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@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp published 2 releases · See more
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March 11, 2024 04:49

@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp published 2 releases · See more
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March 11, 2024 02:45

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Simple UI examples from my social media
HTML 4.9k



OpenGFW is a flexible, easy-to-use, open source implementation of GFW (Great Firewall of China) on Linux
Go 6.8k



@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp released
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March 11, 2024 00:27
@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp released
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March 10, 2024 22:21
@ant-design profile
ant-design/ant-design released
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March 10, 2024 22:00


  • 🛠 Adjust the closing trigger of Tour, Dropdown, Menu, Tabs, Mentions, Picker, Select, TreeSelect, Cascader, Tooltip, and Popover pop-ups from click to mouseDown to uniformly solve some event timin…
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@cxasm profile
cxasm/notepad-- released
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March 10, 2024 21:35



Notepad--v2.14.0-plugin-Installer.exe 是win10下面的插件版安装包,会关联右键菜单等。

Notepad--v2.14.0-win10-portable.zip 是绿色免安装版本,解压即用,不会关联右键菜单注册表。

Ndd-quick-v2.13.0-win10-single-portable.zip 是单文件绿色免安装版,只包含皮肤和v…

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@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp published 3 releases · See more
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March 10, 2024 19:04

@GoesToEleven profile
GoesToEleven created a repository
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March 10, 2024 14:20



@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp published 3 releases · See more
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March 10, 2024 14:17

@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp published 2 releases · See more
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March 10, 2024 11:16

@kirakiray profile
kirakiray/ofa.js released
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March 10, 2024 08:54


What's Changed

  • fix: issuse of attributes causing an infinite loop by @kirakiray in #132

Full Changelog: 4.4.7...4.4.8

@antfu profile
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March 10, 2024 08:52
@Vannsl profile

Vanessa Otto Vannsl

54 repositories 179 followers

@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp published 3 releases · See more
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March 9, 2024 22:06

@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp published 3 releases · See more
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March 9, 2024 20:04

@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp released
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March 9, 2024 16:09
@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp released
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March 9, 2024 13:31
@jianchang512 profile
jianchang512/pyvideotrans released
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March 9, 2024 11:05



  1. 修复几处bug
  2. 更改声音、画面、字幕对齐机制,可通过“整体配音语速”、“音频加速”、“视频慢速”、“语音前后延展”来实现对齐,如果均不选择,将采用去除静音片段,尽量缩短总时长实现对齐,具体实现原理请查看博文 https://juejin.cn/post/7343691521601290240
  3. 清除配音后末尾的静音片段
  4. 优化从 youtube 下载视频
  5. 增加自定义翻译API


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@ggerganov profile
ggerganov/llama.cpp published 3 releases · See more
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March 9, 2024 10:16

@ggerganov profile
ggerganov starred a repository
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March 9, 2024 09:41

