合适的任何方式,自由地对履约保证金提出任何要求,或将任何要求的收益用于履约保证金,而不受雇主的任何干涉。公交车承包商或其任何试图阻止、禁止或限制提出任何此类要求或申请的行为,因此公交车承包商承诺不干涉或阻止、禁止或限制提出任何此类要求,或试图这样做所以。

(c) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Contract, if the Bus Contractor fails to perform any of its obligations, the Employer shall at the Employer’s absolute discretion be entitled to call upon the Performance Bond, wholly or partially.
(c) 无论合同中有何规定,如果客车承包商未能履行其任何义务,雇主应自行决定有权索取全部或部分履约保证金。

(d) Notwithstanding the above, in the event that the Contract is terminated under Clauses 23.1 or 23.3 the said Performance Bond or any balance thereof may be called upon and/or encashed by the Employer.
(d) 尽管有上述规定,如果合同根据第 23.1 或 23.3 条终止,雇主可以要求支付和/或兑现上述履约保证金或其任何余额。

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(e) If the terms of the Performance Bond specify an expiry date and the Works is yet to be completed, the Bus Contractorshall (at least one (1) month prior to the expiry date) at its own cost and expense extend
(e) 如果履约保证金的条款规定了到期日且工程尚未完成,客车承包商应(至少在到期日之前一 (1) 个月)自费延长履约保证金期限

the validity period of the Performance Bond so that it shall remain effective up to the period specified in Clause 11.1(a) and if the Bus Contractor fails to do so then in lieu of the Performance Bond, the Employer shall be entitled to withhold an amount up to the Performance Bond specified in Appendix 1 from any payment due or to become due to the Bus Contractor.
履约保证金的有效期,以便其在第 11.1(a) 条规定的期限内保持有效,如果客车承包商未能这样做,则雇主有权代扣履约保证金,直至附录 1 中规定的履约保证金来自巴士承包商应付或将要应付的任何付款。

(f) If a payment is made to the Employer, pursuant to any claim under the Performance Bond, the Bus Contractor shall issue to the Employer further security in the form of additional performance bond or bonds for an amount not less than the amount so paid to the Employer on or prior to the date of such payment so that the total sum of the Performance Bond shall be maintained at all times at the value specified in Clause 11.1.
(f) 如果根据履约保证金项下的任何索赔向雇主付款,则公交车承包商应以额外履约保证金或保证金的形式向雇主提供进一步的担保,金额不低于在或在该付款日期之前,以便履约保证金的总额应始终保持在第 11.1 条规定的价值。

(g) The Performance Bond may be released or refunded to the Bus Contractor four (4) weeks after the expiry of twelve (12) months period from the issuance of the Certificate of Final Performance under Clause 13A.3 hereof
(g) 根据本协议第 13A.3 条,自签发最终履约证书起十二 (12) 个月期满后四 (4) 周,履约保证金可释放或退还给客车承包商

11.2 Right to Terminate
11.2 终止权

If the Contractor shall fail to maintain and/or renew the Performance Bond in accordance with Clause 11.1, the Employer may, without prejudice to its other rights or remedies, by notice forthwith terminate the Contractor’s employment under the Contract.
如果承包商未能按照第 11.1 条维持和/或续签履约保证金,雇主可以在不损害其其他权利或补救措施的情况下,通过通知立即终止合同项下承包商的雇佣关系。

12. 已确定的损害赔偿金 (LAD)

12.1 LAD for Delay in Completion of Works
12.1 工程延迟竣工的 LAD

(a) In the event of delay or failure of the Bus Contractor to comply in accordance with the Key Dates and Delivery Schedule, the Employer shall be entitled to recover from the Bus Contractor as Liquidated and Ascertained Damages (LAD) calculated at the rate stated in Appendix 1 for the day(s) which shall elapse between the Key Dates and the date upon which the Works have achieved Completion, as certified by the Employer in the Certificate of Acceptance. The Employer may deduct, set-offor recover the amount of such Liquidated and Ascertained Damages in accordance with Clause 24.13.
(a) 如果巴士承包商延迟或未能遵守关键日期和交付时间表,雇主有权向巴士承包商追偿按规定费率计算的违约和确定损害赔偿金 (LAD)附录 1 中的关键日期与雇主在验收证书中证明的工程竣工日期之间应经过的天数。雇主可以根据第 24.13 条扣除、抵销或追回此类违约损害赔偿金和确定损害赔偿金的金额。

(b) If such delay exceeds thirty (30) days from the date of the relevant milestone specified in the Key
(b) 如果此类延迟自密钥中指定的相关里程碑日期起超过三十 (30) 天,

Dates and Delivery Schedule, the Employer shall have the right to either:

(i) terminate the contract and exercise its rights under Clause 23 herein; or
(i) 终止合同并行使其在本协议第 23 条下的权利;或者

(ii) treat the contract as subsisting and require the Bus Contractor to continue fulfilling all its obligations under the Contract and this shall not in any manner be construed implied or expressly as a grant of an extension of time by the Employer whereby the LAD aforementioned shall continue to be chargeable to the Bus Contractor until the date of the respective Certificate of Acceptance; or
(ii) 将合同视为有效并要求客车承包商继续履行其在合同项下的所有义务,并且这不得以任何方式被解释为暗示或明确地被雇主授予延长时间,而上述 LAD 应在相应的验收证书颁发之日之前,继续向巴士承包商收取费用;或者

(iii) if the Employer elects to treat this Contract as subsisting, Employer may purchase similar buses from other manufacturer/Bus Contractor which correspond with and/or approximate to the capacity and functionality of the Bus Contractor’s Buses and the Bus Contractor shall reimburse any extra costs incurred by Employer and in addition to the above, the Bus Contractor shall pay to Employer ten per centum (10%) of the value of the Buses so purchased as administrative charges.
(iii) 如果雇主选择将本合同视为有效,则雇主可以从其他制造商/客车承包商处购买与客车承包商客车的容量和功能相对应和/或近似的类似客车,并且客车承包商应偿还任何额外费用。雇主产生的费用,除上述费用外,巴士承包商还应向雇主支付所购买巴士价值的百分之十 (10%) 作为管理费用。

(c) The LAD stated in Appendix 1 is deemed to be agreed by the Employer and the Bus Contractor as the genuine pre-estimates of the loss which the Employer will suffer due to the delay in the completion of the Works or any parts thereof and the Bus Contractor is deemed by entering into the Contract to have agreed to pay to the Employer the said amount(s) if the same shall become due without the need of the Employer to prove its actual damage or loss.
(c) 附录 1 中规定的 LAD 被视为雇主和客车承包商同意作为雇主因工程或其任何部分的延误完工而遭受的损失的真实预估,并且签订合同后,巴士承包商被视为同意向雇主支付上述金额(如果该金额到期),而无需雇主证明其实际损坏或损失。

(d) The Bus Contractor covenants and fully accepts and understands that by Employer exercising its rights pursuant to this Clause 12.1, it shall not in any way be construed impliedly or expressly as Employer waiving any of its rights to damages and/or other legal rights to seek remedies available at law. The
(d) 客车承包商承诺并完全接受并理解,雇主根据本第 12.1 条行使其权利,不得以任何方式暗示或明确解释为雇主放弃任何损害赔偿权和/或其他合法权利寻求法律上可用的补救措施。这

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payment or deduction of LAD shall not relieve the Bus Contractor from its obligation to complete the Works or from any of its obligations and liabilities under the Contract.
支付或扣除 LAD 不得免除公交车承包商完成工程的义务或合同项下的任何义务和责任。

12.2 LAD for Delay in Rectification of Defects during Warranty Period
12.2 保修期内延迟修复缺陷的LAD

(a) In the event the Bus Contractor fails to replace/repair/make good defective Buses within the period of five (5) days from the date of warranty claim notification form issued pursuant to Clause 13(b) herein, Employer shall be entitled to the LAD at the rate stated in Appendix 1 per bus for each day in excess of the said period of five (5) days
(a) 如果客车承包商未能在根据本协议第 13(b) 条发出保修索赔通知表之日起五 (5) 天内更换/修理/修复有缺陷的客车,则雇主有权要求超过上述五 (5) 天期间的每一天,LAD 按附录 1 中规定的每辆巴士的费率计算

(b) Employer shall be entitled to deduct against the Retention Monies and/or withhold such portion of the Contract Sum as it may in its absolute discretion deem fit to be set-off against the amount of LAD payable to Employer pursuant to Clause 24.13.
(b) 雇主有权从保留金中扣除和/或扣留合同金额中其绝对酌情权认为适合抵消根据第 24.13 条应付给雇主的 LAD 金额的部分。

(c) The Bus Contractor covenants and fully accepts and understands that by Employer exercising its
(c) 公交车承包商承诺并完全接受并理解,雇主行使其权力

rights pursuant to this Clause 12.2, it shall not in any way be construed impliedly or expressly as Employer waiving any of its rights to damages and/or other legal rights to seek remedies available at law. The payment or deduction of LAD shall not relieve the Bus Contractor from its obligation to complete the Works or from any of its obligations and liabilities under the Contract.
12.2 条规定的权利,不得以任何方式暗示或明示地解释为雇主放弃其任何损害赔偿权和/或寻求法律上可用的补救措施的其他合法权利。支付或扣除 LAD 不得免除公交车承包商完成工程的义务或合同项下的任何义务和责任。

12.3 LAD for Bus Disruption during Warranty Period
12.3 保修期内总线故障LAD

(a) During the Warranty Period, in the event the Bus Contractor fails to maintain 95% availability of
(a) 在保修期内,如果客车承包商未能保持 95% 的可用性

Operational Buses as stated in the Specification on the scheduled operation sessions of the buses, subject to Clause 12.3(b) below, the Employer shall be entitled to LAD at the rate stated in Appendix 1 per session
运营巴士 如巴士预定运营时段规范中所述,根据下文第 12.3(b) 条,雇主有权按附录 1 中规定的每时段费率获得 LAD

(b) Where a Bus unit contributes to the reduction of the 95% availability following it becoming non-
(b) 当总线单元成为非总线单元后导致 95% 的可用性降低

operational due to rectification of defects and is chargeable with LAD under clause 12.2 above, then the LAD under clause 12.3(a) will not be applicable to such Bus and accordingly, for the avoidance of doubt, such Bus will not be taken into account in the computation for LAD pursuant to this clause.
因缺陷纠正而运行,并根据上述第 12.2 条向 LAD 收取费用,则第 12.3(a) 条下的 LAD 将不适用于该巴士,因此,为避免疑义,该巴士将不被考虑在内根据本条计算 LAD。

(c) Employer shall be entitled to deduct against the Retention Monies and/or withhold such portion of the Contract Sum as it may in its absolute discretion deem fit to be set-off against the amount of LAD payable to Employer pursuant to Clause 24.13.
(c) 雇主有权从保留金中扣除和/或扣留合同金额中其绝对酌情权认为适合抵消根据第 24.13 条应付给雇主的 LAD 金额的部分。

(d) The Bus Contractor covenants and fully accepts and understands that by Employer exercising its rights pursuant to this Clause 12.3, it shall not in any way be construed impliedly or expressly as Employer waiving any of its rights to damages and/or other legal rights to seek remedies available at law. The payment or deduction of LAD shall not relieve the Bus Contractor from its obligation to complete the Works or from any of its obligations and liabilities under the Contract.
(d) 客车承包商承诺并完全接受并理解,雇主根据本第 12.3 条行使其权利,不得以任何方式暗示或明确解释为雇主放弃任何损害赔偿权和/或其他合法权利寻求法律上可用的补救措施。支付或扣除 LAD 不得免除公交车承包商完成工程的义务或合同项下的任何义务和责任。

13. 保修期

(a) The Bus Contractor shall provide unconditional warranty for all Buses commencing from the date of delivery of the first bus and shall extend for a duration of twenty-four (24) months following the delivery of the last bus. (the “Warranty Period”). The provision of warranty shall be inclusive of but not limited to all related Components and parts for the duration of the Warranty Period. Notwithstanding to the Warranty Period for the aforesaid, the Bus Contractor shall also provide extended warranty required under the Specification.
(a) 客车承包商应自第一辆客车交付之日起为所有客车提供无条件保修,并应将保修期延长至最后一辆客车交付后二十四 (24) 个月。 (“保修期”)。保修的提供应包括但不限于保修期内的所有相关组件和零件。尽管有上述保修期,客车承包商还应提供规范要求的延长保修期。

(b) Any defects shall be attended to by the Bus Contractor or its representative within two (2) hours upon receipt of verbal notification from Employer or its representative, and Employer shall thereafter issue a written warranty claim notification form to the Bus Contractor.
(b) 客车承包商或其代表应在收到雇主或其代表的口头通知后两 (2) 小时内处理任何缺陷,随后雇主应向客车承包商发出书面保修索赔通知表。

(c) In the event of non-compliance with any of the conditions as described in Clause 16 herein being discovered within the Warranty Period, the Bus Contractor shall replace/repair/make good such defective Buses at the Bus Contractors own expense within five (5) days from the date of the warranty claim notification form.
(c) 如果在保修期内发现不符合本条款第 16 条所述的任何条件,客车承包商应在五 (5) 天内自费更换/修理/修复此类有缺陷的客车。 5) 自保修索赔通知表之日起的天数。

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(d) In addition to Clause 13(c) above, in the event the Bus Contractor fails to respond to the notification, Employer reserves the right to replace/repair/make good such defective Buses and the cost shall be borne by the Bus Contractor.
(d) 除上述第 13(c) 条外,如果巴士承包商未能对通知做出回应,雇主保留更换/修理/修复此类有缺陷巴士的权利,且费用应由巴士承包商承担。

(e) The Bus Contractorshall maintain the availability of Operational Buses by ensuring that there shall be no occurrence of Bus Disruption during Warranty Period.
(e) 公交车承包商应通过确保在保修期内不会发生公交车中断来维持运营公交车的可用性。

(f) The Bus Contractor also warrants that the materials, metals, chemicals, paints, packing pieces and other materials used in the make-up of the Buses and all its packing and packaging are fully tropicalised and stable under tropical conditions. Any damage arising from inadequate tropicalisation shall be deemed as an inherent defect of manufacture. If the Buses are damaged due to accident and it has to be repaired, such repaired parts shall not be covered under this provision.
(f) 巴士承包商还保证用于制造巴士及其所有包装和包装的材料、金属、化学品、油漆、包装件和其他材料均完全适应热带环境,并且在热带条件下保持稳定。因热带化不充分而造成的任何损坏均应被视为制造的固有缺陷。公交车因事故损坏需要修理的,修理后的部件不属于本规定的范围。

(g) Every unit of Bus set shall be provided with a manufacturers warranty booklet to be supplied by the Bus Contractor.
(g) 每辆客车组均应配备由客车承包商提供的制造商保修手册。

(h) The warranty booklet is to show the effective date/mileage/time when the Warranty Period
(h) 保修手册应显示保修期的生效日期/里程/时间

commences and ends and details of the frequency and type of servicing of the Buses provided by the Bus Contractor during the Warranty Period.

(i) In addition to the above, the Bus Contractor shall provide the necessary warranties stated in the
(i) 除上述内容外,客车承包商还应提供本协议中规定的必要保证


(j) Notwithstanding the expiry of the tenure of this Contract, the warranty provisions in this Clause shall remain valid and enforceable until the Warranty Period for the Buses expires.
(j) 尽管本合同期限届满,本条款中的保修条款在巴士保修期到期之前仍然有效且可执行。


13A.1 Joint Inspection
13A.1 联合检查

(a) The Bus Contractor and Employer shall jointly inspect the condition of each bus for any pending
(a) 公交车承包商和雇主应联合检查每辆公交车的状况是否存在任何未决的问题

warranty issues within sixty (60) days prior to the date of expiry of the Warranty Period. Any defect, imperfection, shrinkage or any fault whatsoever which may appear and which are due to design, materials, goods, workmanship or equipment not in accordance with the Specification, shall be identified in the List of Making Good Defects (“the List”). The List shall be signed by both Parties and to be delivered to the Bus Contractor and all defects, imperfections, shrinkages or any other fault whatsoever specified in the List shall be made good by the Bus Contractor to the satisfaction of the Employer at its own costs and to be completed not later than thirty (30) days after the expiry of the Warranty Period.
保修期到期前六十 (60) 天内的保修问​​题。由于不符合规范的设计、材料、货物、工艺或设备而可能出现的任何缺陷、缺陷、收缩或任何故障,均应在缺陷修复清单(“清单”)中进行标识。 。该清单应由双方签署并交付给客车承包商,客车承包商应自费修复清单中规定的所有缺陷、缺陷、收缩或任何其他缺陷,以使雇主满意。并应在保修期满后三十 (30) 天内完成。

13A.2 Certificate of Performance
13A.2 性能证书

(a) The Bus Contractor shall be entitled to the Certificate of Performance for each Bus after the expiry of the relevant Warranty Period for that particular Bus and the Bus Contractor has completed all its obligations under the contract, including remedying any defects.
(a) 在特定客车的相关保修期到期并且客车承包商已完成合同规定的所有义务(包括补救任何缺陷)后,客车承包商有权获得每辆客车的性能证书。

(b) Subject to the fulfilment of all the obligations stated above, the Bus Contractor may apply by notice to the Employer for the Certificate of Performance within fourteen (14) days upon the expiry of the relevant Warranty Period for each Bus.
(b) 在履行上述所有义务的前提下,客车承包商可在每辆客车的相关保修期到期后十四 (14) 天内通过通知雇主申请性能证书。

(c) In the event the Bus Contractor fails to comply with clause 13A.1 within the time specified, the works affected may be made good in such manner as Employer may think fit, in which case the costs and expenses incurred shall be deducted from any monies due or to become due to the Bus Contractor under the Contract, and failing which, such costs shall be recovered from the Retention Sum and/or Performance Bond and/or as a debt due from the Bus Contractor.
(c) 如果客车承包商未能在规定时间内遵守第 13A.1 条,受影响的工程可以按照雇主认为合适的方式进行修复,在这种情况下,所产生的成本和费用应从任何款项中扣除根据合同应付或将要应付客车承包商的费用,如果不这样做,则此类费用应从保留金额和/或履约保证金和/或作为客车承包商的应付债务中收回。

(d) Employer shall issue a Certificate of Performance to the Bus Contractor upon its satisfaction that the works identified in the List has been carried out or made good to its satisfaction.
(d) 雇主在确认清单中确定的工程已经完成或达到令其满意的程度后,应向客车承包商颁发绩效证书。

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13A.3 Certificate of Final Performance
13A.3 最终性能证书

(a) Performance of the Bus Contractors obligations shall not be considered to have been completed until the Employer has issued the Certificate of Final Performance to the Bus Contractor, stating the date on which the Bus Contractor completed the whole of its obligations under the Contract.
(a) 在雇主向客车承包商颁发最终履约证书并说明客车承包商完成合同规定的全部义务的日期之前,客车承包商义务的履行不应被视为已完成。

(b) Only the Certificate of Final Performanceshall be deemed to constitute acceptance of the whole Works including free from any defects, which is not limited to:
(b) 只有最终性能证书才应被视为构成对整个作品的接受,包括不存在任何缺陷,但不限于:

(i) Closure of all items in the List of Making Good Defects; (ii) Completion of trainings;
(i) 关闭“弥补缺陷清单”中的所有项目; (ii) 完成培训;

(iii) Delivery and acceptance of all Documentations in accordance with the Specification; and
(iii) 根据规范交付并接受所有文件;和

(iv) Delivery and acceptance of all spare, tools and equipment in accordance with the Specification.
(iv) 根据规范交付和验收所有备件、工具和设备。

(c) Subject to the fulfilment of all the obligations stated above , the Bus Contractor may apply by notice to the Employer for the Certificate of Final Acceptance.
(c) 在履行上述所有义务的前提下,客车承包商可通过通知向雇主申请最终验收证书。

14. 备件供应保证

(a) The Bus Contractor shall guarantee the availability of the spare parts (inclusive wear and tear items) necessary to maintain and repair the Operational Buses supplied under this Contract for at least ten
(a) 客车承包商应保证提供维护和修理根据本合同提供的运营客车所需的备件(包括磨损物品)至少十年

(10) years from the date of the Certificate of Final Performance
自最终表现证书之日起 (10) 年

(b) In the event any of the parts are no longer available within the said duration, the Bus Contractor shall notify Employer or its representative of the unavailability with proposal of replacement parts immediately together with complete information of the manufacturer(s) or Bus Contractor(s) proposed, failing which, Employer shall be entitled to claim against the Bus Contractor all losses, costs and expenses incurred.
(b) 如果任何部件在上述期限内不再可用,公交车承包商应立即通知雇主或其代表,并提出更换部件的建议以及制造商或公交车承包商的完整信息。 )建议,否则,雇主有权向公交车承包商索赔所产生的所有损失、成本和开支。

(c) The replacement parts proposed by the Bus Contractorshall be interchangeable with the original parts and be manufactured in accordance with the quality assurance provisions of this Contract.
(c) 客车承包商提出的更换部件应与原部件可互换,并按照本合同的质量保证规定进行制造。

(d) In the event of any changes in the components or spare parts including any change of design thereof, the Bus Contractor shall inform the Employer within two (2) months prior to the changes by means of technical bulletin, part order information and other documents and shall at its own expense resolve any problem arising from such changes to the satisfaction of the Employers.
(d) 如果组件或备件发生任何变更,包括其设计的任何变更,客车承包商应在变更前两 (2) 个月内通过技术公告、零件订单信息和其他文件通知雇主,应自费解决因此类变更而产生的任何问题,并使雇主满意。

(e) The Bus Contractor shall inform the Employer for any price revision within two (2) months prior to the effective date of implementation.
(e) 公交车承包商应在实施生效日期前两 (2) 个月内通知雇主任何价格调整。

(f) Save and except for spare parts which are subject to patent rights held by anyone other than the Bus Contractor, and notwithstanding any clause to the contrary , upon the expiry of the Warranty Period , the Employer has the right, without prior approval of the Bus Contractor to procure spare parts from the original equipment manufacturer or other sources.
(f) 除受公共汽车承包商以外任何人持有的专利权约束的备件外,尽管有任何相反的条款,但在保修期满后,雇主有权不经公共汽车事先批准承包商从原始设备制造商或其他来源采购备件。

15.0 变化

15.1 变异的定义

The term “Variation” means any change in the Final Design of the Works or the Specifications of the Works, all in accordance with the Contract:

(a) which makes necessary the addition, omission, substitution, alteration or modification of the design or quality or Scope of Works;
(a) 需要对设计或质量或工程范围进行添加、省略、替换、更改或修改;

(b) that is instructed or approved as a Variation under Clause 15.0; and
(b) 根据第 15.0 条被指示或批准为变更;和

(c) the alteration of the kind or standard of any of the design, materials, Plant or part thereof to be used in the Works.
(c) 改变工程中使用的任何设计、材料、设备或其部分的种类或标准。

but excludes any change that is necessitated by the Contractor’s default.

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15.2 雇主指示变更的权利

(a) The Employer shall at any time prior to the issuance of Final Performance Certificate be entitled to issue instructions effecting a Variation. No Variation instructed by the Employer shall vitiate the Contract, or relieve the Contractor from any of its liabilities or obligations under the Contract, but the value of all such Variations shall be taken into account by the Employer in determining revisions to the Contract Sum in accordance with Clause 15A save as herein provided, and provided in particular that where the issue of an instruction effecting a Variation is necessitated by some act, omission, neglect, default or breach of Contract by the Contractor (or those for whom it is responsible), any additional costs attributable to such act, omission, neglect, default or breach shall be borne by the Contractor.
(a) 雇主应有权在颁发最终绩效证书之前的任何时间发出实施变更的指令。雇主指示的任何变更不得使合同失效,或免除承包商在合同项下的任何责任或义务,但雇主在确定合同总价的修改时应考虑所有此类变更的价值与第 15A 条一致,除本文规定外,特别规定,如果承包商(或其负责人)的某些行为、疏忽、疏忽、违约或违反合同而需要发出影响变更的指令,因此类行为、疏忽、疏忽、违约或违约行为而产生的任何额外费用应由承包商承担。

(b) In carrying out such Variation(s), the Contractor shall not be entitled to any form of losses including but not limited to loss of profit, expense, compensation, damages or whatsoever under the Contract as a result of omission of the Works or any part thereof.
(b) 在实施此类变更时,承包商无权承担任何形式的损失,包括但不限于因工程遗漏而导致的利润损失、费用、赔偿、损害或合同项下的任何损失或其任何部分。

(c) No Variation shall be undertaken by the Contractor without a written instruction from the Employer to such effect.
(c) 未经雇主书面指示,承包商不得进行任何变更。

15.3 确保承包商合规的变更

The Employer may, in its absolute discretion, instruct a Variation (including an instruction to omit work) in circumstances where, based on the assessment of the Employer, the Contractor will fail to meet any of its obligations under the Contract. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any extension of time or costs in respect of or in connection with any such instruction. Any instruction under this Clauseshall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which the Employer may have.

