
HyDE 是什么?
HyDE 使用语言学习模型,如 ChatGPT,在响应查询时生成理论文档,而不是使用查询及其计算向量直接在向量数据库中查找。

HyDE 借助LLM(GPT3)创建一个“假设”答案,然后搜索嵌入以找到匹配项。在这里,我们正在进行答案到答案的嵌入相似性搜索,而不是传统的 RAG 检索方法中的查询到答案的嵌入相似性搜索。
!pip -q install langchain huggingface_hub openai chromadb tiktoken faiss-cpu
!pip -q install sentence_transformers
!pip -q install -U FlagEmbedding
!pip -q install -U cohere
!pip -q install -U pypdf
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
from langchain.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.text_splitter import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.chains import LLMChain, HypotheticalDocumentEmbedder
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain.document_loaders.pdf import PyPDFDirectoryLoader
from langchain.document_loaders import TextLoader
from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceBgeEmbeddings
from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
import langchain
设置所需的 API 密钥
from getpass import getpass
os.environ["COHERE_API_KEY"] = getpass("Cohere API Key:")
os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = getpass("OpenAI API Key:")
def pretty_print_docs(docs):
f"\n{'-' * 100}\n".join(
[f"Document {i+1}:\n\n" + d.page_content for i, d in enumerate(docs)]
pdf_folder_path = "/content/Documenation"
loader = PyPDFDirectoryLoader(pdf_folder_path)
docs = loader.load()
See discussions, st ats, and author pr ofiles f or this public ation at : https://www .researchgate.ne t/public ation/373257779
Introduction to Management Studies
Research · August 2023
1 author:
Alan S. Gutt erman
Older P ersons' Rights Pr oject
All c ontent f ollo wing this p age was uplo aded b y Alan S. Gutt erman on 21 A ugust 2023.
The user has r equest ed enhanc ement of the do wnlo aded file.
text_splitter = RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=1000, chunk_overlap=0)
texts = text_splitter.split_documents(docs)
设置嵌入模型 - BGE 嵌入
model_name = "BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5"
encode_kwargs = {'normalize_embeddings': True} # set True to compute cosine similarity
bge_embeddings = HuggingFaceBgeEmbeddings(
model_kwargs={'device': 'cuda'},
配置 LLM
# Set up the LLM
llm = OpenAI()
使用 `web_search` 提示加载
embeddings = HypotheticalDocumentEmbedder.from_llm(llm,
langchain.debug = True
# Now we can use it as any embedding class!
result = embeddings.embed_query("According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?")
PromptTemplate(input_variables=['QUESTION'], template='Please write a passage to answer the question \nQuestion: {QUESTION}\nPassage:')
[llm/start] [1:llm:OpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"Please write a passage to answer the question \nQuestion: According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?\nPassage:"
[llm/end] [1:llm:OpenAI] [3.26s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "\n\nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics is a practical approach to living in accordance with moral values. It is a system of beliefs that shape our decisions and actions, and guide us in how we should interact with other people. Ethics is concerned with what is right or wrong, and with determining what is the best course of action in any situation. Ethics is based on principles of respect, justice, fairness, and responsibility, and it is based on a shared set of values that are commonly accepted by society. In other words, ethics is about doing the right thing, even when it may not be the most convenient or popular thing to do.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"total_tokens": 154,
"prompt_tokens": 25,
"completion_tokens": 129
"model_name": "text-davinci-003"
"run": null
vectorstore = FAISS.from_documents(texts, embeddings)
retriever = vectorstore.as_retriever(search_kwargs={"k": 20})
query = "According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?"
docs = retriever.get_relevant_documents(query)
[llm/start] [1:llm:OpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"Please write a passage to answer the question \nQuestion: According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?\nPassage:"
[llm/end] [1:llm:OpenAI] [2.55s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": " Kelly and Williams define ethics as a set of moral principles that guide the behavior of individuals and organizations. They describe it as an area of study that examines the moral implications of decisions and actions, and it includes the study of values, virtues, right and wrong, justice, and other matters of morality. They consider ethics to be an important part of decision making, as it helps to ensure that decisions are made with the best interests of all parties involved in mind. Ethics is also the basis for understanding the implications of different actions, and it is important to consider the ethical implications when making decisions.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"total_tokens": 143,
"prompt_tokens": 25,
"completion_tokens": 118
"model_name": "text-davinci-003"
"run": null
Document 1:
manager’s own self -interest. In order for t he manager t o act effectively and appropriately in those
instances, he or she needs to have a fundamental understanding of ethics and how ethical principles apply
to managers and their organizations.
According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner -guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that
individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the
appropriate way to behave. The concept of ethics can be viewed at several levels:
77 Id. at 15 -16.
Document 2:
Kelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact
of their decisions on org anizational stakeholders:
• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest
number of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on
the benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders
• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental
rights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the
effectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group.
• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the
organizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner
Document 3:
Introduction to Management Studies
• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their
responsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -
interest is at stake
• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft
should conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities
• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view
their duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees,
suppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community)
• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in
matters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights
Document 4:
• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation
communicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be
Document 5:
Introduction to Management Studies
37 reasonable and acceptable (i.e., consistent with value s, norms and standards typically acknowledged
and applied within the organization)
Legal and ethical principles are not necessarily the same; however, laws generally reflect the ethical norms
at a particular time. Ethical principles are also subject to c hange over t ime as societies evolve. Kelly and
Williams noted that there are no absolute or indisputable ethical rules or principals, but it has been
suggested the following core values arguably transcend political, religious, class and ethnic differences :
trustworth iness (i.e., honesty and following through on promises made); respect (i.e., showing
consideration for others and treating them as you would like to be treated); responsibility (i.e.,
perseverance, self -discipline and personal accountability); fairness (i. e., providing equal opportunities and
Document 6:
being open -minded); caring (i.e., kindness and compassion); and citizenship (i.e., cooperation and
willingness to contribute to the broader community).
Effective managers understand the beliefs and behavio rs of ethica l individuals and attempt to practice them
as they engaged in their managerial roles and activities. Trevino et al. suggested that this means managing
with integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates, treating people the right way and playing
fairly and striving for a high level of moral development. In addition, managers must do what they can to
create and maintain an ethical organization that is based on ethical leadership (i.e., leader communications
regarding ethics and values , role model ing, rewards for ethical behavior and swift and sure discipline for
unethical behavior) and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior (i.e.,
Document 7:
organizational culture, code of ethics, ethics committee and chief ethics offi ce, ethics t raining and
procedures for anonymous reporting of ethical concerns (“whistleblowing”)).
Sources: M. Kelly and C. Williams, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, in M. Kelly and C.
Williams, BUSN: Introduction to Business, Business Ethi cs and Socia l Responsibility (Independence, KY:
Cengage Learning, 2015); P. Van Auken, http://business.baylor.edu/Phil_VanAuken/EthiclSupvr.html ;
Josephson Institute’s 2009 Report Ca rd on the Et hics of American Youth Summary (“Universal Ethical
Standards”); and L. Trevin, L. Harman and M. Brown, “Moral Person and Moral Manager”, California
Management Review, 42(4) (Summer 2000), 128.
Document 8:
Van Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including:
• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of
• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities,
community involvement and religious beliefs
• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth
• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or
playing favorites
• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as
what is achieved.
• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the
• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work
Van Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical
Document 9:
considerations including, among others, the shareholders and employees of the
corporation, customers of the corp oration who are beneficiaries of the general or specific
public ben efit purpose s and the environment. A handful of other states have adopted
similar legislation covering benefit corporations, sometimes referred to as “B
corpor ations”, and there viability will depend in large part on the development of case
law regarding the permissi ble purposes of such corporations and the flexibility afforded
to directors in discharging their fiduciary duties.
The Ethical Manager
When carrying out their duties and responsibilities managers may often find themselves confronted with an
“ethical dil emma”, which a situation in the manager must decide whether to take a certain course of action
that helps another person or group and which is the “right thing to do” even if the action is not in the
Document 10:
principles when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior:
• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to
the customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making
• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee.
• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as
possible in decision making
• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and
strive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others
• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the
importance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service
side of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority
Document 11:
Internet; increasing globalization; increasing diversity in the w orkplace and the
marketplace; growing recognition of the importance of intellectual capital including, but
not limited to, intellectual property; and more focused attention on ethical behavior by
firms and their managers.71 Each of these factors has had, a nd will cont inue to have, a
significant influence on core managerial activities, notably each of the elements of
organizational design. In addition, of course, management must remain focused on
creating value for customers in an efficient manner and on de veloping and implementing
strategies to attract necessary inputs such as capital, technology and human resources.
71 P. Lewis, S. Goodman, P. Fandt and J. Michlitsch, Management: Challenges for Tom orrow’s Leaders
(5th Edition) (Mason, OH: Thomson South -Western, 2007), 12 -16.
Document 12:
• Effective exercise of authority in an organization requires that positions be arranged hierarchically so
that everyone knows who to report to and who reports to them.
• Managers must create a well -defined system of rules (i.e., formal wr itten instructions t hat specify
actions that should be taken under different circumstances to achieve specific goals), standard
operating procedures (i.e., specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of
a task), and norms (i .e., unwritten, info rmal codes of conduct that govern how people should act) so
51 See generally C. Barnard, The Functions of the Execu tive (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
1938). See also J. Mahoney, “The Relevance of Chester I. Barnard’s Teachings to Contemporary
Management Education: Communicating the Aesthetics of Management”, International Journal of
Organizational Theory a nd Behavior, 5(1) & (2) (2002), 159 -172.
Document 13:
interests of the organization as a whole
• Esprit de corps: Promoting team spirit will give the organization a sense of unity
Final ly, Jones and George emphasized the following points regarding Follett’s concerns about emphasizing
the “human side of the organization” and encouraging managers to involve their subordinates in planning
and decisions:
• Workers are the people who know the most about their job s and they should be involved in job
analysis and participate with their managers in the work development process.
• Provided that workers have the relevant knowledge, they, rather than their managers, should be in
control of the work pro cess and the role of managers should be limited to coaching and facilitating.
• Organizations should rely upon cross -departmental teams composed of persons from different
functional departments to carry out required projects.
Document 14:
physically able to carry out orders issued by their managers. In order to achieve
acceptance, managers needed to focus on developing a sense of common purpose among
employees and an organizational culture that recognized the need for cooperation and
valued those who wer e willing to cooperate to achieve the goals and purposes of the
organization. Barnard also was among the first to acknowledge the existence of an
“informal organization”, which refer to the cliques or other groups that inevitably form
within an organizati on and which can provide a valuable service in collecting and
disseminating information. Barnard’s focus on the mindset of employees previewed the
emergence of the next major school of management thought discussed below: behavioral
management theory. 51
The Classical Administrative School of Management
Jones and George summarized the core principals of several of main theories associated with the “classical
Document 15:
have figured prominently in other definition s of management. For example, Jones et al.
referred to management as “the process of using an organization’s resources to achieve
specific goals through the fu nctions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling”.5
The importance of the managerial fu nctions was also emphasized by Weihrich in his
explanation of the “systems approach to organizational management” based on an “input -
output” model in which “inp uts” from an organization’s external environment (i.e.,
people, capital and technology) were tra nsformed into “outputs” demanded by various
organizational stakeholders in a transformation process based on and guided by
managerial functions such as planning , organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.6
Others infer that merely carrying out the f unctions typically associated with management
is not sufficient and it is necessary to add certain other concepts such as “value creation”,
Document 16:
should be given little in the way of discretion and flexibility. Theory X managers closely
supervise their subordinates to mak e sure that they work hard, create strict work rules and
implement a well -defined system of rewards and punishments in order to exert control
over those who work for them.57
Theory Y, on the other hand, is based on the belief that employees have the highe r level
need s identified in Maslow’s hierarchy (i.e., esteem and self -actualization) and calls for
the following very different assumptions about workers and workplace: work can be as
natural as play and rest; employees will be self -directed to fulfill the workplace
objectives if they are personally committed to them and the requisite level of
commitment can be achieved by providing rewards that address higher needs such as
self-fulfillment; if employees are personally committed and properly rewarded they w ill
Document 17:
Introduction to Management Studies
35 and that they have access to all of the organizational intellectual capital that they need in
order to successfully carry out their activities.
§26 --Ethics
Ethical behavior and social responsibility have become two important to pics for
managers, particularly in light of the scandals and difficult economic times that have
made their marks on the first decade of the new century.77 Government regulations such
as the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 have transformed the landscape for corp orate
govern ance of public companies in the US, with a particular focus on great disclosure and
transparency, and ethical guidelines have been promulgated by respected groups around
the world including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United
Nations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business
Enterprises. Management concerns regarding compliance are no longer limited to their
Document 18:
services. Services such as travel and entertainment are becoming more important, and
they rely on knowledge. Even the traditional products will make more use of knowledge
in design, production and marketing of t hem.”75
Intellectual capital does not simply mean technology and intellectual property rights;
instead, it is a concept that is much broader and includes identification, categorization,
protection and effective use of the totality of the organization’s “kn owledge”. T he three
major categories of “intellectual capital” identified by Stewart include structural capital,
which includes the accumulated knowledge and know -how of the organization
represented by its patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets an d proprietar y claims to
information in its databases and systems; customer capital, which includes the value of
established relationships with customers and suppliers; and human capital, which
Document 19:
act in a responsible fashion; and workers are trustworthy and it is therefore justifiable to
expect that most employees can handle responsibility since they are inherently creative
and ingenuous. Firms and managers that believe in Theory Y will not onl y offer
mate rialistic rewards but will also provide other opportunities for subordinates to pursue
55 See A. Maslow, Motivation an d Personality (New York, NY: Harper, 1954). For further discussion, see
also “Human Resources: A Library of Resourc es for Sustainable Entrepreneurs” prepared and distributed
by the Sustainable Entrepreneurship Project (www.seproject.org).
56 The ideas unde rlying Theory X and Theory Y first appeared in D. McGregor, The Human Side of
Enterprise (New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 1960).
57 G. Jones and J. George, Contemporary Management (5th Ed.) (New York: McGraw -Hill/Irwin, 2007),
46-47 (noting also that Henry Ford ’s practice of closely supervising and managing his workforce was a
Document 20:
marketplace and companies must take into account the specific preferences of each of the
groups mentioned above when designing and marketing their products and s ervices.74
§25 --Intellectual capital
Intellectual capital has joined the traditional factors of land, labor, money and raw
materials as essential contributors to the efficiency and competitiveness of business
organizations and managers must have a clear understandin g of the elements of
intellectual capital and how they can be used in developing and implementing strategies.
Intellectual capital appears in the growing sophistication and educational background of
the workforce and in the nature of the produ cts and serv ices developed and marketed by
business organizations. As noted by Lewis et al.: “More and more products will become
intellectual, or knowledge -based (for example, investment services and advice,
registering for classes at a school, computer s oftware), an d may be better referred to as
RAG 管道的生成部分
llm = ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k",temperature=0.1)
qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm=llm,
response = qa.run(query=query)
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA] Entering Chain run with input:
"query": "According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?"
