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Safety Monitors in Hemodialysis 下载PDF
透析治療手冊,第 9 版,101-117 頁
Handbook of Dialysis Therapy, 9, 101-117
Hemodialysis monitors include machines, devices, protocols, and personnel. The major goal is to ensure patient safety during the hemodialysis procedure. All tasks that check, observe, keep track of, and control the hemodialysis treatment is monitoring procedures. These important tasks are too often lightly dismissed.
本章專注於液體輸送系統和體外循環系統,以及它們各自的監測設備、功能、位置、性能標準和管理。患者的監測和血液透析處方在透析前、透析中和透析後的內容在本書的其他部分中涵蓋。納入了由健康與人類服務部醫療補助和醫療保險服務中心(CMS)於 2008 年 10 月 3 日生效的末期腎病(ESRD)設施的覆蓋條件(CfCs)的一部分。修訂的法規更新了為透析患者提供安全、高品質護理的標準。關於透析液的具體法規(§494.40 條件:水和透析液質量)保持不變。首次針對透析液的法規包括混合、分配、標籤和使用。
This chapter focuses on the fluid delivery system and extracorporeal circuit, their respective monitoring devices, functions, locations, performance standards, and management. Monitoring of the patient and hemodialysis prescription pre, during, and post dialysis are covered in other sections of this book. Incorporated are parts of the Conditions of Coverage (CfCs) dictated by the Department of Health and Human Services Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS), effective October 3, 2008, for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) facilities. The revised regulations update standards for delivering safe, high-quality care to dialysis patients. Specific regulations regarding dialysate (§494.40 Condition: Water and Dialysate Quality) remain unchanged. First-time regulations specific for dialysate include mixing, distribution, labeling, and use.
定義與概述 Definitions and Overview
The fluid delivery system is commonly called “the machine.” The fluid delivery system prepares dialysate, a body temperature electrolyte solution. The dialysate flows through the dialysate compartment of the dialyzer, where dialysis occurs. A blood pump circulates the patient's blood through the extracorporeal circulation to the blood compartment of the dialyzer and back to the patient. The two major categories to monitor are the dialysate circuit and blood circuit.
The blood circuit consists of a blood tubing set (arterial and venous), blood side of the dialyzer, intravenous (IV) normal saline and administration line, and heparin syringe and infusion line.
The blood and dialysate are separate circuits that interface at the dialyzer membrane. The machine design must involve extensive monitoring of both circuits. Specific warning alarms must be initiated when the machine's preset limits are exceeded and/or an unsafe condition exists.
透析液 Dialysate Solution
透析液或透析液體是一種非無菌的水性電解質溶液,與細胞外液中正常的電解質水平(表 9.1)相似,唯一的例外是緩衝劑碳酸氫根和鉀。透析液幾乎是一種等滲溶液,通常的滲透壓約為 300 ± 20 毫滲透摩爾每升(mOsm/L)。為了確保病人安全並防止紅血球(RBC)因溶血或皺縮而破壞,透析液的滲透壓必須接近血漿的滲透壓。血漿的滲透壓為 280 ± 20 mOsm/L。透析液通常含有六種電解質:鈉(Na + )、鉀(K + )、鈣(Ca 2 + )、鎂(Mg 2 + )、氯(Cl – )和碳酸氫根(HCO 3 – )。第七種成分,非電解質葡萄糖或右旋糖,通常存在於透析液中。透析液中葡萄糖的濃度通常在 100 到 200 mg/dL 之間。新鮮製備的透析液在體外循環系統中不斷循環到透析器。透析液經過透析器單次通過後,排出的透析液會進入排水系統。
Dialysate solution or dialyzing fluid is a nonsterile aqueous electrolyte solution that is similar to the normal levels of electrolytes ( Table 9.1 ) found in extracellular fluid, with the exception of the buffer bicarbonate and potassium. Dialysate solution is almost an isotonic solution, with the usual osmolality of approximately 300 ± 20 milliosmoles per liter (mOsm/L). To ensure patient safety and prevent red blood cell (RBC) destruction by hemolysis or crenation, the osmolality of dialysate must be close to the osmolality of plasma. The osmolality of plasma is 280 ± 20 mOsm/L. Dialysate solution commonly contains six electrolytes: sodium (Na + ), potassium (K + ), calcium (Ca 2 + ), magnesium (Mg 2 + ), chloride (Cl – ), and bicarbonate (HCO 3 – ). A s). A seventh component, the nonelectrolyte glucose or dextrose, is invariably present in the dialysate. The dialysate concentration of glucose is commonly between 100 and 200 mg/dL. Freshly prepared dialysate solution circulates continuously to the dialyzer in the extracorporeal circuit. After making a single pass through the dialyzer, the effluent dialysate goes to the drain.
Comparison of Normal Blood Values and Dialysate Composition
From Pittard J, De Palma J. Dialysate Monograph . 1st ed. Glendale, CA: Hemodialysis, Inc.; 2013.
電解質 Electrolyte | 透析液濃度範圍 Dialysate Level Range | 正常血液值範圍 Normal Blood Value Range |
鈉 Sodium | 135–145 mEq/L | 135–145 mEq/L |
鉀 Potassium | 0–4 mEq/L | 3.5–5.5 mEq/L |
鈣 Calcium | 2.25–3.0 mEq/L | 4.5–5.5 mEq/L |
鎂 Magnesium | 0.5–1.0 mEq/L | 1.5–2.5 mEq/L |
氯化物 Chloride | 100–115 mEq/L | 95–105 mEq/L |
碳酸氫根 Bicarbonate | 30–40 mEq/L | 22–28 mEq/L |
非電解質 Nonelectrolyte | ||
葡萄糖 Dextrose | 0–200 毫克/分升 0–200 mg/dL | 80–120 毫克/分升 80–120 mg/dL |
液體輸送系統 Fluid Delivery System
The vast majority of dialysis facilities in the United States use single-patient fluid delivery systems. This type of equipment is self-contained, preparing the dialysate only for the individual machine. Some dialysis facilities use central delivery systems with central manufacture of dialysate. Although that system is more economical, it is less safe than the individual machines. The discussion will focus on single-patient machinery. A few safety issues unique to a central delivery system are explored as well.
Control Panel and Monitor Display
所有現代流體輸送系統都有一個前置控制面板(圖 9.1),通過該面板可以設置壓力和其他限制,並查看系統參數。控制面板和機器正面的顯示器將作為安全透析監測的必要部分,配備可聽和可視的警報。
All modern fluid delivery systems have a frontal control panel ( Fig. 9.1 ) by which pressure and other limits may be set and system parameters may be viewed. The control panel and monitor display on the face of the machine will have audible and visual warning alarms as a mandatory part of safe dialysis monitoring.
Control Panel and Monitor Display.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
監視器故障 Monitor Failure
機器監視器可以是機械操作或電氣操作,或兩者的結合。所有監視器都有可能失效。應該記住並接受墨菲定律(如果有任何事情可能出錯,它就會出錯)作為事實。墨菲定律歸因於 1950 年代在洛斯阿拉莫斯實驗室工作的工程師。這一陳述的真相可以重新表述為:“如果你能想到目前設備可能發生的災難,請立即採取必要的預防措施,否則它將會發生。”如果能夠訪問事故和事件報告,幾乎每一個可能的監視器故障都已經發生,並導致病人/工作人員受傷或死亡。
Machine monitors are either mechanically or electrically operated, or a combination of both. All monitors can fail. Murphy's Law (if anything can go wrong, it will) should be remembered and accepted as fact. Murphy's Law is attributed to an engineer working at the Los Alamos laboratories in the 1950s. The truth of this statement can be reworded to, “If you can think of a possible disaster with the present equipment, take the necessary precautionary steps immediately, or it will happen.” If one can access misadventure and incident reporting, virtually every possible projected failure of a monitor has occurred and has resulted in patient/staff injury or death.
失效安全,誤稱 Fail-Safe, a Misnomer
Machine monitors are frequently thought to be fail-safe devices, but they are not. A truly fail-safe device cannot be overridden to cause harm either by electronic or human intervention. By this narrow definition, there are no fail-safe dialysis machine monitors. Because all dialysis machine monitors can fail, they ought to be simple to operate and accurate—and should signal a warning when they are out of limits or not working properly. Any important factor requires dual monitoring: the machine monitor device and dialysis personnel. No machine, computer, or device can replace the continuous surveillance of the hemodialysis personnel.
透析液迴路 Dialysate Circuit
圖 9.2 顯示了透析液路徑的組件。透析液監測包括處方、成分(導電性和 pH 值)、溫度、流量、壓力、排出液、雜質的缺失(清潔和消毒劑)、潛在的致熱源以及微生物檢測。每個監測器或控制裝置按液體的通常流動順序進行討論,從水進口電磁閥到排出透析液的排水管。
Fig. 9.2 displays components of the dialysate fluid path. Dialysate monitoring includes prescription, composition (conductivity and pH), temperature, flow, pressure, effluent, absence of impurities (cleaning and disinfecting agents), potential pyrogenic agents, and microbiologic testing. Each monitor or control is discussed in order of the usual flow of fluid, from the water inlet solenoid valve to the effluent dialysate drain line.
Fluid Pathway Simplified.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
Why Discuss the Details of Dialysis Machinery?
Each dialysis treatment exposes the ESRD patient's blood to hundreds of liters of dialysate. The dialysate should be of pharmaceutical grade, as dialysate is the equivalent of an IV solution. The machinery that manufactures dialysate can silently and quickly cause a patient serious injury or death because of contaminants or incorrect solute concentration. Even more distressing, if the machinery manufactures a substantially hypotonic fluid, but at a concentration that does not cause hemolysis, the patient may rapidly develop water intoxication, cerebral edema, seizures, and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema—signs and symptoms that the dialysis staff can easily misinterpret as requiring more ultrafiltration and more dialysis!
目前的治療使用血流速率為 300 至 450 mL/min,整個病人的循環血液可能在不到 15 分鐘的時間內暴露於有毒化學物質或溶血狀態。即使在死後檢查中,死亡也可能迅速發生且原因未被診斷。所討論的每個透析液回路組件,如果發生故障,可能會引起溶血。
With current therapy using blood flow rates of 300 to 450 mL/min, the entire patient's circulating blood may be exposed to toxic chemicals or a hemolytic state in less than 15 minutes. Death can be both swift and the cause undiagnosed, even with postmortem examination. Each component of the dialysate circuit discussed, if it malfunctions, may induce hemolysis.
水進口電磁閥 Water Inlet Solenoid
水進口電磁閥在主電源開關啟動時允許處理過的水流入透析機,當主電源關閉時則停止水流。處理過的水通過水進口閥進入機器,水壓通常在 20 到 105 磅每平方英寸(psi)之間。血液透析所用的處理水必須符合醫療儀器協會(AAMI)的標準。並非所有機器都有水進口電磁閥。在未啟動機器主電源開關的情況下允許水流入機器,可能會導致該部分流體通道中細菌滋生的問題。
The water inlet solenoid permits the flow of treated water into the dialysis machine when the main power switch is activated and stops the flow when the main power is turned off. Treated water enters the machine via a water inlet valve with water pressure usually between 20 and 105 pounds per square inch (psi). The treated water for hemodialysis must meet the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) standards. Not all machines have a water inlet solenoid. Allowing water to flow into the machine without activating the machine's main power switch can cause problems with bacterial buildup in that portion of the fluid pathway.
電磁閥監控 Solenoid Monitoring
The inlet water pressure can be measured using a dial-type manometer. This mechanism may malfunction or leak in the on or off position. There are neither published performance standards nor standard alarms for this device. Many machines have a continuous audible warning alarm to alert the staff of problems. If an alarm condition exists that indicates inadequate water flow or pressure, its role may be to prevent water from being overheated by the water heater. Overheated dialysate causes gross hemolysis.
透析液溫度 Dialysate Temperature
A heater raises the temperature of the incoming water to approximately body temperature. Heating partially degasses the cold water, which improves the mixing of water and dialysate concentrate. A thermistor feedback circuit usually controls the electrical heating elements. The heater may have a coarse adjustment control inside the machine and a fine adjustment control on the front panel. There may be a simple bimetallic dial thermometer within some machines that, though not alarmed, provides visual observation of its function.
