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Parenting Program Management: Fostering School-Parent Cooperation to Optimize Children's Character Development in Early Childhood Education

Erlina Erlina 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1}, Bahrun Bahrun 1 , 1 , ^(1,**){ }^{1, *} and Ismail Ismail 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1}
Erlina Erlina 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1} , Bahrun Bahrun 1 , 1 , ^(1,**){ }^{1, *} 和 Ismail Ismail 1 1 ^(1){ }^{1}
1 Graduate School of Education Administration, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia; erlina171978@gmail.com (E.E.); bahrun@usk.ac.id (B.B.); ismail.kutaradja@usk.ac.id (I.I.)
1 Universitas Syiah Kuala 教育管理研究生院,班达亚齐 23111,印度尼西亚;erlina171978@gmail.com (E.E.);bahrun@usk.ac.id (B.B.);ismail.kutaradja@usk.ac.id (I.I.)

Article History  文章历史

Received 18 April 2024  2024 年 4 月 18 日收到
Revised 15 July 2024
2024 年 7 月 15 日修订

Accepted 27 July 2024
2024 年 7 月 27 日接受

Available Online 4 August 2024
2024 年 8 月 4 日在线提供

Keywords:  关键词:

Parenting programs Early childhood education School-parent collaboration Community involvement Character development
育儿计划 幼儿教育 学校与家长合作 社区参与 品德培养

Abstract  摘要

This study investigates the management and implementation of parenting programs in early childhood education settings within Southwest Aceh, Indonesia. The research focuses on three kindergartens (TK), TK. Negeri Pembina Blangpidie, TK. Al Khaliq Susoh, and TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa—utilizing a qualitative approach to explore how these programs are planned, organized, executed, and monitored. Findings underscore the critical role of school principals in leading these initiatives and the significant impact of active parental involvement on children’s character development. The study highlights the successful integration of community resources and stakeholder engagement despite resource constraints and cultural differences. The results suggest that systematic management, continuous feedback, and adaptive strategies are essential for effective collaboration between schools and parents. Key observations include the need for clear annual goals, structured coordination, and regular evaluation mechanisms to refine program effectiveness. The study calls for future research to address its limitations, including a confined geographical scope and short study duration, by conducting longitudinal and comparative studies across diverse regions. Incorporating quantitative methods alongside qualitative insights could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the long-term impacts of parenting programs on child development. Therefore, the research advocates for policies that facilitate active school-parent collaboration, emphasizing the importance of community involvement in educational practices to support the holistic development of children.
本研究调查了印度尼西亚西南亚齐省幼儿教育机构中父母教育计划的管理和实施情况。研究重点是三所幼儿园(TK.Negeri Pembina Blangpidie、TK.Negeri Pembina Blangpidie、TK.Jamal Has Jeumpa--采用定性方法来探讨这些计划是如何规划、组织、实施和监督的。研究结果强调了校长在领导这些活动中的关键作用,以及家长的积极参与对儿童品格发展的重要影响。研究强调,尽管存在资源限制和文化差异,但社区资源和利益相关者的参与还是取得了成功整合。研究结果表明,系统管理、持续反馈和适应性策略对于学校与家长之间的有效合作至关重要。主要意见包括需要明确的年度目标、结构化的协调和定期评估机制,以完善计划的有效性。本研究呼吁未来的研究通过在不同地区开展纵向比较研究来解决其局限性,包括地理范围有限和研究时间较短。将定量方法与定性见解相结合,可以更全面地了解育儿计划对儿童发展的长期影响。因此,研究提倡制定促进学校与家长积极合作的政策,强调社区参与教育实践的重要性,以支持儿童的全面发展。

1. Introduction  1.导言

Education is important for shaping human personality and, consequently, society. Recognizing its importance, governments worldwide have prioritized enhancing educational quality [1, 2]. High-quality education systems are expected to foster a generation capable of driving societal progress in positive directions [3, 4]. Education from a young age, as argued by experts, lays the deepest
教育对于塑造人的个性,进而塑造社会非常重要。认识到教育的重要性,世界各国政府都把提高教育质量作为优先事项[1, 2]。高质量的教育体系有望培养出能够推动社会向积极方向发展的一代人[3, 4]。专家们认为,从小开始的教育为孩子奠定了最深的