15.4 承包商提议的变更

The Contractor may propose to the Employer any modifications to the Final Design or the Works or to any part thereof which in the Contractor’s opinion will improve the appearance or performance or quality of the Works, the economy of the design or construction, the bringing forward of the Date for Completion of the Works or the efficiency and/or economy in use of the completed Works. The Employer at its sole discretion may approve or reject the Contractor’s proposed modifications and failure by the Employer to respond within twenty eight (28) days of the Contractor’s proposal shall be deemed to be a rejection. If approved by the Employer an instruction requiring a Variation shall be issued in accordance with this Clause 15.0. The application of this Clause 15.4 shall in noway permit the Contractor to suspend or delay its performance of the Works or any part thereof pending the Employer’s review of the Contractor’s proposals.
承包商可以向雇主提出对最终设计或工程或其任何部分的任何修改,承包商认为这些修改将改善工程的外观或性能或质量、设计或施工的经济性、提前工程竣工日期或已竣工工程的使用效率和/或经济性。雇主可自行决定批准或拒绝承包商提出的修改,如果雇主未能在承包商提出建议后二十八 (28) 天内做出回应,则应被视为拒绝。如果雇主批准,则应根据本第 15.0 条发出要求变更的指令。在雇主审查承包商的建议之前,本第 15.4 条的应用决不允许承包商暂停或推迟其工程或其任何部分的实施。

15.5 未使用

15.6 承包商估算

(a) Before deciding to proceed with a Variation, the Employer may at any time issue a notice to the
(a) 在决定进行变更之前,雇主可以随时向雇主发出通知

Contractor and the Contractor shall within fourteen (14) days (or such longer period as the Employer shall fix) from the notice provide the following, with all documentations and supporting calculations in writing:
承包商和承包商应在收到通知后十四 (14) 天内(或雇主规定的更长期限)提供以下内容,以及所有书面文件和支持计算:

(i) the effect that the proposed Variation will have on the Approved Baseline Programme or
(i) 拟议的变更将对批准的基准计划产生的影响或

Approved Baseline Programme Revision No. [ ] dated [ ] (as applicable) including providing evidence of delay to the critical path therein and any proposed extension of time to the Key Dates and/or Date for Completion (as applicable) and any associated costs;
批准的基线计划修订号 [ ],日期为 [ ](如适用),包括提供关键路径延迟的证据以及关键日期和/或完成日期(如适用)的任何拟议延长时间以及任何相关费用;

(ii) a detailed assessment and estimate of cost to effect the proposed Variation;
(ii) 实施拟议变更的详细评估和成本估算;

(iii) Mitigation and cost reduction measures that can be adopted to reduce any adverse effect that the proposed Variation may have on the Contractor and the Approved Baseline Programme or Approved Baseline Programme Revision No. [ ] dated [ ] (as applicable);
(iii) 可以采取的缓解和成本削减措施,以减少提议的变更可能对承包商和批准的基线计划或日期为 [ ] 的批准基线计划修订号 [ ] 产生的任何不利影响(如适用);

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(iv) Its assessment of any breach of Statutory Requirements, requirements of any Relevant
(iv) 对任何违反法定要求、任何相关要求的评估

Authorities or requirements of any permits, licenses or breach of its obligations under the Contract in respect of implementing the proposed Variation and any alternative method in dealing with the required change or matter.

(b) If the Employer shall subsequently require the Contractor to proceed with the Variation, and agrees with the Contractor’s estimate or otherwise, the Employer shall so notify the Contractor in writing in which event the Contractor shall not be entitled to any further payment or extension of time in respect of such Variation beyond that set forth in the Contractor’s estimate other than, in respect of the extension of time only, in respect of matters which occur and could not properly have been foreseen between the estimate and the notice in writing requiring the Contractor to proceed with the Variation. For the avoidance of doubt, the value of the Variation shall be capped to the Contractor’s estimate.
(b) 如果雇主随后要求承包商继续进行变更,并同意承包商的估算或其他意见,则雇主应书面通知承包商,在这种情况下,承包商无权获得任何进一步的付款或延期。超出承包商估算中规定的时间变更的时间,但仅就时间延长而言,以及在估算和要求承包商发出书面通知之间发生的且无法正确预见的事项方面承包商继续进行变更。为避免疑义,变更的价值应以承包商的估计为上限。

(c) The Contractor shall not be entitled to payment or extension of time in respect of any cost of and time spent preparing any estimate under this Clause 15.6.
(c) 承包商无权就根据本条 15.6 条准备任何估算所花费的任何费用和时间获得付款或延长时间。

15.7 未能向承包商提供估算

In the event that

(a) the Contractor fails to give an estimate within the period required by Clause 15.6, or to provide all necessary documentation and supporting calculations; or
(a) 承包商未能在第 15.6 条要求的期限内给出估算,或提供所有必要的文件和支持计算;或者

(b) the Employer considers that such estimate is not a proper or a detailed estimate,
(b) 雇主认为该估计不是适当或详细的估计,

then the Employer may fix such additional sums or reductions as the case may be and period (if any) as it considers appropriate and instruct the Contractor to proceed forthwith with the Variation and the Employer’s estimate shall be treated as though it was the estimate of the Contractor required by Clause 15.6.
那么雇主可以视具体情况确定其认为适当的额外金额或减少额以及期限(如果有),并指示承包商立即进行变更,并且雇主的估计应被视为对工程的估计。第 15.6 条要求的承包商。

15.8 雇主的继续权

(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Clauses 15.6 and 15.7, the Employer reserves the right to instruct the Contractor at any time, whether before or after receipt of Contractor’s estimate under Clause 15.6 or even without an agreement being reached to comply with the relevant variation forthwith.
(a) 尽管有第 15.6 和 15.7 条的规定,雇主保留随时指示承包商的权利,无论是在收到承包商根据第 15.6 条作出的估算之前还是之后,甚至没有达成立即遵守相关变更的协议。

(b) Where Works are omitted pursuant to this Clause 15.0, the Employer may carryout and complete any such omitted part of the Works on its own or employ any other party to carry out and complete such omitted part of the Works.
(b) 如果根据本第 15.0 条省略了工程,雇主可以自行实施和完成工程的任何此类省略部分,或雇用任何其他方来实施和完成工程的此类省略部分。

15.9 影响承包商义务的变化

If, in the opinion of the Contractor, any Variation issued pursuant to this Clause 28.0 is likely to prevent or prejudice the Contractor from or in fulfilling any of its obligations under the Contract in respect of the Execution of the Works, either directly or indirectly, it shall notify the Employer thereof as soon as practicable after receipt of the Variation therefore from the Employer, giving a full statement of its reasons, and the Employer shall decide forthwith whether or not the same shall be carried out. The Employer may confirm its instructions and may modify the said obligations to such an extent as it considers may be justified. Until the Employer so confirms its instructions they shall be deemed not to have been given. The Employershall not be obliged to modify the said obligations if, in its opinion, the Contractor will be in breach of its obligations hereunder unless such Variation is made.
如果承包商认为,根据本第 28.0 条发布的任何变更可能会直接或间接妨碍或损害承包商履行合同项下与工程实施有关的任何义务,收到雇主的变更后,应尽快通知雇主,并充分说明其理由,雇主应立即决定是否采取同样的措施。雇主可以确认其指示,并可以在其认为合理的范围内修改上述义务。在雇主确认其指示之前,这些指示应被视为未发出。如果雇主认为承包商将违反其在本合同项下的义务,则雇主没有义务修改上述义务,除非做出此类变更。

15.10 潜在的变化

(a) In the event the Contractor is of the view that the Employers Instruction effects a Variation
(a) 如果承包商认为雇主指示会产生变更

notwithstanding that it was not identified as a Variation (a “Potential Variation”), then within fourteen (14) days of receiving the Employer’s Instruction, the Contractor shall give notice to the Employer of its view and setting out therein the reasons for its view. Notwithstanding the giving of such notice to the Employer, the Contractor shall proceed to comply with the Employer’s Instruction.
尽管未将其确定为变更(“潜在变更”),但承包商应在收到雇主指示后十四 (14) 天内将其观点通知雇主,并在其中列出其观点的理由。尽管已向雇主发出此类通知,承包商仍应继续遵守雇主的指示。

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(b) If the Employer agrees that its instructions effect a Variation then it shall confirm the same in writing to the Contractor within twenty eight (28) days and its confirmation shall be deemed a notice issued by the Employer pursuant to Clause 15.6(a) and Clauses 15.6, 15.7 and 15.8 shall apply accordingly. Otherwise, the Employer’s Instruction shall not constitute a Variation.
(b) 如果雇主同意其指令影响变更,则其应在二十八 (28) 天内以书面形式向承包商确认,并且其确认应被视为雇主根据第 15.6(a) 条发出的通知第 15.6、15.7 和 15.8 条应相应适用。否则,雇主指示不应构成变更。


15A.1 雇主的查明

The value of Variations shall, save where the Contractor is instructed to proceed on the basis of an estimate pursuant to Clause 15.6 or 15.7, be ascertained as appropriate by the Employer after consultation with the Contractor in accordance with the following principles:
除非承包商被指示根据第 15.6 或 15.7 条进行估算,否则变更的价值应由雇主在与承包商协商后根据以下原则酌情确定:

(a) the rates and prices set out in the Commercial Proposal shall be used as the predominant basis for valuing Variations;
(a) 商业提案中规定的费率和价格应作为变更估价的主要依据;

(b) where the varied work is similar in character to and executed under similar conditions to work set out in the Commercial Proposal, such work shall be valued at the applicable rates and prices in the Commercial Proposal;
(b) 如果不同的工作与商业提案中规定的工作性质相似且在相似条件下执行,则此类工作应按商业提案中适用的费率和价格进行估价;

(c) where the varied work is not of a similar character to or not Executed under similar conditions to work set out in the Commercial Proposal, then the Employer shall establish a new rate for such work based upon the rates or price set out in the Commercial Proposal insofar as may be reasonable, making such allowances thereto by way of addition or deduction as may be necessary to take account of any dissimilarity in the character of the work or the conditions under which the work is Executed;
(c) 如果不同的工作与商业提案中规定的工作性质不同或不是在相似的条件下执行的,则雇主应根据商业提案中规定的费率或价格为此类工作制定新的费率。商业提案在合理的范围内,考虑到工作性质或工作执行条件的任何不同之处,通过必要的添加或扣除方式做出此类津贴;

(d) where work is omitted, the rates and prices in the Commercial Proposal shall be used to value the work omitted provided that if part of an item of work is omitted, then the Employer shall establish a new rate or price by which to value the omitted work; and
(d) 如果工程被省略,商业提案中的费率和价格应用于对省略的工程进行估价,但如果工程项目的一部分被省略,则雇主应制定新的费率或价格来估价遗漏的工作;和

(e) where the varied work cannot be properly valued in accordance with the provisions of Clauses
(e) 当不同的作品不能按照条款的规定进行适当估价时

15A.(1)(a), (b), (c) and (d), the Contractor shall submit such supporting document(s) as required by the Employer to assist the Employer to establish a new rate or price for such work.
15A.(1)(a)、(b)、(c) 和 (d),承包商应提交雇主要求的证明文件,以协助雇主为此类工作制定新的费率或价格。

15.2 雇主确定费率或价格的权力

(a) Failing agreement between the Employer and the Contractor as to any rate or price to be applied in the valuation of any Variation, the Employer shall determine the rate or price in accordance with the foregoing principles and shall notify the Contractor accordingly.
(a) 雇主和承包商之间未能就任何变更估价时所采用的费率或价格达成协议,雇主应根据上述原则确定费率或价格,并相应通知承包商。

(b) The Contractorshall within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of Employer's value of the variations, give notice of any disagreement in writing to the Employer and shall at the same time set out the valuation which the Contractor considers should have been made, giving full details and particulars and the appropriate Contract references.
(b) 承包商应在收到雇主价值变更后十四 (14) 天内,以书面形式向雇主发出任何异议通知,并同时列出承包商认为应作出的估价,提供完整的细节和细节以及适当的合同参考资料。

(c) If the Contractor does not give notice of disagreement with the Employer's valuation within fourteen (14) days of receipt, the Contractor shall be deemed to have accepted the valuation, and such valuation shall be final and binding on the Contractor. It shall not thereafter be disputed or questioned by the Contractor in any way whatsoever.
(c) 如果承包商未在收到雇主估价后十四 (14) 天内发出不同意估价的通知,则承包商应被视为已接受估价,且该估价应为最终估价并对承包商具有约束力。此后,承包商不得以任何方式对此提出争议或质疑。

(d) The Employer’s determination of the rates or prices for any Variation shall be final and binding.
(d) 雇主对任何变更的费率或价格的确定应是最终的且具有约束力。

15A.3 承包商维护记录

The Contractor shall maintain all proper and detailed books and records relating to any Variation instructed and in addition, the Employer shall be entitled within fourteen (14) days after issuing a Variation to direct the Contractor as to any records that the Employer requires it to maintain. The Contractor shall maintain such records at its own cost and expense and submit them to the Employer as directed.
承包商应保存与指示的任何变更相关的所有适当且详细的账簿和记录,此外,雇主有权在发出变更后十四 (14) 天内指示承包商保存雇主要求其保存的任何记录。 。承包商应自费保存此类记录,并按照指示将其提交给雇主。

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15A.4 日间工作

(a) The Employer may, if in its opinion it is necessary or desirable, instruct that any additional or
(a) 如果雇主认为有必要或适宜,则可以指示任何额外的或

substituted work shall be Executed on a daywork basis. The Contractor shall then be paid for such work in accordance with the Daywork Schedule. The unit rate or price for items in he Daywork Schedule shall not be adjusted, notwithstanding the quantity of any daywork instructed by the Employer.

(b) The Contractor shall furnish the Employer with such contemporary records, vouchers, receipts and the like as may be necessary to prove the amounts it has paid for work Executed on a daywork basis. In addition, before ordering any Materials for use in respect of work Executed on a daywork basis, submit to the Employer quotations for the same for its prior written approval. In respect of all work Executed on a daywork basis, the Contractor shall during the continuance of such work deliver each day to the Employer an exact list in duplicate of the names and occupations of all workmen employed on such work, the time period for which they were employed on such work, and a statement also in duplicate showing the description and quantity of all Materials and Equipment used thereon or therefor other than Equipment which is included in the percentage addition in accordance with the Daywork Schedule. One copy of each list and statement will if correct or when agreed be signed by the Employer and returned to the Contractor.
(b) 承包商应向雇主提供必要的同期记录、凭证、收据等,以证明其已支付的计日工作费用。此外,在订购用于计日工作的任何材料之前,请向雇主提交相同材料的报价以获得其事先书面批准。对于按日工作进行的所有工作,承包商应在该工作持续期间每天向雇主提供一份准确的清单,一式两份,其中包含从事该工作的所有工人的姓名和职业、他们工作的时间段。以及一份声明,一式两份,显示在该工作中使用的所有材料和设备的描述和数量,但根据日工作表计入百分比添加的设备除外。如果正确或经雇主同意,每份清单和声明的一份副本将由雇主签署并返回给承包商。

(c) It shall be a condition precedent to the entitlement of the Contractor to receive payment in respect of any work Executed on a daywork basis, that it shall have, by the last day of each month, delivered to the Employer a detailed priced statement of all labour, Materials and Equipment properly used in respect of such work. Provided always that if the Employer shall consider that for any reason, the sending of such list or statement by the Contractor was impracticable, the Employershall nevertheless be entitled to authorise payment for such work either as daywork, upon being satisfied as to the names and occupations of all workmen employed on such work, the time period for which they were employed on such work, and the labour, Materials and Equipment properly used on such work, or at such value therefor as it shall consider fair and reasonable.
(c) 承包商有权就按日工作进行的任何工作收取付款的先决条件是,承包商应在每月的最后一天之前向雇主提交一份详细的价格表此类工作中正确使用的所有劳动力、材料和设备。但如果雇主认为出于任何原因,承包商发送此类清单或声明是不切实际的,则雇主在对姓名和职业感到满意后,仍有权授权为此类工作支付日工费从事此类工作的所有工人的数量,他们受雇从事此类工作的时间段,以及此类工作中正确使用的劳动力、材料和设备,或其认为公平合理的价值。

16.0 公交车承包商的陈述和保证

16.1 The Bus Contractor warrants that
16.1 客车承包商保证

(a) it is fully experienced in the Execution of the Works and that it possesses the high level of skill and expertise commensurate with that experience which it will make available to the Employer. In doing so, the Bus Contractor recognises and acknowledges that the Employer is relying on the provision by the Bus Contractor of such skill and expertise in and about the Execution of the Works;
(a) 在工程实施方面拥有丰富的经验,并且拥有与其向雇主提供的经验相称的高水平技能和专业知识。在此过程中,巴士承包商承认并确认雇主依赖巴士承包商提供的有关工程实施的技能和专业知识;

(b) the Works will be executed using proven and good design practices, state of the art systems and technology and accepted professional standards, codes of practice and regulations which are reasonably foreseeable by a skilled, experienced and competent Bus Contractor/supplier/manufacturer and which are consistent with the requirements of the Contract;
(b) 工程将使用经过验证的良好设计实践、最先进的系统和技术以及公认的专业标准、实践守则和法规来执行,这些标准、实践守则和法规是熟练、经验丰富且有能力的客车承包商/供应商/制造商可以合理预见的,并且符合合同要求;

(c) it is adequately and properly financed to meet all the financial obligations which it may be required to assume under the Contract;
(c) 有足够和适当的资金来履行合同项下可能需要承担的所有财务义务;

(d) the Works shall be performed regularly and diligently so as to ensure that the Date for Completion and/or the Key Dates (as applicable) are achieved
(d) 工程应定期、勤勉地进行,以确保完成日期和/或关键日期(如适用)

(e) the personnel to be employed by the Bus Contractor in or about the execution of the Works will be properly qualified, skilled, diligent, professional, competent and experienced having regard to the nature and extent of the Works, and possess required approvals, passes, permits and documentation for entry, residence and work in Malaysia in accordance with the Statutory Requirements;
(e) 考虑到工程的性质和范围,巴士承包商在工程实施中或与工程实施相关的人员将具有适当的资格、技能、勤奋、专业、有能力和经验,并拥有所需的批准、通行证和根据法定要求在马来西亚入境、居住和工作的文件;

(f) it will perform its obligations under the Contract in an expeditious and economical manner and
(f) 它将以迅速、经济的方式履行合同项下的义务,并且

shall at all times provide such Equipment, Plant, Materials, labour (including the supervision thereof), transport and all other resources and things whether of a temporary or permanent nature, required in or for the proper Execution of the Works in sufficient quantity and quality to maintain progress so as to achieve Completion of the Works by the Date for Completion and/or any of the

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Key Dates (as applicable);

(g) the Works when Completed will be consistent with the use of the said expertise, experience, ability and skill, to fully meet the requirements of, fit for purpose and conform to the Contract;
(g) 工程竣工后将与上述专业知识、经验能力和技能的使用相一致,以完全满足合同的要求、适合目的并符合合同;

(h) it will perform its obligations under the Contract in accordance with the Statutory Requirements and with all directions and instructions properly issued by the Employer, all applicable laws of Malaysia and State of Sarawak from time to time in force and with all directions, orders, requirements and instructions whatsoever given by any authority competent to do so under any applicable law;
(h) 它将根据法定要求、雇主适当发出的所有指示和指示、马来西亚和砂拉越州不时有效的所有适用法律以及所有指示、命令,履行合同项下的义务、任何有管辖权的机构根据任何适用法律提出的要求和指示;

(i) perform all further functions and provide all further material that by implication are necessary for the proper Execution of the Works and would be expected to be provided in accordance with the Contract.
(i) 履行所有进一步的职能并提供所有进一步的材料,这些材料暗示了正确实施工程所必需的,并且预计将根据合同提供。

16.2 The Bus Contractor further warrants that the Buses and the Works shall:-
16.2 客车承包商进一步保证客车和工程应:-

(a) be new, genuine and unused and shall be suitable and fit for the intended use
(a) 是新的、正品和未使用过的,并且应适合并适合预期用途

(b) correspond and attain the performance standard and capabilities stipulated in the Specifications;
(b) 符合并达到规范中规定的性能标准和能力;

(c) be free from failures, defects, damages and/or incompleteness; and
(c) 不存在故障、缺陷、损坏和/或不完整;和

(d) be free from defects in material and/or workmanship under normal operational use and maintenance.
(d) 在正常操作使用和维护下不存在材料和/或工艺缺陷。

17.0 时间延长

(a) The Bus Contractor shall achieve completion of each phase of the Works by the date for
(a) 客车承包商应在以下日期之前完成工程的每个阶段:

completion and/or any of the Key Dates (as applicable) and time will be of the essence.

(b) Date for Completion and/or any of the key dates (as applicable) might be extended to a reasonable period if any delay or stoppage is caused by any default, delay or neglect of any other Party or third parties other than the Bus Contractor, provided such delay or stoppage can be proven by the Bus Contractor to Employer’s satisfaction. Any application for extension of timeshall be made by the Bus Contractor prior to the expiration of the relevant key dates and/or Date for Completion.
(b) 如果任何延误或停止是由于巴士以外的任何其他方或第三方的任何违约、延误或疏忽造成的,则完成日期和/或任何关键日期(如适用)可能会延长至合理的期限承包商,前提是公交车承包商可以证明此类延误或停止,并使雇主满意。任何延长时间的申请均应由客车承包商在相关关键日期和/或竣工日期到期之前提出。

(c) In the event of anticipated delay, the Bus Contractor shall inform Employer in writing of the cause of delay and its expected duration and shall without delay give notice in writing to Employer of its claim for an extension of time. Employer shall upon its satisfaction of the cause of the delay and its expected duration grant the Bus Contractor a fair and reasonable extension of time to complete the Works. However, the Bus Contractorshall endeavour to take all appropriate and commercially reasonable steps to mitigate the delay and its consequences.
(c) 如果预计发生延误,客车承包商应以书面形式通知雇主延误原因及其预计持续时间,并应立即以书面形式通知雇主其要求延长时间的要求。雇主在确定延误原因及其预期持续时间后,应给予公交车承包商公平合理的延长时间以完成工程。然而,公交车承包商应努力采取一切适当且商业上合理的措施来减轻延误及其后果。

(d) Save as provided in the Contract, any extension of time granted shall be deemed to be in full compensation and satisfaction of any loss sustained or sustainable by the Bus Contractor in respect of any matter or thing in connection with which such extension shall have been granted and every extension shall exonerate the Employer from any claim or demand on the part of the Bus Contractor for the delay during the period of such extension but not for any delay continued beyond such period.
(d) 除合同另有规定外,任何授予的时间延期应被视为对巴士承包商因与此类延期有关的任何事项或事物而遭受或持续的任何损失进行全额补偿和赔偿。且每次延期均应使雇主免于承担巴士承包商因延期期间的延误而提出的任何索赔或要求,但不适用于在此期间之后继续发生的延误。

(e) The Bus Contractor shall continue to execute any instructions given by the Employer in relation to the event of delay notwithstanding any disagreement with the decision by the Employer of the entitlement to time or additional payment.
(e) 尽管不同意雇主关于时间或额外付款权利的决定,巴士承包商仍应继续执行雇主就延误事件发出的任何指示。

(f) An extension of time granted in respect of any Key Date shall not itself entitle the Bus Contractor to an extension of time for any other Key Date or the Date for Completion.
(f) 就任何关键日期批准的时间延长本身并不赋予客车承包商延长任何其他关键日期或竣工日期的时间的权利。

(g) In the event any extension of time is granted by Employer to the Bus Contractor, the Bus
(g) 如果雇主准许巴士承包商延长时间,巴士承包商应

Contractor shall forthwith extend the validity of the Performance Securities and the insurance

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policies (wherever applicable) pursuant to Clauses 11, 20 and 20A respectively to cover the period extended.
分别根据第 11、20 和 20A 条的保单(如适用)以涵盖延长的期限。

18.0 赔偿和责任

18.1 Indemnity against Infringement by the Bus Contractor
18.1 公交车承包商的侵权赔偿

The Bus Contractorshall irrevocably and unconditionally indemnify and keep Employer and/or its representative fully indemnified from and against:

(a) Breach of any warranty given by the Bus Contractor in relation to the Works and/or Buses;
(a) 违反巴士承包商就工程和/或巴士作出的任何保证;

(b) Any claim that the Works and/or Buses infringe, or their importation, use or resale, infringes, the patent, copyright, design right, trade mark or other intellectual property rights of any other person, except to the extent that the claim arises from compliance with the Specification;
(b) 任何声称作品和/或公共汽车侵犯或者其进口、使用或转售侵犯任何其他人的专利、版权、设计权、商标或其他知识产权的索赔,除非因遵守规范而提出的索赔;

(c) Any demand, action, damage, expense, liability, loss, claim, suit or proceeding whatsoever, howsoever and wheresoever arising under any laws of Malaysia in respect of any accident, damage, injury or death to any person including defamation, libel and slander or in respect of injury or damage of any kind to any property real or personal by reason of the Bus Contractor carrying out the Works; and
(c) 任何根据马来西亚法律而产生的、与任何人的事故、损害、伤害或死亡有关的任何要求、行动、损害、费用、责任、损失、索赔、诉讼或法律程序,无论何种方式和地点,包括诽谤、诽谤和诽谤或因巴士承包商进行工程而对任何不动产或动产造成任何形式的伤害或损害;和

(d) Any loss or damage, goodwill, costs and expenses including legal fees which Employer or its representative may incur in enforcing or seeking to enforce the Works to be provided by the Bus Contractor, which is due to any negligence, omission, act, default, breach of contract or duty of any person for whom the Bus Contractor is responsible including the Bus Contractor’s servants or agents or of any Contractor or sub-Contractors.
(d) 雇主或其代表在执行或寻求执行巴士承包商提供的工程时可能产生的任何损失或损害、商誉、成本和费用,包括法律费用,而这些损失或损害、商誉、成本和费用,包括法律费用,是由于任何疏忽、不作为、行为、巴士承包商负责的任何人(包括巴士承包商的雇员或代理人)或任何承包商或分包商的违约、违反合同或义务。

18.2 Liability Upon Termination
18.2 终止时的责任

The termination of this Contract shall not affect the liability of any of the Parties hereto for any of its acts or omissions incurred prior to the date of termination of this Contract and the aggrieved Party shall be kept indemnified and held harmless in respect of any claims arising there from by the other Party.

18.3 Notification
18.3 通知

Each Party shall inform the other Party to this Contract of any claim or proceeding or anticipated claim or proceeding against either of the Parties in respect of such claims or proceedings as soon as practicable after that Party becomes aware of such claims or proceedings.

