Client Details 客户详细信息
Company Name 公司名称
202223143 Z202223143 Z
Address 地址
Company Registration No. 公司注册号
#13-83 THE CENTRAL #13-83 中央
Contact Number 联系电话
Li Zhihui 李志辉
SINGAPORE (059818) 新加坡 (059818)
Contact Name 联系人姓名
Email 电子邮件
Client Details SWAPA TECH PTE. LTD.
Company Name 202223143 Z Address 8 EU TONG SEN STREET
Company Registration No. 91690288 #13-83 THE CENTRAL
Contact Number Li Zhihui SINGAPORE (059818)
Contact Name zhihui78@hotmail.com
Email | Client Details | | SWAPA TECH PTE. LTD. | |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Company Name | $202223143 Z$ | Address | 8 EU TONG SEN STREET |
| Company Registration No. | 91690288 | | #13-83 THE CENTRAL |
| Contact Number | Li Zhihui | | SINGAPORE (059818) |
| Contact Name | zhihui78@hotmail.com | | |
| Email | | | |
License Period*
Start Date 01 Oct 2024 End Date 31 Mar 2025
Service Term | License Period* | | | |
| :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
| Start Date | 01 Oct 2024 | End Date | 31 Mar 2025 |
| Service Term | | | |
Additional Notes 其他说明
For & On behalf of Swapa Tech Pte. Ltd. 代表 Swapa Tech Pte.有限公司。
Name : Li Zhihui 姓名 : 李志辉
Title : Director 职务 : 导演
Signature & Company Stamp : 签名和公司印章:
For & On behalf of YQZ Management Pte. Ltd. 代表YQZ Management Pte.有限公司。
Name : Liu Liting Title : Director 姓名 : 刘丽婷 职务 : 董事
Signature & Company Stant: 签名和公司立场:
TERM OF PAYMENTAND duration 付款期限和期限
1.1 The Licensee must pay to the Licensor an initial start-up fee comprising of: - The first month’s payment of the License Fee 1.1 被许可方必须向许可方支付初始启动费,包括:- 第一个月支付的许可费
A "deposit amounting to two (2) months of the License Fee (the “相当于两 (2) 个月许可费的押金 (
1.2 The Licensor must receive the Deposit and the 1st month Initial Payment within 7 days from signing of the License agreement. 1.2 许可方必须在签署许可协议后 7 天内收到定金和第 1 个月首付款。
1.3 In the event the Licensee wish to cancel this agreement before the commenced date, the Deposit and 1 st month Initial Payment will be forfeited. 1.3 如果被许可方希望在协议开始日期之前取消本协议,则押金和第 1 个月的首期付款将被没收。
1.4 The Licensee must pay the Licensor without demand the License Fee in ad ance on the first day of each month, the first payment (or a due proportion 1.4 被许可方必须在每月的第一天向许可方支付许可费,而无需要求支付第一笔款项(或适当的比例)
of it apportioned on a day-to-day basis) is to be made on or before the commencement date of the License Period and each subsequent payment to be made on the first day of every succeeding month. 按日分摊)应在许可期开始日期或之前支付,随后的每一笔付款应在随后每个月的第一天支付。
1.5 The Licensee must pay to the Licensor promptly as and when due, without demand, deduction, set-off, or counterclaim, all sums due and payable by the 1.5 被许可方必须在到期时及时向许可方支付
Licensee to the Licensor under this Agrement The Licensee Licensec to the Licensor under this Agreement. The Licensee must int exercise any right or claim 根据本协议向许可方提供被许可方 根据本协议向许可方提供被许可方的被许可方。被许可方必须行使任何权利或索赔
equitale set-off. equitale 抵销。
1.6 Where the Licensee subscribes to any of the services set out in the General Service Pricelist of this Agreement, the Licensee will be charged service charges on a Pay-as-You-Use basis (the “Service Charges”) and the Licensor will issue to the Licensee an invoice in respect to the amount charged. For the avoidance of doubt, all invoices are to be settled promptly within 7 days from 1.6 如果被许可方订阅了本协议的一般服务价目表中规定的任何服务,则将被许可方按使用量付费的方式收取服务费(“服务费”),许可方将向被许可方开具与所收费额相关的发票。为避免疑义,所有发票应在 7 天内及时结清
the date of the invoice. The Licensee is not permitted to deduct, contra or setoff any outstanding sums due and owing by the Licensor to the Licensee against the invoiced amounts. 发票的日期。被许可方不得从发票金额中扣除、抵销或抵销许可方应付和欠给被许可方的任何未付款项。
