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Star Wars - All Media TypesStar Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order (Video Game)Star Wars Prequel TrilogyStar Wars Original Trilogy
星球大战 - 所有媒体类型星球大战:绝地:陨落的武士团(电子游戏)星球大战前传三部曲星球大战原创三部曲


Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin SkywalkerObi-Wan Kenobi/Cal KestisObi-Wan Kenobi & Cal KestisCal Kestis & Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader
欧比旺·克诺比/阿纳金·天行者欧比旺·克诺比/卡尔·凯斯蒂斯欧比旺·克诺比和卡尔·凯斯蒂斯卡尔·凯斯蒂斯和阿纳金·天行者 |达斯·维达


Obi-Wan KenobiCal KestisAnakin Skywalker | Darth VaderMerrin (Star Wars)Cere JundaQui-Gon JinnOwen LarsBeru WhitesunLuke Skywalker
欧比旺·克诺比卡尔·凯斯蒂斯阿纳金·天行者 |达斯·维德梅林(星球大战)塞雷·琼达奎贡·金欧文·拉斯贝鲁·怀特森卢克·天行者

Additional Tags:

Heavy AngstHurt/ComfortPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSDPsychological TraumaFriendship/LoveFeelsMaster & Padawan Relationship(s)Platonic Relationships
重度焦虑伤害/安慰创伤后应激障碍 - 创伤后应激障碍心理学创伤友谊/爱感觉大师与学徒关系柏拉图式关系




Part 1 of Kybersong Next Work →
Kybersong Next Work → 的第 1 部分



F. Schubert/F. Liszt - Serenade in D minor
F. 舒伯特/F. 李斯特 - D 小调小夜曲



In his exile on Tatooine Obi-Wan isn't keen on the idea of having guests, but something about Cal Kestis makes him change his mind.
在流放塔图因期间,欧比旺并不热衷于邀请客人的想法,但 Cal Kestis 的一些事情让他改变了主意。


I mean, if Cal could sense force-echoes from Trilla's lightsaber, there's no way he could have supressed the echoes from Vader's armor, had he touched it. So I elaborated on this idea and went on with it, 'cuz Cal and Obi-Wan both deserved better!
我的意思是,如果卡尔能从特里拉的光剑中感应到原力回波,那么如果他触碰了维达的盔甲,他就不可能压制住它。所以我详细阐述了这个想法并继续进行,因为 Cal 和 Obi-Wan 都应该得到更好的!

Chapter 1: Obi-Wan Kenobi
第 1 章:欧比旺·克诺比

Chapter Text

Mustafar was a scorchingly hot planet. Has always been, and yet, despite the rivers of lava flowing across the planet’s surface Obi-Wan felt cold. With each strike he blocked, with each word Anakin screamed at him in his soul-consuming rage, with each passing moment he felt colder still. He didn’t know how it came to this; he had no idea why he agreed to- ...no. He didn’t agree to this; killing his Padawan was not a possibility he could ever consider, even after watching the security recordings where... where Anakin did the unthinkable, slaying younglings, the horrendous, unforgivable act, and yet Obi-Wan still wanted — still hoped — to talk him down, show him that there was still way back to the light.

“The Jedi are evil” — how could this thought had ever crossed anybody’s mind? How could have Anakin believed that the Order was corrupted, more so - to the point of plotting against the parliament, the Republic, for Force’s sake, the very thing they’ve all sworn to protect?!

But Anakin did not listen, completely lost to Palpatine’s sickening, twisted lies; they were all he was willing to believe and cared not for what Obi-Wan had to say. Yoda warned him that this would happen. That there was no Anakin anymore — that he was consumed by the Dark Side, with no turning back, and yet... Obi-Wan didn’t want to believe it. Couldn’t. There was simply no way someone like Anakin, someone who used to believe that people in the galaxy had to help each other turned to dark so quick and so completely.

"I have failed you, Anakin. I have failed you.”

Failed to teach him to think, to see through the lies of others, to keep the light in his soul from fading.

There was no end to their duel; Anakin was strong, has always been, his anger only fueling his strength, but it was Obi-Wan who taught him to fight, which made almost his every move predictable. Even so, Anakin wasn’t the one to ever give up. Obi-wan knew that, and yet, as he stared down at his apprentice on a platform towering over the lava, he pleaded with him to do so. Not to try making that jump, because...

He watched in mute horror as Anakin leaped up from the platform, as his own hand jerked up, blinding bright blue of his lightsaber right before his eyes and then a scream, a thud of cut limbs falling to the ground, rolling down. He half-remembered picking up Anakin’s lightsaber before yelling his love out on what remained of the man who was once his — his Padawan, his brother, his deepest attachment, his home — everything. His heart froze and shattered into thousands pieces, as Anakin’s clothes caught fire and ignited, as he screamed in pain, in hate, eyes burning with the same yellow colour as the flames. It would have been merciful to strike him down, to bring him death and yet, Obi-Wan could not. A better Jedi would have. A better man would have, but all he could do was turn away, teardrops colder still on his cheekbones, vision — a blur.

He didn’t remember how he got back to the ship; there were just flashes of images, faded, almost black and white. Padme, asking him, if Anakin was alright, before slipping back into unconsciousness, Bail Organa and Master Yoda meeting him on the landing platform of Polis Massa. A med droid telling him, that despite their best efforts Padme decided to just give up living. Oh, how he wanted to do the same. But he could not, his life was not his own; it belonged to the Order, even if it crumbled right before his eyes. So, he followed Yoda’s words, took the boy to Tatooine, to his family. He knew that Anakin — Darth Vader — won’t be looking for anybody there. A hoarse, pained laugh escaped his throat as he plotted a course to the far-away planet: Anakin hated the damn place.
他不记得自己是怎么回到船上的;只有一闪而过的图像,褪色,几乎是黑白的。帕德梅问他,阿纳金还好吗,然后又陷入了昏迷,保尔·奥加纳和尤达大师在 Polis Massa 的着陆平台上遇到了他。一个医疗机器人告诉他,尽管他们尽了最大的努力,但 Padme 还是决定放弃生活。哦,他多么想做同样的事情。但他不能,他的生命不是他自己的;它属于教团,即使它在他眼前崩塌。所以,他听从尤达的话,带着男孩去了塔图因,去找他的家人。他知道阿纳金——达斯·维达——不会在那里找任何人。一声嘶哑、痛苦的笑声从他的喉咙里传出,他正在规划通往遥远星球的路线:阿纳金讨厌这个该死的地方。

Five years on Tatooine were same blurry fog, coloured in all the colours of sepia. The rough planet wasn’t a welcoming place, not that he ever thought of it this way before. Worst of all, were its people and their attitudes combined his own desire to still be a Jedi, which he could not afford. He still found himself breaking up fights in cantinas and shops, mind-tricking slave-owners, Force, he even unraveled the whole plot with fake tusken raiders’ attacks and sent a woman with two kids to live a better life off Tatooine. It frustrated him to no end, how he couldn’t stay out of everything and mind his own kriffing business — if only he had any.
在塔图因的五年里,还是一样的模糊雾气,被棕褐色的所有颜色所着色。这颗粗糙的星球不是一个受欢迎的地方,他以前从来没有这样想过。最糟糕的是,那里的人们和他们的态度结合了他自己仍然想成为绝地武士的愿望,这是他无法承受的。他仍然发现自己在小酒馆和商店里打架,欺骗心灵的奴隶主,Force,他甚至用假的塔斯肯袭击者揭开了整个阴谋,并派了一个带着两个孩子的女人去塔图因过上更好的生活。这让他无比沮丧,他怎么不能置身事外,只管自己的 kriffing 生意——如果他有的话。

Lars family didn’t like him one bit. Didn’t allow him to visit. He still insisted on bringing them supplies now and then, watched Luke from afar, a clever, curious boy — a boy he who shined so brightly in the Force, a boy he should have been already training — he was growing in a miniature copy of his biological father, resembling Anakin in his affinity for all things mechanical, as well as piloting. The Force made those things easy for him. There was just less anger, less frustration; this boy was no slave, this boy knew more kindness from the world around him, than Anakin ever did.
Lars 家人一点也不喜欢他。不允许他来探望。他仍然坚持时不时地给他们带来补给,远远地看着卢克,一个聪明、好奇的男孩——一个在原力中闪耀的男孩,一个他应该已经在训练的男孩——他正在成长为他亲生父亲的微型复制品,与阿纳金一样,对所有机械事物的喜爱都很相似。 以及飞行员。原力让这些事情对他来说变得容易。只是愤怒少了,挫败感少了;这个男孩不是奴隶,这个男孩比阿纳金更了解他周围世界的善意。

Qui-Gon started talking to him during his second year on the desert planet and has become his only company ever since. It seemed to Obi-Wan that his master simply waited for his breaking point, because Qui-Gon waltzed inside when he was at his lowest, struggling to sleep because of nightmares that tortured him every time he closed his eyes, unable to stay awake because there is only so much time one can go without sleep, unable to see the point in being on this planet — why did it matter if he wasn’t allowed anywhere near the boy he was supposed to protect? A warm hand covered his own, as he held Anakin’s lightsaber over his heart. It would have been only fitting to — ignite it, feel it slice through his flesh and bones — to die from his Padawan’s weapon.
Qui-Gon 在他来到沙漠星球的第二年就开始与他交谈,从那时起就成为他唯一的陪伴。在欧比旺看来,他的主人只是在等待他的崩溃点,因为 Qui-Gon 在他最低谷的时候在里面跳华尔兹,每次闭上眼睛时都会因为噩梦而难以入睡,因为一个人可以不睡觉的时间只有这么多,无法看到在这个星球上的意义——如果不允许他靠近他应该保护的男孩?一只温暖的手捂住了自己的手,将阿纳金的光剑举在了自己的心上。这本来是再合适不过的了——点燃它,感觉它切开了他的肉和骨头——死在他 Padawan 的武器下。

“Your focus determines your reality,” Qui-Gon told him quietly, voice soft, serene. “It’s something you seem to have forgotten about, Obi-Wan.”

It was all it took to talk him down. The moment of weakness was gone, but the nightmares were not. Days spent in meditation together with his Master didn’t seem as long or as wasted as others, as he tried to connect with the Force closer than ever before; letting it flow through him and let his spirit flow with it. It wasn’t an easy task. Letting go of his fears, his anxieties, his sorrows was torture, as he had to accept them first, re-live each and every one of them and that felt like tearing open old wounds. A long process, which took him three more years, before they finally, finally got to untangling the mess which used to come by the name of Anakin Skywalker.

Obi-Wan caught himself on the thought that he had no idea what day or what month it was, in his search for serenity he lost track of time, of his surroundings completely — he still checked on Luke, though, through the Force, he could now feel him better than ever before. Luke was not the only being he could feel, there were his parents, there was a settlement nearby, an oasis which Obi-Wan knew too well to ever visit again, the tusken raiders in the desert, a herd of banthas and… something new, unfamiliar. He could sense a spaceship approaching, and on it… a latero, two humans and a zabrak.
欧比旺发现自己不知道今天是哪一天或哪个月,在寻找宁静的过程中,他完全忘记了时间,忘记了周围的环境——他仍然检查着卢克,尽管,通过原力,他现在比以往任何时候都更能感觉到他。卢克并不是他唯一能感觉到的存在,还有他的父母,附近有一个定居点,一个欧比旺再也不想去的绿洲,沙漠中的塔斯肯袭击者,一群班塔人,还有......一些新的、陌生的东西。他能感觉到一艘宇宙飞船正在接近,在上面......一个 latero,两个人类和一个 zabrak。

Three of them were force-users. The zabrak was soaked by the dark side of the Force, and yet the dark appeared somehow controlled, lacked the hatred Sith usually reeked of.
其中 3 人是原力使用者。扎布拉克被原力的黑暗面浸透了,但黑暗似乎以某种方式被控制,缺乏西斯通常散发的仇恨。

“A nightsister,” he recognized.

One of the humans was stained by the dark and yet still fighting, light bleak, but not fading. A former Jedi, probably. He could only guess how many touched the Dark Side on the day Order 66 was executed.
其中一个人类被黑暗染红,但仍然在战斗,光明黯淡,但并没有消逝。可能是前绝地武士。他只能猜测在 66 号命令被执行的那天,有多少人触碰了黑暗面。

The third one… Obi-Wan couldn’t really tell. There was no Dark, the presence oddly familiar, and yet not at all — because it couldn’t be, he knew it couldn’t, the boy he trained was gone, gone, gone, gone — he couldn’t quite place the feeling.

His eyes now open, senses sharp, he stood up from his meditation spot, reached for his lightsaber and secured it on his belt. He didn’t anticipate a fight, but just in case the negotiations turn aggressive...

Whatever those four wanted, he didn’t want them . He didn’t want attention three force-users could bring to this place, to him, to the child he had sworn to protect.

So, he stepped outside, leaning against the warm stone wall of his hut, the sunlight bright, as it has always been on Tatooine, two suns in an endless chase across the sky. A small ship landed in the distance, it’s silhouette sleek, sharp, elegant; built for luxury, it seemed, more than long-term travel.

Three people walked out of the ship. They had a brief conversation, it seemed, and then one stayed behind. “The dark didn’t follow,” — the Force whispered.

The two slowly walked closer, fighting the sands and the heat of midday suns, and oh, they were not dressed for the weather, their figures dark spots over the pale-beige sand; an easy target for whatever chose to strike, the reason why Obi-Wan could see them from afar.

“Wait, I think, I sense something,” a voice carried across the empty desert, loud and clear, as one of the people kneeled on the sand, outstretching his hand, to feel the Force, and then jerked back, as if from the impact. “Yes, he was here. Not long ago, he spoke to somebody, his… his… I can’t, I don’t know, let’s just go.”

“Cal, do you really want to meet him? I can see what those echoes do to you, maybe it would be better to leave it be? I can’t sense darkness in this place.” came a soft reply, in a voice which was barely familiar. Something from another life, someone Obi-Wan might have met in the Temple. A former Jedi.

So, they were a master-Padawan pair. Curious. Curious how the Padawan was the one to feel the force, to sense his conversation with Qui-Gon in the desert which took place the other night, especially considering how dim the young man’s force signature was. Obi-Wan didn’t move, reluctant to come out of the shadow his hut provided, waiting for them to come closer and finally notice him.
所以,他们是一对大师级的 Padawan 组合。好奇。我很好奇那个学徒是怎么感受到这种力量的,感觉到他那天晚上在沙漠中与Qui-Gon的对话,特别是考虑到这个年轻人的力量信号是多么的暗淡。欧比旺没有动,不愿意从他的小屋提供的阴影中走出来,等待他们靠近并最终注意到他。

A droid on the Padawan’s shoulder had the sharpest eye. It beeped excitedly, and leaped down on the sand, sprinting forward, forcing his owner (and his owner’s master) to follow.
Padawan 肩膀上的机器人有一双最敏锐的眼睛。它兴奋地发出哔哔声,跳到沙滩上,向前冲刺,迫使他的主人(也是他主人的主人)跟在后面。

Up close, he finally recognized the Jedi Knight whose voice sounded familiar. Cere Junda. They didn’t exactly know each other , no, but he knew who she was, and he knew that the boy who was with her now was not her Padawan. Her Padawan was a girl, bright eyes, dark hair, brilliant intellect — so bright in the Force, he still remembered. Where was she now, that her master picked up a stray, it seemed? Was she, maybe, safe, into hiding, somewhere far away from the Empire? Was she mercilessly slaughtered by the clones right after a friendly chat with them? Or did she, perhaps, meet a fate worse than death, same as his own Padawan?
走近一看,他终于认出了那个声音听起来很熟悉的绝地武士。Cere Junda.他们并不完全了解彼此,不,但他知道她是谁,他知道现在和她在一起的那个男孩不是她的爸爸。她的学徒是个女孩,明亮的眼睛,黑发,聪明的智慧——在原力中是如此耀眼,他仍然记得。看来,她的主人捡到一只流浪狗了,她现在在哪儿呢?她是否,也许,安全地躲藏在远离帝国的地方?她是在和克隆人友好交谈后就被克隆人无情地屠杀了吗?或者,也许她遇到了比死亡更糟糕的命运,就像他自己的 Padawan 一样?

Oh, it pained him to think about Anakin, but those thoughts kept spiralling towards him yet again. He tried to release the piercing emotion into the Force, let it dissolve there, leave behind nothing but a lingering numbness, something he got used to over the years, something he was used to waking up to after horrors night brought — Anakin’s twisted face, his yellow eyes, screaming, flames, — there was no emotion, there was only peace.

“Master Kenobi, I finally found you!”

It wasn’t Master Junda who greeted him. Her companion — a young man, a boy, who was almost unseen in the Force, his light shining a nostalgic light blue, just like Anakin’s, but dimmer, as if faded to almost nothing, for reasons Obi-Wan could not quite get, his hair — the colour of Mustafar flames. They’ve never met before, or rather… there was nothing remarkable about the youngling this man once was, if their paths ever crossed in the Temple.

“I was never lost to be found, young one,” he carefully replied.

Why would they seek him specifically, that’s what bothered him. Being in exile didn’t suggest being found, let alone being sought after. Their Order was long gone, the most efficient way to stay alive was to live separately, that way, if one got caught, there was no way others got hurt. Not to know where others were was a clever way — the Empire was cruel enough to resort to the most violent of tortures, and they would not stop before a thing, if it meant getting rid of yet another Jedi —

Cal Kestis, the boy’s name was. In his brief explanation as to why he was here, he told about his naive dream of restoring the Jedi Order (Obi-Wan almost chuckled at the thought, at how impossible the prospect seemed), of how he believed that they all should stick together. His words flowed smoothly, perhaps too much so, like a well-rehearsed poem, and although there were no traces of dishonesty in his voice there was certainly something he didn’t tell.

Master Junda didn’t seem so keen on her charge’s idea, as she quietly reminded Cal not to be too pushy, to remember what Merrin — whoever that was — told him.
Junda 大师似乎并不那么热衷于她的负责人的想法,因为她悄悄地提醒 Cal 不要太咄咄逼人,记住 Merrin——不管是谁——告诉他的话。

“Can we come inside to talk?” Cal asked, visibly uncomfortable in the planet’s heat.

Obi-Wan nodded and lead them inside his home. He would offer them rest, some cool water and food, but then he would have to make them leave.

Cere calmly settled at the table, while Cal lingered at the entrance, looking around, as if unsure, what to do next.
Cere 平静地坐在桌子旁,而 Cal 则在入口处徘徊,四处张望,似乎不确定下一步该怎么做。

“Cal sensed that you’ve encountered Darth Vader at some point, Master Kenobi,” she looked at him with eyes full of compassion — and his heart dropped, because it was his darkest, deepest sorrow, because Vader was once Skywalker, because he was once his Padawan, his dear one — and understanding. “He was worried that that encounter might have influenced you. You see, I met him too, and that… it almost broke me.”

“I see,” he replied, trying to keep his voice steady; almost flinched at how cold and hoarse it sounded. “And I appreciate your charge’s concern, but I’m fine, as you can see. The Darkness didn’t stain me.”

“I’m glad,” came Cere’s honest reply. She then told him their story, and asked, if he cared to come with them, become a part of their group, which he politely declined. And that was it. He didn’t have to force them to go away.
“我很高兴,”Cere 诚实地回答。然后她告诉了他他们的故事,并问他是否愿意和他们一起去,成为他们团队的一员,他礼貌地拒绝了。就这样。他不必强迫他们走开。

“May the Force be with you, Master Kenobi,” she said, offering him a warm smile as she bowed politely on her way out. Cal followed her, eyes downcast, wiping his nose — was that blood? — with the corner of his white-and-yellow striped poncho.

And just like that, they were gone. Obi-Wan was almost glad that the visit didn’t drag for longer. It was… an unwanted distraction from his meditations. He watched them go back to their ship, watched the ship for several more minutes before it finally raised a cloud of sand around itself before lifting off the planet’s surface and disappearing somewhere beyond the horizon.

Chapter 2: Cal Kestis
第 2 章:卡尔·凯斯蒂斯


Cal isn't dealing with things well.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tatooine was an unwelcoming place. Not that any other place that Cal had visited in his search for Obi-Wan Kenobi was any different.

From the very first force-echo he sensed; it was torture. Some could say that Darth Vader was a fearful sight, that the dark, radiating from him was menacing, paralyzing, but his memories were so much worse. Cal never expected to see what he saw, as he struggled to get free from the Sith’s grasp. That the emperor’s first was tormented by so much pain, so much emotion — anger, betrayal, fear, regret, guilt — unthinkable. It overtook Cal’s whole being, kept him awake at night, as he jerked awake, feeling — a blue lightsaber cuts him in two as he attempts a jump he was so confident he would make, a searing pain through his very being as he drops to the scorchingly-hot ground, and then the flames, and it burns, it burns, it hurts, hurts, hurts, hurts — nothing but his own ragged breaths, at least so he willed himself to believe.
从他感觉到的第一声原力回声开始;这是一种折磨。有些人可以说达斯·维达是一个可怕的景象,从他身上散发出来的黑暗是威胁性的,令人麻痹的,但他的记忆要糟糕得多。卡尔从没想过会看到他所看到的,因为他努力从西斯的控制中挣脱出来。皇帝的第一个孩子被如此多的痛苦、如此多的情感所折磨——愤怒、背叛、恐惧、遗憾、内疚——简直难以想象。它占据了卡尔的整个人,让他在夜里保持清醒,当他猛地醒来时,感觉到——当他试图做出一个他如此自信的跳跃时,一把蓝色的光剑将他切成两半,当他跌落到灼热的地面上时,一阵灼热的痛苦贯穿了他的身体,然后是火焰,它燃烧着,它燃烧着, 它疼,疼,疼,疼——除了他自己粗重的呼吸,什么都没有,至少他愿意相信。

He told nobody of his struggles, only of his resolve to find Vader’s — Skywalker’s — Master. He didn’t tell of the relationship between the Sith lord and the Jedi either, only of their battle on Mustafar, and his crew, ever understanding, eagerly followed him to the tiny, fiery planet in the Outer Rim. There were… many things he had to overcome. Clones, purge troopers, the heat of lava pools, old, melting durasteel structures under his feet, but compared to the memories — it was nothing . There was so much pain, yet hope , so much hatred, and yet love , and then… regret, sorrow, agony . Cal felt as if he could drown in those feelings, as he sat there, on the very place where Obi-Wan Kenobi picked up his former Padawan’s lightsaber, gasping for breath, as if it was him, whose fate shattered here five years ago. He almost crawled to the place where the shuttle once was, where Vader’s wife laid. He could barely figure out where they headed; the echoes here were faint, and he had to use every last bit of Force he had left to push away the pain, the suffering, to drag the memories of where Obi-Wan was heading to the surface. With an effort, an effort he could barely handle, he managed it.