透析液的溫度通常在整個透析治療過程中維持在 37°C 到 38°C(98.6°F 到 100.4°F)之間,儘管最近的研究表明,稍低的透析液溫度(在可耐受範圍內)可能是有益的,並且能更好地維持透析過程中的心血管穩定性。內部溫度傳感器(圖 9.3)持續監測透析液的溫度。在某些情況下,實際的溫度讀數會顯示在機器的前面板上。其他機器的前面板上有燈光指示警報狀態。大多數液體輸送機器都有高溫和低溫監測警報。一些舊型號的機器只有高溫警報。如果高或低的內部溫度超過預設的內部限制,將會產生三個動作:可聽見的警報、可視的警報和旁路模式的啟動。
The dialysate temperature is usually maintained between 37°C and 38°C (98.6°F and 100.4°F) throughout the dialysis treatment although recent research has suggested that somewhat lower dialysate temperature, as tolerated, may be beneficial and better maintain intradialytic cardiovascular stability. An internal temperature sensor ( Fig. 9.3 ) monitors the dialysate temperature continuously. In some cases, the actual temperature reading is displayed on the front panel of the machine. Other machines have lights on the front panel that indicates an alarm condition. Most fluid-delivery machines have high- and low-temperature monitor alarms. Some older-model machines have only high-temperature alarms. If the high or low internal temperatures exceed the preset internal limits, three actions result: an audible alarm, a visual alarm, and activation of the bypass mode.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
Heater and Temperature Monitoring
內部工廠設置的控制應將透析液溫度限制在 33°C(92°F)至 39°C(102°F)之間。機器前面板上的微調控制旋鈕不應能夠覆蓋此設置。
Internal, factory-set, controls should limit dialysate temperature to between 33°C (92°F) and 39°C (102°F). The fine adjustment control knob on the front panel of the machine should not be capable of overriding this setting.
溫度高於 106°F
Temperatures Greater Than 106°F
高透析液溫度的常見原因要麼是故障的水加熱器與溫度控制器,要麼是水流限制。內部高限應設置在不高於 41°C(105.8°F)。正常紅血球在 42°C 時開始溶血。過熱的透析液已知會引發心臟心律不整。
The usual causes of high dialysate temperature are either a malfunctioning water heater with a temperature controller or a water flow restriction. The high internal limit should be set no higher than 41°C (105.8°F). Normal RBCs begin to hemolyze at 42°C. Overheated dialysate has been known to precipitate cardiac arrhythmias.
儘管在透析過程中,透析液溫度的提高確實能增加擴散效率,但在沒有優良電子溫度監測的情況下,這是一種危險的提高透析效率的方法。在任何情況下,高限不應調整至 41°C 以上。文獻中的幾篇文章建議上限設置為 42°C(107.6°F),這可能過高,並可能導致溶血。應該記住,尿毒症紅血球在滲透壓上更脆弱,且其半衰期比正常紅血球短。合理的假設是,這些尿毒症紅血球對所有機械和熱源造成的創傷比正常紅血球更敏感。
Although it is true that the efficiency of diffusion during dialysis is increased with increased dialysate temperature, without excellent electronic temperature monitoring, this is a dangerous way to increase dialysis efficiency. Under no circumstances should the high limit be adjusted above 41°C. Several articles in the literature suggest that the upper limits be set at 42°C (107.6°F), which is probably too high and may cause hemolysis. It should be remembered that uremic RBCs are more osmotically fragile and have a shorter half-life than normal RBCs. It is reasonable to assume that these uremic RBCs are more sensitive to all mechanical and thermal causes of trauma than normal RBCs.
低於 98.6°F 的溫度
Temperatures Less Than 98.6°F
一些腎臟科醫生使用較低溫的透析液,認為這可以促進對高超濾的血壓反應更穩定。如果使用低溫透析液,則每降低 3°F(約 1.67°C)需將總透析時間增加約 8%,因為這是隨著溫度降低而理論上導致的擴散性損失。低透析液溫度可能會引起靜脈血管痙攣,並使得無法通過人工腎臟獲得最大血流量。
Some nephrologists use lower-temperature dialysate in the belief that this promotes a more stable blood pressure response to high ultrafiltration. If low-temperature dialysate is used, the total dialysis time needs to be increased by about 8% for every 3°C below 98.6°F, as that is the theoretical loss in diffusivity with temperature decrease. Low dialysate temperatures may induce venous vessel spasms and make it impossible to obtain maximum blood flows through the artificial kidney.
當透析液溫度低於 98.6°F 時,患者可能會抱怨感到寒冷,要求毛毯,並且有些人會實際顫抖以試圖提高他們的核心體溫。如果溫度過低,可能會觀察到冠狀血管疾病患者心臟刺激性增加。
With dialysate temperatures below 98.6°F, patients may complain of being cold, ask for a blanket, and some will actually shiver in an attempt to increase their core body temperature. An increase in cardiac irritability in patients with coronary vessel disease may be observed if temperatures are too low.
去氣系統 Deaeration System
去氣系統通過將水暴露於由真空泵產生的亞大氣壓下來去除溶解氣體。氣體聚集,形成氣泡,並通過氣泡捕集器排放到大氣中。在透析液中不當或不足的溶解氣體去除可能是幾種嚴重透析問題的隱藏原因,包括虛假的血液洩漏警報、虛假的導電性警報、干擾體積控制功能,以及因氣泡被困在透析器膜上而降低的透析效率,這會減少功能性透析器的表面積。據報導,從透析液流入血液的微氣泡會在心臟的右心房聚集,並在不觸發氣泡檢測器警報的情況下引起空氣栓塞。在滴球腔中可能還會看到誇張的起泡和血液凝塊,微小的血塊被帶到右心房。相當多的成年人可能有潛在的卵圓孔。如果肺動脈壓力增加,卵圓孔可以將血液從右心房分流到左心房。這可能導致這些小血塊轉移到左心並引起腦栓塞。 這組情況已經發生,並被稱為矛盾性栓塞,可能會被誤診為短暫性缺血發作(TIA)或其他血管損傷,而非栓塞現象。
The deaeration system removes dissolved gases by exposing water to subatmospheric pressures generated by a vacuum pump. The gases coalesce, form bubbles, and are vented to the atmosphere by a bubble trap. Improper or inadequate removal of dissolved gases in dialysate can be a hidden cause of several serious dialysis problems, including false blood-leak alarms, false conductivity alarms, interference with volumetric control function, and decreased dialysis efficiency by air bubbles trapped on the dialyzer membrane that reduces functional dialyzer surface area. Microbubbles streaming from dialysate into blood have been reported to collect in the right atrium of the heart and cause air embolism without triggering an air-foam detector alarm. Exaggerated frothing and blood clotting in the drip bulb chamber with minute blood clots being carried to the right atrium may also be seen. A substantial number of all adults have a potentially patent foramen ovale. If the pulmonary artery pressure increases, the foramen ovale can shunt blood from the right to the left atrium. This can result in a transfer of these small clots into the left heart and result in cerebral embolism. This set of conditions has occurred and is known as paradoxical embolism, which can be misdiagnosed as a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or other vascular insult and not embolic phenomenon.
Deaeration System Monitoring
Frequent false blood-leak alarms or rapid fluctuations in conductivity can indicate a malfunction of the vacuum pump. The machine should be removed from service and undergo maintenance. If the dialysate inflow and/or outflow lines are not correctly attached to the dialyzer, air can be pulled into the system. Proper technique by the dialysis staff who set up the dialysis machinery prior to dialysis and who secure the quick disconnects of the dialysate lines on the dialyzer dialysate ports will prevent this problem.
混合裝置 Mixing Device
The mixing device, also known as the proportioning system, proportions treated water and dialysate concentrate to create dialysate of the correct ionic concentration. The proportioning system ratio depends on the type of dialysate concentrate used and the type of fluid delivery system. Typical mixing ratios of water to dialysate concentrate are
- • 34:1 或 44:1 用於酸濃縮液
•34:1 or 44:1 for acid concentrate
- • 20:1 或 25:1 的碳酸氫鈉濃縮液
•20:1 or 25:1 for bicarbonate concentrate
處理水和透析液濃縮液的供應產生的透析液流速介於 500 至 1000 mL/min 之間。兩種基本的比例系統是固定比例混合和伺服控制混合。
The supply of treated water and dialysate concentrate generates dialysate flow rates between 500 and 1000 mL/min. The two basic types of proportioning systems are fixed-ratio mixing and servo-controlled mixing.
Fixed-ratio mixing uses diaphragms or piston pumps to deliver a set volume of water and concentrate to the mixing chamber. Servo-controlled mechanisms continuously monitor the dialysate composition with conductivity sensors that adjust the amount of concentrate mixed with water to maintain a variable or set composition.
在通過伺服控制機制添加濃縮液,直到透析液達到所需導電率的機器中,第二個獨立的導電率和 pH 監測器必須在導電率不正確時發出警報。如果酸和碳酸氫鹽的輸入被顛倒,或者如果錯誤的濃縮液用於碳酸氫鹽機器,伺服迴路可能會製造出具有可接受離子強度(正確導電率)但致命離子組成的溶液。在這種情況下,pH 監測器或濃縮泵速度監測器變得至關重要。然而,並非所有機器都配備 pH 監測器,這一致命事件將無法被診斷。
In machines that add concentrate by a servo-controlled mechanism until the dialysate reaches a desired conductivity, a second independent conductivity and pH monitor must cause an alarm if the conductivity is incorrect. If acid and bicarbonate inputs are reversed, or if the wrong concentrates are used for a bicarbonate machine, the servo loops may make a solution of acceptable ionic strength (correct conductivity) but of lethal ionic composition. In this case, the pH monitor or concentrate pump speed monitor becomes critical. However, not all machines are equipped with pH monitors, and this deadly event will not be diagnosed.
混合裝置監控 Mixing Device Monitoring
導電率和 pH 監測器將通過固定比例配比系統驗證混合是否適當。使用伺服控制機制的設備需要一支勤奮且受過訓練的工作人員,以確保適當的透析液濃縮液連接到機器上的正確濃縮液管線。
The conductivity and pH monitor will verify proper mixing with a fixed-ratio proportioning system. Equipment using servo-controlled mechanisms requires a diligent and trained staff to ensure that the proper dialysate concentrate is attached to the proper concentrate lines on the machine.
Composition and Conductivity of Dialysate
Analysis of the dialysate for the proper composition is necessary after it has been mixed, and prior to exposing it to the dialyzer and patient. All modern fluid delivery systems have conductivity cells and meters. Total conductivity of dialysate is measured as a simple assessment and surrogate for dialysate ionic content. A conductivity cell is connected to a meter that displays the total ionic concentration of dialysate. Conductivity cells should be made of high-quality, corrosion-resistant materials. The conductivity of an electrolyte solution increases as the temperature increases. Conductivity cells used to monitor dialysate must be temperature compensated.
測量導電性 Measuring Conductivity
在透析中,導電率通常使用雙電極系統進行測量。電極連接到恆定電流和安培計(圖 9.4)。電流通過電極之間的溶液。安培計測量通過電極之間溶液的電流流動(電阻的倒數)。導電率的測量是透析液中總離子含量的估算,並不測量或反映特定的離子或電解質。
In dialysis, conductivity is usually measured using a two-electrode system. The electrodes are connected to a constant current and an ammeter ( Fig. 9.4 ). An electric current is passed through the solution between the electrodes. The ammeter measures the flow of current (the inverse of electrical resistance) that passes through the solution between the electrodes. The conductivity measurement is an estimate of the total ionic content of the dialysate and does not measure or reflect specific ions or electrolytes.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
導電率計以毫摩每公分(mmhos/cm)或毫西門子每公分(mS/cm)讀取導電率。標準透析液的可接受範圍為 12.5–16.0 mS/cm。一些設施更喜歡更嚴格的範圍,13.0–15.5 mS/cm。該範圍因設施而異,取決於所使用的透析液配方。
The conductivity meters read the conductivity in millimhos per centimeter (mmhos/cm) or milliSiemens per centimeter (mS/cm). A range of 12.5–16.0 mS/cm is acceptable for a standard dialysate solution. Some facilities prefer a tighter range, 13.0–15.5 mS/cm. The range varies slightly from facility to facility, depending on the dialysate formula in use.
