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Dividend ETFs vs Stocks: Comparison Guide
股息 ETF 与股票:比较指南

Learn the similarities and differences between dividend ETFs and stocks in this installment of etf.com's Dividend Content Series.
在本期 etf.com 股息内容系列中了解股息 ETF 和股票之间的异同。

Reviewed by: etf.com Staff
Edited by: Ron Day

Should you invest in dividend ETFs, or is it better to invest in dividend stocks? As always, the answer depends on several factors, including an investor’s financial goals, risk tolerance and investing style. 
您应该投资股息 ETF,还是投资股息股票更好?与往常一样,答案取决于几个因素,包括投资者的财务目标、风险承受能力和投资风格。

Read on to learn the similarities, differences and risks of dividend ETFs versus dividend stocks. 

Dividend ETFs vs Stocks: The Basics 
股息 ETF 与股票:基础知识

Dividend ETFs and dividend stocks have multiple similarities, such as income generation and overall market risk, but depending on the specific ETF or stocks chosen by the investor, there can be differences in yield, risk and performance between these two investment security types. 

Here are the basics on dividend ETFs and dividend stocks: 
以下是股息 ETF 和股息股票的基础知识:

What Is a Dividend ETF? 

A dividend ETF is an exchange-traded fund that invests in a collection of dividend-paying stocks. The ETF is designed to track the performance of an underlying index, such as the S&P 500 Dividend Aristocrats or the Dow Jones Select Dividend Index, which are composed of companies with a history of consistently paying and increasing their dividends over time. 
股息 ETF 是一种交易所交易基金,投资于一系列支付股息的股票。该ETF旨在跟踪标的指数的表现,例如标准普尔500股息贵族指数或道琼斯精选股息指数,这些指数由具有持续支付和增加股息历史的公司组成。

Dividend ETFs also offer the benefits of an ETF, such as ease of trading on an exchange, diversification, low expense ratios and tax efficiency. For example, by investing in a dividend ETF, investors can gain exposure to a diversified portfolio of companies that have a history of paying dividends, which can provide a steady stream of income.  
股息 ETF 还提供 ETF 的好处,例如在交易所交易的便利性、多元化、低费用率和税收效率。例如,通过投资股息ETF,投资者可以接触到具有支付股息历史的多元化公司投资组合,从而提供稳定的收入来源。

What Is a Dividend Stock? 

A dividend stock is a stock issued by a company that regularly pays a portion of their profits to shareholders in the form of dividends. Dividends are typically paid out quarterly, although some companies may pay them out annually or semiannually. Dividend stocks are usually issued by well-established, financially stable companies with a history of paying dividends. 

Investing in dividend stocks can provide investors with a source of regular income, as well as the potential for long-term capital appreciation. Dividend stocks are often favored by income-seeking investors and those with a more conservative investment strategy, as they tend to be less volatile than growth stocks or other types of stocks. 

When investing in dividend stocks, it's important to carefully consider the company's financial health and dividend history, as well as broader market conditions and the overall risk of the investment. Additionally, investors should be aware that dividends are not guaranteed and can be reduced or eliminated by the company at any time. 

Dividend ETFs vs Stocks: Performance 

In general, whether dividend ETFs outperform individual stocks or not depends on the specific stocks in the ETF, the investment strategy of the ETF and the market conditions at any given time. While a single stock can outperform a basket of stocks, individual stocks also have the potential for underperformance compared with an ETF. 
一般而言,股息ETF的表现是否优于个股,取决于ETF的具体股票、ETF的投资策略以及任何特定时间的市场情况。虽然一只股票的表现可以跑赢一篮子股票,但与 ETF 相比,个股也有可能表现不佳。

For example, dividend ETFs can provide investors with exposure to a diversified portfolio of dividend-paying stocks, which can help to reduce risk and provide a reliable source of income. However, dividend ETFs may not offer the same level of potential return as investing in individual stocks that have the potential to grow rapidly in value.  