[llm/start] [1:llm:OpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"Please write a passage to answer the question \nQuestion: According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?\nPassage:"
[llm/end] [1:llm:OpenAI] [3.70s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "\n\nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with questions of morality. It is concerned with the nature of right and wrong and how we should live our lives. Ethics is concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior, and with the character and behavior of individuals. It seeks to understand why people act the way they do, and how they should act in order to create a better world. Ethics is also concerned with the obligations of individuals to one another, as well as to society as a whole. Kelly and Williams state that ethics is an essential part of life, as it helps us to make moral decisions and to live a meaningful life.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"total_tokens": 160,
"prompt_tokens": 25,
"completion_tokens": 135
"model_name": "text-davinci-003"
"run": null
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain] Entering Chain run with input:
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain] Entering Chain run with input:
"question": "According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?",
"context": "manager’s own self -interest. In order for t he manager t o act effectively and appropriately in those \ninstances, he or she needs to have a fundamental understanding of ethics and how ethical principles apply \nto managers and their organizations. \n \nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner -guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that \nindividuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the \nappropriate way to behave. The concept of ethics can be viewed at several levels: \n \n77 Id. at 15 -16.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n36 \n• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their \nresponsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -\ninterest is at stake \n• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft \nshould conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities \n• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view \ntheir duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees, \nsuppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community) \n• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in \nmatters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights\n\nKelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact \nof their decisions on org anizational stakeholders: \n \n• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest \nnumber of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on \nthe benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders \n• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental \nrights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the \neffectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group. \n• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the \norganizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n37 reasonable and acceptable (i.e., consistent with value s, norms and standards typically acknowledged \nand applied within the organization) \n \nLegal and ethical principles are not necessarily the same; however, laws generally reflect the ethical norms \nat a particular time. Ethical principles are also subject to c hange over t ime as societies evolve. Kelly and \nWilliams noted that there are no absolute or indisputable ethical rules or principals, but it has been \nsuggested the following core values arguably transcend political, religious, class and ethnic differences : \ntrustworth iness (i.e., honesty and following through on promises made); respect (i.e., showing \nconsideration for others and treating them as you would like to be treated); responsibility (i.e., \nperseverance, self -discipline and personal accountability); fairness (i. e., providing equal opportunities and\n\n• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation \ncommunicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be\n\nbeing open -minded); caring (i.e., kindness and compassion); and citizenship (i.e., cooperation and \nwillingness to contribute to the broader community). \n \nEffective managers understand the beliefs and behavio rs of ethica l individuals and attempt to practice them \nas they engaged in their managerial roles and activities. Trevino et al. suggested that this means managing \nwith integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates, treating people the right way and playing \nfairly and striving for a high level of moral development. In addition, managers must do what they can to \ncreate and maintain an ethical organization that is based on ethical leadership (i.e., leader communications \nregarding ethics and values , role model ing, rewards for ethical behavior and swift and sure discipline for \nunethical behavior) and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior (i.e.,\n\norganizational culture, code of ethics, ethics committee and chief ethics offi ce, ethics t raining and \nprocedures for anonymous reporting of ethical concerns (“whistleblowing”)). \n \nSources: M. Kelly and C. Williams, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, in M. Kelly and C. \nWilliams, BUSN: Introduction to Business, Business Ethi cs and Socia l Responsibility (Independence, KY: \nCengage Learning, 2015); P. Van Auken, http://business.baylor.edu/Phil_VanAuken/EthiclSupvr.html ; \nJosephson Institute’s 2009 Report Ca rd on the Et hics of American Youth Summary (“Universal Ethical \nStandards”); and L. Trevin, L. Harman and M. Brown, “Moral Person and Moral Manager”, California \nManagement Review, 42(4) (Summer 2000), 128.\n\nVan Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including: \n \n• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of \nsociety \n• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities, \ncommunity involvement and religious beliefs \n• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth \n• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or \nplaying favorites \n• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as \nwhat is achieved. \n• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the \n“means”) \n• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work \n \nVan Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical\n\nconsiderations including, among others, the shareholders and employees of the \ncorporation, customers of the corp oration who are beneficiaries of the general or specific \npublic ben efit purpose s and the environment. A handful of other states have adopted \nsimilar legislation covering benefit corporations, sometimes referred to as “B \ncorpor ations”, and there viability will depend in large part on the development of case \nlaw regarding the permissi ble purposes of such corporations and the flexibility afforded \nto directors in discharging their fiduciary duties. \n \nThe Ethical Manager \n \nWhen carrying out their duties and responsibilities managers may often find themselves confronted with an \n“ethical dil emma”, which a situation in the manager must decide whether to take a certain course of action \nthat helps another person or group and which is the “right thing to do” even if the action is not in the\n\ninterests of the organization as a whole \n• Esprit de corps: Promoting team spirit will give the organization a sense of unity \n \nFinal ly, Jones and George emphasized the following points regarding Follett’s concerns about emphasizing \nthe “human side of the organization” and encouraging managers to involve their subordinates in planning \nand decisions: \n \n• Workers are the people who know the most about their job s and they should be involved in job \nanalysis and participate with their managers in the work development process. \n• Provided that workers have the relevant knowledge, they, rather than their managers, should be in \ncontrol of the work pro cess and the role of managers should be limited to coaching and facilitating. \n• Organizations should rely upon cross -departmental teams composed of persons from different \nfunctional departments to carry out required projects.\n\nprinciples when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior: \n \n• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to \nthe customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making \n• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee. \n• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as \npossible in decision making \n• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and \nstrive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others \n• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the \nimportance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service \nside of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority\n\n• Effective exercise of authority in an organization requires that positions be arranged hierarchically so \nthat everyone knows who to report to and who reports to them. \n• Managers must create a well -defined system of rules (i.e., formal wr itten instructions t hat specify \nactions that should be taken under different circumstances to achieve specific goals), standard \noperating procedures (i.e., specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of \na task), and norms (i .e., unwritten, info rmal codes of conduct that govern how people should act) so \n \n51 See generally C. Barnard, The Functions of the Execu tive (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, \n1938). See also J. Mahoney, “The Relevance of Chester I. Barnard’s Teachings to Contemporary \nManagement Education: Communicating the Aesthetics of Management”, International Journal of \nOrganizational Theory a nd Behavior, 5(1) & (2) (2002), 159 -172.\n\n• Leadership should be based on kn owledge and expertis e rather than upon formal authority given to a \nmanager based on his or her position in the hierarchy. \n• Power and authority in the organization should be fluid and flow to those persons who are best able to \nassist the organization in achi eving its goals. \n \nJones and George commented that Follett’s approach was considered to be quite radical during her time \nand clearly her principals flew in the face of much of what Taylor advocated in pushing organizations to \nadopt “scientific management”. For example, scient ific management had no place for worker input into job \nanalysis. Not surprisingly, most organizations operating at the time Follett was writing continued to \nembrace Taylorism; however, Follett’s ideas regarding “cross -functioning”, the creation and use of cross -\ndepartmental teams, are now commonly applied by managers and modern organizations also rely heavily\n\nInternet; increasing globalization; increasing diversity in the w orkplace and the \nmarketplace; growing recognition of the importance of intellectual capital including, but \nnot limited to, intellectual property; and more focused attention on ethical behavior by \nfirms and their managers.71 Each of these factors has had, a nd will cont inue to have, a \nsignificant influence on core managerial activities, notably each of the elements of \norganizational design. In addition, of course, management must remain focused on \ncreating value for customers in an efficient manner and on de veloping and implementing \nstrategies to attract necessary inputs such as capital, technology and human resources. \n \n71 P. Lewis, S. Goodman, P. Fandt and J. Michlitsch, Management: Challenges for Tom orrow’s Leaders \n(5th Edition) (Mason, OH: Thomson South -Western, 2007), 12 -16.\n\n“haggling” over the value of the goods and services i n order to establish the price at \nwhich exchanges can occur. \n \nSmith believed that a competitive market that includes buyers and sellers both pursuing \ntheir own self-interest would be self -regulating and that there was little need for \ngovernment to interven e in the marketplace. Smith suggested that the State should focus \nits efforts on “public goods” and other activities that would protect society and its private \nmarkets, including a military force to protect from foreign attack, a police force to protect \nprivate property rights, laws to guarantee contracts and, when necessary, support for \n“infrastructure” projects that benefit everyone (i.e., roads and canals). Smith’s ideas were \nclearly at odds with the mercantilism that dominated most parts of Europe dur ing the \nearly years of the Industrial Revolution. Moreover, Smith’s theories assumed that\n\nshould be given little in the way of discretion and flexibility. Theory X managers closely \nsupervise their subordinates to mak e sure that they work hard, create strict work rules and \nimplement a well -defined system of rewards and punishments in order to exert control \nover those who work for them.57 \n \nTheory Y, on the other hand, is based on the belief that employees have the highe r level \nneed s identified in Maslow’s hierarchy (i.e., esteem and self -actualization) and calls for \nthe following very different assumptions about workers and workplace: work can be as \nnatural as play and rest; employees will be self -directed to fulfill the workplace \nobjectives if they are personally committed to them and the requisite level of \ncommitment can be achieved by providing rewards that address higher needs such as \nself-fulfillment; if employees are personally committed and properly rewarded they w ill\n\nIn contra st, managers of organizations that are operating in a rapidly changing and \nrelatively unstable environment may be forced to use an “organic” structure in which \nauthority is decentralized and delegated downward in the hierarchy, roles are left \n \n60 Id. at 48 -49 (citing D. Katz and R. Kahn , The Social Psychology of Organizations (New York: Wiley , \n1966). \n61 Id. at 49-50. \n62 Id. at 50 -51. See also T. Burns and G.M. Stalker, The Management of Innovation (Oxford University \nPress, 1 961). \n63 Id. at 50.\n\nindividuals were linked together and organized into communities throu gh economic \nmarkets, a far different formulation from the views of philosophers such as Locke an d \nRousseau which envisioned a “social contract” in which the State played a powerful role \nin creating and unifying communities of individuals. \n \nSmith also took note of concepts that have become the lynchpins of discussions regarding \norganizational design a nd structure. He specifically emphasized the progress that had \nbeen made with respect to productivity and attributed it to the discovery and development \nof new manufacturing technologies and innovations that had occurred in the way that \nwork activities we re organized. Specifically, he focused on how the division of labor that \noccurred on the assembly line permitted necessary tasks and activities to be done more \nquickly due to specialization as well as the way that machinery reduced the time and\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n35 and that they have access to all of the organizational intellectual capital that they need in \norder to successfully carry out their activities. \n \n§26 --Ethics \n \nEthical behavior and social responsibility have become two important to pics for \nmanagers, particularly in light of the scandals and difficult economic times that have \nmade their marks on the first decade of the new century.77 Government regulations such \nas the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 have transformed the landscape for corp orate \ngovern ance of public companies in the US, with a particular focus on great disclosure and \ntransparency, and ethical guidelines have been promulgated by respected groups around \nthe world including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United \nNations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business \nEnterprises. Management concerns regarding compliance are no longer limited to their\n\ngovernment’s economic development role. However, the joint stock companies formed \nto pursue financial opportunities, particularly in the colonies, eventually became the \nmodel for capitalizing private corporations. In addition, the Reformation undermine d the \nprescriptions of the Roman Church and encouraged uprising against traditional \nauthorities that eventually led to a new social order that recognized the va lue of the \nindividual. Max Weber later wrote about the “Protestant Ethic” and the impact that i t had \non the emergence of what came to be known as “capitalism” in his 1905 book titled “The \nProtestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” and noted that Prote stants were taught to \nEmphasize work and engage in continuous physical and mental labor, take re sponsibility \nfor finding and pursuing their “calling”, practice self -discipline and pursue and use \nwealth wisely in order to obtain salvation. \n \n§9 --Industrial Revolution"
[llm/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain > 5:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"System: Use the following pieces of context to answer the user's question. \nIf you don't know the answer, just say that you don't know, don't try to make up an answer.\n----------------\nmanager’s own self -interest. In order for t he manager t o act effectively and appropriately in those \ninstances, he or she needs to have a fundamental understanding of ethics and how ethical principles apply \nto managers and their organizations. \n \nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner -guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that \nindividuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the \nappropriate way to behave. The concept of ethics can be viewed at several levels: \n \n77 Id. at 15 -16.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n36 \n• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their \nresponsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -\ninterest is at stake \n• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft \nshould conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities \n• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view \ntheir duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees, \nsuppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community) \n• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in \nmatters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights\n\nKelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact \nof their decisions on org anizational stakeholders: \n \n• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest \nnumber of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on \nthe benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders \n• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental \nrights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the \neffectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group. \n• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the \norganizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n37 reasonable and acceptable (i.e., consistent with value s, norms and standards typically acknowledged \nand applied within the organization) \n \nLegal and ethical principles are not necessarily the same; however, laws generally reflect the ethical norms \nat a particular time. Ethical principles are also subject to c hange over t ime as societies evolve. Kelly and \nWilliams noted that there are no absolute or indisputable ethical rules or principals, but it has been \nsuggested the following core values arguably transcend political, religious, class and ethnic differences : \ntrustworth iness (i.e., honesty and following through on promises made); respect (i.e., showing \nconsideration for others and treating them as you would like to be treated); responsibility (i.e., \nperseverance, self -discipline and personal accountability); fairness (i. e., providing equal opportunities and\n\n• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation \ncommunicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be\n\nbeing open -minded); caring (i.e., kindness and compassion); and citizenship (i.e., cooperation and \nwillingness to contribute to the broader community). \n \nEffective managers understand the beliefs and behavio rs of ethica l individuals and attempt to practice them \nas they engaged in their managerial roles and activities. Trevino et al. suggested that this means managing \nwith integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates, treating people the right way and playing \nfairly and striving for a high level of moral development. In addition, managers must do what they can to \ncreate and maintain an ethical organization that is based on ethical leadership (i.e., leader communications \nregarding ethics and values , role model ing, rewards for ethical behavior and swift and sure discipline for \nunethical behavior) and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior (i.e.,\n\norganizational culture, code of ethics, ethics committee and chief ethics offi ce, ethics t raining and \nprocedures for anonymous reporting of ethical concerns (“whistleblowing”)). \n \nSources: M. Kelly and C. Williams, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, in M. Kelly and C. \nWilliams, BUSN: Introduction to Business, Business Ethi cs and Socia l Responsibility (Independence, KY: \nCengage Learning, 2015); P. Van Auken, http://business.baylor.edu/Phil_VanAuken/EthiclSupvr.html ; \nJosephson Institute’s 2009 Report Ca rd on the Et hics of American Youth Summary (“Universal Ethical \nStandards”); and L. Trevin, L. Harman and M. Brown, “Moral Person and Moral Manager”, California \nManagement Review, 42(4) (Summer 2000), 128.\n\nVan Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including: \n \n• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of \nsociety \n• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities, \ncommunity involvement and religious beliefs \n• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth \n• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or \nplaying favorites \n• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as \nwhat is achieved. \n• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the \n“means”) \n• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work \n \nVan Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical\n\nconsiderations including, among others, the shareholders and employees of the \ncorporation, customers of the corp oration who are beneficiaries of the general or specific \npublic ben efit purpose s and the environment. A handful of other states have adopted \nsimilar legislation covering benefit corporations, sometimes referred to as “B \ncorpor ations”, and there viability will depend in large part on the development of case \nlaw regarding the permissi ble purposes of such corporations and the flexibility afforded \nto directors in discharging their fiduciary duties. \n \nThe Ethical Manager \n \nWhen carrying out their duties and responsibilities managers may often find themselves confronted with an \n“ethical dil emma”, which a situation in the manager must decide whether to take a certain course of action \nthat helps another person or group and which is the “right thing to do” even if the action is not in the\n\ninterests of the organization as a whole \n• Esprit de corps: Promoting team spirit will give the organization a sense of unity \n \nFinal ly, Jones and George emphasized the following points regarding Follett’s concerns about emphasizing \nthe “human side of the organization” and encouraging managers to involve their subordinates in planning \nand decisions: \n \n• Workers are the people who know the most about their job s and they should be involved in job \nanalysis and participate with their managers in the work development process. \n• Provided that workers have the relevant knowledge, they, rather than their managers, should be in \ncontrol of the work pro cess and the role of managers should be limited to coaching and facilitating. \n• Organizations should rely upon cross -departmental teams composed of persons from different \nfunctional departments to carry out required projects.\n\nprinciples when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior: \n \n• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to \nthe customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making \n• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee. \n• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as \npossible in decision making \n• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and \nstrive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others \n• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the \nimportance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service \nside of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority\n\n• Effective exercise of authority in an organization requires that positions be arranged hierarchically so \nthat everyone knows who to report to and who reports to them. \n• Managers must create a well -defined system of rules (i.e., formal wr itten instructions t hat specify \nactions that should be taken under different circumstances to achieve specific goals), standard \noperating procedures (i.e., specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of \na task), and norms (i .e., unwritten, info rmal codes of conduct that govern how people should act) so \n \n51 See generally C. Barnard, The Functions of the Execu tive (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, \n1938). See also J. Mahoney, “The Relevance of Chester I. Barnard’s Teachings to Contemporary \nManagement Education: Communicating the Aesthetics of Management”, International Journal of \nOrganizational Theory a nd Behavior, 5(1) & (2) (2002), 159 -172.\n\n• Leadership should be based on kn owledge and expertis e rather than upon formal authority given to a \nmanager based on his or her position in the hierarchy. \n• Power and authority in the organization should be fluid and flow to those persons who are best able to \nassist the organization in achi eving its goals. \n \nJones and George commented that Follett’s approach was considered to be quite radical during her time \nand clearly her principals flew in the face of much of what Taylor advocated in pushing organizations to \nadopt “scientific management”. For example, scient ific management had no place for worker input into job \nanalysis. Not surprisingly, most organizations operating at the time Follett was writing continued to \nembrace Taylorism; however, Follett’s ideas regarding “cross -functioning”, the creation and use of cross -\ndepartmental teams, are now commonly applied by managers and modern organizations also rely heavily\n\nInternet; increasing globalization; increasing diversity in the w orkplace and the \nmarketplace; growing recognition of the importance of intellectual capital including, but \nnot limited to, intellectual property; and more focused attention on ethical behavior by \nfirms and their managers.71 Each of these factors has had, a nd will cont inue to have, a \nsignificant influence on core managerial activities, notably each of the elements of \norganizational design. In addition, of course, management must remain focused on \ncreating value for customers in an efficient manner and on de veloping and implementing \nstrategies to attract necessary inputs such as capital, technology and human resources. \n \n71 P. Lewis, S. Goodman, P. Fandt and J. Michlitsch, Management: Challenges for Tom orrow’s Leaders \n(5th Edition) (Mason, OH: Thomson South -Western, 2007), 12 -16.\n\n“haggling” over the value of the goods and services i n order to establish the price at \nwhich exchanges can occur. \n \nSmith believed that a competitive market that includes buyers and sellers both pursuing \ntheir own self-interest would be self -regulating and that there was little need for \ngovernment to interven e in the marketplace. Smith suggested that the State should focus \nits efforts on “public goods” and other activities that would protect society and its private \nmarkets, including a military force to protect from foreign attack, a police force to protect \nprivate property rights, laws to guarantee contracts and, when necessary, support for \n“infrastructure” projects that benefit everyone (i.e., roads and canals). Smith’s ideas were \nclearly at odds with the mercantilism that dominated most parts of Europe dur ing the \nearly years of the Industrial Revolution. Moreover, Smith’s theories assumed that\n\nshould be given little in the way of discretion and flexibility. Theory X managers closely \nsupervise their subordinates to mak e sure that they work hard, create strict work rules and \nimplement a well -defined system of rewards and punishments in order to exert control \nover those who work for them.57 \n \nTheory Y, on the other hand, is based on the belief that employees have the highe r level \nneed s identified in Maslow’s hierarchy (i.e., esteem and self -actualization) and calls for \nthe following very different assumptions about workers and workplace: work can be as \nnatural as play and rest; employees will be self -directed to fulfill the workplace \nobjectives if they are personally committed to them and the requisite level of \ncommitment can be achieved by providing rewards that address higher needs such as \nself-fulfillment; if employees are personally committed and properly rewarded they w ill\n\nIn contra st, managers of organizations that are operating in a rapidly changing and \nrelatively unstable environment may be forced to use an “organic” structure in which \nauthority is decentralized and delegated downward in the hierarchy, roles are left \n \n60 Id. at 48 -49 (citing D. Katz and R. Kahn , The Social Psychology of Organizations (New York: Wiley , \n1966). \n61 Id. at 49-50. \n62 Id. at 50 -51. See also T. Burns and G.M. Stalker, The Management of Innovation (Oxford University \nPress, 1 961). \n63 Id. at 50.\n\nindividuals were linked together and organized into communities throu gh economic \nmarkets, a far different formulation from the views of philosophers such as Locke an d \nRousseau which envisioned a “social contract” in which the State played a powerful role \nin creating and unifying communities of individuals. \n \nSmith also took note of concepts that have become the lynchpins of discussions regarding \norganizational design a nd structure. He specifically emphasized the progress that had \nbeen made with respect to productivity and attributed it to the discovery and development \nof new manufacturing technologies and innovations that had occurred in the way that \nwork activities we re organized. Specifically, he focused on how the division of labor that \noccurred on the assembly line permitted necessary tasks and activities to be done more \nquickly due to specialization as well as the way that machinery reduced the time and\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n35 and that they have access to all of the organizational intellectual capital that they need in \norder to successfully carry out their activities. \n \n§26 --Ethics \n \nEthical behavior and social responsibility have become two important to pics for \nmanagers, particularly in light of the scandals and difficult economic times that have \nmade their marks on the first decade of the new century.77 Government regulations such \nas the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 have transformed the landscape for corp orate \ngovern ance of public companies in the US, with a particular focus on great disclosure and \ntransparency, and ethical guidelines have been promulgated by respected groups around \nthe world including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United \nNations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business \nEnterprises. Management concerns regarding compliance are no longer limited to their\n\ngovernment’s economic development role. However, the joint stock companies formed \nto pursue financial opportunities, particularly in the colonies, eventually became the \nmodel for capitalizing private corporations. In addition, the Reformation undermine d the \nprescriptions of the Roman Church and encouraged uprising against traditional \nauthorities that eventually led to a new social order that recognized the va lue of the \nindividual. Max Weber later wrote about the “Protestant Ethic” and the impact that i t had \non the emergence of what came to be known as “capitalism” in his 1905 book titled “The \nProtestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” and noted that Prote stants were taught to \nEmphasize work and engage in continuous physical and mental labor, take re sponsibility \nfor finding and pursuing their “calling”, practice self -discipline and pursue and use \nwealth wisely in order to obtain salvation. \n \n§9 --Industrial Revolution\nHuman: According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?"
