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A Market Garden Renaissance

A Fresh Look at UK Fruit and Vegetable Supply

We need to produce more fruit and vegetables in the UK.
A bold policy is necessary to revitalise our edible horticulture sector, increase the resilience of domestic supply, improve sustainability, and attract a new generation of growers. The future could involve market gardens having a larger role in fresh produce production than they do at present, contributing to import substitution and stimulating the transition to net zero, nature-friendly and community-centred horticulture. Our vision includes the following:
  • Every city, town and village has access to a supply of fresh, organic fruit and vegetables, with at least 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% being produced either locally or regionally, and 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% produced in the UK.
    每个城市、城镇和村庄都能获得新鲜的有机水果和蔬菜供应,其中至少 60 % 60 % 60%60 \% 是当地或地区生产的, 80 % 80 % 80%80 \% 是英国生产的。
  • City box schemes and food hubs supplied directly via urban, peri-urban and rural hinterland producers (within 50-100 miles), supplemented by national, European and global produce from wholesalers (See the Food Zones diagram on the following page).
    通过城市、城郊和农村腹地生产商(50-100 英里范围内)直接供应城市盒装食品计划和食品枢纽,并由批发商提供全国、欧洲和全球产品作为补充(见下页食品区示意图)。
  • Direct sales and shorter farmer-focused supply chains would ensure that more of the shoppers pound goes to the grower, helping them invest in the future of their businesses.
  • Growers are at least net zero, if not carbon negative by several tonnes, through land management practices that build soil organic matter, maintenance of hedgerows and field margins and adoption of local, low carbon distribution systems.
  • They avoid pesticides and herbicides, and use biodiversity enhancing practices, such as nectar and seed forage cover crops and integration of
    他们避免使用杀虫剂和除草剂,并采用提高生物多样性的做法,如种植花蜜和种子饲料覆盖作物,以及将 "生物多样性 "与 "农业 "结合起来。

    wildlife habitat with cropped areas
  • Horticulture attracts young people and career changers due to its potential for fulfilling, skilled, environmentally and socially impactful livelihoods and vocational training.
  • Money is kept in the local economy, instead of being spent on imported produce. If just 1 % 1 % 1%1 \% of the £6.1 billion worth of F&V currently imported was produced in the UK, this would keep £ 61 £ 61 £61£ 61 million in local economies. Our aim of creating 1-3 food zones systems per city or London Borough and 1-5 market gardens per village or town would result in the substitution of 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% of imports, keeping £ 1.22 £ 1.22 £1.22£ 1.22 billion in the British economy.
    资金留在当地经济中,而不是花在进口产品上。如果目前进口的价值 61 亿英镑的食品和饮料中仅有 1 % 1 % 1%1 \% 英镑是在英国生产的,这将使 £ 61 £ 61 £61£ 61 百万英镑留在当地经济中。我们的目标是在每个城市或伦敦区建立 1-3 个食品区系统,在每个村庄或城镇建立 1-5 个市场花园,这样就可以替代 20 % 20 % 20%20 \% 进口产品,为英国经济保留 £ 1.22 £ 1.22 £1.22£ 1.22 亿英镑。
  • Widespread public access to horticulture through peri-urban farming and community supported agriculture inspires people to eat more fresh produce and make food choices that benefit the environment.
This vision aims to be complementary to, rather than in competition with, large scale production of vegetables and fruits. If everyone in the UK were to eat the recommended 5-7 portions of fruit and vegetables per day, we would need 10 , 856 , 497 15 , 199 , 096 10 , 856 , 497 15 , 199 , 096 10,856,497-15,199,09610,856,497-15,199,096 tonnes of vegetables and fruit. At present we only produce 3,124,500 tonnes. 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} We need the whole horticulture sector to act together with the Government to create and implement a joined up strategy to produce the fresh produce that we all need.
这一愿景旨在与大规模蔬菜和水果生产相辅相成,而不是相互竞争。如果英国每个人每天都吃推荐的 5-7 份水果和蔬菜,我们将需要 10 , 856 , 497 15 , 199 , 096 10 , 856 , 497 15 , 199 , 096 10,856,497-15,199,09610,856,497-15,199,096 吨蔬菜和水果。目前,我们只生产了 312.45 万吨。 2 2 ^(2){ }^{2} 我们需要整个园艺部门与政府一起行动,制定并实施一项联合战略,以生产我们都需要的新鲜产品。
Value of produce currently supplied from each zone for the Growing Communities Fruit and Vegetable Box Scheme
目前各区为 "成长社区果蔬盒计划 "供应的农产品价值

Zone 1: Urban
£6,729 (1%)
1 区:6 729 英镑 (1%)

Zone 2: Peri-urban 2 区:近郊区

£20,947 (5%)
Represents trade with 4-5 farmsZone 3: Rural hinterland
代表与 4-5 个农场的贸易Zone 3:农村腹地

£278,529 (60%)
Represents trade with 10 15 10 15 10-1510-15 farms
代表与 10 15 10 15 10-1510-15 农场的贸易额

