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What doesn't kill you makes you aware


Isagi Yoichi kept noticing the hand bruises on Kaiser's neck recently and realized that there are still parts of Kaiser he didn't know.
Isagi Yoichi 最近不断注意到 Kaiser 脖子上的手印瘀伤,意识到自己对 Kaiser 仍有许多未知之处。


Another comm for anon! 匿名评论再来一则!

This was asked around me a few months back but with the recent chapters and Kaiser's backstory, I'm glad that I finished it around this time!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text: 作品正文: 翻译文本:

After living with Michael for a year, Yoichi noticed three things about him. 

First, Michael liked to sleep naked. He disliked wearing clothes when in bed, the feeling of being stuffy keeps him awake at night. It’s a habit he never grew out of since their Blue Lock days. Although, it’s always a struggle to cuddle with him without disturbing that weapon between his legs. Yoichi cannot even count the number of times he accidentally aggravated Kaiser’s member during the night and he had to suffer for it. 

The second thing was that he liked to make breakfast for him. Which is a sweet gesture, if anyone had told Yoichi that Michael will be this sweet during their earlier years before they got together, he would have laughed at them, thinking they were delusional and insane.

And the last thing, on a more serious note, sometimes Michael came home with hand bruises around his neck. 

It greatly bothered him. The one thing to come into his mind after seeing it the first time was that he thought Michael was cheating on him. He remembered seeing it one time on Shidou’s neck, who was proud to even share the details about it. Of course, they were lovers and as adults, they tried to explore every kink that the other wanted to try. But never once did choking become a part of their routine in bed. 

It’s a mysterious phenomenon that Michael needed to explain to him before he over-thinks about the numerous reasons why he will bury his boyfriend six feet under. 
这是一个神秘现象,Michael 需要在他在过度思考埋葬男友的无数理由之前向他解释清楚。

Yoichi was never insecure of their relationship because Michael never gave him a reason to do so. His boyfriend was loud when it comes to showing his affections to him— to the point it’s overbearing and downright obsessive. Even before they became a couple, Michael was very attentive to him. It doesn’t matter if it’s hate or love, that German will shower him with every fiber of his emotions. 

And if Yoichi was honest with himself, he relished every bit of attention his boyfriend gave. 
而如果 Yoichi 对自己诚实,他会享受男友给予的每一分关注。

Yet, no matter how much Yoichi basked in Michael’s love and attention, he would always put a wall between them. 

A wall that he never conquered even after becoming officially Michael’s boyfriend. It’s a climb that he tried to take a step forward, but for every step he took, his partner would take ten steps backward. Yoichi was never clueless, he knew that Michael was unstable at times. 

Back then, when they met in Ego’s little prison, he had an inkling that Michael was not what he seemed to be, rather than the bravado he showed for the first few weeks of being in the same team in Neo Egoist League. As they plowed through the matches together, he became more unstable. It was evident with the way he dropped his silly facade, replaced with his frenzied anger and silence. 
回想起他们在 Ego 的小牢笼中相遇时,他就隐约感觉到Michael并非表面上那般,远非初入 Neo Egoist League 同队时所展现的虚张声势。随着他们一同征战比赛,他的不稳定愈发明显。他放下了那副傻气的伪装,取而代之的是狂怒与沉默。

There was nothing that he could do before. He was not someone who would push himself to someone when it’s unwarranted. 

“Michael.” Yoichi opened his arms, as Michael dropped the bag on the entryway, putting his shoes on the cabinet. 

His eyes never missed the handprint on the sides of Michael’s neck, even though he tried to hide it with a turtleneck, some still peeked out. 

“Did you miss me already, Yoichi?” Michael looked up at him, a cheeky grin plastered on his annoyingly handsome face.
“你已经开始想我了吗,Yoichi?” Michael抬头看向他,脸上挂着那张令人恼火却又帅气的调皮笑容。

Annoying as he was. Yoichi would always miss him.

“So, what if I did?” Yoichi knew better than to deny, slowly lowering his arm to tease his boyfriend. “My arms are getting tired. If you don’t want your daily Yoichi cuddle after work, then be my guest—-”
“那又怎样?” Yoichi深知否认无益,缓缓放下手臂逗弄他的男友,“我的手臂都酸了。如果你不想要下班后的日常Yoichi拥抱,那就请便——”

It’s one of their daily routines, if Yoichi was at home, Michael would cuddle with him immediately after coming back from whatever hell he came from. There was no issue with this disgustingly sweet gesture, if anything Yoichi would do it over and over again. 

If it meant it could be a comfort for his boyfriend. 

“You are so impatient.” Michael lunged for him, wrapping his arms around him, engulfing him with his big, dumb frame. Like a cat, he nuzzled his face in the crook of Yoichi’s neck. “I’m home, Yoichi.” 

Yoichi saw his face light up as he pounced on him and it would never fail to make his stomach twist and turn like he was in high school again, crushing on a boy that irritated the heck out of him. 
Yoichi 看到他的脸亮了起来,当他扑向他时,那种感觉总会让他的胃像回到高中时代一样翻腾,迷恋着一个让他烦得要命的男孩。

If you told the past him that he would be this in love with Michael Kaiser, he would have cursed you and beat the shit out of you for even daring to say it in his presence. 
如果过去的他被告知他会如此深爱着 Michael Kaiser,他肯定会咒骂你,甚至会因为敢在他面前说这话而把你揍得半死。

But now, look at him. 