18.4 Proceedings
18.4 诉讼程序

The Bus Contractor shall:

(a) promptly notify Employer in writing of the commencement of any litigation arbitration or administrative proceedings or claims, or the occurrence of any other event which might by itself or together with any other such proceedings or claims which may materially and adversely affect its ability to perform its obligations under this Contract; and
(a) 立即以书面形式通知雇主任何诉讼、仲裁或行政程序或索赔的开始,或任何其他事件的发生,这些事件本身或与任何其他此类程序或索赔一起可能对其能力产生重大不利影响履行本合同项下的义务;和

(b) at its own cost and expense, answer and defend, or cause to be answered and defended, all actions, suits, proceedings, claims and demands which may be taken against or made on it or its agents or employees or any of them on account of or in respect or arising out of any act, matter or thing, done or omitted to be done by the Bus Contractor its agents or employees or any of them in connection with the performance or non-performance of this Contract or any other Contract to which it is a party, or in the observance, fulfilment, non-observance or non-fulfilment of any condition thereof or in any way relating thereto, and to promptly satisfy or comply with any orders or judgments made against it.
(b) 自担费用和费用,回答和辩护,或促使回答和辩护,针对其或其代理人或雇员或其中任何人提出的所有诉讼、诉讼、程序、索赔和要求由于巴士承包商、其代理人或雇员或其中任何人与履行或不履行本合同或任何其他合同有关的任何行为、事项或事情,或因该等行为、事项或事情而引起或引起的其作为一方的合同,或遵守、履行、不遵守或不履行其中的任何条件或以任何方式与之相关,并立即满足或遵守针对其作出的任何命令或判决。

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18.5 Constitution of the Bus Contractor
18.5 公交车承包商的章程

(a) Where the Bus Contractor is a joint venture specifically incorporated to undertake the Works, the Bus Contractor hereby undertakes that for the duration of its appointment under the Contract, it shall
(a) 如果客车承包商是专门为承接工程而成立的合资企业,则客车承包商特此承诺,在合同规定的任命期间,其应

(i) not undertake or participate in any other project, activity or business, other than the Works;
(i) 不承担或参与除工程之外的任何其他项目、活动或业务;

(ii) ensure that its members or partners at all times remain the same from the date of submission of Tender and the period thereafter and that it will not change its members or partners;
(ii) 确保其成员或合作伙伴自提交投标书之日起及其后期间始终保持不变,并且不会更改其成员或合作伙伴;

(iii) ensure that each of its partners shall not sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any of its shares (including for this purpose the assignment of the beneficial interest therein, the creation of any charge or other security over such share or the renunciation or assignment of any right to receive or to subscribe for such share) or any interest in such share or enter into an agreement to do so.
(iii) 确保其每个合伙人不得出售、转让或以其他方式处置其任何股份(包括为此目的转让其中的实益权益、对该股份设立任何抵押或其他担保,或者放弃或转让接收或认购该股份的任何权利)或该股份的任何权益,或为此签订协议。

18.6 Provision of Parent Company Guarantee
18.6 母公司担保的提供

(a) Where the Works were awarded to the Contractor on the merits of its parent company (direct or indirect), or where the Contractor is a Joint Venture (JV), and any members is part of a holding company, the Bus Contractorshall, within the specified days/dates as stated in the LOA, provide to the Employer a Parent Company Guarantee” in favour of the Employer in the form appearing in Appendix 4, for the due observance and performance of the Contract by the Bus Contractor. The Bus Contractor shall be responsible for procuring and/or providing the Parent Company Guarantee at its own cost and expense and shall be deemed to have included such costs and expenses in the Contract Sum, irrespective of whether the credential of the Parent Company is used or not.
(a) 如果工程是根据其母公司(直接或间接)的优点授予承包商的,或者承包商是合资企业 (JV),并且任何成员是控股公司的一部分,则公交车承包商应,在 LOA 规定的指定日期/日期内,以附录 4 中的形式向雇主提供以雇主为受益人的“母公司担保”,以保证客车承包商适当遵守和履行合同。客车承包商应负责自费获取和/或提供母公司担保,并应被视为已将此类成本和费用包含在合同金额中,无论是否使用母公司的凭证或不是。

(b) The Bus Contractor agrees that the Employershall be entitled to make any demand on the Parent Company Guarantee, or to apply the proceeds thereof, upon default by the Bus Contractor of the Contract as determined by the Employer in its absolute discretion, without any interference by the Bus Contractor or any attempt by it to prevent, prohibit or restrict the making of any such demand or application, and accordingly the Bus Contractor undertakes not to interfere or to prevent, prohibit or restrict the making of any such demand, or to attempt to do so.
(b) 客车承包商同意,在客车承包商违反合同(由雇主全权酌情决定)时,雇主有权对母公司担保提出任何要求,或动用其收益,而无需承担任何责任。客车承包商的干扰或任何试图阻止、禁止或限制提出任何此类要求或申请的行为,因此客车承包商承诺不干涉或阻止、禁止或限制提出任何此类要求,或尝试这样做。

19.0 保密性

19.1 Confidential Information
19.1 机密信息

(a) For the purpose of this clauseConfidential Information means all information (whether commercial, financial, operational, technical or otherwise) relating to the disclosing party, its employees, Bus Contractors, consultants, customers and suppliers disclosed to or otherwise obtained by the recipient Party under or in connection with this Contract.
(a) 就本条款而言,“机密信息”是指向披露方披露或以其他方式获得的与披露方、其员工、巴士承包商、顾问、客户和供应商有关的所有信息(无论是商业财务、运营、技术或其他信息)本合同项下或与本合同有关的接收方。

(b) The Bus Contractorshall regard the Contract and all such drawings, records, data, books, reports and all matters pertaining thereto as confidential, and the Bus Contractor shall not use or divulge, except for the purpose of the Contractor with the express written permission of the Employer, any information relating to the Works or to the Project or any correspondence or documentation emanating from or provided by or on behalf of the employer or any third party or give or make any statements or comments to the media in relation to the Works or the Project. The Bus Contractor shall ensure that each of its Sub-Contractors, Vendors and Suppliers and each parent company or shareholder of the Bus Contractor shall be bound by a like confidentiality undertaking and shall, if so required by the Employer, enforce the same at its own cost and expense.
(b) 客车承包商应将合同以及所有此类图纸、记录、数据、书籍、报告和所有相关事项视为机密,客车承包商不得使用或泄露,除非出于承包商的目的并明确书面经雇主许可,与工程或项目有关的任何信息,或由雇主或任何第三方发出或提供的任何信件或文件,或向媒体提供或作出与工程或项目有关的任何声明或评论。作品或项目。客车承包商应确保其每个分包商、供应商和供应商以及客车承包商的每个母公司或股东均应遵守类似的保密承诺,并且如果雇主有此要求,则应自行执行该承诺成本和费用。

(c) Where information has been disclosed by the Bus Contractor to a third parties pursuant to Clause
(c) 巴士承包商根据第 1 条向第三方披露信息的情况

19.1(b), the Bus Contractor undertakes to ensure that such third parties shall not disclose the information to any other party.
根据第 19.1(b) 条,客车承包商承诺确保此类第三方不得向任何其他方披露该信息。

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(d) The Bus Contractor agrees that the Employer may at its sole discretion use and disclose all information provided by the Bus Contractor under the Contractor in relation to the Works to third parties appointed for the Project and to the Relevant Authorities.
(d) 巴士承包商同意,雇主可以自行决定使用巴士承包商提供的与工程有关的所有信息,并向为项目指定的第三方和相关当局披露。

(e) In the event of the liquidation of the Bus Contractor, termination or expiration of the Contract, the Employer shall be entitled to request the return or destruction of all copies of drawings, records, data, books, reports and all matters pertaining hereto as confidential held by the Bus Contractor and delete all such Confidential Information from all computer systems and database. Any Confidential Information that is not returned or destroyed remains subject to the confidentiality obligation under the Contract.
(e) 如果客车承包商清算、合同终止或到期,雇主有权要求归还或销毁所有图纸、记录、数据、书籍、报告和所有与此相关的事项的副本。作为巴士承包商持有的机密信息,并从所有计算机系统和数据库中删除所有此类机密信息。任何未归还或销毁的机密信息仍受合同规定的保密义务的约束。

(f) Each Party acknowledges and agree that any remedy at law for breach of this Clause 19.1 may be inadequate and therefore the Employer will be entitled, in addition to any other remedies it may have in law or in equity, to obtain temporary or permanent injunctive relief for any breach or anticipatory breach of this Clause 19.1.
(f) 各方承认并同意,针对违反本第 19.1 条的任何法律补救措施可能是不够的,因此,除了法律或衡平法上可能拥有的任何其他补救措施外,雇主还有权获得临时或永久的补救措施。对任何违反或预期违反本第 19.1 条的行为的禁令救济。

The requirements of this Clause 19.1 shall survive the termination of the Contract
本第 19.1 条的要求在合同终止后仍然有效

19.2 Undertaking
19.2 承诺

(a) The Parties hereby undertake that during the duration of this Contract and after its termination, the Parties, its directors, employees, Bus Contractors or consultants shall:
(a) 双方特此承诺,在本合同期限内以及合同终止后,双方、其董事、雇员、巴士承包商或顾问应:

(i) treat the Confidential Information as confidential pursuant to Clause 19.1 above; (ii) not to use any Confidential Information other than in connection with the Works;
(i) 根据上述第 19.1 条将机密信息视为机密(ii) 除与工程相关的用途外,不得使用任何机密信息;

(iii) not divulge, publish or disclose to any third party any confidential Information except with the disclosing party’s consent in which case the Parties shall ensure that such third party abide by this undertaking; and
(iii) 除非经披露方同意,否则不得向任何第三方泄露、公布或披露任何机密信息,在这种情况下,双方应确保该第三方遵守本承诺;和

(iv) preserve and cause its directors, employees, Bus Contractors or consultants to preserver the secrecy of any Confidential Information.
(iv) 保护并促使其董事、员工、巴士承包商或顾问保守任何机密信息的秘密。

(b) The Parties further undertake and agree to take all necessary precautions to safeguard any
(b) 双方进一步承诺并同意采取一切必要的预防措施来保障任何

drawings, records, data, books, reports and all matters pertaining hereto , which the Parties may issue to each other in relation to the Works. The Parties may make copies of such drawings, records, data, books, reports and all matters pertaining hereto only to the extent that it is necessary for the effective performance of the Works. On completion of the services, the receiving party shall return all such documents and copy thereof to the disclosing party except that receiving party may with the disclosing party’s prior written approval, retain one copy of such document for record purposes.

(c) The Bus Contractor acknowledges and agrees that Employer is entitled and may use and disclose the Confidential Information to persons who are involved in the Works.
(c) 客车承包商承认并同意雇主有权并可以向参与工程的人员使用和披露机密信息。

20.0 雇主的保险(CEAR 和 WC)

(a) Without prejudice to the Bus Contractors liability to indemnify the Employer, the Employershall affect and maintain the Project Insurance as set out in Appendix 5
(a) 在不影响公交车承包商赔偿雇主的责任的情况下,雇主应影响并维持附录 5 中规定的项目保险

(b) The Bus Contractorshall comply and ensure compliance by its servants or agents or, as the case may be, its sub-contractors and suppliers of any tier and their servant or agents with the terms and conditions of the Project Insurance and the procedures for claims notification and administration thereunder. The Bus Contractor shall not do anything or omit to do anything which may render the Project Insurance voidable and/or unenforceable or cause the premiums for the Project Insurance to be increased.
(b) 客车承包商应遵守并确保其受雇人或代理人,或者视情况而定,其任何级别的分包商和供应商及其受雇人或代理人遵守项目保险的条款和条件以及项目保险的程序。索赔通知和管理。客车承包商不得做任何或不做任何可能导致项目保险无效和/或无法执行或导致项目保险保费增加的事情。

(c) The Bus Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied itself as to the level of cover under such
(c) 巴士承包商应被视为已对此类保险的承保水平感到满意

insurances. Insofar as the Bus Contractor is dissatisfied with the terms and conditions of the Project Insurance or any other insurance effected by the Owner, the Bus Contractor may at his own cost effect and maintain such additional insurance as he may consider necessary.

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(d) If any loss or damage is occasioned by anyone or more of the perils insured by the Project Insurance, the Bus Contractor shall, notwithstanding that settlement of any insurance claim has not been completed, with due diligence restore all property damaged, replace or repair the Works which has been destroyed or damaged, remove and dispose of any debris and proceed with the Execution of the Works.
(d) 如果任何损失或损坏是由项目保险所承保的任何一个或多个危险造成的,即使任何保险索赔的解决尚未完成,巴士承包商也应尽职调查恢复所有损坏的财产、更换或修理已被毁坏或损坏的工程,清除并处理任何碎片,然后继续工程的实施。

(e) All moneys received from the Project Insurance shall be paid in the following order
(e) 从项目保险收到的所有款项应按以下顺序支付

(i) firstly, to settle all the costs incurred by the Employer
(i) 首先,清偿雇主所产生的一切费用

(ii) secondly to settle all the costs incurred by the Bus Contractor
(ii) 其次解决巴士承包商产生的所有费用

(iii) thirdly to any other insured party as the Employer may decide in consultation with the Bus
(iii) 第三为雇主与巴士协商后决定的任何其他被保险人

Contractor; and

(iv) finally, to the Bus Contractor
(iv) 最后,致巴士承包商

20.1 Compliance with Policy Conditions
20.1 遵守政策条件

(a) The Bus Contractorshall at all times, indemnify and hold harmless the Employer from and against all claims, damages (including all consequential, special or indirect damages), expenses and/or losses which the Employer may have incurred, or may in their opinion incur, in connection with the Bus Contractor’s failure to comply with the conditions imposed by the insurance policies effected pursuant to the Contract. Any indemnified amount shall be recoverable from the Bus Contractor in accordance with Clause 4A.8, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy the Employer has under the Contract or at law.
(a) 客车承包商应始终对雇主可能发生的或可能发生的所有索赔、损害(包括所有后果性、特殊或间接损害)、费用和/或损失进行赔偿,并使雇主免受损害。因巴士承包商未能遵守根据合同生效的保险单所规定的条件而产生的意见。任何赔偿金额均应根据第 4A.8 条从公交车承包商处收回,且不影响雇主根据合同或法律享有的任何其他权利或补救措施。

(b) All deductibles/excess, exceptions and exclusions applicable to the Project Insurance as set out in Appendix 5 shall be for the account of and be paid by the Contractor.
(b) 附录 5 中规定的适用于项目保险的所有免赔额/超额、例外和排除应由承包商承担并支付。

(c) The coverages referred to the above and as set out in Appendix 5 shall be set forth in full in the respective policy forms, and the foregoing description of such policies are not intended to be complete, nor to alter or amend any provision of the actual policies. Neither the provision by the Employer or Bus Contractors nor the content of any insurance policy or certificate, nor the Employer’s approval thereof, shall limit or relieve the Bus Contractors of any of its liability and obligations under the Contract.
(c) 上述提及的以及附录 5 中列出的承保范围应在各自的保单表格中完整列出,并且前述对此类保单的描述无意于完整,也无意于改变或修改保单的任何条款。实际政策。雇主或巴士承包商的规定、任何保险单或证书的内容以及雇主的批准均不得限制或免除巴士承包商在合同项下的任何责任和义务。

(d) The Bus Contractor shall ensure all of its personnel attending at the Sites qualify for workers' compensation coverage under the insurance effected by the Employer, regardless of whether such coverage is required by applicable Laws.
(d) 巴士承包商应确保其在现场的所有人员都有资格获得雇主所投保的工人赔偿保险,无论适用法律是否要求此类保险。


20A.1 The Bus Contractors Insurances
20A.1 公交车承包商保险

The Bus Contractor shall affect and maintain at its own cost all other insurances require other than the insurance by the Employer set out in Appendix 5, and shall ensure that all its sub-contractors, vendors and suppliers of any tiershall procure and maintain the same insurances (as applicable). All insurances maintained by the Bus Contractor, its sub-contractors, vendors and suppliers shall include the Employer and Project Developer and all Stakeholders as insured parties (to the extent permitted by law) without any right of subrogation against the Employer in respect of claims that may be made against either or both of them arising out of or in the course of the design and the Execution of the Works or their duties in connection therewith or incidental thereto.
客车承包商应自费购买和维持除附录 5 中规定的雇主保险之外的所有其他保险要求,并应确保其所有分包商、供应商和任何级别的供应商均应购买并维持相同的保险(如适用的)。客车承包商、其分包商、供应商和供货商投保的所有保险均应包括雇主和项目开发商以及所有利益相关者作为被保险人(在法律允许的范围内),并且对于以下索赔对雇主没有任何代位权:可以针对其中一个或两个因工程设计和实施过程中或与之相关或附带的职责而产生的损害。

20A.2 Other Insurances
20A.2 其他保险

In so far as the Bus Contractor requires additional and reasonable insurance (Bus Contractor’s Insurance) beyond the Project Insurance or other insurance(s) effected by the Employer, the Bus Contractorshall notify the Employer its intention to effect and maintain additional insurance as it may consider necessary without any additional cost to the Employer.

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20A.3 The Bus Contractor to Provide Evidence That Insurances Effected
20A.3 公交车承包商应提供保险生效的证据

The Bus Contractor shall provide evidence in form and substance acceptable to the Employer (including, without limitation, copies of the full insurance policies and receipts for payment of the current premiums) showing that it has complied fully with its insurance obligations specified under this Clause 20A within the period stated in Clause 6A. The Bus Contractor shall affect and maintain all insurances for which it is responsible with established insurance companies in accordance with the relevant Laws and on terms approved by the Employer.
客车承包商应提供雇主可接受的形式和内容的证据(包括但不限于完整保险单的副本和当前保费支付收据),表明其已完全履行第 20A 条规定的保险义务在第 6A 条规定的期限内。客车承包商应根据相关法律和雇主批准的条款,向已成立的保险公司投保并维持其负责的所有保险。

20A.4 Adequacy of Insurances
20A.4 保险的充分性

The Bus Contractor shall notify the insurers of any changes in the nature, extent or duration of its obligations under the Contract that may adversely impact the adequacy of the coverage of any insurance policies it has affected and maintained in accordance with the terms of the Contract. The Bus Contractor shall ensure that such insurances are adequate at all times to cover its liabilities in accordance with the terms of the Contract. Any deficiencies in the coverage or policy limits of the Bus Contractor’s insurances shall be the sole responsibility of the Bus Contractor.

20A.5 Remedy on Failure to Insure
20A.5 未能投保的补救措施

If the Bus Contractor fails to effect and/or maintain any of the insurances required under the Contract, or fails to provide the copies of the policies within the period required by Clause 6A, then and in any such case the Employer may (but shall not be obliged to), effect and maintain any such insurances and pay any premium as may be necessary for that purpose and all costs and expenses incurred shall be recoverable from the Bus Contractor in accordance with Clause 4A.8, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy the Employer has under the Contract or at law.
如果客车承包商未能实施和/或维持合同所要求的任何保险,或未能在第 6A 条要求的期限内提供保单副本,则在任何此类情况下,雇主可以(但不得)有义务)、实施和维持任何此类保险并支付为此目的可能需要的任何保费,并且所产生的所有成本和费用应根据第 4A.8 条从公交车承包商处收回,而不损害任何其他权利或雇主根据合同或法律采取的补救措施。

20A.6 Compliance with Insurance Obligations
20A.6 遵守保险义务

The Employer shall be entitled, from time to time (and at any time prior to the issuance of the Performance Certificate), to direct the Bus Contractor to furnish evidence in form and substance acceptable to the Employer, confirming that the Bus Contractor has complied with its insurance obligations under the Contract. The Bus Contractorshall comply forthwith with any such directions at its own costs.


20B.1 Registration
20B.1 注册

(a) The Bus Contractorshall register or cause to register all local workmen employed in the Execution of the Works for workers’ compensation coverage in compliance with the Employment Act 1955, the Employees Provident Fund Act 1991, the Industrial Relations Act 1967, the Employees Social Security Act 1969, the Workmens Compensation Act 1952, the Wages Councils Act 1947, the Weekly Holidays Act 1950, the Children and Young Persons (Employment) Act 1966 and the Minimum Retirement Age Act 2012 and Labour Ordinance (Sarawak Cap 76) (hereinafter referred to as Worker’s Compensation Legislation”). For the purpose of this Clause, the term “local workmen” shall include workmen who are Malaysian citizens and non-Malaysian citizens who have permanent resident status.
(a) 巴士承包商应按照《1955 年就业法》、《1991 年雇员公积金法》、《1967 年劳资关系法》、《雇员社会保障法》的规定,为工程实施中雇用的所有当地工人登记或安排登记工人赔偿保险。 1969年法令、1952年劳工赔偿法令、1947年工资委员会法令、1950年每周假期法令、1966年儿童及青少年(就业)法令、2012年最低退休年龄法令及劳工法令(砂拉越第76章)(以下简称称为“工人赔偿立法”)。就本条而言,“本地工人”一词包括马来西亚公民和具有永久居民身份的非马来西亚公民的工人。

(b) In addition, the Bus Contractor shall ensure all persons employed by it or any of its sub- contractors of any tier who are working on the Site are registered for workers’ compensation coverage under the Worker’s Compensation Legislation where possible, even if not required by law.
(b) 此外,客车承包商应确保其雇用的所有在现场工作的人员或其任何级别的分包商在可能的情况下根据工人赔偿立法登记了工人赔偿保险,即使没有法律要求。

20B.2 Contribution
20B.2 贡献

The Bus Contractor shall submit the Code Number and Social Security Numbers of all workers on the Site to be covered under the Worker’s Compensation Legislation to the Employer for verification on a quarterly basis. The Bus Contractorshall make payment of all contributions from time to time on the first contribution day on which the same ought to be paid and until the completion of the Contract and it shall be the duty of the Bus Contractor to produce to the Employer contribution statements or

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payment vouchers, on a quarterly basis as evidence of payment of such contribution, whether demanded or not.

20B.3 Default in Compliance
20B.3 不遵守规定

If the Bus Contractor fails to comply with the terms of this Clause, the Employer may without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available for breach of any terms of the Contract:

(a) withhold an amount from any money which would otherwise be due to the Bus Contractor under the Contract and which in the opinion of the Employer will satisfy any claims for compensation by workmen that would have been payable had the Bus Contractor not been in default in maintaining the contribution; and/or
(a) 从合同项下应支付给公共汽车承包商的任何款项中扣除一笔款项,并且雇主认为该款项将满足工人在公共汽车承包商没有违约的情况下本应支付的任何赔偿索赔维持贡献;和/或

(b) pay such contributions as have become due and remain unpaid and deduct the amount of such
(b) 缴纳已到期但尚未缴纳的缴款,并扣除此类缴款金额

contributions from any moneys due or become due to the Contractor under the Contract in accordance with Clause 4A.8.
根据第 4A.8 条,来自合同项下承包商应付或即将应付的任何款项的捐款。

20B.4 Indemnification by Bus Contractor
20B.4 公交车承包商的赔偿

The Bus Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Employer and its agents and servants from all liabilities arising out of claims by any workman employed by the Bus Contractor and/or all its sub-contractors, vendors and suppliers of any tier in and for the performance of the Contract for payment of compensation under or by virtue of the Worker’s Compensation Legislation or any other law amending or replacing such law, and from all costs and expenses incidental and consequential thereto.

21. 不可抗力

21.1 Events
21.1 事件

(a) Neither Party shall be in breach of its obligations under the Contract if it is unable to perform or fulfil any of its obligation under the Contract (or any part of thereof), other than the payment obligations as a result of the occurrence of an Event of Force Majeure.
(a) 如果任何一方无法履行或履行其在合同项下的任何义务(或其任何部分),则不构成违反其在合同项下的义务,但由于发生以下情况而导致的付款义务除外:不可抗力事件。

(b) An Event of Force Majeure shall mean an event, not within the control of the Party affected, which that Party is unable to prevent, avoid or remove, and shall mean:
(b) “不可抗力事件”是指不受受影响一方控制且该方无法预防、避免或消除的事件,并指:

(i) war (whether declared or not), hostilities, invasion, armed conflict, acts of foreign enemy
(i) 战争(无论是否宣战)、敌对行动、外敌入侵和武装冲突行为

insurrection, revolution, rebellion, military or usurped power, civil war, or acts of terrorism

(ii) ionizing radiation or contamination by radio-activity from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radio-active toxic explosion or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof; or
(ii) 核燃料燃烧产生的任何核废物、放射性有毒爆炸或任何爆炸性核组件或其核部件的其他危险特性造成的电离辐射或放射性污染;或者

(iii) pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices traveling at sonic or supersonic speeds;
(iii) 航空器或其他以音速或超音速飞行的航空装置引起的压力波;

(iv) Natural catastrophe including but not limited to earthquake, floods, subterranean spontaneous combustion or any operation of the force of nature, lightning and exceptionally inclement weather; and
(iv) 自然灾害,包括但不限于地震、洪水、地下自燃或任何自然力作用、闪电和异常恶劣天气;和

(v) Riot and disorders, criminal damage, sabotage, strike, lockout, labour unrest or other industrial disturbances (affecting the performance of this Contract) which are not the fault of the Contractor and its Sub-Contractor, which causes, or can reasonably be expected to cause either Party to fail to comply with its obligations.
(v) 非承包商及其分包商的过错而导致或可能合理导致的骚乱和骚乱、刑事破坏、破坏、罢工、停工、劳工骚乱或其他工业骚乱(影响本合同的履行)预计会导致任何一方不遵守其义务。

(vi) acts of the Government of Malaysia or State Government of Sarawak, which would make it impossible or unlawful for either or both Parties to fulfil its or their contractual obligations, including the issuance of any laws, legislation, governmental or regulatory.
(vi) 马来西亚政府或砂拉越州政府的行为,导致任何一方或双方无法或非法履行其合同义务,包括颁布任何法律、立法、政府或监管规定。

PROVIDED THAT event of Force Majeure shall not include economic downturn, spreading of infectious diseases, labour dispute originating among the employees of the Bus Contractor or of any

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of its Sub-Contractor, which arises out of an act or omission of the Bus Contractor or its Sub- Contractor, it is a circumstance resulting from compliance with any current laws, ordinances, regulations or orders of Malaysia or any state thereof during the duration of this Contract, or non- availability or insufficient of fund or lack of financing on the part of the Bus Contractor to perform its obligations under this Contract.

