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Metabolism-Study Guide 新陈代谢-学习指南


  1. The food we eat is our only source of energy for performing biological work.
  2. There are three major metabolic destinations for the principle nutrients. They will be used for energy for active processes, synthesized into structural or functional molecules, or synthesized as fat or glycogen for later use as energy.


  1. Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions in the body.
  2. Coupling of catabolism and anabolism by ATP
    ATP 分解代谢和合成代谢的耦合
  1. Catabolism includes all chemical reactions that break down complex organic molecules while anabolism refers to chemical reactions that combine simple molecules to form complex molecules.
  2. The chemical reactions of living systems depend on transfer of manageable amounts of energy from one molecule to another. This transfer is usually performed by ATP.
    生命系统的化学反应取决于可管理的能量从一个分子到另一个分子的转移。这种转移通常由 ATP 进行。


  1. All molecules (nutrient molecules included) have energy stored in the bonds between their atoms.
  2. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
  1. Oxidation is the removal of electrons from a molecule and results in a decrease in the energy content of the molecule. Because most biological oxidations involve the loss of hydrogen atoms, they are called dehydrogenation reactions.
  1. When a substance is oxidized, the liberated hydrogen atoms do not remain free in the cell but are transferred immediately by coenzymes to another compound.
  2. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) are two coenzymes commonly used by living cells to carry hydrogen atoms.
  1. Reduction is the opposite of oxidation, that is, the addition of electrons to a molecule, and results in an increase in the energy content of the molecule.
  2. An important point to remember about oxidation-reduction reactions is that oxidation is usually an energy-releasing reaction.
  1. Mechanisms of ATP generation
    ATP 生成机制
  1. ATP can be generated by any of three mechanisms of phosphorylation: substrate- level phosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation, or photophosphorylation (if chlorophyll is present).
    ATP 可以通过三种磷酸化机制中的任何一种产生:底物水平磷酸化、氧化磷酸化或光合磷酸化(如果存在叶绿素)。


  1. During digestion, polysaccharides and disaccharides are converted to monosaccharides (primarily glucose), which are absorbed through capillaries in villi and transported to the liver via the hepatic portal vein. Liver cells convert much of the remaining fructose and practically all of the galactose to glucose, so carbohydrate metabolism is primarily concerned with glucose metabolism.
  2. Fate of Glucose 葡萄糖的命运
  1. Since glucose is the body’s preferred source for synthesizing ATP, the fate of absorbed glucose depends on the energy needs of body cells.
    由于葡萄糖是人体合成 ATP 的首选来源,因此吸收的葡萄糖的命运取决于人体细胞的能量需求。
  2. If the cells require immediate energy, they oxidize glucose to produce ATP.
    如果细胞需要立即能量,它们会氧化葡萄糖产生 ATP。
  3. Glucose can be used to form amino acids, which then can be incorporated into proteins.
  4. Excess glucose can be stored by the liver and skeletal muscles as glycogen, a process called glycogenesis.
  5. If glycogen storage areas are filled up, liver cells and fat cells can convert glucose to glycerol and fatty acids that can be used for synthesis of triglycerides (neutral fats) in the process of lipogenesis.
  1. Glucose Movement into Cells
  1. Glucose absorption in the GI tract is accomplished by secondary active transport (Na+ - glucose symporters).
    胃肠道中的葡萄糖吸收是通过次级主动转运(Na+ - 葡萄糖同向转运体)完成的。
  2. Glucose movement from blood into most other body cells occurs via facilitated diffusion transporters (Gly-T molecules). Insulin increases the insertion of Gly-T molecules into the plasma membranes, thus increasing the rate of facilitated diffusion of glucose.
