Various medications can help people fall asleep, stay asleep, or both, such as doxepin (Silenor) and Ramelteon (Rozerem). But, there may be some risks and side effects. Several are only for short-term use.
各种药物可以帮助人们入睡、保持睡眠或两者兼而有之,例如多塞平 (Silenor) 和雷美替胺 (Rozerem)。但是,可能存在一些风险和副作用。有几种只能短期使用。
Sleep disturbances are common. An estimated
睡眠障碍很常见。估计有 50 到 7000 万 people in the United States experience chronic sleep or wakefulness conditions, which are more common in females and older individuals.
A range of medications can help people fall asleep, stay asleep, or both. Prescription sleep aids can often relieve insomnia for short periods. However, many of these medications carry risks of side effects, misuse, and dependency.
Some sleep medications interact with other substances, including other medications, alcohol, and vitamin supplements. For this reason, a person should consult a doctor before starting any new sleep medication.
This article reviews 10 medications a doctor may prescribe to help a person sleep. It also explores some nonmedical solutions for sleep issues.
本文回顾了医生可能会开出的 10 种药物来帮助一个人入睡。它还探讨了睡眠问题的一些非医疗解决方案。

Doxepin is a sleep aid with the brand name Silenor. Doctors may suggest people with insomnia use Silenor for up to 3 months. It may help a person fall asleep and stay asleep.
Doxepin 是一种安眠药,商品名为 Silenor。医生可能会建议失眠患者使用 Silenor 长达 3 个月。它可以帮助一个人入睡并保持睡眠。
It is available as an immediate-release tablet in 3 and 6 milligram (mg) doses. A person should talk with a doctor about the best dose for their needs.
它有 3 毫克和 6 毫克 (mg) 剂量的速释片剂。一个人应该与医生讨论满足他们需求的最佳剂量。
Doctors do not recommend Silenor for those taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors, a type of antidepressant, or people with glaucoma or urinary retention.
医生不建议服用单胺氧化酶抑制剂(一种抗抑郁药)的人,或者患有青光眼或尿潴留的人使用 Silenor。
Silenor may cause side effects in some people. These can include:
Silenor 可能会对某些人造成副作用。这些副作用可能包括:
- central nervous system (CNS) depression, where brain activity slows
中枢神经系统 (CNS) 抑制,大脑活动减慢 - worsening depression or suicidal thoughts
抑郁恶化或自杀念头 - unusual thinking patterns and behavior changes
People who are pregnant or nursing should consult a doctor before using Silenor. Parents or caregivers should only give it to children or adolescents if directed by a medical professional.
孕妇或哺乳期妇女应在使用 Silenor 前咨询医生。父母或看护人只有在医疗专业人员的指导下才能给儿童或青少年服用。
People should also not take this medication within 3 hours of a meal.
人们也不应在饭后 3 小时内服用这种药物。
If symptoms do not clear within 7 to 10 days, a person should contact a doctor. They may need to rule out other possible causes of insomnia.
如果症状在 7 到 10 天内没有消失,一个人应该联系医生。他们可能需要排除失眠的其他可能原因。
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Temazepam, which has the brand name Restoril, is a benzodiazepine. This kind of medication
替马西泮的商标名称为 Restoril,是一种苯二氮卓类药物。这种药物可能会导致dependency and addiction if a person misuses it.
Restoril is available by prescription for the short-term treatment of insomnia. The typical prescription length is 7 tot 10 days. A doctor will generally reassess the person following this period to determine if an underlying cause is responsible for their insomnia.
Restoril 可通过处方获得,用于短期治疗失眠。典型的处方长度为 7 到 10 天。医生通常会重新评估在此期间之后的人,以确定是否有根本原因导致他们的失眠。
People who are pregnant should not take Restoril.
孕妇不应服用 Restoril。
Restoril can cause a variety of side effects, which may include one or more of the following:
Restoril 可引起多种副作用,其中可能包括以下一种或多种:
Restoril comes in a variety of dosages, ranging from 7.5 to 30 mg. A person should talk with a doctor about the right dose for them.