Dividend ETFs vs Stocks: The Similarities 
股息 ETF 与股票:相似之处

Dividend ETFs and stocks share some similarities, including: 

  • Trading: Both dividend ETFs and stocks are traded on public exchanges, and their prices fluctuate based on supply and demand in the market. 
  • Income potential: Both dividend ETFs and stocks have the potential to generate income for investors. Stocks can provide income through dividends, and dividend ETFs can provide income through the dividends paid by the underlying stocks. 
  • Risk: Both dividend ETFs and stocks involve some level of risk. The value of a stock or a dividend ETF can go up or down based on a variety of factors, including the performance of the underlying company or companies, economic conditions and market trends. 
  • Liquidity: Both dividend ETFs and stocks are highly liquid investments, which means that they can be bought and sold easily on public exchanges. 

Dividend ETFs vs Stocks: The Differences 
股息 ETF 与股票:差异

Dividend ETFs and stocks have several differences, including: 
股息 ETF 和股票有几个区别,包括:

  1. Diversification: Dividend ETFs invest in a portfolio of stocks, while individual stocks represent ownership in a single company. This means that dividend ETFs provide investors with greater diversification, which can help to reduce risk. 
    多元化:股息 ETF 投资于股票投资组合,而个股代表一家公司的所有权。这意味着股息ETF为投资者提供了更大的多元化,这有助于降低风险。
  2. Income consistency: Dividend ETFs are designed to provide consistent income to investors through the dividends paid by the underlying stocks. While individual stocks may also pay dividends, their dividend payouts can be less consistent than those of dividend ETFs. 
    收入一致性:股息 ETF 旨在通过标的股票支付的股息为投资者提供稳定的收入。虽然个股也可能支付股息,但它们的股息支付可能不如股息 ETF 一致。
  3. Expense ratios: Dividend ETFs typically have lower expense ratios than actively managed funds, and may have lower expenses and trading costs than buying a diversified portfolio of individual dividend stocks.  
    费用比率:股息 ETF 的费用比率通常低于主动管理基金,并且可能比购买多元化的个别股息股票投资组合具有更低的费用和交易成本。
  4. Management: Dividend ETFs are managed by professional fund managers who make decisions about which stocks to include in the ETF and when to buy or sell those stocks. Individual stocks, on the other hand, require investors to make their own investment decisions. 
    管理:股息 ETF 由专业基金经理管理,他们决定将哪些股票纳入 ETF 以及何时买入或卖出这些股票。另一方面,个股要求投资者做出自己的投资决策。
  5. Risk: While dividend ETFs provide greater diversification and may be less risky than individual stocks, they are still subject to market risk and can experience declines in value. 

Dividend ETFs vs Stocks: The Risks 
股息 ETF 与股票:风险

Dividend ETFs and individual dividend stocks have different characteristics and risks, and investors should carefully consider their investment goals and risk tolerance before deciding which type of investment is right for them. 

Here are some risks specific to each: 

Risks of Dividend ETFs 

  • Market risk: The value of dividend ETFs can fluctuate based on market conditions and the performance of the underlying stocks in the ETF. 
  • Sector concentration risk: Some dividend ETFs may be heavily concentrated in certain sectors, which can increase risk if those sectors experience a downturn. 
  • Interest rate risk: Rising interest rates can negatively impact dividend ETFs, as higher rates can make other income-generating assets more attractive to investors. 

Risks of Dividend Stocks 

  • Market risk: The value of a stock can fluctuate based on overall market conditions and economic factors, such as changes in interest rates, inflation or geopolitical events.  
  • Company-specific risk: The value of a single stock can be impacted by company-specific factors, such as poor financial performance, management changes or negative news. This risk can be magnified if an investor has a concentrated position in a single stock. 
  • Dividend reduction or elimination: Companies can reduce or eliminate their dividends for a variety of reasons, such as changes in the business cycle or financial difficulties. This can result in a decrease in income for investors and a decline in the value of the stock. 
  • Interest rate risk: Dividend stocks can be sensitive to changes in interest rates, particularly if a stock has a high dividend yield. When interest rates rise, income-generating assets such as bonds become more attractive, which can lead to a decline in the stock price. 

Dividend ETFs or Dividend Stocks: Which Is Better? 
股息 ETF 或股息股票:哪个更好?

