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E-government in Estonia

爱沙尼亚被广泛认为是电子政务发展的全球先锋,近年来通过一系列创新的数字化举措显著改变了公共管理和服务的提供方式。自1991年独立以来,爱沙尼亚政府便积极推动信息和通信技术(ICT)的应用,致力于打造一个高效、透明、参与度高的数字政府。1997年,爱沙尼亚政府启动了“Tiigrihüpe”(Tiger Leap)计划,旨在通过投资信息技术基础设施来促进数字化转型。随后,政府推出了多项重要的电子政务举措,如全国性的互联网接入、数字身份认证系统、X-Road数据交换平台、电子投票系统等。
Estonia is widely regarded as a global pioneer in the development of e-government and has significantly changed the way public administration and services are delivered in recent years through a series of innovative digital initiatives. Since independence in 1991, the Estonia government has actively promoted the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to create an efficient, transparent and participatory digital government. In 1997, the Estonia government launched the "Tiigrihüpe" (Tiger Leap) program, which aims to promote digital transformation by investing in information technology infrastructure. Subsequently, the government launched a number of important e-government initiatives, such as nationwide Internet access, digital identity authentication system, X-Road data exchange platform, electronic voting system, etc.

In terms of facilitating communication between the country's various departments, X-RoaD is a decentralized data exchange layer that is at the heart of Estonia's e-government infrastructure, enabling the secure and seamless sharing of data between different government agencies. It allows the public and private sectors to exchange data securely, avoiding data silos. For citizens, every Estonia citizen holds an ID card that provides electronic signature functionality for access to most government and private sector online services. In the world's first country to allow citizens to vote in national elections via the Internet, citizens can exercise their right to vote more freely, which brings great convenience to citizens and government agencies. What's more, Estonia has launched a digital identity program for global citizens, allowing non-residents to operate businesses remotely through Estonia's digital infrastructure. This allows non-residents to have a digital identity, creating conditions for them to handle important personal matters to a certain extent, without worrying about many things that cannot be solved due to identity restrictions. These e-government services have provided a firm force for Estonia's development and have been emulated by many countries around the world, greatly increasing Estonia's international visibility.

就电子政务对公共管理的影响而言,首先,爱沙尼亚通过电子政务显著提高了政府效率。其电子政务系统使政府服务的自动化程度大幅提升,减少了手工操作,优化了流程管理。爱沙尼亚的电子政务系统允许98%的公共服务在线处理。例如,企业注册只需18分钟,而纳税申报平均只需 3分钟其次,根据爱沙尼亚政府的估计,电子政务每年为国家节省约 8000万欧元的行政成本,这相当于约 2% 的GDP
In terms of the impact of e-government on public administration, first of all, Estonia has significantly improved government efficiency through e-government. Its e-government system has greatly increased the automation of government services, reduced manual operations, and optimized process management. Estonia's e-government system allows 98% of public services to be processed online. For example, it only takes 18 minutes to register a business, while filing a tax return takes an average of 3 minutes. Secondly, according to the Estonia government's estimates, e-government saves the country about 80 million euros per year in administrative costs, which is equivalent to about 2% of GDP.

再次,通过X-Road平台,政府部门之间的信息交换变得更加透明,减少了重复数据的收集,提升了政府决策的透明性和准确性。最后,爱沙尼亚电子政务显著提升了公民的参与度,增强了公众对政府的信任和互动。自2005年起,爱沙尼亚便成为全球首个提供全国范围内在线投票的国家到2019年,超过 40% 的选民通过i-Voting系统参与选举,这极大地方便了海外公民和行动不便的群体参与政治过程。
Thirdly, through the X-Road platform, the exchange of information between government departments has become more transparent, reducing the collection of duplicate data and improving the transparency and accuracy of government decision-making. Finally, Estonia e-government significantly increases citizen participation and public trust and interaction with the government. Since 2005, Estonia has been the first country in the world to offer nationwide online voting. By 2019, more than 40% of voters participated in elections through the i-Voting system, which greatly facilitated the participation of overseas citizens and groups with reduced mobility in the political process.