Restoril 有多种剂量,从 7.5 毫克到 30 毫克不等。一个人应该与医生讨论适合他们的剂量。
Doctors can prescribe triazolam (Halcion) for the short-term treatment of insomnia, typically for 7 to 10 days.
医生可以开三唑仑 (Halcion) 来短期治疗失眠,通常持续 7 到 10 天。
Like Temazepam, this medication is a benzodiazepine. Because the medication has the potential for dependency and misuse, doctors do not recommend it as a long-term treatment for insomnia.
与 Temazepam 一样,这种药物是一种苯二氮卓类药物。由于该药物具有依赖性和滥用的可能性,因此医生不建议将其作为失眠的长期治疗方法。
Common side effects may include:
- ataxia, or a lack of muscle coordination
共济失调或缺乏肌肉协调 - drowsiness 睡意
- dizziness 头晕
- lightheadedness 头重脚轻
In some people, Halcion can cause:
在某些人中,Halcion 会导致:
- complex sleep behaviors 复杂的睡眠行为
- dependency 屬地
- withdrawal symptoms when a person suddenly stops taking it
当一个人突然停止服用时出现戒断症状 - worsening insomnia 失眠恶化
- CNS issues such as changes in behavior, unusual thinking, and anxiety
中枢神经系统问题,例如行为改变、异常思维和焦虑 - worsening depression 抑郁恶化
- issues with performing activities such as driving
It comes in two dose sizes: 0.25 mg and 0.5 mg. A person should not exceed 0.5 mg daily.
它有两种剂量大小:0.25 毫克和 0.5 毫克。一个人每天不应超过 0.5 毫克。
Ramelteon (Rozerem) is a melatonin antagonist and may help a person fall asleep. Melatonin is a naturally occurring substance in the body, and by affecting melatonin receptors, Ramelteon promotes sleep and positively affects circadian rhythms.
Ramelteon (Rozerem) 是一种褪黑激素拮抗剂,可以帮助人入睡。褪黑激素是体内天然存在的物质,通过影响褪黑激素受体,Ramelteon 促进睡眠并对昼夜节律产生积极影响。
Due to this, a doctor may prescribe Rozerem for longer-term use, unlike other medications that are indicated for short-term use.
因此,医生可能会开出 Rozerem 长期使用,这与其他短期使用的药物不同。
This medication comes in a one-size dose of 8 mg. A person should not exceed a single dose daily.
这种药物的单剂量为 8 毫克。一个人每天不应超过单次剂量。
Unlike many other sleep aids, Rozerem is not a controlled substance. It has a low likelihood of misuse or dependency. However, it can still cause side effects such as:
与许多其他安眠药不同,Rozerem 不是受控物质。它被滥用或依赖的可能性很低。但是,它仍然会引起副作用,例如:
- drowsiness 睡意
- dizziness 头晕
- fatigue 疲劳
- worsening insomnia 失眠恶化
It can also cause allergic reactions in some people.
Other groups that should use caution in taking this medication may include those who:
- are pregnant 怀孕了
- have severe liver impairment
有严重的肝功能损害 - are taking the medication fluvoxamine
正在服用氟伏沙明 - have had an allergic reaction to the medication in the past
Suvorexant (Belsomra) may help a person fall asleep and maintain sleep. It is only available as a brand name medication.
Suvorexant (Belsomra) 可以帮助一个人入睡并保持睡眠。它仅作为品牌药物提供。
A person taking Belsomra has a risk of misusing the medication and developing dependency. Like other controlled substances, it can cause CNS impairments that can lead to trouble with driving and other activities.
服用 Belsomra 的人有滥用药物和产生依赖性的风险。与其他受控物质一样,它会导致 CNS 损伤,从而导致驾驶和其他活动出现问题。
It can also cause: 它还可能导致:
- worsening suicidal thoughts or depression
自杀念头恶化或抑郁 - complex sleep behaviors 复杂的睡眠行为
- sleep paralysis 睡眠麻痹
Other potential side effects reported in clinical trials include:
- diarrhea 腹泻
- dry mouth 口干
- upper respiratory tract infection
上呼吸道感染 - headache 头痛
- dizziness 头晕
- unusual dreams 不寻常的梦
- cough 咳嗽
A doctor may prescribe a 5 to 20mg dose. Clinical trials showed that higher doses could lead to more adverse reactions.