監測導電率 Monitoring Conductivity
透析機上的導電率計設有外部和內部限制。一些機器可能設有三個內部導電率傳感器,分別在不同的控制間隔內進行設置。導電率或透析液的離子組成是如此重要,以至於這種監測冗餘成為防止單一監測器故障的常識性保障。最近的容忍內部高低限制設置為± 5%;最後一組導電率監測可能設置為正常導電率的 50%。如果前兩個監測器失效,患者在未觸發任何警報的情況下,將會接受大量的低滲透透析液輸注。由於不同的離子混合物具有不同的導電率,因此透析液配方必須確定既定的導電率設置。
Conductivity meters on dialysis machines have external and internal limits set. Some machines may have three internal conductivity sensors set at different intervals of control. The conductivity, or dialysate ionic composition, is so important that this monitoring redundancy is a commonsense safeguard against single-monitor failure. The closest tolerance internal high-low limits are set at ± 5%; the last set of conductivity monitoring may be set at 50% of normal conductivity. If the first two monitors fail, the patient, without any alarms being triggered, will receive a massive infusion of hypotonic dialysate. Because different mixtures of ions have different conductivities, it is mandatory that the dialysate formulas determine the established conductivity setting.
It is now mandatory to perform and document an independent conductivity test prior to preparing the dialyzer for patient use and before the dialysis treatment is initiated. There are several methods available to perform an independent analysis of the machine's conductivity. The most common method is to use a portable conductivity meter that measures the total conductivity. Laboratory analysis that measures each electrolyte level can also be done.
When using independent analysis, be sure the reference conductivity meter is calibrated accurately prior to use. All standard solutions should be fresh and render acceptable readings.
If independent verification of the dialysate conductivity does not validate the conductivity meter, do not dialyze the patient with that machinery. A complete resolution of the problem is necessary before dialysis. Failure to resolve a problem prior to dialysis will only invite a potential disaster. It is best to bring in another dialysis machine and start over.
All facilities must have an established acceptable conductivity range, and this range must be publicly posted. Any deviation in the conductivity limits set should cause a conductivity alarm. A conductivity alarm causes three actions on the dialysis machine: an audible alarm, a visual alarm, and activation of the bypass system.
The bypass system diverts the dialysate to the drain before it can enter the dialysate inflow line leading to the dialyzer. Thus, exposure of the patient's blood in the dialyzer to an incorrect or unsafe dialysate composition is avoided.
No Intradialytic Conductivity Adjustments
Only a qualified and trained machine technician should adjust the external or internal conductivity limits. Under no circumstances should they be adjusted during the dialysis treatment. They must be properly adjusted and preset before the dialysis treatment. Serious and fatal accidents have occurred as a result of improper adjustments of the conductivity limits.
低導電性 Low Conductivity
低導電率警報是最常見的導電率警報類型(圖 9.5)。通常的原因是酸和碳酸氫鹽濃縮容器中缺乏濃縮液。低導電率警報很少是由於透析液濃縮不正確所引起的。
A low-conductivity alarm is the most common type of conductivity alarm ( Fig. 9.5 ). The usual cause is a lack of concentrate in one or both acid and bicarbonate concentrate containers. Rarely, a low-conductivity alarm is due to incorrect dialysate concentrate.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
If the internal or external low-conductivity limits are not adjusted properly and/or the machine does not go into the bypass mode, the patient's blood is exposed to hypotonic dialysate. Exposure to hypotonic dialysate can be fatal within a few minutes. Hypotonic dialysate causes a hypoosmolar state, and even without acute hemolysis, water intoxication can occur, which can also be lethal.
Low-Conductivity Monitoring
There must be an adequate amount of dialysate concentrate in the container(s) before starting dialysis. Dialysis staff should not rely on the conductivity meter to monitor dialysate concentrate supplies.
True, if the dialysis machine goes into bypass mode, there is no harm to the patient. But, when the dialysis machine is in the bypass mode, no dialysis is taking place and the time lost on dialysis is rarely, if ever, made up with a longer dialysis time the next dialysis session. If one accepts that the average dialysis in the United States comprises not the maximal amount of dialysis time, but probably the minimal amount of dialysis time, placing the dialysis machinery in bypass routinely will shorten the patient's life span.
Most new model fluid-delivery machines have timers that stop with a dialysate circuit alarm. This ensures that the patient receives their allocated time on dialysis.
高導電性 High Conductivity
高導電性警報(圖 9.6)可能是由於供應系統的水流不足、未經處理的進水中鈣含量過高,或透析液濃縮液與透析機的連接不正確(如果使用伺服控制機制)以及鈉建模所致。新型流體輸送系統在連接不正確的情況下不會進入導電狀態。
High-conductivity alarms ( Fig. 9.6 ) can result from inadequate water flow to the proportioning system, untreated incoming water with an excess of calcium, or incorrect hook-up of dialysate concentrate to the dialysis machine (if using servo-controlled mechanisms) and sodium modeling. Newer-model fluid delivery systems will not go into conductivity with incorrect hook-ups.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
With older machines, a common, serious cause of high conductivity occurs when two acid concentrate containers are connected to the dialysis machine instead of one acid container to the acid port and one bicarbonate container to the bicarbonate port. If the dialysis machine goes into bypass mode, there is no harm to the patient. However, if the internal or external high-conductivity limits have not been set correctly, the patient's blood is exposed to hypertonic dialysate and possibly hyperosmolar coma.
New model fluid-delivery systems have anautomatic built-in adjustment of conductivity limits for sodium variation, which causes an increase in conductivity. If sodium variation is done incorrectly, the patient will leave the dialysis thirsty, in a hyperosmolar state, and attempt to relieve that thirst with free water. This will result in a marked expansion of their extracellular volume (ECV), and possibly malignant hypertension.
High-Conductivity Monitoring
If a conductivity alarm occurs during the dialysis treatment, the bypass mode is activated. While correcting the alarm condition, the dialysis staff must not adjust the external or internal conductivity limits. Adjusting the conductivity limits during an alarm condition overrides the bypass mode and endangers the patient's life. If the alarm situation cannot be corrected, the treatment must be stopped, and the patient moved to another dialysis machine.
酸鹼(pH)控制 Acid–Base (pH) Control
較新型的液體輸送系統在 pH 值過高或過低時不會進入導電狀態。然而,大多數透析診所會在每次透析前進行獨立的 pH 測試。使用碳酸氫鈉透析液的液體輸送機可能會有或沒有 pH 監測器。前面板的透析顯示器上可能有一個 pH 計,當發生警報狀況時,燈會亮起。
Newer-model fluid-delivery systems will not go into conductivity if the pH is too high or too low. However, the majority of dialysis clinics perform independent pH tests before each dialysis. Fluid delivery machines using bicarbonate dialysate may or may not have pH monitors. There may be a pH meter on the front panel dialysis display with lights that activate when an alarm condition occurs.
Monitoring Acid–Base (pH)
透析液的 pH 值通常通過使用 pH 試紙條或碳酸氫鹽 pH 試紙條來檢查。使用 pH 試紙條時,將浸泡在透析液中的試紙條的顏色變化與各種 pH 值的顏色列表進行比較。碳酸氫鹽 pH 試紙條通過將指示墊與瓶標籤上的顏色圖表進行比較來解釋結果。測試結果的可接受範圍為 pH 7.5 ± 0.5(7.0–8.0)。如果 pH 值低於或高於可接受的範圍,而導電率計在可接受範圍內,則不應進行透析。在開始透析之前,pH 值和導電率必須在可接受範圍內。
The pH of dialysate is commonly checked by use of a pH paper test strip or bicarbonate pH test strips. With the pH paper test strips, the color change of the dialysate-soaked test strip is compared with a list of colors for various pH values. The bicarbonate pH test strips interpret the results by comparing the indicator pad to the color chart on the bottle label. Acceptable range for test results is a pH of 7.5 ± 0.5 (7.0–8.0). If the pH is below or above the acceptable limits and the conductivity meter is within acceptable limits, the dialysis should not be carried out. Both the pH and conductivity must be within acceptable limits before initiating dialysis.
繞道系統 Bypass System
旁路系統將透析液(圖 9.7)直接引導至排水管,避免病人的血液接觸到不安全的透析液。透析液旁路閥位於進入透析器的透析液回路中,會因高/低導電率、高/低 pH 值或高/低溫度而啟動。透析人員必須確認並檢查旁路閥是否將透析液引導至排水管。
The bypass system diverts dialysate ( Fig. 9.7 ) directly to the drain away from the dialyzer to avoid exposure of the patient's blood to unsafe dialysate. The dialysate bypass valve, located in the incoming dialysate circuit predialyzer, is activated by high/low conductivity, high/low pH, or high/low temperature. It is imperative to have the dialysis staff verify and check that the bypass valve diverts the dialysate to drain.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
旁路系統監控 Bypass System Monitoring
There is no monitor for bypass system failure or function on most machines. A light on the front panel of the machine indicates when the machine is in the bypass mode. Also, an audible alarm usually occurs. If there is a float located in the dialysate inflow line, indicating flow, the float will drop to the bottom of the indicator. There usually is a manually operated control to initiate the bypass mode. Failure of the bypass valve during dialysis is a critical and dangerous situation.
沖洗模式 Rinse Mode
The rinse mode on dialysis machines overrides the bypass system. It allows rinsing and disinfection of the entire fluid pathway. It should never be activated while a patient is on dialysis. In new-model machines, the blood pump cannot be activated when the machine is in rinse mode.
Dialysate Pressure Monitor
透析液壓力監測器監測超濾壓力。這是透析治療的一個關鍵功能,確保從患者身體中準確且安全地去除液體。調節患者超濾的一種方法是應用跨膜壓力(TMP)。較新的機器型號具有超濾/體積控制電路。透析人員設定所需液體去除的目標,設定透析的持續時間,並啟動超濾控制模式。機器將自動計算並應用所需的 TMP,以實現所需的超濾。
The dialysate pressure monitor monitors ultrafiltration pressures. It is a critical function of dialysis therapy that ensures accurate and safe fluid removal from the patient. One method to regulate the patient's ultrafiltration is by application of transmembrane pressure (TMP). Newer machine models have ultrafiltration/volumetric control circuits. The dialysis personnel set the goal for the desired fluid removal, set the duration of dialysis, and activate the ultrafiltration control mode. The machine will automatically calculate and apply the required TMP to achieve the desired ultrafiltration.
體積控制系統具有不同的設計特徵。一種常見的設計使用平衡腔來精確測量進入和離開透析器的液體體積。這些機器自動調整 TMP。體積控制系統使用匹配的泵,通常是隔膜泵。泵由閥門控制,並在透析液的比例後進行整合。位於平衡腔上下的閥門開啟和關閉,以引導新鮮和使用過的透析液流動。新鮮透析液被推送出去進行透析,而使用過的透析液則被推送出去排放。這兩個腔體交替功能,創造出穩定的新鮮透析液流。該系統是一個封閉循環,兩個腔體完全平衡。空氣在分離腔中從使用過的透析液中去除,以確保準確測量。
Volumetric control systems have different design features. A common design uses balancing chambers to precisely measure fluid volume entering and leaving the dialyzer. These machines automatically adjust the TMP. Volumetric control systems use matched pumps, usually diaphragm pumps. The pumps are controlled by valves and are integrated after proportioning of dialysate. Valves located above and below the balancing chambers open and close to direct the flow of fresh and used dialysate. Fresh dialysate is pushed out to dialyze, whereas used dialysate is pushed out to drain. The two chambers alternate functions, creating a constant flow of fresh dialysate. The system is a closed loop with both chambers exactly balanced. Air is removed from the used dialysate in a separation chamber to ensure accurate measurement.
It is recommended that a pressure-holding test be performed predialysis to ensure proper functioning of matched pumps and appropriate sealing of the valve. This tests the integrity of the diaphragms to ensure that they are free from defects or flaws. Bad valve seals can cause inaccurate ultrafiltration that is potentially catastrophic with high-flux dialyzers. These tests can be performed manually or automatically, depending on the machine model.