[llm/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain > 5:llm:ChatOpenAI] [1.49s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop"
"type": "ChatGeneration",
"message": {
"lc": 1,
"type": "constructor",
"id": [
"kwargs": {
"content": "According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave.",
"additional_kwargs": {}
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 3592,
"completion_tokens": 43,
"total_tokens": 3635
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
"run": null
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain] [1.49s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"text": "According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave."
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain] [1.49s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"output_text": "According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave."
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA] [5.21s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"result": "According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave."
CPU times: user 63.6 ms, sys: 4.72 ms, total: 68.3 ms
Wall time: 5.21 s
According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave.
multi_llm = OpenAI(n=4, best_of=4)
embeddings = HypotheticalDocumentEmbedder.from_llm(
multi_llm, bge_embeddings, "web_search"
result = embeddings.embed_query("According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?")
[llm/start] [1:llm:OpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"Please write a passage to answer the question \nQuestion: According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?\nPassage:"
[llm/end] [1:llm:OpenAI] [3.45s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "\n\nKelly and Williams define ethics as a set of moral principles that guide a person’s behavior and decision-making. They emphasize that ethics are not only about what is right or wrong, but also about understanding the moral implications of our actions. They point out that ethical behavior is not only about following the law and avoiding punishment, but also about making choices that are consistent with our own moral values and those of our society. According to Kelly and Williams, ethics is also about understanding the consequences of our choices and taking responsibility for them. Ultimately, they note that ethical behavior is essential to creating a just and humane society.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"text": "\n\nKelly and Williams define ethics as a set of principles that guide individuals, groups, and organizations in making decisions and taking action. They believe that ethics represents the values of a society or culture and are based on principles of right and wrong. Ethics provide a framework for making decisions and taking action and help ensure that all stakeholders are treated fairly and with respect. Ethics also provide a basis for making decisions that are in line with the values of the society or culture. Ultimately, ethics provide a moral compass for individuals, groups, and organizations, and are essential in creating a just and equitable society.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"text": "\n\nKelly and Williams define ethics as a set of moral principles that govern how people should act. They view ethics as a kind of “code of conduct” that should guide people’s decisions and actions. Ethics is not just about what is right and wrong, but also about what is best for society as a whole. Kelly and Williams believe that ethical behavior should be based on respect for the rights and interests of others, and that it should be guided by principles such as fairness, justice, and compassion. By following ethical principles, people can promote the common good and create a better world.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"text": " \n\nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics is a moral code of conduct that is based on the principles of right or wrong that guide one's actions and decisions. It is a system of values and standards that help define what is good or bad, acceptable or unacceptable, and fair or unfair within a given society or culture. Ethics helps individuals to make choices that have positive impacts on their communities and society at large, as well as to act in ways that are in line with their own personal integrity. Ethics is also closely related to morality and justice, as it is concerned with how people treat one another and how they interact with the world around them. Ultimately, ethical principles guide people to lead more humane, compassionate, and equitable lives.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"total_tokens": 540,
"prompt_tokens": 25,
"completion_tokens": 515
"model_name": "text-davinci-003"
"run": null
多次文本生成的向量存储设置 - 假设性文档检索器
vectorstore = FAISS.from_documents(texts, embeddings)
retriever = vectorstore.as_retriever(search_kwargs={"k": 20})
query = "According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?"
docs = retriever.get_relevant_documents(query)
[llm/start] [1:llm:OpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"Please write a passage to answer the question \nQuestion: According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?\nPassage:"
[llm/end] [1:llm:OpenAI] [2.71s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": " According to Kelly and Williams, ethics is a set of principles that guide us to make decisions and behave in a way that is considered to be morally right. It is concerned with what is good and bad, and what is right and wrong. Ethics involves considering the implications of our actions and how they might affect others, and making sure that our behavior is consistent with our values and beliefs. It is also important to remember that ethics can be subjective, and that what is ethical for one person may not be ethical for another.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"text": " According to Kelly and Williams, ethics is a set of moral principles that govern the behavior of individuals and organizations. It is the basis for evaluating the rightness or wrongness of particular actions or decisions. Ethics involves making judgments about what is good or bad, right or wrong, and just or unjust. It is concerned with how people ought to behave in certain situations and how they should interact with each other. Ethics is a way of thinking about how we should live our lives and how we should treat each other. It is an important part of any organization's culture, as it helps to ensure that everyone behaves in a manner that is consistent with the organization's values and standards.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"text": "\n\nKelly and Williams define ethics as the principles that guide moral behavior and decision-making. For them, ethics is about recognizing the moral implications of our actions and striving to act in a way that is consistent with our values. Ethics requires us to think critically and reflectively about the right and wrong of our choices, and to make decisions that are fair and just. It is a process of seeking out and understanding the moral implications of our actions, and then acting accordingly. In essence, ethics is about doing the right thing.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"text": "\n\nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics is a set of principles that guides individuals in making decisions in any situation. It is a code of conduct that guides us in our behavior, decisions, and relationships with others. It helps us to determine what is right and wrong in a given situation and it is based on universal values such as respect, honesty, integrity, and fairness. Ethics is a set of moral principles that shape our behavior and decisions, and it is important to consider these values when making decisions in any given situation.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"total_tokens": 476,
"prompt_tokens": 25,
"completion_tokens": 451
"model_name": "text-davinci-003"
"run": null
Document 1:
manager’s own self -interest. In order for t he manager t o act effectively and appropriately in those
instances, he or she needs to have a fundamental understanding of ethics and how ethical principles apply
to managers and their organizations.
According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner -guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that
individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the
appropriate way to behave. The concept of ethics can be viewed at several levels:
77 Id. at 15 -16.
Document 2:
Introduction to Management Studies
• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their
responsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -
interest is at stake
• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft
should conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities
• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view
their duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees,
suppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community)
• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in
matters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights
Document 3:
• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation
communicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be
Document 4:
Kelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact
of their decisions on org anizational stakeholders:
• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest
number of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on
the benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders
• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental
rights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the
effectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group.
• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the
organizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner
Document 5:
being open -minded); caring (i.e., kindness and compassion); and citizenship (i.e., cooperation and
willingness to contribute to the broader community).
Effective managers understand the beliefs and behavio rs of ethica l individuals and attempt to practice them
as they engaged in their managerial roles and activities. Trevino et al. suggested that this means managing
with integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates, treating people the right way and playing
fairly and striving for a high level of moral development. In addition, managers must do what they can to
create and maintain an ethical organization that is based on ethical leadership (i.e., leader communications
regarding ethics and values , role model ing, rewards for ethical behavior and swift and sure discipline for
unethical behavior) and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior (i.e.,
Document 6:
Introduction to Management Studies
37 reasonable and acceptable (i.e., consistent with value s, norms and standards typically acknowledged
and applied within the organization)
Legal and ethical principles are not necessarily the same; however, laws generally reflect the ethical norms
at a particular time. Ethical principles are also subject to c hange over t ime as societies evolve. Kelly and
Williams noted that there are no absolute or indisputable ethical rules or principals, but it has been
suggested the following core values arguably transcend political, religious, class and ethnic differences :
trustworth iness (i.e., honesty and following through on promises made); respect (i.e., showing
consideration for others and treating them as you would like to be treated); responsibility (i.e.,
perseverance, self -discipline and personal accountability); fairness (i. e., providing equal opportunities and
Document 7:
organizational culture, code of ethics, ethics committee and chief ethics offi ce, ethics t raining and
procedures for anonymous reporting of ethical concerns (“whistleblowing”)).
Sources: M. Kelly and C. Williams, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, in M. Kelly and C.
Williams, BUSN: Introduction to Business, Business Ethi cs and Socia l Responsibility (Independence, KY:
Cengage Learning, 2015); P. Van Auken, http://business.baylor.edu/Phil_VanAuken/EthiclSupvr.html ;
Josephson Institute’s 2009 Report Ca rd on the Et hics of American Youth Summary (“Universal Ethical
Standards”); and L. Trevin, L. Harman and M. Brown, “Moral Person and Moral Manager”, California
Management Review, 42(4) (Summer 2000), 128.
Document 8:
Van Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including:
• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of
• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities,
community involvement and religious beliefs
• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth
• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or
playing favorites
• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as
what is achieved.
• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the
• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work
Van Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical
Document 9:
principles when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior:
• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to
the customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making
• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee.
• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as
possible in decision making
• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and
strive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others
• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the
importance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service
side of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority
Document 10:
considerations including, among others, the shareholders and employees of the
corporation, customers of the corp oration who are beneficiaries of the general or specific
public ben efit purpose s and the environment. A handful of other states have adopted
similar legislation covering benefit corporations, sometimes referred to as “B
corpor ations”, and there viability will depend in large part on the development of case
law regarding the permissi ble purposes of such corporations and the flexibility afforded
to directors in discharging their fiduciary duties.
The Ethical Manager
When carrying out their duties and responsibilities managers may often find themselves confronted with an
“ethical dil emma”, which a situation in the manager must decide whether to take a certain course of action
that helps another person or group and which is the “right thing to do” even if the action is not in the
Document 11:
• Effective exercise of authority in an organization requires that positions be arranged hierarchically so
that everyone knows who to report to and who reports to them.
• Managers must create a well -defined system of rules (i.e., formal wr itten instructions t hat specify
actions that should be taken under different circumstances to achieve specific goals), standard
operating procedures (i.e., specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of
a task), and norms (i .e., unwritten, info rmal codes of conduct that govern how people should act) so
51 See generally C. Barnard, The Functions of the Execu tive (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press,
1938). See also J. Mahoney, “The Relevance of Chester I. Barnard’s Teachings to Contemporary
Management Education: Communicating the Aesthetics of Management”, International Journal of
Organizational Theory a nd Behavior, 5(1) & (2) (2002), 159 -172.
Document 12:
Internet; increasing globalization; increasing diversity in the w orkplace and the
marketplace; growing recognition of the importance of intellectual capital including, but
not limited to, intellectual property; and more focused attention on ethical behavior by
firms and their managers.71 Each of these factors has had, a nd will cont inue to have, a
significant influence on core managerial activities, notably each of the elements of
organizational design. In addition, of course, management must remain focused on
creating value for customers in an efficient manner and on de veloping and implementing
strategies to attract necessary inputs such as capital, technology and human resources.
71 P. Lewis, S. Goodman, P. Fandt and J. Michlitsch, Management: Challenges for Tom orrow’s Leaders
(5th Edition) (Mason, OH: Thomson South -Western, 2007), 12 -16.
Document 13:
should be given little in the way of discretion and flexibility. Theory X managers closely
supervise their subordinates to mak e sure that they work hard, create strict work rules and
implement a well -defined system of rewards and punishments in order to exert control
over those who work for them.57
Theory Y, on the other hand, is based on the belief that employees have the highe r level
need s identified in Maslow’s hierarchy (i.e., esteem and self -actualization) and calls for
the following very different assumptions about workers and workplace: work can be as
natural as play and rest; employees will be self -directed to fulfill the workplace
objectives if they are personally committed to them and the requisite level of
commitment can be achieved by providing rewards that address higher needs such as
self-fulfillment; if employees are personally committed and properly rewarded they w ill
Document 14:
interests of the organization as a whole
• Esprit de corps: Promoting team spirit will give the organization a sense of unity
Final ly, Jones and George emphasized the following points regarding Follett’s concerns about emphasizing
the “human side of the organization” and encouraging managers to involve their subordinates in planning
and decisions:
• Workers are the people who know the most about their job s and they should be involved in job
analysis and participate with their managers in the work development process.
• Provided that workers have the relevant knowledge, they, rather than their managers, should be in
control of the work pro cess and the role of managers should be limited to coaching and facilitating.
• Organizations should rely upon cross -departmental teams composed of persons from different
functional departments to carry out required projects.
Document 15:
Introduction to Management Studies
35 and that they have access to all of the organizational intellectual capital that they need in
order to successfully carry out their activities.
§26 --Ethics
Ethical behavior and social responsibility have become two important to pics for
managers, particularly in light of the scandals and difficult economic times that have
made their marks on the first decade of the new century.77 Government regulations such
as the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 have transformed the landscape for corp orate
govern ance of public companies in the US, with a particular focus on great disclosure and
transparency, and ethical guidelines have been promulgated by respected groups around
the world including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United
Nations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business
Enterprises. Management concerns regarding compliance are no longer limited to their
Document 16:
Introduction to Management Studies
24 that they can provide guidelines for effectively control behavior within an organization and increasing
the performance of a bureaucratic system.
Jones and George commented th at strong and skillf ul management was essential to making a bureaucratic
system work and that poor management could quickly lead to the complex system of rules and procedures
impeding operations and causing decision making to become slow and inefficient.
Jones and George sum marized Fayol’s principles of management as follows:
• Division of labor: Job specialization and the division of labor should increase efficiency
• Authority and responsibility: Managers have the right to give orders and the power to exhor t
subordinates for o bedience
• Unity of command: An employee should receive orders from only one superior
• Line of authority: The length of the chain of command that extends from the top to the bottom of an
organization should be limited
Document 17:
motivation of “people” r ather than on mechan ical techniques. She also argued that
managers should not impose their own will on subordinates but instead should take steps
to organize the groups that they oversee in a manner that allows for discovering and
harmonizing the views of the members of the group. In her own words: “… The leader
guides the group and is at the same time himself guided by the group, is always a part of
the group. No one can truly lead except from within. … [A leader] must be able to lead us
to wise decision s, not to impose his own wise decisions upon us. We need leaders, not
masters or drivers.”49 Her teachings were not widely accepted during her career;
however, as time has gone by her guidelines, which ironically were not originally
intended for business m anagers, have become part of the mainstream of contemporary
management recommendations and are now widely followed by today’s managers. In
Document 18:
act in a responsible fashion; and workers are trustworthy and it is therefore justifiable to
expect that most employees can handle responsibility since they are inherently creative
and ingenuous. Firms and managers that believe in Theory Y will not onl y offer
mate rialistic rewards but will also provide other opportunities for subordinates to pursue
55 See A. Maslow, Motivation an d Personality (New York, NY: Harper, 1954). For further discussion, see
also “Human Resources: A Library of Resourc es for Sustainable Entrepreneurs” prepared and distributed
by the Sustainable Entrepreneurship Project (www.seproject.org).
56 The ideas unde rlying Theory X and Theory Y first appeared in D. McGregor, The Human Side of
Enterprise (New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 1960).
57 G. Jones and J. George, Contemporary Management (5th Ed.) (New York: McGraw -Hill/Irwin, 2007),
46-47 (noting also that Henry Ford ’s practice of closely supervising and managing his workforce was a
Document 19:
Introduction to Management Studies
2 definition of management as “the process of designin g and maintaining an environment
in which individuals, working together in groups, accomplish ef ficiently selected aims”.3
They then went on to expand this basic definition with the following observations:
• Managers carry out certain universally recogniz ed basic managerial functions,
including planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling
• Management applies to any kind of organization.
• Management principles apply to managers at all levels of the organization, not just
executives and senior manag ers positioned at the top of the organizational hierarchy.
• The goal of all managers is the same: to create a “surplus”.
• Managers are concerned with improving productivity, which implies both
effectiveness and efficiency.4
Elements mentioned by Weihrich an d Koontz in the explanations and observations above
Document 20:
services. Services such as travel and entertainment are becoming more important, and
they rely on knowledge. Even the traditional products will make more use of knowledge
in design, production and marketing of t hem.”75
Intellectual capital does not simply mean technology and intellectual property rights;
instead, it is a concept that is much broader and includes identification, categorization,
protection and effective use of the totality of the organization’s “kn owledge”. T he three
major categories of “intellectual capital” identified by Stewart include structural capital,
which includes the accumulated knowledge and know -how of the organization
represented by its patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets an d proprietar y claims to
information in its databases and systems; customer capital, which includes the value of
established relationships with customers and suppliers; and human capital, which
text": "\nKelly 和 Williams 将道德定义为指导个人行为和决策的正确与错误原则。他们认为道德行为基于诸如诚实、尊重和公平等道德价值观,并受到特定社会的道德准则引导。他们还主张社会的道德准则是基于一套共享的价值观和信仰,这些价值观和信仰指导个体做出道德决策。最终,Kelly 和 Williams 认为道德行为基于个人责任和选择,人们必须有是非感才能过上有 integrity 和意义的生活。
"文本": "\n凯利和威廉姆斯将道德定义为一套指导个人和组织做出决策和行为的标准。他们强调,道德并不仅仅是遵守法律,还关乎做正确的事情,以及符合社会的最大利益。他们指出,道德考虑在从个人决定到商业决策的各种情况下都很重要。此外,他们解释说,道德决策并不总是容易做出的,需要仔细考虑所有相关因素。最终,道德决策的目标是确保决策中的每个人都受到公平和尊重的待遇。"
Kelly 和 Williams 将道德描述为一套指导我们行为并帮助我们判断是非的道德原则。他们认为道德是生活中必不可少的一部分,因为它有助于我们培养责任感和对他人的尊重。道德还帮助我们做出公正公平的决定,并培养正直感。最终,道德鼓励我们追求更大的利益,并做出有利于更大社区的道德决策。
根据 Kelly 和 Williams 的说法,道德是哲学的一个分支,专注于指导我们应该如何行动的道德原则。它探讨诸如:什么是对的和错的?人们应该如何对待彼此?什么是美好的生活?通过理解和探索这些问题,道德帮助我们做出道德上正确的决定,并以道德的方式行事。通过道德,我们可以理解为什么某些行为是对的或错的,以及如何按照我们的道德信念行事。这样,道德在指导人们的行为并帮助他们做出道德选择方面发挥着重要作用。
RAG 管道 - HyDE 的生成部分
from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI
llm = ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k",temperature=0.1)
qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm=llm,
response = qa.run(query=query)
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA] Entering Chain run with input:
"query": "According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?"