“Hmm. Welcome home.” Yoichi patted Michael’s back, like consoling a child. Kaiser tended to be more needy when he came home for work. “You’re really like a cat you know.” 

His boyfriend’s laugh rumbled against him. “Should I start dressing like a cat and maybe you wouldn’t be so mean to your handsome boyfriend?” 

“If you are one, I’ll have to sit you in a litter box and leave you there.” 

“Try me.”  “试试看。”

“I have a feeling you’d get off being treated like a pet.” 

“You were so good at roleplaying a dog last time–” 

Yoichi’s face reddened at the memory, this pervert!  “Why are you bringing that up?!” 

He can feel Michael’s laughter rumble against him, “Aren’t we talking about pets?” 

“Not that kind of pet!” 

Yoichi loved Michael like this. Being clingy and affectionate. If he told his 17 year old self that he would be smitten with Michael Kaiser, he would have cursed himself to oblivion. He would have never thought that he would be madly in love with the player that he disliked when he was a teenager. 
Yoichi 曾这样深爱着 Michael。那种粘人又充满爱意的方式。如果他告诉 17 岁的自己,他会为 Michael Kaiser 神魂颠倒,他可能会咒骂自己到忘却一切。他从未想过自己会疯狂爱上那个青少年时期不喜欢的玩家。

This soft banter, Michael’s breath against his neck, the rhythm of his heartbeat against his, and the warmth on his body that spreads all over him—Yoichi can’t say he didn’t like it. 
这种温柔的调侃,Michael 呼吸拂过他的脖颈,心跳的节奏与他相合,以及全身蔓延的温暖——Yoichi 不能否认他并不喜欢这些。

But now that he had a taste of what it felt to have Michael Kaiser in his arms, pliant and warm, he would not trade this life he has with Michael. 
但如今,他尝到了拥有 Michael Kaiser 在怀中,柔软而温暖的滋味,他不会用现在的生活去交换与 Michael 的任何东西。





He might be getting paranoid. Maybe it started when he became aware of Michael’s bruises. 

Yoichi thought that his worries were for nothing and it was all his overthinking that it led him to a conclusion that Michael was getting tired of him and started seeing someone else. 

His hyperawareness was one of his downfalls.

People would think it would be amazing to have this. Even Yoichi himself was ecstatic when it was helpful to him in games. Seeing everyone on the field like some sort of all-knowing god was exhilarating. Knowing their every move and thought process was doing wonders for his inflated ego. 

But when it comes to his interpersonal relationships and outside of the field, there were times that it would backfire on him. He was too aware.

Whenever there was an interested sponsor for him, it’s common courtesy to be kind to them and to sweet-talk them into signing a contract with your manager. Yoichi learned that there were things aside from soccer that he had to deal with whether he liked it or not. That there was behind-the-scenes groundwork before he could kick a goal to the net. 

He knew that there were lecherous eyes following him. At first, he didn’t mind it, they 

were only looking and not doing anything. But it has come to a point that Yoichi felt the need to be firm with how the sponsors treat him. Sure, players were a merchandise to those rotten eggs but Yoichi was a human being with actual feelings. 

There were several occasions where he had to deal with perverted old geezers feeling him up. He felt violated and creeped out. A simple touch on his thigh, slowly caressing him, and taking a squeeze as he tried to put distance between the sponsor and him or the time if Yoichi thought he was not looking, a sponsor would take a whiff of his smell. 

Yoichi was honest to a fault. The moment he felt cornered and afraid, he never ran to his team so fast in his life. 
Yoichi 诚实得近乎固执。每当他感到走投无路、心生恐惧时,他这辈子从未如此迅速地奔向自己的团队。

Getting harassed was the last thing he wanted. 

He voiced his complaint to his manager and to the rest of the team and most of all to Michael, who was livid with anger once he heard about what happened the first time it occurred. If the whole team and Noa didn’t stop him, he might have beaten the sponsor to a pulp and his career would have suffered. 
他向经理、团队其他成员,尤其是 Michael 表达了不满,后者在第一次听说此事后愤怒至极。如果不是整个团队和诺亚及时制止,他可能已经把赞助商打得体无完肤,职业生涯也将因此蒙受重创。

That was one of the incidents Yoichi remembered where Michael came home with a bruise on his neck. He thought it would be a one time thing, but it was not. It continued for weeks, every time that Yoichi thought it healed, there’s a fresh one replacing it. None can blame him for thinking of the worst. Maybe Michael was going behind his back and beating up the jerks who cop a feel on him. 

He would not put it past Michael to actually do that, not when he had several records of brawling with bastards who looked the wrong way at Yoichi before. Truly, he was happy that Michael stood up for him but he didn’t have to do that when it would jeopardize his dream job. It’s already a growing headache for their PR team to silence several journalists with their rambunctious members. 

But most of all, he didn’t want Michael to get hurt, there’s no point in being a tattle-tale to the officials if his boyfriend would do it himself and smear his good name and his body. It worried Yoichi to death. 

He hoped that  it was the last time he saw bruises on his neck. 





It’s not a German party if Bastard München was not wasted. 

