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What Game Shall We Play Today?

Summary: 总结:

Rinatro and Daishinji are captured by the Megid who have some twisted plans for how to play with their new pets.
Rinatro 和 Daishinji 被 Megid 俘虏,他们对如何玩他们的新宠物有一些扭曲的计划。

Notes: 笔记:

Work Text: 作品文本:

"Hmm, so which pet shall we play with today?" Zooous looked back and forth between Rintaro and Daishinji, grinning wide.  

"I volunte-"  “我自愿——”

Daishinji was cut off by a sharp smack from Legeiel.  The smack hit the side of his head making his ear ring.  He pulled back, covering his head as best he could.  
大真寺被Legeiel的一巴掌打断了。 那一击打在了他的脑袋一侧,使他的耳环响起。 他往后退了一步,尽可能地捂住头。

"Shut up," Legeiel grabbed Daishinji by the hair and snarled in his damaged ear, "We didn't ask you." 

"I was thinking the swordsman of water would be a better pick for today," Zooous said as he loomed over Rintaro.  

Of course it was Rintaro.  Rintaro had been picked every day since they'd been captured.  Which had been... how many days had it been? It felt like an eternity.  There was no light in the cell and no way of knowing if the intervals of torture even matched up with days.  Rintaro might be able to guess the time when he was taken out, but he was never in any condition to talk when he returned. Rintaro wasn't in any condition to talk right now.  He was slumped against the wall, face pale and eye's closed.  He hadn't even touched the food that'd been thrown at him when he'd been dropped off last time.  
当然是伦太郎。 自从他们被抓获以来,伦太郎每天都被挑选出来。 这曾经是...过了多少天?感觉就像是永恒。 牢房里没有灯光,也无法知道酷刑的间隔是否与几天相匹配。 伦太郎或许能猜到他被带走的时间,但回来的时候,他根本就没有说话的条件。伦太郎现在没有任何条件说话。 他瘫倒在墙上,脸色苍白,眼睛紧闭。 他甚至没有碰过上次下车时扔给他的食物。

"Get up, Blades." Zooous swung his foot full force into Rintaro’s ribs.

Rintaro’s eyes flew open and he scrambled away from his attacker. There wasn’t far to go. The collar around his neck dug into his skin as the chain attached to the wall went taut.

“Take me instead,” Daishinji begged, “Just for today. He needs a break.” He protected his head, but the next blow was to his leg. A swift kick to the knee followed by a sharp crack.

“Remind me why we aren’t just killing him,” Zooous growled as he grabbed Rintaro by the collar. He unlocked the chain and lifted his captive up with one hand.

Rintaro’s eyes bulged and he scrambled at the collar as his face turned red. His legs kicked feebly as Zooous laughed.

“They’re worth more to us maimed than dead,” Storious said from the other room. He rarely joined in this part of the torture. He didn’t like to dirty his hands in the same way. Not that he was any less cruel. Daishinji heard the way Rintaro sobbed whenever Storious got close to him.

“Fine,” Zooous shifted his grip on Rintaro, holding him up by his coat.

Rintaro gasped for air, tears streaming down his face. He swung at the Megid holding him, but there wasn’t any fight in it. His fists couldn’t reach and his feet bounced off Zooous’ armor uselessly.

“What game shall we play today?” Zooous hissed as he carried Rintaro out of the room. Legeiel turned and smirked at Daishinji before following his friend out.

The door swung shut and Daishinji was left alone in the dark once again. Left alone with nothing but the throbbing pain in his now broken leg and the ringing in his ears.

The ringing was almost a blessing. It meant he couldn’t hear what was happening on the other side of the door as he tore his clothes to make a makeshift wrap for his leg. He didn’t know if the Megid realized his hearing was sharp enough that he could hear every whispered threat, every hit, every whimper. If only he could use that to find a way out instead of using it to catalog his friend’s every injury. He couldn’t even use that knowledge to help patch Rintaro up when they were chained so far apart.

The ringing tapered off as Daishinji reached into his pocket to grab the small shard of metal he’d been hiding. It wasn’t sharp enough to do much of anything but he’d been distracting himself by using it to file away at the chain holding him to the wall. He’d worked his fingers to bleeding and barely made a dent in the thick metal. Still, it was a dent and what else could he do?