[llm/start] [1:llm:OpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"Please write a passage to answer the question \nQuestion: According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?\nPassage:"
[llm/end] [1:llm:OpenAI] [3.20s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "\n\nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics is an area of study that focuses on morality and how it is applied in a variety of contexts. It examines questions of right and wrong, as well as the implications of those decisions for individuals and society as a whole. Ethics can be used to consider issues of justice, fairness, and responsibility, as well as how to create and maintain a moral code of conduct in any given situation. Ultimately, it is a tool for making decisions that are in line with one's own personal moral values.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"text": " According to Kelly and Williams, ethics is the moral principles that govern the behaviour of individuals and organizations. It is a branch of philosophy that studies the principles of right and wrong behaviour. Ethics helps us to make decisions about how we should act in different situations, and it also provides a framework for understanding how to interact with others in a way that is fair and just. Ethics is often seen as a set of moral guidelines that can be used to help us determine what is right and wrong in any given situation.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"text": "\nKelly and Williams define ethics as a branch of philosophy that focuses on the study of morality and how it shapes human behavior. It deals with questions of right and wrong, justice and fairness, and examines the consequences of different actions. It is also concerned with the practical application of ethical theories, such as the formulation of codes of conduct that guide decision-making. Additionally, ethics can be used to analyze how people interact with each other and the environment, as well as how moral values are used to shape social and political systems. In a nutshell, ethics is about understanding what is good and bad, and acting in accordance with this knowledge.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"text": " Ethics, according to Kelly and Williams, is defined as the standards of moral behavior that guide our decisions and actions. It is a code of conduct that allows us to distinguish between right and wrong, and to act in accordance with our moral values. Ethics involves making judgments about what is right and wrong, and how we should live our lives. It is important to consider the consequences of our actions. Ethics also involves examining our relationships with others and determining how our behavior affects them. Ultimately, ethics is about making choices that are based on moral principles, rather than personal gain or advantage.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop",
"logprobs": null
"type": "Generation"
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"total_tokens": 476,
"prompt_tokens": 25,
"completion_tokens": 451
"model_name": "text-davinci-003"
"run": null
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain] Entering Chain run with input:
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain] Entering Chain run with input:
"question": "According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?",
"context": "manager’s own self -interest. In order for t he manager t o act effectively and appropriately in those \ninstances, he or she needs to have a fundamental understanding of ethics and how ethical principles apply \nto managers and their organizations. \n \nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner -guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that \nindividuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the \nappropriate way to behave. The concept of ethics can be viewed at several levels: \n \n77 Id. at 15 -16.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n36 \n• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their \nresponsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -\ninterest is at stake \n• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft \nshould conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities \n• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view \ntheir duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees, \nsuppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community) \n• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in \nmatters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights\n\nKelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact \nof their decisions on org anizational stakeholders: \n \n• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest \nnumber of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on \nthe benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders \n• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental \nrights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the \neffectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group. \n• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the \norganizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner\n\n• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation \ncommunicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be\n\nbeing open -minded); caring (i.e., kindness and compassion); and citizenship (i.e., cooperation and \nwillingness to contribute to the broader community). \n \nEffective managers understand the beliefs and behavio rs of ethica l individuals and attempt to practice them \nas they engaged in their managerial roles and activities. Trevino et al. suggested that this means managing \nwith integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates, treating people the right way and playing \nfairly and striving for a high level of moral development. In addition, managers must do what they can to \ncreate and maintain an ethical organization that is based on ethical leadership (i.e., leader communications \nregarding ethics and values , role model ing, rewards for ethical behavior and swift and sure discipline for \nunethical behavior) and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior (i.e.,\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n37 reasonable and acceptable (i.e., consistent with value s, norms and standards typically acknowledged \nand applied within the organization) \n \nLegal and ethical principles are not necessarily the same; however, laws generally reflect the ethical norms \nat a particular time. Ethical principles are also subject to c hange over t ime as societies evolve. Kelly and \nWilliams noted that there are no absolute or indisputable ethical rules or principals, but it has been \nsuggested the following core values arguably transcend political, religious, class and ethnic differences : \ntrustworth iness (i.e., honesty and following through on promises made); respect (i.e., showing \nconsideration for others and treating them as you would like to be treated); responsibility (i.e., \nperseverance, self -discipline and personal accountability); fairness (i. e., providing equal opportunities and\n\norganizational culture, code of ethics, ethics committee and chief ethics offi ce, ethics t raining and \nprocedures for anonymous reporting of ethical concerns (“whistleblowing”)). \n \nSources: M. Kelly and C. Williams, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, in M. Kelly and C. \nWilliams, BUSN: Introduction to Business, Business Ethi cs and Socia l Responsibility (Independence, KY: \nCengage Learning, 2015); P. Van Auken, http://business.baylor.edu/Phil_VanAuken/EthiclSupvr.html ; \nJosephson Institute’s 2009 Report Ca rd on the Et hics of American Youth Summary (“Universal Ethical \nStandards”); and L. Trevin, L. Harman and M. Brown, “Moral Person and Moral Manager”, California \nManagement Review, 42(4) (Summer 2000), 128.\n\nVan Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including: \n \n• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of \nsociety \n• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities, \ncommunity involvement and religious beliefs \n• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth \n• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or \nplaying favorites \n• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as \nwhat is achieved. \n• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the \n“means”) \n• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work \n \nVan Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical\n\nconsiderations including, among others, the shareholders and employees of the \ncorporation, customers of the corp oration who are beneficiaries of the general or specific \npublic ben efit purpose s and the environment. A handful of other states have adopted \nsimilar legislation covering benefit corporations, sometimes referred to as “B \ncorpor ations”, and there viability will depend in large part on the development of case \nlaw regarding the permissi ble purposes of such corporations and the flexibility afforded \nto directors in discharging their fiduciary duties. \n \nThe Ethical Manager \n \nWhen carrying out their duties and responsibilities managers may often find themselves confronted with an \n“ethical dil emma”, which a situation in the manager must decide whether to take a certain course of action \nthat helps another person or group and which is the “right thing to do” even if the action is not in the\n\n• Effective exercise of authority in an organization requires that positions be arranged hierarchically so \nthat everyone knows who to report to and who reports to them. \n• Managers must create a well -defined system of rules (i.e., formal wr itten instructions t hat specify \nactions that should be taken under different circumstances to achieve specific goals), standard \noperating procedures (i.e., specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of \na task), and norms (i .e., unwritten, info rmal codes of conduct that govern how people should act) so \n \n51 See generally C. Barnard, The Functions of the Execu tive (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, \n1938). See also J. Mahoney, “The Relevance of Chester I. Barnard’s Teachings to Contemporary \nManagement Education: Communicating the Aesthetics of Management”, International Journal of \nOrganizational Theory a nd Behavior, 5(1) & (2) (2002), 159 -172.\n\nInternet; increasing globalization; increasing diversity in the w orkplace and the \nmarketplace; growing recognition of the importance of intellectual capital including, but \nnot limited to, intellectual property; and more focused attention on ethical behavior by \nfirms and their managers.71 Each of these factors has had, a nd will cont inue to have, a \nsignificant influence on core managerial activities, notably each of the elements of \norganizational design. In addition, of course, management must remain focused on \ncreating value for customers in an efficient manner and on de veloping and implementing \nstrategies to attract necessary inputs such as capital, technology and human resources. \n \n71 P. Lewis, S. Goodman, P. Fandt and J. Michlitsch, Management: Challenges for Tom orrow’s Leaders \n(5th Edition) (Mason, OH: Thomson South -Western, 2007), 12 -16.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n35 and that they have access to all of the organizational intellectual capital that they need in \norder to successfully carry out their activities. \n \n§26 --Ethics \n \nEthical behavior and social responsibility have become two important to pics for \nmanagers, particularly in light of the scandals and difficult economic times that have \nmade their marks on the first decade of the new century.77 Government regulations such \nas the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 have transformed the landscape for corp orate \ngovern ance of public companies in the US, with a particular focus on great disclosure and \ntransparency, and ethical guidelines have been promulgated by respected groups around \nthe world including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United \nNations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business \nEnterprises. Management concerns regarding compliance are no longer limited to their\n\nprinciples when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior: \n \n• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to \nthe customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making \n• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee. \n• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as \npossible in decision making \n• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and \nstrive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others \n• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the \nimportance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service \nside of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority\n\nshould be given little in the way of discretion and flexibility. Theory X managers closely \nsupervise their subordinates to mak e sure that they work hard, create strict work rules and \nimplement a well -defined system of rewards and punishments in order to exert control \nover those who work for them.57 \n \nTheory Y, on the other hand, is based on the belief that employees have the highe r level \nneed s identified in Maslow’s hierarchy (i.e., esteem and self -actualization) and calls for \nthe following very different assumptions about workers and workplace: work can be as \nnatural as play and rest; employees will be self -directed to fulfill the workplace \nobjectives if they are personally committed to them and the requisite level of \ncommitment can be achieved by providing rewards that address higher needs such as \nself-fulfillment; if employees are personally committed and properly rewarded they w ill\n\ninterests of the organization as a whole \n• Esprit de corps: Promoting team spirit will give the organization a sense of unity \n \nFinal ly, Jones and George emphasized the following points regarding Follett’s concerns about emphasizing \nthe “human side of the organization” and encouraging managers to involve their subordinates in planning \nand decisions: \n \n• Workers are the people who know the most about their job s and they should be involved in job \nanalysis and participate with their managers in the work development process. \n• Provided that workers have the relevant knowledge, they, rather than their managers, should be in \ncontrol of the work pro cess and the role of managers should be limited to coaching and facilitating. \n• Organizations should rely upon cross -departmental teams composed of persons from different \nfunctional departments to carry out required projects.\n\n• Leadership should be based on kn owledge and expertis e rather than upon formal authority given to a \nmanager based on his or her position in the hierarchy. \n• Power and authority in the organization should be fluid and flow to those persons who are best able to \nassist the organization in achi eving its goals. \n \nJones and George commented that Follett’s approach was considered to be quite radical during her time \nand clearly her principals flew in the face of much of what Taylor advocated in pushing organizations to \nadopt “scientific management”. For example, scient ific management had no place for worker input into job \nanalysis. Not surprisingly, most organizations operating at the time Follett was writing continued to \nembrace Taylorism; however, Follett’s ideas regarding “cross -functioning”, the creation and use of cross -\ndepartmental teams, are now commonly applied by managers and modern organizations also rely heavily\n\napproaches. In order for quality managem ent approaches to be successful, the organizational culture must \ncreate an environment in which all employees work together in harmony and seek to develop and m aintain \ncooperative relationships with their peers and everyone above or below them in the organ izational \nhierarchy. \n \n§7 --Pre-industrial \n \nOne can find examples of managerial activities, often quite impressive and of a scope \ndifficult to image today, goin g well back into pre -industrial times.22 A number of \nscholars are diligently studying the histor y of Ancient Egypt, a society that is believed to \nhave relied on a strong bureaucratized central state to create magnificent pyramids, roads, \ncanals and cities. Historians have found evidence of sophisticated management and \nplanning techniques being used by Egyptian officials including predictions of weather \nevents, forecasts of crops and budgeting based on projections of tax revenues. China has\n\nact in a responsible fashion; and workers are trustworthy and it is therefore justifiable to \nexpect that most employees can handle responsibility since they are inherently creative \nand ingenuous. Firms and managers that believe in Theory Y will not onl y offer \nmate rialistic rewards but will also provide other opportunities for subordinates to pursue \n \n55 See A. Maslow, Motivation an d Personality (New York, NY: Harper, 1954). For further discussion, see \nalso “Human Resources: A Library of Resourc es for Sustainable Entrepreneurs” prepared and distributed \nby the Sustainable Entrepreneurship Project (www.seproject.org). \n56 The ideas unde rlying Theory X and Theory Y first appeared in D. McGregor, The Human Side of \nEnterprise (New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 1960). \n57 G. Jones and J. George, Contemporary Management (5th Ed.) (New York: McGraw -Hill/Irwin, 2007), \n46-47 (noting also that Henry Ford ’s practice of closely supervising and managing his workforce was a\n\nmanagement theorists made a clear and substantial break from the predecessors in the \nclassical schoo ls by recogn izing that employees are not simply machines but are \nindividuals who should be considered resources of the organization that should be \nnurtured and developed. As a practical matter, this shift would mean that managers could \nno longer limit the ir activitie s to explaining and controlling technical aspects of the work \nperformed by their subordinates but must instead be able to understand human needs and \nbehavior in their organizations and the workings of the “informal organization”, which is \nthe s ystem of beh avioral rules and norms that emerge in a group and must be taken into \naccount in any attempt to manage or change the behavior of members of the group.52 \n \nThe foundation for behavioral management theory included studies by Mayo and others \nthat pr ovided evide nce that human relations and the social needs of workers are important\n\nphysically able to carry out orders issued by their managers. In order to achieve \nacceptance, managers needed to focus on developing a sense of common purpose among \nemployees and an organizational culture that recognized the need for cooperation and \nvalued those who wer e willing to cooperate to achieve the goals and purposes of the \norganization. Barnard also was among the first to acknowledge the existence of an \n“informal organization”, which refer to the cliques or other groups that inevitably form \nwithin an organizati on and which can provide a valuable service in collecting and \ndisseminating information. Barnard’s focus on the mindset of employees previewed the \nemergence of the next major school of management thought discussed below: behavioral \nmanagement theory. 51 \n \nThe Classical Administrative School of Management \n \nJones and George summarized the core principals of several of main theories associated with the “classical"
[llm/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain > 5:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"System: Use the following pieces of context to answer the user's question. \nIf you don't know the answer, just say that you don't know, don't try to make up an answer.\n----------------\nmanager’s own self -interest. In order for t he manager t o act effectively and appropriately in those \ninstances, he or she needs to have a fundamental understanding of ethics and how ethical principles apply \nto managers and their organizations. \n \nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner -guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that \nindividuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the \nappropriate way to behave. The concept of ethics can be viewed at several levels: \n \n77 Id. at 15 -16.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n36 \n• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their \nresponsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -\ninterest is at stake \n• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft \nshould conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities \n• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view \ntheir duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees, \nsuppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community) \n• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in \nmatters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights\n\nKelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact \nof their decisions on org anizational stakeholders: \n \n• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest \nnumber of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on \nthe benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders \n• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental \nrights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the \neffectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group. \n• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the \norganizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner\n\n• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation \ncommunicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be\n\nbeing open -minded); caring (i.e., kindness and compassion); and citizenship (i.e., cooperation and \nwillingness to contribute to the broader community). \n \nEffective managers understand the beliefs and behavio rs of ethica l individuals and attempt to practice them \nas they engaged in their managerial roles and activities. Trevino et al. suggested that this means managing \nwith integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates, treating people the right way and playing \nfairly and striving for a high level of moral development. In addition, managers must do what they can to \ncreate and maintain an ethical organization that is based on ethical leadership (i.e., leader communications \nregarding ethics and values , role model ing, rewards for ethical behavior and swift and sure discipline for \nunethical behavior) and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior (i.e.,\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n37 reasonable and acceptable (i.e., consistent with value s, norms and standards typically acknowledged \nand applied within the organization) \n \nLegal and ethical principles are not necessarily the same; however, laws generally reflect the ethical norms \nat a particular time. Ethical principles are also subject to c hange over t ime as societies evolve. Kelly and \nWilliams noted that there are no absolute or indisputable ethical rules or principals, but it has been \nsuggested the following core values arguably transcend political, religious, class and ethnic differences : \ntrustworth iness (i.e., honesty and following through on promises made); respect (i.e., showing \nconsideration for others and treating them as you would like to be treated); responsibility (i.e., \nperseverance, self -discipline and personal accountability); fairness (i. e., providing equal opportunities and\n\norganizational culture, code of ethics, ethics committee and chief ethics offi ce, ethics t raining and \nprocedures for anonymous reporting of ethical concerns (“whistleblowing”)). \n \nSources: M. Kelly and C. Williams, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, in M. Kelly and C. \nWilliams, BUSN: Introduction to Business, Business Ethi cs and Socia l Responsibility (Independence, KY: \nCengage Learning, 2015); P. Van Auken, http://business.baylor.edu/Phil_VanAuken/EthiclSupvr.html ; \nJosephson Institute’s 2009 Report Ca rd on the Et hics of American Youth Summary (“Universal Ethical \nStandards”); and L. Trevin, L. Harman and M. Brown, “Moral Person and Moral Manager”, California \nManagement Review, 42(4) (Summer 2000), 128.\n\nVan Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including: \n \n• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of \nsociety \n• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities, \ncommunity involvement and religious beliefs \n• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth \n• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or \nplaying favorites \n• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as \nwhat is achieved. \n• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the \n“means”) \n• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work \n \nVan Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical\n\nconsiderations including, among others, the shareholders and employees of the \ncorporation, customers of the corp oration who are beneficiaries of the general or specific \npublic ben efit purpose s and the environment. A handful of other states have adopted \nsimilar legislation covering benefit corporations, sometimes referred to as “B \ncorpor ations”, and there viability will depend in large part on the development of case \nlaw regarding the permissi ble purposes of such corporations and the flexibility afforded \nto directors in discharging their fiduciary duties. \n \nThe Ethical Manager \n \nWhen carrying out their duties and responsibilities managers may often find themselves confronted with an \n“ethical dil emma”, which a situation in the manager must decide whether to take a certain course of action \nthat helps another person or group and which is the “right thing to do” even if the action is not in the\n\n• Effective exercise of authority in an organization requires that positions be arranged hierarchically so \nthat everyone knows who to report to and who reports to them. \n• Managers must create a well -defined system of rules (i.e., formal wr itten instructions t hat specify \nactions that should be taken under different circumstances to achieve specific goals), standard \noperating procedures (i.e., specific sets of written instructions about how to perform a certain aspect of \na task), and norms (i .e., unwritten, info rmal codes of conduct that govern how people should act) so \n \n51 See generally C. Barnard, The Functions of the Execu tive (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, \n1938). See also J. Mahoney, “The Relevance of Chester I. Barnard’s Teachings to Contemporary \nManagement Education: Communicating the Aesthetics of Management”, International Journal of \nOrganizational Theory a nd Behavior, 5(1) & (2) (2002), 159 -172.\n\nInternet; increasing globalization; increasing diversity in the w orkplace and the \nmarketplace; growing recognition of the importance of intellectual capital including, but \nnot limited to, intellectual property; and more focused attention on ethical behavior by \nfirms and their managers.71 Each of these factors has had, a nd will cont inue to have, a \nsignificant influence on core managerial activities, notably each of the elements of \norganizational design. In addition, of course, management must remain focused on \ncreating value for customers in an efficient manner and on de veloping and implementing \nstrategies to attract necessary inputs such as capital, technology and human resources. \n \n71 P. Lewis, S. Goodman, P. Fandt and J. Michlitsch, Management: Challenges for Tom orrow’s Leaders \n(5th Edition) (Mason, OH: Thomson South -Western, 2007), 12 -16.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n35 and that they have access to all of the organizational intellectual capital that they need in \norder to successfully carry out their activities. \n \n§26 --Ethics \n \nEthical behavior and social responsibility have become two important to pics for \nmanagers, particularly in light of the scandals and difficult economic times that have \nmade their marks on the first decade of the new century.77 Government regulations such \nas the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 have transformed the landscape for corp orate \ngovern ance of public companies in the US, with a particular focus on great disclosure and \ntransparency, and ethical guidelines have been promulgated by respected groups around \nthe world including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United \nNations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business \nEnterprises. Management concerns regarding compliance are no longer limited to their\n\nprinciples when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior: \n \n• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to \nthe customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making \n• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee. \n• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as \npossible in decision making \n• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and \nstrive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others \n• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the \nimportance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service \nside of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority\n\nshould be given little in the way of discretion and flexibility. Theory X managers closely \nsupervise their subordinates to mak e sure that they work hard, create strict work rules and \nimplement a well -defined system of rewards and punishments in order to exert control \nover those who work for them.57 \n \nTheory Y, on the other hand, is based on the belief that employees have the highe r level \nneed s identified in Maslow’s hierarchy (i.e., esteem and self -actualization) and calls for \nthe following very different assumptions about workers and workplace: work can be as \nnatural as play and rest; employees will be self -directed to fulfill the workplace \nobjectives if they are personally committed to them and the requisite level of \ncommitment can be achieved by providing rewards that address higher needs such as \nself-fulfillment; if employees are personally committed and properly rewarded they w ill\n\ninterests of the organization as a whole \n• Esprit de corps: Promoting team spirit will give the organization a sense of unity \n \nFinal ly, Jones and George emphasized the following points regarding Follett’s concerns about emphasizing \nthe “human side of the organization” and encouraging managers to involve their subordinates in planning \nand decisions: \n \n• Workers are the people who know the most about their job s and they should be involved in job \nanalysis and participate with their managers in the work development process. \n• Provided that workers have the relevant knowledge, they, rather than their managers, should be in \ncontrol of the work pro cess and the role of managers should be limited to coaching and facilitating. \n• Organizations should rely upon cross -departmental teams composed of persons from different \nfunctional departments to carry out required projects.\n\n• Leadership should be based on kn owledge and expertis e rather than upon formal authority given to a \nmanager based on his or her position in the hierarchy. \n• Power and authority in the organization should be fluid and flow to those persons who are best able to \nassist the organization in achi eving its goals. \n \nJones and George commented that Follett’s approach was considered to be quite radical during her time \nand clearly her principals flew in the face of much of what Taylor advocated in pushing organizations to \nadopt “scientific management”. For example, scient ific management had no place for worker input into job \nanalysis. Not surprisingly, most organizations operating at the time Follett was writing continued to \nembrace Taylorism; however, Follett’s ideas regarding “cross -functioning”, the creation and use of cross -\ndepartmental teams, are now commonly applied by managers and modern organizations also rely heavily\n\napproaches. In order for quality managem ent approaches to be successful, the organizational culture must \ncreate an environment in which all employees work together in harmony and seek to develop and m aintain \ncooperative relationships with their peers and everyone above or below them in the organ izational \nhierarchy. \n \n§7 --Pre-industrial \n \nOne can find examples of managerial activities, often quite impressive and of a scope \ndifficult to image today, goin g well back into pre -industrial times.22 A number of \nscholars are diligently studying the histor y of Ancient Egypt, a society that is believed to \nhave relied on a strong bureaucratized central state to create magnificent pyramids, roads, \ncanals and cities. Historians have found evidence of sophisticated management and \nplanning techniques being used by Egyptian officials including predictions of weather \nevents, forecasts of crops and budgeting based on projections of tax revenues. China has\n\nact in a responsible fashion; and workers are trustworthy and it is therefore justifiable to \nexpect that most employees can handle responsibility since they are inherently creative \nand ingenuous. Firms and managers that believe in Theory Y will not onl y offer \nmate rialistic rewards but will also provide other opportunities for subordinates to pursue \n \n55 See A. Maslow, Motivation an d Personality (New York, NY: Harper, 1954). For further discussion, see \nalso “Human Resources: A Library of Resourc es for Sustainable Entrepreneurs” prepared and distributed \nby the Sustainable Entrepreneurship Project (www.seproject.org). \n56 The ideas unde rlying Theory X and Theory Y first appeared in D. McGregor, The Human Side of \nEnterprise (New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 1960). \n57 G. Jones and J. George, Contemporary Management (5th Ed.) (New York: McGraw -Hill/Irwin, 2007), \n46-47 (noting also that Henry Ford ’s practice of closely supervising and managing his workforce was a\n\nmanagement theorists made a clear and substantial break from the predecessors in the \nclassical schoo ls by recogn izing that employees are not simply machines but are \nindividuals who should be considered resources of the organization that should be \nnurtured and developed. As a practical matter, this shift would mean that managers could \nno longer limit the ir activitie s to explaining and controlling technical aspects of the work \nperformed by their subordinates but must instead be able to understand human needs and \nbehavior in their organizations and the workings of the “informal organization”, which is \nthe s ystem of beh avioral rules and norms that emerge in a group and must be taken into \naccount in any attempt to manage or change the behavior of members of the group.52 \n \nThe foundation for behavioral management theory included studies by Mayo and others \nthat pr ovided evide nce that human relations and the social needs of workers are important\n\nphysically able to carry out orders issued by their managers. In order to achieve \nacceptance, managers needed to focus on developing a sense of common purpose among \nemployees and an organizational culture that recognized the need for cooperation and \nvalued those who wer e willing to cooperate to achieve the goals and purposes of the \norganization. Barnard also was among the first to acknowledge the existence of an \n“informal organization”, which refer to the cliques or other groups that inevitably form \nwithin an organizati on and which can provide a valuable service in collecting and \ndisseminating information. Barnard’s focus on the mindset of employees previewed the \nemergence of the next major school of management thought discussed below: behavioral \nmanagement theory. 51 \n \nThe Classical Administrative School of Management \n \nJones and George summarized the core principals of several of main theories associated with the “classical\nHuman: According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?"