He returned to the Mantis exhausted, almost dropped into meditation, to clear his mind: there is no emotion, there is no emotion, there is no emotion , only peace. He spent a solid hour trying to find it, but it never came. He stood up from the floor even more uneasy than before, and asked Greez to plot a course to the next planet.
他筋疲力尽地回到螳螂身边,几乎陷入了冥想,清醒了自己的心意:没有情绪,没有情绪,没有情绪,只有平静。他花了整整一个小时试图找到它,但从未出现。他从地板上站起来,比以前更加不安,让 Greez 规划通往下一个星球的路线。

It didn’t get much better there, pain and sorrow echoimg in the Force louder than anything, it was hard to feel much else at all, his Force reserves running low, exhaustion from lack of sleep at night, constant fighting, stormtroopers screaming as he pushed his way through Empire territory, nosebleeds becoming his constant companion, as stims were no longer enough to keep him up to speed, as he needed more and more, not to collapse. BD-1 beeped worriedly, but he was always quick to reassure the droid that he was, in fact, okay.
那里的情况并没有好转,痛苦和悲伤在原力中回荡得比什么都响亮,很难有其他的感觉,他的原力储备不足,晚上睡眠不足而筋疲力尽,不断的战斗,冲锋队员在他穿过帝国领土时尖叫,流鼻血成为他不变的伴侣,因为刺激已经不足以让他跟上速度, 因为他需要越来越多的,而不是崩溃。BD-1 担心地发出哔哔声,但他总是很快地让机器人放心,事实上,他没事。

Cere didn’t buy it, though. She saw how pale he was, how prone he was to spacing out and how disconnected from reality he had become — trusting only in the Force, but the Force could sometimes be too much, it seemed, for one boy to take. She tried to reason with him, but he didn’t listen. With his dream of restoring the Order and finding the force-sensitive kids gone, he clung to the idea of finding one specific Jedi and refused to let it go. She hoped that once they met Master Kenobi, it would be over. This obsession would end, Cal would finally be able to rest and sleep. The Jedi’s words on Tatooine were a relief. He was as peaceful and serene as they come, it seemed, unbothered by what’s been happening anywhere else despite having met Darth Vader, almost defeating him on Mustafar, as Cal told her, which was… quite an achievement, she thought, because for her fight against the Dark was everlasting. If that wasn’t enough to put Cal at ease, she didn’t know what was, but alas…
不过,Cere 并不买账。她看到他脸色苍白,他多么容易拉开距离,与现实脱节——只相信原力,但有时这原力似乎对一个男孩来说太过分了。她试图和他讲道理,但他不听。随着他恢复秩序并找到对力量敏感的孩子的梦想消失,他坚持寻找一个特定的绝地武士的想法,并拒绝放弃它。她希望一旦他们遇到了克诺比大师,一切都结束了。这种痴迷会结束,卡尔终于可以休息和睡觉了。绝地武士对塔图因的话让人松了一口气。他似乎和他们一样平和祥和,尽管遇到了达斯·维达,几乎在穆斯塔法击败了他,正如卡尔告诉她的那样,他对其他地方发生的事情毫不在意,那是......相当了不起的成就,她想,因为她与黑暗的斗争是永恒的。如果这还不足以让 Cal 放心,她不知道什么才是,但唉......

Cal was very quiet on their way back to the Mantis, didn’t say a word until Greez asked where to next —
卡尔在他们回螳螂的路上非常安静,直到 Greez 问下一步去哪里,他才说了一句话——

“Bogano,” he half-whispered, and as they were about to take off and then, in a blink, rushed off the common room to the door and jumped — BD-1 beeping in panic, jumping after him in one swift motion, Cere almost followed them, but Merrin grabbed her arm.

“Don’t go. He made up his mind.”

Cal landed on all fours, face-down in the sand, and stayed there. He had no strength left to get up, the Force betraying him. Twin suns’ heat burned his back, BD-1 nudged his cheek, sand slowly falling from the air back to the dunes where it belonged.

“Stim, buddy,” Cal whispered, reaching for the small canister his droid friend willingly offered. Yeah. That will keep him going for just a bit longer. He just has to make it all the way back to… through the dunes… in the sun… Stim had its effect, sure it did, but as Cal knocked on the locked door of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s hut, no reply came. He reached out through the Force, and he felt that the man was still there, but…

Well. He was not welcome, so it seemed. Truthfully, it wasn’t even surprising, really. Cal knew, how unwelcome past can be, when it comes knocking at the door. He himself wasn’t exactly keen on the idea of leaving Bracca once, yet here he was… and he needed help.
井。他似乎不受欢迎。说实话,这甚至并不奇怪,真的。卡尔知道,当敲门时,过去是多么不受欢迎。他自己并不完全热衷于离开 Bracca 一次的想法,但他在这里......他需要帮助。

With a heavy sigh he settled down on the sand and closed his eyes.

“There is no chaos, there is harmony” he whispered, feeling the sand sifting through the dunes around, each individual grain of it so perfectly in synch with others. The heat of two suns was not burning, but warm, light not blinding, but soft. He could will himself to feel that, if he tried hard enough. He could find a thousand reasons why Tatooine was a place where Master Kenobi chose to stay. Here was so much to meditate on, and yet nothing at all.

The white-hot day slowly faded into the coldest night, leaving Cal shivering, as he tried to wrap himself into his poncho. It was nothing, compared to Ilum, though, but after a whole day in the sun it still felt too cold for his comfort. So much so that he knocked on the door once more — no answer, no luck.

The next day left him with a sunburn all over his face and hand. The next night gave him a sore throat, as his body slowly gave up under pressure.

Was this, perhaps, his test? He wouldn’t be spoken to, until he finds his serenity? Maybe it was something akin to what his own Master used to do. He remembered being tested for endurance, he remembered sleepless nights, he remembered spending weeks without proper food, because should something happen, a Jedi should also be prepared…

Something happened, and he was.

So, he tried to slip into a meditative state time after time, as days faded into an ever-changing cycle of blue and orangy-beige, and worry. He was slowly running out of little water he had, and there was only so much stims BD-1 could provide. When he jumped from the ship, he didn’t expect to spend a week in the desert under the planet’s cruel suns. Last drops were sweet against his tongue, as the wind brushed grains of sand against his cheek. He wouldn’t make it. He wouldn’t.
所以,他一次又一次地试图进入冥想状态,因为日子渐渐消失在蓝色、橙米色和担忧的不断变化的循环中。他所剩无几的水慢慢耗尽了,而 BD-1 能提供的刺激也就这么多了。当他从船上跳下来时,他没想到会在地球上残酷的阳光下的沙漠中度过一个星期。最后一滴水在他的舌头上是甜甜的,风吹着沙粒拂过他的脸颊。他不会活下来的。他不会。

— too weak, incompetent, he had no right to be knighted, no right to be a Jedi, when he was just an excuse for one —

Another day gone by, as he sat on the Jedi Master’s doorstep, all his hopes slowly dying as blood dripped from his nose to his chin — he failed to care enough to wipe it, and it dried there, too thick to drip down further. His breath hitched. He wouldn’t make it.

“I’m sorry I dragged you into this, BD,” he whispered, voice breaking, eyes sore with tears, as he gathered the last of his strength to get up and knock at the door one — last — more time, before slipping back to the ground, eyes closed, seeing only light.

He half-heard footsteps, the sound of the door opening, half-felt pleasantly cool hands on his cheeks brushing hair off his forehead. A presence in the Force — light-blue of the water, which lacked on this desert hell, as he felt being carefully picked up and carried.

A sting of pain, as cold cloth touched his cheeks, smell of antiseptic strong in the air, as blood was wiped off his face — a gentle touch, filled with care — and then warm feel of bacta spray, unpleasant, just as bacta always was. A glass was pressed against his lips, and he greedily drank the sweetest water that he ever tasted in his life, hoping to remember this feeling, this moment of comfort forever. Then, just as greedily as he drank the water, he clung to his savior, his light, this watery-bright-blue in the Force, soft fabric under his fingertips, warmth of another human being near; so overwhelming, before… oh Force, please not again!
当冰冷的布碰到他的脸颊时,一阵痛苦,空气中弥漫着浓郁的消毒剂气味,当血擦去他脸上的血时——一种温柔的抚摸,充满了关怀——然后是 bacta 喷雾的温暖感觉,令人不快,就像 bacta 一直一样。一杯酒杯贴在他的嘴唇上,他贪婪地喝着他这辈子尝过的最甜的水,希望能永远记住这种感觉,这一刻的舒适。然后,就像他喝水一样贪婪地紧紧抓住他的救世主,他的光芒,这原力中水汪汪的亮蓝色,指尖下柔软的织物,近在咫尺的另一个人的温暖;如此压倒性,之前......哦,原力,请不要再来了!

—...blinding bright blue of his... — no, not his, Kenobi’s — ...lightsaber, the sound of a human body falling to the ground, Skywalker’s screams of hate, the agonizing feeling of heartbreak, of soul burning to ashes...

“...I loved you!” —

Cal cannot scream or cry, he chokes on his voice and buries his bacta-covered face on Jedi Master’s shoulder, unable to pull away, to come to his senses, to just push the memories which the Force showed him from his mind.


He was pulled into a hug, gentle, yet firm. Chaste kiss pressed against his temple, strong arms around him, as he was held, mistaken for someone he was not, mistaken for someone who was the cause of his own distress and pain.

There shouldn’t have been emotion, there should have been only peace, for a Jedi Knight, and yet he wept, silently, for he didn’t know how long, until exhaustion took over. He faintly remembered the soft pillow and a blanket being pulled over him, and then… he finally drifted off to sleep: hazy, feverish slumber.

The nightmares didn’t leave him, however. He had been waking up several times throughout the night, only to find Master Kenobi by his side, handing him a glass of blue milk, before putting him back to sleep, whispering reassuring nothings as if Cal was but a sick youngling.


Aaand hopefully I'll have an update for you all soon UwU
希望我很快就会为大家提供更新 UwU

Chapter 3: Obi-Wan Kenobi
第 3 章:欧比旺·克诺比


Yay, a new chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After the uninvited guests left, Obi-Wan returned to his hermit way of life, where he didn’t have a need to leave his home too often, where he didn’t have visitors for years, except his Master, but Qui-Gon was elusive, he came and went, like wind, offering his guidance on the way to finding ultimate peace. Yet, Obi-Wan couldn’t rely on his Master alone. He wasn’t a young Padawan, and he could manage untangling his emotions on his own, even if those were his darkest — the ones his guests so conveniently reminded him of.
不速之客离开后,欧比旺回到了他隐居的生活方式,在那里他不需要太频繁地离开自己的家,除了他的主人之外,他多年来没有访客,但 Qui-Gon 难以捉摸,他来来去去,像风一样,为寻找最终平静的道路提供指导。然而,欧比旺不能只依靠他的师父。他不是一个年轻的 Padawan,他可以自己解开自己的情绪,即使那些是他最黑暗的——他的客人如此方便地提醒他的那些情绪。

In the days that followed, he reached for his memories of Mustafar and pushed beyond them, beyond the hurt, to the time where his heart was still unbroken. The happy moments he shared with Anakin, while he was still his Padawan. His bright smile, ever-confident, his blue eyes, kind and curious, always so curious...
在接下来的日子里,他伸手去寻找他对穆斯塔法的记忆,超越它们,超越伤害,直到他的心仍然没有破碎。他与 Anakin 分享的快乐时光,当时他还是他的 Padawan。他灿烂的笑容,永远自信,他的蓝眼睛,善良而好奇,总是那么好奇......

He remembered it —

— a diplomatic mission, one of his first ones as a Jedi Knight, turned a success, after three full days of negotiations, which his young apprentice had to spend on their ship, without setting a foot on the planet. Anakin wanted to see the palace, the new people, to taste the food, but alas; he was still too young and unskilled for his presence on those types of gatherings to be sanctioned by the Council, even after the negotiations were over. He couldn’t have been left at the Temple either; nobody really wanted the disaster young Skywalker harboured in himself and the boy sensed it only too well.
— 一次外交任务,是他作为绝地武士的第一次任务之一,经过整整三天的谈判取得了成功,他的年轻学徒不得不在他们的船上度过,而没有踏上这个星球。阿纳金想看看宫殿,看看新来的人们,尝尝美食,但唉;他还太年轻,技术不熟练,即使在谈判结束后,他参加这类聚会也不会得到议会的批准。他也不可能被留在圣殿里;没有人真的想要年轻的天行者身上隐藏的灾难,而这个男孩太清楚地感受到了这一点。

Obi-Wan remembered his thoughts wandering back to the ship, remembered constant tugging on their bond, with “how long now, Master?” and “I’m so bored, Master!” making it hard to concentrate on polite conversations and small talk. He remembered smiling, remembered warm feeling swelling inside his chest as he planned smuggling treats for his Padawan from a formal event. It wasn’t something a Jedi Master should have done, but it was something Obi-Wan himself would have appreciated in his time as a Padawan, were it ever to occur. It never did, as Qui-Gon showed him kindness in his own ways.
欧比旺想起了他回到船上的思绪,想起了不断拉扯他们的纽带,“现在多久了,主人?”和“我好无聊,主人”,让人很难集中精力进行礼貌的交谈和闲聊。他记得他微笑着,记得当他计划从正式活动中为他的学徒走私零食时,他的胸腔里涌起了温暖的感觉。这不是绝地大师应该做的事情,但这是欧比旺本人在他作为 Padawan 的时代会欣赏的事情,如果它真的发生的话。但事实并非如此,因为 Qui-Gon 以自己的方式向他表达了善意。

When he finally got back to their shuttle, he found Anakin sitting on his cot, catching up on some reading — he must have really been so bored , to voluntarily touch the Jedi texts.

“Master!” the boy’s eyes lit up, as he sprung up, a broad smile on his face, as he almost knocked Obi-Wan over with his overly-enthusiastic hug “How did it go? Did you show them??”

Obi-Wan remembered laughing, remembered Anakin’s soft, fluffy hair under his fingertips, remembered joking about how exactly he talked those politicians down from decisions which would have brought war to their home… but war didn’t matter in the moment. Anakin listened to him with hungry curiosity, and so he told him about everything he saw, about dark-purple sky, milky-white waters of the lake near the palace, built of translucent glass, about birds with four wings and plants of all shapes and sizes.

“I also brought you something.”

A sweet puff-pastry with fruit filling and three large berries, which glowed a scarlet-red.

Anakin stared in awe at the gift, eyes wide, and, for some unknown reason overcome with shyness, muttered a barely audible “thank you”.

— in that moment, there was peace. And in that moment there was love; a true, pure feeling, which he cherished; which he carried unstained through the good times and the bad, through the Clone Wars, which he wished he could find still, when he thought of —

“The boy you trained, gone, he is. Consumed by Darth Vader,” that’s what Yoda told him, but no matter the ancient Master’s wisdom, Obi-Wan found it hard to believe it. A change of name meant nothing, really, when it came to the person one was, and now, here, on Tatooine, it was ever so clear. Darth Vader didn’t come out of nowhere, didn’t kill his precious Padawan. Darth Vader was his precious Padawan.
“你训练的那个男孩,走了,他就是。被达斯维达吞噬,“这是尤达告诉他的,但无论这位古老大师的智慧如何,欧比旺都难以置信。改名真的,当涉及到一个人是谁时,真的没有任何意义,而现在,在这里,在塔图因,一切都是如此明显。达斯·维达 (Darth Vader) 并非凭空出现,没有杀死他珍贵的 Padawan。达斯维达是他珍贵的 Padawan。

His Anakin , who failed to see the path to light and followed darkness. It was his fault, for not noticing in time… no. He knew, when it started. Whom it started with. He knew, who then fueled the flames and exploited his Padawan’s weakness. He wasn’t blind, and he never trusted Palpatine, even so… his trust in Anakin proved to be too much; he missed a breaking point, caught up in the fighting, the war.
他的阿纳金,看不到通往光明的道路,追随黑暗。这是他的错,因为他没有及时注意到......不。他知道,它是什么时候开始的。它从谁开始。他知道,然后是谁火上浇油,利用他的 Padawan 的弱点。他不是瞎子,他从来不信任帕尔帕廷,即便如此......事实证明,他对阿纳金的信任太多了;他错过了一个突破点,被卷入了战斗和战争。

Were the Jedi ever supposed to fight? To take sides? Republic or the Separatists, did it really matter, in the end? He had sworn his allegiance to the Republic, but if he knew that there was a Sith Lord at the heart of it, would he have stopped? Would he have left the Order? Would Qui-Gon have done it, were he to survive? Would he have taken Anakin with him, saving the Chosen One from this downfall, or would he have let the Force decide his fate?
绝地武士曾经应该战斗吗?选边站队?共和国还是分离主义者,到头来真的重要吗?他宣誓效忠共和国,但如果他知道共和国的核心有一位西斯领主,他会停下来吗?他会离开教团吗?如果 Qui-Gon 能活下来,他会这样做吗?他会带着阿纳金一起,将天选之人从这场垮台中拯救出来,还是让原力决定他的命运?

His thoughts wandered yet again.

“Peace,” he reminded himself as he stood up to get a glass of water before returning to his favourite meditation spot, “That’s what you want to find, not answers”

He wouldn’t find answers anyway. His Force wasn't one of the prophets, it didn’t show him visions of the past nor did it show him the future. As day faded into night, and another day, and a night after that, he tried to recall the lightest, purest memories of Anakin.They weren’t all as happy, as the first one —

— he remembered Anakin surrendering his lightsaber to him, telling about his resolve to leave the Order. It wasn't really hard for Obi-Wan to understand this desire, because… the boy knew life outside the Order. Saw other options, even behind his dream of becoming a Jedi, which was, up close, too far from a fairytale he imagined as a child: a hard life, a lonely fate. And despite the fact that he pleaded his Padawan to reconsider, he knew one thing. If Anakin decided to leave, he would have followed. His vow to Qui-Gon would have remained unbroken, but not because he had an obligation, but because he never wished for Anakin to be alone.
——他记得阿纳金把他的光剑交给了他,告诉他离开教团的决心。欧比旺并不难理解这种愿望,因为......这个男孩了解教团之外的生活。他看到了其他选择,甚至在他成为绝地武士的梦想背后,这与他小时候想象的童话故事相去甚远:艰难的生活,孤独的命运。尽管他恳求他的学徒重新考虑,但他知道一件事。如果阿纳金决定离开,他就会跟着走。他对 Qui-Gon 的誓言不会被打破,但不是因为他有义务,而是因为他从不希望阿纳金孤独。

— in that moment his inner peace didn’t falter. Now he almost found himself wishing that his Padawan had not reconsidered, that they had left, and then, perhaps… ah, again, he was losing focus.

He decided to take a break. He prepared food that tasted like nothing — didn’t remember nor making it, nor consuming it — ate it in silence, cleaned his home in silence, the Force around the desert swirling with worry, which wasn’t entirely his own.

Who was this Cal Kestis, whose Force felt so familiar and yet so strange, who was almost transparent in color, except for such a familiar deep-blue of Anakin Skywalker? Who was his Master, before the Purge? Why did he look so exhausted, when another Jedi travelling by his side did not, despite the ongoing internal battle against the Dark?

“That’s none of my concern,” Obi-Wan whispered, head in his hands, trying to block the worry Force suggested. It wasn’t his emotion. He was past doubting his ability as a Jedi — but he had failed Anakin, he was far too attached to his former Padawan still — past feeling unworthy .

He reached out to feel Luke in the Force, safe, content, happy in his foster parent’s care; his presence far away, but very clear and familiar. He could concentrate on that. It certainly helped him dull the worry, the negative humm — I won’t make it, it’s too hot, I won’t pass that test — of the desert sands.

Another day went by. Another peaceful memory was found through his meditations. Another night and one more day. And one more meditation in search for his peace.

Force almost yanked him out of his reverie about — he couldn’t recall anymore — he heard a weak knock at the door. Was that even real? He couldn’t sense anyone outside, except this echo of his Padawan, but…
力量几乎把他从遐想中拉出来——他已经记不清了——他听到了一阵微弱的敲门声。这是真的吗?他感觉不到外面有人,除了他的 Padawan 的回声,但是......

Just outside his doorstep was a person, this boy, Cal Kestis, Mustafar-lava-color hair and yellow striped poncho, blood on his face and eyes shut, passed out on the sand, his tiny droid hopping from one spot to another restlessly. Wasn’t this boy… gone? Together with Master Junda? Did he spend all this time here, just outside?

He did. The angry sunburns spoke for themselves. Obi-Wan kneeled on the sand, carefully removed strands of hair from his forehead before gently lifting Cal from the ground. And it was then, at the very moment he touched him, when… oh Force —
他做到了。愤怒的晒伤不言自明。欧比旺跪在沙滩上,小心翼翼地去除额头上的几缕头发,然后轻轻地将卡尔从地上抬起。就在那时,就在他触碰他的那一刻,当......噢,原力 —

— it was Anakin in his arms, and they were not on Tatooine, it was a different planet, too small to even be remembered; what happened? Have their shuttle been shot? It seemed so, yeah. Their shuttle was just a bit across the sands, and he… he remembered having a medkit, he had to… the plasma burns... —
——他怀里抱着阿纳金,他们不在塔图因,那是另一个星球,太小了,甚至连记不住;发生了什么事?他们的航天飞机被击中了吗?看起来是这样,是的。他们的穿梭机就在沙滩对面一点点,而他......他记得有一个医疗包,他必须......等离子体燃烧...... —

It wasn’t Anakin in his arms, and there were no plasma burns. It wasn’t Anakin, who clung to him, like a child, it was just… a stranger. A complete stranger, and yet…

— Anakin cried when he woke up in the Halls of Healing and realized what had happened to his right arm. His distress, his frustration, his feeling of helplessness were overwhelming through their bond, and the only thing Obi-Wan could do was offer him a hug, a kiss on a temple and whisper his name, as his padawan sobbed into his chest —
— 当阿纳金在治愈大厅醒来并意识到他的右臂发生了什么时,他哭了。他的痛苦、他的挫败感、他的无助感在他们的纽带中压倒一切,欧比旺唯一能做的就是给他一个拥抱,在太阳穴上亲吻,低声呼喊他的名字,这时他的学徒在他的胸口啜泣——

He had to snap out of it and he did, although it did take plenty of effort not to slip into the cascade of memories — so vivid they were almost visions — Cal Kestis for some reason was triggering. Minutes stretched to hours, but eventually, young man’s breathing evened out as he was, finally, asleep.
他必须从中抽身出来,他做到了,尽管确实花了很多努力才不滑入记忆的瀑布中——如此生动,几乎是幻觉——不知为何,Cal Kestis 正在触发。几分钟延长到几个小时,但最终,年轻人的呼吸终于沉睡了。

Obi-Wan laid him down on the bed. He decided not to invade his privacy and left his ammunition on — lightsaber, boots and all — but wrapped a blanket around him nonetheless. The nights were cold, after all.

It wasn’t his first time tending to somebody tormented by nightmares; the thing was, this time he knew exactly what the nightmares were about; the Force showed him everything . The images hit him like a tidal wave — the light blue of his lightsaber, but now from a different perspective, through different eyes, Anakin’s eyes.

“I hate you!” Cal screamed in his sleep, before gasping, jerking awake, breath unsteady, eyes wild, as he failed to understand where he was — perhaps even who he was.

Force, give him strength. This stranger felt like Anakin in the Force, he was seeing things Anakin saw. Obi-Wan had no idea why, no idea how that was even possible ...

He did what he had to do, offering compassion and comfort to the one in need, shielding himself from the memories swirling in the air. It was hard, but he couldn’t leave the boy to suffer alone.