foundations in a child’s psyche, influencing their cognitive and moral development. By age ten, children typically transition from heteronomous morality to a more autonomous moral stage, indicating the development of their internal moral compass [5].
The early years are critical in setting a child’s life trajectory, offering a unique opportunity to influence future leaders who are healthy, morally upright, and

intellectually and spiritually enriched [6, 7]. The belief that formal education should start only at elementary school is a misconception; neuroscience research has shown significant brain development occurs from birth through age four, suggesting that early stimulation is crucial for optimal physical and mental growth [8]. The role of parents in this developmental phase is fundamental. Habituation, combined with exemplary behavior and value instillation, forms the bedrock of character education, which goes beyond teaching right from wrong to fostering good habits that make moral choices instinctive.
6, 7]。认为正规教育应从小学才开始的想法是一种误解;神经科学研究表明,从出生到四岁,大脑发育非常重要,这表明早期刺激对最佳身心成长至关重要 [8]。父母在这一发育阶段的作用至关重要。习惯养成与模范行为和价值观灌输相结合,构成了品德教育的基石,品德教育不仅仅是教导是非对错,而是培养良好习惯,使道德选择成为本能。
However, current parenting programs within educational settings, especially at the kindergarten level, are often limited and not sufficiently aligned with these developmental needs [9]. Parenting education typically coincides with school meetings and lacks comprehensive coverage of essential parenting skills that should be communicated [10, 11]. This highlights a gap in the effective management of parenting programs that necessitate systematic planning, organization, execution, and control to benefit children’s character development.
然而,目前在教育环境中开展的亲职教育项目,尤其是在幼儿园阶段,往往是有限的,而且与这些发展需求不够一致[9]。亲职教育通常与学校会议同时进行,缺乏对应该传达的基本亲职技能的全面覆盖[10, 11]。这凸显了在有效管理亲职教育项目方面存在的差距,这些项目需要有系统的规划、组织、执行和控制,才能有利于儿童的性格发展。
Prior research has explored various aspects of the relationship between schools and parents in education. Lindasari et al. [12] emphasize the importance of continuous, integrated, and constructive engagement between parents and schools to enhance educational outcomes. Other studies have focused specifically on the management of parenting programs. For instance, Romlah [13] and Kusmawanti [14] highlighted the critical role of parental involvement in designing and implementing parenting programs, suggesting that effective communication and participatory decisionmaking processes are key to successful outcomes.
先前的研究从多方面探讨了学校与家长在教育中的关系。Lindasari 等人[12] 强调了家长与学校之间持续、综合、建设性的参与对提高教育成果的重要性。其他研究则特别关注家长项目的管理。例如,Romlah [13] 和 Kusmawanti [14]强调了家长参与在设计和实施亲职教育项目中的关键作用,认为有效的沟通和参与式决策过程是取得成功结果的关键。
This research investigates the management of school parenting programs, focusing on fostering effective collaboration between schools and parents to optimize children’s character development in early childhood education settings. Specifically, the study will assess the current state of parenting programs in selected kindergarten settings in Southwestern Aceh, Indonesia, identify gaps and challenges in managing these programs, and propose a refined model of parenting program management to enhance school-parent cooperation and support the holistic development of children. Using a case study approach in three kindergartens-TK.Negeri Pembina in Blangpidie, TK-AI Khaliq in Susoh, and TK. Jamal Has in Jeumpa-the study will explore the effectiveness of existing management practices and the dynamic interplay between schools and parents, with the ultimate goal of proposing a model that
本研究调查了学校亲职教育项目的管理情况,重点是促进学校与家长之间的有效合作,以优化儿童早期教育环境中的儿童性格发展。具体而言,本研究将评估印度尼西亚西南亚齐省部分幼儿园的亲职教育项目现状,找出这些项目管理中存在的差距和挑战,并提出一套完善的亲职教育项目管理模式,以加强学校与家长的合作,支持儿童的全面发展。通过对三所幼儿园--布兰皮迪的彭比纳幼儿园(TK.Negeri Pembina)、苏索的卡利克幼儿园(TK-AI Khaliq)和珍帕的贾马尔哈斯幼儿园(TK.Jamal Has)--进行案例研究,我们发现了这些项目在管理上存在的不足和挑战。该研究将探讨现有管理实践的有效性以及学校与家长之间的动态互动,最终目标是提出一种模式,以实现以下目标

enhances school-parent cooperation and effectively supports the holistic development of children.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Research Approach  2.1.研究方法

This study employed a qualitative research approach, adhering to the principles of naturalistic inquiry to interpret phenomena occurring within the natural settings of selected kindergartens. Qualitative research involves a thorough interpretation of phenomena through the lens of various methodological tools [15]. The research emphasizes understanding the natural conditions of objects, where the researcher serves as the primary instrument. This study adopts descriptive qualitative research to depict and illustrate the natural and human-engineered phenomena by focusing on characteristics and interactivity between various activities without manipulating the studied variables [16].