    葡萄糖从血液转移到大多数其他身体细胞中是通过易化扩散转运蛋白(Gly-T 分子)发生的。胰岛素增加 Gly-T 分子插入质膜,从而增加葡萄糖的易化扩散速率。
  3. Glucose is trapped in the cell when it becomes phosphorylated.
  1. Glucose Catabolism 葡萄糖分解代谢
  1. Glucose oxidation is also called cellular respiration. It occurs in every cell of the body (except red blood cells, which lack mitochondria) and provides the cell’s chief source of energy.
  2. The complete oxidation of glucose to CO2 and H2O produces large amounts of energy and occurs in four successive stages: glycolysis, formation of acetyl coenzyme A, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain.
    葡萄糖完全氧化为 CO2 和 H2O 会产生大量能量,并发生在四个连续阶段:糖酵解、乙酰辅酶 A 的形成、克雷布斯循环和电子传递链。
  1. Glycolysis 糖酵解
  1. Glycolysis refers to the breakdown of the six-carbon molecule, glucose, into two three-carbon molecules of pyruvic acid
  2. The reactions of glycolysis use two ATP molecules, but produce four, a net gain of two.
    糖酵解反应使用两个 ATP 分子,但产生四个,净增益为两个。
  3. Summarizes the 10 reactions of Glycolysis.
    总结了糖酵解的 10 个反应。
  1. Fate of pyruvic acid 丙酮酸的命运
  1. When oxygen is in short supply, pyruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid. Under aerobic conditions, pyruvic acid is converted to acetyl coenzyme A and enters the Krebs cycle. Thus, the fate of pyruvic acid depends on the availability of O2.
  1. Formation of Acetyl Coenzyme A
  1. Pyruvic acid is prepared for entrance into the Krebs cycle by conversion to a two-carbon compound (acetyl group) followed by the addition of coenzyme A (CoA) to form acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA).
    丙酮酸通过转化为二碳化合物(乙酰基),然后添加辅酶 A (CoA) 形成乙酰辅酶 A (乙酰 CoA),准备进入克雷布斯循环。
  2. Coenzyme A is derived from pantothenic acid, a B vitamin.
    辅酶 A 源自泛酸,一种 B 族维生素。
  1. Krebs Cycle 克雷布斯循环
  1. The Krebs cycle is also called the citric acid cycle, or the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. It is a series of biochemical reactions that occur in the matrix of mitochondria.
  2. The large amount of chemical potential energy stored in intermediate substances derived from pyruvic acid is released step by step.
  3. The Krebs cycle involves decarboxylations and oxidations and reductions of various organic acids.
  4. For every two molecules of acetyl CoA that enter the Krebs cycle, 6 NADH, 6 H+, and 2 FADH2 are produced by oxidation-reduction reactions, and two molecules of ATP are generated by substrate- level phosphorylation.
  5. The energy originally in glucose and then in pyruvic acid is primarily in the reduced coenzymes NADH + H+ and FADH2.
    最初在葡萄糖中然后在丙酮酸中的能量主要在还原型辅酶 NADH + H+ 和 FADH2 中。
  6. Summarizes the eight reactions of the Krebs cycle.
  1. Electron Transport Chain 电子传输链
  1. The electron transport chain involves a sequence of electron carrier molecules on the inner mitochondrial membrane capable of a series of oxidation-reduction reactions.
  1. As electrons are passed through the chain, there is a stepwise release of energy from the electrons for the generation of ATP.
    当电子通过链条时,电子会逐步释放能量以产生 ATP。
  2. In aerobic cellular respiration, the last electron receptor of the chain is molecular oxygen (O2). This final oxidation is irreversible.
  1. The process involves a series of oxidation-reduction reactions in which the energy in NADH + H+ and FADH2 is liberated and transferred to ATP for storage.
    该过程涉及一系列氧化还原反应,其中 NADH + H+ 和 FADH2 中的能量被释放并转移到 ATP 中进行储存。
  1. This mechanism of ATP generation links chemical reactions (electrons passing along the electron chain) with pumping of hydrogen ion.