When Cal woke up, it was already past noon. His droid beeped excitedly and jumped on the bed, nudging his master’s cheek.

“Hi, BD,” young man quietly whispered, looking around, puzzled, as if trying to figure out where he was, and how he got there.

Obi-Wan met his gaze. He had been sitting across the room, legs crossed, arms resting on his knees.

“Hello there.” he greeted his guest and Cal flinched.

“Master Kenobi… I…”

“How do you feel?”

“I’m okay.”

Obi-Wan smiled warmly, and stood up, but before he could take a step closer, Cal jumped to his feet, rummaging through his pockets under his poncho, and then, in swift, sudden movement, handed him — a piece of cotton cloth, beige in color, wrapped around something for protection, apparently —

“Master Kenobi, please, take me as your Padawan!” Cal stared at him, arms outstretched, holding out this piece of fabric, for Obi-Wan to take.

— it was a short Padawan braid, wrapped in what was once a Jedi tunic. Obi-Wan didn’t have to look to understand; he just knew what he would find should he take it.
——那是一条短的 Padawan 辫子,包裹在曾经的绝地束腰外衣中。欧比旺不必去看就能理解;他只知道如果他拿下它,他会找到什么。

“Doesn’t Master Junda... train you?”

Cal lowered his eyes, his resolve crumbling under the question.

“She did.”

“What happened? From what I gathered, you two got along well.”

“We did.”

“I sense uncertainty in your voice.”

“She knighted me.”

Obi-Wan… could partially relate. He remembered how Qui-Gon forced his trials upon him in the middle of a council meeting, and although it was almost about time he went through them, he still felt incredibly uneasy about the whole thing. He took a deep breath and gestured towards the table.
欧比旺...可能部分相关。他记得 Qui-Gon 是如何在议会会议中将他的试炼强加给他的,尽管他几乎该经历这些试炼了,但他仍然对整件事感到无比的不安。他深吸一口气,朝桌子做了个手势。

“Come, sit down. Let’s feed you first, then you’ll tell me why exactly you don’t trust Master Junda’s judgment of your abilities.”

Cal hung his head and gripped the fabric in his hand tighter, as he silently obeyed, sat down, eyes still downcast. He weakly smiled, as Obi-Wan placed a glass of blue milk and a plate with a flatbread and ahrisa on it in front of him.

“Eat up.”

Cal nodded and started eating, glancing up at Obi-Wan from time to time, as if waiting for any signs of disapproval. There was a long silence before he finally started talking.

Cal didn’t go into details, his phrasing concise, as he tried to only mention facts and not emotions. The story of his crash-landing on Bracca after his Master’s death during the Purge, five years in the Scrapper Guild, then an incident bringing him and Master Junda — Cere — together, then the quest to find a holocron.
卡尔没有详细说明,他的措辞简洁明了,因为他试图只提及事实而不是情感。他在大清洗期间师父去世后迫降在布拉卡的故事,在 Scrapper 公会工作了五年,然后是他和 Junda 大师 - Cere - 走到了一起的事件,然后是寻找全息仪的任务。

He stumbled when it came closer to his knighting. Tiptoed around the conversation which took place, torn between sharing what he’s been through and keeping his friend’s secrets.

“It’s enough, Cal. I see what you mean.” Obi-Wan didn’t want to torture the young man before him, so he let him keep it to himself. He could partially understand the logic behind Master Junda’s actions: there was a suiside mission ahead of them. Becoming a Knight might have boosted Cal’s confidence in the short-term, but now… well.
“够了,卡尔。我明白你的意思。欧比旺不想折磨眼前的年轻人,所以让他自己留着。他可以部分理解俊大人行动背后的逻辑:他们面前有一个 Suiside 任务。成为骑士可能在短期内增强了 Cal 的信心,但现在......井。

“In the Fortress, I met Anakin Skywalker.”

Obi-Wan grimaced at the name, but didn’t interrupt.

“At some point during our fight, uhm, my and Cere’s escape , he accidentally touched me. My hand. He tried to grip my lightsaber, and… that’s how I knew about. Well. You. And who he is. Was. I lost my peace ever since.”
“在我们打架的某个时候,嗯,我和 Cere 逃跑了,他不小心碰到了我。我的手。他试图握住我的光剑,然后......我就是这样知道的。井。你。以及他是谁。是。从那以后我就失去了平静。

“Anakin tends to have that effect on people, yes,” there was a hint of a chuckle in Jedi Master’s voice, a hint, at which Cal couldn’t help, but feel even smaller and more helpless than before.

“Yeah, I guess so. Well… miraculously, we’ve made it. Then, destroyed a holocron. Spent some time in space, then on Bogano, you know. Healing. Celebrating. But every time I closed my eyes, I saw…” Cal’s voice hitched, broke. His eyes fixed on the piece of beige fabric on the table. He took a slow, deep breath, trying to regain composure, and continued, voice quiet, almost a whisper. “...your lightsaber, felt the flames. And I did what Master Tapal told me. I trusted in the Force. And it led me here.”
“是的,我想是的。井。。。奇迹般地,我们成功了。然后,摧毁了一个全息仪。在太空中呆了一段时间,然后在 Bogano 上,你知道的。康复。庆祝。但每次我闭上眼睛,我都看到了......”卡尔的声音嘶哑,嘶哑。他的眼睛盯着桌上的那块米色布料。他缓缓地深吸一口气,试图恢复镇定,然后继续说道,声音很安静,几乎是耳语。“...你的光剑,感觉到了火焰。我按照塔帕尔大师的吩咐去做了。我相信原力。它把我带到了这里。

Obi-Wan stayed silent, looking at the young man before him with interest, but unsure of the Force’s intentions. It was clear, that it led Cal Kestis to him. Was he supposed to train this boy ? Was he allowed to train anybody after failing Anakin? Was this the Force’s way of offering him redemption?
欧比旺保持沉默,饶有兴趣地看着面前的年轻人,但不确定原力的意图。很明显,这让 Cal Kestis 找到了他。他应该训练这个男孩吗?阿纳金失败后,他被允许训练任何人吗?这是原力为他提供救赎的方式吗?

“I didn’t tell Cere why I wanted to find you. She doesn’t need to know, who…” Cal bit his lip, and then, finally, lifted his eyes to meet Obi-Wan’s. “I need your help, Master Kenobi. I can’t meditate, I can’t sleep, I can’t distance myself from it all. I don’t have the skills of a Jedi Knight. I might be physically fit, my lightsaber skills might be good, but… I’m no Jedi Knight, but I wish to become one, so I beg you. Please.”

In the silence that followed, one could even hear the sound of the sand shifting outside the hut and the howling of the wind from miles away. Cal looked at Obi-Wan with such hope in his eyes, that there was no way of refusing him; the Force swirled around them, bluish, transparent feel of it almost pushing Obi-Wan’s hand towards the folded beige fabric, and yet… he hesitated.

It wasn’t a decision he could take lightly, after all. Training someone meant visiting the city more often, meant more attention, meant potential danger. And Cal wasn’t just any Jedi. He, of all things, got into the holocron mess. Ruined Vader’s plans on finding Force-sensitive children, so the Empire will look for him. Could Obi-Wan risk Luke’s safety, by accepting to train him? By allowing him to stay?

Could he go against the will of the Force, could he leave this boy alone with his — Anakin’s! — nightmares?
他会不会违背原力的意愿,他会不会让这个男孩和他的——阿纳金的——单独在一起!— 噩梦?

He stood up, found himself at the crossroads the Force laid in front of him and stalled there.

“I’m going to Mos Espa to get supplies. Are you going with me, or would you rather stay and rest?”
“我要去 Mos Espa 拿补给。你是跟我走,还是愿意留下来休息?


Poor Cal, he didn't get an answer! But worry not, things will get better <3
可怜的卡尔,他没有得到答案!但别担心,事情会好起来的 <3

Chapter 4: Cal Kestis
第 4 章:卡尔·凯斯蒂斯


Cal's brain is too tired to function in this chapter

Chapter Text

Cal didn’t know what he had expected. He understood that what he asked was a responsibility few could accept in a blink, and yet, he felt rejected. The Force swirled in the air, he could feel it, it reached out towards the other Jedi, who... ignored it. Pretended not to notice. Asked whether he would rather stay inside and sleep, or be back under the heat of the two suns. Another test, perhaps? If so, his resolve will not falter, but Force, he really needed rest .
卡尔不知道他所期待的是什么。他明白,他所要求的责任很少有人能在一瞬间接受,然而,他感到被拒绝了。原力在空中旋转,他能感觉到,它向另一个绝地武士伸出手,后者......忽略了它。假装没注意到。被问及他宁愿呆在屋里睡觉,还是回到两个太阳的炎热下。也许是另一个测试?如果是这样,他的决心不会动摇,但 Force,他真的需要休息。

He had enough time to think about whether or not to accept this invitation while staring in the mirror in the ‘fresher after taking a sonic shower. On the one hand, he looked exhausted. Prominent dark circles under his bloodshot eyes tempted him to stay; climb back into bed and curl under the blankets, close his eyes and just… slip into unconsciousness. For, perhaps, days, if that was possible. On the other hand… he knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep anyway. That the nightmares — the Force-visions — won’t let him. And he didn’t want to be regarded as lazy, as someone who didn’t want to at least make an effort, or to offer to help, and thus…

He quickly brushed his hair and dressed.

“Don't allow yourself to be weighed down by ego and pretense.” that’s what Master Tapal used to say, “Let go of what you fear to lose.”

Cal doubted that he had anything left, except the fading light of his Force, and that… he stubbornly refused to let that go.

His reflection gave him a wicked smile, green eyes glinted gold for just a fraction of a second, as it whispered:

“Let go.”

He blinked and turned away. A trip to Mos Espa sounded very nice indeed.
他眨了眨眼,转过身去。去 Mos Espa 旅行听起来确实很不错。

Master Kenobi waited for him at the same spot where he sat during their breakfast talk. In his stillness he resembled a statue; one of those on Zeffo, impeccable in their serenity and peace. There was beauty in this calm, which radiated off the Jedi’s presence, and Cal marvelled at how could one possibly be so —
克诺比大人在他早餐会上坐的地方等着他。在他的寂静中,他就像一尊雕像;Zeffo 上的那些人之一,他们的宁静与和平无可挑剔。这种平静中蕴含着美感,从绝地武士的光芒中散发出来,卡尔惊叹于一个人怎么可能如此——

Obi-Wan turned his head to face him, and the calm dissolved in the air, leaving behind no trace; the Force silent.

“What’s your decision, Cal?”

“I’m going with you. I’d be glad to help out.” Cal replied; fully conscious of his lie. It wasn’t about being helpful, no. He was afraid to be left alone, simple as that, and he was sure that Master Kenobi saw right through his lie; even so, the smile that Jedi Master gave him, was filled with kindness.

Mos Espa was located just across the desert — the Dune Sea, Master Kenobi called it — and it seemed to be endless. Clouds of dust rose from underneath the speeder as it zoomed across the sands, and Cal was a bit surprised at how fast the Jedi Master’s driving was. He didn’t expect… something like that. Kept forgetting, that they have all been at war, have all been used to high speeds and quick paces. He sat quietly behind him, eyes closed, allowing himself to get what little rest he could, given that they had no conversation going on anyway. He was almost enjoying the feel of the hot air against his skin, as he reached out with the Force — there was nothing for miles, and miles, and miles, and miles, only sand, and Master Kenobi’s calm presence beside him.

The speeder came to an abrupt stop and Cal’s eyes flew open.

“That’s not Mos Espa.”

“You are quite observant, young one,” Obi-Wan laughed, as he hopped off the speeder, graceful, steps soft against the rocky ground. Cal followed him clumsily, almost tripped on the rocks; he was just so sleepy, didn’t even care to be embarrassed.

A mountain range stretched before them, light sepias of the desert giving way to dark crimson browns; the looks of it almost resembled those of Dathomir. Almost made Cal shiver at the memory of Malicos.

“Follow me!” Master Kenobi called cheerfully, as he oh-so-casually Force-jumped up a rock and continued upwards along a barely visible path, spring in his step.

Was he… genuinely happy to be here? If so, why? In the Force he was still calm, just like back in the desert, surely Cal was tired, but he couldn’t be imagining things to that extent . He sighed and followed along. Didn’t Force-jump. Climbed his way up. There was no point showing off, he reasoned, and he… truly, he wasn’t really adept at those types of acrobatics; if he needed to get somewhere, he’d rather climb than Force-fling himself to whatever destination.

Obi-Wan took a sudden right turn and jumped down. Cal was careful to follow him. He looked around first: there was a rope hanging from above, he could probably climb back up, in case he needed it. It also wasn’t very far down. The cave before him wasn’t dark — it was more of a canyon, than a cave, to be fair, from where he stood he could see that this place was frequently visited — the remains of a campfire, several training remotes neatly sitting in a row near it. He didn’t know why he hesitated to follow, but after a moment, he went for a jump as well. Flashed a careful smile at Obi-Wan, almost waiting for an explanation.

“I trust you have your own lightsaber?” Jedi Master said, as he did some kind of an odd movement with his shoulders — the brown cloak he was wearing fell to the ground — and he stood there, ‘saber in hand, eyes glinting in the light of two suns.

That was just so extra , why do that when he could have taken the cloak off in a much less striking manner, that for a moment Cal just stood there, dumbfounded by this slip of personality over the serene facade of the Jedi, before the realization of what exactly was happening slowly caught up to him.

“Is that a test, Master Kenobi?”, he asked, before reaching for his own lightsaber hilt and fiddling with controls, tuning it down to training mode.

“Only if you want it to be.”

So, it was a test.

Cal took a deep breath and tried to focus, as he heard the sound of the lightsaber ignition. The color was the same one he saw in his nightmares, blue. Much richer blue, than his almost white pale-cyan.

“A double-bladed one? Interesting choice.” came the remark, as Cal ignited his own weapon.

Not fighting for his life should have been a nice change of pace, but it wasn’t. He didn’t feel at ease, not at all. Surely it wasn’t his life at stake, but now he felt that the outcome of this sparring was about to decide his fate. He wasn’t expecting to win this , no, he knew too well that he was fighting a former general; a Jedi Master, a Council member, but he thought…

He fought Malicos on Dathomir. The Ninth Sister, and then, Trilla, their power amplified by the Dark side of the Force. He was confident that he was no weakling, but…

Obi-Wan Kenobi didn’t look as intimidating as other opponents Cal has faced. There was a moment, several seconds where he stood perfectly still, his left hand stretched forward, as if feeling the Force in front of him, lips quirked upwards in a sort of almost playful smile. He let Cal have the first move. It was deflected with ease, just as almost playfully, and then, there was not a fraction of a second when Obi-Wan stood still anymore, as Cal tried to get to his defences, with no luck — not even close, not even even a mile close to doing so.

The duel kept on going, stretched, as Master Kenobi waltzed away from his attacks, dodged Force-pushes and used Cal’s Force-pulls to his advantage, never once breaking eye-contact, kept his distance for which seemed to Cal like hours. He was sweating, tired already, almost angry — at himself, for not doing better, and in general, because it was taking just so long , this pitch-perfect Soresu, wearing him down exactly like it should have — but remained calm. Concentrated.
决斗继续进行,拉长了时间,因为克诺比大师跳着华尔兹舞,躲避了原力推搡,并利用卡尔的原力拉扯来发挥自己的优势,从未中断过眼神交流,保持着距离,在卡尔看来就像几个小时。他满头大汗,已经累了,几乎要生气了——对自己,因为没有做得更好,总的来说,因为花了这么长时间,这个完美的 Soresu,完全按照应该的方式让他疲惫不堪——但他保持冷静。集中。

And then, Obi-Wan turned offencive.

And that was intense .

Cal didn’t even have time to blink — Kenobi sprung up, ended up behind him, circled him and in a single swift movement — he was cornered, a blade of blue light stopped an inch from his neck.

“I failed,” Cal muttered sadly.

“Did you?”

“Were it a real battle, I would have been dead, so, yeah. I did.”

Obi-Wan lowered his lightsaber and gave Cal a disapproving glance, but the reason behind it remained a mystery.

“Can we try again?”

“If you wish so, young one.”

The result that try yielded was, in essence, the same. Cal found himself at his back, on the ground, his ‘saber somewhere far out of reach. Kind eyes looked at him with compassion and sympathy, as a blade of bright blue light pointed at his chest.

“Again!” Cal called, as he jumped to his feet, desperate for yet another chance.

Master Kenobi’s lightsaber never once even grazed his skin, always stopped an inch away, and a remark came: “you lost an arm here”, “that would have hurt”, “definitely should have blocked that”, which spoke volumes of just how much control he had over his actions, despite how quick and intense they seemed. Cal couldn’t even begin to understand what it took — to be so perfect. Time and time again he was cornered, only to get up again, to overcome the pain in his muscles, the exhausted feeling and the trembling of his hands.

His breath was ragged, it almost hurt. His hands trembled, as he clutched his lightsaber tighter.

“Cal, maybe, it’s enough ?” Obi-Wan’s voice was even, steady. Something inside Cal found this almost mocking him.

“No, Master. Again! ”

Now there was anger burning inside him, as he blocked the first strike and pushed forward, the Force showing him what was to happen seconds before it did, he could rely on that, sure, but he wasn’t quick enough to react, wasn’t quick enough to parry, wasn’t good enough…

It didn’t matter how hard he tried.

Or how many times.

He would never pass that test.

It had been his only hope to survive. To stop the torture his life now was, to learn how to block the past from his mind. He will have to give up on that. Leave. What choice did he have, now, other than that? He knew exactly where the terror and fear would lead him.

— his light would fade and he — he would find himself in the darkness, unable to run, unable to find his light, unable to do anything at the presence of the demon who once shined so brightly… but. This demon wouldn't hurt him, oh no-no-no , because… because he could bring him something far more valuable than force-sensitive children. His former Master, wouldn’t that be just a perfect turn of events? And he would show this Jedi what it was like — this feeling, this weakness, this desperation, this terror of being not good enough — and he would scream his name, beg him to stop, because the Inquisitors knew their way around torture, and the blue of his Force will bleed into red —
— 他的光芒会消逝,他 — 他会发现自己在黑暗中,无法逃跑,无法找到他的光芒,在那个曾经如此耀眼的恶魔面前,他什么也做不了......但。这个恶魔不会伤害他,哦不,因为......因为他可以给他带来比对原力敏感的孩子更有价值的东西。他的前师父,那不就是个完美的转折吗?他会向这个绝地武士展示那是什么感觉——这种感觉,这种软弱,这种绝望,这种不够好的恐惧——他会大喊他的名字,恳求他停下来,因为审判官知道他们绕过酷刑的方法,他原力的蓝色会渗入红色——

“Cal! Cal, are you alright?”

He blinked.

“Yeah. Sorry.”

He wasn’t alright, not at all. He dropped his lightsaber, when the Force-vision overtook him, he was physically shaking and what was worse, so much worse, he knew that he had failed . Not only in combat, but emotionally. Let fear take the best of him.

Eyes downcast, he picked up his weapon from the ground and secured it on his belt. Obi-Wan, in turn, picked up his cloak from where he left it and also grabbed a training remote. (Cal didn’t know why he would need to take it from here. Did he plan on selling it in Mos Espa?)
他垂着眼睛,从地上捡起武器,系在腰带上。反过来,欧比旺从他离开的地方捡起了他的斗篷,还拿起了一个训练遥控器。(卡尔不知道为什么他需要从这里拿走它。他打算在 Mos Espa 出售它吗?

They made it all the way back to the speeder in silence.

“Stop overthinking it, Cal. From what I can say, you did great.”

Cal didn’t believe it, but felt too tired to argue. He had to think of a way to get out of the planet once Master Kenobi informed him of his decision not to accept him as a padawan. How foolish of him was to hope —

It took some time to get to Mos Espa, but they were finally there. The market was vast, it stretched across the streets of the space-port like a lichen, aliens haggling over spare parts, spices, food — even slaves , but Cal tried not to notice that. He was almost a slave himself once, on Bracca, a branding tattoo still on his arm, will never come off, not that he ever tried to remove it. Perhaps, that was all he was worth, after all. All he was good at — oh Force , what was he to do?
我们花了一些时间才到达 Mos Espa,但他们终于到了。市场很大,它像地衣一样横跨太空港的街道,外星人为备件、香料、食物——甚至奴隶——讨价还价,但卡尔尽量不注意到这一点。他自己也曾经几乎是一个奴隶,在布拉卡,他的手臂上还有一个烙印纹身,永远不会脱落,更不用说他曾经试图去除它。也许,这就是他的全部价值。他只擅长——哦,原力,他该怎么办?

He followed Obi-Wan silently, only half-noticing that he was getting more and more things on his hands — spare parts, then a set of tableware, some dried bantha meat, a packet of powdered milk, a bedroll and spare blanket. Their last stop was a jewellery trader; the most intricately braided chains of all shapes and sizes gleamed in the sunlight, all the colors of gold and silver. There were beads too, made from gemstones, blue, purple, yellow, red — any colour, really.

Master Kenobi studied the selection for a long time, longer, than he had when choosing anything else they’ve been after, before settling on one diamond-shaped bead — it was a tame color, very unsaturated green. The trader named a price, and there wasn’t any haggling after that, although Cal could easily tell that the bead was far, far overpriced.
克诺比大师研究了这个选择很长时间,比他选择任何其他东西时都要长,然后才确定了一个菱形珠子——这是一种温和的颜色,非常不饱和的绿色。商人说出了一个价格,之后就没有任何讨价还价了,尽管 Cal 很容易看出这颗珠子的价格高得多。

Still, he failed to care.

“This is goodbye, then,” he said softly as he helped Obi-Wan to place the purchases on the speeder.

That got him a very questioning look.

“Well, I’ve clearly failed your test. You aren’t taking me as your…” Cal looked around, understanding that he had to be careful with words “...apprentice, that much I gathered from today. And if I stay, I will only bring you more trouble.”

He felt a knot tighten inside his chest, his eyes almost hurting with tears, but none fell. It was the end of his journey, and now, his only path was to run. He will find a ship, he will run as far away from the people he knows, from the Empire… to the place as far away as he can find. And he will never stop, never. He will run until he can’t anymore, and he… he won’t let the darkness catch up. He’d rather die than risk becoming what the Force had shown him today.

“I haven’t rejected you, Cal Kestis. And I don’t think I’ve done anything that would have shown otherwise.”

For some reason Cal was afraid to look up. Afraid, that his ears deceived him. That he, perhaps, has misinterpreted. Hope wasn’t something that he could afford, not really, not now, when…

“I will train you.”

He felt Obi-Wan’s hand on his, the gentle touch soft and comforting against his skin.

“Come now, padawan.”

Chapter 5: Obi-Wan Kenobi
第 5 章:欧比旺·克诺比


OMG guys, when I first started writing this, I never expected the amount of positive feedback I'd get (I expected, like, zero views), espesially considering that this is, what, rare pair 2020? lol, it's still the only fic in the tag!
天哪,当我第一次开始写这篇文章时,我从没想过我会得到这么多的积极反馈(我预计,大约,零浏览量),尤其是考虑到这是,什么,稀有的 2020 年配对?哈哈,它仍然是标签中唯一的 FIC!