Dividend ETFs can be a good option for investors looking for a low-cost, diversified and reliable source of income from their investments. Dividend stocks may be a better option for investors who prefer to choose their own investments. Ultimately, deciding which is the best choice comes down to the individual investor’s financial goals, risk tolerance and investing style. 
对于寻求低成本、多元化和可靠投资收入来源的投资者来说,股息 ETF 可能是一个不错的选择。对于喜欢选择自己投资的投资者来说,股息股票可能是更好的选择。最终,决定哪个是最佳选择取决于个人投资者的财务目标、风险承受能力和投资风格。

Investors who may benefit from investing in dividend ETFs include: 

  • Retirees and income-seeking investors: Dividend ETFs can provide a regular stream of income, making them a good choice for retirees or other investors who rely on their investments for income. 
    退休人员和寻求收入的投资者:股息 ETF 可以提供固定的收入来源,使其成为退休人员或其他依赖其投资获得收入的投资者的不错选择。
  • Long-term investors: Investing in dividend ETFs can be a good way to build long-term wealth, as the dividends paid out by the underlying stocks can be reinvested to purchase additional shares of the ETF. 
  • Risk-averse investors: Dividend ETFs can be less risky than individual stocks, as they provide exposure to a diversified portfolio of stocks across multiple sectors. This can help to reduce the risk of any one stock having a significant impact on the overall performance of the ETF. 
    规避风险的投资者:股息 ETF 的风险可能低于个股,因为它们提供了跨多个行业的多元化股票投资组合。这有助于降低任何一只股票对ETF的整体表现产生重大影响的风险。
  • Passive investors: Dividend ETFs are passively managed, which means that investors don't need to spend a lot of time researching and analyzing individual stocks. 
  • Investors looking for low-cost investments: Dividend ETFs typically have lower expense ratios than actively managed funds and may have lower expenses than buying a diversified portfolio of individual stocks. 
    寻求低成本投资的投资者:股息 ETF 的费用比率通常低于主动管理基金,并且可能比购买多元化个股投资组合的费用更低。

Investors who may benefit from investing in dividend stocks include: 

  • Do-it-yourself investors: Dividend stocks may be a better choice for investors who prefer to select their own investments as opposed to buying a professionally managed fund. 
  • Income-seeking investors: Dividend stocks can provide a regular stream of income, making them a good choice for investors who are seeking to generate income from their investments. 
  • Long-term investors: Investing in dividend stocks can be a good way to build long-term wealth, as the dividends paid out by the stocks can be reinvested to purchase additional shares of the stock. 
  • Value investors: Dividend stocks can be a good choice for investors who are looking for undervalued stocks that may have strong fundamentals and a history of paying dividends. 
  • Risk-averse investors: Dividend stocks can be less risky than growth stocks or other types of stocks, as they typically have a more established track record of stable earnings and dividends. 
  • Contrarian investors: Dividend stocks that have experienced a temporary decline in share price may be undervalued, providing an opportunity for contrarian investors to purchase the stock at a discounted price. 

Bottom Line on Dividend ETFs vs Dividend Stocks
股息 ETF 与股息股票的底线

Dividend ETFs and dividend stocks can both generate income and provide long-term growth for investors. However, they both carry similar degrees of market risk. Therefore, the choice of ETFs versus stocks comes down to an investor’s personal preferences, investing goals and tolerance for risk.

Kent Thune is Research Lead for etf.com, focusing on educational content, thought leadership, content management and search engine optimization. Before joining etf.com, he wrote for numerous investment websites, including Seeking Alpha and Kiplinger. 

Kent holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree and is a practicing Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) with 25 years of experience managing investments, guiding clients through some of the worst economic and market environments in U.S. history. He has also served as an adjunct professor, teaching classes for The College of Charleston and Trident Technical College on the topics of retirement planning, business finance, and entrepreneurship. 
Kent 拥有工商管理硕士学位 (MBA),是一名执业注册财务规划师 (CFP®),拥有 25 年的投资管理经验,指导客户度过美国历史上最糟糕的经济和市场环境。他还曾担任兼职教授,为查尔斯顿学院和三叉戟技术学院教授退休计划、商业金融和创业等主题的课程。

Kent founded a registered investment advisory firm in 2006 and is based in Hilton Head Island, SC, where he lives with his wife and two sons. Outside of work, Kent enjoys spending time with his family, playing guitar, and working on his philosophy book, which he plans to publish in the coming year.

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