血液洩漏探測器 Blood-Leak Detector
這個監測器的功能是通過過濾或未過濾的光線穿過已經從透析器排出的廢液透析液的柱子(圖 9.8)。透析器膜的撕裂或漏水會導致紅血球漏入透析液中,從而中斷光線傳輸。機器對血液洩漏警報的反應包括發出可聽見的警報、可視警報、血液泵停止運作,以及靜脈管夾緊閉。
This monitor functions by transmitting filtered or unfiltered light through a column of effluent dialysate that has exited the dialyzer ( Fig. 9.8 ). Tears or leaks in the dialyzer membrane cause RBCs to leak into the dialysate, interrupting the light transmission. The machine response to a blood leak alarm is an audible alarm, a visual alarm, the blood pump stops, and the venous line clamp engages.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
建議將血液洩漏檢測閾值設置為每升透析液 0.25–0.35 毫升全血。假血液洩漏警報可能是由於路徑中存在氣泡或光學鏡頭模糊或髒污所引起的。
It is recommended to have a blood-leak detection threshold set at 0.25–0.35 mL of whole blood per liter of dialysate. False blood-leak alarms can be caused by the presence of air bubbles in the path or by cloudy or dirty optical lenses.
Blood-Leak Detector Monitoring
如果機器顯示此警報,必須在透析液排水管線上進行即時 Hemastix(苯二胺測試條)檢測。Hemastix 測試呈陽性表示有血液洩漏。如果 Hemastix 測試呈弱陽性且患者使用的是中空纖維透析器,則可以密切監測患者,觀察透析液的流出是否有增加的混濁度(表示有氣泡或紅血球),並等待幾分鐘。洩漏的纖維可能會自行密封或凝塊。在此期間,移除超濾,降低血流速率,並以一對一的比例照顧患者。如果患者無法持續監測,則應更換透析器。
If the machinery indicates this alarm, a stat Hemastix (benzidine test strip) must be taken at the dialysate drain line. A positive Hemastix test indicates a blood leak. If the Hemastix is weakly positive and the patient is on a hollow-fiber dialyzer, it is possible to closely monitor the patient, observe the dialysate outflow for increased turbidity (indicates air bubbles or RBCs), and wait a few minutes. The leaking fibers may seal or clot off. During this time, remove the ultrafiltration, decrease the blood flow rate, and attend the patient on a one-to-one ratio. If the patient cannot be continuously monitored, the dialyzer should be replaced.
如果重複的 Hemastix 測試結果為陰性,可以繼續透析。如果血液洩漏警報持續響起或在透析液管路中可見血液,則應停止透析,並根據單位協議更換透析器。透析器應予以丟棄。
If the repeat Hemastix is negative, dialysis can be continued. If the blood-leak alarm continues or if blood is visible in the dialysate lines, the dialysis should be stopped, and the dialyzer changed per unit protocol. The dialyzer should be discarded.
After a blood leak, it is important to clean the optical path of the blood leak detector. Always maintain a narrow range of sensitivity. Do not dialyze a patient with a faulty blood-leak detector. A major blood leak can be fatal.
透析液流量 Dialysate Flow
透析液流速可以預設或調整。傳統透析器的通常透析液流速最低為 500 mL/min。對於高效能和高通量透析器,通常為 700–800 mL/min。使用高血流速與高效能或高通量透析器時,若透析液流速低於血流速的 1.5 倍,則會適得其反,並提供低效的透析。足夠的透析液流速對於有效的透析至關重要。
The dialysate flow rates may be preset or adjustable. The usual dialysate flow rate for conventional dialyzers is a minimum of 500 mL/min. For high-efficiency and high-flux dialyzers, it is usually 700–800 mL/min. It is counterproductive and provides an inefficient dialysis to use high blood flow rates with high efficiency or high-flux dialyzer with a dialysate flow of less than one and one-half the blood flow rate. Adequate dialysate flow is essential for efficient dialysis.
Dialysate Flow Monitoring
These alarm conditions include low incoming water pressure to the machine, dialysate pump failure, obstruction in the flow path, and power failure.
大多數機器在這些條件下都有持續的可聽警報。通常沒有警報能夠提醒工作人員當透析液流速設置過低時,例如,設置為 500 mL/min 而不是 800 mL/min。透析人員必須在監測這一護理方面上保持警惕。
Most machines have a continuous audible alarm with these conditions. There are usually no alarms that alert the staff when the dialysate flow rate is set too low, for example, at 500 mL/min instead of 800 mL/min. Dialysis personnel must be diligent in monitoring this aspect of care.
廢水透析液管線 Effluent Dialysate Line
Dialysis personnel must monitor the dialysate effluent line to the drain to ensure that it is not obstructed and is properly placed in the drain. An obstruction can cause backpressure into the dialysate compartment and may decrease the dialysate flow rate.
電氣安全 Electrical Safety
Dialysis machines pose a risk of electrical shock to a patient or staff member. All electronic equipment must be inspected and tested on a periodic basis. The staff members, most frequently in the patient care areas, must accept responsibility for identifying and reporting any potential hazardous conditions. All electric components should be adequately isolated from liquid leaks and the outside of equipment shielded from liquid spills. Electric components must be plugged into the correct socket, and grounded plugs used. Electrical safety classes and safe use of equipment are mandatory for all dialysis personnel.
Other Areas to Monitor in the Dialysate Circuit
Additional areas requiring monitoring include correct prescription, absence of impurities (cleaning and disinfecting agents), microbiologic count, and absence of potential pyrogenic agents.
透析液處方 Dialysate Prescription
Dialysis personnel must confirm that the physician's orders prescribing the dialysate content match the delivered prescription of dialysate. The dialysate prescription is not static. Some physicians model and individually tailor sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and dextrose. A major problem with using many individualized dialysate formulas in one facility is the increase in risk for error by personnel. The more variables that exist in a dialysis unit, the greater the inherent risk of staff errors increases as the variables increase in a dialysis unit.
Dialysate Prescription Monitoring
員工必須檢查和驗證所有透析液濃縮劑容器的適當內容。每個容器必須清楚標示。不得使用未標示的透析液濃縮劑容器。標籤必須包括每種電解質;混合的數量、時間和日期;以及執行任務的人的姓名。所有添加劑必須在標籤上正確記錄。這對於碳酸氫鹽濃縮劑尤其重要,必須在混合後的 24 小時內使用。24 小時的預防措施可降低細菌生長以及鈣和鎂沉澱的風險。正確的透析液濃縮劑必須連接到透析機上的正確濃縮劑端口。
Staff must check and verify all dialysate concentrate containers for the appropriate content. Each container must be clearly labeled. No unlabeled dialysate concentrate container should be used. Labels must include each electrolyte; the amount, time, and date mixed; and the name of the person performing the task. All additives must be properly recorded on the labels. This is especially important for the bicarbonate concentrate, which must be used within a 24-hour period after mixing. The 24-hour precaution reduces the risk of bacterial growth and calcium and magnesium precipitation. The correct dialysate concentrate must be attached to the correct concentrate port on the dialysis machine.
無菌性與雜質 Sterility and Impurities
The dialysate solution is very clean but not sterile. Most dialysis facilities in the United States use reverse osmosis (RO) systems to filter the feed water. Theoretically, the product water should be sterile. But, as the water courses through the plastic piping of the dialysis unit to the dialysis machine and traverses through the fluid pathway, it comes in contact with bacteria, endotoxins, pyrogens, and other impurities.
All fluid pathways in the dialysis machines must be routinely rinsed, cleaned, and disinfected. The rinsing and cleaning process keeps the internal environment of the dialysis machine clean and free of cellular debris or deposits for proper operation. The disinfection eliminates bacterial growth and prevents the risk of pyrogen reactions. Each dialysis facility uses different techniques to achieve this end.
Inadequate cleaning and disinfection of the water treatment system, dialysate delivery system, and dialysate concentrate containers lead to high bacterial counts. Inadequate disinfection can be due to lack of frequent disinfection, too low concentrations of cold chemical disinfectants, and inadequate contact time of the disinfectant.
AAMI 要求每月至少進行一次測試。該測試旨在驗證設備的正確消毒。測試液體輸送系統的樣本應在“透析結束時,在透析液從透析器排出的點取樣。”行業標準建議進行額外取樣。應在這些容器消毒之間的最長時間和濃縮液的最長儲存時間之後,從透析液濃縮容器和混合槽中取樣。
AAMI requires a minimum of once-a-month testing. The testing is to validate the proper disinfection of equipment. The sample for testing the fluid delivery system is taken “at the termination of dialysis at the point where dialysate exits the dialyzer.” Industry standards recommend additional sampling. Samples from dialysate concentrate containers and mixing tanks should be taken after the longest period between disinfection of these containers and after the longest storage time for the concentrate.
All test results must be documented.
微生物測試 Microbiologic Testing
微生物監測是檢查活細菌的存在。每單位體積中活細菌的數量以菌落計數或每毫升形成菌落單位(CFU/mL)報告。細菌測試要求總可活微生物計數不得超過每毫升 200 個形成菌落單位(表 9.2)。微生物測試結果必須記錄。微生物計數超過行業標準需要進行分析,並且需要更頻繁和徹底的消毒程序。如果水平超過 50 CFU/mL,建議採取行動。“行動”是消毒系統並在幾個位置重複培養。如果在一組培養中只有一個超過行動限值,則行動可能是重複培養。
Microbiologic monitoring is to check for the presence of live bacteria. The number of living bacteria in a set volume is reported as the colony count or colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL). Bacterial testing requires that the total viable microbial count is not to exceed 200 colony-forming units per milliliter ( Table 9.2 ). Microbial test results must be documented. Microbial counts exceeding the industry standards require analysis and a more frequent and vigorous disinfecting routine. It is recommended to take action if levels exceed 50 CFU/mL. “Action” is to disinfect the system and repeat cultures at several sites. The action may be to repeat the culture, particularly if only one in a set of cultures was above the action limit.
AAMI Microbiologic Standards
From Pittard J, De Palma J. Dialysate Monograph . 1st ed. Glendale, CA: Hemodialysis, Inc.; 2013.
液體 Fluid | 細菌最大行動水平 Bacteria Maximum Action Level | 內毒素最大作用水平 Endotoxin Maximum Action Level |
用水準備透析液、重新處理透析器和準備消毒劑 Water to prepare dialysate, to reprocess dialyzers, and prepare germicides | < 200 CFU/mL | < 2.0 EU/mL |
≥ 50 CFU/mL | ≥ 1 EU/mL | |
透析液 Dialysate | < 200 CFU/mL | < 2.0 EU/mL |
≥ 50 CFU/mL | ≥ 1 EU/mL | |
重碳酸鹽濃縮液 Bicarbonate concentrate | < 200 CFU/mL | < 2.0 EU/mL |
≥ 50 CFU/mL | ≥ 1 EU/mL | |
最小頻率 Minimum frequency | 每月 Monthly | 每月 Monthly |
AAMI , Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
Bacteria in Bicarbonate Concentrate
The acid dialysate concentrate is bacteriostatic, inhibiting growth or multiplication of bacteria. However, bicarbonate powder used to make bicarbonate concentrate can be contaminated with bacteria, molds, and/or pyrogens. Failure to properly clean and disinfect all areas where water and dialysate travel leads to bacterial growth, often with Pseudomonas , in the fluid pathways.
內毒素測試 Test for Endotoxins
內毒素是細菌脂多醣。它們是當微生物被分解或死亡時從細胞壁釋放出的物質。它們的來源通常是革蘭氏陰性菌。內毒素的存在是通過使用美洲螃蟹血細胞溶解液(LAL)檢測來測量的。LAL 濃度應低於每毫升兩個內毒素單位(< 2 EU/mL)。如果水平超過 1.0 EU/mL,建議採取行動。
Endotoxins are bacterial lipopolysaccharides. They are substances released from cell walls when a microorganism is broken down or dies. Their origin is usually from gram-negative bacteria. The presence of endotoxins is measured using the limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) assay. The LAL concentration should be less than two endotoxin units (EU) per milliliter (< 2 EU/mL). It is recommended to take action if levels exceed 1.0 EU/mL.
致熱源 Pyrogens
High bacterial counts predispose to pyrogen reactions. The most common type of pyrogen is from fragments of dead bacteria. However, any type of cellular debris, even if it is sterile, can cause pyrogen reactions. An increase in pyrogen reactions is associated with the use of high-flux dialyzers and bicarbonate dialysate.