AND I've found an amazing ugh, variation, I guess, on the music in the title, so if you want, you can check it out.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

His Padawan cried all the way back across the Dune Sea. The speeder’s engine roar somehow muffled his weepings, but nothing could have been done with the tears making their way through the layers of fabric on his shoulder, where Cal chose to bury his face.

In a way, Obi-Wan had no idea what to do in a situation, such as this. Were Cal a child, he would have offered him comfort; a hug, perhaps, and then a lecture about the nature of emotions and the ways to deal with them. A guided meditation, perhaps — but Cal wasn’t a child. He looked around twenty years old, maybe even younger than that, although Obi-Wan didn’t want to think in that direction, and by that age Jedi were supposed to be able to keep their emotions in check —

— but it wasn’t the slip of emotion that was so overwhelming. Anakin gave him a fair share of that at the time.

It was the emotion itself. As Cal Kestis started crying, his mental shields slipped; the stress finally caught up with him, perhaps, as they got on the speeder and left the city, there was nothing left of them now, and his every thought was left on the surface.
而是情感本身。当 Cal Kestis 开始哭泣时,他的心理盾牌滑落了;压力终于赶上了他,也许,当他们坐上飞车离开城市时,他们现在已经什么都没有了,他的每一个想法都浮在了表面。

Obi-Wan has never felt such gratitude from anyone; it felt like there was enough to fill the universe with it. And if at first he thought about stopping and having a talk with him, preaching about the Code and the Jedi Way, that thought was now long gone; he will let Cal have his moment, because there was no darkness in his tears, only purity and endless devotion. He wrapped his Force around the boy securely; held him.

He could almost see his own reflection in Cal Kestis now, of his own happiness at the realisation of finally being chosen by his own Master — even though their stories weren’t the same at all.

Dusk was falling rapidly, as they made their way through the desert, merely making it in time before dark finally settled above the sands.

Obi-Wan had hoped that Cal would have calmed by now, but alas; the boy did make the effort to stifle his sobs, yet to no avail: his whole body trembled as he stumbled off the speeder and tried to… regain control over overflowing emotions, leaning against the wall for support. Obi-Wan touched the fabric of the tunic on his shoulder, where Cal’s face rested a minute ago; it was soaked through with tears, warm against his skin. He watched the boy failing to gather himself together, watched him slowly sinking to the sands, tormented with emotion, unable to rule it in, despite it being made of light itself, it seemed.

The wind hummed far away, sang a chant which sounded almost like a warning to those who cared enough to listen — a storm was coming, and perhaps, this was also a reason behind his — now his — Padawan’s inability to calm down. For a second, he considered whether it would be better to leave their things on the speeder as they were and clean the sand off them tomorrow, but then… Cal will have to sleep somewhere, and eat something, and there was no guessing how long the storm would last, so —
风在远处嗡嗡作响,唱着吟唱,听起来几乎像是在警告那些足够关心倾听的人——一场暴风雨即将来临,也许,这也是他——现在是他的——Padawan 无法冷静下来的一个原因。有那么一瞬间,他考虑了是否把他们的东西原样留在飞船上,明天再把沙子清理干净,但接下来......卡尔得找个地方睡觉,吃点东西,而且谁也猜不出这场暴风雨会持续多久,所以——

He quickly carried everything inside, while still keeping an eye on Cal, before — finally , because the howling of the wind was indeed getting louder, and the sandstorm closer —

“Cal, look at me. It’s alright, let’s go,” words laced with the Force, and it wouldn’t have had any effect, if Cal’s mind wasn’t so open now, so vulnerable. There were no shields, no defences — nothing, just as if they had never been there; just as if it was not a twenty-year-old Jedi in front of him, but a youngling, a child, just brought to the temple.

He helped Cal to get to his feet and lead him inside. He looked at him, his red face and swollen eyes, trembling shoulders, almost choking on his weepings. He kneeled before the boy, and took his ungloved hand.

“Meditate with me.”

Cal nodded and practically fell beside him, arms outstretched in an almost pleading gesture.

Deep breath in, then, seconds later, deep breath out. It was easy for Obi-Wan to clear his mind and slip into meditation, feel another’s Force beside him, the rough, tangled feel of it, as he crossed over where his mind ended and his Padawan’s began.

It was like bathing in light; light so bright it hurt to look at. Joy so intense, so overwhelming it was torture. It was as if something inside Cal broke, shattered like a crystal, yet it wasn’t impossible to put the pieces back together. Obi-Wan was doing it alone at first, almost painfully aware of how uneven the boy’s breath was, but then Cal managed to find his way around the vast, blinding, endless white.
这就像沐浴在光中;光线如此明亮,看着很痛。喜悦如此强烈,如此压倒性,简直是一种折磨。就好像 Cal 内心有什么东西坏了,像水晶一样碎了,但要把这些碎片重新拼凑起来也不是不可能的。起初,欧比旺是一个人在做这件事,他几乎痛苦地意识到这个男孩的呼吸有多么不均匀,但后来卡尔设法在广阔、令人眼花缭乱、无尽的白色中找到了自己的路。

His breath evened out gradually, and with it, the blinding light slowly gave way to formless grays and subtle blues, leaving only hints of colors and emotions; there was, finally, peace.

In peace, they sat for some more time, and Obi-Wan could feel Cal’s steady pulse, hear the sound of his now quiet and steady breathing, and the storm raging outside — humming — singing them a lullaby.

When he opened his eyes, Cal had already been looking at him.

“Thank you, Master Kenobi,” he whispered with a shy smile, before standing up, movements unsure, as if wanting to ask about something, yet ever so hesitant.

Obi-Wan, in turn, had his own questions.

“Tell me, Cal, would you like to continue your training, or start it anew? I’m fine with either choice you make,” he asked, as he got up as well, starting sorting through the things they got at the market. Cal was at his side instantly — to offer his help, although little was required.

“I would like to honour the training I did with Master Tapal, to continue it, if you’d allow” his voice was careful, but firm.

“Give me your braid and sit down.”

The faded fabric of a Jedi tunic was warm against his hand, the feel of it electrifying, as the Force swirled around, its intention now almost too clear. Inside the fabric was a braid. A short one, matted with time, hair so, so soft. It was cut at an angle, seemingly in a hurry — no wonder, given the circumstances Cal was in. It seemed only fitting to unplait it with as much care as possible.
褪色的绝地外衣布料在他的手上很温暖,当原力旋转时,它的感觉令人振奋,它的意图现在几乎太清楚了。布料里面是一条辫子。一个短的,随着时间的流逝而蓬松,头发如此柔软。它被剪成一个角度,似乎很匆忙——考虑到 Cal 所处的环境,这不足为奇。似乎只适合尽可能小心地解开它。

He took a comb and brushed through his Padawan’s hair; Cal tilted his head slightly, eyes fluttering shut, breath held, if only for a second. His lips moved, as if trying to form words, but none eventually came and he stilled. Calm. Quiet. Content with what was happening, as Obi-Wan carefully braided his hair, tightly weaving what was left of an old Padawan braid onto them, Force intertwining between the strands.

It felt right. Right to the point that Obi-Wan knew — should he release his hold on the braid now, run a comb through Cal’s hair again, the strands on his temple would be long, as if never severed — the Force’s way of showing its will.

A faded-green bead caught light reflected from the glossy cerulean tableware and sparkled in the dusky undertones of the nightfall; it looked so fitting against pale skin of Cal’s neck just under his ear, as if it was meant to be there, as if — as if it has always been. Cal’s hair wasn’t long enough to make a ponytail; so there wasn’t much to do after the braid was finished, and Obi-Wan gently ran his fingers through his Padawan’s hair — gesture affectionate and warm.

They meditated again after that, several hours into the night, as the humm of the storm outside gradually fell silent. Until there was no emotion left, only peace, serenity and harmony, until Cal’s presence in the Force wasn’t the blue of Anakin Skywalker, but more of his own whitish cyan; like the rivers of Alderaan, freshwaters of the sacred springs, transparent, reflecting light in a way no jewel ever could.

Their minds were still brushing against each other as they sorted through the things they brought from Mos Espa, in complete silence, and Obi-Wan could practically feel his Padawan’s smile.

“You need to rest,” he told Cal fondly, before gesturing to the bedroll and a pillow. They still needed to find a spot for all this, even temporary one — Cal didn’t seem to see the problem, as he spread the mattress on the floor, near the front door, and tossed the pillow on top of it.

Well, that solved it; although Obi-Wan would have never suggested this spot for someone to sleep onto; found it a little — almost on verge of an insult — uncivilized, and was he to suggest a spot, he would, perhaps, have moved the table. Well, they will have plenty of time to do it now, that Cal stayed.
嗯,这解决了;尽管欧比旺永远不会建议有人睡在这个地方;觉得这有点——几乎是侮辱的边缘——不文明,如果他建议一个地方,他也许会把桌子换掉。好吧,他们现在有足够的时间来做这件事,因为 Cal 留下来了。

That night he dreamt of Mustafar again; but there was no duel there. Instead, he fought dosens stormtroopers there; cut his way through, pushed groups of them into rivers of lava, as his mind sang a song he didn’t recognize to muffle their screams of agony and fear; their taunts, for which he sometimes fell. Then, he wandered around the empty wasteland, chasing something. A vision, a feeling — an echo in the Force, and his soul hurt at not understanding where to go next — and then he found it, and then — he was standing at the platform and staring — the blinding bright-blue of his own lightsaber, and he — no, Anakin, don’t! — leaps forward, and then the pain and he drops down, and then…
那天晚上,他又梦到了穆斯塔法;但那里没有决斗。相反,他在那里与 dosens 冲锋队作战;他切开了一条路,将他们成群结队地推入熔岩河中,他的心灵吟唱着一首他不认识的歌,以掩盖他们痛苦和恐惧的尖叫;他们的嘲讽,他有时会为此而堕落。然后,他在空旷的荒原上徘徊,追逐着什么。一个幻象,一种感觉——原力中的回声,他的灵魂因为不知道下一步该去哪里而感到痛苦——然后他找到了——然后——他站在平台上,盯着——他自己的光剑那刺眼的亮蓝色光芒,而他——不,阿纳金,不要!——向前一跃,然后疼痛,他倒下了,然后......

He sees his own face, twisted with emotion which no Jedi should ever experience.

“I hate you!”

He jerked awake, from a nightmare that wasn’t entirely his own, and looked around, only to find Qui-Gon standing in the middle of the room, eyes distant, just as always, but looking directly at Cal, tossing and turning in his sleep, blanket gripped in his fists so tightly one could hear the sound of fabric ripping.

“I see you’ve picked up a pathetic lifeform,” Qui-Gon said, and Obi-Wan was already opening his mouth to argue that Cal wasn’t pathetic when he recognized his own line.
“我看到你捡到了一个可怜的生命形式,”Qui-Gon 说,而 Obi-Wan 已经张开嘴争辩说,当 Cal 认出自己的血统时,他并不可怜。

He slowly exhaled and looked up at his Master. Calmly.

“It was the Force’s will.”

“So I see.”

Both stayed silent for a long moment before Obi-Wan decided to speak again.

“He’s projecting it, isn’t he? This dream I had, was his.”

“Quite so. But it’s more of a memory, than a dream; laced with the Force. I would have called it a prophecy, were it not about things bygone.”

“I think he saw something when we were training yesterday.” Obi-Wan then proceeded to tell his Master about what happened — how strange the Force had shifted around Cal, as he all but choked on the air mid-step and froze in place, eyes wide-open, for just a fraction of a second, before blinking back to reality. “But I also wouldn’t trust his perception of anything back then; he was too tired, lost in thoughts. If what I saw was something to judge by, I’m not sure I understand just how he made it this far.”

“He has resolve. The Force is with him.” Qui-Gon sighted and gave Obi-Wan the look. “ Then, of course, there are stims and a crew turning a blind eye.”

Stims. This explained some things about Cal, but nothing exactly clicked into place; stims were drugs; drugs widely used during the war, legal, but the question was in quantity and duration of usage. The Jedi rarely relied on them, meditation usually proving to be a much better way to keep on going, yet… Cal was young, and perhaps didn’t master that skill just yet, more so, he was untrained , his skills — those of a thirteen-year-old Padawan. And having a body of a different age didn’t matter.
刺激。这解释了关于 Cal 的一些事情,但没有一个完全到位;刺激物是药物;战争期间广泛使用的药物是合法的,但问题是使用的数量和持续时间。绝地武士很少依赖他们,冥想通常被证明是继续前进的更好方式,然而......卡尔还年轻,也许还没有掌握这项技能,更重要的是,他没有受过训练,他的技能——一个十三岁的帕达万的技能。拥有不同年龄的身体并不重要。

How a thirteen-year-old Padawan fought battalions of stormtroopers alone was beyond Obi-Wan's understanding, and yet… he knew just how . It was written across Cal’s face, emotions so clear in his nightmare, so much fear, only half his own, and half of it —
一个 13 岁的学徒是如何独自与冲锋队作战的,这超出了欧比旺的理解范围,然而......他知道怎么做。这写在卡尔的脸上,在他的噩梦中,情绪如此清晰,如此多的恐惧,只有一半是他自己的,一半是——

No matter.

He crossed the room and pressed the back of his hand against his Padawan’s forehead in an attempt to share his serenity with him, without waking him up. It was something he did back when Anakin was a child still, and he could only hope he still had this skill in tact, he could almost feel Qui-Gon’s piercing eyes on him, but when he turned to meet his stare the Force-ghost was already gone. Indeed, just like the wind. And Cal... At the very least, his grip on the blanket relaxed and the frown was gone from his face.
他穿过房间,用手背按在他 Padawan 的额头上,试图在不吵醒他的情况下与他分享他的宁静。这是他在阿纳金还是个孩子的时候就做过的事情,他只能希望自己还有这种技巧,他几乎能感觉到 Qui-Gon 锐利的眼睛看着他,但当他转身面对他的凝视时,原力幽灵已经消失了。确实,就像风一样。还有卡尔......至少,他抓着毯子的手放松了,皱眉从他的脸上消失了。

There will be a lot to talk about during the day, and now… well, he might have enough time to pay a visit to the Lars’ family, as the new day dawned. The thought of feeling Luke’s presence closeby made Obi-Wan smile fondly. The thought of arguing with his uncle, however, made him frown.
白天会有很多话要谈,现在......好吧,他可能有足够的时间去拜访 Lars 的家人,因为新的一天已经到来了。一想到卢克就在身边,欧比旺就露出了深情的笑容。然而,一想到要和他的叔叔争论,他就皱起了眉头。


illustration is done by @/wfraem on twitter
插图由 @/wfraem 在 Twitter 上完成

aaaaand Obi-Wan isn't making the wisest decision here, 'cuz in the morning somebody will be feeling a bit lost

Chapter 6: Anakin Skywalker |&| Cal Kestis
第六章:阿纳金·天行者 |&|卡尔·凯斯蒂斯



wow look who makes an entrance

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

That night he dreamt of Mustafar again, the traces of a dream ripped to shreds, because even after all those years sleep wasn’t something he could really do. He didn’t rest, not ever, but the time he spent in bacta tanks was not to be wasted — and consciousness slipped into this, this slumber.
那天晚上,他又梦到了穆斯塔法,梦的痕迹被撕成碎片,因为即使过了这么多年,睡眠也不是他能真正做的事情。他没有休息,从来没有,但他在 bacta 坦克里度过的时间不能浪费——意识滑入了这个,这个沉睡。

Vader prefered meditations to that — they, at the very least, were controlled, and he could choose what his mind showed him and how exactly things unfurled, but dreams — oh sweet dreams were overrated. Even if vivid, they always had the shattered feel to them, as if he was looking down at pieces of a broken mirror, which reflected only fractions of things bygone, of things he had seen before. Sharp edges hurt, re-living the Jedi’s betrayal hurt, but hurt was his constant companion, and the colours of lava and ashes weren’t an unwelcome sight, not anymore.

Mustafar was just another planet in the Empire. There was nothing special in it, but despite this, in this pathetic excuse for a dream he felt something amiss. A presence, just behind the edges — the almost translucent turquoise trace in Force — a Jedi, spying on him, how dare —

His rage washed over the landscape, like an avalanche, but made of fire, and the intruder took cover — behind the traces of ash, molten durasteel and shards of broken mirror Vader was looking into — but didn’t withdraw; it was then Vader recognized him.

“You would be wise to surrender”

“Yeah. Probably.”

He fought valiantly after — unskilled, but vigorous, didn’t let the other Jedi by his side give in to the temptation of the Dark, and oh, this drive, the mere fact that his resolve didn’t falter even as he had his own ignited lightsaber burning a hole through his chest — those qualities would have made him a perfect inquisitor. But it seemed fear and pain were not just right to break him.

Another question was, what an unskilled Jedi was doing here, in his dream? Was it, perhaps, by accident? If so, he couldn’t afford to lose this chance. Skilled or not, Kestis was still a Jedi, and Jedi should be dead. Or, if they wanted to escape such a fate, fallen . And this one had a friend. At least one. Maybe more.

He watched from afar at how Cal Kestis curled on the ground near a pool of lava, breathing in ashes, how he looked at his hands and feet as he stood up — as if to make sure they were still attached to his body — how he wandered around the emptiness which has never really been a part of Mustafar, planet busy with all kinds of droids and production lines, but apparently, all those were of no interest for his, uh , guest.
他从远处看着卡尔·凯斯蒂斯如何蜷缩在熔岩池附近的地面上,呼吸着灰烬,他如何看着自己站起来的手和脚——仿佛要确保它们仍然附着在他的身体上——他如何在从未真正属于穆斯塔法的空虚中徘徊, 星球上忙着各种机器人和生产线,但显然,所有这些都对他的,呃,客人不感兴趣。

“What are you looking for?” he decided to call, and the sound of his voice made them both flinch — Kestis did it from surprise, and Vader from disgust — unmodulated, twisted by the dreamscape his mind engineered despite his best interest. So, he was Skywalker in this one, then. A murky, dead, pathetic version of himself. Maybe it was for the best. At the very least he wouldn’t spook Kestis away. Will be able to lure him in.
“你在找什么?”他决定打电话,他的声音让他们俩都畏缩了一下——Kestis是出于惊讶,而Vader是出于厌恶——没有得到调节,被他的大脑制造的梦境扭曲了,尽管他有最大的利益。所以,他在这部电影中是天行者。一个阴暗、死气沉沉、可悲的自己。也许这是最好的。至少他不会吓跑 Kestis。将能够引诱他进来。

Will be able to use Skywalker to his advantage .

But alas the Force around them swelled with fear as he approached the Jedi — even more intense that back there in the Fortress. Recognition flashed in Kestis’ eyes, the feeling cold , the man before him was ever so scared — he was no fool, this one, wasn’t the one to trust a pretty face — and there it was, an answer, he was no spy, didn’t come here on purpose, never wanted to meet again, but oh how cruel the Force could sometimes be, right?
但遗憾的是,当他接近绝地武士时,他们周围的原力因恐惧而膨胀——甚至比在要塞里时还要强烈。凯斯蒂斯的眼睛里闪过认可,冰冷的感觉,他面前的这个男人曾经如此害怕——他不是傻子,这个人,不是那个相信漂亮脸蛋的人——就在那里,一个答案,他不是间谍,不是故意来这里的,再也不想见面了,但哦,原力有时是多么残酷, 右?

Kestis took a step back, then another. He was standing on the very edge of a rock, behind him — a durasteel platform, which trembled under the wind — it wouldn’t have, were it all real, but in a dream, durasteel could be as fragile as Cal Kestis wanted it to be. And Vader let him give in to his fear, as he advanced, pushed him further, made him take another step back and then one more, onto the platform, yeah, just right .
Kestis 后退了一步,然后又退了一步。他站在一块岩石的边缘上,在他身后——一个在风中颤抖的硬钢平台——如果这一切都是真的,那肯定是不可能的,但在梦中,硬钢可以像卡尔·凯斯蒂斯希望的那样脆弱。维达让他屈服于自己的恐惧,随着他前进,把他推得更远,让他再后退一步,然后再后退一步,上了平台,是的,恰到好处。

The metal creaked under their weight, as parts of it fell down into the lava river and sparks flew up, so high that some of them landed on Kestis’s poncho, burned holes in dusty white and yellow canvas.
金属在他们的重量下吱吱作响,当它的一部分落入熔岩河中时,火花飞溅而上,如此之高,以至于其中一些落在了 Kestis 的雨披上,在尘土飞扬的白色和黄色帆布上烧出了个洞。

“Lucky it didn’t catch fire,” he looked the Jedi in the eyes, the dull green color dusted with not just fear now — terror, and reached out to grab Kestis by the throat, but —

— sometimes it so happened , that terror was simply too strong to bear. Cal Kestis held his stare for only a moment before making a sound — a strangled noise of distress which was supposed to be either a laugh or a scream, but turned out to be neither — and allowing himself to fall down, into the molten hell his imagination painted the burning vermillion red.

There were no traces of the transparent cyan left in his half-dream-half- whatever that was, so there was little purpose in dwelling in it anymore.

He will, however, have to look into that connection he shared with this Kestis guy in more detail later. It might as well prove useful at some point, even if he didn’t see how exactly right about now.
然而,他稍后将不得不更详细地研究他与这个 Kestis 家伙的联系。它也可能在某个时候被证明是有用的,即使他现在还没看出到底有多对。

With a huff which sent bubbles up the bacta, Vader opened his eyes and pondered whether or not he should tell Sidious about this most peculiar dream.


Cal didn’t wake up, he ripped himself from sleep, eyes wide, breath unsteady, memories of his encounter with Skywalker all too vivid — those golden eyes, the hatred in them, the pure, molten burning feeling overpowering to the point where he knew — had he stared in them a second too long he would be gone, and not just dead, but consumed, devoured whole by the dark.
卡尔没有醒来,他从睡梦中醒来,睁大了眼睛,呼吸不稳,他与天行者相遇的记忆太生动了——那双金色的眼睛,其中的仇恨,那种纯粹的、熔化的灼热感压倒了他,以至于他知道——如果他盯着他们看太久,他就会消失,而不仅仅是死去, 但被吞噬了,被黑暗吞噬了。

BD-1 nudged at his side and beeped worriedly, at which Cal sighted. He… knew that he wasn’t at his best for the past few days, and his droid friend was right to worry. Had every right to, and yet, once more, Cal brushed him off with a simple “I’m okay, buddy!”
BD-1 轻推了他身边,担心地发出哔哔声,Cal 看到了。他。。。知道他这几天没有处于最佳状态,他的机器人朋友担心是正确的。他完全有权利这样做,然而,卡尔又一次用一句简单的“我没事,伙计!

For a moment he felt as though he finally had enough rest to function just fine, as he looked around and got dressed, trying his best to keep sand from getting everywhere — he couldn’t quite understand how, but it even got inside his mouth.

