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Subgroups  子群

In this lesson we're going to look at subgroups of a group. The idea is similar to a

A subspace is a subset of a vector space that's also a vector space itself. Specifically, it's a subset that's both closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication.

of a

A vector space is a set of vectors that is closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication.

, which you may have seen in linear algebra.

Let GG be a group. A subset HGH \subseteq G is a subgroup if it forms a group under the multiplication operation already defined for G.G.
GG 为一个群。若子集 HGH \subseteq GG.G. 已定义的乘法运算下形成一个群,则称 HGH \subseteq GGG 的子群。

Since GG is already a group, you get some of the

A group GG is a set of elements together with a binary operation * that together satisfy these axioms:

  1. Closure: For any elements xx and yy in G,G, the element xyx * y is also in G.G.

  2. Associativity: For any elements x,y,x, y, and zz in G,G, we have (xy)z=x(yz).(x*y)*z = x*(y*z).

  3. Identity: There is an element ee in GG satisfying ex=xe=xe*x = x*e = x for any element xx of G.G.

  4. Inverse: For every element xx of G,G, there is an element yy in GG satisfying xy=yx=e.xy = yx = e.


The associative property explains that way in which numbers are grouped in addition or multiplication will not change the outcome. Therefore, (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)(a + b) + c = a + (b + c) and (ab)c=a(bc).(a \cdot b) \cdot c = a \cdot (b \cdot c).

) for free in H.H. In fact, it's not hard to see that you only need to check for

A set is closed under a binary operation when any combination of its elements by the operation is also in the set.

under multiplication and

Given an element gg of a group with operation * and identity element e,e, the inverse of gg is the unique element hh satisfying gh=hg=e.g * h = h * g = e. The inverse of gg is often denoted by g1.g^{-1}.

: HH is a subgroup of GG if and only if for h1h_1 and h2H,h_2 \in H, h1h2Hh_1h_2 \in H and for any rH,r \in H, r1H.r^{-1} \in H.
由于 GG 已经是一个群,你在 H.H. 中可以自动获得一些公理(如结合律)。实际上,只需检查乘法和逆的封闭性即可: HHGG 的子群当且仅当对于 h1h_1h2H,h_2 \in H, 满足 h1h2Hh_1h_2 \in H ,并且对于任意 rH,r \in H, 满足 r1H.r^{-1} \in H.

Which of the following is not a

A subgroup is a subset of a group that is also a group under the same operation.


A group is cyclic when it can be generated by a single element of the group. That is, there is an element gg in the group such that any element can be written as gmg^m for some integer m.m. Every cyclic group can be identified with Zn,Z_n, the group of integers with addition modulo n.n.

以下哪个不是 Z10?Z_{10}? 的子群

Let GG be the group of functions from

A real number is a value that can represent any continuous quantity, positive or negative. Examples of real numbers include 3,100,2.1312,13,2,3, -100, 2.1312, \frac13, \sqrt{2}, and π.\pi. The set of real numbers is often denoted by R.\mathbb{R}.

to R,\mathbb R, with group law given by addition: (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x).(f+g)(x) = f(x)+g(x).
GG 是从 R\mathbb RR,\mathbb R, 的函数群,其群运算为加法: (f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x).(f+g)(x) = f(x)+g(x).

Let H1={fG:f(1)=0},H_1 = \{ f \in G : f(1) = 0 \}, H2={fG:f(0)=1},H_2 = \{ f \in G : f(0) = 1 \}, and H3={fG:f(x)0}.H_3 = \{ f \in G : f(x) \ge 0\}.
H1={fG:f(1)=0},H_1 = \{ f \in G : f(1) = 0 \}, H2={fG:f(0)=1},H_2 = \{ f \in G : f(0) = 1 \},H3={fG:f(x)0}.H_3 = \{ f \in G : f(x) \ge 0\}.

Which of the HiH_i are

A subgroup is a subset of a group that is also a group under the same operation.

哪些 HiH_i 是子群?