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Generative AI learning materials

1.     生成式AI白皮书就是那个PDF
1. Generative AI White Paper (That's the PDF)

2.     生成式AI解决方案及精选案例
2. Generative AI solutions and selected case studies

3.     Amazon Titan 文生文基础模型
3. Amazon Titan Wensheng Foundation Model


industrial design

1.     助力海尔创新设计中心打造生成式AI工业设计解决方案
1. Help Haier Innovation Design Center create generative AI industrial design solutions

Intelligent knowledge base

2.     西门子携手亚马逊云科技构建企业级智能知识库应用
2. Siemens and Amazon Web Services to build an enterprise-level intelligent knowledge base application

Intelligent interactions

3.     快速创新 Loona 机器人语音交互功能
3. Quickly innovate Loona robot voice interaction capabilities

Original art of the game

4.     利用 Amazon SageMaker JumpStart 提供的Stable Diffusion模型构建生成式AI应用,用于游戏原画场景的设计与用户头像图片的生成
4. Use the Stable Diffusion model provided by Amazon SageMaker JumpStart to build a generative AI application for the design of game concept art scenes and the generation of user avatar images

Marketing promotion

5.     助力易点天下打造AI 模特与 AI 数字虚拟人等服务
5. Help eclickworld to create services such as AI models and AI digital virtual humans

Game Materials

6.     生成式AI应用到既有填色游戏中节约了 60% 原画设计成本
6. The application of generative AI to existing coloring games has saved 60% of the cost of concept art design

Wensheng diagram

7.     Canva 使用 Amazon SageMaker 快速将文本到图像功能扩展给亿个用户
7. Canva uses Amazon SageMaker to quickly scale text-to-image capabilities to 100 million users

Generative AI solutions

1.    Amazon Bedrock使用基础模型 (FM) 构建和扩展生成式AI应用程序
1. Amazon Bedrock uses the Foundation Model (FM) to build and scale generative AI applications

2.    SageMaker构建、训练、部署机器学习模型
2.    SageMaker builds, trains, and deploys machine learning models

3.    基于Amazon SageMaker 使用 Grounded-SAM 加速电商广告素材生成
3. Accelerate e-commerce creative generation with Grounded-SAM based on Amazon SageMaker

4.    AI作画解决方案(轻松托管Stable Diffusion WebUI, 并在15-20分钟内部署开箱即用的生成式AI应用)
4. AI Painting Solution (Easily host Stable Diffusion WebUI and deploy out-of-the-box generative AI applications in 15-20 minutes)

5.    Amazon SageMaker使用 HuggingFace Diffusers 快速运行 Stable Diffusion 模型
5. Use HuggingFace Diffusers in Amazon SageMaker to quickly run Stable Diffusion models

6.    器学习平台Sagemaker(高效实现生成式AI基础模型的训练,推理,自定义、微调,部署和管理)
6. Sagemaker, a machine learning platform (efficient implementation of generative AI basic model training, inference, customization, fine-tuning, deployment, and management)

7.    亚马逊携手Hugging Face让生成式AI触手可及
7. Amazon partners with Hugging Face to put generative AI at your fingertips

8.    智能搜索和知识库解决方案
8.    Smart search and knowledge base solutions

9.    生成式人工智能助手Amazon Q 协助客户加速软件开发并充分利用公司内部数据
9. Amazon Q, a generative AI assistant, assists customers in accelerating software development and making the most of their company's internal data

Rapid deployment trial

1.    使用 Amazon SageMaker 机器学习产品构建基于Web的生成式AI应用
1. Build web-based generative AI applications using Amazon SageMaker machine learning products

2.    开箱即用,用 15~20 分钟部署生成式AI图片方向的轻量级应用
2. Out of the box, deploy a lightweight application with generative AI image orientation in 15~20 minutes

3.    Stable Diffusion 亚马逊云科技插件解决方案
3. Stable Diffusion Amazon Web Services plug-in solution