1.7 If the Licensee does not pay the License Fee, the Deposit, the Service Charges or any other sums owing to the Licensor under this by the due date (whether or not formally demanded), the Licensee must pay late payment interest of 2%2 \% per month on that sum from the due date until the sum is paid to, or accepted by, 1.7 如果被许可方未在到期日之前支付许可费、押金、服务费或根据本协议欠许可方的任何其他款项(无论是否正式要求),则被许可方必须按月支付该款项的滞纳金利息 2%2 \% ,从到期日开始,直到款项支付到。 或接受者,
the Licensor. Nothing in this clause entitles the Licensee to withhold or delay the Licensor. Nothing in this clause entitles the Licensee to withhold or de 许可方。本条款中的任何内容均不赋予被许可方拒绝或延迟许可方的权利。本条款中的任何内容均不赋予被许可方扣留或扣留的权利
any payment or affect the rights of the Licensor in relation to non-payment. 任何付款或影响许可方与未付款有关的权利。
1.8 For the avoidance of doubt, any sums due and owing under this Agreement by the Licensee to Licensor are to be paid by the Licensee in full, net of any bank charges, taxes, administrative charges and foreign exchange (“FX”) expenses. Acceptable forms of payments include cheques, and bank transfers. All payments must be made in Singapore Dollars. 1.8 为避免疑义,被许可方应全额支付本协议项下应付和欠给许可方的任何款项,扣除任何银行费用、税款、行政费用和外汇 (“FX”) 费用。可接受的付款方式包括支票和银行转账。所有付款必须以新加坡元支付。
1.9 In the event that the Licensee does not pay the total amount as stated on invoice to the Licensor by the due date, the Licensor shall be entitled to the following: 1.9 如果被许可方未在到期日之前向许可方支付发票上注明的总金额,则许可方有权获得以下权利:
Licensor will limit the licensee from entering to the licensed area within 7 (seven) days from the invoice due date. 许可方将限制被许可方在发票到期日后 7 (7) 天内进入许可区域。
Withdraw and stop all services provided by Licensor’s choice including, but not limited to telephone and internet servi 撤销并停止许可方提供的所有服务,包括但不限于电话和互联网服务。
Enter the Unit and change the lock without prior notice. 进入本机并更换锁,恕不另行通知。
Claim all costs associted with recovering all mo 索赔与恢复所有 mo 相关的所有费用
monies owed to 欠款
Register the company name and its Directors with credit rating 为公司名称及其董事注册信用评级
agencies and the Singapore government if monies remain outstanding for more than 30 days. 机构和新加坡政府(如果未付款超过 30 天)。
Claim all outstanding invoices and the costs of recouping those 索取所有未结发票以及收回这些发票的费用
monies against the signing party and directors of the company. 针对签约方和公司董事的款项。
It the Licensee has fulfilled all its obligations as specified under this Agreement, the Licensor undertakes to return the deposit to the Licensee (subject to the deduction of the sum expended to rectify any damage caused by the Licensee to the Licensed Area and/or any sum expended to restore the Licensed Area to its Original Condition) within thirty (30) days. 如果被许可方已履行本协议规定的所有义务,则许可方承诺在三十 (30) 天内将押金退还给被许可方(扣除为纠正被许可方对许可区域造成的任何损害而支付的金额和/或为将许可区域恢复到其原始状态而支付的任何款项)。
2.2 There is strictly no refund of security deposit in the event of early termination or non-fulfilment of the License Agreement. 2.2 如果提前终止或未履行许可协议,则严格不退还保证金。
The Licensee is not allowed to set off any sums owed under the License Fee, the Service 被许可方不得抵销根据许可费、服务
Deposit 存款
2.4 The Licensor reserves the right to set off the Licensee’s unpaid expenses in computing the amount of Deposit to be refunded. A Statement of Accounts will be provided upon refund. 2.4 许可方保留在计算要退还的押金金额时抵销被许可方未支付费用的权利。退款时将提供账户对账单。
2.5 A refund of the Deposit shall only be made in favor of the Licensee named in this Agreement. 2.5 押金的退款只能以本协议中指定的被许可方为受益人。
tine cost of the monthly services provided to the Licensee by Licensor from time to time exceeds 50%50 \% of the Deposit, services shall immediately cease, until the balance is cleared by the License 许可方向被许可方提供的每月服务的费用不时超过 50%50 \% 押金,则服务应立即停止,直到许可结清余额