[llm/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain > 5:llm:ChatOpenAI] [1.50s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop"
"type": "ChatGeneration",
"message": {
"lc": 1,
"type": "constructor",
"id": [
"kwargs": {
"content": "According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave.",
"additional_kwargs": {}
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 3701,
"completion_tokens": 43,
"total_tokens": 3744
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
"run": null
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain] [1.51s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"text": "According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave."
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain] [1.51s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"output_text": "According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave."
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA] [4.74s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"result": "According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave."
CPU times: user 205 ms, sys: 7.25 ms, total: 212 ms
Wall time: 4.74 s
According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner-guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the appropriate way to behave.
使用自定义提示进行 HyDE
除了使用预配置的提示,我们还可以轻松构建自己的提示,并在生成文档的 LLMChain 中使用这些提示。如果我们知道查询将涉及的领域,这可能会很有用,因为我们可以使提示生成更类似于该领域的文本。
prompt_template = """Please answer the user's question as a single food item
Question: {question}
prompt = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["question"], template=prompt_template)
llm_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt)
# Hypthetical Document Retriever
embeddings = HypotheticalDocumentEmbedder(
result = embeddings.embed_query(
"According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?"
[llm/start] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"Human: Please answer the user's question as a single food item\nQuestion: According to Kelly and Williams what is ethics?\nAnswer:"
[llm/end] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] [704ms] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "A nourishing bowl of moral principles and values.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop"
"type": "ChatGeneration",
"message": {
"lc": 1,
"type": "constructor",
"id": [
"kwargs": {
"content": "A nourishing bowl of moral principles and values.",
"additional_kwargs": {}
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 32,
"completion_tokens": 10,
"total_tokens": 42
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
"run": null
# set up Vectorstore
docsearch = Chroma.from_documents(texts, embeddings)
query = "What is the role of ethical manager?"
docs = docsearch.similarity_search(query)
[llm/start] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"Human: Please answer the user's question as related to Large Language Models\nQuestion: What is the role of ethical manager?\nAnswer:"
[llm/end] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] [9.47s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "In the context of large language models, an ethical manager plays a crucial role in ensuring that the models are developed, deployed, and used in an ethical manner. They are responsible for overseeing the ethical considerations and implications of the language models throughout their lifecycle.\n\nThe ethical manager's role involves several key responsibilities:\n\n1. Ethical Guidelines: They establish and enforce ethical guidelines for the development and use of large language models. This includes defining principles, policies, and procedures that align with ethical standards and values.\n\n2. Bias Mitigation: They work towards identifying and mitigating biases in the language models. This involves addressing issues related to fairness, inclusivity, and representation to ensure that the models do not perpetuate or amplify existing biases.\n\n3. Privacy and Security: They ensure that the language models handle user data and information in a secure and privacy-conscious manner. This includes implementing measures to protect user privacy, obtaining appropriate consent, and complying with relevant data protection regulations.\n\n4. Transparency and Accountability: They promote transparency by ensuring that the development process and decision-making behind the language models are open and accountable. This involves documenting and disclosing information about the models' capabilities, limitations, and potential risks.\n\n5. User Safety: They prioritize user safety and well-being by proactively identifying and addressing potential harms that the language models may cause. This includes preventing the dissemination of misinformation, harmful content, or any form of malicious use.\n\n6. Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: They regularly assess the ethical implications and impact of the language models and make necessary improvements. This involves soliciting feedback from users, engaging with external stakeholders, and collaborating with researchers and experts in the field.\n\nOverall, the role of an ethical manager is to ensure that large language models are developed and used in a responsible, ethical, and socially beneficial manner, while minimizing potential risks and harms.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop"
"type": "ChatGeneration",
"message": {
"lc": 1,
"type": "constructor",
"id": [
"kwargs": {
"content": "In the context of large language models, an ethical manager plays a crucial role in ensuring that the models are developed, deployed, and used in an ethical manner. They are responsible for overseeing the ethical considerations and implications of the language models throughout their lifecycle.\n\nThe ethical manager's role involves several key responsibilities:\n\n1. Ethical Guidelines: They establish and enforce ethical guidelines for the development and use of large language models. This includes defining principles, policies, and procedures that align with ethical standards and values.\n\n2. Bias Mitigation: They work towards identifying and mitigating biases in the language models. This involves addressing issues related to fairness, inclusivity, and representation to ensure that the models do not perpetuate or amplify existing biases.\n\n3. Privacy and Security: They ensure that the language models handle user data and information in a secure and privacy-conscious manner. This includes implementing measures to protect user privacy, obtaining appropriate consent, and complying with relevant data protection regulations.\n\n4. Transparency and Accountability: They promote transparency by ensuring that the development process and decision-making behind the language models are open and accountable. This involves documenting and disclosing information about the models' capabilities, limitations, and potential risks.\n\n5. User Safety: They prioritize user safety and well-being by proactively identifying and addressing potential harms that the language models may cause. This includes preventing the dissemination of misinformation, harmful content, or any form of malicious use.\n\n6. Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: They regularly assess the ethical implications and impact of the language models and make necessary improvements. This involves soliciting feedback from users, engaging with external stakeholders, and collaborating with researchers and experts in the field.\n\nOverall, the role of an ethical manager is to ensure that large language models are developed and used in a responsible, ethical, and socially beneficial manner, while minimizing potential risks and harms.",
"additional_kwargs": {}
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 32,
"completion_tokens": 365,
"total_tokens": 397
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
"run": null
Introduction to Management Studies
• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their
responsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -
interest is at stake
• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft
should conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities
• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view
their duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees,
suppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community)
• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in
matters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights
Van Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including:
• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of
• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities,
community involvement and religious beliefs
• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth
• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or
playing favorites
• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as
what is achieved.
• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the
• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work
Van Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical
principles when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior:
• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to
the customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making
• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee.
• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as
possible in decision making
• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and
strive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others
• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the
importance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service
side of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority
Kelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact
of their decisions on org anizational stakeholders:
• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest
number of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on
the benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders
• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental
rights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the
effectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group.
• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the
organizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner
• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation
communicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be
RAG 管道的生成部分
llm = ChatOpenAI(model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo-16k",temperature=0.1)
retriever = docsearch.as_retriever(search_kwargs={"top_k": 2})
qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm=llm,
response = qa.run(query=query)
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA] Entering Chain run with input:
"query": "What is the role of ethical manager?"
[llm/start] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"Human: Please answer the user's question as related to Large Language Models\nQuestion: What is the role of ethical manager?\nAnswer:"
[llm/end] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] [6.39s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "In the context of large language models, an ethical manager plays a crucial role in ensuring responsible and ethical use of these models. They are responsible for overseeing the development, deployment, and maintenance of the models, while also considering the potential ethical implications and societal impact.\n\nThe ethical manager's role involves setting guidelines and policies for the use of large language models, addressing concerns such as bias, fairness, privacy, and transparency. They work closely with the development team to ensure that the models are trained on diverse and representative data, minimizing biases and avoiding the reinforcement of harmful stereotypes.\n\nAdditionally, the ethical manager collaborates with legal and compliance teams to ensure that the models adhere to relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. They also engage in ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the models' performance to identify and address any ethical issues that may arise.\n\nFurthermore, the ethical manager plays a crucial role in fostering transparency and accountability. They may establish mechanisms for external audits, solicit feedback from users and stakeholders, and actively engage in public discourse around the responsible use of large language models.\n\nOverall, the ethical manager's role is to balance the potential benefits of large language models with the ethical considerations and societal impact, ensuring that these models are developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop"
"type": "ChatGeneration",
"message": {
"lc": 1,
"type": "constructor",
"id": [
"kwargs": {
"content": "In the context of large language models, an ethical manager plays a crucial role in ensuring responsible and ethical use of these models. They are responsible for overseeing the development, deployment, and maintenance of the models, while also considering the potential ethical implications and societal impact.\n\nThe ethical manager's role involves setting guidelines and policies for the use of large language models, addressing concerns such as bias, fairness, privacy, and transparency. They work closely with the development team to ensure that the models are trained on diverse and representative data, minimizing biases and avoiding the reinforcement of harmful stereotypes.\n\nAdditionally, the ethical manager collaborates with legal and compliance teams to ensure that the models adhere to relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. They also engage in ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the models' performance to identify and address any ethical issues that may arise.\n\nFurthermore, the ethical manager plays a crucial role in fostering transparency and accountability. They may establish mechanisms for external audits, solicit feedback from users and stakeholders, and actively engage in public discourse around the responsible use of large language models.\n\nOverall, the ethical manager's role is to balance the potential benefits of large language models with the ethical considerations and societal impact, ensuring that these models are developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner.",
"additional_kwargs": {}
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 32,
"completion_tokens": 250,
"total_tokens": 282
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
"run": null
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain] Entering Chain run with input:
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain] Entering Chain run with input:
"question": "What is the role of ethical manager?",
"context": "Introduction to Management Studies \n36 \n• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their \nresponsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -\ninterest is at stake \n• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft \nshould conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities \n• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view \ntheir duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees, \nsuppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community) \n• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in \nmatters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights \n \nVan Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including: \n \n• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of \nsociety \n• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities, \ncommunity involvement and religious beliefs \n• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth \n• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or \nplaying favorites \n• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as \nwhat is achieved. \n• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the \n“means”) \n• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work \n \nVan Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical \nprinciples when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior: \n \n• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to \nthe customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making \n• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee. \n• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as \npossible in decision making \n• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and \nstrive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others \n• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the \nimportance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service \nside of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority \n \nKelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact \nof their decisions on org anizational stakeholders: \n \n• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest \nnumber of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on \nthe benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders \n• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental \nrights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the \neffectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group. \n• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the \norganizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner \n• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation \ncommunicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n35 and that they have access to all of the organizational intellectual capital that they need in \norder to successfully carry out their activities. \n \n§26 --Ethics \n \nEthical behavior and social responsibility have become two important to pics for \nmanagers, particularly in light of the scandals and difficult economic times that have \nmade their marks on the first decade of the new century.77 Government regulations such \nas the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 have transformed the landscape for corp orate \ngovern ance of public companies in the US, with a particular focus on great disclosure and \ntransparency, and ethical guidelines have been promulgated by respected groups around \nthe world including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United \nNations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business \nEnterprises. Management concerns regarding compliance are no longer limited to their \nown organizations and are now being extended to business partners such a s suppliers \nunder new laws that call for firms to monitor their supply chains for evidence of human \ntrafficking and subpar working conditions. \n \nAnother interesting development in the US is the recognition of new legal forms of \ncorporations that explicitl y allow dire ctors to consider not only the interests of \nshareholders but also other important stakeholders such as employees, consumers and the \ncommunity. California, for example, permits the formation of “benefit corporations” for \nthe purpose of creating general pub lic ben efit, which is defined by statute as a material \npositive impact on society and the environment, taken as a whole, as assessed against a \nthird -party standard that satisfies certain requirements. Dire ctors of benefit corporations \nare requ ired to cons ider the impacts of any action or proposed action upon specified \nconsiderations including, among others, the shareholders and employees of the \ncorporation, customers of the corp oration who are beneficiaries of the general or specific \npublic ben efit purpose s and the environment. A handful of other states have adopted \nsimilar legislation covering benefit corporations, sometimes referred to as “B \ncorpor ations”, and there viability will depend in large part on the development of case \nlaw regarding the permissi ble purposes of such corporations and the flexibility afforded \nto directors in discharging their fiduciary duties. \n \nThe Ethical Manager \n \nWhen carrying out their duties and responsibilities managers may often find themselves confronted with an \n“ethical dil emma”, which a situation in the manager must decide whether to take a certain course of action \nthat helps another person or group and which is the “right thing to do” even if the action is not in the \nmanager’s own self -interest. In order for t he manager t o act effectively and appropriately in those \ninstances, he or she needs to have a fundamental understanding of ethics and how ethical principles apply \nto managers and their organizations. \n \nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner -guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that \nindividuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the \nappropriate way to behave. The concept of ethics can be viewed at several levels: \n \n77 Id. at 15 -16.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n37 reasonable and acceptable (i.e., consistent with value s, norms and standards typically acknowledged \nand applied within the organization) \n \nLegal and ethical principles are not necessarily the same; however, laws generally reflect the ethical norms \nat a particular time. Ethical principles are also subject to c hange over t ime as societies evolve. Kelly and \nWilliams noted that there are no absolute or indisputable ethical rules or principals, but it has been \nsuggested the following core values arguably transcend political, religious, class and ethnic differences : \ntrustworth iness (i.e., honesty and following through on promises made); respect (i.e., showing \nconsideration for others and treating them as you would like to be treated); responsibility (i.e., \nperseverance, self -discipline and personal accountability); fairness (i. e., providing equal opportunities and \nbeing open -minded); caring (i.e., kindness and compassion); and citizenship (i.e., cooperation and \nwillingness to contribute to the broader community). \n \nEffective managers understand the beliefs and behavio rs of ethica l individuals and attempt to practice them \nas they engaged in their managerial roles and activities. Trevino et al. suggested that this means managing \nwith integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates, treating people the right way and playing \nfairly and striving for a high level of moral development. In addition, managers must do what they can to \ncreate and maintain an ethical organization that is based on ethical leadership (i.e., leader communications \nregarding ethics and values , role model ing, rewards for ethical behavior and swift and sure discipline for \nunethical behavior) and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior (i.e., \norganizational culture, code of ethics, ethics committee and chief ethics offi ce, ethics t raining and \nprocedures for anonymous reporting of ethical concerns (“whistleblowing”)). \n \nSources: M. Kelly and C. Williams, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, in M. Kelly and C. \nWilliams, BUSN: Introduction to Business, Business Ethi cs and Socia l Responsibility (Independence, KY: \nCengage Learning, 2015); P. Van Auken, http://business.baylor.edu/Phil_VanAuken/EthiclSupvr.html ; \nJosephson Institute’s 2009 Report Ca rd on the Et hics of American Youth Summary (“Universal Ethical \nStandards”); and L. Trevin, L. Harman and M. Brown, “Moral Person and Moral Manager”, California \nManagement Review, 42(4) (Summer 2000), 128.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n34 Communication and organizational culture are two key concerns for managers o f all \nbusine sses and the challenges in both of these areas have increased as the workplace and \nconsumer marketplace have each become more diverse. Immigration and shifts in \nsocietal ideas about the roles of women have transformed the labor force to a dyna mic \nand comp lex mix of men, women, Caucasians, Hispanics, African Americans, Asian \nAmericans and others with diverse racial, national and ethnic backgrounds. As a result, \nissues have arisen in achieving the consensus necessary to set and pursue common goa ls \nand objec tives and creating and maintaining a strong organizational culture is a much \nmore difficult task for managers. The response has been an increase in diversity training \nwithin organizations to provide everyone with a better understanding of the perspectives \nof others with different backgrounds. Workplace diversity matches changes in the \nmarketplace and companies must take into account the specific preferences of each of the \ngroups mentioned above when designing and marketing their products and s ervices.74 \n \n§25 --Intellectual capital \n \nIntellectual capital has joined the traditional factors of land, labor, money and raw \nmaterials as essential contributors to the efficiency and competitiveness of business \norganizations and managers must have a clear understandin g of the elements of \nintellectual capital and how they can be used in developing and implementing strategies. \nIntellectual capital appears in the growing sophistication and educational background of \nthe workforce and in the nature of the produ cts and serv ices developed and marketed by \nbusiness organizations. As noted by Lewis et al.: “More and more products will become \nintellectual, or knowledge -based (for example, investment services and advice, \nregistering for classes at a school, computer s oftware), an d may be better referred to as \nservices. Services such as travel and entertainment are becoming more important, and \nthey rely on knowledge. Even the traditional products will make more use of knowledge \nin design, production and marketing of t hem.”75 \n \nIntellectual capital does not simply mean technology and intellectual property rights; \ninstead, it is a concept that is much broader and includes identification, categorization, \nprotection and effective use of the totality of the organization’s “kn owledge”. T he three \nmajor categories of “intellectual capital” identified by Stewart include structural capital, \nwhich includes the accumulated knowledge and know -how of the organization \nrepresented by its patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets an d proprietar y claims to \ninformation in its databases and systems; customer capital, which includes the value of \nestablished relationships with customers and suppliers; and human capital, which \nincludes the cumulative skills and knowledge of the organizatio n.76 Managem ent of \nintellectual capital is tightly aligned with human resource management since managers \nmust recruit and retain the best talent, mine their knowledge for the benefit of the \norganization and establish systems for ensuring that their knowled ge is availa ble to others \n \n74 Id. at 13 -14. \n75 P. Lewis, S. Goodman, P. Fandt and J. Michlitsch, Management: Challenges for Tomorrow’s Leaders \n(5th Edition) (Mason, OH: Thomson South -Western, 2007), 14. \n76 Id. (citing T. Stewart, Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations, (New York: Currenc y \nDoubleday, 1997)."