2.2. Research Location and Duration

The research was conducted in three kindergartens in Blangpidie, Susoh, and Jeumpa districts in Southwest Aceh Regency, Indonesia. The study spanned from January to March 2024, allowing for the observation of educational practices and parental involvement within these educational settings.
研究在印度尼西亚西南亚齐省 Blangpidie、Susoh 和 Jeumpa 地区的三所幼儿园进行。研究时间跨度为 2024 年 1 月至 3 月,以便观察这些教育环境中的教育实践和家长参与情况。

2.3. Research Participants

The subjects of this study were nine individuals, comprising three kindergarten principals, three teachers, and three parents. These participants were chosen based on their critical roles in implementing and experiencing the educational programs at the research sites. Qualitative researchers aim to provide a comprehensive picture of the issue by capturing diverse perspectives and identifying related factors [17]. The subjects were selected through purposive sampling, ensuring that each participant provided relevant and detailed information regarding the phenomena under study [18].

2.4. Research Instruments

The research instruments were developed to collect data effectively and included structured interviews, observation guidelines, and documentation methods. The interview guide contained specific questions for the principals, teachers, and parents to understand their roles and experiences in the educational programs. Observation guidelines focused on management practices of the parenting programs, aiming to capture the principals’ planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. Documentation involved the collection of photos, videos, and written records from the
Table 1. Overview of parenting program management stages.
表 1.育儿计划管理阶段概述。
Stages of Management  管理阶段

TK.Negeri Pembina Blangpidie
TK. Negeri Pembina
TK. Negeri Pembina Blangpidie| TK. Negeri Pembina | | :--- | | Blangpidie |
TK. Al Khaliq Susoh
TK.Al Khaliq Susoh
TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa
TK.Jamal Has Jeumpa
Planning  规划

Strategic approach with clear
annual goals.
Strategic approach with clear annual goals.| Strategic approach with clear | | :--- | | annual goals. |

Emphasis on community-driven
Emphasis on community-driven objectives.| Emphasis on community-driven | | :--- | | objectives. |

Inclusive of wider community
and local leaders.
Inclusive of wider community and local leaders.| Inclusive of wider community | | :--- | | and local leaders. |
Organization  组织结构

Structured calendar,
parental committees.
Structured calendar, parental committees.| Structured calendar, | | :--- | | parental committees. |

Community events, parent-
school collaboration.
Community events, parent- school collaboration.| Community events, parent- | | :--- | | school collaboration. |

Broad stakeholder
involvement, resource
Broad stakeholder involvement, resource mobilization.| Broad stakeholder | | :--- | | involvement, resource | | mobilization. |
Execution  执行 Joint parent-child activities,
Community engagement  社区参与

Community and parent-driven
parent meetings.
Surveys, feedback forms,
informal feedback.
Community and parent-driven parent meetings. Surveys, feedback forms, informal feedback.| Community and parent-driven | | :--- | | parent meetings. | | Surveys, feedback forms, | | informal feedback. |

Continuous feedback collection,
adaptation of strategies.
Continuous feedback collection, adaptation of strategies.| Continuous feedback collection, | | :--- | | adaptation of strategies. |