Zone 4: National 第 4 区国家

£43,777 (9%)
Zone 5: Europe 第 5 区:欧洲
£94,457 (20%)
Zone 6: Further afield £21,396 (5%)
第 6 区:21 396 英镑 (5%)

Total: £ 465 , 386 £ 465 , 386 £465,386£ 465,386 共计: £ 465 , 386 £ 465 , 386 £465,386£ 465,386

The Food Zones model reflects principles developed from over 20 years of practical experience of running Growing Communities, a successful, community led trading scheme, which provides 1,600
食品区 "模式反映了从 20 多年来成功运作 "成长社区 "的实践经验中总结出的原则。

households in the London Borough of Hackney with fresh locally sourced vegetables and fruit.
The Food Zones model aims to show where our food might come from, if we are to meet the challenges of climate change and resource depletion, and represents a hierarchy of priorities. Ideally, at least 2.5 % 2.5 % 2.5%2.5 \% of produce would be grown in
如果我们要应对气候变化和资源枯竭的挑战,"粮食区 "模型旨在说明我们的粮食可以从哪里来。理想情况下,至少 2.5 % 2.5 % 2.5%2.5 \% 的农产品将在以下地区种植

home gardens, 5 % 5 % 5%5 \% in urban commercial gardens, 17.5 % 17.5 % 17.5%17.5 \% in peri-urban farms and 35 % 35 % 35%35 \% from the rural hinterland within a 100 mile radius of the city (or settlement). The model accepts that some produce will come from further afield and will be sourced by wholesalers who buy produce from growers in the rest of the UK (making up 20%), Europe (15%) and further afield (5%).
5 % 5 % 5%5 \% 来自家庭菜园, 5 % 5 % 5%5 \% 来自城市商业菜园, 17.5 % 17.5 % 17.5%17.5 \% 来自城市周边农场, 35 % 35 % 35%35 \% 来自城市(或居住区)方圆 100 英里内的农村腹地。该模式认为,有些农产品将来自更远的地方,由批发商采购,他们从英国其他地区(占 20%)、欧洲(占 15%)和更远的地方(占 5%)的种植者那里购买农产品。
This graphic illustrates the Food Zones Model, using the example of Growing Communities and showcases some of the producers who supply the scheme, and highlights the social, economic and environmental benefits they provide. Since 2019 Growing Communities has sourced much of its produce from its subsidiary, the Better Food Shed. The Better Food Shed is a not-for-profit warehouse and trading hub which enables food suppliers from outside London to deliver produce to a single drop-off point, from where it is then redistributed to nine box scheme providers across London, of which Growing Communities is the largest.
本图以 "成长社区 "为例说明了 "食品区模式",展示了为该计划供货的一些生产商,并强调了他们提供的社会、经济和环境效益。自 2019 年以来,"成长社区 "的大部分农产品都来自其子公司 "更好食品仓库"。Better Food Shed 是一个非营利性的仓库和交易中心,它使伦敦以外的食品供应商能够将农产品运送到一个单一的投放点,然后再从那里重新分配给伦敦的九个盒装食品计划供应商,"成长社区 "是其中最大的一个。

Zone 1 第 1 区

Patchwork Farm, Hackney 哈克尼世外桃源农场

  • Four growing sites totalling 300 square metres
    四个种植基地,共 300 平方米
  • Salad leaves and other high value crops, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, sold mainly via the Growing Communities scheme. qquad\qquad
    沙拉叶和其他高价值作物,如黄瓜、西红柿、豆类,主要通过 "成长社区 "计划销售。 qquad\qquad

    Some produce is sold at the farm gate.

    Previously underused spaces in council parks and on a housing estate have been transformed into beautiful gardens, containing raised beds, polytunnels and fruit trees.

    Patchwork Farm offers free, six month long traineeships and volunteering opportunities for the local community. qquad\qquad
    世外桃源农场为当地社区提供为期六个月的免费培训和志愿服务机会。 qquad\qquad

    Regular volunteering at urban or peri-urban farms brings significant benefits for mental and physical well-being.

Zone 3
Bagthorpe Farm, Norfolk
第 3 区 诺福克郡巴格索普农场

  • This 700 acre farm is the main supplier of onions and carrots to Growing Communities, and also supplies other national box schemes. Their light, free draining sandy loams are ideal for growing root crops.
    这个占地 700 英亩的农场是 "成长社区 "洋葱和胡萝卜的主要供应商,同时也供应其他国家的盒装计划。其轻质、排水通畅的沙质壤土非常适合种植根茎类作物。

    Soil fertility is maintained by long rotations, which integrate vegetable and arable crops with nitrogen fixing grass and clover-leys on which their herd of grass fed Aberdeen Angus cattle are grazed.
    通过长期轮作,将蔬菜和耕地作物与固氮草和苜蓿-leys 结合起来,保持土壤肥力。

Zone 2
Dagenham Farm,
East London
东伦敦达格纳姆农场 2 区

Since 2012, GC has been producing organic vegetables at this 1.7 acre council owned site in Dagenham. Previously a council plant nursery, the site has both a glasshouse and polytunnels, as weil as outdoor raised beds.
自 2012 年以来,GC 一直在达格纳姆占地 1.7 英亩的议会所有场地上生产有机蔬菜。该基地以前是议会的植物苗圃,拥有玻璃温室、多棚栽培室和室外高床。