[llm/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain > 5:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"System: Use the following pieces of context to answer the user's question. \nIf you don't know the answer, just say that you don't know, don't try to make up an answer.\n----------------\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n36 \n• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their \nresponsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -\ninterest is at stake \n• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft \nshould conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities \n• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view \ntheir duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees, \nsuppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community) \n• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in \nmatters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights \n \nVan Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including: \n \n• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of \nsociety \n• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities, \ncommunity involvement and religious beliefs \n• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth \n• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or \nplaying favorites \n• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as \nwhat is achieved. \n• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the \n“means”) \n• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work \n \nVan Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical \nprinciples when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior: \n \n• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to \nthe customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making \n• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee. \n• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as \npossible in decision making \n• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and \nstrive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others \n• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the \nimportance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service \nside of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority \n \nKelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact \nof their decisions on org anizational stakeholders: \n \n• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest \nnumber of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on \nthe benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders \n• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental \nrights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the \neffectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group. \n• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the \norganizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner \n• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation \ncommunicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n35 and that they have access to all of the organizational intellectual capital that they need in \norder to successfully carry out their activities. \n \n§26 --Ethics \n \nEthical behavior and social responsibility have become two important to pics for \nmanagers, particularly in light of the scandals and difficult economic times that have \nmade their marks on the first decade of the new century.77 Government regulations such \nas the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 have transformed the landscape for corp orate \ngovern ance of public companies in the US, with a particular focus on great disclosure and \ntransparency, and ethical guidelines have been promulgated by respected groups around \nthe world including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United \nNations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business \nEnterprises. Management concerns regarding compliance are no longer limited to their \nown organizations and are now being extended to business partners such a s suppliers \nunder new laws that call for firms to monitor their supply chains for evidence of human \ntrafficking and subpar working conditions. \n \nAnother interesting development in the US is the recognition of new legal forms of \ncorporations that explicitl y allow dire ctors to consider not only the interests of \nshareholders but also other important stakeholders such as employees, consumers and the \ncommunity. California, for example, permits the formation of “benefit corporations” for \nthe purpose of creating general pub lic ben efit, which is defined by statute as a material \npositive impact on society and the environment, taken as a whole, as assessed against a \nthird -party standard that satisfies certain requirements. Dire ctors of benefit corporations \nare requ ired to cons ider the impacts of any action or proposed action upon specified \nconsiderations including, among others, the shareholders and employees of the \ncorporation, customers of the corp oration who are beneficiaries of the general or specific \npublic ben efit purpose s and the environment. A handful of other states have adopted \nsimilar legislation covering benefit corporations, sometimes referred to as “B \ncorpor ations”, and there viability will depend in large part on the development of case \nlaw regarding the permissi ble purposes of such corporations and the flexibility afforded \nto directors in discharging their fiduciary duties. \n \nThe Ethical Manager \n \nWhen carrying out their duties and responsibilities managers may often find themselves confronted with an \n“ethical dil emma”, which a situation in the manager must decide whether to take a certain course of action \nthat helps another person or group and which is the “right thing to do” even if the action is not in the \nmanager’s own self -interest. In order for t he manager t o act effectively and appropriately in those \ninstances, he or she needs to have a fundamental understanding of ethics and how ethical principles apply \nto managers and their organizations. \n \nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner -guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that \nindividuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the \nappropriate way to behave. The concept of ethics can be viewed at several levels: \n \n77 Id. at 15 -16.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n37 reasonable and acceptable (i.e., consistent with value s, norms and standards typically acknowledged \nand applied within the organization) \n \nLegal and ethical principles are not necessarily the same; however, laws generally reflect the ethical norms \nat a particular time. Ethical principles are also subject to c hange over t ime as societies evolve. Kelly and \nWilliams noted that there are no absolute or indisputable ethical rules or principals, but it has been \nsuggested the following core values arguably transcend political, religious, class and ethnic differences : \ntrustworth iness (i.e., honesty and following through on promises made); respect (i.e., showing \nconsideration for others and treating them as you would like to be treated); responsibility (i.e., \nperseverance, self -discipline and personal accountability); fairness (i. e., providing equal opportunities and \nbeing open -minded); caring (i.e., kindness and compassion); and citizenship (i.e., cooperation and \nwillingness to contribute to the broader community). \n \nEffective managers understand the beliefs and behavio rs of ethica l individuals and attempt to practice them \nas they engaged in their managerial roles and activities. Trevino et al. suggested that this means managing \nwith integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates, treating people the right way and playing \nfairly and striving for a high level of moral development. In addition, managers must do what they can to \ncreate and maintain an ethical organization that is based on ethical leadership (i.e., leader communications \nregarding ethics and values , role model ing, rewards for ethical behavior and swift and sure discipline for \nunethical behavior) and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior (i.e., \norganizational culture, code of ethics, ethics committee and chief ethics offi ce, ethics t raining and \nprocedures for anonymous reporting of ethical concerns (“whistleblowing”)). \n \nSources: M. Kelly and C. Williams, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, in M. Kelly and C. \nWilliams, BUSN: Introduction to Business, Business Ethi cs and Socia l Responsibility (Independence, KY: \nCengage Learning, 2015); P. Van Auken, http://business.baylor.edu/Phil_VanAuken/EthiclSupvr.html ; \nJosephson Institute’s 2009 Report Ca rd on the Et hics of American Youth Summary (“Universal Ethical \nStandards”); and L. Trevin, L. Harman and M. Brown, “Moral Person and Moral Manager”, California \nManagement Review, 42(4) (Summer 2000), 128.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n34 Communication and organizational culture are two key concerns for managers o f all \nbusine sses and the challenges in both of these areas have increased as the workplace and \nconsumer marketplace have each become more diverse. Immigration and shifts in \nsocietal ideas about the roles of women have transformed the labor force to a dyna mic \nand comp lex mix of men, women, Caucasians, Hispanics, African Americans, Asian \nAmericans and others with diverse racial, national and ethnic backgrounds. As a result, \nissues have arisen in achieving the consensus necessary to set and pursue common goa ls \nand objec tives and creating and maintaining a strong organizational culture is a much \nmore difficult task for managers. The response has been an increase in diversity training \nwithin organizations to provide everyone with a better understanding of the perspectives \nof others with different backgrounds. Workplace diversity matches changes in the \nmarketplace and companies must take into account the specific preferences of each of the \ngroups mentioned above when designing and marketing their products and s ervices.74 \n \n§25 --Intellectual capital \n \nIntellectual capital has joined the traditional factors of land, labor, money and raw \nmaterials as essential contributors to the efficiency and competitiveness of business \norganizations and managers must have a clear understandin g of the elements of \nintellectual capital and how they can be used in developing and implementing strategies. \nIntellectual capital appears in the growing sophistication and educational background of \nthe workforce and in the nature of the produ cts and serv ices developed and marketed by \nbusiness organizations. As noted by Lewis et al.: “More and more products will become \nintellectual, or knowledge -based (for example, investment services and advice, \nregistering for classes at a school, computer s oftware), an d may be better referred to as \nservices. Services such as travel and entertainment are becoming more important, and \nthey rely on knowledge. Even the traditional products will make more use of knowledge \nin design, production and marketing of t hem.”75 \n \nIntellectual capital does not simply mean technology and intellectual property rights; \ninstead, it is a concept that is much broader and includes identification, categorization, \nprotection and effective use of the totality of the organization’s “kn owledge”. T he three \nmajor categories of “intellectual capital” identified by Stewart include structural capital, \nwhich includes the accumulated knowledge and know -how of the organization \nrepresented by its patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets an d proprietar y claims to \ninformation in its databases and systems; customer capital, which includes the value of \nestablished relationships with customers and suppliers; and human capital, which \nincludes the cumulative skills and knowledge of the organizatio n.76 Managem ent of \nintellectual capital is tightly aligned with human resource management since managers \nmust recruit and retain the best talent, mine their knowledge for the benefit of the \norganization and establish systems for ensuring that their knowled ge is availa ble to others \n \n74 Id. at 13 -14. \n75 P. Lewis, S. Goodman, P. Fandt and J. Michlitsch, Management: Challenges for Tomorrow’s Leaders \n(5th Edition) (Mason, OH: Thomson South -Western, 2007), 14. \n76 Id. (citing T. Stewart, Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations, (New York: Currenc y \nDoubleday, 1997).\nHuman: What is the role of ethical manager?"
[llm/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain > 5:llm:ChatOpenAI] [4.37s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "The role of an ethical manager is to act with integrity and honesty, inspire trust from subordinates, treat people fairly, and strive for a high level of moral development. Ethical managers also create and maintain an ethical organization by practicing ethical leadership, which includes communicating ethics and values, being a role model, rewarding ethical behavior, and disciplining unethical behavior. They also establish structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior, such as an organizational culture, a code of ethics, an ethics committee, ethics training, and procedures for reporting ethical concerns. Overall, ethical managers prioritize the interests of others, value employees as people, and focus on the ultimate objective or mission rather than just following rules and regulations.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop"
"type": "ChatGeneration",
"message": {
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"content": "The role of an ethical manager is to act with integrity and honesty, inspire trust from subordinates, treat people fairly, and strive for a high level of moral development. Ethical managers also create and maintain an ethical organization by practicing ethical leadership, which includes communicating ethics and values, being a role model, rewarding ethical behavior, and disciplining unethical behavior. They also establish structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior, such as an organizational culture, a code of ethics, an ethics committee, ethics training, and procedures for reporting ethical concerns. Overall, ethical managers prioritize the interests of others, value employees as people, and focus on the ultimate objective or mission rather than just following rules and regulations.",
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"prompt_tokens": 2835,
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"total_tokens": 2975
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
"run": null
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain] [4.37s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"text": "The role of an ethical manager is to act with integrity and honesty, inspire trust from subordinates, treat people fairly, and strive for a high level of moral development. Ethical managers also create and maintain an ethical organization by practicing ethical leadership, which includes communicating ethics and values, being a role model, rewarding ethical behavior, and disciplining unethical behavior. They also establish structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior, such as an organizational culture, a code of ethics, an ethics committee, ethics training, and procedures for reporting ethical concerns. Overall, ethical managers prioritize the interests of others, value employees as people, and focus on the ultimate objective or mission rather than just following rules and regulations."
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain] [4.37s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"output_text": "The role of an ethical manager is to act with integrity and honesty, inspire trust from subordinates, treat people fairly, and strive for a high level of moral development. Ethical managers also create and maintain an ethical organization by practicing ethical leadership, which includes communicating ethics and values, being a role model, rewarding ethical behavior, and disciplining unethical behavior. They also establish structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior, such as an organizational culture, a code of ethics, an ethics committee, ethics training, and procedures for reporting ethical concerns. Overall, ethical managers prioritize the interests of others, value employees as people, and focus on the ultimate objective or mission rather than just following rules and regulations."
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA] [10.79s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"result": "The role of an ethical manager is to act with integrity and honesty, inspire trust from subordinates, treat people fairly, and strive for a high level of moral development. Ethical managers also create and maintain an ethical organization by practicing ethical leadership, which includes communicating ethics and values, being a role model, rewarding ethical behavior, and disciplining unethical behavior. They also establish structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior, such as an organizational culture, a code of ethics, an ethics committee, ethics training, and procedures for reporting ethical concerns. Overall, ethical managers prioritize the interests of others, value employees as people, and focus on the ultimate objective or mission rather than just following rules and regulations."