    这种 ATP 生成机制将化学反应(电子沿着电子链传递)与氢离子的泵送联系起来。
  2. It is called chemiosmosis.
  1. The carrier molecules involved include flavin mononucleotide, cytochromes, iron-sulfur centers, copper atoms, and ubiquinones (also coenzyme Q).
  2. Within the inner mitochondrial membrane, the carriers of the electron transport chain cluster into three complexes, each of which acts as a proton pump that expels H+ from the mitochondrial matrix and helps create an electrochemical gradient of H+.
    在线粒体内膜内,电子传递链的载体聚集成三个复合物,每个复合物充当质子泵,将 H+ 从线粒体基质中排出,并有助于产生 H+ 的电化学梯度。
  1. Summary of Cellular Respiration
  1. The complete oxidation of glucose can be represented as follows: C6H12O6 + 6O2 => 36 or 38ATP + 6CO2 +6H2O
    葡萄糖的完全氧化可表示为: C6H12O6 + 6O2 => 36 或 38ATP + 6CO2 +6H2O
  2. During aerobic respiration, 36 or 38 ATPs can be generated from one molecule of glucose. Two of those ATPs come from substrate- level phosphorylation in glycolysis and two come from substrate- level phosphorylation in the Krebs cycle.
    在有氧呼吸过程中,一分子葡萄糖可产生 36 或 38 个 ATP。其中两个 ATP 来自糖酵解中的底物水平磷酸化,另外两个来自克雷布斯循环中的底物水平磷酸化。
  3. Summarizes the ATP yield during aerobic respiration.
    总结有氧呼吸期间的 ATP 产量。
  4. Summarizes the sites of the principal events of the various stages of cellular respiration.
  1. Glucose Anabolism 葡萄糖合成代谢
  1. The conversion of glucose to glycogen for storage in the liver and skeletal muscle is called glycogenesis. The process occurs in the liver and is stimulated by insulin.
  2. The conversion of glycogen back to glucose is called glycogenolysis. This process occurs between meals and is stimulated by glucagon and epinephrine.
  3. Carbohydrate loading by eating large amounts of complex carbohydrates maximizes the amount of energy available for exercise.
  4. Gluconeogenesis is the conversion of protein or fat molecules into glucose.
  1. Glycerol (from fats) may be converted to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and some amino acids may be converted to pyruvic acid. Both of these compounds may enter the Krebs cycle to provide energy.
  2. Gluconeogenesis is stimulated by cortisol, thyroid hormone, epinephrine, glucagon, and human growth hormone.

  1. Transport of Lipids by Lipoproteins
  1. Most lipids are transported in the blood in combination with proteins as lipoproteins. Four classes of lipoproteins are chylomicrons, very low-density lipoproteins (VLDLs), low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), and high-density lipoproteins (HDLs).
  1. Chylomicrons form in small intestinal mucosal cells and contain exogenous (dietary) lipids. They enter villi lacteals, are carried into the systemic circulation into adipose tissue where their triglyceride fatty acids are released and stored in the adipocytes and used by muscle cells for ATP production.
    乳糜微粒在小肠粘膜细胞中形成并含有外源(膳食)脂质。它们进入绒毛乳腺,被带入体循环进入脂肪组织,在那里它们的甘油三酯脂肪酸被释放并储存在脂肪细胞中,并被肌肉细胞用于产生 ATP。
  2. VLDLs contain endogenous triglycerides. They are transport vehicles that carry triglycerides synthesized in hepatocytes to adipocytes for storage. VLDLs are converted to LDLs.
    VLDL 含有内源性甘油三酯。它们是将肝细胞中合成的甘油三酯运送到脂肪细胞进行储存的运输工具。 VLDL 转换为 LDL。
  3. LDLs carry about 75% of total blood cholesterol and deliver it to cells throughout the body. When present in excessive numbers, LDLs deposit cholesterol in and around smooth muscle fibers in arteries.