program execution.
Regular evaluation,
stakeholder feedback.
program execution. Regular evaluation, stakeholder feedback.| program execution. | | :--- | | Regular evaluation, | | stakeholder feedback. |
Stages of Management "TK. Negeri Pembina Blangpidie" TK. Al Khaliq Susoh TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa Planning "Strategic approach with clear annual goals." "Emphasis on community-driven objectives." "Inclusive of wider community and local leaders." Organization "Structured calendar, parental committees." "Community events, parent- school collaboration." "Broad stakeholder involvement, resource mobilization." Execution Joint parent-child activities, Community engagement "Community and parent-driven parent meetings. Surveys, feedback forms, informal feedback." "Continuous feedback collection, adaptation of strategies." "program execution. Regular evaluation, stakeholder feedback." | Stages of Management | TK. Negeri Pembina <br> Blangpidie | TK. Al Khaliq Susoh | TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | | Planning | Strategic approach with clear <br> annual goals. | Emphasis on community-driven <br> objectives. | Inclusive of wider community <br> and local leaders. | | Organization | Structured calendar, <br> parental committees. | Community events, parent- <br> school collaboration. | Broad stakeholder <br> involvement, resource <br> mobilization. | | Execution | Joint parent-child activities, | Community engagement | Community and parent-driven <br> parent meetings. <br> Surveys, feedback forms, <br> informal feedback. | | | Continuous feedback collection, <br> adaptation of strategies. | program execution. <br> Regular evaluation, <br> stakeholder feedback. | |
kindergartens to supplement the data obtained from interviews and observations.

2.5. Data Collection Techniques

Data collection was conducted using three primary techniques [19]. Direct observation of activities and behaviors within the kindergarten setting allowed researchers to immerse themselves in the environment and gather data firsthand. Interviews were conducted to extract deep, contextual data from participants. The interviews were structured and semi-structured to allow flexibility in responses and to explore the breadth and depth of the study themes. Analysis of relevant documents, including program plans and execution records, as well as direct recordings of ongoing activities at the research sites, was performed to supplement the information collected through other methods.

2.6. Credibility and Validity Measures

Several strategies were employed to ensure the data’s credibility and validity [20]. Prolonged engagement involves spending sufficient time in the field to obtain various data sources. Triangulation uses multiple data sources and methods to cross-verify the information gathered. Member checks involved participants in data verification to confirm the findings accurately reflect their views. Negative case analysis actively sought and discussed data contradicting initial interpretations to refine the outcomes.

2.7. Data Analysis  2.7.数据分析

Comprehensive data was gathered through observation, interviews, and documentation. This data was then filtered and condensed into a manageable form while retaining essential features relevant to the research questions. The reduced data was organized into comprehensible formats to facilitate analysis. Finally, interpreting the displayed data allowed for deriving meaningful insights and conclusions about the research topic [21].

3. Results and Discussion

The study was conducted at TK. Negeri Pembina Blangpidie, TK. AI Khaliq Susoh, and TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa in Southwest Aceh, from January to March 2024, yielded insightful observations and interviews regarding the management of parenting programs. These programs aimed to enhance child character development through structured cooperation between schools and parents.
这项研究在 TK.Negeri Pembina Blangpidie、TK.AI Khaliq Susoh 和 TK.2024年1月至3月,研究人员在亚齐西南部的贾马尔-哈斯-热姆巴学校(TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa)进行了观察和访谈,对亲子教育项目的管理情况进行了深入了解。这些计划旨在通过学校与家长之间有组织的合作,促进儿童性格的发展。

3.1. Management of Parenting Programs

The management of parenting programs across the three kindergartens-TK. Negeri Pembina Blangpidie, TK. Al Khaliq Susoh, and TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa—provides a comprehensive model of how early childhood education centers can actively involve parents in the character development of children. The approach taken by these institutions involved several key aspects: planning, organization, execution, and monitoring, which the school principals predominantly spearheaded. This systematic approach is detailed in Table 1, which outlines the management stages as executed by each kindergarten.
三所幼儿园的育儿计划管理--TK.Negeri Pembina Blangpidie、TK.Al Khaliq Susoh 和 TK.Jamal Has Jeumpa)提供了一个幼儿教育中心如何让家长积极参与儿童品格培养的综合模式。这些机构所采取的方法涉及几个关键方面:规划、组织、执行和监督,而这些方面主要由学校校长牵头。表 1 详细介绍了这一系统化方法,概述了各幼儿园执行的管理阶段。
In the planning stage, each school demonstrated a strategic approach to developing the parenting programs. The principals, acting as the main orchestrators, established clear annual goals discussed with teachers and parents at the start of the academic year. This phase often involved setting specific objectives for the children’s character development, such as enhancing empathy and cooperation, which influenced the activities planned for the year.
Organizational efforts were evident in how the schools managed coordination among different stakeholders. Each school crafted a structured calendar that included school and parental participation events. The organization also creates committees with parent members to help distribute the workload and ensure diverse input in executing the programs.
Table 2. Successes and Challenges in Implementation.
表 2.实施过程中的成功与挑战。
Kindergarten  幼儿园 Successes  成功案例 Challenges  挑战
TK. Negeri Pembina Blangpidie
TK.Negeri Pembina Blangpidie