爱沙尼亚通过e-Residency项目,使全球公民能够在线上注册公司、开设银行账户并进行数字签名。该项目自2014年推出以来,已有超过7万名e-Residents 注册。爱沙尼亚的公民可以通过各类在线平台直接参与政策讨论和政府决策。例如,Rahvakogu平台允许公民提交立法提案,并进行公开讨论。
Estonia also enables global citizens to register companies, open bank accounts and digitally sign online through the e-Residency program. Since its launch in 2014, more than 70,000 e-Residents have registered. Citizens of Estonia can participate directly in policy discussions and government decisions through various online platforms. For example, the Rahvakogu platform allows citizens to submit legislative proposals and discuss them openly.

After understanding the impact of e-government in Estonia on public management, we should analyze what factors promote the development of e-government and what factors hinder the development of e-government, and after reviewing the relevant literature, we come to the following conclusions:

就促进因素而言,首先,爱沙尼亚政府自独立以来便致力于信息化建设,政府领导层对数字化转型有着坚定的承诺和清晰的愿景,这为电子政务的快速发展奠定了基础。其次,爱沙尼亚建设了先进的ICT基础设施,X-Road作为心数据交换平台,安全性和可靠性为电子政务的顺利实施提供了技术保障使各个政府机构间的数据共享变得高效和安全。此外,高速互联网的普及率和IT教育的普及为电子政务的发展提供了坚实的基础。爱沙尼亚高达99%的公共服务都实现了在线访问,这得益于全国范围内的宽带互联网覆盖率。再次,爱沙尼亚通过立法保障了电子政务的发展。例如,《数字签名法》(Digital Signature Act)是全球首部承认电子签名与手写签名具有同等法律效力的法律,为在线服务的合法性和普及奠定了基础。此外,爱沙尼亚制定了许多严格的数据保护法规,确保公民的隐私在使用电子服务时得到保障。第四,爱沙尼亚重视全民的数字教育,学校从小学阶段就开始教授计算机和编程课程,确保公民具备使用电子政务平台的基本技能。提升了公民的数字素养,也使得爱沙尼亚公民对政府和数字系统高度信任,从而提高了电子政务的接受度促进了电子政务的广泛使用。
In terms of enablers, first of all, the Estonia government has been committed to informatization since independence, and the government leadership has a strong commitment and a clear vision for digital transformation, which lays the foundation for the rapid development of e-government. Second, Estonia has built an advanced ICT infrastructure, and X-Road, as a core data exchange platform, provides technical support for the smooth implementation of e-governmentMake data sharing between government agencies efficient and secure. In addition, the penetration rate of high-speed Internet and the popularization of IT education provide a solid foundation for the development of e-government. A whopping 99 per cent of public services in Estonia are accessible online, thanks to broadband internet coverage throughout the country. Thirdly, Estonia has ensured the development of e-government through legislation. For example, the Digital Signature Act was the first law in the world to recognize that electronic signatures have the same legal force as handwritten signatures, laying the foundation for the legality and popularity of online services. In addition, Estonia has a number of strict data protection regulations in place to ensure that citizens' privacy is guaranteed when using electronic services. Fourth, Estonia attaches great importance to digital education for all, and schools teach computer and programming courses from primary school to ensure that citizens have the basic skills to use e-government platforms. This has increased the digital literacy of citizens and has led to a high level of trust in the government and digital systems among Estonia citizens, which has increased the acceptance and widespread use of e-government.