    低密度脂蛋白携带约 75% 的血液总胆固醇,并将其输送到全身细胞。当低密度脂蛋白含量过多时,胆固醇会沉积在动脉平滑肌纤维内和周围。
  4. HDLs remove excess cholesterol from body cells and transport it to the liver for elimination.
  1. There are two sources of cholesterol in the body: food we eat and liver synthesis.
  1. For adults, desirable levels of blood cholesterol are TC (total cholesterol) under 200 mg/dl, LDL under 130 mg/dl, and HDL over 40 mg/dl. Normally, triglycerides are in the range of 10-190 mg/dl.
    对于成年人来说,理想的血液胆固醇水平是 TC(总胆固醇)低于 200 mg/dl,LDL 低于 130 mg/dl,HDL 高于 40 mg/dl。通常,甘油三酯在 10-190 mg/dl 范围内。
  2. Among the therapies used to reduce blood cholesterol level are exercise, diet, and drugs.
  1. Fate of Lipids 脂质的命运
  1. Some lipids may be oxidized to produce ATP.
    一些脂质可能被氧化产生 ATP。
  2. Some lipids are stored in adipose tissue.
  3. Other lipids are used as structural molecules or to synthesize essential molecules. Examples include phospholipids of plasma membranes, lipoproteins that transport cholesterol, thromboplastin for blood clotting, and cholesterol used to synthesize bile salts and steroid hormones.
  4. The various functions of lipids in the body.
  1. Triglyceride Storage 甘油三酯储存
  1. Triglycerides are stored in adipose tissue, mostly in the subcutaneous layer.
  2. Adipose cells contain lipases that catalyze the deposition of fats from chylomicrons and hydrolyze neutral fats into fatty acids and glycerol.
  3. Fats in adipose tissue are not inert. They are catabolized and mobilized constantly throughout the body.
  1. Lipid Catabolism: Lipolysis
  1. Triglycerides are split into fatty acids and glycerol (a process called lipolysis) under the influence of hormones such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, and glucocorticoids and released from fat deposits. Glycerol and fatty acids are then catabolized separately.
  2. Glycerol can be converted into glucose by conversion into glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate.
  3. In beta oxidation, carbon atoms are removed in pairs from fatty acid chains. The resulting molecules of acetyl coenzyme A enter the Krebs cycle.
    在β氧化中,碳原子从脂肪酸链上成对去除。由此产生的乙酰辅酶 A 分子进入克雷布斯循环。
  1. As a part of normal fatty acid catabolism two acetyl CoA molecules can form acetoacetic acid, which can then be converted to beta- hydroxybutyric acid and acetone.
  2. These three substances are known as ketone bodies and their formation is called ketogenesis.
  1. Lipid Anabolism: Lipogenesis
  1. The conversion of glucose or amino acids into lipids is called lipogenesis. The process is stimulated by insulin.
  2. The intermediary links in lipogenesis are glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and acetyl coenzyme A.
  3. An excess of ketone bodies, called ketosis, may cause acidosis or abnormally low blood pH.
    酮体过量(称为酮症)可能会导致酸中毒或血液 pH 值异常低。


  1. During digestion, proteins are hydrolyzed into amino acids. Amino acids are absorbed by the capillaries of villi and enter the liver via the hepatic portal vein.
  2. Fate of Proteins 蛋白质的命运
  1. Amino acids, under the influence of human growth hormone and insulin, enter body cells by active transport.
  2. Inside cells, amino acids are synthesized into proteins that function as enzymes, transport molecules, antibodies, clotting chemicals, hormones, contractile elements in muscle fibers, and structural elements. They may also be stored as fat or glycogen or used for energy.
  1. Protein Catabolism 蛋白质分解代谢
  1. Before amino acids can be catabolized, they must be converted to substances that can enter the Krebs cycle. These conversions involve deamination, decarboxylation, and hydrogenation.