Yoichi was not a big fan of alcohol but his boyfriend decided that downing himself was the next best thing since sliced bread. 
Yoichi 并不特别喜欢酒精,但他的男友认定了把自己灌醉是自切片面包以来最妙的主意。

“Oh, look at him go.” Birkenstock wheezed, mixing a new pitcher of whatever concoction he put in there. “Michael, you have your husband with you, have some shame.” 
“哦,看他那样子。”Birkenstock 喘着气,正在调制一壶新的不知名混合饮料。“Michael,你老公在旁边,有点羞耻心吧。”

“Mind your own fucking business, Birckenstock.” Michael grumbled, after taking another tequila shot that Theo offered. “Yoichi still loves me.” 
“管好你自己的事,Birkenstock。”Michael咕哝着,接过 Theo 递来的另一杯龙舌兰酒。“Yoichi还是爱我的。”

“Hm. I love you too, Michael.” Yoichi hummed as he rubbed his boyfriend’s back. He found it easier to deal with his lover when he gets like this. Just stoop to the level of a kid and you would have him wrapped around your finger. 

“Disgusting.” Theo gagged. 

“Did they marry without my knowledge?” Ness’ head whipped so fast that Yoichi was afraid that he would accidentally crack it, his glare suggested that he actually was serious. “Yoichi, did you have a secret wedding without me, as the best man?”

“What? No! I’m not married to him yet.” Yoichi waved his hands in front of him and hissed at Birkenstock. “Stop giving Ness any ideas, next thing we know he is already ordering suits.” 

“How low did you think of me, Yoichi?” Ness shoved the phone to his face, a picture of a suit shown on the screen. How did he even? “Of, course. I already bought it the moment Michael asked you out.” 
“你到底把我看得多低,Yoichi?”Ness 把手机怼到他脸上,屏幕上显示着一套西装的照片。他怎么可能?“当然,Michael一约你出去我就买了。”

“Yeah, of course you’d have one already.” 

“Why do you even have that?” Ndiaye said, his expression bordering on disbelief. 
“你为什么会有那东西?”Ndiaye 说,脸上写满了难以置信。

“I had a bet with Michael before.” Ness shrugged. “He was so obsessed with Yoichi back then and I told him that they would be together before he even knew that he liked him.”
“我和Michael之前打了个赌。”Ness 耸耸肩,“那时候他迷恋Yoichi得不得了,我就告诉他,他们会在他意识到自己喜欢对方之前就在一起了。”

“Are you perhaps a witch?” Grimm’s eyes sparkled with interest. “Perhaps, you could predict my future too?” 
“你莫非是个女巫?”Grimm 的眼睛闪烁着兴趣,“或许,你也能预见我的未来?”

“Who are you calling a witch? I’m a magician.” 

“In a way, you did predict it.”

“What can I say? I know how this brat works.” Ness laughed as he downed a beer. 
“我能说什么呢?我了解这小子的套路。”Ness 笑着喝干了一杯啤酒。

“What do you know?” mumbled Michael, slumped against the table, with his left hand clutching the handle of his beer. 

“That you looked like a rat’s asshole when we met.” 

“Did he not always look like this?” Yoichi tilted his head. It’s surprising to say the least. He thought that Michael was born like this, needy, haughty, and a little unstable.

“It was way, way worse.” Birkenstock added.  

“Hah?” Michael reached up to thrust the beer to Birkenstock’s face, spilling some of it over. “I’m always this good-looking.” 

“A good-looking rat.” Ness beamed. “If it weren’t for me, Yoichi wouldn’t even dare to look at you.” 

“To answer your question, Yoichi,” Ness grinned at him, a sly smile decorating his face, probably having the time of his life remembering their past. It didn’t bother Yoichi in one bit. He was the odd man out here. But in time, they all warmed up to him, even Ness. “He was messy before, couldn’t even take care of himself, hell he doesn’t even bother to comb his hair.” 

“Probably as messy as Nagi?” 
“大概跟 Nagi 一样乱吧?”

Michael shot up at the mention of Nagi, clinging to Yoichi as if was being bullied. Cute. “Don’t you dare compare me to that monster. He’s a monster slob. The worst of them all. It was disgusting.” 
Michael一听到 Nagi 的名字就立刻跳了起来,紧紧抱住Yoichi,仿佛受到了欺负。真可爱。“你敢把我跟他比?那家伙是个邋遢怪物,最糟糕的那种。恶心死了。”

“I did live with him back in the second selection, remember?” Yoichi laughed, reaching out to ruffle Michael’s hair as the other nuzzled his face on his neck. “He’s as needy as you.” 

“Urgh. Do you like him or me? Why do you keep mentioning him?” 

“If I said no, would you stop sulking?” 

“Uhm. Hello?” Theo waved his hand in front of him. “We are still here. Stop being so lovey-dovey. It makes the alcohol taste bad.” 

“You are just jealous that you are single, Theo.” 

It’s times like this that Yoichi felt it was worth coming here. His gaze softened at the needy cat constantly bugging him for his attention. Never in his life he would willingly be wrapped in Michael’s arms, nor love him as much. 

Life has its own way for him and Michael. 

“Yeah. Look only at me, Yoichi.” Michael squished his cheeks with his hands, leaning in to give him a peck on the lips. 