The lack of adequate removal of bacteria and bacterial end products from the dialysate solutions and/or fluid pathway of the dialysis machines is invariably the principal cause of these pyrogenic reactions. Dialysis facilities that practice scrupulous water disinfection and control, even with reuse of dialyzers, have virtually no pyrogenic reactions.
Some literature invokes the increased porosity of the high-flux membrane to whole bacteria as a substantial cause of pyrogen reactions. However, even in dialysis units using reprocessed high-flux dialyzers, correcting the high microbial counts of the feed water and delivered dialysate invariably eliminates all pyrogen reactions.
超純透析液 Ultrapure Dialysis Fluid
“超純”一詞自 1990 年代初期開始使用。透析液的微生物質量決定了超純透析液的定義。這種液體由超純透析液和水組成,應該含有的細菌數量少於 0.1 CFU/mL,內毒素水平少於 0.03 EU/mL。這些水平在歐洲社區中確立,與美國使用的標準相比,對微生物檢測有著更嚴格的標準。
The term “ultrapure” has been in use since the early 1990s. The microbiologic quality of dialysis fluid dictates the definition of ultrapure dialysis fluid. This fluid, composed of ultrapure dialysate and water, should contain a bacteria count less than 0.1 CFU/mL and endotoxin levels less than 0.03 EU/mL. These levels, established in the European community, have much stricter standards for microbiologic testing as compared to the standards in use in the United States.
The European Best Practice Guidelines for Hemodialysis recommend the use of ultrapure dialysis fluid as a goal for all patients and all modalities, along with recommendations on testing to validate the purity of the fluid. Evidence suggests that the use of “ultrapure” dialysate diminishes inflammatory processes seen in the dialysis patient population. Improving the overall morbidity and mortality rates.
Innovative approaches are currently in use in the United States. Bacterial and pyrogen filters for manufacturing ultrapure dialysis fluid are being integrated into the fluid delivery systems.
Cleaning and Disinfection
It would seem obvious that cleaning and disinfection of the dialysis machinery should only be done after all patients have been completely disconnected. Although obvious, there are several reported instances of patients being “bleached” or “cooked” when the respective cleaning procedure began before all patients were disconnected.
中央系統危害 Central System Hazard
A central fluid-delivery system that services more than one room carries the enormous risk of this lethal misadventure. A careful and thorough bed and chair check by two individuals must be performed to verify that no patient is on dialysis in that setting.
常規清潔 Routine Cleaning
流體輸送系統的常規清潔是通過用純水(AAMI 標準)沖洗和每日對流體通道進行酸性清潔來完成的。酸性清潔可最小化與碳酸氫鈉透析液相關的鈣沉澱物的積聚。酸性清潔並不消毒機器。酸性清潔是使用醋酸(5%)或醋、檸檬酸、過醋酸基消毒劑和酸濃縮液來完成的。在進行酸性清潔之前,建議至少進行 5 分鐘的水沖洗。
Routine cleaning of fluid delivery systems is accomplished by rinsing with purified water (AAMI standard) and acid cleaning of the fluid pathway on a daily basis. Acid cleaning minimizes the buildup of calcium precipitate that is associated with bicarbonate dialysate. Acid cleaning does not disinfect the machine. Acid cleaning is accomplished with the use of acetic acid (5%) or vinegar, citric acid, peracetic-based disinfectants, and acid concentrate. A minimum of a 5-minute water rinse is recommended before acid cleaning.
在病人使用或化學消毒之前,必須徹底沖洗透析機。可以使用 pH 試紙輕鬆檢測醋酸的殘留。
A thorough rinse of the dialysis machine must be done before patient use or chemical disinfection. Acetic acid can easily be tested for residuals by using pH test paper.
Fluid Delivery System Disinfection
Disinfection of the fluid delivery system is done by heat and/or chemical disinfection. Chemical disinfection is done usually once each week or more often if necessary. Frequency of disinfection depends on routine bacterial counts and the orders of the medical director. Samples for bacterial counts should be taken before disinfection.
熱消毒 Heat Disinfection
某些流體輸送機型配備了熱消毒功能。在大多數情況下,這是每日進行的。熱消毒是在透析機的內部流體通道中使用加熱至約 85°C 的水進行的。熱暴露的平均時間約為 30 分鐘。遵循製造商的建議非常重要。如果在熱消毒後要使用該機器,則在病人使用之前必須允許適當的冷卻循環。大多數使用熱消毒的機器都有內建的安全功能,該功能會在溫度降至 42°C 以下之前不允許機器進入“透析”模式。
Certain models of fluid delivery machines are equipped to use heat disinfection. In most cases, this is done on a daily basis. Heat disinfection occurs with water heated to about 85°C in the internal fluid pathway of the dialysis machine. The average length of heat exposure is about 30 minutes. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. If the machine is to be used following heat disinfection, it is critical to allow the proper cooling down cycle before patient use. Most machines using heat disinfection have a built-in safety feature that will not allow the machine to go into the “dialyze” mode until the temperature has dropped below 42°C.
化學消毒 Chemical Disinfection
Chemical disinfection may be done with a variety of chemicals. The most common chemical disinfectants in use are sodium hypochlorite, peracetic acid, and formaldehyde. A thorough water rinse is essential when using corrosive chemicals for disinfection. When using chemical disinfectants, it is important to remember that all disinfectants require a certain amount of contact time. High microbial counts in water require longer contact times.
Fluid pathways that have dead spaces, blind loops, or inactive dialysis stations that are improperly shunted to drain are especially hazardous. All dead spaces are difficult to disinfect.
All machines require labeling with a sign indicating the presence of the chemical disinfectant and the need for residual testing before the disinfection is deemed complete.
次氯酸鈉 Sodium Hypochlorite
次氯酸鈉(漂白水)是一種冷消毒劑。它有不同的濃度,範圍從 5%到 10%。次氯酸鈉的優點是成本低、有效性高和安全性。游離氯是一種強氧化劑。它有效地清潔並消除流體通道中可能干擾機器運作的任何細胞殘留物。
Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) is a cold disinfectant. It is available in different concentrations ranging from 5% to 10%. The advantages of sodium hypochlorite are its low cost, its effectiveness, and safety. Free chlorine is a strong oxidant. It effectively cleans and eliminates any cellular debris in the fluid pathway that may interfere with the machine operation.
殘留測試氯酸鈉非常簡單,使用氯試劑試紙進行測試,能檢測到 0.5 部分每百萬(ppm)。殘留測試非常敏感。氯酸鈉在超過 1:25,000 的微量下會產生溶血。一些透析單位用漂白水清洗其碳酸氫鈉濃縮液的塑料容器,但在重新填充碳酸氫鈉濃縮液之前並未仔細沖洗或測試殘留氯。這使得漂白水被透析進入患者體內,導致低水平的持續性溶血,這種情況常常被忽視或歸因於功能性缺鐵。未能進行殘留測試將導致急性溶血或可能未被檢測到的緩慢溶血。
Residual testing for sodium hypochlorite is simple and done with chlorine reagent test strips that test down to 0.5 parts per million (ppm). The residual test is very sensitive. Sodium hypochlorite in minute amounts greater than 1:25,000 produces hemolysis. Some dialysis units clean their bicarbonate concentrate plastic containers with bleach but do not carefully rinse or test for residual chlorine before refilling with bicarbonate concentrate. This allows bleach to be dialyzed into the patient, causing a low-level persistent hemolysis that is ignored or attributed to functional iron deficiency. Failure to perform residual testing will result in acute hemolysis or slow hemolysis that may go undetected.
甲醛 Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is a cold sterilant that effectively kills all microorganisms, including spores and resistant viruses, when used in proper concentrations and given adequate contact time. There are several reports of serious to deadly septicemia, with inadequate formaldehyde concentrations being used to disinfect the fluid path of dialysis machinery. It is the most common periodic disinfectant used for fluid-delivery systems. It is an inexpensive and stable solution with a long shelf life.
甲醛是一種氣體,溶解在水中形成化合物福爾馬林。福爾馬林是甲醛在水中的飽和溶液。100% 的福爾馬林溶液相當於 37%–40% 的甲醛。在透析中,使用 4% 的甲醛(11% 福爾馬林)濃度。
Formaldehyde is a gas that is dissolved in water to form the compound formalin. Formalin is the saturated solution of formaldehyde in water. A 100% formalin solution is equivalent to 37%–40% formaldehyde. In dialysis, a 4% formaldehyde (11% formalin) concentration is used.
濃度低於 4%的甲醛在水中無法有效殺死鱗狀分枝桿菌。甲醛氣體對眼睛有刺激性,並且有刺鼻的氣味。處理甲醛時必須始終佩戴手套,以防止皮膚炎和過敏反應。房間必須通風良好。任何濺出必須最小化。面罩可提供全面的面部保護。處理甲醛時至少必須佩戴眼部保護裝置(護目鏡)。
Concentrations lower than 4% formaldehyde do not kill Mycobacterium chelonae in water adequately. The formaldehyde gas is irritating to the eyes and has an offensive odor. Gloves must always be worn when handling formaldehyde to prevent dermatitis and allergic sensitivities. The room must be well ventilated. Any splashing must be minimized. A face shield gives total protection to the face. Minimally, eye protection (goggles) must be worn when handling formaldehyde.
Formaldehyde has no cleaning properties. Formaldehyde denatures protein and fixes most cellular debris. Therefore, before its use, the fluid pathway requires water rinsing and use of another chemical substance to remove any existing cellular debris and deposits. The fluid pathway of the fluid- delivery machines is filled with formaldehyde after cleaning to destroy any and all microorganisms. Generally, the formaldehyde is left in the machine overnight for effective contact time.
敏感的殘留測試現在已經可用。指示劑測試條現在已上市,用於測試殘留的甲醛,靈敏度為 1.0 ppm。這種冷消毒劑的原理與過醋酸的描述相同。過去,甲醛的安全測試要求使用希夫試劑。希夫試劑的測試靈敏度為 5 ppm。較新的指示劑測試條更為敏感。
Sensitive residual testing is now available. Indicator test strips are now on the market to test for residual formaldehyde to a sensitivity of 1.0 ppm. The same principles apply to this cold sterilant as described for peracetic acid. In the past, safety tests for formaldehyde called for the use of Schiff reagent. Schiff reagent will test to 5 ppm. The newer indicator test strips are more sensitive.
There have been several outbreaks of feed water being contaminated with residual formaldehyde, which led to a number of dialysis patients on single patient machines becoming seriously ill with shock, coma, and semilethal consequences.
過氧乙酸 Peracetic Acid
The use of a stabilized mixture of peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and acetic acid is probably the cold sterilant of choice for fluid delivery systems. Unlike formaldehyde, this mixture leaves no toxic residues. It decomposes into oxygen and acetic acid after reacting with organic material. The odor is pungent, similar to the smell of vinegar.
過醋酸、過氧化氫和醋酸的混合物除了作為冷消毒劑外,還充當清潔劑。這種混合物是一種強氧化劑,能夠輕易清除所有細胞殘留物以及機器中的沉澱物或水垢,當定期使用時效果顯著。作為冷消毒劑,它在 11 小時的接觸時間內有效。由於它是一種強氧化劑,必須仔細遵循製造商的建議,以免對機器中的材料造成不利影響。
The mixture of peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and acetic acid acts as a cleaning agent in addition to a cold sterilant. The mixture is a strong oxidant that readily cleans all cellular debris and precipitates or scales in the machines when used routinely. As a cold sterilant, it is effective with an 11-hour contact time. Because it is a strong oxidant, the manufacturer's recommendations must be followed carefully so that materials in the machines will not be adversely affected.
測試條可用於檢查過醋酸混合物的存在或缺失。指示劑測試條確保這種冷消毒劑在機器中的存在。在過醋酸混合物從機器中沖洗後,殘留測試條檢測過醋酸混合物的缺失。殘留測試非常敏感,檢測下限可達 < 1 ppm。
Test strips are available to check for the presence or absence of the peracetic acid mixture. Indicator test strips ensure the presence of this cold sterilant in the machines. After the peracetic acid mixture is rinsed from the machine, residual test strips test for the absence of the peracetic acid mixture. The residual testing is very sensitive, testing down to < 1 ppm.