  2. Amino acids can be converted into glucose, fatty acids, and ketone bodies.
  1. Protein Anabolism 蛋白质合成代谢
  1. Protein anabolism involves the formation of peptide bonds between amino acids to produce new proteins.
  2. Protein synthesis is stimulated by human growth hormone, thyroxine, and insulin.
  3. Protein synthesis is carried out on the ribosomes of almost every cell in the body, directed by the cells’ DNA and RNA.
    蛋白质合成是在体内几乎每个细胞的核糖体上进行的,由细胞的 DNA 和 RNA 指导。
  4. Of the 20 amino acids in your body, 10 are referred to as essential amino acids. These amino acids cannot be synthesized by the human body from molecules present within the body. They are synthesized by plants or bacteria. Food containing these amino acids are “essential” for human growth and must be a part of the diet.
    在您体内的 20 种氨基酸中,有 10 种被称为必需氨基酸。这些氨基酸不能由人体从体内存在的分子合成。它们是由植物或细菌合成的。含有这些氨基酸的食物对于人体生长是“必需的”,必须成为饮食的一部分。
  5. Nonessential amino acids can be synthesized by body cells through a process called transamination. Once the appropriate essential and nonessential amino acids are present in cells, protein synthesis occurs rapidly.
  6. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic error of protein metabolism characterized by elevated blood levels of the amino acid phenylalanine. It is caused by a mutation in the gene that codes for the enzyme phenylalanine hydrolylase. This enzyme is needed to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine (Clinical Connection).
    苯丙酮尿症 (PKU) 是一种蛋白质代谢遗传错误,其特征是血液中氨基酸苯丙氨酸水平升高。它是由编码苯丙氨酸水解酶的基因突变引起的。将苯丙氨酸转化为酪氨酸需要这种酶(临床连接)。


  1. Although there are thousands of different chemicals in your cells, three molecules play key roles in metabolism: glucose-6-phosphate, pyruvic acid, and acetyl CoA.
  2. Role of Glucose-6-phosphate
  1. Glucose-6-phosphate can be used to synthesize glycogen or glucose, make ribose-5-phosphate for the synthesis of RNA and DNA, and be converted to pyruvate via glycolysis.
  1. Role of Pyruvic acid 丙酮酸的作用
  1. Production of lactic acid
  2. Production of alanine 丙氨酸的生产
  3. Gluconeogenesis 糖异生
  1. Role of Acetyl coenzyme A
  1. When ATP is low and oxygen is plentiful, pyruvic acid is converted to acetyl coenzyme A. When oxygen supply is low, pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid. One link between carbohydrate and protein metabolism is via pyruvic acid.
    当 ATP 较低且氧气充足时,丙酮酸会转化为乙酰辅酶 A。当氧气供应较低时,丙酮酸会转化为乳酸。碳水化合物和蛋白质代谢之间的联系之一是通过丙酮酸。
  2. Acetyl coenzyme A is the gateway into the Krebs cycle and is also used to synthesize fatty acids, ketone bodies, and cholesterol.
    乙酰辅酶 A 是进入克雷布斯循环的门户,也用于合成脂肪酸、酮体和胆固醇。
  1. Summarizes carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism


  1. Your metabolic reactions depend on how recently you have eaten. During the absorptive state, which alternates with the postabsorptive state, ingested nutrients enter the blood and lymph from the GI tract, and glucose is readily available for ATP production.
    您的代谢反应取决于您最近进食的时间。在吸收状态(与吸收后状态交替)期间,摄入的营养物质从胃肠道进入血液和淋巴液,并且葡萄糖很容易用于 ATP 的产生。
  1. An average meal requires about 4 hours for complete absorption, and given three meals a day, the body spends about 12 hours of each day in the absorptive state. (The other 12 hours, during late morning, late afternoon, and most of the evening, are spent in the postabsorptive state.)