The feeling of being well-rested disappeared as he made his way to the kitchen, and BD jumped up on his shoulder.
当他走向厨房时,休息良好的感觉消失了,BD 跳到他的肩膀上。

“I really could use a stim,” Cal said, noticing a datapad left on the table. There must have been a message there.
“我真的可以用刺激剂,”Cal 说,注意到桌子上留下了一个数据板。那里一定有一条信息。

“Beep boop”

“I know, buddy. We might ask Master Kenobi when he returns, but I don’t think…”


“Yeah, you’re right, you’re right. Anyway, he left us a message, let’s see, hmm, what’s this…”

There wasn’t much there. Apart from “feel yourself at home” and “I will be back shortly”, there was no information whatsoever, and perhaps, Cal thought, this was his Master’s old habit. He didn’t like the notion of being left alone, and instinctively reached out to tug on his padawan braid — it was still there, the feel of it somehow reassuring.

He looked through the cupboards, unsure of what exactly passed as breakfast on a desert planet such as Tatooine, and what was he supposed to eat, how much water could he drink or where did it come from, exactly. Despite being accepted as Padawan, he still was thinking of himself as an inconvenience, of sorts, so, abusing someone’s hospitality wasn’t on his list of activities.
他翻看了看橱柜,不确定在塔图因这样的沙漠星球上早餐到底是什么,他应该吃什么,他能喝多少水,或者它到底来自哪里。尽管被接受为 Padawan,但他仍然认为自己在某种程度上是一种不便,因此,滥用某人的款待并不在他的活动清单上。

He decided that half-a-glass of water will suffice; a bit of blue powdered milk made it even better, sweet and rich tasting, and as for food, well, a flatbread was fine. BD tried to disagree, beeping about that he used to eat more on Mantis, but Cal told him that he used to move more on Mantis too.
他决定半杯水就足够了;一点蓝色的奶粉让它变得更好,甜美而浓郁的味道,至于食物,嗯,大饼就可以了。BD 试图不同意,哔地说他以前在 Mantis 上吃得更多,但 Cal 告诉他,他以前也更多地在 Mantis 上移动。

Not true though; yesterday’s duel — or training — was just as intense.

Staring into his glass he wondered if the dream he had was just that — a dream. And whether he should tell Master Kenobi about it. Anakin Skywalker wasn’t a topic for a casual conversation, and he didn’t want to do anything to upset the man who was… kind enough to let him stay despite the trouble he could potentially bring. But he couldn’t stop thinking… what if it wasn’t? It was the first time he wasn’t re-living Skywalker’s fate on Mustafar, but meeting him instead, saw him , the first time Skywalker talked to him, even if those were just two lines, a taunt, and a question. A disturbing one at that, as if he, too, didn’t understand what was going there. If that was a nightmare, a Sith lord wouldn’t be asking him questions like that, no, Cal thought that Skywalker he knew would have gone straight for the kill, and not watched him for… for how long was he watched? He had no idea. He sure had to do something to distract himself; fear led to anger, and anger… well, the Dark side, so, no, thanks.

As he chewed on a dry flatbread, his glance fell on the training remote which sat on the chest near the wall. Oh. Oh . He knew just what he would be doing today. He jumped to his feet — regretted it, as his head started spinning — and crossed the room. As he took the remote he felt another echo — he saw Master Kenobi, wielding his lightsaber among the sands in the same canyon they had trained yesterday, training, a calm, concentrated look on his face — it brought a smile to Cal's face. He will practice.

He wanted to go outside at first, but then remembered about the secrecy — the light of a ‘saber will be seen for miles in the desert, and he didn’t want to give out their location — so he will have to stay indoors. This meant that he won’t be able to use his second blade, for he feared it might scratch at the walls, but did it really matter?

If he was honest with himself, he wanted to master all forms of lightsaber combat, because, well — he actually felt that he needed to get better at every field; life showed him that there were many horrible things that could happen; being stuck wielding only a weapon of choice meant defeat. Death.

So, he quickly moved the table a bit further to the wall, to give himself more space, fiddled with the remote’s controls, and then tossed it up. His hold on the lightsaber was still unsteady for some reason — he couldn’t get why it was, why his body was shaking, there was a twitch in his arm that just refused to go away — he gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. It was probably nothing, just a week under the burning sun.

He deflected the charges shot at him easily at first, but then it proved to be more of a challenge, as the training session progressed. His concentration slipped once, then twice, as pinchy charges reached their target — first his leg and then his shoulder. Were it real blaster fire, he would have been on the ground, but now… well, there was barely any pain, just frustration at his own weakness and lack of skill.

Cal took another deep breath and tried his best to calm down. Blocked another shot, and then one more. And another one after that, his mind remaining calm, thoughts almost elsewhere, counting grains of sand outside, reaching out for the calm presence of Master Kenobi, almost too far away to make out, his mind carefully shielded, more so than before, actually.

It made sense, of course, to be more mindful of your thoughts around other people; the question was, what was his Master doing? Why didn’t he take Cal with him?

“It’s because,” his mind helpfully suggested, “you were such a mess yesterday. Because you cried on his shoulder, even younglings don’t do that. It’s because he has no reason to trust you even with the smallest of assignments.”

It was, in fact, true. He will have to do much, much better, if he wanted to prove himself; at least be more grounded in his emotions; it really wasn’t a problem for him before, but somehow after all what happened… well.

Another breath in, another breath out, as he pushed through the tremble in his body, as he willed his hands to stop shaking, and parried charge after charge, trying his best to rely not on his vision, but on his reflexes and the Force, trust it, let it flow freely through him, then, maybe, his stubborn body would finally cooperate —

He was concentrating on his training to such an extent that the sound of the door behind him opening startled him.

He missed a charge, it hit him straight in the face; he would have fallen straight on his butt, if not for —

“Whoa there!”

— it was Master Kenobi, who caught his fall.

So much for proving himself to his Master, Cal thought, as he rubbed his cheek and got back to his feet, catching the training remote from the air and putting it back from where he took it.

“I see you had quite a productive time while I was gone.”

It was a praise, but it didn’t sound like one. There was something unsaid, lingering behind the words, behind the endless compassion shining in Master Kenobi’s eyes.

“I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. And yesterday you defeated me effortlessly, so I gathered that I had to practice more,” Cal reasoned quietly, keeping his eyes down.

“Did you eat anything before that?”

“Um, yes. Why do you have to ask me that, Master Kenobi?”

There was a long moment of silence before next words were spoken, and Cal knew that — well, that the eyes looking at him were full of pity; and that was the exact reason why he was so reluctant to glance up.

“Hold out your arm, Cal.”

He didn’t falter, but in the end, it didn’t matter. His arm was steady as long as he concentrated on the Force around and within him, as long as his concentration didn’t slip away, but his Master’s next request was to let that go — and there it was; his hand started shaking the second he relaxed it.

“Do you know what this means?” Master Kenobi’s voice was calm, just as it always seemed to be; as Jedi’s voice should always be.

“That I’m weak. That I must try harder.”

Master Kenobi shook his head.

“You misinterpret, Padawan. It’s not because you’re weak, it’s because you need to rest. ”

“But…” Cal looked up, feeling defiant for a reason he himself couldn’t name, and yet was quickly silenced — a gentle touch on his wrist was more than his temper could bear.

“You’ve been through hell, Cal, I know that. That you’ve used every last bit of what strength you had to get out of there. It’s over now. You don’t have to run anymore, you can allow yourself to rest.”

“Master Kenobi, I don’t feel tired, really. That shakiness — I really don’t understand why that is, I promise, it’s nothing to worry about, I probably just…”

He trailed off, unsure of what to say next, and his Master didn’t pressure him to continue. Let the issue go, but made it clear that there will be no physical training until — well, until he decides that his Padawan rested enough . In the meantime, there were other things to do, just one of them — ancient texts Cal could read, and plenty of them.
他慢慢走开,不确定接下来该说什么,他的师父也没有强迫他继续说下去。放下这个问题,但明确表示不会有体能训练,直到——好吧,直到他决定他的 Padawan 休息得足够多。与此同时,还有其他事情要做,只是其中之一——卡尔可以阅读的古代文本,而且数量很多。

“If you are so eager to learn, you can start reading right now, while I make you some proper food.”

It was over lunch — bantha soup — when Master Kenobi gave him a full-lengh talk on the overuse of healing stims; he was very considerate and tactful, of course, managed to navigate Cal through the conversation without him feeling the sharp sting of guilt. The bottom line was — he did what he had to. To stay alive. He didn’t have to rely on stims anymore.
那是在午餐时——班塔汤——当 Kenobi 大师向他详细介绍了过度使用治疗刺激剂时;他非常体贴和机智,当然,他设法引导卡尔完成谈话,而不会让他感到强烈的内疚感。底线是——他做了他必须做的事。为了活下去。他不必再依赖刺激剂了。

It would take time for him to recover, but his Master already had plans on his training, so it seemed. Meditation was the second thing on the list, right after reading. Cal couldn’t say that he was exactly thrilled, but he didn’t mind. In the end, it was what he came here for — finding inner peace of mind — yet, it wasn’t peace his Master asked him to search for. Not explicitly, at least.
他需要时间来恢复,但他的师父已经对他的训练有计划了,看起来是这样。冥想是清单上的第二件事,就在阅读之后。卡尔不能说他完全激动,但他并不介意。最后,这就是他来这里的目的 — 找到内心的平静 — 然而,这并不是他的师父让他寻找的平静。至少没有明确地说。

There were no words of Jedi wisdom, no reciting of the Jedi code, none of that.

“Close your eyes.”

His test was to feel each object in the room, feel them through the Force and keep them in place , as the other Jedi tugged at them randomly; sometimes physically, sometimes through the Force, sometimes both .

To Cal’s surprise, it turned out to be almost easy to find serenity in concentration. This serenity, however, was just as easily lost by the nightfall, when it was time to go to sleep. And it was then he decided to finally tell about the dream he had; still, he wasn’t straightforward about it. Didn’t tell the exact details, didn’t tell about Skywalker, just being watched, unsafe in general.
令 Cal 惊讶的是,事实证明,在专注中找到宁静几乎很容易。然而,这种宁静也很容易被夜幕降临,此时该睡觉了。就在那时,他决定终于说出他所做过的梦;尽管如此,他并没有直截了当地说出来。没有说出确切的细节,没有说出天行者的事情,只是被监视,总体上不安全。

“I was wondering, perhaps… can the Sith even do that? Spy on people like that.”

“I’m afraid I cannot give you a definite answer to that, Padawan. I’m inclined to say that they can,” Master Kenobi fell silent for a moment, eyes distant, almost sad, as if he was remembering things long lost. When he spoke again, sadness lingered in his voice.

“I don’t think it’s worth worrying about, though. If a Sith was indeed spying on you, you probably wouldn’t have noticed, and neither would I. But I will help you with your shields tonight, if you want.”

Cal nodded. He hoped it would help.

It did.

On that night Mustafar in his dreams was just as empty as the Tatooine desert around their home.



Cal is such a diligent Padawan, Obi-Wan should be just so proud.
卡尔是一个如此勤奋的 Padawan,欧比旺应该感到非常自豪。

Chapter 7: Obi-Wan Kenobi
第 7 章:欧比旺·克诺比


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

His Padawan was the most peculiar creature. The one of admirable strength, of rare will, so eager to learn and yet so tame.
他的 Padawan 是最奇特的生物。他拥有令人钦佩的力量,拥有罕见的意志,如此渴望学习,却又如此驯服。

Obi-Wan didn’t expect to find him doing katas: when he had been opening the door, he was careful to do so quietly. Qui-Gon mentioned stims; withdrawal meant severe lack of energy, and to refill it, one needed sleep. Obi-Wan remembered clone troopers missing for weeks after especially physically taxing campaigns — sleeping it off, and then still coming back with dark circles under their eyes. He remembered his own experience with it too; how drained he felt after the effects of the drug wore off, and it was just a one-time use. He couldn’t imagine how bad it would be for someone who was on the drug for... how long, exactly?
欧比旺没想到会发现他在做招式:当他一直在开门时,他小心翼翼地悄悄地开门。Qui-Gon 提到了刺激;戒断意味着严重缺乏能量,要补充能量,一个人需要睡眠。欧比旺记得克隆人士兵在特别耗费体力的战役后失踪了数周——睡着了,然后回来时仍然带着黑眼圈。他也想起了他自己的经历;药物的作用消失后,他感到多么疲惫,而且这只是一次性的使用。他无法想象对于一个因为......确切的时间有多长?

He knew nothing about his new apprentice, who all but fell into his arms as he entered the room. Unexpected. Surprising, even. That drive, that desire to get better — not many Jedi had that level of self-motivation. What exactly was Cal trying to achieve here? Why was he so reluctant to admit that he was — and indeed he was, evidently so, to an extent beyond what Obi-Wan could imagine possible — tired. Cal went as far as to deny it straight in his face.

It didn’t matter though, not really. It’s not like Obi-Wan would allow the boy to hurt himself now that he was in his care. He didn’t want to make it into an argument, so he let it go, but ‘saber training was to be postponed until later. Cal will have to recover first. Regain his strength. Until then... there were many things to do for a Jedi apprentice that did not involve a lot of physical activity. They will have to concentrate on that.

Cal Kestis was a mystery, of sorts. Didn’t talk much, if at all, unless prompted, kept his eyes low most of the time, and listened to his Master’s every word. His curiosity, however, sometimes shined through. He asked a question, and then a follow-up, and then another, there seemed to be a myriad of questions hidden behind his usual silence — so much like Anakin — about the Force, about the Order, about the very nature of things, but unlike Anakin at his age, the purpose of those questions was not to challenge the authority; it was a genuine desire to learn. Defiance sometimes sparkled in his pale-green eyes, but was quickly taken under control.


That, Cal Kestis had plenty of.
那,卡尔·凯斯蒂斯 (Cal Kestis) 有很多。

Unlike Anakin , again.
又一次与 Anakin 不同。

For Anakin, most things came naturally, and to no wonder: he was the child of the Force, after all. But talent wasn’t everything; and where Anakin got angry and frustrated, Cal... well, he did too. But instead of lashing out, he gritted his teeth and tried again. And then again. Until he got it the way he wanted.
对阿纳金来说,大多数事情都是自然而然的,这也就不足为奇了:他毕竟是原力的孩子。但天赋并不是一切;而 Anakin 生气和沮丧的地方,Cal......嗯,他也是。但他没有猛烈抨击,而是咬紧牙关,再次尝试。然后又一次。直到他按照他想要的方式得到了它。

“Failure is just a part of the path,” that’s what Obi-Wan heard him whisper to himself during one of their numerous training sessions in the sands, as his Padawan struggled to make rocks levitate in the air around him just the right way, and all of them tumbled down on the ground for the seventh time in the last two hours.

Such wise words, for someone so young, but then again, Cal has been through a lot. Learned about failure the hard way, and failing such unimportant tasks as levitating rocks must have felt like nothing. Still, the look of disappointment was painted across the young man’s face, as he bit his lower lip and took a momentarily pause to recover his focus.

His desire to be better was unmatched. Obi-Wan could almost call this boy a marvel.

A week passed, and in all this time, he didn’t hear a single complaint from his Padawan. Not about the suns’ heat, not about the sand, not about the reading, not about the concentration exercises, which Obi-Wan made more and more difficult each time — not even the state of Cal’s own health, which, due to stim withdrawal, was far from its peak. It was hard to say exactly what was wrong with him, with how secretive he was, but Obi-Wan noticed all those minor things: nosebleeds, apparent strain in his apprentice’s movements and pained noises he made in his sleep, or simply when he thought his Master wouldn’t notice.
一个星期过去了,在这段时间里,他没有听到他的 Padawan 的任何抱怨。不是关于太阳的炎热,不是关于沙子的,不是关于阅读的,不是关于专注力的练习,欧比旺每次都让这些练习变得越来越困难——甚至连卡尔自己的健康状况也不是,由于刺激性戒断,它远未达到顶峰。很难说他到底出了什么问题,他是多么的隐秘,但欧比旺注意到了所有这些小事:流鼻血,他的学徒动作明显紧张,他在睡梦中发出痛苦的声音,或者仅仅是他认为他的师父不会注意到。

“Cal, if you need anything, all you have to do is ask.”

“I know, Master Kenobi. I’m fine.”

Whether it was mistrust, pride, or simply unwillingness to acknowledge weakness, Obi-Wan couldn’t know. Given how Cal leaned into the slightest hint of a touch, both physically and mentally, it was probably the latter, but who was he to pry? If his Padawan decided that he could handle it himself, well... he seemed to have no other choice but to allow it.

He... didn’t want to have an argument about it.

Looking at Cal, he saw Anakin’s shadow and a hint — a promise — of Luke’s light; he agreed to train him because well, he had nothing better to do and because Jedi were supposed to help those who asked, keep their hearts open for the world, and so he did. He wished only that... he had met Cal under different circumstances.

They could have met in a Room of a Thousand Fountains, that one spot Obi-Wan loved the most, under an enormous fern with bright-green foliage, surrounded by exotic flowers some of which were brought there by Qui-Gon. Cal’s braid would have been much longer, decorated with beads of many different colors or maybe it would have been plain, given how strict Master Tapal was. And Cal wouldn’t have been wearing the blood-stained poncho; the pale beige color of a Jedi tunic would have suited him much better, and he wouldn’t have looked twenty-five when he was only eighteen, there would have been no sunburns on his cheeks, just freckles scattered against his pale skin, evidence of a passionate kiss a Jedi only could have shared with one entity in the whole world — the sun. And Obi-Wan imagined how he would have stood up and picked a flower; how he would have tucked it behind Cal’s ear; how almost translucent purple petals would have contrasted against his bright red hair.
他们本可以在一千个喷泉的房间里见面,那是欧比旺最喜欢的地方,在一棵长着亮绿色叶子的巨大蕨类植物下,周围环绕着异国情调的花朵,其中一些是 Qui-Gon 带到那里的。卡尔的辫子会更长一些,装饰着许多不同颜色的珠子,或者考虑到塔帕尔大师的严格程度,它可能会很普通。而且卡尔也不会穿着那件沾满血迹的雨披;绝地长袍的淡米色更适合他,他看起来不会只有十八岁就二十五岁,脸颊上不会有晒伤,只有雀斑散落在他苍白的皮肤上,这是绝地武士只能与全世界一个实体——太阳——分享的热情之吻的证据。欧比旺想象着他会如何站起来摘一朵花;他怎么会把它藏在卡尔的耳后;几乎半透明的紫色花瓣与他鲜红色的头发形成鲜明对比。

And Cal would have stopped right there, on the stone sidewalk, his eyes wide and sparkling with gentle surprise. He would have reached up and touched the flower with his fingertips, tentative smile on his lips, as he politely bowed his head, before being back on his way. Young, serene, his whole life ahead of him, as a promise of something better, something more. A whole bright world — universe filled with wonders and light.
而卡尔会就在那里停下来,停在石头人行道上,睁大眼睛,闪耀着温和的惊喜。他会伸手用指尖摸摸那朵花,嘴唇上试探性地微笑,礼貌地低下头,然后又回到路上。年轻、宁静,他的整个人生都在等着他,作为对更好、更多的承诺。一个完整的光明世界 — 充满奇迹和光明的宇宙。

The tired boy who sat on the sand in front of him didn’t have this future. Not with the Empire hunting him down and not under Tatooine’s cruel suns. Even when he leaves — and Cal would leave, eventually, — he would spend his life fighting, for a cause which won’t be peace in the galaxy, but survival.

“I’m so sorry,” Obi-Wan whispered, a barely audible sound, when night fell over the desert, as he sat there across Cal and leaned forward just a little to ruffle the boy’s hair.

The look he got in return was puzzled, confused even, but then Cal moved closer, bowed his head and closed his eyes. Must have picked up traces of unshielded thoughts; regret over not being able to prevent the Clone Wars and his Padawan’s fall to the Dark side; something Obi-Wan forgot how to live without.
他得到的眼神是困惑的,甚至是困惑的,但随后卡尔走近了,低下了头,闭上了眼睛。一定是捡到了未经掩饰的想法的痕迹;遗憾未能阻止克隆人战争和他的 Padawan 堕落到黑暗面;欧比旺忘记了如何没有的东西。

“None of what happened is your fault. Even if you were a member of the Council, it still isn’t.”

Bizzare, how much understanding could pass between two Force-sensitive beings if one of them let their guard down, even just for a second. With sandy dunes around them painted in blues, three moons shining bright in the night sky full of stars, Cal Kestis spoke in a soft voice, spoke the lines of someone who had to learn about life the hard way.
令人眼花缭乱的是,如果两个对原力敏感的生物中的一个放松警惕,哪怕只是一秒钟,他们之间能传递多少理解。周围的沙丘被涂成蓝色,三轮月亮在满天繁星的夜空中闪耀着光芒,卡尔·凯斯蒂斯 (Cal Kestis) 用轻柔的声音说话,说出了一个不得不以艰难的方式学习生活的人的台词。

He spoke of politics, of war efforts of the rebellion, about the Force, which, according to him, wasn’t kind — it was as if he held back words for the whole week before finally letting go, his words flowing into cyan rivers of “I don’t care how much it hurts if the Force wills it ”, “I choose this path because it is the path to light, not because it’s an easy one ” and “None of us should ever feel sorry!”
他谈到了政治,谈到了战争努力,谈到了叛乱,谈到了原力,在他看来,这并不友善——就好像他忍住了整整一个星期才终于放手了,他的话流入青色的河流,“我不在乎如果原力愿意,它会有多痛苦”,“我选择这条路,因为它是通往光明的道路, 不是因为这是一件容易的事“和”我们任何人都不应该感到遗憾!

A teardrop fell on the sand, and Obi-Wan wasn’t sure whose it was; his, or Cal’s. It didn’t matter, not really, not with realisation that they had a Force bond formed over — over regret and trauma, over unsaid things and Cal’s desire to follow the light even if the path was… well… what it was.

“Thank you for accepting me, Master Kenobi,” Cal finally expresses his gratitude in words; finally, because it has been on the surface of his thoughts since Mos Espa, always in form of a shapeless emotion.
“谢谢你接受我,克诺比大人,”卡尔终于用语言表达了他的感激之情;最后,因为它自从 Mos Espa 以来就一直出现在他的思想表面,总是以一种无形的情感的形式出现。

“Thank you for choosing the light,” Obi-Wan hears his own voice echo over the dunes.

Another couple of weeks went by, and it looked like Cal’s health gradually improved. Dark circles under his eyes were gone, there were no more nosebleeds, and his hands were no longer shaking. His nightmares, however, persisted. He was waking up with a scream, always scared, his Force always stained by Anakin’s blue, re-living the same mistake over and over, stuck in a loop of memories which weren’t even his. Obi-Wan had no idea how to help. Cal’s ability to sense echoes was a rare one; he himself didn’t have it, didn’t know how it worked. Master Fisto might have known, but he was dead, alongside everyone else. Qui-Gon… well, his answer was vague, at best.

At the very least, those weren’t visions of the future.

Not like Anakin’s.

And Cal didn’t mind being comforted. Drank the herbal tea Obi-Wan offered him and tried to smile.

“Master Kenobi, tell me about Anakin Skywalker.”

What could he tell? Apart from the fact that Anakin was the best pilot in the galaxy? Hero With No Fear? That he risked his life for a droid?

That he used to think that people should always help each other, “no matter how hard it might seem at first ”, that his heart was kind beyond all limits. That he used to look at Obi-Wan with eyes full of admiration; that is, until he grew up. A true child of the Force itself, Anakin was stronger than any Jedi in the Order, stronger than his Master ever hoped to be, and yet, his respect for Obi-Wan remained even — even on Mustafar .

