Subgroups 子群
In this lesson we're going to look at subgroups of a group. The idea is similar to a
A subspace is a subset of a vector space that's also a vector space itself. Specifically, it's a subset that's both closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication.
A vector space is a set of vectors that is closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication.
设 为一个群。若子集 在 已定义的乘法运算下形成一个群,则称 为 的子群。
A group
Closure: For any elements
and in the element is also in Associativity: For any elements
and in we have Identity: There is an element
in satisfying for any element of Inverse: For every element
of there is an element in satisfying
The associative property explains that way in which numbers are grouped in addition or multiplication will not change the outcome. Therefore,
A set is closed under a binary operation when any combination of its elements by the operation is also in the set.
Given an element
由于 已经是一个群,你在 中可以自动获得一些公理(如结合律)。实际上,只需检查乘法和逆的封闭性即可: 是 的子群当且仅当对于 和 满足 ,并且对于任意 满足 。
Which of the following is not a
A subgroup is a subset of a group that is also a group under the same operation.
A group is cyclic when it can be generated by a single element of the group. That is, there is an element
以下哪个不是 的子群
A real number is a value that can represent any continuous quantity, positive or negative. Examples of real numbers include
设 是从 到 的函数群,其群运算为加法:
设 和
Which of the
A subgroup is a subset of a group that is also a group under the same operation.
哪些 是子群?