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EU Slaps Chinese Electric Cars with Tariffs of up to 38%
歐盟對中國電動汽車徵收高達 38%的關稅

A European Commission probe launched last year concluded that state subsidies for Chinese EV manufacturers were unfairly undercutting European rivals © STR / AFP/File
A European Commission probe launched last year concluded that state subsidies for Chinese EV manufacturers were unfairly undercutting European rivals © STR / AFP/File

EU Slaps Chinese Electric Cars with Tariffs of up to 38%

A European Commission probe launched last year concluded that state subsidies for Chinese EV manufacturers were unfairly undercutting European rivals © STR / AFP/File
A European Commission probe launched last year concluded that state subsidies for Chinese EV manufacturers were unfairly undercutting European rivals © STR / AFP/File

The European Union on Thursday slapped extra provisional duties of up to 38 percent on Chinese electric car imports because of Beijing's "unfair" support, a move that risks escalating tensions with Beijing.
歐盟星期四對中國進口電動汽車加徵高達 38%的臨時關稅,因為北京提供的「不公平」支持,這一舉措可能加劇與北京的緊張關係。

A European Commission probe launched last year concluded that state subsidies for Chinese EV manufacturers were unfairly undercutting European rivals -- which Brussels wants to shield as they make the transition from thermal to electric power, AFP reported.

The Chinese Chamber of Commerce to the EU slammed the tariffs, coming on top of current import duties of 10 percent, as "politically-motivated" and "protectionist", while voicing hope the dispute could yet be resolved through dialogue.
中國駐歐盟商會譴責這些關稅,這些關稅是在目前 10%的進口關稅之上加徵的,稱其為「政治動機」和「保護主義」,同時表達希望透過對話解決爭端。

Europeans are split on the move, with Germany and its homegrown auto champions, who do significant trade with China, fearing it will do more harm than good if it leads to a clampdown on EU exports as Beijing has already threatened.

German auto giant Volkswagen slammed the move as "detrimental" while the head of BMW said the tariff battle "leads to a dead end".

France and Italy have pushed for tariffs on Chinese EVs -- whose EU market share has skyrocketed -- but Sweden like Germany has expressed reservations, while Hungary is outright opposed.

The provisional tariffs kick in from Friday, with definitive duties to take effect in November for a five-year period, pending a vote by the EU's 27 states.
臨時關稅將於星期五生效,確定性關稅將於 11 月生效,為期五年,待歐盟 27 個成員國投票通過。

"Our investigation... concluded that the battery electric vehicles produced in China benefit from unfair subsidisation, which is causing a threat of economic injury to the EU's own electric car makers," the EU's trade chief Valdis Dombrovskis said.

In response, the commission imposed provisional duties on major Chinese manufacturers including 17.4 percent for market major BYD, 19.9 percent for Geely and 37.6 percent for SAIC.
作為回應,委員會對主要中國製造商實施了臨時關稅,包括市場主要的比亞迪 17.4%,吉利 19.9%和上汽 37.6%。

Other producers in China that cooperated with Brussels will face a tariff of 20.8 percent, while those that did not would be subject to the maximum 37.6 percent duty.
中國其他與布魯塞爾合作的生產商將面臨 20.8%的關稅,而未與之合作的生產商將被徵收最高 37.6%的關稅。

US tech billionaire Elon Musk's Tesla -- which manufactures in China -- is the only electric automaker to have asked Brussels for its own duty rate, to be calculated based on evidence it has submitted.

The Tesla Model 3 would be affected as well as the electric Mini, the Volvo EX40 and all other non-Chinese branded cars made in China.
特斯拉 Model 3 將受到影響,以及電動 Mini、沃爾沃 EX40 和所有其他在中國製造的非中國品牌汽車。

The move comes despite the opening of talks between Chinese and EU trade officials, and trade chief Dombrovskis said Brussels will continue "to engage intensively with China on a mutually acceptable solution".

China's electric car maker Nio said it still hoped for a resolution with the EU, while fellow EV maker XPeng said it would "find ways to minimise the impact on consumers" without changing its international strategy.

EU officials have indicated that, should a negotiated solution emerge, they may not ultimately need to levy the tariffs.