21.2 Notification of Force Majeure
21.2 不可抗力通知

If an Event of Force Majeure occurs which renders a Party unable to perform or fulfil any of its obligations under this Contract, the Party so affected shall immediately notify the other in writing of the occurrence of any Event of Force Majeure applicable to its obligations under this Contract giving full details thereof and measures being taken by the Party so affected to reduce the severity of such event and subsequently the cessation of such event. If either Party does not agree that an Event of Force Majeure has occurred then the dispute shall be referred to in accordance with Clause 22.0.
如果发生不可抗力事件,导致一方无法履行或履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,受影响的一方应立即以书面形式通知另一方发生适用于其在本合同项下义务的任何不可抗力事件。合同提供全部详细信息以及受影响方为减轻此类事件的严重性以及随后停止此类事件而采取的措施。如果任何一方不同意发生不可抗力事件,则应根据第 22.0 条提交争议。

21.3 Termination by Force Majeure
21.3 因不可抗力而终止

If an Event of Force Majeure has occurred and either Party reasonably considers such Event of Force Majeure applicable to it to be such severity or to be continuing for a period of more than six (6) months, then the Parties may mutually terminate this Contract.
如果发生不可抗力事件,并且任何一方合理地认为适用于其的不可抗力事件严重程度或持续时间超过六 (6) 个月,则双方可共同终止本合同。

21.4 Consequences of Termination Due to Event of Force Majeure
21.4 因不可抗力事件终止的后果

If this Contract is terminated pursuant to Clause 21.3, all rights and obligations hereunder shall forthwith terminate and neither Party shall have any claims against each other save and except in respect of any antecedent breach.
如果本合同根据第 21.3 条终止,则本合同项下的所有权利和义务均应立即终止,并且任何一方均不得向对方提出任何索赔,除非有任何先前的违约行为。

21.5 Delay
21.5 延迟

(a) Any Party to this Contract affected by the Event of Force Majeure who has complied with the
(a) 受不可抗力事件影响且已遵守本合同的任何一方

requirement to provide notice in accordance with Clause 21.2 shall not be liable for any delay in performing its obligation under this Contract to the extent that such delay has been caused by one or more of Event of Force Majeure and the time for completion of any obligation under this Contract shall be extended by the amount of the delay caused by such Event of Force Majeure. If the Parties do not agree as to the duration of the delay, the disagreement shall be referred to the Employer/ER for a decision.
要求根据第 21.2 条提供通知的,如果延迟履行本合同项下的义务是由一项或多项不可抗力事件以及完成本合同项下的任何义务的时间造成的,则该等延迟不承担责任。本合同应根据此类不可抗力事件造成的延误延长。如果双方对延迟的持续时间没有达成一致,则应将分歧提交给雇主/ER 做出决定。

(b) Notwithstanding Clause 21.5(a), if the continuing occurrence of an Event of Force Majeure is of such severity that it frustrates the original intention and objective of the Parties hereto, the Parties hereto shall forthwith take steps to discuss the circumstances and the consequences of such event and shall consider how best to achieve the objectives of this Contract in such circumstances and shall, if appropriate, give consideration to any amendment of this Contract and the terms and conditions of such amendments.
(b) 尽管有第 21.5(a) 条的规定,如果不可抗力事件的持续发生严重到破坏了双方的初衷和目标,则双方应立即采取措施讨论情况和解决方案。此类事件的后果,并应考虑在这种情况下如何最好地实现本合同的目标,并应在适当的情况下考虑对本合同的任何修订以及此类修订的条款和条件。

21.6 Restoration
21.6 恢复

Notwithstanding any other provision in this Contract, if an Event of Force Majeure occurs and this Contract is not terminated then in any case where the delivery of the Works or any part thereof has been affected, the Bus Contractor shall restore such Works to what it was immediately prior to the occurrence of that Event of Force Majeure at its own expenses. Where as a result of such restoration the Bus Contractor is able to demonstrate that it has incurred substantial costs affecting the Works, the Bus Contractor may apply to the Employer for such remedies to enable the Employer to recover the costs of such restoration.

21.7 Insurance to Cover the Occurrence of Force Majeure
21.7 不可抗力发生的保险

Notwithstanding any other Clause, the Bus Contractor shall ensure that whenever reasonably practicable insurance is affected (whether by itself or by its sub-contractors/suppliers) to cover the occurrence of Event of Force Majeure, PROVIDED THAT such Events of Force Majeure are reasonably and practicably insurable.

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21.8 Obligations Not Affected
21.8 不受影响的义务

For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties shall continue to perform those parts of obligations not affected, delayed or interrupted by an Event of Force Majeure and such obligations shall, pending the outcome of this Clause continue in full force and effect.

22.0 争议解决

(a) If a dispute (of any kind whatsoever) arises between the Parties in connection with, or arising out of, the Contractor the Execution of the Works, including any dispute as to any certificate, determination, instruction, opinion or valuation of the Employer, such dispute shall be notified in writing to the other Party. The disputing Parties shall then attempt to settle the dispute amicably by mutual discussion between the Chief Executive Officers or principal officers of the disputing Parties.
(a) 如果双方之间发生与承包商实施工程有关或由其引起的争议(任何类型),包括与雇主的任何证书、决定、指示、意见或估价有关的任何争议,该争议应书面通知另一方。然后,争议双方应通过争议双方首席执行官或主要官员之间的相互讨论,尝试友好解决争议。

(b) Unless settled amicably within twenty-eight (28) days from the issuance of the notice raising the
(b) 除非在发出提出问题的通知后二十八 (28) 天内友好解决

dispute asset out in Clause 22.0(a) hereinabove, then after a Dispute Adjudication Board (“DAB”) has been appointed pursuant to Clause 22.0(c), any of the disputing Parties may refer the dispute in writing to the DAB for its decision, with copies to the other Parties. Such reference shall state that it is given under this Clause. The DAB shall comprise of three (3) persons as appointed in accordance with Clause 22.0(c).
如果根据第 22.0(a) 条对争议资产提出异议,那么在根据第 22.0(c) 条指定争议裁决委员会(“DAB”)后,任何争议方均可将争议以书面形式提交给 DAB 做出决定,其中副本给其他缔约方。此类引用应注明是根据本条款给出的。 DAB 应由根据第 22.0(c) 条指定的三 (3) 名人员组成。

(c) The Employer shall nominate one (1) member and the Bus Contractor shall nominate one (1) member. The two (2) appointed members shall agree upon the third member, who shall be appointed to act as chairman.
(c) 雇主应提名一 (1) 名成员,巴士承包商应提名一 (1) 名成员。两 (2) 名指定成员应就第三名成员达成一致,并任命第三名成员担任主席。

(d) If any of the following occurs
(d) 如果出现以下任何一种情况

(i) a Party fails to nominate a member of the DAB within seven (7) days of notice to do so under Clause 22.0(c);
(i) 一方未能在收到第 22.0(c) 条规定的通知后七 (7) 天内提名 DAB 成员;

(ii) if the Bus Contractor fail to agree on the nomination of a member of the DAB within seven
(ii) 如果巴士承包商未能在七年内就 DAB 成员的提名达成一致

(7) days of notice to do so under Clause 22.0(c);
(7) 根据第 22.0(c) 条通知这样做的天数;

(iii) the nominated members under Clause 22.0(c) fail to agree upon the appointment of the third member (to act as chairman of the DAB) within seven (7) days of their appointments;
(iii) 根据第 22.0(c) 条提名的成员未能在任命后七 (7) 天内就第三名成员(担任 DAB 主席)的任命达成一致;

(iv) any member of the DAB declines to act or is unable to act as a result of death, disability, resignation or termination of appointment,
(iv) 任何 DAB 成员因死亡、残疾、辞职或任命终止而拒绝行事或无法行事,

then the Director of the Asian International Arbitration Centre shall upon the request of either, both or all of the Parties, as the case may be, appoint such person(s) from the panel of International Arbitrators of the Asian International Arbitration Centre to sit as member(s) of the DAB. The appointment(s) shall be final and conclusive.
则亚洲国际仲裁中心主任应应任何一方、双方或所有当事方(视情况而定)的请求,从亚洲国际仲裁中心国际仲裁员名册中指定该人士担任成员( s) DAB。该任命应是最终的和决定性的。

(e) The Parties and each of the members forming the DAB shall execute the Dispute Adjudication
(e) 各方和组成 DAB 的每位成员应执行争议裁决

Agreement in the form appearing in Appendix 7, with such amendments as are agreed between them
协议的形式见附录 7,并经双方同意进行修改

(f) The terms of remuneration of each of the members of the DAB shall be mutually agreed between the Parties when agreeing the terms of appointment. Each Party shall be responsible for paying its equal portion of the remuneration. The appointment of any member maybe terminated by mutual agreement
(f) DAB 每位成员的薪酬条件应由双方在商定任命条款时共同商定。各方应负责支付其同等部分的报酬。任何成员的任命均可经双方同意终止

of all Parties in dispute, but not by any Party acting alone. (g) The Parties agree that the DAB may amongst other things
争议所有缔约方,但不是任何单独行动的缔约方。 (g) 双方同意 DAB 可以除其他外

(i) establish the procedure to be applied in deciding a dispute
(i) 制定解决争议所适用的程序

(ii) decide upon his or her own jurisdiction, as to the scope of dispute referred to him or her; (iii) conduct any hearing as he or she thinks fit
(ii) 就提交给他或她的争议范围决定其管辖权; (iii) 举行他或她认为合适的任何听证会

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(iv) take the initiative in ascertaining the facts and matters required to arrive at decisions; (v) instruct a Party to provide further information to the dispute within a stated time
(iv) 主动查明做出决定所需的事实和事项 (v) 指示一方在规定时间内提供有关争议的进一步信息

(vi) make use of his or her own specialist knowledge if any
(vi) 利用他或她自己的专业知识(如果有)

(vii) decide upon the payment of financing charges in accordance with the Contract;
(vii) 根据合同决定融资费用的支付;

(viii) decide upon any provisional relief such as interim or conservatory measures
(viii) 决定任何临时救济,例如临时或保全措施

(ix) open up, review and revise any certificate, determination, instruction, opinion or valuation of the Bus Contractor relevant to the dispute.
(ix) 公开、审查和修改与争议相关的公交车承包商的任何证书决定、指导意见或评估。

(h) A replacement member of the DAB has the power and authority to decide a dispute referred to its predecessor but not decided at the time when the predecessor was unable to act.
(h) 民意咨询委员会的替代成员有权力和权限来解决提交给其前任但在前任无法采取行动时尚未做出决定的争端。

Unless otherwise agreed by all Parties, the appointment of the DAB (including each member) shall expire when the DAB has given its decision on the dispute referred to it under Clause 22.0(b).
除非所有缔约方另有约定,当 DAB 对根据第 22.0(b) 条提交给它的争议作出决定时,DAB(包括每位成员)的任命即告终止。

(i) The Parties shall promptly make available to the DAB all information, access to Site, and appropriate facilities as the DAB may require for the purposes of making a decision on such dispute no later than twenty-eight (28) days of the reference of the dispute in Clause 22.0(b). The DAB shall be deemed to be not acting as arbitrators.
(i) 双方应立即向 DAB 提供 DAB 可能需要的所有信息、现场访问权限以及适当的设施,以便就此类争议做出决定,不得晚于提交提交材料后的二十八 (28) 天。第 22.0(b) 条中的争议。 DAB 应被视为不担任仲裁员。

(j) Within twenty-eight (28) days after expiry of the period for receiving information under Clause 22.0(j), or within such period as may be proposed by the DAB and approved by the Parties, the DAB shall give its decision, which shall be reasoned in writing and shall state that it is given under this Clause.
(j) 在第 22.0(j) 条规定的信息接收期限届满后二十八 (28) 天内,或在 DAB 提议并经双方批准的期限内,DAB 应作出决定,应以书面形式说明理由,并说明其是根据本条给出的。

(k) Unless the Contract has already been abandoned, repudiated or terminated, the Bus Contractorshall continue to proceed with the Works in accordance with the Contract.
(k) 除非合同已被放弃、拒绝或终止,否则客车承包商应继续按照合同进行工程。

(l) If any of the Parties are dissatisfied with the DAB’s decision, then such Party may, within twenty- eight (28) days after receiving the decision, give notice to the other Party(s) of its dissatisfaction. If the DAB fails to give its decision within the period of twenty-eight (28) days or as otherwise approved after receiving such reference, then any of the Parties may, within twenty-eight (28) days after this period has expired, give notice to the other Party(s) of its dissatisfaction.
(l) 如果任何一方对 DAB 的决定不满意,则该方可以在收到决定后二十八 (28) 天内向其他方发出其不满的通知。如果 DAB 未能在二十八 (28) 天内做出决定,或在收到此类参考书后未按其他方式批准,则任何一方均可在此期限届满后二十八 (28) 天内做出决定向另一方通知其不满。

(m) In either event,this notice of dissatisfaction shall state that it is given under Clause 22.0(m) and shall set out the matter in dispute and the reasons for dissatisfaction. Neither Party shall be entitled to commence arbitration of a dispute unless a notice of dissatisfaction has been given in accordance with this Clause.
(m) 无论哪种情况,本不满通知均应声明其是根据第 22.0(m) 条发出的,并应列出争议事项和不满的原因。除非根据本条款发出不满通知,否则任何一方均无权对争议提起仲裁。

(n) If the DAB has given its decision as to a matter in dispute, and no notice of dissatisfaction has been given by any of the Parties within twenty-eight (28) days after it received the DABs decision, then the decision shall become final and binding upon the Parties. Notwithstanding that the DAB’s decision has not become final and binding, the Parties shall comply with the DAB’s decision in the interim until the dispute is finally resolved by arbitration.
(n) 如果 DAB 就争议事项作出决定,且任何一方在收到 DAB 决定后二十八 (28) 天内未发出任何不满意通知,则该决定应成为最终决定并具有约束力缔约方。尽管 DAB 的决定尚未成为最终且具有约束力的决定,双方应暂时遵守 DAB 的决定,直至争议最终通过仲裁解决。

(o) Any dispute in respect of which the DABs decision (if any) has not become final and binding shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Malaysia. The arbitration shall be held at the Asian International Arbitration Centre in accordance with its Fast-Track Arbitration Rules. The language to be used in arbitration shall be English. The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three (3) arbitrators as appointed in accordance with Clause 22.0(q).
(o) DAB 决定(如有)尚未成为最终且具有约束力的任何争议,应提交马来西亚仲裁并最终解决。仲裁应在亚洲国际仲裁中心根据其快速仲裁规则进行。仲裁使用的语言为英语。仲裁庭应由根据第 22.0(q) 条指定的三 (3) 名仲裁员组成。

(p) The Employer shall nominate one (1) arbitrator and the Bus Contractor shall nominate one (1)
(p) 雇主应提名一 (1) 名仲裁员,巴士承包商应提名一 (1) 名仲裁员

arbitrator. The two (2) appointed arbitrators shall agree upon the third arbitrator, who shall be appointed to act as the presiding arbitrator.
仲裁人。指定的两 (2) 名仲裁员应商定第三名仲裁员,并指定第三名仲裁员担任首席仲裁员。

(q) If any of the following occurs
(q) 如果发生以下任何一种情况

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(i) a Party fails to nominate an arbitrator within thirty (30) days of notice to do so under Clause 22.0(q);
(i) 一方未能在根据第 22.0(q) 条发出通知后三十 (30) 天内提名仲裁员;

(ii) if the Employer fails to agree on the nomination of an arbitrator within thirty (30) days of notice to do so under Clause 22.0(q);
(ii) 如果雇主未能在根据第 22.0(q) 条发出通知后三十 (30) 天内就仲裁员的提名达成一致;

(iii) the nominated members under Clause 22.0(q) fail to agree upon the appointment of the third arbitrator (to act as presiding arbitrator) within thirty (30) days of their appointments
(iii) 根据第 22.0(q) 条指定的成员未能在任命后三十 (30) 天内就第三名仲裁员(担任首席仲裁员)的任命达成一致

(iv) any member of the arbitral tribunal declines to act or is unable to act as a result of death, disability, resignation or termination of appointment,
(iv) 仲裁庭任何成员因死亡、伤残、辞职或终止任命而拒绝行事或无法行事,

then the Director of the Asian International Arbitration Centre shall upon the request of either both or all of the Parties, as the case may be, appoint such person(s) from the panel of International Arbitrators of the Asian International Arbitration Centre to sit as arbitrator(s). The appointment(s) shall be final and conclusive.

(r) The arbitrator(s) shall have full power to open up, review and revise any certificate, determination, instruction, opinion or valuation of the Employer, and any decision of the DAB, relevant to the dispute. None of the Parties shall be limited in the proceedings before the arbitrator(s) to the evidence or arguments previously put before the DAB to obtain the DABs decision, or to the reasons for dissatisfaction given in its notice of dissatisfaction. Any decision of the DAB shall be admissible as evidence in the arbitration but no member of the DAB shall be called as a witness in the proceedings before the arbitrator(s).
(r) 仲裁员应全权公开、审查和修改与争议相关的雇主的任何证书、决定、指示、意见或评估,以及 DAB 的任何决定。在仲裁员审理的程序中,任何一方均不得仅限于先前向 DAB 提交以获得 DAB 决定的证据或论点,或其不满通知中给出的不满理由。 DAB 的任何决定均应作为仲裁中的证据,但 DAB 任何成员均不得在仲裁员审理的程序中被传唤为证人。

(s) Save as otherwise provided in Clause 22.0(y), any reference to the DAB or to arbitration shall not
(s) 除非第 22.0(y) 条另有规定,任何对 DAB 或仲裁的提及均不得

commence before the completion, or alleged completion of the Works or determination or alleged determination of the Bus Contractor’s employment under the Contractor abandonment of the Works, unless with the written consent of the Employer and the Bus Contractor.

(t) Where in the Employers absolute discretion, it is beneficial for any dispute or part of a dispute between the Parties under Clause22.0(b)to be resolved in the same DAB proceedings of a dispute or pending dispute between the Employer and any other party or parties engaged upon the works (“Related DAB Dispute”) then the Bus Contractor hereby agrees that the dispute between the Parties invoking Clause 22.0(b)shall be referred to and be determined by the DAB appointed or to be appointed in respect of the Related DAB Dispute and to be determined at the same time as such Related DAB Dispute, provided the DAB appointed or to be appointed in respect of the Related DAB Dispute is made up of or appointed from the panel of International Arbitrators of the Asian International Arbitration Centre.
(t) 如果根据雇主的绝对酌情权,双方之间根据第 22.0(b) 条发生的任何争议或部分争议在雇主与任何一方之间的争议或未决争议的同一个 DAB 程序中得到解决是有利的。参与该工程的其他一方或多方(“相关 DAB 争议”),则巴士承包商特此同意,双方之间援引第 22.0(b) 条的争议应提交指定或将指定的 DAB 并由其决定相关 DAB 争议的决定,并与相关 DAB 争议同时确定,前提是就相关 DAB 争议指定或将指定的 DAB 由亚洲国际仲裁院的国际仲裁员小组组成或指定仲裁中心。

(u) Where, in the Employers absolute discretion, it is beneficial for any dispute or part of a dispute between the Parties under Clause 22.0(p)to be resolved in the same arbitration proceedings of a dispute or a pending dispute between the Employer or any other party or parties engaged upon the works (“Related Arbitration Dispute”) then:
(u) 如果雇主有绝对酌情权,有利于双方之间根据第 22.0(p) 条发生的任何争议或部分争议在雇主或任何其他方之间的争议或未决争议的同一仲裁程序中得到解决参与工程的一方或多方(“相关仲裁争议”)则:

(i) if a notice to concur in the appointment of arbitrator(s) has been served in the Related Arbitration Dispute, the Bus Contractor hereby agrees that the dispute between the Parties invoking Clause 22.0(p)shall be referred to and be determined by the arbitral tribunal to be appointed in respect of the Related Arbitration Dispute and be determined at the same time as such Related Arbitration Dispute, provided the arbitral tribunal to be appointed in respect of the Related Arbitration Dispute is made up of or appointed from the panel of International Arbitrators of the Asian International Arbitration Centre; and
(i) 如果在相关仲裁争议中已送达同意任命仲裁员的通知,则巴士承包商特此同意,双方之间援引第 22.0(p) 条的争议应提交给以下机构并由以下机构决定:就相关仲裁争议指定的仲裁庭并与该相关仲裁争议同时确定,前提是就相关仲裁争议指定的仲裁庭由以下仲裁员组成或指定:亚洲国际仲裁中心国际仲裁员;和

(ii) where an arbitral tribunal has been appointed in connection with the Related Arbitration Dispute, the dispute between the Parties invoking Clause 22.0(p) shall be referred to and be determined by the arbitral tribunal so appointed contemporaneously with the Related Arbitration Dispute, provided that the arbitral tribunal appointed in respect of the Related Arbitration Dispute is made up of or appointed from the panel of International Arbitrators of the Asian International Arbitration Centre. In the event of the said arbitral tribunal declining to accept the further reference, the Bus Contractor hereby authorises the Employer to apply to the Director of the Asian International Arbitration Centre for the appointment of a replacement arbitral tribunal from the panel of
(ii) 如果已就相关仲裁争议指定仲裁庭,双方之间援引第 22.0(p) 条的争议应提交与相关仲裁争议同时指定的仲裁庭并由该仲裁庭裁决,前提是就相关仲裁争议指定的仲裁庭由亚洲国际仲裁中心的国际仲裁员小组组成或指定。如果上述仲裁庭拒绝接受进一步的仲裁,巴士承包商特此授权雇主向亚洲国际仲裁中心主任申请从亚洲国际仲裁中心指定一个替代仲裁庭。

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International Arbitrators of the Asian International Arbitration Centre who is willing to determine both disputes.

(v) In the event of a Related Arbitration Dispute being such that it is, in the Employers absolute discretion, beneficial for it to be resolved by the arbitral tribunal to whom a dispute between the Parties under Clause 22.0(p) has been referred, the Bus Contractor agrees that such Related Arbitration Dispute may be determined by the said arbitral tribunal contemporaneously with the determination of the said dispute between the Parties under Clause 22.0(p). In the event of the said arbitral tribunal declining to accept the further reference, the Bus Contractor hereby authorises the Employer to apply to the Director of the Asian International Arbitration Centre for the appointment of replacement arbitral tribunal from the panel of International Arbitrators of the Asian International Arbitration Centre who is willing to determine both disputes.
(v) 如果发生相关仲裁争议,雇主有绝对酌情权由双方根据第 22.0(p) 条提交争议的仲裁庭解决,则总线承包商同意,此类相关仲裁争议可由上述仲裁庭根据第 22.0(p) 条与双方之间的上述争议同时作出裁决。如果上述仲裁庭拒绝接受进一步的参考,巴士承包商特此授权雇主向亚洲国际仲裁中心主任申请从亚洲国际仲裁中心的国际仲裁员小组中指定替代仲裁庭。仲裁中心愿意对双方争议进行裁决。

(w) The award of the arbitral tribunal shall be final and binding on the Parties
(w) 仲裁庭的裁决为最终裁决并对双方具有约束力

(x) Where the dispute has been referred to adjudication under the Construction Industry Payment and Adjudication Act 2012 and an adjudication decision has been made in writing wherein one Party is required to make payment to other, the Employer may at its absolute discretion refer such dispute to an arbitral tribunal after the adjudication decision in which case the Employer need not avail themselves of the DAB proceedings prior to commencing arbitration and such arbitration may be commenced by the Employer at any time notwithstanding any of the provisions in this Clause 22.0.
(x) 如果争议已根据《2012 年建筑业付款和裁决法》提交裁决,并且裁决已以书面形式作出,要求一方向另一方付款,则雇主可全权酌情决定将此类争议提交在作出裁决决定后向仲裁庭提起仲裁,在这种情况下,雇主无需在开始仲裁之前利用 DAB 程序,并且尽管本第 22.0 条有任何规定,雇主可以随时开始此类仲裁。

23. 违约和终止

23.1 Default by Bus Contractor
23.1 公交车承包商违约

(a) General Events of Default
(a) 一般违约事件

In the event the Bus Contractor

(i) fails to commence the Works within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the Letter of Acceptance and/or Date for Commencement;
(i) 未能在中标书和/或开工日期起二十一 (21) 天内开工;

(ii) suspends or abandons the carrying out of the Works or any part thereof before the Date for Completion or otherwise plainly demonstrates the intention not to continue performance of its obligations under the Contract;
(ii) 在竣工日期之前暂停或放弃工程或其任何部分的实施,或以其他方式明确表明不打算继续履行其在合同项下的义务;

(iii) fails to proceed regularly and diligently with the performance of its obligations under the Contract; without prejudice to the generality of Clause 23.1, in the event that the overall progress of the Works or any part thereof that is on the critical path is delayed by sixty (60) days at any time based on the latest Work Programme and for which the Bus Contractor is not entitled to any extension of time under the Contract, the Bus Contractor shall be deemed to have failed to proceed regularly and diligently with the performance of its obligations under the Contract;
(iii) 未能定期、勤勉地履行合同项下的义务;在不损害第 23.1 条的一般性的情况下,如果工程的整体进度或其关键路径上的任何部分根据最新的工作计划随时延迟六十 (60) 天,且客车承包商无权根据合同要求延长时间,客车承包商应被视为未能定期、勤勉地履行其在合同项下的义务;

(iv) fails to execute the Works in accordance with the Contract
(iv) 未按照合同实施工程

(v) Persistently neglects to carry out its obligations under the Contract
(v) 始终不履行合同规定的义务

(vi) refuses or persistently neglects to comply with a written notice from the Employer
(vi) 拒绝或始终忽视遵守雇主的书面通知

(vii) fails to comply with the provisions of Clause 13.0;
(vii) 不遵守第13.0条的规定;

(viii) fails to comply with any provisions as contained in the Contract including but not limited
(viii) 未能遵守合同中包含的任何条款,包括但不限于

to failure to provide the Performance Bond, Contract Deliverables, Bus Contractor’s insurances and work programme within the period stated;

(ix) fails to obtain the prior written consent of the Employer required under Clause 29.0 and in breach of its obligations or in defiance of the Employer’s instruction to the contrary, sub-lets any part of the Works;
(ix) 未获得第 29.0 条要求的雇主事先书面同意,并且违反其义务或无视雇主的相反指示,转租工程的任何部分;

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(x) fails to comply with the provisions of Clause 18.5, if applicable; or
(x) 未能遵守第 18.5 条的规定(如果适用);或者

(xi) fails to comply with any decision by the Dispute Adjudication Board (“DAB”),
(xi) 不遵守争议裁决委员会(“DAB”)的任何决定,

then the Employer shall be entitled to give written notice to the Bus Contractor specifying the default and requiring the Bus Contractor to remedy such default within fourteen (14) days of the receipt of the default notice. If the Bus Contractor fails to remedy the default within the stipulated period or such extended period as the Employer may determine in its sole discretion, Clause 23.1(c) shall apply
则雇主有权向客车承包商发出书面通知,说明违约情况,并要求客车承包商在收到违约通知后十四 (14) 天内纠正此类违约行为。如果客车承包商未能在规定期限内或雇主自行决定的延长期限内纠正违约行为,则应适用第 23.1(c) 条

(b) Other Events of Default
(b) 其他违约事件

If at anytime during the term of the Contract:

(i) the Bus Contractor becomes insolvent or compounds with or enters into an arrangement or compositions with its creditors;
(i) 客车承包商破产或与其债权人达成和解或达成安排或和解;

(ii) an order is made or resolution is effectively passed for the winding- up of the Bus
(ii) 就巴士清盘作出命令或有效通过决议

Contractor (except for the purpose of restructuring or amalgamation with the written consent of the Employer, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld);

(iii) a personal liquidator, receiver, trustee or manager of its business or undertaking duly
(iii) 个人清算人或其业务或事业的接管人、受托人或经理

appointed against the Bus Contractor, or possession of the Bus Contractor’s assets taken by or on behalf of creditors or debenture holders secured by a floating charge of any property comprised in or subject of the said floating charge or if any act is done or event occurs which (under applicable Laws) has a similar effect to any of these acts or events;
指定针对公共汽车承包商,或由债权人或债券持有人或代表债权人或债券持有人取得的公共汽车承包商资产的占有权,该资产由包含或标的的任何财产的浮动抵押担保,或者如果发生任何行为或事件, (根据适用法律)与任何这些行为或事件具有类似的效果;

(iv) execution is levied against a substantial portion of the Bus Contractors assets
(iv) 对巴士承包商资产的很大一部分进行执行

(v) the Bus Contractor gives or offers to give (directly or indirectly) to any person any bribe, gift, gratuity, commission or other thing of value, as an inducement or reward under Clause 23.3;
(v) 巴士承包商向任何人给予或提议给予(直接或间接)任何贿赂、酬金、佣金或其他有价之物,作为第 23.3 条规定的诱因或奖励;

(vi) material and/or persistent breach by the Bus Contractor of any safety, health or
(vi) 巴士承包商严重和/或持续违反任何安全、健康或

environmental obligations that threatens the safety and health of any personnel or person or causing serious environmental pollution;

(vii) the Bus Contractor or its related corporation becomes a party to any legal proceeding
(vii) 巴士承包商或其关联公司成为任何法律诉讼的一方

(including but not limited to court proceeding, adjudication or arbitration), which the Employer, its shareholders, any related corporation of the Employer or its shareholders, or the Project Developer, is an opposing party, regardless of whether the Bus Contractor or its related corporation is a claimant or defendant, appellant or respondent, or petitioner of such legal proceeding; for purposes of this Clause, “related corporation” is as defined in the

Companies Act 2016, then Clause 23. 1(c) shall apply
2016 年公司法,则适用第 23. 1(c) 条

(c) Consequences of Default of Bus Contractor
(c) 巴士承包商违约的后果

(i) Upon default of the Bus Contractor under Clause 23.1(a) and (b), the Employershall, without
(i) 当客车承包商违反第 23.1(a) 和 (b) 条规定时,雇主不得

prejudice to any other rights or remedies under the Contract or at law, be entitled to forthwith terminate the Bus Contractor’s employment under the Contract by giving written notice to that effect.