医生可能会开出 5 至 20 毫克的剂量。临床试验表明,更高的剂量可能会导致更多的不良反应。
Trazodone (Desyrel) is a medication that modulates the neurotransmitter serotonin. Doctors typically use it to treat major depressive disorder. However, they may prescribe it off-label to help a person fall asleep since one of its effects is drowsiness.
曲唑酮 (Desyrel) 是一种调节神经递质血清素的药物。医生通常用它来治疗重度抑郁症。但是,他们可能会在标签外开处方以帮助患者入睡,因为它的作用之一是嗜睡。
The typical starting dose is 150 mg daily, divided into two doses. Doctors may increase this to a maximum daily dose of 400 mg.
典型的起始剂量为每天 150 毫克,分为两剂。医生可能会将其增加到最大每日剂量 400 毫克。
However, a doctor will likely prescribe a lower amount for sleep disturbances. A
但是,医生可能会为睡眠障碍开出较低的剂量。A 25 至 100 毫克 dose may help a person fall and stay asleep with fewer side effects than traditional sleep aids.
Though they may be less likely at these lower doses, this medication can still cause side effects such as:
- edema, where the tissues of the body contain too much fluid
水肿,身体组织含有过多液体 - drowsiness 睡意
- blurred vision 视力
- fainting 昏厥
- weight loss 减肥
- fatigue 疲劳
- diarrhea 腹泻
- nasal congestion 鼻塞
It may also increase thoughts of suicide.
People should limit their alcohol consumption when taking Desyrel, as it can increase the effects of alcohol.
人们在服用 Desyrel 时应限制饮酒,因为它会增加酒精的作用。
Doctors can prescribe estazolam (Prosom) for the short-term treatment of insomnia. It may help with falling and staying asleep.
医生可以开艾司唑仑 (Prosom) 来短期治疗失眠。它可能有助于入睡和保持睡眠。
Prosom is a benzodiazepine and
Prosom 是一种苯二氮卓类药物,有误用的风险 and dependency. Doctors typically prescribe it for short-term help with insomnia.
A doctor may prescribe 1 mg or 2 mg tablets for insomnia treatment.
医生可能会开出 1 毫克或 2 毫克片剂来治疗失眠。
Estazolam can cause reactions such as:
- loss of coordination 失去协调性
- drowsiness 睡意
- hypokinesia, or a reduced range of movements
运动功能减退或运动范围缩小 - dizziness 头晕
Eszopiclone (Lunesta) may help a person fall and stay asleep.
艾佐匹克隆 (Lunesta) 可以帮助一个人入睡并保持睡眠。
Lunesta is part of a drug family known as Z-drugs. These are
Lunesta 是被称为 Z 药物的药物家族的一部分。这些是附表 IV 受控物质 that carry a risk of misuse and dependency. A person may also experience diminishing effects or increased tolerance to the medication over time.
- dizziness 头晕
- an unpleasant taste in the mouth
口中有难闻的味道 - viral infections
病毒感染 - headache 头痛
- anxiety 焦虑
- dry mouth 口干
- rash 皮疹
- hallucinations 幻觉
In addition, Lunesta may cause a person to engage in complex sleep behaviors, such as sleepwalking or driving while asleep. A person should discontinue use and tell their doctor if they experience these behaviors.
此外,Lunesta 可能会导致一个人出现复杂的睡眠行为,例如梦游或睡着开车。一个人应该停止使用并告诉他们的医生如果他们遇到这些行为。
Parents and guardians should talk with a doctor before giving this medication to children or adolescents. Pregnant people should also consult a doctor before taking it.
The recommended starting dose for Lunesta is 1 mg. A doctor can increase this to 2 or 3 mg if needed.