2.7 If within sixty (60) days, the Licensee has not deregistered their usage of the Licensor’s address for company registration and/or listings, the Licensor with deregistration of the Licensee’s use of the Licensor’s address. 2.7 如果在六十 (60) 天内,被许可方未取消其对许可方地址用于公司注册和/或上市的使用,则许可方应注销被许可方对许可方地址的使用。
3.1 The Licensee will be released from their obligations under this License and to terminate prior to the end date of this License subject to the Licensee paying Licensor the full license fee for the unexpired term together with all other outstanding invoices. Upon settlement of these terms, the Deposit will then 3.1 被许可方将被免除其在本许可项下的义务,并在本许可结束日期之前终止,但被许可方必须向许可方支付未到期期限的全部许可费以及所有其他未结发票。在结算这些条款后,存款将
subsequently be refunded to the Licensee. 随后退还给被许可人。
Upon expiry termination, the Licensor 终止期限届满后,许可方
retain any furniture, personal effects or other belongings of the Licensee until all arrears owed to the Licensor have been paid or other loss made good and in he event of non-payment within 14 days the Licensor shall be entitled to dispose of any goods retained in settlement of any arrears and any costs of 保留被许可方的任何家具、个人物品或其他物品,直到欠许可方的所有欠款付清或其他损失得到补偿,如果被许可方在 14 天内未付款,许可方有权处置为解决任何欠款而保留的任何货物和任何费用
disposal. 3.3 The Lice 处理。3.3 虱子
the Agreement or the last be vacated of the License Period, as applicable in the same the Agreement or the last day of the License Period, as applicable in the same 本协议或最后撤销许可期限(如适用)或许可期限的最后一天(如适用)
condition as it was found at the beginning of the Term. Where the Licensed Area is not returned in the same condition, the Licensor shall organize to repair 条件。许可区域未以相同状态返还的,许可人应组织修复
the Licensed Area at the Licensee’s cost to the same condition as at the Commencement Date of the License. Licensor does not accept any belongings left in the Licensed Area and have the right to dispose of such property, the costs of such disposal being the responsibility of the Licensee. 许可区域的费用由被许可方承担,条件与许可生效日期相同。许可方不接受留在许可区域内的任何物品,并有权处置此类财产,此类处置的费用由被许可方承担。
3.4 Upon expiry or termination of this Agreement or if the Licensee choose to relocate to a different office suite within the Licensor’s premises, the cover the cost for deep cleaning and disinfection of the Licensed Area. In this regard, the Licensor reserves the right to charge an additional fee ove and above the exit fee for reparation of all and any damage caused to th Licensed Area and/or for reinstatement of the Licensed Area to it Original Condition. 3.4 本协议到期或终止后,或者如果被许可方选择搬迁到许可方场所内的其他办公套件,则需支付许可区域的深度清洁和消毒费用。在这方面,许可方保留在退出费的基础上收取额外费用的权利,以赔偿对许可区域造成的所有和任何损害和/或将许可区域恢复到其原始状态。
3.5 On or before the expiry of this License the Licensee must return to Licensor all keys and other means of access to the Licensed Area and the Centre and whenever any key or other means of access is lost to reping such key or other means of access and the cost of replacing any lock changed by Licensor 3.5 在本许可到期时或之前,被许可方必须将许可区域和中心的所有钥匙和其他访问方式归还给许可方,并且无论何时丢失任何钥匙或其他访问方式,重新使用此类钥匙或其他访问方式,以及更换许可方更换的任何锁的费用
3.6 Licensor shall have the right to terminate this agreement without notice if he Licensee: 3.6 如果被许可方符合以下条件,则许可方有权终止本协议,恕不另行通知:
breaches the national or local laws in which the centre is located, the best practice has reasons to believe Licensee has breached jeopardize public laws and order. 违反中心所在地的国家或地方法律,最佳实践有理由相信被许可方违反了危害公共法律和秩序的行为。
if the Licensee is declared bankrupt, is wound up or put under receivership 如果被许可方被宣布破产、清盘或被接管
3.7 If either party does not give notice for termination of this agreement in writing not less than three (3) months before the expiry date of the 3.7 如果任何一方未在本协议到期日前至少三 (3) 个月发出终止本协议的书面通知