But he wouldn’t be telling Cal the story a duel with his fallen Padawan, no; instead, he would tell him about Anakin’s first trip to Ilum, about just what kind of face the boy made when he first set a foot on a planet made of ice.

Obi-Wan would tell him the stories of their countless adventures before the war; the peaceful missions they were sent to, about Anakin’s affinity for racing, high speeds and adrenaline. About that one time they tracked a bounty hunter through the jungles of Kashyyyk — made their way through the canopy of trees, and everything around them was alive — every branch, every blade of grass, even the air was filled with the living Force. And then Anakin fell into the lake, slipped on some kind of moss, or, perhaps, he did it on purpose. As an excuse to grab onto his Master, cling to him as if to keep the balance but actually — to pull them both down, — oh, the splash was something Obi-Wan was prepared to rant about for weeks , but then… Anakin’s laughter was so heartfelt, so honest, that he couldn’t help, but smile at his Padawan and gently remove a brownish-green weed stuck to his cheek.
欧比旺会给他讲他们战前无数次冒险的故事;他们被派去执行的和平任务,关于阿纳金对赛车、高速和肾上腺素的热爱。大约有一次,他们追踪一名赏金猎人穿过 Kashyykk 的丛林——穿过树冠,周围的一切都是活生生的——每一根树枝,每一片草叶,甚至空气中都充满了活生生的力量。然后阿纳金掉进了湖里,滑倒在某种苔藓上,或者,也许,他是故意的。作为抓住他的主人的借口,紧紧抓住他,仿佛是为了保持平衡,但实际上——为了把他们俩都拉下来——哦,水花是欧比旺准备咆哮数周的事情,但后来......阿纳金的笑声是如此发自内心,如此真诚,以至于他忍不住对他的学徒微笑,轻轻地去除了粘在他脸颊上的棕绿色杂草。

“You loved him.”

“I still do.”

And then, their mission to Carnelion IV and his Padawan’s doubts about his future as a Jedi. Anakin was never sure, but Obi-Wan was. He knew that if Anakin was to leave the Order, he had to follow. It wasn’t a choice, and it had nothing to do with what Qui-Gon asked of him with his last dying breath.
然后,他们前往 Carnelion IV 的任务和他的 Padawan 对他作为绝地武士的未来表示怀疑。阿纳金从来都不确定,但欧比旺却不确定。他知道,如果阿纳金要离开组织,他就必须跟着。这不是一个选择,这与 Qui-Gon 在他临终前对他的要求无关。

Anakin stayed, but so did his doubts, no matter how Obi-Wan tried to chase them away. He never ended up having Cal’s resolve at following the light just because it was right — and there was just one thing he was afraid of.


He wasn’t afraid of dying himself, but he was afraid that others around him might. His mother was the first one in this cascade of unfortunate losses that made Anakin’s soul crack under pressure, his possessive side becoming all the more prominent, especially after Geonosis, tipping him towards a series of reckless decisions — “secret” marriage included.

“He thought I didn’t know, but… I practically raised him. The way he looked at her… it was all I had to see to connect the dots.”

“Yet, you didn’t report him. Why? He would have been expelled from the Order then…”

“Exactly. We would have lost our best Jedi. And Anakin would have fallen straight into senator Palpatine’s welcoming arms, because even if Padme wasn’t as blind as everyone else — and she was a clever woman — Anakin wouldn’t have listened. I thought that maybe I could reason with him. Maybe if I look after him, he won’t be…”

“Wait. You knew about Palpatine back then?”

“I didn’t . I just had a bad feeling about him. Didn’t like him. But I couldn’t have imagined him being even Force-sensitive, let alone a Sith lord!”

He didn’t tell Cal that he couldn’t stand the idea of losing Anakin like this. That he still cherished the peaceful moments they shared during missions, their lively chatter always brightening the mood, that the happiest moments of his entire life were those in which Anakin looked at him and smiled. That he himself was no better at following the Code; was walking too close to the line when the Clone Wars started. Duty came first, surely, but now, telling the story, he understood just how much had to remain untold. Some of decisions he made were tainted by attachment to his former Padawan, on the battlefield he always chose Anakin over others; over himself.
他没有告诉卡尔,他无法忍受这样失去阿纳金的想法。他仍然珍惜他们在任务中分享的宁静时刻,他们活泼的聊天总是让心情变得愉快,他一生中最快乐的时刻是阿纳金看着他微笑的时刻。他自己也并不擅长遵守法典;在克隆人战争开始时走得离线太近了。责任当然是第一位的,但现在,讲述这个故事,他明白了还有多少事情要说。他所做的一些决定被对前任 Padawan 的依恋所玷污,在战场上他总是选择阿纳金而不是其他人;超过他自己。

Perhaps, that was why Master Yoda denied his request to train another Padawan.
也许,这就是为什么尤达大师拒绝了他训练另一个 Padawan 的请求。

“He told me that I should let go of Anakin first. Give him more space.”

“And you did?”

“With the war raging on, there was little choice. We had separate missions most of the time, and when we met, things got… see, none of us was picture-perfect. But he still trusted me, and I trusted him. I remember he was so infuriated with Palpatine who told him to leave me behind once — that was a rescue mission, we’ve been rescuing a Sith lord, for Force’s sake! — and that was the last time I saw him. I had to go to Utapau, and then my troops turned on me. I thought it was bad — when I got to Coruscant, I learned that Anakin —”

He stalled, hand over his mouth in the same gesture like all those years ago. It hurt too much, no matter how many times he thought of what happened. Every Jedi in the Temple. All of the younglings, slayed by someone whose smile made Obi-Wan’s soul ache with love and affection.

“Why do I get the feeling that Master Yoda decided to teach you another kriffing lesson on attachment and sent you to kill your former Padawan?” Cal, for some reason, seemed angry.

“He told me that I wasn’t strong enough to face Sidious. He was right, I guess.”
“他告诉我,我不够强大,无法面对 Sidious。我想他是对的。

Cal huffed, put down his cup, now empty, and stood up. He paced the room, braid swinging from one side to another, like a pendulum.

“Oh and he was?! How amazingly that turned out! Kriffing slayed him! Oh and did his oversized brain forget the fact that Skywalker — correct me if I misinterpreted — is literally the child of the Force itself ?! Forgive me the analogy, but he is the closest thing ever existing to a god ! And you were supposed to fight him? Even though you still loved him? I can’t begin to imagine — no, I … actually… ”

Obi-Wan watched as anger faded for a second from his Padawan’s face, before returning, multiplied a thousandfold; Cal’s hands curled into fists, as he rushed to the door.
欧比旺看着他的 Padawan 脸上的愤怒消退了一秒钟,然后又回来了,成倍增加了一千倍;卡尔的双手蜷缩成拳头,冲向门口。

“I’ll take the speeder. Need some air.”

“Cal, wait!”


Obi-Wan sprung up and followed him outside, but alas, too late. The sound of speeder engines powering — he could have reached out and held the speeder in place by the Force, it would have been easy, with how much he wanted to do it, but he knew better than to attempt it.

“Whatever you do, please, be careful!”

He desperately hoped that Cal heard him, as he watched the speeder disappear over horizon, stars shining ever so brightly in the night sky.


Oh noes, Cal, where are you going?! It's dangerous!

Chapter 8: Cal Kestis
第 8 章:卡尔·凯斯蒂斯


I don't know what I would have been doing without your support, guys <3
我不知道如果没有你们的支持,我会做什么,伙计们 <3

your comments mean the world to me

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The speeder zoomed above the desert, rising clouds of sand up into the air. Cal shut himself from the Force around him, didn’t want to listen to anything more; all he wanted was just that — to be as far away from — from everything — as possible. He couldn’t stand what he just heard. What his Master had been through — he knew what Skywalker had been through, he knew exactly what he felt towards Obi-Wan Kenobi when he jumped. The hatred, the defiance, and… bitterness. The one of a betrayed lover, if only Cal knew that feeling well enough to name it.

It should have never happened like that.

Why didn’t this allwise Master Yoda suggest fighting Sidius together? Why sending Obi-Wan to fight his former Padawan? Why being that cruel?

Cruel, or simply blind?

Cal didn’t care. For all he knew, this Jedi would be lucky to keep his limbs if they met right now. The anger boiled inside him, when —

Something flew towards him from the side. Sharp pain, then, a numbing feeling spreading through his body. Then another something, huge now — and a loud crash, the world spinning round as Cal couldn’t keep his grip on the speeder, then yells — battlecries, it seemed.
有什么东西从侧面向他飞来。然后,剧烈的疼痛,一种麻木的感觉在他的身体里蔓延。然后是另一个东西,现在已经很大了——一声巨响,当 Cal 无法抓住飞船时,世界旋转起来,然后大喊大叫——似乎是战斗的呐喊。

He rolled over the sand, his mouth suddenly full of the kriffing thing. He spit it out, tasted iron on his tongue, reached out to the Force. There were eight people around him, armed, anger radiating from all of them but one — the one seemed… interested? He could deal with them easily. His hand hovered over his lightsaber, but — no, he couldn’t use that.

He dodged a blow, and then another. And then one more after that. He could have used the Force to pull his enemies towards him and choke them, but… not really secretive either, if there were people here, there might be a settlement nearby, and this meant droids, and this meant cameras, and he couldn’t really sense non-living things. So, that was out of the question. He had to rely on his skills in close-in fighting, maybe something subtle as making his attackers trip, but that was it.

After fighting Obi-Wan Kenobi in a lightsaber duel it seemed easy. After weeks of rest it was really just that, until —
在与欧比旺·克诺比 (Obi-Wan Kenobi) 进行光剑决斗后,这似乎很容易。经过几周的休息,真的就是这样,直到——

He was wounded when they first knocked him off the speeder, the blood was dripping down to the sand, staining it crimson, as he moved. His head was going fuzzy from pain and blood loss, and he didn’t know how long he could last before —

Before what?

He didn’t want to kill those people, but —

He would eventually grow too tired to go on. He had to finish it before that happened, but the fight dragged on for what seemed like ages. He would make one trip and fall, dodge a hit, break somebody’s neck , but yet another attacker would be right in front of him, and it never seemed to end. They didn’t try to end him, either. They had ropes; they wanted him alive, and that’s what made it all the more scary. What did they want? Did they know who he was already? Was this his free pass to just unleash the Force on them, leaving nothing but lifeless corpses behind? No. No, those were no bounty hunters, they had no blasters, they had no speeders, not from what he could see, they didn’t fight like bounty hunters, no. It made him hesitate. But their leader wanted him . Cal was on the verge of panicking, when she stared at him — with just one eye, as the other one glinted in the light of the moon. A blood-red crystal, the colour of a Sith’s blade.

He was quick to collect himself though — and the fight dragged on for longer, until the corners of his visions started to darken.

It was then he felt another presence in the Force, and seconds later heard a roar of an engine getting louder and coming to an abrupt halt. Then, quick steps. Then, his Master’s voice. Not the soft tones he was used to, but a solid-steel shout.

“A'Yark! Leave him alone!”

The time itself seemed to freeze; no, it wasn’t the time, it was the Force; held every attacker in place except the one with the red crystal for an eye, who turned to speak with his Master, allowed Cal to back away.


They knew each other. So much Cal could tell, as he all, but fell to the sand, with a heavy sigh, leaning against the wrecked speeder. Cal closed his eyes and tried not to listen to the broken strings of Basic; his brain refused to process them anyway. There was something about a killed son, a blood debt, saving a tribe, and… oh, he didn’t care, he didn’t want to hear it, all he wanted was to be alone, away from all of this.
他们彼此了解。卡尔说了这么多,就像他一样,但还是倒在了沙地上,重重地叹了口气,靠在那辆失事的飞车上。卡尔闭上眼睛,尽量不去听 Basic 的断弦;无论如何,他的大脑都拒绝处理它们。关于一个被杀的儿子、一笔血债、拯救一个部落,还有......哦,他不在乎,他不想听,他只想一个人呆着,远离这一切。

He could meditate, perhaps, that’s what a Jedi knight would have done, but Cal struggled to find peace now, with his head too light and vision too blurry, the sands around him vibrating with the echo of a recent violence.

It was a bantha he collided with. Poor animal lay several feet away, life draining from its mangled body. Those people sent it to die a horrible death; they knew how it would end for the creature, and yet, when a weapon hitting its mark wasn’t enough…

There were more voices, now in a language he couldn’t understand, and rustle of sands, moving gradually further away..

“Those people are gone,” the Force whispered, and it could have been reassuring, but for Cal, it wasn’t. The Force in itself wasn’t a comfort, not when stained so much with the echoes of a fight, of death and suffering.

He shook his head and willed it to stay silent for now. He heard footsteps approaching.

“Didn’t I tell you to be careful, Padawan?”

A bacta-soaked cloth was pressed against his side in a firm motion, and Cal hissed from the feel of it, combined with the sharp sting of guilt.

“Hold it there until the bleeding stops, I’ll get the bandages.”

Cal didn’t feel half as bad about his wounds. Those would heal. The speeder, however... He glanced from the wreckage to the sands, stained red by what happened.

He heard his Master argue with someone in the distance; although it was a very one-sided argument, because Obi-Wan Kenobi stayed silent for the most of it.

Bitter words flew left and right, about mostly how his Master was a trouble for everyone, how he was putting everyone in danger and how he got enough killed already, and Cal lifted his head to see who had the insolence to say those words to a Jedi, but the world spun around him in a swirl of beige and crimson.

He instinctively reached out for Master Kenobi through the Force and felt his presence wrap around him.

“Cal, you still with me? Remember your training. Breath. Concentrate on the Force around you and...”

“Give the kid a damn stim, Kenobi!”

“He doesn’t need stims to-“

“He doesn’t need anymore of your Jedi bantha shit!”

Cal heard a familiar pop of a stim container opening, felt something in his Master’s Force change. A decision was made, a boundary overstepped, something tainted the blinding-bright blue. But his voice was calm, when he spoke again. Serene.
Cal 听到了熟悉的刺激容器打开的噼啪声,感觉到他的 Master's Force 发生了什么变化。一个决定已经做出,一个界限被越过了,有什么东西玷污了那令人眼花缭乱的亮蓝色。但当他再次说话时,他的声音很平静。宁静。

“You don’t want to argue with me.”

“I don’t want to argue with you.”

“You will be waiting by the landspeeder.”

“I will be waiting by the landspeeder.”

“You will leave the medkit here.”

“I will leave the medkit here.”

Oh. That. Wasn’t really nice to somebody who wanted to help, probably. Wasn’t something he expected his Master to...

He needed... right. Concentrate. He could do that. Not the echoes, but the Force.

The warmth of the rising suns, the coarse sand under his gloved hand, each grain of it perfectly round, polished by years and years of endless travels across the desert, as dunes shifted, and shifted, and shifted — like waves — as storms came and went, in the endless current.

The Force was everywhere. It flowed through every grain of sand, every stone, every drop of blood that landed on the ground.

And if he tried he could pull it towards him. The Force could give him the same thing stims did — energy for his body to function, but not just that; the Force could help him heal. If he tried hard enough, so he did. Sorted through every grain of sand, every rock, brushed his mind against the bent metal of the speeder, against the still warm corpse of a bantha; the Force was silent within those. Cal couldn’t quite grasp it, as if he was trying to catch air. It seemed that the traces of the Force on Tatooine were just... that. Traces. Hints, but nothing more. And one couldn’t breath with just a hint of air.

He felt a steady hand cover his own, where he tried to keep a bacta-soaked cloth against his wound. His Master’s blue was like a beacon in the night, a guiding light, a pleasant breeze in the desert heat, soft waves of a freshwater lake.

“I’m here for you. My Force is here for you.”

It was, and Cal could feel it flow through him, the gradual tide of energy filling his body as the pain became numb, subsided to — almost, and then — nothing. It was so different to stims; there was no rush of adrenaline, no sudden desire to spring into action, his focus remained locked exactly where it was, as the Force didn’t overwhelm him, it... it offered a more gentle kind of support, it seemed.

His vision wasn’t a blur anymore.

His Master looked at him with gentle eyes and a hint of a smile.

“Feel better, Padawan?”

Cal gave him a short nod and tried to jump to his feet but was held firmly in place.

“Easy, your injuries didn’t go anywhere. Now, let me help you.”

Cal didn’t feel much of the pain at all, nor as his Master quickly put a bandage over the wound, nor as they made their way to the landspeeder, where a stranger — his Master’s acquaintance — stood, radiating his distaste towards everything around him. He was a simple man with a simple mind, easy to read. His name was Owen Lars, he lived on a moisture farm not too far from their own home. He liked simple things. Didn’t understand the Force. Didn’t understand his stepbrother, who was now dead. He was protective of his wife and his adoptive son, the one whom —
卡尔根本没有感觉到太多的痛苦,当他的师父迅速用绷带包扎伤口时,也没有当他们走向陆地飞车时,一个陌生人——他师父的熟人——站在那里,散发着他对周围一切的厌恶。他是个简单的人,头脑简单,容易读懂。他叫 Owen Lars,住在离他们家不太远的一个水分农场。他喜欢简单的东西。不了解原力。不理解他的继兄弟,他现在已经死了。他保护着他的妻子和养子,那个——

Cal felt his Master shut him down.

“There is a thing called privacy, Cal.”

This line wasn’t spoken aloud, but through their bond, a feeling that Cal missed since... since the day Jaro Tapal died, protecting him, their bond ripped at that moment. The memory still hurt, but no more than it was supposed to. He still felt guilty about not being good enough, but no more than he was supposed to. The pain has become a part of him, part of his past, shaped who he was, in a way.
这句话不是大声说出来的,而是通过他们的纽带说出来的,这种感觉让卡尔从那以后就错过了......自从 Jaro Tapal 为了保护他而去世的那一天起,他们的纽带就在那一刻撕裂了。这段记忆仍然很痛苦,但并没有超过它应该的程度。他仍然为自己不够好而感到内疚,但并没有超过他应该做的程度。痛苦已经成为他的一部分,他过去的一部分,在某种程度上塑造了他是谁。

“Hey, kid, you all good? You sure showed those Tuskens a hell of a fight!”

Owen seemed much friendlier towards him, than he was towards his Master.

“I’m fine, thank you.”

Yet, despite the unfriendliness and all, Owen still helped. Why was that? He clearly hated him, clearly wasn’t mind-tricked into helping, wasn’t afraid of him either.

The three of them made it all the way back home in silence, Owen was the one driving, as Cal settled in the backseat, clinging to Master Kenobi for support — more of an emotional tether, than a way to deal with lingering pain — as there was, to his surprise, none. His head was just feeling fuzzy. He had no reason to be clingy, but he was; buried his face on his Master’s shoulder, marveling at how — how come there was no anger, no reprimand, no anything?

Cal remembered Master Tapal. Master Tapal would have been giving him a talk right now, with danger out of the way, not stroking his hair, wouldn’t have allowed that closeness, that comfort.

Surely it might just be the case that Master Kenobi was saving a lecture for another time, but Cal felt that he just won’t be getting one. Maybe just another “didn’t I tell you to be careful”, but apart from that, no, there wouldn’t be a thing. And, perhaps, that was worse. Being treated with such kindness after making costly, stupid mistakes, oh he wished he didn’t lash out like this, he should have stayed, should have known better —

“Cal, it’s alright. I did many reckless things when I was your age. I even flew a single-pilot craft through the starship's corridors.”


“It was in a much worse shape than our speeder afterwards. It wasn’t even mine.”

“How come?” Cal looked up, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Obi-Wan smiled and proceeded with the story, his voice quiet, almost a murmur, as he told of his adventures with Qui-Gon Jinn; signing treaties and freeing slaves, working with jewellery thieves, unexpected turns at each corner and a prophecy coming true. When a kyber that is not kyber shines forth —
欧比旺微笑着继续讲故事,他的声音很安静,几乎是喃喃自语,讲述了他与 Qui-Gon Jinn 的冒险经历;签署条约和释放奴隶,与珠宝窃贼合作,每个角落都有意想不到的转弯,预言成真。当一个不是 kyber 的 kyber 闪耀时——

Owen dropped them off, without as much as saying goodbye. Not to his Master, anyway.

Cal looked at their speeder, hauled to the hut’s wall by his Master, its frame mangled, but still in one piece. On Bracca they scrapped ships, mostly, but… he saw many things in worse shape. He thought that maybe he could repair it. Give it a try.
卡尔看着他们的飞车,被他的主人拖到小屋的墙上,车架破损不堪,但仍然完好无损。在 Bracca,他们大部分都报废了船只,但是......他看到许多事情都处于更糟糕的境地。他想也许他可以修复它。试一试。

He didn’t have a chance to voice this idea, though, as he was, once again, the center of his Master’s attention. And BD-1’s, the droid beeped loudly as they entered.
不过,他没有机会说出这个想法,因为他又一次成为了他师父关注的焦点。而 BD-1 的机器人在他们进来时发出响亮的哔哔声。

“I’ve been worried about you,” Obi-Wan admitted, as he made Cal sit down on the bed, “Although I had no reason to be. You handled that fight well. The level of crowd-control you have is praiseworthy, the fine Force manipulation was also skillfully executed.”

“I still got hurt.”

“That was before the fight started.”

“Doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t have lasted much longer. And they didn’t want to kill me, they…”

“I know. It changes nothing, Cal. Tuskens might not be Force-sensitive, but they are warriors. And you held back, didn’t you?”

To that, Cal had no answer. It was true. He did hold back, and with this, well…

“Now, let me see to that wound you have, seemed to bleed like hell.”

True. Strangely, it didn’t hurt anymore. Cal didn’t argue, though. With a nod, he took off his poncho and pulled up his vest. Kept his eyes on the bandages, soaked through with blood and bacta, but already starting to dry. He held his breath, almost anticipating pain, as his Master cut through the strips of fabric to remove them. He thought he would see a ripped wound, deep and ugly, something that would take weeks to fully heal even if submerged in bacta. He could imagine how much it would hurt to move around with an injury such as this.

“Oh Force,” his Master sounded stunned by what he saw.

To be honest, Cal was too.

There was no wound. Where was blood, mixed with bacta, dried in places, but the injury itself was gone, without even leaving a scar.

They stared at each other for a good minute before finally a silent decision to meditate on this later was passed. Until then, uncertainty lingered in the air, because they lived in a world which offered no simple miracles, and the Force was no magic . The fact that his Master was just as shocked by the fact as he was proved that he had nothing to do with how fast — and how completely — it healed. At least he wasn’t expecting this result, when he shared his energy; well… they have a lot to talk about, that’s for sure.

If only… if only there was anybody else to turn to and ask.

Cal half-expected to be told not to overthink it, but it never came. Instead, several hours later, after a sonic shower and a meal, after his clothes were cleaned from the bloodstains, he felt two people approach their home, one of them so bright, like a little shooting star, a hint of green swirling around.

Cal was sitting on the floor, reading one of the ancient texts, calm, focused. A knock on the door came.

Master Kenobi went to open it. He was just as serene in the Force as always, but his shoulders seemed tense; Cal could not quite define as to why that was.