Lunesta 的推荐起始剂量为 1 毫克。如果需要,医生可以将其增加到 2 或 3 毫克。
Other precautions a person should be aware of before taking Lunesta include the following:
服用 Lunesta 前应注意的其他预防措施包括:
- Safety: Higher doses can impair a person’s CNS even when awake, making driving and other complex tasks more dangerous.
安全: 即使在清醒时,更高的剂量也会损害一个人的 CNS,使驾驶和其他复杂任务更加危险。 - Liver function: People with reduced liver function should avoid taking Lunesta.
肝功能: 肝功能下降的人应避免服用 Lunesta。 - Age: Older people should avoid taking higher doses.
年龄: 老年人应避免服用更高剂量。 - Mental health: Lunesta may worsen depression or suicidal thoughts.
心理健康: Lunesta 可能会加重抑郁或自杀念头。 - Allergies: It can cause an allergic reaction in some people.
过敏症: 它可能会引起某些人的过敏反应。
Zaleplon, or Sonata, may be useful for the short-term treatment of insomnia. While it may help a person fall asleep, it does not help maintain sleep. Like eszopiclone, this is a Z-drug.
扎来普隆或索纳塔可能有助于短期治疗失眠。虽然它可以帮助一个人入睡,但无助于维持睡眠。与艾司佐匹克隆一样,这是一种 Z 药物。
A person taking Sonata has some risk of dependency. It also has a high likelihood of misuse.
服用 Sonata 的人有一定的依赖风险。它也有很高的误用可能性。
A typical adult dose is
典型的成人剂量为 10 毫克, though some may find that 5 mg is sufficient.
,尽管有些人可能会发现 5 毫克就足够了。
Sonata can cause a variety of side effects, including:
Sonata 可能引起多种副作用,包括:
- drowsiness 睡意
- dizziness 头晕
- diarrhea 腹泻
- difficulty concentrating 难以集中注意力
Less common side effects include hallucinations, mood changes, and memory loss.
Zolpidem, which has the brand names Ambien, Intermezzo, and Zolpimist, is a sleep medication that may help with falling asleep and sleep maintenance. It is another Z-drug.
唑吡坦的商标名是 Ambien、Intermezzo 和 Zolpimist,是一种睡眠药物,可能有助于入睡和维持睡眠。这是另一种 Z 药物。
Doctors may prescribe it for short-term insomnia relief. Like some other sleep medications, it may cause complex sleep behaviors.
Zolpidem is available in a once-daily 12.5 mg extended-release form. When prescribing immediate-release zolpidem medications, they will often start with the lowest possible dose and work upward to a maximum of 10 mg per day, if necessary.
唑吡坦以每日一次 12.5 毫克缓释剂型提供。在开具速释唑吡坦药物时,它们通常会从尽可能低的剂量开始,如有必要,它们会逐渐增加到每天最多 10 毫克。
Doctors do not recommend a person take this medication during pregnancy. It can also lead to anaphylactic reactions, CNS depression, worsening depression, and withdrawal effects in some people.
Common side effects may include:
- dizziness 头晕
- headache 头痛
- next-day sleepiness 第二天嗜睡
When taking zolpidem-containing drugs, drowsiness and lack of alertness in the morning can result from persistently high levels of the drug in the blood. As a result, activities that require focus and alertness, such as driving,
当服用含唑吡坦的药物时,血液中药物水平持续升高可能导致早晨嗜睡和缺乏警觉性。因此,可能需要专注和警觉的活动(例如驾驶)可能不可取 for those taking high doses.
Like other Z-drugs, zolpidem-containing medications carries a risk of dependency.
与其他 Z 药物一样,含唑吡坦的药物存在依赖性风险。
The table below compares the benefits and risks of these sleep medications.