(ii) Alternatively, the Employer may omit all or any part of the Works that has not been carried out by the BusContractor
(ii) 或者,雇主可以省略巴士承包商未实施的全部或任何部分工程

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23.2 Not Used
23.2 未使用

23.3 Termination on Corruption, Unlawful or Illegal Activities
23.3 终止腐败、非法或非法活动

(a) Without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Employer, if the Employer is satisfied that the Bus Contractor, its personnel, servants, agents or employees is or are involved in corruption or unlawful or illegal activities in relation to the Contract or any other agreement that the Contractor may have with the Employer, the Employer shall be entitled to terminate the Bus Contractor’s employment under the Contract at any time, by giving immediate written notice to that effect to the Bus Contractor.
(a) 在不损害雇主的任何其他权利或补救措施的情况下,如果雇主确信客车承包商、其人员、雇员、代理人或雇员正在参与与合同相关的腐败或非法或非法活动,或承包商与雇主可能达成的任何其他协议,雇主有权随时终止与客车承包商的合同项下的雇佣关系,并立即向客车承包商发出书面通知。

(b) Upon such termination of the Bus Contractor’s employment under the Contract, the Employer shall be entitled to all losses, costs, damages and expenses (including any incidental costs and expenses) incurred arising from such termination and Clause 4A.8 shall apply.
(b) 在根据合同终止巴士承包商的雇佣关系后,雇主应有权承担因终止而产生的所有损失、成本、损害和开支(包括任何附带成本和开支),并且第 4A.8 条适用。

(c) Nothing in Clause 23.3 or anything else in the Contract shall render the Employer in any way liable for payments upon termination of the Bus Contractor’s employment under the Contract.
(c) 第 23.3 条或合同中的任何其他内容均不得以任何方式使雇主在终止巴士承包商根据合同的雇佣关系时承担付款责任。

(d) The Bus Contractorshall in accordance with the Integrity Pact set out in Appendix 8, sign and execute all the applicable declarations and contracts as may be required by the Employer with respect to obligations under this Clause 23.3.
(d) 公交车承包商应根据附录 8 中规定的诚信协议,签署并执行雇主可能要求的关于本第 23.3 条规定义务的所有适用声明和合同。

23.4 为方便而终止

(a) Without prejudice to the provisions of Clauses 23.1 and 23.3 and notwithstanding any other provision in the Contract, the Employer may, at any time by giving thirty (30) days’ notice in writing to the Bus Contractor, terminate all or any part of the Bus Contractor’s employment under the Contract at its convenience without assigning any reason and Clause 23.5A shall apply.
(a) 在不影响第 23.1 和 23.3 条的规定的情况下,并且尽管合同中有任何其他规定,雇主可以随时提前三十 (30) 天向客车承包商发出书面通知,终止全部或任何部分巴士承包商在方便时根据合同受雇,无需说明任何理由,并且第 23.5A 条适用。

23.5 出于国家利益而终止

(a) Notwithstanding any provisions of this Contract, the Employer may terminate the employment of the Contractor under this Contract by giving not less than fourteen (14) days’ notice to that effect to the Contractor (without any obligation to give any reason thereof) if it considers that such termination is necessary for National Interest, in the interest of national security or for the purposes of the
(a) 尽管本合同有任何规定,雇主可以通过至少十四 (14) 天向承包商发出通知来终止本合同项下承包商的雇佣关系(没有义务给出任何理由)如果它认为这种终止对于国家利益、国家安全利益或为了国家利益的目的是必要的

Government policy or public policy.

(b) Upon such termination Clause 23.5A shall apply
(b) 终止后,第 23.5A 条适用

(c) For the purposes of this clause, the following terms should be construed in the following manner: (i) “National” refers to that of the Federal Government and/or State of Sarawak; and (ii) “Government” refers to the Federal Government of Malaysia and/or the State Government of Sarawak.
(c) 就本条款而言,下列术语应按以下方式解释 (i) “国家”指联邦政府和/或砂拉越州政府; (ii) “政府”指马来西亚联邦政府和/或砂拉越州政府。

(d) For the purpose of this Clause, what constitutesnational interest”, “national securityandGovernment policy or Public Policy”, shall be solely made and determined by the Employer and such determination shall for all intent and purposes be final and conclusive and shall not be open to any challenge whatsoever.
(d) 就本条款而言,构成“国家利益”、“国家安全”和“政府政策或公共政策”的内容应由雇主单独制定和确定,并且就所有意图和目的而言,此类确定应为最终和决定性的并且不得接受任何挑战。

23.5A 合同的无过错确定 23.5A.1 合同确定时的付款

(a) If the Contract is determined pursuant to Clause 23.4 and 23.5, the Contractor shall be paid by the Employer, insofar as such amounts or items shall not have already been covered by payments made to the Contractor, for all Works Executed prior to the date of termination at the rates and prices provided in the Contract and in addition:
(a) 如果合同是根据第 23.4 条和第 23.5 条确定的,则雇主应向承包商支付在该合同之前已完成的所有工程的付款,只要此类金额或项目尚未包含在向承包商支付的款项中。按照合同中规定的费率和价格终止日期,此外:

(i) the amounts payable in respect of any preliminaries so far as the work or service comprised therein has been carried out or performed, and a proper proportion of any such items which have been partially carried out or performed;
(i) 任何预备工作的应付金额,只要其中包含的工作或服务已经完成或完成,以及已部分完成或完成的任何此类项目的适当比例;

(ii) the costs of Plant and/or Materials or any part thereof reasonably ordered for the Works which shall have been delivered to the Contractor or as to which the Contractor is legally liable to
(ii) 为工程合理订购的设备和/或材料或其任何部分的成本,该设备和/或材料应已交付给承包商或承包商负有法律责任

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accept delivery, such Plant and/or Materials or any part thereof becoming the property of the Employer upon such payment being made by it;

(iii) a sum being the amount of any expenditure reasonably incurred by the Contractor in the expectation of completing the Execution of the Works insofar as such expenditure has not been covered by any other payments referred to in this Clause 23.5A;
(iii) 承包商为完成工程实施而合理发生的任何支出金额,只要该支出未被本第 23.5A 条提及的任何其他付款覆盖;

(iv) such proportion of the costs as may be reasonable, taking into account the payments made or to be made for design and Works Executed, of removal of Equipment, any protection works and, if required by the Contractor, return thereof to the Contractors main Equipment yard in its country of registration or to other destination, at no greater costs; and
(iv) 合理的费用比例,考虑到为设计和实施的工程已支付或将支付的费用、拆除设备、任何保护工程的费用,以及如果承包商要求,将其返还给承包商的费用比例主要设备堆场位于其注册国或其他目的地,无需支付更高费用;和

(v) the reasonable costs of repatriation of all the Contractor’s staff and workmen employed on or in connection with the Works at the time of such termination.
(v) 终止时所有受雇于工程或与工程有关的承包商员工和工人的合理遣返费用。

(b) Provided always that against any payment due from the Employer under this Clause, the Employer shall be entitled to be credited with any sums which, at the date of termination, were recoverable by the Employer in accordance with Clause 4A.8. Any sums payable under this Clause shall, after due consultation with the Employer and the Contractor, be determined by the Employer who shall notify the Contractor accordingly.
(b) 始终规定,对于雇主根据本条应支付的任何款项,雇主应有权记入在终止之日雇主根据第 4A.8 条可收回的任何款项。根据本条规定应付的任何款项应在与雇主和承包商适当协商后由雇主确定,并相应通知承包商。

23.5A.2 全部最终结算

Save as aforesaid the Contractor shall not be entitled to any form of losses including but not limited to loss of profit, expense, compensation, or damages as a result of the operation of this Clause 23.5A. The Parties further agree that the payment made by the Employer under this Clause shall constitute as a full and final settlement between the Parties.
除上述情况外,承包商无权承担任何形式的损失,包括但不限于因执行本第 23.5A 条而造成的利润损失、费用、赔偿或损害。双方进一步同意,雇主根据本条款支付的款项应构成双方之间的全面、最终和解。

23.5A.3 承包商的义务

In the event of termination in accordance with Clause 23.4 and Clause 23.5, the Contractorshall within fourteen (14) days from date of termination
如果根据第 23.4 条和第 23.5 条终止,承包商应在终止之日起十四 (14) 天内

(a) subject to the Employer’s rights, remove from the Site all Equipment, Temporary Works and surplus Plant and/or Materials and shall similarly allow its Sub-Contractors, Vendors and Suppliers to do so; and
(a) 根据雇主的权利,从现场移走所有设备、临时工程和剩余设备和/或材料,并同样允许其分包商、供应商和供应商这样做;和

(b) so far as may be necessary, transfer title to the Employer and deliver up as directed by the Employer such property that would be required to be furnished to the Employer under the Contract provided that this requirement shall not apply to such property for which the Contractor has not been paid; and
(b) 在必要的情况下,将所有权转让给雇主,并按照雇主的指示交付根据合同要求向雇主提供的财产,但本要求不适用于以下财产:承包商尚未收到付款;和

(c) take all necessary or appropriate steps in a safe and orderly fashion to cease the Execution of the Works so as to enable the Employer to take full, sole and unencumbered possession of the Site and the Contractor shall ensure that all its personnel and the personnel of its Sub- Contractors, Vendors and Suppliers have left the Site, that full sets of all the Contractor Data and other information as required by the Employer relating to the Works have been delivered up to the Employer, and that the Execution of the Works are tidy, safe and ready for the Employer to continue with the Works, if it so wishes.
(c) 以安全和有序的方式采取一切必要或适当的步骤来停止工程的实施,以使雇主能够完全、唯一和无阻碍地占有现场,承包商应确保其所有人员和其分包商、供应商和供应商的人员已离开现场,雇主要求的与工程相关的全套承包商数据和其他信息已交付给雇主,并且工程的实施整洁、安全,并准备好让雇主继续进行工程(如果雇主愿意的话)。


(a) The Bus Contractor shall ensure the participation of Bumiputera Sarawak Contractors/Companies to carry out specific portion of the Works on a sub-contract basis shall be at least thirty per cent (30%)
(a) 巴士承包商应确保砂拉越土著承包商/公司以分包合同方式参与工程特定部分的比例至少为百分之三十 (30%)

of the total project value. (b) It is also required that
项目总价值。 (b) 还要求

(i) the Bumiputera Contractors/Companies shall mean those that have the status of Bumiputera recognised by Unit Pendaftaran Kontraktor & Juruperunding (UPKJ);
(i) 土著承包商/公司是指那些具有受到 Unit Pendaftaran Kontraktor & Juruperunding (UPKJ) 认可的土著地位的承包商/公司;

(ii) within sixty (60) days from the date of the LOA, the Bus Contractorshall submit to the Employer for its approval a list of Works, supply or services which it proposes to sub-contract to Bumiputera Contractors/Companies in accordance with this Clause. The Employershall, within
(ii) 自 LOA 之日起六十 (60) 天内,巴士承包商应向雇主提交拟根据本条款分包给土著承包商/公司的工程供应或服务清单,以供其批准。雇主应在

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twenty-one (21) days after receipt of this list
收到此清单后二十一 (21) 天

i) approve the list in writing; or
i) 以书面形式批准清单;或者

ii) reject the list in writing, with reasons and/or request modifications; and/or
ii) 以书面形式拒绝该清单,并说明理由和/或请求修改和/或

iii) request the Bus Contractor to supply further information to clarify or substantiate the list
iii) 要求客车承包商提供进一步信息以澄清或证实该清单

PROVIDED THAT if none of the above actions is taken within the said period of twenty-one (21) days the Employershall be deemed to have approved the list as submitted.
但如果在上述二十一 (21) 天内未采取上述任何行动,则雇主应被视为已批准所提交的清单。

(c) If the Bus Contractor fails to fulfil the requirements of this Clause, the Employer reserves the right to
(c) 如果客车承包商未能满足本条的要求,雇主保留以下权利:

(i) reallocate any portion of the Works to Bumiputera Sarawak Contractors/Companies for which the Bus Contractor shall remain fully responsible for any delay or failure on the part of the Bumiputera Contractors/Companies; or
(i) 将工程的任何部分重新分配给砂拉越土著承包商/公司,而巴士承包商应对土著承包商/公司的任何延误或失败承担全部责任;或者

(ii) the Employer to take action against the Bus Contractor by suspension or cancellation of the Contractor's registration as a “Government Contractor”
(ii) 雇主对巴士承包商采取行动,暂停或取消该承包商作为“政府承包商”的注册

(d) Any action, decision, instruction or consent taken, made or given by the Employer under this Clause 23Ashall not in anyway whatsoever relieve the Bus Contractor of any of its liabilities and obligations under the Contract.
(d) 雇主根据本第 23 条采取、作出或给予的任何行动、决定、指示或同意无论如何都不得免除客车承包商在合同项下的任何责任和义务。

(e) The Bus Contractor shall, on a monthly basis, furnish to the Employer the status of Bumiputera sub- contractor(s) awarded in compliance with Clause 23A and provide such other documents as may be required by the Employer.
(e) 巴士承包商应每月向雇主提供根据第 23A 条授予的土著分包商的身份,并提供雇主可能要求的其他文件。

24. 其他

24.1 Not Used
24.1 未使用

24.2 Costs and Stamp Duty
24.2 成本和印花税

The stamp duty, legal costs and fees imposed on the Contract shall be borne by the Bus Contractor.

24.3 Waiver
24.3 弃权

Failure by either Party to enforce, at any time, any provision of this Contract shall not be construed as a waiver of its right to enforce the breach of such provision or any other provision in this Contract or as a waiver of any continuing, succeeding or subsequent breach of any provision of this Contract.

24.4 Applicable Law
24.4 适用法律

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia applicable to Sarawak and the Parties hereby submit to the sole jurisdiction of the Malaysian courts.

24.5 Severability
24.5 可分割性

If any provision of this Contract is held to be illegal or void under present or future laws or regulations, effective and applicable during the term of this Contract, such provision shall be fully severable and this Contract shall be construed as if such illegal or invalid provision had not formed part of this Contract and the remaining provisions of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect and shall not be affected by the illegal or invalid provision or by its severance from this Contract.

24.6 Compliance With Law
24.6 遵守法律

The Bus Contractor shall comply with the provisions of any written law with which it may be required to comply including any Act, Enactment or Ordinance, or any by-laws, rules, regulations or other subsidiary legislation under any such Act, Enactment or Ordinance, or any direction, order, requirement or instruction whatsoever given by any authority competent to do so under any written law

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24.7 Notices
24.7 通知

(a) All documents arising out of or in connection with this Contractshall be served
(a) 由本合同产生或与本合同有关的所有文件均应送达

i) to the Employer, at
i) 向雇主提交,地址为

Unit 16-01, Level 16, Gateway Kuching, No. 9, Jalan Bukit Mata, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Attn: Project Director
Unit 16-01, Level 16, Gateway Kuching No9, Jalan Bukit Mata, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia 收件人:项目总监

ii) to the Bus Contractor, at
ii) 巴士承包商

[to specify an address in Malaysia]

Attn: ● [insert]
收件人● [插入]

(b) Any notice to be served pursuant to this Contract shall be in writing and maybe served by
(b) 根据本合同送达的任何通知均应采用书面形式,并可由以下人员送达:

personally delivering the same by hand, or by recorded delivery post. The addresses for service of the Employer and the Sub-Contractor are those stated in this Contract or such other address as the party to be served may have previously notified in writing to the other party. A notice if sent by registered post shall be deemed to have been served on the date of receipt by the addressee as confirmed by the postal authorities.

(c) Copies of all notices required by this Contract shall be sent simultaneously to the other party or parties to this Contract by the party giving the notice.
(c) 本合同要求的所有通知的副本应由发出通知的一方同时发送给本合同的另一方或多方。

24.8 Time is of the Essence
24.8 时间至关重要

Time shall be of the essence for the purpose of any provision of this Contract and shall be strictly adhered to and complied with.

24.9 Relationship of the Parties
24.9 双方关系

Nothing in the Contract shall constitute or be deemed to constitute a partnership between any of the Parties and neither Party shall have any authority to bind the other Party in any way nor shall this Contract be construed to constitute any of the Parties hereto as the agent of the other Party.

24.10 Continuing Obligations
24.10 持续义务

The reference of any matter, dispute or claim to the Dispute Resolution Committee and/or the Arbitration pursuant to Clause 22.0 or the continuance of any arbitration proceedings consequent thereto shall in no way operate as a waiver of the obligations of the Parties to perform their respective obligations under this Contract.
根据第 22.0 条将任何事项、争议或索赔提交给争议解决委员会和/或仲裁,或因此而继续进行任何仲裁程序,决不构成双方放弃履行各自义务的义务。本合同项下的义务。

24.11 Not Used
24.11 未使用

24.12 Further Assurances
24.12 进一步保证

The Parties shall at all times and from time to time do all such further acts and execute all such further deeds, documents and instruments as may be necessary or desirable in order to give effect to carry out this Contract.

24.13 Right to Set-Off
24.13 抵销权

Notwithstanding any other provision under this Contract, Employershall be entitled to deduct from any monies that may become due and payable from the Bus Contractor under this Contract to set off against any money due and owing from the Bus Contractor under this Contract pursuant to Clause 4A.8
尽管本合同中有任何其他规定,雇主仍有权根据第 4A 条从巴士承包商根据本合同应付的任何款项中扣除,以抵消巴士承包商根据本合同应付的任何款项。 8

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24.14 Provision of Documents
24.14 提供文件

The Bus Contractor shall promptly provide to Employer with all documents required by Employer for the purposes of or in connection with this Contract.

24.15 Successors Bound
24.15 后继者的束缚

This Contract shall be binding upon each of the Parties hereto and their respective successors in title and permitted assigns.

24.16 Modification
24.16 修改

No modification, variation or amendment of this Contract shall have any legal effect and force unless such modification, variation or amendment is made in writing and mutually agreed and executed by the Parties.

24.17 Remedies not Exclusive
24.17 非排他性补救措施

(a) No remedy conferred by any provisions of the Contract is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy which is otherwise available at law, inequity, by statute or otherwise, and each and every other remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law, in equity, by statute or otherwise.
(a) 合同任何条款赋予的任何补救措施均不排除法律、不平等、成文法或其他方式提供的任何其他补救措施,并且每项其他补救措施均应累积,并且应是对根据本协议或现在或以后法律、衡平法、成文法或其他方式规定的所有其他补救措施。

(b) The election of any one or more of such remedies by any of the Parties hereto shall not constitute a waiver by such party of the right to pursue any other available remedy.
(b) 本协议任何一方选择任何一项或多项此类补救措施,并不构成该方放弃寻求任何其他可用补救措施的权利。

25. 未使用


26. 选项表

The Employer shall have an irrevocable and unconditional right to instruct the Bus Contractor on the following Options for execution:

1) Full Scope Maintenance Services During Warranty Period
1) 保修期内全方位维修服务

2) Thirty-Six (36) Months Full Scope Maintenance Services After Warranty Period
2) 保修期后三十六 (36) 个月全面维护服务

3) Temporary Infrastructure and Facilities for Operation and Maintenance

4) Supply of Major Component Swing Units After Warranty Period
4) 保修期后主要部件回转装置的供货

26.1 Option 1 - Full Scope Maintenance Services During Warranty Period
26.1 选项 1 - 保修期内的全方位维护服务

(i) To award the Full Scope Maintenance Services During Warranty Period as detailed in the Specification.
(i) 在保修期内授予全面的维护服务(如规范中详述)。

(ii) If this Option is exercised, the Employer shall issue the necessary instruction not later than six (6) months prior of the Key Dates of delivery of the first batch often (10) buses. However, the Employer reserves the right to execute this Option through a separate and mutually agreed Maintenance Contract with the Bus Contractor subject to the capping amount as accepted by the Employer under this Tender. The Bus Contractor hereby acknowledges that in the event of any disagreement in regard to the terms and conditions, the Employer’s decision shall be final and binding.
(ii) 如果行使此选项,雇主应在交付第一批常 (10) 辆公交车的关键日期之前不迟于六 (6) 个月发出必要的指令。但是,雇主保留执行此选项的权利通过与客车承包商签订单独且双方商定的维护合同,并遵守雇主根据本招标接受的上限金额。巴士承包商特此承认,如果对条款和条件有任何分歧,雇主的决定为最终决定并具有约束力。

26.2 Option 2 - Thirty-Six (36) Months Full Scope Maintenance Services After Warranty Period
26.2 选项 2 - 保修期后三十六 (36) 个月全面维护服务

(i) To award the Thirty-Six (36) Months Full Scope Maintenance Services after Warranty Period as detailed in the Specification.
(i) 在保修期后授予三十六 (36) 个月的全面维护服务(如规范中详述)。

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(ii) If this Option is exercised, the Employer shall issue the necessary instruction not later than six (6) months prior to the expiry of Warranty Period. However, the Employer reserves the right to execute this Option through a separate and mutually agreed Maintenance Contract with the Bus Contractor subject to the capping amount as accepted by the Employer under this Tender. The Bus Contractor hereby acknowledges that in the event of any disagreement in regard to the terms and conditions, the Employer’s decision shall be final and binding.
(ii) 如果行使此选择权,雇主应在保修期到期前不迟于六 (6) 个月发出必要的指示。然而,雇主保留通过与巴士承包商签订单独且双方商定的维护合同来执行此选项的权利,但须遵守雇主根据本招标接受的上限金额。巴士承包商特此承认,如果对以下方面存在任何分歧,根据条款和条件,雇主的决定为最终决定并具有约束力。

26.3 Option 3 - Temporary Infrastructure and Facilities for Operation and Maintenance
26.3 方案 3 - 临时基础设施和运行维护设施

(i) To award the Temporary Infrastructure and Facilities for Operation and Maintenance as detailed in the Specification.
(i) 授予《规范》中详细规定的临时基础设施和运营及维护设施。

(ii) If this Option is exercised, the Employer shall issue the necessary instruction not later than six
(ii) 如果行使此选择权,雇主应在不晚于六

(6) months prior of the Key Dates of delivery of the first batch often (10) buses..
第一批常 (10) 辆公交车交付关键日期前 (6) 个月。

26.4 Option 4 - Supply of Major Component Swing Units After Warranty Period
26.4 选项 4 - 保修期后回转装置主要部件的供应

(i) To award the Supply of Major Components Swing Units as detailed in the Specification.
(i) 授予供应规格中详述的回转装置主要部件的供应权。

(ii) If this Option is exercised, the Employer shall issue the necessary instruction not later than six
(ii) 如果行使此选择权,雇主应在不晚于六

(6) months prior to the expiry of Warranty Period
(6) 保修期满前一个月

27.0 由其他方供应和安装车载总线集成系统 (BIS) 设备

The Bus Contractor shall at all times and in accordance with the requirements of the Specifications and directions of the Employer and under all circumstances, at no additional cost to the Employer:

(a) acknowledges that as part of the Works, the Bus Contractor shall allow the works by Employer’s appointed BIS Contractor employed for the Project for the incorporation of On-Board System (OBS) and Passenger Information System (PIS) into the Bus as specified in the Specification;
(a) 承认,作为工程的一部分,公交车承包商应允许雇主指定的 BIS 承包商为该项目雇用的工程,以便将车载系统 (OBS) 和乘客信息系统 (PIS) 纳入公交车中,如规格;

(b) take all necessary steps to regularly co-ordinate and integrate the Execution of the Works including the work by the Employer’s appointed BIS Contractor;
(b) 采取一切必要措施定期协调和整合工程的实施,包括雇主指定的 BIS 承包商的工作;

take all necessary steps prior to the commencement of the Works to verify that all co- ordination and integration in relation to interfacing the Works conform to the design of the Works, and notify the Employer forthwith in writing upon it becoming apparent that there are discrepancies arising, so that the Employer and the Bus Contractor can jointly resolve the discrepancies;

(c) The Bus Contractorshall be fully responsible to ensure the installation for the On-Board Equipment or any part thereof, or services that had been supplied. The Bus Contractor shall liaise with the BIS Contractor for the design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning etc. as necessarily required by the other BIS Contractor or other relevant parties.
(c) 公交车承包商应全面负责确保车载设备或其任何部分的安装,或已提供的服务。客车承包商应根据其他 BIS 承包商或其他相关方的要求,就设计、供应、安装、测试和调试等事宜与 BIS 承包商进行联络。

(d) Bus Contractor is also responsible to ensure installation of BIS equipment is being considered in their work program and shall allow for the BIS Contractor to access Bus Contractors site for BIS equipment installation, testing and commissioning.
(d) 公交车承包商还负责确保其工作计划中考虑 BIS 设备的安装,并应允许 BIS 承包商进入公交车承包商现场进行 BIS 设备安装、测试和调试。

(d) attend all such coordination meetings called by the Employer to determine, review and plan for the management of work activities involving an interface between the Works and the BIS Works;
(d) 参加雇主召集的所有此类协调会议,以确定、审查和规划涉及工厂与 BIS 工厂之间接口的工作活动的管理;

(e) at all times take all necessary steps to protect and secure the Works from deterioration and
(e) 始终采取一切必要措施保护和确保工程免遭恶化和

accidental damage being caused by the Employer’s appointed BIS Contractor;
由雇主指定的 BIS 承包商造成的意外损坏;

(f) comply with all its obligations in relation to interfacing the Works with the BIS Works as are detailed in the Contract and notify the Employer forthwith upon it becoming apparent that the Execution of the Works is likely to be the subject of delay and/or disruption and recommend reasonable proposals to minimize or prevent such delay and/or disruption.
(f) 遵守合同中详细规定的有关工程与 BIS 工程接口的所有义务,并在发现工程实施可能会被延误和/或并提出合理的建议,以尽量减少或防止此类延误和/或中断。

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28. 州政府无限期暂停和/或终止的权利


The State Government of Sarawak may at its discretion suspend indefinitely or terminate all or any part of the Project at any time by written notice to the Project Developer. In such event, the Employer, on a date to be determined by the State Government of Sarawak:

(a) Within fourteen (14) days notify the Contractor of the said termination and forthwith terminate the Contract, and thereafter surrender the terminated Contract to the State Government of Sarawak. Save for any amounts which have been duly certified by the Employer to be payable to the Contractor under this Contract prior to the date of such suspension or termination and subject to Clause 4A.8 of this Contract, the Bus Contractor shall proceed to submit its claim for the Work Executed under this Contract to the State Government of Sarawak.
(a) 在十四 (14) 天内将上述终止通知承包商,并立即终止合同,然后将终止的合同交给砂拉越州政府。除在暂停或终止之日之前经雇主正式证明根据本合同应付给承包商的任何金额外,并根据本合同第 4A.8 条的规定,客车承包商应继续提交其索赔根据本合同向砂拉越州政府执行的工作。

(b) The Bus Contractor shall not be entitled to any form of losses including but not limited to loss of profit, expense, compensation, or damages as a result of the operation of this Clause 28. The Parties further agree that the payment made by the Employer under this Clause shall constitute as a full and final settlement between the Parties.
(b) 客车承包商无权承担任何形式的损失,包括但不限于因实施本第 28 条而造成的利润损失、费用、赔偿或损害。双方进一步同意,由雇主根据本条款达成的协议应构成双方之间的全面、最终和解。

29.0 转让和更替

29.1 Assignment and Novation by the Bus Contractor
29.1 客车承包商的转让和更替

The Bus Contractor shall not, without the prior written consent of the Employer and on terms acceptable to the Employer, assign or novate (whether in whole or in part) any of its rights, titles, benefit or interest in or under the Contract. Notwithstanding written consent given by the Employer pursuant to this Clause 29.1, it shall not affect the subrogation of insurance company/insurers to the Contractor's rights.
未经雇主事先书面同意并按照雇主可接受的条款,客车承包商不得转让或更新(无论全部或部分)合同中或合同项下的任何权利、所有权、利益或权益。尽管雇主根据本第 29.1 条给予书面同意,但这并不影响保险公司/承保人对承包商的代位求偿权。

29.2 Assignment and Novation by the Employer
29.2 雇主的转让和更替

The Employer may assign (whether in whole or in part) or novate (whether in whole or in part) its rights, titles, interests, benefits and obligations under the Contract at any time to any third party and the Bus Contractor hereby irrevocably consents to such assignment or novation and undertakes to execute, following written request by the Employer, all documents necessary and to carry out all other action necessary to effect such assignment or novation. For the avoidance of doubt, the Bus Contractor shall not be entitled to any additional payment or extension of time arising from fulfilling its obligations under this Clause.