A woman stood in the doorframe, a bag across her shoulder, she held a small child by the hand. He was no older than six, probably only five years of age. Cal reached out to them instinctively, but got pushed right back, it almost hurt with how completely his Master shielded those two from him. A durasteel — no, bescar — wall of defense, but why? Why, why ?

He wanted to ask, but didn’t. Kept his mouth shut.

“Beru, Luke, please come in,” his Master sounded cheerful, perhaps too much so, but not entirely sincere. “What brings you here?”

“I know what happened. Owen told me about what you did. Don’t ever do it again.” she told sternly, as she went inside. “But I’m not here to argue with you, I’m here to give you something.”
“我知道发生了什么。Owen 跟我说了你做了什么。永远不要再这样做了。“她走进屋子时严肃地说。“但我不是来和你争论的,我是来给你一些东西的。”

She let go of the child, and reached inside her bag, retrieved several small packages.

“Some mushrooms and herbs we grow on vaporators; give them to your kid, whoever he…”

“Beru, I can’t accept it, and Cal will be fine, we have…”

“I insist. We don’t usually get an opportunity to talk, but I know that you do a great deal for us, so consider this a thanks. You won’t get much more than that on Tatooine, so don’t refuse.”

Cal carefully stood up, and it was then she noticed him. They exchanged nods, Cal smiled, and she decided, for some reason, to talk to him instead of his Master. The packages were in his hands now, and he went to the kitchen to stuff them in the cupboards. With the corners of his eyes he saw his Master kneel to talk with the boy — blue eyes, blond hair, endless curiosity, and the boy for some reason went straight to him.

“You are a Jedi too, right?” Beru spoke in a very quiet voice, almost a whisper. “A Padawan learner?”
“你也是绝地武士,对吧?”Beru 用非常小的声音说,几乎是耳语。“一个学徒?”


She stayed silent for a long while. Didn’t like his Master either, so it seemed.

“I’m glad Ben finally found himself somebody to train.”
“我很高兴 Ben 终于找到了可以训练的人。”

Cal had nothing to say to that, so he stayed silent on the matter, offered their guest some tea instead, to change the subject, she accepted. Drank it in silence, obviously listening to voices carrying over from another room.

“She’s giving him time to talk to the child!” Cal figured out, but this made things even more confusing. So the child was Force-sensitive. Why that “finally” in her words then? He had too many questions, all of them remaining unanswered. He reached out to his Master, but no luck; beskar shields were still there.

He resorted to being helpful.

And if that meant meaningless chatter, keeping a conversation going, he would do exactly that. Keep their guest occupied for as long as he could.

“Would you like some more tea?”


A sudden Force-heal, and an encounter with his Master's past! Poor Cal has a lot to meditate on, but don't worry! He will manage.

Chapter 9: Obi-Wan Kenobi
第 9 章:欧比旺·克诺比


Again, guys, thank you so much for your comments and kudos it means so much <3
再次,伙计们,非常感谢你们的评论和点赞,这意味着 <3

This chapter is somehow dialogue-heavy, everyone is suddenly talking.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was the first time he saw Luke this close, was allowed to speak to him, to interact somehow, in years. Larses were good at keeping their distance, every time Obi-Wan visited them, he was told that Luke was somewhere in the other room, or sleeping, or whatever else, so just leave, Kenobi, we don’t need you, take whatever you’ve brought with you and keep us out of your trouble. It quickly became clear that they didn’t want him to see the boy at all. Didn’t want him to share the stories of being a Jedi, of other planets and distant stars, didn’t want the boy to ever touch the Force, but that... oh, that wasn’t possible.

And through it all Obi-Wan saw Owen’s influence, surely. He didn’t argue with him, no. Submitted to his rules, abided, because it was his home, and he didn’t want to overstep a boundary. He entrusted Anakin’s son to his family, to the Force, and although he sometimes wanted — ached — to, he wouldn’t intervene. He did what little he could do; built little models of starships out of scraps for Luke to play with, left them on Shmi Skywalker’s grave. He brought supplies to Larses each time he had a chance, although he knew that they could do fine without them. He spent his days watching over their home, protecting them from whatever dangers that might come — until Cal stumbled into his life. He still checked back regularly, but much to Owen’s delight his visits were cut short — he couldn’t allow his Padawan to know about Luke, about Larses, about so many things. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Cal, but...
通过这一切,欧比旺肯定看到了欧文的影响力。他没有和他争论,没有。服从他的规则,遵守,因为那是他的家,他不想越界。他把阿纳金的儿子托付给他的家人,交给原力,尽管他有时想——很痛苦——但他不会干预。他做了他能做的一点点;用废料制作了星际飞船的小模型供卢克玩耍,将它们留在 Shmi Skywalker 的坟墓上。他一有机会就给 Larses 带来补给品,尽管他知道没有补给品他们也能过得很好。他整天都在看守他们的家,保护他们免受任何可能到来的危险——直到卡尔偶然进入了他的生活。他仍然定期回来查看,但令 Owen 高兴的是,他的访问被缩短了——他不能让他的 Padawan 知道 Luke,Larses,这么多事情。不是他不信任卡尔,而是......

It was exactly that.

He just didn’t want to admit it. Nor aloud, nor even in his thoughts. Cal didn’t deserve his mistrust, but Luke’s safety came first, overridden the fragile connection they shared, and Obi-Wan didn’t hesitate to shield everything. Too hastily, because he didn’t expect Cal to be the one to pry after Owen, because he believed Cal to be too obedient to try, and yet... perhaps it was instinct. Perhaps, he just forgot that Cal’s true dream was to rebuild on the ashes of what was left of the Order — his quest for the holocron a silent proof — and here was a Force-sensitive child standing right in front of him. “Like a little shooting star” — his Padawan’s thought slipped through, not his.
他就是不想承认。也没有大声说出来,甚至在他的思想里也没有。卡尔不值得他的不信任,但卢克的安全是第一位的,超越了他们共同的脆弱联系,欧比旺毫不犹豫地屏蔽了一切。太仓促了,因为他没想到卡尔会是那个撬动欧文的人,因为他认为卡尔太听话了,不会尝试,然而......也许是本能。也许,他只是忘记了卡尔真正的梦想是在组织残存的灰烬上重建——他对全息仪的追求是一个无声的证据——而一个对原力敏感的孩子就站在他面前。“就像一颗小流星”——他的 Padawan 的想法溜走了,而不是他的。

He will have to deal with this mess later. Right now...


As Cal led Beru away, the boy came up to him, eyes wide, smile a touch shy, mind open. The Force sang around him, not yet colored, but with a promise, a slight hint of green, and not blue, but nonetheless the feel of it so recognizable, so kindred to Anakin, that Obi-Wan’s heart ached.

For the longest, sweetest moments they just sat on the floor and talked. Well, it was Luke who did the talking; about his plans, how he would one day explore the stars, become a bounty hunter, or maybe a pirate? Or an explorer. Or a racer! Or even better... the list went on endlessly, and Obi-Wan smiled, unable to contain his happiness as it seemed to wash over everyone present — even through the shielding.

He knew it did, because he felt Cal’s dulled anxiety spike and even out in the background, leaving behind only the distant hum of “ why ” and “hurts”.

It might have been wise to call after him and reassure him. But Obi-Wan didn’t.

“Why does uncle Owen hate you so much?” Luke asked him, tilting his head to the side just a bit.

“Where did you get this idea from?”

And when did Larses decide to tell the boy that they weren’t his parents? How much more did they decide to tell him? How much more was Obi-Wan exactly missing? He supposed, it was a lot. He didn’t like it, but he couldn’t help it. He had to accept it and let it go.
Larses 是什么时候决定告诉这个男孩他们不是他的父母?他们决定告诉他多少呢?欧比旺到底少了多少?他想,这很多。他不喜欢这样,但他也忍不住。他必须接受它并放手。

“He just does. I feel it. And today when he returned he told aunt Beru that he hated you. Why?”

“People tend to fear things they don’t understand. Fear leads to hatred. Your uncle doesn’t understand me, so he’s angry with me most of the time. I don’t think he truly hates me, Luke,” Obi-Wan allowed himself to reach out and pat the boy on his head, blond hair soft under his palm, just like Anakin’s once were. Even softer. No. He shouldn’t be comparing. It was wrong.

“But you are kind! I can feel it. Can’t he feel it?” Luke sounded frustrated as he looked down, his hands curled into little fists.

“Not all people can feel the world like you do, young one. You cannot judge them for it,” he offered quietly.

“But they judge me all right,” Luke huffed and flopped down onto one of the pillows left on the floor where Cal was sitting minutes ago.

“What do you mean?”

“When I get frustrated with something. Or something doesn’t work out. You know. I get angry and the air around seems to get thick, and it’s scary. And they say I imagine it but I don’t. But they say I’m making it up. And there’s no such thing. And they do it all the time.”

Of course they did. And of course it happened. Without proper training Luke didn’t know how to handle the Force flowing through him, dormant, but amplified by the slightest hint of emotion. He wanted to help — but he couldn’t — he wanted to help. He would show Luke how to deal with it before it gets worse. He wouldn’t tell him what they will be doing, and Owen will never know it has something to do with the Force.
他们当然知道。当然,它发生了。没有适当的训练,Luke不知道如何处理流经他的原力,他处于休眠状态,但被最轻微的情感所放大。他想帮忙——但他不能——他想帮忙。他会告诉卢克如何在情况变得更糟之前处理它。他不会告诉他他们将要做什么,而 Owen 永远不会知道这与原力有关。

“I want to show you a little trick you can use when you feel on edge. It will help you be more in control of what you feel.”

He used to teach a class on meditation to the younglings in the Temple, so explaining Luke what to do came naturally even if he had to avoid words like “the Force” or any connotations of it. He had his doubts of welcoming Luke to his mind, however, but seeing his troubles maintaining focus, decided that it would be fine. He just had to make sure to keep his own concentration in check.

Luke was a quick learner, he realized that he could rely on Obi-Wan’s mind to guide him into a welcome trance-like state where worry and anger didn’t exist and was eager to wrap himself in the calming, soothing blue of his Force. A frown faded from his face, replaced first by a smile, and then by a calm expression a true Jedi could wear with pride any day.

Minutes passed, and then an hour.

Obi-Wan could feel Cal panic somewhere in the edges of his mind just a second before Beru stepped out of the kitchen.

“I’ve never seen him so quiet for so long, what have you done to him?” she almost scolded, but it was a kind-hearted remark.

It was time to let go.

He didn’t want to.

Force , he didn’t want to.

Cal stared at him from across the room, unease painted across his face, his worry thrumming through their bond, as he made no effort to shield it, feelings laid bare before his Master.

With a softest sigh Obi-Wan gently pushed Luke out of their meditative trance and stood up.

“Come now, young one, it’s time for you to go home. It was nice to see you.”

He felt as if he had to cut open his own chest, the wound deep and ugly, bleeding dark crimson into the Force, the burning cold sadness — it might be years before he has a chance to see the boy again, and he truly wanted —

There was no emotion, there was peace.

There was no attachment. Not anymore. He knew that his eyes were distant as he looked at young Skywalker, as the boy got up and offered him a small smile before looking at Cal.

“Oh. And you are like a lens. You don’t have much of anything yourself, but if something shines through you, it might even burn.”

Cal chuckled uncomfortably, but otherwise stayed silent. Beru took Luke by the hand and led him outside, saying goodbye on her way out. She was visibly uncomfortable with her charge’s sudden observations.

“I’ll see you both next week!” Luke shouted, waving at them, as his aunt tried to get him into the landspeeder. “Bye!”

Obi-Wan was a bit surprised to hear that, but didn’t reply; waited for them both to leave, watched the landspeeder disappear beyond the horizon, and only then gradually lowered the defences he had built around Luke and Beru. He expected Cal to fill all available space with anxiety and worry, leaving nothing else, like Anakin would have done , but his Padawan did nothing of the sort, his feelings still somehow dulled and shy; a hum, not a scream.

He saw him on the verge of saying something, hesitating, indecisive. Saw him lower his eyes and pick up a pillow from the floor, pausing for just a moment.

“I understand now,” he said finally, voice quiet, with a slight sad undertone, “...why you chose this place. This desert. I’ve been wondering, if all the places, why this, but now, I think, I get it.”

It sounded intriguing, Obi-Wan decided not to interrupt him.

“This boy, you wish to train him, don’t you? And I just came and ruined it. Left you with no choice but to take me. A hindrance on your chosen path.”

Not too far from truth. Yet, the conclusion his Padawan derived from it was deplorable. It was sad that Cal’s soul harboured so much self-doubt, but what could Obi-Wan do to help him? Nothing. Not a single thing.

“Larses won’t let me train Luke. Ever, Cal.”
“Larses 不让我训练 Luke。永远,卡尔。

“But you wish they did.”

“I wish for many things. I wish there were no Clone Wars. No Empire.”

“This is different.”

“How, precisely?”

Cal stayed silent for a moment, but then tossed the pillow back to the floor and sat down.

“Because, Master, the Clone Wars are gone. And you can’t change the fact that the Empire exists. For now, it’s evident that you care about this youngling.”

“As I care about you.”

He saw Cal’s eyes go wide at the implication of the unthinkable , tabooed feeling, he himself accused Obi-Wan of seconds ago. The feeling Obi-Wan so easily admitted. Several times in the last few days, in fact. He wondered, why it was just now that the meaning of his words finally started to sink in; or, perhaps, that’s why stories of Anakin provoked such a violent reaction this night; by Cal’s standards, anyways. Their whole relationship was against the Code, because...
他看到卡尔睁大了眼睛,因为那种不可思议的、禁忌的感觉,他自己在几秒钟前就指责了欧比旺。欧比旺很容易承认这种感觉。事实上,在过去几天里有好几次。他想知道,为什么直到现在,他的话的含义才终于开始沉浸其中;或者,也许,这就是为什么阿纳金的故事在今晚激起了如此激烈的反应;无论如何,按照 Cal 的标准。他们的整个关系都违反了准则,因为......

“...attachments are forbidden,” Cal almost whispers it, going pale, his skin like Ilum snow and his freckles scattered on it like shards of kyber.

“Do you know why that is?”

“Because Jedi are meant to be selfless. Because our love should be equal towards all living beings. It should be a tame, calm feeling. Attachment leads to passion and possessiveness, and that is not the Jedi way.”

Obi-Wan shook his head: a silent “no”, although Cal was right, of course. What he said was true. The kind of truth one tells somebody they do not wish to hurt, the one they wish to spare the uglier side of what being a Jedi truly means. The one they teach to the younglings. The one which can only exist in the times where there is no war, where the Sith are but a legend.

“Attachments are forbidden because one day a brilliant blade of red might burn through your dear Master’s chest, while all you can do is stand and watch, and scream. Because one day a woman you cherished, your friend, dies in your arms, proclaiming her love for you. Because one day your beloved apprentice chooses to fall and you are forced to dismember him, then watch him aflame, ” Obi-Wan said, as he sat down on the floor next to Cal, but didn’t look at him, offering him space, as the conversation they were about to have was going to be difficult and a little… unorthodox, perhaps. “Those things rip your soul to shreds if attachments are there.”

“Are you implying that as long as we let go, we are allowed to…” Cal fell silent.

“A Master and a Padawan spend approximately ten years together, do you really think it’s possible to remain so distant, so withdrawn not to consider the person you see everyday for ten years a close friend? A family? I would say, one grows to love another. They are left with no choice, and yet we have no luxury of being possessive. We form attachments, but we let them go , when the time comes,” Obi-Wan knew that he was interpreting the Code quite liberally at this point, but… the Order was long gone, and he couldn’t find it in himself to care enough to refrain from doing so.

Cal didn’t deserve to deprive himself of feelings as much as the Order made others do; there was no Order now, after all, and the boy did a fine job suppressing his emotions as it was. Faked it, ‘till it broke him. Obi-Wan remembered their trip back from Mos Espa. The way his Padawan’s tears soaked all the way through three layers of fabric, the way he clung to him, as if his life depended on it. He remembered the way his mind felt that evening; so bright with emotion it hurt to look, to touch, every nerve bared. All of that didn’t correlate with what he saw now; traces of feelings, dulled emotions, distant hum of anxiety. Feigned serenity.
卡尔不应该像教团让其他人那样剥夺自己的感情;毕竟,现在已经没有秩序了,而这个男孩很好地压抑了他的情绪。假装它,直到它把他弄坏了。欧比旺想起了他们从莫斯埃斯帕回来的路。他的 Padawan 的眼泪完全浸透了三层布料,他紧紧抓住他的方式,仿佛他的生命就依赖于它。他记得那天晚上他心里的感觉;情感如此明亮,看着、触摸、每一根神经都暴露出来,都让人感到痛苦。所有这些都与他现在所看到的无关;感情的痕迹,迟钝的情绪,遥远的焦虑嗡嗡声。假装平静。

“Don’t you think it’s hypocritical, Master? The fact that what we preach is different from what we practice?” Cal looked at him, his face still calm, but there was a tremble in his voice, barely noticeable, alike the twitch he had a week ago, when his battle with stim withdrawal was still raging on.

“How different, exactly?”

“I should, in theory, love all living beings equally. Meaning you, Cere, Merrin, all those people I’ve been fighting, the youngling and his aunt, the tachs from Kashyyyk, but I don’t. I never did. And now you’re telling me it’s not wrong?”

“One of the Jedi Masters back at the Coruscant once compared people to kyber crystals; told that though they all have the same potential to become perfect for anyone’s lightsaber, only some of them call to you in song. I like this analogy of his, to an extent. It doesn’t mean, however, that a Jedi shouldn’t treat all living beings with the same respect and be kind to them. And if a Jedi brings death, he should make it quick and merciful.”

Obi-Wan heard his Padawan give a barely audible sigh, before turning to him, facing him, sharp shards of ice beneath a veil of serenity.

“Who is this youngling, Master?” he asked, trying to smile, but it ended up crooked to one side, unbalanced.

Telling him the truth was not an option. Lying to him was not an option either.

“I won’t tell you.”

It was the only way to carry on.

Cal nodded, and it was at this moment Obi-Wan knew that he wasn’t the only one in this room who could shield his mind completely , even with the force-bond in place.

They didn’t meditate together; didn’t share a meal. Cal stuffed himself in the corner of the room with his droid and pretended to read for the rest of the day. For some reason Obi-Wan couldn’t find it in himself to be the first one to break the silence.

Not today, perhaps.

Maybe tomorrow.

It was a hard day for all of them, after all. He decided that it was fine to leave his Padawan sulking by himself, at least for now.


*in Yoda voice*

Jealous you are, Cal Kestis. Not the Jedi Way it is. To the Dark side, such emotions might lead.

Chapter 10: Anakin Skywalker |&| Cal Kestis
第十章:阿纳金·天行者 |&|卡尔·凯斯蒂斯


I'm going to be a little busy next week, so I have an update a bit earlier this time!

As always, I love you all <3 Thanks for sticking with me for that long!
一如既往,我爱你们所有人 <3 感谢你们陪伴我这么久!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

This dream wasn’t about Mustafar. The feeling was the same: shattered pieces of broken mirror on the edges of his consciousness, but it wasn’t Mustafar. A star Destroyer, the layout of it familiar, but not, it wasn’t his ship. It didn’t feel familiar, the clone troopers marching around didn’t notice him, didn’t acknowledge his presence, as if he was an empty spot. Their suits were painted in an unfamiliar shade of yellow.

Vader glanced down. Ah, yes. He was Skywalker in this one too, then. He almost knew what to expect next, what to look for. A barely visible, almost transparent shade of cyan, and perhaps, if he approached carefully, if he didn’t let himself get too angry, he might get the answers that he needed. He still wondered about this most peculiar connection, and kept it a secret from the Emperor.

Well, at least until he knew what exactly was going on, he wasn’t going to share a thing. What was his — was his.

He strolled through the maze of corridors and someone else’s memories, thinking that it was strange; he was looking at things in a weird way, as if from an angle. As if he was too short to look troopers in the eye, which has never been the case, but then again, Kestis was young when the Clone Wars raged on. He must have remembered it differently; it was his dream; his mind, apparently, shaped it into whatever he remembered . For a moment Vader almost thought that he would find his Jedi looking differently this time, too.

But he didn’t.

“Don’t you think it is unwise to drag a Sith inside your dream?”

Cal Kestis looked exactly the same way he did back at the Fortress. Same poncho, same clothes, the only difference was — a pathetic, short padawan braid hanging by his right ear, like a rat tail. A green bead sparkled in the dim light of the corridors — apparently, it was a night cycle on the ship, too — and Vader sneered at this. So this lost boy found himself a proper Master. Or Cere Junda finally won over her fear and reconnected with the Force. Both of those weren’t good news, exactly. Nothing to worry about either, Kestis wasn’t a worthy opponent, a lucky one, but not strong , still…
卡尔·凯斯蒂斯看起来和他在堡垒时的样子一模一样。同样的雨披,同样的衣服,唯一的区别是——一条可怜的短短的学徒辫子挂在他的右耳上,就像一条老鼠尾巴。一颗绿色的珠子在走廊昏暗的灯光下闪闪发光——显然,这也是船上的夜循环——维达对此嗤之以鼻。所以这个迷路的男孩为自己找到了一个合适的主人。或者 Cere Junda 终于战胜了她的恐惧并重新与原力建立了联系。确切地说,这两者都不是好消息。也没什么好担心的,凯斯蒂斯不是一个值得的对手,一个幸运的对手,但并不强大,仍然......

Cal looked up from where he sat on the floor, eyes red with unshed tears, and didn’t run. Didn’t even flinch. He looked as if his thoughts were elsewhere. As if he didn’t care about who was standing right in front of him, although Vader was sure that he saw recognition sparkle in those dull green eyes.

“Being a Jedi is unwise too,” he said finally, before lowering his head.

Oh. Oh that . Was surprising to hear from somebody who fashioned a padawan braid by his ear. More surprising, was the rise of emotion this line stirred somewhere deep inside Vader’s chest. Some part of him — the Skywalker part of him — wanted to tell the boy that he was wrong. That being a Jedi was the best thing that could have ever happened to any human being. That the Force sang with each and every breath, and that there was peace , and that there was love , and that no matter how hard things were there was always a way — he silenced that part violently.
哦。哦,那个。听到有人在他的耳朵上编了一条 padawan 辫子,真是令人惊讶。更令人惊讶的是,这句话在维达胸膛深处激起了激荡的情感。他的某个部分——他天行者的那一部分——想告诉这个男孩他错了。成为绝地武士是任何人可能发生的最好的事情。原力每一次呼吸都在歌唱,有和平,有爱,无论事情多么艰难,总有办法——他猛烈地让那部分沉默了。

Another part of him sneered, cruel and grim. Surely being a Jedi is a mistake . Vader, of all people, knew it well.

“Most amusing,” he said, “How you say that, and still hold onto the Jedi traditions.”

“Most amusing,” Cal parroted, without looking at him, “That you believe me to aspire to be wise, of all things.”

“What do you aspire to, then? Will you enlighten me, perhaps? What is it you wish to find?”

He saw Kestis looking up, saw his fake serene expression, saw his lips move, but no sound came, as the dream shattered into million pieces, fell apart, washed away by the overly sweet — disgustingly so — smell of bacta in his nostrils.

But he could still make out the word.