Medication brand name 药物品牌名称 | Pros 优点 | Cons 缺点 | Can it help a person fall asleep? 它可以帮助一个人入睡吗? | Can it help a person stay asleep? | Is there a risk of dependency and misuse? | Side effects |
Silenor 硅 | may help a person fall and stay asleep 可以帮助一个人入睡并保持睡眠 | • may interact with other medications • 可能与其他药物相互作用 • may not be suitable for pregnant people • 可能不适合孕妇 | yes 是的 | yes | unlikely | • CNS depression • changes in mood or behavior • suicidal thoughts |
Restoril 雷斯托里尔 | strong sedative effect may help with insomnia 强镇静作用可能有助于缓解失眠 | risk of dependency, withdrawal, and misuse 依赖、戒断和误用的风险 | yes 是的 | yes | yes | • dry mouth • vertigo • headache • fatigue • nausea • anxiety • depression |
Lunesta 星期一 | may help a person fall and stay asleep and is generally safe 可以帮助一个人入睡并保持睡眠状态,并且通常是安全的 | can cause complex sleep behaviors, such as sleepwalking 可能导致复杂的睡眠行为,例如梦游 | yes 是的 | yes | yes | • dizziness • unpleasant taste • viral infections • headache • anxiety |
Rozerem 罗泽雷姆 | not a controlled substance and has little chance of causing dependency 不是受控物质,引起依赖性的可能性很小 | has the potential for adverse and allergic reactions in some people 对某些人有潜在的不良反应和过敏反应 | yes 是的 | no | unlikely | • drowsiness • dizziness • fatigue • worsening insomnia |
Belsomra 贝尔索姆拉 | may help a person fall and stay asleep 可以帮助一个人入睡并保持睡眠 | risk of dependency or misuse 依赖或滥用的风险 | yes 是的 | yes | yes | • diarrhea • dry mouth • upper respiratory tract infection • headache |
Halcion Halcion 公司 | may help a person fall asleep 可以帮助一个人入睡 | only for short-term use 仅供短期使用 | yes 是的 | no | yes | • lack of coordination • drowsiness • dizziness • lightheadedness |
Desyrel 德西雷尔 | low dose antidepressant that may cause fewer side effects than traditional sleep medications 低剂量抗抑郁药,可能比传统睡眠药物引起的副作用更少 | can cause mental health side effects, such as suicidal ideation 可能导致心理健康副作用,例如自杀意念 | yes 是的 | yes | unlikely | • edema • drowsiness • blurred vision • weight loss • suicidal thoughts |
Prosom 普罗索姆 | may help a person fall and stay asleep 可以帮助一个人入睡并保持睡眠 | risk of dependency or misuse 依赖或滥用的风险 | yes 是的 | yes | yes | • lack of coordination • drowsiness • reduced movements • dizziness |
Sonata 奏鸣曲 | may help a person fall asleep 可以帮助一个人入睡 | • risk of dependency and adverse effects • 依赖风险和不利影响 • does not help maintain sleep • 无助于维持睡眠 | yes 是的 | no | yes | • abdominal pain • weakness • headache |
Ambien, Intermezzo, Zolpimist Ambien, Intermezzo, Zolpimist | may help a person fall and stay asleep 可以帮助一个人入睡并保持睡眠 | may cause complex sleep behaviors and other adverse reactions 可能导致复杂的睡眠行为和其他不良反应 | yes 是的 | yes | yes | • dizziness • headache • next-day sleepiness |
Though medications may help some people with insomnia, other remedies may also help a person fall asleep. Alternative treatments and lifestyle changes a person may find helpful include:
- herbal remedies, including supplements or teas
草药,包括补充剂或茶 - relaxation techniques 放松技巧
- engaging in healthy sleep habits such as sleeping in a cool, dark room and avoiding distractions and large meals before bed
养成健康的睡眠习惯,例如睡在凉爽、黑暗的房间里,睡前避免分心和大餐 - increased exercise 增加运动
- cognitive behavioral therapy
Medications for sleep can provide short-term relief from insomnia.
However, many of these medications have potentially serious side effects, including complex sleep behaviors. Some sleep medications also pose a risk of dependency and misuse.
A person should talk with a doctor before and while using any sleep aid, making them aware of other substances they use and any side effects they experience.