High parental engagement, enhanced
educational strategies.
High parental engagement, enhanced educational strategies.| High parental engagement, enhanced | | :--- | | educational strategies. |

Parental availability varies, differing views on
Parental availability varies, differing views on child-rearing.| Parental availability varies, differing views on | | :--- | | child-rearing. |
TK. Al Khaliq Susoh
TK.Al Khaliq Susoh

Strong community involvement, sense of
shared responsibility.
Strong community involvement, sense of shared responsibility.| Strong community involvement, sense of | | :--- | | shared responsibility. |
Need for more resources, cultural barriers.
TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa
TK.Jamal Has Jeumpa

Broad community support, relevant program
Broad community support, relevant program development.| Broad community support, relevant program | | :--- | | development. |

Resource limitations, differing educational
Resource limitations, differing educational expectations.| Resource limitations, differing educational | | :--- | | expectations. |
Kindergarten Successes Challenges TK. Negeri Pembina Blangpidie "High parental engagement, enhanced educational strategies." "Parental availability varies, differing views on child-rearing." TK. Al Khaliq Susoh "Strong community involvement, sense of shared responsibility." Need for more resources, cultural barriers. TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa "Broad community support, relevant program development." "Resource limitations, differing educational expectations."| Kindergarten | Successes | Challenges | | :--- | :--- | :--- | | TK. Negeri Pembina Blangpidie | High parental engagement, enhanced <br> educational strategies. | Parental availability varies, differing views on <br> child-rearing. | | TK. Al Khaliq Susoh | Strong community involvement, sense of <br> shared responsibility. | Need for more resources, cultural barriers. | | TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa | Broad community support, relevant program <br> development. | Resource limitations, differing educational <br> expectations. |
The execution phase saw active engagement from both parents and children. Schools organized various activities, including joint parent-child sessions like arts and crafts or sports days and parent-only meetings focused on strategies and challenges in child development. This hands-on approach reinforced the lessons from school, extending the learning experience from school to home.
Feedback mechanisms were integral to monitoring and evaluating these programs. Schools often use surveys and feedback forms during parent-teacher meetings to assess the effectiveness of their initiatives. Informal feedback from regular interactions also provided qualitative data that allowed principals and teachers to refine the programs as needed. The evaluation was crucial for understanding the impact on child behavior and identifying areas for improvement.
The principals’ systematic and thoughtful management of these programs underscores the importance of leadership in educational settings. The principals’ roles went beyond administrative duties to actively shaping the educational ethos of the kindergartens. Their commitment to integrating parents into the educational process was evident in the detailed planning and active follow-up on the programs’ outcomes.
This detailed management approach ensured that the parenting programs were not just an adjunct to the kindergartens’ curriculum but a core component of their educational strategy. It aimed to foster an environment where child development is seen as a collaborative effort between the school and the family.

3.2. Successful Implementation of Cooperation

The successful implementation of cooperation between schools and parents in the context of parenting programs at TK. Negeri Pembina Blangpidie, TK. Al Khaliq Susoh, and TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa illustrates the dynamic interplay between educational strategies and community involvement. Each kindergarten implemented strategies that engaged parents and encouraged an active partnership in fostering the children’s development. The successes and challenges each kindergarten faces in
学校与家长在 TK 亲职教育项目中的成功合作。Negeri Pembina Blangpidie、TK.Al Khaliq Susoh 和 TK.Jamal Has Jeumpa 说明了教育策略与社区参与之间的动态相互作用。每所幼儿园都实施了让家长参与其中的战略,并鼓励他们在促进儿童发展的过程中建立积极的伙伴关系。每所幼儿园在以下方面取得的成功和面临的挑战