A range of salad leaves, summer crops such as tomatoes, french beans and cucumbers, and winter. leafy crops are grown mainly to supply the Growing Communities scheme, but also for local markets, including a stall at the local tube station in some years. Dagenham Farm employs 2 FTE staff, and each year trains up new market gardeners.
农场种植了一系列沙拉叶、夏季作物(如西红柿、法国豆和黄瓜)和冬季叶菜类作物,主要供应 "成长社区 "计划,同时也供应当地市场,包括某些年份在当地地铁站摆摊。达格纳姆农场雇佣了两名全职员工,每年还培训新的市场园丁。

Extensive public outreach includes gardening and cooking sessions for local schools and colleges and others that benefit from time spent in a garden.

How are we going to get there?

What do we want national and local government to do?

We are already working in multiple areas, such as:
  • Training and skills, including accredited courses, incubator schemes and mentoring.
  • Land matching with private landowners and local authorities, and land co-operatives/ community land trusts (e.g. The Ecological Land Co-operative)
  • Connecting with Sustainable Food Places to enable collaboration between the existing local food partnerships and growers in the rural hinterland.
    与 "可持续食品区 "建立联系,使现有的地方食品合作伙伴与农村腹地的种植者开展合作。
  • Participating in the Fruit and Vegetable Alliance to build understanding about wider horticultural issues and push for a coherent and well funded horticulture strategy.

Challenges to overcome 需要克服的挑战

Current challenges demand a more rapid response than we are able to deliver without support. We can help achieve net zero, boost biodiversity and encourage people to eat more fruit and vegetables, but we face barriers including
  • Access to land, investment capital and training
  • Inadequate investment in trading infrastructure, such as warehouses, chiller units and distribution hubs to provide a significant alternative to the supermarket supply chain.
  • Most agroecological market gardens are excluded from E.L.M.S, due to being less than 5ha, meaning that despite delivering significant public goods they are unable to claim public money to contribute to costs.
    大多数生态农业市场花园由于小于 5 公顷而被排除在 E.L.M.S 之外,这意味着尽管它们提供了重要的公共产品,却无法申请公共资金来分担成本。
  • The current Fruit and Vegetable Aid scheme is only accessible to growers who are part of a Producer Organisation (P.O.), which requires members to sell 75 % 75 % 75%75 \% of their produce through the P.O. This excludes most agroecological market gardens who sell to a range of local markets.
    目前的水果和蔬菜援助计划只适用于属于生产者组织 (P.O.) 的种植者,该组织要求成员通过 P.O. 出售其产品 75 % 75 % 75%75 \%

    Supportive policies and financial help from the Government will help us achieve this faster, so we can contribute to net zero before it is too late.
  • Codesign the Fruit & Vegetable Aid scheme with us, so that it helps achieve our vision of a Food Zones Supply system in every city, and a CSA in every village and town, as well as enabling larger scale growers to survive and thrive.
    与我们共同设计果蔬援助计划,使其有助于实现我们的愿景,即在每个城市建立食品区供应系统,在每个村镇建立 CSA,并使更大规模的种植者能够生存和发展。
  • Horticulture E.L.M. scheme must be accessible to holdings of less than 5ha, and well enough funded to incentivise transition towards agroecological production. Helping CSAs and peri-urban farms cover the cost of public goods delivery will enable more to start up.
    园艺 E.L.M.计划必须向 5 公顷以下的土地开放,并提供充足的资金,以鼓励向生态农业生产过渡。帮助 CSA 和城郊农场支付公共产品交付成本,将使更多的农场得以启动。
Build capacity for peri-urban farming, close to where people live, by making public land available and providing infrastructure grants for start ups and scale ups.
  • Catalyse a dramatic increase in the number of new and scaling up growers, by building on the success of the New Entrant Support Scheme.
    在 "新进入者支持计划 "取得成功的基础上,促进新种植者和扩大规模种植者数量的大幅增加。
  • Make trading facilities and land available at local authority level in recognition of the multiple social, environmental and economic benefits delivered by food schemes operating according to food zones principles.

For more information on the Landworkers’ Alliance Horticulture Campaign please visit our website:


Growing Communities website:

More information on the Food Zones model can be found here:
有关 "食品区 "模式的更多信息,请点击此处:


Connect with us 与我们联系

Facebook: @landworkersalliance X: @LandworkersUK Instagram: @landworkersalliance
Facebook:@Landworkersalliance X:@LandworkersUK Instagram:@landworkersalliance
Website: landworkersalliance.org.uk Email: info@landworkersalliance.org.uk
网站:landworkersalliance.org.uk 电子邮件:info@landworkersalliance.org.uk

  1. 2 A Market Garden Renaissance: The Case for a Fruit and Vegetable Aid Scheme based on Food Zones Principles
    2 市场菜园的复兴:基于粮食区原则的果蔬援助计划案例
    1. Fruit and Vegetable Alliance (2023) ‘Cultivating Success’
      果蔬联盟(2023 年)"培育成功