    一顿饭平均需要4个小时左右才能完全吸收,一日三餐,身体每天大约有12个小时处于吸收状态。 (另外 12 个小时,上午晚些时候、下午晚些时候和晚上的大部分时间,都处于吸收后状态。)
  2. Hormones are the major regulators of reactions during each state.
  1. Metabolism During the Absorptive State
  1. Several things typically happen during the absorptive state.
  1. Most body cells produce ATP by oxidizing glucose to carbon dioxide and water.
    大多数身体细胞通过将葡萄糖氧化成二氧化碳和水来产生 ATP。
  2. Glucose transported to the liver is converted to glycogen or triglycerides. Little is oxidized for energy.
  3. Most dietary lipids are stored in adipose tissue.
  4. Amino acids in liver cells are converted to carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
  1. Regulation of Metabolism During the Absorptive State
  1. Soon after eating, gastric inhibitory peptide and the rise in blood glucose concentration stimulate insulin release from pancreatic beta cells. In several ways, insulin stimulates absorptive state metabolism.
  2. Summarizes the hormonal regulation of metabolism in the absorptive state.
  1. Metabolism During the Postabsorptive State
  1. During the postabsorptive state, absorption is complete, and the energy needs of the body must be satisfied by nutrients already present in the body
  1. The major concern of the body during the postabsorptive state is to maintain normal blood glucose level (70 to 110 mg/100 ml of blood).
    在吸收后状态期间,身体主要关心的是维持正常的血糖水平(70 至 110 毫克/100 毫升血液)。
  2. Homeostasis of blood glucose concentration is especially important for the nervous system and red blood cells.
  1. The dominant fuel molecule for ATP production in the nervous system is glucose, because fatty acids are unable to pass the blood- brain barrier.
    神经系统中产生 ATP 的主要燃料分子是葡萄糖,因为脂肪酸无法通过血脑屏障。
  2. Red blood cells derive all of their ATP from glycolysis of glucose because they lack mitochondria and thus lack the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain.
    红细胞的所有 ATP 均来自葡萄糖的糖酵解,因为它们缺乏线粒体,因此缺乏克雷布斯循环和电子传递链。
  1. Postabsorptive State Reactions
  1. Reactions that produce glucose are the breakdown of liver glycogen, gluconeogenesis using lactic acid, and gluconeogenesis using amino acids.
  2. Reactions that produce ATP without using glucose are oxidation of fatty acids, oxidation of lactic acid, oxidation of amino acids, oxidation of ketone bodies, and breakdown of muscle glycogen.
    不使用葡萄糖产生 ATP 的反应有脂肪酸氧化、乳酸氧化、氨基酸氧化、酮体氧化和肌糖原分解。
  1. Regulation of Metabolism During the Postabsorptive State
  1. The hormones that stimulate metabolism in the postabsorptive state sometimes are called anti-insulin hormones because they counter the insulin effects that dominate the absorptive state. The most important anti-insulin hormone is glucagon.
  2. A low blood glucose level also activates the sympathetic branch of the ANS.
    低血糖水平也会激活 ANS 的交感神经分支。
  3. Summarizes hormonal regulation of metabolism in the postabsorptive state.
  1. Metabolism During Fasting and Starvation
  1. Fasting means going without food for many hours or a few days; starvation means weeks or months of food deprivation or inadequate food intake.
  1. Catabolism of stored triglycerides and structural proteins can provide energy for several weeks.
  2. The amount of adipose tissue determines the lifespan possible without food.
  1. During fasting and starvation, nervous tissue and red blood cells continue to use glucose for ATP production.
    在禁食和饥饿期间,神经组织和红细胞继续利用葡萄糖来产生 ATP。
  2. During prolonged fasting, large amounts of amino acids from tissue protein breakdown (primarily from skeletal muscle) are released and converted to glucose in the liver by gluconeogenesis.