License Period (or not less than two (2) months in the case of a short-term contract with a License Period of less than three (3) months), the license shall automatically renew at licensor’s prevailing market price for 6 months 许可期限(如果是短期合同,许可期限少于三 (3) 个月,则不少于两 (2) 个月),许可应按许可方的现行市场价格自动续订 6 个月
1 The Licensee may only use the accommodations for office purposes. Us of licensed area for “retail”, “medical”, “residential”, or “industrial” usage is strictly prohibited. 1 被许可方仅可将住宿设施用于办公目的。严禁将许可区域用于“零售”、“医疗”、“住宅”或“工业”用途。
The Licensee may only conduct business in the centre utilizing the name The Licensee will 被许可方只能使用被许可方将
Common Area - 公共区域 -
4.4 The Licensee agrees to immediately give to the Licensor a copy of any notice or order from any government authority which relates to the Licensed Area; and/or notice of any dect in 4.4 被许可方同意立即向许可方提供任何政府机构发出的与许可区域相关的任何通知或命令的副本;和/或任何 DECT 的通知
5 may give rise to a liability or duty on the Licensor. 5 可能会对许可方产生责任或义务。
(without the prior written consent of the (i) make any alterations or additions to or affecting the structure of the (ii) Licensed Area; (未经 (i) 对 (ii) 许可区域的结构进行任何更改或添加或影响其结构;
(ii) carry out works involving the hacking of the floors or the structural column and beams of the Licensed Are (ii) 进行涉及砍伐持牌人的地板或结构柱及横梁的工作
(iii) install and/or add any additional furniture, fixture and/or fittings in (iii) 安装和/或添加任何其他家具、固定装置和/或配件
(iv) the Licensed Area; (iv) 许可区域;
fittings to the interior or exterior of affix, inter alia, fixture and/or the premises; 词缀的内部或外部装置,其中包括固定装置及/或处所;
(v) make any alterations to the furniture, partitions and/existing furnishings; and/or (v) 对家具、隔板和/或现有陈设进行任何改动;和/或
(vi) damage the furniture, partitions and/existing furnishings. The approved alterations and additions must be carried out by the Licensee at its own cost and expens. (vi) 损坏家具、隔板和/或现有家具。经批准的更改和添加必须由被许可方自费进行。
4.6 The Licensee agrees to keep the Licensed Area clean and tidy; keep the Licensed Area, including all fixtures and fittings in it in good and enantable repair and condition; and immediately make good, to the casonable satisfaction of the Licensor, any damage caused to the ther Area (including the Licensor’s fixtuses and fittings in it) or any伡 4.6 被许可方同意保持许可区域的干净整洁;保持许可区域(包括其中的所有固定装置和装置)处于良好和可修复的维修和状态;并立即赔偿对该区域(包括许可方在其中的固定装置和配件)或任何伡造成的任何损害,并使许可人满意。
appliances in a safe condition by adopting all necessays instations and appliances in a safe condition by adopting all necessary measures to 通过采用所有必要措施,确保设备处于安全状态,并通过采取一切必要措施确保设备处于安全状态
prevent an outbreak of fire in or at the Licensed Area, and to this end, the Licensee must comply with all requirements of the Licensor, the Fir Safety Bureau and/or other relevant body or authority. The Licenso 防止许可区域内或许可区域发生火灾,为此,被许可方必须遵守许可方、杉木安全局和/或其他相关机构或当局的所有要求。执照
Licensor considers a safety hazar 许可方认为安全漏洞
8 The Licensee agrees not to affix or display at the Licensed Area or any 8 被许可方同意不在许可区域或任何许可区域粘贴或展示
style and manner and at a location written consent of the Licensor and in If the Licensee displays any name, previously approved by the Licenso dvertisements in default of this clause, the Licensee must remove the immediately on demand, failing which the Licensor may do so and the 风格和方式,并在许可方的书面同意地点显示,如果被许可方在违反本条款的情况下显示许可方事先批准的任何名称,则被许可方必须立即要求删除该名称,否则许可方可以这样做,并且
In expensor’s costs and expenses of doing so. 在费用提供者这样做的成本和费用中。
Licensor with written notification withim, the Licensee shall provide the along with supporting documents. 许可方在书面通知后,被许可方应提供 以及证明文件。
4.10 The Licensee agrees to provide an undertaking that in the event the Licensee hires any of the Licensor’s employees:- 4.10 被许可方同意承诺,如果被许可方雇用许可方的任何员工:
(i) during the term of the License period; and/o (i) 在许可期限内;和/o
will pay to the Licensor an amount equivalent to 6 months of the 将向许可方支付相当于 6 个月的
mployee’s last drawn salary and reimburse the employee’s one time placement fee of SGD 2,000 to the Licensor. 雇主最后提取的工资,并向许可方偿还员工一次性 2,000 新元的安置费。
(iii) (三)
within 6 months from the date of termination of the said Licensee’s agreement with Licensor, the licensee will pay to the Licensor an 在上述被许可方与许可方的协议终止之日起 6 个月内,被许可方应向许可方支付
mount equivalent to 6 months of the employee’s last drawn salary and reimburse the employee’s one time placement fee of SGD 2,000 to the reimburse 相当于员工最后提取的工资的 6 个月,并偿还员工一次性 2,000 新元的安置费
Licensor. 许可。
4.11 The Licensee agres not to download any movies and/or any video clips from unauthorized websites via the Licensor’s shared Internet server. The Licensor usage. 4.11 被许可方不得通过许可方的共享互联网服务器从未经授权的网站下载任何电影和/或任何视频剪辑。许可方用法。
4.12 The Licensee must promptly comply, at its cost and expense, with the law and all requirements of the relevant authority in force at the moment relating to the Licensed Area, the use or occupation of the Licensed Area, anything done in the Licensed Area by the Licensee, and anything in the Licensed Area. The 4.12 被许可方必须立即遵守法律和当时相关机构的所有要求,并承担其费用和费用,这些法律和要求与许可区域、许可区域的使用或占用、被许可方在许可区域内所做的任何事情以及许可区域内的任何事情有关。这
term “law” referred to herein includes term “law” referred to herein includes any present or future requirement 此处提及的“法律”一词包括此处提及的“法律”一词包括任何现在或未来的要求
statute (including subsidiary legislation) or common law (if applicable). 成文法(包括附属法)或普通法(如适用)。
4.13 The Licensee will maintain updated anti-virus programs installed in Licensee’s computer(s) before using the Licensor’s line(s) to connect to the Internet. The Licensee shall compensate and indemnify the Licensor for the cost of rectification and repair if the system is disrupted due to corruption caused by a virus in the Licensee’s system(s). The Licensor reserves its right to disconnect the Licensee’s line(s) if the Licensee does not take steps to ICENSOR’S RIGHT 4.13 在使用许可方的线路连接到互联网之前,被许可方应维护安装在被许可方计算机中的最新防病毒程序。如果系统因被许可方系统中的病毒引起的损坏而中断,被许可方应赔偿和赔偿许可方的整改和维修费用。如果被许可方未采取符合 ICENSOR 权利的措施,则许可方保留断开被许可方线路的权利
Request for the removal of items placed along the glass partitions in the Licensed Area and/or premises; 要求移走许可区域和/或处所内放置在玻璃隔板上的物品;
5.2 Request the Licensee keep the noise levels down and/or to close the door to the Licensed Area to reduce noise emission; 5.2 要求被许可方降低噪音水平和/或关闭许可区域的门以减少噪音排放;
5.3 In the event the Licensee and/or Licensor chooses not to renew the Agreement, 5.3 如果被许可方和/或许可方选择不续订本协议,
Licensee. Should the Licensor be unable to give advance written notice to the Licensee (including but not limited to situations where the Licensee is not reachable), the Licensor will post a written notice on the door of the Licensed Area and the Licensee is deemed to have sufficient notice of the same. In such an event, the Licensee is advised to exercise due care not to expose or leave Sany confidential documents out in the open. 持 牌 人。如果许可方无法提前向被许可方发出书面通知(包括但不限于无法联系到被许可方的情况),则许可方将在许可区域的门上张贴书面通知,并被许可方被视为已充分通知。在这种情况下,建议被许可方采取适当的谨慎措施,不要公开或暴露三一重工的机密文件。
or a comparable Licensed Area in an alternative centre, given 3 current centre notice. The Licensee will continue to enjoy their current premium and retain all outstanding packages. The security deposit will not be adjusted in said all outstanding 或替代中心的类似许可区域,给予 3 个当前中心通知。被许可方将继续享受其当前的保费并保留所有未完成的套餐。保证金将不调整所有未付
circumstances. 情况 下。