Yoichi smiled and grabbed Michael’s shirt, pulling him to kiss him quickly. “I am looking at you.”

He could hear Theo gagged in disgust and everyone’s gaze at them. He was already shameless before, what’s a little public display of affection can do? It’s not like he was hiding his relationship with Michael anyway.
他能听到 Theo 因厌恶而作呕的声音,以及众人投来的目光。他早已不知羞耻为何物,这点公开示爱又算得了什么?反正他也没打算隐瞒和Michael的关系。

Besides, if it makes Michael be confident in their relationship, he could kiss him as many times as he wanted. 





“Yoichi..” Michael started. His head rested on his left shoulder, his hands wrapped on his arm and his boyfriend fiddled on his hands. It’s a sweet gesture, which Yoichi was not unfamiliar with. After getting wasted, Michael tended to be unabashedly affectionate–an understatement to his normal demeanor. 
“Yoichi..” Michael开口道。他的头靠在左肩上,双手环抱着他的手臂,而他的男友则摆弄着他的手。这是一个甜蜜的举动,Yoichi对此并不陌生。喝醉后,Michael往往会变得格外亲昵——这还只是他平时行为的轻描淡写。

It’s times like this that Yoichi was grateful for the alcohol. 

“Hmm?” Yoichi hummed. 
“嗯?” Yoichi 哼了一声。

“Ya know, ya see those bruises on ma’ neck?” Michael whispered, his voice softer and smaller than usual. “I did that to myself. I learned how to cover my bruises with makeup.” He continued, his voice almost inaudible, if Yoichi wasn’t near to him, he wouldn’t hear it. “I’m not as strong as I wanted, when there are situations I can’t handle,” He let go of Yoichi and wrapped his left hand on his neck, as if it’s second nature to him. “I tend to choke myself.” 
“你知道吗,你看到我脖子上的那些瘀伤了吗?” Michael 低声说道,声音比平时更柔和、更微弱。“那是我自己弄的。我学会了用化妆品遮盖瘀伤。”他继续说,声音几乎听不见,如果不是 Yoichi 离他很近,他根本听不到。“我并不像我希望的那样坚强,当遇到我无法应对的情况时,”他放开了 Yoichi,用左手环住自己的脖子,仿佛这是他的本能反应。“我往往会掐自己。”


It felt like the world stopped from what he just heard. 

Suddenly, everything felt overwhelming, the sound of wheels against the road, the radio announcer babbling about tomorrow’s weather– Yoichi felt that the world was crushing him–no, it was Michael’s words that were crushing him. 

His hands clenched as he imagined the several times he saw Michael with bruises on his neck and never did anything about it. He felt his stomach drop at what he heard. 

Michael chuckled to himself, Yoichi could feel the bitterness in his tone. “It’s all I ever knew. How to choke myself, how to steal everyone’s dreams, and how to make everyone how vile I am.” 

Yoichi’s eyes widened at his confession. He was afraid to look at a mirror, he didn’t know what face he was making right now. He was trying to calm down, inhaling deep breaths to not worry Michael.

His trembling hand found its way to Michael’s, an attempt for comfort. He squeezed the other’s hand, which was circled on his arm. For once in his life, Yoichi felt useless. Everything that has happened so far— entering Blue Lock, suffering countless defeats, encountering creepy geezers— felt insignificant compared to Michael’s plight. 

A child growing up in pain and misery, Yoichi could only wonder how Michael could even endure it. Imagining it made Yoichi dread the pit of his stomach. Bruised and bloodied Michael, lying on the streets with no one to care for him, Yoichi would never wish it even for his greatest enemy. 

It was far too cruel. Too inhumane. 

Looking at Michael now, all he saw was a battered child who never had the chance to have loving parents. He didn’t blame Michael for having a warped personality at first, not when the universe has been unkind to him. 

All his worries about Michael getting hurt because he was picking fights were gone, instead it was replaced with the urge to have Michael in his arms, to never let go. To show him that Isagi Yoichi would be by his side—that he was not alone anymore. 
他曾担心Michael因挑起争斗而受伤的忧虑已烟消云散,取而代之的是将Michael拥入怀中的冲动,永不放手。他要向他证明,Isagi Yoichi会一直陪伴在他身边——他不再孤单。

He knew that Michael had been unstable by the end of Blue Lock. But he never knew the extent of it, he just shrugged it off before, seeing that it was not his business at all. That time, what mattered was playing soccer and beating other opponents to be the best striker. 

Ness tried to tell him before he accepted Michael’s proposal to be his boyfriend, but he thought that Michael has been getting better day by day, by his side. With all the joking, the smiles and affections–Michael was still suffering. 
Ness 曾试图在他接受Michael的提议成为他男朋友之前告诉他,但他认为Michael在他身边一天天变得更好。尽管有玩笑、笑容和爱意——Michael仍在受苦。

It was apparently not the case. Michael was still doing it, still hurting himself and it made Yoichi ashamed by how he didn’t notice and by extension, burdened with guilt. Some boyfriend he was, when Michael felt that he had no one to rely on, no one to share his trouble with. What’s the use of being a boyfriend, if Yoichi can’t even ease his partner’s mind? 