CPU times: user 90.1 ms, sys: 12.8 ms, total: 103 ms
Wall time: 10.8 s
The role of an ethical manager is to act with integrity and honesty, inspire trust from subordinates, treat people fairly, and strive for a high level of moral development. Ethical managers also create and maintain an ethical organization by practicing ethical leadership, which includes communicating ethics and values, being a role model, rewarding ethical behavior, and disciplining unethical behavior. They also establish structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior, such as an organizational culture, a code of ethics, an ethics committee, ethics training, and procedures for reporting ethical concerns. Overall, ethical managers prioritize the interests of others, value employees as people, and focus on the ultimate objective or mission rather than just following rules and regulatio
query = "What should be the qualities of a good ethical manager?"
docs = docsearch.similarity_search(query)
[llm/start] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"Human: Please answer the user's question as related to Large Language Models\nQuestion: What should be the qualities of a good ethical manager?\nAnswer:"
[llm/end] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] [12.09s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "A good ethical manager should possess several qualities to effectively lead and guide their team. When it comes to large language models, these qualities can be applied in the context of overseeing and ensuring the responsible use of such models. Some key qualities of a good ethical manager in this context include:\n\n1. Transparency: An ethical manager should prioritize transparency by openly communicating the capabilities and limitations of large language models. This includes being transparent about the data used to train the models, potential biases, and any ethical considerations associated with their use.\n\n2. Accountability: A good ethical manager should take responsibility for the actions and decisions made using large language models. They should be accountable for any potential negative consequences and actively work towards mitigating risks and addressing ethical concerns.\n\n3. Fairness: Ethical managers should strive for fairness in the use of large language models. This involves ensuring that the models are trained on diverse and representative datasets, avoiding discrimination or bias, and promoting equal opportunities for all users.\n\n4. Privacy and Security: Managers should prioritize the privacy and security of user data when utilizing large language models. They should implement robust measures to protect sensitive information and comply with relevant data protection regulations.\n\n5. Continuous Learning: Given the evolving nature of large language models, ethical managers should stay updated on the latest research, best practices, and ethical guidelines. They should actively engage in ongoing learning and adapt their practices accordingly to ensure responsible and ethical use of these models.\n\n6. Stakeholder Engagement: Ethical managers should actively engage with stakeholders, including users, employees, and the wider community, to understand their concerns and perspectives. By involving stakeholders in decision-making processes, managers can ensure that the use of large language models aligns with their values and expectations.\n\n7. Ethical Decision-Making: A good ethical manager should possess strong ethical decision-making skills. They should consider the potential impact of their actions, weigh the ethical implications, and make informed choices that prioritize the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.\n\nBy embodying these qualities, ethical managers can effectively navigate the challenges and complexities associated with large language models, promoting their responsible and ethical use.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop"
"type": "ChatGeneration",
"message": {
"lc": 1,
"type": "constructor",
"id": [
"kwargs": {
"content": "A good ethical manager should possess several qualities to effectively lead and guide their team. When it comes to large language models, these qualities can be applied in the context of overseeing and ensuring the responsible use of such models. Some key qualities of a good ethical manager in this context include:\n\n1. Transparency: An ethical manager should prioritize transparency by openly communicating the capabilities and limitations of large language models. This includes being transparent about the data used to train the models, potential biases, and any ethical considerations associated with their use.\n\n2. Accountability: A good ethical manager should take responsibility for the actions and decisions made using large language models. They should be accountable for any potential negative consequences and actively work towards mitigating risks and addressing ethical concerns.\n\n3. Fairness: Ethical managers should strive for fairness in the use of large language models. This involves ensuring that the models are trained on diverse and representative datasets, avoiding discrimination or bias, and promoting equal opportunities for all users.\n\n4. Privacy and Security: Managers should prioritize the privacy and security of user data when utilizing large language models. They should implement robust measures to protect sensitive information and comply with relevant data protection regulations.\n\n5. Continuous Learning: Given the evolving nature of large language models, ethical managers should stay updated on the latest research, best practices, and ethical guidelines. They should actively engage in ongoing learning and adapt their practices accordingly to ensure responsible and ethical use of these models.\n\n6. Stakeholder Engagement: Ethical managers should actively engage with stakeholders, including users, employees, and the wider community, to understand their concerns and perspectives. By involving stakeholders in decision-making processes, managers can ensure that the use of large language models aligns with their values and expectations.\n\n7. Ethical Decision-Making: A good ethical manager should possess strong ethical decision-making skills. They should consider the potential impact of their actions, weigh the ethical implications, and make informed choices that prioritize the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.\n\nBy embodying these qualities, ethical managers can effectively navigate the challenges and complexities associated with large language models, promoting their responsible and ethical use.",
"additional_kwargs": {}
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 35,
"completion_tokens": 423,
"total_tokens": 458
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
"run": null
Document 1:
Introduction to Management Studies
• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their
responsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -
interest is at stake
• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft
should conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities
• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view
their duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees,
suppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community)
• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in
matters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights
Van Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including:
• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of
• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities,
community involvement and religious beliefs
• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth
• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or
playing favorites
• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as
what is achieved.
• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the
• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work
Van Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical
principles when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior:
• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to
the customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making
• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee.
• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as
possible in decision making
• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and
strive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others
• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the
importance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service
side of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority
Kelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact
of their decisions on org anizational stakeholders:
• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest
number of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on
the benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders
• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental
rights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the
effectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group.
• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the
organizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner
• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation
communicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be
Document 2:
Introduction to Management Studies
37 reasonable and acceptable (i.e., consistent with value s, norms and standards typically acknowledged
and applied within the organization)
Legal and ethical principles are not necessarily the same; however, laws generally reflect the ethical norms
at a particular time. Ethical principles are also subject to c hange over t ime as societies evolve. Kelly and
Williams noted that there are no absolute or indisputable ethical rules or principals, but it has been
suggested the following core values arguably transcend political, religious, class and ethnic differences :
trustworth iness (i.e., honesty and following through on promises made); respect (i.e., showing
consideration for others and treating them as you would like to be treated); responsibility (i.e.,
perseverance, self -discipline and personal accountability); fairness (i. e., providing equal opportunities and
being open -minded); caring (i.e., kindness and compassion); and citizenship (i.e., cooperation and
willingness to contribute to the broader community).
Effective managers understand the beliefs and behavio rs of ethica l individuals and attempt to practice them
as they engaged in their managerial roles and activities. Trevino et al. suggested that this means managing
with integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates, treating people the right way and playing
fairly and striving for a high level of moral development. In addition, managers must do what they can to
create and maintain an ethical organization that is based on ethical leadership (i.e., leader communications
regarding ethics and values , role model ing, rewards for ethical behavior and swift and sure discipline for
unethical behavior) and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior (i.e.,
organizational culture, code of ethics, ethics committee and chief ethics offi ce, ethics t raining and
procedures for anonymous reporting of ethical concerns (“whistleblowing”)).
Sources: M. Kelly and C. Williams, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, in M. Kelly and C.
Williams, BUSN: Introduction to Business, Business Ethi cs and Socia l Responsibility (Independence, KY:
Cengage Learning, 2015); P. Van Auken, http://business.baylor.edu/Phil_VanAuken/EthiclSupvr.html ;
Josephson Institute’s 2009 Report Ca rd on the Et hics of American Youth Summary (“Universal Ethical
Standards”); and L. Trevin, L. Harman and M. Brown, “Moral Person and Moral Manager”, California
Management Review, 42(4) (Summer 2000), 128.
Document 3:
Introduction to Management Studies
35 and that they have access to all of the organizational intellectual capital that they need in
order to successfully carry out their activities.
§26 --Ethics
Ethical behavior and social responsibility have become two important to pics for
managers, particularly in light of the scandals and difficult economic times that have
made their marks on the first decade of the new century.77 Government regulations such
as the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 have transformed the landscape for corp orate
govern ance of public companies in the US, with a particular focus on great disclosure and
transparency, and ethical guidelines have been promulgated by respected groups around
the world including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United
Nations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business
Enterprises. Management concerns regarding compliance are no longer limited to their
own organizations and are now being extended to business partners such a s suppliers
under new laws that call for firms to monitor their supply chains for evidence of human
trafficking and subpar working conditions.
Another interesting development in the US is the recognition of new legal forms of
corporations that explicitl y allow dire ctors to consider not only the interests of
shareholders but also other important stakeholders such as employees, consumers and the
community. California, for example, permits the formation of “benefit corporations” for
the purpose of creating general pub lic ben efit, which is defined by statute as a material
positive impact on society and the environment, taken as a whole, as assessed against a
third -party standard that satisfies certain requirements. Dire ctors of benefit corporations
are requ ired to cons ider the impacts of any action or proposed action upon specified
considerations including, among others, the shareholders and employees of the
corporation, customers of the corp oration who are beneficiaries of the general or specific
public ben efit purpose s and the environment. A handful of other states have adopted
similar legislation covering benefit corporations, sometimes referred to as “B
corpor ations”, and there viability will depend in large part on the development of case
law regarding the permissi ble purposes of such corporations and the flexibility afforded
to directors in discharging their fiduciary duties.
The Ethical Manager
When carrying out their duties and responsibilities managers may often find themselves confronted with an
“ethical dil emma”, which a situation in the manager must decide whether to take a certain course of action
that helps another person or group and which is the “right thing to do” even if the action is not in the
manager’s own self -interest. In order for t he manager t o act effectively and appropriately in those
instances, he or she needs to have a fundamental understanding of ethics and how ethical principles apply
to managers and their organizations.
According to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner -guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that
individuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the
appropriate way to behave. The concept of ethics can be viewed at several levels:
77 Id. at 15 -16.
Document 4:
Introduction to Management Studies
34 Communication and organizational culture are two key concerns for managers o f all
busine sses and the challenges in both of these areas have increased as the workplace and
consumer marketplace have each become more diverse. Immigration and shifts in
societal ideas about the roles of women have transformed the labor force to a dyna mic
and comp lex mix of men, women, Caucasians, Hispanics, African Americans, Asian
Americans and others with diverse racial, national and ethnic backgrounds. As a result,
issues have arisen in achieving the consensus necessary to set and pursue common goa ls
and objec tives and creating and maintaining a strong organizational culture is a much
more difficult task for managers. The response has been an increase in diversity training
within organizations to provide everyone with a better understanding of the perspectives
of others with different backgrounds. Workplace diversity matches changes in the
marketplace and companies must take into account the specific preferences of each of the
groups mentioned above when designing and marketing their products and s ervices.74
§25 --Intellectual capital
Intellectual capital has joined the traditional factors of land, labor, money and raw
materials as essential contributors to the efficiency and competitiveness of business
organizations and managers must have a clear understandin g of the elements of
intellectual capital and how they can be used in developing and implementing strategies.
Intellectual capital appears in the growing sophistication and educational background of
the workforce and in the nature of the produ cts and serv ices developed and marketed by
business organizations. As noted by Lewis et al.: “More and more products will become
intellectual, or knowledge -based (for example, investment services and advice,
registering for classes at a school, computer s oftware), an d may be better referred to as
services. Services such as travel and entertainment are becoming more important, and
they rely on knowledge. Even the traditional products will make more use of knowledge
in design, production and marketing of t hem.”75
Intellectual capital does not simply mean technology and intellectual property rights;
instead, it is a concept that is much broader and includes identification, categorization,
protection and effective use of the totality of the organization’s “kn owledge”. T he three
major categories of “intellectual capital” identified by Stewart include structural capital,
which includes the accumulated knowledge and know -how of the organization
represented by its patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets an d proprietar y claims to
information in its databases and systems; customer capital, which includes the value of
established relationships with customers and suppliers; and human capital, which
includes the cumulative skills and knowledge of the organizatio n.76 Managem ent of
intellectual capital is tightly aligned with human resource management since managers
must recruit and retain the best talent, mine their knowledge for the benefit of the
organization and establish systems for ensuring that their knowled ge is availa ble to others
74 Id. at 13 -14.
75 P. Lewis, S. Goodman, P. Fandt and J. Michlitsch, Management: Challenges for Tomorrow’s Leaders
(5th Edition) (Mason, OH: Thomson South -Western, 2007), 14.
76 Id. (citing T. Stewart, Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations, (New York: Currenc y
Doubleday, 1997).
response = qa.run(query=query)
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA] Entering Chain run with input:
"query": "What should be the qualities of a good ethical manager?"
[llm/start] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"Human: Please answer the user's question as related to Large Language Models\nQuestion: What should be the qualities of a good ethical manager?\nAnswer:"
[llm/end] [1:llm:ChatOpenAI] [4.14s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "A good ethical manager should possess several qualities. Firstly, they should have a strong sense of integrity and honesty, consistently demonstrating ethical behavior and leading by example. They should prioritize fairness and treat all employees with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or position. Effective communication skills are crucial, as they need to clearly articulate expectations, provide feedback, and address any ethical concerns that may arise. A good ethical manager should also be empathetic and understanding, taking into account the well-being and needs of their employees. They should be committed to fostering a positive work environment that promotes ethical decision-making and encourages open dialogue. Additionally, a good ethical manager should continuously educate themselves on ethical practices and stay updated on relevant laws and regulations to ensure compliance.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop"
"type": "ChatGeneration",
"message": {
"lc": 1,
"type": "constructor",
"id": [
"kwargs": {
"content": "A good ethical manager should possess several qualities. Firstly, they should have a strong sense of integrity and honesty, consistently demonstrating ethical behavior and leading by example. They should prioritize fairness and treat all employees with respect and dignity, regardless of their background or position. Effective communication skills are crucial, as they need to clearly articulate expectations, provide feedback, and address any ethical concerns that may arise. A good ethical manager should also be empathetic and understanding, taking into account the well-being and needs of their employees. They should be committed to fostering a positive work environment that promotes ethical decision-making and encourages open dialogue. Additionally, a good ethical manager should continuously educate themselves on ethical practices and stay updated on relevant laws and regulations to ensure compliance.",
"additional_kwargs": {}
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 35,
"completion_tokens": 146,
"total_tokens": 181
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
"run": null
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain] Entering Chain run with input:
[chain/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain] Entering Chain run with input:
"question": "What should be the qualities of a good ethical manager?",
"context": "Introduction to Management Studies \n36 \n• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their \nresponsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -\ninterest is at stake \n• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft \nshould conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities \n• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view \ntheir duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees, \nsuppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community) \n• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in \nmatters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights \n \nVan Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including: \n \n• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of \nsociety \n• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities, \ncommunity involvement and religious beliefs \n• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth \n• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or \nplaying favorites \n• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as \nwhat is achieved. \n• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the \n“means”) \n• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work \n \nVan Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical \nprinciples when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior: \n \n• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to \nthe customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making \n• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee. \n• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as \npossible in decision making \n• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and \nstrive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others \n• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the \nimportance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service \nside of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority \n \nKelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact \nof their decisions on org anizational stakeholders: \n \n• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest \nnumber of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on \nthe benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders \n• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental \nrights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the \neffectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group. \n• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the \norganizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner \n• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation \ncommunicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n37 reasonable and acceptable (i.e., consistent with value s, norms and standards typically acknowledged \nand applied within the organization) \n \nLegal and ethical principles are not necessarily the same; however, laws generally reflect the ethical norms \nat a particular time. Ethical principles are also subject to c hange over t ime as societies evolve. Kelly and \nWilliams noted that there are no absolute or indisputable ethical rules or principals, but it has been \nsuggested the following core values arguably transcend political, religious, class and ethnic differences : \ntrustworth iness (i.e., honesty and following through on promises made); respect (i.e., showing \nconsideration for others and treating them as you would like to be treated); responsibility (i.e., \nperseverance, self -discipline and personal accountability); fairness (i. e., providing equal opportunities and \nbeing open -minded); caring (i.e., kindness and compassion); and citizenship (i.e., cooperation and \nwillingness to contribute to the broader community). \n \nEffective managers understand the beliefs and behavio rs of ethica l individuals and attempt to practice them \nas they engaged in their managerial roles and activities. Trevino et al. suggested that this means managing \nwith integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates, treating people the right way and playing \nfairly and striving for a high level of moral development. In addition, managers must do what they can to \ncreate and maintain an ethical organization that is based on ethical leadership (i.e., leader communications \nregarding ethics and values , role model ing, rewards for ethical behavior and swift and sure discipline for \nunethical behavior) and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior (i.e., \norganizational culture, code of ethics, ethics committee and chief ethics offi ce, ethics t raining and \nprocedures for anonymous reporting of ethical concerns (“whistleblowing”)). \n \nSources: M. Kelly and C. Williams, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, in M. Kelly and C. \nWilliams, BUSN: Introduction to Business, Business Ethi cs and Socia l Responsibility (Independence, KY: \nCengage Learning, 2015); P. Van Auken, http://business.baylor.edu/Phil_VanAuken/EthiclSupvr.html ; \nJosephson Institute’s 2009 Report Ca rd on the Et hics of American Youth Summary (“Universal Ethical \nStandards”); and L. Trevin, L. Harman and M. Brown, “Moral Person and Moral Manager”, California \nManagement Review, 42(4) (Summer 2000), 128.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n24 that they can provide guidelines for effectively control behavior within an organization and increasing \nthe performance of a bureaucratic system. \n \nJones and George commented th at strong and skillf ul management was essential to making a bureaucratic \nsystem work and that poor management could quickly lead to the complex system of rules and procedures \nimpeding operations and causing decision making to become slow and inefficient. \n \nJones and George sum marized Fayol’s principles of management as follows: \n \n• Division of labor: Job specialization and the division of labor should increase efficiency \n• Authority and responsibility: Managers have the right to give orders and the power to exhor t \nsubordinates for o bedience \n• Unity of command: An employee should receive orders from only one superior \n• Line of authority: The length of the chain of command that extends from the top to the bottom of an \norganization should be limited \n• Centralization: Autho rity should not be c oncentrated at the top of the chain of command \n• Unity of direction: Operations within the organization that have the same objective should be directed \nby only one manager using one plan \n• Equity: Managers should be both friendly and fair t o their subordinates \n• Order: Materials and people should be in the right place at the right time \n• Initiative: Subordinates should be given the freedom to conceive and carry out their plans, even though \nsome mistakes may result \n• Discipline: Members in an organ ization need to resp ect the rules and agreements that govern the \norganization \n• Remuneration: Compensation for work done should be fair to both employees and employers \n• Stability of tenure of personnel: High employee turnover rate undermines the efficient fun ctioning of \nan organ ization \n• Subordination of individual interests: Interests of employees should not take precedence over the \ninterests of the organization as a whole \n• Esprit de corps: Promoting team spirit will give the organization a sense of unity \n \nFinal ly, Jones and George emphasized the following points regarding Follett’s concerns about emphasizing \nthe “human side of the organization” and encouraging managers to involve their subordinates in planning \nand decisions: \n \n• Workers are the people who know the most about their job s and they should be involved in job \nanalysis and participate with their managers in the work development process. \n• Provided that workers have the relevant knowledge, they, rather than their managers, should be in \ncontrol of the work pro cess and the role of managers should be limited to coaching and facilitating. \n• Organizations should rely upon cross -departmental teams composed of persons from different \nfunctional departments to carry out required projects. \n• Leadership should be based on kn owledge and expertis e rather than upon formal authority given to a \nmanager based on his or her position in the hierarchy. \n• Power and authority in the organization should be fluid and flow to those persons who are best able to \nassist the organization in achi eving its goals. \n \nJones and George commented that Follett’s approach was considered to be quite radical during her time \nand clearly her principals flew in the face of much of what Taylor advocated in pushing organizations to \nadopt “scientific management”. For example, scient ific management had no place for worker input into job \nanalysis. Not surprisingly, most organizations operating at the time Follett was writing continued to \nembrace Taylorism; however, Follett’s ideas regarding “cross -functioning”, the creation and use of cross -\ndepartmental teams, are now commonly applied by managers and modern organizations also rely heavily \non self -managed teams and empowerment initiatives that allow employees to contribute their knowledge \nand expertise.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n35 and that they have access to all of the organizational intellectual capital that they need in \norder to successfully carry out their activities. \n \n§26 --Ethics \n \nEthical behavior and social responsibility have become two important to pics for \nmanagers, particularly in light of the scandals and difficult economic times that have \nmade their marks on the first decade of the new century.77 Government regulations such \nas the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 have transformed the landscape for corp orate \ngovern ance of public companies in the US, with a particular focus on great disclosure and \ntransparency, and ethical guidelines have been promulgated by respected groups around \nthe world including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United \nNations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business \nEnterprises. Management concerns regarding compliance are no longer limited to their \nown organizations and are now being extended to business partners such a s suppliers \nunder new laws that call for firms to monitor their supply chains for evidence of human \ntrafficking and subpar working conditions. \n \nAnother interesting development in the US is the recognition of new legal forms of \ncorporations that explicitl y allow dire ctors to consider not only the interests of \nshareholders but also other important stakeholders such as employees, consumers and the \ncommunity. California, for example, permits the formation of “benefit corporations” for \nthe purpose of creating general pub lic ben efit, which is defined by statute as a material \npositive impact on society and the environment, taken as a whole, as assessed against a \nthird -party standard that satisfies certain requirements. Dire ctors of benefit corporations \nare requ ired to cons ider the impacts of any action or proposed action upon specified \nconsiderations including, among others, the shareholders and employees of the \ncorporation, customers of the corp oration who are beneficiaries of the general or specific \npublic ben efit purpose s and the environment. A handful of other states have adopted \nsimilar legislation covering benefit corporations, sometimes referred to as “B \ncorpor ations”, and there viability will depend in large part on the development of case \nlaw regarding the permissi ble purposes of such corporations and the flexibility afforded \nto directors in discharging their fiduciary duties. \n \nThe Ethical Manager \n \nWhen carrying out their duties and responsibilities managers may often find themselves confronted with an \n“ethical dil emma”, which a situation in the manager must decide whether to take a certain course of action \nthat helps another person or group and which is the “right thing to do” even if the action is not in the \nmanager’s own self -interest. In order for t he manager t o act effectively and appropriately in those \ninstances, he or she needs to have a fundamental understanding of ethics and how ethical principles apply \nto managers and their organizations. \n \nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner -guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that \nindividuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the \nappropriate way to behave. The concept of ethics can be viewed at several levels: \n \n77 Id. at 15 -16."