implementing these strategies are summarized in Table 2.
表 2 概述了这些战略的实施情况。
At TK. Negeri Pembina Blangpidie, regular and structured meetings between parents and school staff were a cornerstone of the parenting program. These meetings were not merely informational but served as forums for parents to voice concerns, provide feedback, and participate in decision-making regarding curriculum and extracurricular activities. This open line of communication ensured that parents felt valued and invested in the school’s efforts, which enhanced the implementation of educational strategies tailored to the community’s needs.
在 TK.Negeri Pembina Blangpidie,家长与学校教职员工之间定期举行有组织的会议是家长教育计划的基石。这些会议不仅提供信息,而且还成为家长表达关切、提供反馈以及参与课程和课外活动决策的论坛。这种开放式的沟通渠道确保了家长感受到学校的重视和投入,从而加强了针对社区需求的教育战略的实施。
TK. AI Khaliq Susoh utilized community events to enhance cooperation between the school and the parents. Activities such as community clean-ups, arts performances, and sports days were designed to involve parents in a non-academic capacity, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility. These events provided opportunities for parents to observe and engage with the school’s educational environment, thus reinforcing the character traits being developed in students.
TK.AI Khaliq Susoh 利用社区活动加强学校与家长之间的合作。社区清洁、艺术表演和运动日等活动旨在让家长以非学术身份参与其中,培养社区意识和共同责任感。这些活动为家长提供了观察和参与学校教育环境的机会,从而强化了学生正在培养的品格特征。
At TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa, the planning process for parenting programs involved the parents and the wider community, including local leaders and other stakeholders. This inclusive approach ensured that the programs reflected the community’s values and expectations, increasing their relevance and effectiveness. The involvement of a broader base of stakeholders also helped in mobilizing additional resources and support for the school’s initiatives.
在 TK.Jamal Has Jeumpa,父母和更广泛的社区(包括当地领导人和其他利益相关者)都参与了育儿计划的规划过程。这种兼容并包的方法确保了计划反映社区的价值观和期望,提高了计划的实用性和有效性。更广泛的利益相关者的参与也有助于为学校的举措调动更多的资源和支持。
A critical component of the successful implementation at all three kindergartens was the continuous collection of feedback and subsequent adaptation of strategies. This iterative process allowed the schools to refine their approaches based on real-time parent input. For example, if feedback indicated that parents felt disconnected from the educational process, schools might introduce more interactive workshops or digital communication platforms to bridge this gap.
Recognizing and celebrating successes played a significant role in sustaining parental engagement and cooperation. Schools made it a point to showcase the outcomes of the parenting programs during school events and through regular communications, such as newsletters or social media posts. Celebrating these successes validated the efforts of parents and school staff and motivated continued involvement and support.
Despite the successes, the schools faced challenges such as varying levels of parental availability and differing views on child-rearing practices. Schools offered flexible participation options to address these issues and provided education sessions on modern pedagogical strategies emphasizing developing social-emotional skills alongside academic learning.

3.3. Discussion on Key Findings

The key findings from the implementation of parenting programs at TK Negeri Pembina Blangpidie, TK. Al Khaliq Susoh, and TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa brings to light several pivotal factors that contribute to the success of educational initiatives. This discussion delves into how each factor played a significant role in shaping the programs and their implications for future educational practices.
在 TK Negeri Pembina Blangpidie、TK.Al Khaliq Susoh 和 TK.Jamal Has Jeumpa 的主要发现揭示了有助于教育计划取得成功的几个关键因素。本讨论将深入探讨每个因素如何在形成这些计划的过程中发挥重要作用,以及它们对未来教育实践的影响。
One standout observation from the study is the critical role of school principals as leaders in the conceptualization and execution of parenting programs. Their leadership was not just administrative but also transformative. Principals who demonstrated a clear vision and proactive leadership style fostered a culture of collaboration and commitment among staff and parents. This leadership approach helped align the school’s educational goals with the parenting program’s objectives, ensuring a cohesive and integrated approach to child development.
The degree of parental involvement significantly influenced the effectiveness of the programs. Schools that succeeded in deeply engaging parents saw more pronounced improvements in children’s social and emotional competencies. This involvement went beyond mere attendance at school events; it included active participation in the planning and evaluating of educational content and methods. When parents are actively involved, they gain insights into the educational processes become advocates, and reinforce the learning at home, creating a continuous loop of feedback and improvement.
The integration of the wider community, particularly in the case of TK. Jamal Has Jeumpa provided a broader support network and additional resources that enriched
更广泛的社区融入,特别是在 TK.Jamal Has Jeumpa 提供了更广泛的支持网络和更多的资源,丰富了我们的工作。