30.0 劳资关系

(a) The BusContractorshall ensure that labour disputes, disruptions, strikes, picketing and legal or illegal work stoppages in relation to the Works are minimized and avoided.
(a) 公交车承包商应确保最大限度地减少和避免与工程相关的劳资纠纷、扰乱、罢工、纠察以及合法或非法停工。

(b) The Bus Contractorshall, at all times, take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful, riotous or disorderly conduct by or among its personnel and to protect persons and property in the vicinity of the Site from such conduct.
(b) 客车承包商应始终采取一切合理的预防措施,防止其人员或人员之间发生任何非法、骚乱或扰乱秩序的行为,并保护现场附近的人员和财产免受此类行为的影响。

(c) The Bus Contractor shall impose and have an alcohol and drug policy that is in compliance with the Statutory Requirements. The Bus Contractor shall remove, or cause to be removed, any person presents on Site who is impaired by alcohol or drugs.
(c) 巴士承包商应实施并制定符合法定要求的酒精和药物政策。巴士承包商应将现场出现的任何因酗酒或吸毒而受影响的人员带走或安排将其带走。

(d) The Bus Contractor shall be fully responsible for the conduct of its personnel and shall indemnify and save harmless the Employer from any costs, damages or losses incurred as a result of any unlawful, riotous or disorderlyconduct among them.
(d) 客车承包商应对其人员的行为承担全部责任,并应对雇主因员工之间的任何非法、骚乱或扰乱行为而造成的任何费用、损害或损失进行赔偿并使其免受损害。

(e) The Bus Contractor shall engage only foreign personnel / labour / workers having requisite Work Permit applicable in Sarawak.
(e) 巴士承包商只能雇用拥有砂拉越适用的必要工作许可证的外国人员/劳工/工人。

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31.0 禁止广告

The Bus Contractor shall not exhibit or permit to exhibit any advertisement on the Site, Plant or Equipment. All notices at the Site shall be subject to the approval of the Employer before they are put up and they shall be removed immediately if the Employer so demands.

32.0 遵守程序

(a) The Employer and the Bus Contractor shall cooperate with each other to ensure that all standard operating procedures introduced by the Employer are met to facilitate the performance of the Contract, and to this extent, shall at all times mutually accept and acknowledge that such procedures and requirements are subject to revision, amendment and alteration to meet the requirements of the Project and the Execution of the Works.
(a) 雇主和客车承包商应相互合作,确保满足雇主提出的所有标准操作程序,以促进合同的履行,并在此范围内,应始终相互接受并承认,程序和要求可能会被修订、修正和变更,以满足项目和工程实施的要求。

(b) In addition to the standard operating procedures provided as part of the Contract, the Employer and Bus Contractor agree that there will be other standard operating procedures to be mutually agreed between them and shall be adhered to by them which shall be subject to revisions and amendments from time to time.
(b) 除了作为合同一部分规定的标准操作程序外,雇主和客车承包商还同意,双方将共同商定并遵守其他标准操作程序,这些程序可随时进行修订并不时修订。

(c) Any revision, amendment and alteration to the procedures and requirements (save as otherwise
(c) 对程序和要求的任何修订、修改和变更(除非另有规定)

provided in the Contract) shall not constitute a variation to the Contract or require any further agreement to be entered into.

33.0 幸存权利

Any termination of the Bus Contractor’s appointment under the Contract shall not affect the liability of the Bus Contractor for any of its acts or omissions during the period of the Contract and the Bus Contractorshall thereafter continue to be so liable and shall keep the Employer indemnified and hold harmless in respect of any claims arising therefrom.

34.0 项目风险管理

The Bus Contractorshall develop and implement a Project Risk Management Plan in accordance with the Specifications that will ensure that the Works are in full compliance with the requirements of the Contract. For this purpose, the Bus Contractor shall, within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the Letter of Acceptance, submit its Project Risk Management Plan to the Employer for its approval.
客车承包商应根据规范制定并实施项目风险管理计划,以确保工程完全符合合同要求。为此,客车承包商应在中标书之日起二十一 (21) 天内,将其项目风险管理计划提交给雇主批准。

35.0 税收

The Bus Contractor’s employees will be liable to pay Malaysian Income Tax in respect of their salaries and other emoluments as arechargeable therewith under the Laws for the time being in force (including but not limited to withholding tax) and the Bus Contractor shall perform such duties in regard to the deduction thereof as may be lawfully imposed on it by the Federal Government and/or the State Government of Sarawak.

36.0 临时金额

36.1 “临时金额”的定义

“Provisional Sum” means a sum included and so designated in the Contract for the Execution of any part of the Works and/or Materials and/or goods or any part thereof and/or services, which sum may be used, in whole or in part, or not at all, on the instruction of the Employer.

36.2 临时金额的使用

The Provisional Sum may be expended at such times and in such amounts as the Employer may direct.

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36.3 临时合同金额的调整

Each Provisional Sum shall only be used, in whole or in part, in accordance with the Employer’s instructions. If the Provisional Sum is not used either wholly or partly, the unused amount shall be deducted from the Contract Sum. The value of Works which are Executed by the Contractor in respect of Provisional Sums shall be determined in accordance with Clause 15A. Such determined valueshall be set off against the relevant Provisional Sum and the balance shall be added to or deducted from the
每笔临时金额只能根据雇主的指示全部或部分使用。如果临时金额未全部或部分使用,未使用的金额应从合同金额中扣除。承包商执行的工程的临时金额的价值应根据第 15A 条确定。该确定的价值应与相关的暂定金额相抵销,余额应添加到或扣除

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hereto have signed this Contract the day and year first above written.

Signed by

For and on behalf of


in the presence of:-




) ) ) ) ) )

Signed by

For and on behalf of

[ …]

in the presence of:-





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Particulars to the Conditions of Contract

Appendix 1 - Particulars to the Conditions of
附录 1 - 条件详情











Date for Commencement

To be Advised



Date for Completion

Refer to Appendix 2



Contract Period

From the Date of LOA until the issuance of Certificate of Final Performance



The Employer’s

Representative (ER)

Project Director,

Sarawak Metro Sdn. Bhd.

Unit 16-01, Level 16, Gateway Kuching, No. 9, Jalan Bukit Mata Kuching,
古晋门户 16 楼 16-01 号单位9, 古晋武吉玛塔路,

93100 Kuching, Sarawak.
93100 古晋, 砂拉越



The Employer’s Representative

Assistant (ERA)

To be Advised



Retention Money

10% of the gross certified value of the Works, subject to a maximum of five percent (5%) of the Contract Sum.
工程总认证价值的 10%,最多为合同金额的百分之五 (5%)。



Performance Bond

Five percent (5%) of the Accepted Contract Sum.
已接受合同金额的百分之五 (5%)。


To be Advised

Guarantor Bank

To be Advised

Guarantee No.

To be Advised



LAD for Delay in Completion
LAD 延迟完成




LAD for Delay in Rectification
LAD 延迟整改




LAD for Bus Disruption
巴士中断 LAD




Warranty Period

Commencing from the date of delivery of the first bus and shall extend for a duration of twenty-four (24) months following the delivery of the last bus.
自第一辆巴士交付之日起,持续至最后一辆巴士交付后二十四 (24) 个月。

古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)

氢燃料电池馈线总线 (H2B) 招标文件第 1 卷 - 第 3 部分

合同条件 (COC)

APPENDIX 2 Indicative Timeline
附录 2 指示性时间表

古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)

氢燃料电池馈线总线 (H2B) 招标文件第 1 卷 - 第 3 部分

合同条件 (COC)


氢燃料电池支线巴士 (H2B) 指示性时间表

UThe indicative Timeline is high-level information and applicable for tender exercise.

Appendix 2 – Indicative Timeline


*Performance Bond

a. Performance Bond (Clause 11.1(a)) - 5% of the Accepted Contract Sum
A。履约保证金条款 11.1(a)) - 已接受合同金额的 5%

1. The actual dates above are subject to the actual commencement date of the Contract.

Figure 1: Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) Indicative Timeline for Hydrogen Feeder Fuel Cell Feeder Bus (H2B)
图 1:古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS) 氢燃料电池接驳巴士 (H2B) 指示性时间表


古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)





附录 2A:关键日期和交付时间表

Table 1: List of Key Dates
表 1:关键日期列表


关键日期 说明



Complete Design Stage and obtain Employer Acceptance for Assembly, and Testing of the Prototype Bus including (but not limited to) the following items:

a) Acceptance for all Final Design Review (FDR) documents (including incorporating changes required during development of the Prototype Bus);
a) 接受所有最终设计审查 (FDR) 文件(包括纳入原型总线开发过程中所需的变更);

b) Manufacturing, assembly and testing records of the Prototype Bus
b) 样车的制造、装配和测试记录

c) Regulatory Approval (VTA) records for the Prototype Bus
c) 原型巴士的监管批准 (VTA) 记录

30 September 2025
2025 年 9 月 30 日


Complete all pre-requisite activities and obtain Certificate of Acceptance from the Employer for each of the first Ten (10) Units of the H2 Busses including (but not limited to) providing the following items:
完成所有先决活动并从雇主处获得前十 (10) 辆 H2 巴士的验收证书,包括(但不限于)提供以下项目:

a) Manufacturing, assembly and testing records of each H2 Busses;
a) 每辆H2客车的制造装配和测试记录;

b) Installation of On-Board BIS equipment for each of the H2 Busses;
b) 为每辆 H2 公交车安装车载 BIS 设备;

c) Pre and Post Delivery Inspection Records for each of the H2 Busses;
c) 每辆 H2 巴士的交付前和交付后检查记录;

d) Regulatory Approval records for each of the H2 Busses;
d) 每辆 H2 巴士的监管批准记录;

e) Operations & Maintenance Manuals; and
e) 操作和维护手册;和

f) Delivery of agreed Consumables & Special tool(s);
f) 交付约定的消耗品和专用工具;

31 December 2025
2025 年 12 月 31 日


Complete all pre-requisite activities and obtain Certificate of Acceptance from the Employer for each of the Remaining forty-five (45) Units of the H2 Busses including (but not limited to) providing the following items:
完成所有必要活动并从雇主处获得剩余四十五 (45) 辆 H2 巴士的验收证书,包括(但不限于)提供以下项目:

a) Manufacturing, assembly and testing records of each H2 Busses;
a) 每辆H2客车的制造装配和测试记录;

b) Installation of On-Board BIS equipment for each of the H2 Busses;
b) 为每辆 H2 公交车安装车载 BIS 设备;

c) Pre and Post Delivery Inspection Records for each of the H2 Busses;
c) 每辆 H2 巴士的交付前和交付后检查记录;

d) Regulatory Approval records for each of the H2 Busses;
d) 每辆 H2 巴士的监管批准记录;

e) Operations & Maintenance Manuals; and
e) 操作和维护手册;和

f) Delivery of agreed Consumables & Special tool(s);
f) 交付约定的消耗品和专用工具;

31 May 2026
2026 年 5 月 31 日

Table 2: Dates For Information
表 2:信息发布日期

第 1 卷 - 第 3 节 合同条件 (COC)





Appointment of Bus Integrated System (BIS) Contractor
指定总线集成系统 (BIS) 承包商

31 August 2024
2024 年 8 月 31 日


Delivery of BIS On Board Equipment for 55 Buses
为 55 辆公交车交付 BIS 车载设备

31 May 2025
2025 年 5 月 31 日


KUTS Operation Blue Line (Rembus to Stutong)
KUTS 蓝线运营(Rembus 至 Stutong)

31 Dec 2025
2025 年 12 月 31 日


Readiness of Bus Stabling at Rembus Bus Depot
Rembus 巴士站巴士停放准备就绪

31 Jul 2026
2026 年 7 月 31 日


KUTS Operation Red Line (Kuching Sentral to Pending)
KUTS 红线行动(古晋中央车站至待定)

31 Dec 2026
2026 年 12 月 31 日


KUTS Operation Entire Line
KUTS 运营全线

30 Jun 2027
2027 年 6 月 30 日

Table 3: : Bus Delivery Schedule
表 3:公交车交付时间表


Bus Unit






1 - 10

31 Dec 2025
2025 年 12 月 31 日

*31 May 2026
*2026 年 5 月 31 日

31 May 2028
2028 年 5 月 31 日

*31 May 2028
*2028 年 5 月 31 日


11 - 55

31 May 2026
2026 年 5 月 31 日


古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)



Form of Performance Bond




Sarawak Metro Sdn. Bhd.

Procurement Department Level 4, Gateway Kuching
古晋门户 4 楼采购部

No. 9, Jalan Bukit Mata Kuching
古晋武吉玛塔路 9 号

93100 Kuching, Sarawak
93100 古晋, 砂拉越

Tel No. : (082) 524 222
电话号码 (082) 524 222

Email :tender.sec.h2b@mysarawakmetro.com



a. By a Letter of Acceptance dated the day of 2024 and by an agreement in writing dated the day of 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the Contract”) made between SARAWAK METRO SDN. BHD. (hereinafter referred to as the “ Employer”) (hereinafter Employer shall be referred to as the “ BENEFICIARY”) and [specify name of the Bus Contractor] with its registered address at [specify address] (hereinafter referred to as the “ Bus Contractor”), the Bus Contractor has agreed to undertake DESIGN, ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT, MANUFACTURE, SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING AND HANDOVER OF COMPLETELY BUILT-UP (CBU) FIFTY-FIVE (55) UNITS OF SINGLE DECK HYDROGEN FUEL CELL FEEDER BUSES (H2B) (hereinafter referred to as the Works”) for THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE KUCHING URBAN TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (KUTS) PROJECT (hereinafter referred to as the Project”) subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Contract.
A。通过 SARAWAK METRO SDN. 之间于 2024 年签署的接受函以及于 2024 年签署的书面协议(以下简称“合同”)。 BHD。 (以下简称“雇主”)(以下简称“雇主”)和[具体说明巴士承包商的名称],其注册地址为[具体说明地址](以下简称“巴士承包商” ”),客车承包商同意承担“设计、工程、采购、制造、供应、交付、安装、测试和调试以及完全建成 (CBU) 五十五 (55) 台单层氢燃料电池供料器的移交”古晋城市交通系统(KUTS)项目开发(以下简称“项目”)的巴士(H2B)(以下简称“工程”),受合同条款和条件的约束。

b. Pursuant to Clause 11.1 of the Contract, the Bus Contractor is obliged to provide a Performance Bond to the BENEFICIARY as security for the due performance by the Bus Contractor of its obligations under the Contract.
b.根据合同第 11.1 条,客车承包商有义务向受益人提供履约保证金,作为客车承包商适当履行其合同义务的担保。

In consideration of the BENEFICIARY accepting our obligations herein contained in discharge of the Bus Contractor’s obligation to provide such bond, we [specify name and address of bank] (hereinafter referred to as the Guarantor”) hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee payment to the BENEFICIARY of Ringgit Malaysia [insert the amount in words] (RM [insert the amount in figure].) (Hereinafter referred to as the Guaranteed Sum”) in accordance with the terms of this Bond and accordingly covenant with the BENEFICIARY and agree as follows:
鉴于受益人接受我们在此所包含的义务,以解除巴士承包商提供此类保证金的义务,我们[指定银行名称和地址](以下简称“担保人”)特此不可撤销地、无条件地保证向受益人付款马来西亚林吉特[插入文字金额](RM [插入数字金额]。)(以下简称“保证金额”)根据本债券的条款并与受益人相应约定,并同意如下:

i. Upon receipt of a written demand made by the BENEFICIARY to the Guarantor from time to time or at anytime, that the Bus Contractor has failed to perform its obligations under the Contract (including failure to maintain and renew this Bond in accordance with the Contract) and without being entitled or obliged to make any enquiry of any of the BENEFICIARY or of the Bus Contractor, and without the need for the BENEFICIARY to take legal action against or to obtain the consent of the Bus Contractor, and notwithstanding any objection by the Bus Contractor, Guarantor or any third party, and without any further proof or conditions, the Guarantor shall forthwith pay the

第 1 卷 - 第 3 节 合同条件 (COC)

BENEFICIARY the amount specified in such demand. The BENEFICIARY may make multiple demands PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the total of all demands so made shall not exceed the Guaranteed Sum and the total amount recoverable against the Guarantor under this Bond shall not exceed the Guaranteed Sum. Such payment or payments shall forthwith be made by transfer to the following bank account:


Account No. : 11013010110447

Account holder : SARAWAK METRO SDN. BHD.

ii. The liability of the Guarantor to pay the BENEFICIARY the sum demanded shall correspondingly be reduced by the previous payments that have been made by the Guarantor.

iii. The Guarantor’s obligation to make payment under this Bond shall be a primary, independent and absolute obligation and the Guarantor shall not be entitled to delay or withhold payment for any reason. The Guarantor’s obligations hereunder shall not be affected by any act, omission, matter or thing which but for this provision might operate to release or otherwise exonerate the Guarantor from his obligations hereunder in whole or in part, including without limitation and whether or not known to the Guarantor or the BENEFICIARY:

1. anytime or waiver granted to the Bus Contractor or any other person; or
1. 任何时间或授予巴士承包商或任何其他人的豁免;或者

2. the taking, variation, compromise, renewal or release of, or refusal of or neglect to perfect or enforce, any rights, remedies or securities against the Bus Contractor or any other person; or
2. 针对巴士承包商或任何其他人的任何权利、补救措施或担保的取得、变更、妥协、更新或释放,或拒绝或忽视完善或执行;或者

3. any legal limitation, disability or incapacity of the Bus Contractor or any other person; or
3. 巴士承包商或任何其他人的任何法律限制、无能力或无行为能力

4. any dispute between the BENEFICIARY and the Bus Contractor or any allegation that the Bus Contractor has claims against the BENEFICIARY or any objection or representation made to the Guarantor by the Bus Contractor; or
4. 受益人与客车承包商之间的任何争议或客车承包商对受益人提出索赔的任何指控或客车承包商向担保人提出的任何反对或陈述;或者

5. any variation of or amendment to the Contractor the Works or any other document or security; or
5. 对承包商工程或任何其他文件或担保的任何变更或修改;或者

6. any unenforceability, invalidity or frustration of any obligations of the or any other person under the Contract or either of them or any other document or security.
6. 本合同或任何其他人或任何其他人或任何其他文件或担保项下的任何义务无法执行、无效或受挫。

iv. The benefit of this Bond and all rights and powers hereunder may be assigned by the BENEFICIARY subject to consent by the Guarantor which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

v. This Bond shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia applicable to Sarawak and the Guarantor hereby submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of Malaysia
v. 本债券受适用于砂拉越的马来西亚法律管辖并根据其解释,担保人特此接受马来西亚法院的管辖

vi. This Bond shall remain valid, in full force and effect from and will expire on
六.本债券自 起保持有效并具有完全效力,并将于 到期

unless otherwise extended from time to time by the Guarantor following a request by the Bus Contractor in accordance with the terms of the Contract.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Bond has been executed on the day of 2024.
兹证明本债券已于 2024 年执行。

The Common Seal of [Guarantor Bank] was hereunto ) affixed in the presence of )
[担保银行] 的公章特此 ) 在 ) 在场的情况下加盖




1) OR
1) 或

Signed by )
被...签名 )

for and on behalf of [Guarantor Bank] )

in the presence of )
在......的存在下 )





古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)



Form of Parent Company Guarantee

第 1 卷 - 第 3 节 合同条件 (COC)


母公司担保表格(样本) 本母公司担保(“担保”)的日期为 [插入日期]


(1) [Insert Name] a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of [insert country] and whose address is at [insert address] (theGuarantor”), which expression shall include its successors in title, transferees and assigns;
(1) [插入名称] 一家根据[插入国家/地区] 法律组建和存在的公司,其地址位于[插入地址](“担保人”),该表述应包括其所有权继承人、受让人并分配;


(2) SARAWAK METRO SDN. BHD. (Company No: 201801007738 (19269752-D)), a company
(2) 砂拉越地铁有限公司BHD。 (公司编号:201801007738(19269752-D))某公司

incorporated in Malaysia and having its business address at Unit 16-01, Level 16, Gateway Kuching, No. 9, Jalan Bukit Mata, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (theEmployer”) (hereinafter Employershall be referred to as the “BENEFICIARY”) , which expressionshall include its successors in title, transferees and assigns.
于马来西亚注册成立,营业地址为Unit 16-01, Level 16, Gateway KuchingNo. 9, Jalan Bukit Mata, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia(“雇主”)(以下雇主应称为“受益人”),该表述应包括其所有权继承人、受让人和受让人。


(A) By a Letter of Acceptance dated [insert date] and by an agreement [specify particulars of the Contract] dated [insert date] (hereinafter referred to as the “ Contract”) made between the Employer and [name of the Bus Contractor] (the “ Bus Contractor”), the Bus Contractor has agreed to undertake “ DESIGN, ENGINEERING, PROCUREMENT, MANUFACTURE, SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING AND HANDOVER OF COMPLETELY BUILT-UP (CBU) FIFTY-FIVE (55) UNITS OF SINGLE DECK HYDROGEN FUEL CELL FEEDER BUSES (H2B) (hereinafter referred to as the Works”) for THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE KUCHING URBAN TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (KUTS) PROJECT” (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”) subjectto the terms and Conditions of the Contract.
(A) 雇主与 [公交车承包商名称] 签订的日期为 [插入日期] 的接受函以及日期为 [插入日期] 的协议 [具体说明合同细节](以下简称“合同”) ](“客车承包商”),客车承包商同意承担“设计、工程、采购、制造、供应、交付、安装、测试和调试以及竣工 (CBU) 的移交 五十五 (55)用于开发古晋城市交通系统(KUTS)项目(以下简称“项目”)的单层氢燃料电池支线巴士(H2B)单元(以下简称“工程”)受条款和合同条件。

(B) Pursuant to Clause 18.6 of the Contract, the Bus Contractor is obliged to provide a Parent Company Guarantee to the BENEFICIARY for the due observance and performance of the Contract by the Bus Contractor.
(B) 根据合同第 18.6 条,巴士承包商有义务向受益人提供母公司担保,以确保巴士承包商妥善遵守和履行合同。


1) In consideration of you, the BENEFICIARY, entering into the Contract with the Bus Contractor, we, the Guarantor, irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee to you, as a primary obligation, the due performance and discharge of all the Bus Contractor's obligations and liabilities under the Contract, including the Bus Contractor's compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true intent and meaning.
1) 考虑到您(受益人)与巴士承包商签订合同,我们(担保人)不可撤销且无条件地向您保证,作为主要义务,妥善履行和解除巴士承包商在合同项下的所有义务和责任,包括巴士承包商根据其真实意图和含义遵守其所有条款和条件。

2) If the Bus Contractor fails to so perform or discharge its obligations and liabilities and comply with the Contract, we shall indemnify the BENEFICIARY against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) which arise from any such failure for which the Bus Contractor is liable to the BENEFICIARY under the Contract.
2) 如果巴士承包商未能履行或解除其义务和责任并遵守合同,我们应赔偿受益人因任何此类未能履行而产生的所有损害、损失和费用(包括法律费用和开支)。巴士承包商根据合同对受益人承担责任。

3) We shall be obliged to honour our obligations under this Guarantee upon receipt of your written demand, and any payment made by us hereunder shall be made free and clear of, and without deduction for or on account of, any present or future taxes, duties, charges, fees, deductions or withholdings of any nature whatsoever and by whomsoever imposed on us. In the event of any deduction having been made from the amount we are obliged to pay you, we shall make such additional
3) 在收到您的书面要求后,我们有义务履行本保函项下的义务,并且我们根据本保函支付的任何款项均应不含任何当前或未来的税款,且不得扣除任何当前或未来的税款,任何性质以及由谁强加给我们的关税、收费、费用、扣除或预扣。如果从我们有义务向您支付的金额中进行了任何扣除,我们将进行额外的扣除

Appendix 4 – Form of Parent Company Guarantee
附录 4 – 母公司担保表格

payment to the BENEFICIARY so that the amount received by the BENEFICIARY after such deduction shall be the amount it would have received had no such deduction been made. This Guaranteeshall come into full force and effect when the Contract comes into full force and effect.