  3. The most dramatic metabolic change that occurs with fasting and starvation is the increase in formation of ketone bodies by hepatocytes.
  1. Ketogenesis increases as catabolism of fatty acids rises.
  2. The presence of ketones actually reduces the use of glucose for ATP production, which in turn decreases the demand for gluconeogenesis and slows the catabolism of muscle proteins.
    酮的存在实际上减少了用于 ATP 生产的葡萄糖的使用,这反过来又减少了对糖异生的需求并减缓了肌肉蛋白质的分解代谢。


  1. A normal body temperature is maintained by a delicate balance between heat-producing and heat-losing mechanisms.
  2. Food Calories 食物热量
  1. Heat is a form of kinetic energy that can be measured as temperature and expressed in units called calories.
  1. A calorie, spelled with a little c, is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water from 140C to 150C.
  2. A kilocalorie or Calorie, spelled with a capital C, is equal to 1000 calories
    千卡或卡路里,以大写字母 C 拼写,等于 1000 卡路里
  1. Metabolic Rate 代谢率
  1. The overall rate at which heat is produced is the metabolic rate.
  1. Measurement of the metabolic rate under basal conditions is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR).
  2. BMR is a measure of the rate at which the quiet, resting, fasting body breaks down nutrients to liberate energy.
    BMR 是衡量安静、休息、禁食的身体分解营养物质以释放能量的速率的指标。
  3. BMR is also a measure of how much thyroxine the thyroid gland is producing, since thyroxine regulates the rate of ATP use and is not a controllable factor under basal conditions.
    BMR 也是甲状腺产生多少甲状腺素的指标,因为甲状腺素调节 ATP 使用率,并且在基础条件下不是一个可控因素。
  1. Total Metabolic Rate 总代谢率
  1. TMR: Total energy expenditure by the body per unit of time
  1. Adipose and Tissue and Stored Chemical Energy
  1. Adipose tissue is major sites of chemical energy
  1. Regulation of Food Intake
  1. The feeding (hunger) center and the satiety center are two centers in the hypothalamus related to the regulation of food intake. The feeding center is constantly active but may be inhibited by the satiety center.
  2. The hormone leptin acts on the hypothalamus to inhibit circuits that stimulate eating and to activate circuits that increase energy expenditure.
  3. Other stimuli that affect the feeding and satiety centers are glucose, amino acids, lipids, body temperature, distention of the GI tract, and choleocystokinin.
  4. Eating in response to emotions is called emotional eating. Problems arise when emotional eating becomes so excessive that it interferes with health.
  1. Regulation of Body Temperature
  1. If the amount of heat production equals the amount of heat loss, one maintains a constant core temperature near 370C (98.60F).
    如果产生的热量等于热量损失的量,则核心温度会保持在 37 0 C (98.6 0 F) 附近。
  1. Core temperature refers to the body’s temperature in body structures below the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  2. Shell temperature refers to the body’s temperature at the surface, that is, the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  3. Too high a core temperature kills by denaturing body proteins, while too low a core temperature causes cardiac arrhythmias that can result in death.
  1. Heat Production 产热
  1. The production of body heat is influenced by metabolic rate and responses that occur when body temperature starts to fall.
  2. Factors that affect metabolic rate include exercise, hormones, the nervous system, body temperature, ingestion of food, age, and other factors such as gender, climate, sleep, and malnutrition.
  3. Heat conservation mechanisms include vasoconstriction, sympathetic stimulation, skeletal muscle contraction (shivering), and thyroid hormone production.
  1. Mechanisms of Heat Transfer: Heat is lost from the body by radiation, evaporation, conduction, and convection.
  1. Radiation is the transfer of heat from a warmer object to a cooler object without physical contact.
  2. Evaporation is the conversion of a liquid to a vapor. Water evaporating from the skin takes with it a great deal of heat. The rate of evaporation is inversely related to relative humidity.