There was a loud thump in the other room and Rintaro whimpered. Daishinji wrapped his hand in a leftover piece of cloth and started scraping.

Back and forth. Back and forth. He focused on the sound of metal on metal and not the sounds of Rintaro crying. He focused on the pain in his hands and his leg and not the sound of clothes ripping. He focused on scabs from yesterday peeling away and not the sounds of flesh smacking against flesh coming from the other room.

Back and forth. Don’t think about the sounds of Rintaro’s hands scrambling over the floor. Don’t think about the pleas of “No!” and “Stop!” and “Get it out!”

Fresh blood soaked through Daishinji’s cloth as he heard the sounds of the Megid laughing. He was making progress. The dent in the metal was getting deeper. Blood trickled down his wrist as Rintaro’s cries grew muffled. He hadn’t been moved but something was in his mouth, blocking the sound.

“You were right,” Zooous said. “This is a lot more fun than just killing him.”

The metal snapped in Daishinji’s hand and he sobbed with relief. It wasn’t an escape route yet, he'd still need to free Rintaro and make it past the three Megid with a broken leg. It was still a victory. The first one he’d gotten since they’d been captured.

In the other room, Rintaro heaved and something wet splattered on the floor.

The door opened and Daishinji pressed against the wall. The broken chain was hidden behind his back as he watched Legeiel drag Rintaro’s limp body into the room.

“He passed out halfway through our game,” Legeiel said as he dropped Rintaro to the ground. “Make sure he eats next time.”

Daishinji bit his tongue. How was he supposed to do that when he couldn’t even reach Rintaro? Well, now he could, but Legeiel didn’t know that.

“Hey, did you hear me?” Legeiel grabbed Daishinji’s hair, yanking his head back.

There was blood on Legeiel’s mouth. It stained his teeth and dripped down his chin. Daishinji had expected that from Zooous. The Megid was more animal than man, but he hadn’t expected it from the rest of them. And not in their human forms. The sight turns his stomach and he tries to look anywhere but at the Megid’s face.

“I said,” Legeiel jerked Daishinji’s head back even further, “did you hear me?”

“Yes.” Daishinji felt the chain shift behind him. The broken end slid down the wall.

Legeiel didn’t seem to notice. “Look me in the eye and say it.”

Daishinji forced himself to look into the dark red eyes of the man in front of him. “I understand,” he said as he pressed his back against the wall.

“Good!” Legeiel smiled his bloody smile and dropped his hold on Daishinji’s hair. “Have a good night you two,” he said, tossing some bread and a bottle of water behind him.

Daishinji waited for several painful minutes listening to the sound of Rintaro’s pained breathing. Once he was certain no one would check up on them, he scrambled towards where the bread had fallen. If not for the broken chain, the food would have been out of reach, but that was no longer an obstacle.

Daishinji dragged himself over to Rintaro to examine the damage. Rintaro’s coat had been shredded. It was less a coat and more a barely connected pile of ribbons.

And it was bloody. Rintaro’s back had long scratches all over it. They were shallow, luckily. His pants were intact, and there didn't seem to be any wounds below his waist.  Daishinji couldn't bring himself to check.  
而且很血腥。伦太郎的后背上到处都是长长的划痕。幸运的是,它们很浅。他的裤子完好无损,腰部以下似乎没有任何伤口。 大秦寺无法让自己检查。

Instead he focused on making a decent bandage from the remains of the torn coat.

Rintaro’s chest was less messy, but not unmarked. There were multiple crescent marks over his pecs. Mirrored curves. Bite marks. What else could they be?  But it wasn’t just one mouth. There were several different shapes. 
伦太郎的胸膛没有那么凌乱,但并非没有标记。他的胸肌上有多处新月形的痕迹。镜像曲线。咬痕。它们还能是什么? 但这不仅仅是一张嘴。有几种不同的形状。

Best not to think about it too much.  

Rintaro twitched as Daishinji wrapped the bandage around his chest.

“Stop... please...” he mumbled, pushing the other man away weakly.

“It’s me, you’re safe,” Daishinji stroked Rintaro’s hair. It was messy and clumped with blood and other fluids.

Rintaro’s eyes opened slowly. Even in the near total darkness, Daishinji could see the shine of tears in the man’s eyes.

“Why won’t they just kill me?” Rintaro whispered. “Why do they keep dragging it out?”