4) This Guarantee shall continue in full force and effect until all the Bus Contractor's obligations and liabilities under the Contract have been discharged, wherein this Guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us, and our liability hereunder shall be discharged absolutely.
4) 本保证应继续完全有效,直至客车承包商在合同项下的所有义务和责任均已解除,其中本保证应届满并应退还给我们,并且我们在本保证项下的责任应完全解除。

5) This Guarantee shall apply and be supplemental to the Contract as amended or varied by the BENEFICIARY and the Bus Contractor from time to time. We hereby authorise them to agree any such amendment or variation, the due performance of which, and compliance with which, by the Bus Contractor are likewise guaranteed hereunder. Our obligations and liabilities under this Guaranteeshall not be discharged by any allowance of time or other indulgence whatsoever by the BENEFICIARY to the Bus Contractor, or by any variation or suspension of the works to be executed under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contractor to the constitution of the Bus Contractor or the BENEFICIARY, or by the loss, compromise or release of any other security for the Bus Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under the Contract held by the BENEFICIARY, or by any other matters, whether with or without our knowledge or consent.
5) 本保证应适用于受益人和客车承包商不时修订或变更的合同并作为其补充。我们特此授权他们同意任何此类修改或变更,客车承包商的适当履行和遵守同样在本协议下得到保证。我们在本保证项下的义务和责任不得因受益人给予客车承包商的任何时间允许或其他宽限、或对合同项下要执行的工程的任何变更或暂停、或对承包商的任何修改而解除。巴士承包商或受益人的章程,或受益人持有的巴士承包商在合同项下的义务和责任的任何其他担保的损失、妥协或解除,或任何其他事项,无论我们是否知情或同意。

6) This Guarantee is in addition to and not in substitution for any other security which the BENEFICIARY may at anytime hold for the performance of such obligations and liabilities and maybe enforced without first having recourse to such other security and without need for commencement of proceedings against us and/or the Bus Contractor.
6) 本保函是对受益人为履行此类义务和责任而随时持有的任何其他担保的补充,而不是替代任何其他担保,并且可以在不首先追索此类其他担保的情况下强制执行,也无需针对受益人启动诉讼程序。我们和/或巴士承包商。

7) Our liability under this Guaranteeshall not be greater than that of the Bus Contractor under the Contract and the limitations and exclusions of liability included in the Contract shall equally limit and exclude our liability under this Guarantee.
7) 我们在本保证项下的责任不得大于公交车承包商在合同项下的责任,并且合同中包含的责任限制和排除同样限制和排除我们在本保证项下的责任。

8) This Guarantee shall be governed by the law of the same country as that which governs the Contract
8) 本保证应适用合同适用国家的法律

9) Any notice, demand or other document to be given under this Guarantee shall be in writing, in English and sent by hand or registered post of the address of the parties stated above.
9) 本保函项下发出的任何通知、要求或其他文件均应采用英文书面形式,并通过专人或挂号信寄往上述各方的地址。

10) Such notice shall be deemed to have been duly served upon and received by the addressee at such address (or any other address as notified by a party to the others earlier), if (a) delivered by hand, at the time of delivery, and (b) sent by registered post, ten (10) days after posting
10) 如果 (a) 在送达时由专人送达,则该通知应被视为已在该地址(或一方先前向其他方通知的任何其他地址)正式送达并由收件人收到,以及 (b) 通过挂号信寄出,寄出后十 (10) 天

11) We confirm that the benefit of this Guarantee may be assigned subject only to the provisions for assignment of the Contract.
11) 我们确认,本保证的利益可以仅根据合同转让的规定进行转让。

Date : By the Guarantor
日期 : 由担保人

Signature(s) Name:
签名 姓名:



古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)



Details of Insurance



Appendix 6 – List of Multimodal Transport Operators (MTO)
附录 6 – 多式联运运营商 (MTO) 名单

第 1 卷 - 第 3 节 合同条件 (COC)

保险详情(草案)A 部分 – 雇主提供的保险(项目保险)

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 20 of the Conditions of Contract, the Employer will effect and maintain insurance policies generally in accordance with the following: -
根据合同条件第 20 条的规定,雇主一般将按照以下规定办理和维持保险单:-

A. 1)


Contractor’s/Erection “All Risks” and Public/Third Party Liability Insurance (where applicable)


Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (“SEDC”) as the Project Developer through its wholly owned subsidiary; Sarawak Metro Sdn Bhd as the Employer / Project Implementing Entity and/or Contractors (appointed for Infrastructure Works, System Works, Supply and Deliveries, Operation and Maintenance etc.); and/or Sub- contractors and/or Suppliers: Nominated and/or Designated Contractor and/or Suppliers engaged and/or appointed by the Contractor, and/or all Contractors and/or Suppliers engaged and/or appointed by the Employer at any time in connection with the Project and/or any and all Sub-contractors of any tier all whether named hereunder or not, at any time in connection with the Project and/or Vendors, Professional Consultants, Architects and any other party engaged by any of the Insured parties for their on-site activities (whilst excluding design work onsite) only; The Security Agent / Finance Parties (if any) for their respective rights and interests.
砂拉越经济发展公司(“SEDC”)通过其全资子公司作为项目开发商; Sarawak Metro Sdn Bhd 作为雇主/项目实施实体和/或承包商(指定基础设施工程、系统工程、供应和交付、运营和维护等);和/或分包商和/或供应商:承包商聘用和/或指定的提名和/或指定承包商和/或供应商,和/或雇主随时聘用和/或指定的所有承包商和/或供应商与项目和/或任何级别的任何和所有分包商有关,无论是否在本协议中指定,在任何时间与项目和/或供应商、专业顾问、建筑师和任何其他方聘用的任何其他方仅受保方的现场活动(不包括现场设计工作);担保代理/财务方(如有)维护各自的权利和利益。


From the date of the Notice to Proceed/ Letter of Acceptance/ Commencement Date


(as applicable) until the date upon which the Project Owner/ Employer (as applicable) shall have issued a Completion Certificate/ Certificate of Practical Completion (as applicable) certifying that the whole of the Works/ Supplies/ Project (as applicable) has been completed Pursuant to Clause relevant clause(s) of the Contract Agreement

Plus, twenty-four (24) months Defect Liability Period as stated in the Contract Agreement
另外,合同协议中规定的二十四 (24) 个月的缺陷责任期



(KUTS) 一期项目


Tender No.: SMSB/KUTS/TNDR/L0/CONT/2024/0044



Appendix 6 – List of Multimodal Transport Operators (MTO)
附录 6 – 多式联运运营商 (MTO) 名单



Description of interest insured

Estimated Total Contract Value (RM)

Section I – Construction/ Erection All Risks
第 I 部分 – 建筑/安装一切险


Construction/ Erection Work (permanent and temporary works including materials to be incorporated herein)

As per Accepted Contract Sum


Principal Existing Property

RM 50,000,000.00

(For overall for KUTS Project)
(KUTS 项目整体)

Section IIThird Party Liability
第二节 – 第三方责任


Third Party Liability

RM 40,000,000.00

(Anyone Claim / Unlimited during the Period of Insurance)

风险第 1 部分(重大损坏 - 建筑)


To indemnify the Insured in respect of accidental physical loss of or damage to all works, whether permanent or temporary, materials machinery, equipment incorporated or destined for incorporation therein, temporary buildings and their contents, and all other property or equipment of whatsoever nature (other than Construction Plant and Equipment) the property of the Insured or for which they are responsible, whilst at the Construction Site, or elsewhere in the Geographical Limits, including whilst in transit and/or as may be more fully described.


Indemnity for all sums which the Insured shall become legally liable to pay for damages (other than those specifically excluded) arising out of their activities in connection with the performance of the Project in respect of:

(i) bodily injury (including death, illness, or disease) or personal injury suffered by any person;
(i) 任何人遭受的人身伤害(包括死亡、患病或患病)或人身伤害;

(ii) loss of or destruction or damage to property; occurring during the Period of Insurance.
(ii) 财产损失、毁坏或损坏;发生在保险期间。

Including all defense costs and expenses of litigation recovered by any claimant and incurred with the consent of the Insurer.




1) Architects, Surveyors & Professional Engineers fees (MYR 5 million anyone loss)
1) 建筑师、测量师和专业工程师费用(任何人损失 500 万马币)

2) Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured
2) 保额自动恢复

3) Cessation of Works (60 days)
3) 停止工作(60 天)

4) Customs / Duties (MYR 1 million anyone loss)
4) 海关/关税(任何人损失 100 万马来西亚林吉特)

5) Employees Personnel Effects and Tools (MYR 20,000 per occurrence)
5) 员工人事财物和工具(每次 20,000 马来西亚林吉特)

6) Escalation Clause (110%)
6) 升级条款 (110%)

7) Expediting Expenses including Airfreight (MYR 1.5 million anyone loss)
7) 加急费用,包括空运(任何人损失 150 万马币)

8) Fire Extinguishing Expenses (MYR 1 million anyone loss)

9) Free Issue Material (Subject to SI to be declared and AP to be charged)
9) 免费发行材料(需申报SI并收取AP费用)

10) Inland Transit (MYR 1 million any one conveyance)
10) 内陆运输(任何一种运输工具 100 万马来西亚林吉特)

11) Marine 50/50 (Concealed Damage)
11) 海军陆战队 50/50(隐蔽伤害)

12) Offsite Storage (MYR 2 million anyone loss)
12) 异地存储(任何人损失 200 万马币)

13) Offsite Fabrication (MYR 2 million anyone loss)
13) 异地制造(任何人损失 200 万马来西亚林吉特)

14) LEG2/96 – Consequences Defects Exclusion (MYR 10 million anyone occurrence)
14) LEG2/96 – 后果缺陷排除(任何人发生1000万令吉)

15) Payment on Account – 20%
15) 账户付款 – 20%

16) Pilling Works (Special condition concerning piling, foundation and retaining wall works)
16) 打桩工程(有关打桩、地基和挡土墙工程的特殊条件)

17) Plans and Documents (MYR 500,000 anyone loss)
17) 计划和文件(任何人损失 MYR 500,000)

18) Public Authorities (MYR 1 million anyone loss)
18) 公共机构(任何人损失 100 万马来西亚林吉特)

19) Property Taken into Use / Completed Works (Limit MYR5,000,000 subject to property not officially handed over to Principal)
19) 投入使用的财产/已完成的工程(限额为 MYR5,000,000,但财产未正式移交给委托人)

20) Reinstatement Value Clause
20) 恢复价值条款

21) Clearance of Debris (MYR 2 million anyone loss)
21) 清除杂物(任何人损失 200 万马来西亚林吉特)

22) Repeat Test (Limit: MYR1,000,000 in the aggregate)
22) 重复测试(总计限额MYR1,000,000)

23) Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion (MYR 1 million anyone loss)
23)StrikeRiot 和公民骚乱(任何人损失 100 万马来西亚林吉特)

24) Temporary Office and Equipment (MYR 1 million anyone loss)
24) 临时办公室和设备(任何人损失 100 万马来西亚林吉特)

25) Temporary Protection (MYR 1 million anyone loss)
25) 临时保护(任何人损失 100 万令吉)

26) Temporary Repairs (RM 1.5 million anyone loss)

27) Waiver of Subrogation Rights Against the EPC Contractors
27) 放弃对EPC承包商的代位求偿权

28) Hours Clause
28) 时间条款


1) Cross Liability
1) 交叉责任

2) Contingent Liability of Contractors and Sub-Contractors
2) 承包商和分包商的或有负债

3) Industries, Seepage, Pollution and Contamination Clause NMA 1685
3) 工业、渗漏污染和污染条款 NMA 1685

4) Principal’s Employees and Representatives as Third Parties
4) 委托人的雇员和代表作为第三方

5) Plant Clause
5) 植物条款

6) Temporary Overseas Visits (for non-manual visits in connection with the Project)

7) Underground Cables, Pipes and Other Facilities
7) 地下电缆、管道及其他设施

8) Vibration, Removal & Weakening of Support
8) 振动、移除和支撑减弱

9) Vehicle licensed for road used at site as tools of trade
9) 获得道路许可的车辆在现场用作贸易工具

10) Trespass Clause (Limit: MYR250,000)
10) 侵入条款(限额MYR250,000)


1) Bankruptcy, Insolvency or Termination
1) 破产、资不抵债或终止

2) Claim Preparation (MYR 500,000)
2) 索赔准备(MYR 500,000)

3) Currency Clause (max deviation 5% from the published rate)
3) 货币条款(与公布汇率最大偏差5%)

4) Errors and Omissions
4) 错误和遗漏

5) Extended Maintenance clause (36 months) – including third party liability
5) 延长维护条款(36 个月)——包括第三方责任

6) Multiple Insured / Non-Vitiation
6) 多重投保/无失效

7) Munitions of War
7) 战争弹药

8) Nominated Loss Adjuster (Charles Taylor, Crawford, MSM, Mestari) Limited to Lead Insurer Panel adjuster only. Appointment of adjuster rests with the insurer)
8) 指定损失理算员 (Charles TaylorCrawfordMSMMestari) – 仅限于首席保险公司面板理赔员。理算员的任命由保险公司负责)

9) Notification of Loss (60 days)
9) 丢失通知(60 天)

10) Permission and Privileges
10) 许可和特权

11) Preventive Measures / Loss Minimization Expenses (RM 10 million and in aggregate anyone loss)
11) 预防措施/损失最小化费用(1000万令吉以及任何人的损失总计)

12) Public Relations
12) 公共关系

13) Salvage and Recoveries14) Waiver of subrogation rights against joint insured (other than supplier and equipment manufacturer warranties)
13) 救助和追偿 14) 放弃联合被保险人的代位求偿权(供应商和设备制造商的保证除外)

14) Project Amendment Clause
14) 项目修改条款

15) Warranty concerning sections (500m); Max 5 sections
15) 断面保修(500m);最多 5 个部分

16) Warranty concerning camps and stores (Sublimit: MYR2 million per location each and every occurrence)
16) 有关营地和商店的保证(小额限额:每次发生每个地点 200 万令吉)

17) Wet Risks Endorsement
17) 湿险背书

18) Special condition concerning safety measures with respect to precipitation, flood, and inundation (50 years)
18) 关于降水、洪水和淹没安全措施的特殊条件(50年)

19) Special condition for laying water supply and sewer pipes

20) Special condition concerning removal of debris from landslide
20) 关于清除山体滑坡残骸的特殊条件

21) Arbitration Clause
21) 仲裁条款

22) Premium Warranty (60 days)
22) 高级保修(60 天)

23) Sanction Limitation and Exclusion Clause
23) 制裁限制和排除条款




specifically provided in the actual Policy)

第 I 部分(物质损坏)

This Policy excludes all losses, damage or costs directly or indirectly caused by, arising out of, or attributable to:

1) Wilful act or wilful negligence of the Insured
1) 被保险人的故意行为或故意疏忽

2) Unexplained or mysterious disappearance of Interest Insured under the control or custody of the Insured.
2) 被保险人控制或保管的被保险人不明原因或神秘失踪。

3) Shortage discovered during inventory taking.

4) Penalties, damages or fines for delay or non-completion of work
4) 因延误或未完成工作而受到的处罚、损害或罚款

5) The presence of asbestos or material or Interest Insured containing asbestos.
5) 存在石棉或含有石棉的材料或保险利益。

6) Dishonest or criminal acts by the Insured, or their employees.
6) 被保险人或其雇员的不诚实或犯罪行为。

7) Punitive, exemplary or any other similar damages.
7) 惩罚性、惩戒性或任何其他类似的损害。

8) The release, discharge or dispersal of toxic or hazardous substances, contaminants or pollutants however arising unless caused by sudden and accidental damage by a peril insured under this Policy.
8) 有毒或有害物质、污染物或污染物的释放、排放或扩散,除非是由本保单承保的危险造成的突然和意外损害造成的。

9) Wear and tear, gradual deterioration, inherent vice, latent defects. However, this
9) 磨损、逐渐劣化、固有缺陷、潜在缺陷。然而,这

exclusion shall not apply when such loss or Damage is caused by a peril which is not otherwise excluded, or to loss or Damage resulting therefrom.

10) Cracking, shrinkage, settlement, bulging or expansion of foundation, walls, ceilings floors, roofs, roads or pavements unless such loss or Damage is caused by a peri which is not otherwise excluded however this exclusion shall not apply when such Loss or Damage is caused by a peril which is not otherwise excluded, or to loss or Damage resulting therefrom.
10) 地基、墙壁、天花板、地板、屋顶、道路或人行道的开裂、收缩、沉降、膨胀或膨胀,除非此类损失或损坏是由未另行排除的周边造成的,但当此类损失或损坏时,本排除条款不适用由未另行排除的危险或由此造成的损失或损害引起。

11) Defects
11) 缺陷

Exclusion Application to Section 1– Material Damage (during Construction Period only)
第 1 节的排除适用 - 材料损坏(仅限施工期间)

LEG2/96 London Engineering Group Model “Consequences” Defects Exclusion
LEG2/96 伦敦工程集团模型“后果”缺陷排除

All costs rendered necessary by defects of material workmanship design plan specification and should damage occur to any portion of the Insured Property containing any of the said defects the cost of replacement or rectification which is hereby excluded is that cost which would have been incurred if replacement or rectification of the Insured Property had been put in hand immediately prior to the said damage.

For the purpose of this policy and not merely this exclusion it is understood and agreed that any portion of the Insured Property shall not be regarded as damaged solely by virtue of the existence of any defect of material workmanship design plan or specification.

Limit: RM10,000,000 anyone occurrence

12) Normal upkeep
12) 正常保养

13) Sea or Air Transit
13) 海运或空运

This Policy does not insure against loss of or damage to the following Interest Insured or financial loss in consequence thereof:

1) Files, drawings, accounts, bills, currency, stamps, deeds, evidences of debt, notes, securities, cheques, film, tapes or other electronic recording, storage or data processing, hardware or software.
1) 文件、图纸、账目、票据、货币、邮票、契约、债务证据、票据、证券、支票、胶片、磁带或其他电子记录、存储或数据处理、硬件或软件。

2) Money, cash, bank notes, treasury notes, cheques, postal orders, money orders, stamps or securities,
2) 金钱、现金、银行票据、国库券、支票、邮政汇票、汇票、邮票或证券,

3) Land, landscaping, lawns, trees, plants, shrubs, standing timber, crops, water, seabed.
3) 土地、园林绿化、草坪、树木、植物、灌木、立木、农作物、海底。

4) Piers, jetties with exception of temporary offloading jetty, barges, supply vessels or other waterborne craft unless endorsed hereon.
4) 码头、码头(临时卸货码头除外)、驳船、补给船或其他水运工具,除非在此注明。

5) Motor vehicles or trailers licensed for use on public highways unless endorsed hereon.
5) 获准在公共高速公路上使用的机动车辆或拖车,除非另有说明。

6) Aircraft or waterborne vessels.
6) 飞机或水上船舶。

7) Existing property or structures at the Project Site that are not listed in the Contract Value.
7) 合同价值中未列出的项目现场现有财产或构筑物。

8) Contractor’s Plant and Equipment
8) 承包商的厂房和设备


The Insurers will not indemnify the Insured in respect of:

1) liability resulting from death of, bodily and/or personal injury or illness sustained by any person and arising from or in the course of his employment by the Insured under Section 1 of the policy under a contract of labor, service or apprenticeship with the Insured;
1) 任何人因与被保险人签订的劳动、服务或学徒合同项下本保单第 1 条的规定受雇或受雇期间所遭受的死亡、身体和/或人身伤害或疾病而造成的责任受保;

2) liability compulsorily insurable under any legislation governing the use of motor vehicles;
2) 根据任何管理机动车辆使用的立法强制投保的责任;

3) liability resulting from, attributable to or caused by the ownership or possession of or use by or on behalf of the Insured of (a) any mechanically driven vehicle except when such vehicle is on the Project Site and is not insured under a specific motor vehicle or any other insurance policy; or (b) any water-borne vessel or craft, or of any aircraft, except pontoons and boats up to 15 metres in length
3) 因被保险人或代表被保险人拥有、占有或使用 (a) 任何机械驱动车辆而产生、归因于或引起的责任,除非该车辆位于项目现场且未投保特定发动机车辆或任何其他保险单; (b) 任何水​​上船只或船只,或任何飞机,但浮桥和长度不超过 15 米的船只除外

4) liability for damages caused by or arising from pollution or contamination of buildings or other property or of water or land or the atmosphere, unless the pollution or contamination is caused by a sudden identifiable unintended and unexpected accident which takes place in its entirety at a specific moment in time and place during the Period of Insurance;
4) 对建筑物或其他财产、水、土地或大气的污染或污染所造成或引起的损害的责任,除非该污染或污染是由突然可识别的非故意和意外事故所造成的,该事故完全发生在保险期间内的特定时间和地点;

5) the cost of repairing, replacing or making good any loss of or Damage to the Project, Construction Plant and Equipment and Temporary Buildings, and any property belonging to or in the care, custody, or control of any of the Insured, irrespective of whether any said aforementioned property forms part of the Interest Insured under Section 1;
5) 修理、更换或弥补项目建筑厂房和设备、临时建筑物以及属于或由任何被保险人照料、保管或控制的任何财产的任何损失或损坏的费用,无论是否上述财产构成第 1 条规定的受保利益的一部分;

6) any consequential financial losses directly sustained by any of the Insured, irrespective of whether or not insured hereunder, due to or arising from loss or Damage to the Project, Construction Plant and Equipment and Temporary Buildings;
6) 任何被保险人因项目、施工厂房和设备以及临时建筑物的损失或损坏而直接遭受的任何间接经济损失,无论是否受保;

7) liability arising under penalty or liquidated damages clauses in any contract, or any punitive or exemplary damages;
7) 任何合同中的惩罚性或违约金条款,或任何惩罚性或惩戒性损害赔偿所产生的责任;

8) liability assumed under contract which imposes upon the Insured liability which would not otherwise have been incurred by the Insured;
8) 合同规定的被保险人本不会承担的责任;

9) liability arising out of technical or professional advice given by the Insured or by
9) 因被保险人或被保险人提供的技术或专业建议而引起的责任

any person acting on behalf of the Insured;

10) liability (other than accidental bodily and/or personal injury to any person) due to or arising from Damage to physical property caused by subsidence, collapse, cracking, fracturing, vibration, or the weakening or removal of support;
10) 由于沉降、倒塌、开裂、破裂、振动或支撑减弱或拆除而造成的物理财产损坏而造成的责任(对任何人造成的意外身体和/或人身伤害除外);

11) liability due to or arising from Damage to underground pipe or cable services or other underground property or facilities;
11) 由于地下管道或电缆服务或其他地下财产或设施的损坏而造成的责任;

12) Liability arising from death, injury, illness, disease or loss of or Damage to property or other circumstances described in the Insuring Clauses occurring outside of the Geographical Limits;
12) 因发生在地域限制之外的死亡、受伤、疾病、疾病或财产损失或损坏或保险条款中描述的其他情况而引起的责任;

13) Liability actual or alleged whatsoever for any claim or claims in respect of loss or losses directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from, in consequence of, contributed to or aggravated by asbestos in whatever form or quantity.
13) 因任何形式或数量的石棉直接或间接引起、造成、导致、促成或加剧的任何索赔或索赔所承担的实际或声称的责任。


Applicable to each and every occurrence or series of occurrences attributable to a single cause: -

Section I

Act of God / Earthquake / Storm / Tempest / Water Damage / Subsidence /

Landslide / Landslip / Collapse
山泥倾泻 / 山崩 / 崩塌

RM 1,000,000.00

Wet Risks

RM 1,000,000.00

Defective Design (LEG2) / Resultant Damage
设计缺陷 (LEG2)/由此造成的损坏

RM 1,500,000.00


RM 1,500,000.00

Testing and Commissioning

RM 1,500,000.00

Maintenance Period

RM 1,500,000.00


RM 1,000,000.00

All Other Losses

RM 1,000,000.00

Existing Property / Utility Relocation Works

RM 1,000,000.00


Section II

Third Party Property Damage

RM 750,000.00

Underground services/cables / Third Party Utilities and cables

RM 700,000.00

Vibration, removal or weakening of support

RM 700,000.00

A. 2)


Workmen’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability



Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (“SEDC”) as the Project Developer


through its wholly owned subsidiary; Sarawak Metro Sdn Bhd as the Employer / Project Implementing Entity and/or Contractors (appointed for Infrastructure Works, System Works, Supply and Deliveries, Operation and Maintenance etc.); and/or Sub-contractors and/or Suppliers: Nominated and/or Designated Contractor and/or Suppliers engaged and/or appointed by the Contractor, and/or all Contractors and/or Suppliers engaged and/or appointed by the Employer at any time in connection with the Project and/or any and all Sub-contractors of any tier all whether named hereunder or not, at any time in connection with the Project and/or Vendors, Professional Consultants, Architects and any other party engaged by any of the Insured parties for their on-site activities (whilst excluding design work onsite) only; The Security Agent / Finance Parties (if any) for their respective rights and interests.
通过其全资子公司; Sarawak Metro Sdn Bhd 作为雇主/项目实施实体和/或承包商(指定基础设施工程、系统工程、供应和交付、运营和维护等);和/或分包商和/或供应商:承包商聘用和/或指定的指定和/或指定承包商和/或供应商,和/或雇主随时聘用和/或指定的所有承包商和/或供应商与项目和/或任何级别的任何和所有分包商有关,无论是否在本协议中指定,在任何时间与项目和/或供应商、专业顾问、建筑师和任何其他方聘用的任何其他方仅受保方的现场活动(不包括现场设计工作);担保代理/财务方(如有)维护各自的权利和利益。