The Force swelled around him, attuned to his anger, bleeding hate all around him — the glass of the bacta tank cracked, somebody screamed, but Vader failed to care. Durasteel bended under his hate, consoles sparkled, the lights blinked once and went out.
原力在他周围膨胀,与他的愤怒相协调,仇恨在他周围流淌——巴克塔坦克的玻璃破裂,有人尖叫,但维达不在乎。Durasteel 在他的仇恨下弯下了腰,控制台闪闪发光,灯闪烁了一下然后熄灭了。

At that moment he hated all the world around him. The troopers, who hurried out of the medbay, the ship, the durasteel which he could cut through with the Force like it was nothing , his own weakened body which didn’t allow him to stay in the dream long enough, but most of all, he hated Cal Kestis, who dared to not be afraid of him anymore. Who dared to think that he had a chance to become a Jedi in a cruel world where there was nothing but pain and agony .

In that moment Vader swore to prove insolent Padawan wrong. To show him what the Jedi truly were. That peace was nothing, but a lie.

Cal woke up at first light the next morning. He didn’t remember falling asleep, but apparently sulking in the corner by himself had been draining enough. He remembered the dream he had; for once, it wasn’t a nightmare. He saw Skywalker there, again. A distorted version of him, blurred so much his eyes couldn’t focus, his Force too bright and too dim at the same time, almost as if he was looking at the sun with his eyes closed. It was still shining, but he couldn’t make out a thing.

There was no doubt now that this was no simple dream, and that he had to speak with Master Kenobi about it, but…

Cal remembered yesterday. The sudden shields, the youngling, his Master’s refusal to share at least a bit of information, the mistrust — something dark twisted inside his chest, and he was almost overcome with a sudden urge to vomit. No, that… that feeling wasn’t… wasn’t him . It was possessive, wrong, so wrong, and he didn’t want to —

With a huff, he jumped to his feet and looked around, shoving the unwanted feelings deep down until he found it in himself to meditate. Then, he would release them, think them over, get over them.

Usually his Master was the first to wake up, but today that seemed not to be the case. Quietly, Cal got dressed and made his way towards the kitchen, where he attempted to fix himself breakfast without making too much noise. He ate in silence, watching his Master sleep.

There was a hint of a frown on his face. Cal noticed grey hair on his temples, something that he didn’t exactly look at before; light freckles on his shoulders, a faded scar almost completely covered by his beard and a line of three discolored birthmarks on his forehead. In his sleep he looked so… human. Not a perfectly serene statue made of rock somewhere deep underground in the Zeffo tombs, not the picture-perfect Jedi who sat on the Council, from the holophotos Cal saw when he was young. An imperfect human being who shaped himself — with the help of others, surely — into what he came to be, into the person Cal came to admire now. Despite all missteps, all liberties with the Code. He…
他的脸上露出一丝皱眉。卡尔注意到他的太阳穴上有灰白的头发,这是他以前没有仔细看过的东西;他肩膀上有淡淡的雀斑,胡须几乎完全遮住了褪色的疤痕,额头上有一排三个变色的胎记。在睡梦中,他看起来如此......人。不是 Zeffo 陵墓地下深处某个地方由岩石制成的完美宁静的雕像,也不是 Cal 年轻时看到的全息照片中坐在议会中的完美绝地武士。一个不完美的人,他把自己塑造成了自己——当然是在别人的帮助下——变成了他现在的样子,变成了卡尔现在钦佩的人。尽管有各种失误,但对准则有自由。他。。。

When he was a youngling, General Kenobi’s name was a frequent one at the Temple. Among all others, surely. General Skywalker’s too, if not more so, a Hero with no Fear, so young, inspiration for every soon-to-be padawan, but Cal found himself more inclined towards diplomacy; more gentle, subtle approach. Something that his peers teased him for sometimes, because at the time he wasn’t brave. He didn’t need to be. He wasn’t sure he was brave now. He just did what he had to do. What was right.

He used to wish for the war to end. Even if it meant that he would never be chosen as a Padawan — he knew too well that he wasn’t good enough to be chosen in peaceful times — being sent to Agri-corps was almost a welcome path, if it meant a peaceful existence. And now —
他曾经希望战争结束。即使这意味着他永远不会被选为 Padawan——他太清楚自己不够优秀,在和平时期无法被选中——被送到 Agri-corps 几乎是一条受欢迎的道路,如果这意味着和平的生活。而现在——

He still wished for peace, above all else.

He knew that his Master did as well. For both of them; and for the universe, too.

They couldn’t do much to fulfill their desire, not here, not when there were just the two of them, and restoring the Order… well… it wasn’t Cal’s quest, although it called for him, it did, that is, until the visions granted to him on Bogano.

“Help me, Master Kestis!”

The screams still seemed to echo inside his head each time he thought of bearing that kind of responsibility.

He remembered how his heart bled over each of the younglings he didn’t even know, slayed by the troopers; he remembered fighting for their lives, in vain. He remembered surrendering, on his knees, because it was the only way to spare them from suffering, but —

Then the cells. The torture. The screams .
然后是细胞。折磨。尖叫声 .

The Force itself screamed in agony, bleeding and bleeding, hues of blue and green and his own cyan slowly turning crimson, marred by darkness, anguish and their — no, his — inability to withstand torture.

It was partially the reason why he rejected the title of the Jedi Knight Cere had granted to him, when he came to Tatooine. He thought that now this feeling passed, with the holocron destroyed, but… it seemed to linger, when he stepped close to anyone young and sensitive to the Force. He… still felt the pull of it towards others, knew that the Jedi should stick together, share what they know, his instinct was to reach out to the youngling, after all — but then there were shields, the barrier, and the feeling shattered, replaced by worry and dulled panic. And now all he could think of were screams and possible agony he could bring about.
这也是他来到塔图因时拒绝 Cere 授予他的绝地武士头衔的部分原因。他以为现在这种感觉已经过去了,随着大屠杀被摧毁,但是......当他走近任何一个年轻且对原力敏感的人时,它似乎挥之不去。他。。。仍然感受到它对他人的吸引力,知道绝地武士应该团结一致,分享他们所知道的,毕竟他的本能是向年轻人伸出援手——但随后有盾牌、屏障和感觉被粉碎,取而代之的是担忧和迟钝的恐慌。现在他能想到的只有尖叫和他可能带来的痛苦。

Master Kenobi was right after all. Perhaps the Force warned him about Cal, too. Thus, the mistrust. Thus, not telling. And he couldn’t tell it straight because he didn’t want to hurt his Padawan’s feelings.
毕竟,克诺比大师是对的。也许原力也警告过他关于卡尔的事情。因此,不信任。因此,不告诉。他不能直截了当地说出来,因为他不想伤害他的 Padawan 的感情。

Because his Master was infinitely kind. Because his love could stretch beyond all limits. Because he could still love even the fallen who proclaimed his hate upon the whole galaxy.

Cal smiled and stood up, calm, the awful darkness he felt earlier gone from his chest completely. His thoughts went towards the wrecked speeder; he will use whatever free time he had to see what could be done to fix it. It would be… nice, if he could do something. His steps were soft as he made his way across the room towards the door, he was sure that he didn’t make any noise at all, and yet…

And yet there was a movement; a hint of a heavy sigh amidst otherwise even breathing, and Cal couldn’t help but flinch and turn around.

He saw that the frown on Master Kenobi’s face deepened, one of his hands clenched into a fist. A bad dream, perhaps. And now, he had a choice. He could pretend he didn’t notice and do nothing, because Master Kenobi didn’t need his help. Or he could allow himself to care .

He hesitated, but only for a moment.

It felt right to reach out, to project calm energy through their bond, and he dared not lurking inside the other’s dreams, although he knew that now he could have, and that it would have been possible now, if not easy. Despite what his Master might have thought of him, he knew about the concept of privacy — though sometimes he just didn’t find it in himself to care enough to put his curiosity aside. Through the Force he gently brushed his mind against his Master’s, let his presence be felt, a silent “I’m here, if you ever need me”, but nothing more than that. He… didn’t know if he would ever be allowed to offer… to do more.

He saw the frown gradually leave his Master’s face, his hand relax. Cal smiled heartily and strolled outside.

The two suns shined brightly even at dawn, just as they did every morning here, on Tatooine. Cal inhaled the dry air, still bearing traces of night’s coolness. BD-1 followed him, and was now jumping around the speeder, eager to help out.
即使在黎明时分,这两个太阳也闪耀着明亮的光芒,就像它们每天早上在塔图因所做的那样。卡尔吸入了干燥的空气,空气中还带着夜晚的凉爽。BD-1 跟着他,现在正在飞车周围跳来跳去,急切地想帮忙。

“Ready to do some scans?” Cal asked him, squatting beside the droid and getting out his tools. He… hoped he had the things he needed, but it didn’t appear that way. He… might need to be more creative.

The damage was extensive, but nothing too bad. Nothing he didn’t know how to fix.

“Allright, buddy, out of the way now, I’m gonna disassemble that thing,” he told the droid, and BD listened, hopped onto his shoulder and stayed there, the heavy feel of him familiar, reminding of their adventures.

They were friends, after all.

Was he attached to the droid? To the piece of wires and metal and plastic and transparisteel? Would his heart break if BD ever —
他和机器人有关系吗?到那块电线、金属、塑料和透明钢?如果 BD 曾经——

Cal was afraid that it would. He remembered the relief he felt that one time they were reunited after — no. He had to concentrate, because what he wanted to do required focus, and the memories wouldn’t allow it.

He touched the metal through the Force, straightening it, carefully — ever so slowly — shaping it back to what it once was. Then came the screws holding the panels in place, one by one, and Cal removed the panels by hand, because it was easier, because he did it a million times, without the Force, concealing it, burying it deep inside. He handled the torn wires by hand too, got stung by a spark of static electricity — ouch! That one hurt !
他通过原力触碰到金属,小心翼翼地——如此缓慢地——将它塑造成原来的样子。然后是螺丝一个接一个地固定到位,Cal 用手拆下面板,因为这更容易,因为他做了一百万次,没有原力,把它藏起来,把它深深地埋进去。他也用手处理撕裂的电线,被静电火花刺痛——哎哟!那个人很痛!

He almost forgot about the second glove he had. He had to put it on too, if he wanted to get anything done. He wondered if he still had it. He picked up the screws from midair, released them from his Force-grip and rummaged through the pockets on his utility belt. Hm. There it was. Along with his headphones. He hasn't touched those since Bracca, either. Well. It might be a good time to finally blow the dust off them.

Listen to his favourite songs.

Let the rhythm drum in his ears, as he worked.

It was nice . He felt nice . Familiar. Almost, almost right, something he had been doing, it seemed, all his life.

Five years on Bracca. With his almost friends, because he couldn’t really open up to anybody, no matter how kind-hearted — even Prauf…
在 Bracca 的五年。和他几乎是朋友在一起,因为他无法真正向任何人敞开心扉,无论多么善良——即使是 Prauf......

He didn’t let himself dwell in the past. Didn’t let his thoughts stray from the rhythmic beat of the music to the crippling sadness of losses. The Force whispered that those were already a part of him, that there was no use picking on the old wounds, which barely healed, so he listened to its will. Trusted it.

Fixing things was a little unfamiliar. He was more used to scrapping them, so, that part was easy, what came next required some thinking to do, and he unconsciously put it off for as long as he could, unbending all the little pieces of metal and plastic, sorting through the bolts, and screws, and wires, until BD beeped at him questioningly — why the delay?

“I’m not sure, buddy, I think I’m just afraid to break it any further,” he told the droid and took off his headphones, the music giving way to the soft sounds of the howling wind and shifting dunes.

“Why are you afraid of breaking something that’s already been broken, Padawan?”

With the music and work to do he didn’t notice that his Master has been watching him for some time already. For how long? Cal turned around and saw Obi-Wan standing in the shadow the hut provided, a cup of tea in his hand, whitish steam rising up from it. Not too long, then.

How he could drink the hot tea in this weather still escaped Cal’s understanding.

“It’s not like we could drag this wreck to Mos Espa to sell it, and the Jawas wouldn’t pay much anyway,” his Master continued with a shrug.

“You seem to have little faith in my ability,” Cal laughed.

“You said yourself that you were afraid of breaking it,” Obi-Wan offered. “Now, can I help you with anything? I don’t know much about that sort of thing, but if you need a hand…”

Cal couldn’t find it in himself to refuse. If they could spend a bit more time together—

He smiled — wide, too wide for a Jedi, perhaps — nodded and got back to work. Obi-Wan watched him for a couple more seconds before coming closer, asking, what was it, exactly, he could help with.

He was using the Force much more than his hands, when handling machinery, Cal noticed. His Force allowed for more precision, than Cal’s. He didn’t bother to sort through bolts and screws, just held them suspended in the air around them, floating, as if it required no effort, and he could still bend metal, and chat, and continue drinking his tea while maintaining focus.

“Could your… other Padawan do it too?” Cal asked, before realising, that it wasn't an ideal topic for a conversation. He wasn’t supposed to compare himself with anyone. He didn’t have the same background, the same training. His Force was different, he came to realise. Cere told him that psychometry was rare; otherwise he knew that he was a pretty bleak individual, but he didn’t mind.
“你的......其他学徒也这样做吗?卡尔问道,然后才意识到,这不是一个理想的谈话话题。他不应该把自己和任何人比较。他没有相同的背景,相同的训练。他逐渐意识到,他的原力是不同的。Cere 告诉他,心理测量学很少见;否则他知道自己是个相当凄凉的人,但他并不介意。

“You mean Anakin?”

There was a pause, and then, a soft chuckle, almost, but not yet a laugh.

“Oh no, he was never good at it. But you will be.”

They continued to work through the day, slowly, through trial and error — so many errors, in fact, that Cal could feel his frustration building, his forehead glistening with sweat from the heat and irritation at the kriffing things that simply refused to work; burnt transistors, tangled, torn wires and sith-damn sand that got everywhere.
他们继续工作一整天,慢慢地,通过反复试验——事实上,错误太多了,以至于 Cal 能感觉到他的挫败感越来越大,他的额头上冒着热汗,对那些根本不起作用的吵闹的东西感到恼火;烧焦的晶体管、纠结、撕裂的电线和到处都是该死的沙子。

His Master remained calm, as he ever was. Not a single ripple in his ocean of serenity and peace. That was until —

“I hate sand!” Cal whispered, angry, but the anger was not his, not entirely.

— until he reached out, to touch Cal’s shoulder.

Usually that happened when Cal touched things and people, not the other way around. He wasn’t sure why that happened this time.
通常,当 Cal 触摸事物和人时,就会发生这种情况,而不是相反。他不知道为什么这次会这样。

He felt as if the air got knocked out of his lungs, as if something sharp hit him right through the heart. He gasped for air, feeling suddenly cold, drowning into an emotion — just one — which he realised that he had only felt traces of before —

— on Mustafar there was this, but also, Anakin’s anger. On Mustafar, the echoes were old, washed out. —

— And when he touched Vader, there was anger too, there was so much else going on, he had so much adrenaline — and stims — pumping through his bloodstream that he —
— 当他触摸维达时,也有愤怒,有太多其他的事情发生,他的肾上腺素——和刺激——在他的血液中泵动,以至于他——

Agony . There was no other word for it, or if there was Cal didn’t know it. He couldn’t hear a thing, couldn’t see the light of the two suns in the clear blue sky, as the world went suddenly dark before his eyes, still wide open — and it was cold, so cold the air burned his throat.

He couldn’t take another breath. Choked.

“Cal, snap out of it! Cal! Cal!”

Bolts, and screws, and pieces of metal, and a cerulean cup — all fell down on the sand like rain, but he could no longer feel that.


Oh noes, Obi-Wan, get your hands off your Padawan!
哦,不,欧比旺,把你的手从你的 Padawan 上拿开!

Chapter 11: Obi-Wan Kenobi
第 11 章:欧比旺·克诺比


Did I say I was going to be busy this week? Well, apparantly, the Force wills me to stay at home and write more, lol. You can probably guess why.

So here you go! Another update! Yay!

Love you guys <3
爱你们 <3

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“I hate sand!”

Cal’s whisper was laced with someone else’s anger, too familiar, and it dragged unwanted feelings closer towards the surface.

Still, Obi-Wan remained calm as he reached out and gently touched his Padawan’s shoulder, ready to suggest taking a break. It was already noon, and the suns’ heat was getting harsh, too. They could have a proper lunch, and then get back to work. Or they could meditate on what happened yesterday —
尽管如此,欧比旺还是保持冷静,伸出手轻轻地抚摸着他的 Padawan 的肩膀,准备建议休息一下。已经是中午了,太阳的热度也越来越强烈。他们可以吃一顿好吃的午饭,然后回去工作。或者他们可以默想昨天发生的事情——

He didn’t have a chance to voice any of his suggestions, as Cal’s face suddenly twisted, his eyes flew wide open, a strangled cry bubbling from his throat, his body convulsing, as if from agony, lancing through him. His back arched unnaturally, hands tensed on the wires he held. He gasped for air, choked on it. Coughed. Couldn’t breath.

Obi-wan jerked his hand back, despite his instincts to do the opposite, to hold his Padawan closer and ground him to reality. But with Cal it would only make it worse. He... didn’t know what it was, but still had a vague idea. Probably, psychometry. Probably, the traces of his own agonizing heartbreak over Anakin, which a whisper about kriffing sand brought back to the surface, but probably amplified, because Cal’s ability was probably that — he sensed echoes, and this... was no echo. It was fresh, unfaded, bright, even after five years of meditations.
欧比旺猛地把手缩了回来,尽管他的本能想做相反的事情,让他的学徒更靠近,让他与现实相呼应。但对 Cal 来说,情况只会变得更糟。他。。。不知道是什么,但还是有一个模糊的想法。可能是心理测量学。也许,他自己对阿纳金的痛苦心碎的痕迹,一声关于沙子的耳语让它浮出水面,但可能被放大了,因为卡尔的能力可能是——他感觉到了回声,还有这个......没有回声。它是新鲜的、不褪色的、明亮的,即使经过五年的冥想。

The bolts and screws fell down on the sand, but Obi-Wan didn’t care. His Force was gently wrapped around Cal, because he couldn’t allow himself to touch him, but—

He called to him, begging him to snap out of it, to get back to reality, to find a way from dark, cold waters of unwanted attachment and rejection, of heartbreak and loss.

Cal winced, violently, a low, feeble sound escaped his lips — a whimper, then a sob, still breathless, eyes unfocused, unblinking, and Obi-Wan just didn’t know what he could do to help.

He showed his own feelings deeper down, dragged something else to the surface —

The rush of riding a varactyl on Pijal, during the Grand Hunt, the eagerness of the beast and the excitement, the thrill of it all, better than any flying- no, not that.
在大狩猎期间,在 Pijal 上骑着 varactyl 的匆忙,野兽的渴望和兴奋,这一切的刺激,比任何飞行都要好——不,不是那个。

His fondness for Bant, Ahsoka, Qui-Gon and Kit and oh so many other Jedi. No. Not that either.
他喜欢 Bant、Ahsoka、Qui-Gon 和 Kit,还有许多其他绝地武士。不。也不是那样。

The calmness of open spaces, meditation halls in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, their whiteness extending out, limitless, the endless light, which could not ever be extinguished- yet it was, crushed, overpowered by the Empire, done for, so, again, not that.

The cyan rivers of Alderaan… freshwaters of the sacred springs, transparent, reflecting light in a way no jewel ever could. The greenery of moss on the rocks near the riverbanks, the gentle whispers of trees, and a birdsong, carrying across the land.

Obi-Wan took Cal in his arms, pressed their foreheads together, held him close once more.

“Look, how beautiful it is,” he whispered, suddenly conscious that his voice was shaky, as he did his best to pour the images and feelings through their connection, hoping that it would be enough. “How the waters reflect the light, how they sparkle, just like you.”

The waters so clear, so pure, they were just like the soul of his Padawan; they cut their way through rock and stone but remained unmarred by violence or anger, always gentle, smooth and… more than anything, calm.
水是如此清澈,如此纯净,它们就像他的 Padawan 的灵魂;他们在岩石和石头中杀出一条血路,但仍然没有受到暴力或愤怒的破坏,总是温柔、光滑和......最重要的是,平静。

There was peace on Alderaan.

Another broken whimper, another wet sob, but at least Cal was breathing now. At least, his eyes weren’t so scarily wide-open, as he finally relaxed in Obi-Wan’s arms.

“‘m sorry,” he mumbled, tossing his head to the side, breath hoarse and hard, hot against Obi-Wan’s face. “Don’t know why… how it…”

“Not your fault,” he didn’t let Cal finish, didn’t let his thoughts stray too far from the peaceful scenery of Alderaan’s grassy plains. “Look, there’s more.”

The grass on Alderaan was soft, too. It rustled in the morning breeze, dew glimmering in the warm light of the rising sun. And in the distance one could see mountain peaks, covered in snow and softest clouds, blending into the transparent cyan-blue sky. And there were waterfalls on Alderaan too — enormous walls of white, sparkling light, they looked like clouds, from a distance, soft, so soft , peaceful and calm.

He petted Cal’s hair, wiped a tear from his cheek and hugged him closer still, as tenderly as he could. They stayed like that for a long time, and then Cal tentatively wrapped his arms around Obi-Wan too, let out a softest sight of — it seemed — relief, and in the next moment his whole body went completely limp.

Obi-Wan stayed silent, as he picked his Padawan up, the memory of their second meeting fresh in his mind, almost a deja-vu, and carried him inside, away from the Tatooine’s two suns’ scorching heat.

He wished he could take him away from this desert world. Show him Alderaan for real . Or, perhaps, they could go somewhere far away — to the uncharted parts of the galaxy, and find a planet just as peaceful and beautiful, find solace in nature’s wonders and the flow of the Living Force, away from the fighting, from the Empire, from the suffering and pain and memories which prompted it, and there would be cities in gold, and there wouldn’t be place for fear of darkness —
他希望他能带他离开这个沙漠世界。让他看看 Alderaan 的真实面貌。或者,也许,他们可以去很远的地方——银河系的未知部分,找到一个同样宁静美丽的星球,在大自然的奇观和生命力的流动中找到慰藉,远离战争,远离帝国,远离促使它的苦难、痛苦和回忆,那里会有黄金的城市。 而且不会有害怕黑暗的地方——


This line of thought would lead him nowhere. There was no use dwelling on things never to become, because he knew too well — he would never leave Tatooine. Not without Luke by his side anyway. And Larses… he didn’t even want to go down that path again.
这种想法不会让他有任何帮助。纠结于永远不会成为的事情是没有用的,因为他太清楚了——他永远不会离开塔图因。反正没有卢克在身边是不可能的。还有 Larses......他甚至不想再走那条路。

They will stay here, in this desert. He will teach his Padawan what he knows about the Force and then send him away, as each Jedi Master should do. And then, Cal will do the same, when his time comes.

“I’m cold,” Cal told him, about an hour later, holding a cup of tea in one hand, as he sat across the table from Obi-Wan and looked at him, ghosts of pain still lingering in his eyes. “Do you still feel cold, Master? After all this time? Like this?”

Obi-Wan nodded, but dared not speak, as he felt the steady rhythm of Cal’s pulse on his wrist. He still held his hand, arm stretched over the table.