“Michael, I–” “Michael, 我——”

Yoichi turned his gaze back to his boyfriend, who passed out after confessing. The words died down on the back of his throat, quiet not to rouse his boyfriend who cried himself to sleep. Contrary to what he heard, Michael looked peaceful, as if telling Yoichi his issue lifted a heavy burden from him. It must be cathartic to tell his horrors, to let someone know that he was hurting. 

Pushing Michael’s bangs covering his face with a gentle hand, the streaks of tears flowing down his cheeks, Yoichi wiped it away. Michael Kaiser was proud—if not, a little arrogant and it hurt to see him like this, letting his guard down, baring the world how he was traumatized and never got the chance to heal. 
Michael温柔地用手拨开遮住脸庞的刘海,拭去顺着脸颊流下的泪痕。Michael Kaiser感到自豪——如果不是有点自负的话,看到他这样放下防备,暴露出自己遭受创伤却从未有机会愈合的真相,心中隐隐作痛。

He doubted that he would remember this morning, but Yoichi would make sure that in the coming days, Michael would never lack in love and affection.




His Yoichi was acting weird as of late. 

It started when he woke up after a terrible hangover from their team’s party last month. 

His boyfriend was affectionate. More so than people give him credit for. Behind doors, he couldn’t stand not touching him. Kaiser knew that Yoichi had a tendency to be clingy when they were alone. Yoichi would argue he was clingier than him, but it’s the way Yoichi would always wrap his arms around him, reaching out to his hand when he thought he would not be looking, and kissing the crown of his head when Kaiser napped on his supple thighs. 

But since last month, he took it up a notch. It always happened during the time he felt irritated or he felt choking himself from stress. Sure, Kaiser was not complaining but it’s endearingly soft and warm and fuck, every time Yoichi found the chance to nuzzle his face against the side of his neck and kisses the column of it, it took everything out of Kaiser not to melt at the touch of his lover and just ravage him then and there. 

It didn’t matter the place nor the time, Yoichi would run his hands along his chest up to the sides of his neck that gave him chills along his spine, he became overly sensitive to Yoichi’s touches lately that Kaiser thought that he was getting sexually frustrated, popping out boners whenever Yoichi grazes him with a touch. 

It left him dumbfounded, and yearning. He felt even more pathetic, Kaiser couldn’t even laugh at how much he wanted Yoichi to just stay like this, for himself to be at his mercy, pliant at his boyfriend’s magical hands. 

Yet. He wondered why his neck specifically. 

Maybe his little Yoichi developed a kink for his neck? Not that he could blame him, there’s several fans who thought the same. Hell, he even had a dedicated fan account for his neck. He did good with that rose tattoo, even if Yoichi said it was cringe of him. 

“Mihya–” Yoichi groaned underneath him, squirming as Kaiser sucked a patch of his skin on his neck. It’s fitting to have matching bruises right?  “Not..not there..” 
“Mihya–” Yoichi在他身下呻吟,扭动着身体,因为Kaiser在他脖子上吸吮出一片红痕。留下相配的淤青很合适,对吧?“别..别在那里..”

“It’s only fitting that we match right, Yoichi?” Kaiser breathed on the other’s neck. 
“我们留下相配的痕迹才合适,不是吗,Yoichi?” Kaiser在对方的脖颈间轻声说道。

“The others will—ah…see!”

Kaiser pulled away and laughed, with Yoichi hitting him lightly on the chest. “Now, you look as beautiful as me.” 
Kaiser 笑着退开,Yoichi 轻轻捶了下他的胸口。“现在,你看起来和我一样美了。”

Yoichi frowned, his right hand tracing the bruises he left behind. “That’s not the point! How can I cover this up?”
Yoichi 皱眉,右手抚过自己留下的淤青。“这不是重点!我该怎么遮住这些?”

“Don’t cover it up.” Kaiser shrugged, a teasing grin plastered on his face. “Consider it as payback for all the times you sucked on mine.” 
“别遮掩了。” Kaiser 耸耸肩,脸上挂着戏谑的笑容。“就当是回报你以前吸我那么多次。”

“I hardly left anything…” Yoichi pouted, looking away from him. He was so fucking adorable. 
“我几乎没留下什么……” Yoichi 噘嘴,别过头去。他真是该死地可爱。

Kaiser leaned down and plastered kisses all over Yoichi’s face, distracting him from the fact that his hands were already pulling the shirt off of him. His lover shivered as the cold air of their room wrapped him, Kaiser whispered a breathy, “Can I?” as he hooked his fingers on the band of Yoichi’s shorts, in which his lover nodded as he laid down on their mattress, yanking it all down right after, exposing Yoichi for his to see and for his to enjoy.
Kaiser 俯身在 Yoichi 脸上落下密密麻麻的吻,分散他的注意力,同时双手已经将他的衬衫脱下。他的爱人因房间的冷空气而颤抖,Kaiser 喘息着低语:“可以吗?”手指勾住 Yoichi 短裤的松紧带,对方点头躺下,随即一把扯下,露出 Yoichi 供他欣赏,供他享用。

It’s adorable how Yoichi always loved doing missionary with him. Every time they have sex, Yoichi would prefer doing missionary before doing any other position. He never explained why but Kaiser had fantasies that Yoichi loved seeing his face, as he gets fucked into oblivion by him. You could say it’s his favorite too, with how lewd and sexy Yoichi looks, he could get drunk at the sight of it. 