"It's going to be okay.  We're going to get out of this," Daishinji said as he finished wrapping the injuries.  "Please just eat." 
“一切都会好起来的。 我们将摆脱困境,“大秦寺在完成伤口包扎时说。 “你吃吧。”

"I don't want to," Rintaro mumbled as he pushed away the bread Daishinji offered, "They can't hurt me when I'm unconscious." 

"You need to stay alive," Daishinji continued pushing the bread at Rintaro, "I need you to survive this to escape with me."

"How?"  “怎么样?”

"I'm working on a plan, just hold on a bit longer."

Rintaro blinked tears out of his eyes and took the bread with shaking hands.  He struggled with each bite, but continued eating with the same focused dedication he always gave to training.  Even the act of eating drained what little energy he had and he collapsed as soon as he finished his meal.  
伦太郎眨了眨眼,用颤抖的手接过面包。 他每一口都吃得很挣扎,但继续吃,一如既往地专注于训练。 就连吃饭的举动也耗尽了他仅有的一点能量,他一吃完饭就累倒了。

Rintaro curled up close to Daishinji in his sleep, head resting on the man's lap.  Daishinji let him lay there for a bit, stroking his hair, but they couldn't stay like that long.  Rintaro whimpered when Daishinji dragged himself back over to his corner, but Daishinji ignored him.  They had to keep up appearances for when their captors returned.  
伦太郎在睡梦中蜷缩在大秦寺身边,头靠在他的腿上。 大秦寺让他在那里躺了一会儿,抚摸着他的头发,但他们不能这样呆那么久。 大真二把自己拖回了自己的角落,伦太郎呜咽着,但大秦寺没有理会他。 他们必须保持露面,等待绑架者回来。

Daishinji flinched as light flooded the room again.

“So which pet will we play with today?” 

Daishinji cowered against the wall as Zooous and Legeiel burst into the room.  He couldn't let them see the broken chain, so it was best to keep attention off himself.  
大秦寺蜷缩在墙上,Zooous和Legeiel冲进了房间。 他不能让他们看到断裂的锁链,所以最好不要把注意力从自己身上移开。

Zooous made a beeline for Rintaro, just the same as every other day.  "I want to play with the swordsman of water today," he said, crouching in front of Rintaro.  
Zooous直奔伦太郎,就像每天一样。 “我今天想和水之剑士一起玩,”他说,蹲在伦太郎面前。

Rintaro flinched away, trying to make himself seem as small as possible.   

"No fight today?" Legeiel walked over to Daishinji, "No begging to take his place?"

Daishinji didn't dare look the Megid in the eye.  He curled farther into himself, wincing as his leg bent.  
大秦寺不敢直视米吉多的眼睛。 他蜷缩得更深,双腿弯曲时畏缩不前。

"Ha, think we finally broke this one," Legeiel said, walking away.  

Daishinji looked up to see Rintaro being bodily lifted once again.  There was the little fight, as per usual, but Rintaro's heart clearly wasn't in it anymore.  After a few seconds of hits failing to land, Rintaro went limp in Zooous' hands, tears streaming down his face.  
大秦寺抬起头,看到伦太郎的身体再次被抬起。 像往常一样,有一场小小的争吵,但伦太郎的心显然已经不在其中了。 在几秒钟的命中失败后,伦太郎瘫软在Zooous的手中,泪水从他的脸上流下来。

"What game shall we play today?" Zooous said as he carried Rintaro out.  

The door swung closed and Daishinji shifted into action.  If he could just catch one of them off guard, tackle them when they came back through the door, that might be enough.  He dragged himself towards the door, as he heard the sound of Rintaro hitting the floor in the other room.  
门关上了,大秦寺开始行动。 如果他能打他们中的一个措手不及,在他们从门口回来时解决他们,那可能就足够了。 他拖着身子向门口走去,这时他听到了伦太郎在另一个房间里敲打地板的声音。

"Wait!"  “等等!”

Daishinji froze as footsteps approached the door.  He barely had enough time to scramble back to his corner before the door flew open and Storious strode in.  
当脚步声接近门口时,大秦寺愣住了。 他几乎没来得及爬回自己的角落,门就开了,斯特利乌斯大步走了进来。

"Now how did a swordsman in such poor condition bandage himself up so nicely?" he said, with a calm smile as he leaned down in front of Daishinji,  "You couldn't possibly have helped him, not with that chain around your neck."