But Dombrovskis cautioned that "any negotiated outcome to our investigation must clearly and fully address EU concerns and be in respect of WTO rules."
但杜姆布羅夫斯警告說,“我們調查的任何談判結果必須明確且完全解決歐盟的擔憂,並且遵守 WTO 規則。”

Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the China Passenger Car Association, told AFP the move "would obviously have a negative impact on the development of China's EV industry, especially its development in the EU in the short term."

Beijing has already signalled its readiness to retaliate by launching an anti-dumping probe last month into pork imports, and Chinese media suggest further probes could be in the works.
The United States has already hiked customs duties on Chinese electric cars to 100 percent, while Canada is considering similar action.

But Brussels faces a delicate balancing act as it seeks to defend Europe's auto industry -- the jewel in its industrial crown -- while both avoiding a damaging showdown with China and meeting its targets for slashing carbon emissions.

The EU aims for Europeans to switch massively to electric vehicles as it plans to outlaw the sale of new fossil fuel-powered cars from 2035.

Chinese-made EVs' market share in the EU climbed from around three percent to more than 20 percent in the past three years, according to the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association.

Chinese brands account for around eight percent of that share, it said.

Germany's Kiel Institute for the World Economy, alongside Austrian institutes, predicted the provisional higher taxes would reduce vehicle imports from China by 42 percent.

Electric car prices could rise by an average of 0.3 to 0.9 percent in the EU, they added.

German auto manufacturers fear any retaliation could hurt their activities in China.

Duties were "generally not suitable for strengthening the competitiveness of the European automotive industry in the long term -- we reject them", Volkswagen said.

UK Treasury Chief: Stimulating Economic Growth is New Labour Government's Mission

Britain's Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivers a speech at the Treasury to an audience of leading business figures and senior stakeholders, announcing the first steps the new government will be taking to deliver economic growth, in London, Monday July 8, 2024. (Jonathan Brady/Pool Photo via AP)
Britain's Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivers a speech at the Treasury to an audience of leading business figures and senior stakeholders, announcing the first steps the new government will be taking to deliver economic growth, in London, Monday July 8, 2024. (Jonathan Brady/Pool Photo via AP)

UK Treasury Chief: Stimulating Economic Growth is New Labour Government's Mission

Britain's Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivers a speech at the Treasury to an audience of leading business figures and senior stakeholders, announcing the first steps the new government will be taking to deliver economic growth, in London, Monday July 8, 2024. (Jonathan Brady/Pool Photo via AP)
Britain's Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivers a speech at the Treasury to an audience of leading business figures and senior stakeholders, announcing the first steps the new government will be taking to deliver economic growth, in London, Monday July 8, 2024. (Jonathan Brady/Pool Photo via AP)

Britain's new Labour government will make stimulating economic growth its mission, the Treasury chief said Monday, pledging to limit bureaucracy to make it easier to invest in the country.
In her first major speech, Rachel Reeves said there was no time to waste to reverse what she called “14 years of chaos and economic instability” under Conservative governments.
“Where governments have been unwilling to take the difficult decisions to deliver growth — or have waited too long to act — I will deliver," she told business leaders and reporters.
Britain’s first female Treasury chief and a former Bank of England economist, Reeves said sustained economic growth was the only way to improve living standards for all and to rebuild the country's stretched and underfunded public services.
She said she's taking immediate action to relax planning rules to remove obstacles to building infrastructure, housing and energy projects.
“To investors and businesses who spent 14 years doubting whether Britain is a safe place to invest, then let me tell you, after 14 years, Britain has a stable government,” she said. “In an uncertain world, Britain is a place to do business.”
Reeves said she will assess the “spending inheritance” left by the Conservatives over the coming months before making the government’s first budget statement later this year.
She pledged to set a mandatory target of 1.5 million new homes in England over the next five years, as well as remove an effective ban on onshore wind energy developments that has been in place since 2015.
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who became leader on Friday after a landslide majority in last week's election, has promised to “rebuild the infrastructure of opportunity” for voters frustrated with a stagnant economy, rising poverty and dysfunctional public healthcare.
Soaring rental and mortgage rates and a chronic shortage of housing were among the top issues voters raised during the election campaign. Home-building in Britain has slowed down in the past decades, and in the year to March construction began on about 135,000 homes — down by more than one-fifth compared to the year before.