Through the analysis, the following factors hindering the development of e-government in Estonia are obtained, first of allAs e-government systems rely on extensive digital infrastructure, Estonia faces a high level of cybersecurity risk. The cyber attacks of 2007 highlighted the vulnerability of e-government systems to large-scale attacks, and while governments have taken a variety of measures to enhance cybersecurity, continued investment is needed to protect against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. And, as digitalization deepens, so do some citizens' concerns about data breaches, which may affect confidence in the use of e-government. Second, while Estonia is leading the way in terms of digital adoption, there are still some digital divide issues, especially in rural areas and among the elderly population. Despite the fact that Internet penetration in Estonia is over 90 per cent, some groups still struggle to fully adapt to digital services, which can lead to digital exclusion and limit the popularity and utility of e-government. Third, as a small country highly dependent on digital infrastructure, Estonia's e-government system relies to some extent on international ICT supply chains and external technical support. This makes it potentially impactful in the face of a global cybersecurity incident or supply chain disruption, limiting the normal use of e-government.

2) Singapore e-government

In Singapore, the development of e-government construction can be traced back to the early eighties of the last century. The vigorous development and rapid popularization of information technology laid the foundation for the rapid development of Singapore's e-government, and the success of e-government also promoted Singapore's economic take-off and made it a financial and trade center in the Asia-Pacific region and even the world. So far, Singapore's e-government has gone through five historical stages after 30 years of development and innovation, and it has become an internationally unique e-government office system.

新加坡电子公民中心(e-Citizens Center)是一个以公民为中心的服务平台,将政府机构所有能以电子方式提供的服务整合在一起,并以一揽子的方式轻松便捷地提供给全体新加坡公民。电子公民中心是一个三维虚拟社区,将一个人从摇篮到坟墓的人生过程划分为诸多阶段,在每一个阶段里,个人都可以得到相应的政府服务,政府部门就是人生旅途中的一个个“驿站”。目前,“电子公民”网站里共有9个驿站,公民可以在线获得25个政府部门的600余项电子服政府电子商务网(GeBIZ)为企业服务的电子政务主要通过政府电子商务网等项目实现GeBIZ为买家及供应商提供一个统一、安全、24小时不间断运作的平台,便于他们进行电子采购及投标活动此外,新加坡公众可以通过电子在线提供的服务共有2600项,电子公众中心可以将其中的1700多项服务传送到每个人的家里。政府通过“政府电子商务中心”采购的产品价值已经达到1.1亿美元,今后还要求将80%的政府采购都搬到“政府电子商务中心上来最后但不是最少的,新加坡利用人工智能推进数字政府建设,例如,新加坡税务局新加坡政府技术局合作,推出了智能聊天机器人IRAS bot,提供7×24小时的智能纳税咨询服务,进行合分析和风险管理。这一服务提升了纳税人体验、提高了工作效率及节约了成本
Singapore's e-Citizens CenterIt is a citizen-centric service platform that integrates all the services that government agencies can provide electronically and provides them to all Singapore citizens in a package that is easy and convenient. The e-Citizen Center is a three-dimensional virtual community that divides a person's life process from cradle to grave into many stages, and in each stage, individuals can receive corresponding government services, and government departments are "stations" in the journey of life. At present, there are 9 stations on the "e-Citizen" website, and citizens can access more than 600 e-services from 25 government departments online. The government e-commerce network (GeBIZ) is mainly realized through projects such as the government e-commerce network. GeBIZ provides a unified, secure, 24-hour platform for buyers and suppliers to conduct e-procurement and tendering activities. In addition, there are a total of 2,600 services available to the public in Singapore through electronic online, and more than 1,700 of them can be delivered to everyone's home by the e-public centre. The value of the products procured by the government through the "Government E-Commerce Center" has reached $110 million, and in the future it is required that 80 percent of government procurement be moved to the "Government E-Commerce Center". Last but not least, Singapore is also using AI to advance digital government, for example, the Singapore Revenue Authority has partnered with the Singapore Government Technology Agency, Launched IRAS bot, an intelligent chatbot, which provides 24×7 intelligent tax consulting services for compliance analysis and risk management. This service improves the taxpayer experience, improves productivity and saves costs.

The implementation of e-government in Singapore has significantly improved the administrative efficiency of the government, reducing administrative costs and processing time. First, e-government reduces the use of paper documents and lowers the government's operating costs. In addition, the government has reduced the investment of human resources through automation technology. To a certain extent, this may reduce the pressure on the government to recruit talents in order to better handle government affairs. Second, through the implementation of comprehensive e-initiatives such as the IT 21st Century Plan, Singapore has established a leading digital e-government system that provides citizens with convenient, integrated and value-added public services. This system not only covers all areas of the government, including public services, home life, medical and health care, public safety, education and culture, science and technology, industry and commerce, transportation and logistics, telecommunications, etc., but also realizes the network connection of government offices, making information sharing between government agencies more convenient and reducing duplication of workAs a result, the quality and efficiency of public services have been greatly improved. For example, tax declarations, traffic violations and other matters can be handled online, which greatly shortens the processing time.

Figure 1: Online completion rate of government services in Singapore

新加坡电子政务不仅提高了政府的效率,还极大地促进了公众的参与度。新加坡电子政务系统提供了24小时不间断的在线服务,市民可以随时随地访问政府服务,减少了传统面对面服务的时间限制。新加坡市民通过SingPassMyInfo等平台,能够方便地参与公共事务,如在线投票、政府问卷调查等。这种便捷的服务模式提高了市民对政府服务的满意度,同时也使政府更加了解和回应市民的需求。论文,通过电子政务,政府运作变得更加透明和监督。新加坡政府推行了多个电子平台,允许市民在线查看政府的决策过程、预算分配和项目进展情况。例如,“透明政府计划”(Open Government Programme)允许公众访问大量政府数据,从而促进了政府决策的透明度。此外,市民可以通过“新加坡政务数据中心”(Singapore Government Data Hub)获取有关政府政策和公共服务的详细数据,这不仅增强了政府的问责制,还提高了公众对政府的信任。
Singapore's e-government not only improves the efficiency of the government, but also greatly facilitates public participation. Singapore's e-government system provides 24-hour uninterrupted online services, allowing citizens to access government services anytime and anywhere, reducing the time constraints of traditional face-to-face services. Through platforms such as SingPass and MyInfo, Singaporeans can easily participate in public affairs such as online voting and government surveys. This convenient service model has increased the satisfaction of citizens with government services, and at the same time, it has also enabled the government to better understand and respond to the needs of citizens. Thesis, through e-government, government operations have become more transparent and overseeable. The Singapore government has implemented a number of electronic platforms that allow citizens to view the government's decision-making process, budget allocation and project progress online. For example, the Open Government Programme promotes transparency in government decision-making by giving the public access to vast amounts of government data. In addition, citizens can access detailed data on government policies and public services through the Singapore Government Data Hub, which not only enhances government accountability, but also increases public trust in the government.

Figure 2: Public satisfaction with e-government

Singapore's e-government has been a great success, and we should analyze the factors that contribute to its success and spread the successful experience to the e-government construction process of more countries. First, the Singapore government has shown strong leadership and vision in the development of e-government. Since the 80s of the 20th century, the Singapore Government has recognized the importance of information technology for social development and has formulated a series of strategic plans, such as the "IT2000" plan in 1992 and the "iGov2010" plan in 2006. These strategies not only clarify the direction of e-government, but also provide a clear framework and goals for specific implementation. Second, Singapore's public management system is known for its efficiency and integrity, which creates favorable conditions for the implementation of e-government. Collaboration and information sharing between government departments can be effectively achieved through the e-government platform, and this efficient management culture enables various e-government measures to be quickly promoted and effective. Third, Singapore has a world-leading digital infrastructure, including high-speed internet, extensive smart device penetration, and robust data centers. These infrastructures provide solid technical support for e-government, allowing governments to smoothly implement various online services such as electronic tax filing, online license application, etc. In addition, Singapore citizens generally have a high level of digital literacy and internet use, which makes the implementation of e-government smoother. The Government has also further increased public acceptance and use of e-government through various education and awareness campaigns. For example, the government regularly organizes digital skills training courses and promotes the use of e-government through public platforms. Last but not least, the Singapore government actively participates in international cooperation and has established cooperative relations in the field of e-government with a number of developed countries and international organizations. This has not only helped Singapore introduce advanced technologies and ideas, but also kept it at the forefront of e-government in the context of globalization. By learning from the successful e-government models of other countries, Singapore can continue to improve its systems.

Driven by many factors, Singapore has become a global leader in the development of e-government, but there are also some factors that hinder its development, as can be seen from many aspects of the relevant literature:

With the development of e-government, Singapore is also facing increasing cybersecurity problems. Although governments have adopted technical measures such as multi-layered security architectures to prevent cyberattacks, e-government systems are still at risk of data breaches and privacy breaches as cyber threats become more sophisticated. In particular, security breaches in electronic services involving sensitive personal information may lead to a decline in public trust. And, despite Singapore's overall high level of digital literacy, the digital divide between different social groups persists. Older people and low-income groups may face difficulties in using e-government, preventing them from taking full advantage of the digital services provided by the government. Although the Government has taken steps, such as providing door-to-door digital skills training for the elderly, this disparity remains a major obstacle to e-government adoption. In addition, Singapore's e-government system needs to be constantly updated to cope with rapid changes in technology. However, the rapid iteration of technology not only requires a large amount of capital investment, but also requires the government to have a high degree of technological adaptability and forward-looking. For some more traditional departments, technology updates may face greater resistance, affecting the upgrading and optimization of the overall e-government system. While the Singapore government has done a lot to advance e-government, public concerns about data privacy and government transparency remain. As more government services move online, so does the public's sensitivity to how governments use and protect personal data. If the government is not transparent in these areas, it may affect the effectiveness of e-government promotion.

3) 韩国电子政务
3) Korea e-government

As one of the leaders in the development of global e-government, Korea's e-government development has gone through many important stages, from initial exploration to full integration, and now to smart government, Korea's e-government system is not only leading in Asia, but also setting a benchmark in the world.

In the 80s of the 20th century, with the introduction of computer technology, the Korea government began to recognize the potential of information technology to improve administrative efficiency. In 1987, Korea established the Administrative Computerization Program, an initial attempt at the development of e-government, aimed at improving the efficiency and transparency of public administration through computerization. This phase is dominated by the construction of infrastructure, such as computerization within the government and the initial development of information systems. Emphasis will be placed on improving information processing capacity within the Government and optimizing work processes. In the mid-90s of the 20th century, Korea launched a national informatization plan, which clarified the direction of government informatization and e-government development. The government began to develop various information systems and launched a series of online public services, such as tax filing, resident registration and government procurement systems. The launch of these systems marks the shift of Korea's e-government from a single computerization to a network. In the 21st century, with the rapid development of information technology, Korea's e-government has entered a stage of full integration and maturity. This stage of e-government emphasizes system integration and the wide application of services. There is a high level of information sharing and business integration between government departments, such as the launch of the Government for Citizens (G4C) portal, which enables citizens to access a wide range of government services through a single window. In addition, the legal framework for e-government has also been improved at this stage to ensure data privacy and security. With the development of emerging technologies such as cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence, Korea's e-government entered the stage of intelligent and personalized services in the 2010s. The government's goal is no longer just to provide online services, but to provide citizens with more accurate and efficient services through data analytics and smart technology. The current e-government system in Korea is user-centric, emphasizing personalization and intelligence of services. For example, through big data analytics, governments can anticipate the needs of citizens and proactively provide services; The application of cloud computing makes government information systems more flexible and efficient. At the same time, mobile government (m-government) has become an important development direction, and citizens can access government services anytime and anywhere through smartphones and other mobile devices.

就主要政务服务来说,韩国政府提供了多项智能化服务,如G4C提供了多种公共服务的在线访问渠道。该门户网站将原本分散的各类政府服务整合到一个平台,公民可以通过此平台在线办理税务、签证、证件申请等业务。此外,G4C还提供了与政府互动的渠道,如意见反馈和政策咨询。Minwon 24是韩国政府推出的另一个重要平台,旨在进一步简化行政手续,并为公民提供24小时不间断的公共服务。通过Minwon 24,公民可以办理几乎所有的政府服务,从出生登记到企业注册。此外,dBrain是一个涵盖国家财政管理的综合信息系统,主要用于管理和监督国家预算的执行该系统确保了国家财政的透明度,并提高了财政管理的效率和准确性。通过dBrain,财政部和其他相关部门可以实时监控预算执行情况,确保资金的合理使用。随着智能手机的普及,韩国政府大力发展移动政务(m-Government,使公民能够通过移动设备访问各种公共服务移动政务服务包括电子缴费、移动投票、公共信息查询等。这些服务不仅方便了公民的日常生活,也进一步提高了政府服务的普及率和使用率
In terms of major government services, the Korea government provides a number of intelligent services, such as G4C, which provides online access to a variety of public services. The portal integrates various government services that were previously scattered into a single platform, through which citizens can apply for taxes, visas, documents and other services online. In addition, the G4C provides channels for interaction with governments, such as feedback and policy consultation. Minwon 24 is another important platform launched by the Korea government to further simplify administrative procedures and provide citizens with 24-hour uninterrupted public services. With Minwon 24, citizens can handle almost all government services, from birth registration to business registration. In addition, dBrain is an integrated information system covering the financial management of the country, which is mainly used to manage and supervise the implementation of the state budget. The system ensures the transparency of the country's finances and improves the efficiency and accuracy of financial management. With dBrain, the Ministry of Finance and other relevant departments can monitor budget performance in real time to ensure that funds are used wisely. With the spread of smartphones, the Korea government is developing mobile government (m-government), which enables citizens to access various public services through mobile devices. Mobile government services include electronic payment, mobile voting, public information inquiry, etc. These services not only facilitate the daily lives of citizens, but also further increase the popularity and use of government services.

The development of e-government in Korea has led to a significant shift in the field of public administration
First of all
One major impact has been a significant increase in administrative efficiency. Through the implementation of the e-government platform, Korea
减少了政府处理事务的时间和成本。例如,政府服务门户网站“政府24”(Government 24)整合了各类公共服务,使得公民和企业可以在一个平台上办理多达5,000种服务。这种一站式服务大大减少了办理时间和行政成本
Reduces the time and cost of government transactions. For example, Government 24, a government service portal, integrates a variety of public services, allowing citizens and businesses to access up to 5,000 services on a single platform. This one-stop service greatly reduces the processing time and administrative costs
According to the Korea government, e-government saves the government billions of dollars in administrative costs every year. A 2018 report showed that the Korea government saved about 2.5 percent through e-government projects
South Korean won (about $2.2 billion), mainly due to the reduction of the use of paper documents and the optimization of administrative processes.
电子政务使韩国政府在信息公开和透明度方面取得了重大进展。通过在线平台,政府向公众实时公开政策信息、预算数据和决策过程。例如,“开放政府门户”(Open Government Portal)允许公民访问政府的公开数据,包括预算、行政计划和
E-government has enabled the Korea government to make significant progress in information disclosure and transparency. Through online platforms, governments make policy information, budget data, and decision-making processes available to the public in real time. For example, the Open Government Portal allows citizens to access open data about the government, including budgets, administrative plans, and
class policy
。这种透明度不仅提高了政府的问责性,还促进了公民的知情权和参与度。根据国际透明组织(Transparency International)的评估,韩国的透明度指数在过去十年中显著提高,这在一定程度上得益于电子政务的广泛应用。
。 This transparency not only increases the accountability of the government, but also promotes citizens' right to information and participation. According to Transparency International, Korea's transparency index has improved significantly over the past decade, thanks in part to the widespread use of e-government.
The e-government platform also enhances citizen engagement. For example, Korea's "e-People" platform allows citizens to make suggestions, complaints, and opinions directly to the government. The platform enables more frequent and effective interactions between citizens and governments through streamlined processes and easy-to-use interfaces. The data shows that the number of citizen engagements has increased significantly since the launch of the platform. In 2019 alone, the e-People platform processed more than 1 million suggestions and complaints submitted by citizens. This form of interaction not only helps the government better understand the needs of the people, but also makes policymaking more democratic and responsive. Through e-government, the quality of public services in Korea has been greatly improved. In the case of medical and health services, the Korea government adopts an electronic health record system
(Electronic Health Record, EHR)实现了患者信息的数字化管理,提高了医疗服务的效率和准确性。此外,电子政务还推动了教育、税务等领域的数字化,提升了这些公共服务的可及性和质量。
Electronic Health Record (EHR) realizes the digital management of patient information and improves the efficiency and accuracy of medical services. In addition, e-government has promoted digitalization in areas such as education and taxation, improving the accessibility and quality of these public services.

The successful development of e-government in Korea is the result of a combination of contributing factors, however, the development of e-government in Korea is not smooth sailing, and objectively it is also affected by some hindrance factors.

First, the Korea government has played a crucial role in promoting the development of e-government. Since the 90s of the 20th century, the Korea government has successively issued a series of e-government policies and plans, such as the "E-Government Five-Year Plan" and the "Government Online Project", which have provided strong policy support and capital investment for the development of e-government. In addition, the Korea government has set up special agencies, such as the National Informatization Promotion Committee, to be responsible for the overall planning and implementation of e-government, ensuring policy continuity and implementation. Second, Korea has a world-leading information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure, which is the technical guarantee for the success of its e-government. Korea has one of the highest internet penetration and broadband access rates in the world, and mobile network coverage is extremely extensive. These infrastructures not only provide the necessary hardware support for the operation of the e-government system, but also enable more citizens to easily and quickly access the government's online services, improving the popularity and utilization of e-government. Third, the overall level of digital literacy in Korea society is high, which lays an important foundation for the promotion of e-government. Korea generally have a high level of acceptance and proficiency in digital technology, with both young and old people being able to use the Internet and mobile devices more proficiently. This high level of digital literacy makes it easy for Korea citizens to adapt to the e-government system and actively participate in online government services. Fourth, Korea's e-government development has benefited from close cooperation between the public and private sectors. The government cooperates with the private sector to jointly develop and maintain e-government platforms and services, and leverages the innovation capabilities and technological advantages of the private sector to promote the technological update and service upgrading of e-government. This model of public-private partnership not only accelerates the development of e-government, but also improves the quality and efficiency of services.

On the other hand, the factors hindering the development of e-government in Korea are: First, with the spread of e-government, information security and privacy protection have become major challenges. The Korea government has a large amount of citizens' personal information, and in the event of a data breach or cyberattack, it will have a significant impact on society. In recent years, there have been several major data breaches in Korea, which have not only raised public questions about government information security, but also forced the government to invest significant resources to strengthen cybersecurity measures. Second, despite the overall high level of digital literacy in Korea, there is still a digital divide between different social groups. For example, the elderly, low-income people, and people living in rural areas have a relative lack of access to e-government services. This digital divide disparities in the popularization and use of e-government among different groups hinders the full promotion and fairness of e-government. Third, the development of e-government often requires cross-departmental coordination and cooperation, but Korea's bureaucracy has information barriers and departmental interests to a certain extent, which makes the promotion of e-government difficult in practice. For example, data sharing and system integration between different departments are often hindered by unclear rights and responsibilities or departmental conflicts of interest, resulting in fragmentation of e-government services and reducing overall efficiency. Fourth, although the rapid development of information technology has brought new opportunities for e-government, it has also brought challenges in technology updating and system maintenance. Once an e-government system is established, it often faces the problem of backward technology and aging systems, and it takes a lot of resources to continuously update and maintain these systems. At the same time, the introduction of new technologies also requires the training of civil servants and the public to adapt to the new operating system, which virtually increases the difficulty and cost of adoption.