Storious moved lightning fast, yanking the broken chain from behind Daishinji and dangling it in front of his face.  "The others might be too caught up in the moment to notice these sort of things, but I'm not so easily fooled." 
Storious以闪电般的速度移动,从大秦寺身后拽下断裂的锁链,悬在他面前。 “其他人可能太沉迷于当下而没有注意到这些事情,但我不那么容易被愚弄。”

Before Daishinji could answer, Storious yanked the chain, dragging the man along the ground.  The collar dug into his throat as he was thrown into the light for the first time in days.  The brightness sent stabs of pain through his brain as he struggled to get his bearings.  
大秦寺还没来得及回答,斯托里乌斯就拉扯了锁链,把他拖到地上。 衣领钻进了他的喉咙,这些天来他第一次被扔进了光里。 当他挣扎着找到自己的方向时,明亮的光芒刺痛了他的大脑。

"Cute, that your friend thought he could get one up on us," Legeiel said.  As Daishinij's eyes adjusted to the light he could see Rintaro struggling in the Megid's grip. "How should we punish him?"
“可爱,你的朋友以为他可以对我们动手,”Legeiel说。 当大秦寺的眼睛适应光线时,他可以看到伦太郎在米吉多的手中挣扎。“我们该怎么惩罚他?”

"Punish?" No.  I think he just wanted in on the show," Storious said.  He grabbed Daishinji, by the hair, holding his head steady.  "Maybe we should repeat yesterday's game for him. Let him see what he missed." 
“惩罚?”不。 我认为他只是想参加这个节目,“斯特利乌斯说。 他抓住大秦寺的头发,稳稳地抱着他的头。 “也许我们应该为他重复昨天的比赛。让他看看他错过了什么。”

Tears sprung to Rintaro's eyes and he struggled in Legeiel's arms with new found intensity.  

Daishinji couldn't turn his head away as Zooous transformed before grabbing Rinatro's face in his claws.  "Come on now, you know it'll be easier if you open up for me." 
大秦寺无法转过头去,Zooous变身,然后用爪子抓住了Rinatro的脸。 “来吧,你知道如果你为我敞开心扉会更容易。”

The room shook and Daishinji was dropped to the ground.  

"What?" Storious looked around frantically.  "That's impossible.  They can't find us here." 
“什么?”Storious疯狂地环顾四周。 “那是不可能的。 他们在这里找不到我们。”

"Touma doesn't believe in impossible," Rintaro said with a dry laugh.  The room shook again and Zooous claws dug in, blood trickling down Rintaro's cheeks.  "He found a way." 
“飞羽真不相信不可能,”伦太郎干笑着说。 房间再次摇晃起来,Zooous的爪子挖了进去,鲜血顺着伦太郎的脸颊流了下来。 “他找到了办法。”

Daishinji scrambled for the door as he heard Legeiel yell, "We've got to move, now!" Before he could make any progress, something heavy hit the back of his head and he collapsed.  

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" Rintaro asked.  He tried and failed to sit up before falling back onto the bed.  
“你确定你不需要任何帮助吗?”伦太郎问道。 他试着坐起来,但没能坐起来,然后又倒在床上。

"I'll be fine," Daishinji pulled himself upright.  His leg ached, but getting a proper splint helped with the pain. "I've had to use a crutch before." 
“我会没事的,”大秦寺站直了身子。 他的腿很痛,但得到一个合适的夹板有助于缓解疼痛。“我之前以为不得不用拐杖。”

"You're the one that needs to rest," Ogami said sternly, "You're still sick." 

Rintaro frowned.  He was still pale and he struggled to stay awake for more than an hour, but every time he woke up he stubbornly tried to drag himself out of bed. 
伦太郎皱起了眉头。 他仍然脸色苍白,这一个多小时,他挣扎着试图保持清醒,但每次醒来,他都固执地试图把自己从床上拖起来。

"There's plenty of people around to help," Touma said as he patted one of the few unbandaged parts of Rintaro's chest, "You can rest." 

Rintaro bit his lip and sunk into the bedding.  "If that's what everyone wants," he mumbled as he closed his eyes again.  
伦太郎咬了咬嘴唇,钻进了被褥里。 “如果这是每个人都想要的,”他再次闭上眼睛时喃喃自语。