Kaiser looked down at him and dived down to kiss Yoichi. It was not chaste, nor it was a pure one. It was hungry and sensual. The same lips that have been torturing him for days–if not, for weeks. He would make sure that it looked swollen after he was done with it. His hands found Yoichi’s chest, fondling it as his tongue entered Yoichi’s mouth. 

His tongue danced with Yoichi’s–it looked so filthy that Kaiser might as well have imagined Yoichi as a porn star, his very own porn star. His fingers started rubbing Yoichi’s nipples and he pulled away a bit to let Yoichi breathe and moan his name–he let out a mewl, akin to a kitten that Kaiser’s cock didn’t waste a time to get a hard on. 

It was painful, his crotch becoming unbearably tight with how hard he was. It felt like it would burst from his pants at any moment. He could feel Yoichi’s eyes on him, on his cock with hungry eyes, face flushing with labored breathing and he grinned at the attention. Someone’s a little eager today. 

There was a little foreplay but Yoichi should forgive him, it’s not his fault that he was too sexy for his own good. 

Kaiser reached for the lube inside their nightstand drawer, pouring it generously on his right palm before putting it back. He spread Yoichi 's open and settled himself in between his heavenly thighs, rubbing Yoichi’s rim with his pointer finger before finally pushing it in. He could hear Yoichi take a sharp intake of breath as he entered. It’s too tight. Kaiser licked his lips in anticipation for his aching shaft. No matter how many times they do it, Yoichi’s hole will always be tight after just a few days. It’s both a blessing and a curse. 

He started fingering Yoichi slowly, gradually increasing the pace. Yoichi was squirming as he continued. Impatient brat. Having mercy he added another finger, the same brutal pace, making Yoichi arch his back in pleasure, “Mi-Michael!” 

His eyes smiled at the wonderful orchestra of Yoichi’s moans and his sloppy hole against his knuckles. He added a third finger, Yoichi’s asshole clenching on his fingers, as if not wanting to let him go. “Yoichi, my hands won’t be able to give you your favorite cum, you know.” 

“Then, shove your dick to m-me!” Yoichi whimpered, heavy lidded eyes threatening to roll back.

He knew that Yoichi was near. Maybe he should let him have an orgasm on his fingers alone. It would be a nice sight. 

He continued the rhythm of his fingers scissoring in and out of Yoichi’s walls, until he felt it cling to his fingers, with Yoichi shuddering from pleasure, “I-I’m cumming!” as he made a mess of himself, squirting himself with his own release. 

Yoichi always looked beautiful like this. 

Call him sappy while fucking Yoichi’s brain out but he finally got his wish after all. 

In the form of one Isagi Yoichi. 
以Isagi Yoichi的形式。

His Yoichi was lavishing him with affection, so he should return the favor right? 

Licking his fingers clean, Kaiser almost moaned from tasting Yoichi. Mhm. Yoichi still tastes delectable as always. He figured out that he had a thing for this, even though Yoichi seemed embarrassed whenever he did it. Seeing Yoichi’s whole body flush from his actions made him crave for more. 

Kaiser went down on Yoichi with no warning, he could hear Yoichi curse his name as he engulfed his lover’s dick with his mouth. Wrapping his tongue around the shaft, he could feel some of Yoichi’s veins, it’s such a turn-on. Blowjob was something Kaiser thought as a hassle to do, the notion of being on the receiving end has always been the norm for him. 

But seeing Yoichi gripped his perfectly styled locks, screaming his name, gasping for him to go faster, maybe he fell in love for the second time. 

“M-Mihya!” Yoichi cried out as if urging him to hurry the fuck up. 

Kaiser hummed, taking Yoichi deeper in his mouth, the tip hitting the back of his throat–the sound he elicited out of Yoichi’s lips, “A-Ah! Please, please, please.” with this little party trick was beyond sinful.

He should probably thank his lucky stars that his gag reflex was immaculate. 

The grip Yoichi has on his poor locks will turn him bald soon, Kaiser picks up the pace, his head bobbing up and down Yoichi’s crotch. Maybe if he so chooses, he could live here. 

Without warning, Yoichi arched his back as he cummed inside Kaiser’s mouth, it was so filthy– his mouth full of cum, Yoichi’s lewd body sweating from orgasm with half-lidded eyes, taking deep breaths, high from his climax.

He swallowed the thick cum from his lover, his left thumb grazing the bottom of his lips, picking up the leftover semen and licking it off. Slightly salty with a hint of sweetness. Perfect. He could probably drink it for days. Not that Yoichi should know about it. 

“Let’s take a..” Yoichi suggested, releasing his hands from Kaiser’s abused scalp. “Break.” 

“Low stamina already, Yoichi?” Kaiser grabbed some napkins by the table and cleaned his fingers, before grabbing the lube again to cover his dick with. 

“Come on, Mihya.” Yoichi grumbled, by the tone of his voice he seemed impatient, started to grind his crotch on his, making Kaiser bite his lip to keep the moan from escaping his lips. “Have some responsibility and fuck me already. I can’t keep cumming from your stupid mouth and your stupid fingers.” 

“If everyone knew how needy you are, Bastard München’s Ace, they might get turned off.” 

“I doubt you’ll even let them know.” 