  3. Conduction is the transfer of body heat to a substance or object in contact with the body, such as chairs, clothing, jewelry, air, or water.
  4. Convection is the transfer of body heat by a liquid or gas between areas of different temperature.
  1. Hypothalmic Thermostat 下丘脑恒温器
  1. The hypothalmic thermostat is the preoptic area.
  2. Nerve impulses from the preoptic area propagate to other parts of the hypothalamus known as the heat-losing center and the heat-promoting center.
  1. Several negative feedback loops work to raise body temperature when it drops too low or raises too high.
  2. Hypothermia refers to a lowering of body temperature to 350C (950F) or below. It may be caused by an overwhelming cold stress, metabolic disease, drugs, burns, malnutrition, transection of the cervical spinal cord, and/or lowering of body temperature for surgery.
    体温过低是指体温降至 350C (950F) 或以下。它可能是由压倒性的冷应激、代谢疾病、药物、烧伤、营养不良、颈脊髓横断和/或手术降低体温引起的。


  1. Guidelines for healthy eating include eating a variety of foods; maintaining healthy weight; choosing foods low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol; eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products; using sugar only in moderation; using salt and sodium only in moderation; and drinking alcohol only in moderation or not at all.
  1. The Food Guide Pyramid shows how many servings of the five major food groups to eat each day.
  2. Foods high in complex carbohydrates serve as the base of the pyramid since they should be consumed in largest quantity.
  1. Minerals are inorganic substances that help regulate body processes.
  1. Minerals known to perform essential functions include calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, iron, sulfur, iodine, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc, selenium, and chromium.
  1. Vitamins are organic nutrients that maintain growth and normal metabolism. Many function in enzyme systems as coenzymes.
  1. Most vitamins cannot be synthesized by the body. No single food contains all of the required vitamins—one of the best reasons for eating a varied diet.
  2. Based on solubility, vitamins fall into two main groups: fat-soluble and water- soluble.
  1. Fat-soluble vitamins are emulsified into micelles and absorbed along with ingested dietary fats by the small intestine. They are stored in cells (particularly liver cells) and include vitamins A, D, E, and K.
    脂溶性维生素被乳化成胶束并与摄入的膳食脂肪一起被小肠吸收。它们储存在细胞(特别是肝细胞)中,包括维生素 A、D、E 和 K。
  2. Water-soluble vitamins are absorbed along with water in the GI tract and dissolve in the body fluids. Excess quantities of these vitamins are excreted in the urine. The body does not store water-soluble vitamins (such as B vitamins and vitamin C) well.
    水溶性维生素在胃肠道中与水一起被吸收并溶解在体液中。过量的这些维生素会通过尿液排出。身体不能很好地储存水溶性维生素(如 B 族维生素和维生素 C)。
  3. Vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene (a provitamin) are termed antioxidant vitamins because they inactivate oxygen free radicals.
    维生素 C、E 和 β-胡萝卜素(维生素原)被称为抗氧化维生素,因为它们可以灭活氧自由基。
  1. The sources, functions, and related deficiency disorders of the principal vitamins.
  2. Most physicians do not recommend taking vitamin or mineral supplements except in special circumstances, and instead suggest being sure to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of food.


  1. Fever is an elevation of body temperature that is due to resetting of the hypothalamic thermostat. The most common cause of fever is a viral or bacterial infection.
  2. Obesity is defined as a body weight more than 20% above desirable standard as the result of excessive accumulation of fat.
  1. Even moderate obesity is hazardous to health.
  2. Obesity is implicated as a risk factor in cardiovascular disease, hypertension, pulmonary disease, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (type II), arthritis, certain cancers (breast, uterus, and colon), varicose veins, and gallbladder disease.
    肥胖是心血管疾病、高血压、肺部疾病、非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(II 型)、关节炎、某些癌症(乳腺癌、子宫癌和结肠癌)、静脉曲张和胆囊疾病的危险因素。