Because the peracetic acid mixture is a strong oxidant, its handling requires careful attention to avoid chemical burns. Gloves and face protection are mandatory. Accidental contact exposure to this chemical requires water flushes and medical attention similar to those described for formaldehyde.
Regardless of the type of cleaning or disinfecting agent used in the facility, a thorough water rinse must be done before adding chemicals and after cleaning and disinfection. Safety tests must be done after the final rinse to validate the absence of the chemical used. It is dangerous to rely on a timed rinse without the use of a valid safety test. Residual testing prevents patient injury due to chemical exposure.
General Principles for Chemical Disinfection
Time is an important factor in chemical disinfection. Total disinfection requires adequate time exposure of the chemical to the organisms to be killed. The concentration of the chemical, temperature, and the number of organisms to be killed determine the amount of exposure time. The greater the number of organisms to be killed, the longer is the exposure time needed. Organisms such as spores require longer exposure time than bacteria.
Chemical disinfectants need to remain moist for effectiveness. A chemical disinfectant that dries up is no longer effective. The concentration of the chemical must be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Lower concentrations may not be effective in killing all microorganisms, whereas concentrations that are higher may not be more effective. Blood and organic matter decrease the effectiveness of the chemical disinfectant. Chemical disinfectants should not be mixed, as mixing can alter their activity.
Dialysate systems must not have any dead spaces. A poorly designed dialysate system with dead spaces is impossible to disinfect adequately. To assess adequate chemical disinfection, monitor the equipment with cultures.
額外的原則包括以下幾點:(1) 不要使用過期的化學消毒劑,(2) 始終標示含有化學消毒劑的設備,(3) 在所有化學消毒之前和之後進行充分的水沖洗,並在所有化學消毒後進行適當的安全測試,以確保化學物質的缺失(不要依賴定時沖洗)。
Additional principles include the following: (1) do not use chemical disinfectants beyond their expiration date, (2) always label equipment that contains a chemical disinfectant, and (3) perform an adequate water rinse prior to and after all chemical disinfection and perform the appropriate safety test after all chemical disinfection to ensure the absence of the chemical (do not rely on a timed rinse).
Documentation of Dialysate Monitoring
Document the performance and results of all safety tests on the patient Daily Dialysis Record and/or the machine or log sheet. Documentation or charting of all activities in dialysate monitoring is critical for patient safety. Do not initiate dialysis until all of the appropriate checks are complete and recorded according to the established policies in the facility.
所有員工的教育對於安全且運行良好的透析單位至關重要。必須對任何新的透析液濃縮液、透析液濃縮液的準備、安全測試和液體輸送系統進行在職教育。在透析治療之前或期間,對透析液區域監測不足會對患者的健康造成許多風險(表 9.3)。
Education of all staff members is critical to a safe and well-run dialysis unit. In-service education must be given for any new dialysate concentrates, preparation of dialysate concentrates, safety tests, and fluid delivery systems. There are many risks ( Table 9.3 ) to the patient's well-being with inadequate monitoring of the dialysate compartment prior to or during the dialysis treatment.
Risks to Patients With Inadequate Monitoring
From Pittard J, De Palma J. Dialysate Monograph . 1st ed. Glendale, CA: Hemodialysis, Inc.; 2013.
問題 Problem | 潛在的病人風險 Potential Risk to Patient |
錯誤處方 Wrong prescription | 電解質失衡,特別是鉀,導致心律不整和心臟驟停 Electrolyte imbalances, especially with potassium, leading to cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac arrest |
導電性低 Conductivity low | 溶血—死亡 Hemolysis—death |
導電性高 Conductivity high | 高滲透壓昏迷—死亡 Hyperosmolar coma—death |
高溫 High temperature | 血液透析—死亡 Hemodialysis—death |
透析液流量缺失 Dialysate flow rate absent | 無透析,存在嚴重電解質失衡的風險,特別是高鉀血症、心律不整和心臟驟停 No dialysis with risk of serious electrolyte imbalances, especially hyperkalemia, cardiac arrhythmias, and cardiac arrest |
透析液流量低 Dialysate flow rate low | 不足和無效的透析 Inadequate and inefficient dialysis |
殘留化學物質(漂白劑、甲醛、過醋酸) Residual chemicals (bleach, formaldehyde, peracetic acid) | 血液透析—死亡 Hemodialysis—death |
高細菌數量 High bacterial count | 輕度至重度致熱反應 Mild to severe pyrogen reaction |
血液循環 The Blood Circuit
血液(體外)循環(圖 9.9)監測動脈和靜脈血管中的壓力,以及循環系統的完整性,以檢測空氣和血液洩漏。四個主要的血液循環監測器(圖 9.10)分別是動脈壓力監測器、靜脈壓力監測器、空氣泡沫探測器和血液洩漏探測器。
The blood (extracorporeal) circuit ( Fig. 9.9 ) monitors pressures in the arterial and venous blood lines, and the integrity of the circuit for the presence of air and blood leaks. The four main blood circuit monitors ( Fig. 9.10 ) are the arterial pressure monitor, venous pressure monitor, air-foam detector, and blood-leak detector.
Blood (Extracorporeal) Circuit.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
The blood-leak detector acts as a blood-circuit alarm but is entirely incorporated within the dialysate circuit and has already been described. The machinery responds to blood-circuit alarms by activating an audible alarm, a visual alarm, stopping the blood pump, and engaging the venous line clamp to stop the blood flow through the blood circuit.
Additional areas to monitor in the blood circuit are blood flow rate, heparin therapy, and normal saline supply.
Arterial Pressure Monitor—Pre–Blood Pump
動脈壓力監測器測量患者動脈通路與血液之間動脈血管內的壓力。當血泵設定的血流速率高於 200 mL/min,甚至可達 450 mL/min 時,這段血管管路中的壓力通常為亞大氣壓或負壓。這部分的血液循環系統可能成為空氣進入血液循環的來源,並被視為高風險區域。
The arterial pressure monitor measures the pressure in the arterial blood line between the patient's arterial access and the blood. With the blood pump set to blood flow rates greater than 200 mL/min to as high as 450 mL/min, the pressure in this blood tubing segment is commonly subatmospheric to negative. This portion of the blood circuit can be a source of air entry into the blood circuit and is considered a high-risk area.
動脈壓監測器無漏氣,具有可調的高/低限制(圖 9.11),可讀取以毫米汞柱(mm Hg;10% 準確度)表示的負壓和正壓。此監測器需要一個過濾器,以防止病毒、細菌或血液回流到動脈壓監測器中。這個過濾器是必需的,因為病毒性肝炎已通過空氣裝置的污染而傳播。
The arterial pressure monitor is leak-free with adjustable high/low limits ( Fig. 9.11 ), which reads negative and positive pressures in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg; 10% accuracy). This monitor requires a filter to prevent viruses, bacteria, or blood from being refluxed back into the arterial pressure monitor. This filter is essential, as viral hepatitis has been transmitted by contamination of air devices.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
These filters or fluid barriers are called isolators and/or transducer filters/protectors. They protect the monitor from blood contamination and the spread of infection between patients. The pressure monitor lines must be unclamped and patent during dialysis. Some blood lines have collapsible pillow-shaped segments, which can initiate a false alarm.
在設置、灌注和沖洗透析器的過程中,高/低限制是開放的。一旦開始透析治療,透析人員必須將低壓或負壓限制設置在所需血流量讀數的稍下方。上限和下限監測應設置在實際讀數的 50–100 mm Hg 範圍內,以便檢測問題。較新的機器型號將自動將高/低限制調整至實際壓力的約 50 mm Hg 以上和以下。
During set-up, priming, and rinsing of the dialyzer, the high/low limits are opened. As soon as the dialysis treatment is initiated, the dialysis personnel must set the low, or negative, pressure limit just below the reading at the desired blood flow. Upper and lower monitor limits should be set within 50–100 mm Hg of actual reading to detect problems. Newer machine models will automatically adjust the high/low limits approximately 50 mm Hg above and below the actual pressure.
將低動脈限制設置在接近實際壓力的水平,大約低於該壓力 50 毫米汞柱,將能夠檢測到動靜脈(AV)瘺管的早期血壓下降。一些單位將最低動脈限制限制為-100 毫米汞柱。
Setting the low arterial limit close to the actual pressure, about 50 mm Hg below that pressure, will detect early drops in blood pressure with arteriovenous (AV) fistulas. Some units limit the minimum arterial limit to –100 mm Hg.
The greater the vacuum, the greater the risk of air entering this tubing segment from any crack, improperly glued or fitted joint, sample port, saline infusion line, or the patient's access. It is advisable to set the high limit just below zero, which will pick up a disruption of the arterial blood line from the fistula needle.
Arterial Pressure Monitoring
The usual causes of a low-limit arterial pressure alarm are a drop in blood pressure (only with AV fistulas), a kink in the arterial blood line between the access and blood pump, malpositioned arterial needle, or problem with arterial access, and a clotted arterial line. The circuit should always be checked for air bubbles.
高限動脈壓警報的常見原因包括血管線分離(僅當上限設置低於 0 mm Hg 時)、鹽水輸注管未夾緊、患者血壓上升、患者與監測器之間的回路漏血,以及泵段的血管管破裂。檢查是否有漏血是非常重要的。
The usual causes of a high-limit arterial pressure alarm are bloodline separation (only if the upper limit is set below 0 mm Hg), the saline infusion line is unclamped, an increase in patient's blood pressure, a leak in the circuit between the patient and the monitor, and torn blood tubing in the pump segment. It is important to check for leaking blood.
The appropriate response to pressure alarms is to, first, mute the audible alarm; second, investigate the problem; third, correct the problem; and fourth, restart the blood pump by pressing the reset/restart button. Do not restart the blood pump until the problem is corrected for patient safety. Failure to correct the problem will cause the alarm to reoccur.
靜脈壓力監測器 Venous Pressure Monitor
靜脈壓力監測器位於透析器後方,監測靜脈滴液室的壓力、滴液室與病人靜脈通路之間的段落,以及額外的通路內壓力。進入靜脈通路的血流阻力使壓力為正(圖 9.12),高於 0 mm Hg。
The venous pressure monitor, located postdialyzer, monitors pressure at the venous drip chamber, the segment between the drip chamber and the patient's venous access, and the added intra-access pressure. The resistance to the blood flow entering the venous access causes the pressure to be positive ( Fig. 9.12 ), above 0 mm Hg.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
The venous pressure monitor's structure and standards are similar to those described for the arterial pre–blood pump monitor. This pressure monitor requires protection by a filter or transducer fluid barrier.
Venous Pressure Monitoring
Causes of a high venous pressure alarm are a kink in the venous blood line between the drip chamber and patient's venous access, a clot in the venous drip chamber and/or downstream to the patient, and a malpositioned venous needle or problem with the venous access device.
低靜脈壓警報的原因包括血液管路分離或血液泵與靜脈通路之間的連接中斷;血液管路在透析器後和靜脈滴注室前的扭曲;透析器內血塊;以及血液泵速度降低。請注意,將低限設置得接近靜脈滴注室的操作壓力,可以警示血液泵與靜脈通路之間的血液循環中斷。當循環中斷時,靜脈壓將降至 0 mm Hg。
Causes of a low venous pressure alarm are blood line separation or disruption of connections between the blood pump to and including the venous access; a kink in the blood line postdialyzer and pre–venous drip chamber; a clotted dialyzer; and a lowering of the blood-pump speed. Note that setting the low limit close to the operating pressure of the venous drip chamber can alert to a disruption of the blood circuit between the blood pump and venous access site. With a disruption of the circuit, the venous pressure will drop to 0 mm Hg.
應該記住,靜脈壓監測器反映了方程 TMP = P BO – P DO 中的 P BO 。高靜脈壓可能導致超濾速率過高,除非使用的是超濾控制機器。
It should be remembered that the venous pressure monitor reflects P BO in the equation TMP = P BO – P DO . High venous pressures can result in too high ultrafiltration rates unless an ultrafiltration-controlled machine is being used.