From the date of the Notice to Proceed until the date upon which the Project Owner


shall have issued a Completion Certificate certifying that the whole of the Project has been completed Pursuant to Clause 40 of the Contract Agreement
应签发竣工证书,证明整个项目已根据合同协议第 40 条完成

Plus, twenty-four (24) months Defect Liability Period as stated in the Contract Agreement.
另外,还有合同协议中规定的二十四 (24) 个月的缺陷责任期。



“设计、工程、采购、制造、供应、交付、安装、测试和调试以及完全建成 (CBU) 五十五 (55) 辆单层氢燃料电池支线巴士 (H2B) 的移交,用于开发古晋城市交通系统(KUTS)项目”

Tender No.: SMSB/KUTS/TNDR/L0/CONT/2024/0044





Provides compensation to workers and employees as per Workmen Compensation


Act 1952 and / as well as to indemnify the Insured Parties for their legal liability for
1952 年法案和/以及赔偿被保险方的法律责任


personal injury / death of workers and employees arising out of and in the course of

Only, Full

employment in connection with the Project in accordance with the applicable laws of

Wording as

Malaysia and in line with workmen compensation ordinance/act.



written in the

actual policy)


On all works connected or engaged in the Project



10% of Contract Value





Warranty 60
• 保修 60




Warranty 76
• 保修 76

Warranty 77
• 保修 77

Warranty 194
• 保修 194

provided in

Warranty 197
• 保修 197

the actual

Warranty 230
• 保修 230

Policy )
政策 )

Employees to Employees Clause
• 员工对员工条款

Common Law Liability Clause
• 普通法责任条款

Endorsement A
• 认可A

Endorsement B
• 认可B

Loss Notification Clause
• 丢失通知条款


LMA5399 – Communicable Disease Exclusion
• LMA5399 – 传染病排除



Cyber and Data Exclusion
• 网络和数据排除


provided in

the actual

Policy )
政策 )


RM 10,000,000.00

免赔额 无

B 部分 – 承包商的保险

B. 1) Insurance of Contractors Plant and Equipment
B.1) 承包商厂房和设备的保险

The Contractorshall effect and maintain “All Risks” Insurance against all loss or damage from whatever cause in respect of all Contractors Plant and Equipment brought onto or destined for the site for use in the Execution of the Works (save only to the extent that such Contractor’s Equipment may be specifically insured by SEDC and/or SMSB as may be agreed hereafter between the parties) whether or not such Contractor’s Equipment has become the property of theSEDC and/or SMSB under the Conditions of Contract, to the full value of such Contractor’s Equipment.
承包商应投保并维持“一切险”保险,以应对所有运至或运往现场用于工程实施的承包商工厂和设备(仅在该承包商的设备可由 SEDC 和/或 SMSB 专门投保(双方之间可能在此后商定),无论此类承包商的设备是否已根据合同条件成为 SEDC 和/或 SMSB 的财产,保险金额为此类承包商设备的全部价值。

B. 2) Social Security Scheme (SOCSO)
B.2) 社会保障计划 (SOCSO)

The Contractor shall register or cause to be registered all local workmen employed in connection with the Works who are subject to registration under SOCSO in accordance with the relevant Laws and shall cause all its sub-contractors to comply with the same provisions.
承包商应根据相关法律对所有受雇于工程的当地工人进行登记或促使其进行登记,这些工人须根据相关法律在 SOCSO 下登记,并应促使其所有分包商遵守相同的规定。

B. 3) Motor Vehicle Insurances
B.3) 机动车辆保险

In accordance with the applicable Laws, the Contractorshall insure, at a minimum, all liabilities resulting from the use and possession of motor vehicles, whether owned, hired, leased or otherwise used by the Contractor or its employees and includes motor vehicles provided or loaned by the Contractor to the SEDC and/or SMSB for its or its employees’ use, and shall
根据适用法律,承包商应至少为因使用和拥有机动车辆而产生的所有责任投保,无论机动车辆是由承包商或其雇员拥有、租用、租赁还是以其他方式使用,包括由承包商提供或借用的机动车辆。 SEDC 和/或 SMSB 的承包商供其或其雇员使用,并且应

continue such insurance during the whole duration of the Contract and until no such motor vehicles are present on the Site.

B. 4) Any other additional insurance covers required at Law which are not covered under the Project
B.4) 法律要求但本项目未承保的任何其他附加保险


B. 5) The cost of any Marine Cargo/ Transit Insurance for materials, plant, machinery and
B.5) 材料、植物、机械和设备的任何海运货物/过境保险的费用

equipment, special tools etc. to be delivered to other premises (outside Malaysia) prior to delivery to Project Site shall be covered by the Contractors.

C 部分 – 其他保险要求

1) In so far as the Contractor is dissatisfied with the terms and conditions of the Project Insurance or any other insurance effected by the Owner, the Contractor may at his own cost effect and maintain such additional insurance as he may consider necessary.
1) 如果承包商对项目保险或业主所投保的任何其他保险的条款和条件不满意,承包商可以自费投保并维持其认为必要的附加保险。

2) The Contractor shall, within forty-five (45 days) from the issuance of the Letter of Acceptance provide evidence in form and substance acceptable to SMSB (including, without limitation, copies of the insurance policies and receipts for payment of the current premium) showing that he has complied fully with his insurance obligations specified. The Contractor shall effect and maintain all insurances for which he is responsible with established insurance companies and in terms approved by SMSB.
2) 承包商应在中标书发出后四十五 (45) 天内提供 SMSB 可接受的形式和内容的证据(包括但不限于保险单副本和当前保费支付收据) )表明他已完全遵守所指明的保险义务。承包商应按照 SMSB 批准的条款,向已成立的保险公司投保并维持其负责的所有保险。

3) The Contractor shall notify the insurers of any changes in their nature, extent or duration of his obligations under this Contract that may adversely impact on the adequacy of the coverage of any insurance policies he has affected and maintained in accordance to the terms of this Contract. The Contractor shall ensure that such insurances are adequate at all times to cover his liabilities in accordance with the terms of this Contract.
3) 承包商应将其在本合同项下的义务的性质、范围或期限的任何变化通知保险公司,这些变化可能会对他根据本合同条款影响和维持的任何保险单的承保范围的充分性产生不利影响。承包商应确保此类保险始终足以承担其根据本合同条款承担的责任。

4) If the Contractor fails to effect and/or maintain any of the insurances required under this Contract, or fails to provide the copies of the policies within the period required then and in any such case SMSB may (but shall not be obliged to) effect and maintain any such insurances and pay any premiums as may be necessary for that purpose and all costs incurred shall be recoverable from the Contractor.
4) 如果承包商未能投保和/或维持本合同所要求的任何保险,或未能在要求的期限内提供保单副本,在任何此类情况下,SMSB 可以(但无义务)实施和维持任何此类保险并支付为此目的可能需要的任何保费,并且所产生的所有费用应从承包商处收回。

5) The Contractor shall at all times, indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, SEDC and/or SMSB from and against all claims, damages (including all consequential, special or indirect damages), expenses and/or losses which the Owner, SEDC and/or SMSB may have committed or incurred, or may in his reasonable opinion incur, in connection with the Contractor’s failure to comply with the conditions imposed by the insurance policies effected pursuant to this Contract, and including without limitation to On-Cost Charges shall be recoverable from the Contractor.
5) 对于业主、SEDC 和/或 SMSB 可能发生的所有索赔、损害(包括所有后果性、特殊或间接损害)、费用和/或损失,承包商应始终向业主SEDC 和/或 SMSB 作出赔偿并使其免受损害。因承包商未能遵守根据本合同生效的保险单所规定的条件而发生或发生的,或可能发生的,包括但不限于附加费用,应可从承包商处收回。

6) SMSB shall be entitled, from time to time (and at any time prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Completion of Making Good Defects), to direct the Contractor to furnish evidence in form and substance acceptable to SMSB, confirming that the Contractor has complied with his insurance obligations under this Contract. The Contractor shall comply forthwith with any such directions at his own cost.
6) SMSB 应有权不时(以及在颁发缺陷修复完成证书之前的任何时间)指示承包商提供 SMSB 可接受的形式和内容的证据,确认承包商已遵守规定并履行本合同项下的保险义务。承包商应立即遵守任何此类指示,费用由其自行承担。


List of Multimodal Transport Operators



多式联运运营商 (MTO) 名单

1. 马来西亚船务代理有限公司

Lot 22202, Jalan Gambus 33/4 Off Jalan Bukit Kemuning Bt 8.5 40350 Shah Alam, Selangor

HP : 012-231 7543 Tel : 03-5121 9988
手机 : 012-231 7543 电话 : 03-5121 9988

Fax : 03-5122 6375/76
传真:03-5122 6375/76

2. 多式联运有限公司

KTM Kargo

Ibu Pejabat KTMB
伊布佩贾巴特 KTMB

Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin

50621 Kuala Lumpur
50621 吉隆坡

HP : 019-382 1355
联系电话:019-382 1355

Tel : 03-3165 4920
电话 : 03-3165 4920

Fax : 03-3165 1458
传真:03-3165 1458


Wisma SA, No. 50, Jln Anggerik Mokara 31/47
Wisma SA,50 号,Jln Anggerik Mokara 31/47

Seksyen 31, Kota Kemuning
Seksyen 31, 哥打哥文宁

40460 Shah Alam Selangor D.E.
40460 莎阿南 雪兰莪州

HP : 016-233 1502
联系电话:016-233 1502

Tel : 03-5125 0015
电话:03-5125 0015

Fax : 03-5125 0185
传真:03-5125 0185

4. KONTENA 国家全球物流有限公司

Batu 9, Jalan Kelang Lama
巴都 9, 惹兰巴生喇嘛

Peti Surat 6503, Seri Setia 47307 Petaling Jaya
PO Box 6503, Seri Setia 47307 八打灵再也

Selangor D.E.

HP : 019- 669 0324
手机:019-669 0324

Tel : 03-7873 0323
电话:03-7873 0323

Fax : 03-7873 0331
传真:03-7873 0331

5. MISC综合物流有限公司

Level 21, Tower 2,
2 号塔楼 21 层,

Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat, No.33, Jalan Rakyat,
Menara Kembar 人民银行,No. 33, Jalan Rakyat,

50470 Kuala Lumpur
50470 吉隆坡

HP : 019-232 9560
联系电话:019-232 9560

Tel : 03-2267 7832
电话 : 03-2267 7832

Fax : 03-2267 7999
传真:03-2267 7999


No. A122, Tingkat Bawah
丁卡特巴瓦 A122 号

Jalan 7, Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi
Jalan 7, 沙叻丁宜新镇

43900 Sepang Selangor D.E.
43900 雪邦雪兰莪州

HP : 019-203 2858
联系电话:019-203 2858

Tel : 03- 8778 8626
电话:03-8778 8626

Fax : 03- 8778 8629
传真:03-8778 8629

古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)



Appendix 6 – List of Multimodal Transport Operators (MTO)
附录 6 – 多式联运运营商 (MTO) 名单



SW 国际货运代理有限公司 (SWIFT)

No. 16, Jalan Pendidik U1/31
16号,Jalan Pendidik U1/31

HICOM Glenmarie Industrial Park
HICOM 格林玛丽工业园

40150 Shah Alam Selangor D.E.
40150 莎阿南 雪兰莪州


5th Floor, Balai FELDA Jalan Gurney Satu 54000 Kuala Lumpur
5楼, Balai FELDA Jalan Gurney Satu 54000 吉隆坡

HP Tel Fax

HP Tel


: 016-223 3372 : 03- 5569 2510 : 03- 5569 2487

: 013-513 1920 : 03- 2693 0088/ 0087/6246/2849 : 03- 2691 4829/

03- 2693 0602


古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)



Dispute Adjudication Agreement

Appendix 7 – Dispute Adjudication Agreement

古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)




争议裁决协议(样本) 协议形式

THIS AGREEMENT is made on . day of


[Insert the name of the company and the company's registration number], a company
• [插入公司名称和公司注册号]一家公司

incorporated in •[insert] and having its registered address at [insert the registered address of the company]
成立于 •[插入],其注册地址为 •[插入公司的注册地址]


[Insert the name of the company and the company's registration number], a company
• [插入公司名称和公司注册号]一家公司

incorporated in •[insert] and having its registered address at [insert the registered address of the company]
成立于 •[插入],其注册地址为 •[插入公司的注册地址]


[Insert the name of the Adjudicator and the Adjudicator's registration number], and having its registered address at[insert the registered address of the Adjudicator]
• [插入评审员姓名和评审员注册号码],其注册地址为 •[插入评审员注册地址]


1. The Parties appoint the Adjudicator in accordance with the Conditions of Contract (the COC”) attached to this Agreement
1. 双方根据本协议所附合同条件(“COC”)任命仲裁员

2. The Adjudicator accepts this appointment and undertakes to carryout the Adjudicator’s duties as described in the COC.
2. 裁判员接受此项任命并承诺履行 COC 中规定的裁判员职责。

Appendix 7 – Dispute Adjudication Agreement


1.0 一般行动

1.1 The Parties and the Adjudicatorshall act as stated in this Form of Agreement (“Agreement”) and in the Contract between the Parties. The Adjudicatorshall act impartially
1.1 双方和仲裁员应按照本协议形式(“协议”)和双方合同中的规定行事。评审员应秉公执法

1.2 The Adjudicator notifies the Parties as soon as he becomes aware of any matter which may
1.2 仲裁员一旦发现任何可能发生的事项,将立即通知双方

present him with a conflict of interest.


1.3 In the COC, the Adjudicator and the Parties are those identified in this Agreement.
1.3 在COC中,仲裁员和双方是本协议中确定的双方。

1.4 “Expenses” means the cost of:
1.4 “费用”是指以下费用:

(a) Printing, reproduction and purchase of documents, drawings, maps, records and photographs, (b) Telegrams, telex, faxes and telephone calls,
(a) 打印、复制和购买文件、图纸、地图、记录和照片, (b) 电报、电传、传真和电话,

(c) Postage and delivery charges,
(c) 邮费和送货费,

(d) Travelling, hotel and similar expenses, (e) Room charges and
(d) 差旅费、酒店费和类似费用, (e) 房费和

(f) Charges by others for help in an adjudication Incurred by the Adjudicator for an adjudication.
(f) 他人协助裁决而收取的费用 裁决员因裁决而产生的费用。


1.5 In this Agreement, except where the context otherwise requires, words in the singular also mean in the plural and viceversa and words in the masculine also mean in the feminine and neuter.
1.5 在本协议中,除非上下文另有要求,单数词语也意味着复数,反之亦然,阳性词语也意味着阴性和中性。

1.6 This Agreement is governed by the laws of Malaysia applicable to Sarawak.
1.6 本协议受适用于砂拉越的马来西亚法律管辖。

1.7 If a conflict arises between this Agreement and the Contract between the Parties, then this Agreement prevails.
1.7 如果本协议与双方之间的合同发生冲突,则以本协议为准。

1.8 If as a result of the Contract between the Parties another party has become a party to a dispute which is to be decided by the Adjudicator, references to Parties in this Agreement are interpreted as including the other party.
1.8 如果由于双方之间的合同,另一方成为由仲裁员裁决的争议的一方,则本协议中提及的各方将被解释为包括另一方。


1.9 Any communication under and pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing in a form which can be read, copied and recorded and shall be in the English language.
1.9 根据本协议进行的任何通信均应采用可阅读、复制和记录的书面形式,并采用英语。

1.10 A communication shall be deemed effected when it is received at the last address notified by
1.10 当通信在最后通知的地址收到时,应视为已生效。

the recipient for receiving communications or, if none is notified, at the address of the recipient stated in this Agreement.

2.0 裁决

2.1 The Adjudicatorshall not decide any dispute that is the same or substantially the same as one that he or his predecessor has previously decided.
2.1 仲裁员不得裁决与其前任裁决相同或实质相同的任何争议。

2.2 The Parties shall co-operate with the Adjudicator and comply with any request or direction he makes in relation to the dispute.
2.2 双方应与仲裁员合作并遵守其就争议提出的任何请求或指示。

2.3 The Parties and the Adjudicatorshall keep the Adjudicator’s decision and information provided for an adjudication as confidential.
2.3 当事人和仲裁员应对仲裁员的决定和为仲裁提供的信息保密。

2.4 The Adjudicatorshall keep the documents provided to him by the Parties for a period of seven
2.4 仲裁员应将双方提供给他的文件保存七年

(7) years after a decision has beenrendered.
(7) 作出决定后的年限。

3.0 支付

3.1 The Party referring the disputeshall make an advanced payment to the Adjudicator in the sum of RM [insert] within one week of the date of the referral of the dispute.
3.1 提交争议的一方应在提交争议之日起一周内向仲裁员预付 RM [插入]。

3.2 After a decision has been rendered and/or upon the expiry or termination of this Agreement, the Adjudicator shall assess the amount due and shall issue an invoice to the Parties. Unless otherwise agreed, the Parties shall pay the Adjudicator the amount stated in such invoice in equal shares.
3.2 在做出决定后和/或在本协议期满或终止时,裁决员应评估应付金额并向双方开具发票。除非另有约定,双方应均等向仲裁员支付发票中注明的金额。

3.3 The invoiceshall include the following:
3.3 发票应包括以下内容:

(a) the Adjudicator’s fee of RM [insert] multiplied by the total of the time spent on an adjudication and the time spent travelling, plus
(a) 裁决员费用 RM [插入] 乘以裁决所花费的时间和旅行所花费的时间的总和,加上

(b) the expenses, less
(b) 费用,减去

(c) the amount of the advanced payment and other previous payments; and
(c) 预付款和其他先前付款的金额;和

(d) any taxes payable under law.
(d) 依法应缴纳的任何税款。


3.4 The Parties shall pay the amount due within three (3) weeks of receiving the Adjudicator’s invoice.
3.4 双方应在收到裁决员发票后三 (3) 周内支付应付款项。

3.5 Payments shall be in Ringgit Malaysia unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.
3.5 除非双方另有约定,付款应以马来西亚令吉进行。

3.6 If the Parties or anyone of them does not pay within the time set out in Clause 3.4, there shall be payable late payment interest. Such interest is assessed from the date by which such payment is due until the date such payment is actually made. Interest shall be calculated on a daily basis at [insert] and compounded annually.
3.6 如果双方或其中任何一方未在第 3.4 条规定的时间内付款,则应支付逾期付款利息。该利息从该付款到期之日起计算至实际付款之日。利息应按[插入]每日计算,并按年复利计算。

3.7 Nothing in this Agreementshall prevent one Party from making payment to the Adjudicator on behalf of any other Party(ies). In such event, the paying Party shall, in addition to reimbursement of such payments made, be entitled to claim late payment interest from such defaulting Party(ies) whom payment is made.
3.7 本协议中的任何内容均不得阻止一方代表任何其他方向仲裁员付款。在这种情况下,付款方除了偿还所支付的款项外,还应有权向付款的违约方索取逾期付款利息。

4.0 终止

4.1 The Parties shall be entitled to, by agreement and with [three (3)] days prior written notification to the Adjudicator, terminate the appointment of the Adjudicator for any reason.
4.1 双方均有权通过协议并提前[三 (3)] 天书面通知裁决员,以任何理由终止裁决员的任命。

4.2 The Adjudicatorshall be entitled, by notifying the Parties, terminate his appointment if: (a) he considers that he cannot act because of a conflict of interest,
4.2 如果出现以下情况,仲裁员有权通知双方终止其任命: (a) 仲裁员认为由于利益冲突而无法行事,

(b) he is unable to decide adispute,
(b) 他无法就争议作出决定,

(c) an advance payment has not been made, or
(c) 尚未支付预付款,或

(d) he has not been paid an amount due within five weeks of the date a payment is due.
(d) 在付款到期之日起五周内,他尚未收到应付款项。

4.3 The Adjudicator’s appointment shall terminate on [insert] unless otherwise terminated in accordance with this Agreement.
4.3 除非根据本协议另行终止,否则评审员的任命应于 ● [插入] 终止。


古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written.

被...签名 )

for and on behalf of )

) )

Appendix 7 – Dispute Adjudication Agreement


for and on behalf of

in the presence of:



) ) ) )






被...签名 )

for and on behalf of )

(Adjudicator) )




in the presence of:





古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)


APPENDIX 8 Integrity Pact
附录 8 诚信协议

Appendix 8 – Integrity Pact
附录 8 – 诚信协议


古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)









完全建成 (CBU) 的测试、调试和移交 五十五 (55)




Appendix 8 – Integrity Pact
附录 8 – 诚信协议


古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)


Article 1


a) SARAWAK METRO SDN. BHD. (Company No: 201801007738 (1269752-D)), a company
a) SARAWAK METRO SDNBHD (公司编号: 201801007738 (1269752-D)), 一家公司

incorporated in Malaysia and having its business address at Unit 16-01, Level 16, Gateway Kuching, No. 9, Jalan Bukit Mata Kuching, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer”);
在马来西亚注册成立,营业地址为Unit 16-01, Level 16, Gateway KuchingNo9, Jalan Bukit Mata Kuching, 93100 Kuching, SarawakMalaysia(以下简称“雇主”);


[Insert the name of the Bus Contractor and the company's registration number], a company incorporated in •[insert] and having its registered address at [insert the registered address of the Bus Contractor] (hereinafter referred to as the Bus Contractor);
•[插入巴士承包商的名称和公司注册号],一家在 •[插入] 注册成立的公司,其注册地址为 •[插入巴士承包商的注册地址](以下简称“巴士承包商”) ”);

The Employer and Bus Contractor are collectively referred to as the "Parties" and individually as the "Party".

Article 2


Whereas the State Government of Sarawak is desirous of implementing the Kuching Urban Transportation System (KUTS) Project (“Project”) for which the State Government has appointed Sarawak Metro Sdn. Bhd. to own, implement and manage the development of the same. Pursuant thereto, the Employer has
鉴于砂拉越州政府希望实施古晋城市交通系统(KUTS)项目(“项目”),州政府已指定 Sarawak Metro Sdn. Bhd. 拥有、实施和管理其开发。据此,雇主已

appointed ................................................................................ … .as the Bus Contractor for the
任命 ................................................ ...................................... … … … … … … 作为巴士承包商

implementation of the Project.

b) 鉴于客车承包商已被雇主指定承担“设计、工程、采购、制造、供应、交付、安装、测试和调试以及完全建成 (CBU) 五十五 (55) 辆公交车的移交”用于古晋城市交通系统(KUTS)项目开发的单层氢燃料电池支线巴士(H2B)”(以下简称“工程”)。

AND WHEREAS the Parties attach great importance in complying with relevant anti-bribery laws and legislations and hereby enter into this Pact (“Pact”) to give full effect to the same.

Appendix 8 – Integrity Pact
附录 8 – 诚信协议


古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS)


Article 3


In the implementation and execution of the Project, the Employer and the Bus Contractor agree to introduce appropriate measures necessary from time to time, to assist the Parties in creating awareness among their employees and agents in their efforts to comply with anti-bribery laws and legislations. These measures shall include but not be limited to the following:

(a) To introduce and promote awareness programs on the offense of corruption and bribery in collaboration with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC);
(a) 与马来西亚反腐败委员会(MACC)合作,推出和促进对腐败和贿赂犯罪的认识方案;

(b) To introduce compliance programs in respect of the relevant code of conduct rejecting the use of bribes
(b) 推出有关拒绝行贿行为守则的合规方案

and other unethical behaviour in discharging their responsibilities in the execution of the Project;

(c) To establish an independent auditing and monitoring system, which may be implemented through the internal auditor and/or the appointed external auditor.;
(c) 建立独立的审计和监督制度,该制度可通过内部审计师和/或指定的外部审计师实施;

(d) To impress the importance of disclosure of interest and/or conflict of interest among the PartiesBoard of Directors and Top Management;
(d) 向双方董事会和最高管理层强调披露利益和/或利益冲突的重要性;

(e) To place procedures and mechanisms on the prevention of corrupt practices by the Partiesemployees or agents as and when the circumstances requires and with each Party’sconcurrence.
(e) 根据情况需要并经各方同意,制定防止双方雇员或代理人腐败行为的程序和机制。

Article 4


The Parties hereby commit that the Parties and/or their respective employees and agents shall adhere to anti-bribery laws and legislations.

The Parties hereby commit and declare that the Parties and/or their respective employees and agents have not and shall not seek or receive any gratifications in relation to the Project.

The Parties hereby agree that in the event of the Parties’ employees or agents attempting to be involved in any corrupt practices in relation to the Project, the Parties shall promptly report the said action to the MACC
双方特此同意,如果双方的雇员或代理人试图参与与该项目有关的任何腐败行为,双方应立即向 MACC 报告上述行为

The Parties shall maintain a transparent internal accounting control system and shall disclose to each other any payment that has been made, is being made and intended to be made to agents, brokers or any other intermediaries in relation to the Project.

Article 5


The Parties hereby agree that in the event of the Parties that the Bus Contractor any through its employees or agents attempt to seek bribe or be involved in corrupt practices in the execution of the Project, the Bus Contractor can be terminated under the COC.
双方特此同意,如果双方认为公交车承包商通过其雇员或代理人试图行贿或在项目执行过程中参与腐败行为,则可根据 COC 终止公交车承包商的合同。

For avoidance of doubt, if any allegation of corrupt practices is made against the Bus Contractor, the same shall only be applicable subject to strict proof before the court of law.

Appendix 8 – Integrity Pact
附录 8 – 诚信协议

古晋城市交通系统 (KUTS) 第 1 卷 - 第 3 节氢燃料电池支线巴士招标文件 (H2B) 合同条件 (COC)

Article 6


Change and supplements to this Pact must be mutually made in writing.

The provision of this Pact shall remain in force until the completion of the Project.

This Pact is subject to the laws of Malaysia applicable to Sarawak and the Parties hereby declare that this Pact is made in good faith and to the best endeavours of the Parties.

The remainder of this page has been intentionally left blank
– 此页的其余部分已故意留空 –

Appendix 8 – Integrity Pact
附录 8 – 诚信协议

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written.

被...签名 )

for and on behalf of )

) )




被...签名 )

for and on behalf of )

) )




in the presence of:



被...签名 )

for and on behalf of )

(Adjudicator) )





in the presence of:


