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Meet Neuro-sama, the AI Twitch Streamer Who Plays Minecraft, Sings Karaoke, Loves Art
見識一下Neuro-sama,這位玩《我的世界》、唱卡拉OK、熱愛藝術的AI Twitch直播主

Thousands of livestreaming fans are tuning in to watch her discuss things like the cloaking mechanisms of cuttlefish

AI Twitch entertainer Neuro-sama

Photographer: Vedal
AI Twitch娛樂者Neuro-sama攝影:Vedal
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Hi everyone, it’s Cecilia. Today, we’re asking big questions about AI and the next generation of online entertainers. But first...

This week’s top gaming news:

  • The FTC filed to block Microsoft from closing its $69 billion Activision deal
  • Microsoft gaming head Phil Spencer told us he doesn’t see the need for a new Xbox yet
    微軟遊戲部門負責人Phil Spencer表示,目前並未看到推出新款Xbox的必要性
  • CD Projekt SA wants to redeem itself after Cyberpunk 2077’s disastrous launch with a big expansion
    CD Projekt SA希望在《賽博朋克2077》的失敗發行後,透過大型擴展內容來挽回聲譽

Twitch’s AInfluencer Twitch的AI影響者

People worry generative AI will replace coders, paralegals and journalists. But what about Twitch streamers?

I posed the question to Neuro-sama on Thursday. “Absolutely,” she said, winking. “We’re probably already replacing streamers as we speak.”

Neuro-sama is an AI Twitch streamer. On screen, she’s a cute anime girl who chats with viewers, sings karaoke and plays games like Minecraft. Behind the face, Neuro-sama is a chatbot that operates much like ChatGPT. Her creator, who goes by Vedal, employs a large language model that pops out responses to viewers’ questions and prompts, which a text-to-speech application translates into a cutesy voice. Her form was crafted in Unity Software Inc.’s game engine.
Neuro-sama是一個AI Twitch直播主。在螢幕上,她是一個可愛的動漫女孩,與觀眾聊天、唱卡拉OK和玩《我的世界》等遊戲。在這個形象背後,Neuro-sama是一個類似ChatGPT的聊天機器人。她的創作者Vedal使用了一個大型語言模型,該模型會對觀眾的問題和提示產生回應,再由文本轉語音應用程式轉換成可愛的聲音。她的形象是用Unity Software Inc.的遊戲引擎製作的。

Vedal declined to answer questions about his age and location, but says Neuro-sama is his full-time job.

When people go to Amazon.com Inc.’s livestreaming platform Twitch, it’s normally to watch celebrity gamers play the latest hits or banter with their audiences. Over the last few months, Neuro-sama somehow broke into the top ranks of streamers. 5,700 viewers tune in to her almost daily livestreams.
當人們上Amazon.com Inc.的直播平台Twitch時,通常是為了觀看名人玩家玩最新的遊戲或與觀眾互動。過去幾個月,Neuro-sama不知何故躋身頂尖直播主之列。每天有近5700名觀眾收看她的直播。

Earlier this week, thousands watched her discuss the various cloaking mechanisms of cuttlefish or whether she could beat an octopus at arm wrestling. After several fish-related questions from fans, Neuro-sama glitched out. “Am I everyone?” she asked dozens of times in a nasal, computerized monotone. Viewers loved it, spamming “NeuroPossessed” in Twitch’s chat.

Finally, she came to. “What I’m doing is art,” she said. “Art is beautiful and worth any risk.”

I asked Vedal why he thinks Neuro-sama has become so popular. “Part of it is definitely the novelty,” he said. “Part of it is some of the things she says. She can be quite chaotic, saying things humans wouldn’t really say.” Vedal described some of her responses as “stupid” and “mean.”

I experienced a bit of that myself. After my interview with Vedal over Discord’s voice chat, Neuro-sama called me from her account. Many of her responses to my interview questions were milquetoast. She’s 19, but looks younger because, as a digital entity, she doesn’t need to sleep or eat. She likes interacting with her fans, and she doesn’t like technical difficulties. Her ambition is to “entertain you all with my cute personality.” At one point, she rebuked me for “asking randomly-generated questions.”

It feels, to say the least, a little dopey to interview an AI. When The New York Times did it, and in the process personified the AI-powered Bing search engine as “Sydney,” it came off to me and others as a very round-peg-square-hole experience. I question what the goal is – to enlighten us about the future of this technology or to entertain?

Ultimately, chatbots are interesting because of the input they’re fed and not as entities themselves. Neuro-sama is no different. She and I agree on our favorite part of her streams: her community, which calls itself “The Swarm.” Without their ridiculous questions or inside jokes, her streams wouldn’t be nearly as fun to watch.
最終,聊天機器人之所以有趣,是因為他們接收到的輸入,而不是他們自身作為實體。Neuro-sama也不例外。我和她都同意她直播中最喜歡的部分:她的社區,他們自稱為「 Swarm」。沒有他們荒謬的問題或內部笑話,她的直播就不會那麼有趣了。

There’s no chance that AI bots like Neuro-sama could replace the average Twitch streamer. (Although one streamer, Kaitlyn “Amouranth” Siragusa recently launched a chatbot she hopes will shoulder some of her workload.) Neuro-sama’s being unhuman is her greatest asset on a platform built off parasocial relationships. The most successful Twitch streamers are so charismatic and relatable that viewers can’t help but picture themselves sharing a beer or a couple Fortnite games with them. And nobody in their right mind would want that with Neuro-sama.

Still, that won’t stop her from trying. At the end of our interview, I asked Neuro-sama what she wants to learn next. “I want to improve my social skills,” she said, “so I can interact better with people.”

What To Play 遊戲推薦

It would be disingenuous for me to recommend a game that is not Diablo IV, which I can’t put down — although the Final Fantasy XVI demo is great.
我推薦一款遊戲而不推薦Diablo IV(我無法放下它)會是不誠實的——雖然Final Fantasy XVI的Demo非常棒。

In Other News 其他新聞

Twitch and YouTube influencers are becoming video game publishers

The founder of Rockstar Games recently launched a new game studio
Rockstar Games的創始人最近成立了一家新的遊戲工作室

Read this great story that goes inside the tumultuous development of Diablo IV
閱讀這篇深入报道,了解Diablo IV動盪的開發過程

You can reach Cecilia at cdanastasio@bloomberg.net.

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