the program. Involving local leaders and community members brought diversity in perspectives and resources, enhancing the program’s relevance and acceptance within the community. This broader community involvement also ensured that the educational initiatives had a wider impact, promoting a communal approach to raising and educating children.
The research also highlighted several challenges, such as resource limitations, cultural barriers, and differing educational expectations, which posed significant hurdles. However, these challenges also presented opportunities for innovation. For instance, resource constraints encouraged schools to seek partnerships with local businesses and organizations, expanding their support networks and resource bases.
The findings suggest that parenting programs must be supported by policies that facilitate active collaboration between educators and parents. Policies should encourage schools to allocate time and resources for regular parent engagement activities and training for educators on effective parental involvement techniques. Furthermore, educational practice should move towards a more community-centered approach, recognizing the value of diverse inputs in developing curricula and educational strategies.

3.4. Limitations and Future Studies

This research provides valuable insights into the management and success of parenting programs in three kindergartens in Southwest Aceh, but it also faces several limitations that must be acknowledged. Understanding these limitations can guide future research efforts and enhance the applicability and scalability of findings. The study was conducted in a relatively confined geographical area within the Southwest Aceh, which may limit the generalizability of the findings to other regions with different cultural, economic, or educational contexts. Different regions may have diverse parental involvement norms and varied school resources.
The research focused on only three kindergartens, which restricts the breadth of data and may not fully represent the diversity of early childhood education settings in Indonesia or other countries. Future studies should consider including a larger and more varied sample of schools to enhance the diversity of data and findings. Additionally, the study predominantly utilized qualitative methods, such as observations and interviews. While this approach provides deep insights into the participants’ experiences and perceptions, adding quantitative data could help measure the impact of parenting programs more objectively and comprehensively.
The study was conducted over three months, which may not be sufficient to observe long-term outcomes and impacts of parenting programs on child development. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess these educational interventions’ sustainability and long-term effects.
Future research could benefit from comparative studies across different regions and cultural settings to address geographical limitations and understand how cultural contexts influence the effectiveness of such programs. Implementing longitudinal studies that follow children and parents over several years can provide insights into the long-term effects of parental involvement in education, particularly how it impacts children’s academic achievements and social skills over time. Future studies could also employ experimental or quasiexperimental designs to better establish causality between the implementation of parenting programs and outcomes for children. This could involve the use of control groups where no or different types of interventions are applied.
Researching the impact of specific policies designed to enhance parental involvement in schools could also provide valuable data. Such studies could help craft more effective policies supporting schools and families in collaborative educational endeavors. Additionally, incorporating quantitative methods to complement the qualitative findings could include assessments of children’s cognitive, social, and emotional skills before and after the implementation of parenting programs. Additionally, surveys could quantitatively measure parent and teacher satisfaction and perceived benefits of such programs.

4. Conclusions  4.结论

This study on the management of parenting programs in early childhood education settings in Southwest Aceh highlights the essential role of school principals in fostering collaboration among stakeholders, the significant impact of active parental involvement, and the benefits of integrating the wider community to support educational initiatives. Despite resource limitations and cultural barriers, innovative approaches such as partnerships with local organizations were employed to enhance program effectiveness. Future research should include comparative and longitudinal studies, integrating quantitative methods to understand further and measure the impacts of these programs, ultimately aiding in the holistic development of children.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.E., B.B. and I.I.; methodology, B.B. and I.I.; software, E.E.; validation, B.B. and I.I.; formal analysis, B.B. and I.I.; investigation, E.E. and I.I.; resources,
作者贡献:构思,E.E.、B.B.和 I.I.;方法,B.B.和 I.I.;软件,E.E.;验证,B.B.和 I.I.;形式分析,B.B.和 I.I.;调查,E.E.和 I.I.;资源、

B.B.; data curation, B.B. and I.I.; writing-original draft preparation, E.E.; writing-review and editing, B.B. and I.I.; visualization, E.E.; supervision, B.B. and I.I.; project administration, B.B.; funding acquisition, B.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This study does not receive external funding.

Ethical Clearance: Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement: The data used in this study available upon reasonable request to the corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: All the authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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