[llm/start] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain > 5:llm:ChatOpenAI] Entering LLM run with input:
"prompts": [
"System: Use the following pieces of context to answer the user's question. \nIf you don't know the answer, just say that you don't know, don't try to make up an answer.\n----------------\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n36 \n• Individual ethics are personal st andards and values that determine how people view their \nresponsibilities to other people and groups and how they should act in situations where their own self -\ninterest is at stake \n• Occupational ethics are standards that govern how members of a p articular pr ofession, trade or craft \nshould conduct themselves when performing their work -related activities \n• Organizational ethics are the guiding principles through which an organization and its managers view \ntheir duties and responsibilities to the organ ization’s st akeholders (e.g., owners, managers, employees, \nsuppliers and distributors, customers and the surrounding community) \n• Societal ethics are standards that govern how the members of a society deal with one another in \nmatters that involve issues such as fairness , justice, poverty and individual rights \n \nVan Auken argued that ethical managers demonstrated certain characteristics including: \n \n• Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees and minority members of \nsociety \n• Valuing e mployees as people as well as workers and giving respect to their family responsibilities, \ncommunity involvement and religious beliefs \n• Not deceiving people and simply telling them what they want to hear rather than the truth \n• Not playing psychological games with others , such as blame -shifting, practicing one -upmanship or \nplaying favorites \n• Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as \nwhat is achieved. \n• Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission (the “en ds”) more th an rules and regulations (the \n“means”) \n• A commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work \n \nVan Auken went on to recommend that managers understand and adhere to several guiding ethical \nprinciples when engaging in s upervisory b ehavior: \n \n• The “mission” principle: Stick to the basic mission of the organization (e.g., service, quality, value to \nthe customer) as the day -to-day guide to supervisory behavior and decision making \n• The “consistency” principle: Demand the same fair and obj ective standards from every employee. \n• The “constituency” principle: Consider the needs and rights of as many organizational stakeholders as \npossible in decision making \n• The “proactive” principle: Seek to exceed minimum expectations or rules when taking acti on and \nstrive to find ways to deliver as much as possible to others \n• The “holism” principle: Remember to keep the “big picture” in mind at all times and recognize the \nimportance of the personal side of employees in addition to their professional activities, the service \nside of business along with the profit side and the needs of the minority as well as the majority \n \nKelly and Williams also offered ethical rules and principles that managers could use to analyze the impact \nof their decisions on org anizational stakeholders: \n \n• The “utilitarian” rule: An ethical decision is one that produces the greatest good for the greatest \nnumber of people, which means that managers should compare alternative courses of action based on \nthe benefits and costs of each alternative for different organizational stakeholders \n• The “moral rights” rule: An ethical decision is the one that best maintains and protects the fundamental \nrights and privileges of the people affected by it, which means managers must take into account the \neffectiv e of each alternative decision on the rights of each affected stakeholder group. \n• The “justice” rule: An ethical decision is one that distributes both the benefits and the harms among the \norganizational stakeholders in a fair, equitable or impar tial manner \n• The “practical” rule: An ethical decision is one that a manager would have no hesitation \ncommunicating to others both inside and outside of the organization because they would find it to be\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n37 reasonable and acceptable (i.e., consistent with value s, norms and standards typically acknowledged \nand applied within the organization) \n \nLegal and ethical principles are not necessarily the same; however, laws generally reflect the ethical norms \nat a particular time. Ethical principles are also subject to c hange over t ime as societies evolve. Kelly and \nWilliams noted that there are no absolute or indisputable ethical rules or principals, but it has been \nsuggested the following core values arguably transcend political, religious, class and ethnic differences : \ntrustworth iness (i.e., honesty and following through on promises made); respect (i.e., showing \nconsideration for others and treating them as you would like to be treated); responsibility (i.e., \nperseverance, self -discipline and personal accountability); fairness (i. e., providing equal opportunities and \nbeing open -minded); caring (i.e., kindness and compassion); and citizenship (i.e., cooperation and \nwillingness to contribute to the broader community). \n \nEffective managers understand the beliefs and behavio rs of ethica l individuals and attempt to practice them \nas they engaged in their managerial roles and activities. Trevino et al. suggested that this means managing \nwith integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates, treating people the right way and playing \nfairly and striving for a high level of moral development. In addition, managers must do what they can to \ncreate and maintain an ethical organization that is based on ethical leadership (i.e., leader communications \nregarding ethics and values , role model ing, rewards for ethical behavior and swift and sure discipline for \nunethical behavior) and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior (i.e., \norganizational culture, code of ethics, ethics committee and chief ethics offi ce, ethics t raining and \nprocedures for anonymous reporting of ethical concerns (“whistleblowing”)). \n \nSources: M. Kelly and C. Williams, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, in M. Kelly and C. \nWilliams, BUSN: Introduction to Business, Business Ethi cs and Socia l Responsibility (Independence, KY: \nCengage Learning, 2015); P. Van Auken, http://business.baylor.edu/Phil_VanAuken/EthiclSupvr.html ; \nJosephson Institute’s 2009 Report Ca rd on the Et hics of American Youth Summary (“Universal Ethical \nStandards”); and L. Trevin, L. Harman and M. Brown, “Moral Person and Moral Manager”, California \nManagement Review, 42(4) (Summer 2000), 128.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n24 that they can provide guidelines for effectively control behavior within an organization and increasing \nthe performance of a bureaucratic system. \n \nJones and George commented th at strong and skillf ul management was essential to making a bureaucratic \nsystem work and that poor management could quickly lead to the complex system of rules and procedures \nimpeding operations and causing decision making to become slow and inefficient. \n \nJones and George sum marized Fayol’s principles of management as follows: \n \n• Division of labor: Job specialization and the division of labor should increase efficiency \n• Authority and responsibility: Managers have the right to give orders and the power to exhor t \nsubordinates for o bedience \n• Unity of command: An employee should receive orders from only one superior \n• Line of authority: The length of the chain of command that extends from the top to the bottom of an \norganization should be limited \n• Centralization: Autho rity should not be c oncentrated at the top of the chain of command \n• Unity of direction: Operations within the organization that have the same objective should be directed \nby only one manager using one plan \n• Equity: Managers should be both friendly and fair t o their subordinates \n• Order: Materials and people should be in the right place at the right time \n• Initiative: Subordinates should be given the freedom to conceive and carry out their plans, even though \nsome mistakes may result \n• Discipline: Members in an organ ization need to resp ect the rules and agreements that govern the \norganization \n• Remuneration: Compensation for work done should be fair to both employees and employers \n• Stability of tenure of personnel: High employee turnover rate undermines the efficient fun ctioning of \nan organ ization \n• Subordination of individual interests: Interests of employees should not take precedence over the \ninterests of the organization as a whole \n• Esprit de corps: Promoting team spirit will give the organization a sense of unity \n \nFinal ly, Jones and George emphasized the following points regarding Follett’s concerns about emphasizing \nthe “human side of the organization” and encouraging managers to involve their subordinates in planning \nand decisions: \n \n• Workers are the people who know the most about their job s and they should be involved in job \nanalysis and participate with their managers in the work development process. \n• Provided that workers have the relevant knowledge, they, rather than their managers, should be in \ncontrol of the work pro cess and the role of managers should be limited to coaching and facilitating. \n• Organizations should rely upon cross -departmental teams composed of persons from different \nfunctional departments to carry out required projects. \n• Leadership should be based on kn owledge and expertis e rather than upon formal authority given to a \nmanager based on his or her position in the hierarchy. \n• Power and authority in the organization should be fluid and flow to those persons who are best able to \nassist the organization in achi eving its goals. \n \nJones and George commented that Follett’s approach was considered to be quite radical during her time \nand clearly her principals flew in the face of much of what Taylor advocated in pushing organizations to \nadopt “scientific management”. For example, scient ific management had no place for worker input into job \nanalysis. Not surprisingly, most organizations operating at the time Follett was writing continued to \nembrace Taylorism; however, Follett’s ideas regarding “cross -functioning”, the creation and use of cross -\ndepartmental teams, are now commonly applied by managers and modern organizations also rely heavily \non self -managed teams and empowerment initiatives that allow employees to contribute their knowledge \nand expertise.\n\nIntroduction to Management Studies \n35 and that they have access to all of the organizational intellectual capital that they need in \norder to successfully carry out their activities. \n \n§26 --Ethics \n \nEthical behavior and social responsibility have become two important to pics for \nmanagers, particularly in light of the scandals and difficult economic times that have \nmade their marks on the first decade of the new century.77 Government regulations such \nas the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 have transformed the landscape for corp orate \ngovern ance of public companies in the US, with a particular focus on great disclosure and \ntransparency, and ethical guidelines have been promulgated by respected groups around \nthe world including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the United \nNations Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business \nEnterprises. Management concerns regarding compliance are no longer limited to their \nown organizations and are now being extended to business partners such a s suppliers \nunder new laws that call for firms to monitor their supply chains for evidence of human \ntrafficking and subpar working conditions. \n \nAnother interesting development in the US is the recognition of new legal forms of \ncorporations that explicitl y allow dire ctors to consider not only the interests of \nshareholders but also other important stakeholders such as employees, consumers and the \ncommunity. California, for example, permits the formation of “benefit corporations” for \nthe purpose of creating general pub lic ben efit, which is defined by statute as a material \npositive impact on society and the environment, taken as a whole, as assessed against a \nthird -party standard that satisfies certain requirements. Dire ctors of benefit corporations \nare requ ired to cons ider the impacts of any action or proposed action upon specified \nconsiderations including, among others, the shareholders and employees of the \ncorporation, customers of the corp oration who are beneficiaries of the general or specific \npublic ben efit purpose s and the environment. A handful of other states have adopted \nsimilar legislation covering benefit corporations, sometimes referred to as “B \ncorpor ations”, and there viability will depend in large part on the development of case \nlaw regarding the permissi ble purposes of such corporations and the flexibility afforded \nto directors in discharging their fiduciary duties. \n \nThe Ethical Manager \n \nWhen carrying out their duties and responsibilities managers may often find themselves confronted with an \n“ethical dil emma”, which a situation in the manager must decide whether to take a certain course of action \nthat helps another person or group and which is the “right thing to do” even if the action is not in the \nmanager’s own self -interest. In order for t he manager t o act effectively and appropriately in those \ninstances, he or she needs to have a fundamental understanding of ethics and how ethical principles apply \nto managers and their organizations. \n \nAccording to Kelly and Williams, ethics are the inner -guiding moral principles, values, and beliefs that \nindividuals and groups use to analyze or interpret a situation and then decide what is right and the \nappropriate way to behave. The concept of ethics can be viewed at several levels: \n \n77 Id. at 15 -16.\nHuman: What should be the qualities of a good ethical manager?"
[llm/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain > 5:llm:ChatOpenAI] [7.07s] Exiting LLM run with output:
"generations": [
"text": "According to the provided context, a good ethical manager should possess the following qualities:\n\n1. Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees, and minority members of society.\n2. Valuing employees as people as well as workers and respecting their family responsibilities, community involvement, and religious beliefs.\n3. Being honest and not deceiving people by telling them what they want to hear.\n4. Avoiding psychological games with others, such as blame-shifting, practicing one-upmanship, or playing favorites.\n5. Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as what is achieved.\n6. Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission more than rules and regulations.\n7. Commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work.\n8. Managing with integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates.\n9. Treating people the right way and playing fairly.\n10. Striving for a high level of moral development.\n11. Creating and maintaining an ethical organization based on ethical leadership and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior.\n\nThese qualities reflect the importance of considering the interests and well-being of others, being honest and fair, and creating an ethical work environment.",
"generation_info": {
"finish_reason": "stop"
"type": "ChatGeneration",
"message": {
"lc": 1,
"type": "constructor",
"id": [
"kwargs": {
"content": "According to the provided context, a good ethical manager should possess the following qualities:\n\n1. Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees, and minority members of society.\n2. Valuing employees as people as well as workers and respecting their family responsibilities, community involvement, and religious beliefs.\n3. Being honest and not deceiving people by telling them what they want to hear.\n4. Avoiding psychological games with others, such as blame-shifting, practicing one-upmanship, or playing favorites.\n5. Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as what is achieved.\n6. Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission more than rules and regulations.\n7. Commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work.\n8. Managing with integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates.\n9. Treating people the right way and playing fairly.\n10. Striving for a high level of moral development.\n11. Creating and maintaining an ethical organization based on ethical leadership and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior.\n\nThese qualities reflect the importance of considering the interests and well-being of others, being honest and fair, and creating an ethical work environment.",
"additional_kwargs": {}
"llm_output": {
"token_usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 2874,
"completion_tokens": 252,
"total_tokens": 3126
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k"
"run": null
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain > 4:chain:LLMChain] [7.07s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"text": "According to the provided context, a good ethical manager should possess the following qualities:\n\n1. Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees, and minority members of society.\n2. Valuing employees as people as well as workers and respecting their family responsibilities, community involvement, and religious beliefs.\n3. Being honest and not deceiving people by telling them what they want to hear.\n4. Avoiding psychological games with others, such as blame-shifting, practicing one-upmanship, or playing favorites.\n5. Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as what is achieved.\n6. Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission more than rules and regulations.\n7. Commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work.\n8. Managing with integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates.\n9. Treating people the right way and playing fairly.\n10. Striving for a high level of moral development.\n11. Creating and maintaining an ethical organization based on ethical leadership and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior.\n\nThese qualities reflect the importance of considering the interests and well-being of others, being honest and fair, and creating an ethical work environment."
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA > 3:chain:StuffDocumentsChain] [7.08s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"output_text": "According to the provided context, a good ethical manager should possess the following qualities:\n\n1. Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees, and minority members of society.\n2. Valuing employees as people as well as workers and respecting their family responsibilities, community involvement, and religious beliefs.\n3. Being honest and not deceiving people by telling them what they want to hear.\n4. Avoiding psychological games with others, such as blame-shifting, practicing one-upmanship, or playing favorites.\n5. Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as what is achieved.\n6. Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission more than rules and regulations.\n7. Commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work.\n8. Managing with integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates.\n9. Treating people the right way and playing fairly.\n10. Striving for a high level of moral development.\n11. Creating and maintaining an ethical organization based on ethical leadership and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior.\n\nThese qualities reflect the importance of considering the interests and well-being of others, being honest and fair, and creating an ethical work environment."
[chain/end] [1:chain:RetrievalQA] [11.25s] Exiting Chain run with output:
"result": "According to the provided context, a good ethical manager should possess the following qualities:\n\n1. Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees, and minority members of society.\n2. Valuing employees as people as well as workers and respecting their family responsibilities, community involvement, and religious beliefs.\n3. Being honest and not deceiving people by telling them what they want to hear.\n4. Avoiding psychological games with others, such as blame-shifting, practicing one-upmanship, or playing favorites.\n5. Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as what is achieved.\n6. Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission more than rules and regulations.\n7. Commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work.\n8. Managing with integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates.\n9. Treating people the right way and playing fairly.\n10. Striving for a high level of moral development.\n11. Creating and maintaining an ethical organization based on ethical leadership and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior.\n\nThese qualities reflect the importance of considering the interests and well-being of others, being honest and fair, and creating an ethical work environment."
CPU times: user 174 ms, sys: 12.1 ms, total: 186 ms
Wall time: 11.2 s
According to the provided context, a good ethical manager should possess the following qualities:
1. Looking out for the interests of others, including customers, employees, and minority members of society.
2. Valuing employees as people as well as workers and respecting their family responsibilities, community involvement, and religious beliefs.
3. Being honest and not deceiving people by telling them what they want to hear.
4. Avoiding psychological games with others, such as blame-shifting, practicing one-upmanship, or playing favorites.
5. Valuing people over pragmatism and recognizing that how things are achieved is just as important as what is achieved.
6. Focusing on the ultimate objective or mission more than rules and regulations.
7. Commitment to ideals beyond self, such as honesty, fair play, and quality work.
8. Managing with integrity and honesty, inspiring trust from subordinates.
9. Treating people the right way and playing fairly.
10. Striving for a high level of moral development.
11. Creating and maintaining an ethical organization based on ethical leadership and structures and systems that support and reinforce ethical behavior.
These qualities reflect the importance of considering the interests and well-being of others, being honest and fair, and creating an ethical work environment.
HyDE,或称为假设文档扩展,利用语言学习模型(如 ChatGPT)生成理论文档,以提高搜索精度。它使用无监督编码器将理论文档转换为检索向量。这种方法在 web 搜索、QA 和事实验证等任务中表现出强大的性能,与精心调优的检索器相当。然而,它并非完美无缺;如果主题对模型(1002)完全陌生,该方法可能会产生不准确的信息。尽管如此,HyDE 标志着检索技术的重大进步,通过关注答案到答案的嵌入相似性提供了一种新颖的方法。