空氣泡沫探測器 Air-Foam Detector
氣泡檢測器監測靜脈管路中的血液(圖 9.13),以檢測空氣、泡沫和微氣泡的存在。必須再次強調,幾乎所有的內部動靜脈瘻管/移植物和靜靜脈透析之間,動脈通道和滾輪泵之間存在顯著的亞大氣壓。在這部分電路中有許多接頭和熱封接頭。如果肝素輸注管路位於負壓區段而不是血泵後,則可能增加空氣進入的風險。在血泵之後,血液電路處於相當的正壓下,空氣只能通過泵送或注入進入其餘電路。空氣栓塞是一種可預防且非常嚴重的透析意外。
The air-foam detector monitors blood in the venous tubing ( Fig. 9.13 ) for the presence of air, foam, and microbubbles. It must be reemphasized that with almost all internal AV fistulas/grafts and venovenous dialysis, a significant subatmospheric pressure exists between the arterial access and the roller pump. There are many junctions and heat-sealed joints in this portion of the circuit. If the heparin infusion line is in the negative-pressure segment rather than post–blood pump, it may increase the risk for air entry. After the blood pump, the blood circuit is at considerable positive pressure, and air can enter only by pumping or injecting it into the remainder of the circuit. Air embolism is a preventable and very serious dialysis misadventure.
(From Pittard J. Hemodialysis Nursing, Training Manual . 7th ed, version 7.0. Santa Monica, CA; 2003, with permission.)
目前使用兩種空氣泡沫探測器:超聲波探測器和反射光探測器。據信,目前只有超聲波設備在銷售。然而,許多反射光型設備仍在使用中。令人驚訝的是,對於空氣的可允許檢測並沒有標準,因為任何類型的探測器在正確裝備和運行時都能輕易識別靜脈滴注室中血液的明顯空氣位移。直徑從 5 到 500 微米的微氣泡則代表著另一個問題,因為它們隨著血流一起流動。這些微氣泡被攪拌在血液中。
Two types of air-foam detectors are in use: the ultrasonic and reflected light detectors. It is believed that only the ultrasonic device is currently being sold. Nevertheless, many of the reflected light-type devices are still in use. Surprisingly, there are no standards for permissible detection of air because either type of detector readily identifies gross air displacement of blood in the venous drip chamber when properly armed and functioning. Microbubbles from 5 to 500 μm in diameter represent a different problem as they stream along with the blood flow. These microbubbles are entrained in the bloodstream.
Although both types of monitors can detect microbubbles, their guaranteed detection requires a sensitivity setting that may result in many false alarms because of turbulence in fluid flow. The compromise is a sensitivity adjustment of the ultrasonic devices such that some false alarms occur that require the attention of dialysis personnel. In certain situations, microbubbles can go undetected and cause clinical air embolism. The current standards for these devices require response to air in blood, a blood and saline mixture, or saline. Only the ultrasonic device can meet this requirement. A dangerous aspect of the reflected light device is that it is effective only when sensing the whole blood of the patient. It cannot be accurately armed during priming, initiation, or rinsing.
靜脈導管夾 Venous Line Clamp
空氣檢測器警報必須啟動靜脈管夾(圖 9.13)。靜脈管夾必須完全阻塞靜脈血管,並能承受 800 mm Hg 的腔內壓力。靜脈管夾的設計應不損壞血管,並且在開放位置時不應限制血管管路。靜脈管夾的電路必須與血泵接口並停止血泵。大多數集成的空氣泡沫檢測器都符合這些標準。
An air detector alarm must activate the venous line clamp ( Fig. 9.13 ). The venous line clamp must completely occlude the venous blood line and withstand an intraluminal pressure of 800 mm Hg. The venous line clamp should be constructed to not damage the blood lines and should not restrict the blood tubing when in an open position. The venous line clamp circuitry must interface with and stop the blood pump. Most integrated air-foam detectors meet all of these standards.
There are dialysis machines that are unsafe as they include the ability to dialyze with both the air-leak detector and venous line clamp disarmed and only some marginal indication of this disarmed state.
Air-Foam Detector and Venous Line Clamp Monitoring
With an air-foam detector alarm state, identify that the venous line clamp is engaged and the blood pump is stopped. Visually inspect the entire blood circuit from the venous access backward to the arterial end for the presence of air, foam, or microbubbles. Check the level in the venous drip chamber—it should be three-quarters full. Check that the venous drip chamber is properly placed in its holder, the level detector door is closed and latched, and the mesh in the drip chamber is below the air detector. Also, check if the air sensors are clean. Always validate the absence of air before restarting the blood pump and disengaging the venous line clamp. If air is present, disconnect the patient from the extracorporeal circuit.
Before beginning dialysis, make sure that the air-foam detector is turned on and operational and that the venous blood line is properly placed in the line-clamp holder. Ultrasonic devices are usually activated during priming of the circuit. Reflected light devices cannot be activated until whole blood at full hematocrit is in the venous tubing.
Because each brand of detector varies in its operation, ensure that dialysis personnel are aware of the type of device used in the facility and are in-serviced on its unique features and operation. Unfortunately, when staff pushes the RESET/RESTART button in responding to this alarm condition, the blood pump restarts. This can be a potentially deadly response. Microbubbles that may not be visible to the naked eye can flow into the patient. I advise staff to manually turn off the blood pump when responding to an air-in-blood alarm. After all inspections are complete, pushing the reset button will not automatically start the blood pump. However, if the problem is not corrected, the alarm will reoccur with no harm to the patient.
Four alarm conditions are outlined here for general information.
警報狀態 1. 仔細檢查顯示靜脈滴注室的血液-空氣水平正常,且管路或透析器的任何部分均無微氣泡(泡沫)。這是虛假警報—鬆開管夾並重置檢測器。
Alarm condition 1. Careful inspection reveals that the blood-air level in the venous drip chamber is normal and that there are no microbubbles (foam) in any portion of the line or dialyzer. This is a false alarm—release the line clamp and reset the detector. -
警報狀態 2。靜脈滴注室的血液水平已下降。為此,檢查上游是否有氣泡。如果沒有,則使用常規技術將滴注室的血液-空氣水平恢復到正常,放開管道夾,並重置警報。
Alarm condition 2. The blood level in the venous drip chamber has fallen. In response, check for upstream bubbles. If none is present, return the blood-air level to normal in the drip chamber with the usual technique, release the line clamp, and reset the alarm. -
警報狀態 3。靜脈管路中有微氣泡(泡沫)。為此,夾住靜脈管路和靜脈通路,將注意力轉向病人,以防需要緊急處理氣栓。另一人應從氣體檢測夾中移除管路,將病人與血液循環斷開,並無菌地將血液循環的動脈端和靜脈端連接以進行再循環。移除超濾,打開生理鹽水以去除血液循環中的空氣,並將其收集在靜脈滴注室中。如果此措施成功,將靜脈管路放入氣體檢測夾中並重新啟動氣泡檢測器。如果沒有進一步的警報被激活,則將血液循環管路重新連接到病人並重新開始透析。
Alarm condition 3. There are microbubbles (foam) in the venous line. In response, clamp the venous line and the venous access line, directing attention to the patient in the event that emergency management of air embolism is necessary. Another person should remove the line from the air detector clamp, disconnect the patient from the blood circuit, and aseptically join the arterial and venous ends of the blood circuit for recirculation. Remove ultrafiltration, open the saline to remove air from the blood circuit, and collect it in the venous drip chamber. If this measure is successful, place the venous line into the air-detector line clamp and rearm the air-foam detector. If no further alarm is activated, reconnect the blood circuit lines to the patient and reinitiate dialysis. -
警報狀態 4。大量空氣和氣泡充滿整個血液循環系統,包括透析器。為此,夾住“靜脈”管線,並將注意力轉向患者以進行氣栓的緊急處理。處理整個血液循環系統,包括透析器,並設置一個新的系統以重新開始透析。
Alarm condition 4. Gross air and bubbles fill the entire blood circuit, including the dialyzer. In response, clamp the “venous” line and direct attention to the patient for emergency management of air embolism. Dispose of the entire blood circuit, including the dialyzer, and set up a new one to reinitiate dialysis.
肝素輸注泵 Heparin Infusion Pump
The heparin infusion pump is usually located in the post–blood pump segment. A heparin infusion line attaches to a syringe filled with heparin. This allows for the infusion of heparin during dialysis. An electric motor drives a piston to move the heparin plunger forward to infuse the heparin. Dialysis personnel must turn the heparin pump on and set the correct hourly infusion rate. No alarms occur if the pump is not turned on or an incorrect hourly infusion rate is set. Most machines have an audible alarm when the heparin level in the syringe is very low.
Heparin Infusion Pump Monitoring
Personnel must make sure they are using the correct-size syringe based on the way the heparin pump is calibrated. Make sure the syringe and plunger are placed properly in the holder. Check that the pump is on and the variable hourly rate is set correctly. Implement hourly checks to ensure the correct infusion of heparin therapy. Newer machine models allow the personnel to program the heparin bolus, infusion rate, and length of time for the infusion.
血流速率 Blood Flow Rate
The blood flow rate is an important parameter that influences the efficiency of dialyzer clearance. All blood pumps have an on/off switch and an adjustable variable speed pump. There are no machine alarms if the desired blood flow rate is not set correctly.
Blood Flow Rate Monitoring
Double-check that the blood flow rate is properly set. A qualified person must calibrate blood pumps to ensure that the actual blood flow is comparable to the blood-flow setting. The facility must use appropriate blood-tubing size for proper occlusion of the roller pump. Inadequate occlusion causes backflow, foaming, and possibly hemolysis. Over occulsion causes tubing damage, blood leaks, and the potential for hemolysis.
Blood Pump and Blood Lines
Narrowed Blood-Pump Tubing Segment
在 1998 年,美國三個不同州的 30 名患者在接受血液透析時出現溶血,伴隨或不伴隨胸痛、呼吸急促、噁心或腹痛。兩名患者死亡。所有這些災難都是由於血管管路中血泵段的一小部分存在製造缺陷。工作人員在插入血泵段時未注意到該缺陷。該段的明顯狹窄導致這些患者出現大規模溶血,最初無法解釋,並需要美國疾病控制與預防中心(CDC)進行正式調查。
In 1998, 30 patients in three different states in the United States developed hemolysis with or without chest pains, shortness of breath, nausea, or abdominal pain while undergoing hemodialysis. Two patients died. All of these catastrophes were due to a manufacturing defect in a small portion of the blood-pump segment of the blood tubing. The staff did not notice the defect when inserting the blood-pump segment. A marked narrowing of this segment induced massive hemolysis in these patients, which initially was unexplained and required a formal investigation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Kinked Arterial Blood Lines
在 1989 年 12 月至 1990 年 12 月的 1 年期間,門診血液透析單位共發生 10 起溶血反應。八名患者住院,其中一名患者死亡。所有患者在使用漂白劑-甲醛再處理的中空纖維 Cuprophan 透析器進行 4 小時的血液透析會話中,平均在 2.5 小時後出現嚴重的腹痛或背痛。所有患者在離心血比容中均可見溶血,七名患者的血比容顯著下降,六名患者發展為胰腺炎。儘管更換為 15 號針頭、從重用程序中去除漂白劑以及停止重用透析器,溶血反應仍然持續發生。
In a 1-year period, from December 1989 to December 1990, a total of 10 hemolytic reactions occurred in an outpatient hemodialysis unit. Eight patients were hospitalized, and one died. All patients developed severe abdominal or back pain an average of 2.5 hours into a 4-hour hemodialysis session using bleach-formaldehyde reprocessed hollow-fiber Cuprophan dialyzers. All had visible hemolysis in a spun hematocrit, seven had a significant decrease in hematocrit, and six developed pancreatitis. Hemolytic reactions continued despite changing to 15-gauge needles, removing bleach from the reuse procedure, and stopping reuse of the dialyzers.
Investigation of each episode failed to find an abnormality in dialysate temperature or tonicity; dialysate or water levels of copper, zinc, nitrates, chloramine, or formaldehyde; or blood pump or venous alarm. On the eighth hemolytic episode, a dialysis staff member noted a kink in the arterial blood line. Two subsequent hemolytic reactions occurred; in each, kinks were found in the arterial blood line, either in the excess tubing between the blood pump and drip chamber or in the predialyzer segment. No further hemolytic reactions occurred after changing to a new arterial blood line without redundant tubing and securing all lines.