6.1 Except in cases of gross negligence or purposeful misrepresentation by the Licensor, the Licensee will indemnify the Licensor against all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, judgments, damages, losses, costs and expenses of any nature which the Licensor may suffer or incur for death, injury, loss and/or damage caused, directly or indirectly, by:-any occurrences in the Licensed Area or the use or occupation of the Licensed Area by the Licensee or by any of the Licensee’s employees, independent contractors, agents or any permitted occupier; 6.1 除非许可方存在重大过失或故意失实陈述,否则被许可方将赔偿许可方因以下原因直接或间接造成的死亡、伤害、损失和/或损害而可能遭受或招致的任何性质的所有索赔、要求、诉讼、诉讼、判决、损害赔偿、损失、成本和费用:- 许可区域内发生的任何事件或被许可方或任何被许可方的员工、独立承包商、代理人或任何允许的占用者;
The Licensor is not liable to the Licensee and the Licensee must not claim 许可方不对被许可方负责,被许可方不得索赔
against the Licensor for any death, injury, loss or damage (including 对于任何死亡、伤害、损失或损害(包括
indirect, consequential and special losses) which the Licensee may suffer in indirect, consequential and special 间接、后果性和特殊损失),被许可方可能遭受间接、后果性和特殊
respect of any of the following: 尊重以下任何一项:
any failure or inability of or delay by the Licensor to provide, or any interruption in, or inadequate supply of, any of the utilities, airconditioning services, lift services or lighting to the Licensed Area; or any failure or inability of or delay by the Licensor to grant access to the Licensed Area and/or the premises and/or to the use of the 许可方未能、无法或延迟向许可区域提供任何公用事业、空调服务、电梯服务或照明,或中断或供应不足;或许可方未能、无法或延迟授予对许可区域和/或场所的访问权限和/或使用
Licensor’s comprehensive office services; or leakage or defect in the Licensor’s comprehensive office services; or leakage or defect in the 许可方的综合办公服务;或许可方的综合办公服务存在泄漏或缺陷;或
piping, wiring and sprinkler system or defect in the structure of the premises; or 管道、布线和自动喷水灭火系统或处所结构的缺陷;或
any act, omission or negligence of any contractor approved by the 经
Licensor under this Agreement, and such contractor appointed by the 本协议项下的许可方,以及由
Licensor will not be treated as an employee or agent of the Licensor; or any loss of confidential information and/or loss of 许可方不会被视为许可方的员工或代理人;或任何机密信息的丢失和/或丢失
confidentiality brought about by the entry of unauthorized confidentiality brought about by the entry of unauthorized 未经授权入场带来的保密性 未经授权入场带来的保密性
persons into the Licensed Area and/or premises; or death, injury, persons into the Licensed Area and/or premises, or death, injury, 进入许可区域和/或处所的人员;或死亡、受伤、进入许可区域和/或场所的人员,或死亡、受伤、
loss or damage caused by other persons in the Licensed Area and/or the premises. 许可区域和/或场所内的其他人造成的损失或损害。
any loss of confidential information and/or loss of confidentiality brought about by the entry of unauthorized persons into the Licensed Area and/or premises; or Death, injury, loss or damage 因未获授权人士进入许可区域及/或处所而引致的任何机密资料损失及/或保密性损失;或死亡、受伤、丢失或损坏
caused by other persons in the Licensed Area and/or the premises. For the avoidance of doubt, “injury, loss and damage” as set out in the above clause above includes, but is not limited to any loss 由许可区域和/或场所内的其他人造成。为避免疑义,上述条款中规定的“伤害、损失和损害”包括但不限于任何损失
of business, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of data, thirs party claims or any consequential loss. 业务损失、利润损失、预期储蓄损失、数据丢失、第三方索赔或任何间接损失。
6.3 All items stored within the Licensed Area are at the risk of the Licensee The Licensee shall make no claims to the Licensor for such items for whatever reason. 6.3 被许可方应承担存储在许可区域内的所有物品的风险 被许可方不得以任何理由向许可方就该等物品提出索赔。
6.4 Except in cases of gross negligence or purposeful misrepresentation by the Licensor, the Licensor is not responsible to the Licensee or to its employees, independent contractors, agents or permitted occupier nor to any other persons for any death, injury, loss or damage sustained at or originating from the Licensed Area and/or the business centre and/or the premises directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection 6.4 除非许可方存在重大过失或故意失实陈述,否则对于在许可区域和/或商务中心和/或场所直接或间接造成的任何死亡、伤害、损失或损害,许可方不对被许可方或其员工、独立承包商、代理人或许可占用人或任何其他人负责: 由或因联系而产生