“Touché." “说得好。”

He threw away the remaining clothes he had on him, with Yoichi tracing the curve of his body with his eyes, as if telling him that he can’t wait to touch him. Kaiser joined Yoichi back in bed, with the bottle of lube in his hand. 
他扔掉了身上剩下的衣物,Yoichi 的目光沿着他的身体曲线游走,仿佛在告诉他,他已经迫不及待想要触碰他。Kaiser 带着润滑剂回到了床上,与 Yoichi 并肩躺下。

Kaiser lathered his dick with the lube, pumping it with a few strokes before lining the tip of his member near Yoichi’s pretty pink hole. He grazed the tip to Yoichi’s rim and he could feel the daggers Yoichi kept sending his way. 
Kaiser 将润滑剂涂抹在自己的阴茎上,几下抽动后,将顶端对准了 Yoichi 那诱人的粉嫩入口。他轻轻触碰 Yoichi 的边缘,能感受到 Yoichi 不断投来的锐利目光。

“S-Stop teasing me.” He could hear the whine from Yoichi. 
“别、别再逗我了。”他听到 Yoichi 带着哀求的声音。

“When did I ever?” Kaiser chuckled. “It’s not as if I’m—“ He inserted himself into Yoichi's aching hole. That sweet cling to his dick made Kaiser bit his lip to stop himself from completely slamming his cock in one go. “neglecting you.” 

“Hngg!!” Yoichi languidly arched his back again and gripped the sheets beneath him as he entered. No matter how fucking many times he railed Yoichi, he was still incredibly tight. 

It took him a minute before he started his agonizing pace. Thrusting slowly, making sure that he didn’t tear Yoichi apart, it’s a rhythm he was used to during their first rounds. 

Yoichi started to rock his hips, begging for more. “Harder, harder, please, Mihya—“ 

Michael Kaiser didn’t take fucking orders, but not when his pretty boyfriend begged him like that. 
Michael Kaiser从不接受命令,但当他的漂亮男友如此乞求时,他无法拒绝。

Kaiser moved his hands to Yoichi’s hips and started to pound into him harder, faster. The sound of their flesh was music to his ears, with Yoichi’s wanton moans as the chorus. With how tight he was holding Yoichi, marks would appear later on his hips. 

Yoichi was close. He could feel it. His cock was twitching, his walls clutching on his dick for dear life, life was worth living after all. 
Yoichi 快要到了,他能感觉到。他的阴茎在抽搐,肉壁紧紧抓住他的阴茎,仿佛在拼命求生,生活终究是值得过的。

“I’m close–ah! Mihya, I’m gonna c-cum!” Yoichi begging him like this was wonderful too. If his dick got even bigger that’s Yoichi’s fault. 
“我快到了——啊!Mihya,我要射了!” Yoichi 这样向他求饶也美妙极了。如果他的阴茎变得更大,那也是 Yoichi 的错。

After a few thrusts inside Yoichi, Kaiser groaned, releasing his cum inside. Yoichi’s head lolled a bit, his back arching, his pert nipples standing out as he cried out from his climax. It was a beautiful sight. Yoichi’s chest heaving, his whole body glistening with sweat and his hole filled with his cum–looking at him with his “fucked out” face making Kaiser consider another round with him. 
在 Yoichi 体内抽插几下后,Kaiser 呻吟着,释放出他的精液。Yoichi 的头微微摇晃,背部弓起,挺翘的乳头因高潮而突出,他哭喊着达到顶峰。那是一幅美丽的景象。Yoichi 的胸膛起伏,全身汗津津的,穴内充满了他的精液——看着他那“被操得筋疲力尽”的脸,让 Kaiser 考虑再和他来一轮。

“Hah.. I can’t anymore.” Yoichi sighed in relief, stretching his arms. “Let’s stop for tonight.”

Kaiser pulled out of Yoichi, his cum dripping out of Yoichi’s. He should clean that up huh. Such a waste though. He got off the bed to pick up some wipes he hid in the drawer, and wiped Yoichi’s body down, from his chest to his lower regions. 

It was a quiet affair until he felt Yoichi’s hand on the side of his neck. The atmosphere turned serious, he could taste it in the air. Both of them were not the healthiest communicators but he knew Yoichi kept trying for his sake. 

“Hey, Michael.” Yoichi caressed him and it felt warm. Kaiser stopped what he was doing to look back at his boyfriend. “I know you have a bad habit of choking yourself when you are not doing well”
“嘿,Michael。” Yoichi 轻抚着他,感觉温暖。Kaiser 停下手中的事,回头看向他的男友。“我知道你有在不顺时自掐的坏习惯。”

Yoichi… knew? Who told him? Kaiser’s hands were trembling and he looked down in shame, away from Yoichi’s prying eyes. He heard the shuffling of sheets and Yoichi looming over him. How can he explain himself? That he got this sick and twisted way of coping from his own dad choking him when he was young? 
Yoichi… 知道?谁告诉他的?Kaiser 的手颤抖着,羞愧地低下头,避开Yoichi 探究的目光。他听到床单的摩擦声,Yoichi 俯身靠近他。他该如何解释?他这种病态的应对方式源自童年时父亲对他的扼喉?

That he had a terrible upbringing that he didn’t know how to get better and continued to live the abuse he grew up with? 