靜脈鹽水輸注 IV Saline Infusion
進入體外循環的生理食鹽水(0.9% NaCl)通過位於動脈血路徑起始處的食鹽水給藥管線進行接入。生理食鹽水用於為透析器和血管管路進行預充,替代透析過程中患者的體液,並在透析結束時沖洗紅血球。
Access to normal saline (0.9% NaCl) into the extracorporeal circuit occurs via the saline administration line located at the beginning of the arterial blood circuit. Normal saline is used to prime the dialyzer and blood tubing for patient use, to replace volume in the patient during dialysis, and rinse the RBCs at the conclusion of dialysis.
IV Saline Infusion Monitoring
Personnel must make sure an adequate amount of normal saline is available for immediate use during the dialysis treatment. Normal saline drips should be discouraged. Although normal saline comes in collapsible plastic bags, if these accidentally empty during dialysis, a few hundred milliliters of air will enter the blood circuit, possibly causing an air embolism.
結論 Conclusion
透析的世界經歷了許多變化。液體輸送系統變得更加複雜,透析器的效率也更高。無論是電子設備、故障安全裝置、閃爍的燈光、警報器、儀表盤還是操作程序,都無法取代一名警覺且受過良好訓練的透析工作人員。在美國,非註冊護理人員或病人護理技術員(PCT)負責 75%的末期腎病(ESRD)患者的直接護理,因此他們必須了解潛在的警報情況,並接受徹底的訓練以確保透析治療的安全。
The world of dialysis has undergone many changes. The fluid delivery systems are much more sophisticated and dialyzers more efficient. No amount of electronic machinery, fail-safe devices, flashing lights, sirens, dials, or protocols can take the place of an alert and well-trained dialysis staff member. Non–registered nurses or patient care technicians (PCTs) perform 75% of direct patient care of ESRD patients in the United States, and it is essential they understand potential alarm situations and are thoroughly trained to ensure safe dialysis treatment.
推薦閱讀 Recommended Reading
- 匿名:1998 年內布拉斯加州和馬里蘭州血液透析患者的多州溶血疫情。MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1998; 47: 頁 483-484。
Anonymous : Multi state outbreak of hemolysis in hemodialysis patients, Nebraska and Maryland, 1998. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1998; 47: pp. 483-484. - 作者指出了一系列之前從未描述過的不幸事件。在三個州,共有 30 名患者在接受血液透析時出現溶血。經過廣泛調查以排除溶血的原因後,確定使用同一製造商的血管管道進行透析的患者出現了問題。發現製造的血管管道的開口異常狹窄,導致紅血球的機械性溶解。所有血管管道均被召回。這些事件導致了溶血、重病和死亡。
The author points out a series of misadventures heretofore never described. In three states, a total of 30 patients developed hemolysis while undergoing hemodialysis. Following an extensive investigation to rule out the cause of hemolysis, it was determined that the patients dialyzed using the same manufacturer's blood tubing. An abnormal narrowing of the aperture of the manufactured blood line, causing a mechanical lysis of the RBCs, was discovered. All blood lines were recalled. These resulted in hemolysis, serious illness, and death. - 醫療儀器進步協會 (AAMI) : 血液透析用透析液 (RD52:2004) .2004.AAMI 阿靈頓, VA
Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) : Dialysate for Hemodialysis (RD52:2004) .2004.AAMIArlington, VA - 醫療儀器進步協會 (AAMI):血液透析應用及相關療法的水處理設備 (RD62:2006) .2011.AAMI 阿靈頓, VA
Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) : Water Treatment Equipment for Hemodialysis Applications and Related Therapies (RD62:2006) .2011.AAMIArlington, VA - AAMI 制定了血液透析用水的水質標準。美國國家標準協會(ANSI)採納了 AAMI 制定的標準。目前使用的標準是 ANSI/AAMI RD52:2004 和最近的 RD62:2006。這些標準已納入 CfCs。這些標準針對設施(使用者)和製造商。這些標準中包含了食品和藥物管理局(FDA)的建議。FDA 的建議基於對血液透析設備風險和危害的研究。AAMI 對設施的標準涉及兩個基本類別,微生物和化學污染物監測。
The AAMI developed water quality standards for the water used in hemodialysis. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) adopted the standards established by AAMI. Standards currently in use are ANSI/AAMI RD52:2004 and, most recently, RD62:2006. These standards are included in the CfCs. The standards address both the facilities (users) and the manufacturers. Incorporated into these standards are recommendations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA bases its recommendations on a study on risks and hazards of hemodialysis devices. The AAMI standards for facilities address two basic categories, microbiologic and chemical contaminant monitoring. - De Palma J.R.: Bicarbonate Dialysis & Water Treatment. Contemporary Dialysis & Nephrology 1988; 9: pp. 20-21. 41
- The author, Dr. De Palma, cites that in the beginning of hemodialysis, acetate was the buffer used. It took years before bicarbonate replaced acetate as a buffer. This article reviews both buffer bases and their strengths and weaknesses. Acetate as a buffer was initially used because it was bactericostatic, easy to mix, and stable in solution. However, cases of patients developing pulmonary problems, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and hypotension were cured when bicarbonate as a buffer was used in Dr. De Palma's dialysis clinics. The company Cobe, Inc., was contacted and then produced their own bicarbonate concentrate, based on Dr. De Palma's work. Several other companies produced bicarbonate, including liquid bicarbonate, which proved to grow bacteria.
- De Palma J.R.: Bleach & Murphy's Law. Contemporary Dialysis & Nephrology 1988; 9: pp. 30-31. 39
- The author, Dr. De Palma, a nephrologist and early pioneer in hemodialysis, warns all hemodialysis staff to expect the unexpected, that if anything can go wrong, it will and compromise patient safety. Since the 1960s, Dr. De Palma has been building and running many dialysis clinics. Along the way, he encountered many misadventures that were unknown to the dialysis community. I concur with his explanation of “Murphy's Law” and that no machinery can substitute for competent human care.
- European Best Practice Guidelines for Haemodialysis (Part 1) : SECTION IV. Dialysis fluid purity. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2002; 17: pp. 46-62.
- This article discusses various aspects of using ultrapure water. “Ultrapure” is defined as water virtually free from bacteria and endotoxins with microbiologic counts containing < 0.1mL of colony-forming units/mL (CFU/mL) and endotoxin units of < 0.03 endotoxin units/mL (EU/mL). This is the standard in Europe but not in the United States or around most of the world. The benefits to the dialysis population in improving the overall morbidity and mortality rates are discussed. It should be mentioned that absolutely pure water is corrosive and will leach metals such as iron and copper from piping, caveat lector.
- Gutch C.F., Stoner M.H., Corea A.L.: Hemodialysis for Nurses and Dialysis Personnel.6th ed1999.MosbySt. Louispp. 54-56. 59-65. ISBN: 0-8151-2099-0
- The authors presented the material in a different format from most books. Questions are presented, followed by descriptive answers that are intended to give the reader a basic understanding of the information. It is one of the best educational books for nurses and patient care technicians in the field of dialysis.
- Yukihiro Nosé: Manual on Artificial Organs. Vol. I.The Artificial Kidney.1969.CV Mosby CompanySaint Louis, MO:pp. 120-151.
- Dr. Nosé's chapter on “Dialysate Supply Systems” published in 1969 presents the information on the chemistry of dialysate, dialysate composition, water for dialysate, final checks for dialysate composition, and all aspects of the equipment used in that era. It is clearly written and the concepts presented are easy to understand. The diagrams are clearly presented. The fundamental information remains a classic and applicable today.
- Pittard J.D.: Hemodialysis Nursing—Version 7.0.2003.Hemodialysis, IncGlendale, CA
- The author of this syllabus distills into an outline and into one resource the knowledge and experience acquired in two and one-half decades of teaching. This syllabus is primarily a teaching tool for both nurses and hemodialysis technicians, to assist them during the classroom lectures. It contains core lecture information taught in Ms. Pittard's hemodialysis training program. The classroom lectures are augmented with slides of bulleted text and colored graphics. This syllabus is derived from these slides and contains the course outline, lecture objectives, elemental lecture content, and recommended readings. I referred to the lectures that directly pertain to dialysate, the fluid delivery system, and monitors in dialysis.
- Pittard J.D., De Palma J.R.: Monitors.2004.Hemodialysis, IncGlendale, CApp. 20-76.
- The authors wrote this monograph as a home study course for dialysis nurses and technicians, who are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education on completion of the monograph posttest. This monograph describes the machinery and personnel monitoring of the hemodialysis process. It is an in-depth review of hemodialysis safety monitors, covering both blood and dialysate circuits. Most, if not all, information is obtained from clinical research and actual hemodialysis experience. Expert and seasoned MDs and RNs in the ESRD field have reviewed all.
- Pittard J.D., De Palma J.R.: Principles of Dialysis.3rd ed2006.Hemodialysis, IncGlendale, CApp. 65-85.
- The authors of this monograph, recently updated to the third edition, covers acute and chronic renal failure, principles of hemodialysis, application of diffusion and ultrafiltration, dialysate solution, dialyzers, the hemodialysis system, the hemodialysis prescription, dialysis dose, access to the circulation, anticoagulation therapy, and alternative therapies. This monograph is a home study course for dialysis nurses and technicians, who are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education on completion of the monograph posttest.
- Pittard J., De Palma J.: Dialysate Monograph.1st ed2013.Hemodialysis, IncGlendale, CA
- The authors of this monograph thoroughly discuss the composition and clinical use of hemodialysate. Knowledge of the fundamental principles regarding the preparation and clinical applications will help the reader provide better care to the ESRD patient. It covers all of the new and current regulations regarding dialysate, including mixing, distribution, labeling, and use. This monograph is a home study course for dialysis nurses and technicians, who are awarded 30 contact hours of continuing education on completion of the monograph posttest.
- Sweet S.J., McCarthy S., Steingart R., Callahan T.: Hemolytic reactions mechanically induced by kinked hemodialysis lines. Am J Kidney Dis. 1996; 27: pp. 262-266.
- The authors discuss 10 hemolytic events occurring in the course of 1 year. This article describes blood lines being kinked. Kinks originated in the arterial blood line due to excess tubing between the blood pump and drip chamber or in the predialyzer segment. The elimination of kinks in the tubing resolved the problem. This emphasizes the importance of absolute mandatory training required of staff that provides direct patient care and the attention to detail that must be adhered to, even though blood tubing placement is a routine procedure.
- The Department of Health and Human Services Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) : Conditions for Coverage (CfCs): Subpart B—patient safety, 494.40. Water and dialysate quality. Fed Regist 2008; 73:
- The ESRD CfCs Final Rule modernizes Medicare's ESRD health and safety conditions for coverage and updates CMS standards for delivering safe, high-quality care to dialysis patients. The ESRD CfCs are the minimum health and safety rules that all Medicare and Medicaid participating dialysis facilities must meet in order to operate and be Medicare certified. This condition incorporates by reference the AAMI and American National Standard for Dialysate for Hemodialysis, 2004 (RD52:2004). This condition has “Tags” or “V” codes; V175-278 (> 100) addressing expected guidelines and specific conditions for facilities to meet. This Interpretive Guidance is to replace all previously released versions. Specific regulations regarding dialysate are included. First-time regulations specific for dialysate include mixing, distribution, labeling, and use. It is essential to incorporate these rules into training of staff.
- Utoh J., Harasaki H.: Damage to erythrocytes from long-term heat stress. Clin Sci 1992; 82: pp. 9-11.
- The authors researched the effects of heat on erythrocytes, RBCs. In particular, they hypothesized that erythrocytes might be damaged at lower temperatures if incubated for prolonged periods. The study was conducted using healthy human donor blood. Various time frames and temperatures were used. The study showed that prolonged exposure induced hemolysis at 42°C. It is critical that dialysate temperatures be preset with the internal high limit set at no higher than 41°C (105.8°F). Dialysate temperatures in excess of 106°F induce RBC hemolysis. Careful monitoring is mandatory. Staff education is critical in this area. Under no circumstances should the high limit be adjusted above 41°C. It should be remembered that uremic RBCs are more osmotically fragile and have a shorter half-life than normal RBCs. It is reasonable to assume that these uremic RBCs are more sensitive to all mechanical and thermal causes of trauma than normal RBCs.