with any act omission or negligence of the Licensor or its employees agents or independent contractors. 许可方或其员工、代理人或独立承包商的任何行为、疏忽或疏忽。
6.5 The Licensor’s consent to or waiver of any default by the Licensee of its obligations in this Agreement is only effective if it is in writing. Such written consent or waiver by the Licensor must not be taken as a consent or waiver to another default by the Licensee of the same obligation, or a 6.5 许可方对被许可方违约行为的同意或弃权追究,只有在书面形式下才有效。许可方的此类书面同意或弃权不得被视为同意或弃权被许可方再次履行同一义务,或
default by the Licensee of another obligation in this Agreement. 被许可方违反本协议中的其他义务。
Every aspect of YQZ Management Pte. Ltd. will remain under the full control and possession of the Licensor. By signing this agreement and the license agreement, the Licensee accepts that there is no creation of a tenancy interest, leasehold interest, or other real estate property interest the property. The client is given a license to use the licensed area for a 7.2 specified period as stated herein. Every aspect of YQZ Management Pte.Ltd. 的 S Sl. 将保持由许可方完全控制和拥有。通过签署本协议和许可协议,被许可方接受不产生租赁权益、租赁权益或其他房地产权益。客户被授予许可,可在此处规定的 7.2 指定期限内使用许可区域。
A notice 通知
Licensee is only valid if given by hand to the in writing. A notice to the Licensee is only valid if given by hand to the Licensee, sent by facsimile 被许可方仅在以书面形式亲自交给被许可方时有效。发送给被许可方的通知只有在通过传真方式亲自发送给被许可方的情况下才有效
to the facsimile number of the Licensee, or sent to the e-mail of the Licensee. A notice to the Licensor is only valid if given by hand to the Licensor, sent by facsimile to the facsimile number of the Licensor, sent to the e-mail of the Centre Manager managing the Licensee’s Licensed Area. Any notice will be treated as served immediately on the 发送到被许可方的传真号码,或发送到被许可方的电子邮件。发送给许可方的通知只有在专人交给许可方的情况下才有效,该通知通过传真发送到许可方的传真号码,并发送到管理被许可方许可区域的中心经理的电子邮件。任何通知将被视为立即送达
day upon which it is sent. The Licensor may take 寄出日期。许可方可以采取
in the Licensed Area for the Licensorsee and their respective parties addition, the Licensor may use the Licensee’s name and logo for its ow marketing purposes. If the Licensee wishes to opt out, the Licensee shal give the Licensor written notification of such. 此外,在许可方及其各自方的许可区域内,许可方可以将被许可方的名称和徽标用于其营销目的。如果被许可方希望选择退出,被许可方应向许可方发出书面通知。
7.4 This Agreement supersedes any prior agreement between the Parties and embodies the entire agreement between the Parties. 7.4 本协议取代双方之间的任何先前协议,并体现双方之间的完整协议。
This Agreement may not be modified, changed or altered in any way The illegality, invalidity and endorsed by both Parties. 本协议不得以任何方式修改、更改或更改其非法性、无效性并经双方认可。
Agreement under the law of any jurisdiction will not affect the legality validity or enforceability of (i) that provision under the law of any other jurisdiction; or (ii) any of the other provisions in this Agreement. 根据任何司法管辖区的法律达成的协议不会影响以下各项的合法性、有效性或可执行性:(i) 该条款在任何其他司法管辖区的法律下的规定;或 (ii) 本协议中的任何其他条款。
7.7 This Agreement is governed by the Republic of Singapore law. 7.7 本协议受新加坡共和国法律管辖。
7.8 The Parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore in 7.8 双方同意服从新加坡法院的管辖
The Parties agree to submit to the jurisdices 双方同意服从判例
cases of dispute. 争议案件。
By signing this Agreement, The Licensee confirm that they have read and agreed to all the terms and conditions set out above. 通过签署本协议,被许可方确认其已阅读并同意上述所有条款和条件。
Date: 01 Oct 2024 日期: 2024 年 10 月 1 日
Date: 01 Oct 2024| 支志辉 | |
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