He felt ashamed. The bile threatening to come up his throat, the sting in his eyes, he wished Yoichi wouldn’t pity him. He didn’t need his pity, least of all from the person he gives one fuck about. It would devastate him. 

Kaiser wanted to face Yoichi. But his body’s refusing to move at his will. He felt frozen in time again, back to where he was out in the streets, wishing for better days. 

Yoichi didn’t say a word yet but he felt Yoichi kiss the rose tattoo on his neck and took a peek at him, he felt Yoichi’s warm hands cupping his cheeks, forcing him to look at his eyes. 

“You don‘t have to tell me anything.” Yoichi started. His eyes were telling him the truth. Smiling at him so gently, he didn’t know how to take this well. “I won’t force you to tell me about your past. But for every time you hurt yourself, I’ll kiss it better, hm? How’s that?”
“你不必告诉我任何事。” Yoichi 开口道。他的眼神已经透露了真相。那温柔的微笑让他不知所措,“我不会强迫你谈及你的过去。但每次你伤害自己,我都会吻去你的痛,嗯?这样如何?”

Kaiser stayed silent. Disbelief was probably written on his face with how Yoichi seemed to continue to smile at him. 
Kaiser 沉默不语。他的脸上或许写满了难以置信,因为 Yoichi 似乎依然对他微笑着。

How did he get so lucky having Yoichi in his miserable life? 
他何其幸运,能在悲惨的生活中拥有 Yoichi?

All those thoughts of how fucked up his family was, and how he craved this kind of lifestyle, Kaiser must have won wars in his past life to receive this kind treatment. He was not used to it, but he could. 
那些关于他家庭有多糟糕的念头,以及他对这种生活方式的渴望,Kaiser 上辈子一定是打了胜仗才能得到这样的待遇。他不习惯,但他可以适应。

Yoichi nuzzled the column of his neck, lying on the crook of his neck and shoulder, he slid his arms around Kaiser’s torso. “I’m right here, Michael. I’m going to be your family soon, and you won’t be alone, dealing with everything by yourself.”
Yoichi 依偎在他的颈间,躺在他的颈肩交界处,双手环抱住 Kaiser 的腰身。“我就在这儿,Michael。我很快就会成为你的家人,你不会再独自面对一切。”

Kaiser reluctantly wrapped his arms around Yoichi too, pressing him even closer. He hid his face on Yoichi’s shoulder and mumbled, “Thank you for letting me experience what it felt to have a happy family, Yoichi.”
Kaiser 不情愿地也抱紧了 Yoichi,将他拥得更紧。他把脸埋在 Yoichi 的肩上,喃喃道:“谢谢你让我体验到拥有幸福家庭的感受,Yoichi。”

“Mhmm.” Yoichi hummed in response, patting his back. As if he was comforting a child. “You should propose soon, Michael. Then, we can build a bigger family, don’t you think? Wouldn’t that be the best?”
“嗯哼。” Yoichi 哼了一声回应,轻拍他的背,仿佛在安抚一个孩子。“你该尽快求婚了,Michael。这样,我们就能组建一个更大的家庭,你不觉得吗?那不是最棒的吗?”

Kaiser grunted. His face was getting warm. Damn it, He was planning to do it. He didn’t need Yoichi to tell him what to do. There was a ring hidden in his secret spot, waiting to be slid on Yoichi’s ring finger. They’ll get married and have children, with Yoichi’s looks and personality, he believed that would be one of the best life he could have. 
Kaiser 咕哝着,脸上泛起热意。该死,他正打算这么做。他不需要Yoichi来告诉他该怎么做。一枚戒指藏在他的秘密之处,等待着滑入Yoichi的指间。他们会结婚生子,凭借Yoichi的外貌和性格,他相信那将是一段极佳的人生。

His own voice felt small. “You mean it?” 

Yoichi kissed his neck again and said, “Bastard München’s ace striker is so needy. What am I gonna do with you, hm?”
Yoichi 再次吻了吻他的脖子,说道:“巴伐利亚的混蛋王牌前锋这么黏人。我该拿你怎么办呢,嗯?”

“Stop teasing me, Yoichi.”

“I don’t give empty promises, Michael. You know that right?” Yoichi whispered, as he continued to rub his hand on his back. “From the moment we met, until now and forever, I don’t go back on my words.”
“我不会空口许诺,Michael。你知道的,对吧?” Yoichi 低声说道,同时继续用手抚摸着他的背。“从我们相遇的那一刻起,直到现在和永远,我都不会食言。”

Kaiser knew. He knew it too well. Yoichi brought him down from his high horse, destroyed him and rebuilt him anew. It was all him. Never once did Yoichi disappoint him. 

Yoichi felt perfect against him. He would believe whatever Yoichi intends to do to him. He would gladly shackle himself to this guy that made him realize he was not alone anymore. “Take responsibility, Yoichi.” 

“Of course, Michael. I’ll take care of you forever.” 


slowly clearing my comms! 😫 the whole month of june was definitely kiis month.. happy pride indeed! the recent chapters have been kiis centric it's so good for us
慢慢清理我的通讯频道!😫 整个六月绝对是 KIIS 月.. 真是快乐的骄傲月!最近几章都是以 KIIS 为中心,对我们来说太棒了


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